VICE-PRESIDENT AND SPEAKER CANNON GUESTS OF EXPOSITION CROWDS MING T PORTLAND Every- Train Entering Union Depot Is Packed With Exposition Visitors. STRANGERS FILL STREETS Accommodations Are Easily Secured by Visitors, and No Complaints of Extortion or Exorbitant Rates Are .Made. All day long- yesterday Exposition vis itors poured into tho city -from all over the Pacific Northwest, and the Eastern States as well. Every train brought its quota, and hotelkeepera last night re ported that the number of visitors In the city today -would be a record-breaker. For two days past the railroad com panies, running Into Portland have been taxed to their utmost, and nearly every available piece of rolling stock has been in uie. Yesterday travel was. particular ly heavy, and all trains carried extra coaches. The trains which arrived yesterday evening brought hundreds of passengers, nnri hntelmen arid boardlmr-house keener were given the first dose of what they mlgnihave to expect aunng .ne next iew days of the Exposition. The various accommodation bureaus be gan active operations yesterday, and suc ceeded in taking care of a large number of people. They report plenty of rooms available, and anticipate no trouble in handling the large crowd expected to ar rive today. Bates for good rooms are nnt nrnhlhltlvp. and no comnlalnt has vet been heard from any pdrson because of unreasonable charges. People in the resi dence districts have offered hundreds of rooms to the bureaus, and a gTeat part of the crowd is being' cared for in this manner. Can Care for Guests. Hotel men report no trouble in caring for guests, and anticipate no difficulty over rates. The visitors naturally expect slightly higher prices than usual, and are prepared to pay them. No cases of at tempted extortion have yet been reported. The railroad officials expect that the trains arriving this morning will be heav ily crowded. Last night's travel was very heavy, but this morning's will bo even more so. Every facility for handling heavy trains has been provided, and the crowds of people win he orougnt to Portland without the slightest inconven lence. All trains arriving today will be provided with extra sleepers and day coaches, and from the advance sale of tickets, even these will be packed. Ticket sales in the Puget Sound cities have beon remarkably heavy, and largo" delegations are expected from Seattle. Tacoma, Van couver, Spokane, walla walla and Wll lamctte Valley polnta "While many of these people will stay but one day to witness the opening- ceremonies, a larger part of them will remain in Portland for a week or more to get a complete in spection of the Exposition. Last night, despite the Inclement weather, hundreds of people were on the .streets, many of whom were strangers in the city taking an opportunity to get an impression of Portland. All seemed to be inoculated with the spirit of celebration for the great gala day on tho morrow. MANY FLAGS ARE FLOATING CITY IS DECORATED FOR THE EXPOSITION. Stores Clpscd Today While Happy Employes Throng the Streets Leading to Grounds. MAYOR TVTLUAMS' PROCLAMA TION TO THE PJEOrXE OF PORTLAND. "To the. People of Portland: X, George H., Williams. Mayor of Portland, do hereby request and urge the people of this city to attend the opening exer cises of the Lewis and Clark Fair on Thursday, the flrct day of June, and help to inaugurate this grand centen nial celebration with their unanimous and enthusiastic support. The world will have knowledge of what we do upon that day." All Portland will unite today in making tho opening of the Lewis and Clark Ex position the greatest holiday the city has ever seen. Business will be at a stand still, and the Fair will be the sole center of popular Interest. For a week business men have been actively preparing for the gala' day.' Down-town stores and business blocks have been attractively decorated, and flags are flying- at every staff. The red, blue and yellow emblem of the Exposition Is to be seen In a thousand places, as well as the stately red. white and blue. Many have erected handsome electric light dis plays, and others attractive decorations. Mayor Williams' request that the citi zens of Portland do all In their power to make June 1 a fitting day for the opening of the Fair has been unanimously complied with. Practically every store and business place in the city will be closed for the da, and through this means thousands of employes will be given an opportunity of witnessing the opening ceremonies. The spirit that has caused the closing of the stores has also caused the decora tions In the business district. At the same time, residence bouses in all parts of tho city have been made beautiful by flags and banners, which -will lend much at traction to the general scheme. Lawns and yards have been cleaned, and the city made presentable on all sides, and around every house blooms a profusion of roses The rose Itself will be the em blem of the da', and will be seen in every buttonhole. Postmaster Mlnto has announced that the Postofflce will remain open for busi ness today until ID A. 1L. at which hour all departments will be closed. There will be no delivery of mail In the business district on account of the closing of the stores, but business men may obtain their mall by calling at the Postofflce before 10 A. M. One delivery will be made by the carriers In the residence district in the morning. Freeh California Fruit. J. H. Will, coatiaiseloKr of the Sac- ramento Valley exhibit of the California building, will receive two tons of fresh fruit this morning by express. The ship ment includes peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, logan, goose and blackberries. currants and tomatoes. Continuous ship ments of fresh fruit from the Sacramento Valley will be made from now on for ex hibition purposes In the California build ing. Should the orange season open early it Is planned to give an orange day at the California building-. This day wilt be similar to that given in St. Louis when more than 20,000 oranges were dis tributed among the visitors. Cadets Come This "Morning. The Oregon Agricultural Cadet Corns form Corvallls will arrive In Portland this morning at 3:30 o'clock. The train will stop at Yamhill street and the cadets will fall In line for the parade In which they participate. The cadets have been drilling for several weeks in antici pation of their participation In the open- mg-oay parade ana present a very neat and military appearance when In regular lorxnauon. MM GLAD HE DID IT IS THE MAX WHO VOTED EXPO SITION APPROPRIATION. Gomes to Portland for Opening Ex ercises and Is . Enthusiastic Over the Fair. James A. Tawney. of "Winona, Minn., chairman of the appropriations com mittee, and tho man whose reluctant favor made possible the apropriation for the Lowis and Clark Exposition, is now glad that he did it. He sees that he has ben instrumental In creat ing a great Exposition and he is proud of his work. Mr. Tawney is a self-made man, first a blacksmith, then a lawyer and now a Congressman. He is a man of me dium build and height, dark of com plexion, and with a black eye that sees everything and tells but little. That he is the possessor of a disposi tion which, having once formed an op inion it is hard to shake is a fact easy to see. It was this disposition that stood for some time in the way of Government aid to the Exposition, but when once convinced of the wisdom of his course there has been no one in Congress more enthusiastic than Mr. Tawney in regard to the Portland Fair. Yesterday the visitor told of his trip across the country from Washington and spoke in high praise of what ke had seen. He Is much interested In the Northwest and Intends to see more of It before returning to his Eastern home. After having spent Friday In .Portland he. In company with Mrs. Tawney and several other members of the Congressional party, will leave for Seattle, Tacoma and other Washington cities and will leave Seattle on Sun day night for Alaska, where they ex pect to remain until the middle of the month. Returning, they will take their homeward course by the way of the leilowstone Park. "I have not seen the Exposition, said Mr. Tawney yesterday in discus sing the trip, "other than the view I had of the grounds from tho train as we passed. I .am greatly pleased with the appearance of the Government building and think the builders have done more than could have been ex pected with the amount of money they had at their command. If the rest of the buildings are up to that standard there will be no fault to find with them." Mr. Tawney looks forward with pleasure to his visit in Portland and to his participation In the opening exer cises of today. And he voices the collective statement of the Congres sional party In saying that he was surprised as well as Interested in what he has seen while passing through the territory of the Northwest. He will return to Washington with increased kindly feelings toward the new country growing here and more disposed to listen to the calls for assistance com ing from the West, and to aid in the enterprises which may tend toward the upbuilding of this section. VICE-PRESIDENT AND J'ssf" f TislSsTnlasssBssssssssst ' "JMKKBKSB'SKk -gA AisbiiiibiiHIsRsK11RIbHHi it ilsseSslsssssssssslessslssssssssVI',tBesBissV Personnel of Vice Presidential Party T;HE Vice-Presidential and Congres sional parties are composed of the following people: Vice-President and Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fair banks, Frederick Fairbanks; Thomas Noyes, of tho Washington Star, and Mrs. Noyes; Mr. and Mrs. Covey, of Illinois, and J. R. King, of the Vice-Presidential party; Joseph G. Cannon, Speaker of the House, and Representative and Mrs. James A. Tawney, of Minnesota; James S. Sherman, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bartlett, of Georgia; J. A. Beldler, of Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Loudenslager, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hodenberg. of Illinois; Joseph C Sibley, of Pennsylvania; Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Legare, of South Car olina; Mr. and Mrs. H. C Adams, of Wis consin; George N. South wick, of New York, Robert L. Henry, of Texas; John H. Small, of North Carolina; James Mc Andrews, of Illinois; Lucius N. Littauer, of New York, Alex McDowell, clerk of the. House; Henry Casson, Sergeant-at-Arms in the House; W. H. Estey, Teller In the House; Frank B. Lyon, doorkeeper in the House; L. W. Busby, secretary to Speaker Cannon, and Mrs. Busby; United States Senator and Mrs. J. A. Hemenway. and son George, and Miss Hemenway, of Indiana; Senator and Mrs. Clark and Miss Clark; Senator L. H. Ball and Mrs. Ball, of Delaware; Senator L. S. Overman, of SPEAKER OF HOUSE VURRIVE OF EXPOSITION ! mami m Yfee-rreeidest ratrbanfci. North Carolina; F. L. Flshback; Repre sentative and Mrs. Humphreys, of Wash- '""STEP UP LIVELY, GENTLEMEN" TO - ATTEND OPENING - ' Speaker Cannon on the Frost Sst la the Corriace. ington; United States Senator Samuel Piles, of Washington; Barry Buckley, a lecturer, of Washington, D. C; J. J. Mc Grain, representing tho sergeant-at-arms of the Senate Daughters or American Revolution Greet Mrs. Fairbanks "A ULTNOMAH Chapter. Daughters of 1 I the American Revolution, gathered to do honor to Mrs. Fairbanks yesterday at the home of Mrs." Walter Barren, on Hawthorne avenue. Mrs. Btxrrell and Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery; state regent of Oregon, were hostesses at a breakfast. The hour was sot at noon, but owing to tho lateness of the train on which tho Vice-Presidential party reached Portland, the guests did not sit down until 1 o'clock. Mrs. Fairbanks had suf fered the annoyance of having a trunk lost on tho trip from Chicago and was unable to appear In the gown she had planned to wear. Three tables were spread, tho center table decorated with sweet peas, the others with Portland's best roses. Sev eral "daughters' were absent on account of recent bereavement, these being Mrs. Ross, Mrs. McCamant and Mrs. Gilbert. Mrs. Mears was out of town. Other guests present besides members of the chapter were Mrs, William S. Ladd, Mrs. C H. Lewis, Miss Henrietta S. Falling. Mrs. Constant Williams, wife of General Williams, in command of the Department of the Columbia. United States Army; Mrs. George Good,' Mrs. H. W. Goode and Mrs. Carey, of Indianapolis, vice-regent-general of the National organization of the D. A. R. Mrs. Carey and her hus band are hero with Vice-President Fair banks party. Mrs. Warren Fairbanks was not able to be present at the break fast- Mrs. Fairbanks and Mrs. Montgomery have- long been friends and the latter was called on by Mrs. Fairbanks three years ago to respond to her address of welcome at tho opening of the National Congress In Washington. Rose. Show on Saturday. The chief event on Saturday at the Exposition grounds will be the Rose Show In the Auditorium under the auspices fof the Portland Rose Society. The show wilt' start at 2 o'clock In the afternoon and the Administration band will be In attendance. At night at 0:30 q'clock there win pa a. magnincent display of fireworks from the pontoon on Guild s Lake. GOV. GDQDING ARRIVES C03IES TO ATTEND OPENING- CEREMONIES. Idaho Executive BeachcstPortland to Participate In tho Lewis-and Clark- Exposition. Governor F. R. Gooding, of Idaho, and staff, arrived at the Portland Hotel yes terday, morning. The entire party. althpugh a little tired, had enjoyed every moment of the trip from the Idaho capital. After av brief res"t the party broke-up and some of them'made a hurried -visit to the Exposition grounds, while others, before the' rain fell, drove about the city. Governor Gooding and his entire staff are. de lighted with the site upon which the Idaho building stands and are priding themselves (and Justly so), that over 95 per cent of the Idaho exhibit is ready for the Inspection of the crowd today. "Idaho is greatly interested In the Lewis and Clark Exposition.' said Governor Gooding last night. "We feel as if, in a measure, it is our show. Ida ho has a natural pride in the great work that Oregon has done In getting up the Exposition, for Idaho was a part of the old Oregon territory. We, in Idaho, realize that the Exposition will do almost as much for Idaho as It will for Oregon and the Pacific Coast, and for that reason wo have been heart and soul in our efforts to help Oregon and the Fair. T am Justly proud of the site on which - the Idaho building stands. I think it one of the best and most ad vantageous spots on the ground. I am also Justly proud of the great showing that Idaho will make, and the fact that over 95 per cent of the state's exhibit will be ready In the morning is another thing that has pleased me very much. It must be truly gratifying to the Exposition people, President Goode and the rest of those faithful men who have been devoting- their time and la bor in getting the Lewis and Clark Ex position ready, to realize that they have it so near completion on the open lng day. I am told by men who have been .to most of the Exposition! held In recent years that this Exposition will be nearer .completion on .the opening day than any they have attended. . "It is hard to find sufficient praise in mere language for the Exposition officials and the tremendous work they have acompllshed. The beauty and nat ural grandeur of the location of the Exposition is simply superb and I am sure It will be a constant marvel to all the people who come to Portland to sea tho Fair. The Exposition will be a success. It la bound to be and Idaho will Join with her sister states In the satisfaction of having- helped make It a success." The Idaho party consists of Governor. Mrs. and Miss Gooding; General and Mrs. David VIckers. Adjutant?General; Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. John Mc Berney, Inspector-General and Inspec tor 8. 'A. P.; Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. F. 8. BIbbey, Medical Director; Major H. S. Worthman. Assistant Adjutant-General; Colonel S. E. Mayer. Quartermaster-General; Captain Joseph Siegel, A. 3D. C GOVERNMENT IS ray fir fi Buildings Are Compile and Ail Exhibits "Have BeeD Installed, DISPLAY. IS - INTERESTING Attaches Will Be on Hand in. Every Department to Answer Questions Visitors 3Iay Ask .-Kegarct-ingr the Exhibits.- 'V The magnificent exhibit building pro vided by the United States Govern ment for the Lewis and Clark Expo sition was completed yesterday. The building and several outlying stations and structures cost $250,000. It is one of the finest exhibit palaces ever installed by any government at any Exposition. simultaneously witn tne completion of the building announcement was mace that every portion of the exhibits were Installed. Early in the- day the heavy force of men that has -been en gaged In this gigantic work was re leased. The doors were closed, only heads of departments remaining there in, to make final inspection. The exhibit is a complete one, rep resenting fully the forces. of the United States Government in every depart ment. Especially fln& exhibits are made In the Army and Navy departments. THe exhibits are both interesting and instructive. They were selected with a view of keeping the interest of visit ors alive during the entire time in the building. This end has more, than been accomplished and the Government exhibits will, without doubt, prove one of the greatest. If not the greatest, drawing card at the Exposition. The location Is ideal, the main build ing .with its two wings and adjuncts standing on the peninsula In Guild's Lake. It Is In lull View of every part of the Exposition and the great' towers, which stand to a height' of 260 feet, may be seen from many parts of the city as well. The two wings contain the Fisheries, Alaskan and incidental exhibits. The Governmental depart ments are represented in the main building. There are nine departments, a3 fol lows: State department. Treasury de partment. War department, Postofflce department, Department of the Inter ior, Department of Agriculture, Depart ment of Commerce and Labor, Smith sonian Institution and National " Mu seum, Library of Congress, Bureau of American Republics. With every exhibit will be stationed a Government attache, whose duty will be to answer questions. The inquis itive visitor will learn much more than, the sollent one, for these atendants are uniformly courteous and have -a large stock of valuable and Interesting information representing the exhibits they have In charge. Work was commenced on the build ing November 15, 1904, and hundreds of men have been kept constantly at work. During the past 30 days it has been necessary to double the work ing force to finish the building, as there seemed soma prospects of a de day. The Government insisted that no delay would be brooked and the com pletion of the great structure yes terday saves the Government's past Exposition record of never being tardy. TO WASHINGTON HOUSE EXERCISES OCCUR TOBIORROW Governor Mead Will Speak, and Souvenirs Will Be Given to Those Visiting. With a ceremony in keeping with the dignity and high standing of Washington among her sister states, the magnificent edifice erected by the Washington State Commission will be 'dedicated tomorrow morning at U o'clock. The ceremonies, short but impressive, will be held In the east wing of the building. President J. J. Smith, of the -Washington Commission, will deliver a short ad dress in which he will turn the building over to the State of Washington. Gov ernor Mead will deliver a short speech of acceptance, congratulating tha 'Washing ton Commissioners on the beauty- of the building and its exhibits and .the com pleteness of the structure on opening day. President Goodo will then speak. He will be "followed by United States Senator from Washington, H. 8. Piles, who will deliver a short oration. Vice President Fairbanks will then adaresa the assembly. Music will be furnish by the cadet band from the Washington Agricultural College. Tho most promi nent citizens of Washington will attend tho opening day ceremonies. Governor Mead on Friday morning will be escorted from the Oregon Hotel, whara he Is making his headquarters while? in Portland, by the Agricultural C&Uega Cadets, SCO strong, to tho Washington building. Vlco-President Fairbanks will be escorted as usual by the Fourth United States Cavalry. " The first social function of the season will bo held Friday night. Govfernor Mead, and Mrs. Olive M. Leonard, of Belllngham, will lead the grand march. It will be under tho auspices of the What com County delegation which will have the Washington building lor social pur poses all of next week. The different counties will have the use of the Waefe lngton building fos a week each 3nriBg the Exposition. Float at River Entrance. A large float which will furnish dock age facilities, has been moored In place at the river entrance to the Exposition grounds. This landing will not only ac commodate all the up and down river traffic but there will be several electrle launches plying between Portland and the river entrance during the Exposi tion. This entrance leads to the Govern ment building on the Peninsula. Massachusetts Building Oyen. The Massachusetts building- at the Lewis aad- Clark Saosition grounds la complete in every detail and will be thrown open to the public today. The fprJB&l dedication ce e.agnla& of the Wild . is will net Vt belt until Juaer 17.