THE 3IOKXING- OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JTJXE 57, 190$. 13 FOR KENT. Room. THE AUDITORIUM, 20815 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon, 1 block tooth Baker Tce ater Nicely furnished, brick building, hot, cold -water In room; free baths; rooms with private baths; elevator; $1 day; $4 week tip; tourists solicited. VERY NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. $2 a week; phone, bath tree; breakfast IX de sired. 646 E. 20th St., on car Jlne. Brook lyn car; permanent; gentlemen preferred. Phone East 1875. VERY DESIRABLE. SUNNY, WELL-FUR-nlshed rooms, board if desired; modern con veniences; 65" Pettysrove .. bet. 20th and 21st, two blocks from Morrison-, car line. 190 12TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for Exposition vleltors; central; all accom modations. Phone Main 3200. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FROM and up. Call this P. M. and evening. 2001s Jeffcnon. TWO GOOD ROOMS FOR FAIR VISITORS, beautiful location, every convenience. 231 10th. , THE CASTLE FURNISHED ROOMS. 372 Washington; private entrance on IV. Park. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. $2.50 PER week up. 88 Park St.. near Washington. DESIRABLE ROOMS. NEAR FAIR. PRI vate family. 248 N. 20th t. Phone 3639. FOR RENT AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED front room, 127 14th, near Washington. Neatly furnished rooms, reasonable- rales. 129 Grand ave.. near E. Morrison. Scott 1452. ROOMS-50C. 75C $1 AND UP. 20TH AND Washington; new .houwe. The Rowland. 2 LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS; respectable house. lltaVfe 1st sL 3 ROOMS. NEW AND SIGHTLY. $8, $U AND $10 per month. Tel. East 2848. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 770 Hoyt st. Phone Main 4291. THE CLIFTON HOUSE. 293 Lodging SO cents and up. FIRST ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS clote In. 95 N. 17th st. MODERN. FURNISHED ROOMS. 2C9 14TH. NEAR JEF ferson. Phone 3S93. A FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT AT 544 7th. Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tcl. 185 10th St., or. Morrison. M. depot and Fair care pass the house; fine rooms, flrst-claso table an sen-lee; porcelain baths; reasonable rates by the day, week or month; outside parties accommodated with meals. THE WOODLAND. 2C5 CTH LOCATED IN beautiful grounds. 4 blocks from Hotel Portland: hn.i lanre. well-furnished rooms: rates by week or month; permanent; meals If desired. Phone Main 5250. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR: rooms with board; uee of -e wing-room; us of library; Woman's .Exchange. Aooreta airs. E. B. Hamlin, superintendent. 510 Flanders. TUB LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market et,, bet. 3d and 4th; steam beat, electric light, gas, porcelain bathe; all out tlde rooms; exceedingly low rates. ; BLOCKS FROM FAIR. PRIVATE RESI- dencc. 829 Qulmby. 'M". car at Depot, off at 25th and Qulmby. third Douse from corner. S95 12TH FRONT PARLOR. 1ST FLOOR, newly furnlshod. private family; bath, gas. phone; board If aestrea; reasonable price. HOTEL BROWN. 271k GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator. bliilard-room; transients; both car lines. HliTEL TENNESSEE. 4TH AND MADISON. fronts Plata Park and City Hall; pleasant rooms, single or on suite; new. central. GOOD BOARD AND ROOM. TWO LADIES desirable location; private, modern; $23 per month each, y 74. Oregonian. THE HAWTHORNE. ROOMS WITH BOARD. KOOd home cooking: reasonable; central; on car line. 221 13th. FINE ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board, very reasonable. 502 Clay, near 15th. Phone Main &W9. NI"B BOARD AND ROOM. STRICTLY PKI- ate family, for two young men preferred. 500 Mill ft. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN sulto or single, board; hot and cold water. PARLOR AND BEDRPOM. SINGLE OR together, witn board. Phone .aiain oiix CHOICE ROOMS. TRANSIENT OR rERMA nent; board. 304 Columbia. Main 2219. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 715 OVERTON. Cor. 22d, ono block from Morrlson-st, line. ONE LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR 2 OR 4, wun boaro. 4(3 K. 'ine, cor. bin. Flats. 50 V, CORBETT ST.. UPSTAIRS 0 ROOMS, bath. gas. etc.; $15; take "S" ear to the door; newly painted and papered; keys at grocery across street. Owner. J. 11. Middle. ton, till Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT NEW MODERN C-ROOM FLAT. 29 E. 8th eu. vacant July 1: gas anad elec tric convenience.; rent Zi., Apply 1ZQ Front. Page & sons. 2S, 1GTH. NEAR WASHINGTON MODERN G-room flat for rent, furniture ef 5 rooms for pale; furniture all new; price $350 If sold at once. 304 TAYLOR LOWER FLAT, COMPLETELY furnished for housekeeping; three blocks from Hotel Portland; desirable location. MODERN AND CONVENIENT NTJW APART mente, janitor; special rate to jtermanent tenants. J ano Joimsen efts. FOR RENT PART OR ALL OF FURNISH cd C-room modern "let. Call phone Main T42. MODERN FOL'U-ROOM FLAT. YARD AND baeement. 441 Rodney ave. Phone Seott cote. . Houhekecplnc Rooms. THE ONBONTA. 1S7 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM 1:111 New bouse. elegantly furnished apart ments. In suite of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot ana com water, gas range In each kitchen; rieaw neat, oaron; tree pttoae oa each fleer. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ana single rooms in nlccnt brick block on East SUe; gas range, bath, etc. Logan bleck. lBSVj Union ave. Phone Union 303. FL'LLY FURNISHED HOUSEKERl'lNG tent. $8 per month, accommodations day or week. Phone Scott 3751. Lewis and Clark Camp. Mount Tabor Heights. FURNISHED ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING and ethers; private family; phone and bath: reasonable. ITS E. 0th st., cor. i amntii. TO LET-SUITE OF 3 ROOMS. FROM JULY 1 to September 1; complete for housekeep ing; no children. Mm. W. A. Daly, The Brown. 645Vj WASHINGTON ST. HANDSOMELY furnished housekeeping suites; gas range, phone, brick Mock; Mnglc rooms; transient. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WITH ALL MOD ern conveniences; clean, desirable. 1S Mailer ave., bet, Skidmere and Prescett. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS BY week er month; sink in kitchen. 482H Washington, opposite Belasoo Theater. S72 FIRST-TWO OR FOUR FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; also two unfurntetied; reasonable, respectable people only. TWO OR MORE FURNISHED HOUSBKEEP ing rooms; gas; walking distance Fair; flne locality; reasonable. 544 Overten. TWO NICE LARGE ROOMS. FURNISHED, housekeeping, flrst fleer, modern conve nience flne location. 300 Park. UNFURNISHED UPPER FLOOR OF 3 rooms and alosve; light, bath, phene; no children. 347 College. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, all new. in suites ef two and three rooms. Call 4824 3d st- 413 MAIN. CORNER 11TH NICELY FUR nished parlor wi;h use of kitchen If de sired: no children. TWO OR THREE VERY DESIRABLE rooms fer light heusekeeplnr; take M car. 667 Irving st. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; gas. sink and phone. 254 Montgomery, cor 3d st WITCH HAZEL. Front and iladlson House keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric light. 2 LARGE HOUSEKEEPING FRONT ROOMS, eultable for 3, and bath. S22 4th st. FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED HOUSB k toping reams. $9 month. 630 7th. XICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING OR single rooms. 146 North 16th st. 1"URNISHED HOUSEKEEPING with use of kitchen. 326 Oth. ROOM. rOK KENT. JTOR BENT A NEW MODERN HOUSE OF 6 rooms iM porcelain bath. Inquire at 129 E. 32d is-, bet. Morrison and Alder. Take Sonnyside and lit Tabor cars. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. HIGHLAND. BATH, pantry, basement, sink, net water, ranee, ebadce. 514 Chamber of Commerce. Phone DONALD G. WOODWARD, 246 STARK SI, Rents and Insurance. Phene xain a. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, GIBBS and Hood, full bailment, lis. -ttoom iv, Hamilton bldr. Phone Hood 483. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers, in one Main 1CSS. Office. 110 N. 3d St. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. WALKING DIS Hatfield & Smith. tance. East tide, $13. 165 Fourth st. SIX-ROOM MOD"ERN HOUSE. COS CTH ST.. cor. Sherman. Inquire jonn Barcy. YamhllL NEW. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE AT 64e Bortfawlck St.; Key at I40J, Kuesen, or sw Monroe. FOR RENT NEW 5-ROOM COTTACE. ON car line; one spring water; 12. b. 67, ure gonlan. 3-ROOM MODERN FLAT. UNFURNISHED. Inquire Oat A. 225 Market, bet. in ana za. TO RENT HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS. 318 .HuaiuujtTy w inquire cl uj MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE ON CAR line. Inquire 052 Williams are.; $!. WANTED GIRL FOR COOK AND HOUSE- work. Apply 253 N. 21st at. 314 NEAT FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, 349 WA- ter. pnone Main 459. Furnished Mouses. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED SEVEN- room hous. flne yard, electric lights. Daw. etc; furnishings new and clean; will rent part or all; reasonable to right party. In quire 145S 3d st.. studio, between Morrison and Alder, irom 10 to s. DO YOU WANT FURNISHED HOUSE DUR- lng Fair period? If so. call en us. We can supply what you desire. J. V. Crelgh ton & Co.. 165 3d st.. room A. DO YOU WANT FURNISHED" HOUSE DUR- Ing Fair period! If so. call en us. we can mipply what you desire. J. V. Crelgh ton & Co.. lesvi 3d et.. room A. FOR RENT FURNISHED 5-ROOM HOUSE. for two months, nicely located in nennwe part of city; rent $50 per month. Parrlsh, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder et. FOR RENT FOR ' JULY. AUGUST AND September, fumlfhed house of 7 rooms, mod ern Improvements. 440 Benton U, corner Dupont. Phone East 1570. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT C-ROOM cottage, cor. 2d and Sherman; furnace, gas range, modern improvements. Cettel Drug Co., 1st and Grant sts. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FURNI ture can be bought en easy Installments if desired. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ab lngton bldg. FOR RENT SIX-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE on car line, for. i-uracirr. to adult; piano, gas. large yard; reasonable. Phene Scott 539S. HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS FOR 3 MONTHS, COM pletely furnished: reasonable te responsible parties; East 19th and Davis. Phono East 15SL WELL LOCATED 5-ROOM COTTAGE N1CE ly furnished, porcelain bath. M. S. Rentery, Sherlock bldg. HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, tance, strictly modern. WALKING DIS Phene East 1571. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC tric light, bath, central. Inquire 273 Vi 7th. 5 ROOMS ON E. MORRISON ST. FOR 3 months. Inquire 307 Alder st. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. FOR SALE SIX ROOMS. NKWLY FUR nlshed; muet be sold; rent $20; within Meek and a half of Washington st.; any reason able offer will not be refused; terms If desired. SCtj Park. ROOMING-HOUSE. 2 BLOCKS FROM STEEL bridge, low rent, furniture for sale at a bargain; taken baek oa debt. L Gevurtz, 173 Flrxt at. WELL-FURNISHED. 10-ROOM CORNER house. 3 blocks Portland Hotel; must sell; Price $025. 221 W. Tark. Phene Main 4054 EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR sale; flne residence location; full perma nent roomers. Phone Front 671. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FUR nlture for sale, $123; rent $25. Room 202. Tourney bldg.. 2d and Tayler. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE; LOCATION very desirable; furniture for sale. Call or address 348 Montgomery st. FOR SALE ALL OR PART FURNITURE OF six-room house, account leaving city; must be sold at once. COS Cth. FOR SALE-FURNITURE OF A SIX-ROOM flat, new. with plane, at your own -price. Call at 573 E. Salmon. FURNITURE 6-ROOM HOUSE. $250: RENT 30. near Fair. Hatnew & sraKh, 1C5V Fourth t., room sz. 12-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL LOCATION, cheap rent, J 050. HatfleM a. Smith, ltlSH Fourth st.. room 22. FOR SALE FURNITURE 18-ROOM HOUSE bargain. Inquire SO Park St., one bteek from k asmngten. NEW FURNITURE OF S-ROOM FLAT AND basement; modern; rent $30; reasonable. 2tH) Columbia st. FURNITURE FOR SALE OF FINE. MOD ern O-room-Cnt to responsible tenants; cen tral. Main 111L FOR SALE FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE on 7th. close In; leaving city. J 65, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE en 7th. dore In; leaving eMy. J 65. Ore gonlan. FLATS TO LET. FURNITURE FOR SALE; a snap. 3014 Eugene st,. AlslBa, Or. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR rale cheap: rent $16. 386 CMften st FURNITURE OF 4 ROOMS FOR SALE, house for rent. 464 Oth. Main 53. Summer Resorts. FOLEY HOT SPRINGS THE WELL-KNOWN superior medicinal qualities ef tlime springs make them a favorite resort for Invalids, and the abundance of game and flne Ashing renders It tbe sport man's elystum. For analysis of water and full particulars, ad dress A. A. HeSlnger. Feley Springs. Or. SEASIDE. ELK CREEK AND OCEAN SIDE lots for sale, in the groves er fronting the ocean; grove lots at E!k Creek. Or., and Ocean Side. Wash., $25. J. Kraesaer, Com mercial bids. KLOSTERMAN COTTAGE. SEAVIEW. Wash.; season; 7 rooms, furnished. In - quire Oliver Stoat, contractor. Ilwaco. Wash- er John Klesterxnan. Portland. Or. FOR RENT SEASIDE. S-ROOM COTTAGE on the beach: city water: grand view. Ad dress Clary, Th Fair. 632 Thurmaa, Phon Main C249. COMPLETELY FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM cottage at CentervlMe, Lear Beaeh; ocean let. tree In rear, rent cheap. 273 Stark st. j VERY DESIRABLE 6-ROOM COTTAGE AT fceaview. wash- fer sale or for rent. In quire 783 Northrup or phene Front 874. BUSINESS BUILDING AT LONO BEACH, sear depot; also cottage, at $20 for aeasea. Apply 453 12th at. FOR RENT NEW. LARGE 4-ROOM COT tage. near Seavlew; ridge let. Address 154 K. 34th st. Stores. STORE. 23x100. WITH MODERN PLATE glass front, on East Morrisea st- li blocks west of Grand ave.; rent very low. Inquire of Calef Bros- 130 Cth at. CORNER AND INSIDE STORES, 60 FEET deep. In new brick buHdlsft. N. E. cor. 6th and Everett. A. H. DlrreK. 02 McKay bldr., 3d and Stark. FOR RENT-STORE 25x11. WITH BASE- meat and dock, between Morrison and Alder; .-o. its rroct st. Apply to e. a. Baldwin. tS 4th it. LARGE SAMPLE ROOM FOR RENT. Ap ply Haaelwood Cream Company, 5th aad Oak. OMcca. FOR RENT LARGE, BRIGHT ROOM OX vtn st; rent moderate. Western Investment Co.. 66 6th rt. DESKROOM IN FINE. MODERN BUILDING on 3d at.: state business. A 6S. Oreronlan. DESKROOM FOR RENT IN BEST LOCA tlonin city. Phone Clay 1&14. TOR KENT. FOR RENT LARGE ROOMS FOR OF flees or light manufacturing; Sixth, bet. Washington and Alder. Inquire S. Morton C&hn. S. E. cor. Park and Oak. OFFICES AND ROOMS LEWIS BLDG. IN qutre L L. White. 304 Dekum DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT. Inquire 224 Ablngton bldr- PERSONAL. FACIAL DEFORMITIES AND BLEMISHES permanently removed by latest scientific methods; no pain, no danger, no scars, no detention rram dally duties; wrinkles, hol lows, unshapely nose. ears. Bps, corrected; pitting, birthmarks, pock marks, scars eradicated; superfluous hair, moles, warts, red veins, etc. removed by electric needU: electro-vacuo massage treatment; largest, most successful school of dermatology and only one In Northwest under the direction ef a graduate physician; suite 17-20. Sell-lng-Hlrsch bldg,. Washington st, bet. W. Park and 10th sts. Phone Mala 70ft. lime. M. Vaughn. G. D. V. B. B. Masten, M. CM. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL from Texas; most wonderful discovery of ge; puzzles medical world; rhtematsra. paralyfls. spinal affection, erytlpelas, neu ralgia, catarrh, cancer, burse, eid sores, yield to this oil like magic; cures In 8 to 20 days; sample can. 50c. postpaid; testi monials free; agents wanted. M. E. Clin ton. 515 E. Couch it.. Portland. Or. Phone Union 3452. AZA HOLMES - RIBBECKE. GRADUATE dermatotoglit; scientlflc featural correc tionlst. beautlfler and restorer of youthful ness, may be consulted dally free; evtry affliction ef the human face and scalp suc resafuly treated; mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc removed. Sanitarium and school of dermatology In cennectlen. Par lors 364 Morrison. Phone Hoed 282. MONTHLY Irregularities yield promptly to eur painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free; private and strictly confidential. X Ra dium Institute. 3d and Mer Alisky bldr. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL kinds ef feathers and boas cleaned, carted and dyed: best ef work; satisfaction guar anteed. 1CX5U 6th. Portland, Or. Phene Clay 3U5. Residence. 249 lierrven. xain 4143. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $ I a month koepk your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 317 Washington, opp. Cerd ray's. The "Matrimonial Register, 16c. contains descriptions and particulars concerning sev eral hundred residents cf Ore. and Wash, who wish to marry. InWrstate Introducing Society, suite 24. Russei bldr- 165 H 4 th. ARTHUR MAY. BORN ESSEX, ENGLAND, seppoeed lft Liverpool aevst August, ltTM. return U. S.; executors of tmly brother ta. lit be glad of any Information. Write "M" at Horn castles, Cheaprfde. Leaden, England. THOSE WHO READ -PRACTICAL MET II- ods to insure Success shall surely praise God for the opportunities and possibilities revealed: price 25 cents. Address H. E. Butler. Applegate. California. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment, $2; 3 months', $5. Sent secretly sealed by mall. Agents, Weodard. Clarke U Co.. Portland. Or. THE GLENDORA. 19TIL NEAR WA8HING- ten First-class resident and transient ho tel; rates, transients. $2 and up; resident, $85 xao. and up. American plan. Main 6230. BOOK OF NATURE." A SOCIAL LION, "A Modern Lover, "Rosa's Confession, '"Marriage in High Life, "Desperate Love." 5te each; lists tree. A. W. Sebmale. 229 1st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr Lorcnz Nerve Toatc Tablets; 25o a box. Write or call at EysseU'a Pharmacy, 227 Morriaon st,. between 1st aad 2d. LADIES. ATTENTION 1 ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for talc by leading druggists, $2 per box; fe and reliable, G. skid mere A Co.. special agents, 151 3d at. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL lss; repairing aad recovering, two stores, Washington and Oth and Morrison and Sta. Sole agents for Alexandre kid rlevee. FOR SALE. $10 EACH TWO GOOD SINGER tewing machines, with all attach me sts com plete: guaranteed. Call at Stnger Sewing Machine Store. 4U2 Washington u DR. JACOBOLSKY. RUSSIAN EUREKA medicine; rheumatism cured In one night and very often In one hour. Hotel Ankeny, 349 H Ankeny st near 7th. YOU DON'T SLEEP WELL; YOU ARE nervous. Palmo Tablets guaranteed to cure. Address Brooke Drug Co., 67 North 3d -Portland, or all druggitfte. RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED; REMEM ber the Persian speclalU, Mrs. J. M. Wood The Frances. W. Park and Morrison, room 12. Red 2838. S. R. A. ORCHESTRA MUSIC FURNISHED for select parties; concert aad latest popu lar music. Phones Alain 4438 er 4703. COINS BOUGHT. SOLD; GET OCR PRICES; lists free. Coin Co- 115 N. Ilia. St, Louis. Mo. MISS RAYMOND. MAN1CURIXG. FACE aad scalp masage. 11WV 4th ex., cor. Wash ingtee. Watches, dlamonos. easy pajrncais; diamonds zesgnt. w. u. utaa. &13 lxtunx. uiay tw. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor, 227 1 1th. Tel. Main 4S5S. DR. PAUL CROMWELU THE COLORED specUUst, Sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Mala 5178. AI HAIRDRESSERS. M.VNICURES; WIG raaklnc sjeclaty. Retenthal Sister. 160 5th. TURKISH BATHS. 309 Oregonlan bldr-: gents all night; ladies all day. Main 1938. MISS MAKI. graduate of Finland, maatage and baths- ladies only. 406 Ablngton bldr. sriOBS HALF-SOLED FOR 50c AT HOLLA- baugh's. 2674 Taylor, bet, 3d and 4th. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st, Psese Main 4532. EXPERIENCED FACE AND SCALP MAS- sage. 287 Alder st. Phene Main 5965. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE. 234 MOR risen st, room 10. LOST AND FOUND. LOST SATURDAY NIGHT. ON ALDER. bet. 9th and 14 th sta- a mesh gold pocket' beek with coin bracelet, initials F and A: also a small black pocket beek. with $10 and silver and seme bills; a liberal reward will be paid fer same If returaed to Ore gonlan Office TEN DOLLARS REWARD TH E ORE renlan will pay $10 reward for the arret t and conviction of any one caught ateallng The Oregonlan from the doors ct its sua scrlbenC Circulation Manager. LOST SATURDAY. JUNE 24. AT FAIR grounds, envelope containing two return tick ets te Callfernla; $10 rewarft fer the return ef same. 333 Vi Main st. LOST ON STH ST.. BET. WASHINGTON and Alder. Mack India silk waist. Return 766 Qulmby st- er phene Main 3692. re ceive reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same day. aiain -474. roruana trurjea-iiair factory. LOST IMPORTED BLUE BROOCH. WITH French inscription. Return Reseastetn, 317 Caambef of Commerce; Hberal reward. LOST CHILD'S BROWN AND WHITE COAT, leaving Fair grounds Friday evening. Phene Earc 317. receive reword. LOST AN OPAL SCARF STICKPIN. FIND er will -Mease leave at 221 Sherlock bldr. and receive reward. LOST N. P. & CLASS PIN. "1S05." RE tern te North Pacific Sanitarium and re ceive reward. LOST ENGLISH SETTER, BLACK AND white: has one black eye. Jec Kasper, 575 Pew ell st. LOST ON BAILEY GATZERT. SUNDAY. 3 rings. Finder please phone Mala 5517; re ward. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR RENT FINE RESTAURANT AT A bargain; wilt take part ef rent In board: located H block east ef mala entrance to Fair; flne bargain. Mrs. Black. 66 Upshur. S0-ROOM LODGING HOCSE. CLOSE IN. low rent, lease; furnishings new; space for dining-room er saloon If wanted; owner non resident and mux. eli. W CS. Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE OF 35 ROOMS. DOING a rood business, fer sale to close an es tate. E. T. Tarrart, administrator. 416 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. r-FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE NEAR mala entrance te Fair; msst cell; owner called te Alaska; this Is a snap; see Mrs. Black. 63 Upshur st. 020 ACRES. SO ACRES PILING TIMBER. 30 acres level; $369. K 74. Oreronlan. BCStXZS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. 23 rooms, on 1st st reduced to 31200 41 " comer brick. Income $350. . 3500 50 corner brick, rent only $150. 2500 23 IS furnished, housekeeping. . 1500 -23 sear Postofnce. always full. 2800 17 " 10th. cear Washington, snap 180Q 31 crowded every night 2300 65 - a. h e. L. lease 5750 15 rood location, rent $50. ... . 700 12 on Salmon, clears $50 1050 25 on 1st. clears $125 month... 3150 9 rooms. $550; 23 rooms. $S50; S rooms. $275; 12 rooms. $700; 10 rooms, $550: 92 rooms. $4350; 23 rooms. $1500; C rooms. $300; 5 rooms. $250; 20 rooms. $550? 8 rooms. $300; 10 rooms. $723; 5 rooms. 27 3 T 17 rooms. $1200. We have In addition to the above at least 200 other pood bargains that we would be pleased to show you. ranging from a 3-roem Sat or cottage to a 2v0-room hotel. Can give good terms at low Interest. JENNINGS tc CO 332 H WASH. ST. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY 13 In recelK of the latest information on busi ness chances, tows and country; list opea to Inspection at any l&ns during odce hours. Th Ame. Mercantile Agency. Ablngten bide. NEWSPAPER AND JOB OFFICE. PUGET Sound weekly. Invoices $2000; everything as good as new; between $500 and $0WI In good accounts goes lth It; If sold at once will . take $I7bo; easy terms; owner has other bustneia. Addrem M 64. care OrrgonUa. TO RENT THE DINING-ROOM OF A centrally located buffet, recently refur nished throughout; In center of business district. Those with money to handle this only need apply to Owner. T 6S. Oregonlan. AN INTEREST IN THE BE3T-PATINO manufacturing plant on Pacific Coast is offered for $10,0u0. This sum roes Into the business to Increase facilities. J. . Crelghton i Co.. lC3Vj 3d sc. room A. WANTED BUYER FOR EXCLUSIVE rights to Washington and Oregon, for first class -patented household article, usrd and needed In every . home; big money-maker. For terms address X 73, Oreronlan. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER PLANTS If you ore looking for Investments of this kind I can lnteren you. I have properties paying 20 per cent net and over. Frank Kobe risen. 320 Falling bldr. SEATTLE WHOLESALE FRUIT AND FRO- duce house c exiting opening office In Port land wants party to Invest $2500 to $3000 acting as manager; salary and share of profits. D 02. Oregonlan, FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS TEN-CHAIR barber shop In Statue, oldest shop in city; price $3U00; must retire on account of stek ntre. Address Mr. Williams, 923 E. Spruce r.U. --eattle. Wash. WANTED A MAN WITH MONEY TO IN- veK as partner la well-established wnotesais liquor house In Eastern Oregon; want more capital to meet a rapidly growing busintma. V 47, Oreronlan, ROOMING-HOUSE. 21 ROOMS. GOOD Lo cation, walking distance, furniture new. modern conveniences; will be sold this week very cheap; part cash payment, O 24. Oregonlan. FOR SALE SNAP. IF SOLD SOON: OWNER going to iajllornuL. uoi ana vroocu ooiei, electric light, city water, good location, cash. $2tKO; Installment, $21(X. 1S0S Center sr., Taoxna. Wash. A GOOD BUSINESS IN SEATTLE AND TA- coma, clearing from $300 to $5CU monthly, only $1500 cash down, balance can be ar ranged ratlsfactorily. Anser at once. T 73. Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED: 3600 REQUIRED. fully secured; duties easily learned; owner, knowing the business, will guarantee pur chaser $100 a month. Particulars. 2iSri Stark st. WILL BE SOLD AT ONCE THE ONLY drug store In a small growler town; best proportion ever known of Its size; reason for rellinr will please purchaser. Q 74. Oregonlan. AN. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR A rood business man; can make from to $000 a month; only 31500 cash required down. Answer for particulars today. 73. Orero nlan. $500 7-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. 1 BLOCK Hotel Portland; rood furniture ana car pets; rooms enraged with hotel. $2 day; bargain, $500. Plttenger. 245H Morrison. MAN OR LADY PARTNER WITH $ OR $500 wanted at once at the oaks; roou money guaranteed to be made. Inquire F. Po koray, 107-109 Russell at-. Lower Alblna. WELL-ESTABLISHED REAL ESTATE AND Insurance business for sale; owner compelled to give up business by reason of 111 health; small capital required. S 51. Oreronlan. FOR SALE CHEAP PHOTO STUDIO IX Coast city. $4500; will guarantee paylcr $100 per month; a letter will bring particu lars. Address Y 47, care Oreronlan. FOR SALE. ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS, well-established real estate, brokers ire and rental agency. $750 takes It- J. V. Crelgh ton & Co.. 165H 3d sr.. room A. A BARGAIN FOR SALE LUNCH COUNTER and restaurant, good paying bualnet-a; have reasons for selling; must be taken at enee. Address O C. care Oreronlan. TOO BUYS DQWN-TOWN RESTAURANT, with 5 rooms above, doing flne business; rood reason for celling. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. lC5i 3d St.. room A. A WELL-EQUIPPED PLANINO MILL Lo cated In East Portland, together with stock ef lumber at a bargain; owner going out of business. Q 65. Oregonlan, FOR SALE ONE-THIRD INTEREST IN logging camp, now la active operation, $1700; prefer active partner; plenty of Umber. Ad dress Q 73. care Oregonlan. $S0O BUYS HALF INTEREST IN GOOD payier business: $35 dally receipts, profit 27 to 150 per cent; expesees $3650 month. Box 343, Roseburr. Or. FINE BUSINESS IN PORTLAND AND SPO kane. profits ever $500 monthly; necei-sary capital only $1500 for the right party; act quick. S 73. Orrgoolan. A GOOD BUSINESS IN PORTLAND; PROF-. Its $500 a month; cash required $3500; an excellent opportunity fer the right party. W 06, Oreronlan. RESTAURANT AND BAR. FINE "Busi ness, -rood location; worth $10,000; sell fer $5000; $1500 to $3000 will control. Address Q 72. Oreronlan. FOR SALE BEST SALOON IN PORT land; low rent, good business; Investiga tion solicited; must sell quick. 541 Wash ington st. SICKNESS CAUSES ME TO SELL AN average $15 to $20 a day cigar stand. Ap ply Aberdeen Cigar Store. 235 Burnslde st-. cor. 2d. LUNCH-COUNTER. PARTNER WANTED; $275 required; will make you $3 to $5 a day; experience unnecessary. Call 21SH Stark st. Companies Incorporated, capita secured, bonds, stocks, mines. Investments. Infor mation, real estate. Nat. Fin. Co- 20S Mar. $1000 INVESTED AND SECURED WILL provide comfortable position at $90 per month aad rood dividends. 289 Alder st. BUTTER AND EGG BUSINESS; $600 WILL buy this business and make you $150 and ovr every month. Call 243 H Stark st. tADY COOK WISHES PARTNER IN GOOD paying restaurant; gentleman preferred; $175. National Realty Co. 312 Pine st. FOR SALE 100 SHARES OF THE HURST Automatic Switch & Signal Co. Inquire at 331 17th st Mrs. H. M. Lace. $2300 WILL BUY HALF INTEREST IN ONE of beet-paylnr stores In Spokane County, If taken soon. W 54. Oregonlan. 36 ELEGANT NEW ROOMS FOR LEASE Modern, close lr. For particulars Inquire at Calef Bros- 130 6th st. FOR SALE NEW SAW AND PLANING mill; timber for ten years; will bear Inves tigation. Q 66. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE FOR sale, good location; reason for felling, other buslnerw. H 74. Oreronlan. GOOD RUNNING STEAM MERRT-GO-round. cheap If sold Immediately. Call 208 Clackamas. East Side, FOR SALE ABOUT $1500 STOCK OF GEN eral merchandise at 75 cents -on the dollar. Address X 54. Oreronlan. RANCHMEN" AND DAIRYMEN WE HAVE a butter and milk process to submit to you. S 74. Oreronlan, FOR SALE SNAP. DELICATESSEN AND restaurant; cheap rent; reason. Ill-health. Phone Main 473L WANTED PARTY WITH $500: LARGE profits ruasacteed; new proposition. J 74. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. IN GOOD Lo cation, cheap. Address 41 N. 2d st. BCgXMg CJLUeOM. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER NEARLY" 3 acre ef fine hop land, close to Portias 4. covered with flne Umben tare teea asklcr $30 per acre; as aa investment will clear Si per cent a your money; aa a bsslaeas en terprise la making railroad ties aad ptUnx can get your money back oa the taal and have $5000 la IS months; I need cash aad must tell this week; make ae aa offer., II 87. Oregonlan. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT BUSINESS la one of the beat towns tn the state; this la a corporation aad a. controlling Interest can be acquired la same oa most favorable terms; purchaser can take position of man ager at a good salary; capital required about 3&000. The Amea Mercantile Agency. Ab lngton bldr. FOR LEASZ. Responsible party can secure Isase oa 60-room hotel la rood location; no bonus fcr lease. THE HEALT INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 Ablngton. 104H Third St. LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLES: ALSO gtneral teaming buslsesa; steady work far teams and several boarders; 5 sta em ployed steadlty. owner widow, therefore mut sell or trade; home adjtatcr Included. It desired: will give lease on property. LX 50. Ortgontas. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR sale, rood reasons for eelllnr: trade good. Inquire Allen & Leitta. BAKERY FOR SALE. DAILY RECEIPTS $20; best bakery la WlUametu Valley. B 65, OrrgonUa. FOR SALE CIGAR STORE WITH CON fectlenery and stationery. 321 As tor it. Astoria. Or. FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP AND tools, with 4 years' lease. 410 Belmont st.. East Side. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES SALEM. OR.. June 10. 1905 The Board of Trustees of the Oregon State Insace Asylum hereby Invites sealed proposals fer furnlshlnr the follow Inx supplies to the Institution for the six month endtnr December 31. 1903: Groceries, mill feed and flour, meats and fish, dry-roods, drugs, stationery, leather and findings, shoe, plumbing, furniture, hardware, tinning, crackerr and dataware. Lists of said aup- nlles will be furnished br the clerk of tae board unon asnlieatloa. Samples can be seen at tbe asylum, and roods must be In neeordtnee therewith. Where samples are required end net furnished by bidders, the articles must be equal to samples to be seen at the asylum, ana bids will be assumed to rave been made on basis of samples. Alt foods mu l In atrtrt accordance with rsunple in ortslna! pack ires when possible, and delivered at '.he Suite Insane Asylum within 20 days after the contract Is award ed, and bids must be on blank forms, which will be furnished, together with Instructions to bidders, by the clerk, upon application. Each bid on flour or meat must oe accom panied by a certified check of $300. and each bid en fish by a certified check of $75. and all other bids by certified checks equal to 10 per cent of the amount bid; chects of un successful bidders to be returned Immediately and those of accepted bidders when the contract la completed. Bids must be In closed In sealed envelopes, and directed to the Board, care of the Clerk, aad plainly marked. "Bids for Asylum Supplies." aad the clam of roods bid on should also be Inscribed oa the envelope. Price, fitness and quality being equal, preference will be riven to articles manufactured, grown or produced la this state. When a particular article Is specifically called for. bids for ether kind, or manufacture or brand, equally rocd will be entertained, but to incurs rec ognition of such bids samples of the articles It la proposed to aupply must accompany them. Bidders will take notice that there Is no appropriation available fcr maintenance of the asylum. Therefore, claims for sup plies can only be audited by the Secretary of the Stat, and certificates of evidence of allowance Isr-ued to claimants. As soon as there Is an arDrosriatlon available, war rants will be Issued in Ilea of the certifi cates. The Board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids, or to accept cr reject any part of a bid. Bids will be opened at the Capitol at Salem at 10 A. M.. Monday. July It. 190-5. By order of tbe Board of Trustees of the Oregon State Insane Asy lum. W. N. Gat ens. Clerk. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OFFICE of Constructltnr Quartermaster, Fort Wright. Wash.. June 21. 1CC5. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until II o'clock A. M., Thursday. July 6. II JO. and then opened In the presence of attending bidders, for the construction, plumbing, heat ing and electric wiring of two double bar rack buildings at Fort Wright. Wash. No proposal requiring more than 12 months for completion will be considered. Plans and specifications and full Information will be furnished on application at this office or trie Quartermaster's offices at Portland. Or., and Seattle. Wash., and' the Chief Quartermas ter's Office at St. Paul. Minn. The United States reserves the rtzht to accept or re ject any or all proposals or any part there of. Envelopes should be Indorsed. "Propo sals tor construction," and aaaressea to ins undersigned. Edw. A. Shuttleworth. Cap tain, Quartermaster. U. B. Army. Stockholders Medlar. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. Notice of Sneclal Meetlnr to Stockholders- Notice la hereby given that a special meetlnr of the stockholders of the Port land Ueneral Electric Company has been called by unanlmoue vote of a regular meetlnr of the beard of directors, and will be held at the office of the company. Portland. Or., on the 11th day of July. 1905. at 11 o'clock A. M.. for the follow- lBg purposes: (1) To consider and take action upon i crsDosltlon to mortrare. nledze and con vey In trust the property and franchises of the company, now owned or hereafter acquired, to secure an Issue of Its bonds to an amount not exceedlnr $10.100.000, bear ing Interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, and to authorise the issue oc tae bends to be tnerehy secured. 12) To consider and take action unon rtv 1st the board of directors the right and power to sell, transfer, convey, mortrare, pledge or rive or convey tn trust, the real property and lands mentioned and de scribed in section 25 cf Article III of the present articles of Incorporation, and also any and all of the property of the com pany, real, personal ana mixec. ana any Dart er portion thereof. (3) To cotislder; and take action upon a croDOsltlen to rescind and repeal all the by-law of the company and to adopt other by-laws in lieu tnereor. (4) To consider and take action upon a proposition to authorise the directors to file supplementary articles of Incorporation, wherebr section 25 of article .III of the pres ent articles of Incorporation shall be amend ed, by tbe emlslon therefrom of the pro visos therein contained, so that said sec tion as amended shall read as follows: "To selL transfer, convey, dispose of. lease, mortrare. pledge and rive or convey In trust the property of the corporation, real. personal and mixed, and any part or por tion thereof: and whereby section 26 of Article III of the present articles of In corporation shall be amended by th omis sion therefrom of the proviso therein con tained, so that said section as amended shall read as follows: "Te borrow money on Its bend, coupon notes, promissory cotes, debenlarea. or otherwise for the gen eral or special purposes or any thereof of the corporation, and to mortrare. pledge or rive or convey in trust any ana au oc its property, real personal or mixed, to secure the payment tnereor. SAMUEL G. REED. Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of Lewis and Clark Centennial and American Pacific Exposition and Oriental Fair will be held at the -office of the company, room 27. Ad ministration building. World's Fair Grounds. Portland Or., Monday. July 3. 1900. at 10 o'clock A. 1L. for the purpose -cf electing directors and of traru-acttnr such other business as may legally be brought before said meeung. iienry e. iteea. secretary. Dated Portland, Or.. June 23. laoo. Hlscelaaeesst. WANTED TO KNOW WHEREABOUTS OF Jean or A. Brooks, brothers, who left Mcs ratine. T - about lSSO. for Portlacd. (Jr. Send address C. IL Benson. Mutual Life Dicr-, cor., ai, ana. sansome sts., san i ran CISCO. UU. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE LAW FIRM of Pipes & Tifft has been dissolved by mutual consent, lay efsces are GOO Cham' ber of Uominerce. Telephone Main 653. - MARTIN U PIPES. FINANCIAL. CHATTEL LOANS MADE ON GOOD" SE- curtty at lowest rates; large amounts. THE HEALT INVESTMENT CO.. 214 Ablnston. IOC's Third St. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates. 8 W. xinar. room 45 Washington bldr. Phone Main 6100 LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE. planes, other securities. 449 Sherlock bldg Phone Clay 528. Also real estate loans. MONEY TO LOAN ON WELL-RATED notes: legal Interest: bo agents. Banker, Box V ,4. Oregonlan. MONET TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS. OF SE curity. Wm. Boll. rm. 0. Woahi&ctoa blag- State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, atata agT, Multnomah Co.. 466 Cham. Com. MONEY ON MORTGAGE. CITY OR SUSUR- ban; easy terms. W. S. Word, the Alisky. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 3 AND 6 PXJfc CENT. Wa u. Beck, reosa the Tailisr bid. FIXANCXtL. MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. ANT WAOE-EARNEK NEEDING MONET before uurdar can ret It treat us. No- com- I mustoa or interest in aavaace; no nan rasa or IntSoreer reauired. Repay weekly. monthly or sssit-monthly In amounts fram xi upwarj. tnas avoiainr; paymest o; in whole amount out ef any oae payday, aad. have six months time If desired. Nekrua Hind ley. 303 McKay bldr. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLK holding permanent positions aad responsible flrms; easy payments a dl strictly cenaaen Ual; also CHATTEL LOANS en personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOANvA TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablarton Buildinr. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, eaa ret oa nu note, witnent menzaze Confidential. Month. H-meath. Week. $50 Repay to us $1X23 or $6.65 or $X26 $25 Repay to us $ C.03 or $3-25 or 3t-86 $13 Repay to us $ 4.CO or 2.00 or LOO 210 JI KAI ilLUU, VIZ ZU. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 2X7 OREGO- I niaa bldf . leans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motermen. conductors er other salaried emsleres. Just oa his nets. in mma of 310 to 3100. Returnable in con venient weekly or monthly payments. Pay- dents suspended in ease ox sickness, (.oaa- dentlaL .No inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. teamsters, etc.. without security: easy pay ments; largest business in vt principal en- les. Tolman. 223 Ahmxton btag. Main MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT rates you can afford, money leaned on fur nttcte. plana or personal property ;best terms la city; m 218-220 Ablngtea. Red 1726. LOANS ON EAST-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly cea fldinttaL Employes Lean Co.. room 716. the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. l'aene IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 oa all securities. R. 1. Bckerson Co.. room 5. wasninrten disk, raoae utay .u. tlMA TO -iSijtia TO LOAN ON REAL Es tate security at Wa per cent interest. L 111. Oregonlan. $50,000 TO LOAN AT Vi REGULAR RATES. The Portlana Loan Office. 74 3d st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accord-on rialtlax. MISS O. GOULD. SOI MARQUAM BLDG.; accordion aad knife plaiting and plakter- Asnayera ana Analysts. THE J. H. F1SK ASSAYING OFFICE ?ZCaXlt!LZZiz?ta and metallur gilts. 204 a Washington sc. I , A. MOE. ASSAYER AND ANALYTICAL chemist; gold ana stiver, si. .irtera. ur. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 203 STARK St. Best facilities; prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA- lyst Gold dust bought. sO 1st at. Attorn ejs-at-Law. r. S. O. MARQUAM. 401 COMMERCIAL Bldr. I make specialty of defeating tax titles. Business Colleres. GREGU SHORTHAND TOUCH TTPEWRIT- lnr. famous budget bookkeeping, actual business practice: positions found ter grad uates; day and night school. Holmes Bust, ness College. 1. L. A. onlg. aiala 53. Carpenters and Builders. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVES. houses built and repaired, zus 4th. Jiay I,. W. L. BCCKNER. office, store fixtures, general I jo n t:ng. contracting: 330 biar. .uain aaar. I Carpet Cleaners. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and comprr-aiea air comotnea; carpets eieanea oa floor without removal. Mala 5534. East 23. Clairvoyants. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. VAN CORTLAND. 203 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. STH. THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION, YOUR MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME. AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY aad what you called for. without as Sing a ques- tlon: will tell tou the name of your sweet heart or anrtbinsr you want to know. He sends you away much wiser and happier than when you called. a DO YOU WISH TO KNOW I Does everything go wrenrT Has Fortune never smiled on you? Have vou tried and failed 7 Has your life been full ef up a and downs: Have you ever attained your object to Hf r vour heart s desire? er your heart's desire? Are you happy and contented? Have you the money you want? Do you know what you are best adapted for? Are you separated from the one you leve? Do you desire a speedy ana nappy mar riage? How can I win my lawsuit? How can I be successful In my new tn Tention? How can I be successful In my patents? Can I trust my partner? Wilt my change be successful? Shall I make a change? Will I take a journey? When shall my absent friend return? Why do I net receive a letter? Am Z loved In return? Is there a rival In my leve? Can I trust my friends? Have I enemies? When shall I marry? Shall I ever be divorced? How can I have good luck? PROFESSOR VAN CORTLAND, SEVEN YEARS IN PORTLAND. THE OLIVE, 3034 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. STH AND WASHINGTON STS. Office hours. 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. Dally and Sunday. FLORENCE K. WHITE. TRANCE MEDIUM Advice on business, mining and social af fairs; circles every Tuesday and .Frway at 8 o'ciecx. Office 2334 Washington su Phene uay Chiropodist and Manicuring. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST permanently removes corns, bunions, cal louses, ingrown and club nails; pedicurlnr. manicuring, face and scalp specialist. Red 1842. 10 Benson bldr-. eer. 3th and Mor rison. WM. I) EVENT & ESTELLfc D EVENT. THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors rooms 203 Drew bldr- 162 2d sr. Phone 3iain imi. This la the long-haired gentleman. Ha Is the man you are looking for. Benjamin, the Foot Specialist, 7th and Star!-. J. LINDELL. expert cntrepodlst: all Instru ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Mala 525a, Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallew, old rubber and old metal and general cemmia slcn merchant. Front st.. near Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on conairaminta. TAYLOR. YOUNG tc CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bWg.. Portland, Or. ALLEN Jk LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO- due mercnants. ironr. ana uavis st.. ron- land. Or. THE MATTTNGLT ACADEMY OF DANC- lag. 2G 14th. cor. Jeff. Waltxlnr specialty. i Dandajc aad Elocution. MRS. NINA LAROWEfS HALL. 23D AND Kearney, at home 11 to 2 P. M. Main 2323. Fireworks. KWONG SANG WA & CO.. 143 2D FIRE- crs.ct.ers. creworxs at au Kinas; eneapest- place In town. FOOK HANG LUNG. 181 2D. COR. YAM- hill Tlrecrackers, all kinds flreworks. cheap; flee teas. TraterBal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremcst frater nal society of . W. ; protects the lirinc J. Za. MItcheu sup. sec- 612-615 Marquam bldr. Maraef aad Saddles. tot" m-otjftvT: T.s.VTvTJ-fn r-r wunrr". sale saddles and harness mfrs.. leather and THE BRET MAX LEATHER CO.. WHOLE- I sals saddles anad harness mfrs.. saddlery j hardware, leather of ail kinds. T2-74 3th sc. JOHNSON & LUTHER. CUSTOM-MADE harness, wholesale and retail. 54 6th sr. Juak. XUea aasi. Pelte. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF I SirStlanU. Stockhoba, St. Pet era ban. "atea--hldes. pelts.- wool. -Turs. tallow, old rubbers, I ZZL Zurich. Honolulu, s&etair and sacks, 313 Frost it, J 'caUcctlcss mads oa favorable terssa. BUSINESS MCTOltX. D-ftt4t. NXT CHURCHMAN, dentrat. 32a toyas. tt aad Mocrtsoa. Phone Mats, ITtM. raa-Mswry. B. TRENKMAX Jt CO. MINING. SAW- sstas. terxlas machinery; hydraulic 9sv CMtlsr. Alt triads repaired. ItH N- a?. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HANa ' machinery, sawraiils. etc 24s Grand ave. Leather aad rWHegs, 1 J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER. CO SsV tabUshed IS5S. Leather aad naitaajs; Stockton sole leather aad cut --- Une Eastern Jurahosw 1SS Front, at. THE BREYMAK LEATHER. CO.. SOLX aad upper leathers of all kinds;, cat scocsv nndtags and shoe store supclies. 72-74 3th. Marble aad Graratte. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS; NO agents; Jt per cent saveo. at WeeXar. 19 Treat, opposite Failing School-, take S or. Northsi esc YTstI Co. LSAIS BLDCL. PARK AND MORRISOX sts. caa or send stamp for Health Book. Nurses. The Davis Nursery tor Iafaata aad CaUdrea; rcasouanic. mens m zstn aad vaugaa. Osteopathy. DRS. AD IX i NORTHRUP. 415-IS-17 DEKUM: bhsz 31 and Washtsrten. Phones: Office, Mala 349: residence. Main East 1U2X. r.vammiitioas tree. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARTEL T. SMITH. graauates Jvlr Seville, o.. H.J uregnn:at bldr. Phone Main 1242. DRS. OTIS AND MAWET. AKIN. 403-4 M.VC- leay hide Tel. Clay 773. Era-nlnattnns free. Paints. Oils and Glass. RA3MU3SEN & CO- JOBBERS, paints, oils. giaas. sasa and deors. Cor. 2d. aaa iayxor. Pastnrase. Pasture Stock received oa Ladds Canyora farm; dea't come Sunday. F. A. Miliar. Sua-. Pasturage tor Beat. CLOSE TO PORTLAND: STOCK ALSO taxen m oy tne month, ssi sneriocx. ruac Plaster and Staff Work- ANY KIND OF ATTRIBUTES EC PLASTER staff statues, ornaments etc.. for the fair oc aaywnere. J. Auara. ' 2411 .T)liimnix Patent lawyers. - TOIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIG: -,..., hi.,,-.., m.. it04 rjaknra. patents; Infringement eases. 604 Dekum. Rubber Stamps. P. C STAMP WORKS. 213 ALDER. TEL 3lam Tit'. Rubber stamps, seals, staacus. Rupture Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC truss: perxect retainer; positive cure; book free. .vaaress Er. Pierce. uJ Kearny st-. a. 3, Safes. DIEBOLD manganese circle doors, bankers comfort; Dleboia nrepreor. ana oargiar proof; the best; repairs and jail work. Davis. 66 3d. Second-Hand Machinery. J. SIMON & BRO, DEALERS IN ALL kinds of second-band machinery, pipe, cable, belting-, hardware; highest price paid fer scrap iron and metals. 214 Front. Mala 2002. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. gta and Uoyc Phone Main 1403. PORTLAND SHOWCASE 4fc FIXTURE (XX, 343 1st. near Market. Phone Biac JiiJ- Splrituallsts. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reUabla medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love troubles; absent friends a specialty. 163s 4th. st. RusseJ bldr-; hours to 5. RETURNED 'MRS. SOPHIA B. SEt?. THX best psychometrist In all affairs or ma; dally 10 A M. to 8. 327 7th st- Mala 4312. MRS. a CORNELIUS. BUSINESS TEST HE", dlum. 143 6th. room 21. Phone Hood lH3j I MR3 LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CONSULT. ed. 69 SelUnr-Hlrsch bldr. Main 6179. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND iTJlt-XlXUiUa moved, packed reaay tor snipping ana shipped: all work ruaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of flce 12S 1st. C. M. Olson. Phone Main 347. Q pICIC OFFICE S3 1ST.. BET. STARK I ". -viX. v tn,i. .n fnmitnn ana u-ui. t " . moved and packed for shipment; comraDol eus flrerpoof brick warehouse. Front and Clay st. . FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT at household goods ana xumtiure. pianos, trunks, tool chests, sowing machines and. all moveable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold aad repaired, coast .Agency, " star. -. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE , Grocery. cor. I. Jfront. ana xavxs sis., iwuau, w. Wood and Coal. PORTLAND FUEL CO. PHONE ilAOTt 830. 334 water sr. BANKS. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oiaest irusc .ooipn-ujr m ut5ua. RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. neneral banklnr business conducted. Sav ings deposits received. Time certificates Issued. 3i to 4 per cent interest on short caU special certificates. Call or send for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Mala 433. 109 Third st. BEN J. I. COHEN President I jj. L. PITTOCK.. . . ice-jrresiaeat B. LEE PAGET.... ...........Secretary . .Assistant Secretary J. O. GOLTRA LADD & TILTON. BANKERS Transacts a general banklnr business. Interest allowed cn time deposits, pjttimi made at points on favorable. tetters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers) sold on New Tork. Washington, Chicago, St, Louis Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington and Idaho jientaca sou cnuw uiuusu. Exchange ea London. Paris, Berlin. Frank fart. Hongkong; Yokohama. Manila and Hono lulu. I MERCHASra fit J. FRANK WATSON.... i-resiaens R. L. DURUM. ...... -- ice-inesiasat R. W. 11UI i. i"?;5 GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS .V UiiJJiiSAi BUSINESS. United States Depositary, nnfts and letters of credit Issued, avail- able la all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALTFORNLV fKsraoijsaca HEAD OFFICE. San .Francisco. CaL vw.frf.tie . liUiliat o. iviru Gen. Man. of Branches W. MACKINTOSH i capital paid up.... .j.vjw.ww I Surplus and undivided profits 36.SCO.00a I A General Banking ana r.Tcnnnse jmiar Transacted. Letters of eresit ist-uea. aiaiasie u au y"- of the world. Interest IdonUme deposit!, SAVTNGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upwards. Portland Branch. Chamber of Ccrnmerca WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL .Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sta. Transacts a General Banklnr Business. Drafts Issued, available In all cities ct the. Unlted States and Europe, Hongkong as Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President.... J- -- ATNSWORTH -President - IV. B. ATEP. Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Cashlr..!T." R. W. SCHMXER SSnr Cashier. X. M- IVRIGg Assistant Cashier....... ...,W. A aOL ITRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OR. T3 em mated" Depositary aad Financial A jest of the United States. T .M.nt .......... ....-V. i. J-iU.I.-t I ruhier - - "-siu5A s ..W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier.. Fi STEVENS Letters cfcredlt Issued available la M- rope and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic traasenr sold on New York. Boa ton. Chicxs-o. St. T,m! St. Paul. Omaha. San Francises aad the principal points of the Northwest. Sirht aad time bills drawn In sussa ts svlt rniiSaa- Paris. Berlin. Fraakfect-o-s-the Mala. Honkoi. Tokoharaa. Co; tehn ye.