12 THE MOKXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1005. XEW TODAT. RAILROAD FARE FREE To each person residing outside of the city of orttand, who will "buy from me 50 feet frontage, or more, at our regular prices and on our regu lar terms, on any street in University Park, Portsmouth or any other place" on the Peninsula, I will refund his railroad fare to the Lewis and Clark Exposition and return to his home at the rate of 200 miles fare for each 5,0 feet of frontage so purchased. This proposition is open to all visitors to the Exposition. Prices ?3 to $10 per foot. Terms one-tenth cash, balance $5 monthly on each lot without inter est if paid when due. rive per cent discount for all cash. University Park Is the bon-ton residence portion of the whole Peninsula. It is eminently respectable to have a home at Uni versity Park. It has the Columbia University, Bull Run water. Portland public schools, electric street-cars, electric street lights, employment for all in the nearby mills, factories and docks; alleys back of all lots, wide streets, in short everything to meet the heart's desire. Prices will be advanced July 1. Don't forget the date. Prancis I. McKenna, Boom 606 Commercial 'Block 9 to 12 A. M. University Sta tion 1 to 6 P. M. California -"Bliss Lands" Email J amis for settlers. 0200 acres of Irrl leated land In 20-acre farms at $50 to $70 per .acre one-fourth each. ' Reached br Southern Pacific or Bant. Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare City. 2 miles from Biles L&nfls. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous frulu, vege tables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free jrom Bllas Land One), care Sullivan & Bui liven. Lawyers. 610 Farrott bJg.. San Fran, clcco. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR 6ALE-31 ACRES IRRIGATED FRUIT land, half In the finest marketable fruits of all kinds, earliest In the state, balance In alfalfa and garden young; ground bought for R R. depot; boat landing In front; the most profitable and beautiful home In state; good buildings; place can be paid for In one crop If properly handled and will dou ble In value In two years: good reason for Felling; Investigate; would take fome Im proved Portland property; part cash, bal ance easy. Call morning or evening, or write J. J. Reld. No. 8 Grove ot., Montavllla Sta tion. Portland, Or. .A SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE A BEAUTI ful suburban home at a bargain. 2 houses, one S rooms, splendidly furnished complete, furniture free p)ft to purchaser; one 3-room house, ground 100x100, fine fruit trees bur dened with fruit; fine brick -well, good cel lar, woodshed awl outhouses; parties going away; must sell at a sacrifice. Call early and investigate. Owner, 484 Irving st. Phone Main 2519. 7-ROOM HOUSE ON CORNER. 100X100. 1 block from good car service, all kinds of fruit and berries on the place, also grape arbor; comfortable barn and henhouse, all buildings new; must sell at once; make your own terms and price. C Ben Rles land. C02 Commercial bldg. RIVER FRONT PROPERTY LARGE WARE house on east side of Front st., bet. Morri son and Madison eta., for sale; 60x190 feet; two floors: property paying good Interest on amount asked for It. Inquire of owners, 783 Northrup at. FOR SALE. $1000 WITHIN HALF A' MILE of Boring station, on O. W. P. Coa line; timber and cordwood on It can be sold for $200. Apply to E. T. C Stevens, 707 Hoyt St.. Portland. Or. $200 DOWN". $10 PER MONTH, BUVS A modern 4-room cottage on E. SOth and Clin ton; also a 5-room cottage on E. 43d and Taylor. See builder at E. 36th St., bet. Salmon and Main. TALK ABOUT BARGAINS A NEW. HOD ern 7-room house, cement walks, full base ment, corner lot, at your own price. Call COS East 8th st.. Brooklyn Heights. Phone Union 2095. FIVE-ROOM NEW COTTAGE, 7-ROOM new house, modern; 1 block to car line. Inquire Mount Scott Lumber Yard. Section Lino Road and O. W. P. car line; open Sunday, GOOD WEST SIDE HOME 7 LARGE ROOMS. 10-ft. celling, full basement, modern Im provements, gas, electric lights: $3000. 24514 Morrison St., room 12. Fhone Red 2971. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE-SIX-room modern house, cement walks and base ment, one block from car. South Portland; $2200. Mrs. R. Downing, 061 Commercial St. NEW S-ROOM HOUSE. EAST 29TH AND Madison' ets., 1 block fronv Hawthorne-ave. car. $2750: good terms. Jaxnos N. Davis, owner. 7 First et. Phone Main 422. $31D0 EACH 2 UP-TO-DATE NEW HOUSES on Union ave., good neighborhood; move right In. Easy terms. GrlndstafT & Schalk, 2& Stark st. Tel. Main 392. JJEW. MODERN HOUSE. 6 ROOMS. LOT 40x100. improved street, cement walks, on oar line; $2000. Hatfield & Smith, 1C5H 4 th street, room 32. $40,000 100x100 GOOD BUSINESS PROP. erty, brick, lmprovementst rented $375 per montn, cnance to increase, no agents. ac dress Box 2005, city. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOT3 Bargalns on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Additon. Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car, 0c HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. FINE tillable lana witn nouse in lvitcKltat Ceun. ttj, Washington. Room 9. Washington bldg. 7 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. l6 FRUIT trees. 1 blook from car. rash or terms. Dahlgrcn. 724 East 13th. Phone East 831L A SNAP-ONE ACRE, ALL IN CULTIVA- tlon, with new House, at lit. Tabor, $1500. Mrs. R. Peppln, 001 Commercial, Alblna. tJ-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER LOT. CLOSE IN. improved street and sewer. $2250. Hatfield & Emitn. JU5 ourtn st.. room 3Z. LOT IN ARLETA PARK. NO. 2. TAKEN under mortgage, will be eold at half pric. Inquire room S. Washington bldg. $300 CASH WILL BUY NEW 3-ROOM COT. tage, large lot. on Mt. Tabor car line; price. sw. i.uoV jiiomson, room i. $1650 NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE AND 3 :arge lots on oor. urana ave. and Shaver L See owner, 384 Shaver st. FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. OR Ex change for acre, fi-room house and lot. Call at 10SO Denver ave. TEN-ACRE TRACT. TEHAMA COUNTr, Box 137. Tillamook. Or. PORTLAND HEIGHTS NEW. MODERN 5- room house. Particulars, Phone Main 4510. K 43, Oresonlan. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. LOT AND BARN nice home, cheap, account leaving. 03 McKay owr. $2000-FINK CORNER LOT, EAST STH AND Bast Davis, suitable fer flats, lis Ablng. ton oics. FOR SALE TWO FINE LOTS AND HOUSE, -heap; $450 cash. Addrres J. R. Lee, 305 ftanc . ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. 0 MILE3 FROM Aiomson su on age. it, mallard, Milwau kin. Or. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE ON IN stallment plan. Mrs. C Hewe, 1209 Divis ion ST. 0 ROOMS. PLASTERED. PAINTED. BRICK basement, $650; Woodlawn. Pbene Scott AT SACRIFICE IF SOLD AT OXCC-SIX room modern cottage. Owner, Phone Main Some desirable lots and residences, city and ciose suburbs, inquire forenoons 449 3d st. $400 FOR SALE. XEW 3-ROOM HOUSE. bj-iv imcL inquire uremont urocery .store. $1650 PART CAH. 55X100. WEST SIDE. iin ana xiovejoy. 1'none aim jaor. HALF LOT IN OR NEAR BUSINESS CBN tcr of city. S 42, Oregonlan. $5 A MONTH RUTS A FIND SELLWOOD lot. eenwoed Townwte Co. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CINE-ROOM HOUSE $ 725 6-room house 750 5-room house 72S 3-room house ......... 450 S-room house 104 -room bouse looo e-room house . .. JSJTO o-roora house 22T9 The above bosses are bargains. We eaa make you easy terms on them. Two ef the bou6ea are near the sew Woolen ill Mi. Fine lots at from $75 to $259; meBthly payments ef $5. Unlen 1491. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO.. Orricoi at SHI wood and at 222 FaMtag bMg. ON THE WEST SIDE. 100x100. well loeated on a prominent ear ner; Z good houses; yearly rental $1CC0 Price. $10,800. 25x100 Nice 5-room cottage; yearly rents $180; a sice little home er fer income. $1800. . 00x75 A corner, with 2 good 7 -room houses; yeariy rent. $408. $4CS0. 50x75 2 good 7-room houses; yearly rent. $420. $4200. These properties are alt rented at reason able figures and are worthy ef Investigation. DAVID S. STEARNS. 249 Washington St. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month with water. A. C Churchill t Co lnc 110 2d st. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS SOMEBODY WILL BUY 930-acrc stock ranch and range. 175 meadow land, all connected back te burnt range on the Coast Mountains; seed buIM lngs, running water In abundance, fenced and cross-fenced. $12 per acre. 250 acres, near good R. R. town, set far out; house, two barns, very large ItaHan Prune orchard, splendtd value; good wells, springs and running creek. Just enough timber to be desirable. This Is gilt-edge, at $45 per acre. See photograph. 125 acres, all plow land bet 3 acres tim ber. Cfeek through place. Don't fait to see photo of this, fto acre. 67 acrot, right en R R.. M mile station, would cut up Into three sVee little farms for berry or chicken ranches; best ef sell: price $43 per acre. Call and see photo of this. 22 acres, en R. R. near staUea. not far out; onion land on thin, and all good sell; so buildings; price 31000. 11 acres, all 4w land, en R. R flae cultivated land, at $50 per acre. If you want a farm, stock raneh or range sea us. B. S COOK &. CO.. Phone Main 853. 251 Alder st. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 100 acres, with small amount under plow; all good land; 500 cords ef cedar; house and barn; live water; on read. 3 miles from Kelso. Price $450, with $100 down, balance on Installments. SO acres, with 40 under plew; all rich land; no waste; live water; elegant 8-room house, large barn, and other buildings; large bearing orchard ef choicest trees; close to sshoel. in a good community, and on good road, within SO minutes drive of Carrollton. a town en Columbia River and 3C. P. Railway. Only $15W. with best ef terms. IMUS & WILLOUGHBY. Kalama, Wash. FOR SALE 13 MILES FROJJ PORTLAND and about one from railroad aad boat landing, a nice home. 20 acres, 17 opensd out, balance In pasture; alt fenced; about 400 fruit trees, quite a number bearing; frame house, painted; cistern, -woodshed, bam and hennery; running water In pasture, a cow. horse and ' light wagon; harness, ploy, harrow and cultivator; place is rentes, but Immediate possession mis til be bau; price $1000. Address G 35. Oregosian. 140 ACRES. JfEAR PORTLAND; WELL IM proved, In the best farming oecttoa In the Northwest; land lays well sufficiently roll ing to insure perfect drainage; deep, rich, black, free oiL. adapted to hay, heps, grain, orchard and gardening; plenty ef spring water; stock and farm Implements go wit the place; $4500; terms. Address Owner, P SO, Oreconian. 100 ACRES. 2 MILES FROM COLUMBIA River, railroad station, coast y ceat and near sawmill, witn running water and springs close to heufe; some improved, the balance fine timber at $14 per acre, and make your own terms. Grocery Store, OK 1st sL FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER THE "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state; write or call today; booklets and map free. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder St.. Port land. Or. Open evenings. FINE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 282 acres; running water, spring piped to house; fine barn, fruit. $40 acre. L Burler. ewner. first house east of Woolen Milt site. Uma tilla ave.. seiiwooa. FOR SALE 160 ACRES PATENTED LAND, with over 3.000.000 feet finest vellew Dine. Vi mile from White Salmon River from store at Trout Lake, Washington. P. O. Bex 4bu, city. FOR SALE 330-ACRE FARM: WELL IM proved; bottom; on Columbia River. Wilt feed 73 cows. M. p. Wbalen. Woodland. Wash. BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED LAND. FARMS. stock ranches: school land and city prep- my. a. j-iiratr, uis uregonian BMg. FOR SALE IMPROVED 5 ACRES. CLOSE in; nouse and bam, near car line. Address Q 35, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. $2000 to $10,000: also burlness properties. $5000 t $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whiting St Co, 4 OS Ablngton bldg. WANTED ON THE HIGHEST PLACE ON Portland Heights, two lots. For personal interview Write without delay. Address A i0. Oreconian. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. SANTA FE FOREST RESERVE SCRIP will still take timber lands. Sioux scrip will take unsurveyed land. We have both. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS GUARAN teed, mineral lands titled, public land prac tice, coiuns -una ce., cencora bldg. CERTIFIED SCRIP. IMMEDIATE DELIV ery. lowest prices. W, G. Hewdl. 3S emmuer or Commerce. TO EXCILANGD. SECOND-HAND TALKING MACHINES OP all makes, bought, sold and exehaaged; bar. sains in second-hand machines and records. llH 3d ft. FOR BALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. HORSES. WAGONt, HARNESS. ALL uaa or verncies oongnt. sold and rentes. Hubert & Ui.ll. Z04 4th. Pbona Mala 2203. HEAVY TEAM WITH OR WITHOUT TWO lumber wagons and harness. Boring Junc tion xumter Co.. East sth and Main. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND ZD-HAND vehicles on oout for sale or hire. 211 Wash. SAN FRANCISCO VETERINARY COLLEGE Next session begins July 17. $35 BUYS BAY MARE. SOUND AND WELL broken. Call 23 N. 14th. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL liard and pool tables; easy payments; w rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Col. jesaer, 43 3d st. FOR SALE CHEAP SHOWCASES. ELEC- trlc fan, electric arc Hght. large Icebox at 211 1st st. LUMBER CLOSING-OUT SALE; ALSO planing milt sawmill and 94x11 Willamette Iron Works donkey. Boring Junction Lum oer Ast stn ana kib. FIVE TRAINED BEAR CUBS FOR SALE. $250 (two hundred fifty deHars). Inquire wnuam straniman. isu vt ater. loot of Meat gomery. Portland. NEW SHELVING. COUNTERS. TABLES ub up-i-air KWTOues si a saennce. must oe emu mi race, uia at 4u J-Tent t INDIAN CURIOS. INDIAN BLANKETS. IN dlan pottery; consignment Just in; real; genuine, w. . insiey ce.. 200 Stark st. IF YOU ARE GOING CAMPING OR TIMBER cruising get a sleeping bc, seMlag at less than cost, Ames & Harris. 27 1st st. NEW HOUSE-SCOW BOAT. AFLOAT. FOR tale, 12x20. Address Jacott a. tsayder. Gen. Del.. Portland, or. TWO FRESH COWS. 1 HEIFER. 24 YEARS old. 1 wagon ana cart, lor sale cheap. An- tone. 4ist. TICKET TO CHICAGO FOR HALF RBGL- lar fare: good for 90 days. Address M 43. Oregonlan. FOR SALE RETURN-TRIP TICKET TO Havre, MonU; male; $10. Address W 4S. Oregonlan. FULL-BLOOD SOFT-HAIR ST. BERNARD pup fer sale. Inquire 370 4th st. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover it with Mastic reefing. In rolls, easy ts lay; needs bo painting er eoatlng; feed ever eld Iron, tin er shingles; for new roofs there Is nothing better; guaran teed: MaMlc reef paint and cement will stop smalt leaka National Mai tic Roofing Co.. room X Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE RESTAURANT. $30 TO $40 A car business, seating capacity 45. fully equfeped fer feeding 1000 a lr . cash reg ister and everything la seed cesnHOea, build lag Included, all tor $650; partners do net agree. G 43. Oregonlan. A GREAT WONDER MAN TURNED TO sene, weight 3S0 pounds. S feet 9. Da you want It for attraction to make money, at the Fair? See J. W. Benham at the Fair creeses fer particular. HELP WANTED MALE. 2- TRACK FOREMEN. CONSTRUCTION work. $3 day. free fare; assistant mill wright, sawmill, city. $70; sawmill hands, railroad laborers, free fare; 2 rigging rustlers. $2.75; line tenders. $2.50; plenty ef ether work. Kitchen help. Walters. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 20 North Second Street. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men. between the ages of 18 and 35. citizens of United States, ef good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information ap ply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak sis, Portland. Or. BALLOON ASCENSIONS AND ATTRAC- tlena ef alt kinds for the holidays; per formers, musicians, singers, novelty acts fr all occasions; private entertainments, clubs, traveling companies a specialty. Newmaa's Theatrical Agency, 251t Morrison. AGENTS WANTED A FEW EXPERI- eaced solicitors to sell an Investment con tract; good men are making $1 te $40 per day. Address German-American Investment Co.. 315 N. Y. Life bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED GOOD OFFICE MAN ON CAL- must have best ef references and good ( ability; Eastern Oregon. G 19. Oregonlan. June 15 and 10. WANTED 10 000 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. If you want work ceme to Portland; wages. $L40 to $3per day and board. Canadian Employment Co. 24U Bumslde st. WANTED FOR OFFICIAL EXPOSITION Magazine, first-class advertising solicitors, also good write-up man with camera. Ap ply after 4; $50 weekly. 63S Chamber of Commerce. WANTED FIRST-CLASS STICKER MAN and good all-round mill bencamea; good wages and positions assured. MUlowaers Association, 434 Brysaa bldg, Los Angeles. CaL WANT EXPERIENCED SASH AND DOOR machine men. also door cutters and turn ers; steady employment; pay good wages. UUioula Lumber Co.. Missoula, Mont. MEN and women te learn watchmkc en graving, Jewelers wk; only prac. school for jewelers; money made leare'g. Watchrokg Eagrav. School, P. 1. tsWg.. Seattle. EXPOSITION EMPLOYMENT HEADQUARTERS. Hotel and Restaurant Help. 28 N. 24 t. Ilwrnt Mala 1S2A. WANTED EXPERIENCED RETAIL GRO cery 'salesman, one familiar with East tS4de preferred, to solicit new business. Address J 43. Oregeniaa. THE BEST OFFER ABSOLUTELY EVER jut In the Northwest, add fer high-grade canvassers. Address 736 Mtseton su, eificc tMl, San Francisco, Cat. EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR FOR SALE OF mining stock te puce share la thoroughly found and highly proacasie proposition. Call 2S9 Aider street. WANTED A PHYSICIAN REGISTERED IN state ef Washington; )etBg saaa preferred; office practice. State Medical Institute. Se attle. Wash. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS. ACTIVE RE ltabte advertising eoHcHor to work in the city. Address Robert A. ReM. F 43. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. IS TO IS YEARS. FOR OF flce In wholesale heere. Must write good band and be familiar with city. R 5. Oregon Ian. NEAT BOY. SOME EXPERIENCE WIN dew trimming. permanent; seed epenlng. Clerks' Registration Bury auf 2eS Morrison California wine depot, headquarters bakers, cooler, waiters, bartenders. All wines 5c per glass. P Lonti. 14S 4th. Clsy 153. Wanted Men te learn fearber trade; steady tmctice; expert taotnictlens. Write for xerrn-i Glllman's Cotlece, 627 Clay St., S. F. LOGGERS, MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co., 193 Morrison. Mala 1322. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout slate to solicit busi ness. Call or write. 607 McKay bldg. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. SUBSCRIP tlea hustlers, $15 to $73 weekly. Call after 12. CSS Chamber of Commerce. EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR WITH GOOD city connection, steady job and big eemmls i4on. Apply 40S Washington. WANTED A BOY HANDY WITH TOOLS about IS years eW. Pacific Teat Jc Awn ing Co, 27 -N. 1st at WANTED II EN TO SOLICIT RETAIL confectionery and grocery trade. Call rosea C45. Hotel Portland. WANTED FIRST-CLASS GASOLINE ENGI neer oC good habits; able te give reference. X 43. Oreconian. COMMON LABORERS WANTED TO WORK In brickyard. 1209 DirUle& st.. end Rich' mead car line. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE SPECIAL Inducements to young men te learn trade, 2fl7 Flanders. IRON CHIPPER; ALSO LABORERS FOR out of town; one married man wanted. 339 Sherlock bide WANTED PHOTOGRAPH PRINTER AND retoucher, first-dans. Lucerne Studto. De ktsm bldg. WANTED BOY ABOUT IS YEARS TO learn trade. Call American Type Foundry Co. OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. WANTED; HIGU est price paid. 56 3d. Phone Hoed 1S62. YOUNG MEN OF GOOD APPEARANCE FOR responsible positions. Room 341 Allsky bhig. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. CO UN try; big wages. 215 Commercial block. WANTED-A SHOEMAKER. GOOD HAND on repair work. &2e Washington st. WANTED PAINTER AND KALSOMINER to work by month. 3K Featen bMg. WANTED CHINAMAN OR WOMAN COOK fer boarding-bOHf. 1209 Division t WANTED ALL MEN LOOKING FOR Po sitions te call at 505 McKay bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CARPET-LAYER. Address Buren Si Hamilton. Salem. WANTED-THREE PHOTO COUPON HUST lers for a snap. S91 Dekum bMg. SALESMEN AND SOLICITORS WANTED. Call at 313 Falling bMg. RUSTLER FQR ROOMING-HOUSE. 339 Sherlock bMc HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED LADY SINGER WHO CAN PLAY plane: good salary, long engagement. Room 11, 351 Vs Merrlfon. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE wrk. 295 Hassale st.. cor. Grand ave. WOMAN OF ABILITY. GOOD "HEALTH, TO represent Vlavl. Suite 23. Lewis bldg. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO CARE FOR child. 22 N. 11th st. Call morning. WANTED A GIRL FOR CHAMBER WORK. 183 Seventh st, corner ef Taylor. WANTED GIRL FOR SMALL FAMILY TO go te the beach. Phone East CSS. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. CALL In the morning. I4S N. ISth. GIRL TO ASSIST IN SECOND WORK AND care ef child. 1C9 23d t. WtANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call 34 Heyt t. WANTED GIRLS FOR FINISHING SHIRTS and or traits. 75 1st. WANTED DINING-ROOM GIRL. OCEANIC Hotel. 43 Russell St. GIRL. TO LABEL CANNED GOODS. MA e?n. Barman St Co. SKIRT HELP WANTED. 311 THE DEKUM. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 2 FIRST-CLASS SALESLADIES. $15 A week and better IX satisfactory; Gerxaan speaklng saleslady. $12; saleslady on silks, shawls, etc.. commission; 2 waitresses. $SO and room; alt Exposition work. Chambermaid; lodging-house. $1 day. Young girl to assist with heusework. small family, no cooking, no washing. $12 a week. Waitresses, city. $20 and room; $S. $?. $9 a week straight and short watches; house glrls.-cooks dishwashers; others. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 , Washington st, cor. 7th. upstairs. Competent salesladies registered pleat call LADIES WANTING EMPLOYMENT TLEaSB rail; many situations too nameron to men tion. Expcsttloa and other places. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343H Washington St., cor. 7th. PHONE MAIN rn. WANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERI eaced double-entry bookkeeper must be careful, competent, experienced; same knowl dge of stenography preferred; state salary wanted. experience. re fence-. Address Manufacturer, care Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG LADY. RAPID AND plain penman, to address envelopes and fetd circulars, advertising work; salary $d Pr week. Answer In own handwriting, giving phone number and references. Address VI 43. Oregonlan. WANTED FOR THE FAIR; ALSO FOR dramatic companies, etc. chorus girls, co medians, al-ter teams, sketch teams. Illus trated song singers, musicians. Newmaa's Vaudeville Circuit, 331 Morrison. GIRLS IF TOU WANT WORK. DO NT FAIL to in ua. Over 1000 poalUoas every ion:X Call and rtglitcr. Ciaidlia Parlors, zas Merrtsos. Mala 1X3. FIRST-CLASS CHEF WITH EXPERIENCE la cafe and restaurant work; state record, age. nationality; $150. Box E 44. Orego nlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE sentatlves In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or writs 607 McKay bldg. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: MUST be good cock: willing to go to country for' summer; good wages, raoae Main iraz. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, gtnerat workers. St, Louis Agency. 230H YaxnblR Main 3413. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A GOOD COOK and second girl for small boarding-house at Coast Mrs. E. A. Percy, 237 N. 22d sL THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES experienced sewers for their cloak depart ment ajteratlon rooms. Apply at once. WANTED A YOUNG LADY TO WRAP candy samples. Call between 9:30 and 1 o'clock. 232 Stout St.. cor. Salmon. t WANTED COMPETENT F1RL FOR GEN eral housework; must be good cook. Ap ply 100 E. Idth st. Phone E. 2341. WANTED A GIRL THAT THOROUGHLY understands doing second work; references inquired. Apply at S33 Love Joy st. WANTED IMMEDIATELY EXPERIENCED girl, cpstalrs work, for first-class family. tt4 Yamhill. Phone Main C413. 50 WAITRESSES. $20 MONTH; $7. $10 week; some Exposition; cooks. 100 domes tics. Drake. 203 U Washington. NEAT GIRL FOR ICE CREAM PARLOR; no experience required. Clerks Registra tion Bureau. 263 Morrison su WANTED GI RL TO DO GENERAL HOU3E work. good home, msall family, no washing. Call C62 Kearney, .mornings. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO sell ths new telephone Index. Icqulrs W. 3! Cltoens. 273 Stark et. ALL KINDS OF EXPERIENCED LAUNDRY held; highest wages paid. Grand Laundry Co... 17th and Quimby. NURSES COLLEGE. PUEBLO. COLO, opens July 10; tl weeks course; diplomas; massage taught. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework; no warning, can 151 East ista. corner Yamhill. 20 ATTRACTIVE WAITRESSES WANTED for evenings at German Roef Garden. SSS Upthur st. WANTED A YOUNG -GIRL FOR HOUSE work; small family: he washing. Apply 367 10th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Cat; family of 2; call at once. 300 Park st. WANTEDEXPERI ENCED COOK. GOOD wages to right one. Call 1SS 7th st.. near Yamhill. WANTED FEMALE FINISHERS ON pants; best prices. 410 Washington st, room 7. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- werk; must be neat and good cook. 35' 12th st. GIRL WANTED STEADY FACTORY work, power machine. 49 N. Front, comer Davis. WANTED DINING-ROOM GIRL WITH some experience, at 223 lltb. The Orark. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND TO take care of children. 3CS East 15th. N. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED 50 YOUNG PEOPLE TO TAKE A course In bookkeeping or shorthand, day and night sessions; a good position Is worth the price of tuition. The demand fer our graduates Is far greater than we can supply. Had 20 calls within past two weeks; let us help you; It wilt be a sure road to success. Call and have a talk with us; catalogue. Behuke-Walker Business College. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND. TYPE wrltlng.. arithmetic. English, spelling, by experienced teacher aad office maa; pre pares young people for Civil Service exam inations; day and sight, X 0, Oregonlan. WANTED A LIVE GENTLEMAN OR LADY to Investigate a first-class buslnws proposi tion today; strictly business people only. Room 20S Allsky btdg. WANTED 10 ENERGETIC TEACHERS. $21 per wek. Call G. M. MacDonald. 283 Ar thur st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. AMBITIOUS BUSINESS COLLEGE GRAD uale wants office work; can furnish best ef references. Moderate salary. F 3S, Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN WITH CLERICAL EXPERI ence. accurate at. figure, desires position; contracting firm preferred. B 43, Orego nlan. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER OR clerical work; best et references; none but flrt-class need apply. E 36. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WITH EXPERIENCE AND good references desires position as ship ping clerk. C 44. Oregonlcs. Miscellaneous. A JAPANESE COMPOSITOR (ENGLISH type) wants situation la printing o tries to do setttnr type; 10 years experience. Ad dress Y. K.. P. O. Box 72. Gervals. Or. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS position la private family, city or country; speaks good English; has best references. Address B 36. Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furntoh demeotlc servants, farmers also; "all kinds of help. Clay 313. 28S Everett it. WANTED POSITION AS JANITOR IN OF flce bcJldlng. by reliable man; references. X 42, Oreconian. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wants place to work for board aad room, Q 22. Oregoclin. BRIGHT JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUA tloa la family to do cooking and housework. Q 42. Oregonloa. WANTED CARPENTER WORK ON NEAT 8-room house; plans and estimates free. Box 84. Sellwood. JAPANESE. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRY maa, wants a situation la city. - K. Horlta. 24 N; 4th st. RELIABLE BAKER WANTS WORK. BAK ery or hotel. Address Baker. 310 E. Ninth. Union 2132. YOUNO MARRIED MAN WOULD LIKE A situation; can rurnlsti reference. Y 43, Oregoalan. BARBER. GOOD WORKMAN. WANTS Po sition la city or country town. A 43. Ore cealaa. JAPANESE WANTS COOKING IN SMALL family morning and evening. P 42. Ore gonlan. STRONG BOY OF IS WANTS WORK: GOOD writer. Phone 490L Address 411 S. 3d. GOOD JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION AS cook la family. L 43. Oregonlaa. WAITER "WISHES STEADY WORK; CITY or country. L 3S. Oregaalaa. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers aad Meaecraaers. EXPERIENCED YOUNG WOMAN STENOG rapher desires position. Address D 43, Ore gonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED and skinful nurse. Can at 351H Morrison, room 37. Domestics, GIRL WANTS PLACE TO ASSIST IN GEN eral house erf CaH 016 Upshur St.. bet, 20th and 19th. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED GIRL, rhamberwork la respectable, first-lass place. Mala 2437. Housekeepers, SITUATION WANTED CAPABLE MID-dle-aged woman as housekeeper, widower, smalt family. 230Vj Yamhill. Phone Mala 34 IX LADY WISHES POSITION AS HOUSE- keeper er ebamberwork. 3S7 Yamhill st-. room 13. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED girl, chamber work: capable woman nurse; housework gtrL 238i YamhllL Phone Main 3413. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION aa companlea for same elderly lady. W 43. Oregoalaa. COMPETENT LADY WOULD LIKE CARE of rooming-house, not afraid of work. Phone East S92. HOME-LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS. Phone Scott 3548. Mrs. a M. Scott, WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN COVERING SHOE AND DRUG trades, and $2 to 310 dally Income handling drc sole. The big" advertising we are doing makes order-gsttlng easy. Write for propo sition: Dry-Sole Co.. 99 Warren st.. New Tork. $3 TO $10 DAILY MADE BY OUR 2000 agents. Our 24-page FREE BOOK started" them. Write today. Perhaps your oppor tunity. Jacksonlaa Optical College. Uni versity Square. Jackson, Mich. AGENTS AND SOLICITORS WANTED FOR good selling novelties during the Exposi tion. Green St Co., 373 Wells su. Chicago, ill. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED CANVAS sers. city and country; a snap. 01 Dekum bldg WANTED BOOK. PICTURE AND PORTRAIT hustlers. Rembrande Studio. Ablngton bldg. LADY AGENT BOMETHINO NSW. GOOD seller, big wagss. 213 Commercial bile GOOD AD SOLICITOR. ESTABLISHED proposition. 147 Front st. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO their advantage to list Ibetr vacant houses or fiats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recognized In-nitutlon la Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed in suitable quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service oy calling at our rental department, filling In our Informa tion blank; leave the rest to us; we will secure a desirable tenant; we want houses In at parts of city and suburbs; If you bare a vacant house, fiat or apartment, phone the particulars. We woa't allow It to remain long Idle. H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURN1SHER. Rental Department, 1S3 to 131 1st st. WANTED Rooms fer hr xpe.lt!;a In all parts vi tse city. Apply Exposition Accommodation Bureau. 200 to 2u3 Goodnoucb building. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Exposltlea Corporation. Phone Main 62C6. GENTLEMAN DESIRES FOR HIMSELF, wife and boy. two rooms with board In a first-class private family and desirable neighborhood: willing to pay value for good accommodations. Address, stating condi tions, S 43. Oresonlan. YOUNO MARRIED COUPLE WANTS FUR nlshed cottage during July and August; will furnish best of references; state price and location. Y 42. Oregonlan. COMFORTABLE ROOMS WITH OF WITH out board, for one or two married couDlea. West Side; particulars with price or no at tention, v 43. oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT 10 OR 12-ROOM UN- furnished modem house, close in; state price. c v. Peterson, aio oregonlan bldg. WANTED CHRISTIAN HOME FOR OLD lady, must have good care; references re quired and given; H 41. Oregonlan. BY YOUNG MAN AND SISTER, TWO OR three furnished housekeeping rooms; perma nent tenant. H 43. Oregonlan. CAN FURNISH TRANSIENTS FOR A NICB rooming-house: state rates and commission. T 43. Oregonlan. ROOMS WITH BOARD FOR LADY AND two young men. B 44, Oregonlan. WANTED ONE ROOM FOR OFFICE. AD- dress o Vi. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND. AUCTION ROOMS BUYS an Unas ox furniture, new cr old. at 211 1st st. Pbona Mala 5C53. $10,000 WANTED ON IMPROVED Busi ness ana residence property; revenue $240 per montn. i-ast blue. Address with terms, A 49. care Oregonlan. WANTED LADI ES CLOTHES TO LAUN dry: beautifully done up for $1 oer dozen. Call or drop postal to 394 Factory st.. near unc inurman sis. Wanted men's cast-ofs cloth in o and shoes: highest price paid. Call at tss f air ueai." cs ?i. za. 1'Son Hood at,. WANTED FOR CASH, A SECOND-HAND farm wagon; give particular. Address eM, ula Ellsworth st. TO BORROW 3130O. GOOD SECURITY. good Interest, Inquire at 209-210 Commercial DfOClC WANTED A GOOD TERRIER, MUST BE A gooa ratter. Address v 50. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. BEAUTIFUL LARGE ALCOVE FRONT room, upstairs; also one downstairs; large porcn ana lawn, ecr Irving st. A WELL-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. bath, phone, gas; block from Portland Ho tel. 191 Park. 40S HOYT NICE; CLEAN FURNISHED rooms, quiet bouse, four blocks from depot. 4A 3 weeic. NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE for two.cloe to car. South Portlaad. Pccae A LARGE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two; private family. 20tJ I3tn st. 334 CLAY ST. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms by week or month; terms reasonable. LARGE PARLOR WITH BOARD. SUITABLE for two young ladles or couple. 365 13th st. 80 W. PARK PLEASANT FRONT ROOM suitable for two; close In; price reasonable. ROOMS, suitable for 2 or 4 parties, wits or witnout board; transients, sss Morrison st. Neatly furnished rooms, reasonable rates. 129 Grand ave., near E. Morrison. Scott 1452. ROOM FOR RENT IN SHRINER'S FAMILY modern. 455 Williams are., on car line. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. 30C night cr t.co weeic ill 7U st. THE GRAND ROOMS 60c UP; BRICK BLDG. o m. ml .cuca ana uavis. VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS. EVERYTHING new and modern. H9 iioyt st. DESIRABLE ROOMS NEAR FAIR GROUNDS rnvaie xamiiy. ia jma at.- THE CLIFTON HOUSE, 233 FIRST ST. iXMging to cents ana up. ROOMS NEAR FAIR. PRIVATE FAMILY. -iiu ast, cor. acgan. FURNISHED ROOM. 25 14TH. NEAR JEF- fersca. Fboas FURNISHED ROOMSIM 17th nw Morrl- FOR RENT. New Building; New Furniture. Strictly -Neat and Moderate, THE STATE ROOM INN 90S Thurmaa Street Portland, Oregoa. One- Block World's Fair Mala Entrance, Grand Roof View of a rounds. Write for Special Rates and Dates. Address STATE ROOM INN PHONE MAIN 3334. NEW LANGE HOTEL. Europeaa plaa; strictly fireproof aad mod. em; rates reasonable; electric lights and bells, steam hfeat aad elevator, electric cars direct to Fair grounds pass the door; elegant cafe and bar la connection. Cer. nth and Washington. Phone Mala 331L F. Lange. Prop. Sam Bauman. Mgr. THB LINDELL HOTEL, Market st, between 3d and 4 th. European and American plan. Handsome modern furnishings, all up-to-date convenient ces; free porcelain baths, electric light, gas. steam heat: outside rooms; Sue to $2 per uuy. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH. gas and heat; 127 N. 22d su. bet. Ulisaa and Hoyt; one block from Washington or Morrison car line; easy walking distance from Fair Grounds. Phone Main 409L THE GARLAND. C21 Washington st., bet, 19th and 20th New, modem, all outside rooms, electric lights, phone, free baths; rates,' 30c. 73c. $1 per day. restaurant In batldtng. VERY NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. $2-lt x week; pnone. bath free: breakfast if de sired. 64 d E. 20th st., on car line; Brook lyn car. permanent; gentlemen preferred. Phone East 1S73. THB KINGSTON ROOMS. 190J, 3D. AD- joining Baker T. neater, centrally locaieo. brick building; special attention given to tae traveling public. Phone Hood U7. FAMILY ROOM3, TWO OR MORE BEDS; also dean, cool beds, soc per nignt; two blocks from Hotel Perkins, modem resi dence. 73 Sth. cor. Oak. 33 11TH ST. MODERN HOUSE. LARGE -yard, good beds. 30c to $1; Jefferson ear direct from depot; cars for Fair pass door. Phone West 7tJl.' FURNISHED ROOM3 ON EAST SIDB IN pleasant homes at reasonable prices. Call at our office and see list, J. L.. Wells Co., U4 Grand ave. FOR RENT TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED rooms, phone, bath. West Side, walking dis tance, one $12. one $2u per month. Phone Mala 41S3. LARGE FRONT ROOM. ON PRINCIPAL street ana car line, ciegamiy wraunou, modern la every particular. T 42. Ore gonlan. ELEGANT LARGE FRONT ROOMS. SUIT- ablo for four, $30 per month; west of Trail, near Fslr. Phone Main 5S32. lOta) Vaughn street. THREE BLOCKS FROM PORTLAND Ho tel, finely furnished rooms. $1 per day up; large veranda, comer' house; all light. Yamhill. FURNISHED ROOMS. VERY REASONABLE. within one block of the fortiana Hotel. i and 195 Seventh St.. comer of Taylor. Phans Clay 1712. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BREAKFAST served la private home; $4.30 per week; on car line; bath and phone. Main 4C03. 250 11th t. THE DORMER. 2S3 13TH ST.. COR. JEF- ferson Newly furnlsnep rooms in new mod ern bldg; strictly first-class at reasonable prices. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM AND small kitchen for light housekeeping; reas onable, good locality. 270 Montgomery st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FURNISHED ROOMS by day or week, nice location for visitors; 1 bile from car. 507 Myrtle U. cor. 13th. EXPOSITION VISITORS EXCELLENT rooms and breakfast, $1.23 and $1.30 per day. 1343 E. Stark st. Phone Scott 2034. FREE LIST Rooms In" Christian homes. Reasonable. centenary iieinouisi v om en's Bureau. 29 E. 14th at. S. East 1431. FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR ONE or two, very neat auu nwiuvir. ui ICth st,; .walking distance from town. EIGHT GOOD UNFURNISHED ROOMS. suitable for orfrlces or sleeping rooms; fire proof and quiet. Kamm bldg.. Pine st. THB TEMPLE. 3431, YAMHILL ST., Op posite Hotel Portland cicely rumlsned rooms, transient. Phone Clay 1931. 343 MORRISON ROOMS BY THE DAY OR week: 1 housekeeping room. 1 alcove room for family; bath. Phone Mala 24 THE MAYFaIR ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, new building; modern conveniences. 293Vj Stark, comer Sth. Main 2037. FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVATE FAMILY. bath, gaa and electric llgnt; warning ais tance Kalr ground. 787 Lovejoy. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. IN PRI- vate family: all conveniences, reasonable. Call 215 Morris. Phone East 2G23. STRANGERS WILL FIND PLEASANT rooms, transient or permanent, four blocks soutn Hotel ortiano. zauw am. ALCOVE SUITE. SUITABLE FOR TWO. USE of kitchen If desired; near steel bridge, -n McMillan st. Phone Union 2974. C NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 544 oth. bet. Jackson and Lincoln sis.; natn and phone, near oth-st. car line. SPECIAL RATES MEN, ROOMS. MODERN resiaence. wanting distance, iu muum, bath. lutn. near jecenoo. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS REASON- able, day. week or montn. tci union are., cor. i-auing; tvooainwn car. jj e-tttttt vr x i? rnt.r.wtE-iJiRGE. Clean turaisneu rooms, oaio, km, uuujc- Keeping privileges; t ween. FOR RENT I FURNISHED ROOMS. SIN gle or en suite: pleasant location, modern conveniences, juj uin. DESIRABLE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS. reasonable. 3 blocks from Hotel Portland, 373 Taylor, cor. W .Park. bath. gas. phone, suitable for family; take luin-si. car. iM FOUR WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS.EAST- :r stjic. yittuu, .u-iiu, yuuuc ovi . w .. . st. Phone iiain imj. im -fr-Tr:nfT-mr XICE. CLEAN UNFUR nlshed room, with privilege of dtntng-room and kitchen ir aesirec THE ALDER. 433 ALDER ST. NICELY furnished rooms, bath, gas. convenient ana quie:. iam iiuu-i. u-tt t iifLTTP nnnxis int. fiXTT T7 A T.V block from Portland Hotel By the week or montn ; reassaaoie. NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS. Portlaad Heights; graad view; BOc aad 75c pr day. 43S 20th mz. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN flat, four.-blocks from Washington. 95 N. 17th. cor. Fiancers. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE family, single or ea suite. a- jecersua, Del. ilia anu i,io. HOTEL BERG. 13TH AND ALDER EURO pean plan. $1 and up; Amerlcaa plaa. $2 ana up: free ous. -nrv.r.T FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. close In. suitable for two; $3.50 per week. 431 East Ankeny. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED LARGE room; can be arranges xor nouseiceeping it desired. w isx. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRI vate family. $10 per month. Call forenoons. 330 Harrison su FURNISHED ROOMS. DAY. WEEK OR month; reasonable, on car line. West Side. pcone 'dam exto. FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR. $10; TWO other furnished rooms or unxumisnea rooms. 312 Columbia st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. VERY REA3 o cable, nice lawn. 175 14th. St., comer Yam hllL Mala 253. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED froat room; hot aad. cold water; first floor. 309 Holllday. EXPOSITION VISITORS ROOM SUITABLE for two: bats, phone, gas. 8 East 17th at, E 2S60. ONE LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, also single rooms; pneae, bath. 309 Aide; near 6th st. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. DAY OR week, rtaaonable. 52 E. 12th North, East Ankeny car. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with gas stove, $L73 per week. 3821 East Yamhill st. TWO GENTLEMEN CAN HAVE ROOMS IN private family. ZS4 Wheeler St.; modem con veniences. THE CASTLE FURNISHED ROOMS- 372 Wasclsstoa; private-eatrasce co W. Park. FOR RENT. THE AUDITORIUM. 208H 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block south Baker The aterNicely furnished brick building, hot. cold water la rooms; free baths; rooms with private baths; elevator; $1 day; $4 week up; tourists solicited. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH FRES phone, bath and gas. by the day. week or month; also double front room suitable for two or four gentlemen; terms very rea sonable; transients solicited. 290 Jeffer son st. THE OCKLEY. 390'a MORRISON ST.. COR, 10th Furnished rooms, strictly nrst-class. moderate prices, by the day or week: take M car direct from depot to Fair grouncs. Phone Clay 712. Mrs. A. 13. Crocker, Prop. THE PHILADELPHIA. 3D AND SALMON Finest apartments In the city; hot and cold water In rooms; bath frea to guests; cen tral, facing Plaza block and Elk fountain. Phone Main 2023. J. E. M. Black. Prop. OREGON. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR BUREAU, Personally Inspected rooms In Christian, homes for tourists. 211 Commercial block. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. HOTEL OLIVE, SlMi, WASHINGTON ST., eoraer or otn st., opposite comer ironx jer kins Hotel; nrst-class outside rooms, large enough for three double beds, at reasonable prices. Phone Hood GIL TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI- vate family, one block of car line and close In. on East Side; very reasonable; breakfast If desired. Inquire 421 East Ash St., cor ner Sth. THE GLENDORA. 19TH, NEAR WASHING- ton irsi-ciaas resident ana transient noiei; rates, transients. $2 and up; resident, $40 par mo. and up; all American plan. Main 6290. THE HAMANN. 135 N. ISTH ST. NEWLY furnished rooms. $1.60 up. nice location, li minutes" walk to Fair Grounds. M car at Union Depot direct to house. Mala 3470. NICE CLEAN BEDS IN TENTS. 60c EACH. with cooking accommodation; 5c fare to Ex position. Lewis and Clark Camping Grounds. Mount Tabor Heights. Phone Scott 3734. THB COSMOS, S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR- rison; best down-town rooms in tne city; ncac and service night and day; rates $3.50 pes week and up, including bath; $1 day. THE JULIAN. 287 7TH. NEAR JEFFER- son Rooms for transients; special rates to parties; accommodations for children: breakfast served If desired. HOTEL NORTHERN, COR. 12TH AND Marshall sts. New, modem; ail outside rooms; electric lights, frse baths and phone. Fhone Mala 1459. ONB OR TWO NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, private family; walking distance, bath, gas, phone: reasonable, permanent pre ferred, .phone Mala 3407. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PARTY OF Sni In private residence, front parlor aad piano; $5 each per week. Including- breakfast. Phone Main 4C03. 250 11th sr. FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY WEEK or month. $S. $12. $15 per month, close in. 4 blocks from Hotel Portland; breakfast IS desired. 300 Madison. 349 SALMON ST. FURNISHED ROOMS, vrrv desirable: two blocks south of Port land Hotel. Poototflce; rates reasonable. Phone Main 2820. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WEST? Side, near Multnomah Club; batn; perma nent or transient. Phone Main 5220. FOR RENT BOOTHS, SOUTHEAST COR- ner 27th and Up3bur. Apply to L. J. Matt, son. on grounds. 3S9 ALDER ST. WELL - FURNISHED rooms, suitable for 3 or 4 persons; all con veniences. . NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. EN SUITE or single; also unfurnished roomy. KJH Russell. GOOD. DESIRABLE ROOMS. BATH AND phone; private family; best location, 231 10th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, DAY. WEEK Nor month; reasonable. Apply H3Vi Front, "Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO- tel. lt!5 10th St., cor. Morrison, M. depot and Fair cars pass the house; fine rooms, first class table- and service; porcelain baths: reasonable rates by the day, week or month; outside parties accommodated with meals. THB WOODLAND, 265 CTH LOCATED IN beautiful grouncs. 4 blocks from Hotel Portland, has large wcll-furnlshed rooms; rates by week or month; permanent; meaU If desired. Phone Mala 5250. THE MANITOU, 281 13TH ST. HOME FOR refined people; 35 modern rooms; rates rea sonable; excellent table and service: Jeffer son cars direct from depot; cars for Fair pass door. Phone 1203. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 17TH YEAR; rooms witn eoara; use or sewing room; .use oc library: Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, auporlntendent. 510 Flanders. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market st, bet. 3d and 4th; steam heat, electric light, gas, porcelain baths; all out side rooms; exceedingly low rates. THE SANTA CLARA. 295 10TH A FEW permanent roomers and boarders wanted, reasonable; gentlemen preferred; table board ers taken. Main 3S62. ONB OR TWO NEWLY" FURNISHED ROOM3 In private family, bath, gas, phone; reason able, permanent preferred; board If desired. Phone Main 3497. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, CLEAN and cool, large closet, $3 per week; one sleeping room, closet. $2 per week. 304 $4t Front. THB KING. 309 JEFFERSON ST. ROOMS with or without hoard, day or week; every , convenience; rates reasonable. Phone Black 166. KELLOG HOUSEC 184 SHERMAN; TAKE 3 karr south: clean lodgings. 25a; meals, 23c: furnished housekeeping- rooms, with bath and laundry. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM, EXCEL lent board, reasonable; gentlemen preferred. The Maryland, S. W. cor. 21st aad Lovejoy. HOTEL BROWN. 2714 GRAND AVEMUS Plexsaat rooms, single or ea suits; elevator; billiard-room: transients: both car lines. HOTEL TENNESSEE. 4TH AND MADISON, fronts Plaza Park & City Hall; pleasant rooms, single, n suite, sew, central. 394 ALDER ST.. COR. 10TH NICELY FUR nlseetl suite and single rooms, first-class table board by week or month. IN STRICTLY MODERN HOME. DOUBLE and single rooms, with or without board; reasonable. Phone Main 1947. WANTED A FEW MORE TABLE BOARD era. best of service; next door to Portland Hotel Annex, 1SS 7th at. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. DAY. week or month; select location. 584 Gllsan, Phone Main 6371. BLAKELY HALL. 270 6TH ST: PLEASANT rooms with first-class board, fine location; terms reasonable. NICELY FURNI3HED FRONT ROOM. WITH board; private -family. 272 Hall st. Phone Main 4284. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH board, suitable for 2 gentlemen. Phone Main 5490. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD. RBAS. onahle; telephone, bath, gas. 528 Colum bia st. THB SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. Room with or without board, single or a suite. FEW LADIES TO ROOM AND BOARD; phone and bath; $12 month. Phone East 332S. 303 7TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, with board; home cooking; reasonable ratrs. THB OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR YOUNG PEO ple. permanent. 255 13th st., near Main. CHOICE ROOMS. TRANSIENT OR FERMA nent; board. 394 Columbia. Main 2219. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, VERY central, modem, 208, 11th st. BOARD AND ROOM. $1 PER DAY. 547 349 Morrison. Flats. SIX LARGE ROOM FLAT. . 3 BAY WIN dows, attic and bath, with fine modem fur niture for sale: gas, water-heater .range, everything complete, new and artistically furnished and centrally located 'flat In the city. Address 34A N. 16th. Call 9 to O. Phone Main 3251. SIX-ROOM FLAT. TO PROPER PARTIES. $20; references required; centrally located. No. 4 Grand ave. North. LOWER FLAT OF THRSB ROOMS. FUR nlshed complete: reasonable. 494 Columbia. FOR RENT NICB 5-ROOM FLAT. -INQUIRE 230 Hall st. ...