n THE MORNING ORSGONIAN, TUESDAY, TONE 6, 1905L CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OKKGONTA2iS TEIXTHONXS. Ceuntlac'Koom . .............. Msira 6C7 Hantfrinc Editor Jdaia C50 Sunday Editor .Main 6235 City Editor Main 168 Society Editor . Mxla 0223 Ccmposlng-Koom . ... ............Main 6S5 Superintendent Building ...Bed 2S28 East Side OfQce East CI AMCSE3IEXTS. JiARQUAM GRAJfD THEATER (Morrison bet. 6th and 7th) Evening At 8:15. Bertha Crelshton In "A Romance of 76." BELASCO THEATER (14th and Washlng ton) Evening at 8:15, "The Climbers." EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrlion) Matinee at 2:15 and evening at .15. "Rack et's Wife." GRAND THEATER (Park and TTaihlngton) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7;30. 9 P. II. BAKER THEATER (3d and Tamhlil) Con tinuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M. Roee Crrr Convention. The Rose City Degree ol Honor district conx-entlon, A. O. TJ. f'.. Including Multnomah. Clacka mas and Columbia Counties, "will be hold In Fidelity Hall, in the Logua building, Grand avenue and East Washington street. June 1C All Degree of Honor lodges In these counties are entitled to 6end at least one delegate to this conven tion. A committee from the Portland lodges Is -working hard to make the con vention a success. A prize will be given to the member bringing in the most can didates for Initiation on the afternoon of the convention. Delegates will be cared for by the city lodges. Convention will hold one day and evening session. Sarah A. Fastabend, grand chief of honor. Is chairamn of the convention and Julia Flory secretary. Object to Sewer. Frank TV. Kails, Mrs. M. MoelJer and G. K. Sundby, own ers of block 1. Multnomah Addition, have filed a remon!tranco with the City Coun cil against the petition of other property owners to construct a sewer on Alblna avenue on the west side of said block be tween Skidmore and Prescott streets, al leging that they have already, at great expense, constructed an eight-Inch sewer In compliance" with the City Engineer's reauiremeTits from the main sewer on Prescott street in the alley through the block to within 70 feet of Skidmore street, furnishing ample service for every lot in block 1 at a cost not exceeding $25 to attach to said ewer. Columbia "University Closes June- 14. The Columbia University, at University Park, will close for the year June 1. President M. A. Qulnlan reports that the institution has had a year of prosperity and expresses satisfaction over the work accomplished. At the close there will be an exercise. Several graduates will re ceive diplomas from the academic and commercial departments. No announce ments of new buildings proposed are yet made. President Qulnlan, at the close of the year, will attend tho meeting of the Order of the Holy Cross at South. Bend. Ind.. when something may be learned concerning extension -of facilities at Co lumbia University. For Temperance Congress. The Port land Ministerial Association, at its annual election meeting yesterday, agreed to take an active part in furthering the cause of the temperance congress to be held at tho Fair September 19 to 23. Other organizations interested arc the I. O. G T.. the W. C T. U., the Woman's Pro tective Clubs of America, the Intercol legiate Association, the Anti-Saloon League and the Prohibition Alliance. The following officers for the coming year were elected: Moderator. Dr. S. H. Ford, of the- Sunnyslde Methodist Church; as sistant moderator, J. H. Bowersox, and secretary and treasurer, W. Hayes. The American Inn, the only hotel upon the Exposition grounds, is now open. Guests are supplied with passes to Fair grounds, which can be used as often as they may wish. Street-cars to tho door. Ask conductor for point of transfer. Res taurant open from 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. Regular meals, breakfast and lunch, 50 cents. Dinner, 51.00. Buffet and billiard- room. Mrs. J. T. McCready. manager. Protests Aoainst Assessment. J. Ayl ward, a property-owner, has protested against the assessment for the Improve ment of Twenty-Second street, from the north line of Washington street to tho south line of Johnson, for the reason that the same is excessive, and upon the fur ther ground that the city should pay said tax. Would Grade Lots. Mrs. Martha E. Hyland has applied to the City Engineer for permission to improve lot 7, block 95. Stephens' Addition, by grading CO lineal leet to the established grade, and D. J. Finn has made the same request In rela tion to lot 1. block IOC Missionary Societies to Meet. The missionary societies -of the Portland Bap tist churches will hold an all-day session In Grace Baptist Churclv Montavilla. be ginning this morning. Luncheon will be served at noon. Trip on the Columbia. Round-trip to Cascade Locks by steamer every Monday, weanesaay ana .Friday. Leave Alder street dock 7 A. M.: return 6 P. M. Round-trip tickets. $L50. Phone Main 914. Steamer Northland Sails direct for San Francisco Wednesday evening. Cabin fia. steerage 58, meals and berth in eluded. C. H. Thompson, agent, ITS Third street. Respectable place to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 269 Washington street. Established IB years. Lowest rates of interest. Steamship Alliance sails from Couch street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka ednesday night, June at 8 o'clock. F. P. Baumgartner. agent. Main SGI. Gbeat Reduction Sale. Entire stock to be sold below cost. Please come in and look. Man Sing & Co., S92 Morrison oeu-sui ana luin sis. Roses, carnations, lilies, floral nieces reasonable. Burkhardt's, 23d and GUsan. The Calumet Restaurant. 149 Seventh. Fine luncheon, 35c; dinner. COc. Woosters auction today, 7th & Morrison. Acme Oil Co.'s oils. Phone East 789. AT THE THEATERS What the Press A greats Say. "THE CLLMBERS' A HIT. Bclasco Stock Company Will Kcpcat Its Great Success Tonight. No play which has been presented In Portland In many years met with such a. generous approval as was accorded the beautiful performance of the masterful Clyde Fitch drama. "The Climbers." by the Belasco company, last night. All the town is ringing with praise of It. and the audence tonight promises to be & record breaker. The magnHcent scenery and the elaborate properties used simply amazed those present, and the gowns worn by the ladles fairly threw the women In the audience Into ecstasies. No one should miss the wonderful play, and those who deflre the best theatrical attractions pos sible should secure tickets early today, for there will be a rush at the box offices! "ine Climbers" tonight and all theweekT LAUGHING GAS AT THE EMPIRE Genuine Effect ot Great Comedy on Packed Audiences Sunday. The four walls of the Empire fairly bulged out both Sunday afternoon and evening, so densely were the people packed to witness the opening perform ances of the comedy, "Racket's Wife." The first curtain had hardly got to the top when they began to giggle probably it was Just that prodigious nose Edith Montrose wore something, anyway, turttd 11 rtsAt, aa mr that -it was tt atjpfiy. m Mint erf lsvtifktf ciur another, and during some of the scenes. the house was fairly In uproar. KacK- et's. Wife," the short, pithy comedy, has certainly "caught on" at the Empire. Tho singing specialties between acts were also a pleasing feature. Matinee every day. Evening at 5:15. All this week. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Arabs at the Grand. The whirlwinds of the desert, Hadji T. Ben Mohammed Arabs, bear a prepos sessing name and do a. prepossessing stunt at the Grand this week. To those who have never seen the great deserts of Arabia, these actors reproduce the at mosphere of that romantic country In their first act as well as could be done on the stage. Robbers, dervish dancers and acrobats, they fill the time allotted them with a weird succession of acts. Douglass and Ford share honors with them, for they have an act as original. They crack their own Jokes, sing songs of their own composition and do It with a snap. Tho rest of the bill vies, each act with another, "for next, mention. In order of appearance. Eddie Ernie, dan cer and acrobat, is described as "cham pion monopede"; the five members of the Rence family sing characteristic songs of half a dozen countries; Joseph Bonner sings "In Old Ireland. Meet Me There"; Trade Morrow raises to opera and the singing portion of the programme ends. "Tho Bigamist." which the grandlscope produces, might be better described as the congregation of mothers-in-law. The Big Bill at the Grand. In picturesque dress and under strange lights, swayed "by weird music, the Arabs made their bow to the public at the Grand yesterday afternoon and again they created a wldo and profound interest. Their act embraces a Btirring pantomime, a clever Arabian basket trick, gun spin ning, the dance of the Dervish and pyra mids and tumbling In which little Arabia proves himself a perfect whirlwind. Doug lass and Ford are two new-comers who sing one character song alone. "Must." that of Itself would mnke their number on the programme an appreciated one. The Renee family of five do a singing act full of imitations, and the little chil dren, three In number, do a martial campllre song that gained them great favor. The Rainbows Ao a very clever song and dance In beautiful costumes. Eddie Ernie, the monopede, has a manner all his own. and his work with the pos session of only one leg was little less than marvelous. Miss Trade Morrow has a high soprano of rare quality and wide range and she sang two songs with splendid effect. Joe Bonner sang "In Old Ireland, Meet Mo There." The song suits his voice and he did well with It. The "Bigamist," shown In the grandl scope. was quite funny, especially the In dignation meeting of the eight mothers-in-law. Great Banjolst at Star. Did you ever hoar three or four darkles "way down South," playing their. ban Jos in the light of the full moon? Appleby, at the Star this week produces the same effect. He does not pretend to do many things out of the ordinary with the banjo, but one of those Is get ting harmony out of two banjos at the same time. That's where he discounts tho darkles. The Juggling Jordans, which rank second In popularity, have the distinction seldom -accorded jugglers of being topllnors. Summers and Winters, dancing comedian!;, explain In their name what sort of chaps they are. Ray Ogden and company's playlet. "The Right Stock ing," has to bo seen to be appreciated. Pealo and Diamante echo the Trail in a Mohammedan dance. LaBarr has a travesty act. and Richard Burton sings "You're the Flower of My Heart. Sweet Adeline." Scafford'a goat and dog show Is a whole show in itself. The combi nation of animals Is great. Good Amusements at Baker. The Baker Theater's new bill opened yesterday afternoon and met the enthu siastic approval of crowded houses. Eight big acts besides the blograph and Baker's famous orchestra go to make up this week's programme, which is one of the best offerings of local vaudeville this sea son. Among the distinct features are Sal vlnl. tho well-known American tenor, and late of grand opera; Zanzibar, the colored comedian who is one of the very few colored men who can really act; Blanch- ard and Aumon, in a laughable travesty on "The Rank and File"; Miss Alfretto. the clever and fearless trapeze performer; Jean Wilson, the popular baritone. In a new illustrated ballad; Harney & Haines. high-class spedalty artists, and the blo graph, which shows excellent moving pic tures. The same bill, with three per. formances dally, will continue throughout the week. Colored Comedian at Baker. A real colored comedian, really colored and really a comedian, occupies the boards for a space at the Baker this week, and has the audience at his mercy. He knows his own race, and takes It off better than a white man, for be has the white man's cleverness and a naturally black skin. Blanchard and Allmon represent the trav esty portion of the bill, a portion which vaudeville houses are favoring of late. They take "The Rank and File" as their basts and make a dever hit with their travesty. High-class singing having a run now. the Baker bos an artist at this in Salvlna, who has a beautiful, clear tenor. AH these, as well as the other acts, aro of a high order. Among the remainder are: Miss Alfretta, the trapeze perform er; Bump Brothers, acrobats, whose name describes the variety of act they perform. and Harney and Hayncs, a nimble pair of dancers. TO READ "THE CONQUEST" Miss Hammcll Will Appear at Penn sylvania Society Meeting:. The semi-monthly meeting of the Penn sylvania Society will be held at S eg dock this evening, in the Auditorium, on the Exposition grounds, and It is expected that there will be a large attendance, as Gn Interesting programme has been ar ranged, the feature of which will be the dramatic reading of Mrs. Emma Eva Dye's book, "The Conquest," by Maude Battelle Hoxnmell. of Idaho, who pos sesses quite an enviable reputation as an elocutionist. She will Impersonate the different characters In the book, and those who attend may expect a rare In tellectual treat. -The story treats of the achievements of Lowls and Clark, and Is especial I3- in teresting in Itself, without the added per sonality of Miss HammelL Who is de scribed as an exceedingly charming young lady. She was graduated under the late Professor Walter C. Lyman, of Chicago, who awarded her a gold medal. and pronounced her the finest pupil of his school. She also studied under John W. Blolsdell, the well-known actor, who said of her: "I regard Miss Maude Bat telle Hammcll as one of the most fin ished classical and dramatic readers in America. She certainly is the highest de velopment of say own special school of teaching." WHERE JO DINE. AU the dcllcades of the season at the Portland Restaurant, fine, prlvnte a part men ta for parties. 305 Wash., near Fifth. Watson's Restaurant, open night and day; only first-class family restaurant In the city. ICO Fourth street, near Washington. UID-FMVD CUSES Preliminary Arguments Set for - Next Jlonday. JUDGE DE HAVEN WILCS1T Not Until Juno 20 Is It Thought That the. Real Trial of "the Defendants Can, Bo Commenced. The land fraud cases will be added to the other attractions of the Exposition oa. Monday next, when Judge De Haven will begin the hearing of the preliminary arguments in the Mitchell Indictment. Word has been received that Judge William S. Gilbert will reach Portland jon Wednesday next, when he will con vene court, which has ben unopened for so many weeks, and will at that time make the order for the drawing of the pane of jurors from which will be se lected the Jury that will try Senator Mitchell and the other distinguished de fendants whose cases are now pending before the court. It is expected that the Jury will be drawn In a few days after the order has been given, and that tho men will be In Portland by the middle of the week fol lowing, ready to take their places. The Jury will be drawn by A. Bush, the Salem banker, who Is the Jury Commis sioner for the United States Circuit Court; C J. Reed, the United States Mar shal, and Captain SI ad en, the derk of the court, each of whom will select. In turn, a name from the jury-box to be put upon the list. Judge Gilbert yesterday ordered that the dates for hearing the demurrers in the Mitchell case be set for June 12, on Monday next. While It has not been offi dally announced that Judge Dc Haven would reach the dty to hear these demur rers, the fact that he Is to be the trial Judge having jurisdiction over the land fraud cases, makes It practically certain that he will be present to hear the arguments. At the time the demurrers were filed, it was stipulated that they would be sub mitted on brief to Judge Bellinger, but the death of the Judge will make it necessary to have the arguments made before the presiding Judge, inasmuch as there are many points of law Involved of which Judge Bellinger had Judicial knowledge from having presided over all the hearings that have been had. This condition will bring Mr. Heney and the defendants counsel before the court on the date set, which Is June 12. It will take at least two days to argue the demurrers, after which the court will, perhaps, consume a couple of days In framing Its decision. It Is not thought, therefore, that It will -be possible to begin the trial proper before June 20. It Is the opinion, however, that once the case Is called to trial there will be no further halting until a verdict has been reached. Lecture on Mining Resources. The lecture on Orecon's minlnr- re sources br F. A. Lathron. M. E. PI under the auspices of the Portland Board of Trade, will be at hall . Allsky building, at S P. M. tomorrow. All interested are cordially Invited. The lecture will be free. IMPERIALLIM1TED. With the Inauguration of the Imperial Limited, tho Canadian Pacific has double dally train service across tho continent. With their uo-to-date eaulnment and or. cellent service, they are sure to receive a gooa snare or the Exposition visitors. EXPERT SEWING-MACHINE REPAIRS. Also sewing-machine oil. of abnltit purity, and the best needles and parts for ail macnines at oinger stores. Look for the red S. SA Morrison St.. W2 Washington st-, 510 Williams ave.. Portland. Oregon. Ladles' Relief Society. The Ladles' Rdlef Society will hold Its monthly meeting at 2 o'clock this after noon in the First Presbyterian Church, Twelfth and Alder streets. The dinner setting Is Incomplete without White Rock Water. A selected water Is as essential as selected wine. Harris Trunk Co. for trunks and bags. A SURPRISE PARTY How the Antkorens Turned the Tables oa Her Friend. Karris Trswk Coiisr A distinguished authoress with her husband moved to a California fruit ranch to get free from stomach and nervous troubles. She tells her food story as follows: "The change to outdoor life, abun dance of fresh fruit, etc.. did helD us some, but as the necessity of cutting out an indigestible roods and thus striking at the root of the trouble had not sufficiently Impressed Itself on our minds, we continued to indulge our ap petites, till at last I was prostrated for a long time with a serious Illness, dur ing waicn 1 was simply starved on gruel and things. One day while In this condition' I demanded Grape-Nuts: merely because I wanted something I couia cnew. siy wis a was complied with, under protest at first, however, and then, as no bad results followed. the crisp nutty grains were allowed me in the way of humoring a harm lest whim. "To the surprise of every one, the stomach which had persistently re fused to retain the sloppy messes usual ly fed to sick folks, readily assimilated the Grape-Nuts, and I was soon able to take two spoonfuls three times a day, and when I got to that point my health and strength came back to me rapidly. On recover, and taking up my work again. I adhered to Grape-Nuts food for breakfast and supper, eating a good, plain dinner at noon. In four weeks I gained 10 pounds in weight. have constantly used Grape-Nuts food ever since and greatly to my advantage. "My faltn In Grape-Nuts was a mat ter of much Jesting to my family, and once when my birthday came around. I was told that a special dinner would be prepare J to honor the anniversary. When I entered the dining-room I was surprised to find it decorated with Grnpe-Nuts boxes, some empty, some full, and ome filled with flowers, etc, etc and the Joke was hilariously en Joyed. My time came, however, when I returned the surprise by produc ing a delicious Grape-Nuts pud din?, and dates stuffed with rolled Grape-Nuts and cream. Then those who came to scoff remained to gorge themselves, if I may be pardoned the expression. It ha not been difficult since that day lo win converts to Grape Nuts." Name given by Postusx Com pany. Battle Creek, Mich. ? rUyi' trtl k Be sure the heels are staaped fefcijasiVJ Beware of imitations. Gold Seal Crack-Proof MINING BOOTS Be sure that the heels and knees are stamped as per cut. and that each boot has our "Gold Seal stamp on the leg. Manufactured only by GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. H. PEASE, President. l-e-J-7 4th St. Portland, Or. SHAW'S PURE ORIGINAL MALT VHISKT HboataRrwl Ttdirj BLUMAUER & HOCH 106 u4 110 Fmrrtk StrrMt sWte Ditrtbwf.srs fer Ones. ax4 WaashrM. MALT FREE CONCERT ON THE VICTOR EVERY AFTERNOON 3 TO 4 O'CLOCK Saturday Evenings 8 te 10 Graves' Music Store 3S Waahlajctoa Street, Pertlaad. Machines. 91.00 Sews. B lance ea Easy Payments. Wltasat Jaierest. BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS PHONE MAIN 2000 263 FLANDERS ST., NEAR THIRD n$rtCrcicBssssssssgK jBkl I SMOKE Feifer's Union 5's UNION MADE 5c CIGARS UNION MADE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BETTER MADE FOR THE MONEY THE ROSENFELD-SM1TH CO.', Distributors Exclusive Wholesale Cigars and Tobacco, PORTLAND, OREGON yfew 'Double 33reaated Sack Sueis Through our Mr. Steinbach, who is now in New York, we have re ceived two hundred decidedly new double-breasted sack suit models, cut with that long and broad lapel, and long coats with two vents in rear as worn by exclusive dressers recently in the Metropolis. The colors- are mostly gray. Prices at $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 The Greatest Clothing House la the Northwest ID HIGH SCHOOL Architect Jones1 Plan Is Ac cepted by Board. WILL BE THREE STORIES It Is Decided by the Board of Educa tion to Bcsln the Fall Term In Schools on September i Twenty-Fifth. At a iiecial meeting of the City Board of Education yesterday. It was decided to construct the new High School on the East Side In accordance with plans and specifications submitted by Architect T. J. Jones. The building will be erected on the block bounded by East Washington and Stark, and by East Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, and It is expected that the contract will be awarded without de lay. The sum of J1CO.000 was appropriated for the construction of the edifice, and bidder? must confine themselves to this amount. The plans call for a structure three stories high, with basement, to be built of stone, terra cotta and brick, and to be modern In every respect, special atten tion being given to the lighting and ven tilating facilities of every room and cor ridor. All the ceilings are to be lfteet In the clear. Including that ot the base ment, and the corridors are to be U and IS feet In width. There will be 12 class-rooms on the first floor, with an auditorium 51x33. which also has a stage 19x53. In addition there will be the usual number of smaller rooms. On the second floor there will be the same number of class-rooms as on the floor below. In addition to a library, prin cipal's office, and two teachers rooms, be sides the balcony to the auditorium. An art room 30x51, with a storeroom on each side 12x3: a chemical laboratory 23 x: a girls" a boys' debating rooms, each 30x34. will compile the space allotted for the third floor. All of the three rooms last named can be converted Into class rooms In case of necessity, and In fact this feature has been observed In the arrangement of all the auxiliary rooms. In the basement Is a heating and fuel room 63x92; girls luncheon room 13x26. and boys luncheon room 15x25; a physical laboratory 2Sx35; manual training room 29x55. together with commodious play rooms and other necessary compartments. The Board of Education decided also to open the public schools of the city on Sep tember 25 for the first or Fall term. The commodious additions to the High land. Multnomah. Soil wood and Shaver schoolbouses are rapidly approaching com pletion, progress on the first-named being especially satisfactory. OREGON AUT0- DESPATCH Recently Increased Its capital stock from $30,000 to $50,000. A portion of this increase is offered to those wishing to invest in a rapidly-growing business promising large and quick returns. For particulars address Oregon Auto-Des-patcn, phone llaln 6262, Fifth and Hoyt streete. BELMONT SCHOOL (FtrBerfc) BELMONT. CALXKOKOA. MIdar between Ss.n Francisco and Stan ford Untrersttr. hu not been without rep resentation it Harrard and the University of California durinr the twenty years o Its existence, and at Stanford since It opened. Its graduates are admitted to our Cali fornia. VnlrerslUes without examination, and to the leadlsr Institutions In the East that admit on recommendations. It prepares tor and has sent a number of boys to Tale, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and other Bastera colleges and schools of science. We shall be clad to have, more of the sturdy Northern beys at Belmont. The next term begins August 14. 1905. For catalogue and book: of views, address W. T. REID. A. X. fHarrard). Head Master. VT. T. REID. Jr.. X M. fHarrard), AmC ViU UiMte (ts Mt at sinirtl. M. J. B. COFFEE Sells Better Than Any Other Why? STEINWAY A. B. Chase Estey Emerson Starr Heller & Co. Richmond Etc., Etc., Etc. Everyone knows that our PIANOS ARE ALL. RIGHT, and If you will call you will soon learn that our PRICES ARE ALL, RIGHT. Full-value allowance' for your old piano or organ. DUNDOREPIANOCO. STEINWAY DEALERS 233 WASHINGTON ST. Tour old piano repolished for 310.00. Phone Main 6427. LEWIS AND CLARK CENTENNIAL We solicit the attention of our friends and customers to the exhibit of "HIGH FLIGHT" FLOUR, which will shortly be installed in the Washington State building. Pacific Grain Company THIRTEENTH AND KEARNEY STS. Telephone Mala 5307 A mm Home people with vision for over We nave nn .,..,,.., 90. vparc and will oladlv dn tfift for strangers within our gates. same WALTER REED THE OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING IT DOESN'T PAY To talk about the poor quality of paint after you've used It and found It lack In?. It does pay to buy paints, oils and varnishes where you know what you're getting where a guarantea that means something goes with, every pound, gallon and can. That's why it pays to buy at Fisher, Thorsen & Co. Front and Morrison Sts. It is no small comfort to have Schillingls Best on call at your grocer's; a pity one can't get everything such ' and sol HOTEL ST. FRANCIS A ftrorlfe hack lac plsce. Tic 'isAimiMe set gather Jure for sfteraoM tcs. The ssoir salute dlalsr-pUee la Sts Frtaeisce. CMraassM for sher-tfeester sappers. -msts wreeas. ujiAtn America's Model Hotel Write far fcasdsom tttmtntcd paxpfekt of TEETH X 212.00 FULL SET GUARANTEED TOR -M. Xrealafs. Mosdsr sad Tkundajr. sxtU 8. SYed Prefca. D. JX S. Ml Dfcssa BUc. gchwab Printing Go. izsr fr&xx. xzjtx&KUMLr txxczs STAK.I. ITR1ET G AefabtePreparalionforAs slmEating tbeFoodaDdfieguM. fag ttS tonachs andlkwrels of ASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Promotes DigestionCfceerFul ness andRest.Contains neither 0rium3fwphine iwrfioeraL 1ot"Najb.c otic. A perfect Remedy forCdJisBra Tion, Sour Stomach.Diacrhoca Wocms.Convulsions.Feverish- Aess and Loss OF SLEEP. lacSinoJe Signature of YORK. Bears the , Signato M EXACT- COUY QF WSAEgDt In Use For Oyer Thirty Years CASTORIA TMr CtltTJIUB COMPANY. NXWTOKX SnT. HOTEL DETROIT BEST XXAX PAIS GROUNDS. Cor. 27tk aad Tksksaaa Sts. J. C. GRIFFIN'. Proprietor; Reached, by All Car Li- Rates. $1 per day. Xcosu with ImuC! and H per day.