Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 31, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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Details of Great . Exposition
Enterprise Are Now '
Between Forty-Five and Sixty Thou
sand Is the Conservative Esti
mate ,of , .First Day's At
tendance at the Fair.
Tomorrow the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion will open, its gates to the world. The
opening ceremonies and all the details of
starting the great enterprise, which
means the greater upbuilding of the Pa
cific Northwest, have been worked out on
a careful and effective basis. The Fair
will have the added advantage of com
parative completion. Statistics show that
no previous world's fair has been able to
pass from the pre-exposition period with
all parts so nearly done.
Every person connected with the Expo
sition, in position great or small, is put
Ing energy into the final work, the vast
ness of which can hardly be appreciated
by the outsider. Fortunately, it is point
ed out, this display of activity does not
come at the last moment In the form of
a spasmodic effort to finish up neglected
work. The work being dealt with Is that
of the present. No department has al
lowed its routine affairs to lag.
Exposition Will Be Ready.
What the thousands of people who go
out to attend the big opening demonstra
tion in the morning will see is an Expo
sition that is ready for them. They will
find all buildings ready, nearly all amuse
ment, features ready, and the only hiatus
-will be found in the exhibit palaces and
This uncompleted portion, represented
by an Insignificant feature of less than 10
per cent, is a mere matter of installing
exhibits provided by domestic and foreign
participants. Their booths are done, and
if there are a few bolts of silk not yet in
place, or a couple of pieces of statuary
are yet in their crates, the result can
hardly be observed by the visitor. For to
all intents and purposes the Portland Ex
position is ready.
The Exposition yesterday was the scene
of hustle and bustle. Today the scene
will be even more enlivening, for what is
yet to be done before opening must be
accomplished today and tonight. Work
will not be allowed tomorrow after the
breaking of day. Final details of grading
were finished yesterday, and last evening
it was announced that, so far as the
grooming of the grounds Is concerned, or
the, retouching of landscape, the Exposl--XjjtaAnagement
has nothing more to do.
By Sight All Will Be Done.
By night the big task of preparation
will have been done away with. Every
member of the Exposition force will re
ceive full instructions about the part he
Is to fulfill Jn carrying out the scheme
Vf "opening and of handling the tremen
dous crowds that will be in attendance.
Special provision will be made for the
handling of big crowds. Every gate will
be open. The greater percentage of the
throngs will pass through the main en
trance, where about' a dozen persons a
second can be passed Into the grounds.
The crowd Is to be thoroughly policed.
Besides detachments of soldiers who will
prevent undue crowding, there will be a
force of about 60 detectives on the alert
for known thieves who may appear. Chief
Hunt will also have every available mcm
her of the Police Department on duty.
Estimates of the probable attendance
vary, but the best-founded estimates
would seem to be those between 45,000 and
'CO.OOO. Several thousand visitors are al
ready in the city and today the number
will be supplemented greatly. By tonight
it Is believed there will be between 6000
and 10.000 strangers ii Portland.
Many hundreds sougnt admission to the
grounds yesterday, not knowing of the
order excluding the public that there
might be no interference with the prog
ress of the work. Only those with passes
were allowed inside the gates, and only
those who had official business within the
grounds were supposed to have passes.
City Is Decorated.
The city, too. has' begun to look as it
it were ready for the opening day. Many
'decorations made their appearance on the
various business houses yesterday. It
would seem, however, that the number of
decorations is small, and, as Exposition
officials have suggested, there should be
no Business house or residence In the city
without decoration tomorrow morning.
In the decorations that appeared yes
terday It was observed that the official
Lewis and Clark colors were quite promi
nent. This flag and the stars and stripes
are regarded as the Ideal decorations.
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Tonight the final electrical tests will be
made at the Exposition. About 73.000 in?
candescent lights will be turned on and
three brilliant searchlights will add to
the brightness of the scene. The elec
trical work is in excellent condition at
this time and the Fair crowds will be able
to witness this brilliant feature of the
Exposition at its best on the opening
night of the Fair.
Boys From Agricultural College Ar
rive and Pitch Their Tents.
Led by a band of SS pieces 300 sturdy
young Americans, composing the cadet
corps of the Washington Agricultural
College, arrived in Portland yesterday at
6:30 o'clock from Pullman, Wash. After
leaving the cars the cadets fell Into line
and In true military style marched to the
Exposition, where thej went into camp
across the railroad track from the river
entrance to the Fair grounds.
The members of the Washington Ag
ricultural -Corps are all fine looking
young men and present a military ap
pearance. It Is said to be one of the
very best drilled cadet corps In the
United States. The camp is well located,
and the tents are pitched on wooden floors
in military formation. The cadet corps
participates in the opening day parade.
The officers of the Washington Agrlcul.
tural College Corps are:
Commandant of cadets. Captain Edward
KImmel. United States Artillery Corps;
Major Roy G. Adams, commanding bat
talion; Adjutant, Captain Arthur Hooker;
Quartermaster, Captain Walter M.
Stephen; Commissary officer. Captain C.
C. Todd; police officer. Captain W. L.
McLean: signal officer. First Lieutenant
E. D. Icfcles; company officers: Captain
Willis C. Knight, First Lieutenant M.
E. Cheney, Second Lieutenant J. M. Lll
llgren; Captain J. H. Fulton. First Lieu
tenant F. Spurgeon. Second Lieutenant
C. A. W. Dawson; Captain H. C Todd,
First Lieutenant P. C. Clark. Second Lieu
tenant R. E. Bryant; Captain C. R. La
rue, First Lieutenant T. O. Morrison,
Second Lieutenant A, R. Bottcher; First
Lieutenant C. R. D. S. Oakford.
The corps will remain here until Mon
day and will participate In a competi
tive drill with the cadet corps of the Ore
gon Agricultural College on either Fri
day or Saturday of this week.
Government Building Looks Magnifi
cent When It Is Illuminated.
, For the first time the Exposition build
ings, including the magnificent Govern
ment structure, were lighted up last
night, producing an electrical effect never
before equaled in the West. Wbe scene
from the Lakevlew terrace was particu
larly beautiful, as if furnished an unsur
passed view of the Government building
as it stood on the other side of the lake
outlined by the thousands of electric
lights with which it Is fairly studded.
The view of the Illumination of the Ex
position Is equally beautiful either
from the Government building as the
Lakeview terrace. From the Peninsula
every building of importance can be dis
tinguished at night when the lights are
turned on. The view from the terrace
overlooking the lake shows the Govern
ment building, the Trail, Bridge of All
Nations, the submarine lights and the
several large searchlights that are located
on the Peninsula.
The wiring of the Government building
was perfect, as no defects could be fourid.
The lights were turned on last night on
the Government building for about an
hour. The rest of the Exposition build
ings have been lighted every night this
week. The work of Installing the lights
on the buildings Is complete and there
are only three or four state buildings that
have not been connected. They are all
ready and by tonight there will not- be
a structure in the Exposition grounds
that Is not In readiness for the opening
Contains Pieces of Historic Wood
Given by Pioneer Society.
The gavel which President H. W. Goode
tomorrow at noon will grasp In his right
hand and strike against the table on the
ceremonial platform, announcing at the
same time that the Lewis and Clark Ex
position is -open to the world, arrived
yesterday. It is a present from the Ore
gon Pioneer Society and was manufac
tured from 13 different kinds of wood,
many of the pieces of material being
very aluable as historical relics.
The gavel contains splria cut from the
site of the Lewis and Clark Exposition
In 1902; cedar from the Wan-Chung Moun
tain near New Jersey; wood from the
Philippine Islands: red fir which was a
piece of the red fir slab dug up at the
site of the first sawmill of the Pacific
Coast, which was situated only six miles
from Vancouver. Wash.; apple wood of
a tree grown from a seed brought from
London to Vancouver In 1K5; wood from
the United States frigate Constitution;
wood from the spoke of a wheel of a
wagon driven by Abijah Hendricks from
Missouri to Oregon In 1S43; teak grown
in Asia taken from the Beaver, which was
the first-steamer to enter Oregon waters
In 1S35; yew cut at Charapoeg; Oregon
grape; New England whlje pine taken
from" the sea chest of Captain Robert
Gray of the ship Columbia, which entered
the Columbia River in 1792; pine ash from
Marion County; wood from Independence
Everything in- Readiness at Big
Building on Island.
The United States fish-car will arrive
from The Dalles today with several hun
dred salmon and lamprey eels for the live
fish exhibit. More than 50,000 black spot
ted trout eggs were received from Ne
vada yesterday and have been placed in
the hatching trays, 15,000 of them in the
main fisheries building and the remainder
In the hatching annex. As It takes bitt
35 days for these eggs to hatch, visitors
will have the opportunity of witnessing
the full process of artificial propagation
of fish.
The keyboard of the chimes was placed
in the Government building yesterday and
saveral expert operators worked several
hours to tune the chimes. Everything on
the peninsula is now in actual readiness
for the opening day. The Government
officials who worked so assidlously -to
complete the building In time are now
awaiting Thursday with great artlcipa
tion. This afternoon all the visitors will be
excluded from the Government buildings
and the brasswork given the final polish
ing before opening. The operators for the
cartridge machines and coin and. currency
presses arrived from Washington yester
day. The operators of the cartridge ma
chines are all girls.
Party Includes the Mcmters of His
BOISE. Idaho, May CO. (Special.) Gov
ernor Gooding, accompanied by a party
Including members of his staff, left- to
day for Portland, to be present at the
opening of the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion. In the" party, in addition to Gov
ernor and Mrs. Gooding are:
C. A. Elmer, the Governor's private sec
retary; Miss Lydla Cox, General and Mrs.
Vlckers, Colonel S. E. Myer, Lieutenant
Colonel and Mrs. John McBIrney, Lieutenant-Colonel
Blbbey, Major Harry
Worthman, and Captain Joseph Spelgl.
.Rushing "Yorkvon the Trail.
Determined to be in condition to receive
the immense throngs of people that will
visit the Exposition grounds tomorrow,
work is being rushed with all possible
rapidity on the Trail Last night the
Trail presented a busy scene, with large
gangs of men cleaning up the waste ma
terial and the painters and decorators
putting the last finishing touches on the
structures occupied by the various at
tractions. There are only two or three
of the shows that will not be ready.
Launches and Gondolas.
The tralnload of electric launches, gon
dolas and other types of pleasure craft
are now being unloaded and launched In
Guild's Lake at the Exposition grounds.
The fleet consists of GO boats, about 25
of -which arc electric launches. To handle
the boats will require fully 40 men. who
have had experience at other expositions.
Jackson Exhibit Is Shipped.
MEDFORD. Or.. May .T0.-(SpecIaD
Hon. J. D. Olwell left this evening for
Portland to place the Jackson Count?
exhibit in position at the Lewis and
Clark Exposition. The exhibit was
shipped today.
George W. Hazen an Aid.
Colonel E. Z. Stecver, grand marshal
of the opening day parade, yesterday ap
pointed as one of his aids Lieutenant
Colonel George W. Hazen, of Governor
Chamberlain's staff.
Appointed Secretary to Reed.
J. X. Dolph has been appointed an as
sistant to Secretary Reed, of the Lewis
and -Clark Exposition. He will also be
attached to the general press bureau.
Tho Great Baltimore Fire, Baltimore
in flames, the fire-fighters, etc., on the
Overcharges to Guests Will
Not Be Tolerated; .
Concessionaires Become Alarmed at
Proposed Exorbitant Rates Al
leged to Be In Contempla
tion and Meet Goode.
At a largely attended meeting of con
cessionaires and exhibitors last evening,
letters from Mayor Williams and Presi
dent Gojde, as well as the 'statements of
Secretary . Reed, of the Lewis and Clark
Exposition, concerning high prices and'
kindred subjects, was generally discussed
and approved. It seems that the conces
sionaires, many of whom have had large
experience at other expositions, had be
come alarmed at the situation in Port
land, and, desiring to prevent a recur
rence of the Injuries and setbacks en
countered by previous expositions, had
asked that preventive measures be taken
by the Exposition authorities.
It had come to their knowledge that
certain agencies, after being- instrumental
In putting up prices and securing numer
ous rooms to accommodate the overflow
from hotels, had become aldrmed at the
prospect of ruinous competition, and
had promised many down-town residents
that they would, for a consideration, fill
all their rooms at hotel rates, say Ji a
day. and put several persons In each
room. This had the effect of causing an
enormous advance m prices, and was the
means of causing many persons to notify
their roomers and boarders either to va
cate or face a material increase in rat,es
for their rooms.
It had also come to the knowledge of
those present that another agency was
endeavoring to secure the control of rooms
at low prices with the intention of in
creasing the rates to whatever figure the
traffic would bear to visitors, and the
action of these concerns in the estima
tion of the concessionaires and exhibitors
had a tendency to keep visitors away,
or, at all events, greatly curtail their stay
here. .
Several of the speakers had attended
all of the Important expositions of this
country and Europe, and gave some In
teresting facts upon the subject, referring
in very forcible terms to- the serious in
jury likely to follow the foolish course
of greedy landlords, and-grasping hotel,
boarding and rooming-house proprietors.
Their action In this respect has Invari
ably had a tendency heretofore to cause
visitors and the traveling public to be
lieve that any city where an exposition Is
held Is a good place to stay away fromt
hence, since the Chicago World's Fair the"
opening attendance has been of the di
minishing character.
The first months of an exposition, it
was claimed, had always been of the
trials and tribulations order, simply be
cause the people of the country had re
fused, to be held up, and had remained
away upon the slightest intimation of ex
orbitant charges. This was alleged to
have been the case at Omaha, Buffalo,
St. Louis and all the smaller expositions.
One of the speakers told of the griev
ous disappointment of hundreds at St.
Louis and Buffalo who provided accom
modations that were seldom used, and
stated that the few who made good
money were those who charged from o
cents to $t a day at the start, thereby
obtaining a reputation that spread with
beneficial effects.
Body 3Iust Report to the Presiding
Judge Next Saturday.
The county grand Jury did not hold a
regular session yesterday. It being a legal
holiday. The members, however, met In
formally and discussed some, matters and
made preparations for work to come. Sat
urday next Is the last day of the present
term of court, and the grand jury must
adjourn on that date and present Its final
report to the presiding judge of the State
Clrqult Court. Following the Instructions
given by Judge Frazer, the grand jury
has inquired into rumors of bribes of
fered to or paid to members of the Com
mon Council In connection with the new
telephone franchise, street and bridge
contracts and.qther public matters?. The
members also viewed the fills made in
South Portland. Whether the Investiga
tions will in any indictments re
mains to be seen. 'It is known that some
of the evidence was- mere hearsay. Dis
trict Attorney Manning toys he does not
know what the outcome will be and also
that he is not permitted to disclose any
Information he may possess. He says he
thinks there may be some Indictments.
The new Hotel Oregon, corner Seventh
and Stark streets, has hot and cold run
ning water and long-distance telephones
In every room.
A Matter
of Health
There is a quality in Royal
Baking Powder which makes
the food more digestible and
wholesome. This peculiarity
of Royal has been noted by
physicians, and -they accord
ingly endorse and recom
mend it;
Pronounced Greater Than Hagen
hack's Two Hours of Splendid
Educational Entertainment.
The -Trail is the fairyland section of
the Lewis and Clark Exposition, but the
most costly,, picturesque and Imposing
facade is that of Jabour's Trained Wild
Animal Arena. It is the admiration of
Mr. George Jabour, the manager of this
superb attraction, sent a representative
to Europe to secure attractions i never
seen before in this country. These' he se
cured. Senor Arnaldo's troupe of performing
leopards and pumas has never been
equalled in any country-
Mme. Canahac. the quecnof French
trainers, defies death at every perform
ance of her wonderful trained Hons, hy
enas, wolves, bears and leopards, as they
assemble at one time In the spacious
steel arena where they do their stunts be
fore returning- through a tunnel to their
Professor Winston's educated seal and
sealions- give a performance that will
astound even the old showman.
Due Alex Scarface's graduated goats
are said to know more than half the
Aldermen and the allegation has never
been denied. Barnum Brown's juvenile
bears attract no small amount of at
tention. But the greatest feature of the hour
is Professor Gilbert's talking pony. It
is the smallest horse In the world, weigh
ing less than 190 pounds. It has given spe
cial performances In the palatial parlors
of the wealth and refinement of Ameri
can and European social queens. Plca
nlnn the suggestive sobriquet of this
beautiful little black stallion, exhibits
an Intelligence that is almost human.
Mons. Canahac's celebrated wrestling
bear, a. giant of the Northland, will
wrestle all comers, barring no color nor
hold, not even jlu jltsu.
The programme at Jabour's . trained
Wild Animal Arena consists of twelve
numbers and makes two hours of most
enjoyable entertainment. Those who
have visited all the world's fairs and
are in a position to know claim that
Mr. Jabour's animal show is greater
than Hagenback's.
John Brown's Granddaughter Gives
Solo at Williams-Avenue School.
At the Williams-Avenue School Mon
day afternoon a pleasing patriotic
programme was rendered, but none of
the speakers detailed from the G. A.
R. attended. .The platform was decqr
ated with a great profusion of roses
and flags were suspended in the room.
It so happened that the old soldiers
who were 'detailed to go to Williams
Avenue School were sick and unable to
attend. Professor M. L. Pratt, princi
pal of the school, made a brief talk, in
which he said that the public schools
were the greatest civilizing agent In
the United States, and that foreigners
coming to the United States who "at
tended the public schools were quickly
assimilaed. A visitor at the school
responded in behalf of the absent G.
A. R., and remarked that the - vacant
chairs were significant of the time
when the G. A. R. would be no more.
A short programme of music and il
lustrated songs was given.
Mrs. Groves, a grand-daughter pf
John Brown, gave several fine selec
tions on the violin; including "The
Faded Coat of Blue." Professor Pratt
with the stereopticon Illustrated sev
eral patriotic songs. . The G. A. R. was
represented by two veterans who hap
pened to attend. A great profusion of
flowers was brought by the children.
At all the East Side schools and those
In" the suburbs details from the G. A.
R. attended and told the old story of
the war.
Wiy Be Guest or Sigma Chi at Re
union in Cincinnati.
By invitation Major T. C. Bell, of Sell
wqod. one of the founders, will attend
the reunion .of the Sigma Chi. to b.e held
June 27, at Oxford, near Cincinnati. O.
He will leave June 20. Major Bell. Judge
J. P. Coldwell, Rev. D. W. Cooper, D. D.,
and B. P. Rlmple are the four surviv
ors of these great Greek letter organiza
tions, founded at Oxford, O.. In 3S55. and
these four survivors are to be trans
ported at the expense of the organiza
tion to be Its guests during, its festivi
ties; which will Include a reunion on the
campus of the old college, banquet in
Cincinnati, an excursion to Oxford, and
a river excursion. There are 71 chapters
of the Sigma Chi, and its membership
runs up Into the thousands among the
Major Bell" promises to speak for Ore
gon at the reunion and banquet, where
he will be one of the guests of honor of
this great organization.
In August the Sigma Chi will hold a
province convention in Portland, with
delegates, from the members In the col
leges of Oregon, Washington, California,
Idaho and Nevada. Major Bell will give
such a glowing, picture of the beauties
and greatness of Oregon and the North
west at the banquet In Cincinnati in June
that it is thought that the memrs out
side of the Northwest will atteid the
Portland convention.
Demurrer to Orpheum Injunction.
A demurrer to the complaint in the
suit of the Orpheum Amusement- Com
pany against Charles H. Hunt, Chief
of Police, and the City of Portland, has
been filed in the State Circuit Court
by City Attorney McNary. The Or-
pheum Amusement Company dispute's
the right of the City Council to re- .
voke- two liquor licenses held by the
company and has hadv Chief of .Police
Hunt enjoined from causing arrests to
he made- of the officers of the company
or its employes for selling liquor with
out license. The injunction holds good
until the court has decided the case.
The demurrer filed by the City Attor
ney states that the complaint does' not
states facts sufficient to constitute a
cause of action. The demurrer will be
argued soon, and a decision upon -it
will doubtless determine the vital
points Involved in the suit. 1
Rockplle Gang Has Holiday.
The county rockplle prisoners were giv
en a holiday yesterday, -Mid' Jailer Graf
ton took advantage of the opportunity to
take photographs of prisoners whose
faces do not already adorn the rogue's'
gallery. Sheriff Word adopted the policy
several months ago of obtaining photo
graphs of all prisoners in his charge, and
other Sheriffs throughout the state are
doing the same thing. This was agreed
upon at a meeting of Sheriffs held In this
city. - These pictures and descriptions fa
cilitate the capture of escapes and are
useful in other ways. Sheriff Word also
takes measurements of prison'ers and a
record of marks and scars in accordance
with the Bertilllon method.