THE MORNING OREGONIAN, . TUESDAY. JUNE , 1W& 5 GOME IN SWARMS Knights of Columbus Are Gath ering at Los Angeles. CONVENTION BEGINS TODAY Supreme Knight Hearn Declares the Order, Though Restricted, to Catholics, Is Ijoyal to the - Stars and Stripes. LOS ANGELES. CaL. June 5. This week la Los Angeles -will be devoted chiefly to the reception and entertainment of the Knights ol Columbus and their friends who are coming from all sections of the United to attend the National con vention of the order. Many reached here yesterday and today and by tomorrow when the serious work of the meeting begins, all the delayed trains will have reached here and the city will contain about 15,000 visitors. The principal event today was the ar rival of Supreme Knight E. L. Hearn and the members of his council. Tonight the visiting. Knights were given a public reception by the Chamber of Commerce at which United States Sena tor Flint, Acting Governor Anderson, Mayor McAleer and many other prominent citizens of the state and city spoke. Delegations arrived today from Denver, Topeka. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Kansas City, Buffalo, New Orleans and Cincin nati. Each delegation was mot by a re ception committee and each visitor thor oughly Informed of the details of enter tainment and the official programme. There will be a reception to Archbishop Montgomery tomorrow morning by the ladles' auxiliary of the House of the Good Shepherd. Pontifical high irfass will be celebrated for the Knights In the Cathed ral of St. Vlblana tomorrow morning. Rev. T. F. Gahcy, diocesan choirmaster, has prepared an elaborate musical programme which will be rendered by a chorus of TO voices. Tomorrow the first business session of the convention will be called to order. The National council will begin at once the real work of the convention. With Madame Modjeska at Its head, the woman's committee, appointed In connec tion with the Knights of Columbus con vention. Is making extensive preparations for the entertainment of visitors. This committee formed to welcome and enter tain women visitors to the convention has been increased to 114 members. It assisted at the Chamber of Commerce roceptlon and will look after other social features of the week. Some time tonight the last special train with Knights and others from Northern California is due In Los Angeles, and with the arrival tomorrow of three trains fromr the East, the National convention of tho order will be In full blast, To this time, the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad has landed In Los Angeles about 40 cars, loaded with excursionists, and the Southern Pacific has brought In about half as many. In addition to four special trains from the North. The Santa Fe has landed 40 carloads with a few more expected on the regular overland trains tomorrow. At the Chamber of Commerce reception to the Knights of Columbus tonight, which was attended by thousands of the visiting members of the order. Supreme Knight Edward L. Hearn made the principal ad dress on behalf of the order. Mr. Hearn said In part: "Gentlemen: We are proud of the Knights of Columbus. The whole coun try proud of an order that Is a factor for good and promises nothing which it does not fulfill. It Is true we are limited for membership to adherents of the Catholic belief, but this in Itself is the highest guarantee of our loyalty and pat riotism. "We love our faith as we love our country and we follow our flag as we fol low our church, even unto death. We are proud of the Stars and Stripes. We glory in the banner of the cross. There is noth ing in either that excites controversy nor should the one be set up against the other." COST TO STATE IS CUT DOWN Insane Patients Taken to Salem by Asylum Attendants. SALEM, Or., June 5. (Special.) A sav ing of over 235 per cent in the cost of transporting insane patients Is shown by the first report of Superintendent Cal breath concerning the expenditures for bringing patients to the asylum under the new law. In some instances, the cost is only jne-thlrd what it was under the old system, and It varies from that to a lit tle more, than two-thirds the former cost. After making allowances for the sala ries of extra attendants. made necessary by sending attendants after the patients, the average cost of transportation will be about two-thirds what It was under the old system of having the Sheriffs bring the patients to Salem. In other respects the law has worked well thus far, and no complaint has been made concerning the care the patients have received. The greatest saving will be made la transporting patients from western Ore gon counties, from which most of the patients come. Under the old system, the average cost bf bringing a patient from Portland was J20. Under the new system it Is from ST to $10. The cost of transporting a patient from Marion Coun ty has been reduced from K to 51. From Clatsop County it has been reduced from JCfO to $14.75. From Baker Counts it has been reduced from JS1 to 5S5. The new law has been in force but a fraction of a month, however, and actual results -cannot be had until an average can be computed upon the cost of trans porting a large. number of patients under the new system. SHERIFF'S NAME IS CLEARED Joseph Cannutt Was Not Intimate With Deputy's Wife, Says Jury. COLFAX. Wash., June 5. (Special.) Joseph Cannutt. Sheriff of Whitman County, won a verdict In the case In which A. L. Steward, formerly Cannutt's dep uty, sued the SherifT for $35,000 for alleged alienation of the affections of Steward's wife, which has occupied the attention of the Superior Court for three days. Judge Brents, of WTalla Walla, presided at the trial. Judge Brents ordered the jury, in addi tion to Its verdict in the suit for damages, to answer this question: "Has Joseph Cannutt, the defendant, been guilty of criminal Intimacy with Martha J. Stew ard, wife of the plaintiff. A. L. Steward?" The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. In the suit for damages the Jury returned a verdict for defendant. Joseph Cannutt is now aerving his third term as Sheriff of Whitman County. Steward was his deputy until April. 19M. when he was adjudged Insane and sent to the asylum at Medical Lake. He was re leased during the campaign last Fall and then charged Cannutt with being crim inally intimate with his wife. This charge furnished the only sensation in the cam paign in which Cannutt was re-elected Sheriff. Steward. Sled complaint for damages against Cannutt last Fall and the case has Just hecn tried. Otatr. Sttw&rd, ex e the plaintiff, was a strong witness against hl father, whom he flatly contradicted on many important Questions. The case has furnished sensations for large audiences at each sitting of the court. Mrs. Stew ard, wife of the plaintiff, was not per mitted to testify against her husband. Cannutt has a wife and two grown sons. CANXOX IS OFF FOR ALASKA Heads Party of Congressmen After .Visit on Pugct Sound. SEATTLE. Wash.. June 5. (Special.) The Congressional party, headed by Speaker "Joe Cannon, that participated in the opening of the Lewis and Clark Exposition left tonight for Alaska, going north on the steamer Cottage City. The Pacific Coast Company had invited the Congressmen to be the guests of that com pany on the trip. United States Senator Piles went north with the visitors. Speaker Cannon did not come to Seattle with the remainder of the party. He made a lonesome trip from Tacoma on the interurban line and his peculiar gift of inquiry' was illustrated on the way aver. He questioned each man' within the car on his life here and his former condi tion In the East, eagerly looking for In formation of the Northwest, The entire party made a trip to Puget Sound navy-yard on the revenue cutter Grant today. A basket lunch was served st the yard. Lieutenant A. B. Wyckoff, the first commandant of the yard, was with the party. U Mil IS INDORSED TO SUCCEED THE LATE DISTRICT JUDGE BELLINGER. Clackamas County Bar Is a Unit In Its Expression in His Favor. OREGON CITV. Or.. June 5. (Special.) Unanimous Indorsement of Circuit Judge T. A. McBride for United States District Judge to succeed the late C. B. Bellinger was had today at a special meeting of the Clackamas County Bar Association. The association was convened this morning, and a committee, consisting of Attorneys C. D. Latourctte, Franklin T. Griffith, Gordon E. Hayes. H. E. Cross, Grant B. Dlmick and W. S. U'Ren, was named to draft resolutions of indorsement: Friends of Judge McBride arc working to secure his indorsement for the appoint, ment In the other counties constituting the Fifth Judicial District. At an ad journed session of the Bar Association this afternoon, the following resolutions, reported by the committee, were unani mously adopted: "Whereas, A vacancy exlstes in the office of United States District Judge for the District of Oregon by reason of the death of the la mented C B. Beljlnger and which vacancy Js to be filled by appointment by the Presi dent. Whereas, The vacancy thus caused should be filled by a member ot the bar of Oregon of profound learning and ability and possess ing lh the highest degree the moral and In tellectual attributes oaenUal to the proper discharge of the duties of that high office. Whereas, Hon. Thomas A. McBride, now serving his third ooaseoutlve six-year term as District Judge of the Fifth Judicial Din trio! of Oregon, having been elected without opposition at the election of 100 after pre siding 12 years In this court, with a record of tea years as District Attorney for this district immediately preceding his election to the bench In 1892, and 35 yeera of experience at the bar and on the beneh and during lhee many years of our association with him, we. In common with the people of this district, comprising the counties of Clackamas, Wash ington, Columbia and Clatsop, have learned to place unquestioned faith and trust In his honor. Integrity and ability. We believe no other Judge In Oregon trac pacts more bun! nees and the record ot appeals from his Judg ments to the Supreme Court of the state shows that no ether Judge la Oregon Is sus tained In a higher percentage of cases, and If the statistics were available we believe they would show that no other Judge In Oregon has so nall a percentage or his Judgments appealed to the Supreme Court, and recognlr lng his great learning, eminent fitness and the unswerving integrity with which he has administered Justice in this court for so many years and endeared hlmretf to the bar of the whole state as a Just Judge and a man net only learned In the law, but possessed In a marked degree ot those rare personal Quali ties that win and held the confidence and esteem, not only of all members of the bar. but of the public generally. Resolved, That we do heartily indorso and recommend the Hon. Thomas A. McBride tor aid anointment. A copy of these resolutions were or dered transmitted to Senator Fulton, to be presented to President Roosevelt- Fulton Sends in Four Barnes. ASTORIA, Or., June 5. SpeclaL)-Jni- ted States Senator C W. Fulton today forwarded to President Roosevelt his rec ommendation for Receiver at the Rose- burg Land Office the name of George L. Hawkins, of The Dalles. The Clatsop County Bar Association met tonight and Indorsed Judge Thomas A. McBride for the position of United States District Judge for Oregon. Senator Fulton will tomorrow forward to Washington the names of four proml nent attorneys for the position of United states District Judge. Including Judge Mc Bride. The names of the other three couig not do ascertained. Blue Laws to Bo Enforced. SEATTLE, Wash., June 5 (Special.) when F. A. Cbertngton comes from Ohio to succeed Dr. J. C. Thorns as superin tendent of the Antl-baioon League a vig orous campaign will be started to compel all saloons to close on Sunday. The fight iias already been started in a number of the smaller cities and will be carried on generally throughout the state under the new organization. Thorns has for years been the Anti Saloon League's superintendent, but has been deposed. He is' a familiar figure to politicians and legislative workers, for moms- principal activity has been at Olympla. A rigid enforcement of all "blue" laws is the programme of the league now, the argument being made that the Legislature always meets them when new legislation is sought with the declaration that they do nothing toward enforcing existing statutes. Death of Myron E. Goodcll. SALEM. Or.. June 5. (Special.) iiyron . Goodell. known here as "Squire" Goodell. died tonight, aired 63 years. Ho was bora in Pennsylvania in 1540 and wnen a young man removed to Wisconsin. In 1S70 he married Miss Ann South wick at Vlroqua, Wis., and soon afterward came to Oregon. He served as City Recorder of Salem in the early '30s and also as Justice of the Peace. He leaves four children Hugh, oi vaiaez. AiasKa; iranK i. of Port land: Mrs. Edna Tiffany, and Manley Goodell, of Salem. The funeral will be conducted from the M. E. Church Wednesday at 10 A. M. Postal Clerk Brings Suit. SALEM. Or.. June 5. Sneclal. &. W Maupln brought suit here today to re cover 5.060 carnages from the South ern Pacific on account of Injuries sua tained at Woodburn last October. Mas pin was a postal clerk on the. Woodburn- Js&trcn branch and was caught between a car and a baggage truck. He alleges mat mo aeienoanr. suaoeniy backed its kcac without -axerciclac 4ua cauttoK. FIGHTS TO TIE Ei Salem Minister Against Pay ment to Refuge Home. PROTESTS TO SECRETARY Oregon Attorney-General Has De cided the Institution Is Xot a Religious One "Within Mean ing of the Law. SALEM, Or., June 5. (Special.) Rev. W. IL Selleck, pastor of the First Meth odist Episcopal Church, of this city, has protested to the Secretary of State against tne payment of money to tho Refuge 'Home, of Portland, under the provision of the Malarkey act appropriating- money for the aid of institu tions engaged In reclaiming wayward girls. His protest was based upon the ground that the Refuge Home Is a Catholic institution, and is the only institution that comes within the pro visions of the act, and that the appro priation is a contravention of that sec tion of the constitution which says that "no money shall be drawn from tho treasury for the benefit of any religious or theological Institution, nor shall any money be appropriated for tho payment of any religious services in either house of the Legislative As sembly. The protest has been referred to the Attorney-General, and an .opinion has been rendered by that official holding that the act is not in violation of tho constitutional provision, that the appro priation is for the benefit of the wayward girls, and not for the institution. The Malarkey act, passed by the last Legislature, appropriates not to exceed 17000 a year to be paid at the rate of S4 a year for each wayward girl be-. tween the ages of 12 and IS yearj maintained at an Institution conducted for that purpose. In order that the pro visions of tne act may not be abused by persons organizing such Institutions for the purpose of securing tno ap propriation, the act provides that no .Institution shall be entitled to receive payment from tho appropriation un less It has been in existence one year and has not less than five Inmates. The money is to be paid out-only after the County Judge has certified to the cor rectness of a claim verified by the managers of the institution, and the Governor. Secretary of State and State Treasurer may require additional evi dence If they think It advisable. - When this act was up for considera tion in the Legislature. Mr. Sclledc fought it on the ground that only one Institution would come within its pro visions. This objection was met with the statement that the limitations are reasonable and that any other institu tion may secure the appropriation by coming within the limitations. The act was passed by a large majority. After reviewing the provisions of the law and of the constitution above men tloued. Attorney-General Crawford holds that the Refuge Home Is not a religious Institution within the mean ing of the constitutional prohibition. but is a reformatory institution. PLOW OF THE WILLAMETTE GAUGING STATIONS WILL BE ES TABLISHED ON STREAM. Tributaries Will Also Be 3Icn&ured Under Direction of State Engineer Lewis. SALEM, Or., June 5. Special. State Engineer John H. Lewis left this evening for the southern ond of the Willamette Valley on a tour of Inspection of Valley streams. His purpose is to find conve nient places for gauging stations on the Willamette and Its tributaries. Each gauging station will be supplied with a gauge for measuring the depth of the water at different stages, and a meter for measuring the rapidity of the current. The measurements will be taken once a day throughout the year. The object is to secure accurate infor mation showing the quality of water flowing in each stream,' so that persons who may be interested In manufacturing enterprises will know where water pow ers are available. Since the people of the different sections of the Valley are interested in the development ot manu facturing resources, Mr. Lewis expects to be able to find some one on each stream who will take the dally observations with out charging the state anything for his services. A man residing or working on the bank of a stream can take the ob servations In a few minutes each day. Probably only one gauging station will be located on the Willamette between Eu gene and Oregon City, and that one for the purpose of ascertaining the quantity of water flowing over the falls at the lat ter place. Throughout most of Its course the Willamette cannot be used for poorer purposes, and for that reason the gaug ing stations will be established principally on tributary streams. Mr. Lewis desires to locate a station on the Willamette at Salem, where he can give it his personal attention, but it will be difficult to take measurements from the steel bridge, because of an eddy near the west bank. He may find It imprac ticable to establish a gauging station here. A water filing was made in the State Engineer's office today by H. M. Tinker, J. L. Rogers, C. W. Thomas and R. T. Motley, who will take 15 Inches of water from Looking Glass Creek, and 1000 Inches from Swamp Creek, in Northern Union County, and convey It in ditches Into Umatilla County, where they will use It for Irrigating purposes. By going around mountain sides, the canals will carry the water over the divide from one stream system to another. COURT SESSION AT PENDLETON Frecwatcr Youth Pleads Guilty to Larceny and Is Paroled. PENDLETON, Or.. June 5. (Special.) Department No. i of the Circuit Court was convened today by Judge Ellis, and a grand Jury drawn and empaneled. The Jurors selected were: James Terry. W. X. Claypool, Samuel Warner. William Con nerly, John McEwen. A. W. Norton and Charles Rieman. Indictments were found against Jesse Hurst, of Freewatcr, who was charged with larceny from a store, and upon a plea of guilty being entered in the Cir cuit Court. Judge Ellis sentenced him to one year in the penitentiary, and released him on parole, under the provision that he report to the court every month. J. J. and Nellie Guenette. charged with lar ceny from a dwelling, were alxo indicted. Not true bills were found against May nard Brown. Jr.. for larceny from a store: J. B. Johnson, adultery, and Louis Huches. assault with a dangerous weanon. A Tii cam -of Grovcr Xartlq, the '14 whe shot and killed O. N. Preston, the Free water rancher, in the public road before the Preston home, will b heard tomor row. This is a case in which the daugh ter of the a cad man found herself In trou ble and accused young Martin ot being her seducer. This Martin denied, and Preston threatened to kill him. Martin is said to have then armed himself, and one evening, while visiting a young wom an who lived across the way from the Preston home, Preston called him out of the house, and in the quarrel which fol lowed he was shot and killed by Martin. Public Interest Is also aroused in this session of the grand jury on account of the" charges which It is said are to be made against the saloonmen of the town. They will in all probability have to an swer charges of keeping open on Sunday and of gambling, some time the latter part ot this week or the first of next week. Vote on Water Bonds. HOOD RIVER. Or June 5. (Spe cial) The City Council by a unanimous voto tonight called an election for Mon day, Juno 19. for the purpose of voting on the question of issuing $60,000 5 per cent bunds to defray the expense of in stalling a municipal water system. The Council believes bids for construct ing the system can be secured for a less sum, but think the peoplo will be willing to vote the limit for a com plete system if necessary. WASCO WILL STAf WET LIVELY ELECTION AND HEAVY VOTE AT THE DALLES. Hood River People Decide to Bar AH Saloons From Their Town. THE DALLES, Or.. June 5. (Spe cial.) The election on the local op tion Issue has been a lively one In Wasco County today. In this city a heavy vote has been cast. While not yet counted, it is conceded tne meas ure has lost by a heavy majority. Lit tle has been heard from the country precincts, beyond the fact that the count haa probably carried wet. with the exception of Hood River, dry by 40" votes, and one or two small settle ments. Dry Days Ahead at Hood River. HOOD RIVER, Or Juno 5. (Special.) Hood River went for prohibition to day by decided majority, much to the surprise of interested persons. The East precinct, wnlch contained the for mer saloons and which last November gave a majority of 30 against prohibi tion, went 5 for prohibition today. The West precinct gave a majority of 1 for prohibition. South precinct 46. While tho vote was light compared to the Presidential election last No vember, a lively Interest was taken in the contest. The Prohls worked early and late and did considerable challeng ing. IN COURT AT OREGON CITY Judge 3IcBrldc Grants Divorces to Three Applicants. OREGON CIT1. Or.. June 5. (Special.) Orders of default and reference were to day made by Judge McBride In the fol lowing divorce suits: Elsie Howard vs. J. C. Howard, C D. Brown vs. C E. srown. Debbie ary vs. Francis rsary. The tXfX) damage suit of William Mc Donald against Clackamas County."for damages alleged to have been sustained by reason of a defective county road, has been postponed until Friday, June 16. Next Friday will be tried the 53O0D dam age suit of Maggie Mulvey against E. L. Johnson, proprietor of an Oregon City laundry. Plaintiff seeks damages for an injury to the hand that was sustained while working In defendant s laundry. Divorces were granted today as follows Boydston vs. Boydston, and Emma M J. Moody vs. W. H. Moody. Alleging: that her husband called her such objectionable names as liar and thief. Mrs. Julia Hitching is suing James H. Hitching, a prominent farmer of Cur rinsvllle. for a divorce. They were mar ried in Canada In 1SS7. WEISER SALOON IS HELD UP Lone Masked Man Tups the Till, Then Robs Drunken Man. WEISER. Idaho. June 5. (Special.) The Copper King saloon In this city was robbed at an early hour yesterday morn ing by an unknown man. hue the bar tender was alone, a roan entered with a gun In his hand and a white mask on his face. He forced the bartender to go be hind the bar with him and hold up his hands while he went through the ca.h drawer, taking therefrom about $5. He then went out the back door, holding the bartender at bay; and escaped in the darkness. Today a man who gave his name as John Coo ley was arrested for robbing a drunken man of a pocketbook containing J15, and placed In Jail. He was Identified by the bartender as the man who robbed the saloon. He will have a hearing on two charges tomorrow before the Probate Judge. The town is filling up with toughs who are working their way to Portland. Convention Opened at Albany. ALBANY, Or., June 5. (Special.) Opening prayer services of the annual convention of the Women's Missionary Society of the United 'Presbyterian Church were conducted this evening by Mrs. Elizabeth Inrlne, of Albany, first vice-president. President A. N. Porter, of Norwood, 11L, delivered an address on The Responsibility of Opportunity." Other business was carried out at the evening session. About 1SJ women delegates from all parts of tne United States have been arriving during the past two Jay:. The officers of the society are: Mrs. A. N. Porter, Norwood, I1L, president; Elizabeth Irvine. Albany, Or., first vice president; Mrs. E. C Simpson, Bellfon lalne. O., second vice-president; Mr. Mary. Porter. Latrobe, Pa., secretary; Mr J. R. Hill, Pittsburg. Pa., treas urer. The local executive committee is Mr. W. P. White, Albany: Mrs. J. H. Gibson, Portland, and Mrs. Hen rietta Brown, Albany. Shoots Himself on High Trestle. LELAND. Or., June 5. Albert E. Thompson, an employe of the Southern Pacific on the steam shovel here, shot himself in the head as he stood on the 173-foot trestle near here Thursday night, and dropped to the canyon below dead. His body was found the next day. In the pockets of the dead man were found J3S and a letter from- his sweet heart in Toronto. Canada telling him she had married another man. The remains were sent to his old home in Canada. As Zt XferU Before going to the expense of calling a doctor for a case of diarrhoea or dysen tery, procure a battle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will be more than pleased with the result, Tfcere is not another medicine in the world that has saved as many lives as this resMdy. It has been used In maay case where hoe was abandoned by the physician, and has never. yet been fcjMKals fill. Fec sak he all slrtuslafr. FRICTION IS MARKED Customs and Immigration Men at Outs at Seattle. DIVORCED BY CONGRESS Commissioner Sergeant Is Said to HavcxProvided. Good Berths for Old Friends Who .Were Locomotive' Firemen. SEATTLE. Wash.. June 5. (Special.) Friction between the customs and immi gration departments, shown in this col lection district, has grown out of the action of Congress in divorcing, the two. When Collector ot Customs C W. Ide had charge of the immigration work he em ployed but three Inspectors. According to the figures of a customs official there are now nearly 100 Immigration officers in this district. Some of the best customs offi cials have been transferred to the new department without the sanction of the Collector of Customs and he Is resenting the Interference in his department. The collection of a S3 head tax on all immigrants, paid by the vessels to tha Collector of Customs and forwarded to the Treasury Department, provides the fund for the Immigration officials. Last year J1.SOO.000 was collected and It Is from this fund that the Immigration force has been built up so rapidly. When Commissioner Sergeant, ot the immigration force, returns from Honolulu It is likely a protest will be made to him regarding the conditions In this district. The story is out here that an unusually large number of locomotive firemen have found berths In the Immigration service as a result of Sergeant's partiality toward the men with whom he formerly worked He was at the head of the firemen's or ganisation when appointed Commissioner of Immigration. SEVERE MONTANA CLOUDBURST Traffic on Northern Pacific and Bur lington Delayed, for Hours. BUTTE, Mont, June 5. As the result of cloudburst and heavy rains In East ern Montana traffic on the Northern Pacific has been delayed from six to eight hours. A Billings special says: The rainstorm which visited this sec tion last evening was a record-breaker. All trains on the Burlington are de layed, and No. 6, due at Billings at 9 A. M., will be held until tomorrow. Two Dot advices say: A cloudburst here yesterday after noon flooded nearly every building In th.e town and washed out sections of the Montana railroad tracks at two points. A section of track IS rail lengths long was washed out In one place, and it is said that It will be several days before the road can be re paired. Crops suffered considerable damage. COLONEL CROWDER RETURNS General Staff Officer Saw Bloody Battle of the Yalu. SAN FRANCISCO, June 5. Cole H. Crowder, of the General Staff, who has been with General Kuroki In Manchuria for over a ear as a representative of tne United States Army, returned on the liner China today. Colonel Crow der saw the battle of the Yalu and was with the Japanese until after the long bloody battle at Mukden. Colonel Crowder states he could not speak of his observations until he had made his report to the Secretary of War. General MacArthur was at Mukden when Colonel Crowder left there. P. Artcmleff, late editor o"f the Novi kral. of Port Arthur, was also a pas senger on the China. SCOLDED GIRL TAKES POISON Mother Finds Her In Her Room Dy ing in Terrible Agony. BILLINGS. Mont. June S. Mable Harper, a schoolgirl aged 13 years, daughter of George Harper, section foreman of the Northern Pacific Rail road Company, committed suicide about 1:30 o'clock this afternoon by drinking one and one-half ounces of carbolic acid. Her mother. It Is said, had scold ed her for some trivial offense. Mable was believed to have gone to school In the afternoon as usual, but a member of the family who went up stairs found the girl in the last agonies of death. A physician was summoned, but It was too late to do anything for fec and she expired shortly after. Cigars for Alaska Army Officers. SEATTLE. Wash.. June 5. (Special,) The 'steamer Lyra, now at Tacoma. Is to take the Army supplies north within a few days. She will carry the supplies for the troops along the Yukon and at St. Michaels. -Peculiar to her cargo will be the tobacco supply. A totaf ot SS.000 cigars Is going north for officers and men and the material to make a quarter of a million cigarettes will be furnished. Lauth to Appeal to Governor. OREGON CITV, Or.. June 5. (Special.) Circuit Judge T. A. McBride today made an order directing the return to Oregon City of George W. Lauth. who will be resentenced to be hanged for the murder of his mistress. Mrs. Lenora' B. Jones, in this city last September. Lauth was convicted of first-degree mur der in the Clackamas County Circuit Court and sentenced to be hanged Jan uary 27, last An appeal being taken, the judgment of the lower court was affirmed. As a last resort, Lauth' s counsel and his friends will present his case to Governor Chamberlain. In hopes of having the sen tence commuted to life Imprisonment. theBaby1 A baby who frets, worries, or cries, or sleeps poorly is prob ably poorly nourished, unless there is actual disease. MeMin's Food provlds plenty of good no-arisa-seat ; eamly digestible, and does away with all fretting and crying- Try Mel ha's P d; wewmMSMtyaaumjilr r than a M aifal. HiaararooDco, otok, mam. Mh'i 7W U Mm KLT fa MrijS?tsEc: MEDICAL Of the United States ife-ru-na. Prtflilnent Pfcysleiwis Endorse Pe-m-M. DR. LLEWELLYN JORDAN. Medical Examiner of th United States Treasury Department, graduate of Columbia Cdllege. and who served three years at West Point, has the following to say of Peruna: A11ott m to express my srratl taae t yen for the scacat derived from your vroadcrfBl remedy. Oae taert meafk has breaat fertk a vant cfeaase aad I norr cemalfier my self a ttcII nai after moaths Ht affeiins;. -FclIoTr-iHJcrcr. I'craaa will care yen. Idevfellya Jordaa. Doctors have been loathe to indorse a catarrh remedy because catarrh and catarrhal diseases have puzzled the medical fraternity for many decades. More prominent physicians use and Indorse Peruna each year. Dr. A. Morgan, 314 Gater street, In dianapolis. Ind., writes: "Regular physicians do not, aa a rale, lad erne patent medicines. I have, however, found la my practice that Pe nai la a notable exception and aot at all like aay other medicine geaerally eld a 'pateHt medicine. "In examining it I find that it Is a scientifically prepared medicine, com posed of herbal remedies of high medi cinal value. "It Is a specific for catarrh of the head, lungs or stomach, a fine remedy for female troubles, and Invaluable to mothers and children. "After fevers or other protracted Ill ness, It Is one of the best tonics I know of to restore the system to normal con dition and I recommend it to convales cents. Tt Is a high class family remedy, good for young and old." A. Morgan. Peruna occupies a unique position in medlcnl. science. It is the only Inter nal systemic catarrh remedy known to the medical profession today. Catarrh is a systemic disease cura ble only by systemic treatment. A rem edy that cures catarrh must aim direct ly at the depressed nerve centers. This is what Peruna does. . Peruna Contains No Narcotic. One reason why Peruna has found THE XXTH CENTURY-SEWING ' r" JThe highest type of FAMILY SEWING MACHIN E the embodiment of SIMPLICITY and UTILITY the ACME of CONVENIENCE. THE BEST NEEDLES For all makes of sewing-machines are made and sold at Singer Stores in erery city Price, 5 Cents Per P&cKage Sewing machines rented or exchanged. At the Singer Stores rA' Morrison Street 402 Washington St. PORTLAND, YOUR CREDIT ACCOUNTS ARE UNSAFE no matter what precaution you use, unless protected by Credit Insurance. Every credit sale amounts to an unsecured loan, exposed daily, hourly, to all the hazards in business. At the end of each year you are confronted with a loss in spite of all precaution. Credit Insurance Removes All Uncertainty At the beginning you know the aostyour losses can be during the year; this being known you can provide for it as an Expense Item of your business, and if there is no. loss you have made an ad-: ditional profit. , OUT Credit-IlldemilitT Bond g guaranteed Protection to Profits. Every clause clear, concise, positive. Adaptable to any manufacturing or wholesale business. Payments to Policyholders Past Three Years $2,127, 930.00, which means thatamount of Profits destroyed by Insolvency of customers was restored in spot cash through our Indemnity. Our booklet'CoIlateral on Merchandise Accounts,"tclIs the whole story. Free. Write to-day. The American Credit-Indemnity Co! of (iew York Capital, full paid. $l,ee,eM. 8. 3f. Farias. Prealdeat. . X. Wheeler. State Aseat, Selena Bid.. Portland, Or. 303 Brood Tray, Xew Yorlc City. Brood war aad Xocast St., St. Xeub. 31a. VITAL WEAKNESS esxet cttaa'fe'ied. Bstt Meceaafsl aad HeciHta fa eMiwiam. of zscm. as asedtcat 4!4mm. Meemut aad aem r reeerd sfcetT. Stricture, Varicocele, Nervous Debility;, Blood Poison, Rectai, Kidney and Urinary Diseases Aad xU dteeaaea aad weakaeaae tae to taaerltaace, evil fcaltlts, escmn or Ike xelt f ecelae diseases. CIH5ULTATI0K AND EXAMINATION FREE SJ cK""4 efftee Hearst' 8 i. X. t S F. X. SawUys, It e 13 ely. St. Louis K.'nd Dispensary Cr. Xcmm4 mu4 YnwtklH Strexts, PmrUm4,Or. EXAMINER Treasury Becommfeiids DR LLEWELLYN JORDAN, Metftea? Examiner United States Treasury Department. permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotics of any kind. Peruna is perfectly harmless. It can be used any length of time without acquiring a drug habit. Peru na does not produce temporary results. It is permanent in its effect. It has no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by removing the cause of catarrh. There are a multitude of homes where Peru na has been used off and on far 20 years. Such a thing could not be pos sible If Peruna contained any drugs of a narcotic nature. MACHINE 540 Williams Ave., OREGON. AfceTe all other tfclaga, we trire to aare the thou sands o young and middle-aged men who. ere plung ing toward tha grave, tortured by the woes of nervous debility. "We have evolved a special treatment tor Nervous Debility and special weakness that Is uni formly auccessful in case's where succesa was befora and by other doctors deemed impossible. It dots not stimulate temporarily, but restores permanently. It allays irritations of the delicate tissues surrounding the lax and unduly expanded glands; contracting thesa to their normal condition, which prevents lost vitality. It tones up. and strengthens the blood vessels that carry nourishment. The patient realizes a grea blight has been lifted 'from his life. We want all XKX WHO AXE SUFFERING from any disease or special weakness to feel that they cas corns to our office freely for examination and exylanatisa of their condition FREB Of CHARGE, without being bound by any obligation whatever to take tractates c unless they so desire. We cure