THE 3I0KNIXG OREGONIAtf, TUESDAY, JTJZfE 27, 1905. JEWS IN TERROR FLY FROM LODZ Rumor of an Approaching Massacre Causes an .Exodus of 20,000. '. TROOPS REFUSE TO FIRE Officers of Regiment Report to Their Commander That the 3Icn Would Not Shoot at De fenseless People. LODZ. Russian Poland, June 25. Since the proclamation of martial law the situ ation has become quiet. The rumor of an approaching massacre of Jews has caused 20,000 Jews to leave the town. Scattered cases of ri?tta? as a result of the insurrectionary spiPU. continue. . One of these occurred today In the old Protes tant cemetery, when a patrol was fired on from behind a wall. The patrol cliarsed and killed 12 persons. Business is at a standstill and all traf fic has been stopped. A ease of disaffection among the troops was reported today, when the officers of one regiment informed their commander that they would refuse to lire on de fenseless people. The regimont -waa at ince transferred to another place. ALARMING REPORTS POUR IX JUiksIh Appears to Be a Boiling Cauldron of Discontent. ST. PETERSBURG, June 27. (3:16 P. M.) These are gloomy days for the govern ment or Russia. Every new dispatch accentuates the seriousness of the sltu- action in Poland and the Caucasus, where a state of almost open war exists, and re ports of strikes, demonstrations and agrarian disorders are pouring In from many parts of Russia, as if the volleys flrcd at Lodzc had been the signal for an outbreak of general dlsordors like those following the events of January 22. "Red Sunday." Up to the present St. Petersburg and Moscow have not been affected, but If mobilization is to be attempted In the two capitals, as reported, a recrudes conoe of formrx tumults Ib likely to occur. Another dangerous spot is Georgia (Rus sian Trans-Caucasia), the warlike Inhab itants of which are deeply incensed over the affront offered to their clergymen, 76 of whom, while meeting to discuss the question of church and state, were at tacked by Cossacks, who dlsporsed the "jJrechers with knouts. The priests in their protest against this aetlon, laid their country under an Interdict like that pronounced in the Middle Ages, by refusing to solemnize baptisms and other rites of the church until redress be given by the whole Orthodox Church, of which the Georgian Church Is part. There is much discussion of the lRcidont, and the boating of the priests lias causod wide indignation. The situation offers a crucial teat ef General Trepoff. and the new Minister is on trial before Russia to Justify his selection for so responsible a popltion. The present trouble is ail the more sudden and the more unexpected, coming ou the heeip of the good Impression produced by the Emperor's reception of the Zemstvolsts and his promise 'to con fWor their grievances and to give the country a national assombly as rapidly as possible. Dispatches from Poland continue to be meager and unsatisfactory. Apparently up to the prevent there has been no recurrence of disorder on the scale of the Lodz battle, but slight cause may H tKdpitate collisions between troops and people In Lodz, Warsaw, Kalisch, and other Polish towns at any momont, with death lists as large as that of Friday at Io4z. Fearing Its effect on the Industrial paptilKtien, the St. Potorsburg newspapers are forbidden even to reproduce the ac count of the Lodz dlsordors appearing in the Warsaw official Gazette, and though the fact that rioting has occurred Is allowed to be chronicled, the consorship still bars details. A dispatch from Br Ivan reports a new and alarming feature of the situation in the Causasus in the desire of Persian Mohammedans to Join their brethren across the border, which Janoturc would convert a racial strife into a "holy war," and kindle a flame which would devastate the Southern Caucasus and be extinguish ed only by streams of blood. BREAD FAMINE THREATENS Many Warsaw Bakers Have Joined the Strikers. LODZ. June 25. Lieutenant-Gcneral Sut tloworth. commander of the First Cavalry Corps, has assumed command ef the forces here during the existence of martial law. Cossacks charged and dispersed the riot ers with their whips. On Vononia street a sullen crowd made a stand and a patrol fired throe shots. Although the thousands of workmen ob served the strike proclamation, the tioup is not complete. Many bakers have Joined the workmen, and Warsaw is threatened with a broad famine. In some of the streets the workmen tried to throw up barracks and resist the troops. Police Inciting Lower Glasses. KRATER IXC-SLAV. Russia, June 26.-A semWpantc has been created here by the distribution of proclamations by thugs and rowdies calling on the people to fight against treason, and fears are expressed that the lowest classos of the people are being incited by the police against the educated classes. Siege Proclaimed at Lodz. LODZ, Russia, June 26. The Governor General has proclaimed a state of siege at Lodz. Hundreds Slain in Riots. 1LODZ, Russia, June 26. The victims of last "week's outbreak total ever 1200. Thus far the bodies of 313 Jews and 21S Chris tians have been burled.' The wounded 00 ee o o 00 00 e ee o 00 Of o o 00 00 o o :: J J 00 e 9 o 00 ZZ 00 number over Some semblance of or der has been restored and the workmen are gradually returning to the factories. Satisfaction, or Blood "Will Flow. BYELOSTOK, Russian Poland, June 26. The -workmen nave presented 1 demand for the opening of all suspend ed factories and the Immediate satis faction of all grievances, under : threat of bloodshed. The Jewish mem bers of the Douma have resigned as a protest against the attitude of the au thorities. Demand End of Police Dictatorship. BALASHOFF, Russia. June 26. The Town Council has adopted a resolution demanding abolition of pelico dicta torship conferred on General Trepoff, as Minister of the Interior, and lae lm mediate removal of all the Ministers hostiio to the reform rescript of March 3. People Run to Their Homes. KALISII,. Russian Poland, June 26. Tbe population was thrown into a state 00 ee of panic last night by a sudden volley of revolver shots in the center of the city and by red flag demonstrations. The people fled to their homes and the sheps were closed. Bomb Exploded at Chcnstohoff. CHEXSTOH OFF, Russian Poland. June 26. A bomb was thrown into the police station here today. It wounded several policemon and broke all tbe windows for blocks around the station. Arms Shipped to Caucasus. ROSTOFF-OK-DON. Russia. June 2$. The police have discovered that large quantities of arms and ammunition have been purchased here and shipped to the Caucasus. Prices Weak on Bourse. ST. PETERSBURG. June 26. Prices on the Bourse teday continued weak on tbe news of the disturbances in Russian Po land, imperial 4s losing t a point. Troops to Suppress Disturbances. SARAFOFF, Russia. June 26. Troops have hurriedly been dispatched to three districts In this, province to suppress agra rian disturbances. Jewish Papers Arc Suspected. WARSAW, Juno 26. All the Jewish newspapors have been forblddon to Issue any editions. St 00 00 o Peasant Disturbances Spreading. MINSK. Russia, June 26. The present I II I disturbances in this vicinity are spread ing. o. o- ei Kishlncf Printers Strike. KISHINEF. Russia, June 28. All the printers have struck work. O O o France Warns Belgian Minister. LONDON, June 27. The Brussels cor respondent of the Dally Mail says that France, fearing a sudden attack through Belgium, has omekiliy warned the Bel glan Minister at Paris of the necessity of rendering effective the fortifications of Antwerp and along the River Mouse. Shortage in Cashier's Accounts. TERRE HAL'TE. IrnL. June 26. The a q Vigo County National Bank issued the statement today that Cashier Conseman has resigned and that a shortage had been discovered in his accounts of about $16,000. Conseman has turned over securi ties amounting to $60,000. Get Rid of Scrofula Bunches, eruptions, inflammations, sore ness of the eyelids and cars, diseases of the bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting, are only some of the troubles It causes. It is a very active evil, matins havoc of the whole system. Hood'sSarsapariila Eradicates it, cures all its manifestations, and builds up tbe whole system, Accept so substitute. 00 o o o o o o :: SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by theee Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyjpeptk, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Purines, Nausea, Dnwrsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain ia the Side. TORPID LIVER. Tfcey Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SmaM PHI. SmaX Dow. SmaHPrlo. o oo oo oo Free Lectures ON COOKING AND PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATIONS Of the various un for collnary pur pose of the CHOCOLATE and COCOA Manufactured by WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD. SO U CHESTER. MASS. (Established 1780.) Will Be Given By MISS ELIZABETH K. BCRB (Domestic Science Dept. Boston T. W. C A.) At ARTISANS' HALL Corbett and Fennorer Sta, So. Portland, Dally for One Week, Commencing TODAY, JUNE 27th At 2:30 o'clock in tbe Afternoon and 8 o'clock In tbe Evening. Samples of Ml 13 Bun's preparations, such as Cakes. Pudding. Meringues, Pudge. Bourne. Ice Cream. Bavarian Creams, etc, be served at each lecture. PORTLAND'S GREATEST STORE. Fashion's Headquarters. Fifth, Sixth and Washington Sts. ZZ Free Store Accommodations to Patrons and Visitors Phones, Bull Han drinking fountains, ac- commodation and information deskj First Floor- Parcel checking, use of the big, airy 00 Fifth-Floor lunchroom; three monster elec 22 trie elevators.. Best and writing-room, Sec el ond Floor. Postal boxes, collections at 2 every mail; stamps at the stationery coun- ter. More and better facilities than any 2 2 other store on the "Western Coast. The Voting Contest With tbe approach of the last day of the Portland pupils' voting' contest, the Interest waxes warm and during the few remaining days the hardest work will be done. The voto has reached enormous proportions, but look out for a big "plunk" on the last day. The following Is the Standing of the First Twenty at 5 P. M. Yesterday: LILLTAS ETVING. High School 20,83 FRED STEVENS. Atklnaoa School .... 27,238 O O METTA SEIDLEK. Failing School 28,024 O o WELLINGTON GILBERT, Lndd School. 25,365 O WILLIE STEPP. Atkinson School 10.SS3 FOSTER M'LTNN. Steven School 10,385 ROBERT ELLISON. llollnday School... 17.S87 LILLIAN BROWN. Thnnpaon School.. 17,205 RL'TH MURPHY. Atkinson School.... 1S392 ft IDA DINGLE. Hxmfhorne School 1.3SS BEATRICE MLEAN. Lndd School 35.253 I? ADRIAN SMITH. South Portland 35,U53 ZZ GEORGE DENHOLM, Hawthorne School 13,382 1Z MYRTLE HARMON. North Central 13,78 II LYNN COOVERT, Portland Academy... 13,768 I RUTH MURPHY. St. Mary Academy.. 1327 MARY BROWN. Clinton Kelly School.. 11,823 00 TRENTON JOHNSTON. Harrthorae. . .. 11,422 O GLADYS CROCKETT, Atkinson School. 11,257 00 HENRY FELDMAN, High School 11,133 00 First twenty 34.083 Scattering 200,740 Total 543,718 i IIC U1I1CI Clll LUUIX- 11 mg acnooi; rree Lessons Some of the Funny Things They Do That ZZ Are "So Different.' J J They never grease the mold for any kind s of cake. J They never light the fire until the cake is in the oven. Z Z They never use baking powder. They take the cake out of tho oven many ZZ times while it is baking and show it to the audience. ZZ la fact, they do everything differently in the new way. Call and see the demonstra o o tion, it's free, third floor. 21 SAMPLE CAKES POE SALE. . , . r- . The Price-Cutter nt Worlc la Women's Underwear Section Special Bargains for Tuesday. Women's $1.23 Vents nnd TIjrhts, 80c. Fine Jersey ribbed silk and lisle Vests. Ion? sleeves with ankle and knee length Tlgnts to match; regular value 51.25. Special. ea.SDc Women's 23c White Cotton Pants. 18c. White cotton Pants, three-quarter length. with tight lace trimmed knee; regular value 25c. Special, pair. ISc Women's 73c Snmmer Vests 38c. Fine white mercerized lisle mesh Summer Vests, sleeveless; regular value 75c Special, each 38c Women's 20c Sleeveless Vests 13c. White Swiss ribbed sleeveless Vests, -with neat crochet and silk tape trimming: regular value 20c Special, each lSe SPECIALS IN HOSIERY Best values ot the Season. You don't pet this kind of a chance very often. Women's $1.25 Hose, 73c. FIno bluett lisle Hose, with lace and silk em broidery boots, extra size; regu lar value $1-25. Special, pair.TOc Women's OOc Hone, 39c. Black brilliant lace Hose, extra size, splendid assortment; reg ular value 96c. Special, pair. 50c Children's Tan Hone. Just received, a new line of children's tan Hose, values at, pair 23c, 30c and 35c THE OFFICIAL GUIDE Is the best pilot you can have If you want to see the Fair. The information is reliable and complete. It tells you what to sec and how to see It. and locates everything at a glance. A man once said that he SAVED S1OO0 By finding out the best route to take before he started on a long Journey. The Guide will save you aours 01 time by telling you the best route to take la seeing the JUig JExposi tlon. A mend bougat a Guide FOR AX IDAHO MAX He declared that after reading It he was as familiar with the Fair as the man that built It, AXD IT OXI.Y COST HIM 3 CEXT5. The Guide sells everywhere for 25 cents, but he traded at our store and with a $1 purchase we gave him a ticket for 20 cents on the pur- cnase or a Guide when presented at the Guide Headquarters in the Oriental building. We do the same for all of our customers. Household Economy 00 Summer needs at greatly reduced prices, with lots of hot weather to come. THIRD FLOOR. ZZ Cem" and "I.lKhtnln" Ice Cream Krecxers ZZ These freezers are double motion, high- I grade freezers, and are altogether eatlsfac- I tory in every way. as 2-qt. size Special sale price, each .SI.OS 00 3-qt. size Special sale price, each $1.92 11 4-qt. size Special sale price, each S2.46 00 6-qt. size Special sale price, each yieo o o Lemon Juice Extractors Lemon Juice Ex- 00 tractors, regular ze. each 4c 00 Lemon Juice Extractors, large size, with sau ce cer; price, each 8c "Mason" and "Economy" Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses, with or without covers, at lowest prices. Lamp Stoves for Snmmer Use They are both convenient and economical. Lamp Stoves with one burner, special at. .JWe Lamp Stoves, -with two burners, special at.TSe uue riatne uii &ioves witn two ourners. Priced at. each $4J5 Refrigerator at Special Prices Refriger ators of best construction, made of hard wood, with double walls, mineral wool 0111 Inc and dead air space: linings are of zinc. white enamel or opal glass. Prices range from to SUB Don't fall to Inspect these refrigerators. Special prices on every one now. TWO DAYS MORE SALE WOMEN'S Every Silk Shirtwaist Suit in ot One-Fourth Off White Laira Snmmer Suits Off. Pretty, dainty creations wanted by every woman for wear the coming July and Au gust days. In very latest, smartest fancies, charmingly fetching styles: values from SO to 1&30 at ONE-FOURTH OFF TJres and IValklag Skirts at One-Fourth OsT. Handsome Etamlnes in blues, tans, grays and uainty wnite. in notn dress and waiicing lengths, specially needed for present wear; values from 910.00 to $2&50 at OXE-FOUIITII OFF $15.00 to $4&30 IIouk "Matinees' at One Fonrth Off. Charmingly pretty Houso Garments In fancy silks and albatross, beautifully trimmed in laces. ribb6na. etc: blues, sinks, greens and white: long and short lengths. Some very beauurul Persian effects included. very swell for home wear ....OXB-FOUHTH OFF Here's a chance sucb as seldom comes in selections of our renowned Millinery Salons placed on the bargain block and offered for HALF, to close. All regular prices marked in plain figures, select the one you want and take it for HALF. The stock this season is far larger than ever before, therefore your op portunity for choosing is that much greater. Styles are strictly up to the minute and in clude the popular "Maxine Elliott" shapes, Shapes. Kcmembcr, your unrestricted choice.of all at only HALF PRICE. Come early, as this sale will surely draw large crowds and first choosing is always best. We Never Can Be Beat on SHOES or Shoe Prices WE CARRY ONLY THE MOST RELI ABLE SORTS AND IN THE VERY NEWEST STYLES. Pcrbaps No Better Shoes This Week: Tbaa Usual, but Better Prices West Amaex First Floor. It's the same thing cither way you look at It: you can pay Just what you have been pay ing in other shoe stores, and get better shoes, or pay less and get same grades. Every pair of shoes that go to make up our great stocks was so bought that wo might sell them at much less than specialty shoe stores ask, and still they are the Identical grades, or better than most shoe stores carry. The makers seek our business that they may enlarge their own and thus reduce the cost of manufacture. Our purchases equal or excel those of any two other stores In Portland; one reason why wo get and give better prices. It's an advantage "Big Stores enjoy. Some better-than-usual-prlces this'week. Mca's 3-30 Half Shoes SSS. Men's tan Russian calf half Shoes. Blucher and Oxford pattern, cak. soles and Goodyear sewed; regular value $3.30. Special ...52JS3 Xea's S5.00 Shoes 94.00. Men's gtn-metal calf lace Shoos the new dull finish stock Blucher cut. new swing last: guaranteed, both stock and workmanship; regular value J 5.00. Special, pair S-f.00 Men's mud Boys' Csnrns Shoes. Men's and boys, light tan Canvas Lace Shoes, calf trimmed, solid throughout Men sizes special at, pair OSe Youths' size, 11 to 1 special at. pair OOc Boys' Shoes. Wc will place on sale for one week only a lln of bovs' Well-Wearing vicl Kid Shoes. made by the Lehigh Valley Shoe Company-H Boys.' sizes, 2?i to 6; regular value 13.75. Spe cial, pair S3-0 Youths' sizes, ll'.i to 2; regular value 52.25. Special, pair St.7S Little Man's sizes, 9 to 11: regular value 12.00. Special, pair SLS A SALE OF APRONS That Will Bring Woman to Our Every Store. Second Floor. Plain kitchen Apron. 36 inches long and 33 Inches wide. Regular price 15c: special. 11c Plain kitchen Apron, with pocket and long rido strings. 3S Inches long. 5S Inches wide. Regular 30c value: speclaL24e Apron with bib. shoulder straps and long wide strings. 3S Inchen long and 50 Inches wide. Regular price 50c; special at 3e Ladles' large bib Apron, without sleeves, bound with straps. 4-Inch raffle at bottom, two extra, large pockets, SO-ln. long. SO-ln. wide. Regular price 75c; special at Wc Ladles Overall or Artist Aprons, long sleeves and large pockets, to be but toned the full length la the back, sizes 34. 3S. 3S. 40 and 42. Regular price- 31.30; special at . 73c ooooeeooooeoocoooeooooeoooeeaoooooee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei OF THE GREAT SUMMER SUITS the House, for Three Days Regular Prices. OUR BUYER'S DETERMINED EITORT TO GLEAN UP SUMMER STOCKS BETORE GOING TO MARKET. Oar Miss Bernard, chiefess of the great salons of ready-to-don apparel on second floor the largest suit and wrap stores in all the Western States west of Chicago leaves a week from today for the New York market to select Fall garments for Portland's best dressers, patrons of this big "Style Store." "We are bound to effect an absolute clean up of all ends of lots and small suit groups remaining in the stocks before her departure. The slaughter is broad in scope, embracing Women's Tailored Street Suits One-Fourth Off About 200 suits in all, stopovers from'the best of the sea son's models, that have sold regularly at from $15 to $45. All the very newest, latest styles of America's leading tail ors, in all wanted colors and materials. Made in exquisite workmanship, both plain tailored in severe lines or with modish trimminqs. ALL A FOURTH OPT USUAL PRICES POR TWO DAYS MORE. 200 SliT.e Silk Petticoats WTJS3. A grand assortment of beauties In a splendid range of colorings ot rich taffeta, 21-inch accordion-plaited styles with plain yokes; others plain with accordion-plaited flounces: reds, light blues, pinks, greens, browns and blacks; very best $12.50 value sr.83 S3UX). 96.80 Had S&30 WnUtw S3.70. Pretty white Lawns, attractively trimmed In laces, embroideries and tuckings: all in newest styles and most approved models; with bishop slebves and every favorite fancy of fasn ion tne greatest shirtwaist bargain of all the season: regular So.oo. J 6.0 a and s&.&o values. Special at 93.79 FEllSOXAL Miss Bornnrd will be pleased to execute any commission Intrusted to her to Derform during her stay of two months in New York. Let your wants be made known to her this week at the store. HATS FOR HALF Annual Pre-Fourth of July Clearance Sale of Millinery the way of Portland women. The choicest Polo Turbans, Jaunty Sailors, Fancy Dres3 That Curtain Sale Fourth Ploor Every woman loves beautiful Curtains and we now offer a chance to gratify the longing you've had at astonishingly low prices. BEAUTIFUL AEABIAlte AND CLUNY LA0E. Months ago a prominent importer offered us hundreds of pairs .of splendid Curtains at a loss, as he was going abroad and wanted to close his stock. TVe thought of this sale and closed the deal. A great variety you share the good fortune. These handsome Curtains are of all hand made lace, mounted on. best French net about 25 different styles to select from. HereTs the "way they go: Our Our Our Our Our Our Our Our Our Our Our Our Our Our Our $ 5.00 S 6.00 I 7.00 ,J 9.00 310.00 $11.00 512.50 514.C0 515.00 516.50 517.50 519.00 520.00 522.50 527.50 value; value; value: value; value; valuo; value; value; value; value; value; value; value; value; value; special at. special at, special at. special at, special at, special at, special at. special at. special at, special at, special at, special at. special at, special at, special at. the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair, the pair. .9 323 .9 OSS .9 40 .9 5.73 .9 8-50 .9 723 .9 8.15 .9 BUO .9 0.70 .910.03 .9115 .91223 .9123 .914.43 .917.30 The Embroidery Sale Still Continues In all our years and years of successful mer chandising we have never had a better em broidery offering than falls to the lot of our lucky patrons this week. The embroideries are new. They are choice, they are adapted to all embroidery needs. "T"T I 0 For Embroideries worth from 75c O I to 31.00. A lot of fine Cambric. Nainsook and Swiss Em broideries in. English eyelet and blind work. IS Inches wide, suitable for waists, dresses, skirts and corset covers: oar regular 75c to 31.00 values: special sale price. yd.....3Trse See THrlay la Fifth-Street IVIadaw- Elegant wide Nainsook, Swiss and Cambric Embroideries. 12 to IS Inches wide, made by the best manufacturers, buttonhole stitched, suitable for corset covers, flounces on. skirts and children's dresses, regular valuej 65c. 75c. 35c and 3L0O; special this week, only, yard ..3?4e EmbroidV, Edges, Insertions la 44 aaa CT-Yd Strip ; Soli Ib FaU Strip Omly at Lea TTam Half Frier. Thousands of yards of Embroidery, Edges and Insertions in Nainsook and Cambric, nicely made on fine cloth, divided in four lots, values from 20c to 75c yard Lot 1 Values to 25c yard; 4H-yd strip.. 9 - Lot 3 Values to 25c yard: 6-yd strip.. 9 -5 Lot 3 Values to 40c yard: 4H-yd strip. .9 JtT Lot 4 Values to 40c yardi 6i4-yd strip.. 9 JS Lot 5 Values to 60c yard; 4-yd strip.. 9 -S9 Lot Values to 50c yard: 64-yd atrip. .912 Lot 7 Values to 75c yard; 4H-yd strip. .9L13 Lot S Value to 75c yard; 6-yd strip.. 919 TAKE LUNCHEON In the TERROOM Secoad Floor Under the Auspices of the Portland Y. W. C. A. Continued Selling of Dainty ZZ Summery "Tub Fabrics" and Domestics There's 0 HOST OT Delightful Sugges tions and Unmatch- able Bargains In the Sale This Week The Cormiers "bordering the -avenues of pretty wash fabrics and Summery stuffs for gowns and frocks for warm weather wear are loaded down with such an array as no other Portland store could possibly make, all marked at prices other houses would deem impossible to make and obtain even a very slight brokerage for handling the goods. "We buy in enormous quantities, supplying both our wholesale and our retail departments. This means price concessions to us, and a money-saving to our army of customers. Most of the showings are absolutely ex clusive with this house, for we control many lines for the Xorthwest of the world's best producers. The linen assortments can be depended upon to give the largest assort ments and the greatest values in Portland. Nearly every civilized country on the globe is under tribute to this peerless section; for nearly every civilized country is noted for so producing some kind of linens. J It's our business to know where, in each country, the best linens are made and we know our business. Because we can and do offer the world's best products in each class of linens at the most favorable prices, our linen business has become the largest by far in the entire Northwest- Below are scattered men tions of a few specimen values we have pre pared this week on sale tomorrow morning, and until lots are closed. A matchless buy ing opportunity for those prudent women who seek to make their dollars go farthest in shopping. "WASH GOODS, LIXEXS AXD DOMESTICS. FIRST FLOOR SHOPS. SOc Scotch Plaid Zephyr, 33c. Scotch plaid Zephyr, patterns in all tho dlf- !) ferent clans, adapted for suspender suits: regular vuiuo auc. opeciai, yora.........33c SOc aad OOc SIlJc Eolleaaes, 33c. Imported novelties in Silk Eollennes. Em broidered Hulls. Dotted Batiste and Printed Moussellnes; regular values 50c and 60c Special, yard 33c 33c aad 46c Caaraa Ellamlae, 22e. Canvas Ellumlne. a sheer, -wiry cloth. In flake and plaid effects, rich combinations: regu lar values 35c and 40c. Special at. yard. .22c Fancy Voile, 13c Yard. Fancy embroidered and printed Voile, in dain- ty patterns, suitable for tho warm weather. Z Special at. yard ........................13c " J Xdaea Saltiags, 36c Yard. Belfast Linen Suitings. In all tbe wanted col- or s. for outlns suits. Special at. yard 20c Walte Goods. White Goods In French novelty stuffs, silk- oe embroidered batiste, dotted moussellnes, silk grenadines and a variety of other weaves; at special reduced prices. Regular J1.25 value. Special, yard......... 08c Regular 51.00 value. Special, yard.. ..SOc 99 Regular S .3d value. Special, yard......... 73c Regular $ .75 value. Special, yard. ...... ..83c J J Regular t .50 value. Special, yard......... 44c e Regular $ .40 value. Special, yard......... 33c Regular $ .30 value. Special, yard.... 33c as Idaea Salting. Pure Linen Suitings. In natural color, very nopular yard .. .60c to 20c White Idaea Saltlags. es For tho popular Linen Coats and Suits, all widths. Special from, yard 93.00 to 4c 73c Bedaoreads, 58c. J J Crochet Bedspreads, single slse. Summer oe weights; regular value 75c Special, each. 33c Large Crochet Sedsaread, 9XJS. Heavy-weight Crochet Bedspread, double slse. free from starch and dressing. Special at. each ............... .... ......... JUS 9X09 31 a rati lies Be4nreads, Genuine Marseilles Bedspread, elegant quality, beautiful center design; regular value $3.39. Special, each ......................... 2.3S Dlaacr Cloth. Hemmed medicated sanitary Diaper Cloth, at closing-out prices Size 13x36; regular value J 1-25. Special... K J3 Size 20x40; regular value $1.50. Special... St a 9 ZZ Size 22x44; regular value 51.75. Special. . .russ ee ee 39c aad Sffc Camvaa Cloth, ISc. ee 5000 yarda white silk-finished Canvas Cloth, la Z e Jacqcard. piques, mercerized mulls and lace and dotted Swisses, mercerized Madras, etc ee regular values 20c and 25c Special, yd ISc ee ee Only Five More Days of the Pupils' Voting Contest eeee oeeee eeeeeeee ee 000000 ooeoe eeeeeeoeeeoeeoeoeeoeoeeeeeoeeeooee OO OO ee o OO OO C OO oe OS 99 oe 00 oo oo o a oo so oo r oo o OO 9 oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo CO o o oo oo OS oe oo CO oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo s oo 09 oo oo oe oo oe oe ee oe ee ee ee oo oo e 4 ee ee ee ee ee V ee e ee