THE MORNDJGr OB&GrONIAK, -TUESDAY?,-. JtJNE; , l&O; SAVESTHE WATER cruiser Variag was raided one, but an accident occurred and the vessel slid down in a deeper positioh than "where she was sunk by the Russians in the battle of Chemulpo. She was after ward raised a second time. The Ko rletz was found to be not worth rais ing. SHEA GOES TO JI street and Ashland avenue. When found by the police he was insensible, and was bleeding from a wound in the head. He was taken to a hospital, where it was found that several of his ribs were broken. He will prob ably die. FSTE OP THE EL D EH Maury Forest Reserve Created by President. AREA-IS GREATLY REDUCED Tract .in Crook County "Will -Protect "Watershed for Irrigation En gineer Xewell .Starts on In spcction of Work. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU.,,Wash lngton. June 3. President Roosevelt has signed a proclamation creating the Maury forest reserve, in Oregon. It is located in Crook County, between the Great San dy Desert and the western extension of the proposed Blue Mountain reserve. The original withdrawal for the reserve was 62.4M) acres, but on recommendation of the Forestry Bureau this area was reduced to 51,360 acres, which were embraced in the President's proclamation. The forestry officers say the chief value of the reserve is the protection of water sheds of great importance for irrigation purposes. INSPECT IRRIGATION WORKS Purpose of Newell's Trip Through Western States. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, June 5. Chief Engineer Newell, of the Reclamation Service, left Washington today for the West on an Inspection trip of all irrigation projects now under way and proposed. He will first go Into Okla homa and Kansas, thence to Nevada to witness the opening of the Truckee-Car-son canal, thence to California, working has way north Into Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Colorado and Utah. He expects to be In the Far Northwest early In July. Will Pump Water at Minidoka. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, June 5. The engineer in charge of the Minidoka irrigation project in Idaho has been authorized to purchase a gaso line engine for raising water for the use of the office force and settlers In the vicinity of the middle townsite for the project. It is probable that headquarters will be maintained at this point for at least' two, years, and, while an abundant water supply apparently exists at a depth of about -100 feet, present facilities for bringing It to the surface seem to be in adequate. New Commandant at Bremerton. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, June 5. It was announced at the Navy Department today that Commander V. L. Cotton, now on duty at Mare Isl and, Cal., is to be detailed for' duty as commander of the Bremerton, Wash., navy-yard, to succeed Captain Bleeoker, ordered to command the cruiser Colum bia. New Washington Postmasters. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, June 5. Washington postmasters were appointed today as follows: Mayvlew, Garfield County, Bolle Curtis, Mce Hiram Dickson, resigned: Proebstel. Clark County, J. S. Paynter, vice Andrew J Helms, removed. SHIPS MUST GO OR INTERN (Continued from First, race.) board the three cruisers at Manila, but asserts that no report from Rear-Admiral Nebogatoff has yet been received. KNOCKED OUT BY SINGLE SHOT Survivor of Cruiser Ural Tells of Havoc It Wrought. TOKIO. June 5. A survivor of the cruiser Ural, who is a brother of the chief editor of the Russ and apparently as well .educated, aid: "The second and third squadrons joined at the Island of Koh Tron, oft the coast of French Indo-Chlna. Our Admiral knew that Corea Strait was strongly guarded, but, should a Pacific route have been fol lowed, a neutral port would not have been available In case of disaster, so it was determined to rlpk the Tsushima route. Nothing Important pecurred till daylight of the morning of May 27. except the ap pearance occasionally of Japanese ships far out on the horizon. "Our ship advanced in five rows, the Jemtchug independent on the right ex tremity, the second-class battleships in single line formation In the second row, the cruisers in the third, the Ural bring ing up the rear apd the first-class battle ships In the fourth row with the Souvaroff leading and the Icumrud Independent on the left extremity. Entering Tsushima, the formation of our battleships- turned slightly to the starboard for the purpose of protecting our cruisers. "When three Japanese ships were first righted, we fired, but ihe enemy's ships were beyond range. Suddenly four Jap anese battleships and some cruisers ap peared on the scene, sending in an inces sant. vigorous fire, which proved very effective, and we were nearly thrown Into confusion. Steering northeast we found ourselves gradually pressed towards Oklno Island. To force the passage north was Impossible. "The Ural wa hit on the starboard side by a 12-inch shell, which penetrated and burst In the englneroom, smashing eyery thlng and causing the funnel and the masts, to fall down. Owing to the shock the deck also was rent asunder In many places. The flesh and bones of 500 men killed were scattered In every direction. The horror of the scene Is beyond descrip tion. The Ural sank at 6 o'clock in the evening." The narrator and 33 other Russians drifted to the coast off the Province of Nagato after 16 hours of exposure at sea. ALL TOGO'S GUNS BRAND NEW British Steamer Captain Reveals New Point About Battle. VICTORIA. June 5. Captain . Mc Kechnle, of the British steamer Ilford. which carried a thousand Corean cool ies to Salinas Crux, and came here seeking a cargo, said today that -when Togos warships jrave battle to the Rus sian fleet, every Japanese vessel had been fitted with new guns to replace those used in the earlier part of the war. Captain McKechnle says that he carried thirty 30-ton naval guns made by the Armstrongs, as. -well as 500 tons of cordite and j.wo torpedoboats In sections to Kure from England, and he knew of over x dozen steamers which carried naval guns and explo sives from England to Japan. Captain-McICechnle says that "the ADMIRALS HAVE INTERVIEW- Togo and RoJcstvensky Exchange Compliments on Their Valor. LONDON. June 6. The Sasdbo corre spondent of the Daily Telegraph sends the text of the interview between Vice.-Admiral Togo and Vlce-Admlral Rojestvcn sky. The Japanese Admiral said: "Although such things usually happen In battle. I am orry you are wounded. The conveniences at this hospital, unfortu nately, are not the best In Japan, for which I am sorry. I hope you will soon recover and be able to return to your country. I praise your valor." Admiral Rojestvensky said: "I thank you deeply. I greatly admire the strength of your fleet, and deem It an honor to have been wounded by so power ful an adversary. Moreover, I deem it a great honor to receive a call from your good self, and I congratulate you upon' commanding such a faultless fleet. I pray for your health." The correspondent says the conversation on both sides was conducted in broken English. FOURTH SQUADRON NOT GOING Russia Abandons Hope of Becoming Supreme at Sea. HAMBURG, June 5. News has reached here from Libau that German .seamen who were employed there for service with the fourth Russian squadron, when it was Intended to send !t4o the Far East, have received order to return home, as their contract has been cancelled by recent events. This Is considered proof that Russia has definitely abandoned further efforts to wrest the sea power from Japan. VOLUNTEER FLEET AT WORK Russian Vessels Stop Merchant Steamers in China Sea. HONG KONG. June 6. Vessels of the Russian volunteer fleet are overhauling merchantmen in the waters northeast of this port, according to a report made by the British steamer Ping Suey. which ar rived here today. The commander of the Ping Suey says lie saw four stoamors over hauled 50 miles from here by two volun teer fleet steamers. Japanese Squadron Off Shanghai. SHANGHAI, June 5. The flagship Tokl wa, under Vlce-Admlral Uriu, and the cruisers Nanlawa and Takachino and the destroyers Murasame and Sazanami have arrived oft Gutzlan Island. Hangchow Bay. More cruisers are expected. Vlce-Admlral Urlu came from the Tsu Islands, around Formosa, looking for Rus sian vessels. During the battle of the Sea of Japan a shell passed through the Tokiwa's aft, but did not explode. Rojestven sky's Condition Good. TOKIO. June 5. (2:30 P. M.) The chief surgeon of the Sasebo naval hospital re ports that Admiral Rojcstvensky's condi tion is favorable. HI? pulse and tempera ture continue normal. There Is no sign of brain complications. On the Inside of the right thigh there Is a bruins as large as the palm of the hand and also a pierced wound In the left foot. There are no signs of pus. Captive. Japanese Sealers. HARBIN. Manchuria, June 5. The crews of five Japanese sealing scnoon ers, numbering 60 men and IncluJIng six American, have arrived here. They wero captured by Russian torpedo boats while poaching- near Odima Is land. May Raise Threes Sunken Ships. TOKIO. June S. The Russian cruisers Admiral Nakhlmoff, Vladimir Monomach and Dmitri Donpkoi having mink In com paratively shallow water, it is possible, to raise them. Russian. Cruisers at Sen. TSINGTAU. June 5. It is reported that four Russian auxiliary cruisers and one large cruiser were seen near Somatow on June 4. LEGACY FOR F. D. RH0ADES Portland Man Gets Windfall From Rich Boston Relative. BOSTON. Mass., June 6. Special.) Over $$00,000 is disposed of in the will pro bated today of the late Lyman F. Rhoades, a retired Boston leather mer chant. Among the bequests Are two of 13000 each to Frank D. Rhoades. of Port land, Or., and Lewis Rhoades. of San Jose. Cal., with 'similar amounts to rela tives of the same name In Bar a boo and River Falls. Wis., and numerous New England relatives. The nearer relatives get J200.000 and J100.O00 each, while J100.0DO is left to charity. FAVORS JOINT MANEUVERS President Would Like to Carry Out Bcrcsford's Idea. WASHINGTON. June S. Naval men here are greatly Interested In the sug gestion made by Lord Charles Bercsford that the United States and Great Britain unite In Joint maneuvers in which would be engaged the great battleships of the two nations. The 'Idea, meets with con siderable favor, though Its practicabil ity at present is doubted. President Roosevelt would like well to see the Idea, carried out, and It is under stood he is giving It serious considera tion. NORWAY AS A REPUBLIC Sensation Promised Europe Within Few Days. LONDON. June S. The Copenhagen correspondent of the "Dally Telegraph says: "It la believed here that Norway In tends to establish a republic, and that important events may be expected within a few days." Rich Man Dies in Bath Tub. LOS-ANGELES. June 5. Lee W. Foster, a wealths' resident of this city and for merly a wholesale grocer and capitalist of Butte, Mont, and one of the pioneer businessmen of that state, was found dead in the bathtub at his home "here this evening. His death had been caused by a stroke of apoplexy. He was S years of age and leaves a family. His fortune Id estimated at about J35D.OO0. He came to Los Angeles and retired from active busi ness . ten years ago. rOR TORPID LIYKK Take JSerfrtS' AcM rkovpkmie It atitnulite branny livr cUvlty. rt llerti eonrtipatlon, tick fceidache and mi larta.- on HE WINS CONTEMPT CASE Judge Grosscup Asserts Rights of Labor Leaders to Refuse Testi mony Young Arrested for Libeling- Thome. CHICAGO. June 5. Cornelius Shea, president of th"e International Brother hood of Teamsters and leader in the strike wnlch has existed In Chicago for the past two months, was arrested and taken to Jail tonight. With him on the Journey from the saloon in which he was arrested to the office of the Sheriff and then to the Jail was Hugh McGee, president of the Truck- i drivers Union. Both men were taken Into custody on capiases Issued on In dictments charging them with con spiracy, which were voted by the grand Jury that adjourned last Saturday night. The teamsters made overtures to the emploers tonight by asking- for a. con ference, but failed to meet the require ments of the 'attorneys of the Employ ers Association. t Albert Young, ex-president of .the International Teamsters' Union, for whom a warrant was Issued charging feim with criminal libel In connection i with assertions made that Robert J. j Thorn, secretary of Montgomery, i'!.r jt- i-f. Jurt tttrA Jld.edi to hftv- a strike declared against the rival house of Soar. Roebuck & Co.. was arrested late this evening-. He was taken before the Sheriff, where ne gave ? bond of 515.000 for his appearance when wanted. Right to Keep Silence. A notable decision affecting- conspir acy proceedings was mane today by Judge Peter S. Grosscup In the United States District Court. He declared that the Jailing- of the two labor leaders. Bernard Mulligan and John H. Dona hue, for alleged contempt of court In refusing to answer, questions possibly Incriminating them was "extraordinary proceedings." Judge Grosscup's opin ion, on account of Its salient character and widespread applicability, attracted much attention. Mulligan and Dona hue, who had been hclj in contempt of court by Judge Kohlsaat for refusing- to answer questions before Master In Chancerv Sherman wnlcn tne ae- fendants were especially ordered by Judge Kohlsaat to answer, were re leased under $500 bonds by Judge Grosscup and a supersedeas was Issued stavlnir the Kohlsaat order following application for a writ of error by the ! respondents. In giving the opinion upholding th' right of silence. Judge Grosscup said Judce GroMcup Decltlon. Tr Cmttttutkn of the VtM4 Stat" pre- XN IHfll in VWC -.-. I a wtmrr ag-alns: hunfrtf- The riRfct f 4- trace thus given was among the root eher- I . . - trt rt -1 eiurant at DUr f UMSIRMttal WW. 11 Is ene ot the. distinctive gnarant of Antl Saxen civil liberty. It use eual rank with thoe constitutional preMbUlos In law f the Individual as slnt the that frb!4 the Impairment of contract or the taking f property without due prec of law and a etltut!aal guarantee caiHMt fee ferfelted. In the promotion f law and ordr It must not be overlooked, tor the promotion of law and order mu not lUelf b UlfA. The Inquiry before the cwt. when- thl" constitutional right b Invoked, always Is: "Is the protection arked for Mraply mak to cover th witness dkdneHnailoa to aiMwor the question or ir the protecttos aked tor In good faith, to sfcteid the wMsm acalntt being; made a witness agalaK himself In what may become a criminal prosecution? la the danger of Incrimination ssbsUntlal. or la It moreir fanciful?" Fact Which Might Incriminate. The testimony taken tend to ttoow. among other tWHgP. that permits were tawed br the wntoan to drivers In the case of good that were to be alleneS delivery, prctftmtabty In order that good not under the protection of sch permits ibouM net be attewed delivery. Jfow. wWIe the Itnuanee of a permit or a per sea'a connection with It Issuance or tifc. or his connection with an Inrtnscttea not to pick up r deliver tb sood of a certain house may not, standing alone, be criminal, the fact that permits were It seed and that certain Instruct tone were given and sTccepted ra- be come potent links la the chain of "evidence that leads up to the crime of coarptrac); and In the proof of rach links, were Mulligan and Doaohae to be Indicted and put on trial for conspiracy, the burden woM be upon .the prosecution, without any bp by compulsory con'rctlon of the defendants to ettabHsh the existence of such links. So that, good faith In the Invoking of this constitution! guar antee being asmtmed. It lr at leaxt legally discernible that MulHgan and Donohue might properly, refuse to clv to th Government proof of the facts Inquired Into, for the right of ollcnce Is not coanned to tb lat step In the proof of crime; It t sot a mere partial right, but a complete right, and accrues the moment a right of the defendant ! struck that, if followed up. would eventually uncover the wttnemf connection with the crime. I cannot help but feel that in all probabil ity Donohue and Mulligan la good faith stood In fear that the testimony taken before the master might be used against them before the gran3 jury and might lead aa a link In the chain to their Incrimination. Under euch a prellmlnar) showing the eae should be fully Investigated by the Court of Appeals befor the sentence l carried to execution. The Judgment of the Circuit Court In this cas wilt be stayed upon Mulligan and Donohue'a giving ball In the sura of 300 oach. D'unnc Answers Critics. Mayor Dune has replied to criticisms of himself contained in a report of th grand Jury. In a formal statement the. Mayor asserts that the report Is grossly unfair and unjust. Denial (s made to the charge that the Mayor failed to exert full authority. He says: If the grand Jury means that I have failed to call In the ml!i.!a. I answer that until I j ran to get wagons tnreugn tne streets and maintain law and order with tho police. J have no right, legally or morally, to call for the assistance-of the mllltla. I -do not Intend, until It becomes necessary, to deal Chicago and Its business Interests that hurtful bloK The anlnrus behind the whole 'affair Is ap parent. Over three weeks ago certain Inter est In this city demanded that I call In the mllltla. A ltuat!en under the law war ranting such a call did net then and has not since existed. I refuse to do so, and I -sill refuse until It appears that sues a step Is necessary. Immediately after his refusal to call forthe mllltla, the Mayor asserts, he was attacked "in the most virulent manner." Continuing, he asys; During the whole of the strike I have de cided and acted upon all questions arising during the controversy as though I were still sluing on, tho bench, giving to each sido what was Its legal right no more and no less and my action In this zygxrd I submit to the candid. Impartial consideration ot nay fellow-citizens, having at heart tho inter ests ot the whole people, without being swerved from my course, by the cLunor from either side.. Nonunion 3 Ian Slugged. Nonunion men are still being- har assed by sluggers. Albert Johnson, be lieved to be a nonunion teamster, was severely beaten today at Fourteenth Strike Leader Arrested Charge of Conspiracy. HOPE OF PEACE IS SLIGHT Japan Has Raised Terms and Russia Will Fight On. LONDON, June 5. Accounts of Presi dent Roosevelt's Interviews with Mr. Takahlra. the Japanese Minister at Wash ington. Count Casslnl, Baron Speck von Sternberg- and other ambassadors', which are alleged to have been along- the line of efforts to bring mediation, are receiving much attention here, but in diplomatic circles It is not believed that they will result in bringing peace. The belief Is firm In all quarters that "Russia will refuse them. Reports from Berlin. St. Peters burg and Paris give not a single Indica tion of peace. At the Russian embassy It Is declared that the war wil be continued and at the Japanese embassy it is said there is no expectation of a peace offer, while the foreign office states that It does not know of any movement toward peace. As far as can "be ascertained, the British, government' ha? made no attempt to bring about Intervention.' although it un doubtedly Is acquainted with the terms' Japan will acceptNand Is in a position to take up negotiations .with France, Rus sia's ally, immediately, if such a move ment will not meet with a rebuff. Among" the many advocates of peace In the coun try probably the most active Is Sir Thomas Barclay, who was largely instru mental In the powerful effort for media, tlon between the .combatants a. few months ago. He said to the Associated Press: "Three months ago the Japanese would have agreed to these peace terms: F.lrst, the evacuation of Manchuria by the Rus- slans and its return to the control ot mna unaer Japanese supervision: sec- ond. a Japanese protectorate In Corea: third, the surrender of the lease ot Port Arthur and also the surrender of the Man churian railway to International control and the dismantling of the fortifications ot Vladivostok. Since the naval battle. nowever. u cevciops mat japan nas in creased her demands to include terri torial Indemnity, comprising Vladivostok and probably the Island or Sakhalin. Rus sia will never pay a money indemnity nor will she sue for peace until she becomes bankrupt. So long as she possesses funds she will spend them on armaments." ZEMSTVO COXGRESS'FORBIDDEN Enraged Radicals and Rebels Threaten Extreme Measures. MOSCOW. June 6. 2:40 A. M. The meeting- of the All-Russian Zcmstvo Congress today, for which 245 dele gates from various Zemstvos and mu nicipalities, including- the Mayors ot twenty-five cities, arrived here yester day and at which it was proposed to introduce resolutions calling- for the Immediate cessation ot Hostilities, has ! been prohibited. The order of prohibition, which ar rived only late last night, has aroused the greatest Indignation and resent ment. Very many of the delegates are determined to defy the government and to proceed with the Congress, in which case trouble may be expected. The more radical of the delegates are pro posing measures of an extreme type. th nrob,blc developments todav. , ' f Delegates representing the Social Revolutionaries and the "League of T jz sir n 1 r In fh flfv ami an T effort is being made among them to agree on a basis for common action. FIND FREEDOM ON THE WATER Russian Journalists Cruise on Steam er to Pa; Reform Resolutions. ST. PETERSBURG, June 5. The Union of Russian Journalists today chartered a steamer and cruised in the Neva for six hours so as to hold a meeting free from p'ollce Interference. The meeting passed a resolution de manding a constiuent assembly and hailing the advent of a Russion revo lution. GENERAL STRIKE IS PROPOSED Iabor 1CacIers Negotiate for Calling: Out All Workmen. ST. PETERSBURG, June 3. Labor leaders are negotiating for the pur pose of declaring a general strike next Saturday. Murine Eye Remedy Cures Eyes: Makes Weak Eyes Strong. Soothes Eye Pain. Doesn't Smart. The gentleman who garments by their mod does an injustice to system, and to himself TROUSERS TOP COATS AUTO-COATS At your dealers bearing my My Mark iflliliTrrmlnTTmil 14"'''' ltx If IX The designs in my style book are correct scad for, it. Rosen wald & Weil CHICAGO NEW YORK W The Bast Hot Weather Medicine S SALE TEN KKJftM MXES A TEAK H m CANDY CATHAlt,TlC,a MtEVEHT ALL SVKHEB WEL TMTOUES M Between. Underwriters and Junk Dealers. WAITING FOR A CABLE If Insurance Men Who Took Risk Agree the Vessel .Will Be Broken Up for Old Iron. Again the fate of the wrecked steamer Geo. W. Elder is up to the English under writers. Captain MacFarlane Is awaiting a cable from England before he announces the decision. The question Is whether a bid to raise the Elder and put her on the drydock for the underwriters shall be ac cepted or the bid of a Junk dealers' syndi cate to buy the vessel for what phe is worth be taken. Anderson & Crowe put In the bid to ralsa the Elder. Neither side will tell what the amount of the bid was, but It Is believed to be fairly low. W. Brannon. representing Barde & Son. made the high est bid for the Junk dealers, offering about J3000. Together with a number of other ship ping men. Anderson & Crowe have always maintained that Captain MacFarlane was not trvlnr the rlcht methods In attcmpt- I Injr to raise the Elder from the rock near ! Goblc. Probably J30.0CO has already been ; spent by the underwriters' In the repeated attempts to get the vessel off the rock. The Insurance hat already been turned over to the owners, the San Francisco & Portland Steamship Company. CEDAR PliAXKS 175 YEARS OLD Alliance Brings Last of Coos County Exhibit for Fair. Flanks cut from a tree 173 years old. but showing not a sign of decay except at one end. were brought from Coos Bay on the steamer Alliance which arrived yesterday morning. They are to form part of the Coos County exhibit at the Fair. The trunk from which th.e beautiful clear white cedar planks were cut was found prostrate on the ground. A tree six feet In diameter, and showing by the rings that it wa over 170 years old. had grown upon the old trunk Five tons of Coos Bay coal, which will make a pyramid out side the Coos County building, a fine col lection of elk horns, and some bamboo grown on the North Coos River were also on the vessel. ' The Alliance will go down Wednesday night, taking a quantity of logging ma chinery among her cargo. Hulk or llnyward Sold. From one of the fastest and most popular passenger boats of Puget Sound and then ot the Columbia and "Willamette Rivers, the old steamer Emma Hay ward has fallen so-low that yesterday she was sold by 'the Shaver Transportation Company to James Good, owner of the steamers America and Republic, who will cut her hull into two barges. The Hnyward was built here in 1S71. and was taken to Puget Sound, where she ran for several years. Anna Coming for Orders. It was. announced yesterday that the German bark Anna, which left here Jan uary 25 with lumber to Taku Bar. Japan, wlir return to the Columbia River light ship for orders. She has been at Taku Bar since April 11. When she reaches the Columbia she will probably be ordered to come to Portland or to proceed to Puget Sound. She Is now ready to sail. Lumber Cargo for China. Tomorrow the German ship Henriette will leave down, loaded with 21.073 feet of dressed and 1.S5.S73 feet ot rough lum ber. Thl was taken on at the North Pa cific mill, and will go to Tsingtau. China. The Henriette has been here since March 19. and is. under charter to the Pacific Export Lumber Company. Leggctfs Raft Is Safe. SAN FRANCSICO. June 5. The Fran cis H. Legget arrived today from Stella, Wash- having In tow the first big log raft of the season. Princeton Goes to Panama. SAN FRANCISCO. June 5. The United Slates- gunboat Princeton left the Mare mark. Lies judges my 4 M erate pricesy A 0-3 ) my designing, W1I. W "MACKINETTES" . 4 fir waistcoats m 1 m &&5kl? Hill " mm Cheap, Effective, Palatable. APENTA HUNGARIAN NATURAL APERIENT WATER. A Wineglassful a Dose. The Analysis shows that the richness of Apenta Water in natural saline aperients renders it the safest and most remedial laxative and purgative. READ THE LABEL. Island. Navy-Tard this morning and is now anchored -In San Francisco Bay pre paratory to sailing for Panama. The Princeton, which Is In charge of Captain H. Sherman, goes to the Isthmus station to relieve the monitor Wyoming, which will then come North. Marine Notes. Loaded with lumber for San Fran cisco, the steam schooner South Bay left down last night. The ,blg freighter Rapallo. which has been loading lumber at the Inman Poulsen mill. Is ready for sea. The bark Tam O'Shanter was towed up to the Inroan-Poulson mill last night, coming from San Pedro for lum ber. The Portland & Asiatic liner Numan tla left out from Astoria yesterday aft ernoon, bound for Japanese ports and Hongkong with a light cargo. The four-masted bark sighted off the Columbia yesterday did not put in. but' afterward stood out to sea. She- is probably runlng up the coast to Cape Flattery. A. G. D. Kerrell. general passenger acent of the San Francisco &. Portland Steamship Company. Is In the city attend ing the meeting of the transcontinental passenger agents. It Is reported by Taylor, Young & Co. that the steamship Waddon. which is at Port Townsend. was chartered yester day to take lumber to the west coast of South America, and will not load here. ' The steamer F. A. Kllburn. for San Francisco and way -porta left down last night. On board were a number of pas-) The new Hotel Oregon, corner Seventh sengers, MOO sacks of wheat for San Fran- ( and stark streets, has hot and cold run cisco. and a quantity of general freight, nlng water and long-distance telephones including 200 sacks of potatoes for Eureka, J In every room. , On the Afghanistan, which was rammed ; ' and sunk In the English Channel Satur- : ' BORN, daj-. were 600 barrels of cement and 50 SWETT June 6, to the wife of Z. Swett, a ton? ot potash salts, consigned to San son. OLD SORESJS5 Nothing- is more offensive than an old sore liW&ItvUw that refuses to heal. Patiently, day after day, it is treated and nursed, every salve, powder, etc, that is heard of is tried, but does no good, until the very sight of it grows offensive to the sufferer and he becomes disgusted and mor bid. They are not only offensive, but dangerous, because the same germ that produces cancerjpus ulcers is back of every old sore. The cause is in the "blood and as long as it remains the sore will be jn,:cafgo m blo?f P?lso f' 4.-1. j -; r the doctor told me I would have running sores for there and continue to grow lifCj were dosed up result orse and more destructive. Trould be fatah Tjnder this discouraging report r The fact that thousands of left off their treatment and resorted to the use of old sores have been cut out S. S. S. Its effects were prompt and gratifying!. and even the bones scraped, It took only a short while for the medicine to en- and yet they rettirned, is in- ,tirely cure up the sores, and I am not dead as the disputable evidence that the doctors intimated I would be, neither have the blood is diseased and respon- so"evf?' brSrenfroutPin-Q j0HN W sible for the sore or ulcer. hing, W. Va., May 2S, 1903. Valuable time is lost in experimenting with external treatments, such, as salves, powders, washes, etc., because the germs and poisons in the blood must be removed before a cure can be effected. S. S. S. cleanses and TJuri- fies the circulation so that it carries s ss exhilarating tonic, jails the digestion and puts every part of tie body in good healthy condition. Book on the blood, with any medical advice wished, without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAm I IN A w. euarantea a cure In every ease we undertake or charge no fee. Consulta tion frea- Letters confidential. Instructive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free in plats wrannsr. ... We cure the worst cases, of piles in two or three treatments, without operation. Cure guaranteed. It you cannot call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment succesafaL Offlce hours. 9 to 5 and 7 to S. Sundays and holidays, 10 to 1Z. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offices in Van-Noy HoUL 62H Third at. cor. Pine. Portland. Or. nataner tnorousralv cured. Sto failure, VOCXG aUKX troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, bashXulaesa, aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood, UNFIT YOU. rOR BUSINESS OR MARRIAGK. MIDDLE-AGED HEX, who from excesses and strains have lost their MANLY POWER. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES", Syphilis". Gonorrhoea, painful, c-loody urlne. Gleet, Stricture. Enlarged Prostate, Sexual Debility. Varicocele, Hydrocele. KM- acy and Liver troubles cured without MERCURY OR OTHER POISONING DRUGS. Catarrh and rheumatism CURED. Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no pateat nos trums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough! medical treatment. His New Pamphlet on Private Disease sent free to all men who de scribe their trouble. PATIENTS cured at hosts. ' Terms reasonable. All letters aaawered In plala envelope. Conaultatioa free aad sacredly confideatlaL Call eg or adre DR. WALKER, 191 Fkst Street, Qxir YamhM!, Portland Or Diego and Portland. It Is expected that Meyer. 'Wilson & Co. will soon put on an other grain ship to take the place.of the lost vessel. Domestic and Foreign Ports. , ASTORIA. Or., June 5. Arrived down at T laat rilght B&rkenUne Kohala. Left up at 7 A. ST. Barkentlne Tam O'Bhanter. 'Arrived at 10 A. M. Schooners Beulah. from San Franctaco. and Mabel Gale, from San Pedro. Arrived down at 12:50 and failed at 2 P. Sf. German steamer Numantia. for Honjkotuc and way ports. Arrived at noon Schooner 0. SI. Kellogrjr. from San Pedro. Condition of th bar at S P. ST., smooth; wind, north west; weather, oloudy. San Francisco. June 5. Arrived Steamer Francis II. Lessett. with Iograft. from Co lumbia River. Indicted for Wlfe-Beatingi Charles McGinty, indicted for aa sault and battery on his wife, was -arraigned before Judge Cleland yester day, and allowed until Wednesday to enter his plan. McGinty is confined In the Counts Jail. BUSINESS ITEMS. If Baby Is Cuttlnr Teeth. Be sure ana usn .tnat oic and well-tried remedy Ura. TYInsIoTc's Soothlcr Syrup, for children Uethlnc. It aoothea the child, aoftcna th guaaa. allays all pain, cur wind colic aad .dUrrhc, The Denver & Rio Grande scenery la even more beautiful In Winter than Sum mer. Travel Kast via that Una and spend a day In Salt Laka City. rich, new blood to the parts and the sore or ulcer heals permanently. S. S. S. not only removes the germs and poisons, but strengthens the blood and builds up the entire system by stimulat ing the organs, increasing the appetite and giving energy to the weak, wasted constitution. It is an WEEK We treat successfully all private ner vous and chronic diseases of men. also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. . We cure SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay cured forever. In 30 to 60 days. We remove STRIC TURE, without operation or pain, in IS days. We stop drains, the result of self-abuse. Immediately. We can restore the sexual vigor of any man under 50 by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week The doctors of this institute ara aU reguiar graduates, have had many years' expertne. have been known in Portland for 15 years, have a reputation to maln- certain cure can be effected. Twenty Years of Success In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation.' diar rhoea, dropsical swellings, Brlght's disease, etc Kidney and Urinary Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, .milky or bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured. Diseases of the Rectum Such as plies, ttstulu, Ussure, ulceration, mucous and bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or confinement. Diseases of Men Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, lia- vjure guaranteed.