. . V. X$ r ' - R-IfA-r:- rJ--: ?-l ! 'THE M0E2O2(x . OREGONIA2r,T THXJBSDAT, ? STJNE -1,' 1906. v lggvCCr i friw!ffM - (-J 1 E E TT I INI -7 AND . P T4 ; I WELCOME To the people of Portland, to the people of Oregon, to the people of our neighbor states,, and to those who eome from afar off, we give greeting-and cordial wel come to this great exposi tion of the wonderful re sources and proud prog ress of Oregon and her sister states. Just one hundred years ago those hardy pioneers, whose memory we now honor, first set foot within this land of plenty. Today we welcome our visitors to a Centen nial Exposition second to none in a country famed for the greatness of its Fairs. We welcome them to a beautiful home city replete with every modern advantage, the prettiest town on the prettiest townsite in the world. "We welcome them to a state full of interest for the sightseer, and-over-flowing with opportunity for the settler and investor. We weleome them to the land of peace and plenty. To all visitors and to our home people we extend a cordial invita tion to visit our exhibit in the Manufactures' and Liberal Arts building. A sincere weleome awaits every visitor at our big store on corner of Morrison and Second streets. Our entire staff is at your "disposal, and any service we can render you will be a pleasure to us. Be sure and call upon us at the Fair and in town. TULL & GIBBS .... MORRISON AND SECOND STS. . PORTLAND, OR. FIRST AND .MILL STS. SPOKANE, WASH. 1- 'ZJ&ST '"ff' V; 3 fflHili Mil