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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1905)
VOL. XLV. O. 13,877. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ROJESTVENSKY IS - TIEN PRISONER Severely Wounded, He Is in Togo's Hands. TWEHIY-TWQ SHIPS IRE LOST Togo Brings Story of His Vic tory' Down to Date. GATHERS IN FRAGMENTS Four Prizes Reach Ports in Japan, Two Only Slightly Damaged. None of Togo's Ships Is Seriously Injured. TOKIO, May 30. Admiral Togo haa rrlred Admiral Yasmmoto, Mlninter of the Bary, at follows: "The mala force or the. Raits laa rc oad and third fleets In nearly annihi lated. Please feel assured of It' TOKIO, May 30. (4 P. M.) It 1 how believed that four IlitKnlan warships, 1b addition to thone already reported lost, have been sunk by the Japaaese fleet. WASHINGTON. May 30. The official Japanese report on the? latest details of the great naval battle in the Gorean Straits Is made In - a cablegram re ceived tonight by the Japanese legation here from the foreign office at Tokio, conveying Admiral Togo's dispatches up to this afternooav The report says that Admiral Rojestvensky and another Ad miral and staff officers were taken pris oners on the sinking of Rojestvensky's flagship Knalz Souvaroff, Saturday night south of Urleung Island, off the Corean coast. The total number of vessels lost to the Russians, 'according to AdmlralM Toco, now Is 21 and he adds that, al- i though the full particulars- are not yet ! vtk. " direct by the, correspond in, none of the Japanese ships was serljj n oth Atfll$&svho3x .i,. ," . ' rr? ports Jthe arrival there of" the pro -(w?" .V ; ; . t Uitiaiuu kil Lilt; jaiducrc litri. ua uvci 400. The report that the armed cruiser Dimltrl Donskoi ran aground on Urleung Island: that the battleships Osliabia (al ready admitted by the Russian Admiralty) and the Navarin were sunk; that the battleship Sissol Veliki went to the bot tom Sunday morning; that the coast de fence sWp Admiral Oushakoff was sunk after a vigorous pursuit, her crew being rescued, and gives other detail as to vessels sunk or disabled. The Japanese Admiral Misu was slightly wounded. The protected cruiser Almaz. which has al ready arrived at Vladivostok, is referred to In the report as "suspected to have sunk." The cablegram follows: Two Ships Driven Ashore or Sunk. "Fifth report from Togo, received af ternoon May 30: " 'The main force of our combined fleet, upon accepting surrender of the remaining Russian main force near Lian court Rocks In the afternoon of May 28, as already reported, stopped pursuit and, while engaged In the disposition of sur rendered ships, found in a southwestern direction the Admiral Oushakoff, a coast defense ship. Thereupon the Iwate and Yakumo were Immediately dispatched In pursuit and invited her to surrender, but she refused and was sunk at 6 P. M. Her crew of over 303 men were rescued. " 'Cruiser Dmitri Donskoi was also found in the northwestern- direction at 5 P. M., and- was immediately overtaken and fired on vigorously by our fourth di vision and second destroyer flotilla. She was. attacked that night by the second destroyer flotilla, and the next morning was found aground on the southeastern shore of Urleung Island, off the Corcan coast. Rojestvensky Wounded and Taken. 'Our destroyer Sazanami captured to ward the evening of May 27 off the south of Urleung Island the Russian destroyer Bledovy, wherein were found Admiral Rojestvensky and another Admiral, both severely wounded, together with SO Rus sians, Including staff officer? from the flagship Kniaz Suvaroff, which was sunk at 5:29 P. M. on May 27. They were all taken prisoners. " "Our cruiser Chitose. while cruising to the northward on the morning of May 2S found and sunk another Russian de stroyer. " 'Our cruiser Nlitaka and destroyer Murakumo attacked also at noon on May 2S, a Russian destroyer, which finally went aground. 'According to various reports hither to received and statements of prisoners, the result of the battle from May 27 to May 29ls as follows: Summary of Togo's Work. " "Kniaz Souvaroff, Alexander III. Boro dino, Dmitri Donskoi, Admiral Nakimoff, Monomach.-Jcmtchue. Admiral OshakofC. ane converted cruiser and two destroyers sunk. " 'Nicola! I. Orel. Admiral Apraxine. Admiral Senlavin and destroyer DIedovy captured. " 'According to the prisoners the Os liabia sank about' 3 P. M.. and the Nav arin also was sunk. The Almaz on May 27 was observed In a disabled and sink ing condition, but her" 'final fate Is yet unknown. "'The full particulars regarding the In jury to our ships are not yet In hand, but so far as I could ascertain none was seriously Injured, all being still engaged In operations. The whole casualties are not yet ascertained. Casualties of first division are little over 400. Prince Yor blto Is in excellent health. Admiral Mlsu-was slightly wounded May 27., 'Sixth report, received the afternoon of May CO: 'Loss of Osliabia and Navarin confirmed.- Sissol. Veliki also definitely re ported to have sunk on the morning of May 25 ' . ' " Twenty-Two Ships Knocked Out. "Official statement of Russian loises so far as ascertained: "Following six battleships sunkjKniaz Suvaroff, Imperator Alexander III. Boro dino, Osliabia Sissoi Veliki and Navarin. Following five cruisers sunk: Admiral Nakhlmoff. Dimltrl, Donskoi. Vladimlr Monomach. Svietlana and Zemtchug. "Coast defense ship Admiral OshakofC sunk. "Two special service ships, Kamtchatka and another, and three destroyers also sunk. "Two. battleships. Orel and Imperator Nlcholl I, two coast defense shins,' Gen eral Admiral Apraxine and Admiral Sen lavin, and one destroyer. - DIedovy. cap tured. "Thus-Russia, lost altogether ships,'. the aggregate "tonnage whereof amounts to 153,411 tons, besides the cruiser Almaz, euspected to have sunk." SPRANG TRAP OX RUSSIANS Togo Also Used Submarines and Tor pedoes With Deadly Effect. TOKIO, May 30. (10:30 A. M.) The proverb that Admiral Togo always fights and seldom reports Is proving true in the case of hi? greatest battle. From the briefest and most fragmentary reports coming to Tokio, it is impossible to gain an approximate conception or picture of the desperate and decisive combat. The Navy Department, after announcing the bare results yesterday, has lapsed Into silence again. It meets Inquirers with the statement that the department. Is not interested in the publication of news, but Is concerned only In securing victory for Japan. It is probable that many details of the fight will never be given to the world. It will probably be days and weeks before the main facts of the battle and Its strategy are made known. Admiral Togo appears to have planned and laid a complete trap, which fitted Admiral Rojestvensky's action, and the Japanese outmancuvered. outfought KOJESTVENSKVS PATH IN DOUBT. According to the latest reports from VIce-Adrolral Togo to his government the loss to the Rustlans In ships sunk or captured now numbers 22, while full particulars are not yet In. The Admiral say that none of his big fighting ships wu seriously damaged. I interesting nevs comes from vjadl- - J tectctr (ErIs?rAlTnjrr -ahrt th ?orpedo- boat destroyer Grozeny, The officers pf the Almaz say they witnessed the sinking of two Japanese battleships and that two Japanese cruiser wre lifting badly arid seemed about to sink when the fog obscured their view of the battle. There seems to be sreat confusion as to the fate of Vice-Admiral Itojest vensky. It is said that he arrived at Vladivostok on the torpedo-boat Bulny. the Admiral wounded, and that' his wife has received a telegram from him. while a report received from Toklo late Tuesday at the Mapanese Legation at Washington says he was captured on , board the Husslan de stroyer Bledovy with another Admiral, both severely wounded, and with sev eral, staff officers of his flagship, the Kniaz Souvaroff. the sinking of which Is confirmed by the officers of the Almaz. and outshot the Russian?, fearlessly tak ing their lightest cruisers against the heavy Russian armor-clad battleships and joining battleships with armored cruisers, smothering them with gun fire. Tremendous interest attached to the use of submarine vessels. The Navy Depart ment Is silent on this point, but It Is con fidently believed that submarine" were effectively used for the first time In his tory. Theoretically, the sea was too rough for the employment of submarines Saturday, but the, Japanese sailors wel come desperate chances. It is believed that torpedo-boats and destroyers scored heavily Saturday night. The conditions on Sunday were most fa vorable. The night was calm and clear and land was visible for 40 miles across the Tsu Straits. Hundreds of Russian refugees who landed on the Tsu Islands and In neighbor ing provinces are coming to Sasebo and The total tonnage of Admiral Togo'a main fleet when he went Into action was 1SG.SS6. The total tonnage of fhlps he has captured or sunk Is 153.411. He has dfcpossd of a greater tonnage than he had. and. according to his dls patchee, all his ships arc still afloat. Maizuru. Many of them are wounded and otherwise suffering from the terrible or deal of the long battle. Local branches of the Red Cross and government hos pitals are sheltering and treating them. It Is believed that the - fighting ended Monday. A search of the sea Is In prog ress today. The fate of Admiral Rojestvensky Is still in doubt. "he failure of news strengthens the belief that he has reached Vladivos tok or fled south. Toklo Is again jubilant today. Hundreds of callers and deputations throng the Navy Department, offering thanks and congratulations. The newspapers declare that Admiral Togo has gained a place beside Nelson. ROJESTVENSKY IS CAPTURED London Correspondent Again Makes Him a Prisoner. LONDON, May 3L The Daily Mall's Tokio correspondent, cabling under date of May 30. says? . . r-. . "When theKnlaz Souvaroff was1 sunk,! tCoBcludd en Fifth J?.) .,r v WILL GET THE VICE-PRESIDENT Artillerymen to Salute Him When He.- Steps 'From the Train. GUEST -OF H. W. . G00DE Plans Outlined, for Reception of Distinguished Visitor and the iCong-ressioHal Party-to Ar lve'ThlsTOiorKlng. Vice-President Fairbanks and the Congressional party wilt reach Port land at 4 o'clock this morning and will remain aboard the train until S o'clock, when they will be escorted through the streets of Portland by the Fourth United States Artillery. Vice-President and Mrs. Fairbanks will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Goode while In Portland. When Vice-President Charles W. Fair banks at 8 o'clock this morning alights from ,the train which carried him from Washington to Portland and walks through the depot to the street he will confront the 200 cavalrymen of the Fourth United States Cavalry' who will instan taneously upon his appearance draw their sabers and lower the regimental standards to the strains of the Vice Presldcntlal salute from the mounted band. The Vice-Presidential and Con gressional parties will arrive in Portland at 4 o'clock this morning in a special train, having left Seattle last night at 10:30 o'clock, aftr a reception that was given them by the prominent citizens and public officials of that city. The party will remain in the cars un til S o'clock. when President and Mrs. H. .W. GoodeT Theodore Hardee, assist ant to the president, and Messrs J. C. AInsworth. L. Allen Lewis and Henry Ladd Corbett. committee of the Lewis and Clark directors, will appear and wel. come them to the .'City of'Portland. Vice- President 'and Mrs; Fairbanks arid Presi dent and Mrs. Goode wpi walk through the "depot to 5rrlage.wfcere the Vie Presldent will be .saluted. They will go to the residence . of President Goode. wliere they will be guests during their stay In Portland. ' Mr. arid Mrs. .Warren Fairbanks and Frederick Fairbanks will aiso be guests of President and Mrs. Goode. Warren and Frederick Fairbanks are sons of the Vice-President The Senate and Congressional, representation will go to the Hotel Portland, where rooms have been reserved for them. When Vice-President Fairbanks and party take their ieats In the. .carriage, awaiting them, four noncommissioned of ficers, led by a First Lieutenant, will de tach themselves from the ranks of the Fourth United States Cavalry, which will be lined up at the other side of the street In regular formation and .ride. to the carriage, where 'they will form the guard of honor. There will be two offi cers on each side of the carriage, the Lieutenant In the lead. Then the cavalry, under the leadership of Colonel E. Z. Steever, will march to the front anl pre ,ccde the Vlce-Pre.Ident and -his party-In carriages as they start up the street. Plan for the Day. It Ls planned for the troops to escort the Vice-President up Sixth to Flanders, and onFlanders to Twentieth, to the resi dence o.f President Goode. It depends upon the wishes of the Vice-President en tirely. . If he Is tired from the long journey across .the continent and Is de sirous of spending the' day in rest he will be driven to President Goode's resi dence without delay. In case he wants to see Portland he will be driven to the different points of Interest under the escort of the Fourth United States Cav alry. The troops are entirely at the command of the Vice-President. While acting as escort to Vice-President Fair banks the officers and men of the FourjJi Cavalry will ride with drawn sabers. The mounted band will play National airs almost continuously. It Is not known exactly how Vice President and Mrs. Fairbanks will be en tertained this evening, all depending upon the wishes of the guests. It Is thought that they will visit the Exposition grounds in the afternoon, and it is un derstood that they wilLbe escorted there by the Fourth United States Cavalry. Mrs. Fairbanks will be given a reception at noon today by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Vice-President Charles W. Fairbanks and Joseph G. Cannon. Speaker of the House of Representatives, who ls a mem ber of the Congressional party, are both said to be candidates for the Republican nomination at. the next Republican Na tional Convention. Vice-President Fair banks is one of the most popular men in the United Stats today, and his friends are confident that if he would try he could secure the Republican nomination. "Uncle Joe" Cannon, as he is familiarly known by his associates, has many supporters and admirers who are equally .as confi dent that he could secure the nomination. Governor of Idaho. Governor Frank , R. Gooding and staff. of Idaho, "will also arrive In -Portland on the O. R. & N. They will be' taken Immediately to the Hotel' Portland. Gov ernor Gooding and his official party will remain In PorUand for several days. The Governor of'Jdaho Is one of the wealthi est men intheWest, and his fame as a ' "sheep klng": 1 -flat cbartnd J his.. own state. :Uaversor .Gooding will Sfenfl con siderable time at the Kx position tnts Summer, coming to Portland whenever; his offlciaIvdutles permit him. The. members of the Congressional party are: Joseph G. Cannon, Speaker of the House, and Representative and Mrs. James. A. Tawney, of Minnesota; James S. Sherman, of New York; Mr. and. Mrs. Charles L. Bartlett, of Georgia; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Babcock, of AVIsconsin; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beldler, of Ohio; Mr. and Mrsi -H. C. ' Loudeislager. of New Jersey; Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rod enberg? of Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. James C. Sibley, of Pennsylvania; Mr. and "Mra.'CbarIes S. Legare, of South Caro lina; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Adams, of Wisconsin;.- George N. Southwlck, of New York; Robert L. Henry, of Texas: John H. Small, of North Carolina; James McAn drews", of Illinois; Courtney W. Hamlin, of Missouri; Lucius N. LIttauer. of New York: Alex McDowell, clerk of the Houser Henry' Casson, cergeant-at-arms In the House: W. H. Estey. teller in the House; Frank B. Lyon, doorkeeper In the House; L. W. Bushley. secretary to Speaker Cannon: W. J. Browning, chief clerk In the House;' Commander R. G. Peck. Assistant Hydrographer In the Navy Department; Representative and Mrs. J. A. Hemenway and Miss Hemenway, of Indiana; Sena to- and Mrs. Clark and Miss Clark; Senator L. H. Ball, of Dela ware; Senator L. S. Overman, of North Carolina; Daniel M. Ramsdell. sergeant-at-arms In the Senate; F. L. Flshback; J. H. McGann; E. S. Noyes and J. R. King. The Idaho party Ls composed of Gov ernor and Mrs. Gooding and Miss Good ing: Senator VIckers, Colonel and Mrs. John McBIrney; Colonel S. E. Meyers; Major H: L. Workman; Captain James Speigel and Colonel S. E. Blbby. ORDER OF THE PROCESSION Procedure of the Carriages In Vlce Prcsldentlal Parade. The order of precedence for car riages In the opening parade tomorrow was determined upon yesterday at Ex position headquarters. The first car riage will convey Vice-President Fair banks and H. W. Goode. president of the Exposition. The order of the other vehicles will be: Speaker Cannon. Acting Chalrmah Clark, of Senate committee. Chairman Tawney of House committee and Governor Chamberlain. Two Senator. Mayor Williams and First Exposition Vice-President Flelschner. Two Senator. Senator Fu'.ton and Second Exposition Vice-President Mills.. . , . . . Two Senators, Third Exposition Vice-President Conntll, and Director Wilcox. One Senator, sergeant-at-arais of Senate. Chairman Taylor, of Government Bsard, and Expo-Ulon Director Fenton. Governor Mtad. or Washington, his Adjutant-General and two next ranking start offi cers. Governor Gooding, of Idaho: his Adjutant General anA two next ranking naff officer.'. Governor Pardee, of California: his Adjutant-General and two next ranking staff of. fleers. The AdJutaaGeneral of -Oregon and three next ranklngtff ofttccra. Trp' Congressmen. Archbishop Chrlrtle and Btoro? ' Moor. ?Tvi ioi5tl9tW"K' t4 Exposition. Directors AVeerinser andBate.. , Two and Es position Directors Two Ctgrer9fl and ExpoilUon Directors Ladd1 arid J.lvipjstone. Two Congressmen and Exposition Directors Mackrntie. And Mallory. Two Coharessm'n and .Exposition . Directors Meara tnd Myers. Two Co'ngrcwmen. 3ergeant-at-Arms of House Catson and President Myers, of. Oregon State Commission; Mew. Noyer. Cover and King, of Vic Preridtnt'! party, and Exposition Director Vitnberg. Exposition Directors TUIey. Wolfe, Bush and Riddle. Exposition Director Van Duen and addi tional Ken'Jtmen of Congrewlonal party. Additional gentlemen or Congressional party. 'Extra.- ....... CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. TODAY'S Showers' .possibly .attended by thunder. Winds, mostly southerly. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 7" dfg.: minimum, 36. Precipitation. 0.08 of an inch". . -- The. War In the Far East. Togo. reports capture of 22 ships with Ito Jeatvensky and two other - Admirals. . . . Two Russian v.slilp? escape to Vladivostok and send news to army. Page. 1. Persistent reports that Rojestvensky escaped. Page 1. Cruiser Gromobol blown up by mine and sinks with all hands. Page 1. Czar, prostrated by grief. Page 3. Russians still refuse to consider peace. Page 3. Diplomats look to Roosevelt as mediator, rage 1. . Foreign. King Alfonso heartily welcomed in Parla. Page 3. ' ... National. President Roosevelt 'xpeaks at unveiling of Slocum statue. Page 4. ' Secretary Morton will resign to become presi- dent of New York Subway. Page i. Domestic. Chicago employers will spread strike In lum ber district. .Page 13.. Irrigation tunnel in Colorado caves in and buries 25 men. Page 5. Sport. ;' Automobile races take place at Irvington. Page 7. Giants defeat the Siwashes. Page T. Multnomah Club athletes win -from Pacific Unlvertlty by score of 30 to 58. Page 7. Willamette University defeats Pacific Col lege. 71 i to 45H. Page 7. University of California wins from crews of Washington .and Stanford. Page 7. Pacific Coast League scores: Portland 4. Seattle 1: Tacoma 3. Oakland 1; Los An geles 7, San Francisco 0. Page 7. Pacific: Coast. Cloudburst In Rhea Creek? near Heppner, drowns woman and three children. Page 3. Congressman Cushtsan says- the' Federal Union is greater than any other. Page ,6t Vice-President Fairbanks Is entertained in Seattle on the way to the blg Fair. Page 6. Miss Ann - Seaborg - and Robert Brown drowned near Astoria. Page 0. Memorial Day observance in the Northwests t Page C Commercial and Marine. Crop' conditions ' Indicate " smaller hop yield than lt year. Page 13. . Holiday on Front street, Tage 13. Steamer Hannaford makes first trip down Snake River. Page 13. Few vessels, worked yesterday. Page 13. Lewis and Clark Exposition. Vice-President Fairbanks and the Congressional- delegation to the Fair will arrive at 4 o'clock this morning. Page 1. All is in readiness for the opening of the Fair.- -Page 10. Scheme to. extort high rates from visitors during the Centennial frowned upon by officials. Eage 10. . , . ' Port land aad TIcJaKy. - MemorlaIV'Day' exercise at Lone Fir Ceme "tery. Pse-Hv . ' "r Smaller hanks declare, that proposed charter ameadmeht' "regarding-'city funds .Is a scheme of the,. largecjBsUtutlOR. Page II. Street raTHwaj' Jwn(s" x'o 'mike its blanket f raschtee 'applicable, throughout dVwnteWa district hy.lchrttrTa"eaane8U Page. 18, ."-J, J t( J?- JAPAN WILL NOT DISCUSS PEACE Till Russia Cries "Enough" Nippon Will Hammer. ' Away at Her. NOT TIME TO TALK TERMS Diplomats-Look to Roosevelt but He Will Not .Move Until the Czar Is Convinced Russia Is Knocked Out. WASHINGTON, May CO. "Until some word of peace comes out of Tsarskoe Selo, Nippon has but to fight on." This epigrammatic remark of Mr. Taka hira. the Japanese minister, made tonight with the details of the victory of the Jap anese fleet before him, accurately sets forth not only his opinion, but it Is be lieved., that of the Washington and other neutral governments represented here re gardlng the effect of the battle on Rus sla's- policy. Whether Count Casslnl, the Russian Ambassador, will be the bearer of that fateful word when he sees the President tomorrow or Thursday remains to be seen, but the Ambassador, In a con versation with a correspondent of the As sociated Pregs today, was more emphatic than at any time since the war was de clared that the w,ar would go on Indefi nitely. While admitting that he would see the President In the next few days and have a long conference on the gen eral situation, the Ambassador strongly discourages any hopes of an early peace. "Perhaps after Llao Yang there was a possibility of peace. I will not say there was not" an idea of peace at that time in certain .quarters, but' now, after this crushing defeat, never. The Japanese talk of Indemnity. Russia can better use this money In the building of another fleet. Certainly this Is not the time when Rus4a can afford to take up the question of peace." May Yield When She Learns AH. It is this apparent determination of Russia to continue the war in the face of disastrous defeats on land and sea which discourages the Washington Gov ernment at this time from taking any pos itive steps toward offering assistance to the belligerents !ucumlng to an under standing. Is believed, here, however, that, when Ruwia, through her own agent's, has learned, the full extent of her f6fes, she may be approached regarding peace .with some hope that overtures will be wclcomed.fc It. Is such .an opportunlty for which this Government Is watching. Soon after the President returned from New York this evening Secretary Taft. who had been out of the city for about a week, called at the White House and was . , ... -. , , in conferencec with him for several hours. While the Secretary was there, dlipatchcs arrived from the Japanese le-! cation alvint details of the battle, which th PrHcnt- rp. xrith i-n int, rx. t u . , c jt i The President and Secretary discussed a number of matters, but the outlook fort peace occupied much of their time. It ls realized that the crushing character of the Russian defeat gives the President an opportunity with entire propriety to offer his service to the St. Petersburg government In establishing communica tion with Toklo. but until It .can be learned that such an offer wouIJ probably be successful this government is not in clined to act. Should AskRooscvclt's Aid. Throughout the diplomatic corps today, the keenest interest was displayed in the news from the conference whlch Mr. Ta kahlra. the Japanese Minister, had with the President at the White Houss last night. "That marks a step in the direction of peace," said a. prominent diplomat, "and ii is to be hoped that Russia will recognize, as does the rest of Europe, disinterested earnestness with which the President wishes for an ending of the war. Whatever the pop ular feeling In this country, I think the Russian government will reaJIly admit that the attitude of President Roosevelt, personally and officially, has been all that Russia or Japan could ask. If Russia had taken the advice" of the President after the battle of Liao Yang-, she would be at peace with the world with the greater portion of her navy Intact." This reference was to a conference which the President had with Count Casslnl soon after the battle of Liao Yang, when the President expressed the opinion - that Russia could with dignity and advantage discuss peace terms with Japan at that time and with the certainty that no indemnity would be asked. While careful to transmit the substance of the conversation to his government, the only answer which the Russian Ambassador received was: "The Czar will continue the war to the bitter end," Although the State Department was officially closed today, Mr. Loomls, .the Acting Secretary of State, was early at r.Is office to read the dispatches ar riving from the Far East. About 11 o'clock Baron Speck von Sternberg, the German Ambassador, called Informally and remained with the Secretary for .more than an hour discussing the bat tle and its effect on the early ending of the war. The" Ambassador brought no dispatches from Berlin and told the Sec retary that he had not heard from his government since the result of the bat tle was. known." The Ambassador, will leave Washington tomorrow for Deer Park, Me. where he and the Baroness have leased a. cottage for the early part of June. The Ambassador has ar range J, how.eyer,. to . be. Jn. telephonic, communication with his 'Embassy jaily and ali dispatches will be forwarded to htm. Regarding last night's conference at the White House it is possible now to state that it dealt with details of the battle and, secondly with the possible effect of this decisive victory on Rus sia's previous determination to prolong the-, war indefinitely. No one here real izes more clearly than the Mikado that the Czar must be convinced of the overwhelming character of the Russian defeat before he will consider peace, and close a3 are the relations between Tokio and Washington, the Japanese governinent Is not inclined, through Its minister, to discuss even with the President definite peace terms until of ficially assured "In the Czar's name that Russia is prepared seriously and In good faith to discuss peace with Japan." Thus far the Washington Govern ment has not received the slightest of ficial Intimation that peace is under consideration at St. Petersburg-, but a report on this point is expected very soon from Mr. Mayer, the American Ambassador, who was some time ago instructed to make clear at the proper time to the Russian officials that, wnile neither President Roosevelt nor an other official of the Government is am bitious for the role of peacemaker, Russia would And no power more ready to assist in opening direct negotiations with Japan than her traditional friend, the Washington Government. M. Jusserand, the Frencn Ambassa dor, called at the Russian Embassy this afternoon and "spent some time with Count Casslnl. The visit was. however, of un entirely personal char acter. Count Cassini, upon receiving a dis patch from Baron Rosen that the lat ter expected to be in. Washington early in July, has cabled his successor urging that he reach here In June If possible. TRANCE NOT READY TO MOVE Expects Russia to Go Leisurely About Seeking Peace. PARIS. May SO. The view that prevails in official quarters here is that some time must elapse before Russia reaches a final determination as to her future course, but it is anticipated tnat she is like ly to canvass the situation among the friendly nations with the purpose of as certaining the best possible basis for the conclusion of the war. However, the French officials do not expect such pro cess to advance rapidly, owing to the leisurely methods of Russian diplomacy and the conflicting internal elements. It Is certain that If Foreign Minister Del casse's advice 13 solicited, it will be ex erted in behalf of the re-cstabllshment of peace, but there Is no Indication that France will take the Initiative until defi nitely requested to do so. Conversing recently with a diplomat relative to the possibilities of peace, M. Delcasse said It was easy to give advice, but difficult to have It accepted. Never theless, his Influence had been constantly exerted toward a paelflc solution. Premier. Rouvler shares the sanis' sen timents on the, subject as M. Delcasse. und powerful financial interests Are ' In favor at peace, s ' For the moment, however; he qfficiat here, are absorbed In the visit of King Alfonso, which affects the most vital fea ture of French foreign policy, and there fore It Is of more immediate-concern' to France than Russia s dilemma. A Cabl- ' net council was held at noon, and the Ministers were occupied chiefly with the Annl arrangements fdr the King's visit. I . ,S0 Im1u"if?"?" !?5 dee,fat,Ve , the naval battle In the Far. East or Its effect on the war Th(J jy govern- meat's advices concerning the engage- ment are meager, as the chief channel for. ! information Is St Petersburg. The Japanese Legation received the news of Togo's victory without demonstrative en- tl)U?sIasm. AJ member of the Legation .pid: "It was part of our programme, which is not finished. We shall be ready to- ex amine terms of peace only . when. Russia puts them forth in definite form." DON'T KNOW SHE'S AVHIPPED Russian Officials Refuse to Consider Peace "Talk. LOXDON, May 30. The Associated Press learned today in Russian offl clal circles here, that It Is considered far too early to discuss the question'oC peace. The Russian government must first learn the effect of the defeat on the whole Russian people, and even then It might have an entirely different effect in .Russia. The leaders o the Russian colony in London are eagerly awaiting- official news from Sj. Petersburg, scarcely any information having yet reached the English paper? from the Russian Capi tal. Tne officials of the Japanese Le gation still contend that first sings of willingness for peace must come rfom Russia. Other niplomatic and .official circles are unanimously of the opinion that the Russian" defeat must result In early peace. In some quarters there Is ra'llc of intervention, but this is scouted, as it is not considered likely that any government will Interfere between two such power3. JAPANESE ARE NOT GRAFTERS Dr. Jordan Says They Deal Honestly With Government. CHICAGO. May 30. "Graft Is a thing entirely unknown In Japan," said David Starr Jordan, president of Leland Stan ford University, last night, addressing one of the meetings preliminary to the regu lar session of Congress of Religion. "I venture to say," continued Mr. Jor- dan. "that In the present war not $1G0 of Japanese war funds has been stolen. On the other hand, I presume that not one dollar in twenty, if one in a hundred, on the side of the Russians ever reached Its proper destination. I -heard of only one dishonest Japanese while In the coun try, and he was one whose morals had been contaminated by residence abroad." Dr. Jordan's lecture 'was largely upon Shintolsra, the chief religion in Japan, which, he said. Is not a form of worship, but a spiritual living so ancestors would not be ashamed of their descendants. LOVING CUP GOING TO TOGO Japanese of New York Will Celebrate . Victory. NEW YORK. May 30. A gift, probably in the form of a silver and gold loving cup. will be seat Admiral Togo within a. few days by.thc Japanese, residents of this city. This has been decided- on- at meeting of .the Admiral's countrymen held In connection with the proposed- plan for a big celebration of . tke ea victory;-, to. Concluded oa Fifth Pagre.) SURVIVORS QF RUSSIAN ARMADA Only Two Ships Reach Vladivostok. FLED IN EARLY PART OF BATTLE NobJest of Fleet Had Been Already Destroyed JAPANESE.SHIPS WERE SUNK Fugitives Saw Two Battleships Go " Down and Two - Cruisers About to Sink Grozeny Sinks En emy's Destroyer in 'Duel. Special Cable. ST PETERSBURG, Maj- 31. It la an nounced at the Admiralty that- Hews haw been reccled. of ' the death, ef Ad miral Voelkcrahara, heretofore report ed n prisoner la the hands of the Jap anese. VLADIVOSTOK. May 30. (4:30 P. M.) Two ships alone of Vice-Admiral Rojest vensky's powerful flotilla, the swift cmy er Almaz and the torpeclb-boat destroyer X3rozeny. He at anchor here today In the curving- harbor of Golden Horn, they hav ing separated from the fleet In the early stage of the battle, which began In the Corean Strait Saturday, and headed, in obedience to- orders, with full speed to Vladivostok. Up to 4 o'clock this afternoon no other vessel of the Baltic fleet had yet arrived, ( and the signal stations at Askold and Rimsky-Korsakoff Islands reported nontvv-r In sight. Saw - Japanese Ships Sink.. Officers of the Almaz and Grczeny say that both fleets had already sustained ter rible losses when the Almaxraad ;Qr broke through the hostile like- Japanese, two battleships fead TgbnJ ?! 'Udiic lucu cccr tiiiu hnq,uutni?, .turn. ready to-plunge bow fbrcraasttehe" 54 torn-of the sea. Sad night of Russians. The Russian fleet, they say, was even la a sadder plight. Rojestvensky's flagship, the Kniaz -'Sauvaroff, and. her sister ship, the Borodino, and the cruisers Osliabia and Ural, were utterly destroyed, and, when the fog- closed down and hid the scene of battle from sight northward of the speeding ships, a third great Russian battleship, the Alexander III, seemed in sore distress, but limping northward, put ting up a vallannght against throngs of torpedo-boats and still continuing her at tacks on the cruisers" of the Island em pire. Torpedo-boats were also clinging round the other s"hlps of the fleet IIke an gered wasps, separate flotillas darting in again and again to launch their weapons. Bears Sears of Battle. " The Almaz, which arrived at her an chorage here Monday "evening, bears scars of battle. Her" mizzenmast Is shot away, and one of her smokestacks is pierced by a- cannon shot. But the Gro zeny, though engaged for several hours In a running fight at short range with: a long Japanese "destroyer, shows no signs of the fray. After her commander. Captain Andrlff skl, had been wounded and an officer and three .men had been killed, the Grozeny succeeded In sinking her opponent with a, luckily placed shot, and reached Vladi vostok without further adventure at Tl o'clock this morning. For the past two days' Vladivostok has been buzzing with rumor and excitement. The fact that a battle between the rival fleets was Imminent, if RoiestvensKy was rtl rAr n i .w1 (rrliu -nrftVft Tft!ft made known through telegrams from Eu rope, and. when it was learned Monday morning that a Russian cruiser had been sighted off Askold Island, headed for the harbor,, the city was filled with the wild- e3t reports of every nature. The Inhabitants clustered in the streets, thronged the waterside or climbed the frowning hils overlooking the harbor. Almaz Arrives With'B'ad News.. Finally, toward 6 o'clock of the evenings a graceful cruiser with two' snowy white stacks shot In -view at the entrance to the Golden Horn and rounded to an an chorage beneath the bristling guns of the curving promontory. From afar the brok enr stump of her mizzenmast and a shot- hole showing: on the white paint of one stack Indicated that the" cruiser had en-a centered the Japanese. As the anchor chain rattled In the hawse-holes, the vessel wreathed itself, in oni,,to tt trou o n Artmtrnl'o saluted fa DCgun ia ecuo lruui iuenuiiuuuuu urns when Von Jessen's flagship,, the cruiser Rossla, answered the salute, and a rata ute later the guns of the fortress took up the cannonade. Excitement beyond description seized the thronging spectators, who with fran tic huzzahs tossed high' their caps. CW- zens embraced each other aad- danced jubilantly on the pier, while the crews . the ships In the harbor joined In the wMd cheering-. ' In a trice the boats were dropped from the idavlts" and ia a mo ment the officers of the cruisers aad torpedo-boats in the harbor and the'ialntWry .officials from the fortress were swanateg i Concluded of. Pase'-l.) A