VOL. XLV. 0. 13,875. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, .MAY 29, 1905. PRICE FIVE GENTS. TOGO WINS II IT VI Russian Fleet Routed in Straits of Corea. BATTLE RAGES FOR TWO DAYS Fighting Began Saturday as , Fog Was Lifting. TOKlO IS VERY SILENT- able Offices Arc Guarded and Little Information Is Allowed to Leak Out Kcgarding Great Xaval Fight. According to the latest information the battle between the Russian and Japanese naval forces for the su premacy of the Oriental tea?, on which hangs the outcome of the Far Eastern struggle, has begun, if it has not termi nated decisively. All the dispatches received by' the Associated Press point to a Japanese victory, though .it Is not yet known that the full force of Vice Admlral Rojestvensky's fighting ships took part in the contest, which, ac cording to the ' dispatches, took place in the comparatively narrow waters of the Straits of Corea. The first Information came in a dis patch from the American Consul at Nagasaki to the State Department "at "Washington, telling that the Japanese bad sunk one Russian battleship, four other warships and a repair ship In the Corean Strait, and this was fol lowed by a dispatch received by the State Department, the date of which was not given, that "the Japanese government has mle the announce ment that its fleet had engaged the Rus sians in the Straits- of Corea Saturday and had held them." The State Department also received in formation that two of the vessels re ported to have been sunk were the sister battleships Orel and Borodino, and that three of the other ships were cruisers. From Tslntau. the German port on the Shantung Peninsula, came a report that a running naval engagement took place ' near the Island of Oki in the pea of Japan, 200 miles northeast, of the .Straits of Corea, and that the whole Russian fleet did not participate, the slow, vessels having "been sent around Japan. ' Russian sources give no news of the battle, while the Japanese government, following its custom. Is silent an to either the battle or its outcome. LONDON. May 29. Many dispatches from Tokio and other points appearing in the morning newspapers, are filled with more or less authentic details of recent movements of Vice-Admiral Rojestven sky's ships and surmises and rumors of the results .of the battle between the Japanese and Russian fleets, but add nothing reliable to the dispatches re ceived by the Associated Press corre spondents. According to the Daily Telegraph a pri vate telegram was received In London last night in a very high quarter, to the effect that Vice-Admiral Togo had gained a great victory. Based on the meager details already received here most of the newspapers are ready to believe the Japanese have secured a victory. The secrecy maintained at Tokio , ap parently extends to the European lega tions. At any rate. Baron Hakashima. the Japanese Minister here, declined to see newspaper correspondents, much less to talk of the battle. The indications from many of the dis patches are that Rojestvensky sent some of his vessels through the Tsugaru Strait, with the view of mystifying the Jap anese. Mas Come From Vladivostok. A dispatch to a news agency says that two RuESlan -warships were sighted Sun day afternoon at Masukl (Mashlkc). in Shiyarl Province, Hokkaido, steaming southwest,- but it Is not known whether they belonged to Rojestvensky or if they were from Vladivostok. It is assumed here that the Japanese government will follow its customary plan not to allow details to be .published until the action has been completed, and it is believed that .the fight has been of a running character. The Daily Telegraph's Tokio icorrespon dent says that an intermittent fog pre vailed in the- Sea of Japan Saturday. It occasionally lifted, when there was bril liant sunshine. A high wind prevailed, with a rough sea. , The Russian ships .were first sighted at C o'clock in the morning approaching Tsu Islands, under cover of a fog, which, however, lifted, and the squadron retired. This squadron- is believed to have con sisted of six first-class ships, and, ac cording to information received, 21 more Russian warships were not far away. Nothing definite is known, however, says the correspondent, and the authorities sserely reported that cannonading was proceeding. Coaled Fleet Oft Luzon. It has now been discovered, the cor respondent continues, that Rojestvensky's .ships cealed along the coast of the Island of Laaea on May 22, and on the follow ing day taeiy cruise about north of bunker coal from colliers. Then Rojest vensky decided to divide his fleet into several parts. He traversed the Bashec Straits and steamed in a northeasterly direction. On thp,moming of May 23 the Russians were southwest of the Luchu Islands, and the slow converted cruisers and transports were sent to Shanghai, while the main squadron went to Tsu Island. A dispatch from Shanghai says that Jap anese warships arrived In the offing at Woosung Saturday and attacked the Rus sian ships, but a later dispatch says that the Russian transports are to stay In the vicinity of Shanghai, while the vessels of the volunteer fleet are to leave for either German or French ter ritory. It is reported that Rojestvensky's squadrons used Chusan (one of a group of islands off .the east coast of China. In the Province of Chekiang) as a naval' base, and it is also stated that the Chinese authorities ordered the vessels to leave Woosung by S o'clock Saturday night or to haul down their flags. The Russians, the dispatch said, were tempor izing. British Fleet Hurries Xorth. It is reported from Hongkong that the British fleet is leaving for the north at full speed. The Dally Telegraph's correspondent and the Dally Telegraph Itself both discredit the rumor that the Japanese will attack the Russians at "Woosung, which rumor lacks confirmation from any other quar ter, though the Shanghai correspondent of the Morning Post, cabling May 2S, says that the firing of big guns was heard outside Woosung Sunday night. The same dispatch says that the Rus sians allege they are merchantmen and are entitled to remain at "Woosung, while the Chinese Admiral now declares that he will not permit the ships, to leave and, the dispatch adds, the Chinese war ship Haichl has cleared for action. The Tokio correspondent of the Daily Mall says that 15 of Rojestvensky's ships appeared east of Tsu Island at 2:45 o'ejock on- Saturday morning; that at 10 o'clock that morning the fleet was passing ten miles southeast of Tatzlkl, and that cannonading was heard. FIGHT BEGINS AFTER STOR3I Sound, of Big Guns Is Heard on Mainland. PARIS, May 2D. No official advices have thus far been given out concerning the naval combat In Far Eastern waters, and those now arriving from Tokio are of the most meager description. The news papers this morning fully reproduce the dispatches from the United States and London without comments thereon. The Journal's special war correspon dent, Ludovlc Nadeau. who was taken a prisoner at" Mukden and sent to Tokio, cables from Tokio under date of May 2S that the authorities there are observing the strictest secrecy regarding the naval battle. He says that on tho morning of May 27 a large Russian fleet appeared In the Tsu Straits, entering the channel between Tsu Island and Klushiu Island, where the belligerents came In contact immediately, their cannonading befog heard at Shtmonosckl. The tempest which raged in the Japan Sea for some days previous, the cor respondent says, had settled down, and the sea was more calm. A later dispatch from the same correspondent puts the public on guard against false rumors, re Iterating the statement to the effect that the Japanese authorities were observing the strictest silence regarding naval move ments and that there was also a most severe censorship, which It is impossible to escape. Sighted Off Bay of Manila. MANILA. May 29. Five warships were sighted off Corregldor Island, In the en trance to the Bay of Manila, this morn ing, headed south. It Is believed that they were Japanese vessels. On Satur day two ships were sighted 120 miles west of the Bashee Straits by the British steamer Tuen Sang. Cables Closed to Dispatches. TOKIO. May 28. (7:45 P. M.) Ab solutely no news concerning the ope rations of the Japanese and Russian fleets was obtainable here today. News papers arc held under absolute leash and all telegrams and cables are closed to press dispatches. The Ore! and Borodino are of 13.516 tons displacement each, heavily armed, well protected, and were designed to make IS knots. They measure 237 feet by 76 feet, with 26 feet draft, and both have a lofty spar deck fully 30 feet above Use water line, extending from the "bow to the Quarter deck. Forward is mounted a pair of 12. 4-Inch puns In -a turret protected by 11 Inches of Krupp armor. Another pair of guns of the s!Ee-eie to ascuate4 aft. There are 36 other gun of the Intermediate USUI FLEET IS ANNIHILATED Twelve' Warships - Are Sunk or Captured. CONSORTS ARE " DESTROYED Official Information Given Out by Japanese. VICTORS' LOSS NOT GIVEN One Cruiser and Ten Torpcdo-Boats Are .Reported to Have Been Sunk by Guns of the Russian 3Ic"n-6f-"Var: TOKIO, May ZV. (2 1 15 1 31.) It In officially announced that Admiral Ro Jestvcneky's fleet has beca .practlcally aanfhllated. Twelve ivarshlpsj have been sunk or captured and tvro trsH porti and two torpedo-boat tleatroycrn hae been unnlc. BATTLESHIP BORODINO IS SUNK Jnpancse Announce Destruction of Five Other Ships. WASHINGTON, May 2S. A dispatch was received at the State Department today saying that the Japanese gov ernment has made the announcement that its fleet had engaged the Rus sians in the Straits of Corea Saturday and; had held them. The reported sinking of the battleship Borodino is mentlonej Jn a dispatch received at the State Department today from the Con sul at Nagasaki. Following is tho text of the Nagasaki dispatch to the,State Department: "Nagasaki, May ,2$. Japanese sunk the Russian battleship Borodino and four more warships and a repair ship." The other dispatch follows: "Tokio. May 27. Japanese fleet en .gaged the Baltic squadron this after noon in the ' Straits of Tsushima, which was held. Cannonading heard frorh shore." The belief in naval circles in" Washing ton Is that the Japanese resorted to a free use of their torpedo-boats In their attacks on the ships of Admiral Rojest vensky's fleet. The Japanese have a large number -of torpedo-boats In their fleet, and they demonstrated their effec tiveness In the operations around Port Arthur. Naval officials here tonight ex press the opinion that it was unlikely that such serious losses as those re ported had been Inflicted by ordinary, fire. RIDDLED BY THE KASAGA Battleship Orel Was First Hit by Three Torpedoes. ' SPECIAL, CABLE. TOKIO, May 29. (10 A. M.)-The latest rumors about the navy department are to the effect that besides the Borodino, the battleship Orel was sunk In the ear lier fighting. She Is reported to have been torpedoed three times and after wards fell a victim to the cruiser Kasaga, which practically riddled her. None of the other Russian vessels sunk are Iden tified by the rumor here. The reports of Japanese losses are very vague, but persistent, and It would not be surprising to learn that same suf fered at least serious damage. The corps of correspondents here this SUNK IN SEA FIGHT RUSSIAN BATTLESHIP OREL. morning appealed to the' highest officials for permission to send such news as they have in -their own way. but their request was courteously refused. HOJESTVEXSlvY ".TRIES . RUSE Sends Ships to Shanghai to-Deceive . . Admiral Togo. " , CHEFOO, May 2S. (Noon.) Private telegrams from Corea- to the Japanese Consul here state,- that a battle was progressing -yesterday afternoon at or near the Corean Straits between the main portion of the Russian squadron and the Japanese fleot under command of Admiral Togo. -Telegrams almost Identical with the above nave been received here and an nouncs thai a large portion-of the Russian fleet' was sighted approaching the Corean Straits Saturday, headed fpr tiie channel - between the Tsu 'Islands and the Japanese -coast. According to the best Information received here recently, the main por tion of Admiral, Togo's fleet has been almost constantly at" Masampho Bay. Advices from a reliable quarter re ceived, here are to the effect that three Russian battleships. three armored cruisers, and several colliers were off" Shanghai Friday. It ' Is believed that VIce-Admlrai Rojestvensky sent suf ficient ships to the vicinity oT Shang hai in order to Induce the-belief that his main fleet was there, while the majqr portion of It pushed on toward thc'Gorean Straits. Several Russian colliers were at Shanghai at 'J o'clock Sunday night. Private telegrams received here from. Shanghai say that as fast as the car goes of the colliers are consumed the vessels are dismissed by Vice-Admiral Rojestvensky and return to Europe. FOG RISES AND FLEET APPEARS Battle Said to Have Started Saturday Afternoon. LONDON. May -29. The Times' Tokio correspondent says that telegrams from apparently trustworthy sources show that VIce-Admlral - Rojestvensky approached Tsu Island at U A. M. In the forenoon of May 27, during a fog, which cleared up In the afternoon, when the Russians were sighted by the Japanese. The battle com menced between 2 and 3 o'clock In the afternoon. There was a strong breeze blowing, with a high sea. A dispatch to the Times from Paris says that a private telegram from Chefoo. probably from Russian sources, reports that Rojestvensky began to force a pas sage to the Corean Straits Saturday night, without lights. In two lines, one on each side of Tsu Island. Heavy firing )s said to have been heard In the straits between 9:30 and 10:50 o'clock at nlgh"tifcwhen It ceased. ijp The same dispatch says one of Rojest vensky's shlpsroturnc.d to Xla'chou Fri day night, having' been badly damaged, by a collision with another ship. JAPS LOSE TORPEDO - BOATS Ten of Little Craft and a Cruiser Lost Off Oki. TSING-TAU. May 29. There is a run ning, naval engagement between the Russian and Japanese fleets in the Straits of Corea, near the Islands of Oki. It Is reported" that the whole Rus sian fleet is not participating, all the slower vessels having steamed around Japan. The Japanese losses o far are. stated to be one cruiser and ten torpedo-boats. The Island of Oki Is in the Sea of Japan, about 200 miles northeast of the Straits of Corea, where the battle between the Japanese and Russian fleets Is reported to have had Its beginning. "Togo Will Inform You." PARIS, May 29. I:53 A. M.)-Later editions of the morning papers here ex press the fear 'that the Russians have met with defeat In the naval combat. The Matin, remarking 'that the dis patches from "Washington are far from reassuring, recalls the words of VIce Admlral -Rojestvensky when he entered Far Eastern waters: "If I am victorious I shall Inform you. If I am -vanquished Togo will inform you." IN COREAN STRAITS 'battery, asd the vessels carry two submerged-torpedo tubes and two above water. A special feature oX ; the veels- Is'.taelr vertical longitudinal bulkheads ef eighty inch "areacc. rBenlng( threagheut 'lie".whoielegth of the frhlp at a. dtstaaee of ulna or ten -feet, (aboard treat 'the c&)p'a sMes." derigved to localise the effect of a' blow from a torpedo. - . i . E T I Russian Fleet Thrown Into Confusion. THE PREY OF SWIFT CRAFT Attack Made Toward Dawn of Sunday Morning. ' RUNNING FIGHT- FOLLOWS Admiral-Togo With All His Bis Ves sels Gives Stern Chase to the Fleeing WarslUps of the Czar. - BIG AVAR CRAFT LOST rOV BOTH SIDES. Since the war began the losses In bis rtilps to' the fleets of the bellig erents have been as follows: Russia. SUNK AT PORT ARTHUR Royarln, blown up by a mine. Itetvlzan. sunk by gun Are. roltava, holed and sunk. Pallada, torpedoed and half-ub- merged. ' Peresvlet. hulled by shell Are. Pobleda. hulled by shells. Petropavlovsk. blown up by a mine. Sevastopol, hulled and half-submerged. BLOWN UP AT CHEMULPO Variag. first wrevked by Japanese shot. Korletz. hulled by Urlus ships. SUNK IX COREA STRAITS Iturlk. one of the Vladivostok squadron. SUNK OFF SAG H ALIEN" Novlk. one of the Port Arthur ships. DISMANTLED IN FOREIGN PORTS Czarevltcb. now at Klaochau. Askold. In harbor at Shanghai. Diana, sheltered at Saigon. French Indo-China. . Japan. SUNK BT MINES Hatsuse. went down near Dalnr. 'Yashlma. sunk east or. Port Arthur. Mfyaka, lost In, Kerr Bay. Halycn. blown up October 9. RAMMED AND "WRECKED Yoahlno. sunk In collision by the Ka- suga. May 15. A number of smaller craft has been lost on Loth tides, but In this re spect Ruwla is the heaviest sufferer. Japan lost ffve transport sunk by the raiding Vladivostok squadron, and lost ' 16 other vessels In the four attempts that she made to bottle up Port Arthur. SPECIAL CABLE. LONDON. May 29. (4 A. M.) No details of the fighting between the hostile fleets have been received here as yet and none Is likely to be until one of the Russian ships reaches a neutral port or the Jap anese government releases the censorship on messages from Toklo. JThls latter 13 not likely untjl the fight Is over. Only, the barest bulletins arc printed in the morning papers here, but they all point to a sweeping Japanese victory. In fact, the correspondent of the London Mall at Toklo. who is generally most conservative, makes the bold statement that the Russian Baltic fleet as a fighting force has been completely wiped out, that some of Its best vessels are sunk, others are prizes of war. and the remaipder fleeing before the Japanese vessels. Ho adds no details, which is not surprising. I inasmuch as the censor apparently got T T BOATS In his work on his message, which reached this city unfinished. Just what has taken place is hard to say, "but the naval experts think that Togo attacked the Russians' Sunday morn ing with his destroyers,- which have al ready scored heavily In the past, and then he followed up the fighting with hla whole flleet. Fight Is Still On. That the fight Is not yet over Is the opinion of many British naval men, among them being Admiral Sir Edward Freemantle. He was seen at the Naval Club early this morning and asked for an expert's opinion on the outcome of the fight. He said: "I believe, judging from the meager information so far to hand, that the fight ing Is still In progress, with all of the advantage on the side of the Japanese. -Judging from the earlier reports. Admiral Rojestvensky's fleet was proceeding east ward at a speed of about eight knots an hour. He was undoubtedly attacked by Togo's destroyers and torpedo-boats under, cover of darkness just- before dawn on Saturday. - Thrown Into Confusion. "These small craft likely got among the fleet before being discovered and threw them Into confusion, and the Russians could hardly maneuver to advantage, as their vessels were slow and badly encrust ed with sea barnacles and marine growth. "Inasmuch as Togo realizes fully that If the heavier Russian vessels were per mitted to reach Vladivostok, where there, are already two first-class swift armored cruisers, the Russians would be In a po sition to ravage the coast of Japan, you can depend on It he will leave nothing undone to secure complete victory and if not hampered "with 'orders from Toklo, will sink and capture the entire Russian fleet." Similar opinions were expressed by other naval experts who have studied the sit uation. All of the papers this morning agree that If Togo should destroy the Russian fleet, the end of the war is In sight. Officials' Lips Are Sealed. i SPECIAL CABLE,. TOKIO, May 29. The outcome of yes terday's battle In the Straits of Corea Is still withheld by the government, all that is admitted being that six Russian vessels have been sent to the bottom. Chief among these Is the magnificent first-class battleship Borodino. The name of the others are not available at the present moment, although one of them Is known to be a repair-ship, formerly one of the Hamburg-American liners. The fate of the crews Is unknown, but all are believed to have been lost. What ships were engaged, or whether Admiral Togo has suffered In proportion to his Russian foe. Is not known. The Japanese government has taken posses sion of all the cable and telegraph offices and wiy. refuse transmission to cipher messages, or to any which contain Infor mation of today's events other than that which Is acceptable to the Japanese cen sor. Expect News at Any Time. SPECIAL CAB LEI WASHINGTON. May 28. (Special.) Information reached the State De partment this afternoon from the American Consuls at Tokio and Chefoo that the long-expected na val conflict in Far Eastern wa ters between the forces of Admirals Togo and Rojestvensky began on Sat urday morning in Tsushima Channel and "was still In progress at last ac- (Concluded on Page 5.) CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, G3 deg.; minimum. 53 deg.- TODATS Cloudy to partly cloudy and occa sionally threatening: south to west winds. "War In Far East. Admiral Togo defeats Russian fleet in Straits of Corea. Page 1. Six Russian vessels are reported sunk. In cluding two battleships. Page f. Japanese losa said to include a- cruiser and 10 torpedo-boats. Page 1. Russians are' anxiously awaiting detailed news from great naval battle. Page 1. Foreign. Hungary roused over proposed removal of Count Tisza from tho Premiership. Page 3. King Oscar refuses to accept reeignation of Cabinet .Minister, Page 3. International conference on agriculture In augurated In Rome. . Page 3. National. Senator Elk I as opposes calling of extra ses sion of Congrers. Page -1. Rails furnished Panama Railroad cheaper than sold in the Lnlted States. Page 4. Political. 'Tammany Hall Is under attack by New York Civil Service Reform Association. Page Domestic. Labor unions in Chicago settle down for a long struggle. Page 4. Rio Grande" does immense damage in a Texas valley. Page 3. Mayor Weaver warns Phlladelphlana that flght,. with gaa trust la not at an end, Page 4. President Alexander, of the Equitable, points to Injustice la Justice Maddox ruling, Page 5. vj" : ""Pacific CohM. Brave Northern Pacific messenger knocks out chief robber at Bearmoutb and saves treas ure. Page 3. y - Galice ditch In' Southern Oregon breaks and buries miner under tons of earth. Page 3. Rattlesnake, acta as an alarm clock. Page 5. Mldihlpraan breaks Navy record at target ehootlsg. Pqse 10. Maria e. Steam vessel Inspectors searching for pilot wno stranaea xoieao. ir-age a. Puget Sound pilots laugh at Pilot Board's revocation of licenses. Page 9. Sport. German schooner Hamburg leads with Ameri can schooner Endymlon second In trans Atlantic race. Page 5. Pacific, Coast League scores Portland 5, Oak land BT Seattle 5. San Francisco 2, morn ing game; San Francisco 2, Seattle 1, af ternoon game; Los Angeles 13, Tacoma 0. Page 13. Results of Eastern games. Page 13. Pertlaad aa Vicinity. Democrats of tha state give Dr. Harry Lane a&anclal aid. Page 12. Fourth Cavalry 'pitches teats- at Kxposltloa ground. Page 9. Efforts will be made to induce Harriman to build through Central and Eastern Ore- gw. Page 8. Memorial services -held in many Portland caarcRe&i Page 12. . Fair gates cie4 to vtoiters uatll the oywiag RUSSEANS ARE IN GREAT SUSPENSE Eate of Rojestvensky's Fleet Is Awaited. HOPE PASSAGE IS FORGED Loss of Five VesselsWouId Be Considered Cheap, CZAR PORES OVER CHARTS Conference of 'His Cabinet Is Only Interrupted by Adjournment to Chapel "Where Pray'ers lor . Suceess Are Offered. ST. PETERSBURG, May 29. (2:15 A. M.) In this momentous hour the Emperor, the Admiralty and the Russian public are waiting breathlessly for the Japanese to furnish authentic news of the fate of Vlce-Admlral Rojestvensky and his fleet. In which the hopes of the Russians are centered. The official disposition Is to construe Toklo's silence favorably, but at the same time the strategic reason for silence is recognized. The public, after the premature demon stration of Saturday night, is inclined to reverse Its attitude and to become pes simistic. The report sent to Washington by the American Consul at Nagasaki of the sink ing of five Russian warships, including- a battleship and repair-ship, was accepted as the most definite and the most authen tic piece of news received up to mid night, and undoubtedly produced a bad Impression. The fear was expressed that the battleship might have been Rojest vensky's flagship, the Kniaz Souvarcff, on which the Japanese would undoubtedly concentrate their fire. lepair-Sliip n. Heavy Lose. "The sinking of the repair pvXajiM- -tchatka. which was 1)1 led withtbe eetv modern machinery, might, It -was: tkj)K.j prove later to be a more severe loss than that of a warship, but at the Admiralty, where crowds congregated Sunday after noon and evening, hope- was expressed that If Rojestvensky had cleared tha gateway to the Sea of Japan with no greater loss than that reported by the American Consul, the passage had not been dearly purchased, especially if later reports should prove that the Japanese losses were anything like egual propor tionately. Probably no one in Russia displayed such Intense anxiety as the Emperor. Early Sunday morning he . summoned! Grand Duke Alexis, High Admiral Avel lan, head of the Russian Admiralty De partment, and Admiral "Wlrenlus, chief of the general staff of the navy, to Tsars-koe-Selo, and remained closeted with them up to a late hour last night, impa tiently awaiting information and poring over charts. The only news received, by His Majesty from Russian sources was dispatches from Russian agents and Con suls at Chinese ports, which contained nothing but current rumors. Emperor Hears Prayer for Admiral Tho only time the Emperor left the members of the Cabinet was to attend service in the chapel of the Alexandra; Palace, when the chaplain prayed for Ro jestvensky's success. The Emperor was greatly distressed when the "Washington dispatch containing the information from. Nagasaki arrived. Newspaper dispatches naturally created tho widest speculation. Some of the officers of the Admiralty, who on Saturday were inclined to take the view that the ships oft "Woosung were empty colliers sent to the rear to avoid hampering tho warships, or that it was a, division of little fighting value dispatched to confuse Togo and to throw him off tho scent, thought Sunday that It was possi ble Rojestvensky might, after all. have divided his fleet and that the Japanese were awaiting the arrival of the second Russian division ,before making a general announcement. The majority of the naval authorities, however, continue to lelleve that Rojest vensky could not risk, a division of his fighting- ships. Those of an optimistio turn hope that Rojestvensky did actually throw Togo off the trail and escaped him. as the French fleet eluded Nelson on the way to Egypt, and that they encountered, only torpedo-boats In the Straits of Corea. Attacked by Torpedo-Boats. This opinion, though, is not generally shared. The great majority think that Togo's ecouts were able to keep In touch with the fighting division, and that the Japanese lay in wait for Rojestvensky In the narrow waters where a battle is .re ported to have taken place. Neverthe less,' practically nobody believes that Togo offered open battle, the concensus of opinion being that the Japanese, favored by the stage of the moon, which was at three-quarters full, waited and delivered a series of torpedo attacks. 'Saturday night, with such aid as their heavy ships could offer without running too much risk. Mines may have played an important role and perhaps been responsible for a large share-of the losses reported. At any rateA the result Is not fully satisfactory; to the naval authorities. , It is possible that a running- Ogat at long, raage took place Sunday, from wkfch better results are anticipated, a the naval authorities do Hat generally setters XCgf tefad fi Page V4r