Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 27, 1905, Image 1

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VOL. XliT-NO. 13,900.
Testimony a Heavy
Blow -to Mitchell.
Attempts to Get Witness to
Commit Perjury Revealed.
Former Private Secretary Testifies
That defendant Said That "All
I Ever Got Was a Fcv
Small Checks. "
Harry C Robertson, former private
secretary to Senator Mitchell, has told
his story. The scene In the "United
States courtroom yesterday moraine:
when Robertson took the stand was
dramatic. Not a word told by the wit
ness missed the ears of the defendant
and the auditors present. Judge Tan
ner's testimony was a blow to Senator
Mitchell The testimony of Robe son
was even heavier, for in many details J
It corroborates what Judge Tanner has
already told the Jury. The witness de
clared without reservation that he had
been asked to commit perjury so that
Senator Mitchell and Judge Tanner
might evade the necessity of appear
ing In court. He told of the stormy
Interview with the defendant when the
latter found that he would not be a
tool and of his own fear of meeting
Judge Tanner on his return to Portland
from "Washington because he thought
that he would be too weak to resist
Judge Tanner's attempts to get him to
commit perjury. The witness stated
that "ho delayed his visit to the Sen
ator's law partner for this reason. It
was this delay that resulted in placing
In the hands bt hei .government that
particularly damaglngaurn "this let-,
ter document ht Senator Mitchell, a
letter which was given to Robertson
by Max Pracht to deliver to Tanner.
Mitchell Under' Heavy Strain.
It was a trying task for Witness
Robertson, but the ordeal that Senator
Mitchell passed through was greater.
The heavy strain to which he has been
subjected since his name was flrst con
nected with the land frauds has be
come more apparent as the days of the
trial lengthen. He was less a master
of himself while Robertson was on the
stand than at any time since the trial
began. He grew intensely angry at
many of Robertson's statements, and
once it looked as If he would, lose en
tirely his seir-controi. his race was
flushed with the red blood of pent-up
anger and several times he muttered
denials to himsolf. During the cross
examination he made frequent sugges
tions of interrogation to ex-Senator
"With the conclusion of a brief redirect
examination of Robertjon, the Govern
ment closed its case. This came as a sur
prise, for it was believed that there were
still a number of witnesses for the prose
cution to be heard. The defense then be
gan Introducing its testimony, but was
not quite ready to go on, and ex-Senator
Thurston Informed the court that he
wished to consult with Judge Bennett and
Senator Mitchell before entering upon the
defense in earnest Several witnesses
were called, but the testimony of all of
them only tended to show that the Scna
, tor had performed Important services for
a nuirfber of constituents and had refused
fees. Judge Tanner was recalled, but he
added nothing pf material Importance to
the testimony already given by him.
Robertson a Strong: Witness.
Robertson made a Krong witness for
the Government. He was unshaken In the
severe cross-examination conducted by
ex-Senator Thurston, and, unlike that of
Judge Tanner, there was no morsel of
comfort given the defense. The witness
answered all questions in a direct and pos
itive manner, and ho pajrd through the
cross-examination without a skip or a
break. He stated in positive terms that
he had refused to become a tool of his
former employers, and In a quiet, but re
served, manner, he repeated conversations
he had with Senator Mitchell, of the rage
Into which the Senator flew during these
conversations, and of the oath which the
defendant used during this stormy inter
view. The witness said the Senator wept
upon this occasion and declared that the
charges were brought by his political ene
mies and for the purpose of ruining him.
Robertson told of Senator Mitchell's
anxiety and concern regarding bis connec
tion with getting the Kribs claims expe
dited, and of the attempt of the defendant
and Judge Tanner to frame up a plot
whereby they would evade prosecution.
Robertson stated that he had Informed
Senator Mitchell that such a scheme
would fall because too many knew of the
flrm'a connection with the Kribs claims.
He told of Senator Mitchell's stubborn de
termination to fight his accusers, the Sen
ator saying that he was Innocent. One of
the damaging bits of testimony given by
Robertson was part of a conversation he
had with the defendant. Robertson stated
that the Senator during this talk said:
"Only a Few Small Checks."
"Harry, you know they ought not to
prosecute me for that. All I ever got was
a few small checks."
When the witness repeated this state
ment Senator Mitchell's face, became
ablaze with indignation. He shifted in his
chair, and half rose. He controlled him
self with an effort, but be shook his head
and muttered denials to all that the wit
ness was saying. The witness told the
Jury that Senator Mitchell Impressed upon
him the Importance of first consulting
with Judge Tanner on his arrival In Port
land, before going Into the grand Jury-
room, and to learn from Judge Tanner
what he (Tanner) bad testified before that
Jury. Robertson stated that among the
things that Senator Mitchell wanted him
to do was to make a statement in writing
telling what he had testified to. It seems
that Representative Williamson was also
present at this Interview In Washington
City. The witness said that both were
anxious to learn whom Robertson had
seen while In Portland, and what they had
talked about- The witness said that he
refused to do this on the ground that he
would be violating his oath given before
the grand jury.
Robertson also told of the famous in
terview which Senator Mitchell gave out
to the newspapers in Washington. Rob
ertson, It seems, did not prepare this In
terview, but the Senator, he said, had
shown It to him. He said that another
rather stormy colloquy followed, when be
(Robertson) Informed the Senator that
his denial of ever meeting Kribs could be
prored against hhn, and that the inter
view was altogether too strong. He ad
vised the Senator not to give It out. Tho
witness said that the Senator still In
sisted that he was Innocent of any
wrongful acts, and that be could swear
to the things stated In the Interview "on
a stack of a thousand Bibles." Accord
ing to the witness, this Interview was
modified, the Senator making some of
the changes suggested by him.
Story of the "Burn This" Letter.
Robertson told the story of Senator
Mltohell's "bum-thls-letter" message to
Tanner. Ho said that the letter had
been handed to him by Max Pracht. but
that before he could turn It over to
Tanner, the Government officials knew of
its existence, and that Mr. Honey had de
manded 1L Ex-Senator Thurston en
deavored to get the witness to acknowl
edge that he had given the information
of his own volition, but he denied this.
He did admit, however, that bo had let
slip, while in Mr. Heney's presence, the
fact that he had a letter from the Sen
ator to Judge' Tanner. Attorney Thurs
ton also tried to got the witness to admit
that when he left Waehlngton for Port
land. Senator Mitchell had requested him
to toll the truth. Robertson emphatically
denied this. Robertson reiterated upon
cross-examination that he saw Senator
Mitchell and Frecerick A. Kribs together
in the offices of the law firm. Ex-Benator
Thurston carried the witness back and
forth ovor certain parts of his testimony
several times, "but the answers were
substantially tho same. Counsel for the
defense questioned the witness closely
regarding the time 4hat the Senator"
called for the- flnn!s books. . which he
44atedlh"e Senator had callt d Ijpr and ex
amined on one of his trips to Portland.
One occasion for Judge Tanner's
recall was to correct a statement which
he had made regarding the number of
letters which he had said that he had
written to Senator Mitchell. Tanner had
stated that he. had written hundreds of
letters to Senator Mitchell for constitu
ents. He was given a chance to go over
his letter files, and found, so he testified,
that the number was less than 10. He
also was called to Identify a telegram
which he had sent to the Senator, telling
him that he and his son. Harold, were
about to be Indicted for perjury.
The witnesses" placed on the stand by
the defense were: Theodore B. Wilcox.
William D. Wheelwright. T. O. Abbott.
an attorney from Seattle; W. H. Odell,
ex-clerk of the State Land Office; Captain
Sladen, clerk of the court; A. D. SUllman,
an attorney from Pendleton, and J. C.
Fullerton, an attorney from Roscburg.
All those witnesses swore that the Senator
had performed services for thorn before
the departments at Washington, many of
them Involving thousands of dollars, and
that he had helped them without receiv
ing compensation. In each case the Sen
ator had been offered fees, but by let
ters and by word of motith he had ex
plained to thorn that as Senator he could
not accopt any money. Two of those
"who testified were Democrats, showing
that the Senator was willing to help peo
ple who called for his servlecs, regardless
of their political affiliations.
In addition to showing by Attorney Ab
bott that Senator Mitchell had helped him
to recover some money from the Govern
ment. Mr. Abbott was called to explain
a conversation said to have taken place
between Robertson and Abbott. Counsel
Thursto'n read from a statement, written
on a Portland Hotel letterhead, what pur
ported to be the substance of this al
leged conversation- Robertson admitted
having discussed the Mitchell case with
Abbott. It seems that Abbott had stated
that Robertson had told him that the
Senator was guiltless, but Robertson de
nied having made such a statement to
Abbott. '
Mitchell May Testify Today.
It would not be surprising If Senator
Mitchell were to' take the stand some
time today. The indications are that the
defense has only a few witnesses and
that they will be through by this evening.
A day will probably be taken up In argu
Harry C. Robertson Is the Principal
Witness or the Day.
The trial of Senator Mitchell Is nearly
at an end -and another day will perhaps
seo the case la the hands of the Jury.
United States Dfirtrict Attorney Heney
rested his case yesterday afternoon a
short time before 3 o'clock and the de
fense has begun to Introduce testimony
to counteract that Introduced by the Gov
ernment. Judge De Haven in convening court yes
terday morning stated that he would over
rule the demurrers to the Indictments in
the cases of Williamson. Van Gesner and
Marion Biggs, and of Williamson. F. P.
Mays et L Upon the request of the Dis
trict Attorney the case of Williamson.
Van Gesner and Biggs will be the next
one to come to trial, and was ret for
Monday morning next ax jo o clock. All of
the other land .fraud cases now at heme
will be set for trial oa Saturday morning:
At the opening, of the case at Issue
i Concluded os. Fui ioo
Open Revolt Against the Czar
Has Broken Out at
Social Democratic Party and the
Jewish Band Announce -Fight
Against Government Will
WARSAW, June 35. Disorderly crowds
have thronged the streets since early this
morning. They erected barricades at Og
rocowa, Krochmalna and Wroala streets,
o ntop of which they placed red flaga The
police and soldiers stormed these barri
cades and ten persons were wounded by
bullets or bayonets.
Another affray took place at Zclasena
street, where Cossacks charged the crowd
and wounded three persona. In the cen
tral market a crowd attacked a patrol
with revolvers, to which the patrol re
plied with volleys, killing a boy and
wounding three other persons.
Five workmen who bad refused to strike
were stabbed to death, by their com
rades. Revolutionary proclamations have been
posted on the walls and 300 persons have
been arrested. A heavy rain fell today
and this is believed to have prevented
more serious collisions.
The Social Democratic party and the
Jewish Bund announced that the fight
against the government must continue.
but it is believed that with the present
show of military force the situation will
be controlled. Business is at a deadlock
3Iobs Rule the Streets In the Cities of
i Poland.
WARSAW, June 27. Rioting has
given place to .revolution, not alone In
Warsaw, but throughout all Pohjbd..
Hundreds -of .men 'andwomen hav been
shot and the enormous numbers 'of
soldiers hurried into Poland by the
authorities at St. Petersburg are bar
ricaded in their arsenals while mob
rule prevails.
Sanguinary encounters between the
mobs and the soldiers have taken place
today and in many instances the mobs
have had the better of the fighting.
Only the absence of competent leaders
has prevented the people seizing the
government seals, and many well
known structures in the cities have
been put to the torch.
Here In Warsaw the conditions are
most serious. Every manufacturing es
tablishment is closed because of the
failure of the workers to put in an ap
pearance the majority of them hav
ing obeyed the general strike order
promulgated by the Social Democrats,
Such of the working classes as tried
to go to work today were shot down
in the entrances to factories by their
fellows, who are determined that all
Industry must cease until such time as
the manufacturers secure concessions
from the government which will bene
fit the condition of the people.
Encounters at Every Street Corner.
Every street corner has been the
scone of encounters today and the po
lice and military have been openly de
fied. The Jewish quarter is In a state
of siege and the residents are openly
defying the authorities. Barricades are
in evidence on every hand and behind
them are men well-armed with guns
who have sworn to sell their lives
dearly. Tho barricades arc for the
most part constructed of overturned
street-cars and telegraph poles, wound
round and round with wire which "naj
been accumulated for Just such usage.
Thirty-four battalions of infantry and
12 of mounted Cossacks are patrolling
the streets, but up to the present time
have made no effort to force the barrl
cades at the entrance to the Jewish
quarters. When they do so blood will
be shed and the entire strength of the
military will be necessary if those
guarding the obstructions are to be
Bread Famine Threatens.
This city faces a bread famine as the
result of general observance of the
strike order. The bakers have joined
the workmen In the streets. This Is
bound to result In much suffering and
incidentally will add to the fury of the
-mob demonstrations.
A long proclamation, bearing the sig
nature of Father Gopon, made Its ap
pearance In a number of public places
this afternoon. It urged the people to
rise In their might and sweep the ty
rants out of existence. While it is cer
tain that this proclamation la a'forsjery
It has had a remarkable effect on that
part of the people who were not dls
posed to remain under the espionage of
the police.
Now they are Inclined .to believe that
the present uprising Is a terrorist
movement and that it is. likely to suc
ceed. This fact resulted in many per
sons being added to the mobs.
Bombs Kay Fly at Xlght.
More trouble is looked for tonight
when the .strikers can operate under
cover of the darkness. They are well
trained and it is reported nave con-
cealed"Iarge quantities of 'small "band
, bombs which have been supplied by
the revolutionary societies of London.
Paris and Berlin.
But It has not alone been at Warsaw
that there ha been bloodshed today.4
From every section of Eastern 'Poland
hsui eozno reports of rioting and as
saults on the military. At Xovno. Ekat
erlnalav. Cbenstohoff, Cxenstochowa,
Minsk and other centers there has been
fighting and the.. peasant class Is- a
unit In suportlng the worklngmen. It
now seems certain that the "' rioting
throughout Poland will continue for
many days to come. It Is reported that
Polish revolutionaries are coming Into
the country and that trouble Is immi
nent In German and? Austrian Poland.
Warsaw Strops Art Closed and AH J
Traffic Ha Ceased.
WARSAW. June . (2:3 P. M.) The
Jewish districts are cow In full revolt.
The shops and stores are closed '- and
traffic has ceased. The streetcars have
been overturned to form the nucleus of
barricades. Great crowds are assembling
In the streets and the ugly temper of
both the populace and the troops threatens
to break out In bloodshed at any moment.
Thirty-four battalions of Infantry are sta
tioned in the town.
The city has the appearance of a mil- .
ltary encampment. Iufantry and Cossacks
are bivouacked In the streets and patrol
are circulating everywhere. The shops
largely are closed, but cabs and street
cars are still running. Barricades have
been erected at the corner of Ogrodowa
and Zelaxuat, and occasionally the. crack
of a rifie Is heard' as striken shoot at
men going to work. A bomb was thrown
last night at a carriage, occupied by the
Chief of Police, K. M. Pavloff. of the
town of Cxenstochowa, Government of
Pietrkow. The Chief of Police and seven
other persons "were seriously wounded.
The city Is In a state of siege. Patrols
of cavalry and Infantry are moving In
every street. .
The general strike which began today
was preceded last night by attempts at
red flag demonstrations.
Armenians aad Mohammedans Cora-
mlt Terrible Atrocities.
ERIVAN. Trans-Caucasia. June 23
This city is outwardly tranquil, but the
situation is exceedingly 'tense on account
of encounters between Mohammedan and
Armenian bands in the country districts.
The Mohammedan, of Persia are planning
to cross the border and come to the aid
of their co-religionists, and would already
have done so but for the fact that the
Aratu River Is flooded. The authorities
have eelsed all the boats.
BotbtMes are showing equaUbarbarlty.
Armenians during the. pastwceki sacked
and burned several Mohammedan Tillages
In the Emehiadzln and Erivah envem-
xnents, profaning a mosque, violating
women and slaying promiscuously. One
band of Armedlans attacked Cossacks.
who were sent to preserve order, the
Tartars retaliating In like manner.
Prince Louis Napoleon, commander of
an army corps in tha Caucasus, has ar
rived in Erivan and Is now making a
tour of the most turbulent region. He
is notifying the leaders of both sides that
the disorders will be crushed by -military
fore If necessary, cost what It may.
Palace Windows Smashed.
KOVNO. Russia, June XjX mob of
1000 tenons surrounded and attacked the
Police Station and the Governor-GeneraTs
Palace today. All the windows were tentiary. pmaau oi tne American uov
broken before the rioters were overpow- ernment. point out that this would be
ered by the police. Five policemen were
wounded. A detachment of Dragoons
finally arrived arid dispersed the rioters.
Gopoa's Name Signs Proclamations.
STARISTA. Russia. June 2S. Revolu
tionists from Tver. Central Russia, are
scattering proclamations broadcast among
the peasantry calling on them to rise. The
proclamations are signed with the nama
of Father Gopbn, but . his name is be
lieved to have been forged.
Reserves te Be Meblllzed.
ST. PETERSBURG. June 36. The army
reserves of the two capitals. Sc. Peters
burg and Moscow, will, according to' a
latejerC"beBwte6!!ed. the former' Jane
X aa4 tke latter June 31. . .'
WB , v -a- 'IsIh'
M. Nelidoff and Baron Rosen
" Are .Tentative Selections
. as Plenipotentiaries.
Minister Takahlra Is BclleTCtl to
Have; Told thePrcsIdcHt the Ml
kadoTs Choice Jaclades. Him
self and Baron Kosnara, .
WASHINGTON. June 21 Russia has
given reassurance of Its intentions In the
peace negotiations by placing the Presi
dent in possession of the tentative selec
tion of her plenipotentiaries, as follow:
M. Nelidoff. Russian Ambassador at Paris,
and Baron Rosen, the newly appointed
Russian Ambassador at Washington.
Russia thus having taken the initiative.
It is believed Mr. Takahlra, the Japanese.
Minister, during his call at the White
House today. Informally told the Presi
dent that Japan's selections, also tenta
tive, were Baron Kcmura, the Japanese
Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Kogoro
Takahlra, the Japanese Minister at Wash
ington. Official announcement of the names of
the plenipotentiaries is withheld for sev
eral reasons. M. NelldofTs health may
not permit htm to make the trip and pres
sure of official work may necessitate tho
presence In Toklo of Baron Komura. Mr.
Takahlra and Baron Rosen are regarded
as the certainties, and the belief Is that
unless something unforeseen should occur
both Russia and Japan will consent to
the official announcement of the person
nel of tho Washington conference within
a few days.
Many Advisers on Both Sides.
In any event both missions will con
sist of many advisers. Including army and
possibly naval officers and officials from
the foreign offices in Toklo and St. Peters
burg. It Is expected that altogether each
mission may number ten. or li Should
six plenipotentiaries bechosen. both Rus
sia and Japan have-names under consld-
nounce their third plenipotentiaries "with
out delay.
In recognition of his services during the
preliminary negotiations and la view -of
the high official rank of the Russian
plenipotentiaries, it is believed that the
official announcement of Mr. Takahlra's
appointment will be followed by his elev
ation to the rank of Ambassador. In view
of the fact that Japan Intends, when the
war Is over, to elevate her legations at
Washington, London. Berlin, Paris. "Vi
enna. St. Petersburg and Rome to em
bassies. It Is believed Mr. Takahlra's elev
ation would be permanent.
WfcllA It Is not certain that ho win b
' . , ii ,
, ,u " -.u.--
the regular and expected course for the
Japanese government to follow.
Rain Will Preveat Flghtlag.
Interest- regarding an armistice has
largely diminished in the last few days,
because of the receipt of lnfonsatioa that
the rainy season Is beginning la Man
churia. It is believed here that this will
serve the purposes of an anatotlcs la
preventing a clash before tke coevealag
of the conference in August. "
Moreover, the informal soaadlaes initi
ated by the President at Tokler and t.
Petersburg did not yield much bet for
successful negotiations locking te aa ar
mistice until after the pfeaJyatea-tSarfcc
meet. If Jspsa Ls taea iviisil
the serloun desire of Russia for peace
she will readily consent to an armistice.
Count CassinL the Russian Ambassador,
who had tntendtd seein" the President
at the White xtouse regarding, a detail
of tho negotiations, was detained at the
Embassy and so drove direct to the rail
road station when the hour of the Presi
dent's departure arrived and held a brief
conversation with the, President oa the
rear platform, of the tatter's car. The
President's greeting to the Ambassador
was especially cordial and the two
clasped hands warmly at parting.
Count Casstnl was the only Ambassa
dor at the station when the President
left. Baron Speck von Sternberg, the
German Ambassador, was the President's
guest at luncheon, and ether callers at
the White House during the day were
Sir Mortimer Durand. the British Ambas
sador, and M. Jusserand. the French Am
Foreign Diplomat Shows How She
' Profits From France's Money.
CHICAGO. June 2S. The Daily News'
St. Petersburg correspondent cables an
Interview with a prominent foreign diplo
mat who Is there on an important mis
sion as follows:
"War Is likely to continue In the Far
East. The Kafoer wants Russia to fight
and she will. The Hobenzollerm run
Russia. Prussian Junkers predominate In
the Czar's- councils. The banks. ateresL
factories, railroads and ships are in their !
"Recently United States Ambasaader
Meyer advocated the removal of extra du
ties from American Imports, but Germany
opposed the plan, saying that Russia
must not alter the conditions whioh ex
isted when the trade treaty was con
cluded. "Grlngmuth and other German editors
of Russian newspapers urge the Gover
nors to organise anti-peace and antl-re-from
manifestations. The anti-German
newspaper, the Russ, has been suspended
and the Grashdanln and the anti-French
Moscow Gazette have been subsidized.
Tho French alliance Is a dead letter. The
promoters, the monarchist Duke of Mon
tebelto and Prince Lobanoff. were work
ing for the return of the French mon
archy, not for Alsace-Lorraine. In a
short time the only parties supporting the
alliance will be the monarchists.
"The alliance has profited only Ger
many. The milliards France loaned Rus
sia have gone to Germany, which has de
veloped the Industries for which uncivil
ized and despotic Russia Is unfit Indus
The Weather.
XESTEHDAT8-!-taxlrsum temperature. 63
dr.: minimum, sj. Precipitation, trace.
TODAY'S Stjairtri. Weiteriy wiada.
General XJalarltch aad Karopstklttf sppar
anxious to continue flsntinjr. Pice 3;
Japanees said to b enjeased la great turn
ing movement. Page 3.
Motion to censure government la army etore
scandal -voted down in British Common.
Page 5.
Germany assumes a more peaceful tons
toward France. Page
Lord Canon threatens to resign the Ylce-
roraltr of India. Page S.
Re-rolotlon in PoUuad.
Red flags fly from barricades in streets of
Warsaw. Page 1.
Cossacks and police charge crowds, killing
ana wounaing. rase I.
Reports of strikes and demonstrations
against the government pour in from all
orer Russia. Page 1.
Fearing massacre. 20. COO Jewa.have fled from
- Loos. Page 2.
Regiment that refuses to fire on defenseless
crowd U transferred. Page 2.
Looking Toward Praee.
Russia gives President Roosevelt-her tenta
tire selection of peace plenipotentiaries.
Pago 1.
Rainy season la Manchuria. Is expected to
take the place of an armistice. Page 1.
Foreign diplomat says Germany desires Rus
sia to carry on Far Eastern war. Page L
John F. "Wallace, chief engineer ot tha
Panama Canal, ls forced to resign. Page 1.
President Roosevelt starts for Cambridge to
attend tho Harvard commencement.
Page 3.
Secretary of State Hay ls selzsd with a se
vere attack of uremia. Page 4.
Secretary Taft the principal speaker at the.
Tale law school anniversary. Page X
Paul Morton cuts oft perquisites of the Eqult.
abla directors. Page 3.
Knight. Donnelly & Co.. Chicago grain and
stock brokers, forced Into bankruptcy.
Page S.
Cyclonic wind, visits Ne-x Tork. wrecks build.
Inc and kills a workman. Pag 3.
Naked prospectors. Insane from thirst, found
wandering in Death Valley. Page 3.
Holcombe Ward. American tennis champion.
loses to the welsh champion. Page 7.
Lilly VII wins special class race for Sl-foot-
ers at KleL Page 7.
SnerlfT descends on betting ring at the Del
mar racetrack. Page T.
Pacific Coast.
Head-on collision at Redding. CaL. results In
filing up of engines only. Page 6.
Senator Ankeny speaks for further National
Irrigation. Page 0.
J. A. Chrlsman'a petition for release from
penitentiary protested against. Page Q.
Hop lice thick, but doing no injury. Page 0.
Competition for hire of convicts. Page. 6.
Harriman officials in Central Oregon. Page 0.
Commercial aad Maria.
Oregon hop crop endangered by vermin.
Page IT.
Heavy receipts of fruit on local market.
Page 17.
Wheat strong most of day at "Chicago. Page
San Francisco dairy exchange soon to. re
open. Page 37.
Gold exports resumed at New Tork. Page 17
Sttaraer Glenola .successfully rides rapids
atove The Dalles. Page 18.
Ship Agnes lost oft Cape lIorr Page 16.
Captain tells his side of Tanner garbage
tangle. Page 15.
Lewi aad Clark xnoaltlon.
Attendance. 13.201. Page 12.-
W. C T. U. will have, big gathering at the
Fair. Psge 12.
McBride is ottered presidency of Jury of
.awards. Page 12.
reftlasrf sad Vlclstty.! suSraglsts plan big session. Page 13-
Prosecutlos closes Its case against Mitchell
with testimony of Private Secretary. Rob
ertson. Page JL
Full capacity of train service taxed by
travel to portianc page id.
Titty million corporation forming ta estab
lish- Christian, co-operative settlements la
Oregon. Pag IS.
Sheriff Word raids fan tan and poker games.
Page 13:
Lane kesy Democratic leaders ia the dark.
CUy Cauadt makes present to Mayor and
Jers sine die. Page 4.
ftet-ear alii UU! boy.- Pace 13.
I John F. Wallace Is Forced to
Resign by Pressure From
the President.
Chairman Sliont Says Lack- ot"Har
mony WasDng, Solely to Ques
tion; of olicy Geaeral
Shake-Up Is Expected!
NEW YORK. June 23w SpeclaL)-Jfa
F. Wallace, chief, engineer for the Pan
ama, Canal Commission, has resigned bis
position under pressure from President
Roosevelt and Secretary of war Tift.
statement was made here today by
Theodore P. Shones. chairman o the
commission. ,
ilr. Shonts declared Staewajfcafc
at liberty to talk, and tbCtbe e&epmi
ment would have to euapa. nui
unit nooseveit aOTCt.fatwiifiHr
that the forced . reUreaessttotfesUit
engineer would In no wajaScj TsfesOee.
Snonts position wltn tne canal boars.
nor would it lead to a reorganization of
the board. On the other hand, the rumor
Is strong that there will be a reorganiza
tion of the board at an early date.
The resignation of Mr. "Wallace came
after several stormy sessions of the
canal board, and after several confer
ences between the President, the chief
engineer and Mr. Shonts disagreement
was entirely over the policy to be pur
sued Oi the construction of the canal.
It was found after Mr. "Wallace left for
Panama, that there was a serious dif
ference between his Ideas and those of
President Roosevelt and Chairman Shonts.
of the commission. The chief engineer
was hastily summoned .to Washington.
It was hinted that Mr. "Wallace al
lowed certain matters to creep Into his
department which would not look well
if public notice should be given them.
There Is. however, not the slights.
breath of suspicion against the hirasaiy
of the chief engineer, and if critie
due. It Is stated to be on the
solely of his having placed- too- rot
Cdenceln some -.of bis subordinated
It is known that ever since th:
ganizatlon. of the Panama Canal'
Mr. Wallace has not been happy on ac
count of his vfews differing from those
of the members of the commission, ilr.
Shonts. being a clcue and life-long per
sonal friend of Mr. Wallace. Inclined to
indorse the policy of construction as out
lined by the chief engineers In doing so
ne is saia to nave come in airect con
flict with the President.
To several of his warm personal friends
Mr. Shonts confirmed the statement that
Mr. Wallace had been forced to resign.
It Is understood that an official announce
ment will be made from Washington to
morrow, and it will be accompanied by
a statement from Mr. Wallace. The feel
ing is said to be bitter, and those who.
ought to know state that other resigna
tions soon will follow.
Had Cans "Weighted to Throw Over
board, but Did Xot Have
TACOMA. June 25. (Special.) Larry
Kelly, "King of the opium smugglers.'
was arrested today on the Sound near
Tacoma by United States customs of
ficials and 125 half-pound cans of opium
In his possession were confiscated. Kelly
was bound over to the Federal Court on
J1CC0 bonds and taken to the county jalL
Kelly was caught while sailing in a
sloop. He had the opium on board, and
had the cans weighted to enable him to
throw them overboard at the first sign
of danger. The Federal officers were In
a launch, and Kelly took them for ranch
ers, not discovering his mistake until
the officers were on board his sloop and
It was too late to rid himself of the
incriminating opium which he bad hid
in a locker.
Lively Sprint on Burlington Statloa
Platform Made by the Speaker
of the Hoase.
BURLINGTON'. Ia., June 25. Speaker
Joseph G. Cannon and other Congress
men, who have visited Alaska and the
Portland Fair, passed through Burling
ton today. Speaker Cannon while" on
the station platform ran a lively foot
race with a-young woman.
Three Persons Are Xilled as Xesalt
of H ear-End Coliiskm.
LOUISVILLE. Ky.. June 26. Three per
sons were- killed and fifteen Injured, is a
rear-end collision on the Illinois Central
Kallrced near Vine Grove. Ky.. 49 miles
west of Louisville, this afternoon. The
PETER -"WILTON", aged 15. JeaTerseavilleV
8. A. XXRKPATRICK. HodcesTUle, JCr.