THE MORyiRG. OKECTOXIASr, AY, . -3XJLY. . 31, 1905: RED PUG IS NOT FOR TR U E CITIZEN S Federal Union Is Greater Than Any Other, Says Congress man 'Cushman. LAW AND ORDER ESSENTIAL That 3lan Is an TEncmy to the; .Gov ernment VVIio BeIIoves,jXot'in Legal Restraint and Lawful Liberty.- -tf t TACOMA, Wash-. May 30. (Special.) Congressman Jrfmcis W. Cushman." of Ta coma, was the S3eaker this afternoon at an immense Memorial day demonstration he'd at Mount Vernon, in Skagit County. The principal part of the Congressman's address was upon themes connected with the Civil War, the sacrifices and heroism of the soldiers of the Army, and the debt of gratitude owed to them by all citizens. As he drew toward the close of his ad dress he delivered a decidedly Jcarless and notable utterance on the present la bor troubles," as follows: " I have always tried to be an optimist ratht "- than a pessimist. I am not con tinually oppressed at forebodings for my country. I believe that the eternal spirit of liberty and justice abides in the Ameri can heart in the year of 1905. just as it throbbed in the hearts of these old vet erans in the days of 1S65. Therefore, be lieving these things, I am nt expecting this Nation to be destroyed either by foreign invasion or domestic violence. Great Issues Are Rising. "But in . these days there are some gi gantic issues arising upon our. National horizon. There have been some things happening jn this Nation in recent years that send an electric shock clear down to the nervous centers of Christian and patriotic humanity. "Twenty men. standing on a depot plat form in Colorado, are blown into otcrnity while waiting 'to go to their work. Men In Chicago today are being murdered and mangled by a howling mob in the sacred name of labor. An organized mob in the City of Tacoma drove a crew of men from the deck of a ship into the soa. be cause of a labor dispute. "I am not pausing here to discuss at length the differences of capital and labor. But whenever one man or one mob mur ders other men simply because they want to work, there is only one side of that controversy foii all decent, law-abiding .citizens to array themselves on and that Us the side of law and order, and against (he reign of murder and violence. V Not an Enemy of Labor. "I have never been accused of being an enemy of labor, either organized or unor ganized. I believe in unions as long as they confine their activities to peaceful pursuits and lawful efforts. But, my countrymen, there Is one union In this country that is a little bit bigger and a little bit better than any labor union that was ever organized and that is the Union of the United States. "As one who feels profoundly on this subject, I earnestly hope for peace be tween these two Onions. But if unhappily the time shall ever come In this land when, by reason of mobs and violence, one or the other of these unions have to go out of business, there Is no doubt In my mind which one of them will have to cease to exist. I know which union patriotic American citizonship will rally to the defense of. "I have that untroubled faith that assures my heart that our Illustrious citizenship will never in this day of their Nation's pride-and purity turn their backs upon the Stars and Stripes to follow the red flag of anarchy in the hunds of any man or set of men. , Anarchists at Heart. "Some men who advocate and practice lawlessness and violence insist that they are not anarchist's. Ah, my countrymen, they may qualify, they may distinguish and they may differentiate, but any maty who tries to settle a dispute by murdei is an anarchist at heart I don't care what flag he Is parading under. "Law and order are the very base f structure of this Government. These wo form the pedestal upon which the Coddess of Liberty stands. "Now is the time for men to stand forth and declare themselves. You and I believe in an organized- government of legal restraint and lawful liberty. And those who are not with us are against us. .There is no middle ground there. He who -does not believe in an organized government of legal restraint and lawful liberty Is an enemy to the Government, gncnemy to Uie man, an enemy to liberty arid an unspeakable, insult to his Maker "I have observed that there aro some men whose patriotism is always, over active In times of profound' peao; and when there Is not any danger. There are men who are willing to denounce anything, provided everybody" else is de nouncing that s'rfme thing,. I have- little use for that complacent and convenient kind of criticism. Red Riot in Chicago. "When President McKinley was slain by the handt of an assassin there was a great many people who denounced, vio lence. laWlessness and anarchy in un measured terms ana" that was perfectly proper. "Well, that Is exactly w'hat is going on in Chicago right now; violence, lawlessness and anarchy, and that being true, now Js. the time for .all good and law-a"b!dlng people in this 'Nation to put their patriotism into practice. "No man can look me in the face and say that ever as a private citizen or a public servant I have been recreant or unfaithful to the cause of those .who. labor, but when they resort to , violence and bloodshed, right there I inilt- X won't march under a flag that s drenched with Hood ot assassinated, victljns. I don't care who In carrying: it, or what .emblem is paipted on. (U,; . "... Governor -Mead the Orator.- OLYMP1A. Wash.. Mav 30. (Special?) Governor Mead delivered the ' memorial r.ddress today in Olympla. All state .of f.ces were closed, and members of JLhc 1 A. 11 Relief Corps, Sons of Veterans and many citizens gathered hi Maple Park tills aftehioon 'to listen to the open-air Fervlce. ' One-, of the points that ' stood out Jh. the- Goerhjjrs address was made n reference o th'e .state Soldiers' ..Home, -ts shelter of xso'inany veterans and-thelr fndlng their aet -Testing place in the burial grou"nd"atf the Institution. He" de lared that thfc tbao. wiir come ; when fjture generations will 'regret fha't' the beneficent head of the .state and theiTNa tlonal Government was not equally benev olent 4n providing for the sepulchres of the Confederate dead. J In another connection the Governor found an opportunity for beseeching ,the people to enroll themselves In the cause -of preserving and -protecting the natural iscenery of "the" slat ev and assist ki the: senactment ;C l&w sad grtaAtonsvrihat wijr discourage Ire&cmmr-n -from lorqlflg 'iHJon the unwilling traveler on V--jHibiic highway the grotesque and hideous ad vertising signs that too frequently deface the fair form of Nature." The remainder of the Governor's ad dress was largely devoted to laudation of the Civil "War veterans, their accomplish ments -and the personality and deeds of the Nation's leaders of that period. - Exercises at Chchalls. CHEHALlS. Wash.. May 30. Memorial services'1 were held a' ChehaJIs Sunday, Rev.' W. J. Dickson: delivered the Memo rial sermon "and Rev. !J; R. Monfort made an address fo the members of the G. A. R. This morning the G. As R. ritual services were held at the cemetery. . In the afternoon an immense audience, at tended the exercises J n the Opera-House. The principal address was delivered -"by Professor F. S. Thompson There was, also' an address by Rev. Donald A.--Mc?" Kenzle, with a musical .programme- and. me niuai at; evicts .oj. xiie u. a. -tv- EXGIXEERS - IN GONSULTATIOX O. R. -& .X. :Chier Calls on Cllef or the Northern Pacific v LEWISTON, Idaho, May 30:(Spe. cial.) George. W. Bo'schke. chief engi neer of the O. R. & M.. arrived here to night on the steamer Spokane from Hl parla, where he has been starting sur veyors at the work pf cross-sectioning rights of way of the company 6n the Rlparla-Lewlsldn extension. On his ar rival here he went into consultation with Engineer Pollard, of the Northern Pacific. He would not talk concerning: hfc- plans, but It Is believed that he, with Mr. Pollard will first select sites for bridges whlqh will necessarily be built across Clearwater River. He will also probabiy accompany Mr. Pollard to the Camas Prairie counjry, to." fa miliarize himself with the proposed routes of the joint line. Captain W P. Gray, who took the steamer J. M.. Hannaford" to Pasco, re turned tonight and reporjts having made the trip in nine hours, running" time. He says he examined t'ne route carefully and that conditions.-aro ex cellent for thesafe trip of the Moun tain Gem. which will go to Celilo 'Fri day. Teachers for The Dalles. THE DALLES." Or., Muy 30. (Special- J A a meeting of the School Board of the public schools of this city yesterday the following teachers were elected to preside over the various grades for the coming year: Principal, J. H. Oreutt; City Superin tendent. J. S. Landers; assistant princi pal. Miss Melissa Hill: seonJ assist ant pilncipai. Miss A. M. Seehlcr; sub ject to assignment. Mbs Minnie U. Michell. Miss Grace Tillard, Mrs. Ellen Baldwin, Miss M. K. Baldwin. Miss Tina Rintoul. Miss Louise RIntoul. Miss Ida Omeg. Miss Etta E. Wren. Miss Maggie Flynn. Miss Kate Davenport, Miss E. E. Taylor. Miss Stella Brown, Miss Elea nor Loom Is and Mtss E. C. Swiney. SITE GRANGE AT TOLEDO SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION BEGINS .7UXE G. Legislation of Various Sorts in Large Volume Will .Come Up for Consideration. CENTERV1LL.E. Wash.. May -(Special.) The 17th annual session of the Washington, State Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, will convene at Toledo, Lewis County. Juoe 6. It is thought this will .be the best session yet held. There are about 70 subordinate Granges en titled to representation, and tho mem bership in the state Is over 30OQ. while four years ago It was about 700. In that time Washington has made a greater, percentage of gain than any other state In the Union. A large amount of legislation will be enacted at this session. The principal work along this line will be for direct legislation, taxation, a system by which the state prints its own schoolboaks. and some advocate that the Grange demand that the state own the books. Good roads will also come In for consideration. No doubt a discussion of the. present horti cultural Inspection law will take place. It is generally blleved that the order will go on record for Its repeal, as it is proving very unpopular with the farmers in certain sections. A mutual lire insurance company is conducted by the order, or for members of the order that yant fire protection, and is proving to he a profitable and popular feature. A complete set of officers, excepting two members of the executive commit tee; will be elected to conduct the af fairs of the order for the next two years. The next annual meeting of the State Grange wllh perhaps, be held at Spokane. The Patrons of that county made an ef fort to secure the convention this year, but the 15th annual session was held at Pullmqn and the 16th at Centerville, both east .of the Cascades, and it was thought best to send it "west, of the mountains this year. t Whitman is the banner Grange county of the state, there being 17 Grange. in that county, with nearly two-fifths of the membership of the state. Klickitat and Clark Counties are rivals for second place on the list. About three-fifths of the members In the state live in these three counties. In many courjtles of the state there aro no' Granges. Where or ganization has been attempted it was thought best to organize thoroughly. New territory will be Invaded -byi organizers as fast as practicable. The - leaders in this order throughout the state predict that the farmers will be thoroughly or ganized for co-operatlpn through the Grange In a few years! The Grange Is playing an important part in securing legislation both state and National for tho. benefit of those en gaged in Agriculture. Rural free' deliv ery of mall, good roads laws and the Interstate Commerce Commission; were secured largely through the efforts of the Grange, besides many less "important laws of great benefit to the- farmers were passed hy the direct of Indirect in fluence of the order.. , CAUGHT WITH STODEN GOODS Man anuVWonian Are Kno.vri,to Po . lice or.Several Cities PENDLETON. Or., May 30.f-(Specfal.) J. J. IGu'enette and a Tvoman'afiegedto be his wife were arrested today charged with larceny from a dwelling. Both had been stopping, at a Main-street lodging house several days, and this morning were about to leave, with two trunks filled with clothing, towels and valuables belonging to the proprietors of the house, when theirvscheme was discovered. Mrs. Guenette succeeded in reaching Echo be fore being apprehended, but Guenette was placed under arrest just as he was: about to leave for the depot. After Investigating the case, the ofilcers tonight learned that both are criminally known. In Salt Lake,' Denver, "Boise -and Walla Walla. A more thorough search disclosed the fact that they, had inithelr possession numerous articleslcnown xo be. stolen frojBother cities The stolen 'good,s are valued at -J300. The oftlcejs say they have a irorrgr case against thje jrtsoners, Don't wait until you are sick before try ing Carter's Little Liver Piljs. but set a v&l at once You can't take tkm with out benefit. TRIBUTE TO DEAD. 6. A. R. Monument Is Dedi cated at Salem. ROSES ARE IN ABUNDANCE Cemeteries Are Put in Order for the Day and Hundreds Visit 'Theiji- 'Vithv Floral Tributes to i ' m. the Dead. - SALEM, Or., May 30. (Special. )-Me-morlal day was ohservedjn Salem by the decoration of graves, .the holding of the usual memorial exercises and the dedi cation of the new G. .A.-- R. monument in City View Cemeteryl The day Was. gen erally observed by the people of Salom. nearly all business houses being closed In the afternoon and many of them ip the forenoon as welj. AH cemeteries were placed in much better condition than usual by the as sociations controlling them, for the grass hadbeen mown smooth and weeds, brush and refuse had been removed more thor ougljly, than .ever before. Roses and other flowers 'are abundant here at this time a ml th frlnno on.i .ini.,r r "deceased persons spared ho pains In the euori io Deautiiy tne graves. The dedication of the new G. A. R. monument was the most Important event of the day. Tljls monument was erected afejv months ago by the local G. A. R. post and the W. R. C-. assisted by patriotic citizens, who subscribed quite liberally. The monument Is a life-size statue representing a soldier at rest. The' statue stands on a base about 12 feet high. It Is located In the center of the 'G. A. R. circle, around . which manv Veterans of the Civil War are buried. On the sides of the base are the emblems of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. and the inscription. "Erected In Memory of De ceased Brave Defenders of Our Country in the Civil War of 1S61-1S5." The Memorial day exercises began at 1:30 this afternoon, when a parade was formed on Commercial street, led fyy Colonel L. K. Page, as marshal. The Reform -School Band. Company M.. Sec ond Regiment. O. N. G., Salem Military Band. Sedgwick Post. G. A. R.. anU Sedg wick Relief Corps, and many citizens in carnages, completed the procession. Af ter marching to the cemetery the veterans' and citizens assembled around the mon ument, where appropriate dedicatory ex ercises were held. Attorney-General A. M. Crawford delivering the occasiomtl ad dress. The exercises closed with the firing of a salute to the dead and the sounding of taps. After the exercises at the cemetery the ladles of the W. R. (. served refreshments at Grand Army Hall. This evening memorial exercises were conducted at the " First M. E. Church, when a large audience assembled to do honor to the Nation's dead. The memorial address was delivered "by Dean W. C. Hawley, of Willamette University. Musip for the evening was furnished by a quar tet composed of Professor Seley. Ktta Squler Soley. Mrs. W. C. Smith and Ralph Zercher. and appropriate recitations were given by Mary Solomon and Vera, Byars.. Parade Given at Eugcim. EUGENE. Or.. May 30 (SpeclRl.)-.Me-morlal day was observed in Eugene lit the usual manner, the exerclBee of the Grand Army over the graves being most Im pressive. Immense throngs of people marched to the cemetery and participate In the ceremonies. The Women's Relief Corps, ladles of the G. A. R.. school chil dren, the National Guard and High School Band .Joined in the parade. After deco rating the graves of old soldiers. Including thoM who died in the Spanish War ami Philippine insurrection, the procession re turned. In the afternoon, under the leadenip of the Relief Corps, exercises wero lu-Id on the mlllrace in honor of the departed sailors, .the waters being strewn, with choicest roses, which were carried sea ward. This was a new and most beau tiful addition to the usual exercises of the day. All business houses remained closed during the exercises. Flowers Thrown From IJridRC. OREGON CITY. Or., May SO. TSpe clal.) Business houses closed and cit izens generally united with the G. A. R. and W. R. O. in the observance of Momorial day here. After strewing: flowers on the AVillamette River from the suspension bridge, the company as sembled at Shlvely's Opera-Housp where hort addresses were made by Dr. W. E. Carll. president of the day. and J. F. Nelson, commander of Monde Post, G. A R. Solos were sung by the Misses Harding, Guile nd Case, the oration of the day being delivered by Senator George C. Brownell. At Mountain View Cemetery, the rit ualistic work of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. was given and Rev. P. K. Ham mond gave an address on "Our Un known Dead." Miss Grace S. Guile re cited Lincoln's address at Gettysburg. Business Houses Are Closed. THE DALLES, Or., May 30. (Special.) Decoration day has been marked by more than the usual observances here today. Business houses and offices "have been closed throughout the city, wltljjfiags at half-mast upon the public buildings and many residences. At 1 o'clock. James Ne smlth Post, G. A. R., and the Woman's Relief Corps, accompanied by . tho city band and Company Dr0:"Nl. G., marchejti to tlie cemetery, where memorial services took place. This afternoon races of -various kinds, together with a ball -game between the Columbia University, jilnc, of Portland, and The Dalles team took place, resulting in a victory for the former. Memorial services were held in the "Baptist Church on Sunday evening. The weather has been-warm but cloudy, - ,t Song Ends In Tears. COTTAtitJ GROVE,, Or., May 30. (Spe cial.) All business was suspended for a portion of today., and a vast throng par ticipated with the Grand' Army of the Re public in earning out their programme. A procession formed in the center of town at 10 A. M.. half a mile in length, and marched to the .gravejard, where half a hundred-old comrades carried out their regular ritual. At the close of the deco ration exercises, as the song, "Nearer, My God, to Thee," was being sung, a member of the Women's Relief Corps in the center of the circle began to weep. So sympathetic was the audience on this occasion that the song ended, more. In tears, than music. The programme car ried -jout this afternoon' -was-'-mostly by home talent. Celebrate Two Days. MONMOUTH. 6t, May .-Specials-Exercises .appropriate .to Decoration day were held in the State Normal . during assembly hour this 'morning, s'everal members of the faculty paf QcIpated , A delegation of tho students trended "the exercises held by th'e G; A. R. Put at Independence, arid at the cemetery. Memorial Sunday was observed by union services in the normal chapel in honor tf the G. A. R. The local post at tended is a body, as did Jsc Che Womto'j Relief Corp. The Woedmea team - and the Normal Cadet Band were an escort of honor. A carefully prepared musical pro gramme was rendered, addresses being1 delivered by Rev. E. J. Thompson, of In dependence, and Rev. J, A. "Brown, of Monmouth. William Colvis, the Orator. MEDFORD, Or.. May CO. Decoration day was observed jn Medford by G. A. R. and citizens generally. Business houp?a closed from 1 to i P. M. At 1030 mem bers of Chester A. Arthur post, G. A. It., and the-W. R. C met in the opera-house,, when, after the opening ceremonlcr. lHon. W. M. Colvlg, ' of Jacksonville, gave an -eloquent address before a large and en thusiastic audience. In the afternoon the G. A. R. and citizens marched to the cemetery and decorated the graves of soldiers and others with flowers. .Honors to the Veterans. WOODBURN. Or., May 30. (Special.) Memorial exercises' in this clty were at tended by an lmraenjc crowd of citizens, who listened to A splendid, oration deliv ered 'by Rev. A. D. Skasgs,. of Vancou ver, Wash. Company I, of -hc Third Regiment. Oregon National Guard, Cap-, tain O. D. Henderson commanding.: leu the parade, escorted by the Woodburn Band. Stevens Post. G. A. R., and the Indian War Veterans, of this city, were accorded the most impressive honors of the day. Japanese Kcscrvist Summoned. OREGON CITY. Or.. Mar 30. (Spe cial.) Drafted into the scrvlc of his country, I Mori, proprietor of a res taurant In this city, today closed his nlace of business anH will Imvc in n few days for the recruiting station. In- lurmauon oi ;uori s caning- into the service of the Japanese government reached him yesterday and notwith standing the fact that he Is having a very prosperous business, he has sus pended work at his restaurant Flowers Strewn on Columbia. , HOOD RIVER. Or.. May 30. (Special.) School children.' veterans of the Grand Army and women of the 'Relief Corps gathered at the river bank this morning and scattered flowers on the water In honor of the soldier dead. This afternoon ritual work of the Grnnd Army was con ducted over the graves of departed com rades resting In Icller.lide Cemetery. Mil itary burial was also given Comrade Per kins, who died Sunday at the Roseburg Soldiers' Home. Great Parade at Seattle. SEATTLE. Wash.. May .tt-ReguIars from Fort Lawton. marines from the Puget Sound ' navy-yard, three com panies of the National Guard, four Grand Army posts, the entire city police and fire dejwrtments, marched today in tho Memorial-day parade here. Special cere monies were held at the Grand Opera house and at the cemeteries. W 0B1NK5 POISON FOUND DEAD BY JUDGE ANpEKS" JX OLYMPIA HOME. No Ilcahon Assigned for the Suicide of Marie Lawrence, v Who Came From Missouri. OLYMPIA. Wjash.. May DO.-tSpceial.) A young woman servnnf named. Marie Lawrence, in the employ of ex-Justice T. D. Anders, of the Supreme Court, this morning drank a quantity of carbolic acid, and she . was discovered a short time afterward! by Judge Anders after life Was wholly extinct. The girl xvas In the house alone at the time of the taking of the drug. Mrs. Anders is visiting a son In Castle Rock and Judge Anders and Will Anders, his son, who wore the only members of the family at home, left the house about S o'clock. At that time nothing unusual was noticed in Miss Lawrence's actions. Judge Anders returned about 0:30 and soon thereafter the body of the girl was dis covered lying on her bed. She had poured about four ounces of the acid into a glass from which she drank. No note or word of any kind was left to give a reason for the act. Miss Lawrence was about 21 years of age. She came from Missouri about a year ago and had a sister working" in another family In Olympia and a brother who is employed in a near-by logging camp. .storia "Crib" Girl Kills HcrseH. ASTORIA, Or., May 30. (Special.) Pearl Norton, a girl about IS years of age. committed suicide this evening by drinking an ounce of carbolic acid. Her death was very painful although she received prompt medical attention. She came here recently from Portland and was an Inmate of -a "crib." Little is known of her here except that her mother is believed to be Mrs. Jessie Harbison, of Portland, who lives on Third street between Clay and Colum bia. No arrangements have been made for the funeral. KILLED BY HOLLING BOULDEIt Montana Boy AYas Banning to Get Dead Wood chuck. LEWISTOWN. Mont.". May 30. Lancelot Steel, the 10-year-old son of Thomas Steel, of Utica. while out hunting with J. D. Waito. Jr., and Bradley Walte, -this morning, was Instantly killed by a . big boulder rolling over him, crushing "out his life. The boys had killed a wood chuck on the hillside, and Lancelot start ed, up after him. In some" way an Im mense boulder was loosened and rolled over him. - , League Date Is Fixed. SALEM, Or.. May 30. (Special.) President E. Hofer, Secretary Walter- L.yon and Gifs Hurley, of ithe Willam ette Valley Development League, met here today and set June 12 .and 13 as the date for a meeting-' of tho. league at Independence. They are arranging an interesting programme and-slnce they have fixed the date so that it will not conflict with other Valley events, it is anticipated that a" large attendance Will be had. Fell Under 3IovIng Train.. SAN BERNARDINO, Call, "May 30. Charles. Bunce. of Lander. Wyo., . in an attempt to swing aboard a- moving South ern Pacific passenger train in this city today, fell under tho- wheels, and hoth arms were badly mangled. It was neces sary to amputate one below and. -one above the elbow. He was the owner of extensive sheep ranches In Arizona, and also the owner of an- orange grove at Redlands. Falling Iilmb Kills Instantly. ASTORL, Or.. May -.-(Speclal.) Frank Clapshaw, who has been working at "Bell's camp, on Deep Hlver, Washing ton, as a feller of trees, was .accidentally .killed this afternoon hy a' falling limb,' which struck, him oh the. head killing 'him Instantly. He was a. resident, of For est Grove, where he has a wife, andelfifdl His body was shipped there this evening for burial. See "The Qtri in Bbc.". TALKS TO CROWDS Vice - President Makes Brief Stops in Washington. SEATTLE ENTERTAINS HIM With- the Congressional Party He Starts on Lnst Stage of Jour ney to Portland "and the Lewis and "Clark Fair. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 33. (Special.) Vice-President Charle's Warren Fair banks and the Congressional party, on the way to Portland to attend the nponlng of tne Lewis and Clark Expo sition, left tonight for Portland. The Congressional party was here all, day, walling for the Vice-President, who came in tonight at S:50 o'clock over the Grsat Northern. Sixteen members of the National House of Representatives and four United States Senators compose the spe cial committee named by Congress to attend the opening of the Exposition. The ' Vice-President made Memorial day addresses, similar to the one he delivered here, at Spokane, Wenatchee and Everett. Ho was met at Everett by Senator Piles and John P. Hartman, a ciassmate, of Seattle, and a Tacoma delegation, which urged him to return after spending the three days he plans to devote to Portland. Plans to go East via the .Union Pacific prevent this. Three members of the Seattle society D. A. R., met Mrs. Fairbanks at Everett. Address From Club Steps. At Seattle a Cnamber of Commerce and Young Men's Republican Club del egation welcomed the Vice-President and escorted him to the Rainier Club, wnere he addressed a big crowd from the steps, saying: I recall with' the utmost pleasure my first visit here ilx years ago on my way to and from Alaska. Nor can I forget your cordial greeting when, six year? rro, I came to ad vocate the election of William McKinley and Theodore Roonevelt. I am on the way to Portland to participate Jn openlnf an Exposition which mean9 much to the entire Pacific Ooapt. It will acquaint the country wllh the rnarvelouu resources and the pluck and enterprise of the people of this greatly favored country. I have witnessed since my first "visit here marked Improvement everywhere. There a on all hands evldmce of healthy development, of permanent prosrets. Blessed Above Mankind. Few people are more fortunately situated than" you are. my countrymen. I believe that the future will wltncw upon Punet Sound, in ever- avenue of human activity, a substan tial growth one of which we little dream to day. Your successful past and splendid pres ent are but prephctic of a successful future. You have but to utilize In a serelblc way tho natural opportunities which are .about you in such marvelous abundance In order to expend your commercial power to the utmost decree. The theme uppermost today is patriotism. As I have Journeyed hither, through the state I .have found the people assembled reverently aiid gratefully paying- tribute to the memory of the Nation'.- heroic dead. What I have witnessed In the State of Washington has ben transpiring- elsewhere. where-cr the flag ftoata. within the ample limits of the tcrrl- tory of the great Republic. The busy marts Hav been lerted. The stock exchanges have been closed.. Political antagonisms have been Btilted. In short, the people have turned aside from their umial vocation to hotter themselves by honoring the memory of thee who died that the Republic might live. Gratitude to IJhcrty-Glrer. It la. extremely fitting that one day in all the yenr should be set apart for such patri otic flervkre: that we should express our gratitude for those who died that we might enjoy liberty. The American people are es pecially a HbTty-lovlng people. They lovo liberty for themselves" and they love liberty for others. They drew the srvord that alien people In the distant seas might taste the priceless fruit of liberty. Our Nation has grown in strength and pewcr hecauee It has been a Just Nation; because the people have loved It. The Na tional spirit, which Is the very life, the strength, the power of the Republic, was never stronger In the breasts of our country men than it (5 today. Devotion to liberty. We covet peace. We have no love for war. We know Its tremendous cant, and as we recall the sacrifices of those whose memories we shalt keep ever green, we pledge anew our devotion to the cause of liberty and to the preservation of the National peace. Fellow-citizens.' my time does not allow ma more than these few and hasty words. My. wish 1 that you may each and all go forward, making stronger and better, the state, adding to the glory and honor of our thoeen country. The recollection of your kindly courtesy will always abide with me as a sweet and precious memory". Accompanying the Vice-President are Mrs. Fairbanks! Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C Noyes (editor of the Washington Post). Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fairbanks, of Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carey. Indianapolis; Fred Fairbanks, Indian apolis, and Russell King, his private secretary. Senator Piles accompanied the party to Portland. Supervising Architect Taylor, here waiting for the two par ties, decided this morning to leave ahead of tne rest nnd started imme diately for the Exposition City. SEATTLE. May 30. After being six days on the road, -the' special committee of United States Senators and ConRress men appointed to attend the opening of the Lewis and Clark Exposition, to the number of 16. reached this city this morn ing. They spent the afternoon driving about .the city or viewing the harbor on a steamer, and left at 9:30 tonight on their special train for Portland. They expect to remain there until Sat urday, nfghf. and then a majority of them will return to this City, where they ex pect to remain until" one of tho Alaskan liners, leaves for Skagway and Southeast ern Alaska points. A inajorityot the par ty will visit the northern country and make an extended trip along the coast. WOX BY THE HOME ATHLETES Quakers GetShort 12nd or Score on Methodists' Track. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY", Salem. Or., May . 30.-(SpeciaL) The ' track team from Pacific College was .defeated by Wllamette this afternonn by a score of 71 to 454. The weather was ideal, but the track was slow and no sensa tional records were made. The best race was the 440-yard dash, in -which Willamette took all three places, with. Miller in the lead; time, 0:544. Pemberton. of Pacific College, -was the star man of the day. He won four first places, the 50, 100, 220 and low hurdles. Lounsbury, of Willamette, was second-best with a total of 1S& points. Willamette took all three places in , the shot-put, hammer-throw and 440-yard run. - Roy Heater, who was present, just for the amusement of the crowd, did the pole vault at 11 feet at h Jlrst trial, and apparently without an effort. The events, with winners an. order' ot finish,, foilowr - ' ' 50-yard -dash Pemberton (P. C.) Mathews (W.,U.) and Pearson (P.-C.: tied 'for second," Jame (W.' TJ.7;'.TlIrae' t:54X. , X?. lS-yard.dashT-Pemhrton "(P CO, I Miller OT. TJ.), Jams.(W. U. time, I Mil Johnson (P. C-), Celiwrt (W. U.). Cotilwn (P. C)j lime, 4:1 J. Abollinarm , "THE QUEEN Bottled Only attheApollinaris Spring, Neuenahr, Germany, and Only with its Own Natural Gas James (W. IT.). Kenworthy (P. C): distance 19 feet 7 inches. 220-yard dash Pemberton (P. C). Miller (W. U.l, Pearson (P. C.K time, 0:24A. Shot-put Lounsbury (W. U.), E. Whipple (W. U.). Unruh (W. U.); dis tance 35 feet 7 inches. Pole vault Hodson (P. a). R. Pem berton (P. C). Lounsbury (W. U.) and Joreted (W. U.) tied for third; height. 9 feet 6 inches. ' Half-mile Ford (W. U.). Macy (P. C). Forbes (W. U.); time. 2:07. 220-yard hurdles Pemberton (P. C), Rader (W. L). Coulsen (P. C.J; time, 0:29Vi. Hammer-throw James (W. U.)," Bel knap (W. V.). Lounsbury (W. U.); distance 95 feet 4 Inches. High Jump Lounsbury (.W. U.), Whipple (W. L), Hoskin (P. C); height. 5 feet 5 inches. 120-yard hurdles Matthews (W. U.). Hosklns tP. C), Rader (W. U.); time. 0:1S4. 140-yard run Miller (W. U.). Forbes (W. U.). Ford (W. L); time, 0:544. Murdered With n Club. - SPOKANE. May SO.-A Rossland, B. C. special to the Snokesman-Review says: The -body of Michael Clarkr bridge watchman of the Red Mountain Railway, who has been missing since May 15, was discovered today hidden In a pile of rocks near the roadbed. He had been assassi nated with a club." the motive, it is be lieved, being robbery. COAL IN THE WALDO HILLS FRAGMENTS BLOWN FROM UN DER HEAVY BOULDER! Discoverer Believes There Is Lots m .More to Be Had Front the Vicinity of the-Find. SALEM. Or., May 30. (Special.) While blasting a boulder out of the. county road near Macleay a few dayj. ago. W. A. Taylor uncovered frag ments of -coal, which burned freely when exposed to tne neat of the sun's rays concentrated by a lens. Mr. Taylor has not Investigated to find out what quantity of coal exists in that vicinity. This Jlscovery Is about four miles south of the place where Allap For ward found coal about a year ago. and is about four miles east ot the places where petroleum was found In wells at Pratum and the Minto school. The coal deposits are higher up In the WaUO Hills than the wells in which oil was found. Mr. Taylor is con fident that there Is a large area of coal deposits in the Waldo Hills. Mr. Forward sunk a well with a dia mond drill a year ago for the purpose of determining whether coal could be found under conditions which would warrant mining operations. His con clusion was that while the coal was of good enough quality, the strata were too thin to make mining profitable. At other places in the Waldo Hills the conditions may be more favorable. The coal found by Mr. Taylor was blown out from under a rock that weighed many tons. CLEANING UP CANAL ZONE Commission Will Pave Panama and Establishes Eight-Hour Day. WASHINGTON, May 30.-The Admin istration office of the Isthmian Canal Commission has received the following cablegram from Governor Magoon, at Panama: "B. J. Bonesteel died yesterday. S. P. Thomas. American employe at Gorgana, taken sick with yellow fever on the 25th. Executive committee adopted resolutions today providing for the paving of the streets of Panama City as indispensable to sanitation of the isthmus; also adopted resolutions fixing eight-hour day for la borers . and mechanics, commencing June 1." them by the For over half a century Ayer's Hair Vigor has been sold in every civilized land oa the face of the globe. Is iiofthis long, unbroken history of success f the. very best .-Kind of a ?U4e fey th J. C. Ayer Co.. LevriU. Xui. ATUL't'MAMAf AXILLA 7k the AYSRS PftI-lUr aautatfea' 'ATML'S C1SXSX rXCTOXAIr-FiK tawki. OF TABLE WATERS." Astoria Young Woman Falls Into Young's Bay. SINKS DESPITE EFFORTS Robert Broom Is DroAvned and Mar tin Olsen Nearly So While Trying to Reach Miss" Annie Seaborg. ASTORIA, Or.. May .30. (Special.) Memorial day. which was celebrated more generally in this city than ever before, was marred by the drowning of two people in returning from the services at Greenwood Cemetery, where several steamers took excur sions. Many -small boats accompanied the steamers. On the return trip the wind was brisk and in'passing through the Young s Bay railroad drawbridge a flshboat. .containing a party of six. struck one of the piers and Annie Seaborg was knocked overboard. Robert Broom and Martin Olsen, who were sitting beside her,- jumped over after her, but Broom was drowned be fore he could reach her and Olsen was just in reach of her when she sank. Olsen was so exhausted that another minute in the water would have caused his drowning also. Mi&s Seaborg was about J 8 years of age and Is a native of this city. Broom recently came to Astoria from the East, and was engaged in fishing. Neither of the bodies ha- been recovered. SEES SEATTLE MAN GOING TOO FAST IX HIS AUTO. Policeman Passenger Escapes, as He Had Just Gotten Out to Get His Lost Helmet. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 30.-(Special.) Mayor Balllnger today made the first ar rest he has caused since he-was inaugu rated as Mayor. He sent J. L. Cannon to the central station charged with violating the speed ordinance for automobiles. Patrolman W. D. Hubbard narrowly es caped arrest at the same time. He was riding with Mr. Cannon, but his hat blew oft. The machine was stopped to recover the headgear, and the Mayor, who had seen It dash past, placed Cannon under arrest for exceeding the speed limit. The peculiar working of fate resulted In Patrolman Hubbard's being credited with the arrest, though he was the most surprised man of the trio. Ex-President Byron May Die. BELLINGHAM. Wash., May 30. (Spe cial.) H. C. Byron, head of the Byron Grocery Company, and ex-president of the State Grocery Association, received probably fatal Injuries In a runaway ac cident this afternoon. He was driving a colt when the animal became frightened and overturned the carriage, throwing Byron violently to the ground. His, skull was crushed and his right arm and' sev eral ribs were broken. He is now un conscious and doctors fear that he may die. Your health depends upon the condition of your blood. Keep It pure by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla lypwii'fnifmiiiiiiniiiiimHii n'n We wish you would feel perfectly fret to write the Doctor at any time. Asfc bim.I anything you wish to know about your .hair. You will ob tain the best medical advice free, and no one will see your letter but the Doctor. Address, Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass. RESCUER IS LUST Testimonials? can furnish thousand. Here is one : testimonial? AYB84 AGSE cmuFr Mtiuil Utt.