Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 26, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE 3IQRyiXCr OBEGOyiAy, IOyPAY; JUXE 26 1905.
President Roosevelt Believed
to Have Made Suggestion
to Russia.
Reply From the Czar Is Expected In
a Day or Two Battle in Man
char i a 3Iay Take Place
in the Meantime.
ST. PETERSBURG. June 26. (12:51
A. M.) Negotiations for the peace con
ference have taken an important step
forward, and a proposal for the date
of the- meeting of the plenipotentiaries
at Washington has been submitted to
Russia and is now under considera
tion. The exact date proposed has not
been ascertained, but there is reason
to suppose that it is some time during
the first week or ten days of August,
which is about the earliest period at
which the Japanese representatives
could be expected to reach Washing
ton, allowing reasonable time for -the
acceptance of the proposal and the in
terchange of the nominations of plen
ipotentiaries. The Emperor's answer Is not expect
ed for a day or two. as the diplomatic
mills of Russia grind slowly, and the
Foreign Office, as one of the secreta
ries put it, "Is not used to hustling
American methods," but it is thought
that the date will bp satisfactory, as
it will give ample time, for Nelidoff.
the Russian Ambassador at Paris, or
other Russian negotiators to reach
Washington, and there will be little
preliminary work for them to do until
the Japanese terms are submitted.
Meyer Conducts Negotiations.
Whether the proposal regarding the
'date originated at Toklo or at Wash
ington canot be learned, but the fact
that the negotiations were conducted
through Ambassador Meyer may indi
cate that President Roosevelt has per
haps again stepped to the fore and
suggested to the two powers, neitner
of whom would be willing to take the
initiative, a suitable date.
Ambassador Meyer is still exchanging
communications with Foreign Minister
Lamsdorff by letter, the Minister being
confined to his apartments In the Min
istry, but in ills latest note, written by
his own hand. Count Lamsdorft ex
pressed the hope that he would have
sufficiently recovered to permit of per
sonal exchange of views today.
The Minister's indisposition als.o pre
vented him from receiving the German.
French and other Ambassadors during
the last lew days.
Battle May Take Place.
M. Heratoff. Under-Minister of For
eign Affair, and the spokesman of the
Foreign Office, In an interview In the
Ghzetta. declares an armistice pending
th meeting of the plenipotentiaries is
improbable, and he comments on the
possibility of a battle taking place be
fore a conference is held.
The Russky Invalid, the morning pa
per, supplies argument for peace in an
estimate of the strength of the Japan
ese armies, which It places from 660,
000 to 60D.030 men, including the forces
operating In Corea. In the seven Jap
anese armies oposlng General Llnle
vltch, exclusive of cavalry, and artil
lery. It estimates that there are from
430,003 to 450.0u6 bayonet, which give
Field Marshal Oyama a decided numer
ical superiority over the strength
usually allotted to LInlevltch's army.
The Japanese forces. It says, are divid
ed as follows:
General Kuroki, 116,000 to 120.000
bayonets; General Oku. 110.000 to 116,
000 bayonots; General Xogi, S0.J80 to
90,000 bayonets: General Xodzu, 45,000
bayonets; General Kawamura, 73,000 to
0,000 bayonets.
Moderate Terms of Japan.
The Novae Vromya prints an Inter
view which its correspondent at Paris
had with a Japanese diplomat, who
cays that while nobody outside of the
Emperor of Japan and his principal ad
visers is yet in possession of Japan's
terms.- he bollcvcs that they are mod
erate and will be acceptable. He adds
that Japan is- anxious to conclude a
lasting peace, but that their attitude is
not influenced by the slightest doubt
as to her financial ability to continue
the war, she having anticipated a much
longer and more difficult period of
agreement should not be reached after
friendly though tedious negotiations.
German Ambassador Spends Over
an Hour With tho President.
WASHINGTON. June 25. At the request
of the President, Baron von Sternberg,
the German Ambassador, called at the
White House today at 9 o'clock and re
mained with the President for more than
an hour. He came to Washlnuton today
to see the President and will return to
Deer Park, Md., tomorrow. His visit was
the only outward slcn of activity in the
peace negotiations.
Count Casslni. the Russian Ambassador,
today received several cablegrams sign
ed by Count Lamsdorff. from which it is
Inferred here that the Foreign Minister's
Indisposition is disappearing.
So far as Japan's plenipotentiaries are
concerned, the President will be able to
announce them as soon as herecelvca the
names of the Russian enroyaV.ThAt Mr.
Takahira. the Japanese Minister, may be
one of them, in case there are three, as
already stated, is the belief of more than
one Ambassador in the corps, but of
ficial communication of this, of course.
Is withheld at the Japanese legation.
It is believed that Morocco was also a
subject of discussion at tonight's con
ference between the President and the
German Ambassador. The Washington
Government, it is pointed out, is aware
that Germany does not wish or contem
plate war with France and the officials
Kr believe thre is no reason why an
Unofficial Report Is Given Out at
WASHINGTON. June 25. It Is reported
unofficially that the President at a late
hour tonight was Informed by Mr. Meyer,
the American Ambassador at St. Peters
burg, of the selection of the Russian
peace plenipotentiaries.
Count Cassinl Is Going Home.
WASHINGTON, June 25. Count Cas
slni. the Russian Ambassador, has en
gaged passage for July 11 from New York.
The Ambassador will probably remain in
Washington to await the arrival of his
successor. Baron Rosen, who wiH land In
New York July 6. Count Casslni will
then go to New York for a few days, and
thence to Oyster Bay, there to present
his letters of recall to the President.
This ceremony over, the Ambassador will
return to New York and remain until he
The presentation of Baron Roson as Am
bassador will take place at Oyster Bay,
soon after the departure of Count Cas
slni, and will be characterised by cere
monies appropriate to the reception of
the personal envoy of Emperor Nicholas.
Otaghlri One of Plenipotentiaries.
LONDON, June 26. The correspondent
of the Morning Post at Shanghai says:
"M. Otaghlri, the Japanese Consul here,
has been recalled. He leaves Tuesday In
order to proceed to Washington as ono
of the peace plenipotentiaries."
New York Officials Will Draw Up
Papers Against Men Who Profited
in the Bond Transaction.
NEW YORK,-June 26. With Attorney
General Mayer and his doputlcs working
over the evidence, taken by Superintendent
Hendricks, of the State Insurance Depart
ment, In his investigation of the Equitable
Life Assurance Society, and District At
torney Jerome aUo investigating the
Equitable, preceding? against the men
who. Superintendent Hendricks says, ac
cumulated profits for themselves at the
society's expense, will .be only a question
of days.
The Attorney-General and Alexander T.
Mason, the deputy in charge of the for
mer's office here, were in consultation
today, and tomorrow Mr. Mason will be
gin the actual drawing of the papers
against the directors, who. It is alleged,
profited from the syndicate transactions.
Attorney-General Mayer will tomorrow
go to Albany, where he wilt have a long
conference with Governor Hlggins. ex
Governor Odell. Superintendent Hendricks
and some of the part leaders in both
houses of the Legislature
Alexander Is Very III.
NEW YORK. June 25. At the home of
his daughter tonight it was announced
that James W. Alexander, ex-prasldent
of the Equitable Life Assurance Society,
was getting along nicely. His condition
last night was grave.
Hawaiian Company Has Purchased
California Sugar Refinery.
HONOLULU, June 35. The Sugar Fac
tors Company, representing all of the
sugar interests hero outside those of the
Sprockets Sugar Company, has purchased,
for approximately $2,000,000. the controll
ing interest in the Crockett, Cal.. refin
ery, and Intends to begin next January
refining the Hawaiian product in compe
tition with the Sprockets Company.
It is expected that there will be a lively
fight. The Sugar Factors Company con
trols 340.000 of the 400.000 tons of the an
nual sugar crop of Hawaii, and has. it is
stated, renewed for three years its con
tract with Eastern refiners to dispose f
the crop, with the provision of being al
lowed to refine up to 3M.O0O tons on the
Pacific Coast.
The Sugar Factors Company says It
has paid yearly J1.3W.000 to the Sprockets
refineries, because It was unable to com
pete, and it now proposes to resist the
Sprockels Interest. The Sugar Factors
Company was organized last year for the
purpose of combining Interests here to
oppose the Spreckeis Company.
Solution or Negro Problem Advo
cated by Colored Author.
BOSTON, June 26. Amalgamation of
the white and colored races- through In
termarriages hs a solution of the race
problem was advanced today by Charles
W. Chostnutt. a well-known negro au
thor of Cleveland, in an address before
the Boston Literary and Historical As
sociation. Mr. Chostnutt. who is here to
attond his son's graduation from Harv
ard, spoko on "Race Prejudice. Its Causes
and Cure." After discussing the dif
ferences between the two races the speak
er said:
"The most difficult of the differences
which bold us apart from oar fellow
cltlzens is our difference In color. Should
this difference disappear entirely preju
dice and the race problem would ceape
to exist. I not only believe the mixture
will in time be an accomplished fact, but
that it will be a good thing for all concerned."
Reproduction of German Castle Will
Be Erected.
WASHINGTON. June 25. The German
govornment has purchased a splendid site
for its embassy here, opposite the prop
erty of the new French Embassy, over
looking Sheridan Circle, on S street. In
the northwest section of the city. The
property, which is surrounded by magnifi
cent trees and residences to a -considerable
height above the street, measures about
800 by 1S5 feet.
On this site will be erected a splendid
stone structure of the style of Frederick
the Great, reproducing, perhaps, in gen
eral outline the famous Sans Soucl Cas
tle or the new castle- at Potsdam.
The Ambassador and Baroness Speck
von Sternberg, will sail for Bremen. July
6, on the Bremen, to be gone for three
Eastern anJ Seattle races. Take Sell
wood and Oregon City cars. First and
Japanese Drive, the Russians
Before Them.
If Safer Xc Cnttlac Teeth.
Be cur ing we that ola aad well-tried remedy,
Kra. WlasloWa Soothing Syrup, for chtldrca
teetblnr. It aootbea thf child, softes the. (ssu,
JJars U J.1n. w vlad tana ui lvrsuca.
Red Cross Flng Is Hoisted by the
Enemy In an -Attempt to Check
the Firing or the 3D
kndo's Troops.
TOKIO. June 2S. 3 P. M.) The fol
lowing official report has been received
from the Japanese headquarters in Manchuria:
"The enemy holding the northwest
eminence of Manchenzo. was attacked and
dislodged on the afternoon of June 22,
but a portion of them holding the hills
to the west offered, stubborn resistance.
and the hills were finally taken by as
sault. Another force of the enemy hold
ing the hill? due north was attacked
from the front and we simultaneously re
sorted to a turning movement from the
northeast intercepting his retreat and
causing him heavy loss.
"The enemy hoisted the Red Cross flag.
but this did not stop our firing, and he
fled in disorder. His strength in cavalry
and Infantry was some 3009 men and v
cral guns. Fifty corpses were left on the
field. The enemy s loss was fully 200,
Our loss was Insignificant."
Positions Taken by the Enemy Arc
Recovered in Battle.
peror has received the 'following dispatch
from General Llnlcitch, dated June 23:
"There is no change In the position of
the armies.
"After the Japanese advance on our
right flank, which I have already repulsed.
the enemy advanced against our front
oi toe railway, woere me uessscKS,
noticing, the enemy's advantage, had
withdrawn slowly.
"June IS, our cavalry, having been re
inforced, met the Japanese advance, when
the enemy hastily withdrew to the southward.
"The rooming of June 20 our cavalry
reoccupied points on the Mandarin road.
Japanese infantry began at 9 o'clock on
the same day a determined advance
against Gugichl, opening an artillery fire
on our outposts. At noon our men to the
north withdrew and the advance-guard of
the dl-lsIon retreated still further to the
heights north of Schlchusa. in the face
of superior forces, finally falling back as
far as Llaot-nlao.
"The fight ended in the evening, the
enemy remaining four miles south of this
spot. It was found later that two regi
ments of Japanese infantry and two reg
iments of cavalry, with machine, moan
tain and field guns, had advanced along
the Mandarin road.
"To the west, three battalions of in
fantry, a squadron of cavalry and three
guns advanced. Wc resolved to advance
on June 20, in order to drive the enemy
back and to enable our advance-guards to
recover their former positions. For this
purpose the troops selected began to move
toward Llaoenjao. Scouts were thrown
out. and te Japanose retired before our
"In the evening of June 20 our advanced
troops occupied Mencltuagal and a pass to
the west of that place.
"The morning of June 31 our further
advance began, and the enemy, pursued
by us. retired gradually to positions near
Rescopingao. A lively fire was opened br
degrees, four Japanese batteries being
engaged. The Japanese showed a dispo
sition to offer an obstinate resistance,
and the appearance of our troops here
caused confusion among thera. compelling
them to send for reinforcements.
"The object of our advance being fully
attained, our troops were withdrawn In
the falling darkness, the positions which
the enemy had occupied before our ad
vance remaining In our hands.
"A Japanese battalion and 209 cavalry
appeared north of Chajushen, Corea, on
June 20."
District Is Denuded of Food.
LONDON. June 26. The Japanese cot
respondent of the Daily Telegraph at
Mojf. Japan, represents the Russians as
making strenuous efforts to improve the
defenses of Vladivostok, and says that
the whole of the Ussuri district has been
denuded to the point of famine in order
to provide the fortress with adequate food
The correspondent adds that General
Llnlevltch has issued strict orders to non
commissioned officers and men to refrain
from the use of alcoholic liquors, threat
ening them with severe penalties for vio
lations of these orders.
Russian Vessels Are Raised.
ROME. June 25. A Port Arthur dis
patch, received from an Italian engineer
who is engaged in raising the Russian
ships sunk in the harbor there, says that
three Ironclads have been refloated.
Vessel Was Currying; Malls and
Rice -From Rangoon for
SINGAPORE. June 25. The British In
dia Steam Navigation Company's steamer
Ikhona was sunk by the Russian cruiser
Terek June 5, 150 miles north of Kong
kong. The crew was landed here tonight
by the Dutch steamer Pontak. which the
Terek met June, IP. The Ikhona was
earning mails and rice from Rangoon
to Yokohama.
The Ikhona was a steel vessel of 552
tons, built at Glasgow In She was
tW feet long, with 39 feet beam and was
equipped with electricity. The steamer
left Rangoon on May 17. Her cargo was
valued at 3U0,(O.
Dnieper Sinks Only One Vessel.
JLBUTIL. French Somaliland. June 55.
The captain of the Russian Auxiliary
cruiser Dnieper says that he examined
many ships, but sank only the British
steamer St- Kilda. He says he came at
full speed from the Tellow Sea on hear
ing of the disaster to the Russian fleet in
tho battle of the Sea of Japan.
(Continued Frost First Page.)
being aware that anything unusaal Is
happening in Poland.
When the details become known it may
be expected that the news will create
the deepest Impression in all Industrial
sections of Russia and bring about disor
ders which would be particularly unfor
tunate coming Just at this juncture when
the government is bending every effort
to induce the people to be patient and
to await .the issuance of & ukase announc
ing the convocation of a national assem
bly, the proclamation regarding which
cannot be long delayed.
The date for the convocation was some
time ago tentatively fixed for June 2S but
the final revision of the project is taking
longer than had been expected and the
ukase will probably have to be postponed.
In Poland Itself the events at Lodz may
initiate an era of open resistance to the
troops lasting for months. Besides Lodz,
Warsaw, Kallsch. Petrakovk, and other
manufacturing centers have been on the
verge of anarchy for several months
and disturbances similar to those at Lodz
on a greater or smaller scale are to be
feared wherever and whenever military
condition give the slightest encouragement.
Wc Are Sole Agents for Youfig's Famous $3.00 Htti for Men
Hard Labor Instead of Death.
LONDON. June 26. The Warsaw corre
spondent of the Standard says that the
court-martial which tried Stephen
Okreeia, the locksmith who threw the
bomb into the Praga police station. March
6, injuring six policemen, has reduced his
sentence from that of death to 20 years
at hard labor.
Said to Be Dissatisfied With; the
Letting of Contracts for Dredg
ing the Panama Canal.
NEW YORK. June 25. Secretary Tatt
had a conference at the Manhattan Hotel
today with John F. Wallace, chief engi
neer of the Panama canal; T. P. Shonts.
chairman of the Canal Commission, and
William Nelson Cromwell, Counsel for
the commission, but refused to make any
statement as to what matters had been
discussed. Immediately after the con
ference Secretary Taft left for New
Haven. .
There will be other conferences before
Mr. Taft starts for the Philippines. To
day's conference was brought about, it is
believed, by the recent return of Mr.
Wallace from the Isthmus, but it Is not
known whether his visit portends his res
ignation unconditionally or conditionally.
If certain plans decided upon already are
not changed. It is believed he is dissat
isfied, whether about dredging contracts
already let or generally he will not say.
Melbourne to Invite Taft Party.
MELBOURNE. June 25. The Common
wealth Government has decided to Invite
Secretary of War Taft and the members
of his family and MUs Roosevelt to ex
tend their tour from the Philippines to
Australia. Assurance Is given that the
Secretary and his party will be cordially
welcomed by all classes.
revolutionary doctrines, aad for the same
reason there is little discussion in the
dubx and raftn. nonet .of lii neoojc ES&i
Taft Goes to Yale.
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. June 23. Secre
tary Taft arrived here tonight for the
Tale commencement exercises. He will
be the speaker at the Law School exer
cises tomorrow afternoon.
Yale Men Will Pour Into New
Haven Today.
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. June 25. Presi
dent Hadley. of Yale; this morning de
livered the annual baccalaureate address
to the members of the senior class of the
University of Woolsey HalL
This afternoon and evening was spent
In showing the visitors about the city
and tomorrow morning the Ms Influx of
Yale men Is expected. The programme
tomorrow will include meetings of the
corporation, the Law School Alumni As
sociation, and presentation exercises of
the senior class.
President Hadleys topic wa the scrip
tural text. "Except your nghteousnes
shall exceed the righteousness of the
scribes and Pharisees, ye shall In no case
enter Into the kingdom of heaven."
The rortlnd-L. I. Toungernuett, L. A.
"wn. Lot Angeles; S. Wile. Cincinnati: O.
W. Anderson. Minneapolis; Mrs. F. Rebsen.
Whitehall: H. Jeschke. Chicago; f II. ral
mer and wife. Jancsvllle; il. Adelsderfer.
San Francisco: J. V. Buell and wife, Eaton.
Pa.: W. 'D. Barbour and wife. New York;
Mr. W. Ronaldaon. Braver; C. It. Mannvlll
and wife, Mllwaukle; Dr. and Mr. C. W.
Carlton. MIu C. O. Ootdthwalt. Lynn. Man?.;
MIi A. Bran. Santa Monica. F. Deerlng and
wife. Santa Monica; A. B. C Deberman and
wife, San Francisco; G. B, Smith and wife,
Chicago; D. Dortrand. M. Wolf. Mines H.
and F. Dolph. J. Hantnian. San Francisco;
J. Barclay. Madison. Wis.: L. Schllsky. J.
Deuttewelden. New Tork; T. D. Fuller, Co
lumbus. O.; 8 Caldwell. B, Stephenson. Co
lumbus. O.; H. G. Smith and wife. Sacra
mento; P. H. Kere. Dana. Ind.; T. J. Dn
gan. Indianapolis. Ind.: H. P. Gilbert. S.
11 art. San Francisco; Mr. M. A. Hutton.
Walla. Walla; H. It. Sedbary. Mr. H. 8.
Houston. St. Louis; C. Thayer. Tillamook;
B. 31. Burns and wife. B, il. Bums. Jr..
Pittsburg; F. T. Kelly and wife. Baker City;
D. A. JieUbruner, New Tork: A. L. Castls.
Benney. IIL; G. Gosbnry, Chicago; F. D.
Cato. San FrancUco. W. I DIckaon. Van
couver. B. C: E. B. Strong;, wife and daugh
ter. San Krkrico. J. M. Hunt aad wife,
Chicago; H. C. "Slmonds. IVUcansln: C. J.
Smith. San Francisco: W. E. Slater. Seattle;
J. C. Pond. Milwaukee: E. It. Cox. Madera.
Cat; B, Q. Hopkins. Sacramento: J. N
Perry. Chicago; K. Breyjrer. San Francisco;
Mrs. O. B. Ross. Columbus. O. : G. TV. Smith
and wife. Minneapolis; J. Lamble. D. O. An
derson. St- Paul; D. S. Crumb and wife. St.
Louls; E. 11. Eddy and wife. Grand Rapids;
H. Beckman and wife. Child. O.: W. M.
Dresslrr. wife and son. Cblcaxo; E. Webb.
E. Hill. Nathvllle. Tenn.; H. Cashman. Se
attle; R. P. Habersham. Astoria; H. I. Elnr.
J. C Edmonds. San Francisco; J. TV. Tur
ner. Chlcajco; W. H. Workman. Jr.. Seattle;
J. B. Mande. New ealand; S. B, Davidson.
G. M. Matxan. Seattle; H. S. Houston. Xcw
Tork: G. H. Fairchlld and family. Hawaiian
Islands; F. B. McCoy. E. Albersworth. St.
The Perkins W. A. Abernathy. Alaska: J.
S. Lewis. New Orleans; B. F. Johnson. Aber
deen: W. C. Cox .Boise: J. V. Burs!". Xome;
M. Spink. Beatrice; F. O. White, dty; J.
H. Scbotteo. San Francisco; L. W. Cline. Se
attle; C E. Ehmnway, C. Gaby, Eoxeaa;
Mrs. C. R. Baxley. Mrs. Mulr. Hlllaboro; R.
Tatea and wife. Oakland: W. J. Brady and
wife. Brxeley: N. W. Bethel. The Dalles,
J. D. McDonald. Spokane; U Marfcham,
Pendleton: M. Dukek and wife. Mayrine: W.
McNeilL S. Pendenrast. Sand Center: C. C
Keraey and wife. Edith Keroey, M. Kersey.
Wasco; R, F. Perkins. 'orth Carolina: G.
Plandlnc and wife. Brooklyn: Mrs. Roes.
MUwaakee: Dr. F. W. TTolM and wife. Gales
burr: T. C. EUiott. Walla Wall. F. F.
Eastman. C. W. Eastman. San Francisco;
Mrs. H. E. Mitchell. Fort Stevens. C; F. S.
Wilson. Union: E. 3Qr!lnrzne. C, L. Dodger.
Pomerey; J. E Laadon and wife. ChehaUs:
N. D. Evans and wife, Seattls; G. C Davis
end wife. Oakland; J. A McGUUcaddy. C V.
McGIUIcnddy; F. D. McGtlllccddy. Aberdeen:
M. E. Bat, Mrs. iU J. Thera. Ha rent on.
Mrs, J. D. Holmes, Seattle: H. M. Ward.
San Francisco; J. 11- Coraney and wife. Qin
lock. W. A. Barn cm. Spokane; L. D. Brown.
Little FalU. Mont; Mrs. C. Cannon. Miss
Cannon. Miss J. Cannon, M. E. Roths. Den
ver. Colo.; Jane Rodger. John Rodger. Mr.
Rodger. Dick Rodger. Prweott; C. H.
Langdon Denver: J. A. Denholm. L. Smith.
Taeoxaa; J. O. Watt. Ecgene; L. G. Cas
waH. Mr. Ca trail. Irene Hay. Mrs. G.
Blancbard. Seaside: Warner-Glett and wife.
Glardah; W. D. Casscn. Jr.. and wife. Iowa
City. JLau.XH. rVJC CM frtcUa lauk Car.
$25 to $20 Tailor-Made Suits
At $8.75
Linette Tailor-Made Suits
At $7.50
New Black Silk Coats $10.50
$2.50 to $1.75 White Lawn Waists
$1.00 Silks, Introduction Price 72c 25c to 15c Valenciennes Lace 9c
Great Silk Introduction at, yd. 88c ' , A
75c to 50c Allover 25c
$1.25 Silks, Introduct'n Price 98c
$1.50 Silks, Introda'n Price $1.19 15c to 10c Torchon Lace.... 4c
5000 YardS $3.00 to $1.50 Dress Net 95c
.3 Z $1.50 to $1.00 Laces 65c
5Crt 2C' Hr0?UCrl0n 5iCe 51C $5.00 to $3.75 Laces $1.95
Reg. 65c, Introduction Price 45c 3
Reg. 75c, Introduction Price 63c $2.75 to $2.00 Allover ... ... $1.35
Reg. $1, Introduction Price 85c "
Reg. $1.25 Introduct'n Price $1.05 $4.00 to $3.00 Allover $1.95
Smart Set
White and Arabian Lace Curtains
ftssSi Kegmar $i.uu, special at 5 .7
) -r Regular $1.50, Special at S1.19
JU'ClUUllbtlcU 11 Regular $2.00, Special at S1.59
W( TZZ. I Regular $2.50, Special at $1.98
l tratinf th manv n.i ReeHilflr 3.00. Riwial far 2.2
' rftf r z:i,." ' , r 7 L.- -r
W 11 h smarT set Regular $3.50, Special at $2.79
' , P SWiW Regular $4.00, Special at $3.29
njKcdS :i portunlty to be fitted by Romil. flH CJ;l i e.l -tt
i&SrjSyS the celebrated Corsetlere. "-ft""" wcutti ctt
IsVrcA SrSSf SS.'SSa Regular$6.50,Special-at $5.19
M332 ?i-o, 3.oo, 3.73 to najw. Kegular $ .o0, Special at $5.95
rnaTi.AATol-Te S Co
la.; Mrs. F M Wilson. Cotumbu?. O.; H.
Koapke, Alpena. W. Ernest Crowe Os
trander: Mr Dan Hay. McMlnnrllle; J. A.
Ro.' and wife. Minneapolis.
Tho Imperial H. G. Way. Victoria; M.
Abrahams. New Tork; Ella Davis. Tacoma;
C C. Thomas. Chicago; George E. Richards,
Vnloo. Or.; F. Echwelckhart and wife. St.
Louis; M. I. Anden. Seattle; W. H. Schapers.
Seatte: Howard Brownell and wire. Coif as;
J. W. Hitchcock and wife. Starbuck: P. C
Holland aad wife. Walla Walla; Mr. .Ed
ward. Denver; J. H. Letts. VInnle Letts.
Adelga. Lett?. Letts; Henry Blanke. St.
Louis; W. Grove. Ostrande; Mrs. Dan Hay.
McMlnnvllte: Mr. Powell. Latch. Wash.: E.
ZandeL La Grande: J. K Wright. Leadvllle;
George Darran, It J. Labaarelle. Tendleton;
George Artlnla. George Welnarth and wife.
Hood River; Madge Cochran. Emporia. Kan.:
P. R. Trlnbrbaw and wife. J. A. Moffatt and
wife. A. E. Scars. Centralia; A. E. Sear.
Peter J Laychywek and wife. Cheballs; F.
A. Swingle. Pendleton: A. W" Whitney. Se
attle; J. W. Berry. Salem; Maud Parrish.
Buenos Ay res; it. B. Long. Martens; Ira J.
Hallensby. Greensbury; W. A. Johnson and
wife. Chdago; Sam Jennings. Cha. Chapes.
Wisconsin; T. R. Glass and wife. Holly.
Co.; H. Armstrong and wife. Chicago; H.
H. Armstrong. Chicago; Helen V. Boawell.
Mary Wood. New Tork; Era D. Fro me. Pen
dleton. The St. Chailr O. 8. Phillips, Spokane;
T. C Johnson. E. C. Johtunn. HlUsboro; A.
Overly and two daughter. Asotin; C Krau.
H. Peterson. IoU. M. R. Knox. C McBrtde;
D. C. Bryden. city; T- Nordstrom. Astoria;
G. W. Chapman and wife. McCcrtnlrk; C
I Boyle, Sacramento; W. 5ommer. H. Scot-
I in -73. Wisconsin; G. N. Ely, Douglas: G. Wal-
ter. LumiaviM: j. muz and wife. Otuaha.
C. E. Baker. Kate- Taylor. Belae; E. W.
Johnston and wife. Watervllle; W. D. Red
mond; J. G. Baxter. Dayton; Mm. J. C. Brit
ton. Arlington: H. T. Bagley. HUlsbore; Mr.
C. Klnzer. Hubbard: G. H Fields and wife,
Newton: F. W. Rhodabarger. Aberdeen: A.
C. ropejoy; A. Freeman. &?attl: D. Thomas;
D. Lloyd. La Molne: S. Wilkinson. Kelso: A.
P. Bern In. Bralnerd; G. A. Bydon, Seattle;
G. L. Hooker, njot Point; W. C. WIMara?.
J. Cade. H. Stein; E. A. James, city; W.
Musgrove. Hood River; S. H. Smiley. W. 8.
Meeker. W. A. Lee. M. CNelll. city; J.
Snider. T. Day, Lyman.
The .'Esmond W. Hummel. W. Brush. I
Mancburgh: J. Foster and wife, cathlam.t.
J. Allen and wife. M. Allen. E. Allen. C L.
Range and wife. Seattle; W. H. CaMweU.
Reno: F. Mad doc Sr. Santa Rosa; H. M. Shull.
Moro; E. R. Reynold. CorneHca; R. P. Ty
cmeao. Eltenburg; C. P. Harrington. Stev
enson: R. Wlekhan. Spirit Lake; O. L Stran
ahan and wife. G. Gaunt. Hood. River; A.
Cook. Newberg; L Tucker. Uraj Rtver. u.
Rockey. Rainier; G. T. Praltaer. H. S. Davis.
Hood River; W. Smith and wife. Salem; C
Sorbeff. lone; G. H. Wood. Geldendale: H. N.
Feabody, A. Et Reed. H. K. Kanholz. Cen
lervllle; N. Geller. N. C. Furqua. Chicago:
W. Steop. Elgin; A- TeUefar. Mllwaukl: A.
Olson. Trent Lake: R. D. Taylor. The Dalles;
G. Robert. North Yamhill: W. T. Crane.
J. Kennedy, Mayvtlle; J. R. Davidson. New
Tork; A. A. BlrcheU and wife. A. Cariaoa.
Wilbur; Mrs. G. Nanhetm. L. Nanhelsa. J.
L. Berry and wife. Chicago; H. McCormlek.
Astoria. MVaa L. Alien; Sacramento: W Mil
iar Sasvlea Island: M. 8hubbe. Gobi: A.
Hall. G. Hoist. South Bend; F. Dyer. Chey
enne; F. N. Merer. Chlneok. A y rrl.v
Oregon City. W. H. Taylor. Arlington; H.
S. Tarter. Grant's Pas.
The Oregon M. F. Shafer. Omaha: W. O.
Bandon. San Francisco; G. M. Bachrnaa.
Waltsbarg: L. F. Anderson. Milwaukee; J.
B. Hopkins. Santa Barbara: C H. Page.
Butte; T. L. Hartllng and wife. Aberdeen;
Mls Get3. Des. Moines; F. Netaon, Lake Pre
ton; O. J. Babtcad. Chicago; Mrs. O. J
Balstead. St. Johns; D. MeKenzIe. cltly; T.
Nama. San Francisco; M. McXelo?. Chicago;
J. N. Hays and wife. Pittsburg; T. H. Hart
ley. San Francisco; H. W. Kooper. New Tork;
J. Kragen. W. J. Ball. Seattle; G. W. Har
rison. San Francisco; A. BabaL Spokane: U
J. "Lockman. Kansas City: S. Plant. New
Tork: J. B. McMann. St. Paul; M. J. Dolan.
The Dalles; M. L. Rld. C.'C. BennU. San
Francisco; R. E. Kam. C. J. Kerbec. J. J.
Kane. Miss Irene Kan. St. Louis; T. Bell
and wlf. Spokane; E. L. Powers. New Tork;
A. M. Callager. St. Paul; A. Shenker. W.
Ltvlsttng. San Francisco; J. K. Robinson and
wife. St. Paul: A. A. Van Orsdale and wife.
E. D. Van Orsdale. Homesvllle; J. F. A.
"Webber. Saa Francisco; J. A. Torney. Spo
kane: Mr. Umbewlrat. Harrington; G.
Bookie. Mrs. C. P. Overton. San Francisco;
C. C Shaw. Seattle: C. F. Clapp and wife.
Port Towasend; G. W. Grace and wife. Wor
cester. Tacoaa Hotel. Tacoma.
American plan. Hates. S3 and ax
Hotel Donnelly. Tscoaa.
Xlrst-class restanrant In connection.
Taste the Test
UNIFORMLY good taste is the infallible sign of
well-brewed beer I
It demonstrates the use of the very best Barley
Malt, highest grade Bohemian Hops, special culture
Yeast and thoroughly filtered Water. The best
tasting beer is
OsrW e- 71 Cp4
It always tastes the same.
Anieuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n v
S. Loi. IL S. A.
Orders Promptly Filled by
Tlllrnatm .& fiesdel, Distributors, Portland, Oregon.