3, ISS SEVELT S THE CITY Withdraws Acceptance of San Francisco Matron's Hospitality. WILL STAY AT THE PALACE Complete Reason for This Action Is Not Given President's Daugh ter Enjoying Trip With All Father's Enthusiasm. SAX FRANCISCO. Cal., July 3. (Spe cial.) For some unexplained reason. Miss Alice Roosevelt has withdrawn her ac ceptance of the hospitality of Mrs. V. H. Metcalf. wife of the Secretary of Com merce and Labor, during her stay in Cali fornia on the way to the Philippine?. MIsb Roosex-elt was to have been the guest of Mrs. Metcalf at the Lamors. her beauti ful home in the Piedmont Hills, back of Oakland. The proposed receptions and luncheons have been canceled by Mrs. Metcalf. The supposition is that Mia Roosevelt found that it would be Impossible for her to take part In the scheduled festivities unless she had apartments In San Fran cisco. Mrs. Dubois, the wife of the Sena tor, will act as her chaperon. Colonel J. C. Klrkpatrlck. of the Palace Hotel, has received a telegram from Colo nel Clarence R. Edwards to reserve rooms for Miss Roosevelt, and nine rooms on the third floor have been set aside for her. Colonel Edwards Is chief of the Insular Bureau, and Is conducting the Taft party to the Philippines. His telegram to the Palace for rooms for the PrepJdenfs daughter also stated that she would share them with two traveling companions, her chums. Miss Mabel T. Boardman daugh ter of Mrs. and Mr. William J. Boardman, of Washington. D. C. and Miss Amy Mc Millan, daughter of the late Senator from Michigan. The three young women have two maids. Miss Roopevelt and her two traveling companions are Included among those of the party who are to pay their own way. The Taft party includes 100 people. About half of them will have to pay their own expenses. Miss Roosevelt's ordinary ex penses for the trip, like those of the oth ers who have to pay, will-average be tween 560 and $70 a week. At Shanghai the Viceroy Is to present the freedom of the city to the visitors. "While at Hongkong Miss Roosevelt and the other women of the party are to be the guests of Sir Matthew Nathan, the Governor and representative of King Ed ward. A month Is to be spent in the- Philippines. Ten days of that time will be devoted to Manila. The party 1? due back in this port October 1. The Taft party is due in San Francisco at 6 o'clock tomorrow evening. The offi cial headquarters will be In the marble room of the Palace. Miss Roosevelt Is to meet Luther Burbahk here. Burbank has accepted the Invitation of President A. W. Foster, of the California Northwestern Railroad, and United States Judge Mor row, to be one of the guests in the party with Miss. Roosevelt and Secretary Taft and other distinguished people on the oc casion of their visit next Thursday to the big redwoods In the famous Bohemia Grove, near Guernevllle. ecutive committee of the League of Professional Leagues is preparing a proclamation calling on all professional men in Russia to refuse to perform their professional duties until the promised reforms are realized and a true parlia ment is granted. FACES LIFE SENTENCE. SCHRECK WINS BATTLE Terrific Mill at Salt Lake Causes Severe Punishment. SALT LAKE CITY. July 3.-Mike Schreck of Chicago, tonight knocked out Dave Barry, of San Francisco. In the twentieth round. The fight went to wlth ing 30 seconds of the full 20 rounds. In nearly every round Barry stood up under terrific punishment and showed wonderful recuperative power. Until Schreck landed the right swing on the neck which put Barry down and out, neither man went to the mot. In every round it was fierce, hard milling, and the fight was pro- 1 nounced the best ever seen here. In the first five rounds neither man had any advantage, both leading and both blocking and covering cleverly. The sixth round was Schreck's. In the five rounds fallowing. Schreck forced the fighting, and both the eighth and ninth ended with Barry In distress and hanging on to avoid punishment. In the tenth Barry was groggy under a shower of blows rained on his head and neck, but when he seemed all but out he staggered Schreck with a right swing to the Jaw. The eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth were not so fast, both men showing the effect of the hard slugging. In the fourteenth Schreck fought Barry to a standstill, landing re peatedly rights and lefts to the head nd neck, and opening up a gash under Bar ry's left eye. The round ended with Barry all but beaten, but Schreck lacked the steam to put 'him out. Again in the sixteenth Barry was grog gy, and was wabbling when the bell ended the round. In the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth Barry was on the defen sive, but with wonderful gameness stood up and landed hard blows to the head, neck and wind that made the Chlcagoan wince. The twentieth opened with both men tired and Barry in distress, Schreck ruehed and both swung wildly. After a clinch Schreck sent Barry's head back with a right to the jaw and sent right and left to the head. Barry swung wild ly, but went down under Schreck's rights and lefts to the head, and for a- moment hung helpless on the ropes. Schreck for the moment could not deliver the knock out blow, and Barry, recovering, came back at him wildly. Schreck again rained rights and lefts on the head of the Pacific Coast champion, and Barry, again groggy, went down and out under a right swing to the neck, rolling under the ropes. After his second carried him to his corner it was a full minute before he recovered. From Reno. Marvin Hart sent a tele gram challenging the winner, waiving all conditions and agreeing to fight within 30 days. ' Old Man Breaks His Parole and Returns to Oregon. William Beckman. a Civil War veteran, having fought in the battle of Bull Run, and who is now more than 70 years old, faces life imprisonment at Salem, be causq he broke his parole and returned to Oregon after an absence of over three years. Beckman was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1S94 for killing his wife and son on a farm near Roseburg. The old man claims that he shot his wife and son in self-defense, as they were threatening to kill him with an ax, being Incited to do so by Minnesota people who had excited a family quarrel. Beckman served over seven years of his life term In the State Penitentiary, when he was pardoned by ex-Governor T. T. Geer. who permitted the old man to go on condition that he leave the state and never return. Beckman. with only a little money, left Oregon and obtained stopping place at the Old Soldiers Home In Michigan, where he remained until about five weeks ago, when he started to California to enter the Old Soldiers' Home there. Having a friend In Portland. William Thlelman, a saloon man at Fourth and Flanders streets. Beckman stopped off here. He has been in the city about four weeks. The Sheriff at Ropeburg heard that the old man had broken his parole and had returned to Oregon. He telephoned the police to ar rest him. He was found last night on Fourth and Flanders streets by Detec tives Carpenter and Reslng. At the station Beckman took his arrest philosophically and said that he would be willing to do anything the officers wished. In hu pocket was a ticket to California, where the old man said that he Intended going today. A few traces of tears were seen In the old man's eyes as he paced up and down the station floor reciting his story. The Sheriff at Roseburg is expected to arrive thl? morn ing to return the old man to Salem. BACKER'S ' JEWELS GONE He Awakes in Morning to Find Him self 525,000 Poorer. NEW YORK, July 3. Some time be tween midnlKht Friday and late Sat urday morning diamonds. Jewelry and silverware valued at about 325,000 were stolen from the home of James Jackson Hlggln'son. a banker at 16 East Forty- first street. With his wife and daugh ters, Mr. Hlgfflnson attended the the ater FrIday night. Upon their return home the women put their Jewels away as usual In a safe on the second floor. off Mrs. HIpglnson's sleeping chamber. Sne discovered her loss the next morn ing. PERS0NALMENT10N. Dr. Francis B. Kellogg, of Los Angeles, one of the leading specialists of the Coast, and W. Wr. Bell, an attorney of (Pasadena, Cal., are In the .city for s few days, the quests of Dr. Byron E Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. H. Blood, of Boston, who have been touring the Pacific Coast, are at the Portland, the guests of Georce E. Youle. Mr. Blood, who Is an officer of the 9. A. Woods Machine Com pany, is delighted with the Coast, and talks of establishing a manufacturing plant here. Judge L. T. Shurtliff. first vice president of the' National Irrigation Cone-ess and an officer also of tne Trans-Mlsslsslppi Commercial Con gress, accompanied by Charles J. Ross, of Ogden. arrived yesterday for a brief visit to Portland. The express object of their visit Is to endeavor to arrange for bringing the famous Mormon choir of 200 voices to sing during: sessions of both of the two big conventions to be held in August. CHICAGO. July 3. (Special.) Oregon lans In Chicago: From Portland H. F. Harper, at the Auditorium; E. L. Folsom, Windsor Cllffton. From Oregon R man House; E I. at the Morrison. From Salem W. dltorium. From The Dalles B. C. Ogden, at the Palmer House. S. Foster, at the Sher Blssell, H. R. Dykrila, F. Glenn, at the Au- IN SOLITARY SITE Body of Secretary Hay Is Guarded by Soldiers. FUNERAL WILL BE SIMPLE Casket "Will Not Be Opened to Pub lic Gaze President and Cabinet Will Arrive Wednesday and Act as Pallbearers. CLEVELAND. July 3. Guarded by four cavalrymen, the casket containing the body of John Hay lay today in seml-mll- itary state in the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce. It will remain there all f tomorrow and until 9:30 o'clock Wednesday morning. Everything connected with the funeral of the Secretary has thus far been of the simplest character, and It is the Inten tion of the members of the- family to avoid the slightest ostentation or public display in connection with the funeral. Save for the fact that the hears was es corted by a troop of cavalry on Its way from the station to the Chamber of Com merce, there was nothing to tell- the casual observer of totdays events In Cleveland that one of the great men of the nation, whose name was known throughout the world, had died. One large wreath of roses and sweet peas and two crossed palms, caught and held together by a broad band of purple rib bon, rested on the casket, and on the floor at both ends of the bier lay tco other wreaths of roses. Behind the casket was an embankment of palms, and potted plants were scattered in profusion around the hall. The body arrived at the station of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rail road a few minutes alter 10 o'clock and. escorted by troop A of the Oho National Guard, was taken tot the Chamber of Commerce, where it will remain until 9:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, when it will be taken to Wade Chapel In Lake View. President and Cabinet Going. Word has been received by the local committee that President Roosevelt and the members of the cabinet who are to act as honorary pallbearers will arrive over the Pennsylvania Railroad at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. The Presi dent will be driven directly to the Cham ber of Commerce and the funeral cortege will start for the cemetery within a few minutes after his arrival. Immediately after the conclusion of the services, the President will return to his train and will be on his way to Oyster Bay at 3 o'clock. Immediately the car came to a stop, the committee, marching two and two, en tered intot a line In pe rear of the car. Under the command of Lieutenant Otto Miller, of Troop A, four Sergeants of the troop, together with two corporals, formed in double column behind the com mittee. Falling back toward the sides .of the car. the members of the committee save way to the detail of noncommis sioned officers, who advanced to the end of the train and received from the under takers assistants the casket. The cavalry at once wheeled Into col umn In advance of the hearse. And as soon as the members of the committee had taken their places In their rarriages. the line of march was taken up for the Chamoer 6f Commerce, about one mllo distant. The escort proceeded at a slow march, requiring about 20 minutes to cover the distance. Alone Under Military Guard. Not over 200 people were at the depot when the funeral train arrived, and a crowd of possibly twice that number was gathered In front of the Chamber of Com merce building when the cavalry arrived opposite Its door. Wheeling his men to one side of the street Into a line. Captain Schofield again brought them to present arms, while the six noncommissioned of ficers bore the body from the hearse through the broad entrance to the Cham ber of Commerce building and down the long hallway, which was absolutely de serted save for the presence of a solitary" sentry, who stood motionless with his carbine presented until all the funeral party had passed along. i The casket was borne into the audi torium, where it was placed upon a low Dier. tne oiacK oi wnicn was relieved, oy the folds of the National flag, which was draped across it. The bier was placed In the Identical snot where the body of the late Senator Hanna lay In state. By the request of Mrs. Hay the casket will not be opened during the time It re mains In the Chamber of Commerce, and the public generally will not be admitted Americans Winning at Tennis. LONDON, July 3. In the semi-final round of the ladles championship singles at Wimbledon today. Miss May Sut ton, of Pasadena, Cal.. beat Miss A. Morton, 6-4. 6-0. In the open doubles (women). Miss Sutton and Miss A. M. Morton beat Mrs. Houselander and Mrs. O'Neil. 6-3, 6-2. In the gentlemen's doubles, third round, William A, Lamed and William J. Cloth, ler beat Eaves and Balgreens, 2-6, 6-3, 6-2, 4-6. 6-2. Play In Chess Tournament. OSTEND, July 3. In the chess tourna ment today Marco defeated Maroczy and Janowskl beat Taubenhaus. leaving Janowski in the lead by half a point. Burn defeated Wolf. Leonhardt won from Alapln and the game between Mar shall and Schlechter was drawn. Call on Professional 3Ien to Strike. ST. PETERSBURG, Juiy The ex- Walla Walla Wheat on Equality. Walla Walla wheat, the market term by which the product of that cereal In Eastern Washington and Oregon. Is known in market, is 'now received on delivery of seller at the San Fran Cisco Merchants' Exchange on the same i TYo hl VXki r7 basis us California white wheat. Notice J lo lne ,n wnlcn the casket reste of this fact has been received by the Chamber of Commerce. Heretofore sell ers were not allowed to use this wheat on time contracts because It was not considered available. Tomorrow morning there will be an important meeting of the trustees of the Chamber of Commerce at which several matters of Importance trill re ceive attention. It Is probable that the body will express some pronounced views on the Chinese commerce ques tion, and may make recommendations as to what should be embodied in treaty provisions and enacted In law changing the present regulations gov erning the almond-eyed Immigrants from the Western Ocean. Catholics Win Rome Election. ROME. July 3. In the municipal elec tions In this city the Liberals" were much divided, and the Clericals and the Mod erates made a firm stand, the result being defeat for the Liberals. The Clericals for the first time since 1S90 went generally to the polls, taking: part In the election. Many priests also took advantage ofthe recent encyclical of the pope and voted. Teamsters Abandon Strike. CHICAGO. July 3. From today's de velopments in the teamsters" strike the Indications tonight are that the men will before very long settle the struggle themselves by returning to work, or at least making an effort to do so, as Individuals! Woodworkers on Strike. CHICAGO.-July 3. Union woodworkers employed by 13 bar and office fixture manufacturers went on strike today to enforce demands for an increase in wages of 2 cents an hour. Buys Corner on Fifth Street. J. P. Flnley has purchased the north west corner of Fifth and Main for $31,000. The site Is 100x100. Mr. Finlcy states that he will build an undertaking establish ment on the corner. Meeting Is Postponed. The Ladles' Relief Society, which was to have met today, has postponed Its meeting until Tuesday, July 11. Mikado Sends Condolences. WASHINGTON. July 3. The Emperor of Japan has sent the following cablegram of condolence to the President on the death of Secretary Hay: "I learned with deep sorrow of the death of Mr. Hay. - Secretary of State. His eminent services In the Interest of peace and good relations between nations render his death a great loss, not only to his own country, but to the world at large. tender to you and Mrs. Hay my sincere condolence." The Emperor instructed the Minister for Foreign Affairs to transmit a personal message from the Emperor to Mrs. Hay. Minister Takahlra has received instruc tions to send a wreath in the name of the Japanese government to Cleveland on the occasion of Mr. Hay's funeral. The wreath will be presented by Mr. Hiroki. the first Secretary. Free Exhibit Walter Baker & Co., Ltd. DORCHESTER. MASS. Have Installed a complete exhibit of their cocoa and chocolate prepara tions at 127 7th Street, Portland Where miniature machinery will be In operation showing the process of making chocolate: also a dlsplay of cocoa pods and beans. The pro ress will be explained and demon strations made. Every Day and Evening They corJially Invite the public to visit their exhibit, which is open to all. Breakfast cocoa, vanila choco late with whipped cream, chocolate Ice cream and vanila Ice cream with not. chocolate sauce, with a full line of our sweet eating choco lates will be on sale. Don't forget the number. STORE CLOSED TODAY State, was received with sorrow. The Mexican Herald says: "The world may well mourn this Just and humane statesman, who belonged not merely to America, but to civiliza tion." MITCHELL IS GUILTY. (Continued From Flrt Paf.) Yens face to indicate wnat tne xaiai document said. Spitefully the explosion of fireworks outside the courtroom boomed and snapped. Those out on the street knew nothing of the dramatic scene which was taking place in that brightly-lighted room. There hearts were throbbing, nerves were strung with that awful thing, suspense. It seemed an age from the time that that small white envelope w?s read by the court and handed to Captain Sladen. another ago seemed to whirl by while his eyes ran over Its written contents. He was j ready now to read, but a sudden burst of I explosives outside roared through the ! open window and he paused. Then slow ly he began to read: PORTLAND, July 3, 1&T5. In the case of the United States against John H. Mitch ell, we the Jury find the defendant guilty as charged In the Indictment and recom mend him to the mercy of the Court for leniency. Slowly the full meaning seemed to creep Into the minds of those who heard J the word "guilty." Senator Mitchell seemed suddenly turned to stone and for fully a second he sat without moving. He never took his eyes from the Jurors. He acted like a man who had heard In credible news, and it was not until Judge Bennett rose from hl3 scat that he moved. Half hopelessly, he glanced at the Court and then towards Judge Bennett. At this Juncture ex-Senator Thurston, accom panied by Mrs. Thurston, entered the courtroom, and took a seat close to the Senator. Ex-Senator Thurston arrived Just too late to hear the reading- of the verdict and as he took his soat. Senator Mitchell leaned over towards him and whispered "It was guilty." The news visibly affected Mr. Thurston anil ag he shook his client and former colleague by the hand, he whispered words of en couragement to him. Mrs. Thurston Lends Sympathy. Mrs. Thurston was first to reach the Senator's side. She was seated directly behind him and as soon as Judge De Haven excused the Jurors from further duty, she patted him affectionately upon the shoulder and almost In tears herself, told him to bo brave and that she still believed him Innocent. Judge Carey and several others surrounded the Senator and also spoke words of encouragement. Quietly the crowd had slipped away, dis appeared almost as mysteriously as it came, and the Senator, supported on eith er side by ex-Senator Thurston and Judge Bennett, left the courtroom. It must have been with a masterful effort that the Senator controlled himself. As he reached the open air he seemed to gain strength And when he bade Mrs. Thurs ton good night, his voice was quiet and firm. Ho said In parting: "I'm going home to sleep and take a good rest." Judge Bennett accompanied him to his apartments. On the way there he was asked It he had anything to say for publi cation, but he waved his hand hopeless ly and said: "No. no. Not anything." JURY ENDS ITS LABORS (Continued From PaBe 1.) the defendant be sent for that they might hear the decision which to one, an old man and broken, would he the cqmlng of the shadow, the blackness of night, almost the end. The moments were tense while the Jury -waited for the coming of the court and tne victim of the Justice of the law. One by one the lights were turned on In the silent courtroom and those who had gathered from the streets with the seeming Instinct of the birds of the desert, grouped noiselessly inside the barriers. It was not time to think whether or not the rule of the court permitted their presence, what their rank or their privilege. It was the moment when the people of the State of Oregon and of the United States lis tened to hear the verdict of 12 men. THREE DELIBERATION - Whole Cabinet Will Attend. WASHINGTON. July 3. At the reques of the President, all the available mem bers of the Cabinet will go to Cleveland Wednesday morning and act as honorary pallbearers at the funeral of Secretary Hay. Secretaries Shaw, Wilson and Hitchcock. Postmaster-General Cortelyou and Secretary Metcalf will go together from this city. They will be Joined In Baltimore by Secretary Bonaparte. Attorney-General Moody will Join the party at Jersey City. Hotel Hamilton, San Francisco's newest hotel. Steam heat and telephone in each room. Centrally located. Ratee, U and upwards. 126 Sills street. EulogUcd in Loudon. LONDON, July 3. All the London morning papers print extended obitu aries of Secretary Hay and editorials lamenting his death, eulogizing his statesmanlike qualities acdexpressing a sense of deep regret that so warm a friend of civilization has passed away. The plans far the celebration of the Fourth of July in London will be post poned until July 6, out of respect for the late Secretary. Root May Attend Funeral. WASHINGTON. July 3. Acting Sec retary of State Pierce has been advised that the President has asked Elihu Root, former Secretary of War. to ac company him to Cleveland to attend Secretary Hay's funeral and to repre sent the State Department on that occasion. He Belonged to Civilization. MEXICO CITT, July 3. The news of the death of John Hay, Secretary of Great Bargains Tomorrow $1.50 Waists 98c 1000 Women's Waists of Fine Quality White Lawn; the front is made "with panel of allover Hamburg embroi dery vrith two narrow plaits on each side and two wide plaits down the front; full leg o' mutton sleeves with Hamburg embroidered cuffs, finished with narro tucks; the back has two wide and two narrow plaits; fancy stock collar of Hamburg in sertion; the waist opens in front; regular price $1.50, to morrow 98 $2.50 Waists $1.48 650 Women's Shirtwaists of Pine Quality White Lawn. The front is made with wide panel, consisting of two rows of Hamburg insertion and three clusters of six rows nar row tucking, and three wide plaits on each side; full new leg o' mutton sleeves, with tucked cuffs and tucked stock collar. The back is made with four bias plaits. Reg ular price 2.50; tomorrow at $1.48 Wash Goods Bargains Silk Shirtwaist Suits 50c and 60c Waistings 15c 3000 yards White Mercerized Suiting and "Waisting; a large variety to select from; all new goods. 25c Imported Organdies 15c 4500 yards Imported Organdie, white and tinted grounds; choice floral designs; new est wash goods. 25c and 35c Linen Suitings 15c 3500 yards Linen Suiting in blue, tan, Nile, gray and white; two-toned effects; the very latest in wash goods. A Gigantic Millinery Sale $2.00 to $4.00 Hats 95c S00 uncrimmed Hat Shapes, including all the popular Milan, Chip, Tuscan and Fancy Cuban Straw Braid; even one of the season's new shapes, mostly Maxine Elliotts, etc.; not one in the lot sold for less than .fi.OO; others up to $4.00. Tomorrow your choice at. ... . .95 See display in Washington-street window. Great Spec'l at $15.00 Special purchase, high-class women's taffeta silk Shirtwaist Suits, in black, changeable, brown and navy. The front is made with wide box plaits and two double box plaits on each side. Stock collar, with four-in-hand tie; full sleeves, with shirring at top ; the skirt is made in the new full shape, with six ten-inch side tucks from belt down the front on each side; crush girdle. Great special at $15.00 5000 women's Vests Hosiery Bargains Reg. 35c at 19c Women's Mercerized Vests, L. N. N. S., lacs trimmed, white only; the greatest underwear offering this season. Eegular 35c; tomorrow at : 19 50c TAN HOSIERY, 33c. Women's tan Lisle Stockings, lace boot, new patterns in all the new shades of tan. Reg ular price 50c; tomorrow 33p 25c CHILD'S HOSIERY, 17c. Children's fast black ribbed' cotton Stock ings, double knees, heels and toes; regular price 25c; tomorrow 17 " Just aa'THe drunken "second hand 5YeF took its steadier companion of the dial and marked the hour of 11. Judge De Haven resumed his place upon the bench and the jury filed 'n the seats filled by Its members for two Ions weeks or more. Senator Mitchell crouched In his chair with trembling hand and suffused face, waiting for the blow to fall. Judge De Haven asked that the roll be called, and each name fell like a blow on the silence of the room. Then the court asked the question. "Gentlemen," he said, "have you agreed upon a ver dict?" R. L. Oliver, the grocer from Pendle ton, broke the stillness. "We have. Your Honor." G. Stelner. of Salem, the fore man, arose with the envelope In which was sealed the verdict. The bailiff, George Egbert, old In the service of the court, passed slowly to the foreman and from him to the court, while the eyes of the defendant fastened themselves to the missive as though to. pierce the covering and wrest its secret sooner from It. Verdict Opened and Read. The big clock beat against the stillness of the room while the tearing of the envelope sounded harsh to the listeners watching the face of the Judge. He opened the page and read, there was a quivering, fleeting, perhaps, of the eye, and the verdict was passed to the clerk to read. Captain Sladen pressed closer to the light and his hands shook as he studied the sheet. Then he read the verdict. It was ovr. The world knew it. But in the center of the circle was an old man feebly stroking his white beard, while with the fast-fading imperlousness that has characterized him as a man and a Senator, he struggled to control himself and succeeded. On Monday next the attorneys tor ine defense will make their request for a new trial, according to the notice given upon receiving the verdict. On Monday the defendant will face the court once more to hear Its Judgment. I.Ike his birthday. Senator Mitchell celebrated the anniversary of his arrival in Portland in the presence of a judge and Jury. Forty-five years ago last night he arrived In Portland. Then, as last night, the din of firecrackers made the night hideous, but last night the noise fell upon cars that heard not. the mind that was so densely steeped in woe and anguish had no room for thought of Fourth of July. He walked up Morri son street like a man In a dream, the hurrying people who passed him were nothing to him: he. too. was passing. How Salem Viewed Verdict. SALEM. Or.. July i-(Speclal.) Xews of the verdict of the jury in the trial of Senator Mitchell was received in Salem with expressions of surprise from all. It has been the universal opinion here that the jury would disagree. Not even Mitchell's warmest friends have expected an acquittal, for they admit ed that the case was a strong one against the Senator. Those who were most pro nounced in their view that the evidence warranted conviction believed that one or two men out of the 12 would be won by the pleas of Bennett and Thurston, and In that way the verdict would be made Impossible. Among the prominent men who were Informed tonight of the ...)iM thorn wro none who exDrcssed the opinion that the Jury's conclusion Is wrong, but all were surprised because they expected a hung Jury. AUTO RACECAUSES DEATH Machine Runs Down Boy and Auto Ist's Ribs Are Broken. NEW YORK. July 3. At -Morris Park today, while driving a SO-horsepower auto In the heavyweight championship race at a speed of less than a mile a minute. Paul Sartor! dashed through a fence, fa tally injuring a boy named Hollahan. who was looking on. Sartori himself escaped. There were three cars In the race. Rob erta" car threw a tire and overturned. Roberts suffering fractures of three ribs. Webb Jay won. defeating Chevrolet In C3 3-5 seconds. Floods Tie Up Colorado Roads. DENVER, July 3. The Eastern rail roads entering Denver are experiencing the worst tie-up of traffic that has oc curred on their lines in several years. All of the Eastern roads were unable to get their trains into Denves on time Sun day, and those leaving the city had to go so slowly that they will, as a rule, be late arriving at their destinations. The trouble Is caused by unprecedented rains ia Nebraska and Kansas. The Burlington la tha worst sufferer. This road had 2300 feet of track washed out between Arapahoe and Holbrook. and it became necessary to use the Union Pa cific tracks. The tie-up Is causing delay in the arrival of delegates to the Ep worth League convention here. FIREMAN DROWNS IN RIVER Charles DeForde Falls From Scow Xcar Morrison Bridge. Charles De Fordc. a fireman on the steamer F. B. Jones, fell from a scow near the Morrison bridge at 12 o'clock last night and was drowned. Coroner Finlcy and others succeeded In getting the body out at I o'clock this morning. Do Forde left a mother and two brothers In the city. Buncoed by Old Lock Trick. Buncoed in broad daylight of $90, all the money he possessed, and without a friend In the city, J. F. Thornton, of Jericho. Mo., is looking for some one to advance him a ticket to Spokane. I where he claims he will be able to get along in the world. Thornton was re lieved of his savings by two confidence men. one of whom enticed the Missou rlan to walk with him as far as the Ar mory building, where they met a friend with a small padlock, which could be opened only In a peculiar manner. The old lock trick has been worked on many other unsuspecting strangers. Tha pair were to meet Thornton at .hl3 hotel In a few minutes, but failed to appear. Thornton was told that It would be wise to report the -matter to the police, which he did. . Corporations Must Pay Tax. DENVER. July 3. The Colorado Su preme Court today sustained the cor poration flat tax. which was contested by. the American Smelting & Refining Company. This decision will increase the state's revenue about J500.000 an nually. Fight Over Freak Animal. Mrs. Mnry E. Johnson, after withstand ing the onslaughts of a constable and two men for three nights and two days, was compelled to give up possession of the "Montana Wonder." a freak steer with five legs, yesterday morning, and the animal is now grazing at the Union Stock yards. W. M. Gordon claims possession of the freak and yesterday filed suit In Justice Reed's Court to gain possession. In lieu of thfc five-legged animal. Gordon wants J225 and $20 to repay him for his trouble. Mrs. Johnson says that she has a lien on the animal and that the plaintiff shall not legally retain her wonder without a fight in court. The steer has been on ex hibition at the Fair grounds. ELIABLE SHUr?-ON Opt icians Many ruined eves- may be attrib uted to the wearing of wrong glasses. Von pnnnnt. jiffnrrl in nprmit an nn- I c u:T:i... i at. your eyes. For years our glasses have been recognized as the standard of accur acy. We give a signed statement with our glasses that absolutley guar antees them. Oregon Optical Co. Fourth and Yamhill Y.M.C. A. Bldg Liver and Kidneys It 13 highly important that these organs should properly perform their functions. When they don't, what lameness of the side and back, what yellowness of the skin, what constipation, bad taste In the mouth, sick headache, pimples and blotches, and loss of -courage, tell the story. The great alterative and tonic Hood's Sarsaparilla Gives these organs vigor and tone for the proper performance of their functions, and cores all their ordinary ailments. Take it SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by tliese Little Pills, They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongu Pain in the Side. TORPID UVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable Small Pill. Small Do Small Price.