Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 01, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Superintendents of State In
stitutions Combine.
Employes Have Been Discounting
Their Claims for "Wages From
the State at From Five to
- Twelve lcr Cent.
SALEM, Or.. May 31. (Special.)
The superintendents of all the state
Institutions at Salem will meet at the
asylum tomorrow for the purpose of
perfecting plans for a suit to compel
Secretary of State Dunbar to issue
warrants for tlie monthly payrolls for
the employes-at the institutions. The
employes will join in bearing: tne ex
pense of the suit.
Secretary of State Dunbar will make
no technical fight, but will stipulate
the facts, so that the Supreme Court
can pass upon the question with as
little expense and delay as possible.
The sole question is whether the Kay
law, requiring that salaries be paid
monthly, repeals by Implication so
much of the general law as prohibits
the Issuance of warrants for salaries
where there are no appropriations. '
The general law provides that the
Secretary of State hall not issue a
warrant unless there Is an appropria
te available for its payment, but
when there is a law authorizing the
expense, but no appropriation, he shall
Issue a certificate of allowance. The
Kay law provides hat on the first of
eacn month the superintendent of each
institution shall make out a payroll and
the Secretary of State shall issue a
warrant to the superintendent for the
total amount, whereupon the superin
tendent shall pay the employes the cash
received by him on the warrant.
The contention of the employes Is
that under this act it is the duty of
the Secretary of State to issue a war
rant, even though there is no appropri
ation. Secretary of State Dunbar takes
the postion that this act was not In
tended to repeal the general law, but
that he should issue the warrant only
In case an appropriation is available,
thus construing the old and new laws
so that both will stand. Tne filing
of a referendum petition, holding up
the appropriations for the institutions,
was what precipitated the question re
garding the meaning and effect of the
Kay law.
Attorney-General Crawford was at
first of the opinion that under the
Kay law It is the duty of the Secre
tary of State to issue a warrant, but
he has since concluded that it will be
best to let the court pass upon the
question, and he has advised Mr. Dun
bar not to Issue a warrant- until di
rected to do eo by a mandate from
the courts. The mandamus proceed
ings will be brought next week before
Judge Galloway, and as soon as he
has rendered a decision an appeal will
be taken to the Supremo Court. o
that a decision from the highest trlb
unal may be had.
State employes have been discounting
their salary claims from 5 to 12 per
cent. Many have secured the face value
of their claims by taking the value In
trade from Salem merchants.
The board of trustees of the State
Insane Asylum endeavored to- induce
the Portland banks to take up the
salary claims at par, promising to
recommend to the next Legislature
that Interest be allowed thereon at 6
per cent. The banks declined to act
in tne matter.
The salary claims amount to about
$8000 a month for all institutions lo
cated here. As the annual estimate
of state expenses and the taxes levied
therefor included these salaries, there
will be money In the treasury -wltn
which the claims could be paid if an
appropriation had been made.
One Contestant Establishes Claim at
VANCOUVER. Wash.. May 31. (Spe
cial.) Two contest cases of considera?
ble Importance have Just been decided
In the Vancouver Land Office. One is
Kestler Ray, contestant, against Ma
thew S. Latimer, contestee. Involving
homestead entry No. 11.272, for the
southeast quarter of section 32, town
ship 11 north, range 1 west, W. M. The
other Is practically two cases combined
into one hearing. It is Sallie A. Owens
agclnst the heirs of Peter A. McArthur
and Sallie Owens againct Annie Bowes,
The case of Ray against Latimer was
tried before the Register and Receiver
of the Vancouver Land Office, August
16, 1904. and was an ordinary claim
that the homesteader Latimer had
abandoned his claim. The trial lasted
several "days, and the decision, on ac
count of the large number of cases
before the local office for considera
tlon, 'nas just been rendered. Kcatler
Ray's contention is sustained in this
decision and the homestead entry or
dered canceled.
In the trial of Sallie A. Owens
against McArthur's heirs and Annie
Bowes, there were many conflicting
claims as to rights in the game tract
of land. Tne land Involved consists
o.t lots 1 and 2 and the north one-half
of the southeast quarter of section S5,
township 6 north, range 3 east, W. M.
In th contention, the register anl
receiver has decided in the favor of
Mrs. Bowes, beHeving that tne test!
mony shows a bonaflde settlement and
residence to- hold the claim.
The claim is likewise decided In
favor of Peter A. McArthur, as heir
of Joseph McArthur. who, it was
proved, had served in the United States
Army and was honorably discharged
aftr two years service because of
wounds received In the lat Spanish
war. Mrs. Owens will appeal.
Sunnyslde to Be on Branch of the
Northern Pacific.
8UNNYSDE. Wash., May SL (Special.)
Chief Engineer Pearson, Principal As
slstant Engineer Crosby and Location En
gineer Oakes, of the ivorthern Pacific
Railway Company, are In Sunnyslde for
the purpose of selecting station grounds
and closing up other details preparatory
to letting the contract for the construc
tion of the Sunnyslde branch of the
Northern Pacific Railroad, the survey of
which has been in progress for several
months past.
Mr. Crosby stated that the specifica
tions were ready for the contractors, who
have beendnvited to submit bids for the
immediate completion of the road.
The Sunnyslde branch line, as surveyed,
will leave the main line of the Northern
Pacific at a point about midway between
Alfalfa and Toppenlsh stations, running
thence almost: due east a distance of 12
or It miles, to the town, of Sunnyslde, and
where It will terminate for the present.
It is said to be the -ultimate intention of
the Northern Pacific either to extend the
road through to a connection with the
main line at Prosser. some seven or eight
miles from the present proposed ter
minal, or down the Yakima River on the
north bank with a view to affording
traffic facilities for the great territory
which will be opened up by the extension
of the Sunnyslde Canal, as well as for
the large and rapidly developing wheat
area in the Rattlesnake Hills.
President Brown, of Everett, Calls
Meeting to Order.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. May ."L (Spe
cial.) The first session of the Washing
ton State Federation of Women's Clubs
was called to order by Mrs. H. c. Brown.
of Everett, state president, at the First
Congregational Church, at 10 o'clock this
morning. The address of welcome on be
half of the Women's Reading Club and
Women's Art Club, of this city, was made,
by Mrs. George Whltehouse. This was
responded to by Mrs. George H. Tarbell,
of Tacoma, vice-president of the federa
tion. A gavel was presented to the federa
tion this morning by the Sorosis Club, of
Spokane. Alter Delng entertained at
luncheon by the local clubs, the afternoon
session was opened by an address of wel
come by Mayor Hunt. President S. B. L.
Penrose, of Whitman College, spoke on
Right now the shades of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams are making a
tour of their own country, according to the author's imagination. They investigate present problems
and discuss timely events.
What they find to praise and condemn will be ihe' meat of a series of articles from the pen of
Frederick Upham Adams, to be published in The Sunday Oregonian beginning "with the next issue,
June 4.
The subject for next Sunday is Andrew Carnegie, of whom Jefferson's shade says: "He is the
world's greatest humorist and its peerless practical joker."
In these articles there is such skillful blctidiu? of satire and humor, combined with brilliancy of
theme that they must win instant favor.
"What Clubwomen Can Do to RaiM the
Standard of Education."
Th msmbers of the Federation were
given a public reception at the home of
Mrs. Frances Dooley, this evening.
Washington Constitution Says Ho
May Not Accept Other Office
During His Term.
COLFAX. Wash.,- May SL (Special.)
That Judge S. J. Chadwlck. of the Su
perior Court of "Whitman County, cannot
accept an appointment as Railroad Com
missioner is the opinion of Colfax attor
neys who have been looking the case up
today. Article 1L section- 4. of the state
constitution, provides that no Superior
Judge may accept nor be a candidate dur
ing his term of office for any place ex
cept a higher Judicial position. This sec
tion waj today submitted to local attor
neys, who declare that it prohibits Judge
Chadwlck from accepting the position of
Railroad Commissioner.
The matter is to be brought to the at
tention of Governor Mead. who. It Is un
derstood, intends to appoint Judge Chad
wlck as one member of the Commission.
The discovery created somewnat of a sen
sation here, as it was expected Judge
Chadwlck would secure hc place.
Contest for Bar Association Prize.
SEATTLE, Wash.. May 3L (Special.)
Orators from the State Universities
of Oregon, Washington and Idaho will
meet In the annual Interstate oratorical
contest in Denny Hall next Friday
evening, June 2. A prize of $100 Is
given each year for this contest by
the Seattle Bar Association. The Uni
versity of Oregon won first place in
this contest in 189G. 1637 and 1904. and
the University of Washington won In
1903, 1902 and 1903. The contest did
not take place in 1S9S, 1S99 or 1901.
In the coming contest. Washington
will be represented by H. C Jackson;
Idaho by J. R. Jones, and Oregon by
Vernon W. Tomllnson. All three men
have appeared In intercollegiate de
bates, but this year marks their first
appearance as orators.
Struck Deaf and Dumb Lad.
OREGON CITY. May SL (Specials
Thinking that his wife had been Insulted
by a deaf and dumb lad named William
Peterson. Dan Lyon, a contractor of this
City, last night struck Peterson with a
cane, producing a severe scalp wound.
Being arrested today on complaint of
Peterson, Lyon pleaded guilty to "a charge
of assault and battery and paid a fine of
$10 In the Justice Court.
In consideration of the payment by
Lyon of an additional sum of 55, the
injured lad also waived all claim to civil
damages. The trouble occurred at a
merry-go-round on which Lyon's wife
and child and Peterson were among the
Heaviest Strawberry Shipment.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. May 31. (Special.)
Hood River made her largest shipment
of strawberries in the history of the busi
ness here last night. Thirteen full cars
left here for points east, nine cars going
by special train. The total shipment was
between S000 and 9000 cases, all berries of
line quality. The rain cut picking short
this afternoon or today's shipments would
have been still larger.
The local associations are still quoting
berries at 52 and above. Indications are
that the crop will exceed the estimate of
75,000 cases.
Will Be Sent Back to Michigan.
SALEM. Or., May 3L (Special.) Gov
ernor Chamberlain today honored & requi
sition from the Governor of Michigan for
the extradition of Joseph La Rose, who
is under arrest in Portland and wanted
in Mackinac County, Mich., to answer to
a charge of taking Indecent liberties with
a female under It years of age.
Whoeplac Ceoc.
This la a very dangerous disease unless
properly treated. Statistics show that
there are more deaths from It than from
scarlet fever. All danger may "be avoid
ed, however, by giving Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Jt liquifies the tough mu
cus, making It easier to expectorate, keens
the cough loose, and makes the parox
ysms of coughing less frequent and lts
tever. It haa heen used In many epi
demic of tal 'disease with perfect Kio
Lewiston-Council Gives Rights
to Electric Line.
Bonds of the Lewiston & Southeast
ern Will Be Offered for Sale
v in Portland by the
Idaho Promoters.
LEWISTON, Ida.. May 31. (Special.)
By unanimous vote of the City Council
tonight an ordinance was passed In its
amended Vorm granting to the Lewiston
&, Southeastern Electric Railway Com
pany a franchise to own and operate an
electric street railway in Lewiston. in
connection with the proposed Lewlston
Grangcvllle c -rtric line. The ordinance
becomes effective within five days, and it
is granted tor a period of 25 years.
Following the granting of the franchise,
the company asked the city for a lease on
1790 feet along the Snake River water
front, to be used for wharfage and dock
purposes in connection with an independ
ent boat service The latter was referred
to a special committee During the eve
ning E. II. Libby presented an ordinance
asking for a franchise to own and ope
rate a street railway system In Lewiston.
It will be taken under consideration by
the Council.
All that remains now to comply with the
requirements of the Eastern financiers
before the money wilt be forthcoming is
the securing of terminal grounds, which
will probably be settled tomorrow, as the
matter has been under consideration dur
ing today. -
Colonel Judson Spofford will go to Port
land Friday, and expects to meet E. Cow.
per-Thwalto there Saturday, the lattor
representing Eastern financiers. It is un
derstood Uiat they will go before the
Portland Chamber of Commerce with a
proposal relative to bonding, it being as
sorted that the people la Portland desire
to become purchasers"' of some of the
Chief Engineer Plerson and Assistant
Engineer Crosby, and Engineer Pollard,
of the Northern Pacific, accompanied by
Chief Engineer Borchke and Assistant
Engineer Chase, of the O. R. & X., left
todaj by private conveyance for the
Grangcville country, to examine surveys
and determine if possible the most feas
ible route to Grangcville. They expect to
return to Lewiston Friday night.
One of the matters that Mr. Borchke
will look Into while here is determining
on a location of a bridge site across the
Clearwater River.
Lack of Harmony Said to Have Ex
isted Among Members of That
Faculty for Some Time.
SL It was officially announced that Dr.
Julius Goobel. head of the department
of Germanic languages, had been dropped
from the faculty roll of the Unlvorslty.
Mav 24 Dr. Gocbcl applied to President
Jordan for the sabbatical leave of ab
sence for one year, to which he was en
titled, and he was told that his leave
would be granted on condition that he
hand in his resignation.
The specific causes which led to the
dismissal of Dr. Goebel arc not given
by Dr. Branner, but it Is understood
that for some time there lias been a lack
of harmony among the members of the
German faculty. "Dr. Gocbcl was former
ly an Instructor at Johns Hopkins Uni
versity and has been at the head of the
Germanic department at Stanford for the
past 12 years.
Pioneers Entertain at Oregon City.
OREGON CITT, Or.. May 31. (Special.)
More than 10) Clackamas County pio
neers were guests this afternoon at a re
ception tendered in their honor at Wil
lamette -Hall by the members of the
Women's Club, of this city. Ex-Governor
T. T. Gecr. of Salem, was the principal
speaker, delivering a historical address on
I The Early Oregon Pioneer." Mrs. Eva
Emery Dye. Captain J. T. Ap person.
George H. Hlmes. of the Oregon Histori
cal Society, and Mm Moshler. a surviv
ing daughter of Governor Lane, were
among the qther pioneers to address the
meeting, which was presided over by Mrs. '
George A. Harding, chairman of the
Women's Club. t
Vocal selections were given by Miss !
Harding. Miss "Edith' Cheney. Miss Echo j
Samson and Miss Jean McDonald. Fol- j
lowing the speaking, the guests were J
served with a delicious lunch.
Rles Arraigned for Murder.
THE DALLES. Or.. May 31. (Spe
cial) Frank Rles, charged with, the
murder of James Foes, of Hood River,
was arraigned before Judge Bradshaw
today and given until tomorrow to
plead. Rles stoutly maintains his In
nocence. Charge Against a Grandfntlcr.
SALEM. Or.. May ZL (Special.)
William Moser, aged 43 years, was today
to answer to a charge of criminal as
sault alleged to have been committed
upon his 13-year-old granddaughter,
Helena Moser. daughter of his son. Perry.
Moser has lived at Sllverton for many
years and has borne a good reputation.
The only testimony against him was the
story told by the girl.
Took Too Much Morphine.
SALEM. Or., May SL (Special.) John
Terry, a tramp who has worked In res
taurants and at other jobs. In Salem In
the past year, was found dead on a pile
of ties beside the railroad track south of
Turner this morning. The Coroner's In
quest showed that he was a patient at
the asylum, and escaped by sawing a
lock Tn his door early Tuesday morning.
Terry went to Turner and this morning
tried to secure morphine from Druggist
Cornelius and Dr. Ransom. Both refused
to give him thadrug. but he secured mor
phine tablets In some way and evidently
took an overdose. A phial containing five
tablets was found In bis pocket. So far
as known here he has no relatives.
American Scalers Imprisoned.
VICTORIA, B. C., May 31. A letter
has been received here from Haba
rovsk. telling of the imprisonment of
a Victoria sealer and two American
hunters, in common with u ecore of
Japanese who were captured by Rus
sians on the Japanese schooner Koyo
Ichi In the Okhotsk Sea. last August.
They were each sentenced to ono year
and. four months imprisonment for
Uuutlng fur seals, though captured on
the high seas. The sentences date
from February S, and will be served at
Americans Were Paying Honor to
Memorial Day In the Little
London of the West.
SEATTLE. Wash.. May 31.-(SpcclaL)
Loyal Englishmen In Victoria arc up In
arms over an Incident of the Memorial
Day observance yesterday. There was no
formal programme for Americans resident
In the British Columbia city, but out of
I respect for their country many displayed
' the Stars and Stripes.
! Some one hoisted an American flag over
the Union Jack at the Hotel Drlard. This
1? the fashionable Victoria hotel with an
, extensive American management. But
' the Canadians would not tolerate the po
j sltions of the two flags and raised a storm
that was only settled by taking down the
American nag. This Is the way Victoria,
the most "English" city of the West,
, tells of the Incident:
"Put his own beastly flag right over the
main entrance, surmounting the flags
or His Royal Highness, which hung be
low and on the sides.
I "Excellent discrimination, these Ameri
can, but no tact. Always "spoofing "
Harvey Shearer.
CENTRALIA. Wash., May 31. (Spe
cial.j Harvey Shearer, an aged veteran
of the Civil War, Just passed the -iOlh
memorial day before lie breamed his
last in Centralla this morning. He
waj S3 years of age and came to Cen
tralla last year for his health.
Mr. Shuarcr was born In Hercules
County. New York, and moved to Ohio
at tne age of II. He served tnre-i
years wltn the Ohio regulars, until tho
close of the war. and was a member
of Tre-scott, Kan.. G. A. R. post.
Deserted by the Fa titer.
OREGON CITY. Or.. May ZL (Special.)
Deserted and abandoned by a faithless
husband and father three months ago.
Mrs. E. A. Roberts and children, who
have since been dependent on the county
and charitably Inclined persons, were
yesterday furnished by the county with
transportation to Michigan, where thc-y
have relatives who will care for them.
The Roberta family came here IS months
ago. Three months ago the father drew
from the banks all of his savings, disposed
of everything of value and suddanly dis
appeared, leaving the family without a
Northwest Fostal Changes.
ington May SL Rural free delivery route
No. 1 has been ordered established Au-
J gust 1 at Buckley, Pierce County. Wash.,
Rural carriers appointed for Washing
ton routes: Belllngham, route 1. Albert
A. Stockton carrier, Kenneth Stockton
subcarrier; Colfax, route 2. James M.
Falrcbaid carrier, A. Fairchlld subcar
rier; Mica, route .L Daniel Berner car
rier. John S. Berner subcarrier; Spangle,
route 2. Waldcmar Nelson carrier.
Charles Holton subcarrier.
Oregon City Good Roads Delegates.
OREGON CITY. Or Mav 21 Srwlal
Delegates to attend ttfe Fifth Annual
Good Roads Convention at Portland next
month were today appointed by VT. A.
Huntley, president of the Oregon City
Soard or Trade, as ioiiows:
H. E. Cross. E. P. Rands. Frank Buscb.
C H. Dye. of Oregon City; Hon. J. T.
Apperson, Parkplace; J. L. Krose. Staf
ford; W. P. Klrchem. Logan: John P.
Cole. Molalla; A. Kocher, Caaby, and
Hon. Frank Jagger, Carus.
Heavy Rainfall at Hood River.
HOOD RIVER. Or, May 1L Special.)
The heaviest rainfall for such a short
period ever experienced In Hood River
occurred here soon after 2 o'clock this
afternoon. The- storm, which was pre
ceded by a heavy peal of thunder, was In
all respects a small cloudburst. In three
minutes the streets and sidewalks were
flooded as If by a 24-hour downpour. Old
settlers say such a violent rala storm was
Rhea Greek Dwellers. Left
Place of Safety.
Homo Deserted by Excited Men,
Women and Children, Is Not
. Touched by Water" From '
. the Cloudburst.
HEPPNER, Or.. May 3L (Special.)
Full details have been received In this
place of the particulars of a cloudburst
that'occurred in Cason Canyon, on Rhea
Creek, about 12 miles southwest of Hepp-
ner, yesterday afternoon, between 2 and
3 o clock. The unfortunate affair. In
which four lives were lost. Is. due mainly
to the fact that the people were laboring
under great excitement.
The home of James Nuneraaker. from
which the people ran. Is located In the
Rhea-Creek Canyon, and directly opposite
the mouth of Cason Canyon, making it a
dangerous place In time of a cloudburst.
At the time of the storm O. J. Cox and
family were visiting at the home of Mrs.
rtunemaker. and as there are a number
of small children in both families, as the
storm progressed the people became
greatly alarmed.
Mr. Nunemakcr went out to watch one
canyon, while Mr. Cox stood on the front
porch of the house to give the alarm if
the water appeared In the other canyon,
the women and children having on their
coats and In wraps. In readiness to run
for higher ground at a moment's notice.
When the water came rushing down tho
narrow canyon. Mr. Cox gave the alarm.
and all made a rush to cross the Rhea-
Creek bridge, all running directly ahead
of the water. Just before they reached
the bridge they were caught by the fast
approaching current. In the party at
tempting to get away there were about 12
people, including several small children,
which very much retarded their flight.
AH succeeded In escaping with their lives
with the exception of Mrs. Nunemaker
and two small children, and the 13-ycar-old
daughter of Mr. Cox.
The news was sent to Hcppner by tele
phone, and a large number of people
from this place were soon on the way to
the scene of the calamity. A searching
party was soon organized, and the bodies
of Mrs. Nunemaker andTtne Cox child
were recovered yesterday evening, having
been carried down with the current for a
distance of several miles. The search for
the other two bodies was suspended, owing
to darkness, and was again resumed at
daylight. After a short search the two
missing bodies were found.
The volume of water that fell was not
great, and only covered a small terri
tory. No water entered the vacated
house, and if the people had stayed in
the houee all would have been saved.
Baptist Preacher Rises to Defense of
NEW YORK, May 31. The recent
criticisms of John D. Rockefeller,
growing out of his gift of $100,000 to
the American Board of Commissioners
for Foreign Missions, are declared, in
an article by Rev. Dr. Robert Stuart
MacArthur. pastor of Calvary Baptist
Church of this city, to be published
tomorrow In the Examiner, a Baptist
publication, to be coarse, cruel and
perhaps criminal, and to have ma
ligned the entire Baptist denomina
tion. .He "protests against the con
demnation of our churches by these
cowardly and unjust attacks," declares
that no one knows better than Mr.
Rockefeller that he cannot buy the
approval of Baptists by his millions;
that Baptists would advocate his ex
pulsion from the church If it were
proved that he had acquired his money
dishonestly or by means morally or
socially destructive. He adds that he
has Investigated certain business
transactions which have been fiercely
denounced by Mr. Rockefeller's crit
ics, and has found them In accordance
with the highest standards of commer
cial morality. Mr. Rockefeller, he as
serts, is worthy of confidence, admira
tion and affection, and he appeals for
fairness of Judgment Cor him.
Gladden Answers MacArthur.
SPRINGFIELD. Mass.. May 31. Rev.
Dr. Washington Gladden, who haa been
attending the Congregational home mis
sionary meetings here. left tonight for his
home In Columbus. O. He had no time
before his train left tp enter Into a de
tailed discussion of Dr. MacArthur's trib
ute to Mr. Rockefeller, but said it was
"extravagant, to say the least."
"I do not consider." he continued, "that
humanity has been benefited by Mr.
Rockefeller in any such manner as his
latest sponsor claims."
Canadian Logger Blows Up American
Boom on St. John.
VAN BUREN. Me,. May 3L A Can
adian log-drivlnc contractor blew up with
dynamite on Sunday a sheer boom be
longing to Americans on the river St.
John and passed ud the river with his
boats. At the next boom he was met by
an armed party of Americans and driven
back. The contractor said he was act
ing under Instructions to- clear the river
ST. JOHN. N. B.. May 3L It Is re
ported in Frederickton that serious trou
ble has arisen about 12 miles above Grand
Falls on the Sr. John River, because nt
The more daiivtr
& delicate they are1
tXe greater the rtfced
I pearliive
IiMM j
We have on file thousands of testi
monials like that of Mrs, Merald.
It is Impossible here to give our
readers more than a slight glimpse of
the large number of testimonials Dr.
Hart man is constantly receiving from
grateful women who have been cured
by his never-falling remedy. Peruna.
Mrs. E. M. Merald. 12S West Twenty
eighth street, Indianapolis, Ind, mem
the St. John. Lumber Company's log
boom. A Canadian lumberman Is said to
have cut the boom. In. the trouble which
followed with the Americans, a shot was
fired, but by which side is not known.
Art Gallery Opened With Ceremony.
BUFFALO. N. T.. May 31. The Al
bright Art Gallery was dedicated today
In the presence of 10.000 people. The
ceremonies consisted of singing by a
large chorus and addresses by distin
guished scholars. . The exercises began
IN this famous story of Mrs. Dye's there is more
about Lewis and Clark told in a thrilling, absorb
ing waythan in any other one book ever published
In no other novel and in few historical works can be found
such a vivid picture of th'e Indian Wars preceding the
Louisiana purchase, of the crossing of the two great
pioneers, and of events following the occupation of Oregon
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and wnich has "bee
In us for over 30 years, has horne the signature of
J? i - and has heen made Tinder his per
3rf7fyfAs sonal supervision since its infancy
utf7Z S-UtCSUM,' AUownoonetodcceiveyouinthlfe
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are hufr
Experiments that trifle "with and endanger the .health off
Infants and Children Experience against Hrperimentt .
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Para
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifk
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverisiness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving rfealthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The mother's Friend.
Bears tht
He Kind Ton Haie Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years.
Enjoying Perfect Health
Thanks to Pe-ru-na.,
ber of A. D. Streight Circle of ths
Ladles of the G. A. R.. writes:
I am today enjoying perfect health,
thanks, to Peruna. Nearly four years
ago I suffered wltn
ovarian troubles. Tha
doctor insisted on an
operation as the only
chance to get well,
cut I had always dreaded an opera
tion and strongly objected.
"My husband felt disheartened as
well as I, and when a friendly drug
gist advised him
to bring mc a
bottle of Peruna
he did so, and I
started to use it.
In a hort time my health began to
Increase, and my aches and pains dim
inished. "Within IS weeks I was like an
other being in splendid health. Words
fall me when I try to tell you howr
glad and grateful I am."
How many times It happens that,
the doctor Insists upon an operatlon.
. Tne patient hesitates.
She writes to Dr. Hartman. or else
some friend advises her to . take.
She takes it.
She gets prompt relief.
She finally gets entirely cured.-
Peruna has saved her from the paid
and the expense, and possibly, thai
fatal termination of a surgical -operation.
This has happened over and over.
lt will happen many times, mora be
fore the people come to understand
fully the benefit of Peruna in such
All correspondence is held strictly
confidential. No letters are published
without full consent of writer.
Address Dr. S. B. Hartman. president
of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Colum
bus, O.. for free medical service.
with Beethoven's chorus "The Heavens
are Telling." sung by the grand chorus.
Charles William Eliot, president of. Har
vard University, delivered an address on
"Beauty and Democracy." Richard Wat
son Glider read a dedicatory poem en
titled "A Temple of Art."
Spring humors, pimples and bolls are
cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. the great
blood purifier.
The wild white swan is located on tha
Signature of
thesce owithaKrlx fc Ave er lzaall&
wk Valor fcapwA