12 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1905. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN Booms, ri.W to (3.00 Per Day According to Location. f. F. DAYTES, Pres. St. Charles Hotel CO. ( INCORPORATED.) FROnT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Eeropeaa Plan Rooms 75c to $2.00 First-Class Restaurant In Connection TFe ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR. ANDERSON, Manager Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON Free 'bus to and from all trains Rates Euan ?5c to $3.00 Per Day i Ye Oregon In the new Hotel Oregon, corner Seventh and Stark Streets. Orchestra every evening after six o'clock. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage License. F R. Byers. 31, Spokane; Sarah Light foot. 29. H W, Hadderly, 27; Mary E. Lunccford. 23. F. H Sumner. Arleta: Ora Bondurant, 22. F. Worpahl. 23; Mary Schwarts. 21. v Harry Croker. 41; Mrs. Ella Barlow, 40. C E. Sloan. 25; Janice Noble. 24. Rudolph H. Gensch. 3S; Laura Lehmann, 53. Ben Crawford, 31; Emma Garns. 23. John Arthur, 60, Tacoma; Margaret Ar thur. 52. Births. At 005 Sixth street. June 30. to the wife of W. T. Masters, a son. At 688 Third street. July 2, to the wife of Charles Brownstone. a son. At 430 Qulmby street. June 20. to the wife of Anton Kosovac. a son. At 1285 Corbett street. July 1, to the wife of "William Lawrence, a son. At 503 Twenty-fourth street. June 21. to the wife, of Alex Erlkson, a daughter. At 44 Marshall street. June 24, to the wife of Salvotore Bottogllo. a daughter. At 1134 Michigan avenue. June 21. to the wife of Carly Monson, a daughter. At 474 Overton street. June 20, to the wife of Edward Trott. a son. At Congress and Alberta streets. June 12, to the wife of Axel S. Paulsen, a son. At 3P7 North Sixteenth street. June 10, to the Alfe of Josef Llbak, a son. At 205 Clackamas street. Jun R. to the wife of Elvln Ward, of Alaska, a son. At 653 Savier street, June 7. to the wife of Alexander Zlegele. a daughter. At 507 Mallory avenue. June 3. to the wife of Olof Akensen. twin sons. (Given names of Lewis and Clark.) At 573 Fourth street. June 27, to the wife of Herman Schade, a daughter. At 1178 Mississippi avenue. June 29. to the wife of John Williams Cummins, a son. At 520 Falling street, June 15, to the wife of Garret Jackson Eaton, a daughter. At 30 S Sixth street. June 20. to the wife of Alexander MacPherson, a son. At University Park. June. 29, to the wife of Joseph Sumie. a son. At 242 Fifth street. June 30.. to the wife of Ernest I. Ford, a daughter. At 131 Union avenue. June 22, to the wife of Charles Keller, a son. At 415 East Ninth street, Juna 12, to the wife of William Baker, a daughter. Deaths. At 406 Seventh street. June 20. Albert "W. Lobdell. a " native of New Tork, aged 67 years, 3 months and 10 days. At St. Vincent's Hospital. July 2, Corydon C. Tucker, a native of Indiana, aged 30 years. 10 months and IS days. Remains taken to Salem for interment. At 233 Second street, June 30. David, in fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chin Quong, a native of Portland, aged 7 months. "At 1034 Front street. July 2. Mrs. Margaret W. Currie, a native of Ohio, aged 70 years, 11 months and 5 days. Building rermit. Portland Sash and Door Company, -warehouse. Union avenue, near East Taylor $3250. Real Estate Transfers. E. Chase et at. to A. S. Douglas, lot 16, block 11, St. Johns Park Add $ 77 M. L. Holbrook and wife to J. Blch- ner, same 300 A. S. Douglas et a I. to same. same.... SI K. V. Lively to A. C. Gruber. W. 43 feet of E. 2-3 lots 4. 5, , block 25. Sunnyslde 1 A. C. Panton and wife to J. Blled. E. 58 1-3 feet lots 23. 24. block 1. N'orth Villa Arleta Land Co. to M. B. Kemp, lota 25. 26. block 5, Arleta Park No. 4.. R. B. Lamson et al. to D. Gorman. E. 1.400 S10 75 feet 0 N. V, lot 2. block 0. cltv 7.150 150 The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to J. Shaw, lot 10. block 14, N. Irvlngtan. C M. Elwert to W. Gloyd. lot 1, Hod son place J. S. McKfnley to F. I. McKlnley. lot 3, block "M," Portsmouth Villa ex tended 1,050 J. w. Force to O. F. Paxton. 3524 acres Sec S. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E Portland Lumber Co. to A. Olsen, lots 35. 36, block 11. Peninsular Add. No. 2 R. W. Wilson to G. F. Rodgera, lot 1. block 312, Gllllhan Add W. H. Moore et al. to C. W. Bowie, lot 7, block S. King's Second Add Honeyman Trust Co. to William Sel-' over et aj., undivided Interest Rail road Tract at Ltnnton C. M. West and husband to E. A. Hul burt. lot 6. block 1. Lents R. Mallory and wlfeto J. W. Parish et aL. lots 6. 6, block 63, Holladay's Add. ........ ........................ Title Guarantee Si Trust Co. to A. B. Coulter, lot 18, block 17. First Add. to Holladay Park Add F- Barry to J. W. Baker, trumee. E. 14 lot 5; all lots 6, 7. block "E." Caruth ers Add, to Caruthers' Add T. A. Peters and wife to S. Collins, S. 58 feet lota 8. 0. block 15, Riven-lew subdivision to Alblna 10 5.000 3.250 500 Spark Burns $28,000 In Wool. NORTH POWDER, Or.. July 3. Two cars of baled scoured wool from the Pen dleton "Woolen Mills; consigned to an Eastern Arm, burned at Haines last night. The fire was caused by sparks from an engine. The loss was $28,000. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND. July 3. Maximum tempera ture, 81 deg.; minimum. 54. River reading at 11 A. M., 10.1 feet: change in past 24 hour, fall. 0.2 feet. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. none; total since Septem ber 1. 1904. 33.96 Inches; normal, 45.81 Inches; deficiency, 11.85 Inches. Total sun shine July 2, 1903, 15 hours and 40 mtnutes; possible. 15 hours and 40 minutes. -Barometer (reduced to sea ltvel) at 5 P. M.. 30.10. WEATHER CONDITIONS. JTalr -weather continues at all reporting stations in the North Pacific States and the PORTLAND, OREGON PLAN First -Clan Check Restanraat Connected "With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Sec and Treat. Grille temperature has risen slightly except along the coast. The Indications are for fair weather in this district Tuesdas. "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight. July 4: Portland and vicinity Fair. "Westerly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair. Westerly winds. Idaho Fair and continued warm. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. T - 5 "wind. si s c 3 O r C a a f 2 ): ? "ro STATIONS. Baker City Boise Eureka . . Knmloops. B. C. . North Head Pocatello Portland . Red Bluff.. Roseburg Sacramento 1 S4 O.OOtiniN !CIeudy . SSlO.OO, 4!NW Clear , 7.RIO.O0! S,'N (Cloudy S2 0.00!10:S 'Pt. Cldy. r.SiO.OO'.no.NW iCIear .MIO.OO'14 SW Clear 81 '0.00' n NW 'Clear .1102:0.00, 4 N Clear ,, SOO.Ci 11 NW (Clear SI8.O.O0, fi'W Clear Salt Lake CJty... M'0.00! fiiW ICIear Clear San Francisco,. . .. SK0.00 2SIW Spokane.... S4 10.00 10iW Clear 76'0.0 O'NW 'Clear C.2 0.1M1 0 NW Clear !( 0 00 12 W 'Cl-ar Seattl. Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms." Room and Board.' "Ilonie keep lor Rooms. "Situations Wanted." 13 words or less. 15 cents: 16 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 t 25 words. 23 cents, etc. No dls count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today. 80 ceata for 15 words or less: 10 to 0 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 wordn. SO cents, etc Srat lnsertiea. Each additional Insertion, one-half: bo further discount as ier oao aaoatla. "NEW TODAY" f range measure agate). 13 cents, per line, first tntcrtlon: 19 ceata pel line of each additional iBsertles. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed car The Oreconlan. and left at thli office, should always be Inclosed 1b sealed envelopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oreronlan will sot be responsible for errors In advertisementa taken thronrh tin telephone. MEETING NOTICES. ASTRA CIRCLE. 152 WOMEN OF WOOD cratt Private installation or omcers, on Thursday. July 6. A. O. U. W. Hall. Mem Ders or circle ana viMiing members cor dially Invited. COMMITTEE. DIED. LARDER In this city. July 3. 1003. at the family residence, 3SS East Couch st,, Her bert H. Larder, aged 4 years and 28 days. Funeral notice hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. HOLTHUSEN In this city. July 3. 1005. Wll Ham T. Holthusen, aged 4f years. Funeral will take place eanesda. July 5. at 2 F. M.. from Dunning. McEntee & Gllhaugh's Chapel, 7th and Pine sts. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Friends invited. DUNNING. MENTEE GILBAUGH. tc ceors to Dunning & Campion, undertakers and rmbalmers. modern In every detail, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 480. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO- Undertakers and rmbalmers, hare moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. FIN LEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madlsoi . Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 0. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 Eat Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 2. ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. UNDERTAKERS. Embalmers. 2,3 Rus'l; East 1088; lady as't. NEW T$DAY. PORTLAND GROWS WITHOUT WATCH Ing; get rich while you sleep; good in vestments in city, suburban and country property by T. Wtthycombe. room S. Ham llton block, Portland. Or. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Oar records are complste aed vp W tamith abstracts promptly. la data, MORTGAGE LOANS Ob tffiprored Portland Real Ejrtats. SECURITY ABSTRACT & TRUST GO. 214-11& Chamber of Ceaucere. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance in Ail Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. 202-3 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark sts. nnTdP Western Washington; on j UJ I WU orratmr rptlrltur frnm 2 practice, will sell h0 practice, house, office, lot; outside income, $40 monthly; is only phj-rlcian. Price. J2S00. Address Doctor, Box V SI, Oregonian office. CDfinn Corner on ashlngton. near 40UUU 19th. 20x100. This Is the onlv small piece to bfr had on that to-be-celebrated thoroughfare. SAHLSTROM & PATTERSON. 1G5$ Fourth st., cor. Morrison. FOR SALE tRrtfin Good modern house. Irving st,, -)0uUU west of 23d, FRANK E. HART, 205 Sherlock bldg. AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater i,K:'i"Li PHONE MAIN MS. (Morrison St.. bet. Oth and 7th) MATINEE TODAY AT 2:30 O'CLOCK. The "World's Famous German Comedians KOLB AND DILI , In the Merry Musical Burlesque . "The Beauty Shop" Tonight at 8:30 40 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS 10 MIRTH AND MUSIC. POPULAR PRICES Matinee. 25c. 35c and 50c; night. 25c. 35c. 50c and 75c The Beeil Wax to Spend the Fourth. The Beauty Shop" will be the bill all week with a special matinee Saturday. HURRAH!! TODAY JULY 4, 1005. KIRALFVS Carnival of Venice The Big Hit of the- Lewis and Clark Centen nial, Will Give Three Performance 4 8 9:30 P. IV1. SPECIAL PATRIOTIC FEATURES. 300 PERFORMERS 300 Thousand Invented Thousand ADMISSION 25 CENTS Nothing Like It Ever Offered for the Price. BELASCO THEATER Jft,, (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash. SPECIAL MATINEE TODAY. Sixth Week Belasco Stock Company. Flrsf Presentation on Any Stage' "The Conquest" By Phil. F. Rogoway. From Eva Emery Dye's Popular Novel of the Same Name. SPECTACULAR PRODUCTION AUGMENTED CAST Regular Matinees Saturday and Sunday. Prices Night. 13 to 75c; Matinees, 15 to 30c NEXT WEEK UA FOOL AND HIS MONEY" EMPIRE THEATER Twelfth and Morrison. Two Performances Dally. Matinees at 2: IS. Evening at S:1S. All this week the Empire Stock Company in the great emo tional comedy-drama. "Lost in London" ADMISSION ALWAYS lO CENTS BAKER THEATER K&fif Keating & Flood. Managers. THE THREE KUHNS. LIZZIE WELLEH. FIXE AND DANDY. JEAN WILSON. ROBERT NOME. BURNS AND WILSON. MOVING PICTURES. BAKER ORCHESTRA. Theater always cool and oomfortaWe. Per formances dally at 2.30. 7.30 and 9 P. M. Ad mission 10 cents to any seat, except boxes. U'JDETIllE TUC r.DAWn tXMSITlO! f Alt tICELlEHCE irvrtiiiy ixiaWIU'SS THE BUCKEYE TRIO. 3 MUSICAL HEWITTS 3. MARSHALL AND LORRAINE DALY AND HEROLD. ROUERTS AND DE MONT. MR. G. II. SHONE. THE GRANDISCOPE. General admission 10c Evenings. Sundays and holidays, front seats loner floor 20c Box seats 23c. ATIFACTIOHS THE STAR TACDETILlE STEPHEN FTTZPATRICK CO. FRANK MILTON AND THE DE LONG SISTERS. MACK AND WILLIAMS. JENKINS AND O'NEILL. FRANK SELEH. MR. JOSEPH BONNER. THE STAROSCOrE. General admission 10c, Sundays, evening and holidays, front seats lower floor 20c Box seats 25c . Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and gst oS at Hawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electrlo elevator. Most magnificent view In America. Ses beautiful effect of powerful searchllr&t frosa top of tower. Open 0 A, M. to P. U. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. Baseball RECREATION PARK. Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth. PORTLAND vs. TACOMA Two Games Today. 10:30 and 2:30. ADMISSION. 35c. GRANDSTAND. 25c. CHILDREN. 15c Box tickets and reserved seats on sale at Woodard. Clarke & Co.'. NEW TODAY. ILLUSTRATION NO. 13. "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON" RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000 "We believe In modern methods of doing business. In previous illustrations we have had much to say about our certificates of deposit. We do all other kinds of financial business. We receive deposits subject to check. We receive savings deposits in large or small sums upon the linen followad by the New England savings banks. We are always willing to discuss any finan cial preposition, either involving a loan by us or a deposit with us. We conduct a large and steadily increasing trust business. We pay particular attention to caring for the estates of widows, orphans and non residents. It Is a Pleasure to us to oxnlaln our methods. i Call upon us If you need Information upon any subject upon hlch a Trust Company can enlighten you or send for our book of "I LLUSTRATIONS." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street. BEN J I. COHEN H L. PITTOCK . B. LEE PAGET. ... . J O GOLTRA . . . Thone 453. ...... . President .. . Vice-President Secretary 1 Assistant Secretary j MINNIE R. CLELLAND Was awarded the money yesterday by j the Portland Homebuilding Company ; to build a house on her lot at Univer- . . ti i j . , , . Slty iraiX, purchased through that COmiianv No Tllan ever deviser! hv I land bnch partly cleared and In graw; good wmyauy. xu yiAU ever uevisea oy i bujm,,, fences and orchard; ome beaver man for prOCUXing a home On easy : dam; about 150O cords of fir and ash timber: payments is equal to that of the Port- chS V!eSlTii-Sfe land Homebuilding Company, room 606, Commercial block. Investigate. Holladay's Addition For Sale A new 5-room cottage, all con veniences, full cement basement, streets fully Improved. A very desirable location. Convenient .to two trolley lines. Terms will b given. Lots told on advantageous terms to horae bulldcrs. The Oregon Real Estate Co 6SV4 Third St. Room 4. i 4 California "Bliss Lands" Small farms for settlers. 8200 acres of Irri gated land In 20-acre farms at $50 to $70 per acre one-fourth caah. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Line, d'rect to Tulare City 2 miles iron Bliss Lanis. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous ru!ta. vege tables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bliss Lands (Inc.). care Sullivan & Sul livan. Lawyers, 610 Parrott bldg.. San Fran ClfCO. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 3IS Worcester Block Gearral practice. lareetigatioBS. Estate work. Special and periodical aadlts. Xhoae Clay 226. NEW TODAY. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, S6S-3 McKay bid. Third and Stark. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE. "WELL LOCATED. West Side, lot 25x100; J 1750. $300 cash, bal ance earn terra Five good houses. 3 fine lots, "West Side, rent $0 per month; $10,000. easy terms. Fine quarter-block 20th Aid Stark. East Side; 2250; $500 cash, balance long time. A beautiful quarter-block. East 20tn: $1350. 5200 caah. Fine new 5-room cottage on car line, mod ern; $1650. $50 cash, balance $15 per month, 20 acres, near Lents, very fine and tightly, no gravel, will make a fine home; $20w. $500 cash, balance 3 yeara. 6 per cent. Five acres, near Lents; $4 CO. $25 cash, $23 every three months. 20 acres, near Lenta. 14 In cultivation, house, barn, orchard, good crop; $3000, ca. CHARLESON & CO. 310 Allsky bldg. Phone West 361. $2750 ELECAXTLT F1XISHED. TilOR ougbly modern eight-room house, nearlng' completion, fractional lot. on Stephens St.. near Ladd tract: splendid location, two car line on same block, has fireplace, furnace, wash tray, paneled dining-room, handsome ly stained woodwork, enameled tiled kitchen and bathroom; will sell for senall cah pay ment, balance Installment If desired; thla Is a splendid home and will appeal to good taste. W. L. Morgan. 313 McKay bldg. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO. LOTS. $5 DOWN AND $5 A MONTH. "We have fine lota a block from the car line for $150; office open hl morning. Take Sellwocd car, get off at Tenlno at. Phone Union 1401. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE is a specialty, within city limits or ouuldt. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month with water. C. Churchill U Co.. "Inc.," 110 24 st. THOUGHTFUL HOMESEEKERS WILL FIND many advantages In the new. modern room house ottered at a low figure, cither furnished or unfurnished: situated In Holla- day Park, the most desirable residence por tion or tnc city, owner, u si. uregoman. RARE BARGAIN LARGE HOUSE AND 1W xlCO feet ground. Portland. East side, sightly, convenient, healthy. mpt desirable; less than cost: must b sold: terms. John- eon it Van Zante. attorneys, 505 Commercial bldg. I'hone Main 2052. RIVER FRONT PROPERTX LARGE WARE- bouse on east sldo of Front et.. bee Morri son and Madison sts.. for sale; 50x100 feet; two floors: property paying good Interest oa amount asked for It, Inquire of owners. 753 rtortnru? it. CITY PROPERTY. 70X70 FEET. FACING "Willamette st.; a new two-story frame store building on It: the building Is 30x60 feet. Inquire at 402 Willamette st.. Eugene. Or. 5 'TO S-ROOM MODERN HOUSES WITH large lots. $16 to $25 monthly Installments; no cash payment. Call and examine. Mar go ret ave.. Montavllla car line. $1100 FOR NICE 3-ROOM HOUSE. WITH half-block, good garden, on Clackamas ave.. bet. 23d and 24th. Sellwood. Inquire for G. M. Rlnker. box ISO. city. NICE. NEARLY NEW. MODERN 7-ROOM house. E. Morrison t.. nice location. $2500: $300 cash. $20 month straight; easily rent for that, P 5. Oregonlan. TEN ACRES. IMPROVED. BERRY OR poultry ranch .4 miles southwest of clt. Phone Main 451U. or write Robu Davenport. 526 Pa I ton -Road. city. FINE HOMESTEAD OF YELLOW PINE limber claim relinquishment; housq and well: in apple belt; $200: opportunity. S 70. Oregonlan. $2230-GREAT SACRIFICE; 5-ROOM MOD- era cottage: built for owner: East Side clrce In: one-third cash. Investigate. T SI. Oregonlan. SACRIFICE. OWNER GOING AWAY SIX room house barn, co.rr.er lot. Iron fence. E. Everett aU. good loortion. Phone Scott 3013. 200 FARMS. SMALLx TRACTS AND LOTS xjargains on u. vv. 1 . rjcciric line. u. c Addltcn.' Lents, Or. Take Mt, Scott car, 5c TWO LOTS ON SELLWOOD. 125 FEET from Union ave.; alo two lota cor. Elsie and 7th. Call 501 Rodney ave. MODERN HOUSE. S ROOMS. FINE LOCA Hon. owner occupying, must sell immediate ly; term Phone East aSJ. SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND CORNER LOT. fine foliage.- car line. E. 10th et,, $1100. U E. Thompson Co.. 22S 3d. $2050-LOT 50X100, WEST SIDE. 1STH. nar Lovejoy; part cash; fine property- Phone Main yoti. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. 0 MILES from Morrison et. bridge. C K. Ballard. Mllwaukle. or. FOR SALE $1500: ONE BLOCK OF 8 LOTS In Pattens Addition. Zio Washington at. I. Vanduyn. DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND LOTS West or Eat Side. Apply forenoons 449 3d su C-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL CORNER LOT. easy terms. I'hone East 6T&. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED $700 buys a nice little horn of 40 acres with 6 under the plow, all rich soil without a toot of wasta land; fine bearing orchard good 4 -room house and barn; live water close to school and only 2 miles from town. Terms. $1500. with 's down, taken a fine 160-acre farm, of which 2J I bottom land and un der plow; all rich land: live water, house and barn. WO.fcOO feet fir timber, close 10 school and Kelso. $5000 buys an Al farm all mocked: 14S acres with 50 acres under plow, balance needed to pasture; land lays nicely; rich fill. live water, fenced ana cross-fenced, large bearing orchard, elegant 7-rcom dwell Ing. two large cattle barns; with thl place gees 3 horses, 30 head cattle, of which 10 are milk cows. 10 hocf. harness and wagon, mower, hayrake. plows, harrow and emalltr farming Implements and a fine crop close to jvhooi and good town; reasonable terms; great eft bargains of two land com panles; will not be on market long; write or come at once. IMUS & WILLOUGHBY AND COWLITZ COUNTY LAND CO. COMBINED. Offices. Kalama and Kelso. Wash. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY ON account of recent death of wife and desire to go w:th daughter to south Dakota on July 20 to live with her. will sell my farm of 160 acres at Cowlitz. Washington, with crop, stock, etc.. at a great sacrifice; per fect title guaranteed: good plank roads to Chehalls and all towns nearby; two miles from postofflce and telephone and rural free delivery with box at door expected soon; come and see. Francis Dean. Cow litz. Wash. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FINE 354- t acre Valley farm; about 2fJ acres bottom t land, about lOO In cultivation: balance low acre Valley farm; about 2fj acres bottom $15 er acre; terms. C SI. Oregonlan. A SNAP-50 ACRES WELL-IMPROVED. IR rigated ranch, close to Prosser; new 0-room house; river front; fine orchard: will trade for 5. 10 or 20 acres near Portland or Ta coma. Portland preferred. Addrees C. U. Baker. Proeser, Wash. $340O-Sf, ACRES. 40 CULTIVATION. NEW 7-room house, new barn. $400 north stock and Implements, orchard. well. springs, school. li miles electric line: terms. 4CS E. !th. near Caruthers. FOR SALE STOCK RANCH OF 320 ACRES, not in hands of real estate agents. Address J. C Shellenbaum. 65 Union ave-.. North. Portland. Or., or write to Box 54. Gates. Marion County. Or. FOR SALE 1C0 ACRES PATENTED LAND, with over 3 00.000 feet finest yellow pine. mile from White Salmon River from store at Trout Laks. Washington. P. O. Box 400. city. FREE GOVERNMENT FARM LANDS JUST opened to settlement; level valley land: no ttose. or. timber: water and soli first clra. Room CO. Labbe bldg.. cor. 2d and Wash. $2.50 PER ACRE FOR WHOLE OR HALH section of land In Benton Co., li miles from R R. station: good grazing and fruit land, well watered. Owner. 107 Sherlock bldg. SO ACRES TIMBER LAND. 2U MILES FROM Saginaw. Or.; living water. 6-room house; timber will par for place; $7.50 acre. H. K, Joyce. 493 E. lSlh at,. S. SMALL FARM: ALL IN CULTIVATION: 7 miles from Portland, suitable for chicken ranch. Inquire of owner. 353 Eaxt First at,, near Weldler. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED $0000. with one-half down, buys the "fa mous Coweman property" of 4 SO acres, of which one-half Is bottom land, with 15a acres under plow, balance second bottom land seeded to pasture: land lays most beautifully: all black loam soil; not subject to June overflow; live water on every 40; fenced and cross-fenced; large bearing orch ard; elegant S-rocm house? two large barns: schoolhause on place; well adapted for di verged farming; come or write for par ticulars. Irnus & Wllloughby and Cowlitz County Land Co.. combined; offices Kalaraa and Kelso. Waah. ONLY $35 PER ACRE. For an 60-acre tract of strawberry and fruit' land i mile from Whit Salmon; the land lies beautifully. U level, rich, deep eublrrl gated soli This land Is easily worth. $50. per acre and will bring that within six months; we must have some quick money, and offer this tract at that price for only $20 daya. Act quickly If you want-it. Send for our book on White Salmon Valley. White Salmon Land Co.. White Salmon. Wash. A FINE DAIRY FARM 276 acres, all good soil; 75 acres heavy crop, good house, two barns; railroad sta tion on place; convenient to Portland: 25 head cattle, mostly milkers; 4 horses, har ness, wagon and hack, farm Implements; IVi acres In onions, worth, when gathered, $500 per acre; orchard, spring water; price, $20 per acre, and low price for crop, stock and Implements. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY 40 acres; 25 In fruit; one of the finest In the Valley. If you have something good call or address L. J. Shell. 143 eth st. TO EXCHANGE SEVERAL LOTS IN HIGH- land Park Addition for lumber: will tae any kind of lumber on line of any railroad In Oregon. O S4, Oregonlan. VERY DESIRABLE HOOD RIVER BUSI- nesa property for stock clothing, shoes, hardware or general merchandise. Lock Box 6S, Hood River. Or. TO TRADE LANDS NEAR VERNONIA. Co lumbia County, for team, harness and wagon. Addresa John G. Prlngle. Vemonla. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 4 TO 6-ROOM COTTAGE, UPPER Alblna: afcso on tee r eninsuia, ana some va cant lota. We also want houfes. East Portland, and one comer and one Inside lot. We want good H block for flats In good renting location. We want some acreage near St. Johns; also In Mount Tabor district, TAFT U CO.. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton bldg. WB WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. $2000 to $10,000: also business properties. $5000 to $20,000. Have buyers. I W. Whiting i Co.. 40S AblnTton bldg. 5 OR 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; WALKING distance: $1500 to $.Troo; will pay JW to $400 cash. D 2. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WB LOCATE YOU ON TIMBER CLAIMS. Central Oregon, or homesteads; fine vaiicy. good water. See us; If not good, your money back. Room 6, Hotel Shanlko. Sha nlko. Or. WE WANT PROPOSITIONS FROM OWN- crs for the sain of timber and farm land. The larger the proposition the better: no middlemen. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. ICO ACRES YELLOW PINE AND FIR: 3.G0O.0CO feet accessible; $7.30 acre. L 36. Oregonlan. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tlee. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. CERTIFIED SCRIP FOR SURVEYED OR unsurveyed lands. W. G. Howell. 533 Chamber of Commerce, TO LEASE. WILL BUILD ON GOOD LEASE. BRICK building for stable, laundry, storage, factory, etc.. on quarter block, down town. Address P. O. Box 276. city. FOR SALE. TCorses. Vehicles and Harness. TEAMING BUSINESS. 5 TEAMS AND WAU- ons; aur furnltun? or u-room house; owner leaving city, must ft II at once; can be han dled with small payment down. For Infor mation call at 131 N. 6th st. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE htcles by the day, week or month; harness, saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs for sale or exchange. Tomllnson & Caasl day. 211 Washington st. LOT OF SECOND-HAND EXPRESS. GRO cery. -furniture wagons, trucks, surreys; rac rlflced for cash. 266 Fourth. SWELL SPAN PONIES. FINE DRIVERS stylish. 550 pounds; each 13 hands, bargain. Phone Union 3452. FOR SALE-FOUR HEAVY TEAMS AND 1 fine 1200-lb. single driver. 154 N. Oth si. HORSES FOR SALE ALL SIZES. KINDS and prices. 201 McKay bldg. Main 3157. SAN FRANCISCO VETERINARY COLLEGE Next session begins July 17. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy to lay: needs no painting or coating; gocd over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roof there Is nothing better: guaran teed: Mastic roof paint and cement will (top small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. KILN OF BRICK OR ANY QUANTITY will be sold at a sacrifice this week to make room for green brick. Mrs. Howe. only woman manufactures: In the U. S. 1209 Division M. Phone Union Ii3. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments: we rent tablee. with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. tirunswiciC' Balke-CCIender. 49 3d st. STOVEWOOD EQUAL TO TWO CORDS OF wood. $2.50 per load In stovewood lengths, in any quantity. Mrs. Howe Wood Co.. 1209 Division st. Phone Union 173. GREAT REDUCTION SALE ENTIRE STOCK to be aolii below coat: please come In and look: ladles underwear and shirtwaists. Man Sing Sz Co., 302 Morrison at. LAUNCH. 20 FEET. 2i-HORSEPOWER EN- gine; speed 5 miles; canvas top. Phone t,ast 1013. Residence 630 Clinton . FOR SALE FURNITURE OF A NICELY furnished six-room flat, with new piano all for $475. 573 El Salmon. GASOLINE STEAMER FOR SALE 15-TON carrying capacity. 25-H. P. engine; will sill at a bargain. N 3. Oregonlan. FOR SALE CENTURY DICTIONARY: 10 volumes; perfect condition; Including stand price, aao. B gz. pregonian, VERY GOOD COLLECTION OF STAMPS FOR rale; either the whole or In elngle sets. Call 55l Washington st. FOR SALE BERW IN GUITAR INSTRUCT- ors bound music. Rbom 6. 229 H 1st st. Afternoons. 2 to 5. FOR SALE SMITH-PREMIER TYPE writer, almost .new; reasonable, C 73. cara Oregonlan. SOUTH AMERICAN TOUNG BIRDS FOK sale. Union Restaurant, 371 Eaa. Burnslde street. NEW HOME MACHINE. $0 IF TAKEN AT once. 3S0 E. Yamhill, bet. Union and Grand. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 324 Chamber Commerce or phone Main 2353- FOR SALE DAIRY first-class milk route. BUSINESS AND M SO. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A SMALL SAFE IN FIRST clasn condition. 115 3d st. HELP WANTED 3IALE. WANTED 10.000 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. If you want work come, to Portland; wages. $1.40 to $3 per day and board. Canadian Employment Co.. 240 Burailde st. WANTED SWIFT COMPOSITOR AND GOOD Job printer on country weekly;, elngle man. sober. Industrious; state speed, wages want ed and reference. Address Express. Klam ath Falls. Or. ADMINISTRATION RESTAURANT. FAIR grounds. July 4 Walters. $2; kitchen help, $1.50; pantry women. $1.30: free pass to grounds. Call at German Restaurant. S63rj Thurman. WANTED AMATEUR AND PROFESSIONAL actors; singers, musicians, etc.. for dramatic campan.es'. vaudeville circuit. Fair, -etc Newman's Theatrical Agency. 351V; Morri son. WANTED EXPERIENCED PLAIN COOK wanted Immediately. 4S4 Burnslde. cor. 13th. HELP WANTED MALE. EXTRA SPECIAL. Before 0 o'clock. Teady to work. 3 extra cooks. $3.50: 10 extra dishwash ers.' $1.75: 10 extra waiters; pass to the Exposition; come ready to work; 25c office HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 20 North Second st, near Burnslde. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men. between the agea of 21 and 33. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak sta., Portland. Or. WANTED HIGH-CLASS SALESMAN: NEW clean proposition; permanent employment, with salary and commission; no "has beens" wanted; references required. Call today. Southwestern Securities Co., 3th floor Co lumbia, bldg. WANTED MAN BETWEEN 25 AND 33 years of age; must be energetic. Intelli gent, and have some business experience. Address, stating age. also names and ad dress of references. Q SO. Oregonlan. WANTED SHEET METAL WORKERS (tinners and cornice makers): no union; wages COc per hour: steaJy work. Apply Puget Sound Sheet Metal Works. 1315-20-22 Western ave.. Seattle. Wash. MEN and women to learn watcbmkx. en (raving. Jewelers wk; only prac school lor Jewelers; money made learn'g. Watchrakg Engrav. School. P. I. bldg., Seattle. MILLWRIGHTS WANTED TWO FIRST claAti millwrights', on sawmill construction. Falls City. Or. Call 736 Chamber Commerce, Wednesday. 10 A. M. A FIRST-CLASS ENGINEER AS SUPERIN- wtendent: experienced In the construction work of ditches and power plant. Address B 6. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED FIRE INSURANCE SOLICi tor, . acquainted with Portland; good opening for right roan and chance for advancement. Q 87. Oregonlan. California wine depot; headquarters bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines Cc per glass. P. Loratl. 143 4th. Clay 1303. ANY Intelligent person may earn good Income corresondlng for newspapers; experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. Wanted Men to learn barber trade: steady practice; expert Instructions. Write tor terms. Gillman's College. 627 Clay sc. S. F. LOGGERS. MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co., 193 MorrlJon. Main 1322. EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY SALESMEN wanted; new article, iells to merchants; ex clusive territory. 572 E. Oak. Fortiand. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write. 607 McKay bldg. KWANTED-AT ONCE. MAN TO PUT UP and take care Philadelphia Kltson coal oil lamps. C. A. Bell. 272i Oak. WANTE D EXP ERIENCE D ELECTRICIAN as manager for power and lighting plant. Auurt;i L. is. care urcguniau. WANTED BOY OVER 16 FOR OFFICE work: must write good hand. Call Wednes day at Pacific Paper Co. TEAMS FOR HIRE FOR ANY KIND OF work. Mrs. Howe Brick Co., 1200 Division st. Phone Union li3. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. tame money required; fine chance; union shop. 308 Washington. TWO CHEFS. ONE ALL AROUND COOK. six dishwashers, two fry cooks. National Office. 312 Pine. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN TO take staple article of hardware as side line. N 88. Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED QUARTZ MINER Must understand mining thoroughly. It 2. Oregonlan. WANTED STRONG BOY TO LEARN BAK er trade. California Bakery. E. 3d ansr Burnslde st. BARBER WANTED UNION SHOP. FIRST- class workman; steady Job. 501 Washing' ton st. School of telegraphy and electricity; pupils wanted; positions wanted for grads. 305Vi 1st. SHOEMAKERS WANTED LASTERS. FAC- tory hand. Capln Shoe Co.. Oregon City OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED; HIGH est price paid. 50 mi. rnone JiocRi it-. WANTED SAILORS FOR EUROPE APPLY at Sailors Home, cor. 2d and Gllsan sts. BOY TO RUN ERRANDS: MUST HAVE wheel. Portland Optical Co.. 322 Aider. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN try; big wages; 215 Commercial block. MAN WANTED ON RANCH NEAR CITT; $20. 326 Johnson St., opposite depot. WANTED FIRST-CLASS FLOUR MILLER; give references. O 83. Oregonlan. WANTED A WAITER. APPLY COLUM- bla Hotel. 1st and Clay sts. RUNNER FOR ROOMS. GOOD PAY. drew G SO. Oreconlan. RALPH STURGEON, CALL UP MAIN 1507 at once. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES WANTING EMPLOYMENT please call; many situations too numerous to mention. Exposition and other places. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 313h Washington st.. ccr. 7th. PHONE MAIN 2602. AT ONCE, SEVERAL YOUNG LADIES TO enter hospital training school; between 20 and 23; in answering, give personal de scription, previous occupation, etc. win lock General Hospital. Wlnlock, Wash. GIRL TO COOK TWO MEALS A DAY FOR a family of 3 and take care of boy 3 years old; also take care of small house; good position for right person. Call 100 i 3d. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEN eral housework; good wage. small family. 34U Clifton, corner 7th. between Lincoln and Jackeon. Phone Main 5016. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, 22U& Morrison. Main 1323. WOMAN. EDUCATED. REFINED. TO EN ter Vlavl Training School for permanent po sition. Room 23,Lewls bldg.. 350 Morri son st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE sentatlves In Portland and throughout state; gcod pay. Call or write COT McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, WAIT ers. chembermaids. general workers. St. Louis Agency. 2;50u Yamhill. Main 5413. WOMAN. ENERGETIC. RELIABLE. TO tak responsible petition; one who could leave city preferred. L SI. Oregonlan. CALL TODAY BEFORE 11. STENOGRAPH er. nearby town. $40: permanent. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 2C3 Morrison St. GIRL AS CHAMBERMAID AND W AITRESS In family of two; personal reference re quired. Call at 434 MorrLnon at. REFINED. EDUCATED WOMAN TO TAKE responsible position with Vlavl Co.; perma nent. Call room 23. Lewis bldg. LADY" PERFORMERS. ALL KINDS. GOOD amateurs will do. After 10 A. M. today. Stadium. Uffihur St.. near 27th. WANTED-YOUNG LADY TO ASSIST IN bath parlors; experience . unnecessary". 23 Morrison st.. room lo. WANTED GIRL FOR " GENERAL HOUSE- worK; gooa wage.. aj t.. Taylor s:., cor. 29th. Call mornings. WANTED SIX PRETTY" GIRLS FOR HIGH clasa vaudeville act; big salary. Call room 11. 351 Morrison. WANTED GIRL AS WAITRESS EXPEKI ?nce not necessary; must be of gcod family. 171 North Cth at. A FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTED. TAKE charge of kitchen in private boarding house. 231 Cth. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. Apply at once open-air eanitarlum; take Ore gon City car. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; two In family; no children. Apply forenoons. 601 Northrup. WA NTED G I R L TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work and assist In care of child. 200 Park, cor. Taylor. WANTED WOMAN FOtt PLAIN SEWING and children's clothes. $1 per day. Phone East 1786. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. small family. 571 Jackson st. Phone Main 3525. WANTED GOOD work, good pay: Oregonlan. GIRL COOK; LIGHT references. V 87. care GOOD SEAMSTRESS FOR CHILDREN'S sewing, must cut, fit; $1 per day. 605 Davis, cor. 21st. HELP WANTED FEMAiE. EXTRA SPECIAL. This Morning Before 9. Wanted. Good-looking young woman for a head illusion. $10 a week; also a pretty girl. 12 to 15 years old. for an Illusion. $S a week: two sisters will do for this: perfectly respectable; In charge of a matron. Waitresses. 6 more extras. $2 a day and pass; 3 more girls for Ice cream booth. $1.30 and pass; 2 more women to help In kitchen. $1.30 and pass. Call by 9 A. M., ready to go to work at the grounds. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGEN5T, 343H Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; one willing to go to the beach; good wage?. Apply 253 North 22d. or phone Main 2241.. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR CANDY store. Call at Sam L. Beary's. 323 Morrl- WANTED GOOD. STRONG WOMAN FOR general housework. Ripley, teiepnone we; 2046. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE of two children during daytime. Call 550 3th st. GIRLS WANTED STEADY FACTORY SEW- Ing. power machine. 40 Front, corner m vis. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LAUN- drei. Apply mornings. 0 to 10. 145 N. 20th. SCHOOL GIRL. DAILY. TO CARE FOR children: reference. 895 Davis, cor. -iisi- WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; no children. 565 Hoyt st. WANTED REFINED. MOTHERLY WOMAN to care for invalid. Phone Main 2300. WANTED GI RLS FOR FINISHING OVER- alla and shirts In factory at 5 1st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work and cooking. 161 14th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN A small family. Call 560 1st st. WANTED CHAMBERMAID. AT 510 FLAN- dera st,. corner loth et. WANTED A WOMAN TO CARE INFANT. Apply 712 Hoyt. WANTED GIRL AS DISHWASHER. 3S8 Morrlaon st. WANTED A GOOD WAIST FINISHER. 493 Waehlnston. HELF WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. EXTRA WAITERS. $2: COOKS. DISH- wafhets. farm hancj, $23; chambermaids, arm and tray waltressee; Exposition help; call by noon. Drake, 205-i Washington. SITUATION WANTED MAXE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG GERMAN-AMERICAN, AGE 26. desires position as bookkeeper or do gen eral office work: several years' experience; also college training. H7-S1, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS CLOTHING salesman; good bushelman: experience In bath departments; also hustler. T S3, Ore gonlan. SALESMAN. INSIDE. RECENTLY FROM the East; experienced In drug, cigar and gents furnishing lines. R SO, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED POSITION BY A FIRST-CLASS, ateam engineer: 12 years' ' experience erect ing and operating mine and mill engines, air compressors, dynamoes. etc.; good steam fitter and electrician; will go anywhere. P 86. Oregonlan. SHOULD SOMEONE WANT A SAWMILL engineer, a good mechanic, and one that can make things "bile and saw." let there communicate with me. Address P S3. Ore gonlan. OUTSIDE POSITION WITH CONTRACTING or Improvement company. 4 years on public work. 4 years" experience. S S2. Oregonlan. WANT POSITION IN DENTAL OFFICE, anywhere In Oregon; 7 years experience; think I can please you. V S2, Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnteh domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Clay 313. 263 Everett st. YOUNG JAPANESE WISHES TO BE EM ployed In family and all kind of work. Ap ply to O. I. Nam!. 121 15th st, N. JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO DO WORK, rtore. hotel, saloon or office, and anything do. V S7. Oregonlan. WANTED PLACE COOK IN FAMILY, housework, any place, by Japanese boy. 231 Burnslde st. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS A PLACE to do housework or help cook. T S7, Ore Ionian. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION to do cooking In family. S 87. Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE COOK WANTS SITUA tlon In a family. R S. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. WANTED-HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT ers, chambermaids, general workers. St. Loula Agency. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER for one or more gentlemen, or widower, by young widow. P SI. Oregonlan. CAPABLE. REFINED HOUSEKEEPER wants position In widower's home; suburbs no objection. M 86. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED A ROOMING-HOUSE TO MAN age. by experienced St. Louis woman. Ad dress Mrs. K. Edmiston. 3000 Locust et., St. Louis. Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED VERY" CAPABLE chambermaids, waitresses, cooks, second glrle. housekeepers. 230i-i Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. WANTED AGENTS. EVERY TOWN IN OREGON, LOCAL MAN ager for National trade Information bureau. For details send self-addressed stamped en velope. H. G. Shaw, 632 Market St., San Francisco. 100 PER CENT TO LADY AGENTS TO call on ladles; some make from $3 to $5 dally. Room 40, 3424 1st st. WANTED Three hustling picture men. a new winner. Rembrandt Studio. Abtngton bid,-. LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD seller, bl wages. 213 Commercial btk. CANVASSEHS FOR RO.D. EXPENSES AD vanced. Call S-0. 5-6. room , 1S6 5th st. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant houses or flats with our free tental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recognised institution In Portland. hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed la eultabld quarters. We make no charga whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at our rental department, filling In our Informa tion blank: leave the rest to us: we will secure a desirable tenant; wa want houses in al part3 of city and suburbs; it you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow It to remain long idle. H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNI3HEB, Rental Department. 1S5 to 101 1st st. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED OP ABOUT 5 or 6 rooms, with yard, Weat lu of city preferred: good care guaranteed and ref erences given If required. Address Ehmana Olive Co.. Agricultural bldg. WANTED TO RENT NICELY FURNISHED 4 or 5-room house for the Summer and fo our own private use. man and wife only. 5 SS. Oregonlan. WANTED TWO UNFURNISHED. CON . nectlng housekeeping; West Side; perma nent tenant. F SI, care Oregonlan. THE CARE. OR RENT. FURNISHED house, by careful, responsible family of three. W SO. Oregonlan. WANTED HOME IN REFINED FAMILY for girl 10 years old: can care for baby. Address D S6. Orezonlan. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD AT LONG Beach. Addresa Mrs. Corper. Fulton. Or. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at tea "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED WORKING CAPITAL TO IN vest In manufacturing plant paying 10 per cent, X S7. Oregonlan. WANTED GCOD ROLL-TOP DESK. ALSO typewriter stand or desk. R 87. Oregonlan. WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie or all kinds. Phono East 2233.