THE WXV'GHCrXX, XOOTIlT, JTB 25, 1905. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND; Or.. June 23. Maximum tem perature, 60 deg.; minimum, M deg. River reading at 11 A. M.. 11.3 feet; change, In pat 24 hours, 0.3 feet. Toul precipitation. 3 P. M to 5 P. Ml.. 0.25 Inch; total since Sep tember 1. 1WM. Inchee; normal since September 1. 1904. 45.48 Inches; deficiency. 11. OS Inches. Total sunshine June 24, 105. 1 hour,24 mlnuten; possible eunshlne. 15 hours, 8 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 5 Pi M.. 29.68. PACIFIC COAST TVEATHER. 2 S p y Wind. L gS 3 o I 3 : f a? ?o STATIONS. Baker City Boise 4 Eureka Pocttetle Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake .City. Pan Francisco. . Spokane .. Seattle- Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla 6fl0. 174-0. 60 0. MI0, 60l0. 8010. C6!0. 74 'o. 5SI0. 70'0, 0410 MO. '70 0, .121 4 SW .oo;nw .oo 4isw .00!12-S .041 s;sw ,O0i alSE .OO'lONW ,00!l4SW .OOUOtSE .70' 6 NE .lflI2ffi .12;8&5V .00 4S (Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Pt, cMy. Clear Clear Clear Cloudy. Cloudy 'Rain ICleudy T trace. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. Good rains have occurred during the last 24 hours In Oregon. Washington and Northern Idaho. Light showers have occurred In South ern Idaho, but as a rule the amounts were too jcnall to measure. The temperature continues below the normal nt all stations In the states bordering on the Pacific Coast, and in Idaho and Montana. The Indications are for cloudy weather, with probably occasional ebowers in thin district Monday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for 2S hour ending midnight, June 27: Portland and vicinity Cloudy e partly cloud-, with probably an occasional shower: westerly winds. Western Oregon Cloudy to partly cloudy, with probably showers north portion; westerly win da. Western Washington Showers; south to west winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and TN'orthern Idaho Cloudy to partly cloudy, with possibly showers. Southern Idaho Cloudy to partly cloudy, with possibly thunder showers: cooler east portion. A. B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. Wifebeatcrs Barred. Denver Republican. Tee. take your wife to the Portland Fair, To the Exposition on the Coast. But don't you beat her getting there. Or you'll be whipped at the whlpplng-peri. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At th Portland Auction Room, 211 1st irt. Sale at 2 P. M. sharp. C L. Ford. Auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer, at salesroom. 180 First et., at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, Auc tioneer. MEETING NOTICES. . MARTIIA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. NO.. 14. O. B. S. Stated com munication this (Monday) 8 P. M. Social. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Secy. CAM ELI A CHAPTER. NO. 27, O. E. S. A special communication thlfi (Monday) evening. 8 o'clock. In Hill's Han. Degrees: By order of W. si. ESTHER KANE, Secretary. HARMONT LODGE, NO. 12. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening, 7;30 o'clock. Masonic Temple, Ad and Alder sts. Work M. M. degree. All M. M. cordially Invited. By order W. M. RUFUS R. BALL, Seel". OREGON LODGE. NO. 1. K. OF P.. meets tonight at K. of P. Hall. Marquam bldg. Esq. rank work. Visiting Knights Invited to attend. EUGENE H. DOWLING, C. C. E. D. CURTIS. K. of R. and S. IVANHOE LODGE. NO. 10. K. OF T. Rtgular convention tonight at 8 o'clock, in Pjthlan Hall, eighth floor. Marquam Mdg. Vis iting Knights cordially Invited. L. VEVSET C. C FEED P. HOLM. K, ofR. and S.' FUNERAL NOTICES. HARRINGTON In this city. June 26. D. F. Harrington, relict of late Mary Harrington and beloved father of Mrs. T. J. O'Brien. Josle Srlnckerheff. John B. and Francis C. Harrington, a native of St. Johns, N. F.. aged 76 years. San Franclsee and Boston papers plea copy. funeral rrem late resi dence. 405 East Davis st.. thence to St. Francis Church, where services will be held. Tuesday, June 27. 9 A. M. Services at grave private. METER At his residence. 415 Stark st.. June 24. 1005. at P. M.. John Meyer, aged 78 years. Funeral today (Monday). June 26, 1905. at 0 A. M.. from St. Joreph's Church. corner 15th and Couch sts. Requiem high mass. Friends rsjectfully Invited to av tend. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. STINE In this city. June 25. 10S. at S30 Nelson St., the residence of hi sister. Mrs. F. M. Lannlng. Edgar L. Stlne. aged 41 years. The funoral services will be held at Flnleys Chapel at 2 P. M. today. Friend inviteo. interment Lone Fir. DUNNING. M'EXTEE & GILBAUC.H. rac cessors to Dnnnlng Campion, undertakers and rmbalmrra. modem In every detail, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 4 SO. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN' CO., Undertakers and embalm ers, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 597. J. T. FTNXEr & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madlsoi i Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 4U East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52, ZEXLER-BYRNES CO, UNDERTAKERS. Embalmera. 273 Rus'l: East 1088; lady as't. EW TODAY. WE'VE DEVELOPED By unremitting and courteous attention shown our customers until our old quarters at 109 Third street, which we have occupied for six years, are no longer commodious enough to accommodate our great! in creased business. OUR NEW BANK BUILDING Corner Third and Oak streets, is being fitted up as a modern banking house In the best style ef any similar Institution in th Northwest, and will be ready for occupancy about SEPTEMBER FIRST Banks and trust companies formerly waited for business to seek them, now they seek business. They act upon the theory that developing new business where none existed before strengthens the entire com munity, as well as the Institution that se cures the business. "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANT IN OREGON" Has now been In business for over IP years and has become firmly established In this community and has strong financial connec tions. Its resources being over si,ooo,ooo If has ample capital for the conduct of any business that may be entrusted to Its tare. It conducts a general banking business with all the liberality consistent with prudence. It issues interest bearing certificates of deposit for any term from ten days to five years, at from 3 to 4 per cent interest Call on us or send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street. Phone Mala 45S. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. and Board.' keep lax Room,' "Situations Wanted." 13 words or less. 16 cents 18 to 2a wards, 10 cestsi 21 tv 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dis co ant for additional Icsertloaa. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today, SO cent for 15 words or least 10 to 20 -wards. 40 cents t XI to 25 words. 50 cents, etc, first Insertion, Each addition! insertion, oae-half: no further discount un der om saaatk. "NEW TO DAT (range tar ram agate), 15 cents iter line. Erst tnsertloai 10 cents pel line of each additional Inscrtlom. ANSWERS XO AD XKT1S EMEXTS. ad dressed cara The Oregonlan. and left at this offlce. should always he Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp U required cu such letter. Thn Oretrontaa will sot be resooaslblo Tor errors In advertisements takes through th telephone. AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater tar. t. fAiBtE ttletsi Kitirtr PHONE MAIX 666. (Morrison at., bet. (Kh and 7th) TONIGHT At 8:30 o'Oock and Every Night This Week, THE FAMOUS GERMAN COMEDIANS, KOLB & DILL In the Musical Cornedy-Burlesque, "I. O. U." T.O-PEOPLB IN THE COMPAN Y 59. Comic Opera and Vaudeville Combined. 40 BEAUTIFUL CHORUS GIRLS 40. Popular Prices: 25, 35, 50, 75c Scats Are Now on Sale. BELASCO THEATER KJ (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash TONIGHT AND ALL THE WBKK, MATINEES SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Fifth Week Belaseo Stock Company, Presenting the Clever Farce, NERVES The N. T. Lyceum Theater Success. Prices Evening, IS to 75c; matinee. 15 to 59c NEXT WEEK "THE CONQUEST." Authors Night ocaut new on eale at the Dolly Varden Candy Store. EMPIRE THEATER Tweif th and Morrison. Another 'whirlwind ef laughter. AH this week, matinee every day at 2:15. evening at 6:15. EMPIRE STOCK COMPANY, In the roaring farce, FINNEGAN'S ALLEY ADMISSION 10 CENTS ONLY. ALL SIG XCTS THE STAR Sfgff M'CREA & POOLE, MR. AND MRS. JOHN T. CHICK. VARDON. PERRY AND WILDER, II ALLEN AND HAYS.. HOLM AN. MR. JOSEPH BONNER. THE STAKOSCOPE. General admission and dally matinees. 16 cents. Front seats on lower floor, 20 cents. Box seatr, 25 cents. mwn THE GRAND Jgg THE GREAT TATUM. THE LA VAILS. FISHER & JOHNSON. THE GOTTLOBS. HAEZLIT TRIO. ED CHBISSIE. MR. G. II. SHONE. THE G RAND IS CO PE. General admission. 10 cents. Matinees every day. Evenings. Sundays and holidays front seats lower floor, 20 cents. Box seats, 25 cents. GERMAIN ROOF GARDEN AND DANCING PAVILION. Opposite Main Entrance to Fair Groundi. Music and Entertainment Every Afternoon and Evening. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and gil off at Hawthorns Terrace, one block from esc lini. Vn fllmblnr. dectrls elevator. Most magnificent view In America. S beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from top OI tower, upen a. l. io r. a. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. NEW TODAY. TO RENT LARGE AND ELEGANT premises, Washington C, near 6th. saw occupied by Arcade Theater; entrance also en 7th st- Apply to uernnein & cenen. Washington bldg. 25-ROOM FURNISHED HOTEL TO LEASE. C. H. Plggett, lawjer, owner, 4 Mulkey b!g. Holladay's Addition For Sale A new 3-roera cottage, all con veniences, full cement basement, streets fully Improved. A very desirable location. Convenient to two trolley Uses. Terms will be given. Lots sold on advantageous tortus to hesne- bulldera The Oregon Real Estate Co SSfe Third St.. Room 4. California "Bliss Lands" Small farms for settlers. 8209 acres of Irrl gated land In 20-acre farms at $50 to S70 per acre one-fourth cah. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare City. 2 miles from Bliss Lands. Alfalfa, com, grain, deciduous fruits, vege tables, hogs, dairy eattle thrive. Booklet tre from BiUs Lands tine), care Sullivan i Sul livan. Lawyers. 610 Parrot t bldg.. Saa Fran ekco. NEW HOME We offer for sale the beautiful and sightly home of the Hte Dr. Herbert Cardweli, 23th and Johnson. There are about 2 lots with new ll-room dwelling, built after the latest design, and Is mow ready for occupancy. For particulars see Grindstaff & Schatlc. 261 Stark st- Telephone Main 302. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, 202-3 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark. Money to Loan By attorney for cllenc on city property, at 5 and 6 per cent, according to amount required and security offered. No com ml scion charges or other expense. Ad dress P 68. Oregonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Good modern hOBse. Irving at-, west ef 23d. FRANK E. HART. 10ft Sherlock bldg. $8500 FOR SALE SEAL ESTATE- FINE S-ROOM COTTAGE. CORNER HOOD and Mead nta.. new. modern. S1C00; SI CO cash, bait nee Becthty payment. 429 Wash ington at. NICE LOT. IMPROVED STREET. CEMENT walk, on car Hne; 3100. Hatfield & Smith. 165H Fourth aC, room 33. FOR. SALE REAL ESTATE. I HAVE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR 130.000. paying IS per cent 00.000 paying 12 Pr cent $30,009 paying S per cent J20.000 paying 6 per cent Also other clote-ln huslaes profertlee on Sih. 6th. 7th. 10th. 11th. Tats hilt. Pine and other streets, all right la the traok of rapid growth ef busleesa aud eetw?ot. u advance In values. Investors will do well to see me. R. M. M'tlDur. 3 kvnii bu . 3d and Stark. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Well-finished house inew). very detrable, modern. 7 rooms and reception hall, full leu south 4de of Raleigh, between 9ta and 30th at.; east ef the ravine. MAGNIFICENT VIEW ef river and mountains, which cannot be oo Jtracied. Must be seen to be a pair elated. A. H. BIRRELL. 24C McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. FOR SALE ELEGANT S-ROOM HOUSE. fuH corner lot, beautiful house in every re spect: best part ef Heaaya addition; modern in ever)' way; small payment down. 10 acres, beautifully located, en penlatula. near St, Johns; thin Is the best buy on the market today. Call for particulars. TAFT & CO 122-3-5-6 Ablngten Mdg. LAND VALUES IN CENTRAL OREGON will rapidly Increase wMh the advent of railroads, which are asrared; I offer for sale If taken at once. 640 acre In the heart of the largest irrigated slrtriet In the .North west at an acre; this fci an exceptional opportunity for profitable investment. A. C Palmer. 315 Oregonlan Mdg. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. 8om acres with terms as low as S10 ptr month with water. A. C Churchill & Co. -lot," 110 2d st. FOR SALE AT HOOD RIVER-NICE. NEW. modern &-room cottage with large basement, closet, porcelain bath, wired for electric tights, furnace, etc; view unsarpaesed. lot 72xlPS; also one three-room cottage on Hood River Heights; lot 109x100; cash or terms. M C2, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 1120 ACRE?, GRAIN AND stock ranch. 230 acres can be Irrigated from large trout stream and springs; good for alfalfa or orchard; h-roocn house, spring, water piped in barn, eutbulldtnga. orchard, email fruits, grove; fl2 per a ere; terms. Rutan Bros., Spraguc. Wash. RIVER FRONT PROPERTY LARGE WARE- beuse on east side ef Front st.. bet, Morrl ran and Madison sts.. for sale; COzlOO reel; two floors; property paying good Interest on amount asked far it. Inquire of owners. 7S3 Northrnp st. CITY PROPERTY. 70X70 FEET. FACING Willamette st-; a new two-story frame store building on It; the building Is 30x90 feet. Inquire at 462 Willamette at-, Eugene. Or. TEN AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. NOT FAR OUT. en railroad; some witn timber and others alt cultivated; nuke desirable homes and a living; price 150 to K9 per acre; easy paj ments. B. 5. Cook & Co.. 231 Alder K. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. NICE SIX roora house, with beautiful corner lot. nice lawn, cement basement ad walks. In South Portland. Mr. R. Downing. 641 Commer cial st,; Albina car. FOR SALE OR RENT-NICE HOME IRV Ington; 9th and Thoesesou; corner 'let; fur nace; everything complete. Apply owner, 313 Cherrv st. Phone East 1396; price rea sonable. IF YOU WANT TOUR OWN HOME ON easy terms I have it, from $0UU up to a modern mamHea ef S1S.009: can suit you. poor or rich. F. Fuchs. 1404 First, FOR SALE. OR WILL TRADE FOR ACRB age. 9-roora houee. with two 50x103 feet lots, fruit trees and berries; East Side. Mrs. R. Downing. 661 Commercial c 13160 EACH-2 UP-TO-DATE NEW HOUSES on Union ave.. goad neighborhood; move right In. Eary terms. GrtadstafZ & Schalk. 264 Stark st. Tel. Mala 302. SIX ACRES. NICELY IMPROVED. GOOD bultdinge. 2 house, barn, lots ef trull, etc.; 7 miles east ef Courthouse; 12000. Call 226 Morrison st. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents. Or. Tske ML Scott car. 3c SIX-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER LOT, 1M- prored etreet. Bast StC. cUe in; J1NXJ. Hatfield A Smith. 163 4th sc. room 32. 38300 FOR GOOD CORNER LOT WITH good building, eh" In. on V- Side. Henkle & Baker. 217 AMngton bldg. $2230 GREAT SACRIFICE. 3-ROOM NEW. modern cottage, built for owner, full lot. East Side, dote la. L 32. Ofegoulan. FOR SALE TWO CHOICE LOTS. ON SELL- wood st.. 30x125. Anelr 400 sacrameate .; also 2 lots en taste st.. avxaeo. FOR SALE-10-ROOM HOUSE AND IXiT IS center ef city. 129 loth sc. bet. Alder and Washington; a sap. H ACRE LEVEL. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. near car. on county reau. cultivated, view 470 Jefferson street. S 20 30 LOT SOXIOO. WEST SIDE. lSTH. near Lovejey: part cask; fine property. Phone Main 966. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. 6 MILES from Morrison , bridge. C K. BaHard. MUwaukle. Or. FOR SALE-TWO LOTS. STH ST.. HIGH land. f-VXl. Call 307 WltHanw ave. Phone Eaet IP I260-CHOICE LOT. SOxlWt. IN SUBURB Mocks te ear; water m street, C 65. Ore gonlan. AT SACRIFICE IF SOLD AT ONCD-SIX room modern cot tare. Owner. Phone Main 3679. A FINE LOT. NEAR CENTER OF CITY, for sale; very reasonable. O 87. Ore Ionian. DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND LOTS West or East Side. A poly forenoons 419 3d st. FOR SALE-FINE LOT. SOTH AND WAS CO. Helladay Park, by owner. Heed SOI. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL CORNER LOT, easy terms. Phone Bast 675. HOUSE AND LOT. 211 12TH ST. ef J. P. Brenaugti. 144 4lh. INQUIRE TOR SALE FARMS. CAN YOU TELL A BARGAIN? THEN look at these 0 acres ef virgin strawberry and fruit -land. -mile from White Sal mon. Wash ; very rich sub-irrigated sett, beaatlfvl location for house, level land; only S2706 cash; this Is eSerod only te August 2; a aeautiiui neme. cnetce la vestment. Address White Salmon Land Co. White Salmon. Wash. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT - 160 acres. 6 ralles from railroad station and boat landing; good sell; 10 acres clear; house and barn, orchard; mare with celt, mower, ptew. harrow. 2 H -Inch wagon, lota ef tools. Wrte or call owner. Paul Schwa rz. Sam's Hotel. 3th and Couch sts.. Portland. FOR SALE FINE S54-ACRE FARM. 26 miles from Portland, close to raUread. schools and churches; about 200 aerta rich bottom land; 176 in cultivation, balance partly cleared and w grass; good buildings; Hectric lie tit and telephone, some beaver dam; eotsc fir and ash; JIB per acre; terms. A??!? owner. K 34. Oregonlan. 22 ACRES 6 MILES SOUTH OF PORTLAND, all under cultttutlea. rich 4I. newly fenced, drain tiled, two living streams, good water, bearing fruit tree, berries; graded Kbcet close by. rural delivery dally. Write or Inquire at 362 Falling btdg FREE LAND LN OREGON UNDER THE "Carey Irrigation Act. Deed direct from rate; write or call today; booklet and map free. B. S. Cook & Co, 231 Alder St., Port land. Or. Open evenings. FINE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 232 acses; ruaulBg water, soring piped to house; fine earn, fruit. 340 acre, L Burley. owner, first houre tan of Woolen Mitt site. Uma tilla ave.. Sell wood. 20 ACRES AT CANBY. OR. NICE. LEVEL land. aM In cultivation. 2? acres In straw, berries. - mile from R. It. depot; price 369 per acre. Adore A. H. Knight, Caa by. Or. FOR SALE 160 ACRES PATENTED LAND, with ever 3 000.003 feet fiaett yellow nine. ij mile from White Salmon River frost store at Trout Lake. Washington. P. O. Box 460. city. 32.30 PER ACRE FOR WHOLE OR HALF section of land Is Denton Co., lVs miles from R. R. station, good grazing aad fruit land, well watered. Owner. 107 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE 16 ACRES. A MOST MAGNIFI cBt rite for a country heme. 33 miles from Portland. Or , 5 miles from railroad. Ad erefs Mrs. A. Schuteaberg. Palmer. Or. SS ACRES TIMBER LAND. 24 MILES FROM Saginaw. Or.; Hvlng water. 6-roosa hoase. timber wiH pay for place; f 7.60 acre. H. K. Joyce. 4SS E. 13th st. . FARM, IS ACRES. 100 TN CULTIVATION, hops, prunec. small fruit stocked, houses and barns., near Portland. Address S 66. OregculajL. ' FOR SALE TAJUCS. FARMSFARMS. 216 acres, all under high otate of culll vaUon. Al good buildings, modern house, gocu barn and an kinds of outbuildings, nrst-claso crop and la splendid condition; 17 head of cattle. 9 head of thoroughbred horses, about TXoO wortbet the best and latest farm machinery; lot if thoroughbred bog, few of the very best sheep In the coun try, this Is one of the best, farms In the Val ley; only H mile from city limits and a good, lire town; this farm has many ether good points to talk about; lota ef fruit; price, including all crops and everything above mentioned; price 370 per acre. 2s2 acres, new house and barn, about 0 acres In crop, balance of land easily cleared, plenty of fruit; this Is all good land and good buy; 123 per acre. 67 acres. 23 acres cleared and In crop, fairly good house and barn. 2 wells. aM gooa land; this !s an exceptional bargain; price only 312X). 120 acres 20 la cultivation, good house and barn. lots fruit and berries, all first clam land. In Columbia County. Oregon; price only 317SO. part cash. 60 acre In cultivation, rest In pasture, lot's fruit and berries, good house and barn. U mile to P. O.. phone and schools; S head of cattle, lots of farming machinery and tools; price. Including everything, only J2300- We have many other good places. Call and see what we have before purchasing. TAFT . CO.. 122-3-3-6 Ablngton Bldg. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 0 ACRES with about to under plow, of which 30 It In meadow. S acres In wheat and 2 acres In potatoes; balance 6f land open and eas ily cleared: land lays nicely, roll very rich; nice trout stream through place; good family orchard, good house and bam. fenced and croesed-fenced; close to school and In good community; with place goes good team, wagon and harness. S head of cattle, fanning Implements and some household furniture; on county road. 44 miles from Castle Rook. Wash. Price $1S. with terms on parr, Imus & WUlocghby. Kalarna. Wash. ALL KINDS OF FARMS FOR SALE IN Multnomah and Clackamas Couctlea. Roberts Wlrtr, Gresbaxa. Or. IF YOU WANT ANY KIND OF A FARM. large or small, at the right price, see F. Fuchs. 14BH First et. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. J2000 to 310.000: also business properties. 35000 to 32O.000. Have buyers. L. W. Whiting 4 Co.. 40S Abtngun bldg. WANTED A GOOD FARM OF FROM 33W0: 312.000: don t write If you have nothing good. F Fnca. 149H First st. CORNER LOT OR HOUSE. WEST SIDE. Nob Hill preferred; state price and loca tion. F" 70. Oregonlan. WANTED TO INVEST ABOUT 31S.OCO IN good west Side property. H 70. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. HOUSE AND LOT TO EXCHANGE FOR VA cant lot er small business, and balance In stallment payment. Suburban acreage to exchange for small farm In Willamette Valley. Good rooming-house to trade for acreage or smaller house. HATFIELD &. SMITH. 163V4 Fourth st-. room 32. EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY 4 0 acres; 25 In fruit: one ef the finest In the Valley. If you have something good -call er address L. J. Shell. 146 6th st. FOK SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE WANT PROPOSITIONS FROM OWN ers for the sal of timber and farm land. The larger the proposition the better; no middlemen. Collins Land Co.. Concord Mdg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 2H miles from railroad, running water, fine apple land. 32300. or what have you to offer. B 72. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES TIMBER LAND TO SELL OK trade; also good farm; cheap; 59 miles from Portland; Yamhill County. Room 1. ltH 0th it. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. SANTA FE FOREST RESERVE SCRIP will all.' I take timber lands. Sioux scrip will take unsurveyed land. We have both. Maglnars & Son. 227 Falllnr bldg. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS GUAR AN teed, mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Cettlns Land Co.. Concord bldg. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE-ALMOST NEW DELIVERY wagon, covered for camping; good light team, city broke; good harness. All J 133. Woodyard, Union and Ash. LOT OF SECOND-HAND EXPRESS. ORO cery. furniture wagons, trucks, surreys; sac rificed for cash. 266 Fourth. A TEAM OF HEAVY weighing DOCK) pounds, man st. DRAFT HORSES. Call at 323 Chap- LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. SHETLAND COLT. 10 MONTHS OLD. CALL at t bnerman st.. or phone Mala 3173. SAN FRANCISCO VETERINARY COLLEGE Next session begins July IT. Pianos. FOR SALE CHEAP FINE LUDWIG PI- ane. nearly new. a bargain. 327 Gllsan st. j Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; tor new roofs there Is nothing better; guaran teed; Mastic roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AN1 SECOND-H.VND Millard and pool table; easy payments; we rent table, -with privilege of bug; mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Baike-Coilendcr. 49 3d st. GREAT REDUCTION SALE-ENTIRE STOCK te be sold below con:; please come In aad look; ktdies underwear and shirtwaists. Man Sing & Co.. 302 Morrison si. FOR SALE SET ANTIQUE MAHOGANY bedroom furniture: also Berwis guitar. Af ternoons 2 to 5. No. 2204 First it., room 4. ROOMING-HOUSE. TEN LARGE OUTSIDE i roarnA one Mock from mala entrance, 3773. 1 On Upshur st- F 71. Oregoalaa. RESTAURANT CLEARING 340 WEEKLY, one Mock from main entrance on Upshur. f37S. E 71. Oregonlan. LARGE SECOND-HAND SAFE IN condition for sale cheap. Woottrr. ' Morrison. GOOD th and FOR SALE SMITH-PREMIER TYPE writer. almost sew; reasonable. C 73, care Oregonlan. MAN'S TICKET FOR SALT LAKE CITY, cheap. Call between II and 12. 33 Savler street. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 324 Chamber Commerce er phase Main 2363. COTTAGE ORGAN IN GOOD ORDER AT a bargain. Room 10. Washiagtoa Mdr. HELP WANTED MALE. WE WANT AN EXPERIENCED AXD WELL qualified man as principal of the a lire school and Instructor of the upper grades, we also uant aa experienced and qualified teacher for our grammar department. Address F. T. Ottman. Clerk. School District No. S. Grass Valley. Or. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED, uamarried mea. between the ases ef 13 and 33. citizens of United States, ef good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak s., Portland. Or. WANTED ONE GOOD HARNESS CUTTER and 10 harness-makers; the best equipped factory west ef the MU-sUslppi River; Jobs given out In large quantities. Address Los Aagtles Leather A Finding Co.. Loo An geles. Cat. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MAN WITH good address to take charge of established business at Seattle, fair salary; chance for advancement; small amount capital re quired 6 Labbe bldg.. 2d and Washington. WANTED MEN TO POST SIGNS. ADVER tlse and distribute samples, salary 31S pr week; 33 per day tor expenses. State age and present employment Ideal Cempaay. Dept. IS. 37 Randolph iU Chicago. SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS who caa leave town Immediately, to travel and.leara good-paring" business, ethers need not apply. Call 10 to 12 A. M. 2SOS Mar gin t take U car. WANTED 10 000 LABORER'S. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. If you want work come ta Portlasd: wages. S1.40 to 33 ptr day asl board. Caeadlaa Essployrat at Co. 210 Burs side st. MEN aad worsen to leara watr-'rrrr.kjr. en graving. Jewtlera wk: enlr prac school for lewsimt moeey made learo'g. Watehatkg Ecgrav. School. P. L bldg.. Seattle. KELT WAXTK-XAIJS. iirr ivn TrwmmTTiTrRV sir.TJiVAV wanted for the Coast; liberal propcslUca will I be made to men who can get business; all j replies treated confidentially. Address, wtth 1 full particulars. Nottingham Lace Work. I US Brcadway, New York. HOW IS BUSINESS? MAKING A LIVING T t Well. It you are dissatisfied and desire an I easy, prsfitanie occupation witn a tutnre. don't fall to see us. Theatrical Informa tion Bureau. 331'? Morrison. WANTED . AT ONCE - EXPERIENCED candy and Ice creaui-roaSer; shoe salesman, clothing man; numerous other pcsltloca open. 505 McKay Mdg. STRONG. ACTIVE TQUNG MAN FOR GEN eral work In West Side grocery; give age. residence, references and last position. X 721 Oregonlan. WANTED MAN. WELL ACQUAINTED IN the elty. to fist property; good preposition te a good hustler. Taft & Co.. 122-3-3-5 Ab lngton Mdg. California wine depot; headquarters bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wtnea c per glass. P. Loral!, lis 4th. Clay 1303. ANT intelligent, person may earn good Income correeondlng for newspapers; experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. Y. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practice:, expert Instructle&s. Write for terms. Gill man's College. 627 Clay at.. S. F. LOGGERS. MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co.. 193 Morrison. Main 1322. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write. 607 McKay Mdg. PHYSICIAN. REGISTERED IN OREGON, permanent and good position for reliable man. Address D 73. Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED MARKER and sorter. Apply Monday. Star Laundry Co.. Union ave. and E. Ankeny. WANTED ACTIVE MAN FOR REAL Es tate business, pays 3100 monthly; 3200 re quired. E 74. Oregonlan. HONEST YOUNG MAN WITH 3123. Ex clusive business In Portland; no experience required. O 66. Oregonlan. CO ATM A KER AND PANT3MAKER WANT ed. Delerllng & Padden. 3OS-310 Mala sr.. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED A BILLIARD BOT. CALL BE tween 10 and II. Alder-st. entrance Ar lington Club. WANTED A SAUSAGE-MAKER tlonal market, cor. Grand ave. Barnslde sts. AT and NA East MEN WANTED FOR BARRETTS DETEC tlve class; reduced rates this week. 263 Morrison rt. , MAN FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. SOME bookkeeping and typewriting. F 33, Ore gonlan. YOUNG MEN OF GOOD APPEARANCE FOR respoaslMe positions. Room 301. Atlsky bMg. HELP WANTED. WITH LITTLE EXPERI eaee la tailoring, at 269? Bumdide. near 3d sc WANTED-A GOOD TINNER FOR OUTSIDE work; eteady work. A. L. Fraser. Salem. Or. OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. WANTED; HIOH est price paid. 38 3d. Phone Hood 1862. School ef telegraphy and electricity: pupils wanted; positions wanted for era da. 3C3H 1st. WANTED PRACTICAL QUARTZ MINER to accompany prospectors. C 63. Oregonlan. WANTED A FIRST- CLASS HARNESS maker. Henry L. Kluck. The Dalles. Or. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. CO UN try; Mg wages; 213 Commercial block. W A NTED MAN FOR GENERAL work. Inquire 323 Ablngton bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES WANTING EMPLOYMENT please call; many situations too numerous to mention. Exposition and other places. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 3I3H Washington sL. cor. 7th. PHONE MAIN 2602. WANTED-YOUNG GIRL TO DO LIGHT! ewtng. one that understands running a sew ing machine. Call at 313H Washington St.. room 33. between 10 and 11 A. M. EXPERIENCED WORKERS TO PAINT Pic tures In ell colors; permanent position, good pay. Apply Nellie Bruce. New Bank bldg.. cor. Grand ave. and E. Alder. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and reskUer. Canadian Parlors, 22Ufe Morrison. Main 1323. LADIES TO SELL DRAWNWORK. SILK shawls, etc.. attractive, easy line to sell; Mg money. Mexican Drawnwork Co.. San Aatenlo. Tex. WANTED FOR FAMILY ADULTS. YOUNG girl willing te assldt la cooking and gen eral housework; Scandinavian preferred. 34 X. 16th K. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE- aeniauves In Portland and throughout state good par. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WA1T- ers. caarnnermaids. general workers. St. Louis Agency. 2304 Yamhill Main 54 IX WANTED EXPERIENCED IRONERS; . electric Irons, eool workroom: best wages. Opera House Laundry. 332 Alder at. WANTED GIH L TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work. small family CaH mornings. 73U Heyt it., between 22d and 23d sts. WANTED-S1X LADIES FOR HIGH-CLASS vaudeville act. good salary. Newmaa's The atrical Agency, 331j Morrboa. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEN eral housework: good wages to competent party. Apply 166 23d North. A GOOD. WILLING GIRL FOR LIGHT housework la small family and help with smalt child. 306ti Grant st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK, eae thoroughly posted; references required. Apply at M3 Lovejey sf. PARTNER WANTED IN DINING-ROOM. Fair grounds. 40 boarders aad transients: man. 002 Thurmaa it. WANTED GOOD WORKING WOMAN FOR country; no children. Call between 10 aad 2 o'clock. 460 E. Mala st. WANTED HELPER ON VESTS; MUST be flrst-elass buttonhole worker. 413 Me chanic. Phoae Union 3172. WANTED A NURSEGIRL TO ASSIST with housework and take eare ef child. 3 years old. . Call 211 6th st. WANTED-YOUNG LADY TO ASSIST IN bath parlors; experience unnecessary. 231H Morrison st,. room 10. WANTED BY SMALL FAJJILY. COMPE tent girl tor general housework. Call 131 E. 16th st. WANTED GOOD GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general house erk. Apply mornings, sob Lovejey it. WANTED SCANDINAVIAN GIRL FOR general housework. 333 month. 270 Burn side st. ' WANTED TAILORESS FOR LADIES OR gent's repair work. J. Harris. 312H Al der si WANTED COMPETENT WOMAN TO DO general housework. 567 Spring. Phone Main 2337. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR chamber work; easy Job. Phono Hood Sit WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL OR woman as nurse for child. 723 Gllsan st WANTED A RELIABLE NURSEGIRL. Ap ply 460 Helladay ave. Phone East 3C4. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE werk. 67 N. Park. Phone Mala 3339. YOUNG GIRL HOUSEWORK. TWO FAM Hy. no washiag. Apply 656 Gllsan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work aad cooking. 231 N. 2Ut st. GIRL FOR CONFECTIONERY STORE. 333 Morrison. Call after 11 A. M. WANTED A NURSE GIRL: rscraings. 603 Marshall st APPLY WANTED - DINING-ROOM dishwasher. 1SS 7th st. GIRL AND WANTED GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE. 106 North 7th. AT. WANTED GIRL Morrison AS DISHWASHER, it HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED ENERGETIC. TRUSTWORTHY man or woman ta work: ta Oregon, repre senting large manufacturing eeaaasy: sal ary 310 to 390 per month, paid weokly; ex penses advanced, Address, wjth staatp. J. H. Mocre. Portland. Or. HTDAXION" WANTXD MALE. Bookkeepers as Clerks. FIRST-CLASS CLERK AND GENERAL OF flca man. wishing to settle In Portland, desires position with reliable firm; beat Portland and San Francisco references, in cluding present employer. Address John W. King. 143S Tenth ave.. Saa Fraselsco. CaL MAX WITH EIGHT YEARS BUSINESS EX perienct. possessing education, executive ability "and energy, desires situation in off lee capacity or otherwise, with reputable mer cantile concern, city or country; high ref erences gad bond. If wanted. 3 64. Orege atan. SITUATION WANTED IN DRUG STORE Work and study pharmacy: American. 24. single, well educated; some experience. C 00. Oregenlaa. Miscellaneous. WANTED POSITION BY PRACTICAL lumberman. 14 years experience Eastern shipment and foreign cargo, aueeeeoful hand ling men. .getting results; references If re quired. Addreas L 67. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. NOT AFRAID OF WORK, wants position: handy at most anything; wholesale house preferred: can assist In carpenter work. J 60. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY SOBER. Re liable man aa steward er cook, hotel or Summer resort. Address D 71. care Ore gonlan. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WISHES situation in private family: has references; wages 37 week aad up. Address C 74, Ore gonlan. WANTED BT COMPETENT MAN AND woman, cooking in camp or harvest; Al references. Address Bex 1663. The DaHei. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; aH kinds of help. Clay 313. 26S Everett st. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO WORK In a small family. Address O. Inaml. care Japanese Mission. 121 13th st. N. AN EXPERIENCED JAPANESE COOK wants position In private family er heard-Ing-bouse. E E9. Oregonlan. WATCHMAKER DESIRES ANY KIND OK mechanical position at ence. Address D 24, Oregonlan. CAPABLE) JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION In family ta do cooking and housework. F 74. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION OF housework, etc. Address A 7. 0regn4an. A GOOD BLACKSMITH WANTS A JOB IN or out of city. Y 61. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG WOMAN STENOGRAPHER. LO- catlag la Portland, desires permanent po sition; moderate salary to start; excellent references. H 63. Oregonlan. Domestics. WANTED-GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN A small family or cook. Call 263 Aak-eny c Housekeepers. YOUNG WIDOW. GOOD HOUSEKEEPER and cook, wlshex a position for widower er bachelor; country preferred. W 6T Ore genlan. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES POoITION as housekeeper. 2SOH Park st. Main 4173. Miscellaneous. WANTEDPOSITION AS SUPERINTEND ent. matron or similar position of taust; references; experienced. It. .v.. 492 Spokane ave.. city. Phone Union 300. YOUNG LADY. EXPERIENCED SIMPLEX typesetter, ape rater aad hand ceesnoeiter. desires situation. Address X 60. care Ore gonlan. SCHOOL GIRL DESIRES PLACE IN PRI vate family te work for heard aad room. Call 310 Columbia st. WANTED SITUATION AS COOK. GOOD baker, by middle-aged lady; citj er coun try. F 66. Oregonlan. COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WASHING. Ironing or any kind of work by day- Y 63. Oregonlan. WOMAN WANTS TO CARE FOR CHILDREN by heir or day. 310 3d er W 73. Oregonfcut. HOME-LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS Phone Seatt 3316. Mrs. S. Scott. WANTED A G ENTS. PARTY TO TAKE EXCLUSIVE AGENCY for a hlgb-grade visible typewriter m. Ore gon; person with small capital can work up a good bcfllaees. Address W. A. Seett. 37 West 116th St.. New York City. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL MINING Mocks; leave name and address aad refer ences. V 6S. Oregonlan. WANTED Three hustling picture men. a new winner. Rembrandt Siudto. AMngtea bW- CANVASSERS FOR ROAD. EXPENSES AD vaneed. CaH S-9. 3-6. room 9. 1S6 3th st. LADY AGENT SOMETHINO NEW. GOOD seller, big wages. 213 Commercial bile WANTED TO KENT. OV NEKS AND AGENTS WILL FEND IT TO their advantage te list their vacant houses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has aeoorse a recognized institution ta Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed ta citable quartern. We rnako no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this crvlce &y exiting at our reatal department, filling la eur iaforaa tion blank: leave the rest to us; we wtU secure a desirable tenant; we want houses In al parts of city aad suburbs; if you have a vacant house, fiat or apartment, phene the particulars. We won't a Mow it to remain long Idle. H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURN1SHER. Reatal Department. 1S3 to 161 1st sr. WANTED Rooms for th: Etnosltsoa la aM parts of the Ky. Apply Exposkiea Aceomraodatiea Bureau. 200 to 283 Goodaough bdfitsr. Uader dlreotlaa of Lewis aad dark ExpcsHloa Corpora iron, phoae Mala 6266, WANTED FROM AUGUST 1 UNTIL De cember, a complete tarnished heae er Sat ef 6 er 7 roeens. open piracaMttg. good lo cation; best references. Address R 73, Ore gonlan. WE WANT FOR VISITORS AT BXPOSf tfcm .several furnished houses. 6 te 13 rooms each: reliable tenants. 3 te 3 months J. V. Cretgbtea A Co., 1&3H 3d st. room A WANTED A MAX AND WIFE WITHOUT children desire te rent a furnished house of from 7 to 0 rooms on the West Side. Ad dress E 66. care Oregoalaa. WANTED BY MARRIED COUPLE. 3 TO 3 roem modra flat er housekeepistg reerzu. ua fumlshtd; permanent: good location: reter euces. N 68. Oregoalaa. LADY WANTS UNFURNISHED ROOM, respectable neighborhood: reference ex changed: give location and prior. B 73. eare Oregonlan. BT THREE YOUNG MEN. A SUITE OF 3 or 4 furnished rooms, with board: eenaraHy located en East Side. Address G 74. Ore go niaa. WANTED FURNISHED ROOM WITH OR without beard, near Bekuee Theater. Ad drestf B 74. Oregonlan. WANT TO BUY .VN OLDSMOBiLB RUXA tout. second-hand, good aa new: eheap for cash, X 67. Oregeaiaa. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD. SUITABLE far 3 gtatlemea; refereaees. Adders Y 73. Oregentan. SUITE OF THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED rooms by three yeoag mea. S 72. Oregoalaa. WANTED MIS CELLAXEOCS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS .all klnda hf furniture, new er old. at 211 1st at. Phoae Mala 5633. I HAVE MONEY TO PUT INTO GOOD logging or mill proposlUoa: give aM par ticulars la first letttr. P. O. Box X37. Port land. . WANTED MEN'S CVST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest prise paid. CaH ar the "Fair DeaL" 62 N. 3d. Paoao Hood. S17. WANT LOAN OF fSCO ON TIMBER CU"IM at 7 per cent. Address T 68w Oregoalat WTO CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT ts r jOt UaAa. 72uaa u rrwa, 70S KENT. NEW LANGS HOTEL. Ecropean plan; strictly Crsprect aad mod. era: rates reasonable: electric lights aad bells, steam heat aad elevator, eiectita cars dlrec to Fair grounds pass the door; elegaat eafa aad bar in connection. Car. 6th and Washington. Phone Mala 331L F. Laage Prop. Sam- Ra.nm.irt. Mgr. THE KINGSTON. OLD ESTABLISHED aad reliable Rooms. 1W4 3d St.. adjoining Baker Theater, centrally located, brick building: rooms suitable for two. 31 day. 34 week up; cars pass th door direct to Fair grounds aad depot. Phoa Red S32. THE LINDELL HOTEL. Market at., between 3d aad -ttb. EUreeean and Americas plan. Handsome modern furnishings, all up-to-date eonvemea ces; free poreeiala baths, electric. Mght. ga. steam heat; c-utatdo rooms; 30e to 32 per eaj. THE OCX LEY. 330, MORRISON ST COR. iota jrurnisned rooms, strictly first-ciajis. moderate prtetei by the day or week; take M car direct from depot to Fair grounds. Phone Clay 712. Mr A. E. Crocker. Prop. OREGON. CHRlSTLOf ENDEAVOR BUREAU. PersooaBy Inspected rooms 1st Christian hemes for tourists. 211 Coenaerciai Mock. COR. SECOND AND WASH1NCTON. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington St.. hetw 19th aad Ska New, modern, all outside rooms, eleetr.s lights, phone, free baths; rates 30c. 73c. 31 per day; restaurant la buttdteg. HOTEL OLIVE. 308fc WASHINGTON ST. corner of 3th A. opposite .-ratr freest Per klea Hotel; first-okus outside rooms, terse enough for three douMe beds, at reasosa&.e prices. Phone Hood dll. XWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. ?RI vate family, five ratiMKes' walk from Po office: persaaaeut parties preferred. U2 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. Phona 4739. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR rison; best dewn-tewn rooms ha the city, heat aad service night and day: rates S3m per week and up. Including bath; 31 day THE HAM ANN". 135 N. 1STH ST. NEWLT furnished rooms. J1.30 up; nsee location, 13 minuted walk to Fair ground. M ear at Union depot direct to house. Main 3170. PORTLAND MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL, at Fair grounds; new and ctean rooms. Svo and II. no higher; get eg car at 26th st . tarn to left: earner 26th and Savter. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET BY DAY. week er month at reasonable rates. 421, cor. 2S4 and Vaughn. 3 blocks from Fair grounds. Phone West 2667. NEW HOUSE. NEWLY FURNISHED. A I ' 600 Everett st.. between 21st and 22d sr transient or permanent. reasoBaMe. Call phone Main 5663. FURNISHED ROOMS. VERY REASONABLE, with In one block of the Portias Hotel. 1- and 163 Seventh st.. comer of Taylor. Phoeo Clay 1712. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, bath, gas and phono; centrally located, sal able for one or two gentlemen. Phone Main 3227. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENr m y rival- family, reasonable-. 3 Mocks from Washiagtoa st. 21 N. Sib, Phone Mate 63iOL PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FURNISHED ROOMS by day or week, nice location for visitors; 1 blk. from car. 367 Myrtle sr.. cor. 19th. EXPOSITION VISITORS EXCELLENT rooms and breakfast, 3L2S aad 3L30 par day. 1343 E. Stark cu Phoae Scott 2034. FREE 'LIST Rooms la Christian homes. Reaseaabie. Cent unary Methodist Woxa ea's Bureau. 23 E. 14th st. S. East 143L 327 WEST PARK NICE. CLEAN ROOMS, with use ef bath, ten minute' walk from business center: permanent er transient. THE TEMPLE. 343H YAMHILL ST.. Op posite Hotel Portland NIeely furnished room, transient- Phone Clay 1031. 23l, ALDER ST.. NEAR 3D BEAUTIFUL, newly furaiehed roenw. best In esty. tor Hte to 11. reduced rates by weefc LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE TWO, raedera residence, walking distance. 33 week. 202 10th. near Jefferson. STRANGERS WILL FIND PLEASANT room, private family. 3- blocks from. Ho tel Port load. 243 6th at. MONXASTES. COR. 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping rooms from. $2.30 up. transients. 23c. 30c. $L THE ELM." 13TH AND WASHINGTON Large parlor?, suitable for tamfiy; also smalt rvoms: modern. WILL RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM IN private family, permanently; suitable for two. 463 Taylor sc 391 HARRISON. NEAR W. PARK FL it missed room, suitable for one or two gen tlemen. S3. So week. TWO WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. 5 PER. week, basement rooms cheap, centra. 211 6th. corner Mate. FOR RENT CHOICE P.OOMS IN NE V modern home. 735 Irving etreec. eoavsaiear. ti excellent board. THE ALDER. 433 ALDER ST. NICELY furnlahed rooms, day. week er month; con venient and cuter. PLEASANT ROOM IN NEW HOUSE. PRI vate taatMy. 3S blocks from Hotel Port, land. 34&!o 6th. TWO ROOMS FOR TRANSIENTS WITH fiUe view of harbor; Breakfast if desired. E 33. Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY TfiK week or month; terms reasoaabie. 235 12tS. i-eraer e Main. FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE hath, walking dtstuaee Fair, ti Take 23-st- ear. FAMILY. I Etta, st FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED treat reors; hot and aoKl water: first floor. 309 HotJiday. LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM?, with or without board; derssau cooking. 59 Fifth st. NKTS FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. FBI vale family: two single beds; mea oaiy. 31 N. Hth sr. ONE LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, abo alBgle rooms; phoae. hath. 300 Aid;.-, sear 6th at. YERY NICELY FURNISHED HOOilS CHEAP Gas. bath aad nhoBe. 33 Mala. Paose Mala 4660. STJ1TT5S OF TWO UXFUBN1SXED ROOMS Yashin st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS Ef NEW, modern Sat: very desirable. 147 N. 23d. W car Hue. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL. convenience, threo blocks front Oregeeian. 3S0 Alder. NICELY Ft RNlSHED ROOMS FROM 32 aad ue. Cast this P. M. and eveniag. 390S Je&enea. 163is WTH. NEAR MORRISON LARGE., handsome front rooca; two -his; by day or week. ROOMS ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. HOUSE new central, private family. Pheao Matn mil NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IX MODERN fiat, from S6.3 ffer weei aad. up. 2Ssiu Park. TWO GOOD ROOMS FOR FAIR VISITORS, beautiful location, every ceaveaaenee. 231 16th. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. 32-50 PER week up. S3 Park sr.. near Washiagtoa st THE CASTLE FURNISHED ROOMS. 3T2 Washington: private entrance qa V.'. Park. Neatly furnished rooms, reaseaabie rates. 123 Grand ave.. sear E. Merriaoa. Seatt 1452. ROOMS S0C. 73C. St AXD UP. 26TH AND Waruingteo; aew house. The How land. THE GRAND ROOMS 5Ue UP; BRICK BLDG. 45 X 3d. her. Couch, aad Davis. NICE FRONT ROOM PRIVATE FAMILY, dose ta. 33 per week. 347 6th sr. LARGE. LIGHT. AIRY. WELL-FURNISHED front room. 42 North 3th at NICELY FURNISHED FRONT Heyt sc. Phoae Mala 4231. ROOM. iESIRABLE ROOMS NEAR FAIRc PEX Tate family. 243 X 20th. THE CLIFTOX HOUSE. 233 Lodging 30 cents aad ap. FIRST. ST. NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOMS. THE Xew Grant. 2d aad Grant. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN, slese ' 23 N- 17th, St. FURNISHED ROOMS. 263 WTH, NEAR JEF fersea. FSaae 3SSZ. A FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT AX 544.