Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 31, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE MOBNjyg QREGONIy, WEDNESDAY, 3AT 31, 1905.
President Roosevelt Speaks on
His Place in National
Life. - -
Memorial Day Address at "Unveiling
of Slocum's Statue' Need of
PreparationHoFight and '
of Good- Xavy.
XCT' YORK, May 30. In a stirrins ad
dress delivered at the unveiling of a bis
statue of General Henry VW. Slocum, in
Brpoklyn today. President Roosevelt ,paid
a splendid tribute to the njen who com
posed the Northern armies, but did not
forget those of the Southern hosts. Most
notable in his speech was an expression
of his hope that, as tbe Nation increased
In strength, there would come a corre
sponding increase in its sense of responsi
bility which would prevent its people
from either injuring or insulting other
people; his declaration that the surest
way for a nation to invite disaster is to
be opulent, aggressive and unarmed.
Significant, in the light of recent events,
was his assertion that "if our Navy is
good enough, we have a long career of
pcatc and prosperity before us, and
the only likelihood of trouble ever com
ing to us as a Nation will arise if we let
our Navy become too small or Inefficient.
A first-class .Navy, first-class, in point of
size, above all first-class In point of
efficiency 'of theTlridividual units, active as
units and In combination. Is the surest
and cheapest guarantee of peace. I
should think that any man looking at
what has .happened abroad and In our his
tory during the past few years must be
indeed blind If he cannot read that les
son clearly."
The President was in New York City
five hours, but during? that-time did not
put his foot in Manhattan, passing around
the island in a ferryboat to the Brooklyn
side of the East River, and after the
exercises returned in the same fashion.
The entire trip was without unhappy in-
clients. The President arrived In Jersey
City at 7:0S A. M.. and was met by a
committee of the Union League Club. He
traveled in a special car attached to a
regular train on the Pennsylvania road.
HeV was accompanied only by Secretary
Loeft and Dr. Stokes.
Alio Jtii L. uuaiui;u iv1
Brooklyn. There the party was met by
troop C and escorted to the Union League
clubrooms. Along the route flags were
flying and thousands of people lined the
streets. Mr. Roosevelt was constantly
acknowledging the enthusiastic reception
ndered Jilm. - Thousands 6f people were
in waiting .at the depot, but they had
only glimpses of the President. Breakfast
was served to a .party of 100, f ter which
there was a brief reception.
On leaving the Union League Club the
President proceeded between cheering
lines of people to the Plaza, where the
great bronze statue of General Slocum by
McMonnics was to be unveiled. Two great
stands facing the statue w.ere filled with
people. The . arrival, of the Presidential
party was signaled by the first of a
salute of 21 guns. Mayor McClellan greet
ed the President cordially and the crowd
gave him an ovation. The crowds burst
Into cheers as -G'enerai Daniel E. Sickles,
who fought with General Slocum, walked
en crutches toward the unveiling plat
firm". The General had to bo lifted al
most bodily up- the Steps.
The exercises at the unveiling began
with .an. invocation by the Right Rever
end Frederick Burgess, Episcopal bishop
cf Long'Island."1 Th."c- statue d.t General
Slocum was unveiled by Gertrude. Slo
tum. the-;47-year-oJd granddaughter of
General Slocum, anild'-the. cheers of
thousands. A salute of 13 guns was fired
as Miss Slocum drew aside .the- flags
which veiled .'the statue. The -presentation
of the statue was made by Park
Commissfoher Mike J. Kennedy, who
offered It to Mayor McClellan. " '
In accepting the statue Mayor Mc
Clellan made reference . to ' President
Roosevelt's own service as a soldier and
said that It was fitting that the Chief
Magistrate of the country, "himself a
gallant soldier," . should be present at the
unveiling of a .statue to one of the Na
tion's greatest heroes.
The crowds 'rose and stood bareheaded
while the . band played "The Star
Spangled Banner" -after the Mayor had
concluded - Ms' speech. As the last (note
cf the hynin""dfed away the President be
gan his address. He spoke for about 30
minutes. . .
Victory, tjjr 7tlRhteoune5.
Mr. Mayy, '.r Commissioner, and you. my
fellov-cltlsns.aud;a)ive all. you who took
part in the. -sreatufar in which, the man
whoe 8tatue"lt 'raised today won for hlm
celf and his country renown and honor. (Ap
plause.).; Day befor yesterday I listened to a ser
mon in which the pVeacher. dwelling upon
the exercises- o -be- held- throughout the
I nlon -today, prea'che'd on the text which
commemorates the altar raised by command
of Moses jta commemorate the-victory sained
lo the children of Israel over the wild
tribes of the divert .who sought'to bar their
march toward the promised land, wherein
Amalek came out of Israel, fought all day,
while Aaron and Hur -upheld the -hand of
Moses until, as night fell, the run went down
cn the. Israelites and they raised an altar
' i Jehovah. ;who stood as the exponent of
he principle for Mhich Israel warred; they
raised It to the people - of righteousness.
vMch. alone can Justify any war or any
t'rusgle. (Applause.)
And; 3r. Mayor, that in the thought that
developed In the excellent ' address to
which we 'have Just listened, that we may
today commemorate the treat victory, the
triumph :of' the 'cause of Union and liberty;
rot primarily because it was a victory, but
because it was a victory for righteousness
and the peace and the liberty and the eter
nal tplrjtuaF welfare of mankind. (Ap
p suse.)
I see before -me here men who won high
mor serylnp as comrades in arms of Gen
eral Slocum. and I know that there exUt no
men who will appreciate more' the fact that
now. 40 years after the war. the crownlns
'ltjmph of .what tfiey did is to be found in
tb fact that we havp genuinely reunited
country." a country ftf which the man who
wore the blue tretche out the hand, of
lcyal friendship" to' his. erstwhile foe. his
now devoted friend a"n fellow-countryman,
the man who wore the irra (Applau.
Bath Sides Freud of Unto a.
A short while Oreo X pasaed -through- the
preat State of Texsi. WhereVe r I stopped in
tnai great state I was greeted y represent
tauves of the Grand Arm-, marching side
by side with or Intermingled with men clad
in the, gray uniform that showed -that they
had fought in the armies )at the Confed
eracy, men who had tested one another's
worth on the stricken field; men who knew
each that the other had been ready wHen
the hour of supreme appeal came to show
his worth by his endeavors, and men who
now leave to their children and their chil
dren's children, as a heritage of honor for
ever, the memory of the great deeds don
alike by those who fought under Grant and
by those who fought under Lee; for we. be
cause of the very fact that the Union
triumphed, now have the right to feel a like
pride In the valor and devotion of those
who valiantly fought against fhe stars In
their courses, and those who finally saw
their efforts, their sufferings, crowned by
triumph. (Applause.)
Think or It, my fellow-countrymen!
Think of what a thrice-blessed fortune has
been ours that the greatest war that the
18th century aw after the close of the
Napoleonic struggles should have left, not
as most wars Inevitably do and must leave,
memories of bitterness, dishonor and sham
to offset the memories of glory, memories
which make the raep on one side hang their
heads, but which have not left that, but
have left to the victors and van
quished alike, after the temporary soreness
Is over, the same right to feel the proudest
satisfaction in the fact that the Union was
saved, and the greatest pride in the honor,
the gallantry, the devotion to the right, as
each side had given It the right to see, the
right done alike by those who -overcame as
victors and those who finally went down in
defeat. (Applause.)
Brave Soldier. Good Citizen.
. I congratulate the people of Brooklyn, not
primarily-upon raising this statue, because
they ought to. but upon the opportunity,
upon the chance of having it to raise. (Ap
plause.) I congratulate them upon the good
Statistics of the war loans Issued by Japan and Russia are appended, with
comparisons of the dally war expenses and of '-the public debts of both' nations.
Exclusive of loesca In material, and ships." it would 'appear that nearly. $737,000,000
'already has been expended by both countrfes in, carrying on' hostilities and . that the
war exptnses of Japan are about 203, 000.000 -less" than those of UutsJa. ' The
loans obtained by Japan are also $270,000,000 lees than thore"procured by Ruraia.
Date of loan Amount.
1904 (France). "5 per cent
Interest $160,000,000
1901 (Treasury). 3 per
cent Interest 75.000.00Q
1904 (Germany). 44 per
cent Interest. 12o.000.000.
1905 (France). 5 per cent
cent Interest 160.000.000
H05 (Internal), o per
cent Interest lOO.nQOjOOO
1005 (Germany), 5 per
cent interest 10D.000.000
Total loans S770.OO0.OOO
To be expended In Germany In con
structing war vessels.
Interest requirements annually,
about f3S.300.000.
Cost of the war daily, about
SI. 200.000.
TtusIa's total interest-paying debt
exceeds Japan's national debt by
According to the estimates of M.
Dm. the financial expert of the Echo
de Paris, the cost of the war to Itus
sla for the year nded February 14
last was S3C5.000.000. Figuring on
the same basis for the 105 days ?incc
olapsed, the war to date has cost
Russia (exclusive of ships and ma
terial destroyed) S47O.OO0.O00.
fortune of having the fellow-citizen who In
war and in peace alike served the people so
well a to make it their duty, not so much
to him as to themselves, to erect ,the statue
that It might serve as a lesion for the gen
erations to -come. (Applause.) And. my
fellow-cltixens. I am sure we all realize the
peculiar appropriateness of having the statue
of General Slocum received on behalf of the
City" of New York by Its chief magistrate,
whose father was General Slocum's illus
trious colleague. (Applause.)
Surely there Is need for me to say but lit
tle in -emphasis of what has been set forth
before I begin to speak of the prim gnltt
cance of General Slocum's career. He was it
great solder, a most gallant and able com
mander. Once the war was over, he turned
as -whole-heartedly to the pursuits of peace
as he had during the war turned to the
strife of arms. He was one of those men
on whose career we can dwell in its en
tirety. "We don't have to dwell with em
phasis on part of it because we do not care
to speak of another part. We are able to
point to General Slocum a that type of
what a decent American cltlren should be.
as a man who wai an example In his family
In life, an example in his buflncKi'relations.
honest and upright public servant, no less
than a fearless and able soldier.
Must Fight When Need Come.
Now 1 want all you people to remember
that two eides'of ' the lesson are taught by
General Slocum's life. A successful war for
unrighteousness is the most 'dreadful of all
things; it is the thing that sets back more
than aught else the course of civilization.
But no people worth preserving ever existed
nor will exist that was not able to fight if
the need arose. (Applause). And jso with
tb,e individual. The man who possesses great
ability and great courage unaccompanied
by a moral sense, a courage and ability un
guided by-the stern purpose to do what Is
Just and upright: that man is rendered by
the fact of having the courage and the abil
ity only so much the greater menace to the
community in which he unfortunately dwells.
(Loud applause.)
We cannot afford as a people ever to for
get for one moment that ability, farsighted
ness, Iron resolution, perseverance, willing
ness to do and dare, are qualities to be ad
mired only If they are put at the service of
the right, at the service of decency and Jus
tice. (Applause.) The man who possesses
those qualities and. does not shape his course
by a fundamental and unwavering -moral
principle is a menace to each and all of ua;
and thrice foolish, thrice wicked is -the-other
man who condonee his moral shortcomings for
hla Intellectual or physical strength and prow
ess. (Applause.) That Is' one side. Tte
'otlfcr side Is that no amount of good Inten
tion, no amount of sweetness In- life, no
amount of appreciation of decency, avail in
the least degree -in the rough work of the
world aa we find it. unless back of the hon
esty of purpose, back of the decency of life
and thought. He." the power that makes a
man. (Applause.)
Refcpect Other Nations.
It is true of the Individual and It is true of
the Nation. It Is to the last degree desirable.
I will put it stronger than that It ! abso
lutely essential that this Nation, If it la t:
hold the position in the future that it has.
held in the past, must act not only within but
without Its own borders in a spirit of Juitlce
and of large generosity toward all other peo
ples. (Apnlauee.)
We owe an obligation to ourselvea, we owe
those obligations to all mankind. More and
more as we increane in strength I hope to rt
i. corresponding Increase In the eober aense
of responsibility which shall prevent us either
Injuring or insulting any other people. , You
may notice that I say "insulting" aa well
as "injuring.' If there i one quality some
times shown among w which is not com
mendable, it is a habit of speaking loosely
about foreign powers, foreign .races. You do
not need, any of you, to be told that in pri
vate lite you will reent an insult quite as
much as an injury, and our public writers
need to keep steadily before their minds the
thought that no possible good can come to us
by epeaking offensively of anyone elae. (Ap
plause), and trouble may come.
The surest way for a Nation to invite disas
ter is to be opulent, aggressive and unarmea.
(Laughter and applause.) Now we are opu
lent, and I hope we will remain, so. I trust
that we shall never be aggressive units ag
gression Is not merely Justified, .but demand
ed. (Applause.) Demanded either by cur own
respect but by the interests of mankind, and,
finally, remember that to be aggressive, above
all, to be aggressive In speech and not to be
armed. Invites not merely disaster, but the
ccntempt of mankind. (Applause.)
Need of FIratrClaM Navy.
Brooklyn not only furnished valiant oldlers
to the. civil War. bwt U furnished In times
of peace a most excelleat Secretary ol the
Navy (pointing to General Tracy, on the plat
form) (applause.) If our navy Is good enough
we have a long career of peace before us (ap
plause), and the only likelihood of trouble
ever coming to us as a Nation will arise if
we let our navy become too small or inef
ficient. (Applause.)
A first-class navy, first class in point of
aixe. above all first-class ' In point of etfl- f
ciency of the individual unlta acting aa units
and in combination, is the surest and the
cheapest guarantee of peace; and I should
think that any man looking at what is hap
pening and what has happened abroad and
in our own history during' the past few
years must be Indeed blind if he cannot read
the lesson clearly.
Character Makes Mea aad Nations.
And General Slocum did his first great pub
lic service when the crisis called not pri
marily for the softer and milder, but for the
sterner and- harder virtues; and we cannot
afford In this day of material luxury. In this
day when civilization tends to make life easy,
we cannot afford to Ignore those hard and
stern virtues. In the work-a-day world as
It Is, not only In war but in private life, and
in public life alike, a man has to have the
strength of fiber or he cannot put into effect
even the best of his efforts, and he cannot
afford to: let th generation that is coming
up grow up with the feeling that any quality
will serve as a substitute for the old and
essential quality of manliness in a man and
womanliness In a woman, TApplause.) Much,
very- much, has been done In .this country by
education. Xo one can overstate the debt
that this country is under to the educators,
but In taking; advantage of all the improved
methods, let us not forget that there are
certain qualities which are not new. which
ar$ eternal because they are eternally true,
and the failure to develop which will cause
a loss which cannot be offset by any merely
Intellectual and mental gain. A sound body
is a first-class thing, a sound mind is an
even better thing, but th thing that counts
for most In the individual as In the nation
is character (Applause), the sum of those
of loan Amount.
1904 (Internal). 3 per cent
Interest S 1 40.000.000
1804 (Imperial govern
ment sterling loan); 6
per cent interest 110,000.000
1905 -(Internal). 6 per cent '
Interest 50,000.000
1803 (Imperial . govern
ment loan). 4H-per cent
Interest 1 130.000.000
1905 (New Joan issue
May 1). 5 per cent in
terest 30.000,000
Total loans S300.000.000
Interest requirements yearly, about
$25,000,000. .
Publlc debt "at the beginning of
1004. f2S3.000.000.
War expenses dally, about $850,000.
The figures that arc obtainable as
to Japanese expenses show that up
to the end of July last the first six
months of the war the outlay for
hostilities was $100,000,000. On the
same basis the cost for the ten
months since elapsed would be
about $1(17.000.000. making the total
war expenses to date $207,000,000.
Excess of Ru;Ian expenses over
those of Japan. $203,000,000.
Count Okuma informed the Asso
ciated Banks at Tokio last October
that. If the war should last for two
years more. Its cost would be between
fGOO.OOO.OOO and $650,000,000.
qualities which make a man a good man and
a woman a good woman.
What Nation Owes to Veterans.
And you men of the Civil War. you men to
whom this country owes, more thaw to any
others, no matter how great the services
of -those1 others may be. because to you this
country' owes Its life, you won the place you
did. you won for this country Its salvation,
because you had in you those qualities -which
In their aggregate we know by the name of
character, the qualities which made you to
put material gains, material Wcllbelng. not
merely below but Insignificant as compared
to thing that were greater than when the
crisis called for showing your manhood. You
went to the war. leaving those behind who
could make more money, who could rise In
the world, but carrying with you In your
hearts the honor and the future of a mighty
nation. You had. In the first place", the right
spirit and then you had the quality of mak
ing that spirit evident in the time of need.
If you had not had patriotism, devotion to
the country and the flag, you could have done
nothing. You could not have dohe much
more If your . patriotism and your devotion
to the flag had not been backed up by a
willingness to stay put in battle. (Applause.)
You showed In times that tried men's souls
what this country has a right to expect from
Its son. You had the supreme good for
tune of testlngyonr manhood In one of the
two great crlse of the Nation's history, the
great crisis In which the Nation was born lnr
the days of 1770 and the no le-s -great crisis
In which the Nation was saved by the men
or 1P61. (Applause.)
You have left us not merely a reunited
country, but you have left tw the glorious
heritage of the memory of the exploits of
the qualities, by which the country wab left
reunited. Our days have fallen, for us good
fortune. In times of peace. We have not had
to rhow the qualities that you showed In the
dark years that closed In the sunbuist of
Appommatox, but. if we are to leave un
dlmmed to our children the heritage that you
left us. we must show In pcaoe and, should
the need ever arise In war. also the quali
ties that you chowed. the qualities that make
It now the pleasantest of all tanks for a pub
lic servant who appreciates the greatness of
America to come on an occasion like thla and
fee the people of a great city dedicate a
monument In honor of a great citizen, who at
every point of his career illustrated what the
name American should be when It If used
In the sense of Its highest, its deepest and
Its best significance.
Speech to Men of Xnvy.
After the a'ddrcss Bishop McDonnell
delivered the benediction and the Presi
dent and party walked across the street
to the roiewinjr stand. There the Pres
ident and Mayor and officials reviewed
the Grand Aarmy parade and then they
made a hurried dash to the Naval Young:
Men's Christian Association. A rapid in
spection of the building was made, and
then the President delivered a 20-mInutc
address. The President said:
Officer and enllrted men of the United
States Navy, and you, friends of the Navy,
for If you are good Americans, you are noth
ing eUe I made up my mind today, though
many Invitations were extended to me. that 1
could not refa to come to this building and
meet you here. I don't have to tell you that
I believe with all my ' heart In the Navy of
the United State, and I believe in what
counts most In this Navy the officers and
enlisted men. the man behind the gun, the
man In the engine-room, the man In the con
ning tower, the man. wherever he Is. who la
doing his duty.
Too much cannot be said to Impress on
you the all-Important work you are doing.
Even If you never go into battle, you create
a spirit that makes those coming after 'you
feel able to d their duty. The time of peace
la the time to make ready for war. I do not
think we will have any war if we have a good
enough Navy- Every first-class record you
make at target - practice Is a positive provo
cation to rcace.
The sailors cheered the President as
he finished his speech. He hastened to
board a ferry-boat for Jersey City. There
his car was attached to a Pennsylvania
Railroad express, and he left for Wash
ington at 10 P. M.
Great Turnout in New York.
NBW YORK. May CO. Memorial day
was favored by almost Ideal weather.
While the chief Interest centered In
Brooklyn, where President Roosevelt took
part In Memorial day exercises, the day
was observed In a mast elaborate way In
other sections. The Grand Army posts
of the boroughs of Manhattan and ' the
Bronx alone turned out 15,000 veterans to
take part In a parade.
Aside from the Memorial exercises there
were activities. In many quarters of tha
city Joday.
Mrs. Grimes Yes. the eleetricOlghts are
awfully nice, but they must cost you lots..
Mrs. Grant Of' course, they do cost a' good
deal: but 'then.' yeu know, a. bunch of
matches lasts so much leagc-r. Bste Trui-ecrlpt
Morton Will Become President
of New York Subway.
Secretary of Xavy Ends Trouble
Caused- by Santa Fe Rebates by
Securing Job With Same
Salary as Jloosevclt.
WASHINGTON. May 30.-(SpeciaI.)
Secretary bf the Navy Paul Morton,
whose intent to resign from the Cabinet
was announced recently, will become
president of the New York subway sys
tem at a salary equal to that of the
President of the United States. He will
remove tj New York City and assume
control of the subway transportation as
soon. as President Roosevelt releases him
and appoints his successor.
Mr. Morton has considered a number
of flattering offers from railroads, cor
porations and commercial enterprises
since the certainty of his withdrawal
from the Cabinet became known. Rumora
of his acceptance of various positions
have been circulated, but all proved un
true up to today, when it was announced
authoritatively that he had accepted the
Presidency of the subway at a salary of
$50,000 a year and with a contract for a
Ions term of years.
.May Retire Before July.
It has long been understood that Presi
dent Roosevelt would permit Mr. Morton
to retire from the head of the Navy De
partment this Summer. He Is anxious
to withdraw from public life. and. al
though the President wishes to retain
his valuable services as long as possible,
he will not permit his personal prefer
ence to stand In Mr. Morton's way. He
probably will name a new Secretary of
the Navy before the end of June, and
then Mr. Morton will be free to enter
on his new work immediately.
nebate Case Xot the Cause.
While both Mr. ilorton and President
Roosevelt have suffered considerable em
barrassment over the Secretary's former
connection with the Santa Fe, which road
now Is the subject of Federal Inquiry, It
has been denied that this had anything
to do with the retirement. Mr. Morton
was with the Santa Fc when the al
leged rebates to shippers were given, and
the Investigation of these has been the
President's first big move In his railway
rate fight.
(Continued from Plrt Paze.)
on board the Almaz to learn news of the
The story was short. According to the
officers of the Almaz. "the. fleet under Ro-.
Jestvenaky met the Japanese In the Strait
of Corea, near Tsit Island, and thd oppos
ing fleets Immediately closed in. Being
lightly armored, the Almaz had been or
dered by Admiral Rojcstvensky before tho
battle to separate from the fleet at the
first opportunity, and it headed for Vladi
vostok soon after the commencement of
the action, but not too soon to observe
that the losses on both sides in the Titanic
combat were great.
Early in tiio battle an officer of the
Almaz. while watching Rojestvensky's
flagship, the battleship Knlaz Souvaroff.
for a signal, saw the flagship shudder
from stem to stern, as If under a blow
from a giant hammer, and hesitate In
her course, while the wave3 rose high
from her armored sides. Then she com
menced to list and sink.
The officers believe that the debut of
the submarine boat as an effective agent
in naval warfare, or perhaps a large
mine, caused the disaster to the Knlaz
Souvaroff. The damage, however, was so
extensive that the flagship soon went
down, leaving the deck officers and many
of the crew struggling in the waves.
One of the Russian torpedo-boats, cither
the destroyer Bulny or the Bravi. ran in
and picked up a number of the swimmers,
one of whom was recognized through a
flash as Admiral Rojestvcnsky.
Under a gruelling attack by the Japan
ese warships, aided by torpedo-boats,
mines and submarines, the Borodino, Os
Uabla and Orel were placed out of action
and followed the flagship to the bottom.
Japanese Ships Sank in Fop.
The fog. which had risen and lowered
Intermittently during the morning, began
to sejtle down again, and the distance of
the Almaz, .which had now succeeded In
disengaging herself In the combat from
the struggling ships, made it difficult for
her to see clearly, but the officers are
positive that they saw two Japanese bat
tleships disappear beneath the sea before
their eyes, and that two Japanese cruis
ers appeared on the point of sinking.
The arrival of the Grozcny at 11 o'clock
today was marked by the same scenes of
excitement as those which characterized
the advent of the Almaz.
The correspondent of the Associated
Press visited the wounded commander of
the destroyer. Captain Andriffsky, at the
hospital, and the Captain confirmed the
details given by the officers of the Almaz.
He described his combat as a running
fight, in which the Grozeiy was engaged
for several hours, finally sinking the pur
suing Japanese destroyer..
St. Petersburg Dispatch Reiterates
He Reached Vladivostok Woundctl.
LONDON, May SO. A dispatch from SU
Petersburg to Reuter's Telegram Com
pany, repeats the Information sent by the
Associated Press that Admiral Rojest
vensky arrived at Vladivostok on board
the torpedo-boat destroyer Bulny at 6 P.
M.. May 29. It adds that the Admiral is
seriously wounded in the head, back and
Blown Up Just as Crew Was Taking
to Boats.
TOKIO. May 30. (Noon) A warrant
officer of the Russian repair ship Kamt
chatka. who landed at Moji says:
"Our fleet entered the Straits of Corea
numbering: 36 vessels. .The Karatchatka
received several shots and was partly dls-
abfed. Finally a. shot sfraeVa'vItarpart
and 6 men entered boats. When, thay
were nearly clear, a great explosion oc
curred and the ship sank.
"The Captain' and seven other offlcers
were killed during the battle. Two officers
were wounded and two jumped overboard.
Three other officers were drowned.
"We could see our battleships to the
northward enveloped by the Japanese.
Seemingly they were badly damaged."
Remnants of Aramda Go to Woosung
and Shanghai.
NAGASAKI, May 29 (11 A. M.).-(De-layed
In transmission.) The -British
steamer Athenian reports that on the af
ternoon of May 2S she parsed a Russian
converted cruiser, proceeding in the direc
tion of Shanghai.
NAOASATfr ATav 5ft 11 A f TV.
f - .. Aug i
Russian war vessels seen and reported by !
me occidental & Oriental Company's
steamer Doric, which has arrived here,
were the Izumrud. a cruiser of th Aumra
class, and a gunboat, probably the Kaz- I
araky. The latter was leaking. Fighting !
continues off Oklno Island.
SHANGHAI, May 30. The report
that a Russian cruiser has arrived at '
Woo Sung- is inoorrect. The Russian '
transport Korea arrived there this
morning, apparently from the Straits j
of Corea, with a big shot hole In her
sldo and her 'boats shot away. The I
Russian scaboat Swcr has already ar- I
rived at Woo Sung from Jibutil. French I
WASHINGTON. May 30. The.Ameri
can Consul at Shanghai has reported to
the State Department that the con
verted cruiser Smolensk Is at Woo
Commander of Army Reports Story
Told by Almaz.
peror has received the following dispatch
from Lieutenant-General LInlevItch, dat
ed May 29:
"The cruiser Almaz has arrived at
Vladivostok. Her commander reports as
" 'On May 27. Vlce-Admlral Rojestven
sky's fleet in the Tsu Strait engaged the
Japanese In battle. During the day we
lost the battleships Knlaz Souvaroff. Bor
odino, Osllabia and the cruiser Urcl. The
battleship Alexander III was seriously
damaged at the start of the battle. After
the separation of the cruiser Almaz from
the fleet, the battle was renewed In the
darkness. The result of the night battle
Is not known. The Almaz was cut off
from the fleet and reached Vladivostok.'
"Supplementary reports of the comman
der of the Almaz, forwarded by the post
commandant at Vladivostok, state that
the battleship Kamtchatka was seriously
damaged. The Almaz had Lieutenant
Michael and four sailors killed and fen
sailors wounded. There Is no news as to
those who were saved or those who per
ished on the sunken warships."
Finishes Nearly a Day Behind Amer
ican Yacht Atlantic.
LONDON, May 30. The German yacht
Hamburg finished at 7:21 P. M.
Captain Peters, of the Hamburg, reply
ing to a megaphoned message, said he
had a splendid voyage and had not met
with" ahy mishaps. He had good winds
and met with only one gale.
Kockhill Arrives at His Post.
NBW YORK, May 30. W. wi Rockhlll. 1
the newly appointed American Minister,
and his party arrived at Pekln Monday, .
according to a Herald dispatch from the
Chlneso capital.
About What You Eat.
When it comes to food, demand to
know the facts about what goes into
your stomach.
Not only that it Is pure but that you
are not deceived In the description of Its
contents and conditions. Some flaked
breakfast foods that have thus far failed,
are now being advertised in close Imita
tion of the Grape-Nuts advertising,
thinking In that way to finally make a
success of the failure.
But false statements of the merits of
human food will never on earth build up
a business. These flaked food are not
pre-dlgested. They are not fully cooked
and the starch In them is starch still and
lias not been turned to sugar as claimed.
Chemical analysis tells the truth and
the analysis of the famous chemists of
the world show Grape-Nuts the only pre
pared breakfast food in which the starch
part of the wheat and barley has been
transformed Into sugar and therefore
ready for immediate digestion. Why is
this true? All the thin rolled flake
foods are made by soaking the grains of
wheat or oats in water, then rolling, dry
ing and packing. These operations do
not cook or prc-digest the starch.
Contrasted with this pretense, observe
the care, method and skill in making
The barley Is soaked about one hun
dred hours, then it Is slowly warmed for
some days and sprouted, the 'dastase
being developed and part of the starch
turned to sugar, (and later on all of It),
then the grains are baked and the sprouts
stipped off. Then comes grinding, sift
ing and mixing with the creamy colored
flour made from white and maccaroni
wheat. This mixture must be skilfully
made in right proportions. This blended
flour contains just the Ingredients de
manded by Nature to rebuild the soft
gray substance in the nerve centers and
brain, but how to make the food easy to
digest, that was the question.
It certainly would not do to mix in
drugs, for there is a certain failure sure
to come to the person depending on
drugs to digest food. They may do for a
temporary expedient, but pure food and
digestible food is the only final resort
and safe way. So to change the remain
ing starch part and prepare the other
elements In this blended flour it is made
up into massive loaves like bread, the
inside being dark cream color and quite
sticky to the touch. These loaves are
sliced and again go through long cooking
at certain temperatures. Then the rock
hard slices are each one carefully In
spected and ground ready for packing
and use, having gone through 10 or 12
hours In the different operations.
When finished, each little granule will
show a sparkling -substance on Its
surface. A magnifying glass will bring
it out clearer and develop little pieces
of pure dextrose sugar, not put on "or
poured over" (as the head of a large
sanitarium once stated in his paper, thus
exposing his appalling Ignorance of food
processes) but this sugar exudes from
the Interior of each as the starch Is
slowly turned to sugar in the process of
manufacture. This kind of sugar is ex
actly like what is found In the human in
testines, provided the starch of the
grains, potatoes, bread, rice, cake, etc.,
etc.. has been perfectly digested. But
many are weak In that form of di
gestion and yet need the starches, so
Grape-Nuts supplies them . pre-dlgested
and ready to go quickly Into the blood.
Visitors are shown freely through the
works and, can follow the steps of mak
ing Grape-Nuts' from the grain to the
finished product. The proportions, of
different kinds of flour, and the tem
peratures are not disclosed and it seems
Impossible for others to steal these
secrets of the makers. But purity,
cleanliness and skill are shown In every
corner of the Immense pure food fac
tories. People who care Tor results from
choicely selected faod. those who "want
the food to rebuild the soft gray sub
stance In brain and nerves that give the
go. the vigor, the- life, will understand
why the imitators who try to copy the
announcements about Grape-Nuts have
failed in he past.
There's a reason for Graoe-Nuta and a
L .profound one.
feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and
fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror
of childrbirth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend,
a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders
pliablo all the parts, and
assists nature in its sublime
work. By its aid thousands
of women have passed this
ereat crisis in perfect safetv
and without pain. Sold at $1.00 per
bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless
value to all women sent free. Address
The Cascades and Colonnade of States From the St.
Louis World's Fair Reproduced at the Portland
Exposition On the Trail.
This wonderful and magnificent attraction was the crowning feature of the Lou
isiana Purehaie Erposition and called forth the admiration of millions who attended
the Fair. It is beyond description. Tne tn sat waterfalls and electrical display
are marvelous. It is reproduced by the Cascades Concession Co.. who also have
the creat Baltimore Fire and the Wild White Swan concessions. These conces
sions were made to be shown at Atlantic City, but were secured by the Xwls
and Clark Exposition for Portland, and will without question prove to be the
three fradinz attractions on the Trail. Sir. W. F. 'Williamson, the president
of the company. Is the owner of the bljy Hamilton Hotel, in St. I.ouK and has
spared no expence to make these attractions the "Three Blj Attractions on th
Quality versus Quantity
One reason why Pommery Champagne maintains its popularity
with those who demand the best of wines, is that the Pommery stand
ard of quality is never lowered in order to join the race for quantity.
Stop ttchlajr of
Metro's Herpici
Tfci CrlilMl Hidify ihit "klllt tha liatatt Eirm"
The -woman -xlth homely features will not
lack attractiveness If her head Is crowned
Dmz Stsres. SI.OQ. Send 10c, stasif:, ti HEflPICIBE C3., Sept. H. D sir sit. Wish., Ur t Siae:
Appllcatloas at Prominent Barber Shops.
w guarantee a cure In every case we undertake or charge no fee. Consulta
tion freLetrs confidential: Instructive BOOK FOR IIE' mailed free in plat
We cure the worst cases of plies In two or three treatments, without operation.
Cure guaranteed.
If you cannot call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment successful.
Office hours. 9 to 5 and 7 to 1 Sundays and holidays. 10 to 12.
Offices in Van-Koy Hotel. 52 Third st.
cor. Pine. Portland. Or. cured. No failure.
YOUIVU MtiX troubled with night omisiuns, drettma, exhausting drains,
bashfulness, aversion- to society, wmcn deprive you of your manhood, UJfFJT
MIDDLLi-AGEO 3USV, who from excesses and strains have lost the)r
BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, Sypnllls, Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine.
Gleet. Stricture. Enlarged Prostate, Sexual Debility. Varicocele, Hydrocele. Kid
ney and Liver troubles cured without MERCURY ok otheb hoisonixu
DRUG8. Qatarrh and rheumatism CURED.
Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific He uses no patent nos
trums tir riady-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical
treatment. 'His liew Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who de
scribe their trouble. PATIENTS cureJ at home. Terms reasonable.' All Fetters
answered In -plain envelop. Consultation frea and sacredly confidential. Call
on or- address . 3
DR. WALKER T81 First Street, Corner Yamhill, PorilantVO
Is k& jojr ef the household, for witKamt
it no happinesf can be complete. Hew
sweet the picture of mother an4 babe,
angels smile at and commend, tha
thoughts and aspirations of the mother
bending over the cradle. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother must pass, how
ever, is so full of danger and suffering' that
she looks forward to the hour when she shall
the scalp Instantly.
with an abundance of beautiful hau But.
on the other hand, the finest contour o
female face losas much of its attractive
ness if the hair is scanty or looks dis
eased. The dandruff microbe causes dull,
brittle or lusterless hair. Tvlth later dan
druff, itching scalp and railing hair. 2fw
bro's Herplcide destroys this enemy of
beauty and permits the hair to rrow as
nature Intended. A delightful hair dreasr
ln. Gives wonderful results. No-oll or
We treat successfully all private- ner
vous and chronic diseases of men. alas
blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidnay and
throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS
(without mercury) to stay cured forever.
In SO to 60 days. We remove STRIC
TURE, without operation or pain. In IS
Wa stop drains, the result of selfrabuae.
Immediately. We can restore the sexual
vigor of any man under 50 by means of
local treatment peculiar to ourselves.
We Cure Gonorrhoea
In a Week
The doctors of this Institute are all
reguiar graduates, have had many yeaxa
expemn.e. have been known In Portland
for 15 years, have a reputation to main
tain 4 will undertake no case unless
certain cure can be effected.
Twenty Years of Success
In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver,
kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, dlar
inoea, dropsical swellings. Bright's disease, etc
Kidney and Urinary
Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or
bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Diseases of the Rectum
Such as piles, nstula. lbssure. ulceration, mucous, and
S. bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or
Diseases of Men
Cure guarantee!.