THE MOKSIXG OBESOXIAN, ' TUESTTAT, JtJNE 20, 1905 HUE FIGHTS which no service is rendered to tne state SJid -the recent exposure of his be ing: a member of the firm of D. J. Mc- JCichol & Co., by which enormous profits have been made In contracts TO SAVE ITS LIFE from the city, which under former con ditions would have been impossible but for his power to control contracts and too officers appointed to supervise the execution of tbo same. MAG Moves to Change Philadelphia Ticket to Conciliate Reformers. OVERTURES ARE REJECTED Action of Committee in Seckinc Re form AVI thin Party Condemned by Reformers AVho AVant Independent Ticket. PHILADELPHIA, Juno 19. The Repub lican City Campaign Committee today an nounced that a subcommittee of tnree, consisting of 'Chairman James L. Miles, David Martin and David H. Lane, has been appointed to meet a similar commit tee from the "Committee of 21." to consid er a demand that the party ticket named for the November election be changed. The oommitteo is also empowered to see the candidates and endeavor to Induce thf-m to withdraw. The subcommittee, which Is to meet a similar commltteo to be appointed by the committee of 21, was appointed In ac cordance with a resolution adopted by the campaign committee. This resolution is the first official expression made by the Republican campaign committee since the present fight began. The resolution la as follows: Seeks Reform Within Party. Resolved, That tlie Republican campaign committee hereby declares tnat we ruiiy realize the responsibilities of the present emergency and have only the single desire io take such action as may best preserve the integrity and future usefulness of our party. This committee derives its authority from the Kepublican electors under the Jaws of Pennsylvania and the rules of the Re publican party. This Is the body legally constituted to manage the present cara- naign. It Is the only body legally constl tuted under the laws and the rules of the party to fill vacancies on the ticket. And we must meet the duties imposed upon us under the law, that nominations for the Important county offices to be filled in No ember may be legally made to have a place upon the official ballot. Wc welcome at all times suggestions and co-operation from prominent and influential members of our party not officially connected with tne party organization. We received the recommendation signed by Mr Joseph Darling and his associates laying down certain suggestions for a change of candidates and reform within the party with a desire to co-operate on the lines suggested. In sincerity and good faith we pledged this organization to make every effort to secure he enactment of a personal registration law and generally to bring about reforms on the lines laid down in the communication referred to. With this end In view, the chairman of the Republican committee Is directed to com municate with the candidates and ascertain whether they or any of them are willing to withdraw from the ticket, and he Is further directed to appoint a committee of two members of the Republican campaign com mittee who. with him as ex officii mem ber, shall confer with a similar committee on the part of the rfgners of the communica tion to consider the question of candidates and all other matters referred thereto. Committee of 21 Stands Pat. There having been much criticism of the action taken by the committee of 21 in suggesting that whatever reformation is to be done in the city and state should be done by the Republican party itself, 15 members of the 21 held a long meeting this aftornoon to consider what they should do in view of the criticism their letter brought out. After the meeting a statement was given out, which in part is as follows: tVe have carefully reread nr letter l the chairman of the Republican campaign committee and see nothing in it which in our Judgment requires either apology or explanation. Thoro was only one object In view by the signers of that letter, and that was. purification of the Republican party find ' the elimination of the men in the party organization who are responsible for the present deplorable conditions in our clt . Reformers AVant Independent Ticket The committee of nine which was ap pointed at a mass meeting to fight the gas lease, and which has since pledged itself to assist Mayor "Weaver In his ef forts to reform municipal affairs, also held a meeting today, and at its conclu sion a statement showing how the com mittee views the action of the committee of 21 was given out. It Is as follows: That any compromise between the people and the Republican organization as at pres ent constituted Is impossible. That this corrupt organisation should be opposed by the City party (an independent party backed by the committee of 70) by every means In its power. That the organization " of the City party should be perfected in every division and everj- ward In this city, to the end that a convention may be called within J0 days to prepare a platform of principles and to take action on the subject of nominations for the November election. The committee appointed to examine the work on the Northeast boulevard, an improvement which will cost several mil lions of dollars, and which is bolng con structed by D. J. McNichoJ & Co., In which State Senator J. P. McNichol and State Insurance Commissioner Durham are partners, has made its report to the Director of Public Works. The report states that the work already done on the boulevard "has not been done in accord ance with the contract and specifications at points examined by us." AVearcr AVlll Fight Machine. The possible naming of a new ticket will not necessarily cause a withdrawal of the opposition to the Republican organiza tion under the leadership of I. IV. Dur ham. Mayor Weaver and his friends, who formerly were strong allies of the organization, are behoved to be hostile to any action that will continue the pres ent lonrinre (n nnti'Pr. In addition, the committee of 70, a strong reform organ- lzatlon. is perfecting Itself in svcry ward with the declared Intention of placing a ticket in the field independent xf what the Republican organization may do. The re form loaders are apparently confident of their ability to dofoat the regular Repub lican ticket, and they say they -will have the support of Mayor Weaver and prac tically all of the office-holders recently ap pointed to take the places of the men re moved since the Mayor's war on the or ganization leaders began. Five policemen and one fireman "were lischarged today. The men had been lound guilty of charges preferred against tiiem. Isaac J- Fleming, who for 27 years has been fcroman of the City Hall laborers, was al dismissed for nog- lect of duty.- Ask for Durham's Scalp. The Methodist ministers, at their regular meeting today, adopted a res olution asking Governor Pennypackor to remove from office State Insurance Commissioner I. W. Durham, saying: "The long-standing complaint has been his long absence from hi office sad xils drawing: & large salary for DECLARE- DEMOCRATIC IDEAS Party Leaders in Colorado Denounce and Demand. DENVER. June IS. A Joint conference of the members of the Democratic State I Central Committee and Democratic lead- J ers not directly connected with the state i organization as committeemen met here J today in pursuance of a call issued some weeks ago by United States Senators Tel- i ler and Patterson ex-Governors Alva Adams and Charles H. Thomas and other leading party men. for the purpose of se- I curing an expression of opinion on the J Issues of the day as affecting the State : of Colorado. In ordering the conference j the members of tbo State Central com mittee said they did so only as individuals. The conference instructed a committee headed by Senator Patterson to prepare an address to the people of Colorado. Tnis was done and the conference later heard It read and Indorsed it as a platform of principles for the Colorado Democracy. This address, after referring to the "con spiracy" which resulted in unseating Alva Adam? from the Governorship and installing a man Jwho never had been nominated for the place and for whom a single vole had not been cast." warns the people that the corporations "have de-1 libera tely determined to rule the state, regardless of what the majority of legal voters may decide." The address de clares that these corporations have al ready seized the machlnorey of one politi cal party and at strategic points have obtained the control of the machinery of another. For the purpow of aiding in every way to advance the wealth, power and station of the people, the Democrats of Colorado, the address continues, are In hearfy sym pathy with President Roosevelt In his rate-regulating efforts and further be lieve that laws controlling rates are equally necessary in other states. Municipal ownership of all public utili ties' Is warmly supported and the claim that this is a local issue is denied. Other recommendations for Colorado include a primary election law, a more ooual elfrht-hour law. a law that will more closely limit the suspension of th? writ of habeas corpus and the operation of civil courts and the regulations of of trusts. Subsequently the State Central Commit tee adopted a resolution to the effect that the time was not yet ripe for municipal ownership of public utilities, and that anyway It was a question to" be handled politically by city and county organiza tions. This is construed by many as a rebuke to those Democrats who are agi tating municipal ownership In Denver. TIME TO SPARE BOTH WAYS Twentieth Century Limited Beats Schedule New York to Chicago. I NEW YORK. June IP. With exactly three minutes to spare, and the belief that ex-en quloker time readily can be made If desired, the New York Cen tral's Twentieth Contury Limited rolled into the Grand Central at 9:27 A. M. today at the end of her first run on the Chicago-New York lS-hour sched ule. When the train reached Buffalo 25 minutes ahead of her schedule, there remained no necessity for record breaking time, and the flyor came through the remainder of the distance practically on the schedule which has been in use for several years. George H. Daniels, general passen ger agent of the New York Central, said of the run: "While no record, so far as I know, was kopt of the time between stations from Chicago to Buffalo. I understand that a speed of SO miles was main tained between Chicago and Elkhart. Ind., and almost as great a speed at several other points, notably between Cleveland and Erie. As a matter of J fact, the two hours' difference between the new Twentieth Century Limited and the old. which had a schedule of 1 20 hours between New York and Chi cago, was made up on the Lake Shore end of the run. the schedule between Buffalo and New York being exactly the same as that of the 20-hour train." CHICAGO. June 19. The flrst west bound trip, on an IS-hour basis made by the Twentieth Century Limited over the Lake Shore Railroad was finished five minutes ahead of time. The train was duf here from New York at S:30 A. M.. and glided into the La Salle-strcet sta tion at 8:36. The train avoraged one to five minutes ahead of the schedule all the way. The average running time for the entire distance was 6? 1-3 miles an hour. Outside of stops, the train occu pied 17 hours and nine minutes in making the Journoy between New York and Chicago. More Delay for Gaynor and Greene. MONTREAL June 10. Justice Oulmette today ordered the issue of a writ of habeas corpus in the case of Gaynor and Greene on application alleging lack of Jurisdiction. The writ ls returnable Wednesday, The new Hotel Oregon, corner Seventh and Stark streets, has hot and cold run ning water and long-distance telephones In every room. Catarrh Whether It is of the nose, throat, stomach, bowels, or more delicate organs, catarrh Is always debilitating and should never fall of attention. It is a discharge from tne mucous mem brane when kept in & state of inflammation by an Impure, commonly scrofulous, con dition of the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures all forms of catarrh, radically and permanently It removes the cause and overcomes all the effects. Get Hood's. t To people with defective vision it is a question of the greatest importance as to where they shall go to get glasses; where they will get the best service, the lowest prices and the highest grade of spectacles. In this oonnestion it is well known. In truth an Indisputable fact, that the Oregon Optical Company's reputation as skilled and reliable Opticians is un questioned and thoroughly established. Thir reliability, fair dealing, skill and progrcssiveness are fully acknowl edged, and that reputation has been built upon merit. 173 Fourth street, Y, M. C A. building. Eastern Visitors are m? m!mmTS r iiiibi" EiTlbrQ.CkXy II OCRS FROM 10 A. M. TO it it. , 2d FIOOT, AlUlCX 1 TO 4 r. M. " ' THE DIFFERENT STORE THE BIG SHOP ON THE BUSY CORNER The Westcra Quality Shop Portland's GOtCSt StOrC fllld PorITlOSt RtQlI Corner of Fifth and . Sfv. st Establishment on the Pacific Slope j Washington Sts. JEWELRY HOSPITAL. Largest collection in the city of unique and PUT YOUR IjfoNEY IN A REFRIGERATOR. First rioor "catchy' SOUVENIRS of Portland, Oregon, and the It pavs as well as the bank. It saves the family Watches cleaned and warranted for one year, 75c Exposition. All at the "BIG STORE'S" LITTLE money by saving the family ice, and keeps the family New mainsprings, 75c. Why pay more ? PRICES. healthy by keeping its food healthy-Third rioor. THIS STORE SETS THE PACE IN VALUE GIVING WELCOME VISITORS To the Store and Its Privileges Examine our merchandise, compare our styles, qualities and prices with elsewhere offerings, and the time spent in so doing profits you. Immense purchases, always made on a cash basis, are mighty powerful magnets to manufacturers and importers desirious of making a quick exchange of goods for cash. It's an iron-clad, steel-ribbed rule with this house to share with our patrons every economical advantage de rived from our low price cash transactions, which are almost daily occurrences. Read a few of this week's specimen bargains. The Symphony of Dress Lifs in smart footwear. Gloria Shoes arc the climax of good dressing. None eqnal them in wear. Pingree builded better than he knew when he built the Gloria Shoe. OLDS, WORTMAN" & KING, Purveyors for Portland. See the World's Pair for 5c Going to the Exposition! You Surely want io know what you're seeing and where to look for what you want to see. An Official Guide is indispensable to the visitor to the big show. The "two-bit" price has deterred some heretofore from obtaining this necessity, thus they've lost many of the benefits to be derived by sight-seers who have the GUIDE to aid them. Here's where we become again public bene factors. We've arranged with the management to furnish our patrons with the Guide at 5c each, on easy conditions, viz.: With every pur chase of $1.00 or over in the store wc give free a coupon worth 20c in the purcha of the GUIDE at the headquarters in the Oriental Building on the Fair Grounds. Tltc coupon and oc will purchase the GUIDE. A MILLINERY SENSATION $3 to $5 Hats At $ 1 .50 Each Another splendid offering- in trimmed and tailored Hats Sills the boards to day in the "Bijou" Millinery Salon. Annex, second floor. Any -woman who falls to take advantage of this op portunity to save In selecting; a new. smart and stylisii hat for Summer does herself an injustice. Every -wanted, fashionable and desirable style is included In the sale, and all favored colorings. A clean sweep of remaining lots of these hats that have sold at prices ranging up from 52.09 to J5.00 all go in at one price today .....91.50 RESULT OP PUPILS' EXPOSITION CONTEST Standing of first 20 at 5 P. M. Yes terday. LILUAS EWING. Hlsh School 4.230 METTA SIEDLER. Falling School 23KM FRED STEVENS, Atkinson School WELLINGTON GILBERT. Lndd School 17,54 WILLIE STEPP. Ytklnnon School 18,479 LILLIAN BROWN. Thoinpnon School ......... 14,705 MYRTLE HARMON. North Central School 13.1S8 IDA DINGLE, Havrthorac School ......... 12.968 RUTH MURPHY. Atklnno School 10.Sie ADRIAN SMITH. South Portland School 10.715 ROBERT ELLISON, llollndnr School 10,494 BEATRICE M'LEAN. Ladd School 10,486 LYNN COOVERT. Portland Academy- ......... 30,452 GEORGE DENHOLM. Hawthorne School 0,78S RUTH MURPHY. St. 3Inrya Academy 9.2S5 JAMES ROTHCHILD. HlR-ta School 9,194 TRENTON JOHNSTON. Ilairthorne School 9,699 GLADYS CROCKETT, AtklxBOB School S.44S DOROTHY ALLEN. I.add School S.22S LEO ROIRE. High School 7,061 First twenty 2S6.55S Scattering .I57.SSO Total 418,174 RARE VALUES IN NOVELTY TRIMMING LACES First Ploor. " Very handsome Novelty Trimming Laces, in white, ecru. Paris and cream; also some in the swellest color effects, and dainty chiffon applique in beautiful designs in black, white and colors. All are sharply reduced in price for this sale Our 35c value, special at, the yard L7$ Our 50c value, special at, the yard 252 Out 75c value, special at, the yard 3Si Qur $1.00 value, special at, the yard 4S Our $1.50 value, special at, the yard 7o Our $2.00 value, special at, the yard 9Sd Our $2.50 and $3.00 values, special at, the yard Jj5X.4S Our $3.50 and $4.00 values, special at. the yard S1.9S Our $5.00 value, special at, the yard $2.48 Valenciennes Laces and Insertions, in a variety of dainty patterns; values in the lot to 65c; special sale price, the dozen yards 25 p TW O MORE DAYS OF THESE REMARKABLE AND TIMELY SPECIALS IN WOMEN'S AND CH1L DRENiS UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY BOYS WAISTS TOO FIRST FLOOR. oJc forewomen's 55c and 75c Underwear we have Just received a great line of women's imported wnite Swiss ribbed cotton Vests, low neck and sleeveless, assorted patterns of crocheted yokes: goods that us ually sell for 65c and 75c we have put them flr all in one lot to sell at. each OKJ S5r for $1.25 Union Suits Women's white mercerized lisle mesh Union Suits. low neck, sleeveless and knee length; our $1.25 value special at, the 7cr SUlt Uv 5k Union Suits for 3Sc Women's white lisle sleeveless Union Suits, knee length: our 50c value TXr special at. the suit JOl Women's 33c cotton Pants for 23c Women's white cot ton Pants, knee length lace, trimmed; our Or 35c value special at. the pair Women's 25c Vests for ISc Women's white Richelieu ribbed cotton Vests, long sleeves, nigh neck: I our 25c vests special at. each IJl ISc for SSc cotton vests Women's white cotton sleeve less Vests. Swiss ribbed and lace striped: i 7r our 25c value special at. each lOi. Women's 28c Veots for He Women's white cotton ribbed Vests, square and V-shapcd neck: our i 29c value special at, each 1 Women's Union Suits, worth $1.75 for $1.29 Women s white silk -ind cotton Union Suits, wltn high neck, long sleeves, ankle length: or high neck, short sleeves and knee length: also low neck, r.o sleeves, knee length.: the famous "Merode make and our $1.75 value; special for three days only. I OQ tne suit ..' SSc for women's Union Suits worth $1.50 Women's "Merode" Union Suits, of Summer weight merino, long sleeves, ankle length; QXo our $1.50 value special for 3 days only at. the suit -JsJ. SSc Instead of 75c for women's lisle Vests Women's extra size white lisle Vests, the "Merode." long sleeves, with knee-length pants to SSf match; our 75c valu special at. each oov. Women's 20c cotton Vests for 15: Women's white Richelieu ribbed cot ton Vests, with silk tape, neatly trimmed: our 20c value. I "r snecial at. each Children's white cotton Vests and Pants Vests with long or short sleeves and pants knee length great values at, 0?r" each. 15c. 20c and v- Infants' mercerized lace and plain Hose, in pink. blue, white, black I Of and tan; our 25c value Special sale price, per pair 27c for women's 56c Hose Women's black maco cotton Hose, with em broidered boots, medium weight: our 5Dc value special Olr at. pair Women's black lace Hose, a splendid assortment in pretty 35 C patterns priced at. the pair ' Blouse Waists and Underwear for LitHe Men 50c Blouse Waists for boys for 35c Boys white and fancy colored Blouse Waists, all sizes from 4 to 12; our 50c value "XQr special, each . Bovs' 40c balbrlggan Underwear for 25c Boys' balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, shirts with self-front and French neck. Drawers Op double seat and ankle length: our 40c value special at. each.... Boys' cotton Union Suits In ecru, long sleeves, ankle length or 50C short sleeves, knee length: great value at. the suit wv. EXTRAORDINARY SilkSellingToday In the Annex South, First Floor. A Sensational Purchase at an un precedented Concession "by the Manufacturers. 3000 yards of the new and ultra fashionable mohair Miscel Silks, noted for unannroachable wear and splendid appearance, all in attrac tive design and beautiiui coionngs which embrace resedas, greens, royals,' browns, reds and navys. Very best Dollar Values shown this season by any store in America. Special at 59cyj OTHER GREAT VALUES " IN THE SILK STORE. Novelty Suit Silks, Jn short lengths, ranging from - to Id yards, all this season's best sell ing stvles and colors SI. 00 Silks for. vard o0 $1.25 Silks for, yard 62V2c S1.50 Silks for. vard 7o $1.75 Silks for, yard 87Ap lard wide, black, dependable Tatieta, regular fci.ou value, ao inch Black Taffeta, for today only, per yard $1.31 Regular $1.50 value, 36-inch Black . Taffeta, for todav only, per yard . $1.19 RARE VALUES IN Dress Goods HALF PRICE FOR SOME1 READ 1 S. Annex, First Floor. Imported Novelty .English Mohair Suitings, in neat checks, stripes and Melange effects. Colors are grays, browns, navies, resedas, modes, tans and greens, also changeable colorings; our regu lar uuequaled $1 per yard values. Special for Monday and Tues day only, per 50C Regular $1.25 values, in 50-inch, all-wool shadow check and novel ty Panamas .and Voiles, in a large assortment of new novelty weaves, full color line to choose from. Special for Monday and Tuesday only, per "704" vard..! 7 Women's, Children's Red Shoes and Slippers A former manager seemed to have a penchant for red. and loaded us to the guar Is with footwear of I this color. Pretty, stylish Shoes but too jnany of V. them: almost a. thousand pair. The Inevitable must hannen sooner over, the Quickest mended. So we . shall offer today and balance of week, unless closed V before. a RED SHOES AT HALF PltlCE. A There arc many different styles In the loU Includ- J tng nomtB'i uxxore i?e ua .aiiam a wre Boots nod SUpperm. tn all sizes. Note these prices: Womra'i Red Oxford Ties (Half Shoes), wltn large w eyelets Our $4.00 value; special sale price, tne pair r-26 Wonn'ii Re4 One-Strap SUspers. with turned soles Our J 1.75 value; special ale price at, pair. ...SSc Womra'a three-Strap Red Silas-era, very dressy Our ttn vain. .nMt9l Hal nrlr at th nalr. . . . .SU2S Children's Fine Re Kid Shoes, with inserted lace piece and spring heels Sixes SV5 to 11 Our 3:.?5 value: special at, the pair 13 Sizes 5 to S Our $1-75 value special at, the pair Bsc Sizes 1 to 5 Our SL25 values; special at, the pair ChlKrem Red Top. Patent Vamp Shoes, either lace or button Sizes 5 to S Our Jl-50 value; special at. the pair & Sizes 1 to 5 Our JLOO value; special at. the pair - .....5c. CMMrra'x All Re Shoe. In goat or kid: either button or lace; sizes 1 to t r.- ti on va ui: rfcii saie Dnce ai. tne pair .................. .snn. 3 Bargains in Street and press Shoes, black "WOMEN'S $3 SHOES FOR 83.1S. Nearlv our entire stock of Louis XV Boots for women will be on sale this week, beginning today. These shoes were made by world-famous manufacturers: they're here in vie! and patent kid, with either turned or welt soles: all are regular $5 values snecial for today and all the week at. tne pair $3.18 ME.VS X5 SHOES FOR Men's fine Shoes, this season's best styles, made on the new swing last; of the best patent colt, with natent kid-front stays. French matt tops and military heels; our regular jj vaiue special at. me pair SPECTAI, SALE OF MISSES' AND CHILDREVS PIXGREE MADE SHOES. The lines of Misses' and Children's Shoes which we put on sale for this week are made of Carl Schmidt's best vlcl kid with patent tips and the name "Pingree" stamped- in every shoe; both lace and button styles. Sizes 6 to 3. our $1.75 value special at. the pair .....1J8 sizes St4 to 11. our J 2.00 value spe clal at. the pair S1-S9 size HU to J. our J2.50 value spe cial at. the pair BARGAIN FORCES INVADE The Realms of China Third Floor Special Prices for the Week. DECORATED CHINA DINNER SET. Thin, light Austrian China Dinner Sets, neat shapes with gold border and center 60-piece set; regular value $13.50, special, set Sll.oO 100-piece set; regular value $22.00, special, set $19.00 Austrian China Dinner Set, decorated with pink flowers and spray, gold handles and knobs, 100-piece set; regular value $20.00. spe cial, set -. ...$16.00 Austrian China Dinner Set, full gold border and small pink flowers, 100-piece set; regular value $22.50, special, set $18.75 HAVILAND CHINA DINNER SETS. Haviland China Dinner Sets, spray decorations, gold knobs and han dles, 100-piece set; regular value $28.50, special, set $23.65 Haviland China Dinner Sets, decorated with roses and heavy gold border 60-piece set; regular value $33.65, special, set $26.95 100-piece set; regular value $45.35, special, set $35.50 Haviland China Dinner Sets, decorated with pink spray, gold traced, full gold and embossing 60-piece set; regular value $36.50, special, set $29.00 100-piece set; regular value $51.00, special, set $40.75 Thousands of odd fancj pieces in Decorated China, almost every thing useful and ornamental, at special reduced prices. The Sweeping Cut on Women's Suits Continues Today Grand Salons of Dress Second Ploor Largest and Leading Woman's Apparel Establishment in the Western States. A Sweeping Hassacre of Suit Prices Not One Survives. ONE-FOURTH CUT OFF THE PRICE OF EVERY SUIT IN THE HOUSE. French Models and Their American Prototypes For Two More Days Only Today and Wednesday. Description would be as futile as to attempt to describe the pebbles that line the beach. Every kind of Tailored Suit, from the simple and inexpensive to the elaborate and exquisite creations for wear on formal occasions. Every one of the elegant costumes are included Calling Gowns and Evening Dresses. Every Silk Suit in the house goes in the awful carnage, shirtwaist and tailored models, 'tis a veritable clean sweep of the stocks. Stand in the center of the salons and choose in any direction any suit you wish, any gown, any cos tume, any frock, anv style in the house, for two more days onlv, at A QUARTER OFF THE PRICE. WOMEN OF PRUDENCE SURELY TAKE A WISE ADVANTAGE OF THESE Housekeeping Specials; Wash Goods Bargains Domestic and I.Inen Alalr First Floor. It's rarely such money-saving: opportunities are brouRht to your atten tion, and we advise everyone in need of tnese advertised articles to "make hay while the sun shines." Fortunate turns in trade have brought these remarkable values to us to turr to. you now. Better do your part Come today. HANDSOME LINENS. A line of fine satin damask Table Linens. 2 yards wide priced at. the yard 7."c, 00c. $1.0 and $1. ' Heavy bleached damask Table Linen, for restaurant and hotel use our 45c" value special at. the yard "We Heavy bleached damask Table Napkins, hemmel special at. dozen. . .$1.15 Fancy damask hemstitched Tray and Carvlns- Cloths special, each 33c TOWELS AND TOWELING. Bath Towels full bleached, extra woight, size lSxl5-inch special, each ISc Bath Towels, made of double twisted yarr. size 20x42 in special. ea.l2c Barnsley Toweling', all linen, bleached and very heavy special, yd Oc SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES. Good, heavy Sheets, full size Special sale price, each 3c Pillow Cases, worth 14c. for 10c: Pillow Cases, made of good, heavy round thread sheeting, our 14c value Special sale price, each 10c BEAUTIFUL WHITE GOODS. , 2000 yards of white linen finish Duck Suiting, 36 Inches wide Special sale price, the yard - ,-;"",;'"11c India Mulls, with a sheer silky flnlsn, much used for making lingerie waists and entire dresses Our 40c value special at. the yard . Our 50c value special at, the yard . Our 60c value special at, the yard . Our 65 value snecial at. the yard . Our 75c value special at, the yard ...33c ...44c ...50c . . .54c 63c White linen finish Cambric, 3 Inches wide. 10 yards to the piece Spe cial sale price, the piece f ;,";:? ? Prettv Wash Goods, .comprising silk eollennes. embroidered mulls, dotted etamines and printed moussellnes about 50 pieces In tne lot. all fine. seasonable fabrics: our 50c and 63c values-especial at. the yard 33c White honeycomb Bedspreads, full size. 3 special nes. all of them great values at. each 00c' 9I'00 and A GAY COTERIE OF PRETTY FINDINGS IN SUMMERY GARNITURE FOR GOWNS BARGAIN PRICES IN Women's Furnishing Shops First Floor. -4Sc FOR WOMEN'S 75c GLOVES. A nice new lot or ladies' fine silk Gloves, in black or wnite. two-clasp, double nnger tips, new, pretty stitcnlng on backs;-our .oc value Spe- cIal "tote6 embro!dered 'collars, worth' iwc" for i'o'c:" Fine white embroidered Collars, a new line Just received, marked to sell at 25c Special for today at. each FRENCH VALENCIENNES LACES. Thousands of yards of pretty French Valenciennes Laces. 12 yards in the piece; our 4c and 5c values Special at. the piece -c piece, ouf SX) 75c LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 37c. Ladies' pure linen hemstitched and embroidered Handkercheifs assorted patterns all of them are dainty and very pretty and are worth 65c and 75c Special sale price, each -----------, -,c P PRETTY SHIRTWAIST PATTERNS. A great showing of embroidered Shirtwaist Patterns at greatly reduce 1 EmbroidTred Chambray. our J1.75 vUue-i-special at White Lawn, embroidered, our U.75 value special at.. . .Mj- Embroidered Etamine Cloth, our $2.30 value special at SLOO Erabro dercd India Linen, our J2.0J value special at SLOO SSM J'&,a'aK::::::::::::Si vx.r' fln Bilk mesh Gloves, In all sizes, in black, white, modes and n; vlry"l?ne glomes, for Kayser makes only the best-special for today at, pair .!.-...