Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 26, 1905, Page 11, Image 11

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Seals Score the Winning Run
on Brashear's Error.
the Columbia, to be irroassible. bat the
auto canbft sent forward by steamer for
that distance.
"Between Black Hirer Junction and Se
attle we found the worst road that lies
In th 15 miles between Seattle and
Toledo," says Mr. Kerry. The rest of
the road is probably the bet that can be
found In the state of Washington and
the trip Is delightful."
Angels Hit When the San Francis
cans -Make Errors In the Morn
ins and Win That Contest.
Tozcr Shows Well.
Teeterday' Keeolta.
Portland-Seattle, rain.
San FiMdeco, ft-3; Los Angeles 4-S.
Toccma. 6; Oakland, l.
Standing of the Club.
"Won. Lest. r.C
Tacoma AT, a .eoo
San Francisco....... 46 at .S70
Portland Si sr. ,e
Lob Angeles 35 as .479
Oakland 35 40 .487
Seattle ie 48 .377
SAX FRAKCISCO. June 25. The week
of prolonged contests between the San
Francisco and Los Angeles teams ended
this afternoon with . 16-innlng game. In
which the local players secured a hard
fought victory. At the closing half of the
ninth San Francisco made a run and tied
the score. Neither side for the next six
innings could get a man around.
In the second half of the sixteenth. Wil
son,, for the home team, hit for a single,
but was forced at second by Shea, who
advanced on Whalen's single. Spencer
hit to Flood, who threw the runner out
at first, and Dillon returned the ball to
Breshoar. but It was dropped and Shea
scored. The game was full of sensational
iozer, tne new Los Angeles pitcher,
made a very good impression under his
trying ordeal. Williams pitched 18 innings
ior can f-rancisco, and whalen ivas or
tne slab for the balance of the came.
In the morning game the errors of San
Francisco, coupled with timely hUtlng,
ave Los Angeles the game. The scores:
-Morning game .
It E
Los Angeles, 201000001 I fi
San Francisco ,..002000000-2 7
Batteries Gray. Wright and Eager;
xieniey ana istioa.
Afternoon game
t R.H
Los A 2 o 1 O 0(1 fl (1 ' (i ao n n f ie
San Fr.,.00 1 03000 1000000 1 12 2
Batteries Tozer and Splos; Williams.
nnaaen ana snoa.
Umpire Davis.
Eas'y Victory Scored Over the Com
routers at City of Destiny.
TACOMA. Juno 26. The morning game
was postponed on account of wet grounds,
but in the afternoon Tacoma took an easv
victory, bunching hits on Hogan In one
inning. An error robbed Thomas of a
rhut-out. Sheehan made the most mervel
ous -catch seen this year. Devereaux ana
Van Haltren were fined, while Lohman
had to retire because of a split linger.
The score:
Oakland 0 0000000 1 1 S 1
iscoma uouGooou 9 1
Batteries Hogan, Lohman and Stroib;
Thomas and Graham.
Umpire Bray.
Chicago 18, Cincinnati 2.
CHICAGO. June B. Chicago had a pic
nic with Cincinnati's pitchers today, overy
man on the team hitting safey and scor
ing. Harper probably received the hardest
jjunlshment of the season In the fifth In
nlng. The attendance was 11.1VO0. The
It.H.E.j R.H.E
Chicago .,.,..15 30 0)Cincinnatl 2 7 5
Batteries WcJmer and KHng: Harper
Hahn ind Schlei.
Umpire Klem.
Great Sprint of Reno Wheelmen.
RENO. Nov., June 23. In the presence
or an immense crowd, the Reno wheelmen
lowered the colors of the New Centurys,
of San Franolseo. In an exciting 59-mile
relay race here this afternoon. The Call
fornia team held Its own until the fourth
reiay, wnen carter, 01 iteno, in a re
markable spurt, pulled away from Bailer.
of San Francises, finishing his relay near
ly one-eighth of a mile In the lead.
Entries for Henley Regatta.
LONDON. June 25. The entries for the
Henley regatta this year constitute a rec
ord, mere being Se. caginst 4 In ISO. The
entries for the grand -challenge cup are:
esper Boat Club, of Philadelphia;
Christ's College. Cambridge; the Belgian
erew; Jesus College. Cambridge, and the
Leander. the London and the Thames
Boat Clubs.
Centralia Loses to Little Rock.
CENTRALIA. Wash- June 25. (Spe
cial.) Contralla lost a sloppy elght-lnnlng
baseball game today to Little Rock ay a
score of 2 to L Neither side scored until
the eighth Inning. Butx pitched for Cen
tralla and Sbamblla for the visitors.
Police Prevent Ball Game?.
BROOKLYN, June 26. There was no
professional baseball played here today.
although the game was scheduled for the
New lork and Brooklyn National League
Clubs at Washington Park. The police
edict prevented the game.
Picnic of Gymnastic Union.
INDIANAPOLIS. June 23. Eighteen
thousand people today attended a grand
plente at Germanla Park, the closing
event of the festival ot the North Ameri
can Gymnastic Union, which began last
Tuesday cvenlnc.
Pittsburg 5, St. Louis 0.
ST. LOUIS. June 25.-Pittsbrg batted
Thielraan from the box in the first Inning
today, scoring four runs. The attendance
was SJOO. The score:
R.H.EI r.h E
.Efc. Louis 0 4 llPittsburg S 18 6
Batteries-Thlelmaa. McFarland and
Warner; Case and Poitz.
St. Louis S, Detroit 1.
ST. LOUIS. June 26.-St. Louis signal
ized its return home from a disastrous
Eastern trip by outplaying Detroit In
every bmnch of the game. RockeaflcW.
in. the fifth inning, with no one en bases,
stole third and a moment later came
home. The attondanee was 2200. The
Tt.H.E.I j u -p
St. Louis S 12 llDetrolt -. 1 j j 3
Batteries Polty and Weaver: Ford and
Chicago 8, Cleveland 2.
CHICAGO. June rS.-Chicago defeated
Cleveland here today in a batting game.
Altrock pitched in fine form. The attend
ance was 2300. The score:
R.H.E. R.H.E
Chicago ;.8 1l 0jCSevelad 2 7 2
Batteries Altrock and MoFarlaad:
Bernhard and Bcmis.
Steltz. Is a Puzzle to Spokane.
BOISE June 26.-SteUz proved a puzzle
tor Spokane today. They jrpt only five hits
oE? his. delivery. wWIe the Boise men got
1L safe hits, off Xllnkhammer. The game
waa a snappy .one- throughout, and the
orc was closer than the discrepancy in
hlte might Indicate. The score;
Boise 002 20 0 25sHiEi
Spokane ..0 0 0 0 l e 0 2 aZ? 6
Battories-Stelts and Hanson; KMnk
hammer and Stanley.
Maroons Looking for Game.
The S. H. Brainard Company's Maroons
are anxious- to secure a game for Jud
ith with some out-of-town club. This
team is one of the best in Pertland and
will be a fine attraction for some out-of-town
manager. The team has de
feated the best of the local amateur
teams and won all games played away
irora home. Address all communications
to H. K. Smith, 122 Grand avenue.
Fine Trip for an Auto.
SEATTLE. Wash., June 25. (Special.)
A 6- Kerry, who has just returned from
an automobile trip to Portland, is out in
an Interview urging every auto owner
to make the run. Mr. Kerry is a prom
inent millowner who. in company with
his daughter and Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Gray, made the run last .week. He de-'
'dares-the'Tcad-below Toledo and north-of
Ties Are Shot Off by Contestants
and Winners of Trophies
Are Announced.
After four days sfcetlng, the 21st
annual shoot of the Sportsmen's Asso
ciation of the Northwest ended yestor
day. afternoon with A. J. Webb of San
Francisco, carrying off the individual
championship. Yesterday was taken
up with shooting off the ties that had
been made during the three days of the
regular shoot. Although no big rec
ords were made, the scores were good,
considering the two bad days, and the
poor background at Irvington.
'The individual championship, won by
Webb, was for 26 targets, with known
traps and known angles. The big
medal was held last year by T. B. Ware,
of Spokane. The Anaconda Cup. shot
for at unknown angles with 2S targets,
was won by J. W. Brodorlck, of San
Francisco, making 26 straight
The Multnomah medal, held last year
by E. F. Confar. of Livingston. Mont-,
was won yesterday by W. F. Shoard, f
Tacoma. in the shoot-off with P. J.
Holohan. of Walla Walla. Stteard
broke 23 out of 26 targets and Holo
han 21.
The Brownlee trophy, shot for at 24
targets with unknown angles, was woa
by A. P. Biglow with a straight, with
W. F. S heard, of Tacoma. second. The
Walla Walla Brownlee medal was cap
tured by Dell Cooper, of Belllngham.
Wash., making 19 targets out of a nos-
slble 20 under expert rules with one
man up. four unknown and one known
trap. W. F. Sbeard was second. E. E.
Ellis, of Seattle, held the medal last
year. The Globe trophy was taken by
A. P. Biglow. of Ocde. Utah, after a
shoot off on three ties with W. J. Hen
kle, of Tacoma. and W. H. Seaver. of
San Francisco. Biglow broke 46 out. of
a possible 60 targets.
The loam trophy, with three entries
from each club, was taken by the Bill
ings. MonL. team, composed of E. F.
Confar, W. Huse and J. Solveridgc. The i
team average was 67 out of a possible
60 breaks. The highest general aver
age made during the shoot was by W.
fcnoara, ftfTacoma. with SO per cent.
Eastern Passengers Crowd
the Coast Liners.
Two More Steamers May Be Added
to Fleet of Six Now Running
From Portland to San
Six steamers are already regularly car
rying passengers between Portland and
San Francisco, and the traffic is so large
another vessel may be added to the one
line, while another company will very
probably enter the field within a month.
Last night the steamer Columbia, of the
San Francisco & Portland Company, left
down with 200 first-class
There Is a long walUag list of persons j
Free delivery cf letter by curiera at tt
residence of owners nuy b secured by ob-
ktvibs tae rouowtr-x rait
Direct plainly to the street and naxnbtr
o! de house.
Hed letters with the writer's rail atfdrea.
icreaicr ret and naraber. aad request
nwer to &e directed accordingly.
Letters to atrasren or transient visiter la
tte city, whose special addre may be on-
JCMwa. fioule ire marked tn the left-hand
eerner. "Traasteut." This will crercat thel:
biag delivered to person of ib same ot
eamusx man.
Persocs earner- far v...
please state date oa mhleh they Were adTer
Used. June 24. They will fee charred ier ...
rt 01 1 cent ler each adrcruteaetit
cum 1 or.
Adaauon. ills Puss Keesler. Mrs Earl
Adams. yUrt Clara.
Adams. Miss Slay
Adams. Mrs arV D
Allen. Miss Luis,
Allen. Mrs Sophia
Attenberrer. Mrs J
Andrews. Mrs Georcs
Anderson. Mrs Cora
Aadersoa, Miss Ruth
Acre!, Mrs Fred
Asher, Mr Morey
Asher. Mrs AB
Atho&s. Mrs MsJlnda.
Austin. Mrs
Ayers. Mrs Ethel
Balrd. Miss Mary A
Balrd. Mrs Wm
Ballly. Mrs A
Baker, Mrs A J
Baker, Mrs F E
Bales. Mrs Laura.
B ST Ires. Miss E Lar Lard. Mrs ? w
Barker. Mrs Geerse K Lome. Beatrice
Barton. Mr Anna Lrlsla. Mrs E P
Bartley. Miss NetUs McCaskey. Mrs Eislly
Kelsey. Mrs Jack
Kelly. Miss Era
Keller. Mrs Mary E
Kenwood. Miss Bess
Xielia. Miss Jasle
Kllrore. Mrs S B
Klar. Mrs Chas
Klnr. Belle C
Kroemlnr. MUs Lulu
Kurtz. Miss Uaze
Kurttu Mtss Emma
Lloyd, Miss Gertrude
Lyoas. MrmS
Lambert. Mrs S P
Lantry. Mrs D F
Lewis. Mrs Julia
Unarre. Miss Hazel
Leland. Miss B-ers.
Leisure. Mistress A :
Lechtxler. Miss H
Linn. Miss Ester
Lombard!. Miss Lucy
Belt. Miss Myrtle
utile, ilr S A
Bennett. Mrs E R
Best. Miss P B
Bitters. Mrs W It
Bisks. Mrs JT.'
Bohrer, Mrs John
Boenaman. Mrs S V
McCermlek. Miss Au-
MacCullocs. Mrs Geo
McCurdr. Mrs Grant
McDowell. Mrs Emily
mcdowcil Mrs C A
MoDonald. Miss DlckU
who want tn m nn tVi m.. ! Sasey. Maude D a
majority of those who bordJ th. i 5.kwth-Jeaal. MeClure. Mrs G F
bla last night were Eastern people,
though many were Callforalans return
ing home from an early visit to the Expo
sition. Though every steamer going down the
Coast carries nearly all it can hold with
comfort, the largest crowds of all are
coming northward. The throng which
boarded the steamer Roanoke la Southern
California made a good load, and more
were listed from San Francisco. The St.
Paul, of the same line as the Columbia.
Is bringing a big list ncrthward.
In view of the fact '.hat the independ
ents are thriving, it Is probable that the
San Francisco &. Portland Company will
add another steamer to the Pertland run
before long.
With the other lines doing so well, the
officials of the Pacific Coast Steamship
Company have made inquiries. C. H.
Gleim. the local agent, recommended some
days ago that the company run a steamer
irom ian i- ranclsco to Portland.
Tne steamer Alliance, niaalnir reralarlv
to Coos Bay and Eureka, will soon have
to share the traffic with the Doe steamer
Newport, whose arrival here was delayed
y a oreaxaown. The AHfasee has been
swamped with business of late.
r or tne steamers making the way 00 rt
the F. A. Kllburn has found nleatv of
business since she returned to the Port
land run six weeks ago.
Tne steamers built more for freieht
than for passengers have added eonsld-
erawy to ttielr earnings by getting all the
passengers they want each trip. Oa her
last trip up 'the Redondo had a bit- list.
The Aurelia la another example.
Bonenbercer. Mrs T Ti UeCtmiLi Unjin.t
powers, .uiss carrl ilcKe. Mrs Mayme
Boyhaa. Miss Daisy McLean. Mrs J M
Box. Mtss Coral Cj MeManus. Mr
Brady. Mr J McMahan. Miss
Brake. Mrs R L McHees. Mrs O E
Brainard. Mrs Eucen Main. MUs C
Brandt. Mrs Maadevllk. Mrs L C
Branch Mlts Bertha Marble. Mae Bell
Brendley. Mrs Erek Marraret Marshall Bs
xiurcs. Jin i-TaaK tate. Heirs t
Bridweli. Miss Edna Martin. Mr L
Brlncaker. Miss Mlna Martin. Mrs Sarah M
Brownlar. Mlts Edna Matthewsos. Miss
Bromlelch. H A Netty '
Brooks. Mr. C03 6th MaumaL Madanse
Brown. Anna A Mest Mrs
Brown. Mrs, -IIS West Mortllle. NetMe
Old Tnnncr and Tug Have Mysteri
ously Disappeared.
PORT TOW.VSEKD. Wash... Jan 2S.
Towed here yesterday in a water
logged condition, the brig Tanner dis
appeared during the night from her
moorings. The tug Pioneer is absent
also, and the current belief Is that the
tewboat people have taken the brig to
some secluded cove to await a settle
ment of the complications which nrom-
Ise to center around the eld naeket.
The crews of two tugs which engaged
In salving the .brig will want awards,
the fisherman who notified the tugs
and directed them to the place where
the Tanner wallowed aimlessly In the
sea abandoneJ. has a claim and In tne
Interim Captain Eskvold. the part
owner, is missing, and interested pr
sons here have no means of ascertain
ing if the vessel is Insured. No word
has yet been received of the fate of the
crew, which after abandoning the Tan
ner and successfully landing oa Van
couver Island attempted to re-embark
on tne derelict when she drifted In
Bear thorn.
Gracft St
Brown. Mrs Dove
Brown. Mrs J H
Brown. Miss Vtrail
Bruadace. Mr F H
Erunntr. Mist Annie
Bruce. Mr Marria
Brown. Annie
Bruce. Mrs Battle J
Bryce. Miss Addle
uuiiard. Mrs E K
Muher. Mrs M Z
Meet Mrs Clara
Merldaa. Miss Mary
Mendoxa. Mrs Jos
Merrill. Miss M L
Metxier. Mrs Mane
Miller. Miss Iner
Milter. Miss. 6T Stark
Mlshka. Miss Louise
Montgomery. Mr N
Meateii. Miss Helea
BurdetU Mrs James 2 Vsedr. L'n I. w
Burcess. Mlrs Edith Moraan. Mrs Minnie
BurkharUMraFJ Morris, Mrs Jails A
Burke. Mrs John F (S)Morrts. Miss Mabl
Burnett. Mrs R T Morris. Mr Robert
Busey. Mlxs Lizzie Moys. Mrs Ella
Butler. Miss Maud Munsea. Mr Vina
Brers. Mr Emma Murpy. Miss Josephine
jdibo. iiss uzxie jsurray. Mrs Lorcy
Calttsen. Mis Lena Myers. Miss Flora
ainouu miss Ora Moye. Miss Sadie
Caldwell. Mrs Emily
Cameron. Miss Edna
Camel!. Miss Olive
Campbell. Mrs KM1
Caaby. Mrs J p
Canaan e. Miss Mary
tsnoB, jars
Myers. Mrs. 1SS ttth it
JCeaU Mr J M
N el lion. Mrs Clara
Neva re. MIm Vlrlan
Newton. Miss Clara
Nickels. Miss Emma
Nlehelsoa. Mrs James
CardwelLMrsET Ml Nixon. Annl E
Christian. Mrs YaughnNerwood. Mrs James
Street Oesterllar. Mrs F J
Chapman. Mr Wade Orden. Mr Will
Carlyle. M!s Maude Olson. Miss Alma
Cathearu Mrs Amelia Opsahl. Miss Mantle
Cbewer, Mrs G N Osmon. MUs Emma
Chlttlck. Mrs C C 12) Osborne. Mrs M
Chrlstlanson. Miss Osten. Mrs IJxxle
Irene (2 Owen. Mr E
Christian. Mrs May Owlncs. Miss OlMe (3)
Farley Pag-e. Mrs W H
Chruch.Mlss Eleanor LPaxe. Fannie F
Clark. Mrs Edythe B Paland. Miss Katie
Clark. Mr Frank 8 Painter. Maggie
Clark. Miss Hazel G Parker. Mrs Frank
Clark. Mr John L Parker. Miss Axaes
Clarke. Mrs James ParrotU Mlts Lizzie
Clarke. Mtss Marraret Paschke. Mrs IVllHam
Clark. Mrs R M Patty. Miss Let F
Cobb. Mr Rena M Patterson. Mrs MaHe
Cody. Mr Carrie Patterson. Mrs Mary M
i.nuuuou. ui xiuu I'atierson, miss
Coffin. Miss Esther Ethelyn
Colrtn. Mies Susie Patterson. Mrs Leaora
Cone. Mlts Patterson. Mr Susan
Ceanaway. Mr Julia Peake. Mr S E
Conner. Mr L Pear. Mr R C
Conroy. Mr E II Peoples. Miss TltHe A
Canon. Mr W W Prrrine. Mr T L
Corklns. Mlts Lurile Prrey. Mrs. 312 12th
Ceurlne. Mrs G H Petersen. Miss AMeo
Cox. Mrs C F Peterson. Mrs Mary
CrandIey.Mlss Ethel MPfahler.M-r and Mra
Brlff Had Fortune in Coffee.
The old brig- Tanaer. abandoned off
Vaoouver Island while on her way to
San Francisco with lumber last week,
is one of the oldest vessels on the
Coast, During the Civil War she was
commanded by Captain George S Hodg-
Kiiwon. a orotner of J. w. ilodgklnson.
of Portland. She brought a cargo of
coffee from Rio Janlero to San Fran
cisco. When Captain Ilodgklnson ar
rived in port he found that the tre
mendous Increase in the value of coffee
on account of the war had made the
cargo, worth a fortune. He sold her in
She was recently purchased by
Newhall. of San Francisoe. for a small
sum. She was built on Long Island in
Chicago, Boston and Perry Left Yes
terday Morning.
The harbor seemed empty yesterday
for the three war vessels took their de-
I parture early in the mom In g. The Chi-
cago. Boston and Perry reached Astoria
at 4:S yesterday afternoon, and after an
IMPERIAL TACHT CLUB. Kiel June hour proceeded to sea, headed for Port
2R Thn Rfmun vHr,,, .. 1 Angeles.
. ..'..uouit, wnj
defeated Emperor William's Meteor III
Robert Goclet's Swan and E. V. IVat-
Jcn's Xnvahoo Faster Titan
Foreign Competitors.
over a 23-knot course hy nearK- fix rain
utes. The time of the Hamburc was
21:47. and that of the Moteor III was
3:77:33. Emperor "WHUara. with a lanre
parts, was on board the Meteer III.
Prince Henry of Prursla, railing the
Orion, beat Henry S. Redmond's AUsa.
The time was: Orion. 3:34:47; Ailsa. 3:56:44.
Among the small raters, Robert W. Goe
lefs Swan again came Is first .being 11
seconds head of the Capri In a spirited
finish. E. "W. "Watjen's American-built
yacht yawl Xavahoe won over the Comet.
The times were: ICavaboe. 3:27; Comet.
Emperor "William conducted services a
board the Imperial yacht Hohenzoliern
at 3 o'clock this morning. Charlemagne
Tower, the American Ambaseador te Ger
many, attending.
Irish Rider Is 111.
EW YORK. June St. In the match
race bctwettt Taeraas Hyaes. of Gal
way. Ireland, and John J. Joyce, of the
Irish-American race, Joyce dropped out
at the end of two miles and a quarter,
complaining: of slekness. Hynes went
oh alone and finished the five miles In
36:6: 2-S.
Long Trips Up Coast.
With the cruisers gone, the revenue
f utter McCulIoch saw many more visit
ors. The runners far the launches did
not hesitate to cry "AH aboard for the
warship" but there was only a shadow
of last Sunday's big crowd on the mos
quito fleet
There is one man who was glad to see
the Pern" go. He lives on a scow, and
Friday afternoon be was peacefully sleep
ing in his floating home below the steel
bridge. The Perry was returning from
her spin up the Columbia, and was not
losing any time coming up the harbor.
Her swell went aboard the scow,
smashed In the door, drenched the bed.
upset the the furniture and went on out
through the other door. "I thought
there was an explosion under the scow,"
said the owner afterward.
Croft. Mrs M E
Cabbage. Mrs Lucy
Cullen. Mrs B
Coumlncs. Mrs L
Cunningham. Miss
Carts. Mlrs Loue.
Curtis. Mrs L P
Cover. Jessie
Dsrirett. Mrs John
Davidson. Mrs M H
Davtsea. Mr J M
Ballon. MrJ W
Daly. Miss F
Danner. Miss Ludla
Daris. Miss C 7.
Davis, Miss Bertha
Darts. Miss Gladys
Dices. Miss Clara
Dlion, Mrs John It
Charles B
Pickles. Mlss-H
Plx. MUs Oracle E
Post. Mar M
Potrlna. Mrs J
Perter. Anna
Porter.Mr and Mrs, sou
sa st
Powelt Mrs Eva
Pratt. Mrs. 1187 East
Pratt. Mr B S
PrlBee. Miss Acnes
Trice. Mrs Harry
Procter. Mr -da
Oaarenburr. Mis An
cle Qulrs. MlssAKce
Russell. Mrs PauMse S
uussell. Mr Frank
Dodson.Mrs William K Ruddy. Mrs Johanna
Dock. Mrs Ellen
Doane. Miss Alice
Doerres, Mrs R
Dorr!. Mrs Alice B
Donnelly. Mrs A N
Da Mer. Mra Winnie
Duke. Mrs Etta
Dunsmore. Mrs Flor
ence Durper. Mr Ella
Earnst. Miss Dora
Edwards. Miss Pearl
Ever. Miss Marcaret
Enelert. Mtss Nina
Encler. Mlrs Anna
Enterson.Mlss BlancheRhabe. Mrs Lola
(2) Renins; Mra JP
Elliott. Mr John Rendell. Miss
Ellis. Eva J Reldelt Miss Clara.
Falter. Miss Anna Reich. Miss Marls
Fahresward. Mlts Llz-Relvner. Mrs Harry
ale Reed. Mr Lore
Farlect. Edna Read. Mra Jessie
rarrlneton. Mrs J K Reed. Mrs HG
Faner. Miss Sadie Rail. Mrs F B
Fenno. Mrs K S Sarare, Miss Stella
Flcraerldz. MIssMoliUKchlapp. Mrs E II
Flaynard Bros Scofleld. Mr Nettle
Foreman. Mrs G D Pare
Foster. Mr J S Scott. Ml ClMle May
Foster. Mr Mary Fehler. Miss Dolorla J
Frohlleh. Anna Shprdeon. Miss Bes-
Gauagner. Miss verna He
Royce. Mr Magzle
Kowlee. Mr F C
Ross. Mrs. 428 2d st
Ross. Miss B II
Ref. Mrs Fred O
Rarer. Mss Marraret
Ropers. Mr
Rorers. Mrs Ellen
Ron, Mrs Belle
Robinson. Miss B W
Reblson. Miss Amy
Roberts. Mamie
Rice, Mr May
iticrj. Mrs Georre
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. Or.. Jane 23. Sailed at 9 A. M.
Steamer AWancc for Cooa Bay; steamer
Sosth Bay. far San Francisco. Arrived down
at 530 A. M. German ship Christ?!. Arrived
in at 6sS9 A. M. Schooner Endeavor, from
San Francisco. Arrived In at 7 A. M. and
leti up at 7:39 A- M.eH earner Despatch,
treat San Franeixoo. Arrived down at M
P. M V. S. cruiser Chtearo and Bestoe,
torpedo-boat Perry. Lrft up at 12 noon
Schooner Endeavor Arrived at 2 r. M-
Schooner Boreal in. from San Pedro. Arrived
at 3 P. M. Schooner Fred E. Sanders, froa
su i-ecro. sssiea ar s 130 p. if t a
Exceptionally long; passages were made I cruiser Boston and Cfatcaca. U. s. torpedo
by the schooners Borealis and Fred E. j boat Perry. Ccndltlen of bar at 2 P m.
canaers. wnica arnvea at Astoria yes
terday afternoon from San Pedro. The
Borealis was out 33 days, and the San
ders -S days. Both met continuous bead
winds, and when these died ont there
was no wind it all.
Gunshot "Wound In His Head.
BELLING HAM. Wash.. June 23. Fras
er Tork. customs 1st pector of Huntingdon,
was brought here today suffering from" a
shotgun w-ound in the head. Tork was
found upon his farm with a gun be
side him unconscious. He has chance
of recovery, although part of the brain
may have to be remold.
smooth: wind, southwest, with Hrht nln
San Francisco. June 25. -Arrived at noon
Steamer Redcado. from Portland. Sailed at
P. M. yesterday Steamer Aurelia. irr Port
lacad. Arrived Steamer Gnnantcua. jroea
Singapore and McH; steamer OmaUHa, from
Puret Sound; steamer G. C. Lmdaner. from
Grayo Harbor. Salted Barra Sasta Paula,
tor Portland; schooner Jc&a G. Ncrth. foe
Port Gamble; eteamer Oratralla. for Gray
Harbor; eteamer Shasta, for Belllarhaa.
HHo. Jane 2iEilrf Schooner Transit, far
Hotel Hamilton, San Francisco's newest
hotel. Steam heat and telephone In each
room. Centrally located. Rates. S3, and
upward. IS Ellis trett.
Glllam. Anal
Goble. Mrs Lizzie
Gore. Mrs Will
Green. Mra J L
Halt. Miss Nannie
HameL Maude
Hammond. MUs Jes
sica Harris. Miss Camilla
Hatley, Mrs Anna
Hatten. Mrs Kate
Hawes, Mr Mary
Heard. Mrs May M
Heal. Miss G
Hills. Miss Dollle
Skipper. Mrs Pauline
amita. Mrs A O
Smith. Mtsa Irene
Smith. Alice Maud
-Smith, Mrs Myrtl
Smith. Mrs. Ankeny,
bet 2d and 3d
Stevens. MrsSM
Stewart. MIjs Ora
Steele. Mra Charles
Stewart, Mrs D H
Stewart. Mis Garcia
Stiles. Mra B
Stoddart. Mr S A
Storts; Miss Katie
Hetlrcnr. Miss Teanz. Strain. Miss Marjorie
Herbert. Mra R C Saelalr. Miss Etaln
HIckenbotham. Mrs Summers. Mra C T
Mary Swanson. Eda.
Hlrglns. Mra Nora Swan. Mrs H V
HltUMlsa Hatty Stanley, Miss Claln B
Hill. Mrs Sarah E Thompson. Miss Anna
Hippie. Mrs Delia Thompson. Mrs J R
Howard. M Blanch To mil son. Miss Aria
Holland. Miss Be mice Undeswood. Mrs Mary
Holman. Caroline D Vabry. Mra A
Holmes. Mrs F H Van. Miss Iren
Horton. Miss Jessie B Vascom. Mies Gresep
Horn. Mrs Wtn plra
Rowland. Mr Laura BVacrhn. Mrs A
Howe. Mr Addison Waldon. Miss Laura
Howard. Mra Julia
Houchlns. Mrs M B
Hudrlnr. Mr Ethtl
HoSmaa. Katie
Hut tea. Miss Henri
Huff. Mrs Ed
Walker. MUs Mary D
v aisn. Mrs, 1031 Dol
man Watkln. Mrs Mack
Wells. Miss Pearl
Wennerholm. MUs Ida
West. MUs Paula (2)
Hatnmason. Miss Elva Whipple. Mrs Alice
Huntlsr. Mr
Hurt. Mis Edith
Irwin. Laura
Jacob. Mrs A P
James, Mrs May
Jackson. Miss Elizabeth
Ja citron. Miss D-
Jamlason. Miss Berate family
WMtmaa. Mrs Bertha
Whitney. Mrs J L
Wilde, Mr VN
Wilson. MUs Emma
Wilson. Mr WC
WlUch. Louia Wltd
Wrlrht. Mrs H W and
Jenott. MUs I rtne
Johansoa. Ida
Johnson. Mrs B L
Johnson. Mrs Hllma
Jones. Miss Mlna
Jones. Mrs Walter
Jones. Mrs WN
Karrus. Mrs Charles
Wrlcht. Mra Martha. 3
Wrlrht. Mis M C
Taeaer. Miss Esther
Taerer. Miss Maria
Yaerer. Miss X
Tounr. Mrs Harry
Tounav Mrs H A
Zumwalt. Mrs Addle
AcW nr. rraakr
Kribba Rollis-
TstATXLiars craw.
Tt .
r mm 1 m
: ran
i Km?
9 The highest type of FAMILY SEWING
MACHIN E the embodixnent of SIMPLICITY
-re sali mlj ay SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., deal
teg directlj tarn Maker ta TJxcr. They are a aw beisg sold
at Lower Prices
Alio the Best Oil, Neelles, Belts, etc, of irkidt we carry a
Iarjex stack
Than Any OtHer
iealtr aai we axe "sw the spat" to pi cxrthl attention to
all exsteflwrs.
'Sewins machines rented or exchanged.
At tKe Singer Stores
334- Morrison Street
402 WaaKinton St. 540 Williams Ave.
Union Pacific
TJtrautii PoSsxaa. ataadarta ns& taictsc
teesE3c-ars dally ta Osaka. Olesra. Soo
zaa; teerUc sUataaar dairy ta Xaasas
CHy; through. Ptifesaa. SaarUC sleesmsesr
isrsecatly coadactrd) ws2sy ta Capx.
Rrattalas- ciAlr-otrs. iseais Sm) to th Sue
'Sili P. M
fS.tO A. M
Tor Eastern WaahtacSoc. Walkx Wu!.
Lswtatoa. Caesr iTAIesa aS Great Xectisra
tar sa East Hant1?" JrLAi-
TOR ASTORIA aaiSnai P. M ,3aBO P. M.
war Tiats, cotmectma. SaHy. j ZSaBr.
wMst steaser sar Bt- exasas. f cxaese
a ant i Nertst Bf.s'i Susday. Scnttay.
teaaaer Hiimfo. AM- Sattcrday. ,'
C daek twiur yrj MO P. M. :
FOR DATTOCST. Ore-7 A. M.'3e39 P.M.
Rter Teiata. Ash-A., exeeae irrcrpt"
j dock (MJtr BerJ , Saasy. SwrwtajB.
aerae Prlatlnr Co
Adams, M P
Adam. W
Aliclre. Ross t2
Alfred. PM
Allea. Chas E
Allen. Prank
Alraeder. WlIHe F 2)
Altlsoa & Smith
Ames. Allen
Lyone . Peter
lj.dI. Daniel
LaGrand. Jno
Lad.l. Wm
Lamb. G W
Landelt. J A
Lawls & Clark Centen
nial Exposition
Lwis and Clark
American Wrltlnr Ma-Leod. Wm
china Co
Aadriw. C
Andersoa. D A
Anderses. Owe
Arroond. J A
Arnold. C D
Asher. Master Harold
Atteberry. S A
A us tad, Henry
Aunr. Habert
Austrian Glass ExbibltLoos. Ernie
Avlla. Antone S - Lookla. Fred
Ax. John Lewdtn. Edward
Araer. Oratic Acid Co. Lutsr. J
Barnette. H E Lund. Arthur G
Bacby. A L Lyneh-Jamei
Baker. G H Lyons. James
Baltimore Ottlo R R McCreary. Rs-lph M
Lemmon. S J
Lerrctt. Andy
Uee. HP
Ueuallen. F"A
Uehty. P B
Ltnrflelds Pharmacy
Llndsey. G W
Undsey. J C
Llndsley. A A
Under. Carl
Passencer Actnt
Barbctr. Hayt
Barkeloe. Ott)
Barrett. Urn
Barret h. John
Barr. D J
Bartell Bras
Barth. P J
Bates. R M
Becker. Georre 3)
Beckett. H M
Bee be. W Scott
Betaead. Theo R
Bell. Prof
Bentley. Geo
Beand. Henry Z
Benon. X W
Berrer. Henry
Berraa. G E
Becfer. J E
Bljoa Theater
Bktdlnrer. Orvllle
Blarham. Howard
Black. Geo H
Bjsek. Mr
Black. A X
McCarthy. Jno
McCormlck. J C
, MaCnnr. William
' MeDowsIl. C E
McDermotU James (2)
McDonald. Geo
McFarland. Chas L
MeGiU. Wm M
MeGrerer. G
MaKee. Clark A
McKlm. Maurice
Mclnerny. Joseph,
MeKlnney. W A
MeKlnley. Geo E
McLaughlin. H H
McNIchols. J G
Mallary. F B
Marr. Joe
Martell. Leon
Martin. J E
Martin. WW
Maron. Hebert
Masoc F L
Mattsoa. Chas
Matthews. E A
Maunler. John
Daris. H J
Dtbte. G M
Dickson. Harry J
' Dtektr. A L
Dire as. Oust
Dodds. Ell
Doon. Joba
Dobon. Harry E
Doerinr.Ber M E
Domnaea. W K
Damesilo, Fuece
I Domeyer. M
; Bonaldaaa. S J
IDomemce. Petraceltt
Boyle. Door las
Erake. Wm E
uraae. r t
Drebs. T A
Dunstbeimer. FraBCOssSNteiv Reubea R
Daneaa. Ce W Stattr. Rev T M,
Dunn. J cbMb. Bt1 M
Dunn. J F Smtth. Charley
Dunn. Lee Smith. Dr i Mea C J
Earle Employmeat Bu-SraHh. Chaety
reaa Sralth. Fsed
Eaton. Dwirht A 12) Smith. KM
Eastmaa. Peter Smith Jtsa
EchaU. D K Smith. Jhn
Edwards. Mr. S49 East Smith. Ralph
Saott. J Stuart
Soett. Mr A Mas W B
Soetw J Edwasd
Seatt. Harry B
Seere. W
rrie. Jerame
simp. Ja
Saur. Peeer
Shaey. J F
Shambavsec W L
Shaw. Harvey
Sbaw. A L
Shea & KeNr
Shrppam. JMUt
Shirley. W L P
SldweN. Edward
Staslatr. D A i-i
Skarra & Co. F T
Skipper. Charles
Blake. Maf&tt & TewaeMederiek. C C
BUlack. W Mearhcr. Jamsi
Borras. Manuel Merchant. Thomas
Be and. 8 P MerrllL Charlr
Bottoa. Vector Metzser. D H
Bowe. James Mlltrr. Laheed L
Bowmaa.Mr Jt Mrs B HMIIIer Adv. Aceacy
Elsenhardt. G C
Elliott. O A,
EUlsoa. Mr
EIIsor, t R
ElUrby. J T
Emmett E
artlh. Jehw
Enterprise PIckUnr
Epsladtn. O D
Erlandsen. Aatoa
Errlne. Dr E S
ErtksoB. Nils
Evening; News
Evans. C R
Evans. W O
flralth. T W
Smith. W V
Southern Ore?a Mia
: Beatty G
Spiers. Haray
fepierel, Los
SparrelLJ K
Speelmaa. ProC Mau
Spaldtos. EL
Stursea. R B
Saats. Bert
Stanley. Geo A
Staadley. M L
Stconr. Mart
Stefan. Edward
Stetaen E A
Evan. Mr Mrs Will Steuefc. Hut
Borer. Fraak
Hover. J L
Boyer, S M
Boxzo. Fedefleo
Brae. F W
Brady St Son. M
Braaley, G H
Branny. David
Braaham. James
Bray Co.. Wm
Itrennenan.-M E
Bredleys. A D
Brenson. Capt Wm
Brown. A
Brown. C W
Brown. CMETerd
Brown. Easlrn F
Brown. F E
Brown. F
Brown. F C
Brown. Georre C
Brown. Osstan G
Brown. Mr . Mrs C C
Bruce. L J
Bucreh. 8
Buettner. P W
Bard. J
Burkhart. F E
Burkett. C W L
Burke. Edward
Barr. Peater
Butler. Samuel (2)
Batler. Lett
Burke. B
Boudler. Theodora J
Byrnes. Jno
Byron. R Elder
CabeL A C
Cain. M
Miller. Francis
Miller. Frank B
Miller. M J A
Mitchell. H
MltchUL Edmund
MerAtt. James
Merxan. John W
Marris. W A
Morrison. Jaa
May. Henry
Mueller. Wm H
Muhey. John M
Malrtne. Bernard
Murao. K
Murphle. Felix
Murray. A D
Meyers. Bert
Nelson. P
Nelson. S B
Neuman. Guitar
Newton. Frank
Newhouse. H J
Nichols. Herbert Au
Nichols. Edward
Nichols. P G
Northrop Hardwara Co
NOtt. Al
Oakes, F P
Obby. Wlnslew
Oliver. Roland
Olsen, Gilbert
Olsen. Peder
Osburn. J Arthur
Owen. F A
O'Kean. FranX
Fackinrbam. LD
Face. Clyde
Calcium Illumlcatlnr Pacific Coast Credit
Gas Co
Camden. Ray
Campbell. H P
Capen. Frank
Catara. Bill
Capita, rrd C
Carpet es. F
Card I U. Bartolomeo
Carpenter. D F
Carnetl, G W
Carnrs. John Robb
CarL Brron E
Carlson. H
Carlson. Oscar
Carrlran. A E
Cartler. H
Castle. Frederick
Cawson. E
Chafey. Henry
Chamberlain. G J
Chandler. W S
Chant Music Co
Chapman. Henry E
Chase. Chester
Clack. Geo 8
Clark. Allle
Clark. Capt J L
ciark. uu
Clark. Will
Claypole. Byron C
Clausen. Hill
Clement. J H
Cohen. M
Colby. Walter E
Cole. J Sam
Coleman. John
Collins. A L
ColHnr. Jame
Collins. J M
Conlsan. Richard E
Conlr. L J
Conncrey. Tom
Center. Hnbert
Coaroy. E H
Conway. J a
Cooley. D B
Cook. J N
Cooper. J P
CodIc Ralph G
Corbett. Mr A Mrs Ha:
Cotton, A T
Council. David P
CowrhHc Thos I
Cradlebourh. J B(2)
Cxalr. Stephen
Cralr. J A
Craven. C S
Crawford. R E
Crereble. Wm
Cress. Oscar '21
Crowley. Daniel
Cull err. Adolphu
Cummtnr. Frank
Curry. C
Currfe. Fred
Crookllt. MLB
Crooks. I W
Dahtemberr. David
Dai e my. John J
DanleL Jess
DeBIalfon. Lees
Daniel. Jesse R
Damareaux. R M
Damon. Howard
Dortand. Chas D
Daoust, Felix
Davison. J K
Daris. ChaaB
Davis. John
DavU. J H
Davis. James X-T
Pacific Steel Je Wtro
Pare. J M
Painter. Willie
Palmer. J F
Parten. Husn
Parado. Will
Patrick. B II
Patterson. TJ
Philippe. Max
Paulln. Louis
Pelteher. Charles
Penny, Mr
Plppor. Wandu
Peoples Furniture
Store .
Perkins. J W
Pttrecca. Frank
Personal Abstract
Co (4)
Peterson. Bert
Phillips. James
Phllllos. Altta
Phillips. A W
Phillips. Lord
Plceolo. Carmelo
Perce. Clydo
Pierce. J H
Pods. Nieh
Parts. John L
Portland Ore Insurance
Portland. Wm H
Powers. Clifton D
rrather. John
Prlbble. A E
Part. E
Purdra. FUtdinr
Putney. David
Radford. Fred
Raffello. H P
Roran. Charles
Raley. James
Reaves. A C
Reed. G W
Renner. John
Rser. DrSP
-Renter. W C
Rhubesny. G A
Rhodes. W S
Rich. John
Rich. J M
Rich. Arthur J
Rich. Horey
Richard. Rer
Richardson. X
Rinker. Georre W
Ridlnra. J 8
Robinson, A
Robertson. George P
Rorers. Millard
Rots. R A
Ross. Raymond
Rostbrook. Georre W
Rosenthal. Carl
Rorslter. A E
Rose. Charles M (2)
Rowley. C R
Burriery. Alfcaao
Sanfora. WK
Sarrent. W A
Sardera. Frank
Sawyer. James
Sawyer. W G fl)
Schaseman. Herr Ed
ward Schellhaaass. Thema
Pchneldrrhalm. Alt
Schelomsohn. Ed w
Scbulx. Danl
Icawrtx,PTre - . ,
Farrow. G E
Fealds, W
Feldmann, Wm
Fles. CI I fTo ri D
Flsk. Emit
Pitch, Owen 2
Flteh. Harry
Flowers. John R
Fersted. Ely
Fry. E B
Fr s nets. Arthur
Frlsbr. M A
Frlchette. Orner
Gaunle. M A
Geardy. J P
Gear. Mr & Mrs
GIbney. Rer Father
Gllmour. J N
GUbreath. James
Gltdart. Jared
Goldberr. Santerd
Goode. T G
Gore. Joe
Goss. H P
Gould. Chas L
Grarr- Oliver R
Gray. Walter D
Oreen tz Co
G rlber r. Andy
Hall. LA
Hamilton. Rey O
Kansas. H
Hanson. Brie P
Harker. JM
Harris, Fred
Hart man. S Andrew
Hatch. Arthur W
Hawkins. Henry
Hys. Can
Healy. E P
Helman. J R 12)
Hlekey. Jas M
Hlrhtower. Emmil
Hirh. R c
Hirr. Edrar
Hissertck. John
Hacan. Roy E
Hobtn. L
Hooper. Glen
Hood. Sam
Howard. Carl
Hurley. Geo
Huston. F
Irwin & Fraetz
Jlanweoa. Bill
Jackson. D H
James. E E
Jaynea. Clinton B
Johansoa. Jacob
Johnson, Ernest
Johnson. Olof
Jones. L M
Jones. Samuel E
Joxlk. Andrew
Kaplan. Sam H
Kearney. W H
Kellorr- Rev HP
Kelly. John
Kelly. H J
Kennedy. Dave
KUImtr. WlIHe
Kilmer. Arthur
Kinney. Jatmes
Kingston. Altcs
King. Horace W
Kipper. FW
Klsmirer. F L
Ktttrett John
Steward. Perry
Steven. J Wesley
Stewart. Ed
Stuart. David W
Stewart. W
Stoekman. Mr i Mcs J
Street. Harry
Stri-eng. Or
Snrer. H X
SuHy. M
SaHtvas. J F
Snmnltr, C A
Sumaer. F H
Swaasae. E O
Swaasea. Osear
Twlaa. RT
Taber. Graham P
Terry. Fraak
Terwey. Barney A
Therlea. Rlehani
Thomas. Jas S
Thomas L P
Themax. W W
Thompson. Adam P
Thompson. Mr ft Ms J
Tbempaon. James
Thompaea. Perry
Thempsoa. L B 2)
Thompson. OHvee
Thempsen. Gee H
Thornton. TO
Tllu. Stanley S
Tewnsend. Pat
Trensea. NUs
Trewbrldse. T F
Tapper. Wilbur T
Tuaney. Jo
Vadnata. WUWe
Van Vleet. H
Waddle. Mr Mrs Al
Walden. L
Walker. Fred
WaKtec. Geo
Walters. R F C2
Ward. J W
Ward. Pari
Watklns. Mae
Watktn. Floyd
Watsoa. A E
Watses. Mr. 112 iKh st
Way, George
Webb. WHMam 2
Wetldeen. Jes R
Weir. Wm
Wereley. Wesley
Wheeler. Arthur S
Whitehead. Aathur T
AVMte. Chen A
Wlekhaaa. Jeha
Wleke. Walter
Wiles. WaHer
WlWams. C C
WltHams. J L
WHson. Jaek
Wilson. Lewis
WHsob. T W
WHsoa. W H
Wtatlavr. John H
Wise. J W t2
Woods. Master Calvin
Weed. HP
Tase. Frank
Teon. J B
Yerkes. Charly
A. ML ! About
FOR LSWJSTON. Daaty. t3:0 P. SC.
Idak asd way pami excrat BaHy.
from Ssrarla. Waah, Satarday. 1 exeeet
T1CKST OFFICE, Third asd Wasamrwa
Telephese Maka TtZ. C W. Stkarer. CXy. Tk
t Art.; A. L. Craig, Geserat Paseaarr Axs.
S. S. CO.
Specattsg tht Only Passenger Steamers tor
Saa Fraseiac Street.
-OahimafcV Jlr 5. . 2.
-St. rarJmn 39; Jury K. 29. 30.
Through tteitets via San Francisee So alt
pelaes ta Enated States. Mexico. Central and.
South Asaersca. Paaama. Hoaohtlu. Chios.
Jaaa. sS Phitspptaes. AustnJta. Nasr
SealaBd aad Xeaad-she-World Tours.
JA& H. DEWSON. Ageac
Phese Mala 2SS. 24S Washington' st
Lea vea.
SeSO A. M.
i ieo p.m.
7:30 A. ML j -orraHis passenger I 3:30 Pa V
4850 p. M. i aaeridan paaseagw HS123, Al M.
i lec Saiem. Kae-f r-. , -j
burr. h;r.f I
' Saerasento. Ug-1
. den, Sas Francu- j
o. Majave, Lm
Angeles. Et Pasoi,
I New Orleans aad j - -j
me East. !
j Morales t r a 1 a r ana M.
eoaneets at Wood- J
' burn dally xcepti
Suaday wtth traia;
for Mecat Aagt, ' '
sHertoa. Browne-
visle. .Sprtngfletd, ,'
Wenditag as Na-
: traa. i
i Eugene passeagsr f
ceaneots at Weed-f
sura with Mt. An-
i get and SUvertoa I
1025 A. M-
Daily. . :
Leave Portland daHy fur Oswego ar 7-3
A. M; 12 JO. 2:S. 4. 3:30. 8. 8:33. 1:43. 10:11
P. M. DiUy except Sunday, 39. 6S0. 3t33
193 A. M 11 SO p. M. Sunday only. 9 A. M.
Returning from Oswego, arrtvea Pertland
daHy SJO. M-ld A. M.. 15. 3:5. 4:55.- d3.
7d3. 9J3. 11.10 P. M. DaHy exrepc Suaiay,
5. 75. 3:30. 11:43 A. M. Except Moo
day. 123 A. M. Sunday only. 10 A. M.
Leave from same depot for DaUaa aJ In
tersaediata polata dally. 8 P. M, Arrive Port
laad. 19:10 A. M.
The ladepesdence-Monmotxth motor w
cperatee daily to Monmouth and Airlle. coa-.
sscttag with. S. P. Co. tratss at TBt
Fkst-lasa tares from Portland bv Sacra
mento aad Saa Francisco. 320; berth. 55.
Seeecd-daas fare, 915; secssd-claae berta,
Tickets to Eastern cola! asd Esrvce. . Ala
Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia.
Crrr TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and
WasMsgtsa atrects. Phase 5tala 713. -
Knschner, Mr & Mra WTeunr. Geo 11
JOHN W MINTO. Postmaster.
Golumbia RWerScenery
Portland, Cascade Licks, The Dalles
Regulator Lin tStcamcrs
Steamer Itava Portland daily at T A. A!.,
connecting at Lyle with. Columbia River Sc
Northern Hallway Company for ColdeadaJe aad
Klickitat Valley points. Round trip every
Monday. Wednesday and Friday, to Cascade
Locks. Every Sunday, excurstoa te Cascade
Locks asd return. leaves S A. M. returns
P. M. Dock foot of Alder st. Psaae Main 314.
City Ticket OfOeew 123 Taint St, Ibom 434k
The Tlver asd the Fast Vail. Jm
rer tickets, rates, folders and tall Ismr-
eaaCSoa. call on or address
H. DICKSON, aty Parsenrer and Ttckst
Agt. 123 Third street. Portland. Or.
. 1. 1TO MARTJ.
rer. Japes. China, and all Asiatic Porta, will
leave seaius aaout fuqr
Deparc ArrlTV.
Tellowston Park-Kaasaa
City. St. Loula Special ,
far ChehaKs. CcntraHa,
Oirmpia. Graya Harbor. - -
Scuta Bend. Tacsaxa. ,
Seattle. Spokaae. LewSa
tan. Butte. BltHng-y Dea
rer. Omaha. Vinta City. -.
EL Loc2& asd Southeast. 3:30 a m 4:33 p a
Ncrth Coast Limited, eieo
trie Ughted. for Taeoma.
Eeattie, Spokase. Butte,
Mlaneapolia. St. Paul asd
tse Eaat ... 200 pn 7 id a a.
Paget Sousd Limited; for
Csehalis. Centralis, Xv
cotna aad Seattja only... e0 p a 125 a aa
Tx2. City Expres for Ta
coma, Seattle. Spokane.
Helena. Butie. TeHow
stose Park. MtsneapoUs.
St. Paul asd the zul..ll.i3 p m. i30 3 a
A. D. CharHoc Asalstast Gecaral Pasees
rer A rent. 253 Marrisoa. corse? Third.
Portland. Or.
Astoria & Columbia.
River Railroad Co.
S-00 A. If.
2SP. M.
Sat. caly.
T:0P M
Ex. Sat.
Far Mayzvra. Ralsls&i Satiy.',
Clatskanle. Westporcf
Clifton. A alexia. War-I
rentes. iUnL Ham-
mond. Fort Stevens.: rr v
GearBart. Park, Ssa-i
aide. Astoria, aad Sea-l
Express DaCy. -Astoria
Exp r ms. I SiJO p. M
Daily. I
Comml Arv 213 Aider t. G. 3". fc P. x.
Phase Main 90S.
For South -Eastern Alasfca
Steamer tears Seattla JfK 3.
S S. Hampoldr, s; 3. aty
k ot Seattle. S. S. Cottag dry.
Uaae I3.S2.rr. Excarsiaa d.
(July 20. August 3. 17.
' Tor Saa Tran cisca direct.
Queen. City ot Patala Xata.
UEa. 9 A. X.. Jane 22. 27.
Portlasd otic. 243 WaaMngtos sc. Vtr 2HL
Sas. Fraasisco.