TH3v 3tpRXIXG OREGOXIANTIJESDY, .JTjTLY. 4, 1905. 13 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, THE PORTLAND AUCTION' ROOMS BUYS ell kinds of furniture, new or old. at 311 lit at. Phone Mala 5655. PARTNER TO GO CAMPING OUT ON THE Nehalem. P S7. Oregonlan. WANTED A PARROT, CHEAP FOR CASH. 20Z 1st at. FOR RENT. Koom. NEW' LANGE HOTEL. European plan; ftrictly fireproof and mod ern; rates reasonable; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator, electric cars direct io Fair grounds pass the door: elegant cafe and bar In connection, tor. 6th and Washington. Phone Main 3311. F. Lange Prop. Sam Bauman, Mgr. THE COZT, 193 AND 195 7TH. COR. O Taylor St.. right In the most desirable part of the city, two block from City P. O.. on block from the Portland Hotel and restaurants; nice newly furnished rooms for tourist and Fair vlritors at one-half the hotel rate. Call and fee for youmolve. Phone Clay 1712. THE AUDITORIUM. 203V 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block Miuth Baker The ater Elegant newly furnUhed. brick bul4ing. hot. cold, running water in rooms, free porce lain baths, rooms with private baths, -lctrJc light, elevator; room suitable for two, $1 day, $4 per week; tourlft and solicited. THE .PHILADELPHIA. First-class in all Its appointments, hot and cold -water in rooms, bathe free to guests; cMitral location, facing Plaza. J'hone Main 202S. J. E. Minard Black, Prop. COR. THIRD AND SALMON. . IHE KINGSTON. OLD ESTABLISHED and reliable Rooms. 190 3d st.. adjoining Baker Theater, centrally located, brick building; rooms suitable for two, $1 day: $4 week up; cars pass the door direct to Fair grounds and depot. Thone Red 832. THE AUDITORIUM. 20Sb 3D ST., RET. Taylor and Salmon, 1 block couth Baker The ater Nicely furnished, brick building, hot, cold water In rooms; tree bath; room trlth rrivate baths: elevator; $1 day; $4 week up; tourist solicited. OREGON. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR BUREAU. Personally Inspected rooms In Christian home for tourists. 211 Commercial block. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRl vate family, five minutes' walk from Post office; permanent par;les preferred. 4S2 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. Fbone 4733. 75c Av DAY LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED room, suitable for two, with private fam ily; new house, every convenience, walking distance. -Phone East 165, mornings. TRANSIENT OR PERMANENT. ROOMS with private family; privilege of parlor and piano; delightful location. Mrs. M. Viola Crawford. 191 E. 12th. corner Taylor. MODERN RESIDENCE. WALKING Dis tance, two connecting back rooms, fur nished housekeeping, $15 month; no chil dren. Call before noon, 202 10th S. 50 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH private family. In new. modern house, every convenience; walking distance. Phone East 105. mornings. FURNISHED ROOMS. BOARD IF DE elrod, modern, private house, bath, gas. fine yard, reasonable. 12th and Ea4t Washing ton. Phone East 266S. FOR RENT ONE OR TWO WELL FU It rooms In private residence, large porchos, large yard with flowers. $5 per week. In quire 243 Stark St. PLEASANT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO. with folding couch. 801t Madlxon St.. Juat below 0th; $15 per month; with home comforts. NEW AND WELL-FURNISH ED ROOMS, modern convenience; permanent or trans ient: 4 blocks from Washington Ft. S'4 N. 10th st. PORTLAND MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL, at Fair grounds; new, clean; rates 50c and $1; free 'bus. Corner 20th and Savler. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED LARGE front room; also smaller one; reference 160 14th St., bet. Yamhill and Tnylor. LARGE BAY-WINDOW ROOM. $1.50 PER day; select neighborhood; large veranda; private family, central. 394 Yamhill. FOUR CANVASSERS WANTED FOR X TO 0 months' work; wilt pay monthly alary Call 392 East Rurnslde. 8 to 0 A. M. EXCEPTIONALLY COMFORTABLE AND well-furnished room, 2 block h from Portland Hotel. 207 Park t.. corner Taylor. STRANGERS WILL FIND PLEASANT rooms four blocks south Hotel Portland, breakfast If deslrod. 250' "th- NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR nEDROOM bath. gas. phone; private family; $12 per month. 42S 7th st. Main 5435. 175 14TH. CORNER YAMHILL NICELY furnished rooms, reasonable; large porch and lawn. Phone Main 2023. STRANGERS WILL FIND PLEASANT roam, private .family. 34 blocks from Ho tel Portland. 24S 0th st. MONNASTES. COR. 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping rooms from $2.50 up transients. 23c. 50c. $1. FURNISHED ROOMS: MODERN: REASON able; gentlemen preferred. 505? GlU-an. bet. nth ana isth ets. NICE NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS. 25c per night; one block from car. io minutes ride. 160 E. 34th st. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. PHONE AND bath, reasonable; 8 blocks from Fair grounds. 345 ISth st. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS WITH hot and cold water; walking distance to Kalr. OUT lining fit. 55 UTH ST. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS, large sunny rooms; ground for one tent. Phone West 701. STRANGERS WILL FIND PLEASANT and reasonable rooms at 206 Harrison st. S oar to door. THE ALDER. 435 ALDER .T. N1CELV furnished rooms; quiet and convenient; day. week or month. THE ALDER. 435 ALDER ST.-NICEhY furnished roams; quiet and convenient; day. week or roonm. FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY bath, walking distance Fair. 02 Ella st. Take 2S-st. car. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED front room; hot and cold water; first floor. S09 Holllday. ONE LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. also tingle rooms; phone, bath. 309 Alder. sear oth st. FOR RENT 7 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ALL modern improvements. wi jst, tet. Han and Harrison. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with gas tove. $1.75 per week. 3S2 East Yamhill st. THE HAMANN. 135 N. 18TH ST. CLEAN furnished rooms at reasonable rates. Phone Main 1400. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM Walking distance of Fair. 007 Northrup. Main -iU.b. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BATH. WALK ing distance J-air, take 23-st. car. 7S7 Lovejoy. FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED ROOMS. ONE bloek from main car line, .b Hill. 703 Ev--erett. 081H FIRST ST.. COR. Y'AM II ILL NICELY furnished rooms for Fair visitors; reasonable; transient. 414 JEFFERSON. COR. 11TH-NEW HOUSE. new furnishings, all modern; reasonable rates. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. Rooms, with or without board, single or en suite. THE CASTLE FURNISHED ROOMS. 372 Washington; private entrance on W. Park. Neatly furnirhed rooms, .reasonable rates. 129 Grand ave.. near E. Morrison. Scott 1452. ROOMS-50C. 75C. $1 AND UP. 20TH AND Washington; new house. The Howland. THE LEWIS. MODERN ROOMS. BY DAY or -week. 195 10th. Phone Main 4334. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH KITCHEN. Everett rt.. near 16th; $5 per week. 531 ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. SUIT r able for two, $3.60 week. We Oth sL THE GRAND ROOMS 50c UP; BRICK BLDG. 45 N. 3d, bet. Couch and Davis. 1701 1 OTH WELL FURNISHED front' room, modern, reasonable. LARGE THE CLIFTON HOUSE. 298 FIRST ST. Lodging 50 cents and us. EOR KENT. Rooms. 212 7TH ST. COR. SALMON-NICE LARGE airy rooms, beautiful tree, only 2 blocks from Portland Hotel. Postofflct and thea ters; tourist trade solicited; prices reason able. Phone Main 2230. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS IN MODERN fiat, bath, gas, phone; to permanent parties: $10 and 112. 203"4 Larrabpe. THE ELM," 13TH AND WASHINGTON Furnished room, rates to lourtsts; jbone. bath, ga. Mm Robertson. FOR RENT FURNISH ED FRONT ROOM, by the month. 510 East Ankeny. Phone Union 2525. ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. GOOD table, 502 Clay, near 15th st. Phone Main FURNISHED ROOMS. 2C? 14TH. NEAR JEF ferson. Phone 3S93. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Front m. Rooms With Hoard. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel. 105 10th St., oor. Morrison; M, dejot and Fair cars pass the hoie; fine room, firm-class table and wrtw; porcelain baths; reasonable rate by the day. week or month; outride parties accommodate with meal. MRS. L. M COX HAS REOPENED HER house, very desirable, well furnished rooms, Itoard If desired. 2 blocks from Morrison car line. 2", from Washington line; conveni ent to Fair grounds. 057 Pettygrove St., between 20th and 21 st. THE WOODLAND. 265 CTH LOCATED IN beautiful grounds. 4 Mock' from Hotel Portland; ha large, well-furnished rooms; rates by week or month; permanent: meals If desired. Phone Main 5250. THE' MANITOU. 2C1 13TH ST. FINE SUN- ny rooms, modern, baths, abundant hot water, beautiful grounds, large porches, ex cellent table board If desired. Phone Main 1203. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR: rooms with board; use or 6ewjr.g-room; use oi library: Woman's Exchange. Addretn Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, superintendent. 510 Flanders. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Jlill All ru. uru -v ... p. electric light, gas, porcelain bather all outside- roomn; exceedingly low rale. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. suitable for two and four; rent reasonable, meals if desired, home cooking; bath, gas. phone. 570 Fifth. ROOM WITH BOARD. VERY REASON- abl at 513 Blacklstoue. between i& aim 224 sts., near river; 5 minutes' walk from Fair entrance. 3 RLOCKS FROM FAIR. PRIVATE HOME. 20 Qutmby st.; take M car at depot, on at 25th and Quimby. 3d door from corner. 395 12TH FRONT PARLOR. 1ST FLOOR. newly furnished, private family; bath, gas, phone; board If desired; reasonable price. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; eievaior, billiard-room; transients; both car lines. THE HAWTHORNE. ROOMS WITH BOARD. good home cooking; reasonable: central; on car line. 221 13th. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; ONE block from Morrlson-st. car line. 24S 20th st. Main 3034, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH board; good home cooking. 3S8 itn. Phone Main 3007. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. CHOICE ROOMS. TRANSIENT OR PERMA- nent; board. 394 Columbia. Main 2219. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 715 OVERTON. Cor. 2d, one block from Morrison-st. line. Flat. S50U CORBETT ST.. UPSTAIRS 6 ROOMS. batn. ktlk. etc.: io: taKe -& car to in door; newly painted and papered;, keys at grocery across fitreet. owner, J. it. iiwaie- lon, 01 Chamber or commerce. NEWLY' FURNISHED. CONVENIENT housekeeping rooms and fiats, central; ref erences. Inquire 501 Irving. MODERN FLATS. HEATED. JANITOR SER vice, hot water to natn ana Kiicse. ; and Johnson nte. FOR RENT 3-ROOM MODERN FLAT. UN furnished. Inquire at Scvllla. Flat A. 225 Market st. A NICELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM FLAT FOR rent. 187 Monroe st. Housekeeping Room. THE ONF.ONTA. 167 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM- hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: gas range in each kitchen; ft earn heat, baths; free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms In nicest brick bloik on East Side: gas range, bath, etc Logan block, lOStj Union ave. Phone Union 3203. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKESF- ing rooms, newly papered, painted, bath. $15; also single rooms, transient solocltd. "k Union ave. S., upstairs. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TO rent; central location and reasonable rent. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. 545 WASHINGTON ST. HANDSOMELY furnished housekeeping suites; gas range, phone, brick block; single rooms; transient. VERY' NICELY' FURNISHED HOUSBKEEP lng room or room, cheap; gas, bath anC phone. 575 Main. Phone Main 4000. TENT AND FULL HOUSEKEEPING OUT flt $12 ier month. Phone Scott 3751. Lewis & Clark Camp. Mt. Tabor Heights. 372 1ST FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED newly papered housekeeping rooms; rea sonable; respectable people only. THREE NICE ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; sink, kitchen. 44 East Burnside. cor. Slh. Main 4398. COMFORTABLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, newly furnished, quiet neighborhood, two blocks from car line. 52S tiay. 351 CLAY LARGE- Fl'RNISHED FRONT roem, ground floor; can arrange housekeep ing privileges. Phone Hood 1455. 1 LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. WITH ail conveniences; pleasant neighborhood. $S. or unfurnished $5. 711 Hood. LARGE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping roomn; gas rang, phone and bath. 295 17th St.. cor Columbia. THREE ROOMS, PANTRY AND SINK, nicely furnishfd. very dcriraWe; trfctly pri vate. 220 Grant ft. FURNISHED ROOMS OR HOUSEKEEPING rooms, neatly furnished. Call at 42SH lvth s4.. near College st. HOUSEKEEPING AND FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 1003 Corbett Sowth Portland car; reasonable. FRONT AND BACK SUITE. FURNISHED for housekeeping; also single room. 592" 1st st. TWO -ELEGANT. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, very finely furnisiW for housekeeping. 5l4 5th it. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric ligjit. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in; bath. SO 10th. near Stark. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with alcove, bath, phone and gas. S2S 0th. A NICELY FURNISHED SUITE FOR housekeeping; newly renovated. 301: 3d. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. VERY tral. 309 Clay. Plione Main C'.SS. CEN- Houses. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE OF EIGHT room, desirable location at t33 Kelly st.; rent $27.30. D. W. Hoelblng. 250 Sark st. FOR RENT-MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. .VW Johnson, between 17th and 18th. Inquire A. B. Stelnbach Co., 4th and Morrison. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. EITHER 0 ROOMS, OR ALL OF 7-ROOM modern houhe. for the Summer; reasonable to responsible parties. 549 7th st XADDSRLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Pbona Main 1GS5. Office. 110 N. 3d st. 4-ROOM HOUSE. PLASTERED, GOOD WELL, fruit tree. 42d St.; $7 per month. Phone Union S452. NEW TENT.' WITH FLY. WITH FURNI ture if desired; rent $2 per month. Phone Main 4510. NEW. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE AT 640 Borthwlck st.; key at 1404 Ruesell. or 20S Mcnroe. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, FULL BASE xnent. Phone East 966, or call 434 E. Tib FOR RENT. Houses. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, NICE LOCATION, no children, at 417 5th fC 7-ROOM HOUSE. STRICTLY close In. Phone East 1571. MODERN. MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE, BATH. 7S0 Kelly st. Call at house. Furnished Ileates. FURNISHED 6-ROOM COTTAGE. GOOD location, close In, on the East Side; every thing complete; for the months of July. August and September. Address J 79. Ore gonlan. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FURNI ture can be bought on easy installments 1! desired. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ab lncton bids'. NICELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM MODERN cottage:' good East Side location. 3IH Sell wood. Call 1 to 5 o'clock. Phone East S7S. SIX ROOMS AND ALCOVE: PIANO. GAS range; nice rose garden: modern, cotteu Drug Co.. cor. 1st and Grant J Is. COMPLETELY FURNISHED MODERN COT- tage. 5 Minute walk from rastemce. st Cla. near 7th ft. Y.'ELL LOCATED 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NICE ly furnished, porcelain bath. M. S. Renters. Sherlock Mdg. WELlFURXISHED MODERN 5-ROOM COT- tage. central, near two car line. I'hone East 23S5. A FURNISHED 4-ROOM HOUSE. WITH nlee lawn, fruit and flowers. Ml Missis sippi ave. -ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. FOR TWO month. Phone Main 63S7. between 3 and .' P. M. WELlr-FURNISHED 9-ROOM HOUSE. ON the West Side. Apply W SI. Oregonlan. House For Rent Furniture For Sate. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM bou near car line, line location for Fair visitors; "erm reasonable; would take part PAyment in hoard. K M. Oregonlan. A SNAP CORNER 10-ROOM HOUSE. COM- pleteiy rurnished. 3 blocks Portland Hotel, full roomers' must sell, reduced to ?550. 221 West Park. Phone Main 4054. FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE. FINEST Lo cation. doHvntown; parties leaving clt) ; call and make an offer; Income $250 per month. W S7. Oreyonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE. 2 BLOCKS FROM STEEL bridge, low rent, furniture for eale at a bargain: taken back on debt. I. Gevurtz. 173 First st. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR sale; fine residence location: full perma nent roomers. Fhene Front 671. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF SIX ROOMS; house for rent. Call at lf2 7th. after 2 I. M.; posltHely no agents. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 1S-ROOM house, bargain. Inquire SO Park el., one block from Washington st. FOR RENT S-l'.OOM HOUSE: LOCATION very desirable; furniture for sale. Call or address MS Montgomery st. FOR SALE fl-ROOMS OF FURNITURE cheap. 549 1-ake st. north. 1 Mock from Fair. House for rent. $15. THE FURNITURE OF A 5-ROOM COTTAGE for Mile. 104 11th st. Summer Resorts. FOLEY HOT SPRINGS THE WELL-KNOWN superior medicinal qualities of thwe sprisgs make them a favorite resort for invaiic. ar.fl the abundance of came, and fine flthlng renders It the sport man's elyslum. For cnalyris of water and full particulars, ad- dies.i A. A, Hoflingcr. l-oiey fcpringr. or. THE STROLLERS-SEA VIEW. WASH. Newly furnished roonm. day, week or month board near, use of kitchen If desired. Par tie desiring room address It. M. FleW. IxMiR Ueaeh. Wash. KLOSTERMAN COTTAGE. SEAVIEW. Wash.: season: 7 rooms, furnished. In quire Oliver Stout, contractor, Ilwaco, Wash., or John Kiosterman. I'ortiana. or. WELCHE'S SUMMER RESORT FINE F1SH- Ing and hunting; best hotel accommodations Transportation apply to O. W. P. of ace. 1st h2hs AMer sts. FURNISHED S-ROOM COTTAGE WITH flreplaee. on ridge facing ocml Seaview. Wash. Inquire 441 Wet4 Park. I0m( Male COTTAGE. GRIME'S GROVE. COMPLETE ly furnished; good location; July or August. Address Mrs. S. G. Allen. Seaside, or Main 0220. VERY' DESIRABLE 0-ROOM COTTAGE AT Seavlew. Wash., for sale or for rent. In quire 7 S3 Northrup or phone Front 874 FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. at Newton Statlin. Lone Beach, for season; very dslrable. Room W. Hamilton bldg. NICELY FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE, at Iong Beach. Iwtween Newton's and Cen trrvHl. Ilione East CS0. FOR SALE- SEASIDE. FURNISHED COT tage. overlooking ocean. Inquire WJ3 East Taylor. Phone East 22X5. FOR RENT A COMPLETELY FURNISHED house at North Beach, facing the ocean Phone Main 207S. NEW. LARGE 4-ROOM COTTAGE. NICELY furnished, overlooking ocean, near Seavlew. 15 1 E. 34 th st. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED. AT Seaside, good location; $100 for .'Awn. "HI Williams ave. THREE-ROOM REACH FRONT COTTAGE, Seaside, well furnUhed. Phone East 229. FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. LONG Beach. North 14th st. Wi 674. FOR RENT A COTTAGE AT Phone Main 4191. SEASIDE. Stores. STORE. 25x100. WITH MODERN PLATE glass front, en East Morrlaoa. U, ' l blocks west of Grand ave.; rent very low. Inquire of CaW Bros., 130 Oth st. FOR RENT-STORE 25xl. WITH BASE ment and dock, between Morrison and Alder: No. 140 Front st. Apply to E. A. Baldwin, (6 4th st. FOR RENT 22S 6TH ST.. BUILDING FOR school, church or Sore. Inquire at Xll Main. bet. fl-11 A. M. ONE-HALF STORE FOR RENT. 20X56. 170 5th. opposite Postetflcr. Inquire Western Importing C. Offices. DESK AND DESKROOM IN MODERN OF-fk-e building, free phone. Room 315. Colum bia pMc PART OF GROUND FI.OOR OR DESKROOM near Pos-tofflee; reitonaMe. 2S9 AMer st. FOR RENT-LARGE. BRIGHT ROOM ON Oth in. Western Investment Co.. 05 Oth -l. OFFICES AND ROOMS-LEWIS BLDG. IN ulre. I. 1.. White. 304 Dekum. DESKROOM FOR RENT IN BEST LOCA tion In Hty. Phone Clay 415. FINANCIAL. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO ntan bldg., loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motormen. conductors or other salaried employes. Just on his note, in 'iimi of $10 to $100. Returnable in con venient wecklv or monthly payments. Pay ments suspended in rase of sickness. Confi dential. No inquiries. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wase-earner. can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. H-menth. Week. $30 Repay to us $13.83 or $0.65 Or $3.25 $25 Repay to us $ 6.05 or $3 25 or $1.65 $15 Repay to ui $ 4.00 or 2.00 or 1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 2D. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT rates you can afford; money loaned on fur nitute, piano or personal property;best terms in city; rms. 21S-220 Ablngton. Red 1726. LOANS ON EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates: strictly con fidential. Employes Loan Co.. room 716, the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. CHATTEL LOANS MADE ON GOOD SE curtly at loweft rates; large amounts. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO.. 214 Ablngton. ll)0V Third St. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc.. without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cit ies. To 1 man. 223 Ablngton bldg. Main 6457. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 on all securities. TL I. Eckereon Si Co.. room 5, Washington bldg. Phone Clay. 73. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF-SS-curlty. Wm. HoII, rm. p. Washington bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agt.. Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. MONEY ON MORTGAGE. CITY OR SUBUR. J ban; sy terras. W. S. Ward, the Alitky. rtSAXCIAX. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. ANY WAGE-EARNER NEEDING MONEY before payday can get It from us. No com mission or Interest In advance; no mort gage or Indoracr required. Repay weekly, monthlr or semi-monthly In amounts from $1 upward, thus avoiding payment of the whole amount out of any one payday, and have six months time if desired. Nelson & Hindley. 30S McKay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding- permanent positions ana responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; alto CHATTEL LOAN; on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngton Building. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates, a. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Main 0100 MONEY I,OANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP on all kinds or security. v. a. uainaway. room 10. Washington bMg. Phone Clay 415. LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE. pianos, other securities. 440 bnerlocK bias. Phone Clay 32S. Also real estate loans. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 0 PER CENT. V m. 1. J3CCK. nwiu JJf. IUC -altUB uiuf PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 3 -AND O per cent. Win. Denhoim. 225 Failing Diar. $50,000 TO LOAN AT H REGULAR RATES. ine i'oriisnu x-uau uimc u LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS JlEWAKO ui;.- conian will pay iu rewaru ior xne arrtii and conviction of any one caught stealing The Oreconlan from the doors of 1U sub scribers. Circulation Manager. LOST OLD FASHIONED OUU SHIELD brooch, set with turquoise ana pearis; val ued as keepsake; liberal reward. Return to Portland General Electric Co. LOST-BBTWEEN FRONT AND OAK AND jrrn.on ana ivia, t.,.t.. t.i, watch and pin. Reward for return to cash ier. Wadhams &. Kerr Bros. LOST-A DIAMOND RING. BETWEEN 23D and Johnson sta. and steet nuge. nnaer re turn wme to nobt. J. Hucke. care Go. Lawrence Co. Reward. LOST BUNCH OF KEYS; OWNER'S NAME on ring. Finder please return to m. Klumpp. 2C5 Washington St., room 23. Re ward orrerca. LOST EASTMAN KODAK. IN OR NEAR the Oregon building; film turned to ro. .; $5 reward if returned to 174 13th, or phone Main 129. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- tresses renovated and returned same day. Main 474. Portland Curlod-Halr Factory. LOST A POCKETBOOK CONTAINING TWO bank checks. I.add Tilton Bank: one photo graph. Return to J'ollce Station. I.OST-OX BELMONT OR ALDER. BET. 23D and 39th. ladies watch ana pin. isewaro. Return No. 1S5 East 32d . LOST DIAMOND STAR STICKPIN. 13 rtones; reward If returned w m s.., Chicago Clothing Co. LOST-GOLD NOSE GLASSES. SLIGHTLY shaded, near Empire Theater. Phone .2956 Main. Reward. PARTIES WHO TOOK SUITCASE MARKED Mr. C. H. Kesler please return same to 254 Clackamas st. LOST-PURSE AND RETURN HALF-TICKET to Elgin: name. Mrs. Madden, itewara at 19 E. 3!t st. LOST A 5MALL JERSEY COW. FRIDAY morning. Return to 5TO Raleigh st. and re ceive reward. FOUND LADY'S PURSE AT IRVINOTON race track. June 17. Call phone Main 37. LOST GOLD WATCH AT THE OAKS, turn to 550 Columbia st. Reward. RE LOST EYEGLASSES IN CASE. PLEASE return 205 lrt st. for reward. BUSINESS CILVNCES. FOR SALE AMERICAN ENGINEERING Works. Seattle. Wash.. con.ti?tlng of $0000 In new modern machinery and fhop equip ment, for $4500; easy terms. Machinists, this is a great opportunity. Don't overlook this. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. SOFT drinks and lc?. cretim. billiard and pool tables restaurant and. Inncb-ceunirr; this is the combination that we have' for sale; It Is a money-maker. Call 602 Commer cial bldg. REDUCED FROM $3500 TO $200050 ROOMS, brick corner, partly housekeeping, oak' fur niture; clears $175; If you are seeking a paying investment let me show this. J. H. H. Andersen. 191 Morrison st. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER PLANTS If you are looking for Investments of this kind I can Interest you. I have properties paying 20 per cent net and over. Frank Robertson. 320 Falling bldg. SEATTLE WHOLESALE FRUIT AND PRO duce house desiring opening office in Port land wants party to Invest $2500 to $3000 acting as manager; salary and share of profits. D 62. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A F1HST-CLAS3 TEN-CHAIR barber shop In Seattle, oldest ehop In City; price 60o; must retire on account of sick ntM. Addres Mr. Williams, V23 E. Spruco St.. Seattle, Wash. FINE ROOMING-HOUSE. CENTRAL LOCA tlon; must be sold regardless of price; no reesonable oITer wll be refused; owner leav ing city. For particulars call 317 Fenton bldg.. SI Cth ft. $125 7-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. TRANS lent, very central: nice carpels and furni ture, near Hotel Portland; only reason for rlllng, owner leaving city. B 83, Orrgu nlan. FINE ROOMING-HOUSE TO EXCHANGE for farm, or city property, owner would assume mortgage If necessary. For particu lar call 317 Fenton bldx.. Hi 6th st. FOR SALE CHEAP PHOTO STUDIO IN Coast city of 4500; will guarantee pa) ing $100 per month: a letter will bring particu lars. Addre.p Y 47, Oregonlan. NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. 2nS MARQUAM bldg.; capitalization $50,000. Companies in corporated, capital secured, bonds, stocks, mines and real estate handled. A-GENTLEMAN WHO WISHES TO INVEST in saloon and reoming-noiae. center pan or city, will sell at a bargain If taken within a wek or two. H S3, Oregonlan. FOR SALE-ONE-HALF INTEREST IN THE only first-eiasn saloon near the entrance to Fair grounds: all cars stop at door; a snap. Address P S4, Oregonlan. A GOOD OPENING FOR THE RIGHT MAN with $7000; not all cash; can act as man ager; will bear the closest Investigation. 1. SC. Oregonian. A GENTLEMAN WHO HAS $5000 CASH I)E airra to Invest It In wrat legitimate husiaeso enterprise in this city. Address Poartottleo Box 3K. GOOD-PAYING BUSINESS AT SACRIFICB If looking for something good and racta burinerc. addre owner, 1171 Grteley ei., city. SALOON FOR -SALE AT SACRIFICE. DOING fine buslns; bargain If taken at once; finest location In the city. E &8. Oregonlan. GOOD CORNER SALOON. LARGE STOCK, lease, well known, large trade; $2400. L. E. Thomp-on Co.. 22S 3d. DENTIST A GOOD-PA Y'ING PRACTICE AND flnelv fitted office for sale; established long time? it S7. Oreronlan. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR sale: good reasons for selling; trade good. Inquire Allen i Lewis. FOR SALE NEW TIDEWATER SAWMILL, capacity 40.000 feet pr day. P. O. Box 1105. Stattle. Wash. FOR SALE GOOD PAYING CORNER SA loon; good buslni-f proposition at a bar gain. Box 470. city. ROOMING-HOUSE. 55 ROOMS. AND LODGE hall; steady tenant; $200; pay 75 per eenu N 77. Oregonlan. FOR SALE SNAP. DELICATESSEN AND restaurant: rhrap rent; reason, ill-health. Phone Main 4751. LADY OR GENTLEMAN WITH $500 FOR "Exposition" lecture tour; going East. Q S5. Oregonlan. SELL HALF-INTEREST IN STEAM MERRY-go-round; cheap today. Call 20S Clackamas. East Side. FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP AND tools, with 4 years' lease. 410 Belmont at.. East Side. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE FOR rale; stock and fixtures; good lease. 93 V 6th st. $2R5 ROOMING-HOUSE. S ROOMS; RENT $15. -v?9 Yamhill, bet. Union and Grand. A NICE ROOMING-HOUSE FOR. SALE, rent cheap; rood location. Call Main 4&5S. BUSINESS CHANCES. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSINESS IN small town on R. R. and lived $3500 Partnership In well-established, mercan tile business 7000 Grocery more, -well established and doing- a profitable business..... 2500 Smaller grocery business, city 2500 THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Ablngton Bldg. FOR SALE-ONE OF THE OLDEST ESTA fl ushed centrally located and well-paying re tall businesses In Portland; price $10,000. part cash; thin Is a rare opportunity, can bear full investigation; principals and those who mean business only need answer. Ad dress G S4. Orexonlau. FOR SALE CHEAP HALF INTEREST IN a money-making store, carrying- groceries, tinware, hardware and china glassware, sta tionery, clocks, etc.; Ill-health; price $iU-. net profits per hnlf interest. $4 to $0 dally; business Increasing. Wire or write Lock Box 343. Roiebur. Or. NEWSPAPER AND JOB OFFICE. PUGET bound weekly. Invoices $2000: everything as good as new; between $500 and $000 In good accounts goes with It; if sold at once will take $17w; easy terms; owner has other bust new. Address M 04. care Oregonlan. SWELL RESTAURANT. 3 NICE LIVING rooms. Al location, for sale or exchange for small toomlng-hou-v. 312 Pine st. FOR SALE-ONE OF THE BEST SALOONS In the city: it will pay you to Investigate. Inquire 44 3d. bet. Ash and Pine. $2C0 WILL BUY HALF INTEREST IN ONE of betft-paylng stores In Spokane County. If taken soon. W 54. Oregonlan. 36 ELEGANT NEW ROOM'S FOR LEASE Modern, close In. For particulars inquire at Calef Bros.. 130 6th st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES SALEM. OR.. Jun 10, 1005 The Board of Trustees of the Oregon State Irunne Asylum hereby invites, sealed proposals for furnishing the following supplies to the -institution for the six month ending December 31. 1905; GrocerUs. mill feed and flour, meats and fish, dryoods. drugs, stationery. leather and findings, shoes, plumbinr. furniture, hardware, tinning, crockery and ghunware. Lists of said sup plies will be furnished by the clerk of the board upon application. Samples can b seen at th asylum, and goods must be In aecordlnce therewith. Where samples are required and not furnished by bidders, the article must be fqual to samples to be seen at the asrlum. and bids wilt be assumed to have been made on basis of samples. All goods must be in strict accordance with sample In original packages when possible, and delivered at the State Insane Asylum, within 20 days after the contract Is award ed, and bids must be on btank forms, which will be furnished, together with Instruction to bidders, by the cleric, upon application. Each bid on flour or meat must be accom panied by a certified check of $300. and each bid on tWt by a certified check of $73. and all other bids by certified checks equal to 10 per cent of the amount bid; checfea of un successful bidders to be returned Immediately and those of accepted bidders when the contract Is completed. Bids must be In closed In seated envelopes, and directed to the Board, care of the Clerk, and plainly marked. ''Bids for Asylum Supplies," and the clorti of goods bid on should also be inscribed on the envelope. Price, fitness and quality being equal, preference will be given to articles manufactured, grown or produced In this state. When a particular article is specifically called for. bids for other kind, qr manufacture, or brand, equally good will be entertained, but to Insure rec ognition of such bids mi in pie? of the articles it Ls proposed to supply miut accompany them. Bidders will take notice that there Is no appropriation available for maintenance of the asylum. Therefore, claims for sup plies can only be audited by the Secretary of the State, and certificates of evidence of allowance Issued to claimant. As soon as there .Is an appropriation available, war rants will be Issued In lieu of the certifi cate. The Board re.rves the right to re. Ject any or all bids, or to accept or reject any part o a bid. Bid will be opened at the Casttot at Salem at 10 A. M.. Monday. July 10. 1005. By order of the Board of Trustees of the Oregon State Insane Asy lum. . N. Gatens, Clerk. , NOTICE OF SALE OF WATER BONDS-No- tlce is herebr given that on the 15th day of July. 1905. at the Treasurer's office of the city or Dufur In Wasco county, ure gun. the said City of Dufur. by Itn Board of Water Commissioners, will offer for solo -water bonds to the amount of ten thousand dollars ($H.O0O); two of said bonds in the amount of $1000 each and one In the amount of $50O shall be payable in ten yeans from the date of sale. Two more of said bonds ir. the amount of $UVK earn and one in the amount of $50O shall be payable In 15 years ifrom the date D" sale. Two more of said Wo in the amount of SlOOo each and one In tee amount of $5u0 shall be pajable In 20 yars from the date of sale. Two more of said bonds In the amount, of $1000 and one In the amount of $500 .ihall be payable In 25 years from the date of sale. Interest on all of nil Id bonds being payable annually. Sealed bids are hereby Invited for said bonds; each bidder 1- required to name In his bid the lowest rate of interest, not to exceed S per cent per ancnm, at which raid bonds will be taken at not Iras than their face value, paying rash in hand therefor. The said Board of Water Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and alt bids. All bids shall bo directed to the Board of Water Commissioners, Dufur. Oregon. Published by order of the Board of Water Comrais Honern. Dated this 22d day of June A. D., 1905. E. A. GRIFFIN. Secretary of tho Board of Water Commis sioners ef Dufur. PROPOSALS INVITED NOTICE TO CON tractors: Notice ! hereby given that the City of Walla Walla. Wash., will receive bids up to and Including Jul 15. Il05. at 3 o'clock P. M., for the covering of Mill Creek, in said city, with reinforced concrete, from East Main street l East Ros street. Tho bidders to furnish their own phtn.i and specifications with their bids. The city re serves the rlrht to reject any and all bids. Each bid must be Inclosed in an envelooe and addresd to R. P. Reynolds. City Clerk. For moo- definite Information adrrsa J. II. Wilson. City Engineer. TTatla Walla. Vah. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned at Room 20, Hamilton bklg.. for supplier for encampment. O. N. G.. at Ge&rhart I'ark. Oregon, July 13. until 11 o'clock. July . 1005. Right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Memorandum of suppileti -required will be furnished on ap--pllcatton at room 20. Hamilton bldg. J. A. Waddla. Colonel and Commissary-General. O. N C. U. 5. ENGINEER OFFICE. PORTLAND. OR.. Julv 3. 1005 Sealed propomls will be received here for constructing quarters, buildings, etc.. at Cascade Locks. Or., untit 11 A. 51.. August 3. 1IH5, and then publicly opened. Information on application. V. C. Iang fltt. MaJ Engrs. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, BURKE BLDG.. Seattle. Wain.. July 3. 195. Seatd pro posals for dredging Lake Washington Canal will be re-elved here until 12 M . August 3. 1905. and then publicly opened. Informa tion furnished on application. John MIIIIv, MaJ. Engrs. Stockholders Meeting. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. Notice of Scetial Meeting to Stockholders- Notice I hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Port land General Electric Company has been called by unanlraou vote of a regular meeting of the board of directors, and will be held at the office of the company. Portland. Or., on the 11th day of July. 1905. at 11 o'clock A. M.. for the follow ing purposes: (1) To consider and take action upon a proposition io mortgage, pledge and con vey in trust the property and franchises of the company, now owned or hrreafter acquired, to secure an tsuue or iu bonus to an amount not exceeding $10,000,000. bear ing Interest at -the rate of 3 per cent per annum, and to authorize the usue or tne bonds to be thereby secured. 12) To consider and take action ubon Jtlv Ing the board of directors the right and power to sell, transfer, convey, mortgage. uledce or give or convey In trust, the real property and lands mentioned and de scribed In section 25 of Article III of the present article of Incorporation, and a!o any and all of the property of the com pany, real, personal ana mixed, ana any part or portion thereof. 13) To consider and take action upon a proposition to rescind and repeal all the by-laws of the company and to adopt other by-laws In lieu thereof. (4) To consider and take action upon a proposition to authorize the directors to file '.supplementary articles ef Incorporation, whereby section 25 of article III of the pres ent articles of incorporation shall be amend ed, by the omtaMon therefrom of th pro vl0rt therein contained, so that said eec- tion as amended shall read as follows: To pell, transfer, convey, dispose of. lease, mortgage, pledge and give or convey in trust the property of the corporation, real, personal and mixed, and any part or por tion thereof : and whereby .section 28 of Article III of tt4 present articled of in corporation shall be amended by the omis sion therefrom of the proviso theretn con tained, so that said section as amended shall read as follows: "To borrow money on Its bond, coupon notes, promissory notes, debentures, or otherwise for the gen eral or special purposes or any thereof of the corporation, and to mortgage, pledge or give or convey in trust any and all of Its property, real personal or mixed, to secure the payment thereof." SAMUEL G. REED. Secretary. Miscellaneous. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE LAW FIRM of Plpea Tlfft has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mv effices are 600 Cham ber of Commerce. Teleanoc Main 653. MARTIN L. PIPES. PERSONAL. FACIAL DEFORMITIES AND BLEMISHES permanently removed by latest scientific 'methods; no pain, jio danger, no scars, no detention from daily duties; wrinkles, hoi- lows, unshapely nose. ears. lips, corrected; pitting, birthmarks, pock marks, scars eradicated: superfluous hair, moles, warts, red elns. etc.. removed by electric needle: electro-vacuo massage treatment; largest most successful school of dermatology and only one In Northwest under the direction of a graduate physician; suite 17-20. Sell-ing-Hlrsch bldg.. Washington St.. bet. W. Park and 10th sts. Phone Main 70(7. Mine. M. Vaughn. G. D. D. B. B. ilaaten. M. D.. C. M. JO-HE, A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL from Texan; most wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world; rheumatism, paralysis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neural gia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores, yield to this oil like magic; cures In S to 20 days; sample can. 50c. postpaid; testimonials free; agents wanted. M. E. Clinton. 515 E. Couch t.. Portland. Or. Phone I'nlon 3432. AZA HOLMES - HIBBECKE. GRADUATE dermatologiJt; scientist-, featural correc tlonist. beautifler and restorer of youthful ness. may be consulted dally free; every affliction of the human face and scalp successful!- treated: mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc.. removed. Sanitarium ami school of dermatology in connection. Par lors 304 Morrison. Phone Hood 232. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed: beat of work; satisfaction guar anteed. J OOi, nth. Portland. Or. Phone Clay 3l5. Residence. 249 Harrison. Main .4443. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES-$l a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries! I'nlque Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordrays. The "Matrimonial Register." 10c. contains de scriptions and particulars concerning several hundred residents of Oregon and Wash, who wish to marry. Interstate Introducing So ciety, suite 21. Uu.wl bldg., 105Vfc 4th. THOSE WHO READ "PRACTICAL METII- ods to Insure Success' shall surely praise God for the opportunities and possibilities revealed; price 25 cents. Address H. E. Butler. Applegate. California. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment. $2; 3 months'. $3. Sent secretly sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard. Clarke 4c Co.. Portland. Or. SEXINE PILLS DRIVE AWAY THE BLUES, uut new lite In your body. Price. $1 a box. 6 boxes. $5; full guarantee. Address J. a. Clemenson. druggist. 2d and Yamhill st.. Portland. BOOK OF NATURE." "A SOCIAL LION," "A Modern Lover." "Rosa's. Contention." "Marriage In High Life," "Desperata Love," 50c each; Hats free. A. W. Schmale. 229 1st, "A SNAP." Must be sold at once, my office and bust net. located In one- of the best buildings in the city. For Information. Hood 1533. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr Lorcnz Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25c a box. write or can at ytecirs rnannucj, 227 Morrison St.. between 1st and 2d. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- Iaj; repairing and recovering; two stores, Washington and Oth and' Morrison and 5th. Sole azents for Alexandre kid gloves. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets. Nature's great tonic for either aex. 25c by mall. Albert Bernl, 2d and Washington, agent, i'ortiana, jr. MISS ENGLISH CURES RHEUMATISM and nervous disorders by electricity; steam baths and massage treatment for ladles. 145a Oth st., room 24. RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED; REMEM- ber the Persian specialist. Mrs. J. 51. Wood The Frances, v. Park .and Morrlaon Red 2S33. 8. R. A. ORCHESTRA MUSIC FURNISHED for select parties; concert and latest popu lar music, l'hones Main -t-i.m or -iius. COINS BOUGHT. SOLD; GET OUR PRICES; lists free. Coin Co.. 115 N. 11th. 3U Louis. Mo. FACIAL MASSAGE BY TWO EXPERT young lady ope rut ore. 234Vj Morrison ., room io. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor. 127 11th. Tel. Main 4S3S. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium. 127 N. 12tb. Main 047S. Al HAIRDRESSERS. MANICURES: WIG- making specialty. .Rosenthal Sisters, leo otn TURKISH BATHS. 300 Oregonlan bldg.; gents all night; ladles all day. Main 1J33. MISS MAKI. graduate of Finland, massage and baths; ladies only. 400 Ablngton bldg, Watches, dlamonas. easy payments; diamonds tought. W. H. Leah. 513 Dekum. Clay asre. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR. 50c AT HOLLA baugh's. 207 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS ea4cs. 424 Alder st. Phona Main 4832. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordron Plaiting. MIS3 O. GOULD. 801 MAKQUAM BLDG. accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Assajera ana Analysts. THE J. H. FISK ASSAYING OFFICE Greenley and Crawford, analytical chemts'.s and metallurgists, 204 a Washington at. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 20S STARK St. Best facilities; prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA lyst Gold dust bought. 90 1st st. Attorney-at-1 jut. U. S. G. MARQUAM. 404 COMMERCIAL Bldg. I make specialty of defeating tax titUs. Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT ing, famous budget bookkeeping, actual business, practice; positions founa tor grud uates; day and night school. Holmes Hu-il ness College. Y. M. C. A. bldg. Main 513. Carpet Cleaners. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and comprewed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor without removal. Main aat. .tat a Carpenters and Builders. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVES, houses built and repaired. 203 4th. Ckty 174. W. L. BUCKNER. office, store fixtures, general Jabbing, contracting. 530 Stark. Main 5381. Chiropodist and Manicuring. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST permanently removes corns, bunions, cal louses. Ingrown and club nails, pedicuring, manicuring, face and scalp specialist. Ited 1S42. IO lit-njn bldg.. cor. 5th and Mor rbron. WM DHYENY & ESTELLEr DEVENY. THE only fslentirtc chiropodists; parlors rooms 203 Drew bldg.. 102 2d st. ITione Main 1301. Thla 16 the long-haired gentleman. U Is the man you are looking for. FOR CORNS. Bunions. Tired. Aching Feet; see Benjamin, the Foot Specialist. 7th and Stark. J. LINDELL. expert cntropodlst; all instru ments Hterillzed. 7U2 Marquam. Main 3250. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commts slcn merchant. Front at., near Main. Port land. Or. cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. Y'OUNG &. CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. ALLEN A. LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO duco merchants. Front and Davis ats.. Fort land. Or. Ijuncmg. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC ing. 269 14th. cor. Jeff. Waltzing a specialty. Dan cine and Elocution. MRS. NINA LAROWE'S HALL, 23D AND Kearney. Inquire till 1 P. it. Main 2320. Dentikts. NEY CHURCHMAN, dentist. 324 Marquam bldg.. Oth and Morrison. Phone Main 17C0. Machinery. B. TRENK5IAN & CO.. MINING. SAW mills. logging machinery; hydraulic plpea, casting. All kinds repaired. 11H N. 4 th. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HANo machinery, sawmills, etc 24S Grand ave. Musical. THE TAVERN ORCHESTRA CAN BE EN gaged for afternoon receptions, functions, etc. For terms apply to Emit Thielhorn at The Tavern, or 233 3th. Phone Main 1596. Nursej. The Davis Nursery for Infanta and Children, reasonable. Phone 4944. 26th and Vaughn. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Fraternal IsauraBce. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost frater nal society of N. V.: protects the living. L. Mltchei. Sup. Sec. 612-615 Marquam. blt Harness and Saddles; THE GEORGE JLAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE ale saddles and harness mfrs., leather and saddlery hardware. SO-SO 1st. Main 220. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE- sale saddles anad harness mm., saauery hardware, leathtr of all kinds. 72-74 5th. st. JOHNSON LUTHER. CUSTOM-MADE harness, wholesale and retail. o- oth -at. Junk. Hides and Felts. L. SHANK St CO.. PURCHASERS OF bides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 312 Front st. Leather nad Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished I&5S. Leatner and nnaings; Stockton solo leather and cut stock; full lice Eastern Jumbos. 1S9 Front st THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOLE and upper leathers of all kinds; cut stock, findings and shXe store supplies. 72-74 5th. Northwest Vlarl Co. LEWIS BLDG., PARK AND MORRISON . call or send stamp for Health book. Osteopathy. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 DEKLM bldg.,3d and Washington. Phones: Office. Main 349; residence,- Main 1503, East 1023 Examinatlons free. DR. L. B. SMITH.' DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. graduates Klrkville. Mo., WJ oregonua bldg. Phone Main 1242. DRS. OTIS AND MABEL AKIN. 403-4 MAC- leay bias. Tel. Clay 77s. Examinations frse. Marble and Granite.. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS: NO agents; 20 per cent saved at Week", 720 Front, opposite Failing School; take S car. Paints. Oils und Glass. RASMU3SEN & CO... JOBBERS, paints, oils. glass, sasn and doors, cor. 2d. ana iayior. Plaster and Staff Work. ANY KIND OF ATTRIBUTES IN PLASTER staff statues, ornaments etc., for the Fair or anywhere. J. Adam. 249 Columbia. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGK patents; Infringement cases. 004 Dskum. Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 ALDER. TEL. Main 710. Kubber stamps, seals, stencils. Rupture Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC truss: perxect retainer; positive cure; book free. Address Dr. Pierce. 200 Kearny st.. S. F, Safes. DIEBOLD manganese circle doors, bankers comfort; Dlebold fireproof and burglar proof; the best; repairs and Jail work, Davis. 00 3d. Second-Hand Machinery. J. SIMON & BRO.. DEALERS IN ALL kinds o second-hand machinery, pipe, cnble. betting, hardware; hlghest'prlce.pald for scrap Iron and metals. 244 Front. Mala 2002. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. Oth and Hoyt. Phone Main 140S. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 34S 1st, near Market. Phone Blac 3133. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. 23 Y'EARS PORTLAND S moat reliable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs .f life, business. love troubles; absent friends a pecialtv. 247H 1st: hours. 9 A. M. to H I. M. PROF. BUSWELL. MEDIUM AND HEALER. 504i AVashlngton: readings 25 cents; frea magnetic treatments. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. BUSINESS TEST ME drum. 143& Oth, room 21. Phone Hood 19U. MRS. LADD F1NNICAN CAN BE CONSULT, ed. 00 Selling-Hlrsch bldg. Main '0179. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of fice 12S 1st. C. 51. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C O PICK. OFFICE 83 1ST.. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 590. Planoa and furnltura moved and packed for shipment; commod oua flrerpoof brick warehouse. Front and Clay at. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st. household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all moveable articles dt reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. Tel. 1107. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE Grocery, cor. N. Front and Davis ats.. Portland. Or. Wood and Coal. PORTLAND FUEL CO. S30. 334 Water st. PHONE .MAIN BANKS. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. ItESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. General banking business conducted. Sav incs deposits received. Time certificate issued. 34 to 4 per cent Interest on short rail sDeciat certificates. Call or send for booK of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Main 453. 100 Third st. BEN J. I COHEN President H L. PITTOCK Vice-President -n" lee PAGET Secretary .AsMitant Secretary J. U. UUli"A l ADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms Letters of credit Issued available in EuroDc and all points in the United States. meht exchange and telegraphic transfers sfd on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Tenuis Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington and Idaho Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort .Hongkong. Yokohama, Manila and Hono lulu' MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. Or. J FRANK WATSON President It" L. DURHM Vice-President R W HOYT Cashwr GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING . BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit bssued. -available In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established 1S64.) HEAD OFFICE, San Francisco, CaL President HOMER S. KING Gen Man. of Branches W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $3,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits.. $0.S0O.00O A. General Banking and Exchange Buslnear Transacted. ' Letters of credit Issued, available In all parte or the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upwards. Portland Branch, Chamber of Commerce B'dff WM. A. MACRAE. -L .'...Manager J. T BURTCHAELL Asststant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF FORTI.N D, Oregon. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General .Banking Business. Draftd issued, available In all cities of thv United States and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President.. J- C. AINSWORTH Vice-President Wt B. AYER Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Cashier R- W. SCHMEEJt Aeslstar.t Caebler A. 51. WRIGHT Asststant Cashier..., W. A- HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agtnt of the United States. President - -A- L. MILLS Cashier J- NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. a ALVORD Second Assistant Caahir..B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available In Eu rope and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer old on New- York, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and, the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sum to suit on London.- Paris. Berlin, Frankfort-on-th Main Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstianla. Stockholm. St- Petersburg-. Mos cow, Zurich.- Honolulu. Collections mad a on favorable terms.