Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 06, 1905, SECOND EDITION, Page 14, Image 14

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To PlyAboVe The Dalles on
Columbia and Snake.
It Has an Important Session At
tended by Prominent Citizens ol
lcwiston With the Naviga
tion Object in View.
A meeting: was held yesterday morning
In the offices of J. N. Teal, -which had as
its object the ultimate construction of a
fleet of steamboats to be operated in con
Junction with the portage road for the
service of the country tributary to the
Columbia and Snake Rivers above The
Besides those Portland business men
who have been largely Instrumental In
the opening of the portage road, and the
members of the executive committee of
the Open River Association, there wero
present at the meeting Colonel Judson
Spofford. Walter H. Hill, Fred Godard.
Dr. J. B. Morris. D. J. McGllvrey. A.
Eitgcn, M. S. Johnson. G. W. Thompson
and T. J. Randolph, all of Lcwlston.
The meeting was called for the consid
eration of the plan to form the Open
River Transportation Company. It is the
intention of the business mon of the dis
trict tributary to the portage road to form
such a company, which will build boats
to operate on the upper river, between
Celilo and the head of navigation on
both the Columbia and the Snake Rivers.
While no statement was made at the
meeting as to the prospects of floating
the stock for the company, it is under
stood that there will be no difficulty in
the sale of the amount necessary to
.finance the scheme and provide for the
"boats in a short time.
Another meeting has been called for
Thursday next, at which time further
details will be considered.
Effort Is Being Made to Hold Them
In Portland.
The national 'amateur championship
games may yet be secured for the Fair.
Yesterday Dlcortor of Athletics H. W.
Kerrigan received a telegram from J.
E. Sullivan, of the Amateur Athletic
Union, asklnjsr what dates could be se
cured, and on this point Kerrigan has
catholic ideas. To secure this big event
he will give any date, though herwould
prefer the latter part of AugusU
The national meet was to have been
held in Chicago during July, but the
arrangements were knocked out, so
that the place of meeting is now In the
air. Sullivan has previously expressed
himself favorable to holding the meet
here, and If suitable arrangements can
be made, the games may take place
at the Fair.
The A. A. V. national games are
probably of greater interest to more
people than any other event which will
take place at the Fair. To secure these
games will be decidedly worth while,
and as -the results arc carlred in full
In the Associated Press report, the Fair
will receive considerable prominence
through this medium. There is only
one national athletic set of games and
that Is held by the A. A. U.
But national contest or no, beginning
with today there will be a continuous
run of athletic entertainment at the
Fair. Today the Portland High School
and the Hill Military Academy play
theld final game for the interscholastic
"baseball championship. If Hill wins,
another game will be nccesary to finish
the series, which will be placed later
In the week.
The last two days of the week will
be devoted to track and Hold evonts.
On Friday the school boys have tholr
meet, and the entries for this are al
most beyond counting. Saturday is the
handicap track and Held meet for all
comers, and the entry list for this Is
nearly fifty, enough to make it Inter
esting. Entries come from as far away
as Havre. Mont. All the Portland ath
letes will be In this. E. M. Murphy,
formerly of the Multnomah Club, is
entered from the University of Idaho.
The chief events of next week
will be the Intercollegiate Karnes, the
leading track and field contest in the
Hotel-Runners and Hackmen Must
Keep Order at Depot.
Wholesale arrests of hotel-runners,
hackdrivers, expressmen and what-not
are to be made by the police, unless
better order is maintained at the Union
Depot in the future upon the arrival of
trains, and at wharves upon the arrival
of steamers.
More than persistent are the 200 or more
agents of various hotels and Arms who
gather at the depot and at docks, and
every person who steps from train or
boat Is literally pursued by from six to
12 of these "men. and no amount of ex
planations or pleadings to be let alone
will avail until one gets beyond the range
of these "runners."
Hundreds of complaints have been made
to the police by those who have been
harassed upon their arrival here, and the
warnings of patrolmen detailed to the
various beats where the trouble occurs
.have thus far failed. It Is Claimed, to
make the offenders cease.
Prior to the opening of the Lewis and
Clark Exposition, there were but a score
or so of "runners." Now there are more
than 209. and they gather at train and
boat arrivals and make life a burden for
all who are not desirous of hotel accom
modations, or who do not care to em
ploy a carriage or express wagon.
Each hotel and all of the express com
panies, as well as the individual hack
man and expressman. Is represented.
Some of the larger houses employ as
many as four or five agents to meet each
train. The result Is a howling mob of
men, each attempting to reach the car of
every person who comes from the train
or boat.
Frequent complaint has also been made
to the effect that Insults are heaped upon
those who will not enter a carriage, en
gage an express wagon or take a hotel
Volunteers of America Provide
Haven for Working Girls.
The home for working girls, now being
built on the north side of East Ankeny
street, between Union and Grand ave
nues, will be completed and furnished by
June 10. It will be under the manage
ment of Captain W. B. Arents and wife,
of the Volunteers of America, and run to
furnish a low-priced home for working
girls. Room and board will be furnished
this class for $2.50 a week. Captain Arents
said yesterday that it wag destined to
furnish working girls with a home that
will be surrounded by respectable and
Christian Influences. The houce is a three
story, 12-room structure, and 20. girls can
be accommodated at one time- The rooms
are large and well ventilated. A wide
porch opens from the reception hall. The
rooms will have single beds. Wholesome
.food and .sanitary and clean surroundings
will be provided for the girls. Mrs. Arents
will be in Immediate charge, and an ef
fort will be made to give the girls a truo
haven of rest after the day's work. Cap
tain Arents Is confident that In Portland
there Is need for such a home as it Is pro
posed to provide. It will be especially
needed during the Fair, when the rent
for rooms will be naturally higher than
usual. The Portland home will be the
third of the sort opened and conducted by
the volunteers. It may be said that pic
tures, magazines, good books and furni
ture that can be used will be gladly re
ceived for toe benefit of the home.
Recoi'crs From Surgical Operation
and Is Billed at Marquam.
The theater-going public will be much
Interested and correspondingly pleased
In knowing that the popular Howard
Gould will once more essay leading roles
at a local playhouse. Miss Bertha
Creighton was billed to appear at the
Marquam Grand last night in "A Ro
mance of '76," but, owing to the sudden
Illness of Mr. Gllmour. her leading man.
the performance had to be postponed, and
the charming Miss Creighton was in the
deepest despair until it was learned that
Mr. Gould had fully recovered from a re
cent critical surgical operation, and had
kindly consented to fill the .entire engage
ment. The engagement of Miss Creighton will
last three weeks, in the course of which
she will produce some excellent plays.
Including a dramatization of Victor Hu
go's masterpiece, "The Hunchback of
Notre Dame." Her first performance
will be given this evening, upon which
pccaslon "A Romance of '76" will be
The reappearance of Mr. Gould will un
doubtedly be greoted by a large house, as
he is considered not only one of the most
accomplished artists in his. profession on
the boards of the Pacific Coast, but in
addition possesses a personality that has
greatly endeared him to the people of
There will be 46 competent players In
the cast-with Miss Creighton, Including
Howard Gould, prominent among whom
are John Davies, William Brewer, Joseph
Thompson, Miss Lillian Muclo. Miss Kate
Summers and Frances Van Reyncgom.
the last named being a daughter of
Judge Van Reyncgom, of San Francisco.
Railway Officials Find It Takes the
Grades Easily.
Prominent railroad officials .of the city
made a trial trip yesterday afternoon in
the new gasoline motor car of the South
ern Pacific in order to test the car on the
heavy grades and stretches of hard track
to be found In the vicinity of the city.
The car was taken over the grade In
Sullivan's Gulch on the O. R. & K. line
and up the Southern Pacific tracks on
Fourth street. It was demonstrated in
both Instance? that the car could handle
a load In a satisfactory manner over
grades as heavy as the ones traversed, or
still worse ones.
It now remains for the car to be tested
for high speed and continuous service be
fore It Is put into commission, and this
trip will be taken cither today or tomor
row, perhaps over the East Side lines of
the Southern Pacific or over the O. R. &
N. line. in order that a long atrctch of
good track may be had for the speed test
a"nd plenty of room for the test of dura
bility in service.
Those who were In the party making the
trip yesterday were General Manager J.
P. O'Brien, Superintendent of Motive Pow
er J. F. Graham, General Freight and
Passenger Agent W. E. Coman of the
Southern Pacific. P. C. Stohr. assistant
traffic manager of the Harrlman lines at
St. Paul, General Superintendent M. J.
Buckley. Superintendent of the Southern
Pacific Oregon lines. L. R. Field?, and T.
W. Younger, master mechanic of the
Southern Pacific East Side shops.
East Portland "Wants One on Wash
ington and First Streets.
An agitation has been started In
East Portland to Induce the Southern
Pacific Railway Company to establish
a regular depot on East First and East
Washington streets. Hundreds of peo
ple leave the trains at this point every
day, and yet there are no accommoda
tions. Dr. C. H. Rafferty said yester
day, in speaking of the matter:
"It Is strange that the East Side
has no convenient depot. Every little
place of 50 Inhabitants along the
Southern Pacific lines is provided
usually with a depot, where passengers
can get on and off trains, but the East
Side, with its many thousands, has no
facilities of this sort. I think that the
railroad company will provide a depot
If the people will generally Join In a
request for one."
Some definite steps will be taken In
a short time to lay the need of a depot
before the manager of the company.
The Southern Pacific Railway Com
pany owns the land along the west side
of East First between East Washing
ton and Morrison streets. It Is thought
that a passenger depot at East First
and Washington would be satisfactory
to the public, if the railroad company
can be convinced that it should be lo
cated there.
Trains Will Hun From Portland by
Middle of October.
According to the terms of the contract
that has been let by the executive board
of the Portland. Nohalem & Tillamook
Railroad Company, trains will be running
from Portland over the new line to Ne
halexn and Tillamook by October 15 at the
A telegram was received yesterday by
William Rcld from Mew York notifying
him that the representatives of the execu
tive board sent a couple of months ago to
Europe to negotiate the Coating of 52.500.
000 worth of first-mortgage 5 per cent rail
road bonds for the construction of 10)
miles of road between a Junction with the
Southern Pacific and the terminals ati
Xehaiem and Tillamook, had returned to
the United States after having success
fully carried out their task.
Pacific Coast to Supply Lumber.
The Pacific Coast will be lucky In secur
ing some of the big Government contracts
for lumber to be furnished the Panama
CanaL according to a letter received by
the Chamber of Commerce yesterday from
Major H. J. Gallagher, purchasing and
shipping agent of the Isthmian Canal
Commission. In his letter the Major stated
that he was sorry the bids for the -sup
plies had not been advertised in one of
the Portland papers, but having adver
tised them In San Francisco he bad neg
lected to do so In Portland. In spite of
the fact, however, there had been out of
ten-bids from the Pacific Coast two from
Portland. It was stated that in all prob
ability both bids called for would go to
Pacific Coast bidders.
The Meier Frank Store
Portland's Largest & Best Store
Principal Port! ana Agents for Bctterick Patterns an4 PnHacatiops D eliaeator 15c Copy
We Make a Specialty of Custom. Shade and Drapery Work Best Materials, Lowest Prices
Headquarters for -Souvenirs The Greatest Showing in the City Second Floor
Women's $3, $3.50 Low Shoes $2.12 Pr.
IOOO pairs of warden's oxfords, $3 and $3.50 values
at $2.12 pair, comprise the good shoe news for those
who have footwear needs to supply All this season's
very hest styles in patent colt, hluchers, vici-kid ox-'
fords, patent tips, ox-blood ribbon lace oxfords, patent
colt lace oxfords, light and heavy solesAll sizes and
widths Regular -$3 and $3.50 values Every pair
guaranteed to give satisfactory service
Choice for a few days at this low price, pr P w 1 dBf
Misses' and Children's Vici Kid and Patent Leather fancy 3-strap
Sandals, all new goods at sale prices; 12 to 2 for $1.20 pairj
SV. to 11 for 95 uair: 12 to 2 for SI .OK nnir.
'Misses' and Children's Vici Kid Oxfords at special low prices, all sizes, very best styles; 5 to S for 8o
pair; to 11 for 95r pair; 12 to 2 for $1.05 pair,
sew line of women's Tan Oxfords, J. & T. Cousins' fa
and $4.00 pair.
famous make in all the latest models, all sizes, $3.50
The Meier fl& Frank Store
$10.00 Silk Petticoats $6.45 Each
Today's great sole of Silk Petti
coats k'of great interest to visi
tors from out of town as well as
Portland women You never be
fore had the opportunity to buy
such good Silk Petticoats for
$6.45 We will place them in
comparison with the best Silk
Petticoat bargains New York,
Missouri, or California ever of
fered 500 of them Made of
superior quality plain and change
able taffeta silks Deep flounce
and ruffle Two rows of shirring
and ruching or deep pleating
and ruffle stitched All the leading shades Black, white,
green, tans, brown, cardinal, purple, navy, black and
white plaids, etc". Every skirt in the lot tf r
regular $ 10 value-Choice at low price of P"J
. Mail orders promptly filled
Exposition visitors are cordially invited to make their headquarters at Port
land s largest and beat store- Waiting-room (balcony, main - floor). Informa
tion bureau. Phones. Parcels checked free.etc The most modern and con
venient establishment for shopping In the city. The greatest assortments of
high-grade merchandise for your choosing. You are welcome wftether to look
or to buy.
"June White Sale" Unequaled Bargains in Every Department
The great "June White Sale" offerings attracted thousands of buyers yesterday-White merchandise of almost every description at special sale prices.
Particular attention is called to the grand values in Mnslin Underwears-20.000 new pieces-Gowns, skirts, corset covers, drawers, French lingerie in
the dointiast styles at exceptionally small prices-White dress materials, laces; embroideries, ribbons, etc., etc., are all included-The best time to pro
vide the graduation outfit--June wedding gifts Silverware, Cut Glass, China, Etc., at saving prices
The Great "June White Sale
of High-Class Muslin Underwear
r H - inf "lunqerwegr ""Vers were one
&MIIHa1A!j i J i ''J ! in force yesterday-We ex-
perienced difficulty in serv
ing everyone as we would
like Improved service to
day Likewise improved
assortments Replenished
depleted lots with better
values than ever Wise
V5u summer underwear needs at
Great Bargains in Nightgowns
omen's fine cambric and nainsook Gowns trimmed in, very fine lace and.
embroideries, ribbon, insertion, tucks and beading, square, V and high
necks, long and short sleeves; regular $3.50 and 3.75 fQ
values on sale at the wonderfully low price of $&Jls
Women's fine cambric and nainsook Gowns, trimmed in fine laces, embroi
dery beading, lucks, insertion and ribbon, round, square, V and high
necks, also round neck Bishop gowns drawn atneck with beading rib
bon, full widths and wide hems, long and short sleeves;
regular $3.00 values, for this sale your choice at f
Fine lot of women's cambric and nainsook Gowns, trimmed lace, embroi
dery, tucks, insertion, beading and ribbons, round, square, V and high
necks, long and short sleeves; regular $2.50 and $2.75 1 yPQ
values, for this sale your choice r I C 7
Special lot of cambric' and nainsook Gowns, trimmed in good Equality
lace and embroidery edging?, insertion, tucks, beading and 1 . A Q
ribbon, long and short sleeves; reg. $2.25 yal. on sale for.M
$ .75 rs'InMjcorrnn at SOc. JI-OO NIkMkoytbb at 8 .78
SLS5 Nlghtgorrna at 07c ,0 NlghtgoTTB at 81.10
Great lot of women's nainsook Drawers, wide ruffles, trimmed In j
Val. lace edging: regular 60c values on sale at the low price of. pair.3"C
Women's fine cambric and nainsook Drawers, trimmed in very fine laces and
embroidery edging. Insertions, tucks and headings; regular c qQ
$2.75 values for this sale, your choice at, pair 107
Women's fine cambric and nainsook Drawers, with wide embroidery flounce
and wide flounces, trimmed In laces and insertions; regular ti 5Q
$1.50 and $1.75 values for the great June sale, your choice at x7
Special lot Women's Drawers, made of cambric and nainsook, trimmed
Jn good quality embroidery and lace edgings and tucks; best' o
$1.00 values for 06C
100 dozen Women's Hemstitched TuckeJ Drawers: also Ince trimmed:
nil sizes; regular 36c values on sale for the June White Sale at 3C
900 white Cambric Petticoats, trimmed In embroidery and tucks;
full width, good style skirts: marvelous value at tzfC
Special lot of Cambric Petticoats, trimmed In embroidery, lace edgings,
insertions, clusters of tucks, wide hemstitched, tucked i o-j
flounces: regular $1.50 and $1.75 values on sale for..... .I.OO
$5.50 and $6 Petticoats 800S $7.50 to $9 Petticoats 85JS
Choose from our entire high-class stock of French Lingerie, Gowns. Skirts.
Corset Covers, Chemise, Drawers, etc: magnificent prices: immense va
riety, at .... ONE-FOURTH OFF
Infants White Wear at special low prices.
$6.50 White Suits $3.95
Grand June White Sale offering of Women's White Duck and Lawn Shirt
waist Suits. The duck suits are embroidered panel front" both wast and
skirt. The Jawn suits are embroidery trimmed skirt, pleated panel and.
embroidery: all sizes; every suit regular 56.5J value, "iour c Q
choice today at f
Table Linens, Napkins, Etc, Etc,
Tnble Damanlca, A'npklBH aad Tracloth, la the very beat qualities aad
patterns, at barjroln prices tbls week. Llaraa ef gotfd qaality ealy are
o!d here. IIouseTrtres, hotel aad bearalBgaeHac-keepcra abuld aatlclpate
their Summer needs. .
62-lnch all-linen bleached Table Damask, unequaled value at. yard 45c
AU-llnen Satin Damask Table Linen, bleached; 65 inches wide, yard....7c
Bleached all-linen Satin Damask Table Linen; full 72 Indies wide; on
great assortment of very best patterns: regular $1 value for. yard...07C
Bleached all-llnen Satin Damask Table Linen, beautiful patterns. In great
assortment. 72 inches wide, our best $1.25 grade, on sale f nQ
for. yard ?1.U7
Bleached all-llnen Satin Damask Table Linen. 72 Inches wide; the hand
somest patterns we have ever shown; best $1.50 grade; T o l
yard . 1 .tf I
Bleached all-linen Satin Damask Table Linen, finest quality.
best patterns: choose from our entire stock of $2.00
Damask at. yard vlDD
All linen Table Napkins, size 20x20 inches Best Patterns. Reg- -i c
ular $1.50 grade; on sale for. dozen LOj
All-llnen Table Napkins. 21x21 Inches. Beautiful styles and o -w m
quality. Regular $2.50 values, dozen y.10
All our oi uicacnea saun uamastc laoie rtaptuns o r r
aozen v
on sale this week at the low price of.
Four great lots of Hand Embroidered Teacloths In beautiful styles
sixes S6x36 inches. The greatest value you ever bought at these prices;
Rejcvlar Teacloth far 82.18 Eaeh
Regular 83J0 Teaelataa for 83.M Each.
Regular 84.S0 Tcacletas for fBM Eiek.
Regalar Teacletka fer $439 Back.
Bleached cotton Huck Towels;
fringed; 17x25 Inches; great
value, each.................. -c
Bieacned union huck iowcis; tn. i
17x32 Inches IUCJ
.Bieacneti union huck xoweis; I2c
20x3S In.: 20c value, each.... rv
Knotted fringe Damask Tow- 1 qr
els; our -best 25c values...--
All-llnen hemmed Huck Towels a
22x40 Inches; 35c values for..4C
Webbs' famous all-llnen grass
oteacned nuck Towels;
regular 53c grade
Eight different styles of Wash
Cloths; all hemmed, ready A
for use: great values at, each.
June Sale of
Cut Glass, Silver-
ware. Etc.
Silver-plated Teaspoons, satin-finish
handles; regular 85c set
values, set
Silver-plated Dessert Spoons; resu-
iar ?.ou set values s; i nn
for ?
Silver-plated Tablespoons, Fancy
handles; regular $1.75 1 f.Q
seU val. on sale, for set V
Silver-plated Forks, beaded handles,
set of 6, on sale at this JQ
low price 3U
6-inch Cut Glass Vases; regular $3.00
values for $2.39
Gut Glass Rose Bowls; regular $9.00
values for $7.1.3
Large Cut Glass Bowl, very pretty
aesigns; our regular u: &
$6.50 values for... JJ&0
Cut Glass Olive Dish or Spoon Tray;
our best $3.00 valt,e C ?h
on sale, for ?&.OZ?
" Christy" Bread Knives, center cut,
best steel; regular 50c 5 Q
value for
Nickel-plated Call Bells; regular 25c
values for 19
Alcohol Lamps, medium size with
cup; 50c value 38
Good Steel Paring Knives 16
Sterling Silver
Sterling Silver Bon-Bon Dishes; 35.75
values for S. 84.37
Sterling Silver Cream Ladles, assorted
patterns; regular 32.25 values
for 81.73
Sterling Silver Berry Spoons. French
gray finish; 35.00 values for. ...84.13
Sterling Silver Bread Trays. 3rench
gray finish: regular 323 values. 81&33
Sterling Sliver Bowls, medium size; 320
values beautiful pieces for June
wedding gifts 81&-33
High-grade Chafing Dishes, fancy
handles, best burner; regular 39.50
values on sale at this low price.. 87.63
Chafing Dish Trays, with or without
handles; 32.50 values at 81.78
AH hot-weather housekeeping helps
af. the lowest prices Refrigerators.
Gas Stoves. Screens, Gas Plates, Garden
Implements, etc.
Ribbons, Hosiery
Women's white all pure linen Handker
chiefs, hemstitched and -Inch
hems; regular 10c values for this low
price 7c
Women's Swiss embroidered Handker
chiefs, scalloped borders, new and
pretty designs, some In lace effect:
regular 25c values for this low
price 13c
Great purchase of 300 doxen fine em
broidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched
and scalloped borders. Tenerlffe and
floral designs, also pure Irish linen,
"hand embroidered, initiated Handker
chiefs. V4 and U-lnch.hems; 35c and
40c -values, each , 25c
Women's all pure Irish linen hand
cmbroldered Handkerchiefs, fine em
broidered and Tenerlffe lace borders,
some with hemstitched borders: regu
lar 31.00 and 31.25 values, each... 83c
Lewis and Clark Souvenir Handker
chiefs, each .yZYxe, 15c, S5c
Ribbon Sale
All-silk white taffeta and Liberty satin
Ribbons. 3 inches-wide, pure white
and cream; regular 25c
values for.. IOC
3000 yards of pure white satin" taffeta
Ribbons, 4 inches wide, suitable for
neckwear and dress trimming; Q
best 25c value, yard IOC
White satin moussellne Ribbons, five
inches wide; best 35c quality
for the very low price of, yard..3C
White Hosiery
Women's white Lisle thread Hose, all
over lace, plain lisle or boot effects;
also embroidered ankle: big variety,
50c to 31.25 pair. White Silk Hose
low priced.
Misses' silk finish white lisle-Hose; also
lace effects. 25c as 58c pair.
Great "June White Sale"
Women's Fine White Waists
Women's fine white lingerie and
Jap wash silk waists are being sold
at prices far below value This sum
mer's most desirable styles Beauti
tifiil, exclusive waists in grand as
sortment -Waists for dress and even
ing wear Take advantage
High-elass French, Spanish and English
hand-embroidered Lingerie "Waists, tucked or
lace trimmed, rich, stylish, dainty styles
waists for dress and evening wear.
values $ 7.T5 $12.50 values $10.85
values $12.23 $15.00 values 13.25
values S14.45 $18.00 values S15.75
values $1.7.45 $22.50 values S1S.4K
Immense showing of Japanese Wash Silk Waists, fancy yokes, with
lace, silk embroidered or tucked front; all this season's best styles; great
special values for the "June White Sale" at
2.72, $3.95, $4.85, $5.55, $6.45, $7.22, $9.25 Each.
Great special lots of White Cotton Waists in lawns, linens, etc., embroi
dered lace, and plain tailored effects in a great variety styles; match
less bargains at 79c, 89c, 98c, $1.39, $2.08, $2.92 Second' Floor.
Great "June White Sale"
of Laces and Embroideries
2000.yarJs of Swiss, and Nainsook Embroideries and Insertions. hlg variety
of dainty designs: values up to 45c the yard, on sale at the low
"June White Sale" price of. yard ; 19C-
1000 yards of new Corset Cover Embroideries, handsome patterns;' ert
values up to 51.25 yard, on -sale at the low price of, yard.... jyC
1000 yards of pre.tty, all-over Embroideries for waists. Summer dress trim
ming, etc.. values J1.00, 51.23 yard, on eale'at the low "June
White Sale" price of, yard OVC
9000 yards of Cambric Embroideries and Insertions; values 15c yard
great "June White Sale" bargain for this week at the remark-
ably low price of. yard ?C
1000 pieces of Valenciennes Laces and Insertion, daintiest patterns for
Summer dresses and underwear trimming: values up to 70c a on
dozen yards. Sale price, dozen yards, for , OlC
9000 yards of Imitation Torchon Laces, 10-cent values, great c
variety of patterns. Sale price..- .DC
Point Paris and Valenciennes Lace; all-overs for waists, yokes, etc.; very
pretty effects in great variety: regular 85c values on sale at
the exceptionally low "White Sale" price of, yard. OtC
100 dozen women's fine white Ribbed
Vests high neck, short sleeves,
all sizes; best 25c values lor. ..lSc
Women's fine white Ribbed VeS.j,
low neck, sleeveless, fancy stitch
ing; all sizes; our best 35c values
. oc sale for the low price of.... 23c
Children's white Ribbed Vests, high
neck, long sleeves: also high neck
and short sleeves: regular 35c
values, on sale-tor the low c
price of
Wnlte Chambard linen Paper,
great special value, quire OC
Envelopes to match, package So
- 10c white Envelopes, excellent qual-J
lty ureat special value, c
package DC
White Highland linen Box Paper.
The correct thing for your cor
respondence 35c value
on -sale for.. ..QC
White Coods Low Priced
32-Inch Persian Lawns
25c grade, yard.. 22c
35c grade, yard 3te
30c grade, yard ....44c
30c grade, yard 2&c
50c quality... 3Sc 65c quality. -.45c
75c quality. .55e 85c quality. .. -Oc
50c Frencn Nainsooks 35c
-fOc quality tor, yard 3Sc
50c quality for, yard 44c
60c quality for, yard 53c
73c quality for, yard 6Sc
85c quality for, yard 75c
40c quality, per yard , 35c
45c quality for( yard 40c
50c quality for, yard... ...44c
60c quality -for, yard..... ..53c
75c quality for, yard SSc
85c quality for, yard.. 75c
51.dC quality for. yard SKkr
51.25 quality for, yard...., $1.10
40c grade, yard 35c
60c grade, yard 53c
75c grade, yard....... ....67c
44-lnch SOc quality, yard ...19c
44-Inch 35c quality, yard........ 32c
44-Inch 40c quality, yard ..25c
75c French Nainsook - .56c
25c grade for. yard ......21c
30c grade for, yard 28c
40c grade for. yard 35c
45c grade for. yard 40c
SOc grade for, yard 44c
25c quality for, yard... 21e
30c quality for, yard..... ..26c
35c quality tor, yard 31c
40c quality Tor, -yard 35c
50c quality for, yard 44c
60c quality for," yard 54c
Men's White Wear Reduced
All Uaen ef Mrs' White KarHlnklaars at "Jbhc White Sale" Fricea
Valsra every economical nu Is interested la.
Men's white honey-combed Mesa Un
derwear.: Shirts and Drawers; SOc
values for the low price pf 3c
Men's white hemstitched pure linen
Handkerchiefs; regular 20c values
for the very low price of lie
90 dozen men's pure, ilnen Handker
chiefs; 25c values for. 17c
Mcn white linen Mesh Underwear.
light and heavy weight; 53.50
values for this low price. ..
Men's mercerized lisle thread Union
Suits; regular 52 values.. 3L3B-
Men's. large English Square Ties, fn
Peau -de Sole and Barathea silks;
51.QJ values for this low price.. 73c
Men's white muslin Night Shirts,
with or without collar; best styles,:
all- sizes
56c valaes for, ea&h ............ .38c
75c values fer, each 85c
91.66 va likes fer, each.... 79c
31.56 value fer, each '. . . . fl.lS
Men's white Oxford Golf Shirts.
striped and figured effects; all ,
izes; best 51.0p values on
sale for "C
Meiv's .white Madras and Oxford
Four-in-Hand Tls; 1 and 3
Inches wide., washable; t fl
great values....... ZfC
Men's white Balbrlggan Sox, ta
in all sizes; 25c values IOC