ATP 12 'THE HORNING OBEGONIAtf. THURSDAY, JTBt 8; CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. JCo. Boeai uj Beard. keeping Beets. "SItaatieBs Waaled, 15 words er less. 15 cents j 16 to 20 words. 28 cents; 51 to 25 words, 25 cent, etc No dJ coont for additional lasertloas. T0NDEE A1X OTHER HEADS, except New Today," SO ceats for 15 words or least 10 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words. 50 ceats. etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half j bo further discount la ter one moHth. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first Insert! oat 10 cents net line of each additional lasertlea. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orrxealaa. aad left at this office, should always be laclosed la sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan vQ aot be responsible foe errors In advertisements takes thro urn the telephone. MEETING S'OTICES. KREMLIN BAKU. I. O. M. Joint work meeting with Krem lin Khuzar at Oddfellows Tem ple this (Thursday) evening, June S 1905. at 8:30 o'clock. Banquet by Bebekahs at 11 P. M. Jiobles ordered to wear -r ex and be at temple at 7:30 P. M. for narade. also to loin in parade tomorrow. Hand petitions to recorder early. By order of the Czar. E. E. SHARON, Recorder. THUSNELDA SISTER. LODGE. NO. 1. O. D. H. S., meets Thursday evening. June 8, at 8 o'clock, in Eagles' Hall 2d and Yamhill sts. Members of other slater lodges welcome. MARIE HOLZ, President. ANNIE WEDEKING, Secretary. OREGON COMMANDERY. NO. 1 K. T. Regular conclave this evening at 8 P. M. Order of the Temple. Visiting Elr Knights courteously invite g MACRUM, Recorder. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. .A. F. & A. M. Special communication i this. Thursday, evening, o o cjvc. Masonic Temple. Work in E. A. de- gree. All E. A. Masons Invited. By order of TV. M. B. S. PAGUE. Secretary. ARION SOCIETY All members are hereby kindly requested to attend the funeral of our late member. W. A. Wagner. Funeral services at Turn Hall at 2 P. M. today. A. LOBSIEN. Secretary. The members of the P. S. Turn Vereln are requested to attend the funeral of our late member. William A. Wagner, to take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Turner Hall. By order of the president. WM. FEUSTEL, Secretary. FUNERAL NOTICES. QUACKENBUSH In this city. June 4. 1003. at 3921a Sixth street, Mary Elizabeth Quaok enbush. aged 45 years 8 months 6 days. Fu neral Thursday, June 8. 1005. at 2 P. M-. from Holman'o Chapel, corner Third and Salmon treets. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. DUNNING, McENTEE & GIXBAUGH. successors to Dunning & Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern in every de tail, 7th and Pine, Phone Mais 480. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady, assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. FIN LEY SON, Funeral Directors, car. Sd and. Madison. Offlce of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady asblstant. Telephone East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., UNDERTAKERS, Embalmers, 278 Rus'l; East 1088; lady aa'f. NEW TODAY. A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR A PRCTICL hrwer to buv In as a partner in fine equipped plant selling about 3000 barrels; particulars w zi, uregonian. LODGES Often have funds for building or other pur poses, which remain Idle until paid out, un less they wish to MAKE MONEY By depositing on short call with the "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON." RESOURCESOVER$1,000,000 On special certificates of deposit, in sums to suit at 34 to 4 per cent interest, which may be called one at a time or as required, thus earning every dollar possible for the lodge before disbursement. Let your committee call on us or send for our booklet of "ILLUSTRATIONS." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGffS J00 Third Street. Phone Main 453, BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary ILLUSTRATION NO. 4. , "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON" RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000 You are going to travel? You are uncer tain how long you will be away. You do not want your funds to be idle. Call on us. Procure a certificate of deposit, payable on 1)0 days' call, with Interest at 4 per cent per annum. When you think of turning home ward, call your certificate by mall or wire. At the end of IK) days we - will pay the certificate with Interest to that date. We shall be glad to answer questions if you will call on us or send for book of "HXUSTRATIONS." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 100 Third Street. Phone 453. BENJ. L COHEN President H. I. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEB PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary California "Bliss Lands" Small farms for pettier. 9200 acres of lrri gated land In 20-acre farms at $M to 970 per acre one-fourth cash. Reached by Southern Padfio or Santa Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare Cltr 2 miles from Bliss Lands. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous fruits, vege tables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bllas Lands One), care Sullivan & Sul livan. Lawyers, 010 Parrott bldg., Saa Fran cisco. New Residence for Sale Elegantly furnished 10-room house, on .two lots in most ucvsirauic WHUUU ewe Thi. wiofA fount f at- . hrimA. rontslrm flvi fireplaces, hardwood floors and every modem convenience, and Is offered at a price that fhould be attractive to any one wanting a high-clans home. The Hart Land Co.. 109 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT STORE ROOMS, 3 Floors, 90 and 92 Front street. 15,000 square feet space. Apply to PACIFIC PAPER CO. RIVER FRONT FOR SALE Four acres. Southern Pacific Railroad on west. Willamette River on east. T. T. Struble, 250 Main street. 20th and Everett 50x60 ground with 5-roora cottage: Ideal fiat location; cheap. A. H. BIRRELL. 202 ilcKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE Well-built and practically new. house 12z2S leet, partly furnished. Phone Owner. 5& Main two, or can ivo ancrioca; Dies. NEW TODAY. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block Geo era. 1 practice Inrestlgatloa. Estate work, Special and periodic! audits. 1'aea West It. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Oar raeersa are complete aad J U &tta. raraua abstracts proapur. MORTGAGE L0AXS Oa taiprersa Portlaad Rsal Xstats. arcuatiTx abstract a txcst ca. Xlt-XIS Cluuakar at Conner. An Attractive Buy Block containing about 24 acres, on car line. 23-mlnutes run from First and Wash ington st.: sightly place for a some; $900, 5100 down, balance $100 a year. JAMES P. SHAW. Rooms 20-21, Lai) be Bldg., Second and Washington sts. Holiday's Addition For Sale A new 5-room cottage, all con- enlenccs. full cement basement, streets fully Imroved. A very desirable location. Convenient to two trolley lines. Terms will be given. he Oregon Real Estate Co. SS Third St.. Boom 4. , FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. LOOKING FOR A HOME? 5-room new house, garden and fruit trees. at Kern Park, Alt. Bcott canine km room new bouse. Sunnyslde 1600 8-room new bouse and two lots. E. 11th.. 2200 6-room new house, near E. Ankeny fX . 2100 6-room almost new House, near W- iam ave. zuoo 6-room new house, near E. Ankeny st..-. 3100 b-room large house ana three lets near Hawthorne ave..., -two 8-room large house and two lots near Hawthorne ave 0000 B. S. COOK & CO.. Open evening. 251 Aider Street. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Our lots are beautifully situated, command a magnificent view and are much cheaper than any others offered. We want to sell. See us before buying. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO., Phone Main S3 S3. Failing bldg. FOR SALE 3U ACRES. FENCED, NICE building site, on Woodstock ear line Lot 50x135 at Portsmouth Station; a bar gain. 275 acres, fine dairy farm; immediate pos session. TOWNSEXD. MAXWELL & CO.. 2S9 Alder eL. Phone Main 1222. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as S10 per month with water. A. C. Churchill & Co.. "Inc." 110 2d st. FOR SALE 40 ACRES. GOOD CULTIVA- tlon. good orchard. 2 good wells, large fruit drier, good house and other buildings; nicely located between Portland and Ore gon City; will sell all or part; also acre age In small tracts In several different lo cations. J. W. Roots, Boring, Or. 23D AND YORK STS. NEW MODERN 6- roorn house, lot 33x103. $2500; easy install ment terms; neat the rising tide of real estate: the Fair Is a success, and prop erty win never ne as cneap again in 1'ort land as right now; principals only. Address owner, W 28, oregonian. RIVER FRONT PROPERTY LARGE WARE- house on east side 'of Front at., bet. Mom son and Madlsan sts.. for sale: 50x190 feet: two floors; property paying good Interest on amount asked for it. Inquire of owners, 763 Northrup st. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE LOTS. $5 MONTH. Good lots, block from car line, at from ?io to tJW. mommy. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO.. Offices at Sell wood and at 222 Failing bldg. HAWTHORNE AVE.. AT 31ST ST. SPLEN did 8-room modern house, brand new. atnHe grounds, price buw, on easy installment!!; buy now; the Fair will make property steadily higher from now oa; principals only, owner, -v zu. uregonisn. SELLWOOD LOTS. Si MONTH. Come out and see Portland's prettiest sub urb. Choice lets for from $75 to $209. $S monthly payments. Seilwood Tewnsitn Co., onice at beuweoa ana -at 22 Failing mag. as ACRES. NEAR MONTA VILLA CAR line, all cultivated, fruit and berries, one of the beautiful spots en earth for the money; suitable for platting. Plttlnger, 24SH iiornson. i-none iain TALK ABOUT BARGAINS A NEW. MOD era 7-room bouse, cement walks, full base ment, corner let, at your own price. Call 095 Earl Sth Brooklyn Heights. Phono Union 2095. BARGAIN NEW S-ROOM COTTAGE: CON- crete oasement; tot wxisv; on Ait. Tabor carllne. Price, S00; terms. Call at 2vK Morrison et., room i. $40,000-100x100 GOOD BUSINESS PROP erty. Crick, improvements, rented 2373 per montn, chance to increase, so agents. AC. dress Box 2005, city. FOR SALE OR WILL. BUILD TO SUIT purchaser on easy terms Two leu, B. 12th at., bet. Tillamook and Thompson. Phese East 675. $500 TO CLOSE ESTATE, 5-ROOM HOUSE. lYio iou, orcnara. eic; center aaaiuon. Montavllla car. S. B. Rlggen, 118 Ablngton mag. FOR BALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 rooms. 315 22d st. Price low. Owner. Mrs. W. A. Daly. The Brown. 271 H Grand ave. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS- Bsrraina on O. w. i". electric line. O. u. Addlton. Lenta, Or. Take Mt. Scott car, 5c. FOR SALE4 FINE NEW HOME ON 2& acres, all in fruit and berries. For partic ulars call 291 E. utn st. 1'aone East 34WI. FOR SALE C-ROOM DWELLING. STORE building and corner lot: income S25 per month; puce $1700. inquire son N. sui st. -ROOM MODERN HOUSE 18 FRUIT trees, 1 block from car. casb or terms. Dahlgren, 724 East 13th. Phone East 3311 FOR RENT NEW MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. 29 Vi li oth. cor. liumsiae; rent Z0; vac-int July 1. inquire iage c ton. 120 i-ront ru HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. FINE tillable land with house In Klickitat Count Washington. Room 9, Washington bldg. $4000 WILL BUY A GOOD 8-ROOM HOt'SB and one-naii lot in 3tn sc. lacing eatt cars pass door; no agents. Tel. Main 929. CHOICE ACREAGE AND WHEAT FARMS for sale at South ML Tabor real estate of fice. Take the Reservoir car on 1st sL FOR SALE CHOICE PROPERTY ON Front et. paying 10 per cent; good loca tion. Address N 33, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR LEASE 100 FEET SQUARE. Thurman ar. between xiia ana S5tn, near Exposition grounds. Apply SS 3d st. FIND LOTS FROM $75 TO $200. $5 A month. Sellwood Townslte Co.. offices at Sellwood and at 222 Falling bldg. LOTS NEAR CAR LINE FOR $5.00 PER month. Sellwood Townslte Co.. office al Sellwood and at 222 Failing bldg. $750 EACH 2 S-ROOM HOUSES IN SELL wood; now rented for $10; easy terms. Sell wood Townslte Co., Union 1401. $5 MONTHLY WILL BUY YOU A FINE lot. Sellwood Townslte Co.. offices at Sell wood and at 222 Falling bldg. I HAVE A BARGAIN IN BUSINESS rROP erty on Front, First, Sixth and Seventh sts. F. Abraham, 4SJ4 First at. $1630 NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE AND 2 targe lots oa cor. Grand ave. and Shaver st. See owner, 394 Shaver st. FOR SALE REASONABLE. 10-ROOM HOUSE and halt lot. central. 129 10th. between Washington and Alder. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. LOT MX104. NEAR E. 2Sth St., car barn; $1200. Hatfield & Smith, 163H 4th st, room 32. FOR SALE REASONABLE 10-ROOM house and lot. central. 129 10th. bet. Wash ington and Alder. V BLOCK. NEAR EAST 20TH ST.. TIB betts' Add.. $900. Hatfield &. Smith, 165 4th sL, room 32. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. 6 MILES FROM Uorrisoa sr. Ttridge. C X. Ballard. XUwau Us, Or. . S"!rOK SALE REAL XSTATE. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. We offer at a bargain 12 acres; about 4 acres of which Is beaver data, all Improved. iw trait, good land, good read, done car line. S miles from center of city aad 2 miles vouth of Xilwaukte; will divide if desired. Get full particulars from AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.. FbooeOIaln S3S3. 222 FalHng bldg. FOR SALE NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. C47 Bortbwlck St.; will tell eheap. Inquire oa premises. FOR SALE 0-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, basement and nice lawn; owner. Phone Main 5079. $3000 WILL BUY FINE LOT. 50x100. WEST srae. 13 in. near jovejey; part casa. 1 soav East 1507. C-ROOM COTTAGE. SMALL PAYMENT. balano? mentMy. Phone East C75. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE 13 MILES FROM PORTLAND and about one from railroad aad boat landing, a nice home, 20 acres. 17 opened eat. balance in pasture; all fenced; about 400 fruit trees, quite a number bearing; frame houae, painted; cistern, woodshed, barn and hennery; running water in pasture, a eow. borve and llcht- wagon; harness, ploy, harrow and cultivator; place is rented, but Immediate possession might be had; lirice $1G00. Address G 35, Oregenlan. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 334 ACRES. 20 lanes I rem Portland, in best part of val ley, cke to rail, schools and churches; about 200 acres rich bottom. 176 in cultiva tion, balance partly cleared and in grass; good house, barns and fences: electric light and telephone: some beaverdani. Mat fir timber; $45 per acre; terms. O 35, Ore genlan. SOMETHING NICE COMPLETE FARM. 53 acres, level land, in cultivation. 700 Winter apples, modern Improvements, electric car, fine roads all year; S miles east of Port land: growing crop, chickens, stock aad implements: fine water and piped; more acreage adjoining if wanted. 227 Front st. SMALL. FARM FOR SALE HI CRES. 6 acres in cultivation; good house and barn; small orchard and garden. 2 cows and calves, 2 horses, wagon and buggy, with ether farming utensils. Inquire at Eagle Creek Pojftofnce, Clackamas County. Price $1200. MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON WRITE TO u. x. aicDaniei. of Ontario. Or., for a list of farms and stock ranches In the best farming and stockralslng county In Oregon. Some great bargains In alfalfa farms. FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER THE "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from stale; write or call today; booklets and map tree. 3. S. Cook St Co.. 231 Alder st-. Port land. Or. Open evenings. FINE VALLEY FARM. 232 ACRES; RUN- nlng water, spring piped to house: fine barn, fruit. $40 acre. L Burley. owner, first houss east of Woolen Mill site, Uma tilla ave.. Sellwood. $100040 ACRES FINEST SOIL ON COLUM- mi; equal to iiood River for apples; fenced; house, barn; enough wood on the place to pay for it. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 40S Ablngton bldg. FRED GOVERNMENT FARM LANDS JUST opened to settlement: level valley land; no stone or timber: water and soli first class. Room CS, Lab be bldg.. cor. 2d and Washing ton sta. $18 PER ACRE. 320 ACRES WITHIN. 1C miles 01 city, TO acres in cultivation, all Al roll. Valley Land Co.. 43U 1st at. B 34, Oregenlan. FOR SALE 330-ACRE FARM; WELL IM- p roved; bottom; on Columbia River. Will feed 75 cows. IL P. Whalen. Woodland. Wash. BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED LAND. FARMS. Q3K rancarc: scneoi tana and city prop erty. A. C Palmer, 315 Oregenlan Mdg. FOR SALE SPLENDID BUY OF 10 ACRES. an cleared. - miles east AtoBtavilla, only $S50. j. l. welts to.. 94 Grand ave. FOR SALE FIND DAIRY AND GRAIN farm; 200 acres; only (4009; big bargains. V. Claded. Scis. Or. FOR SALE IMPROVED 5 ACRES. CLOSE la; fcoeec and barn sear earnae, Addrer Q Xt. uregonun. 208 ACRBS OF CHOICE LAND NEAR SA leta. will sell for $73 per acre. See owner at iu Htx . FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE SAWMILL IN TOWN OF COT tage Grove. Or oa the Southern Pacific R. R.; a good property in building, ma chinery, location, etc.; nearby timber land can be bought er logs contracted delivered at mill for $4.50 per M. Tatura & Bowen. I'ortland. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIuKNCKO Iuti to $10,000; ab business properties. $3000 to $9,000. liave buyers, u. W. Whiting &. Ca, 4us Acmgton ciag. WANTED IMMEDIATELY HARDWARE OR general merchandlMS httstaesa In thriving i own; no agents. 2. uregoniaa. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. SANTA FE FOREST RESERVE SCRIP will still take timber lands. Sioux scrip 'Mill take unsurveyed land. We have both. MaginnU &. Son. 227 FalUng bldg. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Celllns Land Co.. Concord bldg. TO LEASE.. TO LEASE BEST LOCATION IN PORT laad for fine large restaurant and cafe, or ether first-claM business: heart of business center; fine entrance en two leading streets: boaus required. Address, with references. S 35. Oregonlan office. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE FINE BRICK BLOCK and 9-reem bouse for Los Angeles or ceunty prepeny. 239 Russell 0?., B. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. HORSES, WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds cf vehicles bought. ald aad reatte. Hubert & HaU. 264 4th. Phone Main 220S. A FINE PAIR OF GRAY MARES. 1200 LBS. each, well matched. At stable, 2d and ladlson. SEVERAL rubber-tired buggies, wagons and sunt jo. Cor. 18th and Thnrmsn. Main 3679. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on coast for sals or hire. 211 Wash. SAN FRANCISCO VETERINARY COLLEGE Next session begins July 17. S3 ARMY BEDS FOR SALE CHEAP. Simon & Bro 244 Front st. J. GOOD WORKHORSE CHEAP, man u, car. 18th. 371 THUR- Pianos. WE SHOULD BE ON YOUR VISITING Hst. as one of the mast interesting fea tures ef Portland. A five times greater business Is trans acted by this great estabMehment than by any ether one ef Its klad en the Coast. See eur "quarter block ef fine planes" and leara why we oaa sell at such asteafcnlngly lew prices. EILERS PIANO "HOUSE. 351 Washington Sc. earner Park. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover it with Mastic roofing. la rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin er shingles; for sew roofs there is nothing better; guaran teed; Manic roof paint aad cement will step small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co, room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL ' llard an d. pool tables; casqr paymeats; we rant tables, with privilege of buying: modera bar fixtures, cheap pricco. Brunswlck-Balke-Col-lender. 49 3d st. . FOR SALE 1 MOQUETTE RUG. 9X12. $13; 1 quartered eak buffet, $17; 1 Jewel gas range (nearly new), $S. Apply 402 Washing ton st. FOUR TRAINED FORTUNE - TELLING birds. -suitable for Fair work. 41 X. 3d st. Big money for some one; ts be sold cheap. SECOND-HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS cf allJcinds at lowest Prices, cash or iastaU xaeata. Fisher Music Co, 190 3d sr. A GOOD PAYING LIVERY AND BOARD ing stable, clearing ever $100 per month, cheap. 504 Goldsmith. FOR SALESODA FOUNTAIN: ALSO large refrigerator suitable for restaurasr. D C, Qrtgor.Un. FOR SALE. CHOICE ROSES AND SWEET PEA sear Morrison. Sowers. 110 Grand ave.. Phone East 174X FOR SALE 1 SCO FEET 6 TO 9-INCH PlPfJ in good condition. M. Barde Sz Son. Sth and GHsan sts. 3-HORSEPOWER ELECTRIC MOTOR. RUN two months, for sale cheap. 433 Wash ington st. FOR SALE FRESH COW WITH CALF: excellent milker. Address B 32. care Ore genlan. FOR SALE-MOVING PICTURE FILMS, 1000 feet. 4c per toot; little used. D 12. Orego nian. FOR SALE A 9-MONTHS OLD FEMALE fax terrier; all white body. D 33. Oregonlan. NEW GAS RANGE AND WATER HEATER for sale at once. Call at 247 Dixon st. FTVE - DRAWER PORTABLE BAKER'S oven for sale. 428 Washington. FURNITURE FOR SALE. 7C3 IRVING ST. HELP WANTED MALE. CANVASSERS WANTED BRIGHT MEN. young or old. by one of the largest manu facturers la the United States. Caavassers are to call the attention of consumers to the merits of a well-known article of wear ing apparel. The work need not Interfere with your regular employment. It can be done "out of hours" and will add ma terially to your annus! income. Send us a postal card and we will tell you what there is in it for you. No money required of you at any tine. Address Lock Box 2357. Bos ton. Mass. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watcumaklng. engraving. Jewelers' wo: only practical working school tor Jewelers; money mads learning. Seattle Watchmaking aad Engraving School. P.-L building. Seattle, WANTED FOR THE FAIR: ALSO FOR dramatic companies etc. chorus girls, co medians, sister teams, sketch teams, illus trated song singers, musicians. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, 331H Morrison. GERMAN COLD MEAT AND SALAD MAN. 19 a week; German cook. $20 a week; ber man dishwasher, $S a week; others. . HANSEN'S OFFICE. 2d North Second Street. WANTED REPRESENTATIVE FOR OR gon and Washington for Glycerole and a complete line of well-known Shoe Dressings. Reply with full particulars to L. Engel. care Hotel Portland, Portland. WANTED BY WHOLESALE . HOUSE, ER rand boy. who is familiar with the city; good opportunity for advancement: address in own handwriting, stating age and salary expected. R 33, Oregonlan. WANTED 10.000 LABORERh. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. If you want work come to Portland: wages. $1.40 to $3 per day and board. Canadian Employment Co.. 249 Barnilde st. WANTED SOLICITOR FOR HIGH-CLASS financial proposition; none but hard-working Al men need apply; liberal commission; state references and experience. Address J 32. Oregonlan. WANTED MANAGER FOR A LARGE apartment house, with select cafe; married man. no children: state experience. Ad dress The Pavla, 643 Sutter St., San Fran cinco. WANT EXPERIENCED SASH AND DOOR machine men. also door cutters and turn ers; steady employment: pay good wages. Mlksoula Lumber Co.. Missoula. Mont. EXPOSITION EMPLOYMENT HEADQUARTERS. Hotel and Restaurant Help. 26 N. 2d et. Phone Ms In 1526. WANTED A TAILOR: ONE WHO IS A good presser on. suits, to buy out stand In a hotel at entrance to Fair grounds. Call at once, room 93. Hotel Falrmount. EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR FOR SALE OF mining stock to place shares In thoroughly sound " and highly profitable proposition. Call 2S9 Alder street. WANTED MECHANICAL ENGINEER AND draughtsman; one acquainted with mining machinery. Call on Hammond .Mfg. (.0., 100 First s:.. city. WANTED A PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN all round printer. Apply ii. L. Ran. camp grounds. Central Park, corner of Grand ave. and Yamhill k. PHOTOGRAPHER WITH OUTFIT FOR eoHo or velox prlntiar; no objection t amateur If competent. Address City Post office Box 92. WANTED A PHYSICLVN REGISTERED IN state of Washington; young man preferred: office practice. State Medical Institute. Se attle. Wash. WANTED MATTRESS-MAKERS AND DOTS to learn mattm making; good wages. Pe ters A Roberts Furniture Co., 43 Front, cor ner IMV1S. WANTED GOOD ALL ROUND JOB PRINT- er. with some capital; fine opening; estab lished busln. Address P. O. Box 1190. Spokane. SIX FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS: ALSO one capable of taking general agency for nrst-ciass proposition, huh 4tb st-. room 37. WANTED WOOD TURNER. DONKEY EN glaeer, ratchet setter, mllihands: other work. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau. 203 ij Morrison. California wine depot: headquarters bakers. cooks, waiters, bartenders. AH wines per gists. P Lorati. 14S 4th. Clay 1303. WANTED SAILORS FOR MANILA ON American bark. Apply a Sailors Home. 2d and uuian sis.; wages $su per montn. LOGGERS. MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Ox. 193 Mcrrison. Main 1325. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throughout state to solicit busi ness Call or write. 607 McKay bldg. WANTED PARTNER TO INVEST IN vaudeville theater; fine proposition; big re turns. Call room 11. 331 Vi Morrison. WANTED EXPERIENCED FURNISHING good ealesmaa Apply between 9 and 9:30 A. M.. Boston Store. 1st and Salmon. WANTED FIRST-CLASS STICKERMAN steady work and good wages to the right man. cor. lotn ana l-landers. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. CARPET sTaletcnan. See us for position wanted. ' See us now. 503 McKay bldg. WANTED A GOOD. STEADY MOLDER married man preferred. Apply to Dcuglas Bros, Aberdeen, Wash. SIDE LINE OF FIREWORKS FOR THE Sound. Eastern Washington and Oregon. Ad drees w si. oregonlan. WANTED CLOTHING SALESMAN. OUT OF city; snipping cicrx; many otner openings. 503 McKay bldg. WANTED MALE Japan Restaurant, Call at once. DISHWASHER, on Trail; good' FAIR wages. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO KEEP A SET of books about two hours a day. E 41. Ore gonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COOK AND BAK er for country club. Address K 2S. Ore gonlan. WANTED FOREMAN PATTERNMAKER. must be competent. Portland Iron Works, city. OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. WANTED; HI Gil es t price said. 30 3d. Phone Hood 1SCZ. FIRST-CLASS LINEMAN FOR ELECTRIC transmission line. Address o 23. Oregonlan, FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. CO UN" try; big wages. 213 Commercial block. EXPERIENCED MALE OPERATOR ON Fisher billing machine. V 33, Oregonlan, PAINTER WANTED. CALL' AT 151 GRAND ave.. N cor. Irving: bring overalls. WANTED PRESSER Washington . rocm ON PANTS. 410 HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN OF ABILITY. GOOD HEALTH, TO represent ViavL mte iewis Biag. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; good wages. 770 Flanders st. WANTED 2 GIRLS: ONE FOR CHAMBER work. 33 North 18th st, cor. Davis. WANTED A DRESSMAKER TO GO IN country for week. P 23. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL. CALL mornings, 333 11th st, cor. Market. WANTED G I RL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply 411 stanc st. GOOD. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply 336 North 23d st. EXPERIENCED GIRLS FOR SHIRT AND overall factory. 1st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL KOUSE- wcrr, $39. 3m UUt aev xrtr wax LADras-WANTiNa sa AAi -1 ixar situauess tc 'ExtKj&tUm aad 01 ANSETS LAXras t$H Washfcistoa: st.; WANTED BY NEIGHBORS each to help with houseworfc children ; sisters preferred, gl together. Address or call 940 Broe? GTKLE-tF TOO WAST WORK. to see ua. Over XCOO cosltluns vrr Can sad 'register. Canadian Paxlsr. Xorrlsca. Mala 132. BY AN BLDKRLY COUPLE. A YOCN girl to assist la light housew-ck home and small wages. 315 20th st.. I'- land Heights. WANTED A WOMAN TO COOK FOR AXE f iook aner u wants et a tinting r"ij of from 6 le 12 people. Address G 33. care Orecoelaa, WANTED FtRST-CLASS LADT REPRE- srntatives In Portland and throcgaout stats: good pay. Call cr wrlto 807 MeKsy bldg. WANTED HOUSEKKEPSRS. COO ICS. WAIT- er. ens m berma Id. reB'ral workers. St. Louis Agency. 230'3 Yamhill. Mala G41X WOMAN TO COOK ON RANCH DURING Summer: 3 to 13 men: wages $30 per moata. W. G. Sawyer, Hot Lake. Or. WANTED A COMPETENT WOMAN OR A girl to do general housework. IsqulrsiSST Spring. Phone Main 2937. MANICURING SUCCESSFULLY TAUGHTIN ten IeMons: course S3. Call 237 7th st... between Madison. Jefferson. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO the new teleobene Index. Inouirs W. J. Clemens. 273 Stark st. WANTED CO M PETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Call forenoon. 843 Mellnda ave., head of Johnson st. WANTED A GIRL WHO IS A GOOD COOK for general housework In small family. Call forenoons. 141 N. ltith. EXPERIENCED LADY AGENTS WANTED. Something new. quick seller; large profits. Call 353 E. Pine. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; roust be good cook. Apply 100 E. 16th st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work: wages $15 per month. -Apply 3S7 10th st. WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK; good wagex 373 West Park St.. corner Mont gomery. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- erai housework. Apply 575 Hoyt St., cur. istn. WOMAN OR A GIRL IS WANTED TO cook at the Baumann Hotel. 412 N. 10th st. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN TO TAKE care of child. Call 3 to 5 P. M.. 8 10th st. GIRL WANTED FOR COOKING AND GEN- eral housework. 715 Flanders St.. cor. 22d. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; must be neat, can before 2 at 107 letn. WANTEDGOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: good wages. Call 5C4 Hoyt st. GIRL WANTED FOR COOKING AND GEN- eral housework. 715 Flanders st. cor. 2. CREAM DIPPER AND 2 PACKERS WANT- ed at Aldon Candy Co.. 10th and Gllsan st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER IN WIDOWER'S family. Call forenoons. 736 Brooklyn et. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND TO take care of children. 36S East 15th. N. WANTED DINING-ROOM GIRL. OCEANIC Hotel. 45 RusseL WANTED WAIST-FINISHERS. TEESDAT.K. an Marquam. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALU. WANTED EXPERIENCED MARKERS. starcners and ironers. Apply Star Laundry uo.. union ave. and East Ankeny. WANTED EXPERIENCED MARKERS. starehera and Ironers. Apply Star Laundry Co.. union ave. and East Ankeuy ft. MAN AND WIFE FOR RANCH: MAN good gardener and poultry man; woman good cook. J 28. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WITH 10 years experience In general merchandise: good penman; country town preferred. Room 160. Merchant Hotel, city. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPEKI- enced bookkeeper and hardware man: refer ences given; no objections to going out of city. Address s 34. oregonlan. AMBITIOUS BUS1NES3 COLLEGE GRADU- ate wants bookkeeping position; has first class references; moderate salary. F 35 Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY EXPERIENCED salesman and office man; 6 years with large Btstern bouse. C 34. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. AGE 23. EXPERIENCED IN general office work and stenography, would MAN EXPERIENCED IN REAL ESTATE and land business desires situation with reliable firm. D 41. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED BY COMPETENT TROMBONE aad baritone player, position, either band or orchestra; la cr out or cur. Address t 11 irrcguaiao. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all Kinas or neic. uiay sis. lis Kverelt st. A BRIGHT. HONEST JAPANESE YOUTH wants a position as salesman or bookkeeper goou reierence. Appiy a. uregonian. PARTIES GOING FOR AN OUTING WISH ing a young man to do odd Jobs for bis Doara. Address 11 k. care oregonlan. A YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK: WILLING to worz tew nours momins and evening tor Doara. Aocrees x 34. uregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS pastry cook; strictly sober, economical work er. Address t 35, oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POS1TION to work In family, to do housework and cook ing, r -ti. uregonian. ELECTRICIAN. EXPERIENCED IN REPAIR and operating steam and gasoline engines. Q 31. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. 22. DESIRES INSIDE WORK of any kind; good references. Address A. Boyd. (Sylvan. Or. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL- lege wants place to work for board and room. Q L. Oregonlan. STRONG BOY OF 16 WANTS WORK: GOOD waiter. Phone 4901. Address 411 S. 3d. JAPANESE WANTS ANY KIND HOUSE- work by day. Phone Hood 362. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers aad Stenographers. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position during Summer in wholesale house. Phone East 2017. Housekeepers. A. CULTURED- COMPANIONABLE EAST- era lady desires position as managing house keeper in the establishment of a small fam ily, widower or oacneior. in or out of town, or would act as traveling companion. Ad dress for ten days care this offlce, A 41. Trustworthy. SITUATION WANTED AS HOUSEKEEPER. young woman, girl 4. widower's family. 230H xamnnu fnone Alain oiio. SITUATION WANTED BY LADY AS HOUSE keeper for widower; city preferred. Call room 9. S3H 1st st. Domestics. CAPABLE NURSE GIRL DESIRES CARE of infant children under 4. 230 Vi YamhtIL Phone xain 04U. 3lsce Ilaaeeas. SITUATION WANTED CAPABLE WOMAN washing. Ironing, cleaning, housekeepers. cocks, chambermaids. 230 Vi YamhllL Phone Alain 3413. POSITION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED lady; small hotel seaside, country or tent lag party city, box D. St. Johns. Or. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED. Reliable excerisaced agents in cities and towns of on. ftun. and caL Natloaal Financing Co 20S Marqcam bldg. WE WANT TO LOCATE GOOD AGENTS IN every town in your district. For informa tion address Southern Ohio ClrculIiiEg Co.. Mala office 4t E. Court et. OWN' Si- tXlr er ItVun Our r- in rsynle-' I dreds of : suitable quarte wnaiever. anu vantage of t!' rental departs r. lion blank. Ira.e the secure a (VMirajie tr, in all parts et c:'. aad have a vacant bow. aat phone the particulars. W ts remain long ft W. H. E. EDWARDS. 11063KFV.' RN 1 Rental DepartmeaC lid to Wl 1st WANTED , - . Rooms, for the Exsosltlea la allrcarts of the- city. Apply .Expcsttiaa Accommodation Bureaw, zoo to-sca .Goodnougit'tbuiiding. Under direction of Lents and.'ClAricf Expcsitloa corporatloa. FsoserAfalnJ626 WANTED BY SINGLE GENTLEMAN, FUR nisnea room in private ramur where tsesa are no roomers or children, not' over ten blocks from Postcfflce; 8 years In presesR location; reierences exchanged; ao not wn the use of the house. Just the room, which must be neat and In a respectable locattea; no others neeu answer, x SJ.qregonias. WE WANT FOR NONRESIDENT FAIR visitors several furnished house. 6 o IS rooms each; reliable tenants, three to five months. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 165S 3d st. room A. MAN AND WIFE WANTS FURNISHBD room; private family; state location and price. N 35, Oregonlan. WANTKD MIS CELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS all kinds of furniture, new or old. at 211 1st st. Phone 3faln 3633. WANTED AT ONCE. .SECOND-HAND MA- rlne boner, xrem 10 to so-norsepower. can on or address Charles R. Lord, Hotel Qulmby. THREE NEW. MODERN FLATS. 1 8-ROOM residence, xoo Mill district, inquire alter a f. m. an weeK, a. v. uregg. io 1st. wanted men's cast-off clothiNu and sboear highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood BIT. WANTED SECOND-HAND ROLLTOP DESK. table, chair and small sate. heeler, 223 W. Park. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tla of all kinds. Phone East 2233. TALL SHOWCASE TO SET ON COUNTER. Phone Main 1407. FOR RENT. Rooms. HOTEL ARMINIUS,. JUST COMPLETED. furnishings new and elegant, all outside rooms, plenty light and best of ventilation, strictly modern, three blocks Hotel Port land; rates $1 to $2 day. Including bath. 4104 Morrison, comer 11th. THE LINDELL HOTEL. Market st.. between 3d and 4th. European and American plan. Handsome modem furnishings, all up-to-date convenient ces; free porcelain baths, electric light, gas, steam heat; outside rooms; 50c to $2 per day. HANDSOME NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS In private family, select neighborhood; wilt give use of bath, piano and ele gantly furnished parlor: large yard, to sn- tlemen only. Phone Mala 1176. or call 693 Davis St.. between 21st-22d. GOODNOUGH BLDG.. Opposite Postofflce, Sth and Yamhill sts. rilceiy turnisned rooms, sieam neai. irk bath and telcDhone: cars direct to depot and Fair grounds pass door; take elevator to third, fourth and ruth noons, THE AUDITORIUM. 20S"4 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block south Baker Theater Elegantly new furnished brick building; hot. cold water In rooms, free baths, rooms with private baths, elevator; $1 day up; reasonable Dy week, lounsts. THE PHILADELPHIA. 3D AND SALMON Finest apartments In the city;-hot and com water In rooms; bath free to guests; cen tral, facing Plaza block and Elk fountain. Phone Jiam zuzs. J. ii. Ji. uiacx, x-rop. THE OCKLEY. 300i MORRISON ST.. COR. loth Furnished rooms, sincuy nrsi-ciaaa. moderate prices, by the day or week; take 31 car direct from depot to tair gruunua. Phone Clay 712. Mrs. A. H. Crocker. Prop. A NMPELT FURNISHED ROOM. 2 SINGLE beds; suitable for 2 genuemen; nice, quiet loeatltom no children in the house: ga. bath and phone; terras moderate; steady roomers preferred. 46S 10th. HOTEL OLIVE. 303& WASHINGTON ST., earner of sin st.. ouoosite corner trom -er- klns Hotel; first-class outside rooms, large enough for tnree douoie oeos, at reasonauis prices. Phone liooa uii. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS! NEWLY FUR- nlshed rooms In private house: single ana in suites; very modern; central and on di rect car to tair. r or tuture uaiing auita Mrs. N.. 367 3d. THE GLEXDORA. 10TH NEAR WASHING ton Kirst-ciasa resident ana transient uuici; rates, transients. $2 and up; resident, $40pr mo. ana. up; uu Aincnaa THE HAMANN. 133 N. 18TH ST. NEWLY furnished rooms. $i-oo up. nice locauon. ia minutes' walk to Fair Grounds. M car at Union Depot direct to house. Mam 34 u- CONCESSIONAIRES. ATTENTION TWO mnnM nr mrniw. suiiame tnree men small familvi bath: seven blocks Fair grounds. 419 N. -1st e, cor. Vaughn. THK ITKn 200 JEFFERSON ST. 15 ROOMS now ready in -new, mocern ouuuins; i per day and up; meals If desired; residence dis trict, only 4 blocks irom- i-osxoince. THJ! KINGSTON ROOMS. 100W 3D, AD- intmnr T3 v- TliMtir. centrallr located. brick building: special attention given to ths traveling public Phone ilooa ooi. tup. rns?kf05 R E. COR. 4TH AND MOR rtinn- it dawn-town rooms in the city; heat and service night and day; rates $3.30 per week and -up, including Data; i or. FOR RENT 370 7TH ST., BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms. $1 per day up, centrally located: convenient to car lines; references required. Phone iiam uoa. HOTEL NORTHERN, COR. 12TH AND Marshall sts. New, modern; all outside rooms: electric lights, frse baths and phone. Phone Main 1459. MODERN NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS AT 635 and 631 E. Salmon St.; reasonable prices to Dermanent roomers, -ixu aaoor ana nes- eriiolr car to I8th st. mre vnET.rrS. COR. 6TH AND JEFFBR Mr-Nieei-r furnished rooms, everything new. modern; prices reasonable, four blocks from Portland Hotel. 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ON CAR lice, 15 minutes walk 3d and Morrison; terms reasonable. 290 Halsey. Telephone East 2123. VTTTrtKHvm ROOMS. VERY REASONABLE. within one block of the Portland Hotel. 1U3 and 193 Seventh sc. comer ot xayior. i-nono Clay 1712. . TOR ELif. 121 AND 125 13TH. COR. WASH tnrton Elegantly rurnisaea rooms, raies for tourists: bath, phone. . Mrs. Robertson, manager. -prvE LARGE FRONT ROOM. $L30 PER day; bath, phone. 3 windows. large veranda three blocks from Hotel Portland. 394 Yam- hllL to tiv ivn WIFE OR TWO MEN ON: large elegantly furnished room in private family, excellent location, raaae aoaa iaiu. RYAN HOUSE. 289, FIFTH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, -ensulte or single. Oppo site City Hail; transient. .- -PATfTT STREET NICE ROOM. CEN trsl. choice location, private family, cheap, suitable; oaa or two. mtm mm, ip, 5 .:Nafc mem. mm.' ;- . J I-i' m ti new sjt '4 . A, - St ? j I Mr: ' U JtiSKT " ssvs-'tikll; sJM p. we 11 D -k. ? 1i.U. villa car. FOR lrT -2 t"TKlA-I "KXIShL. In p.'.! -Kt : fnotiiy. See! a -, close lh. $7 p . Addr M ."0, OregonU CLKANl aX'Mi. ' T $ :R DAY; NO lalse: ptviVg ist .eeplng. 523 13th aU MM K i- 1112- NJCBLY ICRNISHED S AT FAIR , grounds, r;naJ' tUbJh. 26th. cor. Savler; l.o at - ltstfc. mytirk. FOR GEMXKAIEN .X, FUR - private nlshed rrti v. family. Pi w Mava FCRNJBHr' Rfw PRr- Falr rate a 1" t -o grounds, name jiatir amw $3 TO $10 PER WEEK, NEAR FAIR Choice rooms in pnvaie reeiuencc, uo 34th st. Phone Main 6490. 181 H 1ST ST., COR. YAMHILL JilCELX furnished rooms in duck ouuaing; reason-, able: tourist and transient. NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS. NEAR FAIR; readonasie; on cuiinc, uuw, itouc, take M car. 175 N. 21st st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; NEW AND modern; $3 per weeic ana up, on mira si.; central. Main o&si. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SEC- ond floor: modern: reasonaDie; near sicei bridge. 291 Crosby st. 445 5TH WELL FURNISHED KUUJ1S iiN private residence ror irair vuutors; gas and bath: reasonable. EXCELLENT ROOMS: PRIVATE Resi dence, bath; near canines; DreaKiasi u ue slred. 8 EL 11th S. THE ALDER. 435 ALDER ST. NICfc.Lt furnished rooms, sain. gas. convenient ami quiet. Main 3994. NEWLY FURNISHBD ROOMS IN PRIVATE family, single or en suite, tu jenersun, bet. 11th and 12th. HOTEL BERG. 13TH AND ALDER EURO- pean plan. $1 ana up; American and up; free bus. FERN HOTEL. 2STH-ST. ENTRANCE TO Fair; building and lurnuure oranu nsw; rooms 50c per day. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE large lawn. for one. two. or three persons; 175 Fourteenth st. THE TEMPLETON. 206V 1ST ROOMS EN suite or single: eiectnc ngnio, oia; tran sient; reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED. ROOMS IN PRIVATE family: gas, pnone anu oam. no rora et., near Washington. THE SHERMAN XICBbi -UK.-iiM.u rooms by day. week or montn. i i-tn et., cor. Washington. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE for one or two ladles. Phone aiain -iia. 224 Mill st. LARGE COMFORTABLE ROOMS AND bath, single $1. $1.50. $2 per day. CentraL 412 10th st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOJI. close In. Phone iiain 44U- or aaaress a i. Oregonlan. PLEASANT ROOM FOR RENT TO GENTLE- rhen In private lamny. Aaaress j jo, ure gonian. NICELY FURNISHED ROOJIS. PRIVATE home, suitable for two. permanent, aa 11th st. " 447 STH. NEAR COLLEUE L.AKUE. A1K1 furnished rooms Dy wees; -i; oain. gas; adults. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE WITH BATH; suitable for 4, ana oiner rooms. Aiur street. TO LET SUITE OF 3 ROOJIS. FROM JULY 1 to September a; no cniiaren. x i. uic gonian. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WALKING distance, permanent, siu to rnone r-aau 1272. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE WITH BATH. suitable for -I. ana otner rooms, oaj Ai der at. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. FRONT. rent very reaeonaoie; private lamuy. oil 6th. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODEKN. reasonable. 033 tlltn street, corner uncoin. NEAR FAIR. CHOICE ROOMS IN PRIVATE residence. 306 X. 24th. st. pnone iiain wau. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, DAY WEEK or montn; icuuui& 73 - NICELY FURNISHED ROOM ON LOVEJOY, between 23d and zi tn; gas, oatn. jiain -hi. ROOMS, suitable for 2 or 4 parties, with or without board; transients. so jaornscn st. Neatly furnished rooms, reasonable rates. 129 Grand ave.. near i. jiorrison. scott i-jj-. THE LOVEJOY. 623 LOVEJOY ST. NEWLY furnished rooms, ooc to i.oo per oay. 006 FLANDERS ST. O.N E LAHiiti J; u- nlshed room $10: one emau room, o. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT AT THE Oxford rooming nouse. si iiaricet. ROOMS LARGE. WELL FURNISHED room, suitable for two. 322 14th. FOR RENT FTVE ROOMS IN REAR OF store. Inquire 4 North 3d st. - COTS FOR MEN. MC AT THE ELM. 13TH and Washington st. Phone. THE CLIFTON HOUSE. 293 Lodging 50 cents and up. FIRST ST. A LARGE FRONT BEDROOM; moderate. 330 Jackson st. CHARGES MARQUA1I HOUSE. 145 H 6TH ST. ROOJIS 73c to $1.50. TWO FURNISHED bia st. ROOMS. 407 COLUM- Xoaa-s With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR: rooms with board; use ot sewing room; use'of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, superintendent. 510 Flanders. THE IJNDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market st, bet. 3d and 4th: steam heat, electric light, gas, porcelain baths; all out side rooms; exceedingly low rates; TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH excellent board In private family, reason able; gentlemen preferred; S. W. cor. 21st and Lovejoy. 6S0 Lovejoy. KELLOG HOUSE. 184 SHERMAN; TAKE 3 car south: clean lodgings, 23c; meals. 23c: furnished housekeeping rooms, with bath and laundry. 735 HOYT ACCOMMODATIONS UNSUR passed, elegant home for transients or reg ular patrons, rates reasonable. Mala 4504. ROOMS WITH BOARD. $17 A MONTH, TA ble board. 515 Northrup. ROOMS WITH GOOD BOARD. 813 NORTH" rup. TK sts