THE" -JCOBXIXG" QKEGONTAtf, THUBSDA.Y; JUNE. 1, 1905. 13 FOR REST. HOTEL. OLIVE, 3031 WASHINGTON ST., corner of 5th St., opposite corner from. Per klnii Hotel;, first-class outside room, large enough for three double beds, at reasonable price. Phone Hood 611. THOROUGHLY MODERN ROOMS AT REA aonable price In decant new home, on di rect car line from d?pot and to Kalr grounds. S TV. cor. 21t and lovejoy. No. C0. Ad dress the Maryland. THE JULIAN. 267 7TH ST. ROOMS TOR Exposition visitors; 10 minutes' ride to Fair grounds; easy walking distance to main part of city; modern conveniences; rates reasonable. PORTLAND MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL 0 rooms. 400 feet from Fair grounds gate; new and clean; rates reasonable. Write and reserve rooms. G. W. McCoy, 26th and Savler. DON'T SLEEP IN MUSTY. ILL-SMELLING rooms, when they can be had in new, mod ern house at seme prices; elegant location, car line to Fair; breakfast. 414 Jefferson, cor 11th. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN NEW house, strictly private family; also rooms with housekeeping privileges. Call In morning. 367 3d st. OREGON CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR .Bu reau 211 Commercial block; rooms at rea sonable prices; convenient to car lines; all personally Inspected. THJZ PALACE. 852V4 UPSHUR ST. NEWLY furnished rooms for Fair visitor; block east from main entrance to Fair. Write for cpe clal rates and dates, TWO LADIES CAN SECURE COMFORTABLE room in private residence, with awe of par lor and piano, at reasonable cost. Address F 23, Oregonlan. FURNISHED ROOMS EN SUITE OR SIN gle, prices will not be advanced; rates reas onable. 28SH Washington St., opposite Per kins" Hotel. ROOMS DURING FAIR IN PRIVATE. MOD ern houses, fine residence locality, close to- cars; $1 tip. Apply 401 10th. or phone Main 6008. FURNISHED ROOMS. VERY REASONABLE, within one block of the Portland. Hotel. 1M and 195 Seventh St.. corner of Taylor. Phone Clay 1712. THE ELM. 121 AND 125 13TH. COR. WASH ington Elegantly furnished rooms, rates for tourists; bath, phone. Mrs. Robertson, manager. ' FOR RENT ROOMS IN PRIVATE RESI dence. 7 blocks from Fair grounds; bath, breakfast If desired. 410 K. 21st. cor. Vaughn. , r.VE LARGE FRONT PARLOR BY DAY or -tSiii. 3 blocks from Hotel Portland; large veranda; private family. 394 Yam hill St. "NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. NEAR TWO car lines; electric lights, phone and batn. 344 East 2d st. and Weldler. Phone Eaet 2870. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FURNISHED ROOMS by day or week, nice location for visitors; 1 blk. from car. 567 Myrtle St., cor. 10th. EXPOSITION VISITORS EXCELLENT rooms and breakfast. $1.25 and $L50 per day. 134S E. Stark st- Phone Scott 2054. FREE. LIST Booms in Christian homes. Reasonable. Centenary Methodist Wom en's Bureau. 29 E. 14th st. S. East 1451. FOR RENT 2 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS In private family, Eaet Side, close In. $3 and 57 per week. Address M 20, Oregonlan. FOR RENT FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED rooms at 774 Irving St.; choice location; walking distance from the Fair grounds. 167 CHAPMAN. NEAR MORRISON-DESIR-able furnished rooms, hath, private family: 73c and (1 per day. Phone Main 5220. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT . to gentleman. 355 East Couch St., near Burnslde bridge. Phone Eaet 3210. STRANGERS WHILE SEEKING LOCA tlons will find pleasant rooms 5 blocks from. Hotel Portland. 274 Pork st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY OR week, modern, reasonable rattse. 484 Wasn tngton. opposite Bclasco Theater. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, bath, phone. 6 blocks from Fair grounds. 301 N. 20th st. Phone Main 3970. FOR RENT DURING FAIR. CHEAP, 32 rooms In heart of city. Inquire of Isaac Swett, 635 Chamber of Commerce. ' LARGE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. $25; others cheaper; transient solicited. Call after 1 on First. 2 Grand ave. TWO WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. MOD ern. central, walking distance to Fair; terms moderate. J 22, Oregonlan. NEATLY FURNISHED TRANSIENT rooms, close In. S6 10th, near Stark, and at Fair grounds, 26th. cor. Savler. PLEASANT ROOMS FOR TRANSIENT people; rates reasonable; 2 blocks from Ho tel Fortland. 364 Taylor at. FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVATE FAMILY, electric lights, bath, telephone. 3SSVi East Burnslde. Phone East 3465. SOME VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED rooms for rent. For particulars call or ad dress 410 Commercial blk. COMFORTABLE ROOMS, OPPOSITE CITY Hall, perfect home for visitors, 204 Jeffer son st. Phone Main 4346. 16SH 10TH. NEAR MORRISON HAND some front rooms, bath, stationary bowl, by day or week; reasonable. THE LOVBJOY. 623 IXVEJOY ST. A HOME for vlrltors while in the city; newly fur nished rooms, reasonable. MODERN RESIDENCE. WALKING Dis tance; rooms suitable one or two men; $10 month; bath. 292 10th. FURNISHED ROOMS TO MEN, $2 A week. 2 beds In a room, and transient rooms. 275 Clay st. MODERN RESIDENCE, WALKING DIS tervce, room, $5 week; $15 month for two; bath, phone. 292 10th. 435 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, very convenient; reasonable rates to tour ists and Fair visitors. ROOMS TO RENT ON PORTLAND Heights. $!. $1.25 per day, 524 Elm kU Phone Main 2639. FOR FAIR VISITORS EXCELLENT ROOMS at 248 Main st. Rooms With. Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel, 163-167 10th ic, corner Morrison; steam heal throughout the house, porcelain baths, fine rooms, with first-class table and serv ice, can accommodate a few desirable parties by the da-, week or slnglo meals. THE MANITOU, 261 13TH ST. SELECT rooms by day, week or month; tourist trade solicited; table board In connection. JeCercon-st. car direct from depot. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY nOTEL Market St., bet. 3d and 4th; steam heat, electric light, gas. porcelain baths; all out side rooms; exceedingly low rates. KELLOG HOUSE. 184 SHERMAN; TAKE S car south; clean lodging.. 25c; meals. 25c; furnished housekeeping rooms, with bath and laundry. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Fleaaant rooms, single- or en suite; elevator; billiard-room: transients; both car lines. T"T V(l 1 CTT "V T"TTVTCiTi.-r nnnuc inw cr without board, home cooking. modern conveniences, central. L, 23, uregonian. HOTEL TENNESSEE. 4TH AND MADISON, fronts Plata Park & City Hall; pleasant rooms, single, n suite, new. central. FAIR VISITORS TWO NICE ROOMS REA onable; modern cottage; meals as desired. 381 Washington. WANTED-TWO GENTLEMEN IX PRIVATE family to room and board; reference. P 22. Oregonlan. 735 HOYT FIRST-CLASS BOARD IN FINE home. 10 minutes' walk to Grounds; visiters accommodated. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD for two. private family. 272 Halt Phone Main 4264. 394 ALDER ST.. COR. 10TH FURNISHED suite and single room with board; first class service. ROOM AND BOARD: ALSO DAT BOARD: gentlemen preferred. 133 11th f. cor. Alder. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board, all conveniences. SS3 Alder street. GOOD ROOMS. CHOICE BOARD; SELECT, prtv. boarding-house. 391 Columbia, Main 2219 THB OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot aad cold water, NICE ROOMS. WITH BOARD, IX FXTVATB family; reaseaabie. iMJUll sc. asr. Itth. TOR RENT. THE WOODLAND. STEEL'S RESIDENCE. 205 8th St. Centrally located la residence district. large. well-furnlhed cheerful rooms, modern conveniences; meal furnished If de sired; rooms reserved daring Exposltloa If you write in advance. Pbcne Mala a 0. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. I7TH YEAR rooms with board: use of sewing room; use of library: Woman' Exchange. Address- Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, superintendent. BIO Flanders. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAM lly for man and wife. 161 N. 16th t- ROOMS WITH GOOD BOARD. 815 NORTH rap. XI tx. EEC-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT. 3S5 4TH. Call after 6:30 P. M. FOR RENT A FLAT. $35. PHONE MAIN 2623. HouekprplBC Seems. THE ONEONTA. 1ST 17TH ST., NEAR YAM hill New bouse, elegantly famished apart, menu, la snltes of X 8 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: gas range la each kitchen; team heat, baths; free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms Is nicest brick block on East Side; gas range, bath, etc. Logan block, 108V4 Union ave. Phone Union 2233. j TENTS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. UDC JJJI.C.tW B'WU JVM. .Ut. per month. Lewis and Clark Camping Grounds, Mt. Tabor, Scott '3754. 2 LARGE. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; bath, electricity, phone, basement, 920. 1208 Taggart. Richmond car. 2 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, yard, hot and cold water, gas. bath and phone. Call 224 14th st.. near Salmon. FOR RENT THREE CLEiAN AND LIGHT unfurnished housekeeping rooms, cheap, de sirable. Apply barber-shop, 249 Yamhill st. SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, with gas store furnished; only S1.75 per week. 382 E. TamhUI C ENTIRE UPPER FLOOR OF 8 VERY neatly furnished housekeeping rooms and bath. 50 . 16th st. North. FOR RENT 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS cheap at 717 Klrby St.; Include phone. Union 6536. and water. 430 QUIMBY ST.. BET. 10TH AND 11TH Newly furnished housekeeping suite com plete. 510 per monin. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND SLEEP ing rooms, 52 per week and $2.75. 32 Front st,, cor. Ash. ONE SMALL PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, light housekeeping permitted; $3 per week. 32 4th ct. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric light. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO housekeeping rooms. 2S5 5th. cor. Main. 6 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent, $12. Inquire 033 4th at. Houses. FOR RENT THREE NEWLY FINISHED modern 7-room houses on Ease Side, nesr Steel bridge, rent $45 and $50 each; very desirable. Parrlsh. Watklns & Co., 250 Alder st. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. BARN. large grounds, on West ave.. iit. Tabor. Inquire at Schiller's. 4th and Washington. MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE. 7 MINUTES' walk to Portland Hotel; family of adults; must be permanent. Inquire 294 13th st. $5.00 TER MONTH WILL PAY FOR A NICE lot near car line, bellwood Townslte Co.. office at Sellwood and at 222 Falling hldg, PRIVATE TENTING GROUND. PORTLAND Heights; Bull Run water ami toilet facili ties, $5 per month. O 13, Oregonlan. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 248 STARK ST.. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. XADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Phoa Main 16S5. Office. J10 N. 3d st. FOR RENT 10-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, close to center, cars pans door, fine location. Phone Main 4603. $12-5-ROOM FLAT. BASEMENT. LARGE yaro. lvey - u ;veai t grocery, cor. jiooa and Grant. FOUR NEW. MODERN 7-ROOM APART ments; heat and Janitor services. 22d and Johnson sts. $40--ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. CENTRAL, nice lawn. Inquire 401 E. Pine or Dr. Nottage. SIX-ROOM MODERN FLAT. WEST SIDE, $17.50 per month. L. E. Thompson & Co., 223 3d. CAMPING GROUND. FREE WOOD.-WATER, lnaulre at 164 Burnslde st. Phese Black 3301. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE, GAS. BATH and fine lawn. 770 E. Yamhill, near 23d. $12-3-ROOM COTTAGE. NO BATH. 075 E. Main. Phone East 1475. FnrnUhed Houses. SIX LARGE ROOM FLAT, S BAY WIN dows. attic and bath, with fine modern fur ntture for sale; gas. water-heater range, refrigerator, everything complete and the most artistically furnished and centrally located fiat In the city. Address B 20. care Oregonlan. Phone Main 3251. WANTED FOUR OR FIVE FAMILIES without children to join advertiser in co operative housekeeping; preferable to board ing; references required and given. H 21, Oreronlan. 4-ROOM HOUSE, PARTLY FURNISHED. Call after 2 P M. on June 1 and 3 at Montgomery Drive, atop 7, Portland Heights. FOR RENT MODERN S-ROOM FURNI Sit ed house, large lawn and all conveniences. S 22. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 3 NEW COTTAGES. FUR nithed. at Seaside T. J. Nealand, 335 16th st. N. A CLEAN. WELL-FURNISHED COTTAGE. 6x7 rooms; references; so children. 5S4 4th. FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 ROOMS; MODERN; clese Is; cheap rent. 31 E. 7th U, N. FURNISHED S-ROOM COTTAGE FOR rent. Apply 442 E. 12th st. North. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. 260 Hassalo st.. sear Steel bridge. FURNISHED HOUSE, MODERN. S ROOMS. Apply 263 Russell st. FOR RENT 7-ROOM FURNISHEb HOUSE. 42S Harrison. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 15-ROOM house; 6-room cottage, furnished, for rest: 14 rooms unfurnished; large store; all close to Fair grounds. Phone Mala 6278. FURNITURE OF S ROOM8 AND HOUSE for rent; arranged for 3 families-, all rented but 3 rooms; close In; cheap If taken at once Phone Main 63S9 after 5 evenings. FURNITURE AND LEASE OF FLAT OF 14 rooms; house of 10 rooms; boue of S. I have other good buya sear Fair grounds. Phone Mats C278. TO SELL LEASE OF 8-ROOM FURNISHED house; fine large cemented basement, best huslners locality, K 22, Oreronlan. 10-ROOM HOUSE, VERY DESIRABLE Lo cation, furniture good, piano optional. Ad' dress C 21. Oregonlan. $323 FURNITURE 6-ROOM FLAT. MOD- rn, sew. clean, central; rest $25. Phone Main 4080. Monday. FURNITURE FOR SALE. COR. 10-ROOM house. 3 blocks Portland HoteL Phone aft ernoons Main 4654. HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR caie or rent ruraisaea. v rooms. t3 xayior. GOOD FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale; bargain; low rent. Phone Main 0013. FURNITURE OF 9-R0OM MODERN HOUSE cheap; rent a; lease. Phone Mala 3366. HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale or rent furnished, I rooms. 448 Taylor. MUST SELL AT ONCE. FURNITURE OF G-room nat. Call soon, 342 Clay st. THE FURNITURE AND XBASE OF 7-ROOM oat over saloon. Phone Mala 53S5. Stores. FOR RENT STORE IX BRICK BUTLDrxa one block east of Madison Bridge, good lo cation for grocery store or ahort-ordtr res taurant. . FIRST-CLASS LOCATION FOR BENT, flxtures and at tins can fc beuafet xsu tat su ioiiun m muigt TO. WEST. AUNES GROUND FLOOR. RECEPTION. room on 7th, facing Portland Hotel, may m rented famished after June 15; lodge or so ciety meetings, ladles tailor or mUllnery suggested. FOR RENT STORE 25x1 fy. WITH BASE. meat and dock, between Morrison and Alder; No. 146 Front st. Apply to E. A. Baldwin, 56 4th xi. STORE FOR RENT. 112 N. CTH ST. LARGE ROOM FOR RENT FOR OFFICE IN Stearns building. Inqulrs Behake-TS alter Business College. OFFICE OR LODGE. LARGE ROOM. FOUR windows, on 6th st. Western Investment Co.. 06 6th st. FOR RBNT NICE LARGE OFFICES ON CTH near Washlsgtoa. iaquire atax Tasaiar. ROOMS AND LODGE HATJ.S. ALIEKY Bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Summer Resorts. FOLEY HOT SPRINGS THE- WELL-KNOWN superior medicinal qualities cf these springs make them a favorite resort for Invalids, and the abundance of game and fine fishing readers It the sport man's elystom. For analysis of water and fun particulars, ad dress A. A. Hofllnger. Foley Springs. Or. TEAMS FOR ELK CREEK. Saddle horses and expressing. Goods shipped la our care will receive special attention. N. D. Bain it Co.. Seaside. Or. FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS IN OCEAN Park; $30 -each; easy terms; free camping grounds for the season of 1905. S. Sltager land. Nahcotta, Wash. FOR RENT SEASIDE, S-ROOM COTTAGE, on the beach; city water: grand vliw. Ad dress Clary. The Fair. 652 Thnrman. Phone Main C249. THE ORIGINAL GILBERT 2-STORY COT. tags in Hesaosa Park for rest, modem la every way. Alexandre Gilbert. Jr.. Seaside, Or. EIGHT-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH FIRE place. on ridge facing ocean. Seaview. Wash. Inquire 441 West Park. Phone Mala 2749. FOR SALE 5-ROOM COTTAGE FRONTING on beach at Seaside. Inquire Brunswick Restaurant. 311 Washington. FOR RENT 4-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAOB at Seaview, excellent water. Apply 315 11th. Main 1147. Pasturage for Rest. CLOSE TO PORTLAND; STOCK ALSO taken la by the month. 339 Sherlock bldg. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner seeding money before Bar-day can set It from st: so commission or Interest In advance: so mortgage or In- dorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or semt-montniy lr amounts irorn i ana up wards, thus avoiding the payment of the wsoie amount out ox any one pay-aay. ana have Kx months time if desired. NELSON & HIND LEY. 30S McKay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible flrcni; easy payments and strictly confi dential; also CHATTEL LOANS oa personal property; rooming-houses jsecialtr. NEW ERA LOAN St TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablagtoa Building. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can ret on his sots, witnout mortgage Confidential. Month, -month. Week. J50 Renav to us $13.33 or 3S.C5 or $&23 $25 Repay to ss $ 6.05 or $3.33 or $1.63 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or SZ.CQ or $1.00 210 M KAY BLDG.. 102 2D. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO nlaa bldg.. loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motonaea. conductors or otner salaried employes, just oa nis soie. In sums of $10 to $100. Returnable la con venient weekly or monthly payments Pay ments erarpended In case of sickness, cons dentlaL No Inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. teamsters, etc. without security: easy pay ments; largest ousineas in vi principal ciuta. Toiman. 223 Abingtoa meg. uay uss. LOANS ON EAST-PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL- aried teople: lowest rates: coasdestlal: win advance money oa any good security. Room 21S. Abingtoa bldg. Phone Red 1726. CHATTEL LOANS MADE ON GOOD SE- curtty at lowest rates; large loaas pre f erred. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO.. 214 Ablagtoa, 106 Third, at. LOANS ON EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL- aried people; lowest rates; strictly confiden tial. Employes' Loan Co.. room 716. the Dekum. 5j ana waen. sts. Fhone 224. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS aVD other securities; lowest rates, s. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $500 on all securities, it- i. cxerson & Co., room o, wasningion oiog. i-aone uay is. lO WEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, o trier securities. b bsenock oicg. Phone CUT C28. Also real estate Joans. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF Se curity. Wm. Hon. rm. 9, Washington bldg. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thorn state agt, Multnomah uo- too cnam. cos. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. w in. u. isccx. room tne mailing oicg. Six ter cent money to loan oa Clackamas Co. Mnir. n. ituer. ouo t-Tiim. ci commerce. $50,000 TO LOAN AT REGULAR RATES. The roruana joaa usice. et. BUSINESS CHANCES. STRANGERS. ATTENTION! Are you looking for a nfe and profitable business opening In Portland? If so we can offer you any number requiring an In vestment of from $100 to $100,000. Every business opportunity that passes through our pffice must stand closest investigation and we can place you In & hank, store. factory, hotel, mill, tailor business, manu facturing business, feed store, grocery, bar ber shop, wood and coal business, stores In country, hardware store, restaurant, office business, or in fact any business you may prefer. WESTERN LAND CO.. 248 STARK ST. $1500 CASH RENTS 29 FURNISHED ROOMS until October 75. If taken at once; there are 4l beds la house; only 300, feet from Main entrance of Fair. This Is a snap. Call at once. B07 Thurman st. THB NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. 208 MAR- Quam bldg handles bonds, stocks mines, finances legitimate esterprises. furnishes safe investments secures loans. low rate. LADY PARTNER WANTED FOR A SEV enty-flve roem hotel, always full; will re quire to have $2500 and take charge of the nclp. Full particulars. 245 Stark at. FOR SALE-32-ROOM FURNISHED FIRST- class hotel at county seat. Condon. Or. doing fine business; must sell at once. F. J. Mahoaey & Co. WELL-PAYEN'G ESTABLISHED REAL Es tate and Insurance business In Portland for male by owner. For full detail write Y 16. Ortgonian. CHANCE rOR EVERYBODY TO MAKE money; have big stock imported turquoise Jewelry-, by dozen or gross, cheap. D 20, Oregonlan. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. CITY Owser compelled to retire; In vet ligation so licited. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ab lngton bldg. COLLECTOR WANTED FOR AN ESTAB llshed business; will pay you $2S to $30 a week: $000 required. Call 245 Stark st. $200 BUYS HALF-INTEREST IN OLD Es tablished employment asd real estate office; party leaving Portland. E 22. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 23 ROOMS, brick corner, well located, lease, a bargain at $1300. halt cash. A 23. Oreronlan. HOTEL FOR SALE IN CITY. 25 ROOMS always full, cheap rent, good location, good lease; price $2500. G 22. Oregc&lss. DRUG STOCK AND FIXTURES FOR SALE; good location; SO miles from Portland; price $2500. J 4. Oregonlan. . WILL SELL WHOLE OR HALF-INTEREST Is confectionery, cigar asd lunch-room; bargain. 415 N. 23d st. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR sale: rood reasons for stllmg; trade good. Inquire Allen U Lewis. A GOOD PAYING SALOON FOR SALE ON the East Side, about $1700, must be cash. L 22. Oregonlan, MAN WITH SMALL CAPITAL CAN BUY working interest la good buelaesf. Call 1SI Buraside st. FOR SALE CIGAR. CONrzCTIOXERY. trait aa tea crease store; . 9 BCSDfssSS CXAXCBg. JENNINGS A. CO.. 3 WASHINGTON ST., ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. ROOMING-HOUSES BUSINESS CHANCES. SO rooms, dlnlag-roosn aad bar: price. .$0OO f3 rooms, stew, molera. lac dlslag-rooai B0O SO room. Uh f. deaia $150; price... ssS0 81 roossa, near depot, lease; price.... 2400 23 rooms, modern, close In. lease; prlae 200 23 rooms. 1st sT, clears $166; price... IflBO S3 rooeas, 3d tl. rest $46: price...... 1500 80 rooms. Sat. close In. well farBiafeed.. sS0O 19 rooms, rent $40; close Is. lease; price l(CO IS rooms. Waahlsgtod tU. central; price 36C0 17 rooms, near 7th rest $46; price 2400 IS reemx. traaclent, dose lc leaae; price 3800 12 rooms, Sth tt. rear Wash.; price. 1400 12 rooms, near Morrison, well furaUhed 1350 10 rooms, close In. oa W. Park, lease 773 9 rooms. Cth SC. dose la 950 8 rooms, down. tows, brick flat 900 Restaarant. Washington at 2S00 Restaurant, good location, seats 25... 1200 Restaurant. 6th sL. rent $50. 2-yr. lease. 1000 Saloon. 5th -. close la. Income 30 day 1300 Saloon oa Washington at., flee fixtures. 7000 Grocery aad confectionery, down town 323 Cigars aad coafcctloeery. 2 living rooms 1200 Cigars, coafcctloaery aad oyster-booM 754 Transfer, storage aad coal bcalness... 16O0 JENNINGS CO.. 332 WASHINGTON. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY PRE- sents the following basinets caaaces. They are all higa-claas propoaltloas. letftlmats la every respect: though not bargains or snaps, they are seed value for the money. Fur ther details oc application to cur offices; The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. Hardware aad implements An established business la a rapidly growing town, $4000. Controlling Interest la large corporation, town of 10.000 population ; $4000. General storesHalt Interest In a business established tor IS years la oae of the best Valley towns; $7000. Several stores for sale In Willamette Val ley and some down the Columbia In Oregon and Washington; laveatories average from $3500 to $13,000. Shoe tores Good shoe bustae la. flour ishing tows oa river and railroad; $3000. One In town of 12,000 population. $15,000. Both these concerns are thoroughly estab lished. Carpets and furniture Good opening for practical bcalness man; $13,000. Grocery stores Good location la the city or suburbs, capital required from $2000 to Fuel company Oldest and best established la town: stock plant and coo tracts, $10,000. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Abingtoa Building. SACRAMENTO DEEP GOLD MINING COM- pany Location of principal place of busi ness. Portland. Or.; location of mining ground. Sacramento County. California. Ancient seabeds to be prospected by arte- slon bore-holes; probably rich ana exten sire cold denoilta. like the Rand mines. In South Africa. Slock on sale; large blocks for small outlay. Proceeds strictly for de velopment work. Phil Metschan. presi dent: William 1L Dolman, manager: Lor ,lnr K. Adams, secretary; office. 64 6th at., Fenton bldg., room 310. MUST HAVE HELP AT ONCE CAN'T MAN- are business alone: Intelligent man or woman can secure Interest In profitable com mercial entrnrlse: take active cart In man agement. Seattle. Portland cr San Fran cisco branches: parties with $250. $500 or J 1 0007 real estate security given; ai ref erences; termanent nosltlon guaranteed salary $1200 to $2400 per annum. Address 922 9th are., a.. Seattle, wase. 17 ROOMS ON 11TH. NEAR WASH- ington at.; rent $60: lease. Fnce....iwu 11-room flat, very fin e 1050 15-room house, a snap............... 850 11-room modern house: lease........ 423 Cigar stand, fine location .450 FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCE AGENGT. 165 Fourth Street.- LUMBER CLOSING OUT STOCK AT your own price; alio planing mill and dry kiln at E. 8th and Main sts.: good heavy team and two lumber wagons; Willamette Iron Works donkey. 0xll. with rigging and sawmill at Boring. Boring Junction Lumber Co.. E. 6th and Main its., city. A SALOON. CENTRALLY LOCATED. DO- ing a good cosiness. latest style nxtures. very elegantly rurnuoea. o srsi-ciass lur nlshed rooms upstairs. 12 months lease. with privilege of 3 years more: price $3550 It takes at once. Inquire 41 3d at., near Ash. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY IS In receipt of the latest Information on busi ness chances, town and country; list open to Inspection at any time during oSce soura. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. FOR LEASE. Responsible party can secure lease on C0-room hotel In good 'location; so bonus for lease. THE HEAX.Y INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 Ablngton, 106 Third St. FOR SALE HALF OR WHOLE INTEREST In a very large body low-grade gold mine In Northern California: some machinery and mine partially developed; will give the best of terms, see owner, wno- is now in city. G 20, Oregonlan. WOULD LIKE TO MEET PARTY WHO HAS money to -take half Interest In a partly de veloped gold mine or wouia let some gooa reliable parties Incorporate and sell stock; this 1 no fake asd It Is worth looking Into. H 20. Oregonlan. FOR SALE STOCK Oi GENERAL MER rhandlse: lsvolcs about $3000: doing a $15,000. business vearly; postoffice la connection- a money-maker. For particulars see Nora by. 103 Sherlock bldg. $850 BUYS DAIRY, 20 COWS. HORSE AND wagon, cans, etc; 3-year lease; oig nouio and barn; 50 acres good pasture: 1 miles irora fortiano. xnone ixoni -ii SALOON-OWNER PREFERS PARTNER TO keeping help and will cell half-Interest to reliable maa for $1000. This place should please you. Call 248 Stark st. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS: ANY MAN with $350 and willing to work can make $100 a month; experience unnecessary. Full particulars. 248 Stark St. SALOON AT JEFFERSON; GOOD LCCA- Uon; big money in it; reason tor selling, wife wishes to move on to ranch. Address J. J. Swansea, Jefferson. Or. WANTED PARTNER FOR ROOMING house during Fair In Portland. $200, refer ences exchangea. inquire of Isaac aweti. 555 Chamber of commerce. RESTAURANT FOR SALE: GOOD LOCA tlos on Washington, reasonable: investi gate: would take cook as partner. Address C 20, Oregonlan. GROCERY SPECIAL; WILL INVOICE about $1200; this Is a safe business asd you can make from $125 to 31i5 a month. Call 248 Stark st. ONE-HALF IN AN OLD ESTABLISHED 3A- loon, good location. large business; saloon mas only. Particulars L. E. Thompson & Co.. 225 3d. PATENTS AND INVENTIONS EXHIBITED. sales segottated at PorUasd Fair; space se cured. West. Mfr. Agsey, izi 13th. portiasa. FOR SALE LUNCH-ROOM AND ICE cream parlor with soda water fountain alekses scause of selling. Fhoae Main 4751. FOR SALR-BT OWNER. FIRST-CLASS LIV- cry stable, doing fine business; will, take real estate in paix pay. oa. uregosian FOR SALE CONCESSION OF DINING- room ta. 110-room hotel, near Fair grounds. G ruber. 617 Commercial blk. PARTNER ADVERTISING MAN WITH $1000; permanent business worth investigat ing, v 2, care urecoaian. MUST SELL ALL OR HALF-INTEREST IN well-established machinery huslsess; so agents, x o, oregosias. FOR SALE ICE CREAM AND CONFEC tlonery store: good location at end of car line. 313 Dekum ttiag. 12 ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED, CLOSE, west of Hotel Portland. $900; owner most sell. O 16 oregosias. Y r r-. -rrr vtt ma qiT r nrvroirtv localel. loss lease, cheap rest. 425 Wash ington w FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP AND tools, with 4 years' lease. 410 Belmont sc. East Side. AT A GREAT SACRIFICE CIGAR STORES, sear Iranian a hoiu. jtornson st. 22-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE FOR $1200. 30C Madison st. PERSONAL. 100 CARDS NEATLY PRINTED AND DE llrered to aay address for 59 cents. Crelgh ton Card CO urticatoe. ur. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGB AT YOUR MISS MAKZ. sdeatlzle masseuse, graduate cf Finland; ladies only. s ASiagtaa. Hd. 63. Watske. sVtssnmm, easy paysseats; dl iMgtrt. W. X. Lash. Six Dekusa. Oay Mv, EHdSS XALF-SGCZD FOR 3C AT HOLLA- saaga s. 3n 'ayisr. asa. eta. A FINE HXALTHY BOY BABY OXK sscatst wf. tor aassuss. v iw, oraeaaiaa. 'eases. 444 AVIer C PVosm Xasa ZXJaMKAX. 1st. beastlfier and. restorer of yesthfulstess, stay be consul tea dally free: every afSUetiea etf the human face aad. scalp saccsssfally treated: mature wrinkles, scars, Blesajskss. ete. removed. Sasltartum aad scaool of der- ssatolcgy la cossecuoc. nriors aom- TeiepsoM aooa. jk. 77 WOMEN WANTED. SUFFERING FROM irregular, paiarai or swpagesv ycunr. cured cr eld Dr. Keasler. 230 Yasa- &IU St., roruaso. ur. titi um-i. for ladles. Consultation tree. Call or writ. IselcM 10 2-cent atamps. DISEASES OFMRX. rflvrmsirpi r.T.v.T-rr SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE HXDKOCiiUti ana all affections at private crraas permassetlr cured. Dr. Walker, 1S1 MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consulta tion free; privats and strictly confidential. X Radltrm Institute. 3d A Mor. Allsky Bldg. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZa6-$l A pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sawea up. prompt cans ana ccuTcnes. xkuw tng Co 347 Washington, opp. Cordrays. MRS. M. GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers ana ocas cjeaaea. curiea and dyed, best of work; satisfaction gnaran-. teed. 120 1st, PorUasd. Or. Phone Red ZXHU Residence. 249 Harrison. Main 4443. A TOUNO BUSINESS MAN OF MEANS would like to meet lady or some means wno would go la partnership; azs from 20 to 35; with view to matrimony; sacredly confiden tial. Y 21, Oregonlan. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- eru Nerve oioouies. use - moats s vrtat meat. $3; 3 months. $5. Sent securely sealed by raaU. Agestac Woodard. Clarks U Oa Portland. Or. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great lr. uinar Pierre iouc ogiiui .on c box. 8 boxes for $1.23. Write cr call at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison it, bet. 1st and 2d. -BOOK OF NATURE." "A SOCIAL LION." "A Modem Lover," "Rosa's Confession." "Marriage la wgn 1.1 ib. xMsyeraie j-cy, COc each; lists tree. A. W. Schmale. 229 1st. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL. las; repairing ana recoTcnng; two scores, W satin It on aad 6th and Morrison and 5 th. Sole agents for Alexasdre kid gloves. T. intra, ATTENTION t ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy waters zor aais oy jessing orugguis; $2 per box; safe asd reliable. S. G. Skid- more sc CCs special agists, ui sv. YOU DON'T SLEEP WELL, YOG ARE servous. faimo 'xasicts guaranieea to cure. Address Brooke Drug Co., 67 North 3d st.. Portland, or all drugglms. LESS ON B ON VIOLIN. MANDOLIN AND guitar. 50c; instruments xurnuned free of charge to pupils, ctuoio. uv w su .rnons Main 413S. RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED. MRS. J. M. Wood, specialist. Facial massage. The Frasces. W. Park asd Morrises. Phone Red 2S3S. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THB COLORED specialist. Sasltartum. 127 N. lztn. xais ws. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals IsTlted. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF MILL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given that the under signed will receive sealed bids until Sat urday. the 3d day of June. 1905, at one o'clock 1. il-. zor an tse piani ana prop erty (with the exception of the book ac counts) of the Riverside Manufacturing Comnanv and Day fc Fechhelmex Com pany. Incorporated, situated at the City of Portland. Multnomah county, uregos. saia plant consists of a little In excess of three acres of land, with valuable water ironi age. In South Portland, on which Is situ ated sash and door factory, planing mill, dry kiln, all In working order aad now In operation, lumber, material In course of manufacture, etc. The machinery "and equipment Is practically new. Inventories of the property can be seea at the office of the undersigned In the City of Portland. Oregon. Separate bids must be made for the property of the respective companies. All bids must be addressed and delivered to the undersigned, as trustee, by one o'clock P. M. of the 3d day of June. 1905. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. A certified check of 10 per cent of the. amount bid. payable to the order of the undersigned, must accompany each bid, to be forfeited as liquidated damages In the event the bidder does not comply with the terms of his bid. Terms cash. For farther particulars address Security Sav lags asd Trust Co.. Portland. Oregon, trustee. ' PROPOSALS FOR HAI. QUARTERMAS- ter"s office. Seattle, wain.. -May z,. laou. Sealed proposals hi triplicate will be re ceived here until ll o'clock A. M.. June 10. 1905. and then opened for delivery at Government dock. Seattle, Wash., not later than June 20. 1906, of one thousand five hundred (1500) tons double compressed Eastern Washington timothy hay, or equal. RIda for delivery at other prominent rail road nolnts will be considered, but deliv ery must be completed so that hay can be shipped to, and arrive at. Seattle not later than June zo. im mas muse oe euo mltted upon the regular prescribed blank with the guaranty clause properly executed. asd bids not complying with this stipulation win not De considered Certified check for 23 per cent of amount of bid mar be submitted In lieu of pre liminary bond. Rlgb,t Is reserved to ac cept or reject any or all bids or parts of same, ana to increase or cecrease- tne amount 25 ier cent. For further Inform tlon apply here. Envelopea should be marked "Proposals for Hay." and addressed to F. A. Grant. Captain tc Gr. Mr., U. S. Army. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES De- fairs, Washington. D Cr. May 1, 1905. be ilea proposals win oe rcceiTea aj Commlisloner of Indian Affairs. No. 23 Washington at.. San Francisco. Cat, until 1 o'clock P. M., of Tuesday. June 13, 1905, for furnishing for the Indian Service gro ceries, crocxery, lurmture ana woooeawsrc, hardware, harness, leather, shoe findings. al-,,1rm1 lmnl.m.fl)l Mm hnllnir Virt. etc. Bids must be made oa Government vi.v. svtnl,. rtrlnr all neeemirv In for mation tor bidders will be furnished upon application to the U. S. Indian Warehouse, 23 Washington at., Saa Francisco. CiL; the TW.Im,lMnnr nf S&tt!e. Wash.: the Times, of Lot Angeles. CaL; The Morning. oregonlan asa wo .isepot ukuibiirki U. S. A., PorUasd. Or. The right Is reserved to reject aay and all bids or to accept or re- 4. ,, .r km TilAjt trtll Ka nnnel at the hour and date above named, asd bid ders are invited to be present at the open ing, x. .ieuyp, PROPOSALS FOR TUGBOAT OFFICE, isthmian Canal Commission. Washington. D. C, May 31. 1905 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at the office of the Purchasing Agent. Isthmian Canal Com mission. Washington. D. C. until 10:30 A. M., June 50. 1905. at which time they will he opened in pnouc. xor iuroiacing a tug boat for Colon Harbor. Blanks and full Information may be obtained from this of flc. or offices of Assistant Purchasing Agent. 24 State st.. New York City, or Assistant Purchasing Agent, at Custom-House. New- Orleass, La., and Dianas may oe saa at Chamber or commerce, son t rancuco, i. and Commercial Club. Mobile. Ala. H. J Gallagher. Major. United States Army, Pur chasing Agent. GENERAL. DEPOT. Q. M. DEPT.. JEF fereonvtll. Ind.. May 27. 1903. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, inaorsea oa cover. "ProoossJs for Q. JC Supplies." and ad dressed to undersigned, will be received here until 10 o'clock A. M.. June 26. 1905. for miscellaneous supplies required for Ma nila. P. I., as per schedule, which will be furnished oa application to this depot aad the depots at Saa Fraselsco asd New York City. Preference gives to articles of do mestic production or manufacture. The right Is reserved to reject or accept any or all bids or aay part tcereor, J. M. MAR SHALL. Asst. Q. M. General. Depot Q. M, CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S OF- sce. Vancouver Barracxs. wasa.. .Hay jo. lSOs Sealed Droposale. is triplicate, will be received at this office, until 11 A. M.. June X 1C05. asd the sopened In the presence of attending bidders, for the construction of a cement sidewalk at this cost. The United States reserve the right t accept or re ject aay or all bids or any part thereof. In formation will be furnished oa application to the Constructing Quartermaster, vaacou ver BarrxcSsi Wash. ' aUacellaaeess. UNDERWRITER'S SALE STEAMSHIP GEO. w. Elder Tenders are invited for the purchase- of the above-named vessel as she sow lies aground at Goble. Columbia River. Oregon. Bids will be received at the office of Henry Hewett & Co Lloyd's agent. room 228. Sherlock bldg.. sot later than Friday. June 2. 1903. 4 P. M. The right Is reserved to reject aay or all bids. .Area BUSINESS DTJCSCTOSY. Astr!1 st-Xsw. U. S. G. MARQUAM. 44M COMMXRC1, BLDG. X smaks specialty 01 aefeetUBr tax tmes. GRRGG SHORTHAND TOCCX TIPS WRIT- lag. f mm was bvdget bae-kVeephrg. ataal iwsfHiss prMWve; passu ass imm rsr rm asses: tor mmd. siasx schesL sTsIsjisi. mm smsc CsJssse. Y. St. CJL bUc.' Mala SIS, BUSIXHSS WRSCTOKY. MISS O. GOULD, 01 MARQUAM BLDG.; aeeortiea aad Ksus piannvg aaa puuung. Assurers, aad. Analyst. THE J. H. FISK ASSAYING OFFICE Greesley aad Crawford, analytical csemists aad attxiiurglits, 204 Washington st. A. MOE. ASSAYER AND ANALYTICAL chemist; gold aad sliver. $L 350 Ankeny at. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 20 STARK ST. Best faculties; prices reasonable. PAUL B ACM EL. ASSAYER AND ANA- lyst ooid dust bought. 90 1st st. Carpet Cleaaers. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction, and compressed air conjoined; carpets cleaned on floor without removal, ilaln 2534. Eait sxh. Carpenters aad BUders. GEO. W. GORDON, COUNTERS. SHELVES. houses buut arsi repaired. 203 4ts. uay 11. W. L. BUCKNER, office, store fixture, general joshing, contracting, no BtarK. 11am ossi. CoUecttaa Ageacy. BLUE BOOK CO. COLLECTIONS. LAW and reports. 3iz oregoman bldg. mm -iaa Cemmisslea MercsuuiU. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF bides, pelts, rurs. wool, monair. uuow. 01a rubber and old metal asd general commis sion merchant. Front St.. aear Mala. Port land, Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG CO.. SHIP BROKERS ana commission mercnant.i.- sacnoca. oius.. Portland. Or. ALLEN A LE7VT3, COMMISSION AND PKO- auce mercnanis, xroai ua u&vu iu, una, ur. Cos tractors. RAILROADS. GOVERNMENT WORK. CA- aais. wagon roaas, aitcnes. togging roaas &uu general graamg. usn kDnun 10. L O. O. F. bldg.. Portland. Or. Chiropodist aad MaalcariBg. DRS. O. O. FLETCHER AND" J. A. EBNER Expert painless chiropodists, ivennison sys tem of Naw York. Corns removed without pain: bunions and ingrowing sails a spe cialty. 31 o Assay oiag.. cor. aaa risen sts. Phons Red 20S8. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST nermasentlv removes corns, bunions, cal louses. Ingrown and club nail; pedicuring. manicuring: face and scalp specialist. Red 1842. 10 Benson bldg.. cor. 5th and Jtior risos. WM. D EVENT & ESTELLS DEVEST. THE v. . . j n . 01..-. 1WI This Is the long-haired gentleman. Ha I the man you are looking for. I I.IVnF.I.Ii extwrL ehirooodlst: alt lnstru. menu steruixed. 70S itarquam. xjiaca Clairvoyants. A DISTINGUISHED CLAIRVOYANT. MME. VON HECK. THE FAMOUS GERMAN CLAIRVOYANT AND PaiUHOLOUlsr. PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 223 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. She stasds at the head of her profession and does not wish, to be measure by any other standard than her own. She brings hundreds of personal Indorsements from great people from nearly all civilized parts of the earth. Her experience and knowl edge of 4lte Is broad, deep and profound, and when united with her moat marvelous power of medlumshlp It makes of her all that she claims to be. the queen of life readers. Don't fall to call and learn what gifts you possess. ,What are you fitted for, do you know? Kind out at once. This may bring you laurels for a thought. Did you ever think and ponder over the unfortunate turns In life? How many die of lost art and undeveloped talents; ELEVATE YOURSELF. Do not enter a business, profession or trade .which Nature -has not intended tor you. Humanity possesses strange and won derful" mental faculties. Some are born with a Uleat for a doctor, a lawyer, a preacher, mechanic, electrician. Others for farmers, florists, etc.. etc.. Should they take up and develop their latent power success will nine times out of tea crown their efforts. STUPENDOUS REVELATIONS ACCOM PLISHED ONLY BY THE GENUINE OCCULT SCIENTIST. If marriage, sickness, deaths, changes, travels, divorces, separations, law suits, business transactions, wills, deedr, mort gages, lost or absent friends Interest you; If you desire to be more successful: If you desire to have your aomestic trouoies re moved, your lost love returned, your bit terest enemies converted Into staunch friends In a word, whatever may be your trouble, suspicions or desires. CALL ON THIS GIFTED WOMAN. Hours 0 A. M. to 7:30 P. M.. dallr and Sunday. N. B. Satisfaction .guaranteed or no pay. Alt business sacred aad confiden tial. Parlors so arranged that you can meet no strangers. Maid In attendance. MME. VON HECK IS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AND CAN BE CONSULTED AT HER PRIVATE RESIDENCE. 223 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. 303ti WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. THB MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HB WILL TELL- YOU YOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION, YOUR MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY and what you called for. without asking a question. Will tell the same of your sweetheart or anything you want to know, low F&E. 303 Washington at., cor. 5th. MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. SCI- entlfla reveaier. tens me .rem crauio 10 grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad vice, sure help, mistake impossible; restores lost love ana unites Bepawca oy sympauiy; locates burled treasure. Fee $1; letter. 92, 207 Park. GYPSY ZENOBIA GIVES ADVICE ON ALL affairs of life. 114 sixtn st. DaBciag-. THE MATTTNGLY ACADEMY OF DANC- lng. 260 14th. cor. Jen. waltzing a specialty. Dancing and Elocution. Mrs. Larowe's Hall Classes till July; private lessons all summer, xei. diain uu - c. Electrical Works. KAM'T. T.- PARR. ELECTRICIAN AND CON tractor; electrical work. 3ua 1st. Atain io, Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremast frater nal society ot . 11 ., iituicbu uia uuv. w L. Mltcbel. Sup. Sec.. 612-615 Marquam bldg. liars ess and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- saie soauies ana muiic uiuaw. icauire auu saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st. Mala 226. THB BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE- saie saaaie aiiu uuuc Buumcry . . , . h. ... .11 I.lnJ. T1 -T t J..K -. JOHNSON & LUTHER. CUSTOM-MADE harness, wnoiesaie ana retau. 04 out sc. Halrtlrcsslag and Maalcurisg. Al HAIRDRESSERS. MANICURES; WIO maklng specialty. Rosenthal Sisters. 160 3th Betels. THE LINDELL HOTEL. -statirelv new: European asd Americas clas 50c to $2 per day. Market, bee 3d and 4th. Junk. Hides aad Pelts. U SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool. xurs. taiiow. 01a ruDoerx. T-i.-a'. r-rl aselca. 312 Front t Leather aad Zladlsgs. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. Leataer asd Ondlsrs Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern jumoos, its irene sr. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOLE asd upper learners otvau xinas; cut stock, findings and shoe store supplies. 72-74 Oth. MacMsery. t wnmnnfiv V UTVTVn OIW. rnllta. forging machinery; hydraulic pipes, THB Hi a ALB EE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave. Paofsrage. Pasture Stock received on Ladd's Canyon tarm; doa't coma Sunday. F. A. Miller. Supt. PaiesH Lawyers. R. a WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; isxnsgeBaast cases, ou uvmia. JRsbber S4aflsss. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 349 ALDER TIL. Mais 710. Rubber stamps, seal, ateacua. BR. L. "SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH, gradaates Klrkville. Mo.. 4-09 Oregcnlaa blssr. PkssM Jaaia imx. DR$v ADD IX NORTMBrrP. 416 DKXUX bide. Phoae Mala 34. XmaaslaaqeK fires. BUS2NZS6 DIRECTORY. Nertiwest Tsavl Co. LEWIS BLDG PARK AND MORRISON sts. cau or send stamp for Health Book. Mar Wo aad Graaifre. MARBLE AND GRAN ITS MONUMENTS! no agents; -u per ceat saved at Weeks. 720 Front, opposite Falling School; take S car. Psitets. Oils aad Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, palsts, oils. gius. sasa ana aoarx. cor. za ana Taylor. Safe. SECOND-HAND SAFES 5 BANK SAFES. gooa as new. ana sreprooz safes; assort ed sixes; prices from $23 to $130. Call and examine them at S4 3d. DHvBOLD masgasesa circle doors, bankers' camion; uieccia nreproorrand burgiar-prooc the best; repairs and Jail work. Davis, 66 3d. Secead-Kand Machinery. J. SIMON & BRO.. DEALERS IN ALL kinds of second-hand machinery, pipe, cable, belting, hardware; highest price paid for scrap iron asd metala. 244 Front. Mala 2002. Showcases. Bask aad Store Fix tares. THE LTJTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. 6th asd Hoyt. Phone Mala HQS. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 348 1st. near Market. Phone Black 3233. THE MORGAN CO.. 103-111-113 2d St.. Third Floor. Manufacturing and Jobbers. Lmns AND CLARK SOUVENIRS Of Every Description. BOOTHS AND STREET STAND3 COMPLETELY FITTED OUT. - Spiritualist. MRS. WALLACE. 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; an is trouoie can and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 163 4th st. Russel bldg.; hours 9 to 5. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BH CONSULT- ed. 63 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main oiiu. MRS. a CORNELIUS. FOR FEW DAYS only. 145 6th. room 21. Hooa iwj. MME. FRANCOIS. CLAIRVOYANT. TRANCE medium ana paimist. isu u. Storago and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITUKa moved, packed ready for snipping ana shipped: all work, guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse tor storage. Of fice 123 1st. C M. Olses. Phone Main 547. C O. PICK. OFFICE S3 1ST.,,BET. STARK and Oak. Phone -oau. Pianos ana lurniiura moved and packed tor shipment; commodi ous fireproof brick warehouse. Front aad Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT: at., hcusehold goods asd furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all moveab! articles at reasonable prices. Tronic Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 54 THIRD ST.. wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold aad Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS, WHOLESALE Grocery.. cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. roruana. ur. LOST AND FOUND. HORSES STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM Cully road, OUCKSKin norae, ngni mane nu tall stripe down back, stripe on legs, white face, branded "Q" on left shoulder; also, bay. 1000 pounds, black mane and tall; $15 reward. Keenan's Rran'ch, 41 Union aVe., cor. East Pine. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE ORE- gonlan will pay 510 reward ror tne arrest and conviction of any ons caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors of Its sub scribers. Circulation Manager. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH. WITH 3ION- ogram. TO. K. is. ana -uiamona uirousn back lid and fob. with monogram "J. J. E." on locket. 247 Stark st. Reward. LOST MAY 29. LADY'S OVAL. GOLD locket and chain; monogram "E. e. on locket. Kindly return to 623 Chamber of Commerce and receive reward. LOST OR STRAYED. NEAR ROCKWOOD. one bay horse, about 1 years 01a, pounds. Finder notify Staples the Jeweler, 162 1st st. Reward. ' FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- tresses renovated and returned same aay. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST A PURE BLACK COCKER SPAN- lel. Please return to 341 mn su Jtewaro. LOST LADY'S NECK CHAIN AND LOCK- et. Return JO SU su, cor. uan. xiewaru. LOST A BLACK CAT. RETURN TO 81 E. 17th and receive reward. . BANKS. LADD & TILTON, BANKERS ESTAUEiauEu in laou. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credjt Issued available In Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold oa New York, Washington. Chicago. Sr, Louis, Denver, Omaha, aan Francisco and various points In Oregon. Washington asd Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris, Berlin. Frank-, fort. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL. BANK PORTLAND, OR. J. FRANK WATSON ...President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. nun- uasmer GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of .credit issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office. Toronto. Canada. Capital paid up . $8,700,000 Reserve 3,500.000 Transacts a general banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 -and up ward and interest allowed on minimum mosta iy balances. Rates on application. 2U WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established 1864J HEAD OFFICE. San Francisco, CaL President HOMER S. KING Gen. Mas. of Brasches....W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $3,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits........ 6.800,009 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and. upwards, Portland Branch. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WM. A. MACRBA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL- Assistant Manager UNITS STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, Qregonr ' Northwest Corner Third and OaJC Sts: Transacts a General Banking- Business. Drafts issued, available In all cities .of tse United States asd Europe. Hongkong asd mads on favorable terms. President J. C. ACiSWORTB VIc-PresldBt - . -W- R AYER Cashier R. W. SCHMEBR Assistant Cashier- ..A. M. WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL. BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent - of the United States- President V--A. LjMHjLS Cashier J. W. NEWKHtK Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier. .B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available la Ea rope and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold os New York. Boston, Chicago.' St. Louis, St. Paul. Omaha. Saa Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit, oa London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-oa-the-Mais. Hongkong. Yokohama, Copenhagen Christlaals, Stockholm. SU Petersburg. Mas-, cow, Zurich, Honolulu. CoUectloasi made os favorable terra. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON NO. 109 THIRD ST. . The Oldest Trust Company in Ore go H- RESOURCES OVER $1,009,000. General Banking Business Conducted. Savings Deposits Received. Time certificates issued, also eartiflcatea of" deposit payable upon 10 days call. 30 days' call or 90 days caU, with. Interest at 3U3& asd 4 per ceat per aaaarn. respectively. Call or send tor book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BRTfJ. X. COHEX. . . Preeldeat H. L. JMTTOCK: ............ VJee-Fresldeat B. LBst PAGsTT.... ...... ......... Secretary j o. GOLTRA ...Assistant. Secretary.