Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 28, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Couatlng-Rocra Main 667
Managing Editor Main C56
Sunday Editor , Mala 6233
CUy Editor , Main 160
Society Editor Main 6235
Composlnr-P.oom .....Main CSS
Superintendent Buildlnc Red 2826
East 61dc Office East 61
BU. bet. 6th and 7th Tonisht at 8:30.
Kolb and Sill in the musical comecy
burlesque, "I. O. U."
BELASCO THEATER (14th and RTaahlnr
ton) Evening at 8:15, the farce, "Nerve."
XMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison)
Matinee at 2:15 and evening at 8:15. Tln
necan's Alley."
GRAND THEATER (Park and TVashlnston)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M.
STAR THEATER (Parle and "Washinirton)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. OF. M.
BAKER THEATER e3d and Tarahlll) Con
tinuous vaudeville. 2:30, 7:30 and 8 P.M.
RECREATION PARK (24th and Vaughn)
At 3:so r. M.. Daie&au, roruand v. Ta
EESORTS. The OrcgonUn will be delivered
by carrier and will be en sale at the prin
cipal points on Long Beach, at Seaside and
Yaqulna Bay throughout the coming season.
It will also be on sale at Gcarhart Park,
Nye Creek. WUholt. Collins Hot Sprints and
St. Martin's Springs (Carson. Was.).
Orders by mall will receive careful attention.
All mall subscriptions must be paid for in
Heavt Traffic to Portland. Esti
mates of Southern Pacific officials at
San Francisco are that travel from the
Bay City to Portland at the present time
totals -about 1200 passengers dally. Owing;
to the rapid Increase of travel to the
Exposition the Saturday excursions first
operated have now been abandoned and
passengers holding special rale tickets
may travel by either the morning or even
ing trains out of San Francisco. At the
beginning of the low rates an order was
issued preventing use of the special rate
tickets on the train leaving San Fran
cisco in the morning and arriving In Port
land the evening of the second day. Be
ginning next Saturday tickets purchased
at $25. 530 or $35. with respective limits
of 10. 21 and 30 days at Portland, will be
honored on the morning trains. The
train leaving San Francisco in the even
ing and arriving in Portland In the morn
ing of the second day has been run In
two sections almost continuously since the
first of the month, carrying a total of
about $00 Portland passengers, and the
evening train brings about 400 dally.
"When the rate was first put In effect It
applied only for use on the excursion train
starting from San Francisco every Satur
day, which has been found incapable of
handling the buslncra offering and ac
cordingly will be abandoned.
Interesting Booklet. From the pas
senger department of the Chicago &
Northwestern Railway has Just been Is
sued a booklet of 60 pages entitled "The
Pacific Northwest," an Instructive descrip
tion of resources, scenic features and com
mercial advantages of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho. It is a well-told tale of
the attractions of the three states, pro
fusely Illustrated, devoting several pages
to matter exploiting the Lewis and Clark
Fair, all contained within an artistic
cover. Issued In a large edition the book
let should prove an effective addition to
the advertising given the Oregon country
this year.
Attend Grand Council. Sigma Chi.
Major T. C. Bell, of Sellwood, has gone
to Cincinnati, O.. to be the guest of the
Grand Council of the Sigma Chi frater
nity, of which he was one of the founders.
The fraternity transports the major and
the other founders to Cincinnati and pro
vides for their entertainment, all free of
cost. There will be a grand banquet by
the council, at which Major Bell will
speak and tell about Oregon and Its beau
ties. Major Bell, who is loyal to the
Northwest, trill tell some things to the
later generations .that will open their eyes
in wonderment.
Funeral, or Little Joe Rigos. Joe D.
Ttlggs, the 7-year-old eon of Dr. and Mrs.
J. O. Rlggs. who was crushed to death
beneath a "U" car on Montgomery street
Monday morning, will be burled at 1:30
this afternoon from Grace M. E. Church,
comer of Twelfth and Taylor streets. Rev.
Clarence True Wilson conducting the fu
neral services. -The Interment will take
place in the family vault at Greenwood
Cemetery, and the following named will
officiate as pallbearers: George Prldeaux,
W. Patterson, Walter Chown and Norman
TnoLLET Ride to Oregon Crrr. A. D.
Charlton, assistant general passenger
agent of the Northern Pacific, enter
tained the ladles of President Howard El
liott's party on a trolley ride to Oregon
City yesterday. President W. H. Hurl
burt, of the Oregon Water Power & Rail
way Company, extended the courtesy of
his private car to the visitors and Mr.
Charlton pointed out to them the scenic
features of the trip and of Willamette
To Whom It Mat Concern. I wish to
say the statement made by the Oregon
Auto Despatch Company manager and
some of the understrappers of the Lewis
and Clark Centennial Commission in re
gard to teams not being allowed in the
Exposition grounds Is false, as teams are
allowed In at seasonable hours each day
unless such times as the grounds are soft
from late rains, when the auto is kept out
the same as other vehicles. James Kler
nan. On July Sth only, the Chicago & North
western Railway will sell round trip
tickets to Buffalo. N. T.. for J53.76. good
for 0 days and allowing stop overs en
route, also allowing the passenger choice
of routes, going and returning. Low
rates to other Eastern points. Call on
or address W. A. Cox. general agent,
C. & N. W. Ry., 153 Third street, Port
land Oregon.
Charged With Crime. Will C. Gibson,
charged at Spokane with attempting to
hold up a bartender at Dunn's saloon,
by striking him over the head with an
Iron bar. Is a traveling salesman for Bu
shong & Co.. of Portland. No particulars
of the arrest have reached the Portland
house, but word Is expected from Sp. kane
Lecture on Aid. Ikko Nagal will give
a. lecture this afternoon at the Museum
of Art, Fifth and Taylor streets, for the
benefit of the Portland art class, on "In
fluence of the Japanese School of Paint
ing on European Art." The lecture will
be given at 2 P. M.
Michigan Society Meets. The State
Michigan Society held a meeting last night
at Ringler's Hall. Sixth and Alder
streets. About 50 members of the society
were present. After making a few speeches
the members devoted the time to recita
tions and games.
Carpenters will give an open meeting
to union men. their families and friends
on Friday evening. June 30. 1905. at 64
North Sixth street. Good speakers will
address the meeting. All are Invited by
Steamship Alliance sails from Couch
street dock Thursday night. 5une 29. at E.
Fare to Coos Bay. 17.50 cabin and Jo sec
ond; to Eureka. Cal $10 cabin and K
second. F. P. Baumgartner, agent. Main
Baths Open Todat. The Portland Pub
lic Baths. In charge of Captain and Mrs.
Morgan, will open today. The baths are
situated south of the Morrlsfm-street
Reception to Susan B. Anthokt. A
public reception will probably be given to
Miss Susan B. Anthony Friday afternoon
from 3 to 4 P. M. in the Oregon building.
Rev. Merle St. C Wright, of New
York City, will speak at the Unitarian
Church this evening at S o'clock. The
public Is Invited.
The Calumet Restaurant. 143 Seventh.
Fins luncheon. SSc: dinner. 50c
Help Waxted. In Ironing and mangle
room. Union Laundry Co.
Sale barefoot sandals. Marks Shoe Co.
Streetcar Accrrnsr. A singular colli
sion between two Wood lawn cars yester
day evening on East Burnslde street, be
tween Union avenue and East Third
street, as they were passing each other
on the double tracks, caused considerable
excitement among the passengers and
damaged the cars somewhat, but no one
was Injured. An open car. No. 103, filled
with passengers, was nearlng the curve
at the corner of Union avenue and East
Burnslde street, and at the same time
closed car No. 332 had rounded the curve
on the way toward the Burnslde bridge.
As the rear end of this car reached n.
point opposite the center of car No. 103
the rear trucks suddenly Jumped the track
and that end of No. 332 was forced
against the .open car. Four seats occu
pied by men and women were torn out
before the cars were stopped. The pas
sengers occupying these scats Jumped out
of the way. except Mrs. A. A. Levens,
who occupied the outside. However, she
and her Infant In her arms escaped In
Jury, which was remarkable, as the seats
and uprights on the side of the car were
wrecked. She said that her baby -was
struck with a broken stick, but was not
hurt. The infant was greatly frightened
and cried loudly, The accident delayed
traffic for only a few minutes.
Gatherino -Statistics. The committer
appointed by the meeting of citizens to
prepare a petition to the Southern- Pa
cific Railway Company for a passenger
and freight depot In East Portland Dr.
C. H. Raffcty. W. M. KIncald. Edward
Newbegln and W. E. Splcer has decided
to gather all the statistics possible as
the amount of freight and passengers
that would be accommodated. As to the
amount of freight handled both by
the Southern Pacific and O. R. & N. lines
from the East Side between the steel
bridge and Hawthorne avenue, or the
Madison bridge, it is reported to be very
large. The object Is t secure a Joint
freight depot, from which freight can be
sent direct from the East Side without
the expense and loss of time of sending
It by truck to the West Side. Statistics
will be gathered to show the average ton
nage from the warehouse district that
will be affected.
Engineer Smith Recovering. Engineer
Ruben Smith, of the Regulator Line, Is
recovering from a dangerous fall re
ceded oMnday evening while Inspecting
the repairs to the steamer Dalles City
In Supple's Boatyard. Mr. Smith slipped
and fell from the deck to the ground,
sustaining a bad gash on his head, and
was rendered unconscious. He was re
moved to his home at 82 East Seventh
street. North, where he remained uncon
scious until yesterday morning. No bones
were broken, bat he was severly bruised
about the head. Last evening he was re
ported by Mrs. Smith as suffering con
siderably. Mr. Smith is consulting en
gineer of the Regulator Line-
Fibtic Encounter. Arrangements are
being made to pull of a ten-round boxing
match between Tommy Tracy and a San
Francisco pugilist July 4. Jack Downey,
a promoter of fistic events, arrived from
San Francisco a few days ago, and says
that he has arranged to run an excursion
on the steamer Charles Spencer to some
place on the Washington side of the Co
lumbia River July 4. where the bout will
take place. Downey says that he will
build an arena on the Washington side,
where he will endeavor to hold bouts be
tween amateurs during the Summer.
The Chicago & Northwestern Railway,
of this city, has received notice that a
new schedule between Chicago and Den
ver has been put into effect This through
service makes excellent connections at
Denver with through trains to and from
Portland, giving the passenger the best
service from Portland to Chicago via Salt
Lake and Denver with a stop in Salt -Lake
of sufficient length for sight-seeing to the
best advantage. For further Information,
call on Mr. W. A. Cox. general agent
Northwestern Line. 133 Third street Port
land, Or.
Suit Against Lape Pence. A suit has
been filed against Lafe Pence by A. A.
Courtney, a surveyor, to recover $54 said
to be due for labor rendered the defendant
while working on the lattcr's Willamette
Heights project It Is said that the suit
of Courtney Is the first of a number that
will be filed against Pence to recover
Senator Mitchell Sells Holladat
Propertt. Senator J. H. Mitchell and
wife have Just sold to B. F. Weaver,
lots 5. 6. 7 and F, of block 221. Holladay
Addition. Consideration was $5000.
Str. F. A. Kilburn. for Ssn FrnclBco.
calling at Coos Bay and Eureka, from
uaK-street dock. Thursday. June 29. at
S P. M. TeL Main 296 or Main 628.
Alwat8 Readt! Kadderly Transfer-
Commission Co.. expert piano and furni
ture movers. Lowest rates. Main 16S5.
Office. 110 North Third.
25c. River Excursions 25c. Two hour
down the river. New steamer Gazelle
loaves STark street A. M.. 2:30. 8 P. M.
Bedbugs and other vermin knocked nut
by Avenarius Carbollaeum wood pre
server. Fisher Thorsen. Front and Mor.
u ooster must sell mighty quick. 7th-Mor.
Annual Conference Opens With In
teresting Programme.
The 21st annual nian nf tha "P.Mfl.
Coast Conference of the Unitarian and
other Christian churches opened at the
rirst unitarian Church last night and
was well attended.
Rev. F. F. Eddv. f Salt T.iV. tt.
and C. C. Smoot, pt San Francisco, ton-
W. T. Olds, rrrIdent of Confereac.
ducted the devotional services, and W.
P. Olds, president o( the conference, de
livered the address of welcome and intro
duced Rev. George W. Stone, field secre
tary If the American Unitarian Associa
tion, who preached the conference ser
mon upon the subject of "Working With
God." taking for his text Corinthians
1x:1 "For we are God's fellow-workers."
The speaker took the life and works If
Luther Burbank as am object lesson, and
delivered an Interesting address.
Dr. G. C. Cressey. pastor of the church,
announced that Rev. Merle St C. Wright,
the celebrated divine of New York City,
will deliver an address this evening at
the church, commencing at S o'clock
Should be the .best obtainable. The Singer
sewing-machine Is acknowledged the light
est running, most durable and convenient
of any. Look for the red S.
3M Morrison st,
- Washington st,
M9 WIHlRras ave..
,. , Portland. Oregon.
Main St, Oregon City. Or.
Marine Ere Jteeitiy cures ej-ta: xnifces wtak
eyes strong. Soptbca trt pUn; doesn't saart.
assssssssallsBssssl IsV
Coroner Finley Says They Are
Declares They Are Worse Than No
Protection at AH Win Go Be
fore New Council and Ask
for Ordinance.
"I am sure that If the car fenders had
been properly carried the lives of many
children who have been killed by the
street-cars would have been saved."
This is from the man who has Investi
gated more violent deaths than any other
man in the state Coroner J. P. Finley.
"As soon as the new Council Is organ
ized I Intend to go before It and explain
the necessity of a new ordinance which
Dr. Theodore Fessler was last fiicht
relected far the pesttiaa of president
of the City Cnlen of Bpwe-rth Learues
of Portland.
Dr. Fcsiler vu unanimously se
lected br Dr. TV. B. HoMngstiead. pre
siding elder af tae West Portland dis
trict Methodist Episcopal Church;
Dr. U E. Rockwell. pres4dlag elder of
the East Portland district, and Dr.
A. L. Rader. editor of the Pacific
Christian Advocate. The matter was
left to them for decision by the City
Union, which was orsaaized at Sunny
side Church Monday night AM offi
cers but the president were elected at
that time.
Dr. Fertler Is a xnetaber of the Taylor-Street
chapter, and is secretary
of the Men's Social Union.
will compel the fenders to be carried In a
way that will actually protect persons on
the car tracks," said Coroner Finley, last
The death of little Joe Rlggs at Four
teenth and Montgomery streets Monday
has brought to a ollraax the demand for
better car fenders.
Every car of the Portland Consolidated
Company Is equipped with an article cata
logued aa a "fender." The fenders have
been known to pick tip a few dogs which
had been insanely awaiting the arrival
of the car for some time, and there is a
rumor that a small boy was picked up
once on Third street, when the car was
moving slowly, and the motorman had all
kinds of time. But, as In the case of the
Rlggs boy's death, it is the usual thing
for the motorman to explain afterward
that he had no time to drop the fender.
What Coroner Finley wants to know Is
why the fender Isn't ready all the time.
To operate the "fender" the motorman
pulls a lever. Both his hands are busy,
all the time. A real fender Is supposed
to pick up a person who Is within four
feet of the car when first seen. The mo
tormen say ten feet Is the best they can
do with the Consolidated "fenders."
Rules In Other Cities.
"Other cities compel the fenders to be
placed two inches from the rail, to that
they will pick up a person themselves,"
says Coroner Finley. "The fenders here
are IS inches or so from the ralL The
new ordinance should provide for this. I
cannot sec the objection to It"
What the Consolidated points to with
pride as Its "fenders" Is a flat steel
frame of rods, bent towards the end.
Evidently Coroner FJnley has had ex
perience with the Council in anything that
concern? the Consolidated. When the
fender ordinance was finally forced
through the Council by public opinion,
the two companies were not one, in name
at least, but the methods of handling
legislation then were much as they are
now. The model selected finally, the one
i from which he "readers" now in use
, were made, was one of the cfleapest things
possible. Objections were made that it
was flimsy and would not operate with
the necessary speed. But as usual the
I car companies got what they wanted
the cheapest. It was simply another In
J stance of "Consolidated politics." -j
For years the employes of the com-
platforms, because the owners would not
divide enough of the profits to build
vestibules. It took an act of the Leglala-
ture to get protection for the employes.
For many more years the car companies.
, consolidated even then In Interests, fought
j off the demands of the carmen for living
' wages. Only the knowledge that public
f sentiment would be bark of the men In
Tor Infante and Children.
I'm Kind You Hays Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Kodak Finishing promptly and
veil done.
f Dr. Theodore Testier. T
a strike forced the companies to make
any Increases at aU.
Strangers frequently remark of the dan
ger to passengers on account of open
steps toward the inner track. It is some
thing that happens on every trip for
the watchful conductor to grab a pas
senger just as he is about to step In
front of a car going "In the opposite di
rection. The Oregon Water Power &
Railway Company long ago equipped their
cars so that this danger was minimised,
but these folding doors cost money, and
such & minor circumstance as protection
Is apparently seldom thought of by the
Miss Ray .Squires, of Los Angeles, is
visiting Portland, and will remain for
a few weeks as the guest of Miss Beat
rice HI1L
William R. Smith, editor of the Gar
rett. Kan.. Eagle, one of the most widely
known newspaper men In the Sunflower
state. Is In the city with N. E. A. excur
sionists. NEW YORK. June 27. SpecIal. North
western people registered at New Tork
hotels today as follows:
From Portland W. T. Mulr, at the Im
perial. From Seattle Mrs. E. L. Stowe. at the
Manhattan: W. Bartram. at the Union
Square. From Spokane Tress Hudson, at the
Navarre: G. M. Barline and wife, at the
Italian Cruiser Coming;.
The Italian cruiser Umbria will .cross
the bar at the mouth of the Columbia
River at 6 o'clock this morning ana will
be met by Dr. C F. Candlanl. the local
Italian consul, who left here last night
In response to a telegraphic request from
Captain Corsl. commander of the war
ship. She will be piloted up the river
by Captain Patterson, and expects to ar
rive here between I and 5 o'clock this af
ternoon. A reception committee representing the
Italian residents of Portland, and con
sisting of Albert B. Fcrrera. S. A. A rata,
D. Pennl, F. Porxl and F. G. Arata. will
meet the cruiser several mile? down the
river and be taken on board.
An elaborate programme of entertain
ment for the officers' during their stay
In this city has been arranged by the
committee, and the vessel will remain
until after the 4th. although Captain
Cbr4. her commander, will proceed at
once to Rome, having been summoned
there to assume the duties as head of
the navy bureau of the Italian govern
ment It Is understood that the Exposition of
ficials, as well a? local commercial, social
and civic bodies, contemplate a series
of entertainments for the visitors.
Antomoblllsts Arrive Today.
Megargel and Stanchfield. who are
the losers In the transcontinental au
tomobile race, were heard from yester
day after they left Lebanon for
Salem. The will arrive In Portland to
day, and u party composed of members
of the Portland Automobile Club will
go to Oregon City to meet them. Al
though Megargel and Stanchfield are
the losers, they have made a plucky
race and they will be given the same
cordial welcome as the winners. A ban
quet will be given them this week.
June 2S. 29 and 30. the O. R. & N. places
on sale very low rates to the National
Educational Association. Asbury Park. N.
J.; the United Society Christian Endeavor,
and on July S very low rates sold account
the Grand Lodge B. P. O. EL, Buffalo. N.
Y. Particulars by calling upon C. W.
Stinger, city ticket agent Third and
Washington streets. Portland. Or.
AU the delicacies or the season at tat
Portland .Restairant. fine, private apart
ments far parties. 506 WaslL. near Fifth.
Watson's Restaurant, open night and
day; only first-class family restaurant in
the city. 100 Fourth street near Wash
ington. Why not try a business men's 25c
i?nn',,".rv?J at lhe "Prima Buffet"
from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. It will surely
please you.
Special Today Only!
Brilliantine Shirtwaist Suits
srsaaaLn ' fWBs'' fatal
'Bmmwnir ' awrHar-faam j
New 72-Gore Circular Plaited Silk Skirts Just In
s Covert Jackets, Box Coats. Remember we are manufacturers of
Ladies' Garments and have the real men tailors to fit you. Easy pay
ments if you like.
Notice "We received today another small shipment of our famous
style of accordion plaited skirts. Come early if you -want one.
Gift Presented to 3Iayor Williams fcy
Them, and City Is Asked
to Foot Bill.
Hidden away In the shady recesses of
an Innocent-appearing ordinance appro
priating J1C9 "for the relief of L. C Hen
richsen." In reality Is a measure for the
relief of the members of the late City
Council, who. as an expiring- act of grati
tude, presented the Mayor with a cut
glass punchbowl and assessed the tax
payers to pay for the same.
It appears that the gift- was purchased
from L. C. Henrlchsen & Co., local Jew
elers, the general opinion prevailing that
it cost upward of $200. Several of the
exCouncllmen stated last night that they
were In Ignorance of the situation until
their attention had been directed to the
above facts, and supposed that each mem.
ber was to contribute his share. Coun
cilman Merrill was especially Indignant,
and stated that he was ready at any time
to pay his share, supposing all the tlmq
that such was the general understanding.
He accuses Zimmerman and Flegel of be
ing responsible- tor the condition of things
and says they arranged the affair without
consulting anybody.
Mayor Williams appreciates keenly tho
dilemma In which he Is unfortunately
placed, and is undecided as to what action
he will take In connection with the mat
On June 2S. 23 and 20. the Chicago &
Northwestern railway will sell tickets to
Asbury Park. N. J.. at $22. S3 for the round
trip, with limit of JO days, with liberal
stop-over privileges tnd choice of routes.
For further Information call on or address
W. A. Cox. general agent 153 Third street.
AU of finest possible quality.
Embodying the most advanced
ideas in modern piano construc
tion. "We can suit your taste, your
purse and your convenience in
making payments.
5T2-374 Morrison St.. cor. W. Park.
Park and Washington, Portland, Oregon
The School of Quality"
Open all the year. Catalogue free
ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Or.
Feifer's Union 5's
Excloalve Wholesale Clears sad Tabace. PORTLAND. OREGON
br tn
Ocean and fresh water batalass. Fishing and hunting. Golf
links and tennis courts. Situated in xrove overlooking tho
Pacific with vast, open green in front, itldlng-horses on hand.
Music at meals bj- excellent orchestra. The table will
be made to satisfy the meat epicurean taste.
Secure rates
asaaaasaaaavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaassa FOP SAI V?
FnrtXand. Or.
BBaaaaaaaV;aKi'i3sB ssaaaaVBB"VassaHaai
"Didm't anrt a bit." Is rrhat taer
aar f
Dr. "W- A. TSiw fcs Jaat rtHrne4
from aa extended tenr of Eastern
tfental InstltutloEJ, and t&oee Sat
lac tfeetr dental werk derze br toea
mat sere tfee advantage o all nsw
and up-te-dat methods.
Examinations tree. Painless ex
tract tour frea wben, plate or brtdz9
ar" antered.
FaiUac bid?., ccr. 3d aad TCaao. tU.
Opro eTeatess HM 9 P. it. SucUjs
from 0 va 12. Or 2Iata 309.
dr. t. r. wis?.
Ye Oregon
In the new Hotel Oregon, corner Seventh and
Stark Streets. Orchestra every evening after
six o'clock.
320 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.
We are retiring from Easiness aoX
Trill close out all oZ our Ladle,' an!
Children! Facer Dry GooJa at
Don't miss It, Come sow -wnlla Use
are unbroken.
L. MING & BROS!, 88 Sixth St.
atnaaaaee. Wlacaaata.
Tot ytranr ladles aad cSrii. I"uH 'eoHes
source. Colltss preparatory, accredit! br
Eastern and Westers, coll ex -a and uniTersi-
t!ea ilualc. art. elocution, domestic acjenco
with training school Jor teachers, gymax-
tiara. ' boatinz. bowline tennis. Beautlral '
f home- ulih. exceptional a lien Men siren: to
healtn. reaolar'r naSKa ana social culture.
X1S3 . C 3AB1X. President (Sept. J).
CraWS, Ayattit,IisfttM5a4L
Imftia Seas Xam, Rc&x. Carssgard ZdaZssa
Ivonr. Stcnc Brasft, etc. War debs. Satan. Bows.
omum xrwat Mmm An shax fmkts
Statkx. 8fcti. Bole-, Mac. Sksas o aK Xa&ats.
MKAMaa Jlllliraf lahaiTt. Wacttestli
native Bear Orsaaeats aad Vrtsa, Ascc&c fast
Guca irjd PiicoU. Cms. SiieJej- AaacasSSveraad
Amor, 5fcas Sod for Pastes, wfeaiesaw D!ir
V-id I 1. it i at- - - ..a el u p-i
isaas iwaryaj jwi waaaai t. w IT. vm
Kruse's Beach Hotel
Tanner ty ti Gearbarc HeteL)
Gcarhart Park, Clatsvp Beach, Oregaa
appointed hotel on an Oregon bat.
advantages and attractions afforded
beautiful, natural surroundings.
at Cky Office.
Foortsi aad Stark
Phoe Mafat 833.
Ml lw
3-Pound Iroa S6.00
6i-PoundIron S7.00
8-Pound Iron SS.OO
Mala 189(1.
SIxtX Kwtt.
Has always been the motto of the
Optical Institute established by me in
Portland in 1884. Thousands of testi
monials could readily be secured to
prove it "has never been violated.
We are headquarters far
French ranges, portable
and brick set; cabinet afce
ovens, re tinned ana capper
restaurant utensils, steel
ranges and caok stoves
ata -r Car, t 3. no mi irrtaj sn.
The Portland j
jtockI isuszc. iw f
can aelct roar choice raas &
folio o 500 pieces afpopalar ana
or tne -woncL and smzeamar Am
terdam and hli Hungarian, orcsaa
tra -will nnder It for you.
Srerrtnlns; to eat and drink, aad
It coats no mora In tba
Portlaxd Hotel Eatfeskeller
than elsewhere fa. tha drjr. Svanr
-weekday dsst from 939 ta 12.
tosl yavaa.
Xveala. JCaadar
aa Tasrsaay. uartt a.
letf rnat. a. B. aV
gchwab Printing G.
MIST arOJJC txicxm
OX. W. A- WtgM.