Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 01, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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And Other Thousands Will Line
the Streets to View
Gorgeous Procession Will Outclass
Anything That Has Ever Oc
curred on the Pacific Coast.
Formation and Lineup.
The parade, which 6tart "in the -vicinity
or the Hotel Portland, will move
north on Sixth to Alder. weM. on Alder
to Fourteenth, north on Fourteenth to
Everett, west on Everett to Twentieth,
north on Twentieth to Overton, west on
Overton to Twenty-fourth, north on
Twenty-fourth to Savler. and west on
Savier to Twenty elchth, where ths
troops will enter the Exposition s&ted.
Formation of Parade,
Platoon of mounted policemen.
Colonel E. Z. Steever, grand marshal,
staff and aides.
Color guard, carrying the National
ntandarf. the Exposition otandard and
the regimental standard of the Fourth
United States .Cavalry.
Fourth United States Cavalry mounted
First sauadron of the Fourth United
States Cavalry.
Vice-Presidential party.
Congressional prty and other officials.
Fourteenth United States Infantry,
including battery of field artillery.
.National Guard.
Cadet brigade.
Platoon of mounted police acting as
rear guards.
Listening: to the tread of thousands of
feet marching in that precision and
regularity found only in military or
ganizations, the clatter of the iron-shod
hoofs of the cavalry horses against the
hard pavement and the strains of mar
tial music from several regimental
bands, the residents and guests of Port
land 'will this morning witness the
most remarkable, stupendous and mag
nificent military pageant in the history
of the great Northwest. The opening,
day parade, which has been the source
of great expectation and anticipation
on the part of the people of Oregon
as well as the participants, will start
from the vicinity of the Hotel Portland
on Sixth street at exactly 10 o'clock
with a large platoon of mounted police
men In advance to clear the streets so
that the formation of the parade will
not be interfered with.
There will be over 2500 troops in
line, consisting of the United States
Cavalry. Infantry and Artillery and
Oregon National Guard, besides several
brigades of Cadet Corps selected from
the leading military schools in the
West. The regular troops who will
participate in the parade are nearly
all battle-scarred veterans who fought
for the honor of their country in the
Spanish-American "War and who saw
active service in the Philippine Islands.
All the regiments have remarkable and
wonderful history attached to them and
are the cream of the United States
troops stationed west of the Rocky
Parade Forms Early.
The head of the parade will form on
the corner of Sixth and Montgomery
streets at 9:30 o'clock, and as it marches
down Sixth street the various military
organizations, stationed in the aide
.streets, will fall in line to the respect
ive positions assigned them by Grand
Marshal Colonel E. 2. Steever, of the
Fourth, United States Cavalry. IT the
weather is fair and there are no pros
pects of rain the troops will be attired
in dress uniforms, as will the various
cadet coprs.
Following the FourthN United States
Cavalry will come a party of the most
distinguished and representative body
of public men in the United States,
headed by Vice-President Charles War
ren Fairbanks, personal representative
of President Roosevelt to the Lewis
and Clark Exposition. It will .take
about 40 carriages, drawn by horses
picked especially for the occasion to
accommodate the Vice-Presidential. Con
greslonal and Exposition representa
tion. There will also be In the parade
Governors Chamberlain of Oregon.
Mead of Washington.Goodlng of Idaho
and Pardee of California. They will
be accompanied by their entire staffs.
At 9:30 o'clock the Fourth United States
Cavalry, led by Colonel E. Z. Steever,
will ride to President Goode's residence.
Twentieth and Flanders streets, where
it will escort Vice-President Fairbanks
In his carriage to his position in the
formation of the parade. At about the
same time a committee, composed of 20
of the Lewis and Clark directors, will
appear at the Hotel Portland and escort
the members of the Congressional party
and Governors Chamberlain. Mead, Good
ing and Pardee to .the carriages which
will be awaiting them on the outside.
3Iarch to Lakeview Terrace.
The column will march through the
Exposition gates to the Lakeview Ter
race, whereupon the Fourth Cavalry will
escort Vice-President Fairbanks, Presi
dent Good and the Congressional party
to the New York building. From the New
York building the Vice-President and
President Goode will walk to the cere
monial platform without escort. The
ceremonies will start at 12 o'clock. The
ladles of the Congressional party and the
wives of the Lewis and Clark officials
will have seats upon the platform. The
troops will be ranged along the terrace
with the two companies of Infantry from
San Francisco guarding the ceremonial
It is predicted, and there is but little
doubt but that the prophecy will prove
true, that there will be more people on
the street this morning than any time
since Portland became a city of substan
tial population. From advices received It
has been ascertained that visiters from
all parts of Oregon and Washington will
arrrlve In Portland this morning "by the
thousands. The crowds of sightseers
have been arriving in Portland for sev
eral days and all the trains leading to
Portland have been filled to their utmost
Procedure of the Carriages In Vlce
Presldcntlal Parade.
The order of precedence for carriages
in the opening parade was determined
upon at Exposition headquarters. The
first carriage will convey Vice-President
Fairbanks and H. W. Goode, president of
the Exposition. The order of- the other
vehicles will be:
Speaker Cannon. Acting Chairman Clark of
Senate committee. Chairman Tawney of
House committee and Governor Chamberlain.
Two Senators; Mayor Williams and First
Exposition Vlce-Frerident Flelschner.
Two Senators, Senator Fulton and Second.
Exposition Vice-President Mills.
Two Senators. Third Exposition Vice
President Connell and Director Wilcox.
One Senator, Segeant-at-Arms of Senate.
Chairman Taylor, of Government Board, and
Exposition Director Fenton.
Governor Mead of Washington, bis Adjutant-General
and two next ranking stall
Governor Gooding of Idaho, his Adjutant
General and two next ranking staff officers.
Governor Pardee of California, his Adjutant-General
and two next ranking staff offi
cers. The Adjutant-General of Oregtn and three
next ranking staff officers.
Two Congressmen. Archbishop Christie and
Bishop Moore.
Two Congressmen and Exposition Directors
Wesslnger and Bates.
Two Congressmen and Exposition Director
Devera and Dresser.
Two Congressmen and Exposition Directors
Ladd and Llvlnrsone.
Two Congressmen and Exposition Directors
Mackenxle and Mallory.
Two Congressmen and Exposition Directors
Mears and Myers.
Two Congressmen. Sergeant-at-Arms of
House Casson and President Myers of Oregon
Stat Commission.
Metsrs. Xoyes, Cover and King, of Vice
President's party, and Exposition Director
Exposition Directors Raley, "Wolfe, Bush,
and Riddle.
Exposition Director Van Duseo and addi
tional gentlemen of Congressional party.
Additional gentlemen of Congressional
Grand Marshal Names Aides.
Colonel E. Z. Steever. grand marshal
of the opening day parade which will
.start from the Hotel Portland at 10
o'clock this morning, has announced the
appointment "or Lieutenant-Colonel John
McBlrdney. Inspector-General of tho
Idaho National Guards, and Lieutenant
Colonel George W. Haaen. aide-de-camp
to Governor Chamberlain, as sides on bis
Statistics Go to Show That People of
Portland Need Not Expect a
Stormy Day for the Open
ing of die Great Fair. '
Unsettled conditions continue every
where in the Xorth Pacific States, and
whereas showers will probably occur
Thursday In Portland. It Is expected
they will be of lOiort duration, with
Intervening speHn of fair weather.
District Forecaster.
Showers will probably occur today,
but it is expected that these will be of
short duration, and that there will be
plenty of sunshine in between for tho
opening exercises of the Exposition.
From past experience, good weather
might be expected on June L but pres
ent meteorological conditions make this
According to-the law of averages and
weather bureau statistics. Port landers
may expect rain on June 1 one year out
of three. During the 31 years since 1S71,
rain has fallen on June 1 but 12 times,
and of the 12 rainy days, five wit
nessed a fall of less than .02 of an inch,
a. very small amount.
During the last 15 years the heav
iest fall on June 1 was In 1SS3. when near
ly half an Inch of wafer descended, or
to be exact, . inch. The figures in
mil are as xoiiows, r standing ior trace:
1P0 0.01
1S0 0.00
1SS3 0.00
1S94 0.00
1S93 0.00
1&03 0.00
1902 0.0 1
1P01 T
1&00 0.00
1S2 0.10
1S90 . 0.1
1S01 0.00
1600 0.16
1S9R 0-
i$Vt T
"A cloudy condition prevails through
out the entire North Pacific States," said
District Forecaster Beals yesterday, "and
we may .expect showers on Thursday.
However, these showers will be of but
short duration, as there Is no general
storm disturbance. There is a bare possi
bility of no rain at all, but this Is not
probable. We may expect plenty of nice
weather between showers."
On Washington and Morrison Streets
EvcryN Effort Will Be Made to
Care for the Crowds.
Last night all of the- 250 cars of the
Portland Consolidated Hallway Com
pany were taken out of the bams and
put through their Exposition paces.
For a time during the evening the
schedule tQ be maintained during tne
greater part of today was followed and
it was found that there was no trouble
in living up to the calculations of Man
ager Fuller and his associates who
have been planning the service.
This morning, as the time for the
opening ifraws near, the whole service
of the company will be put injo com
mission ..nd during the rush part of
the day a one-minute schedule will be
run on both Morrison and Washington
streets. The Third-street schedule will
not be quite that fast, but will be
greatly Increased over the old service,
and it is hoped that with all the dif
ferent routes running past the gates
of the Exposition a. schedule of 30 sec
onds may be maintained for the great
er part of the day.
This morning Morrison will be a
trunk line street and will run cars
from Front street straight out to the
Fair grounds. This vjll enable all those
coming from the East Side to get
transfers at the foot of .Morrison street
from cither the Morrison or the Madison-street
bridges, thus avoiding the
crowding, at the Third-street transfer
According to the new arrangements
the cars at the foot of Washington
street are being- swung around the
loop on Second and Alder. o that the
congestion at -the foot., of the street
will be done away with and the fast
schedule can be run.
It is the expectation of tho com
pany that there will be no difficulty
In handling the big crowds, provided
alt the plans laid work out as hoped
Tor and as the tryout last night would
The American Inn Company has. near
ly completed the construction of its
short line from Twenty-eighth street
to the Inn. It Is expected that the lino
will be complete in a day, or tat the
latest in two. and then a private car
will be operated between tho house
and the Junction with the main line.
The Willamette Heights car and the
Sixteenth-street car will connect with
the Inn car.
Governor Toole Issues Proclamation
About the Fair.
HELENA. Mont. May 31. (Special.)
Governor Joseph K. Toole has issued
a proclamation urging the people of
Montana to attend the Lewis and Clark
Exposition at Portland during the per
iod which has been designated by the
management as "Montana cities week."
....ji. . . - - . --
r '
proclamation follows:
Executive Office. Helena, Mont Whereas.
The management of the Lewis and Clark
Centennial and American Pacific Exposition
and Oriental Fair at Portland has set aside
Montana cities week at the Exposition, com
mencing July 17 and ending July 23; and.
Wherear. The event commemorated, the
exhibit displayed and the splendid oppor
tunities offered for amusement and pleasure
are worthy of the highest commendation and
praise, now. therefore, I. Joseph K. Toole,
Governor of the State of Montana, do recom
mend and urge a liberal attendance' of our
citizens at the Exposition of Montana cities
By the Governor.
A. '. TODER. Secretary cf State.
(At 12 O'clock Noon. Ceremonial Platform. Lakeview Terrace, Exposition
Vice-Presidential aalute of 19 guns by the Sixteenth Battery of the
United States Artillery.
Overture, "Festival," by Innes band.
Assemblage called to order by President Gcode at 12 o'clock.
Divine Invocation by the Right Reverend David H. Moore, D. D., S. S.
D.f bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ,
March, "Imperial Oregon," by Innes' band.
Address by President H. W. Goode, of the Lewis and Clark Exposition.
Address by Hon. George E. Chamberlain, Governor cf Oregon.
Address by Jefferson Myers, president of the Lewlsand Clark Com-'
mission for Oregon.
Address by Hon. George H. Williams, Mayor of Portland.
Addresa by Hon. Clarence D. Clark, representing the United States
Address by Hon. James A. Tawney, representing the United States.
House of Representatives.
Address by Hon. H. A. Taylor, chairman cf the United States Govern
ment Board.
Address by Hon. Joseph G. Cannon, Speaker of the -House of Repre
sentatives. Address by Hen. Charles Warren Fairbanks, Vice-President- of the
United States and personal representative of the President.
Notification by wire to the President of the United States of the Expo
sition management's readiness to receive signal to., open the Exposition.
President Roosevelt touches the golden key at the White Houje at
Washington, transmitting electrical energy which ring the chime In the
Government building, and starts the machinery of the Expos It ten.
President Goode then declares the Lewis and Clark' Centannlal Expo
sition formally opened to the world.
"The Star Spangled Banner" by the massed bands with artillery accom
paniment and cathedral chimes. '
Divine benediction by- the Meat Reverend Alexander Christie, D. p.,
archbishop of Oregon.
The National anthem by Innes band. '
Centennial salute ef 100 guns by the ' First Battery -Flefd' Artillery, f
the Oregon National Guard.
Speaker of House of Represen
tatives Is in Portland,
Says He Doesn't .Know 3Iuch About
Oregon Except What He Reads,
nnd Hasn't the Time to
Read Much.
It may bo that Joseph G. Cannon,
Speaker of the House of Representatives1,
has been interviewed many times In his
life, full of public duty, but it is a safe
bet to make that more times he has inter
viewed the Interviewer. It is a way he
ha and yesterday he was In his happiest
mood. Speaker Cannon, or "Uncle Joe"
to those who arc most fortunately his
friend? and Intimates. Is a Joshua of the
present time, an improvement over the
old one of Holy Writ In that he seems
to have not only halted the .sun of time
In Its course, but to have forced it to
retrace Its path toward the years of
youth. The hand of time has no touch
for him unless It be to brush away the
wrinkles of care. His hair Is white, his
beard of like color, but If you. were to
mention It to Mr. Cannon he perhaps
would hold It to be the kindness of Provi
dence that had bleached it to lend be
nevolence to his face and dignity to his
Tho Speaker is an optimist and wears a
i-smlle as habitually as he does his- coat
He may have his troubles and his ' wor
ries, but they are due In the course of
time, and they pass. "Follow the advice
of the good book." he says, "and 'let not
the sun go down upon thy wrath-' It Is
a lot easier to smile than it Is to frown,
to sing than to swear, and It is a great
deal better for the others-fellow."
Those who knew Mr. Cannon a year ago
and see him now after a lapse of time
say he is younger than when they last
met him. This may be so, but whether it
is or not. he is young enough and old
enough to make him the companion and
the friend of alL
Yesterday morning Mr. Cannon, and his
ever-accompanying cigar, walked up and
down the corridors of the Portland, and
even in this far Western country met
thoso whom "he knew. Ho stopped them
all. or they stopped him. and spoke for a
minute here and two there of days past
and things to come. At last, he met a
man who knew a--newspaper man and in
troduced him.
"I am very glad to see you." was the
greeting of the man who rules the Na
tional House, extending the courtesy
possessed by those gentlemen of the old
school and by them alone. "I, am glad to
see you, but I don't know anything that
you want to talk to me about."
It was Intimated that the chief desire
was that Mr. Cannon do the talking.
"I came out here to learn, not to teach.
I want to know something of Oregon- T
don't know much about the state except
what I read, and I don't have time to
read." The Speaker smiled a sorrowful
"A story has preceded you saying that
you were to be a candidate for the Presi
dential nomination at the next conven
tion." was suggested.
An injured look darkened the eyes of
the statesman from Illinois.
"Why." he said. "Teddy hasn't hardlv
.been Inaugurated yet." Mr. Cannon
knows how to be ambiguous when he will.
"No, my son," he continued, "I don't
know a thing about anything. I am just
out here to see the Fair and to help
open it; to see the country and to get ac
quainted with the people of the state.
That Is all, but I don't want to talk, I
want you to tell me all about Oregon."
He wag captured by another friend and
the interview of the Interviewer was over.
Comes With His Staff to Attend the
Opening Ceremonies nnd Dedi
cate State Building.
The official representatives of the State
of Washington who will today appear for
the sister state at the opening exercises
arrived at 5:00 yesterday afternoon. The
party, headed by Governor Albert E.
Mead, was met at tho Union Station by a
reception committee of Exposition of
ficials and escorted to tho Oregon Hotel,
where state headquarters will 'be main
tained. Those constituting -the delega
tion are members of the Governor's
staff, the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives. Governor Mead is accom
panied by Mrs. Mead and a number of
other ladles are In the party.
The Washington Governor Is greatly
pleased at the prospect of an auspicious
beginning for the Fair and expressed
himself as delighted' with the preliminary
arrangements. His one concern last even
ing was for a rainless day and he de
clared that his' weather eye detected signs
of sunshine for today.
Tho following compose the Washington
party aside from the Chief Executive
and Mrs. Mead:
Governor's staff. Including Hon. H.
A- Falrcbild and wife, Jean McLeod.
Brigadier-General J. A. Drain, Adjutant-General
Colonel John Kinzle, Col
onel E. R. Erwin and wife. Colonel ,A.
E. Cogwin, wife ahd daughter; Colonel
C C. Darrow, Colonel M. P. Hurd, Col
onel E. P. Gilbert, Lieutenant-Colonels
,J. M- Fish. A. J. Weisbach and D. D.
Eg&n and Major A. M. Brown and wife.
The Senate committee consists of
lieutenant-Governor C E. Coon and
Senators E. M. Rands, J. R. O'Donnell,
W. H. Moore. C F. Clapp, C T. Hutson,
G. A. JTennedy, J. T. Walsh and J. W.
The House is represented by Repre
sentatives J. A. Falconer, Jesse Huxta
ble, R. ST Lambert, W. R. Williams,
Dr. H. C. Fulton, George T. Reld, C. E.
Vilas, M. J. Moloney and J. G. Megler.
Are unlike all other pUls. No purging
or pain. Act specially on the liver ana
bile. Carter's Little Liver Pills. One
pill a dose.
8m "The Girl in Blue."
They Will Clear Streets and
Protect the Public.
Chief Hunt Will Turn Headquarter'
Over to Captain of First Night
Relief Bailey Commands
Police in Parade.
Arrangements have been made by th
police to furnish protection to the multi
tudes who' will throng the city today.
The entire force will be on duty, together
with a large number of special officers, in
plain clothes, and staff detectives.
Chief of Police Hunt's presence will be
required in many places, and he will be
unable to remain in his office at head
quarters.. Therefore he has assigned Cap
tain Moore, commanding the first relief,
to be acting chief for the day, to direct
the workings of the central station forces,
in conjunction with Captain Gritxmacher.
The honor of commanding the police in
today's parade was conferred by the
Chief upon Captain Bailey, of the second
relief. This very responsible duty is con
sidered to be a great compliment to him.
because of the fact that he is the Junior
Captain Bailey has perfected the de
tails for the march. According to the
plans of Grand Marshal Steever, as pre
viously published, a platoon of mounted
police will head the parade. Captain Bailey
has assigned Sergeant Hammeraley to the
command of that platoon. A second pla
toon of patrolmen, acting as rear guards,
is called for, and Captain Bailey has as
signed Sergeant Baty to its command.
Will Keep Streets Clear.
Upon Captain Bailey and his forces de
volves the hard task of keeping the streets
along the line of "march clear. There
must be nothing in the way; street-cars,
vehicles and pedestrians will not be al
lowed to Interfere in any manner with
the. progress or tha parade. This requires
a vast amount 'of work at the hands of
the police, but so carefully have all de
tails been arranged by Captain Bailey and
the sergeants under him that no trouble
i anticipated.
When the line passes Into the Exposi
tion district, Captain Slover, in command
of that precinct, will have a large force
in readiness to assist. Throngs of people
will assemble close to the main entrance
of the Exposition grounds, and strong
details of patrolmen have been provided
to keep clear the line of march.
Many Police at Entrance.
Because of the large crowd that is cer
tain to be present, it is deemed advisable
for practically the entire police force to
be present at the grounds adjacent to the
main entrance, so that should any emer
gency arise, there will be ample protection-Captain
Gritzmacher, commanding the
headquarters patrol on the day relief, has
arranged to furnish good protection to
the various sections of the city, so that
no portion will be without police service.
Captain Slover, commanding the Expo
sition district, will open the barracks at
the head of Upshur street today for police
business. Chief Hunt has assigned 2?
patrolmen for the district, and Sergeants
Baty and Oelsner will command the sta
tion on the first andecond reliefs, re
spectively. The headquarters staff of detectives
have been assigned to duty in various
places, and many detectives from the
larger cities of the East and South will
be here during the Exposition to assist. A
complete secret-service system is la op
eration JInsIde the grounds, and the local
police have charge of the territory out
side. A call has been issued by Chief
Hunt for 139 more patrelsaea, aad the
actios of the City Ceuncfi is aaxJooaiy