T11I2 3IOKXJLXCx OKEGOXIAy, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1905. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OREGOXIAVS TELEPHONES. CountinK-Room Main 6 ST Managing Editor Main 636 Sunday Editor Main 6233 City Editor Main 160 Society Editor Main 6235 Composing-Room .........Main 6S5 Superintendent Building ..Red SS26 East Sid Office Eat 61 AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND (Morrison, bet. 6th and 7th) Matinee- at 2:15 and evening at 8:13. Barney Bernard, in 'The Financier." BELASCO THEATER (14th and "Washing ton) Matinee at 2:15 and evening at 8:15. "When Knighthood "Was In Flower," EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison) Matinee at 2:15 and evening at 8:13. Mra. Flske in "Leah Kleschna." GRAND THEATER (Park and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30, 7:30, OP. M. BAKER THEATER (3d and Yamhill) Con tinuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 3 P. M. RECREATION PARK (24th and Vaughn) At 3:30 P. M-, baseball, Portland v. Seattle. THE OREGONIAN AT THE SUMMER by carrier and will be on aale at the prin- dpal points on Long Beach, at Seaside and Yaquina Bay throughout the coming season. It will also be on sale at Gearbart Park, Nye Creek. Wllholt. Collins Hot Springs and St. Martin's Springs (Carson. Wash.). Orders by xnali will receive careful attention. All mall subscriptions most be paid for In tdvance. Injured in Poktxand Woolen JIilu MIlo Lee, employed in the Portland Woolen Mills plant, was seriously injured a lew days agro by his clothes being; caught In a revolving shaft. He was working In the basement, when his shirt was caught by the whirling shaft, which was stopped as soon as possible. Just in time to prevent his being killed. Lee's left side was badly bruised, his left arm was broken and crushed, and his left hand was nearly torn off. It being at tached by a mere thread. Dr. Hensel was called, and had Mr. Lee removed to the St. Vincent's Hospital, where he Is undergoing treatment for his Injuries. Mr. Lee has been In the employ of the company for several years. Arrested for Larcekt. George Wels, a young man from Salem, was turned over to the police at the Upshur-street station yesterday afternoon, charged with lar ceny. He was arrested by an Exposition guard, and the allegation against him is that he stole a trinket from the Han Halll Bazaar, on the- Trail. To- Captain Slover the lad said he was standing near the bazaar, and was repeatedly solicited to make purchases, but refused. He posi tively denied the theft, although the trin ket was found In his possession when he was searched. He Intimated the belief that it was put In his pocket by some one. Sale of St. Johns Water-Front Prop ertt. This week C EL Bingham, of Se attle, purchased of H. L. Powers a 600 foot water-front tract In St. Johns, and also an upland tract. The purchase price was $20,000. The water-front land will be used for business purposes, while the tract in Upper St. Johns will be platted and placed on the market. Another large sale In this vicinity was that of 640-foot water frontage by the Water Front Land Company for $15,000. Names of the pur chasers are not yet announced. It is uri derstood that these sales will mean other manufacturing enterprises for St Johns. St. Johns Has Distinguished Visitors. Frederick Weyerhauser. Sr., head of the lumbering concern bearing his name, ac companied by G. F. Long, treasurer of the company, and Hon. J. D. Fordney. of Michigan, and president of the new bank in St. Johns, visited that place yesterday. The former examined the recent purchase of the company above St. Johns, where ! the big sawmill Is to. be erected. Mr. Fordney is Congressman from the Eighth District of Michigan. With several other men- and .C. Woods, cashier, he estab lished the Peninsula Bank. Funeral of Mrs. Blattenburger. The funoral of Mrs. Temperance Blattenbur ger, for many years a resident of the East Side, took place from the home of her daughter.'Mrs. Joseph Paquet. yesterday. The services were conducted by Rev. William Randall, and were largely attond ed by friends bojh of this city and of Ore gon City, where she resided a number of years prior to coming to Portland. Mrs. Blattenburger was a quiet, gentle, unas suming woman, sympathetic and helpful. Ehe will be missed and mourned by many. Fine Collection of Paintings. A fine collection of water colors and pastels by eminent American artists, r.s well as many Interesting out-of-doors sketches In oils and original drawings for illustrations are now hung in the galleries of the new Museum of Art, Fifth and Taylor street"!, which during the Summer will be open to the public every day except Sunday, with free admission. FinsT Presbyterian Church. First Presbyterian Church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets; preaching services tomor row at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. The pastor. Rev. Edgar P. Hill, D. D.. will preach morning and evening. Professor Edgar E. Coursen will give an organ re cital In the evening, beginning at half past 7 o'clock. Fined Fifteen Dollars. Daniel Har ris, foreman on the 'building put up at Arleta for Dr. S. D. Briggs. was fined $15 yesterday by Justice Waldemar Seton, In the East Side Justice Court for as sault and battery on A. Thomas, a car penter who was working on this struc ture. Harris was his own attorney in the trial. Place Robbed Three Tikes. The cigar store of John Faust. 392 East Burn side street was broken open yesterday morning and the till robbed of $1.50. Last Tuesday the store was broken Into and $2.50 taken, and not long before that the first robbing took place when $2.50 was stolen. Summer Schedule. Commencing Satur day. June 24. the A. & C. R. R. train, due to leave Portland at 7 P. M. for Astoria and Intermediate points will leave at 2:30 P. M. and run through to Seaside. There will be no evening train to Astoria on Sat urdays until further notice. Oregon Citt Boats. Leave Taylor street Sunday, S:30, 9:30. 11:00 A. M.. 1:30 3:30 P. M.; round trip, 25c Leave Oregon City 10. 11:30 A. M.. 1:30. 3:30. 5:30 P. M. Show your friends the Willamette Hiver and advertise your country. The Whits Tem.e. Sundat. Dr. Brougher's to?!cs. morning, "Is Christ Coming Soon?" Night, "A. Sunday After noon Walk Shall We Go to the Fair?" Baptism. By Request. Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong will sing "The Lord Is Mindful of His Own" at the morning sen-ice of the First Congregational Church tomorrow. Steamship "Alliance" sails from Couch-street dock for Coos Bay onlv and return Friday night. June 21. at S. F. P. Baumgartnor. Agent Main S61. Dr. House's Subjects Sundat. 10:30 A. M.. "The Bramble King"; 7:46 P. M., Da Vinci's "Last Supper." Pictures of the last subject free to all. Announcement. The new Aune Photo graph Gallon now open at the Columbia building, corner West Park and Washing ton. Take elevator. Slugs eat plants. Avenarius Carbolleum Wood Preserver kills slugs. Flsher-Thor-ten. Front and Morrison. Spring Chicken for Evertbodt. Come and make your own selection of Spring cmoicen ai zsc eacn. Mace s Market 151 liourtn street. Cabinet Photographs. JLSO per dozen; few days only. Rembrandt Studio, 106 3d st ivLORAL pieces, carnations, roses and sweet peas, at Burkbardt s. 23d & Gllsan. The Calumet Restaurant Itt Seventh. Fine luncheon, 35c; dinner. 50c. Help Wanted. In Ironing and mangle room. Union Laundry Co. To War Shite, take launches foot of Burn side street "Woost must sell might' Quick. 7th, M. Concordia Club Their. Headquarters. The commodious apartments of the Con cordia Club have been offered as head quarters for the women who will be in attendance at the American Medical Asso ciation, which convenes here July 1L The committee on arrangements has accepted the courteous offer of this dub, and the rooms at Sixth and Alder will be used as headquarters hy the women doctors and doctors wives who will be here in great numbers on that occasion. The location Is convenient and very central, and will prove a satisfactory place to rest and re ceive callers during the day. Distinguished Author Here. Miss Anne Shannon Monroe, of Chicago, is visiting at the home of her mother. Mrs. J. P. Farmer, of Montavilla. Miss Monroe is a distinguished author, having 'pub lished several successful books, is the editor of Common Sense Magazine, a Chi cago publication, and special writer on the Chicago Tribune. She Is also a niece of Colonel W. R. Shannon, son of George Shannon, who was with the Lewis and Clark expedition. Rev. Andrew Monroe is her brother. Miss Monroe Is repre senting her magazine and the Tribune at the Fair. Mibsionart Rallt Held. A union rally of the Women's Missionary Union and Women's Board of the Pacific of the Con gregational Churches of Oregon was held E3L.fJr the First Congregational Church, with many prominent women of this denomination present Reports from various churches of the state and foreign missions were read and general discussion on various subjects of vital interest to the conduct of church organization followed. A luncheon was served the delegates at noon by the ladies of the local churches. Trustt Escaped From Countt Jail. H. S. Brown, alias Ed Kramer, and a "trusty" at the County Jail, Imprisoned for theft escaped yesterday afternoon after engaging in a fight with another prisoner. Brown received a blow on the noso from the prisoner. Lewis and Clark Golf Tournament, Waverlt Links. The women open handi cap will be played at 10:30 today, instead of at 1:30 In the afternoon. By order of Handicap Committee. T. P. A.. Attention. The regular quar terly meeting of Oregon and Washington Division will be held at Portland Hotel at S o'clock tonight M. L. Tichner, Secretary-Treasurer. River Excursions. 3 miles for 2S cts. New steamer Gazelle leaves Stark street, passing warships, 10 A. M-. 2:30, 8 P. M. Wooster must sell out quick. 7th & Mor. Auto Stable at American Inn entrance. RESTS WITH THE ADMIRAL If He So Elects Warships 3Iay Re main In Port Longer. Mayor Williams, In answer to a tele gram sent to the Secretary of the Navy requesting that the warships In port be permitted to remain here until about the middle of next week, so as to permit of tholr proper entertainment under the aus- pIccr of the municipal authorities, re ceived a telegram yesterday stating that the department, having approved the itin erary of the Pacific squadron as prepared by Admiral Goodrich, would not Interfere with the plans which he wished to carry out, thus practically putting the question of acceptance up to the Admiral. Upon being thus adiised. General Charles F. Beebe and Whitney L. Boise, from the committee appointed by the Mayor to arrange for the entertainment of the officers, went nt once to the flag ship Chicago, but the Admiral was ashore and not expected back until late at night hence It is rather indefinite what action he will take, although it Is generally hoped that -the squadron will remain over at leapt long enough for the municipality to show its aDnredatlon of the Govern ment's consideration in sending the ves sels here. A decision will be reached to day. THE TAVERN IS THE BEST 3fo Grill In Portland Compares With It In Elegance of Appolnt - mcnt or Service. Manager Kratz is making the Tavern the most popular place in Portland to dine or lunch. In every respect It Is'q. Ideal ladles' and gentlemen's place of en tertainment catering only to the best classes. Its midday luncheon for business men has become famous, and Its after noon luncheons for shoppers are un cqualed. Fashionable people all go there for their after-theater suppers, and on every side is heard praise for the splendid new grill. The ladies' annex Is at 309 Alder street and the entrance for gen tlemen is at the sign of the Big Banner, on Sixth, between Washington and Alder streets. TRAIL'S GREAT ATTRACTION "The Carnival of Venice Is Recog nized as Big Feature of Farr. More and more every day the public is coming to recognize the fact that the great show of the Trail Is Klralfys "Car nival of Venice." It is the most stupen dous theatrical spectacle ever presented on a stage in this country, and represents the best efforts of the world's greatest master of his art Thousands have been delighted with the splendid singing, the magnificent ballets and the gorgeous set tings which go to make it superior to anything of its kind ever seen in the world. If you have not seen it do so at once. Two performances dally, afternoon and night RAILROAD TICKET FOUND Transportation Duluth to Portland and Return Held by This Office. The Oregonlan holds ticket for one first-class passage over the Northern Pacific Railway Company from Duluth, Minn., to Portland and return. Number of ticket Is 5000. Time limit Is SO days from date of issue. June IS. Office will be very glad to return ticket to owner on proof of Identification, and on payment for publication of this notice. PARSIFAL TO BE REPEATED Owing to the enthusiasm with which the Purslfal music was received last Sunday evening. Mr. Innes and the Fair Management have consented, for the benent oc tne nunureds who were turned away for lack of room In Fes tival Hall, to repeat the concert Mon day evening next. We have a few more of the bro chures containing a very clear and graphic synopsis of this opera and will hn very glad to give them to those who call at our store. These books contributed greatly to the pleasure of those who attended the first Parsifal concert Eilers Piano House. 351 Wash ington street, corner Park. WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restairant fine, private apart ments for parties. 905 Wash sear Fifth. Watson's Restaurant open night and day; only first-class family restaurant In the city. 109 Fourth street near Wash ington. When PurchaslBg GARDEN HOSE Be Sarc Yon Secure One ef Our Braarfs SHAW'S PURE BLUMAUER & HOCH 108 c4 1 10 Fovrtk StTMt SeU Distributers tor Orec WuUscta. I FORESTRY -Two-Step i By Gerhard Kriedt , The latest prettiest and catchiest two-step played by all the bands and orchestras, ask to hear It played. For sale by all music dealers. Pub- lished by j GRAVES & CO., Leading Music Dealers SMOKE Feifer's Union 5's IJNION MADE 5c CIGARS UNION WADE "A FLAVOR MOST REFINED LEAVING NO FAULT TO FIND." THE ROSENFELD-SMITH CO., Distributors Exclusive Wholesale Cigars and Tobacco, PORTLAND, OREGON JUM BALAYA Is the name of an exquisite relish Maker of the Celebrated Tobasco Sauce Ask your grocer or D. C. Burns, of Pqrtland, for Jurabalaya. appetite. STARK STREET EXTENSION Report of Viewers Will Come Before the Council. The question of extending Stark street westerly in Its present course and width from the west line .of Twelfth street to the east line of Thirteenth was discussed at a meeting of the street committee of the City Council yesterday afternoon, and after the subject bad run its course the committee deckled to adopt the report of the viewers, and In that shape It will come up before the full Council next Mon day afternoon. The following street Improvement reso- lutlons were approved: Taylor, from the west line of Second to the east line of Eleventh, at an estimated cost of $1600; Taylor, from the west line of Front to the east line of Second, at an estimated cost of $503. . An ordinance was recommended grant ing permission for the Northern Pacific Terminal Company to construct a side track on Ninth street for the accommo dation of Woodard; Clarke & Co. A resolution was adopted directing the City Engineer to prepare plans for the Improvement of Weldler street from the east line of East First street to the west line of East Twenty-first by cleaning the roadway of all loose earth, mud and de bris, and bringing the roadway to proper grade with gravel redressing and by con structing sidewalks, crosswalks and curbs where necessary- Tho petition of F. K. Hungerford and others to change the grade of Holladay avenue was referred to the City Engineer. A remonstrance from George W. Cald well and others, representing two-thirds of the property-owners on East Fifteenth street between Hawthorne avenue and Belmont street was ordered placed on file and proceedings relative to the Improve ment of the street were ordered stopped. The committee reported In favor of the extension of East Water street from the south line of East Morrison street to the north line of Hawthorne avenue. Action was deferred relative to the open ing of East Madison street from the east line of Pleasant View Addition to the west line of Dolan's Addition. a COMPLAIN OF ROOF GARDEN Police Are Keeping Close Watch on Dancchall and Beer Garden. Numerous compVilnts have been made to the police of the Upshur-street Station against a dive known as the Roof Gar den, operated by Paul Ricker and located at Twenty-sixth and Upshur streets. It Is a dancehall. with a beer garden In con nection. Many free-for-all fights have taken place there, and last Sunday night Patrolmen Gustafson and Thorpe arrested Osle Colone and Paul Hardy, charging them with disorderly conduct When arraigned-In the Municipal Court, the two prisoners quietly pleaded guilty and were fined J ccch. Several fights have -occurred since in the place, and In a disgraceful row there Thursday sight some toughs threw glasses of beer over a man and bis wife. The police are now keeping & closer watch on the place. sirivccc-MAcnixE needixs For all makes of machines at five cents per package, and everything else pertain ing to sewing-machines at greatly reduced prices. Look for the red S. 21 Morrison st, 32 Washington st. 543 Williams ave., Portland. Oregom. iiais bt, wegoa t3ty. Or. Gl--S-S7 4th st. Portland, Or. 'America' ORIGINAL MALT k WKISKT ktotxtcRiral Today MALT 328 Washlngtoa Street "Touching Up" FOR THE Fourth of July Should at once ckilxn your time and attention. Put the old house In sole and span condition for your own sat isfaction, and in honoring Uncle Sam's birthday. By using Bay State Paints you can do It at small expense. Fisherjhorsen & Co. Front and Morrison Sts. prepared by E. Mcllhenny's Son, Mrllhnnv'c Vanilla Is the Finest on Earth. It creates an EXECUTIVE BOARD'S WORK 3fnny Contracts Arc Awarded for Municipal Betterments. The business of the Executive Board at yesterday's session consisted mainly in clearing up a lot of matters that had accumulated for months past although a few minor bids were awarded. A. G. Long being given the contract for supplying the Scllwood Fire Department with 1000 feet of 2?-lnch Keystone wax-treated cotton hose at 90 cents a foot The contract for constructing the en sine-house at Fulton, including labor and material, except plumbing and electric wiring, was given to Youngferdorf &. Son for $2358. while Flnnegan Bros. &. Co. got tho plumbing at $243. There was no award In connection with electric wiring, and there was even some discussion concern Ing the feasibility of having the plumbing done, as but J3CO0 had been appropriated for the whole job. and the extent of the bids was considerably In excess of this amount It was finally resolved to go ahead anyway and trust to luck In getting an extra appropriation from the Council W. D. Fenton appeared before the Board and made an exhaustive argument in favor of granting a franchise to the Southern 'Pacific Company for a siding on East First street as an accommodation to J. M. Arthur & Co. The matter was re ferred to the street committee, with In structlons to take It up with the City At torney and report at the next meeting. Chief Campbell was granted permission to place the flreboat on the drydock next Monday for the purpose of painting tne hull. The Board recommended that bids for the Improvement of Arthur and East Tay lor streets be readvertlsed, as no bids had been received under the former Invlta tlons. J. R. O'Neill was awarded the contract for improving Twenty-fourth street In ac cordasce with ordinance 11.617, for 5333.37, and the Pacific Bridge Company the con tract for the Improvement of Union ave nue as per ordinance 14.Q1, for $2453.40. Technicalities having arisen In the bids for the improvement of East Davis street as well as the bids for the sewer In Ma llnda avenue, all were rejected and new ones will be readvertlsed for. A resolution was adopted unanimously placing the Chief of the Fire Department as well as the captains and lieutenants and subordinate officers, upon the same salary basis as the Chief and other ofn cers of the Police Department The Council was asked to pass an ordinance to that effect next Monday. HOTEL OREGON'S GRILL City's XSatest Rathskeller Attracts Fashionable Patronage. From the day of Its opening, the new Hotel Oregon Grill has attracted fashion able patronage. It Is the cosiest rath skeller In Portland, the brilliant decora. tlons. the excellent music, the quick, era dent service and the perfect cooking mak lng Its progress Into popularity rapid. There is no better place to go for dinner or after-theater luncheon, and the loca tion, at Seventh and Stark. Is convenient. Trail Show Indorsed. One of the Trail shows has been crltl dsed recently In some quarters. This prompted the Trail Amusement Assocla tlon cf the Exposition to Investigate the matter. The Investigation resulted in ths pasalnc of resolutions and the declara tiott that aose of the s-hows are at all jjfen s Summer Cloth - nntn iinciTv ai iTimr et vflroi i i uui inu ouno Tor lounq men if io.ii irs oCrU.j.oio , rv iti i fill objectionable to Exposition sightseers or to the association. At th rerular mectlnc of the Trail Amuie- mnt Association of the IwU nd Clark Exposition, held June 22. the following reso lution was adopted, to-wit: TVhereas. It has been stated that this asso ciation has made complaint to the Exposition Company against one of the Trail attractions and the manner in which it is conducted; and. Whereas. Such statement is unqualifiedly false; Resolved. That this association do hereby deny that anr such complaint has been made either by said association as an orcanisation or by any Individual member thereof; and. , Further Resolved. That the clerk of the association be and he hereby is Instructed to present a copy of this resolution to the Ex position Company and to the press of the city for publication. MILWAUKIE COUNTRY CLUB Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars, First and Alder. The dinner setting Is incomplete without Vtum Rock Water. A selected water is as essential as a selected wine, Tho eminent surgeon. Dr. Nicholas Senn, after several voyages around the world, pronounced his trip to Tahiti the best of all. That the passage was a smooth one. there were beautiful rivers and mountains and unsurpassed tropical scenery, and the natives Kind and friendly. Tne jaanposa sails for Tahiti July 1. Reduced rate for this voyage. 1123 round trip. Send for cir cular, 633 Market street, San Francisco. Karris Traak CompEj Is headquarters for Trunks and Bags. Hotel Hamilton. San Francisco's newest hotel. Steam heat and telephone in each ' room, centraiiy located, nam. i ana upwards. 155 Ellis street. Murine Eye Remedy cure eyea; makes weak eyes atronr. Soothes eye pain; doesn't smart. EASTMAN KODAKS AND FILMS Kodak Finishing promptly and veil done. GIBSON CO. 115 WaaMsctaa St. FersUad, Or. T- r.rc safe j you needn't get cheated in them, Schilling's Best are not only pure and true, but g enerous. - TEETH JL S13.M TVLX, 8 XT GUAXAXTJUC8 TOK 94. M. Xreatass. Maaday u( T&BTMLay. aatll S. IM Trtk. . B. S. $chwab Printing, Co xxr sroxr. zzjxoxjslz txiczs STAUK STI1IT and 2oung Extraordinary values in smart Outing Suits ust shipped to us by our Ynrlr making Summer The selection of your Summer Suit is now made easy, in fact, a pleasure. You have the very best the world produces to ctfoose, from. Every model remarkable for styles fit, material and workmanship. Prices are absolutely the lowest inbwn for like qualities. . Our guarantee back of every garmentJS iito it a Tif. ci iitc aji cn PANAMA HATS $5.00, $6.00, $6.50, $7.50 to $20.00 inim hi The f reatest Clothing House in the Guarantees YOUR UNCLE SAM you believe our glasses, who have years of practice, believe US. I WALTER 133 SIXTH STREET Kruse's I1 11 V FIRST Ocean and fresh waer bathings. Fishing and hunting. Golf links and tennis courts. Situated In grove overlooking- the Pacific with vast, open green In front. Riding-horses on hand. iiusic at meals by excellent orchestra. Tne table wul be made to satisfy the most Secure rates at KRUSE'S GRILL YOU CAN TELL WHETHER IT IS by this flamp. on back of doth. "St If it is not there it is NOT Write for Interesting booklet FREE. B. PRIESTLEY & CO. MsMfcetaets JL Bscx DCA MoIiMt, Woeleat. Csmartte Gelt. Etc 71-73 GRAND ST, NEW YORK. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Clcns and becntifi tk teeth, aiid purifi tbt brttth TJMd by popl of rtfintenaat tx orer & qrmxtMr of a. oectury. Vary oonTMiitit tx tomiat. MX? A ED Y 9I(eris our magnificent displays complete tf -"J x r S-'v i.., 4 ar - con -V Nwthwcsl the payment of his boadta him. we guarantee -tiw and many thousands ti secured them of us ih REED optIcian OREGONIAN BUILDI Beach Hots (Formerly the Gear-hart Hotel.) Gearhart Park, Clatsop Beach, Oregea Best appointed hotel on an Oregon beach. Rare advantages and attractions afforded epicurean taste. City Office. ROOM I-earth sad Stark Cared Goiks foe Hoi! OutingSuits When the thermometer; makes even a grain of sand a burden, 'Two piece" is your only wear if it carries this label The mzkers' guarantee, and' with every garment.. We 3m elusive agents here. BUFFUM & PENDLETON L iimeraseat,SpP.erpst.tJ I IJi&djJenjam'mig MAKERS MWyli