14: THE OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1905. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. June 22. Maximum tempera ture. 62 deg.; minimum. 66. River reading U 11 X M., 12.1 feet; change In part 24 hour. Tall. 0.8 of jt. foot. Total precipita tion. 5 P. II. to 5 P. M.. 0.11 of an inch: total since September 1. 1804. 32. 6 S inches; normal. 45.32 Inches; deficiency. 1Z64 lnchet. Total sunshine 3une 21. 1905. 11 hours: pos sible. 15 hours and 46 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at S P. M.. 29.95. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. Wind. STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise .... Eureka. Helena Kamloops. B. C. North Head Pocatello. ....... Portland Red Bluff., Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City.. San Francisco... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla. . .. ..1661 T I10INW . 64 0.00124I6E . !74 0.O0l4'NW . .'00 O.OOilOlNW ..56 0.00 10:N ,.76!0.00'... ... iCloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Rain Pt, Cldy. . 15810.04 ..17610.00 . I62i0.11 ..040.00 ..17010.00 iRcm no W (Cloudy SW Pt. Cldy. E - (Rain ISE Clear NE Cloudy Clear Clear i20,SW .JK2IO.O0! 6IN ..62i0.00i30W ..5S0.94l 4SW ..'OOiO.OSl 4 TV' .15610.001 8IW ..'76lO.O0'121N iClear I nam Cloudy Cloudy IPt, Cldy. T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 12 hours showers have oc curred in the Willamette Valley and the Sound Country and moderately heavy rain Jsas fallen In Northeastern Washington. The temperatures have fallen decidedly In pregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho. The Indications are for showers In this dis trict Friday with slowly rising temperatures west of the Cascade Mountains. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 fcours ending at midnight. June 23: Portland and vicinity Cloudy with prob ably showers. Slightly warmer. Westerly winds. Western Oregon Cloudy with probably ahowers north portion. Slightly warmer, ex cept near the coast. Westerly winds. Washington Partly cloudy with possibly showers. Slightly warmer except coast and southeast portion. Westerly winds. Eastern Oregon Cloudy with possibly tcbowers. Idaho Showers. Slightly warmer extreme torth portion. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. Vloods in Upper Mississippi Valley. ST. PAUL. Minn.. June 22. Dispatches from Duluth state that, owing: to the beavy rains, several Government dams along the Upper Mississippi River have overflowed, hundreds of acres of land are Inundated, that several factories along the river have been compelled to shut tiown, and a large amount of damage has been caused to the cities and villages along the river. AUCTION SALES TODAT. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom. 160 1st Utreet. at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. At the Portland Auction Rooms. 211 First street. Sale at 2 P. M. C L. Ford, auc tioneer. At Baker's Auction Hou?e. corner Alder and Park ets. Sale at 2 o'clock. Geo. Baker & Co., Auctioneers. MEETING XOTICES. TiT.ncnnT riMP NO. 65. AVOODMEN OF THE WOULD. meets this (Friday evening at W. O. W. Hall. 10th and Washington sts. yU visiting Neighbors welcome; refresh ments will be served. JOS. HOWELL. C. C. A. L. BARBER, Clerk. 261 Third street. MULTNOMAH CAMP. W. O. W. Meets every Friday evening at East Alder and East Sixth streta. All Woodmen cordially Invited to meet with us. J. M. WOODWORTH, Clerk. HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. Third degree. Visitors welcome. HENRY BROWN. Secretary. MTRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 15. O. E. flL S. Regular communication this (Fri F" day) evening, 8 o'clock. Masonic Tem w pie, 3d and Alder. Degrees. By or Uer W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY. Secretary. , NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Des chutes Irrigation & Power Company will be held In the company's office. 610-G11-C12. Mc Kay bldg.. on Wednesday. July 12. 1005. at 2 P. M. F. S. Stanley, secretary. i THE MEMBERS OF ACME REBBKAH Lodge. No. 32. I. O. O. F.. are requested 'to attend the funeral or Sister Matilda Berg strand. Friday afternoon. June 23, 1005, at .2 o'clock, from Plnley's. Members of sis ter lodges invited. By order of Noble grand, LIZZIE HIMBERCOURT. MIRZA COUNCIL. K. L. OF S. Members are requested to be present at Flnleys chapel today at 1:30 o'clock to attend funeral ofj our late sister. Lady Matilda Bergstrand. By order of ROSA GARRISON. President. KATE J. Y. MISNER. Secretary. MACCABEES. PORTLAND. TENT. NO. 1. meets1 every Friday evening at Elks' Hall, TMarquam bldg. Eentertatnments and refresh , ments. All Maccabees and their friend are welcome. E. M. LANCE, R. K. OHIO SOCIETY MEETS TONIGHT. MAR quam building. 8 o'clock. An interesting .musical and literary programme. Refresh talents. BYRON E. MILLER. Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 55. A. F. & A. M. Special communication this .(Saturday) afternoon. 2:30 o'clock, to conduct the funeral services of our late brother. Lemuel X Dardls. All members and Master Masons n-equested to attend. By order W. M. I I. W. PRATT. Secretary. MT. TABOR LODGE. NO. 42. A. this k-enue All M. GEORGE P. LENT. Secretary. ORDER OF WASHINGTON. ATTENTION! UU1 members of the Order of Washington are requested to meet with Home Union, N. 1. formerly The Lions, this (Friday) evening. In the Auditorium Hall, on Third street. Myrtle degree staff will exemplify thji work and initiate a big class. Visiting nymbers cordially Invited. DIED. "PICK Infant son of Mr. and Mr rick, aged 6 days. AINSWORTH At Paisley. Or.. June 21. 1905. at 11 o'clock P. M., Charlotte Anna Henley, beloved wife of Lawrence Sutton Alnsworth. aged 5 years, 6 months and 15 day. HART June 22. 1905. Edward James Hart, beloved husband of Mary E. Hart, aged 50 years and 5 months, a natlx-e of Liver pool, England. Residence, 466 Irving street. Funeral notice later. WHITLOCK In this city. June 22, IMS. at the family residence. 282? Second streot, Edward K. Whltlock. aged 27 years, 10 months and 27 days. Oregon City and For est Grove papers please copy. Funeral no tice hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. PICK-Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Pick. Fu neral from residence, 32S Front rt.. at 10 o'clock. BERGSTRAND The funeral services of Ma tilda Bergstrand will be h'eld at Finleys chapel at 2 P. M. today. Friends invited. Interment. Greenwood Cemetery. BLOTTENBERGER At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Paquet, 112 East 12th St.. June 21. 1905. Mrs. Temperance R. Blottenberger, Funeral will take place today, June 23. at 3 P. M.. from the above resi dence; friends invited. Pleaseomlt flowers. FRIEDMAN In this city, on June 21. 1905. at 394 3d st.. Jacob L. Friedman, aged 84 yeans. Funeral today (Friday). June 23. 1905. at 9 A. M.. from Holman's Chapel, corner 3d and Salmon sts. Friends respect fully Invited to attend. SEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS O Portla&S real estate at lowest rate. TKlea tesared. Abstracts fBrebfeerf. Title Guarantee & Trust Co, 6 a4 7 Ghxaafeec mt CaauMrec " g3 3 c 5 IJ5. I 2 jjjt F- & A. M. Stated meeting (Friday) evening. Grand av .VVy and Burnslde. M. M- degree. "v M. M. invited. By order W. AMUSEMENTS- farcin Grand Theater PHONE MAIN 868. (Morrison at., bet 6th xnd 7th) Tonight. Tomorrow Afternoon and Night THE GREAT HEBREW COMEDIAN BARNEY BERNARD In the Comedy-Drama, "THE FINANCIER." Popular Prices 25c 35c, 50c and 75c Bargain Matinee Prices Adults. 50c; chil dren. 25c SEATS NOW SELLING at the Marquam Grand Theater for Koib and Dill i. 6. u. The Big Musical Burlesque. Engagement Begins Monday, June 26. Popular Prices 35c S0c 73c 60-PEOPLE IN THE COMPANY 50. BELASCO THEATER KJfi (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash TONIGHT ALL WEEK MATINEE TOMORROW AND SUNDAY. Fourth Week BelasCo Stock Company. Presenting the delightful romantic oemedy. When Knighthood Was in Rower MsgnlAccnt production, great cast, the talk of the town. Prices Evening. 15 to 75c; matinee. 15 to 50c NEXT WEEK THE COMEDY "NERVES." EMPIRE...SPECIAL THIS WEEK Evenings 8:15 Matinee Sat., 2:13 MRS. ! LEAH FISKE I KLESCHNA GRAND FEAST OF NOVELTIES. Jules Walters Co. In """adma Flower of the Orient. The BUftaneau, Comedy Wlrlsts. Crawford Duff, Humorous Skit. Thomas Fuller, Singing Dancers. Richard Burton, Illuitratrd Song. Earle Sisters, Change Artists. Grand! scope. Laughing Story Film. General admission. 10c Evenings. Sundays and Holidays, front seat, lower floor, 20c Dally Matinees. 10c BAKER THEATER ffi Feature Acta Only Keating Flood, Mgrs. , EXPOSITION FOUR Three Alexanders and Jame Brady HOWELL EMERSON THE A HERNS O'DELL. HART X: RIDLEY JEAN WILSON DAISY SCHNELL THE BIOGRAPH BAKER'S ORCHESTRA Performances dally at 2;30. 7;30 and t P, M. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. Bill of Hits. THE STAR Mnslcal Tfaora. Melody Wonders. Felchtels Tyrolean Warblers. Adams Bros., Dancing Acrobats. Williams and White, Quaint Darkey Sketch. T. H. Stanilleld. Comedian. Mr. Joe Bonner, Pictured Song. Starobcopr. "Louis XIV." General Admission and Daily Matinees. 10c Evenings. Sundays, Holidays, front seats, lower floor. 20c Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car aad gtt off at Hawthorn Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator. Most magnificent view In America. Set btaulful effect of powerful searchlight froa top vt tower. Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. If, ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. GERMAIN ROOF GARDEN AND DANCING PAVILION. Opposite Main Entrance to Fair Grounds. Music and Entertainment Ever' Afternoon and Evening. Baseball RECREATION PARK, Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth, PORTLAND vs. SEATTLE JUNE 20, 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. ADMISSION, 35c GRANDSTAND, 23c. .CHILDREN. 13c Box tickets and reserved seats on sale at Woodard. Clarke & Co.'s. DONNING, McENTEE GILBAUGIL successors to Dunning Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern In every de tail, 7th and Tine. Phone Main 480. Lady assistant. EDWARD nOLMAN CO, Undertakers and embalmers, hare moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. S97. J. P. FIN LEY ft SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East fit. ZELLER-BYRNES CO, UNDERTAKERS. Embalmers. 273 Rus'I; East 1083; lady as't. XEff TODAY. TO RENT LARGE AND ELEGANT premises, Washington st, near 6th. now occupied by Arcade Theater; entrance also on 7th st Apply to Bernstein & Cohen, Washington bldg. MONEY THROWN AWAY Is, gone forever, but if deposited with THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OVER $1 ,000,000 Would yield you a competency for your old age. Let us explain to you the advantages of a Savings Acce'unt. INTEREST 3 PER CENT. Or a Coupon Certificate of Deposit, INTEREST 4 PER CENT. Or our Special Certificates of Deposit. INTEREST S4 TO 4 PER CENT. You win and it well to read our book of "ILLUSTRATIONS" Which Is Yours for the Asking. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street Phene Main 453. BEN J. I, COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOL.TR A Assistant Secretary NEW HOME We offer for sale the beautiful and sightly home of the late Dr. Herbert Cardwell, 25th and Johnson. There are about 2'H lots with new ll-room dwelling, built after the latest design, and Is now ready for occupancy. For particular tee GrindstafX & SchalX 20 i Stark su Telephone Main 392. CIASSEgTED AD. XATES. TT n ntaMi sal Xoard.r "RM- fcceptsx Seem." -Sttsatiaaa WuW." 15 words r less. IS eeatst 1 t 2 ww IS rests: tl t 25 wards. 25 cesta. etc No 41s csut for aaditloaal Issertloa. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, exreat "New Today." 30 cexta for 15 words or least je e 20 words. 4 ceaUt 21 to 25 word. M rests, etc Srt lasertlas. Each aedlUcaa) Insertion, one-half: bo farther discouat s. er oae an oat. "NEW TODAY fgaag jneasrii urate). 13 cents per Use. first tssertloa: 10 cent pet line of each additional IruertXom. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad drevted care Xfco Orcgoalan. and Wt at this tt&er. should always Ta Inclosrd In sealed carelopes. No stasa to rradrrd a such letters. . . The Oregonlan wKl not b reaponsIhU far error In advertiscsents takes ihruugB ths telepbon. NEW TODAY. University Park Is the ton-ton residence portion of tie whole Peninsula. It i3 eminently respectable to have a home at Uni versity Park. It has the Columhia University, Bull Sun water, Portland public schools, electric street-cars, electric street lights, employment for all in the nearby mills, factories and docks'; alleys back of all lots, wide streets, in short everything to meet the heart's desire. Prices S75 to $325 per lot. Terms one-tenth cash, bal ance $5 monthly on each lot without interest if paid when due. Pive per cent discount for all cash. Prices will be advanced July 1. Don't forget the date. Prancis L McKenna, Boom 606 Commercial Block 9 to 12 A. M. University Sta tion 1 to 6 P. M. 9-Roorn House .With -Large Lot 55x100 Feet on Columbia Street Walking Distance Price $3250 A Snap GOLDSMITH & CO., S. E. Corner Third and Oak Sts. Holiday's Addition For Sale A new 5-room cottage, all con veniences, full cement basement, streeu fully Improved. A very desirable location. Convenient to two trolley lines. Terms will b given. Lots sold on advantageous terms to home builders. The Oregon Real Estate Co 6SH Third SL. Room 4. California "Bliss Lands" Email farms for settlers, 0200 acres of irri gated land In 20-acre farms at 50 to 170 per acre one-fourth cash. Reached by Southern PadSc or Santa Fe Overland LI nr. direct to Tulare City. 2 miles from BUas Lanes. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous frulta. vege tables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet tres from Bliss Lands One), care Sullivan ft tiul llvan. Lawyers. 610 Parrott blig San Fran cisco. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, e;-3 McKay bldgv Third and Stark. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $723 9-ROOM HOUSE WITH BARN. COR ner lot; rented J 10 month. SO0 G-room house near new woeles mill. fVOO 5-room houre. fine flalsh. il3T5 S-room house, fine Snlah. Easy terms on above. s a month will buy you a fine MxlOO-ft. lot. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CQ Phone Union 1491. Offices at Sell wood and 222 Falling Mdg. in -rr- unv nvFT!! mv'ivr. THE CO lumbla; mort delightful land and water scene always in view; minutes- not irvia Portland; fronts railroad station and boat landing; 30c fare;' soil and location equal . Til.-.. a fn.lf nrflmnl naW TITO- dnclng choice varieties; mutt be sold; If you want something gilt-edge, see this. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Aiaer su Located in heart of business taction, net ting at present 7 per cent on hundred thousand dollars: esence of this Investment. immediate locality, same to be occupied by extensive noiei ana omnnn imr. un c- t enhancing value. Increasing rents, etc.; confidential negotiation wita principals obit, Q 64. Oregonlan. FOR SALE AT HOOD RIVER NICE, NEW. modern Uroam cettare with large basement. closets, porcelain bath, wired for electric lights, furnace, etc; view tiivurpusea. toi 72x1 PS. also one three-room cottage on Hood River Heights; Jot lwiiw; casa or lercm. M 62. Oregonlan. RIVER FRONT PROPERTI LARGE WARE houn on east side of Front st.. bet. Morrl .-n and Madison sts.. for sale: 60x190 feet: two floors: property paying good interest oa amount atked fcr It. Inquire of owner. S3 North rup st. FOR SALE. BARGAIN. 100 ACRES LAND Clark County. Washington, on railroad and river, northeast V. eection 14. towcshlD 4 north, range 3 east; make offer; mutt be soM. j. a. Buckley. cnamoer oi jom- mere. CITT PROPERTY. 76X70 FEET. FACING Willamette st.; a new two-tlory frame store building on it: tae building is sozeo feet. Inquire at 402 Willamette st-. Eugene, Or. TEN AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. NOT FAR OUT. on railroad: some with timber and others all cultivated; make desirable homes and a living; price $30 to 550 per acre; easy pay menu. B. . Cook & Co.. 231 Alder K. J2GS0 GOOD HOUSE. 8 ROOMS. LOT tWX 100. corner 32d and Gladstone ave.. on Woodstock car line; one view ana sur roundings: cheap and very attractive. R. M. wiihur. soa Mcivay mce. FOR SALE 1 GO ACRES LAND. CLACK amas County. S. W. U section 36. town ship 3 south, range 3 cast: must be sold at once. J. A. Buckley. 73S Chamber of Commerce. NICE HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS. WITH ALL kinds of fruit, for eale cheap by owner; mutt be cold by Saturday. Call 7S1 Market st.. bet. 3 and 4 J . ii 209 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. . T. electric Une. O. R. Addlton. Lenta. Or. Take Mt. Scott car, 5c 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. IS FRUIT trees. 1 block from car. cash or terms. Dahlgren. 724 East 12th. Phone East 331L FOR SALE-2 LOTS. E. 12TH. BBT. TILLA ijjooV and Thompson, or will build to rult purchaser on easy terms. Phone East 673. BIG SNAP 7-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, large grounds, 2 blocks of Highland School, near car line, inquira roBns xaii GOOD CORNER. WALKING DISTANCE. West Side; rent S40 per month; leased; 94300. Accress i' in. uregonian. 53300-S-ROOM HOUSE ON WILLIAMS, near Ruesell at. Inveatlgato this. Peery. STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. VIZ r. 23d st. owner. 4 E. Lincoln. Phone East AT SACRIFICE IF SOLD AT ONCE SIX. room modern cottage. Owner. Phone Main NEW. NEAT. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, very favorable terms. E. -43d and E. Tay lor. DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND LOTd West or East Sie. Apply forenoons 449 3d it. A BARGAIN 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSa furalshed. MT Ualsa ave., sear StUwocd at. TOR SALS REAL XSTAXS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 40 acres of ood land on Kalaina. RITcr. 3 miles from Kslsma. S acres bottom land, small amount In cultivation; 2-otory 3-room house. Umber for fuel, etc; price $450. with terrsa. S7 acres of second bottom Had. with 30 acres under plow and In crop; oa bank of Kalama River; large bearing orchard of choice fruit; nice frame house built at cost of 31700; large barn, henhouse and other buildings; fenced and ctuwtd fenced; beauti ful place with grand view of Columbia River; aa ideal Summer home; cloao to Kalama. ca good road; price 33500. with terms. Ill US WILLOUGHBT. Kalama. Wash. WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED 120 acres land, a sal I basse and barn, some Improvement, soil rich. land lay nicely, live water. 7 mile from railroad and boat landing, good school, good road. 426. 40 acres good rich land, good water. 2 miles from river; was partly Improved. 3250; 375 down, balance oa time. 40 acres very fertile land. 2-room bouse. 2 cres cleared, small orchard, good water. 3 miles from Carrol It on. Wah: good read. 0OO.OOO feet red flr Umber. 3350. COWLITZ COCNTT LAND CO.. Kelso. Wash. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE xs a specialty, within city limits or ouutdt. om acres with terms as low as 310 per month with water. A.-C. Churchill 4k C. "lnc 110 2d st. 33150 EACH-2 UP-TO-DATE NEW HOUSES cn union ave.. good neighborhood; move right In. Easy terms. GrindstafT Jt Schalk. 264 Stark it. Tel, Mala 292. 32930 LOT 50X100. WEST .SIDE. 1STH. r iivejoy; pan casn; ana property. Phone Main 96$. ACREAGE NEAR CAR UNE. 6 MILES iroxa Morrison au onage. ti ji. sauara. MUwaukle. Or. FOR SALE FARMS. 200-ACRE ALFALFA FARM. NEAR COUN- ty seat; 1000-a ere stock farm. 200 acres tillable. 45 acres alfalfa, fenced. Improved, fine range; 400 acres unimproved, private water right, good soil and locaUon: SO acres la crop, uader IrrigaUoa. all fenced, aear growing town; all la the most pros perous part of Oregon, and all easy pay ments. A. C Palmer. 313 Oregonlan bldg. FOR SALE FINE 334-ACRE FARM. 24 miles from Portland, close to railroad, schools and churches; about 200 acres rich bottom land; 170 In cultivation, balance partly cleared and In graaa; good buildings; electric light and telephone; some beaver cam; some flr and ash; 343 per acre; terms. Apply owner. K 4, Oregonlan. FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER THE "Carey Irrigation Act-" Deed direct from state; write or call today: booklst and map free. B. S. Cook & Co.. 231 Alder at., Port land, Or. Open evenings. FINE WILLAMETTE VALLET FARM. 232 acres; rnnnicg water, spring piped to house; fine barn, fruit. 340 acre. L Burley. owner, first houxe tast of Woolen Mill site. Uma tilla ave.. Sell wood. 20 ACRES AT CANBT. OR. NICli LEVEL land, all la cultivation; acres in straw berries. Vs mile from R. R. depot; price ISO per acre. Addreis A. H. Knight, Can by. Or. FOR SALE ICO ACRES PATENTED LAND. wita over 3.000.TOO feet nnest yellow pine. V; mile from White Salmon River from store at Trout Lake, Washington. P. O. Box 4G0, city. 32.30 PER ACRE FOR WHOLE OR HALF secUon. of land la Benton Co.. lVa miles from R. R. station: good grazing and fruit land, well watered. Owner. 107 Sherlock bldg. 60 ACRES TIMBER LAND. 2H MILES FROM baginaw. ur.; living water, o-room noue; timber will pay for place; 37.30 acre. H. K. Joyce. 4&S E. 16th St.. S. 17500 EASTERN OREGON WHEAT FARM. 430 acres, all In cultivation. 1V4 miles from town and railroad; living water; easy terms. P 63. Oregonlan. 32SOO-S0 ACRES. 40 UNDER PLOW: 12-room house; 4 acres young orchard; 3 miles growing towa and electrto line; school. 4 OS E. 9tb at RANCH FOR SALE NEAR- COLUMBIA River; good orchard, well watered; one mile from county seat. F. F. Foster. Stevenson. Wash. FARMS FOR SALE IN THE RICHEST part of the rich empire, where wheat Is king. Write for list. Blair tc Wood. Weston. Or. ALL KINDS OF FARMS FOR SALE IX Multnomah and Clackamas Cocntlej. Roberts & Wirt. Gresham. Or. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE WANT PROPOSITIONS FROM OWN ers for the sale of timber and farm land. The larger the proportion the better: no middlemen, comns una jo-. uoncora Dicg. 3000 ACRES SUGAR AND TELLOW PINE. 6 miles from railroad. A. C Palmer. 313 Oregonlan. FOR GOOD HOMESTEADS OR TIMBER claims, call ca or -write to R. Acres, 313 Mar quam bldg. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. SANTA FE FOREST RESERVE SCRIP will still take timber lands. Sioux scrip will take unsurveyed land. ve nave both. Maglnnls & Son. 27 falling oiag. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS GUARAX teed, mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. uoncora max. CERTIFIED SCRIP. IMMEDIATE DELIV- ery. lowest prices. W. G. Howell. 633 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE FOR CITT PROPERTY 10 acres: 23 la fruit: one of the finest In the Valley. It you have something good call or address u. J. bnell. 14a eta st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. 32000 to 310,000: also business properties. 35000 to 320.000. Have buyers. L. W. Whiting k Co.. 403 Abingtoa bldg. WANTED ONE OR TWO LOTS NOT FAR out, on East or West Side, must be cheap for cash; give location. L 02. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles asd Harness. FOR SALE A FINE NEW BTUDEBAKER tran. one or two seals, rubber tire. 3150. cost 3400; good phaeton. 330; fine quarter oak cart; 330. Jcnn x. iraray, .01 iixat Uurn side st. FOR SALE FOUR GOOD. HEAVT TEAMS. 2S00 to 3500 pounds: three sets nearly new heavy team harnocs and four heavy wagons. 1&4 sin st. LOT OF SECOND-HAND EXPRESS. GRO- cery, furniture wagons, trucks, surreys; sac- rtneed lor case, fourth. ONE GOOD WORK TEAM. WEIGHS about 3300. for sale reasonable. Call 210 Montgomery. 10 GOOD DRAFT HORSES FOR SALE ,BT B. Klely at Shaw & DIcJCs Stable. 2d and Main sts. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAXD vehicles oa coast for sala or hire. 211 V ash. SAX FRAXCISCO VETERINARY COLLEGE Next sessloa begins July 17. Pianos. FINE UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE cheap; must be sold at once. 304 H Eu gene st, Alblna. ZaUsceUaaee&s. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard aad pool tables; easy payments; wt rent tables, wita privilege or Buying; jaoc era bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick- Ealke-Coilender. 49 sa st. LADIES HARTFORD BIKE. 3S; MANERER guitar. 310; blue-flame oil stove. 33.60; o. 8 cook stove. )g. .r&caa utt sns. unncr pi-ill LfT-TT.TTT crn l TT-.Ttrt v lng traction engine, with sawdust grates. SOME CHEAP PONIES AND HORSES FOR sale at American barn. cor. Jeffersoa and Front sts. FOR SALE ST. BERXARD DOG; ON Ac count of leaving city; cheap. Address 299 Arthur. FOR SALE CHEAP 6-ROOM SCOW FLOAT; owner must leave city. Address B 39. Ore gonlan. FOR RENT DONKET ENGINE. CALL 324 Chamber Commerce or phocs Mala 2383. WANTED TO SELL A TICKET TO CHICA go. Pleace address to Open Air Sanitarium, BABY BUGGY AND GO-CART FOR SALE cheap. Inquire 307 Grant st. FOR SALE GOOD ROLL-TOP DESK. 303 TOR SAXJC MlscelTawtfias. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover U with Mastic roofing. la rolls, easy to lay; netds no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or ahlaglea; tor new roofs there is aothtcg better: guaran teed: Mastic roof paint and cement will stop small Isaka. National Mastic Roonag Co-, room 2. Hamilton bldg. GREAT REDUCTION SALE ENTIRE STOCK to he sold below coat; please come in and look; ladles underwear and shirtwaists. Maa Sing & Ox. 392 Morrison su HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED. unmarried men. oetweea the ages of 19 and 33. citizens of United States, of guod char acter and temperate haolts, who can speak, read and write English. For lnformaUon apply to Recruiting officer. 3d aad Oak u.. Portland. Or. WE WANT AX EXPERIENCED AND WELL qualified man as principal of the entire school aad Instructor of the upper grades; we also want an experienced and qualified teacher for our grammar department. Address F. T. Oilman. Cleric. School District No. 23. Grass Valley. Or. HOW IS BUSNIESS? MAKING A LIVING ? Well. IX you are dissatisfied and desire an easy. proQtabla occupation with a future, don't fall to sea us. Theatrical Informa tion Bureau. 331 H Morrison. I HAVE A VERY GOOD PROPOSITION TO orier steady, ambitious man with 3330; pleasant Inilde work; no previous experi ence required. For particulars see Hamil ton, room 24. HUH 4th. WANTED BOOKKEEPER IX SMALL MA- chlne shop and foundry, one who has had experience la shop work; must bo steady aad reliable: state salary; out of city. Ad dress 80 W. Oregonlan. SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS who can leave town Immediately, to travel and learn good-paying business; others need not apply. Call 10 to 12 A. M.. 230h Mar gin sc. take U car. WANTED 10.000 LABORERb. LOGGERS. mill and railroad, work. If you waat work come to Portland: wages. 31-40 to 33 per day aad board. Canadian Employment Co.. 249 Buratlde sr. PLUMBER AT ONCE. ALL 'ROUND LEAD and pipe man; good pay, long Job; state If union or nonunion; give reference, ad dress and phone number. G 63. Oregonlan. MEN and women to learn watchmkr. en graving, jewelers' wk: only prac school for Jewelers; money made Iearn'g. Watchmkg Engrav. School, P. L bldg.. Seattle. EXPERIENCED 'SALESPEOPLE THAT CAN sen from bouaa to bouse ecmethlnt that appeals to every woman; honest, moaey-xnaie-lng proposition. X 64. Oregonlan. HOTEL WAITERS. FARMHAXDS. 330: camp cook, 130; waitresses (Hood River. 320); domestic-, Drake. 203 H Washing ton. California wine depot: headquarters bakers. cooks, waiters, bartenders, ah wines Cc per glass. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Clay 1503. AXY Intelligent person may earn good Income .corresunding tor newspapers: experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport, X. Y. Wanted Men to learn barber trade: steadv practice; expert instructions. write for terms. GUiman s College. 6T day st.. S. F. LOGGERS. MILLHAXD9. FARMHAXDS. laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co.. 193 Morrison. Mala 1322. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEX IX PORT land and throughout state to- solicit busi ness. Call or write. 607 McKay .bldg. WANTED GOOD SOLICITOR, SALARY AXD commission: one who Is acquainted with Portland. 317 r enton bias. BUSHELMAX WAXTED MUST UNDER- staad cleaning: good wages to right party. Address G 64. Oregonlan. SALE3MEX AXD SOLICITORS WAXTED Call or address W. W. Harder. 313 Falling cmc, Portland, ur. TOUXG MAX TO LEARX BARBER TRADE some money required; union shop. Call COS Washington at. WAXTED FIRST-CLASS SHORT-ORDER cook. Merk'a Restaurant, cor. Morrison and 3d sts. WANTED CLOTH INO SALESMAN; SEE US xor position oesireu; do it now. 304-005 McKay bldg. BARBER WAXTED. 51S WILLIAMS AVE., cor. Russell, to work extra; guarantee Sat urdays. WAXTED A FIRST-OLASS MACHINE MAX for door work. North Pacific Planing Mill LU. OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. WANTED; HIGH- eat price paid. 00 3d. Phone Hoed 1S62. School of telegraphy and electricity; pupils wanted; positions wanted tor grads. 303 4 1st. GOOD HUSTLERI FOR HOTEL TO MEET trains and boats. Inquire at 41 X. 3d at. WANTED PRACTICAL QUARTZ MINER 10 accompany prospectors, v. to. uregonian FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUX try; big wages; 215 Commercial block. WAXTED MAX FOR GENERAL FARM work. Inquire 323 Ablngton bldg. WAXTED At SAUSAGEMAKER. IXQUIRE Fulton Market, RUSTLER FOR ROOMING-HOUSE. Sherlock hide. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADY HAVIXO XICE FLAT WITHIX 5 minutes walk from P. O. desires refined young lady or widow for company; com pensatlon nominal. Address G 00. care Oregonlan. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1CC0 positions every month. Call and regbter. Canadian Parlors, 22CH Morrison. Main I3Z3. WANTED FOR FAMILY .ADULTS, YOUNG girl willing to asslat In cooking and gen eral hours work, Scandinavian preferred. 54 X. 18th, WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters chambermaid renersl workrt St. Louis Agency. 230H YamhllU Main 5413. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEN- eral housework; no children; good wages to competent girl. Apply 166 23d st. North. GIRL WANTED TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work and live as one of the family; a good homo to the right party. M 63. Oregonlan. WAXTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPP.E- sentatlves In Portland and throughout state good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. two hotel Waitresses (sprixgs) women cooks, one fry. ono vegetable cook. 360. Drake. 205 H Washington. PARTXER WANTED IX DIXIXG-ROOM. Fair grounds, 40 coarcers and transients snap. 902 Thurman st. WAXTED 20 ATTRACTIVE LADIES TO sing, chorus, at German Roof Garden, op posite Fair entrance. TOUXG LADY WAITRESS IX OUR LUXCH room. Call after 10 A. M.. SweUand & Sen. 273 Morrison. WANTED GOOD COOK FOR GENERAL housework; small family. 237 North 22d, corner xorthrup. GIRL WAXTED WITH LITTLE EXPERI- enco la tailoring at 26SH Burnslde. near od at. A GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF A CHILD and assist with housework. Call 211 6th st. GIRL FOR COOKIXO AXD GENERAL housework; also ono for second work. 169 23d st. TOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IX HOUSEWORK two adults; no washing. 709 Marshall, near YOUXG GIRL TO ASSIST IX HOUSEWORK. Email family. Call mornings. 504 Davis st. WAXTED SEVERAL .YOUNG LADIES TO work at home. Address G 63, Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED BAG SEWERS. Apply Neville Bag Co.. 5th and Davis sts. WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF CHIL- dren. Call 317 Fenton bid.. 84 6th st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS ALL-AROUND woman cook. Apply c 63. Oregonlan. GIRL OR WOMAX TO ASSIST G3NERAL housework; small family. Sdl 1st it. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK plain cooking. Phone Scott 3223. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAX TO CARE FOR child, call at m 10th. room 2. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Call 1S6 East 16th it. WANTED COM PETENT CCOK.' 71 X. 1STH, corner invert it. KELP WAXTXD FTX A T.H. TOUXG GIRL. 14 TO 16. BLQNDE. PRETTY to appear in a bead-only illusion, xio week. This is a- perfectly respectable show la charge of a lady. Do not apply without parents, or parents" written permission. Woman cook for delicatessen. 310 a week. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343H Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstalrv PHONE MAIN 2892. LADIES WANTING EMPLOYMENT please call; many situations too numerous to mention. Exposition and other places. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343a Washington St.. cor. 7th. PHONE MAIN 2892. WANTED A GOOD. RELIABLE FOREIGN girl who understands English, to do general housework aad look after children; no washing; 320 per month. Apply 437 E. 20th st.. N.; take Irvlngton car on 3d st LADY TAKE FULL CHARGE OF HOTEL; salary 313 week with loan 3573; use or money 60 days. 330; security 31600. or half-interest. Main 2341. WANTED AT ONCE. CAPABLE GIRL FOR general Housework, willing to go to (.oast tor July and August. Apply 326 East 1st at. North, near Halsey. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN light housekeeping and care of 2-ycar-old child; sleep home nights. Call lit N. 13tb, or phone Front 416. WANTED BY AN ELDERLY COUPLE. A young girl to assist In light housework; good home and small wages. 315 20th St.. Portland Heights. WOMAX FOR GEXERAL HOUSEWORK. Phone Main 33&3. Inquire 731 Kearney st,. bet. 22d and 23d. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED CO YOUNG PEOPLE TO TAKE A course In bookkeeping or shorthand, day and night sessions; a good position Is worth toe price of tuition. The demand for our graduates la far greater thaa we can supply. Had 20 calls within past two weeks: let us help you; It will be a sure road to rucces. Call and have a talk with us; catalogue. Behnke-Walker Business College. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND. TYPE- wrltlng. arithmetic. English, spelling, by experienced teacher and office man; pre pares young people for Civil Service exam inations; day and night. X 6. Oregonlan. WAXTED FEW FIRST-CLASS DEMON- strators; ladles and men; at once. Call room 311. Commercial blk. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. FIRST-CLASS CLERK AND GENERAL OF- flce man, wishing to settle In Portland, desires position with reliable firm; best Portland and San Francisco references. In cluding present employer. Addrejs John W. King. 1433 Tenth ave.. San Francisco. CaU MAN WITH EIGHT YEARS BUSINESS Ex perience, possessing education, executive ability and energy, desires situation In offlco rapacity or otherwise, with reputable mer cantile concern, city or country; high ref erences and bond. If wanted. S 64, Orego nlan. YOUXG MAX. POWELL GRADUATE. would like position as advertisement writer no pracUcal experience, but has the Ideas; moderate) salary to start. Address O 64. Ore gontan. A YOUXG MAX HAVIXG HAD SEVERAL years" experience In clerking, wishes a po sition in wholesale or retail store: willing to work: references. Room 24. 200 First st. WAXTED POSITION: YOUNG MAN. 26, understands shoe business thoroughly, or win take anything; New Yorker. Address 1 tH. uregonian. POSITIOX WAXTED BY MAX EXPERI enced la dry goods and furnishing goods. Address Hi 63. care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. YOUXG MAX. NOT AFRAID OF WORK. wants position; nanay at most anyming; wholesale house preferred; can assist la carpenter work. J 00. Oregonlan. WAXTED BY COMPETENT MAX AXD woman, cooking in camp or harvest; Al references. Address Box 1663, The Dalles. JAPAXESE LABOR ASSOCIATIOX CAX furnlah domestic -servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Clay 013. -ws sverett sc. YOUXG JAPAXESE WISHES TO BE EM- ployed In family, and all kinds of work. Apply to a. 1.. i-i x. iota st. .FIRST-CLASS TINNER WITH. BEST REF- erences wants position. Address F. D. Vin cent, uiino rails, ur. INDUSTRIOUS,. SOBER MAX WANTS work of any Hclnd. Phone Hood 1733. B. C Hcsaier. Portland. MASON OR CARPENTER WORK; CON- tract or day; prices reasonable.. X 47. Ore gonlan. JAPANESE BOY WITH GOOD EXPERI ence wants work In family. E 64. Ore gonlan. WATCHMAKER YOUNG MAN. SINGLE, desires situation at once. V 63. Oregonlan. BY A PASTRY COOK AXD BAKER: NIGHT work preferred. Wagner. 69 North 3th st. WATCHMAKER YOUXG MAX DESIRES situation at once. i.O Roozevelt st. A GOOD BLACKSMITH WAXTS A JOB IX or out of city. Y 61. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. EXPERIENCED GIRL. SECOND WORK OR upstairs; best of references. 101 10th st. GERMAN GIRL WAXTS PLACE IX PRI vate family. 293 Burnslde. Housekeepers. WAXTED PLACE AS HOUSEKEEPER BY competent, trustworthy German lady; good cook; out or city prererred. K 63, Ore gontan. Miscellaneous. WAXTED BY A REFIXED YOUNG LADY graduate from an Eastern college and a teacher of successful experience, a posi tion as governess or companion to children in & wealthy family; excellent recommen dation If desired. Miss Lora. Neal, Hills- boro. Or. SITUATIONS WANTED CAPABLE WOM- an housekeeper, housework girls, chamber maids, day -workers. 230 Vi Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. YOUNG LADY. EXPERIENCED SIMPLEX typesetter, operator and hand compositor, desires eltuaUon. Address X 60, care Ore- gonian. A FIRST-CLASS LADY COOK WANTS Po sition in hotel or restaurant or first-class private family. R 63, Oregonlan. GIRL EMPLOYED PART OF AFTERNO . and evenings wisfieo place to work for board and room. W 64. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. PARTY TO TAKE EXCLUSIVE AGENCY for a high-grade visible typewriter In Ore gon; person with small capital can work up a good business. Address W. A. Scott, 3 West 116th St.. New York City. WANTED TWO LADY OR GENT BOOK OR photograph, canvassers. 801 Dekum bldg. LADY AGENT SOMETHING XEW. GOOD siller, big wages. 213 Commercial blk. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Rooms for the Exposltlca In all parts, of the city. . Apply Exposition Accommodation Bureau, 200 to 203 Goodnoush building. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Exposition Corporation. Phoss Mala 6266. YOUXG WOMAX EMPLOYED DURIXG day desires nice boarding place, lunch and dinner at 6 on 7th st,. not far from Mar quam bldgy; rate must not exceed, 33.50 per week. Address with particulars at once. K 63, care Oregonlan. WE WANT FOR VISITORS AT EXP OS I tlon several furnished houses, 6 to 15 rooms each; reliable tenants, 3 to 5 months. J. V, Crelghton Jt Co.. 163 H 3d St.. room A. WANTED TWO OR THREE ROOMS. FUR nljfced complete for housekeeping. In pri vate family; state price; give full particu lars. V 64. Oregonlan, YOUXG LADY WISHES QUIET PLACE with room and board: mention terms, also location. X 63. Oregonlan. TWO ROOMS. PRIVATE FAMILY. FOR TWO ladles and one gentleman; without board. C C$, Oregsnlas, WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant, houses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant bouse directory has become a recognised Institution In Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed la tultabl Quartern. We mako no chars s whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at our rental department, filling In our Informa tion blank; leave the rest to us: we will secure a desirable tenant; ws want houses In all parts ct city and suburb: If you. tax a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow It to remain long Idle. H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURXISHER. Rental Department, 1S5 to 191 1st at. WANTED A XICELT FURNISHED 7rROOM Juiy 1 to septemoer 1. or longer; must be In a refined neighborhood, on West Side; state price and references. Ad dress X 63. Oregonlan. FIRST OF JULY. FURNISHED COTTAGE ui o ur o rooms; oest or references;, state terms. E 63. care Oregonlan, WANTED MIS CELLAXEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS ait jemas 01 rurnitnre. new or old, at 211 1st st- Phone Main 5C33. I HAVE MONEY TO PUT INTO GOOD togging or mm proposition: give all par ticulars In first letter. P. O. Box 137. Port land. WANTED GASOLINE PLEASURE LAUNCH. juust d in .kx conaition and Bargain. Call 324 Chamber Commerce, or phone Mala 2363. WAXTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; mgnest price paid. Call at tha "Fair Deal." 62 X. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WS CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AXD CAT- tle of an kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE AUDITORIUM. 2USla 3D ST., BET. Taylor and Salmon, 1 block south Baker The ater Xlcely furnished, brick .building, hot; cold water In rooms; tree baths; rooms with private baths; elevator; 31 day; 34 week up; tourists solicited. THE LINDA VISTA, 247H 5TH ST.. BET. Main and Madison Transient and housekeep ing rooms, 31.50 up: convenient location, four blocks from P. O. Just across the at, from Courthouse and City Hall; talcs 5th st,. car at Union Depot- THE OCKLBY. 390H MORRISON ST.. COR. 10th Furnished rooms, strictly first-class, moderate prices, by the day or week; take M car direct from depot to Fair grounds. Phone Clay 712. Mrs. A. B. Crocker. Prop. OREGON. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR BUREAU. Personally Inspected rooms In Christian homes for tourists. 211 Commercial blosk. COB, SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington si., betw. 19th and 20th Xew, modern, all outside rooms, electrlo lights, phone, free baths; rates 50c. 75c, 31 per day; restaurant In building. HOTEL OLIVE. 303H WASHIXGTON ST.. corner of 5th at., opposite corner from Per-, kins Hotel; first-class outside rooms, largo enough tor three double beds, at reasonable priced. Phone Hood 611. FOR NICE. CLEAN AND NEWLY FUR nished rooms right In the center of the city and within one block of good restau rants and the Portland Hotel. 103-195 7th street. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRI vate family, five minutes' walk from Post office; permanent parties -preferred. 432 Jefferson, between 11th and 1-th. Phono 4739. THB GLEXDORA. 19TH, XEAR WASHIXG ton First-class resident and transient hotel; rates, transients $2 and up: resident, S4U per mo. and up; all American plan. Main 62a0. THE C053IOS, S. E. COR. 4TH AXD MOR rtaon; best down-town rooms in tne city; heat and service night and day; rates 33.00 per week and up. Including bath; 31 day. THE HAMANN. 135 N. 1STH ST. NEWLY furnished rooms, 31.50 up; nice location, 15 mlnutea' walk to Fair grounds. M car at Union depot direct to house. Main 3470. PORTLAND MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL, at Fair grounds; new and clean rooms, 50o and 1, no higher; get off car at 26th st,. tum to left; corner 20th and Savler. ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO IX PRIVATE residence oa Willamette Heights; conveni ent to Fair grounds; for the Summer. Ad dress F 65. care Oregonlan. FURNISHED ROOMS. VERY REASONABLE, within one block of the Portland Hotel. 193 and 183 Seventh at,, corner of Taylor. Ehosa Clay 1712. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, bath, gas and phone: centrally located, suit able for one or two gentlemen. Phone Main 3227. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FURXISHED ROOMS by day or week, nice location for visitors; 1 blk. from car. 367 Myrtle st.. cor. 19ta. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM. 315; AN6THER nice room. 312; ntcely furnished and mod ern; private residence on 3d st. Main 3230. EXPOSITION VISITORS EXCELLENT rooms and breakfast. $1.25 and 31.50 per day. 1343 E. Stark ct. Phone Scott 2034. FREE LIST Rooms In Christian homes. Reasonable. Centenary Methodist Wom en's Bureau. 29 E. 14th St. S. East 1431. FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED ROOMS, AT THB Heller, 2S0ri Grand ave.; two-minute car service to Fair and Oaks; transient rooms. STRANGERS ROOMS. SINGLE. EN SUITE. Modern, lovely location, central, near Port land Hotel. 2744 Park and Jefferson. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 1ST floor, suitable for man and wife or 3 geptlemen; reasonable. 333 3d st. THE KING. 309 JEFFERSON ST. ALL OUT stde rooms, every convenience; only 31 P day; meato, 25c. Phona Black 1811. THE JULIAN, 267 7TH. XEAR JEFFER son Rooms, single, ensuite; accommodations for children; breakfast served. XEWLY FURNISHED ROOM; GAS, BATH, phone; private family: two blocks "U" car; permanent, 426 12th. 394 ALDER, COR. 10TH NEWLY FUR nlshe,d suits and single rooms by month, week or day, reasonable. 235 11TH ST. PLEASANT ROOMS. 50C TO 31; tent space; roomo in basement to per 1 manent " party. West 761. 175 14TH ST. XEWLY FURNISHED AXD finished, roams; nice large lawn; prices reasonable. Main 2623. MOXNASTES. COR. 1ST AND -JEFFERSON Housekeeping rooms from 32.50 up; transients. 25c. 50c. 31. STRANGERS WILL FIND PLEASANT room, private family. 3? blocks from Ho tel Portland. 248 6th st. WILL RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM IX private family, permanently, suitable for two. 468 Taylor st. 37 FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE man; phone, batb. private family. 287 4th at., near Jefferson. NEATLY FURNISHED AND HOUSEKEEP lng rooms by day or week. 264 14th. st. Phone Main 4471. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED front room; hqt and cold water; first floor. 309 HolIIday. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOM3 with gas stove, 31.75 per week.: 3S2 East Yamhill st. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL conveniences, three- blocks from Oregonlan. 3S0 Alder. ONE OR TWO CONVENIENT ROOMS; bath, phone; private family; best location. 251 10th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE family. 31 a day for two persons. 326 Chap man. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM ON LOVEJOY bet. 23d and 24th; gas and bath. Main 2147. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. DAY. WEEK or month: reasonable. Apply 146 Front. THE CASTLE FURNISHED ROOMS. 372 Washington; private entrance on XV. Park. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. FROM 33 TO 15 per week: transient solicited. 914 4lh . ROOMS 50C. 75C. 31 AXD UP. 20TH AND Washington: new house. The Howland, THE GRAND ROOMS 30c UP; BRICK BLDG. 45tj X. 3d. bet. Couch and Davis. THE CLIFTON HOUSE. 293 FIRST ST, Lodging 50 cents and up. FURXISHED ROOMS TO RENT 1200 Di vision st. Phone Union 173. FURXISHED ROOMS- 268 '14XIL "' A J.EIF- fenos. Pno-w 9e Kr