r THE M0R2O3TG OREGONUlN, WEDNESDAY, JTJXE 21, 1905. KBITS PUNS FOB SUPREMACY Seeks to Isolate Britain and Wrest Supremacy of Sea From Her. BREAK FRENCH ALLIANCE Diplomats Say That Is Present Aim That He Slay Build "Navy He Seeks Industrial Coalition Against America. CHICAGO. June 20. (Special.) The cor respondent of the Daily News at St. Pe tersburg cables the following Interview with a former Russian Ambassador to Paris, commenting on the situation tw regards Germany and France: 'France must yield to Germany. Rus sia Is unable to help her. The army I? in Manchuria and It Is impossible to raife new forces. There is an absolute Jack of funds, officers and ammunition. Germany controls our Industrie, commerce and finances and the supplies for our army End navy. A recent secret treaty gave her rights of Interior-navigation "and she can at a moment's notice stop all supplies. "Turkey Is Germany's ally and In case of war would Invade the Crimea. The western garrisons liave gone to Siberia, and it is as much as the remaining troops can do to occupy Poland. 'The Kalaer is aiming at England and has chosen a propitious moment for set tling his accounts. He will force France to dissolve her alliance and to disarm. This will enaWe William to reduce his army and 1o devote his means to en larging his navy, so as to be ready for the supreme struggle to wrest the su-premacy-of the ea from England. 'This has been the object of German diplomacy during the last decade. The Kaiser instigated the Boer. China-Japan and Russo-Japanese wars. He has isolat ed and weakened Britain. Now he bul lies France, thinking that internal dis sensions and the army scandals have dis abled her. Russia's disasters leave the Kaiser unopposed in Europe. "William has been diligently endeavor ing to create an industrial coalition against America. The Germans are also Inciting the Chinese to boycott American manufactures. Despite all this. President Roosevelt supports William, and, unless Britain can enlist America and Japan on her side, the victory of Germany Is as sured. CAUSE OF GERMAN ACTIVITY Weakness of ltusIn Induced Change of Military Programme. CHICAGO. June 30. (Special.) Tht Ber lin correspondent of thu Dally News says "French nervousness over a German in vasion, which the Kaiser's diplomacy is exploiting to the limit In the -conduct of Moroccan negotiations. Is due to the mis taken notion that the unusual activity In German military quarters during the past month is concerned, with preparations for Immediate war with France. Your corrtJ- spondent is authoitatively .assured that the following Is the explanation Of 'the statement In the London Times last Thursday that the German military party Is working with a recklessness of energy unparalleled since 1S75: "From the date of the Franco-Russian alliance the German plan of campaign against the republic contemplated fighting both France and Russia. As soon as tho Kaiser's military -experts became con vinced of the weakness of Russia s army and of the gravity of Russian domestic conditions, the general staff decided on immediate revision of Its plans, and began mapping out a new campaign, based on lighting the French alone. Natural'. when the Moroccan affair became aggra vatcd the staff worked harder. During the last fortnight of May and the first half of June the subordinates of Count Schlleffen, Von Moltke's successor as chief of tho general staff, have been busier than at any time for years." CHAMBER- SUPPORTS HOUVIER Attempt to Question Him on Morocco Affair Is Suppressed. PARIS. June 20. An offort was made to bring up the Franco-Gorman negotia tions for discussion In the Chamber of Doputles today, but at Premier Rouvler's earnest request. It resulted In an adjourn ment. M. Archducon asked for permission to Interpellate the government upon France's foreign relations. M. Rouvler objected, saying that it was not the custom for gov ernments to furnish explanations upon negotiations actually going on. The Pre mier added that he would bo glad to fur-J nlsh details as soon as possible, but he did not wish to embarrass the progress of the negotiations by publlo explanations at their present stage M. Rouvler's statement was heartily ap plauded by both sides of the chamber. M. Archducon asked the Premier to name a date before the July recess, but the Chamber Indefinitely postponed the discussion. The result disclosed that M. Rouvler has the support of the Chamber In avoiding a parliamentary discussion of the -Moroccan situation. United States Will Accept. WASHINGTON, Junt.20. The State De partment today received a dispatch from Mr. Gummere, Minister to Morocco, trans mitting a request from the government of Moeooco that the United States partici pate In a conference upon tho affairs ot that country. The request is simitar to that which has been scut to other -governments. The United States will accept the in vitation, provided the other powers gen erally accept. HONEVMOONERS AT POTSDAM Crown Prince and Princess Are GIcn Public Welcome. POTSDAM. Germany, June 0. The Crown Prince Frederick William and the Crown Prince?-! Cecilia made their public ntry Into Potsdam today. Prince Eltel Fredorick, at the head of his company of guards, met his brother and sister-in-law at the railroad station and escorted them to the city, which was gaily decorated with banting, flags and flowers. The re caption of the royal couple took the form of a public demonstration. Extra trains brought many visitors from Berlin, and Croat crowds lined " the street from the railway station to tho old market, where the burgomaster delivered an address of welcome. The Crown Prince responded, briefly thanking the people of Potsdam for their cordial welcome. The couple then proceeded te the Marble Palace, where they will spend the first year of their married life. British Army Grafters Removed. LONDON. June 20. The House of Commons reassembled today after the Whitsuntide holidays, and the - new Speaker. Mr. Lowther. was installed. The opposition Immediately bombard ed the government with questions about the army stores scandal, and Premier Balfour announced that the government had placed the papers con The nected -with the case in the nan as 01 the Director of Public Prosecutions. The latter, however, considered that the papers did. not reveal any ground" for criminal prosecution. The censured officers had been relieved from their duties. Mr. Balfour added that he pro posed to appoint a select committee of the House 01 commons 10 aeai wjin ids matter. Good Time Ahead for Reld. LONDON. June 25. Preparations are under way to make the Pilgrims dinner to Ambassador Whitelaw Reld on Friday evening at Clanagea tne most noiaoie fvent In the hUrtory of that society. In honor of the occasion, Alfred Austin, the poet laureate, has written a poem wnicn will be read at the dinner. Earl Roberts will preslae. Nearly 400 guests will at tend. - - HAY AT CABINET MEETING Secretary ot State Attends to Busi ness for First Time. WASHINGTON, June 20. Secretary Hay. who returned to Washington yester day, after a prolonged aosence aoroad. and who last night had a conference with the President, was at his desk In the State Department today. The Secretary expects to leave In a short time far his New Hampshire home. He attended a meeting of the Cabinet, the first time in several months, and dis cussed with the President the Loomls Bowen case at length. INDORSE KOOSEVELT POLICY Philippine Federalists Favor Grad unl Progress to Autonomy. MANILA., June 20. The Federal Con vention has reassembled. After a heated discussion. It was resolved to place among the resolutions a section advocating the policy of President Roosevelt to trans form the government of the Islands by permitting government by Filipinos, with the assistance of Americans. The Fed erals believe that If this policy be fol lowed constantly and progressively, it will result In complete self-government, The definite aim desired Is an ultimate Independent republican government, but maintaining necessary political union with the United States. The radical wing of the party opposed a clause in the resolutions supporting Sec retary Taffs policy, and left the meet ing, to reassemble again. PRESIDENT STARTS NORTH Goes to Speak at Commencement Exercises In Massachusetts. WASHINGTON. June 20. President Roosevelt left here at 9 o'clock for Mas sachusetts to attend the commencement exercises of Clark University at Worces ter and Williams College at Willlams town. He traveled in a -special train over the Pennsylvania Ralalroad, and from Harlom River on the route will be over the New York, New Hampshire & Hart ford Railroad. The Presidential party will arrive at Worcester at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morn ing. Soon afterward the President will be escorted to Clark University, where the commencement exercises will be held. Ho will deliver the principal address of jthe occasion. He also expects to visit Holy Cross College -at Worcester, and probably will deliver a brief address there. Early in the afternoon, the party -wilt "pro ceed to Wllllamstown, where the Presi dent will be the guest of President Hop kins, of Williams College. At lhe com mencement exercises on Thursday, Presi dent Roosevelt will receive the degree of doctor of laws, and will deller an ad dress. Afterward he will make an address to the general public Early In the afternoon of Thursday the President and his party will leave Wll llamstown for Washington, being sched uled to arrive here before breakfast time Friday morning. America Will Build Russian Sldps. NEW YORK, June 20. Charles M. Schwab, of the Bethlehem Steel Corpora tion, said today: "You may trust the statement that the United States will be well represented In the building of Russian ship." THE TIME TO VISIT MEXICO Is during the "rainy season," -from June to' October' when dally showers cool the atmosphere and the temperature Is never too warm for comfort. The City of Mexico Is an Ideal summer resort, combining a perfect climate and unsurpassed accommodations with the most plcturcsquo surroundings and beau tiful scenery' la the world. THE MEXICAN CENTRAL, RAILROAD short line from the Western States, oper ates Pullman equipment In vestibuled trains, with all the comforts ot modern travel. For Information and literature, address. J. C. McDonald. General Agont, SS Crock er Building. San Francisco, CaL W. K. MACDOUGALD. W. D MURDOCH, Asst. Gen. Pas. Agt. Pass. Traffic Mgr.. Mexico City. Peptiron Fills Ironlie Uie blood, feed the oervet mad brain, ton the atosuieh. aid digestion, and cfre street, restful, natural sleep. Me. or It. Iracrltiorbymllof ns. Hood's Pills S After-dinner pill, purely vegetable easy to XaVe, easy to operate. VSc. Drocrftu or taalL C. I. Hood Co. Lowell. If Mad eb Hood It's Good. Schilling's Best are not ex travagant; quite the contrary. Teas and coffees good-enough; baking-powd- flavoring ex tracts and spices pure and best and yet economical; soda com mon. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Save Your Aloney One box of Tutt's Pills willsare many dollars in doctors' bills Theywillsurelycureall diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation andbilic usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS Westers Quality Shmp aa Style Stere THE DIFFERENT STOB CsrBer af Fifth sad Washington St. Free Store Accommodations to Patrons and Visitors Phones; Bull Btui drinking fountains; accommodation and information desk First Floor. Parcel checking; use of the big, airy Fifth-Floor lunch room; three monster electric ele vators; rest and -writing-room Second Floor Postal boxes, collections at every mail; stamps at the Stationery Counter. More and better facilities than any other store on the Western Coast. THE MOST IMPORTANT LOW PRICE MERCHANDISE MOVEMENT EVER ATTEMPTED IN THE WEST Is in progress this week at the store. Read a few details of plans consummated: After Today the Price-Cutter Raises His Blade and Prices Resume Their Normal on the Suit Stocks The last day should be the busiest, for values will be the greatest. Hundreds of new raits late arrivals will join the Fashion Host at the lessened prices I Matchless opportunity offers today for Olds, Wortman & King patrons to select the Summer and Fall suit at a quarter less its worth. One-Fourth OfT THE PRICE OP Every Suit in the House French models and their American prototypes POR TODAY! Every kind of tailored suit, from the simple and inexpensive to the elaborate and exquisite creations for wear on formal occasions. Every one of the elegant costumes are included, Calling Gowns and Evening Dresses. Every silk suit in the house goes in the awful carnage; shirtwaist and tailored models; 'tis a veritable clean sweep of the stocks. Stand in the center of the salons and choose in any direction any suit you wish, any gown, any costume, any frock, anv style in the house for today only, at A QUARTER OFF THE PRICE. Extra Special Today Only! Smart New $ 1 2-50 Walking Skirts $7.49 Very handsome, stylish, dressy skirts in the popular full round lengths that just graze the instep. Popular, splendid wearing materials, unsurpassed for service at any season, and particularly adapted for Summer wear or sightseeing and pleasure jaunts, shopping and general street wear. The favored mohairs and Panama cloths, in neat figured and plain effects; solid colors, blue, black and brown; umbrella and flounce illQ styles, 17-gored. Usual $12.50 value special today at 'H'xJ SILK SELLING EXTRAORDINARY TODAY In the Annex South, First Floor. EKaw i Great Values in the Colored Dress Goods Every odd piece in our stock has got to go. Come and get the best bargains that have ever been offered unmatchable at our reg ular price. 50c Goods for $1.00 Goods for $ 1 .25 Goods for $1.50 Goods for $2.00 Goods for 25c 50c 62k 75C $1. $2.50 Goods for $1.25 Every wanted color to choose from, and all new 1905 fabrics, including the much-wanted mohairs. . Last Day Today of These Uamatchsble Bargalas la Women's a ad Children's Knit Underwear and Hosiery Flrt Floor. Women's Union Suits, worth 31-75 for 31.29 UOYS WAISTS ALSO AT SPECIAL Women's 'White Silk and Cotton Union REDUCTION. Suits, with hlgn neck, long sleeves, ankle- 50 for Women's 6Sc and 75c Underwear we length: or high neck, short sleeves and have Just received a great line of Women's V-1?'0..10?601!? 5 al?eve uee- Importcd White Swiss-Ribbed Cotton Vesta. I"110' ,tn famJ?,"T , er.u and our low neck and sleeveless; assorted patterns l-tS value, special for, the suit 819 of crocheted yokes; .goods that usually sell Women's 20c Vests for He Women's White " for 65c and 75c: we have put them all In Cotton Ribbed Vests, square and V-shaped one lot to sell at. each 50c neck Our 2Cc value; special at. each....i4c fcc for 31.25 Union SulieWo men's White Women's 20c Cotton Vests for 15c Women's Mercerized Lisle Mesh Union Salts, low White Riehelleu-Rlbbed Cotton Vests, with neck, sleeveless and knee-length Our 31-25 silk tape, neatly trimmed Our "20c value; value: special at. the suit S5c special at. each isc 50c Union Suits for 38c Women's White Llle Infanta Mercerised Lace and Plain Hose, In Sleeveless Union Suits, knee lengths Our pink. blue, white, black and tan Our 25c 50c value; special at. toe suit SSc value; special sale price, the pair 19c Women's 35c Cotton Pants for 23c Women's 27c for Women's 50c Hose Women Black White Cotton Pants, knee-length, lace- Maco Cotton Hose, with embroidered boots, trimmed Our SSc value; special, pair. .23c medium-weight Our 50c value; special at. Womnj 23c Vests for ISc Women's White lbe D3,.r - Richelieu Ribbed Cotton Vests, long sleeves. Women's Black Lace Hose; a splendid assort high neck Our 23c vests; special. "each.. JSe ment in pretty patterns; priced at, pair. .SSc ISc for 25c Cotton Vests Women's White w - x . . . , Cotton Sleeveless Vests. Swiss-ribbed and DlOUSe WOISIS QTQ Under- lace-striped-Our 25c value; special. ea..lSc WPnr fflP ! lttlp Mpn Children's White Cotton Vests and Pants WtOI IUI L.1IIIC 1 ICII Vests wl.h long or short sleeves, and Pants 5Jc Blouse Waists for boys for 35c Boy knee-lengths Great values at, each. 15c, White and Fancy Colored Blouse Waists, 20c and .- 3Sc all sizes from 4 to 12 Our 50c value: spe- 55c Instead of 75c .for Women's Lisle Vests c,al at eacn Women's Extra ize White Lisle Vests, tne Bys" 40c Balbrlrgan Underwear for 25c "Merode." long sleeves with knee-length Boys' Baibrlggan Shirts and Drawers; shirts Pants to match Our- 7c value: special at, with self-frcnt and French neck: drawers each Kc ao.uble seat and ankle-length Our 40c val- ??.c for Women's Union Suits worth 31.50 u PccIaI at. each SSc Women's "Me rod ft" Union Suits, of Summer- Boys' Cotton Unicn Suits In ecru, long sleeves, relght merino, long sleeves, ankle-length ankle-lengtn. or short sleeves, knee-lengtn; Our 31.50 value; special at. the sult....86e great value at. the suit 54te Cut A Sensational Purchase at an Unprecedented Concession by the Manu facturers! 3000 yards d the new and ultra-fashionable Mohair Miscel Silks, noted for unapproachable wear and splendid ap pearance, all in attractive design and beautiful colorings, which embrace re sedas, greens, royals, browns, reds and navys. Very best dollar values shown this season by any store in America. Special at, the 3ard - 59 Dress Goods Store Important Mid-Week Sale of Imported Prench Black Voile These are our regular well-known grades, purchased under regular price, to relieve a large New York commission importing house of surplus stock. Regular $1.25 quality Q" Reduced to, Yard... Jv)L Reg. $1.50 quality i 01 Reduced to,Yard3 1 -L Regular $2 quality i on Reduced to, YardP I -L Abb.ve special prices are for today and Thursdav only. THE POPULAR CRAZE FOR "POLOS" Easily Satisfied in The "Bijou" Millinery Salons - Annex Second Floor. Our display of these popular Hats is conceded by all to be unequaled. Tho very smartest conceptions are here galore authoritative styles that are'exclusive with this great "Style Store" distinctively so. Such a showing is not to be found in all other Portland millinery stores com bineda strong statement, but true, as proven by investigation. Your choice is here it awaits your selection, and the chances are we can save you a dollar or two on the cost. A special display of New Polos to day at $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $5.00 and $10.00 One special lot of Jaunty Polos, Wednesday only for School of Domestic Science Tea Room Second Floor. Auspices Portland T. W. C. A. MENU FOR TODAY. Tea. Coffee. Chocolate- Milk In Bottles. Consomme with Vegetables. Lettuce and Tomato Salad with Mayonnaise Dressing. Ham Sandwiches. Bread and Butter. Strawberry Shortcake. Ice Cream. Almond Drop Tea Cakes. See the World's Pair for 5c Going: to the Exposition? Tou surely want to know what you're seeing, and where to look for what you want to see. An OJtlclal GUIDE is Indispensable to the visitor to the big show. The "two-bit" prloe has deterred some heretofore from obtaining tnia necessity, thus they've lost many of tho benefits to be derived by sight-seers who have the GUIDE Is indispensable to the visitor to the come again public benefactors; we've ar ranged with the management to furnish our patrons with The Galdr at K Cents each, on easy conditions, viz: With every purchase of $1.00 or over In the store we give FREE a coupon worth 20c in the purchase of the GUIDE at to headquarters In the Oriental building on the Fair grounds. The coupon and 5c will purchase the GUIDE. Attractions Multiply as Prices Divide in the White Wear Salons Ana SecOBd Floor. Wonderful Bargains in Undermuslins This Week x The values grow greater and more plenti ful. The bargains seem to increase as the month wanes. Read of these sample specials. there are many more too many to print. Muslin and Cambric Underwear for "Women ami Children: every article of wear for baby: corsets, petticoats for women mats the scope of the movement. The Idea Is to furnish rather fluer garments than are usually offered In "sales." we are compet ing with your own sewing-room In liberal ity and . daintiness of garments and sur passing your best efforts in real economy and saving you the Summer Jrudgery of home sewing The sale is In progress in the Annex Second Floor. Special this week Ladies" Black Italian Cloth Petticoats, either in the new sunburst style. 22-fhch ac cordlon flounce, with double ruffles, or 12 Inch flounce with diagonal tucks, knife pleating and hemstitched ruffle Regular price S4.a0; speclal'at, each yzjso Ladles' Fine Nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed In Valenciennes l.ce Insertion in diagonal style In front and back, beading, draw rib bon and laco edging around neck and arm holes, made in French style Regular prlco 51.00; Special at, each 60c Ladles' White Petticoats, of the finest domes tic production, made of fine nainsook and lawns: trimmed In a great variety of styles in' embroidery and lace insertion and. edg ing: they are slightly mussed, but for rapidl selling we. have marked them at one-half price: regular prices trom 57.50 to $31: all at HALF PRICE Ladies' Fine Cambric Gowns, medium low neck. S clusters of tine tucks and 2 clusters of large tucks in yoke, blind embroidery edging at neck, yoke and sleeves Regular price 32.00; special at. each 51.19 Ladies' Fine Cambric Drawers. 2 clusters of fine lucks and deep embroidery edging, or of same material, deep lawn ruffle, cluster of tucks and Valenciennes lace edging Regular price 75c: special at, the pair.. 50c A Blanket Sensation Colossal Clean-up of Big Mill "Stock at Retail Selling. $ 1 0,000 Worth of America's Best Blankets from the Pendleton Mills at Slaughter Prices Knowing our match- V TTG CTSSfe less output and wishing -r- 1 A.P'Ixi.ici to dispose of the end jAl Blankets quickly for cash, tha famous Pen dleton Mills sold us v their entire remaining 1 stock at a most rldicu- . lous figure. The Blank ets have been moved to the store and are now on sale on the Fourth Floor at these unprece dented low prices. An unrivaled opportunity for blanket buyers. Tourists should' secure Indian Blankets now to take to their Eastern homes. Plata Grar BlaakcU, all wool, No. 5 weight Our 31.50 value: special sale price, pair, $2,75 Same an above. No. 6 weight Our 35.50 value: special sale price, the pair $35 Very Flee Fleeeewoel Blaakets. silver gray In color Our 35.50 value: special sale price, the pair 3JS Fine Wool Blankets, good size, scarlet color -Our 35.00 value; special sale price at. the pair t..S2.75 Satae a above, extra Inrge size Our 36.50 value; special sale price, the pair $3.75 White Wool Blaakets, good weight: extra val ue at 35.50; special sale price, pair... .94.75 All Fleece Wool White Blaakets, extra choice Our 37.00 value; special sale price at. the pair $3.60 INDIAN" SHAWLS 93.75 for Indiaa ShawU worth '96.ee A fine assortment of beautiful Indian Shawls: used extensively for table rovers, dracerles. etc. Our regular 36.00 value; special sale price, each ........93.75 iBdlaa Shawl, same as above, but heavier Our 39.00 value; special sale price, eacn su.se 9-LSd Shawls for 2SM Plain All-Wool Shawls In green, red and black: also a variety of nlaids Our regular 34.50 value; special sale price at. each 92J50 Haadseme Coach Cover Our 313.50 value; special sale price at, each ..9&50 A cewjlete aasertmeat of Fancy Xaraje Blaakets. Indian Rene, etc.. ased for drap eries, lounge rabes, -brd preaa. cosy cor ners, steamer rax, etc. rlced from 9-4.50 an to - ...... 97.541 THE BIG SHOP ON THE BUSY CORNER Portland's Greatest Store and Foremost Re tall Establishment or the Pacific Slope excellent $4.00 value, oj q . Jewelry Hospital First Floor. Watches cleaned- and warranted for one year for 75c. New mainsprings. 75c. If you pay more it's because you carry your work eisewnere. wny? Distinguished Visitors Favor us dally by their attendance upon the session at mo FREE COOKING SCHOOL on Third Floor, in the Annex. Sessions are irom iu to z, and l to 4, dally All welcome. Buy Souvenirs of Portland, the big World's Fair or Scones in Oregon, at this Big Store of Little Prices. Free Lessons in Needlework Embroidery Given by'an expert teacher in tho Art Shoo. Second Floor Annex. Visitors welcome. THE Symphony of Dress Lies in smart footwear. GLORIA SHOES are the climax of good dressing. None equal them In wear. Pingree builded better than he knew when he built the GLORIA SHOE. OLDS, WORTH AN & KINd, Purveyors for Portland If Women Couldn't Talk We'd Have fewer Shoppers in The Domestic Aisles and Linen Store These Days For. after all. tha values advertise them selves best. A woman gets a bargain, per haps several, she tells her neighbor, and an endless chain of boomers and boosters for the Olds. Wortman & Kins: store is started. It's welded and added to link by link, dally, until we've got the biggest, busiest depart ment of Its kind on the Coast and keep growing. It's values like these that fertilize the soil -in which this business grows. HANDSOME LINENS. ' A line of fine Satin Damask Table Linen.-. 2 yards wide; priced at, the yard, 75c, 00c, 9L05 and 91J2Ti Heavy Bleached Damask Table Linen, for restaurant and hotel Cse Our 45c value: , special at. the yard 30c Heavy Bleached Damask Table Napkins, hem med; special at, the dozen 91.15' Fancy Damask Hemstitched Tray 'and Carv ing uiouis; special at. eacn 35c TOWELS AND TOWELING. Bath Towels, full bleached, extra weight; size 1Sx4o Inches: special at, each ....18c Bath Towels, made of double twisted yarn: size 20x42 Inches; special at, each....l2c Barnsley Toweling, all linen, bleached and very neavy: special at, the yard Uc SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES. Good, heavy. Sheets, full size; special sale price, each 31) c Pillow Cases, worth 14c, for 10c Pillow- Cases made of good, heavy round thread sheet ingOur 11c value; special sale price at each 10c BEAUTIFUL WHITE GOODS. 2000 yards of White Linen Finish Duck Suit ing. 36 inches wide; special sale price at, the yard ' 14c India Mulls, with a sheer, silky finish: much used for making lingerie, waists and entire dresses Our 40c value special at, the yard 33c Our 50c value special at, the yard 44c Our 60c value special at, the yard 50c Our 65c value special at, the yard 54c Our 75c value special at, the yard 63c White Linen Finish Cambric, 36 inches wide, 10 yards to the piece; special sale price at, the. piece , 80c Pretty Wash Goods, comprising silk eoliennes. embroidered mulls, dotted etamin.es. and printed mousselines about 50 pieces in the lot; all fine, seasonable fabrics Our 50c and 60c values; special at, the yard 33c White Honeycomb Bedspreads: full size; 3 Fpeclal lines; all of them great values at. each ." OOc, 91.00 and $15 Wednesday Plums To Tickle the Man's Bargain Palate The HaberdaMherie AVest Ahbci " First Floor; Men's 35e Sox for 15c Men's- Fashioned Seam less Hose, embroidered in new gray and brown Spring shades Our 25c value; spe cial at. the pair ! 37fc Instead of 50e for Men's Underwear Men's Summer-weight Balbriggan Jcrsey- Ribbed Underwear, In white, blue, brown and flesh color; a staple 5)c 'value; special at, the garment 37c Men's Coif Shirts worth 91.50 for 7e A brok en line of Mep's Pure White Golf Snirts. with tucked fronts; a comfortable and stylish hot weather shirt Our 31.50 value; special at, each 78c Men's 9X0e and 925 Fancy Vests for 91.40 Men's Fancy; Vests, In plain white and white and black stripes and checks: all this sea son's styles Our 32.00 and- 32.25 values: special ap, each $1.48