Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 20, 1905, SECOND EDITION, Page 16, Image 16

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Tax-Dodgers Cannot Escape
This Year as They Have
in Years Past.
Tells SIglcr That, According to Law,
It -Is His Duty to Assess Fran
chises as It Is on AH
Other Property.
Street franchises In Portland, taxdodg
ers hitherto, will "be rounded up by County
Assessor SIgler this year, and will bo
compelled to pay between 5125.000 and
5150,000 next year in taxes, if they cannot
defeat the new plan in the courts. John
Manning, prosecuting attorney for the
county, says that he is ready to fight for
the county in the battle to tax the fran
chises. Mr. SIgler would venture no estimate
yesterday of the possible market value of
the 15 street franchises in Portland. But,
inasmuch as one franchise that of the
Portland Consolidated Railway Company
was recently sold for J6.OOO.O0O, a fair
estimate of the actual value of all the
franchises would probably run close to
What Could Be liaihcd.
Had franchise values been added In one-
third thfllr value to the assessment on
which taxes were collected this year, the
tax levy in Portland would have been
2 mills less than it was. Should their true
market value be added for the next tax.
about 1 mill on a city valuation of $160.
000.000 would be saved to other taxpayers.
The last city assessment was $51,000,000.
If that valuation had been Increased by
$3,000,000. to include street franchises at
one-third of their actual value, less than
58 mills would have been raised as much
revenue as did 40 mills.
Should $10,000,000, representing franchise
values, be added to the next city assess
ment and expenditures of government be
kept down close to present figures. 14&
mills would suffice: but should franchises
not be Included in the assessment roll, the
levy would be 15b mills a difference of
The only obstacle to the plan is the
question of its legality. The iwosecutlng
attorney, however, says that this ques
tion raises no obstacle whatever, since the
etreet franchises, having a market value.
are taxable as any property that brings
a price on the market. He avers that be
cause the constitution and the statutes
of Oregon require all property, both real
and personal, to be assessed and taxed,
franchises cannot legally be exempted;
hence the Assessor is obliged to put fran
chLse values on the assessment roll.
Manning Writes Assessor.
Ivist week SIgler sent a, letter to Mr.
Manning, asking his opinion, and yester
day Mr. Manning made the following re
Tour communication addressed to me atk
ing my opinion as to whether or not. under
the Dresent law. public franchises, such n
street railways and gas companies, are a-
eflb!e. ha been receive!, an4 In reply
thereto I will ay. the actual property, vis
ible property, should be awiewed at Its value.
The lines were constructed 'wholly, or almost
wholly, with money obtained from wile of
bonds. Over and abovo thin value of the
materia! property are the rtock annd fran
chlfle. which are rated at far higher valuo
than the property lUelf. Thin franchise prop
erty. In the case of one of th principal
corporations. has m-ently been nM for per
eral millions of dollars. I think this will
not be disputed. Other franchises In the city
liave similar values. All ought to be taxed
upon their valuation In the market, as thr
property In or t-hould be.
Sine, therefore, you have a.ked me for ray
opinion, J think I ought to -ay. these -fran
chlse should be entered upon the assestment
rolls at their proper valuation, which Is for
you to determine.
Inasmuch a these franchises are jrierty
and valuable property a recent le has dear
ly shown thlf I think it Is the Assessor'
duty to insist that the assessment be mad'
on a Just basis; and If the owner of the
franchliv feel aggrieved, of- epwse they hav
their remedy at law. But I lxMee that the
present statutes are ample for your warrant
and Justification In making the at-cemnts
of these properties, and as a public officer.
In cane It Is disputed, I am prepared tf up
hold such an action. Yours very truly,
Mr. Manning's opinion Is that franchises
are as much a legitimate .subject If tax
ation as other taxable jub)octs, unless
exempted by law. and he finds no law
exempting them hi Oregon. j
Mr. SIgler said that he would bo highly !
pleased to assess franchises, and hopes J
ettlnp anA lime nA& m. i eat. iniTJOT-
tance, to the production, which has never
been equaled in a t'oniana stock xneaixr.
See "When Knighthood Was in Flower"
tonight. You will be well repaid. Seats
now selling.
The Trail's Chief Attraction of Great
est Spectacle In the World.
The p-renfet shotr eit modern times is
now giving two performances dally on
tne rraiu xnose wno ao not see venice
do not see the Exposition. It is a dream
of falrost beauty. Gorgeous and magnifi
cent In every respect. On Its mammoth
stage iff) of the best, performers in me
world give an entertainment which has
never been equaled in this country. Pro
duced at a cost of $100,000. Clean, whole
some and grand. See "Venice and seeK
to sec no more theatrical attractions. It
comprehends them alC
Kolb and Dill at the Marqnam.
The. fun lovers of Portland are par
ticularly fortunate In having something
of unusual absurdity and something en
tirely new in the way of entertainment,
the coming week.
The Kolb & Dill Company will make
their first appearance in this city next
Monday evening, June 23, at the Mar
quam Grand Theater, presenting Brusle's
burlesque, "I. O. U., full of funny
Knih and Dill, as the German comedi
ans, are already well known to the pub
lic They -will introduce a new noveiry
in the shape of a New Zealand Maori
song and dance. In the company of 40
exceedingly clever people are other well
known favorites: Edith Mason, the fa
mous beauty of Lillian Russell type, and
Tom Perssc, who played for BeVeral years
in San Francisco in stanaara ligni op
eras; Pearl Hickman, a California girl,
is ono of the cleverest dancers. Ben Dil
lon, tho Irish comedian, and Will F.
Cross deserve especial mention. The
chorus Is unsurpassed. The advance sale
of seats -will open next Thursday at 10
Bnrncy Bernard at Marquam.
Barney Bernard In his latest success.
"The Dictator" will bo the attraction
at the Marquam Grand Theater tonight
and every night this week, with a spe
cial matinee Saturday.
The Star.
The bill at the Star this week comes
up to the high standard set by that popu
lar amusement-house. Williams and
White are there with a quaint darky
sketch that Is something new in black
face. The Adams brothers, acrobatic
dancers, do a good turn and get their
share of the applause. Mr. Joe Bonner
renders the illustrated ballad. "Come
Home. Soldier Boy In Blue." in his usual
excellent voice. Otto Fuchtors Tyrolean
warblers are something new to the local
vaudeville stage, and the enthusiasm they
created at all performances yesterday
reems to Indicate that they will be great
favorites throughout the week. F. H.
Stansfield Is a comedian that does not
crack stale jokes and sing stale songs,
and his act is full of the spirit of whole
some humor. Ho was well received. The
Musical Thors are a revelation In their
popular and classical selections, and the
Staroscope depicts scenes of the time of
Louis XIV.
The Grand.
"Fatlma: The Flower of the Orient,"
presented by Jules Walters and company,
heads the bill this week at the Grand,
and brings to the 'local vaudeville stage
something a little out of the ordinary.
The playlet pleased largo audiences yes
terday and served to place the Grand
one step higher In local appreciation. The
Blssancau comedy wire act brought forth
roars of laughter and added much to tho
general attractiveness of the excellent
bill. Thomas and Fudder. singers and
dancers, hold up their end of tho pro
gramme, and Crawford and Duff, In a
swell comedy sketch became favorites.
The Earl sisters, character artists, pre
sented a pleasing turn and responded to
several encores yesterday. Mr. Richard
Burton gives "The Man In the Overalls."
and the Grandlscope presents "The Sleeping-car
on the Dead wood Line," and other
Interesting pictures.
At the Baker this week the Exposition i
Four is rotained by popular demand and ;
presents a change of bill that will gain
for them greater popularity than they
J nw.on. Th. v-nrtc I f t An "fys....
is really ono of the hits of the season ;
and all lovers of vaudeville who have t
not seen the act will, no doubt, take j
advantage of the second -week. Howell
and Emerson, specialty comedians, are
there to lack up the efforts of the Ex- j
position Four In making this week's bill j
one of the greatest of the Summer. Tho j
Aherns, equilibrists, make good, and Jean '
Wilson puts on an interesting illustrated '
song. O'Dell, Hart and Ridley are the
peerless fun-makers. Daisy Schnell Is a '
charming soubrettc. and the Bakerograph
closes a bill most phasing and entertain
ing. Stack of Sliver DoIInrs.
that the law will sustain tho new plait
A-n..c.n. ..111 l.nU
at La Grande Thursday, to consider rail- jTZJ ull
road valuations, especially those of the ef, sWvf bolters wore teraed last
O. R. & N. Those In attendance will evening to patrons of shows on the Trail
r.. .,,., and other concessions. A number Is now
railroad runs, such as Malheur. Baker.
Union. Umatilla. Morrow. Sherman. Gil
liam. Wasco and Multnomah. The As
sessors wish to reach a common ratio
or assessment of railroad properties and
for raising valuations of such properties
In conformity with increases on other
classos of property.
What the Press Agenta Say.
She Will'Open Her Engagement in
"Leah Kleschna.''
The engagement of Mrs. Fiske and the
Manhattan Company opens at the Empire
Theater this evening, when Portland will
see for the first time C. L. S. McLollans
remarkable drama, "Leah Kleschna,"
-which is one of the few real hits of the
season in New York. Mrs. Flske arrives
here in the morning and is staying at the
Portland. There has been a large sale
for the engagement, and the audience to
night promises to bo a brilliant and rep
resentative one. Mrs. Fiske's tour to the
Coast has been a duplication of the great
success she enjoyed in New York. Her
appearances are always the principal
events of the season, and her engagement
this year Is more interesting than ever
on account of the popularity of "Leah
Kleschna" and the strength of the Man
hattan Company.
given with every ticket purchased for
any of these shows, and next Saturday
evenlnc nine stubs will be drawn from a
box. the ninth number being the prize
winner. The lucky person will receive as a gift
from the Exposition officials, a stack of
silver dollars as high as his or her
head, hence a person 5 feet six Inches
tall will get JWSJO. and a 6-footer will
receive $T2. In this instance, the taller
the winner, the bigger the prize.
"When Knighthood Was In Flower"
Is Sensation of the Year.
Last night's verdict is another great tri
umph for the Bolasco Stock Company. In
the romantic historical drama of Tudor
England, in which that organization ap
peared for the first time, the company has
found an ideal vehicle. Thero are enough
fine parts for each of the splendid artists
who appear, and tho ensemble Is as good
as could bo desired. Tho most elaborate
Drunkenness and Cruclt3' Chnrged. '
Pearl Dewey accuses her husband, Fred j
L. Dewey, of drunkenness and cruel treat- i
raent. She alleges that he tried to smoth- I
or her with gas, knocked her down with ;
his fist, and refused to pay his bills. Mrs. i
Dewey has begun divorce proceedings in
the State Circuit Court. She avers that
Dewey has done many things which hu
miliated her, and when she refused to '
tolerate his conduct any longer he left .
her. They were married five years ago.
Says It Was His Own Carelessness. I
The Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & 1
Concentrating Company. In answycr to j
the suit of Robert Gourlay for 53.000 dam- j
ages on account of injuries sustained in t
a railroad accident in ' the mine, says
Gourlay was to blame. The answer re- j
cites that Gourlay. by reason of tho na
ture of his employment, should have
known of any defects in the cars, wheels.
track and swith, and It was his duty to
have repaired any defects.
Drunkenness Ground for Suit.
Gertrude Chrlstopherson yesterday sued
John Malcolm Chrlstopherson for a di
vorce, on the ground of gross habitual
drunkenness, and she also asks that her
maiden name. Goodwin, be restored to
her. The litigants were married In 1S?S.
A Wonderful Tonic
Coaling, refreshing and Inviroratlnr. Dlrpel
that dragged out feeling during Spring and
Summer. .
Harris Trunk Corns ay
Is headquarters for Trunks and Bars.
The Meier Frank Store
Portland's Largest and Best Store
Lewis and Clark, Portland. Oregon and Northwest Souvenirs In Mammoth Variety Every New Mea at Prices Ranging From 5 Cents to $5.00
Trunks, Bags. Hammocks. Tennis Goods, Folding Cotst Lawn Swings, Camp Chairs, Baseball Goods. Etc., on the Third Floor
Principal Portland Agents for Bntterick Patterns and Publications--Delineator Subscriptions Taken at $1.00 Per Annmn June Number Now on Sale
Belts, Hand Bags at Special Prices
"Women's Taffeta Silk Belts
black brown and white ; all sizes,
made with ornamental gilt and
oxidized buckles; regular $1.25
values 89?
Pique and Duck "Wash Belts; all
sizes; blue and red, embroidered,
nickel buckles; 25c and 35c
values for 15 ;
Mercerized Dresden Belts; girdle
designs; all sizes; 35c val..2.S
$1.25 HAND BAGS 87c
"Walrus and Seal Leather Bags
Great special purchase of 600 of
them in brown, black and tan,
made with inside pockets and
card cases, nickel and gilt
frames; $1.25 values 87d
Lewis and Clark Exposition Burnt Leather Souvenirs, in purses,
Hand Bags, Card Cases. Traveling Sets, etc.; all are marked
at very reasonable prices.
Just the thing for decorating Never fade or die -Complete
assortment of Fan Leaf, Kentia and Areca Palms Also Fan Leaf
Palm range from 25 p to 99.7 each.
Special Discount to the Trade. Drug Department.
Art Department
Berlin Embroidered Pieces, includ
ing Doilies, Centerpieces, Scarfs
and Cushion Tops; your choice at
one-third oft! regular prices.
Art Linen Laundry Bags, large
sizes and many colors; 25c and
35c values 19
Free lessons in Art Embroidery
work given daily by our expert,
Mrs. Lynn. Special attention giv
en children. Lessons daily 2 to 5
Fine Bedspreads
"White Dimitv Bedsureads. 10-1
size; matchless value at this price
Each 896
Hemmed Satin Marseilles Bed
spreads, white: $3.25 value;
for this sale only S2.48
"White Frinired Marseilles Bed
spreads, full size; $3.25 value,
for this sale only at 2.48
"White Hemmed Marseilles Bed
spreads; great special value
at this low price . . S2.05
Colored Bedspreads; pink, blue
and red; full size; fringed; won
derful value at this
Men's Golf Shirts 63c Each
Great special offering of 1000 men's
Madras and Oxford Golf Shirts
Stripes, figures and plain colors
Blues, tens and gray Very best
styles and materials The quality of
shirts every store in town asks you
$ 1 .00 for Matchless value for this
sale at 63c each
Men's Summer Kibbed "Underwear; blue
and brown; form fitting; all sizes;
shirts and drawers; best 50c
values on sale for, Jr
Men's Pongee Colored Shirts with soft
collar attached; just the shirt for outing
and vacation; all sizes; ex- 'jPQ
ceptional value at
New "Monarch" Shirt Just Received
"We're taking great pride in our "Monarch" Shirt Display
The largest and best line of one dollar shirts you-will find any
where. Thousands of them in palin or pleated bosoms; every
good coloring and combination in figures, striped cr plain effects.
All sizes The best shirt one dollar can buy.
June Ribbon Sale
All pure silk fancy plaid and Ombre
Striped Ribbons; 5 Inches -wide, for
millinery purposes and neckwear:
regular 56c values for this
sale, per yard
Satin Moussellne. Taffeta and Fancy
FIcurtM Itlbbons. 5 and 6 inches wide,
for millinery purposes, sashes, etc;
all colors; 35c values, for this -j
sale, per yard OC
2000 yards Satin Taffeta and all-silk
Taffeta Ribbons: three Inches wide:
black, cream, -white and all leading
.indes. zc and 3nc values,
for this sale, per yard
Silk Specials
Three great lots, all neat, pretty ef
fects for shirtwaist suits. Grandest
values In town at
59c YARD 73 c YARD
89c YARD
White Mohairs at special low prices.
$11 Silk Petticoats $6.85
Another one of our famous
Silk Petticoat offerings is
announced for today and
Wednesday Magnificent
styles made of highest grade
taffeta silk with deep shirred
flounce and two rows of nich
ing in plain and changeable
silks Blue, brown, red, green,
navy, gray, pink, black and
changeable, made extra full
width, every skirt in the lot
regular $11.00
value, choice
June Sale of Boys' Blouses
Boys' Blouses in white lawns, em
broidered Sailor collar; ages 2 to
8 years; best values ever 5
offered at
Same as above, $1.00 vis.
Same as above, $ 1 .50 vis. $1.19
Same as above, $2.00 vis. $ 1 .69
Same as above, $2.50 vis. $2.10
Boys' Blouse "Waists; colored Sailor
collar; all neAV styles; all sizes:
$ 1 .00 vals. on sale for 49c each
$1.50 vals. on sale for 98c each
S 1 .75 vals. on sale for $ 1 . 1 9 ea.
Boys white or colored Blduses Laundered Eton collar style a e
Ages 3 to S years $1.53 values i.-".. J
Boys Khaki Suits for vacation wear All ages Regular $1.25 no
values, on sale for, suit ...J cC
Boys and Girls' Overalls Boys Wash Suits at low prices.
Camping Necessities Specially Priced
-4 all-wool Gray Blan- c n
kets: regular J3.2S quallty.
sray Oregon Wool Blankets:
the best 55.59 values M-33
10- 4 all-wool mottled Blankets: reg
ular 54.56 quality, per pair. .f3J)3
11- 4 all-wool mottled Blan- cf. eT
kots. best grade ....0
Extra large all-wool camping Blan
kets: regular 57 quality ... fS.7S
Comforters at f 13, $130, 175 and
$oo each.
jOc Camp Chairs, each r..3c
35c Camp Stools, each 25c
Camp Chairs, 51.15 values OSc
Folding Cots. 53 values $D
51 Camping Hammocks 60c
5 Clothes Hampers
Camping Tinware, China, Cutlery,
etc at the very lowest prices.
Camping Stoves at special prices.
Groceries and Provisions can be
purchased here at a big saving. We
make a specialty of outfitting camp
ing parties.
June Bargains in the Basement
Patent Cherry Seeders 94c
3-qt. Ire Cream Freezers S2.10
S-qu tin Sprinklers 33c
Grass Hooks, special 2Sc
,1-burner Tamp Stoves 83c
Screen Doors and Windows In all
sizes and at lowest prices.
"LaBelle" Refrigerators: ice ca
pacity 60 lbs.: provision chamber
194x174x15; 'well made and fin
ished; 515.00 value on ck-w
sale at lU.o3
er uonDon to 1 1
51.25 sllver Hair Receiver. 90c
512.53 4-pIeca silver Tea Set.. U0.32
51.25 silver Bread Tray ft.06
53.25 silver Syrup Pitcher for.2.74
85c cut glass Knife Rest 71c
51.75 cut glass Nappies $1.43
54.00 nickel 5-Oclock Teas for.3.14
510.00 nickel Coffee
'Er SZ.94
Wash Goods at
June Sale Prices
Handsome new colored Silk Organ
dies for Summer and evening cos
tumes. Floral patterns In all the
nw colorings and comblna-jQ
lions; 40c values .f-'c
Foulardlne Suitings A serviceable,
stvllsh Summer wash material:
best colorings: great variety: most
stores ask 2Sc the yard for the
same material; sale price e
yard 1 JC
3000 vards of Plain "Wash Voiles in
a variety of 15 shades; regular
2fc quality on sale at. i
yard 1JC
Venltlaii Suitings in fancy checks,
all shades: one of the season's
prettiest wash materials, regular
3c value: your choice dur- i o
lng this sale. yard..... IOC
More New Polo Hats Just Received Second Floor
300 new Polo Hats came by express yesterday Very newest ef
fects in straw and fancy braids Black, navy, white and cham
pagne They "make onr showing of Summer millinery the only
complete display in the city Prices range from $4.98 to $7.98.
Attractive Summer Headgear of every description for xiress,
evening and outing wear Second Floor
Trimmed Black Chiffon Hats $2.98
Special lot of 200 Black Chiffon Hats, trimmed with colored
flowers Hats most stores ask $5.00 for Your choice of this
desirable lot at $2.98 each Handsome new white sailors Era-
broidered and lawn trimmed $ 1 .49 Children's sailors in many
styles Straws or wash materials
Great Clean-Up
Sale of Laces and
Valenciennes Laces, Insertions and
Beadings, daintiest patterns, match
less .value at the low price fK
01", dozen
Beautiful Allover Embroideries for
waists and suits ; regular $1.25
and $1.50 values,
yard ? UJs
45-inch Flowered Chiffons, beautiful
patterns for waists, grand values
$1.50 Flowered Chiffons 59
$.'M)0 Flowered Chiffous 98f
Great clean-up on broken lines of fine
embroidery sets; best patterns
60c Embroideries for, yard. .39
$1.50 Embroideries for, yard..69
$3.00 Embroideries for, yard..98
Swiss Embroideries and Insertions,
vals. up to 40c yard yard. ...15
White, cream and ecru net top laces
and galloons, very best styles in
cluded 75c values on sale, yard 39i
$1.50 values for, yard ,.89
Renaisssance and Ciimy Curtains
at Sale Prices
Beautiful Net Curtains with Renaissance. Cluny and
Braid Insertions and Edges. Some with motifs In
the corners others plain effects: 45 Inches wide.
3 yards long: our best 52.50 values are (i Qq
on sale at this low price, per pair I.?0
; 53.00 Ecru Net Curtains. Renaissance borders with
motif In corners: plain oraid effects, also viuny
Inserting and edges; 43 Inches wide, 2 and 3-
yard lengths: values extraordinary at e
j this special low price, per pair
53.50 white and ecru JCet Curtains, with Cluny In
serting and edges: also Ecru Renaissance Cur
tains with motif In corners; 45 Inches -
wide by 3 yards long; great values, pair. ?-DO
54.00 Ecru Net Curtains with Renaissance border
and motif In corners: also plain braid effects: 45
lacnes wlJe by 3 yards long: the grandest values
ever offered at this low price. -i c
per pair J,1J
54.50 Ecru and "White Net Curtains with Cluny In
sertlngs and edges; made on best French Net; 45
Inches" wide by 3 yards long; beautiful styles:
grand special values at, this re- C.Q
roarkable low price, per pair J'DO
55.00 white and Ecru Net Curtains. Cluny insert
Ings and edges: also Marie Antoinettes with braid
effects; 45 Inches wide by 3 yards long; wonder
ful special values at. per pair (Mall orders for
the above Items will be promptly qq
filled) O.OT
Children's WhiteDresses Low Priced
Children's fine white Dresses Swiss. Org&nJy,-Net and Dotted Swiss
Pretty styles. Lace. Ribbon and Belt trimmed All new garments Ages 6
to 14 years
S10.SO Ilresiini for oalr S 7J& each S &S9 Dresae for obIt S 4.S5. each
Drtmn for oaly 9Xi each S 7M Pree fer ealy &S.ecJ
915.00 Drcea for oaly SltC each 9.99 Prewa fer ealy 9JSS each
Silk Suits Are Greatly Reduced
$ 1 6.50 values on sale for $11 .45 $18.50 values on sale for $13.25
$2 1.00 values on sale for...'. $14.25 $22.50 values on sale for $14.85
$28:00 values on sale for :$21.25 $32.00 values on sale for $23.45
Take your choice from six iihmense lines of Silk Shirtwaist Suits at a sav
ing of one-quarter and one-third on their real value. This season's leading;
styles in navy; green, brown, black, check, plain, changeable and striped
silks "Waists tucked or lace yoke Skirts pleated, shirred or flounce
effects. Prettily made Plain tailored or fancy styles The greatest Silk
Shirtwaist Suit bargains in town. Investigate.
$18.00 Tailored Suits $1 1.85
$48.00 - $52.00 Tailored Suits $38.45
Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits in Blouse or Jacket styles, fancy
gimp or button trimmed. Cheviots, fancy mixtures, worsteds, broad
cloth, tweeds, homespuns and Sicilians Brown, green, black, gray,
tan, navy, checks and fancy mixtures. Skirts are pleated or flounce
effects; all sizes for women and misses, Every suit j of
$18.00 value; your choice lor this sale at OJ
Women's Tailored Suits in Eton, Jacket and Blouse styles, with shirred
or flounce skirts. High class garments in.Panama cloth, voiles, Sicilians,
worsteds, cheviots, broadcloth, shepherd plaids, green, brown, navy,
black and checks. This season s handsomest styles,
in all sizes. $48 to $52 values, for this sale -
$6.50 Jap Wash Silk Waists for $3.45 Each
300 beautiful, new Japanese wash silk "Waists at about half their real value comprise an unusual bargain offering In
the cloak store for todays Made of splendid quality Japanese allk. fancy lace or shirred yoke or tucked front,
white, navy, blue, brown and black, all sixes, every waist In the lot 56.50 value. Choice i as.
while they last at the low price, each
Mall orders promptly filled Write today.
All our fine Lingerie Waists are on salo at greatly reduced prices. 55.00 to 540.00 each Second floor.