THE ifORXDCG OEEGOivTAS, SATURDAY. JTJ5E. IT . 1303. S CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OKEGOIA"S-XEIXrHOXES. Ountlnr-Room ........... .......Main. 66? Managing Editor. Mala C36 Sunday Editor Main 6235 City Editor Main 16S Society Editor Main 6233 Compoting-Koom ................Main CSS Superintendent Buildinr Red 2S2 East Sida Office East CI AMUSEMENTS. MARQCAM GRAND (Morrison, bet ftth and 7th -Evening at 8:15, Illustrate Talk by Homer Davenport. BFLAECO THEATER (14th and Waahlnc- ton) Malliwse at 2:15 and evening at 8:15. Are You a MaaonT' EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrlaon) Matinee at 2:15 and evening at 8:15. "A Secret Foe." GRAND THEATER (Park and "Waahlngton) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Parle and Washington)- Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7;30. 8 P. M. BAKER THEATER (3d and Yamhlll)-Con- tlnuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7;30 and 8 P. M. THE OREGONIAN AT THK SCM.UEK RESORTS. The Oregonlaa U1 be delivered by carrirr and Trill bo on sale at the prin cipal points on Long Beach, at Scaalde and Taqulna Bay throughout the coming fteaoq. It will also be on sale at Gear hart Park, Nye Creek. TVllboit. Collins Hot Springs and St. Martin's Springs (Carson. Wash.). Orders by mall vrlll receive careful attention. All mall subscriptions must be paid for in advance. . Abk for Rev. H. C. Shaffer's Retcrk. - At the meeting of the official board of the First United Brethren Church in tlirist. East Morrison and Fifteenth Ftreets, last evening, resolutions were passed commending the work of Rev. H. C Shaffer and wife, and asking the an rjal conference, which convenes at The Dalles June 21, to return them to the Portland Church. Membership has in creased 71 during the year, the Bible school has doubled In membership, and he Christian Bndeavor Society and Sun day school have grown. Plans have been prepared for a new manse, for which has been raised. Rev. H. C. Shaffer. 'V W. Rosebraugh, Mr. and Mrs. Gell and Mrs. J. A. Ilenkle will attend the annual conference as delegates from First Church. Bishop William H. Bell, ty. D., of Dayton. O., will preside. Farewbto. Tokens. The June class of thp Brooklyn School, as farewell tokens, made the following purchases and gifts: For the assembly hall, a music cabinet and statue of Abraham Llncolivfor ninth grade, room, a large and beautiful land s.ape by Durer: for Miss Wilson, a unique vase, for Miss Dlmlck. principal, the six Jradlng American poets, handsomely framed. The class also became a mem ber of the Brooklyn Alumni Association. Improvements in First Christian Church. The Interior of the First Chris tian Church will presont a new and cozy appearance tomorrow. The auditorium is being tinted this week In three colors. The Sunday school room wjll be tinted next week. The Ladles' Aid Society pays the bill. The children's day offering last Sunday was the largest in the history of the church. An individual communion set will be Installed in a weok'or two. Employes' Conference. The annual employes' conference of the Pacific North west will be held in Portland July 15. 36 and 17. It is expected a large number of Eastern secretaries will be present. Dr, George J. Fisher, head of the physi cal department of the T. M. C. A. of New York City, will be on the pro gramme. Professor Graham Taylor, of the Chicago Commons, will also be on the list of speakers. First Presbyterian Church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets. The pastor. Rev. Edgar P. Hill, D. D.. will preach morning and evening. Short organ recital In the evening immediately preceding the usual service. In the evening Dr. Hill will rreach the last sermon in the series on Old Pictures in New Frames." the topic being "Midas." Sen-ices at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. "The Masterpieces" Free. Dr. House will give a series of sermons on "The Masterpieces' each Sunday evening at the First Congregational Church, Madison and Park streets. At each sermon there will be distributed free a large picture to earh member of the congregation, to be studied In connection with the sermon. Sunday evening the picture will be "The Transfiguration," by Raphael. ' Wiu, Hold Examination. On July 12 and 13 the United States Civil Service Commission will hold an examination in Portland for the purpose of securing ejlgibles from which to fill a vacancy in the position of first assistant surgeon (male), Freedman's Hospital, at $1500 a year. Particulars may be obtained from Secretary Z. A. Leigh, at the local Post otflce. Carstens Will Lecture. "Beyond the rls Lies Italy" Is the title of the lec ture by Frederick W. Carstens. to be de livered in the Central Baptist Church. East Twentieth and East Ankeny slreota. next Monday evening. The lecture is fee to all. It will mark the commence ment of the "open forum" at this church. Arrested for Assault. On a charge rf assault wlh a dangerous weapon, Charles H. Howe was arrested yesterday afternoon by Captain of Police Moore. !le deposited $30 ball and was released. He is the man who fired two shots at Arthur Fogerty. when he found Fogerty with his daughter in TorwlHlgor Park. The large double-deck excursion barge ' Klickitat" and steamer "Glenola" may now be chartered for all-day and moon i.ght trips. Capacity, day, S00 porsoiw; Tight. 760 persons. Good dancing floor and electric lights. For rates and dates ap i'!y Oregon Round Lumber Company, isi Eurnside street. 'Phone Main 1517. His Right Leo Fractured. L. D. Gold man suffered the fracture of his right leg jesterday morning, when a launch in which he was riding crashed against a pile at the landing. He was In the act ft alighting. He was conveyed to the Good Samaritan Hospital. Twenty-Eight New Patrons. Mil wau kle Grange. Patrons of Husbandry, will she the second and fourth degreos to 2S new patrons this morning, after which thc will be banqueted. This large num ber of new members is the result of a membership contest. Left Arm Broken. A. C. Harlow, em ployed by the Portland Consolidated Railway Company, sustained the fracture of his left arm yestorday morning while attempting to make a coupling of freight cars. He If at the Good Samaritan Hos pital. Excursion. Catholic Foresters' excur sion Sunday. June IS. Boat and barge leaves Alder street dock at S:30 A. M., Alblna 9 A. M. Everest's orchestra. Tick ets at M. J. Malley's grocery store, cor ner Third and Ash streets. Application to Grade Street. F. C. ureen has applied to the City Council for h permit to authorize the grading of East Gllsan street, for a distance of 103 feet from a point 100 feet west f tne west line of Third street. Races! R.:es!! Racer! !! Portland Hunt Club. Annual Field Day Racks. Irvington Race Track. Today at 1M P. M. Str. F. A. Kilijurn, for San Francisco, calling at Coos Bay and Eureka, sail from Oak-street dock Saturday. Jane 17. at S F. M. Tel. Main 2060, or Thompson's Agency. Tel. Main 62S. Earliest and finest cantaloupes and wa termelons on earth. Cut out the berries and eat a "Mermaid" for breakfast. At all grocers and markets. Pearsen-Page to , agent. Phone 47$. .. Sailing Trips on the River 25c. New steamer Gazelle leaves foot Stark street ?:30 A. M.. 2:30 P. M., 7:30 P. M. Save garden stakes with Avenarius Car llneum Wood Preserver. Fisfeer-Ther-sen. Front and Morrison. . Have you seen the official souvenir spoon? Look for signature on back. The Calumet Restaurant, 119 Seventh. Fine luncheon, SSc: dinner. 50c Kale! Sale! Wooster'a. 7th and Morrison. Fo uk-Yea r-Old Child Lost. A pretty little 4,-year-old girl, too frightened to tell her name, or say where she lived, was picked up on the street by residents of 209 Harrison street, at a late hour yester day afternoon, and by them taken to their home. The matter was reported to the police, and those who found the baby on the street announced their willingness to care for her until the parents reported the loss of the child. This was allowed. In order that the baby might not be fright ened still more by being taken to the po lice station. Up to 3 o'clock this morning no one had inquired after the child, and no child had been reported as lost. Tne little tot Is apparently without relatives, or else they think her Jn safety with friends. She has light hair, and was dressed in a red dress, blue coat, white shoes and wore a straw hat. Degree of Honor Convention. Rose City convention of the Degree of Honor. A. O. U, 'W., met yesterday in the Logus ! building. Grand avenue and East Wash- j Ington street. Mrs. Sarah F. Fastabend, 1 grand chief of honor, presided. At the j morning session Mrs. Kate Toung-MJse- ner, senior past chief of honor, delivered , the address of welcome to the ladles in ' attendance. Delegates were present from , Multnomah. Clatsop. Clackamas and Co- lumbla counties, and the object of the convention was to promote the growth of this branch of the A. O. IT. W. It has no legislative functions, and only suggests Improvements! Papers were read and talks given. In Oregon the Degree of Honor has 5000 members. 2300 of whom belong to the beneficiary branch. Working Girls' Home. Captain W. B. Arents, of the Volunteers of America, is fitting up the Working Girls' Home, on East Ankeny street, between Union and Grand avenues, but, owing to delay in receiving furniture from the East, it will not be opened much before the first of July. The entire building contains 19 rooms, but at the start Captain Arents will have the two upper floors, which will accommodate 20 girls. For these large looms are provided on the top floor, all of which open In a middle rest room. Cap tain Arents jsays each room will have four single beds and furniture to corre spond. " New Christxak Mission. A new Chris tian mission Is to be Inaugurated in old Engine House. No. 4, Vancouver avenue. r.far Falling street, tomorrow evening, at S o'clock. Rev. Milo A. Silkm, for several years u missionary among the Chllcat In dians of Alaska, will be In charge- It is not the purpose of the management to organize a church, but to open a Sabbath fchool. and hold a Sabbath evening serv ice. The broken windows have been re placed and new plaster put upon the walls. The- neighbors In the vicinity are all cordially invited to attend the opening service. Children for Adoption. The Boys and Girls' Aid Society now has at its re ceiving home several children ranging In age from S to 12 years, for whom the management Is desirous of finding homes in private families. The society also has a desirable boy "baby aged about 4 months. Persons desiring any of these children will confer a favor by communicating with the .superintendent in person at the receiving home. East Twenty-eighth and Irving streets, or by calling up on tele phone East 5, when such applications will be promptly attended to. Wounded by Scissors. Miss Sadie Hagerty, a dressmaker employed at a concession at the Exposition, accidentally ran a pair of scissors Into her left leg yesterday afternoon to a depth of several inches. Three stitches had to be taken In the wound. Miss Hagerty was removed from the emergency hospital on the Fair grounds to her home in St. Johns. The scissors were attached to Miss Hagcrty's waist by a cord, and in brushing against a board the points penetrated. Boy Runs Away With Collections. Mrs. Jennie Bowman, of Portsmouth, re ported to the police last night that her 12-ycar-old son, working for a butcher In that part of the city, had collected $25 for his employer, put the money In his pocket and ran away to see the world. She requested the aid of the police in' overhauling the boy, and teaching him the error of his ways. Correction. By a typographical error In yesterday's Oregonlan. under the head of "Black Dress Goods." in Olds, Wort man & King's advertisement, the price of Novelty Panama, Serges. Prunella. Mel rose, Henriettas. Brilllantine and Sicilian was given as 59 cents a yard, when It should have read $1.19 a yard. This was purely an error. Watch and Chain Stolen. E. O. Samerels, 705 Willamette boulevard, re ported to the police last night that dur ing the evening someone entered his resi dence and stole a gojd watch, chain and charm. The crime was committed while, the family was visiting neighbors. Steamship Roanoke (2400 tons), sails for San Francisco and Los Angeles, call ing at Eureka enroute, Saturday, June 17. at 8 P. M.. from Columbia dock No. L Ticket office 2SI Washington street. H. Young, agent, , The White Temple. Sunday morning Dr. Brougher preaches and reads a "spe cial delivery" letter from the Apostle Paul. Night. Rev. Adams preaches on "is It Big Enough?" Fair visitors welcomed. Races! Races:: Races!!! Portland Hunt Club. Annual Field Day Races. Irvington Race Track. Today at 1:30 P. M. Unitarian Sunday School Excursion Today. The Unitarian Sunday School will enjoy its annual excursion today, taking the 10:30 St. Johns car. Yamhill and Third streets, for University Park. 20 Cases Jap. Embroideries, art goods, just received. Parlor C. Portland Hotel. To War Ships, take launches foot of Burnride street. Prize Waltz. Tabor Heights, tonight. Be sure the heels are stamped :c WOt, ; jjj Beware of Imitations. Gold Seal. Crack-Proof MINING BOOTS Be sure that the heels and knees are stamped as per cut. and that each boot has our "Gold Seal" stamp on the leg. ' Manufactured only by GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. H. PEASE. President. 61 - -65-87 4th St. Portland, Or. I SHAW'S ft PTJRF "PARSIFAL" INTERESTS. Coming Sunday Concert at the Fair Promises to Be Largely Attended. The announcement recently made by Eilers Piano House that brochures con taining . full synopsis of the opera. "Par sifal," could be secured for the asking at their store, has brought forth a very en thusiastic response. Numerous requests for them eome lrora Portland, and from many outside towns. ' The brochures, gotten up very artistic ally, tell In a clear but brief manner the beautiful utory unwound In the wonderful tone pictures of Wagner's mastorslece. Less than two years ago the opera was only hearsay to nil save a few favored people who had time and means to jour ney to Bcyreuth. Germany, where. It was the wish of Wagner, the opera, should be I givon exclusively for a period of 39 years. But Its artistic worth would not permit such excluslveaes. New Tork was the first city outside of Beyrouth in which It was produced. Its music is now familiar to music-levlng ears everywhere. The coming Sunday concert is the first occa sion on which this opera will be heard in Portland In its entirety. Persons who wish to be prepared to njoy it fully will be greatly aided by the books "which Eller Piano House is now so generously distributing. Out-of-town orders should be accompanied by a 2-cent stamp to cover postage. Store, Si Washington street, corner Park. LsmwsI 4 AiMrica's, ORIGINAL MALT WHISHT YkkoctaRmJ Tod7 BLUMAUER & HOCH IQS od llOFeartliStrMt ft4 DtatrlfesUrs for OrMi aaA Wuttacta. MALT TONIGHT THE WORLD'S GREATEST CARTOONIST Homer Daveepor WILL GIVE ONE OF -HIS FAMOUS HUMOROUS TALKS At the. Marquam Grand At 8:15 P. M. Mr. Davenport WILL ALSO LECTURE AND ILLUSTRATE "The. Power of the Cartoon" REMEMBER TONIGHT SATURDAY, JUNE 17 ADMISSION 25c AND 50c SEATS ON SALE NOW CoBfrreaaan SalltTrar, as Daven port Sees Him. FREE CONCERT ON THE VICTOR EVERY AFTERNOON 3 TO A O'CLOCK Saturday Evenings 8 to 10 Graves' Music Store 328 Wanhlarton Street. Portland. Machine. $1.0 Down. Balance on Eajy FajmeBU. 'Without Interest. way rays Announcement Mr. Theodore Kruse begs to announce to those contemplating a visit to the coast this summer that the GEARHART HOTEL, located at Gear hart Park, Clatsop Beach, Oregon. Is now owned aehrmbeankno" Knee's Mc Mt Early Application for Rates Is Suggested Fourth and Stark Sts. Phone Main 625 DAVENPORT AS LECTURER EVERYWHERE THE CARTOONIST IS WELCOME. Clarence True Wilson, D. D., delivered the invocation, -which was followed by an interesting programme. Including the pre- sentation ot diploma by Mrs. Gillespie. I An informal reception was given Miss Shives after the performance, and she received many congratulations on account of the unqualified success scored, her act ing in the dramatic monologue developing evidence of genuine artistic merit. ummer (a XJhczt Selh on Sto 97eriis jilone It is sincere, solid and attractive. It represent substan tial value it is stylish but not hysterical with novelty. At the same cost you easily can get less than the same value. Outing Suits, S9 to $20 Business Sack Suits $15 to $35 Outing Trousers $3 to $5 Driving and Automobile Dusters . $1 to $7.50 Automobile water and dust-proof Coats t $20 to $32.50 Wash Vests $1 to $5 Panama Hats ...... $5 to $20 . IIIIHWJH I "'I "Will wyn WI IWUPP The Greatest Clothing Hdbse in the Northwest Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for orer a quarter of a centnry; Very convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY cf. fit &J8&& Lincoln's Wit, Dooley's Satire and Hi Own Inimitable Pen Are Combined. ARE YOC GOrNG EAST? If So. Ak About the SO-D&y TlckrU Ncrw oa Sale br the O. R. X. On June 16 and 17. the O. It. & N. Co. pieces on very low-rate tickets u Chicago and other Eastern points, good for 90 days. For particulars call upon C. AV. Stinger, City Ticket Agent. Third and Washington streets. Tour friends in the East will ask yeti about the CclumbU River trip. Remember that the.O. R. N. gives you 200 nines along this matchleis river. Harris Trunk Company Is be&dauartsra for Trunks aad .B&gs. "SemethlnK of L4ncoln wit, the kindly satire of Mr. Dooley and his own power to reproduce instantly in a lew rapia strokes a face or an Incident these things have made his appearance on any Kage an assurance to his audience of the -heartiest pleawire." This Is what the Wilmington. X. C, Dispatch ha? to say. editorially, of Homer Davenport, whose lecture at the Mar quam Theater this evening Is looked for ward to with keen anticipation by hun dreds or Portlanders and Portland visitors. "Mr. Davenport take his hearers." the editorial continue?, "out of themselves Into a fairyland, where wit and beauty of thought, tenderness and love of nature bathe all things in an atmosphere at once wholly fascinating and Intense." This tribute from a North Carolina pen is only one among- thousands, but to those who have known Davenport and heard him speak it tells the story as -few de scription? have done. Davenport"? suc cess in the South was more marked than that of any other Northerner who has ver appeared on the platform of "Dixie." The appreciation of him wa as full as that of the North and thex West. Every where the "genius of the Coast" was hailed with enthusiasm by the press and public, and he wan berieged eonstantly by editors who wanted him to da?h ff a sketch to liven up the coming issue. In this connection an amusing incident Is told of his appearance at a Iexlngton. "Kj. bank, where he presented his per sonal check for payment While on .his Southern tour Davenport went to a country bank to get a check cashed. The cashier admitted that he had heard of the cartoonist, but intimated that he wanted some belter evidence than mere conversation. The artist Indorsed the check and made a hasty caricature of himself under the signature. "Well." said the moneyed one, eyeing the effort Increduleusly. "I den't take much stock In the name, but I reckon the picture's wuth the moaey." And the check was cashed. CHEAP RATES EAST. Very low round-trip rates to Eastern points will be placed In effect by the Ca nadian Pacific Railway. Tickets will be on sale June 11. IS. 16 and IT. and good for I stopover privileges both going and return I lng. For full particulars call on or ad ! dress F. R. Johnson. F. and P. A. Cana dian Pacific Railway, 112 Third street. J Portland. Or. I . WHERE J0 DINE. All the delicacies of the season at tht Portland Resta'irant. fine, private apart ments for parties. 305 Wash., near Fifth. Watson's Restaurant, open night and day; only first-class family restaurant In the city. 109 Fourth street, near Washington. The dinner setting is Incomplete without White Rtxac Water. A selected water Is as essential as a selected wine- EASTMAN KODAKS AND FILMS Kodak Finishing promptly and veil done. GIBSON CO. SMOKE Feifer's Union 5's UNION MADE 5c CIGARS UNION MADE A. POPULAR SMOKE UNEQUALED AND UNEXCELLED THE ROSENFELD-SMJTH CO., Distributors Exclusive Wholesale Cigars and Tobacco, PORTLAND, OREGON i As a Preservative of Wood There Is nothing better than Avenarius Carbolineum. If your gates, fences and outbuildings are perfectly coated they will notonly Took better, but will last twice as long. Fisher, Thorsen & Co. Front and Morrison Sts. 345 Tfatblnxtan St. fortlaad. Or. Hotel Hamilton. San Francisco's newest ' i hotel. Steam beat and telephone In each i room. Centrally located. Rates. Jt and ' I upwards. 125 Kllis-etreet. , Never fall to cure sick headache, often 1 the very first dose. This is what is said ' by all who try Carter g Little Liver Pills, j I , The one means of raising the grade of trade is good goods Schilling s Best cefr Gillespie School Graduation. Arion Hall, at Second and Oak streets, was filled last night by an appreciative audience of the friends and relatives of the pupils of th Gillespie School of Ex pression, upon the occasion of the grad uation cf Mizx Sosbla Gtarr Shives. Rev. Wciaj-pewriw tod Your grocer's ; moncyback. DEKUM HOMESTEAD ROOMS and BOARD 171 THIRTEENTH STREET Correct Clothes for Hen .2 pleca Outls Suits Labeled jljfedfenjamins MAKERS flEWyRK Never fail to arouse the greatest admiration. They are the realization of the TAILORS' dream. The makers' guarantee, and cam, with every garment We are ex clusive agents here. BUFFUM . & PENDLETON 311 Merwoa St, opp. Penl-OSsa OUR PRICES ON Hay and Feed SHOULD BE OF INTEREST TO ALL CONSUMERS. Ask Our Prices Before Purchasing. We Can Save You Money Pacific Grain Company THIRTEENTH AND KEARNEY STS. Telephone Main 5307 44A JOIN THE CROWD Of visiting strangers seeking and rinding vision at the oldest and most reliable Optical Institute in the Northwest. WALTER REED OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING TEETH GUARANTEED tor ;.oo. Ere&lafs. Moadar Thurr. asm a. Frrd Frrh. D. D. S. MS DekBM BMz. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH catck every stain and !ok hopelessly iiety. Ha Sapalla removes sot onljr Ike dirt, but als the loosened, Injured ltkk, an rtstirtii the fingmr ie tjafr mmturmi fr4y. 41 AfU RUoaiT Nrft wab Printing Ca. tZSTU'ORE. RtJIOUAttS STARS STRIET Sch-