THE 3IOKXIXC? WREGOXTiX, FKtD AT. JTTXE 30, 1903. Booms. NEW LANGE HOTEL. Ecropenn plan; strictly fireproof anfi rn&i ern; rates reasonable; electric lights and bell. jteam heat and elevator, olotrtc cars direct to Fair c round pats the Cor; elegant cafe and bar in connection. Cor. 6 til and Washington. Phone Main 3311. F. Lance Prop. Sam Bagman. Mgr. THE PHILADELPHIA. Flrxt-cI&M In all its appointments, hot and coiQ water In rooms, batns iree to sum". central location, facing Plaza. Phone Main 2028. J. E. Minard Black. Prop. COR. THIRD AXU SALMON. THE KINGSTON. OLD ESTABLISHED and reliable Rooms, liKltj Sd sc. adjoining Baker Theater. centrally located, brick building, rooms suitable for two, $1 day; J34 week up; cars pass the door direct to Fair grounds and depot. Phone Red 832. THE AUDITORIUM. SOS 3D ST.. RET. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block eveutn Raker The aterNicely furnished, brick bunding, hot. cold water In room; free baths; rooms with private baths; elevator. 55 day; $4 aeek up; tourists solicited. HOTEL ARM1NIUS. EUROPEAN NEW brick building, newly furnished, strictly modern, all light rooms and host of venti lation, nice porcelain baths free; rate rea sonable. 410H Morrison, cor. 11th. Phone Main 52C3. THE OCKLEY. 3Xis MORRISON ST.. COR. 10th Furnished rooms, etrietty flrst-elasi. moderate prices, by the day or week; take M car direct from depot to Fair groi2o6. Phons Clay 712. Mrs. A. E. Crocker. Pros. TRANSIENT OR PERMANENT ROOMERS wanted. S large rooms, all newly and nleetv furnlshed; flneM location in the city for Fair visitors. 11S 13th at., oor. Washington. CaM tip Main 104 and have a room reserved. OREGON. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR BUREAU. Personally inspected rooms in Christian homes for tourists. 211 commercial bWzii. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington St.. betw. 18th and 2th New, modern, all outside rooms, electric lights, phone, free baths; rales 5c. Tfcc $1 per day, restaurant in bulMing. THE GLENDORA. 1SJT1L NEAR WASHING ton First-class resident and transient ho tel, rates, transients. 52 and no; resident. 533 mo. and up. American plan. Main C2S0. FRONT PARLOR AND OTHER ROOMS. furnished for transient or permanent. 4S3 Everett and 325 12th st. Phone Main 1112. fiT RANGERS WILL FIND PLEASANT room, private family. Mocks from Ho tel Portland. 246 Gth st. MONNASTES. COR. 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping rooms from 52.50 up; transients, "Sc. 50c. 51. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with gas stove. 51.75 per week. 3S2 East Yamhill st. CONVENIENT, WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, beautiful location; bath and pooae. 2i loth irt. NICE ROOM FOR TWO. RATH. PHONE. West Side, walking distance, 13. Tel. 4163. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. Rooms, with or without board, single or cuite. ONE LARGE FURNISH KD ROOM. SUIT able for two, 5X.50 w.k. "26 ttth THE GRAND-ROOMS frtc UP; BRICK BLDti. 43V6 N 3d. bet. Couch and Davsc Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tel. 103 10th st.. cor. Mot-risen. M. depot and Fair cars pass the house; line roomx. flrst-clisf J table and service; porcelain baths, reasonable rates by the day, week or month; outride parties accommodated with meals. MRS. L. M. ("OX HAS REOPENBU 11 KK house, with very decirabie. Honny. well -furnished rooms: board If desired : convenient to Fair ground, two blocks trout Morrison car Jlne, same from 23d . reltygrove at., between 20th and 21 ft. THE WOODLAND. 2S oTH LOCATED IN beautiful grounds. 4 blocks frvm Hotel Portland: haa larce. well-furnlehed root rates by week or month; permanent; moats if desired Phone Main S2&. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR: rooms with board: use of ewlng-room; nee of library. Woman's Exchange. Addrewi Mrs. E B. Hamlin, superintendent. 51 Flanders. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market at., bet. 3d and 4thf steam host, electric light, gas. porcelain bath; H oat- sldo rooms; exceedingly low rates. COZY F.OOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO QRN tlemen. with board, in private hoa. modem; also tame toara, na otner rooms iiitn able. 80 E. fctti st N. WANTED-SIX YOUNG MEN, HOARD. rooms, home cooking; be, part of city; ref erences required. Phone Main 414. 7 Marshall st. TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS beautiful location, bath, unone. heat; gen tlemen preferred; board if dexired. SOS i2ta etrect. 8 BLOCKS FROM FAIR. PRIVATE HOME. 820 Qulmby st.; take M car at depot, off at 25th and Qulmby. Xd door from corner. NICE ROOM. GOOD HOARD FOR TWO ladles, private, modern. West Side, dose in, 525 per month each. J, 77. Oregonian. 305 12TH FRONT PARLOR. 1ST FLOOR, newly furnished, private family; bath, gas, phone; board if desired; reasonable price. HOTEL BROWN. 271fe GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator, billiard-room; transients; both car Mns. HOTEL TENNESSEE. 4TH AND MADISON, fronts Plaza Park and City Hall; pleasant rooms, single or en suite; new. central. VERY NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKKKP ing room or rooms, cheap; gas, bath and phone. 573 Main. I'hone Main 46A4. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD. ALL conveniences, suitable for two gentlemen. Main 0183. 704 Flanders. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. 51 A week, private family. 2S Arthur st Phone Main 003X. J THE HAWTHORNE. ROOMS WITH BOARD, good home cooking; reasonable; ct-ntrai. a car line. 221 13th. FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen; bath, phone, electric light. 334 Harrison. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold waier. PARLOR AND BEDROOM. SINGLE OR together, with board. Phoae Main M3. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board. reasonable prices. 343 loth st. CHOICE ROOMS. TRANSIENT OR FERMA nent; board. 304 Columbia. Main 221D. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 718 OVERTON. Cor. 22 d, one block from Morrisoa-st. line. lists. SSCft CORBETT ST.. Ul'STAlR3- ROOMsS. bath, gas, etc.; 310; take "S" car to the door, newly painted and papered; koys at grocery across street. Owner, J. H. Middle ton. 617 Chamber of Commence. TWO MODERN 3-ROOM FLATS. ON W1LL lama ave car line. 5S each. Two modem S-room flats, on Williams ave. car line. 312.60 each. Apply J. F. HI1U 711 W1U lazna ave. FOR RENT-NEW MODERN -ROOM FLAT. 28H E. 8th St.. vacant Juti 1: gas anad elec tric convenienct; rent 526. Apply 12d Frontf Page & Sons. VODDRN LOWER C-ROOM FLAT. ALL conveniences; 17th street, between Yaah4ti and Taylor; rent 540. Inquire 1 loth sc. near Taylor. SM TAYLOR LOWER FLAT. COM PLETE ly furnished for housekeeping: three Mocks from Hotel Portland: desirable location. MODERN AND CONVENIENT ?CBA APART xnents. Janitor; special rate to permanent tenants. 22d and Johnson cts. NEWLY FURNISHED. CONVENIENT housekeeping rooms and fiats, central; ref erences. Inquire 501 Irving. j'rrmr Miovioum VT.AT VfinHBV- JMhouse Main 662. ys-T -t ffovTCurn s.TIOOT T"! -AT POR 1rnt sii osnveniences: walking dtetanee. ?hcne Main 300(1. JDERN FOUR-ROOM FLAT. YARD AND casement. 444 Kocney ave. x-noae sco RENT 5-ROOM FLAT. 401 MARKET. Housekeeping Rooms. "for .rent; Housekeeping Rooms. THE ONEONTA. 1ST 1TTH ST.. NEAR TAM feill New boeec. elegantly furnished aparfr meats. In tulles or 2. H and 4 rooms; hot sni cold water; gas range la eseh kltefaen; cteasb heat, baths; free phone on each Eeor. HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE ROOMS. I rloM is niM lsws. nleasant sores. tM I - Mnrealenees of a home; reasonable; so ! nh dnHse- Fair. S41 2 st Phone Mate , 45S. FULLY FURNISH Eli HOUSEKEEPING tent. ;B per month; aocsmsaoaauons aay or week. Ptwne ?vtt 3751. Lewis sad Clark Cams. Moot Tabor Heigats. CONVJMCIKNT KITCHEN. FURNISHED housekeeping. eeaaeeMng feecroom. - month, m cMMrea: mdn. 2M2 RKh. near JefTeeaon. TO LET-SUITE OF 3 ROOMS. FROM JULY 1 to Sepiemb-r 1; esmpleie lor BouJ:ep lng; no cbUdrea. Mrs. W. A. Daly. The Brown. 545H WASHINGTON ST. HANDSOMELY farat&ked noHKeeptnc snttes; gas ruse, phone, brick block; staste rooms; traaslesc THREE UNFURNISHED ROOM3. 8UITABL8. for Hght be)H-keedag, centrally locates, Weet S4e; reaooaaMe. 446 EVerrtt sc THREE NICBLY FURNISHSD HOUSE- keeping roomr; large front room; cars con venient; rent $15. 1W Porter st. NICELY FURNISHED HQUSEKBEPINC rooms, very reasonanie: eaty wanung eu tance. close to cars. S2S Clay. 1 LA ROE HOUSBKEEPING ROOM. WITH all conveniences: ptoaeaat neighborhood. 58, or nnfumlshed 55. 713 Hood. 427 SALMON TWO NICELY FURNISHED honeekeeping suites, oae of three rooms, other two; modern; central. ONE OR TWO FURNISHED HOUSEXEEP- Ing rooms, modern, first 55 or; no children. 4SS Everet tst. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM3-237 PARK. TWO Cell between Mocks from Portland Hotd. and S. 458 MAIN. COR. 11TH NICELY FURNISHED parlor, with w I Ktteaon w oesirea; bo ebtldren. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. hot and eoM water: reaponaBte. Jo Sal mon st. THRKB FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with alcove, gas, phone, bath, szs 0th xl. FURNI5HED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS OR stable. I'hone IVrX 2881 or 14 North ien ttrwt. FOR RENT THREE LARGE NICELY FUR- nished rooms for housekeeping. ,9 th st. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms, transient; hath, electric light. FURNISHED HOUSSKSEPING ROOMS; part of furnished hoare. MS Mth fit. WELL - FURNISHED HOlSEKEBPI0 suite, ciooe in. 66 leth. near Stark. FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keepiag roams, $0 month. 6M 7th. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSBKEEP- ing rooms. 208 Joserson st. NICI-Y FURNISHED HOUSBKREPING rooma 128 North 17th st. Houses. SMALL FAMILY- CAN HAVE USB OF MOD era furnished ttottre free for three months for taking care of same; references required. K 75, Oregonian. MODERN fl-ROOM HOUSE. EAST SIDE. ON car line, $26 per month; large basement and attic: porrelAin hath. etc. L. Y. Keady. twi Dekum btdr. 7-ROOM MODERN FLAT FOR RENT; SOME furniture for. sale; One location; see us for particular. Parrish. Watkina & Co.. 259 Alder. DONALD G. WOODWARD 24C STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. I'hone Main 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. KADD9KLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture mover. Phons Main labS. Office, 110 N. 3d st. FOR RENT JULY 1. MODERN &-ROOM cottage; electric Mght and gas. Call at 148 X. 34th sc. near Belmont. MODERN 8-R06m HOUSE. PORCELAIN plumhing, stationary tufe. lawn, rams; Wood stock car. 748 E. CMMon. FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES 12-ROOM howe, comer 13th and WacMagtoa. In quire 430 Mohawk Bid jr. FOR RENT 2 NEW Willamette Heights. Thurman ft. 7-ROOM DWELLINGS Geo. L. HwtaMs. 1103 FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT. S ROOMS, bath; 52a: Waverly-Woodstock Hne. Phoae .Scott A FIXE MODERN HOUSE ON PORTLAND Heights for ront by lNxniand TruK Co. of Oregon. NEW. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE AT 849 Borthwick si; key at IWi Rueoell. or 2dS Mcnroc 3-ROOM MODBRN FLAT. lNFURNISHBO. Inquire hat A. 22C Market, bet. lot and 2d. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; FULL B A SB- men t. I'hone Bast nS8. or rail tSi R. 7th. FOR RENT PARTLY FURNISHED COT tag of 4 room, for 51- Phone Union 3361. 514-NEAT FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, ter. I'hone Main 420. 34B WA Fnrnlbrd Houses. FOR RENT FOR 3 OR 4 MONTHS NICELY lorn ward new modern cottae. 5 row hath, gas ran Re. etc; near )th and Mar shall; for small family, and deferable tenant only: monthly rent. sia. c. II. KorcH. 2ol utaentagton. NEAT C-HOOM AND ALCOVE COTTAGE. furnished new. eaetr walldag dtetanct port face; all conveniences; fife ping accommo dationa for 7 pm)e; jine Wratton on lltn. Se owner. 99t M; price FIVE-ROOM COTTAOK; COMFORTABLY furoirhed. modera conveaienees: l minutos' walk to taunae renter; Jury IS to Sep tember IK. 545 per month; references re paired I'hone Main lf. FOR RENT. A SNAF-H-ROOM HOUSE within 4 blocks of Hawthorne ave.. near Richmond. 5S. Inquire at end of Richmond line, opposite Richmond grocery. WILL EXCHANGE NICE RESTAURANT, doing good buolnoMt. worth 5 !. for roore- !ng-houe or cigar and confectionery bust neos. W 78. Oregonian. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RBNT FURNI turc can be bought on easy installments If desh-ed. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ab ingtoa Mdg. BEST PART OF 7-ROOM HOUSE. COM- ptetety furniehed; large, airy rooms; gas .range. E. ith and Davis, pitoae uast 13S1. 172 FIRST-TWO OR FOUR FURNISHED housekoeBtag rooms: alee two unfurnished; roasonablr; respectaMe people onty. SIX ROOMS AND ALCOVE; PIANO. .OA'S range; nice rose garden; modern. Cottrtl Drug Co.. cor. IK and Oram ts. NKTELY FURNISHED SKVEN-ROOM houw; excellent East Side location. Tele phone Mala 24KS from 11 to 12. MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE; FURNISHED deferable location: dore in: piano; nice yard. F 7S, care Oregonlaa. PARTLY FURNISH BO 5-ROOM COTTAGE for rent. Apply bet. houes of 9 A. M. aad 12 M., No. 3S N. 2Mb.. COMPLETELY FURNIfmBD eiottage. S minutes walk froi 347 Clay, near 7tn st. MODERN Post of flee. MODERN S-ROOM COTTAOE; CENTRAL, wetl furnished. 1S N. lath, near Irving. Call bet. i ana . FURNISHED ROOMS OR HOOSEKBBPINO rooms, neatly furnished. CsM at 42SH loth st., near College cc VVBLL LOCATED 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NICB ly furnlihed. porcelain hath. M. . Rent err, Swerlock bldg. Jl'LY 1 FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT by day or week: no children. 474 Jeffereon. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE: FURNISH ed; 571 7th et. Inquire E. Rice. 129 3d sc FOR RENT 5-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. 34S N. 17th. bee Raleigh and Savier. 5 ROOMS ON E. MORRISON ST. FOR 3 months. Inquire 807 Alder sc Honaca For Rent Furniture For Sale. ROOMING-HOUSE. 2 BLOCKS FROM STEEL bridge, low rest. Xuralrsre far eale at a bargain: taken back on debt X. Gevurtx. 173 First st. WBLL-FURNISHED TEN-ROOM CORNBR house. S blocks Portland Hotel; must sell; price -5825. 221 W. Park. Fhene Mala 4851. -1 Hocsrs For Real Fnrsltar l"or Sale. COTTACS FOR RENT. 5 ROOMS. FVRNI l&fe for tele. 366 lith ft. N. Snap If til; en at eace. S car ts the Ftlr -roaneV. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR sale; fine residence location: fall perma nent roomers. Phone Front 671. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE; LOCATION very desirable; furniture for sale. Call cr cdaress J4S eatcemery st. FOR SALE G-ROOMS OF cheap. S44) Lake st. north. Fair. Hoate forwent. 513. FURNITURE 1 kCoek from WELL-FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR housekeeping; all new furniture; ssuit he sold at oace. 424 3d st. FOR SALE FURNITURE 18-ReOM KOCSB. bargain. Inquire SO Park oae block from Wasjrisgten. FOR SA LB FURNITURE OF A 6-ROOM Cat; sew; a big bargain if takes at osce. S73 EL Salmon. BARGAXN-51S3 FOR FURNISHINGS OF 1 room house h taken today. Call 3Z N. 17th et.; rest f40. FURNITURE OF 0-ROOM COTTAGE. TV bloclui Hotel Portland. 5340; cheap rent. IBS W. Park. FOR SALK FURNITURE 10-HOOM HOUSE on 7th. dare In; leaving city. J C5. Ore goniait. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale cheap; rent JIC 3S6 Otfton re NICELY FURNISHED J 5-ROOM house: mart sell. 3S Mth. NEW Summer Resorts. FOLEY HOT SPRINGS THE WELL-KNOWN u peri or medicinal Qualities of these springs make them a favorite resort for Invalids, and, the abandance of game and tee ashing renders it the sponman'a Hysiaca. Per analysis of water and full partical&rs. ad dteso A. A. lleatnger, Foley Springs, or. SEASIDE. ELK CREEK AND OCEAN SIDE Iota for sale. In the groves or fronting the .ocean: grove lots at Ek Creek. Or., and Ocean Side. Wasa 523. J. Kraeeaer. Com- mfrrchU btdc WELCHES SUMMER RESORT FINE FlSn ing and hunting; best hotel aeoomcnodatloBa. Traasportatlon apply to O. W. P. fSca. 1st arid Alder cts. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. BY month or season, on ocean ridge, at Seaside. Wat. M. Walton. 27 Washington st. Phone Hood 74. FOR RENT-SEASIDE. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. en th beach: cltr water: grand view. Ad dress Clary. The Fair. C52 Thurman. Phons Mala C24U. COTTAGE. GRIME'S GROVE. COMPLETE lr furnished: good location; July or August. Address Mrs. S. G. Allen. Seaside, or Main 6229. VBRY DESIRABLE 6-ROOM COTTAGE AT Spa view. Wara, for sale or for rent, in quire 763. North rap or phone Front S74. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. at Newton Statkm. Long littcA. for season; very d4rab4e. Room is. uamutoa H(, SBEN-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. CEN- ten-llle. Long Beach. Washington; ocean view; coed water. 124 N. 18th sc. COTTAGE. PARTLY FURN1SKSD. FOR rent cheap at Lang Bears, call Between a and 2 at 49C B. Aider St. FOR RENT A COMPLETELY FURNISHBD houf at North Beach, facing the ocean. Phone Main 2S7S. THREE-ROOM BEACH FRONT COTTAGE, SeaMde. well furnished. Phone East 2K3i. NICE COTTAGES AND ROOMS FOR RENT, E. J. Sprague. Ocean Park. Wash. -6 tores. STORE. 23XW0. WITH MODERN PLATE giaM front, on Kast Aiornsoa At.. i blocks west of Grand ave.; rent very low, lnoutre of Catef Bros.. 13 Xh sc. KTf iR KHOOM. CLOSE TO FAIR GROUND, for reetauraat. Wakefield. Fries &. Co., 223 Stark. FOR RENT-STORE. 2S3 BURNSIDE. BET. 4th and Sth; floor space 14x24; suitable for any business. LARGE SAMPLE ROOM FOR RENT. AF ply Hareiweod Cream Company. Mb aad uax. Offices, DESKROOM FOR RBNT IN BEST LOCA' tioa la city. Phoae Clay 1514. OFFICES AND ROOMS-LEWIS BLDG. IN quire. I. L. White. 304 Dekum. OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT. A. B. McAL- pin. 130 Seventh st. rEESOXAL. FACIAL DEFORMITIES AND BLEMISHES permanently removed by latest scientific methods; no pain, no danger, so scars, no detention from daily duties; wnnxjes. not lows, unshapely nose. ears. Hps. corrected pRUags. birthmarks, pock marks, scars eradicated; superfluous hair, moles, warts. red veins. e:c. removed y electric aeeaie: electro-vacuo massage treatment; largest, most successful school of dermatotory and only one In Northwest under the direction of a graduate physician: suite 17-29. Sell-lag-lllrsch bMc.. Washington sc. beC W. Park and loth sts. Phone Main 766. Mme. M. Vaughn. G. 13. D. 2i. it. Mutes. M. D, C. M. AZA HOLMES - RIBBECKE. GRADUATE aermatoiogwt; sdentiiic. featurai correc llonisc beautlfler and restorer of youthful neMi, may be consulted dally free; etery affliction of the human face and scalp successful- treated; mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc.. removed. Sanitarium and school of dermatology in connection. Par lors Ml Morrison. l'hoe Hood 262. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed- beat of work, satisfaction guar anteed. lOtfVa tJth. Portland. Or. Phone Clay 3V. Residence. 240 HarrUon. Main 4113. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES-51 a nfbeh keeps your clothing cleaned aad buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. calls and deliveries. Unloue Tatter ing Co.. 317 Washington, opp. Cordraya. The "Matrimonial Register. 19c. contains descriptione and particulars concerning sev eral hundred residents of Ore. and Wash, who wish to marry- Interstate Introducing Society, suite 21. Rusrel bldg.. IMVj 4th. MONTHLY Irregularities yield promptly to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free; private and strictly confidential. X Ra dium Institute, 3d aad Mor.. AMsky bldg. THOSE WHO READ "PRACTICAL METH ods to Insure Success shall surely praise God for the opportunities aad possibilities revealed; price 25 cents. Address li. E. Butler. Applegate. California. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BT OR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat meac 52. 3 months. 53. Seat secretly sealed by malL Agent. Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Portland. Or. BOOK OF NATURE." A SOCIAL LKN. "A Modern Lover. "Rosa's Coo'ejotan.7 "Marriage In High Life." "Desperate Love. 5c each; lists free. A. W. Sehmale. 229 .1st. LADIES. ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Taary Wafers for sale by leading druggists, 52 per box; safe and reliable. 3. G. Skid more .V Co.. special agents, 151 3d sC SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES. ETC.. RE moved by electric needle; lady operator; 11 years experience la Portland. Parlors 24S 0th st.. near Main. Phone Mala 1109. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBRBL las; repcifiag aad recovering; two stores, Washington aad Oth and Morrison and 3th. Sole agents for Alexandre kid sieve. YOU DON'T SLEEP WELL; TOU ARE nervous. Palme Tablets guaranteed to care. Address Brooke Drug Co.. 67 North 3d C Portland, or aU druggls-a. RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED; REMEM ber the Persian specialist. Mrs. J. M. Wood. The France. W. Park and Merries a. Red 2S3S. PRETTY. RBF1NEO WIDOW. 13. FROM Chicago, would like to meet a gentleman; o4ect matrimony. T .5, orrgeaian. Vinil, MASSAGE AND SCALP TREAT. meat; 2 expert young lady operators. 234 H Morrison room lu. COTN-K BOUGHT. SOLD: GET OUR PRICES; Ksts free. Cain Co 113 N. 11th. SC Louis. Mo. MISS RAYMOND. MANICURING. FACE nd scalp massage. llOVi 4th sc. cor. Wast- Ingten. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT TOUR DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Mats SI7S. Al HAIRDRESSERS. MANICURES: WIG- makteg specialty- Rercathal Siicera, 100 5th. TURKISH BATHS. 300 Oregonlaa bldg.: gents all sight; ladles all car- Main IS3S. FOR RENT. LOST POWERS RESTCUEl BY" great Ir LartfitT Nerve Totjlc Tablet: a Write or caH at Eystcil'a l rr 227 Morrison sc. tctwees lrc and 2d. MISS MAK.L graduate of Fiatsnd. massage and baths- ,adies only. 40G Abin-toa bias. HOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50c AT HOLLA, baugh's. 2S7 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALB Dis eases. 434 Alder it. Phone Main 4SZ2. BUSINESS CHANCES. SHINGLE MILL, COMPLETE. CAPACITY Ji.Wi. dry kiln ready to run. ctauam -jaunty: GOO cords bolts cut. 210 acres fine cedar timber. wHl cut about 24ut cerd beds; gM location en tide water; plenty of timber to be had ehtap; a bargain. rile WlUett c WHietr, Mil Washington bldg.. SeatUe. Waeh. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY 13 is receipt of the latest Inform lien on busi ness chances, town and country; Ust open to inspection at any tlaM Uu-lng oaice Lours. The Asm Mrrcastlle Agency. Abisgtca bid--. NEWSPAPER AND JOB OFFICE. FUGET Sound weekly. Invoices 520uu; everything as good as new . between 5A0 aad 55ui in goad acooala goes with it; if sold at once win take 517UI; easy ttrras; oaner has other busiajs. Address M 04. care OregeaUn. SPECIAL TODAY-GROCERY. 51500; RES- tauraat. 5000; partner for woodyard. 3J; partner for lunen counter. 5273; man wanted to; ahow farm ' lands. 5400 required; manu facturtag busiam, 52S5U. Full partleclars 24SH Stark sc FOR SALE AMERICAN ENGINEERING Works. Seattle. Wash.. censliUag of 59000 In new modern machinery and snap equip ment, for 54500; easy terms. Machinists, this is a great opportunity. Don't overlook this. WANTED BY THE EXECUTIVE COM MIT- tee, for the first annual leg-roIRng. M. . of A., to be held at Gold Hill. Or., three days. July 21 to 23. attractions of all kinds. For concrriloc-i aSdress A. K. Kellogg, chairman. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER PLANTS If yea are leaking for lavrtftments of this kind I can Interest you. I have propertlts paying 20 per cent net aad over. Frank Hebe neon. 320 Falling bldg. WANTED A MAN TO INVEST 53C00 IN stock In a growing business in Lewisten. Idaho. Investment earrici position as treas urer on salary; only those meaning business ntd reply. Y 76. Oregonlan. GENERAL MERCHANDISE WE HAVE some very desirable propodtloas along tais line, either for a partnership interest or purchase of old established business. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Abtngton Bldg. AN OLD AND WELL ESTABLISHED transfer, feed anad comralssioa busineAi, new netting 5400 monthly, open to most thorough investigation; f0500 necessary. J. V. Creighton & Co.. 105 3d sc. room A. REDUCED FROM 53500 TO 52DW-50 ROOMS. brick corner, partly housekeeping, eaic tur mture; clears 5175: If you are seeking a paylag Investment let me show this. J. H. H. Andersen. 101 Morrison sC GOOD MAN WITH 55000 TO INVEST. SE cured by first mortgage on property with J 75, CCO worth of improvements; ean se cure position pt 5100 per month, and more, if deserving. A 78. Orrgeal&n. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS TEN-Q1LUR barber shop in Seattle, oldest shop in city; price 53000: must retire on account of sick ness. Address Mr. Williams, 923 i- .Spruce et.. Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE CIGAR STORE WITH CARD rooms. doing a good business; will sell at Invoice If sold at once; other business reassm for selling: lease, no agents; about 51300. M 7S. Oregonlan. WANTED A MAN WITH MONET TO IN vest as partner In well-established wholesale Hquor house In Eastern Oregon; want more capital to meet a rapidly growing business.. V 47. Oregonlan. ADVERTISING BUSINESS IN PORTLAND for sale Party leaving etty will accept 51000 cah; can turn ever Hxj in contra eir; gooa chance for the right party. Answer quick. G 77. Orrgonian. BOOKS. STATIONERY AND PHOTO SUP- ntles store: In live Coast oily; 51w aver age monthly sales; trill be cold at 1b voice price, about 540W. J. li. u. .nuerson, it Morriaoa street. SALOON-DOING A BUSINESS OF 525 TO 536 a day. must be sold this day. and we will accept best error: if you are short any of Use money we will lug it to you. Call 24Sfe Stark sC have sseee to invbst in good busi nes proposition; what have you to oSr7 Want to rent a furnished fiat of 0 rooms; must be reasonable. 122Vi 6th t, Phoae Mala 4068. FOR SALE OR LEASE A SMALL FURNI- ture ittast mtuated at Newhenr. Or., with facilities for getting plenty of hardwood lumber. Addrese Lock Box 1,. ewberg. or. LOOKING FOR A ROOMING-HOUSE? WHY not see the bargain we are o tiering in a 1 room house, centrally located. Tvod lease. easy terms. Call 217 Featon bldg.. 4 8th sC PARTNER WANTED FOR A STORE; 5500 required, fully secured, and 5100 a month guaranteed; this business wilt staad your 1 l.,,llu- CmM (!rsr at FOR SALE CHBAP-PHOTO STUDIO IN Coast city of 4500; will guarantee paying 5109 per month; a letter will bring partlcu- WIS. OttirYS X -Si, UlfWBfcMU HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO EXCHANGE for a good rooming-house, central toeattea. leane? Investigate. For particulars call at 317 Featoa btdr.. ! Kh sc A WELL-EQUIPPED PLANING MILL LO rated In East Portland, together with stock of lumber at a bargain; owner going out of business. Q 03. Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD OFFICE MAN FOR Es tablished business; must have 5250; guar antee 575 monthly. J. v. creighton A. t-e.. lOSta 3d sC. room A. FINE TRANSIENT ROOMING-HOUSE; central: owner leaving city and must sen make an offer. For particulars call 317 Fen- ton bid;.. c4 6th sc A GOOD BUSINESS IN PORTLAND; PROF- Its 5500 a month: cash required 5s500; an excellent opportunity for the ngnt party W GO. Oregonlan. LADY TAKE FULL CHARGE OF HOTEL swlary lib week; must tau 54, a; sexurity 510bj; use of money tie. in zau. j Oregonlan. A GENTLEMAN WHO HAS 55000 CASH DB- Ares IO mvesr. li m ivote segHimate Business enterprise In this city. Address Postoffice Box 3U. LADY COOK WANTS PARTNER IN GOOD sarlar restaurant: gentleman preferred price 5175. National Realty Co.. 312 Pice NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. XS MAR cu&ra -bldg.: capital secured; companits in oorporated; bonds, stocks, mines, real estate. S1G08 INVESTED AND SECURED WILL provide comfortable position at 530 per month and good dividends. 259 Alder sC YOUNG SWEOLH LADY. JUST FROSI THE Base wVhes to sell one-half latereat la flrrt-clsas reorolag-housc. 312 Pine. 5280 WILL BUY HALF INTEREST IN ONE of best-paying store la Spokaa Couaty. If takea coon. W 54. Oregoalaa. 3d ELEGANT NEW ROOMS FOR LEASE Modern, close la. For particulars Inquire at Calef Bra.. 139 6th C WANTED PARTY WITH 5200: GREAT money-making proposition; aear Fair. Call 351? Morrison, room 11. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR ar; good reasons for selling; trad good. Inquire Allea dc Lewis. RESTAURANT FOR SALE NO HUMBUG; good location, good rcasoas for seiitsg; price 5209. D 7S Oregonlan. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY, STEAM MERRT-go-rouad. now running, with grousd. 383 Clackamas, East Side FOR SALE SNAP. DELICATESSEN AND rtscauraat: cheap reel; reason. Ill-health. Phoae Mala 475L ROOMING-HOUSE. 55 ROOMS. AND LODGE hall: steady tenants. 52500; pays 75 per cenc N 77. Oregoalaa. 5123 BUYS LEASE AND FIXTURES; OOOD location for business; rent 529. Owner, 107 North 6th sc WANTED PARTY WITH 5300; LARGE profits guaranteed; new proposition. J 74. Ore genian. SALOON. LOWER ALS1NA. CAN BE bought cheap far aext two days. Call 1S1 Pare rC CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE FOR eale; stock and fixtures; good lease. 93 Oth st. A J2000 STEAM MERRY-GO-ROUND FOR sale for 5C0. 206 Pacta nut. East Side. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. IN GOOD Lo cation, cheap. Address 41 N. 2d it. unnnnnnnnnnnnnHhW -annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnua isnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR LEASE. party can ecun leaM oa in gooa tocauon; no ccsai ESTMENT CO. Third St. WANTED TVffJSfJSfJKa EXCLUSIVE rlghu to W'asfclSuSiBrVregon. for first t.sjo patented fcouHijR article, uaed and needed In every home; big money-maker-For terms addrtsa N. 73. OreguoUa. FOR SALE BAKERY. GROCERT AND ICK cream parlor. ito saloon, zki otn c SPECIAL NOTICXS- tocUoIdcrs' Mertiac PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC OUMPANT. Notice of Special Meeting; ta StocktoWers Notice Is hereby given that a specSa meeting of the stockholders of the Port 's -.,1 ttrfnl V3eetrt2 Carsanr has been ealled by usaalmoce vote of a rcgularJ meeting of the hoard of directors, and will be held at the office of the company. Portland. Or., on Oie 11th day of July. le5. at 11 o'clock A. fcr the fellow Ing purposes: tl) Ta consider and take action upon a proposition to mortgage, pledge and con vey la trust the property and franchise of the company, now owned or hereafter acquired, to secure an Issue of its bonds to aa amount not exceeding 510.QCO.OaX bear lrg interest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum, and to authorixt the Issue of the bonds to be thereby secured. 2) To eoeitdrr and take actlcn upon Kir lag the board of directors the right aad power to sell, transfer, convey, mortgage, pledge or give or convey in trust, the real property aad lands mentioned and de scribed in section 23 of Article III of the present articles of Incorporation, and also any aad all of the property of the com pany, real, personal and mixed, and any part er portion thereof. (2) To consider and take action upon a proposition to rescind aad repesd all the by-laws of the company and to adopt other in iisu inerrei. (4) To consider and take action cpoa a proposition to authorize the directors to file supplementary articles of incorporation, whereby section 25 of article III of the pres ent articles of Incorporation shall b amend ed, by the om!sUm therefrom of the pro visos therein contained, so that said sec tion aa ameaded shall read a fotlews: To sell, transfer, convey, dlspote of. lease, mortgage, pledge and give or convey In trust the property of the corporation, real, personal and mixed, aad any part or por tion thereof"; and whereby section 2tt of Article III of the .present articles of In corporation shall be amended by the amla tloa therefrom of the proviso therein con tained, to that laid section as amended shall read as fellows: "To barrow money on Rs bonds, coupon notes, prenllsarr Betes, debenture, or otherwise for tte gen eral or special purposes or any thereof of the corporation., and to mortgage, pledge or give or convey la trust any and -all of its property, real personal or mixed, to secure the raymeat thereof." SAMUEL G. RBED. Secretary. NOTICE OF SALE OF WATER BONDS No tice Is hereby given that en the lata ay of July, 1800. at the Treasurer's offlee of the City of Dufur la Wsjco County. Ore goa. the said City of Dufur. by Its Beard of Water Cemxnlssloneri. win offer for sale water bonds to the amount of ten thousand dollars (Sltf.OOu); two of said bonds la the amount of J10OO each aad one la the amount of 550O shall be payable la ten yeata from the date of sale. Two more of said beads la the amount of J100O each and oae la the amount of 53C) shall be parable la 15 years from the date of sale Two more of said bonds la the amount of J1COO each and one la the amount of 550O shall be payable If 20 years from the date of sale. Two mere of said bonds la the amount of Sieoo and oae la the amount of 350O shall be payable la 23 years from the date of sale. Interest on all of said beads being payable annually. Sealed bid are hereby Invited for said baads: each bidder Is required to name In his bid the lowest rate of Interest, not to exceed S per cent per annum, at which sold beads wilt be takea at aot less thaa their face value, paying cash In hand therefor. The said Board of Water CommUiloaers reserve- the right to reject any aad all hide. All bids shall bo directed to the Beard of Water Commissioners. Dufur. Oregon. PuttHsbed by order of the Board of Water Cernra li steners. Dated this 22d day of June A. D.. 1006. E. A. GRIFFIN. Secretary of the Board of Water Commis sioners of Dufur. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATERIAL Office Isthmlaa Caaat Commisaleu. Wash ington. D. C. June 29. 1986. Sealed pro posals, la triplicate, will be received at the office of the General Purchasing Officer. Isthmian Canal rommlsstea. Washington. D. C. until 10:33 A. M.. July 29. 1806. at which time they will be opened la pubttc. for furnishing Portland ceraenc La Forge ce ment, marble sand, marble chip, mortar tain, metal lathing, copper wire, roofing tile, briek. yellow plae lumber aad redwood. Blanks and full Information may be obtained from this office, er offices of Assc Purchasing Agent. 24 State sc. N. Y. City, or Ac Purchasing Agent, at Ctttom-Hous-. New Orleans. La., and Masks may be obtained from Depot Quartermaster. 26 New Montgom ery sc. San Franeisco. CaL. and Commercial Club. Mobile, Ala. D. W. Reu. General Purchasing UScer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meet teg of the stockholders of Lewis and Clark Centennial aad American Pacific Exposition and Oriental Fair wlH be held at the office of the company, room 27. Ad mtaittretlon bultdtng. World' Fair Grounds. Pert land. Or.. Monday. July 3. 1863. at IO o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of electing directors aad of traneactlns such other business so may legally be brought before sold meeting. Henry E. Reed, secretary. Dated Portland. Or.. June 23. IMS. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECKIVKD BY the underoimed at 1S-17 2.1 C for the saloon fixture, stock, etc.. of what Is knowa as "Dirigo" saloon, cor. 7th aad Washing ton, until 4 P. M.. June 30, 10u5; right is reject any and all Mi is reserved: sale subject to rsMsSrmatiua by County Caurc Fall particular obtained from undersigned. W. J. Van Schuyrer. Executor. June 3W. 1005. 3Hce Iran eo US- DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE LAW FIRM of Pipes A Tin ha been dissolved by mutaal consent. My offices are COO Cham ber of Contmeree. Telephone Mala C53. MARTIN L. PIPES. LOST AND FOUND. TAKEN FROM MODEL STABLES. 3TH and Davie. Sunday. June 23. bay gelding. weight low. fore top cupped, barbwire cut as left fore foot: well-worn enea buggy. steel lire; 510 for Information leading to return. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE ORE genian wilt pay 5141 rewird for the arrest and conviction of aar oae caurhl sttarlcr The Oregoalaa from the doors of Its sub scribers. Circulation aianager. LOST FROM COLUMBIA SLOUaU. ONE dark brown hone, black maae and tall, weight about 1000 pouads. Notify C Roth. Moore s farm, mall address 224 Plae st Portland. LOST PURSE CONTAINING UNION CARD from Electrical Workers: also discharge papers from U. S. Navy. Finder please re turn 334 liawtherae ave. ana receive re ward. LOST GENTLEMAN'S SILVER WATCH. between 4th aad 5th. oa Abler sC. Thursday momlar: laRlals B. T. B.; reward. Return ta 319 Tourney bldg.. 2d and Taylor sec LOST CARD CASE. CONTAINED JW check. 510 note, four pawn ticket; suitable reward It returned to latoa cepec parcel room. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same day. Mala 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST-olLK WATCH FOB. WITH 53 GOLD cola, eagraved w. B. 12 nn-cer wm return to Laage Hotel. 55 reward win; be given. FOUND ONE LADY'S EAGLE BICYCLE. Owner caa have same or proving property aad paying fer this ad at 543 riood. LOST FOUR-LEAF CLOVER BROOCH-PIN greca eaameled. with small pearl; rewara. Phono Eaa. art. LOST BLACK COCKER SPANIEL DOO bearing Hcrase tag No. 448. Rttura. 637 Weidier; reward. FINAN CLVL, LOANS ON EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; fewest rates; strictly confidential- Employe Loan Co- room 718. the Dekum. 3d aad wash. sts. Phea 224. CHATTEL LOANS MADE ON GOOD SS curtty at lowest rate: large amount. THE HEALT INVESTMENT CO.. 214 Abingtoa. lOdVi Third St. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM 53 TO 5500 en sxli securities. Jc I. Eckersoa sc Co.. room 5. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- curlty. Wm. HolL rac 9. Waahlagtoa bldg. State funds loaned. 8 per cent, W. E. Thomas, state agC. Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. MONEY ON MORTGAGE. CITY OR SUBCR baa; easy terraa. w. S. Ward, the AlUky. 5500.000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 8 PER CENT. Wra. G. Becx. room 3WI. tee i atunc siag. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 3 AND 8 per etne Wzn. Deaholsc 223 FaUlnj bid. -fannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSKi& VflfffaVaVaVaVaVaVaVHBlH TUCANClASi MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. ANY WAGS-EARNER NEK DING MONET before payday can get R froa. an. No eoea zalasioB or Interest In adnsei; no mort gage or Indorser reafcred. Repay weekly, monthly or seml-saoatWy to amocats fsoea SI cpwarc. thus avohUaK par meat of the vhal inimn oue t aav eaa payday, aad have six Busthf time If deshretL Neisoa. ! Hlndley. MaKay bMg. LOANS MADE TO SAL.VXIBD PBOPL2 holding- permanent posttsoaa and. reooonaMe firms; eaJT payments aad. autrtry oonemen Ual; also CHATTEL XOA2S on personal property; reeniing-houaes a specialty. NEW BRA LOAN Jfc TRUST COMP.VNY. 2tfS AhingtoB BuMtaig. THE CRESCENT LOAN CU. 21T OU8C nlan Mdr . hsaas money to raltnhls sales men, trainmen, nsotorasen. eondwttors or other salaried t mnioyet. Jem on mo note. In umi of 510 to 3 re. RetmrnaMo in con venient weekly or ntoostMr pajrsnenes. Pnr mcnis suspended la case of soskneso. Coud denttat. No .aqalrtes. TUB STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried ecapseqre. wage-eaner. eaa ret on stka note without mortKaste Confidential. Month. &-aMMa. Week. 55 Repay to us 513.33 or 5.3 or 3X23 .323 Renav to us 5 .3 or 3L2C or 5I-S S15-R?ay to 3 4.M or 2.VS or Lte 2M M'KAY BLDG.. 12 2D. MONET FOR SAL.VR1ED PBOPLX AT rates tou can. a lord; muy loaned on. fxsr- nituie. piano or personal property ;bes tern la city; rms. 21S-22U Aasngtoet. sea t.a. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PBOFLK. teamsters, etc.. nttaset seeuney; easy pay n,nii: larcMt buetaeu In. 4 nrinciaal cit ies. TelmaR. 223 Abtngton bldg. Main. 147. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AXD other securities; lowest rates. S. W. Kia. room 45 Washington bMg. Phono Mate ! LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, other securttie. 44 Sherlock able Phone Clay sss. Also real estate sss&bo. 55O.00O TO LOAN AT H RSOCLAR RATES. The Pemaau coan ucace. i st. BUSlNLSS DIRECTORY. Assurer aoa Analysts, THE J. H. FJSIC ASSAYING OFKICS Grecaley and Crawford, analytical chenststa aad metailurzuts, -th -n waotungios ac J. A. MOE. ASAAYER AND ANALYTICAL chemist; goto, and stiver, jl. Amu. -e. MONTANA A St? AY OFFICE. 24W. STARK St. Best favJnttea; prices reasonaMe. PAUL BAUMKL, ASsJAYER AND ANA- lyat Gold dust, bokghc s Ut sc A riorncys-at-Law. U S. G. MARQCAM. 44M COMM ERCI A L Bldg. I make specialty of defeating tax titles. Baad Instruments. YORK'S AND OTHRK MAKES. EXCHAMGB; expert retwirtng. Chan. JC York, of 1st sC BoslncsM College. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT - inr. famouo budget beokkeepiac. aetssat business practice, posttiocfes found for grad uates, day and nlgnt school. Hstae iu-l- nes College. Y. M. C. A. bldg. Main 313. Carpenters act! Bolldera. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. XHKLYRS. bauses uUt aad repalrod. 2tM 4th. Clay 174. W. L. BUCKNBR. eStre. store fiatureew general Jobblag. contracting. 34 Stora. Main ac Carpet Cleaner. 5ANITART CARPKT CLBANINO. suelVea aad comprt-eed air comnmoa; carpeu csesnsa o. fioor without removal. Moist 3CSC East 23SC Clairvoyant. TRANCS CLAIRVOYANT. VAN CORTL.ND. 3034 WASHINGTON; ST.. COR. 3TH. THE MOMBNT YOC ENTER HIS PAR LOR HE WILL TKLL YOC TOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION. XOCSK MOTHER'S MAlDICN N.VMK. AND WHOM AND WHBN TOU WILL MARRY and what yea called fer. without aakaag a ques tion; wtM test you the name- of your sweet heart er aaytheag you want to knew. He sead you away much wiser aad happier thaa wbca yuu called. DO YOU WISH TO KNOW; Does everything gs wrong ? Ha Fortune never smiled oa you I Have tou tried and failed T Has your life been futt of uss aad downs; Have you ever attained your onfeet m M er your heart desire 7 Are you huppy and contented; Have you the money you want; Do you know what you are beat adapted for; Are you setianMed from the one you level Do you dee Ire a eedy aad happy mar riage 7 How caa I win my lawsuit; How ean 1 be sucvesorul ta my new In- ventioa? How caa I be succeaaful Ik my patents; caa l truat my pactnerr ShaK I make a caaaem? Will I tab a asuener; When shall aar afcteox frtead relctra: Aa I loved ha return? Is there a rtvat ta my taoet Caa 1 truat my friend; Have I eaeuse; When shall I saarry; EuaR I ever be dtssotoed? Row cua 1 have good luck; PROFXSCOR VAN CORTLAND, SEVEN XBARsi IN PltTLAND. THE OLIVE. 3e3& WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 3Tii AXD W.sHINSTON STS. Offlee houesL A. M. as 7 P. M. Daily aad Sunday. FLORENCB K WHITE. TR.VNCS XKMUM Advice on busmess, mining and seesal a fairs; eircies every Tuesday and rriday at s o'cJoca. Office 2a& Wsnhlnifsssn sc Pnane Clay 772. Chiropodist and Manicuring. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CMTJtOPOOiST Sowee. Mgrowa aa cm aasfat, f .ascuimg. aunlesjrlng. face aasi scalp snochimit. 1M2. IO Beaeoa Mdg cor. 3h and rtson. WM. DBVKNY k ESTELLSr DEYENY. THS only sctenttac cntroev: partsrs i 2lA Drew bMtt.. 12 2 sc Phea Mote MC Thte hi the hmc-hahred genthimen, He k the maa Jfci are lwwkiag toe. FOR CORNS. Buniees. Tired. Aehins FceC BcaHatia. the Foot bpecmuac ta aad htark. J. LINDELL, expen cmrapaatBt. aR testru ments sterUtaed. 7U2 Mantuwaa. Main, 3aSd. Comraivlon 31creaaats. HERMAN MRTZORR. PURCHASER OS hides, pelts, fur, wool. nMhctir. tallow, old rubber and old metal aad seneral swum stca merchaac Front sc. near Main. Pert land. Or. Cash advanced a senjignmirita. TAYLOR. YOUNG Sc CO.. SHIP BMUKZSUi aad oammti4oa meronaata. Smerloek. bldg.. I'ortlaad. Or. ALLSN i LBW1S. COXMliSslON AND PRO-dece- merchants. Front and Davis st.. Part laad. Or. Coa tractors. RAlLROADeJ GOYBRXMKNT WORK. CA nal. wagon road. dttcsMa. bsggta-g roada and general gradissg. Coast Co tract Co.. room IS. 1 O. O. F- hhksT.. Portland. Or. Dttaetag aad irocutlan. MRS. NINA L.VKOWKS HALL. 2at AND Kcaraey. inquire tu I r. M. Mam. FIrevrorka. KWONG SANG WA & OTA. 143 2t-FIRa erackers. fireworks o aK UssV; ahedpeeC place is, town. FOOK KANC LUNG. 131 2. COR. YAM hat Firecrackers, all kind areworfcji aheap; fine tea. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, feremeac frater nal society of N. W.; protect, the Bvtar. J. L. Mltehci. up- Sec. Sr-S13 Monjuam bidK. DcatUta. NEY CHURCHMAN, denebe 32 Maraoara. oth and Morrleoa. Phone Mass lTtSO. Machiacry. B. TRENKM.VN h CO. MINING. SAW-a-JRc. loczmg macissaeur; hydrauUa pipeis. clcg. AR k!sd repaired. MH N. 4th. THE H. C. ALTtKR CTX. SBCOND-HAtzs siacalaery. aawmRis. ete. 243 Grand ave. MusIcaL THE TAVERN ORCHESTRA C.VN BE E3sV srarrd for afternoon reoeatioB. fuaotioa. etc For wrnu apply to Emit TMeshera at, Tho Tavera. er 233 sue Phone Mala. n&i. BUSINESS DIXXCTORX. Hamesa and Saddles TkUS SE&RGB L.VWRENCE CO.. sale saddles and haraesa axSna, lea addterx hardware. SCKSd lac Ma. THE BRET MAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLS saie sadtSea aaad harness mfrsv. aaidlcry hardware, leather of aK kinds. 72-74. 3th sr JUHNSOK & LUTHER. CUSTOM-MADJC kasaesa, wholesale aad retail, a Ota sc. Junk. IlUIeo nad Pette, SHANK, b. CO.- PURCHASERS 03 hides. peKs. wool. turn. tsOiew. old rud&ersw metat aad aka. 312 Froac sC Leather eai. Fladlags. . ju STRCWBRIDQE LEATHER. CO. 53- Tacssaed sas. ceataar ana swap: Stookaoa sate leather aad cu; stock-, ran Hne Butterw Jumbox ISO Front, sc TUB BUSY MAN LRATHSR CO.. SOLS uxi U9er leoihera of aU klsdJk car. mock. andhMm and shoe stare supplies. 72 so. Northwrsc YtTl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON st. can or send tamp sor He&tta boos. Nuracs. The Dnvta Nursery ior lafaato aad Chtldrea: rcasosaofe. Phoae 4944. 2Sta aaa saugaa.- Osteopathy. DtS. A DEC & NORTKRCP. 413-18-17 DEKUM: Mdr. -3d and Washington. Phones: orncsv Mam. 34-. residence. Main. 1503. Sue 1823. KTTimtsn floors Sree. DR. L. 8. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. graduateo KlrkviHe. Mo.. -H.-J uresoruaa bids. Phone Mala 1242. DRS. OTIS AND MABEL AKIN. 4C3-4, MAC- leay btdg. Tei. Oar ITS. Examlaatloca free. Marble aatl Granite. MARBLE AND GRAN ITS MONUMENTS: NO caea; 20 per ccsc saved at esjs TSO Fveac ap-aM Fatting Sehoot. take S car. 1-arnts. Oils aatl Glass. XASMUsiSBN St CO.. JOBSBRS. paiats. oUa, rsa-5. susa aad cooes. Cor. ZS. oao. isjwi. Plaster aatl Staff Work. ANY KIND OF ATTRIBUTES IN PLASTER stag statue, ornaments etc.. for the a air or anywhere. J. Adam. 249 Columbia. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMSST1C AND FORSIGJ1 patents; mtrlagement cases. d04 DeJcuzo. Rubber Stamp- P. C STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. TEL, Mahc 7M. Rubber stamps, seals. steaeUa Rupture Cure. DR. PIBRCKS MAGNETIC ELASTIC truass per sect nrtataer; eitive cure; hooK. rreo. AdeVress Dr. Pierce. 2d Keorar sc. 3. F. feafea. DiRMOLD manganese eireia doer, baaksrs Dtebtflijl sireBcoof and burglar th beet; reposrs aad Jatt work, Davhs. 3d. Second-Uaad Machinery. J. SIMON A BKOl. DEALERS IN ALXs ktads of secosMt-haad maeaiaery. pipe. eaMe. beltteg. httrdware; highest price pafcl tor scrap Iron aad metahu 244 Franc Mala atws. Showcases. Bank and S tore Ftxtaree, THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO. COR, uOt and Moyc Phoae Mala 1403. PORTLAND SHOWCASE FIXTURE CO. IS Isc aear MarkeC raone uuc ataa. plritBallsU. Mie VALLIL'S. 2S TE.VRS rORTLAND3 mint reaabte ntilta; au xa treuaie csua aad get her valuable advice oa all aSalra of ltt. huainess. lave troubles; ahseac fsiende a speciaity. 1U3 4th. sc Ruaael bldg.; hour 'J to 3- RJTTCRNED MRS. SOPHIA, B. SEXP. TH2 best psyesftometrist ha au azairs oc oie: daliy M A. M. to a. 327 7th. aC Mala 4343. vtntm. mt-StA KLL. MEDIUM AND HEALER. 304 WasatogtoR: readtags eenca; ireo magnetic treatmeno. CORNBLTUS. BCSINESd TEST 113 143, 8th. room 2L Phoae Hood 1343. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CONSULT- ed. iu S4lng-lirsea. Dag. ama. i.. Storage uuX Transfer. esr-OR PIANOS AND -Ultr.iiUVSS moved, paekea reaay wr afi" ahtpped: all work guaraateed; large 3-stor brick nrspreof warehouse fer storage. Of flee 125 Isc C M. Otaea. Phoae Mala 347. C a PICK. OFFICE SS 1ST, BET. STARS Oak. roan sin. i .-.- med and packed for shtpmeat; cnmmodl esse flrerpaoC brick, warehouse. From aail Cmr C . 1 wsm BICKSL STORES AT 31 N- FRONT I . -.. ti and. furaltore. pianos. I trwk tool cheats, sewing macalaea aad I ag aMveable armies at reaaaaaaie pries. I Typewriters. 1 I v wrlter9. aU make, rented, sold aad rsosred. Coas-. Agency. 231 Stark. TL 14dT. Waolrsalo Grocer. ALLEN A LEWIS, nam rJiirf. sou. N. trans, ana jjmbs su, Wood and CoaJ. POacTLAND FURL CO- PHONE icatrt SM. 3t water sc . B.1NKS. TRR RANK. Or CALIFORNIA ,Bsahttshed KM.) HEAD OFSTCS. San Fraaeisco. CaL I ? Mraacsi- W. MACKINTOSH I j""LJ7 riii . . ....53.C00.ecO I "rXT" rZf uniMrkled arofit 5U.S0O.0CO JL Seaeral Banking aad Exchange Bsaiacsn Tran-sacted. . ... rtse tassleif. avaHahte ta sUI partss I vorfj interest said oa time deposits. I 41 VIVOS DEPAKmSXT. I . . aoened for sum of 51 aad upwards. I "Parts ad Btaaca. Chaavber of Cararaeree BKtac J. T. BCRTCHABLL ... Assistant Manasg UNITBD STATSS NATIONAL BANK Northet Corner Third aad Oak Sta Tnnsacts a Geaeral Baaking Buatness. Oraw lesaed. avallahle la aR eitlea of th UnMed SHotes and Eurose. Hoagkoac as Vint" stTssDeetJons made oa favorable terms. ftJiT J. C AINS'.VORTS ywTrsTjuiDat W. B. AYSR, vFMesst R. LEA BARNS JrSl R. W. SCHMSSR. St" Caier -A- M. WRIGH AMtstant Cashier. W. A. HOI 5TRST NATIONAL BANK tfW PORTLAND. OR. Deevgnated DepeaRary aad Flaaacial Ageas of the Uatted States. A. I- MILLS StSZr ".' J- W. NBWKIBJC Sstattnt Cashier W. C ALVORD Seeossd Askuit Cashier. -B. F. STSVEN3 L ued avaBahle la Ea- Moe and the Eaatera States. Steac eschonge and telegraphle rraaafera LTn New York. Boston. Chicago. Sc Louis. SC Pan. Omaha. Saa Fraaeiaoo. aai ,k srfSkrsoal posab of the NerthwesC aJL time bttla drawa sum to otS Lwihs. Pari. Berlw. FraakJart-oa-ta tj-i Hongkeaz Tekohama. Copeaaagea. cteban4a, Stockholm. Sc Petersburg. Ma eow aurteh. Henohilc ' CMIeettoBa made oa. favorable terms. OjRTLAND TRUST COMPANY 05ORSG02t " The Oldest Truat Compaar la Oregoa. RBSOCRCES OVER 3LWJ.00O. fSeaeral bankiac hcaiseas eoadttcted. Sav . taT dPoamlved. Ttoo certtficatea ttrL-.i -tx- to 4 per eear. Interest oa shore. SJTIlat eertlfieatex Call or aesd for S2k -ILLUSTRATIONS.- PIoaT Mala. 433. 13 Tiiri t- , msrxr t COHEN President rT T?rrTtic Vtee-Prestdeatl b. lbs paget , tl:"!t$ T ITS. M L. k -- ..M. . . T.itW) jfc TTLTON. RANKERS BSTABLISHED IN 1S30. TransactA a geaeral hanking business, lantcir allowed oa. toe deposits. ivdiMtku made at point oa favorahla tmTLre of eredte Usttcd araUahlo ta. fwTn and aR potets ta. the Halted States. I-TIf exchaage and. teiegrale traasCeTsi sassten New York. Washington. Chlcajpx 3C Taut Deaver. Omasa. Saa Fraaeisco aad 7Tr.sjn.Ti potats m Oregaa. Wasomgtoa aad tjhi- iioatana aad Britiah CelBmhta. Sehaago on. Loado-. Pari. BerRa. Fraai fg HoBSkoag. Yokohama. STnnM-, aad Hoao Rtlu. MERCHANTS" NATIONAL BANK ja.ju- POKTLAND. Cr. J FRANK WATSON .PreaUear. K. L. DCRHM. ..Ylcfl-IrTeatdear tT" yf HOYX. ..Cashier GOHCr. W. HOTT ..Wis rant Caaater TRANSACTS A GENERAZ, BANKING - BUSINESS United tkatrs. Deposttarr. rsnft, izuX letters of credit taroed. avaS ahte to aK parta ot tha war't- CsSectlacJ a secialr;