THE MOKKING-- OBEGONIAff, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1905. iTRTEGRANGEWQRK Albany Is Selected for Next An nual Convention. - LAWS ARE RECOMMENDED Many Themes of Interest to the Farmers of the State Are Dis cussed and Action on Vari 4 ous Topics Is Advised. FOREST GROVE. Or., May 26. (Sper iial.) Today's convention of the Oregon State Grange opened with a decreased at tendance. Many outside visitors left on the early morning train; also a few dele gates. Last night's degree work brought the -Umax of attendance and enthusiasm, the degrees having been conferred on 43 mem bers in the fifth degree and 53 in the sixth. 1he evening closed with a banquet in I.ib rrty Hall, followed by addresses and other exercises. "Among the npcakers were Sen ator Haines, Mrs. Edith Tozler "Weather red. Dr. Withycombe, J. J. Johnson and A. T. Buxton. Four towns were placed In nomination for the place of holding the next annual session. They were Albany, Corvallls. Salem and The Dalles. Albany won out by one vote on the first ballot. The report of the committee on taxation. W. H. H. Dufur. chairman, was amended so as to read that a board of special as sessors only shall have power, to lower nr raise assessments. A concealment of property will make 'any person, firm or corporation liable to prosecution for per jury. . . Several committees made reports, which were amended and adopted. Among, them were committees, .on finance and good pf the order. The finance committee report ed the accounts of secretary jind treasurer to be in accord with each other. The sec retary's salary was raised to $300 a year. The Grange adopted a, resolution author. Izlng the legislative committee to inquire Into the practicability of having the state establish a binding twine factory at the Penitentiary. Judge W. D. Hare secured the adoption of a resolution which, if carried out in tliej right spirit, wouia serve 10 strongmen the President of the United States in reg ulating rates across the Isthmus so as to prevent competition from outside cbm-S panles. : The legislative committee presented & measure for a state railway, commission? with full power to fix rates on all llneg under Its jurisdiction. The measure was warmly debated, but was finally adopted. The Benton County delegation asked that the Initiative and referendum be in voked on all laws affecting taxes tfrt farpi lands, and for the enactment of more Just laws. It was referred "to the comVnlttce on legislation and finally adopted. - . Clackamas County favors the election of road supervisors by precincts: also 4.he power of the people to recall the election oi any public officer who docs not fulfill his pledges. An Income tax law was recommended upon a resolution from Clackamas Coun ty; also another, requiring that" the icom pensatlon of deputy prosecuting attorneys bo fixed by the several County Courts. The convention will .close this .evening, business of importance t.the order "hav ing taken up the time to' the last Trtoment before adjournment. Many measures af fecting the, interests of the people having received attention at the hands of the va rious committees, which were late In bringing in their reports for final action. NO UNION" FOR COAL MINERS Employes Forbidden to Organize by Pacific Coast Company. SEATTLE. Wash., May 26. (Special.) -The Pacific Coast Company has served an ultimatum upon Its employes at the Black Diamond Coal Company, declaring that any attempt t6 form a union at that place "will be regarded as inimical to the company's interests and go treated. The men understand the union would be wiped out by wholesale discharges, if necessary. Three organizers from other states are here and will attempt to hold a meeting in the public highway at Black Diamond. Sunday. The use of a hall has been forbidden them. An official statement made by the company today says: "The company has assurances from a majority of Its older and more con servative employes to the effect that they do not want a labor union and tliat they will have nothing to do with one If an attempt Is made to organize It. The management believes that all. or nearly all. of Its employes will take a similarly sensible view of the matter. If any of them, however, see fit to place themselves under the guidance of these outside' agitators, the company "will consider it an Unfriendly act on their part, and will govern itself accord ingly." The coal company voluntarily grant ed an eight-hour day with a wage ad vance last Fall. Since buying the prop erty, a year ago. light, water and sewer systems have been given the town. FLATHEADS COME IN DROVES Tribes Swell iu Prospect of a Di vision of Land. MISSOULA. Mont.. May 26.rCapUln Thomas Downs, special agent of the In terior Department, who has been on the Flathead Reservation for the past three months, has concluded the enrollment of the members of the five confederated tribes whoso homes are on the reserve, and the roll Is now In readiness to be submitted to the Secretary of the Interior for his approval. Although the figures have not been made public, it is stated that the number of Indians and breeds entitled to enrollment is a little .over 3000. .Many of these come from other sections of the country than the Flathead, having proved that they are entitled to enrollment as members of the confederated tribes either by birth or de scent. Each person whose name is ap proved by the Interior Department Is en titled to the selection of 8) acres of the Flathead lands before it is opened to set tlement. REOPEN AN OLD CHURCH. Dr. Hope Appointed to Hold Episco pal Services at Woodburn. WOODBURN, Or., May 26. Dr. Rob ert Hope, rector of the Mission Church of All Saints. Portland, has been ap pointed by Bishop Morris to take charge of St. Mary's Protestant Episcopal Church here, and H. L. Gill, editor of the Independent, has' been appointed warden, "William Holmes secretary and treasurer and Mrs. Cowles president of the "Women's Guild. SL Mary's Church, built In 18W, has until now been disused for some time by the Episcopalians, but under Dr. Hope's direction it will be re opened for worship according to Episco pal Church rites, "June S, with", .-services ih following Sunday, Jur 1L Services will then be held there one .Sunday. In each month. Dr. Hope, "who has also been asked by Bishop Morris to start an Episcopal Church mission at Sllverton. Trill preach three Sundays each month at All Saints' Church, , Portland, and when at "W'oodburn and Silverton hip place at All Saints' Church will be filled by a lay Teader. TEACHERS GET CERTIFICATES Superintendent of Schools in Wash ington Launches New Pedagogues. OLYMPIA, May 26. (Special.)-The work of issuing certificates, as a result of the Tecent teachers' examination, is progress ing rapidly at the State Superintendent's office. Ten examiners arc employed iu reading the papers of the 1363 applicants, and about 70 sets of papers are completed each day. It is expected that all' certificates will be. Issued within the next twenty days. Certificates for. the following were mailed to county superintendents to-day ADAMS. . Georgia E. Dey. Lucy E. Crasr. K. S. Johnston. Jennie Motley, A. E. Nixon. Eiira J. Snowhill. Llla Smith. Charlte I. Turner. Mary M. Tlce, May Walker. ASOTIN. Mary P. Adam. Blanche McEUaJn. Elnia Slavcns. C. E. Studebaker. Georjc Chapman Tyler. W'innlfrcd WormrtL CLARKE. Harry S. Bartow, MUton Burnette, Aricy Chamber. Esther Converse. Leila Emery. Jay V. Flke, Anna M. Johnson. Julia Kane. D. F. X.ea.cb, Philip Mcaney. Peter Mcaney. Ray Morgan. Kate M. Moore. Janice Xoble. Maty OTtourke, L. Anna Parker. William N. Rug pies. Dllcn Rellly, J. Fred Santcc. Mrs. Emma Sharer. Kelly Trucsdcll. Emma Wallace. Nel lie M. Wlllson,' Charles Weaver. Llnlc Touns. COWLITZ. Kate Converse. Ida Cummin. Bele Day. Leonard Doane. Lett I c Dunham, Mr. LltiU Kmhe. 2. C. Fcrcuson. Man Germond, Laura Hugill. Minnie Hugill. Mrs. Ella LoveiL G. L, Leonard. Sadc Nelson, G. w. I'muipr. Mrs. Erne Flumps. J'ean weynoias. ueonse Ktiidphaker. Acnes. Schauble. J. F. Schauble, Bcssey SplUnogle, Viola Taylor, Blanche Cn dcrhill. Claude Wright. Hazel earner. COLUMBIA. Mm Avm. "Elta C Butler. Charles Gll- hrea'th, Nellie Gregg. Adcla B. Henderson. Laura .Long. Kathleen Lowe. zitp. aiary Miles. Ada. B. Philips. rona waiKer, j. . Wardrip. Mary HU1. f GARFIELD. Viola T. Cooley. Eunice Gurnow, S. L. De Lapp, Affnes B. Duke, Elma Easley. Nellie Godsey, Gertrude Melton. Lena Striegel, Vlo letta SmltD. VAN RIPER GETS THE ROAD IDAHO NORTHERN SOLD TO THfjNDER MOUNTAIN MAX. Six Hundred Japanese Imported-. to Extend the.. Railway Payette. W'EISER.- Idaho. May 26. (Special.) Bv the terms or a mil oi saie rccorueu yesterday by the County Recorder of Washington County. Lewis A. Hall, pres ident of the Pacific & Idaho Northern Railroad, conveys to L. C. vanitiper an rights nnw owned bv Hall in connection with tho extension and development of the Pacific & Idaho Northern Railroad. The above bill -of sale was placed on rvnnrA in the. citv of New York. April 17. This evidently settles the much-Involved question of the sale of the railroad to VanRIper. the Thunder Mountain mining man. Tire Pacific (c Idaho Northern Railroad has contracted for 600 Japanese laborers. who will arrive Here oetorc June i ana will be immediately placed at work on the proposed extension of the road to Meadows and Payette Lakes. The men were contracted for with a local boss and will come from San Francisco.. Portland, Seattle and other Coast points. RECAPTURE INDIAN MURDERER Turns to Get Gun, but Is Shot Before He Reaches It. MISSOULA. Mont.. May 26. Salpa. a Flathead Indian, who was sent up from this county several years ago for beating a white man nearly to death with a re volver, and who had escaped from the penitentiary, was recaptured this after noon at Plains, after being severely wounded. The Indian came into Plains, and was recognized by Constable William Moshler as a fugitive from justice. Moshler com manded the Indian to throw up his hands, but the latter refused and ran for his gun. As he turned, Moshler fired, the bullet striking Salpa at the base of the skull, and, glancing upward, followed the scalp, coming out near the crown of the head. Tiie Indian was knocked senseless, but eventually rallied, and was taken to the penitentiary tonight by his captor. His wound is said to be a dangerous one. ANOTHER MT. HOOD RAILWAY West Side or Hood River Valley Chosen as Course. HOOD RIVER. Or.. May 26. Specinl.)- An electric road through the west side of Hood River Valley is considered now almost a certainty. Walter Moore and other Portland capitalists have made re cent visits to this city, and have declared their belief that the project would be a paying proposition almost from the start. Local freight and passenger traffic, to gether with a large tourist travel. Is con sidered sufficient inducement for building the road. Nothing definite has been given out concerning the plans of the promoters, but it Is thought that the project will be considered in earnest this Summer. m LOGGER DROWNS AT EUGENE Jumps Into Water to Recover Pike, but Suddenly Sinks. EUGENE. Or., May 26. (Special.) Harry" La Duke, aged 21, an employe of the Booth-Kelly Company at Springfield, was drowned In the log pond at the mill this afternoon. LaDuke was working on the logs In the pond and in some manner slipped and fell Into the water. He quickly got back onto the log. but saw his pike some distance off and Jumped into the water and swam for it. but be fore he reached the pole he sank. Fel low workmen came quickly and soon re covered the body, but life was extinct. The men worked for an hour trying to resuscitate the young man, but without avail. Build Big Logging Road. CENTRAL1A, Wash.. May 2S. The H. H. Martin Lumber Company is- now ac tively engaged upon the construction of the new logging road that it will build this Summer. A big trestle will be built across the Skookumchuck River near the mill and the logging road will extend off toward the Northwest. About two miles of road will be built at the present time, as the company will not be compelled to depend wholly upon the road for Its logs. A 30-ton locomotive will be used with about 40-pound rails. The road will -cost the company about 510,000. Coin Sweaters Busy. EVERETT. Wash.. May 26. Local banks have complained to the police of the operations of a gang of coin sweat ers 'here. During the last few days many sweated 55 geld pieces have been presented worth about $i5 weight, TGHIGHESTBfDDERS Indemnity Lands to Be Sold by State Board. WALLOWA RESERVE BASE No Offers of Less Than Eivo Dollars Per Acre Will Be Received Tor Twenty Thousand Acres of School Land. SALEM. Or., May B.-(SpeciaU The State Land Board decided this afternoon to sell to the highest 'bidders the Indem nity land that will be selected upon the base made available by the recent estab lishment of the Wallowa forest reserve- No bid will be received at less than U per acre. Since Fanta Fe scrip is selling at 57 per acre, it Is evident that the Indemnity land selected upon forest re serve base will sell at some figure between J5 and 17 per acre Forest reserve base Is inferior to Santa Fe scrip In two respects. Tho scrip can be used in -any State in the Union, while forest reserve base must be used In Ore gon, and the purchaser of Indemnity land is limited to 320 acres while the use of scrip Is unrestricted in quantity. To the man who wants 320 acres of Indemnity land in Oregqn. the forest reserve base Is fully as good as Santa Fe scrip. The procedure will be this: Any person desiring to purchase a tract of Govern ment land through the State, must make an offer of the price he Is willing to pay. If his bid is accepted he will designate the land he wishes selected and deposit 51 per acre as an evidence of good faith. The State Land Agent will then select the land on forest reserve base and when the State has. secured title, the board will Issue a certificate of sale or deed to the applicant. State I.and Agent West has - made an accurate estimate of the unsold school land In the Wallowa reserve and finds It to be about 20.000 acres. The State Land Board will" soon advertise for bids and It Is probable that nearly all of those who bid over J3 an acre will have a chance to use some of this base. Those who have heretofore bought indemnity land and have lost title because the base was Invalid, may secure this base, which Is unquestionably valid, by paying the dlf fererice between the price already paid and the amount of their bid. In other words. If they use new bas1?. they will be credited with the amount already paid to the State. This will afford an oppor tunlty for some of those who were caught on alleged mineral base to protect them selves. KOOTENAI TO REMAIN WHOLE Lewis and Clark Counties Declared Unconstitutional by Court. BOISE. Idaho. May 25. -(Special.) The Supreme Court has denied the application for a rehearing of the case In which the bill abolishing Kootenai County and creating the counties of Lewis and Clark was found unconstitutional. The opinion Is by h divided court. Chief Justice Stockslagcr. who dissented In the original opinion, again dissenting in theso pro ceeding. The opinion devotes attention in an in teresting manner to the contention that the fixing of the county seat 'of Clark County at Coeur D'Alene was not a vio lation of the law which prohibits the moving of a county seat without a vote of the people. On this point It says In part: "It is a part of the legislative history of this State that a bill was Introduced in the Legislature for the creation of Lewis County out of substantially the same portion of Kootenai County that the Lewis County referred to in this act con tains and that said bill failed to become a law because of the opposition of mem bers who afterwards supported the pres ent act. And the inducement in such act to said members was no doubt the crea tion of Clark County and tho removal of the county seat from Rathdrum to the city of Coeur D'Alene. That feature of the bill was the main Inducement for Its passage." MONTANA GETS SCHOOL LANDS Secretary of Interior Gives Many Acres Known to Be Mineral. BUTTE; Mont, May 26. A special from Great Falls to the Miner says: "By a decision given today by the Sec retary of the Interior, many thousands of acres of the school lands of the State of Montana, including those that are the most valuable, are preserved to the State. The decision Is by far the most important decision on a land matter In many years and probably the most im portant ever given In a matter in which the State was a party, with the exception of the Northern Pacific land cases. mc Secretary holds that the lands claimed by the State for school lands are more valuable for minerals than agricul ture and. though such lands were known to contain minerals prior to the date of the admission of the State into the Union. the lands may be held by the State as school lands, notwithstanding their mln cral character, unless they had been lo cated, developed or claimed as mineral land prior to November 8, 1SS9; and that that development of mines subsequent to the admission of the State, though the deposits of mineral were known prior thereto, cannot affect the title of the State to lands donated by act of Congress to the State for the benefit of the public schools. ALL LEWISTON "WILL GO. The Mountain Gem Will Take a Big ' Load to Cclilo. LEWISTON, Idaho. May 26. (Special.) At a meeting of the Lewlston Commercial Club tonight reports of various commit tees in charge of the trip of the steamer Mountain Gem to Celilo were heard and there Is now every prospect that fully 100 people from Lewlston will be at the open Ing of the portage road. Letters were read from different points along the route In which passage Is asked for large dele gations. The committee on Invitations was instructed to Invite the Governor of Idaho and other State officers and also to State legislators. Senators Dubois and Heyburn and Congressman French are also to be Invited to accompany the- ex cursion down .river. It Is now certain that the Lewlston Military Band will also make the trip and will be possibly taken through to I'ortiana. a committee was named to make arrangements to send the 'Lewlston Military Band to Portland dur lng June or July for a few days. LONGSHOREMEN OFFER TEACE Ready to Work With Sailors Loading Ships at Bell Ingham. BELLINGHAM. Wash., May 26. (Spe ciaL) The trouble between the local branch of the International Longshore men's Union and the Sailors Union- of the Pacific was settled tonight as far as Belllngham Is concerned by the declara tlon of the local longshoremen's union at a special meeting that their members stood ready to work with the sailors in the loading of cargoes on all coastwise essels, and that, as a matter of fact. the longshoremen never had refused so to do. It was this controversy that led to the riot Tuesday nlgbt aboard the steamer Shasta. The longshoremen s union disclaims all responsibility for tho disorder. The Rainier Is due here from San Francisoc Sunday night, and long shoremen will work on the loading of her lumber cargo. TRAVELS WITH HIS FIANCEE Buffalo Miilloniarc Will Spend a Week in Portland. TACOMA. Wash.. May 26. (Special.) Mrs. George C Wagner .will go to Port land. Monday, to meet her cousin. Mrs. H. M. Lockwood, who arrived In San Francisco last week from Honolulu. Mrs. Lockwood is accompanied by Henry Strong, tho multimillionaire, and Paul Achilles, of Rochester, N. Y. After a week In Portland the party will come to Tacoma, where the marriage of Mrs. Lockwood and Mr. Strong will be solemn ized at the homo of Dr. -AVagner. The date is announced for June 14. and the children of Mr. Strong, Mrs. Henry Achilles and Harry Strong, of Rochester, and Governor and Mrs. Carter, of Hono lulu, will come to Tacoma for the wed ding, which will be a very quiet home affair. Murderer Must Hang. OLYMPIA. Wash., May 26. (Special.) The Supreme Court has dismissed the appeal of Murderer Frank Pasquale. of Tacoma. upon motion of the Prosecuting Attorney of Pierce County, and because or failure on the part of the appellant to prosecute his appeal. Pasquale Is under conviction of murder In the first degree, and will therefore hang unless the Gov ernor Interferes. He shot and killed Charles S. Gray, an accident Insurance agent. In Tacoma, May 20, 1901. on ac count of a real or fancied grievance. Dental Examiner Reappointed. OLYMPIA. Wash., May 26.-(SpecIal.)- Dr. J. M. Meyer, of Tacoma. was reap pointed today as a member of the State Board of Dental Examiners. Dr. Meyer Is the present chairman of the board. He received a strong Indorsement for reap pointment from the ethical wing of the profession. SEATTLE HAS NO MONEY TO EN TERTAIN VISITING DOCTORS. Chamber of Commerce Docs Ndt Re spond to Appeal of Local Physicians. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 2S.-(Spccial.) Seattle physicians who based one of their objections to contributing to the Portland fund for the entertainment of the American Medical Society members in July on the claim that they would have to entertain the same delegates here, are begging funds on their own account. The local medical men asserted when they were Justifying their repudia tion of the Portland committee that they could not afford two contributions, but would entertain those visitors who came here. Now they have made It clear to the Chamber of Commerce that they will have to be given help or the local en tertainment will fall. An intimation that money could be used was given the Chamber of Commerce fomc time ago. but no attention was paid to the suggestion. Today a plainer appeal for entertainment funds was made. Today J. H. Mclckle was approached. but he shied away from the medicos. It would require official action on the part of the trustees to help out the medicos financially, and there Is a strong sentiment against setting that precedent The calls for help that would follow this Summer would be too heavy for the commercial body to carry. NORTHERN ROMANCE REVIVED Love in Dawson Leads to Breach of Promise in Seattle. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 26. (Speclal.)- Alex Pantagcs. proprietor of a local vaudeville house and partner in a syndi cate that controls a string of these 10- cent theaters, "was sued today for 523.000 damages for breach of promise by Kate Rockwell. The woman says she met Pantages when she was an actress In Dawson during the early gold excite' ment. Pantages was then a waiter, and Miss Rockwell says fhat when he offered to marry her she agreed. As a result she claims to have bought him o-cent cigars. 515 silk shirts, paid fancy prices for bis board, and when he tired of the North paid his expenses to -the States. Later she claims to have 'financed his first the atrical venture, a pioneer attempt at 10-cent show house in Seattle. Now Pan tages Is really wealthy and has married another woman. Because of an Inability to write. Pantages Is declared to have carried on a love correspondence through his partner. Fulton Addresses Students. ROSEBURG. May 26. (Special.) At the graduating exercises of the Roseburg High School, held last night. Senator C. W. Fulton delivered an address to the class. City Superintendent Sanders. County Superintendent Hamlin and others besides the graduates participated In the exercises. The members of the class are: Elmer E. Wilson, president; E. Oliver Risley, vice-president; Elsie E. Benedick, secretary'; Walter C. Gagnon. treasurer; Alice C. Mahn. valedictorian; Maud B. Bridges. Elberta D. Tipton, Wilbur W. Faulkner, Emma Sehlbrede. Hattlc L. Brown. Edith M. Cardwell. Grace L. Hewitt, Horton Huntington, Dollle Smith Shot in Range How. , VIRGINIA CITY. Mont. May 26. An Ennls.dlspafch to Sheriff Charles L. Tru dell yesterday afternoon', reports the shooting of Walter L. McAttee, a promt nent flockmaster of the Madison Valley. The shooting took place at the McAttee ranch on Meadow Creek and was done by Charles Dalton. After the shooting Dalton surrendered himself to the au thorities. McAttee was seriously and per haps fatally wounded. The shooting is the result of a tqw over range rights. Commencement at X'hlloniath. PHILOMATH. Or., May 25. (Special.) The commencement exercises of the Col lege of Philomath will occur TJay 2S-31 according to the following schedule: Sunday, 11 A. M., baccalaureate ser mon: 8 P. M. annual sermon; Monday. P. M.. anniversary of Philomath Literary Society; Tuesday, S P. M., lecture before the alumnal association cy Dr. E. J, Thomson, of Independence; Wednesday, P. M., commencement exercises. Lane County Mining Exhibit. UNIVERSITY OF; OREGON, Eugene, Or.. May 2L (Special.) Professor O. F. Stafford, of the university chemical de partment, has been selected to have charge of the Lane County mining ex hibit, including the Bohemia and Blue RIVer districts, during the Fair. Several tons ot ore have been sent to Portland and more specimens are' being prepared. Mr. Stafford "will begin his office about June 38. . TELLS H STORY Bottle Contains Secret of Lost Dauphin. FLOATS 3 YEARS IN SEA Message of Foundering- Whaler Trav els From Tahiti in Swish of the Ocean and Goes Ashore in California.- LOS ANGELES, CaL. May 26. A bot tle having every appearance of having been In the s.ea a long time was picked up at Ocean Park today, and was found to contain a note purporting to be from "Wilbur A. Harris, a native of Pontlac. Mich., stating that on May 8, 1902. the whaler El Toro, out of Topolobampo. Mexico, was wrecked off a small Island south by southwest of Tahiti. Information from Pontlac, Mich., Indi cates that a Wilbur A. Harris left there 12 years ago and nothing further has been heard from him. He Is spoken of as having "gone West." Harris states that among the crew who drowned was Lope Aulttemcnez. who had his possession a French manuscript handed down in his family, giving the complete history of the lost Dauphin of France, written by a man In whose charges Robespierre left him: also a French ornament set in diamonds. Harris ask? that a professor of history of Yale Unjvcrslty be notified, and gives directions for finding this historical treas ure, which he has buried. DAUPHIN LIE AN OLD ONE Professor Wheeler, of Yale, Docs Not Credit Bottle History. NEW HAVEN, Conn.. May 26. Profes sor A. M. Wheeler, professor of history. was shown the dispatch regarding a man uscript alleged to give the history of the so-called lost Dauphin. of France.1 Wheeler said claims of a similar purport had been made repeatedly. In the first number of the first vol ume of Putnam's magazine, many years ago." said Professor Wheeler, "there ap peared an article entitled, 'Have We a Bourbon Among Us?' Jn which the writer set up the claim that Rev. Eleasor Will lams. of Michigan, was the lost Dauphin." Professor Wheeler thought there might be some connection between thu claim and the letter found In the bottle. He added that, in hi? opinion, history shows beyond question that the Dauphin died of .orturc in Paris in 175G. CAPTAIN BERRY ARRESTED. Ordered to Report to Vancouver Bar racks for Court-Martini. SAN FRANCISCO. May 26. (Special.) Captain Berry, of the transport Sheridan. has been ordered by the War Department to report for arrest at Vancouver Bar racks. There he will be subjected to court-martial growing out of. the charges made against him by Major Parke. Cap tain Berry is accused of having tried to enter the room of a woman on the last trip of the Sheridan from Manila. Though no confirmation can be had from Army officials. It has been reported that Captain Bern drank heavily on board ship and on one occasion . when under the influence of liquor attempted to gain admission to the stateroom of an artillery" Lieutenant's wife She called for help and charges were filed against Captain Berry as soon as the transport came to port. SPLITS JAW ON SIDEWALK. Drives His Teeth Into His Head and Rests Easily. MEDFORD. Or.. May 26. ( Special.) Claud Miles, aged about 13. fell from second-story window on Seventh and Main streets, this morning about 4 o'clock, and was seriously Injured. He struck on his face on the pavement, splitting the lower jaw at the chin and driving the front teeth In the upper jaw backward Into his head. At present, he Is resting easily, and no evidences of concussion of the brain have yet appeared. Commencement at Mcdford. MEDFORD. Or., May 26. (Special. Commencement exercises were held at the Medford High School today. The programme was as follows: Opening song, "The Laugh of a Child;" saluta tory. M. Maude O'Brien; class history. May Hewitt; oration. "The Future of Mcdford." A. Lewis Maule; song. "Sing As We March Along;" oration. "The Value of Education," F. Wilson Walt oration. "The Beauties of Literature." G. Francis Lawton; 'prophecy, A. Bess Earhart; valedictory. A. Guy Mickey; address by Rev. W. F. Carsons and Pro feasor N. L. Narregan; presentation of diplomas, M. Purdln. After singing number of their school songs, the audi ence spent two hours In viewing the ex hibit work. President P. L. Campbell, of the University of Oregon, was ex pected to address the graduating class bnt was delayed in Ashland and arrived too late. Summer School at Salem. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Salem Or., May 26. (Special.) The trustees, of the university have decided" to conduct a Summer normal In connection with the university. The school will be under the direction of President Coleman, with Professor W. H. Mahaffie. Ph. D.. as prln clpal, and Professor C. O. Boyer, A. M"., as secretary. A number of other profes sors will assist in the work. The purpose of the seven weeks' session will be to prepare teachers for the State and county examinations. The scope of the work will Include-all subjects neces sary to secure any grade of certificate. AH the university equipment and labora tories will be available to students. The session will open June -26 and close Au gust 10, the day preceding the August examinations. Bar Sacramento Fishermen. ASTORIA. Or., May 26. (Special.) The cannery foremen of the glllnet fish ermen have notified the managers,of the different canneries that they will refuse to deliver fish to the canneries that em ploy the Sacramento River fishermen or are instrumental In securing licenses for them. This is the first active measure taken by the home fishermen to keep the Sacramento fishermen from operating as in the past, and as the local fishermen are determined In the matter, the result of the position they have taken will un doubtedly accomplish the purpose better than any action that the officials could take. At the present time this threat of the fishermen is no idle one, as every fish caught Is in demand, and the cannery men know that their rivals in business would be only too glad to push the move ment along. Sunday School Successful. COTTAGE GROVE. Or., May 2.-Spe- cial.) The S. S. Association of. Lano County held a very successful convention this week. There were representatives from all. the county districts and enthusi astic reports presented. The county will be the banner county in Sunday School work, as it ha held succcsful .conventions in all tho seven districts during the year. The convention elected the following officers: President. Mrs. M. D. Mitchell. Eugent; Vlcc-Prcsidcnt Miss D. M. Log an. Eugene: Secretary-Treasurer. W. M. Pitney, Junction. NORTHWEST DEAD. Ernest Clark. CENT.RALIA, Wash.. May 27. Ernest Clark, a well-known young man of Ccn tralla. and a dmg clerk at the C. A. Young Drug Company, died at his home Friday morning. He was about 21 years of age, and well known all over the county. Urban LaCroj. OREGON CITY, Or.. May 26. (Special.) Urban LaCroy, aged 23 years, who sus tained serious. Injuries while logging near Fischer's Mill, on Clear Creek, Tuesday morning, died early this morning. LaCroy was an unmarried man and bore an excel lent reputation. Graduates at The Dalles. THE DALLES. Or., May 26. (Special.) Commencement exercises of The Dalles High School took place here tonight in the vogt Opcra-House, which was hand somely decorated with palms and flower ing plants and vines for the occasion. Professor W. C. Hawlcy, of Willamette University, addressed the graduating class. The graduates were: Myrtle E. Davis. R. Constance French, Elizabeth C. Rid dell, George Z. Riddell. Alvls M. Ander son, Eunice C Donncll. Sallna Haight, Hazel A. Huntington, George W. Rich mond, Iva L. Renoe. R. Elmer White. George M. Vanse and Winnlfred Wilson. Good Place to Steal. SALEM. Or., May 26.-(Spcclal.)-Harry Stone, a 13-year-old Salem boy, stole 540 in bills from his employer, a Chinaman named Toy Sing, who operates a hopyaru in Polk County, yesterday morning, came In Salem anil nnrohased n hicvelf for $31. The boy denied the theft until tho police ) came m with tne wncei. wnen jie Drone down. The bicycle dealer took the wheel back and the Chinaman recovered the full amount of the loss, when he re fused to prosecute the lad. As the court of this county had no jurisdiction of the case, he was given his liberty. Eugene Doubles Population. EUGENE, Or., May 26. Incomplete re turns from the census now being taken of Eugene Indicate a population of about 6000, as near as can be figured out at present. This Is a great Increase since 1P00, when the census showed that the city contained 3.236 people. The village of Falrmount. which Is within the corporate limits of the city, lacks within perhaps 10 of having ZOO people. Five years ago there was less than half that number there. Beat With Clubs. EUGENE. Or.. May 26.-(SpecIaI.) W. B. Smith and his two sons, Norrls and Ben, of Elmlra, were given an examina tion before the Justice of the Peace today on a charge of assault with deadly weap ons upon J. E. Montgomery. May 7. The Smiths are charged with calling Montgom ery from his house and beating him nearly to death with clubs. Child Dies Alone in Camp. EUGENE, Or.. May 26. (Special.) A thrcc-months-old child ot S. Wright and wife, who are camped on the outskirts of the town, was found dead .in bed this morning. Coroner Day made an investiga tion and found the death to be due to acute Indigestion. As the parents- are destitute, the remains were buried by the county. Hood River Saves Money. HOOD RIVER. Or., May 26. (Special.) The First National Bank of this city announccs that on Friday, June 2, a sav ings department will be added to the business of the bank. This institution opened for business here June 1, ISO!, and Is well pleased with the prospects of the town and -valley. Guilty of Criminal Assault. OL.TMPIA. wash.. May 26. (special.) A verdict of guilty was rendered today d today in the trial of L. L. Lusher for criminal as sault upon Mrs. Charlotte Xorthcroft. in Mnreh. The assault was accomDariled by robbery, and was revolting In details. The' victim resided near Tenlno TN'orthwesterners In New York. NEW YORK. May 26. (Special.) The following 'Northwest people registered at New- York hotels today: From Seattle S. Hall and wife. J. N. B. Hall, at the Netherlands: J. Cornthwaite and wife, at the Grand. Spokane C. M. Goule, at the Fifth Avenue. Holcomb Seen in Seattle. SEATTLE. May 26. Myron T. Holcomb, the Oakland. Cal.. business man who Is missing, was In Seattle one week ago. Two days prior he succeeded in cashing a personal check for 530 at a drugstore where he was personally known to the mana ger. VITAL WEAKNESS Ixjnxwt established, most succestfal and reliable specialtets la diseases of roes as medical diplomas, licenses aad newspa per records sharr. Stricture, Varicocele Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases And all diseases aad TTeakBCjwes due to Inheritance, evil habits, excesses or the result of specific diseases. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE I 3FSZ aad Office Hoars t 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.) Sundays, 10 to 12 only; St. Louis s'ueSand Dispensary Cor. Second and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Or. The Best Hot Weather Medicine SALE TEN ILUOK BOXES A YEAR CANDY CATHARTIC PREVENT ALL SUMMER BOWEL TROUBLES MITGHELL'SDAUGHTER DIES WIFE OF JUDGE CHAPMAN .SUC CUMBS TO APPENDICITIS. Oregon Senator Rushes to Tacoma and Is at Her Bcdsldo" at-Dcath. . TACOMA. Wash.. May 26.-(Special.) Surrounded by immediate members of tho family and by sorrowing friends and rela tives. Mrs. Jessie Bj Chapman, wife of Judge W. O. Chapman, died this evening. Senator John. H. .Mitchell, of Portland, father of Mrs. Chapman, was among those at the bedside. Last Tuesday, while In apparently good health, Mrs. Chapman was stricken with an acute pain, and was compelled to summon assistance. Judge Chapman was at Olympla. holding court for Judge Llnn, but hurried -borne. Five physicians were called and the case was pronounced a severe attack of appen dicitis. Remedies were administered in hppes of averting an operation, and Mrs. Chapman rallied somewhat. On Wednesday a change was noticed, and It was decided to perform an opera tion at once. Mrs. Chapman came through It exceedingly well, but in the afternoon weakness of the heart developed- Oxygen and othor stimulants were administered, but the patient gradually grew weaker and died early, this evening. Senator Mitchell arrl"ed this morning, and the meeting of father and daughter was pathetic In the extreme. It Is said by some of the physicians that Mrs. Chap man has worried a great deal over the Indictment of her father at Portland, and that this worry weakened her physlcally and In a measure was responsible for the heart trouble that followed the ooeratlon BABY CAME NEAR DYING From an Awful Skin Humor, Scratched Till Blood Ran. . Wasted to a Skeleton. . SPEEDILY CURED BY CUTICURA 'When three months old my boy broke out with an itching, watery rash all over his body, and he would scratch till the blood ran. We tried nearly everything, but he grew worse, wasting to a skeleton, and we feared he -would die. He slept only jwhen in our arms. The first applicationof Cnticura soothed him so that he. slept in his cradle for the first time in many weeks. One set of Cnticura made a complete and permanent cure, (signed) Mrs. M. C.Maitland, Jasper, Ontario." Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Very convenient for-tourists. -PREPARED-BY HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes the toiletsomething to tit enjoyed. It removes all stains and ; rouehness.orevents cncklvheat and 1 .knfi. .v.. ,t,t chafing) and leaves the skin, white, soft, healthy. In the bath it brines a glow aad exhilaration which no com mon soap can equal, imparting ths vlgorandlife sensationof amildTnrk (ah bath AU Grocers and DrujLfdftf' 1:1 1 II 4; 7 Above all other things, ire strive to save the thou sands of young and middle-aged men who are plung ing toward the grave, tortured by the voes of nervous Vleblllty. We have evolved a special treatment for Nervous Debility and special weakness that is uni formly successful in cases where success was before and by other doctors deemed impossible. It does, not stimulate temporarily, but restores permanently! It allays irritations of the delicate tissues surrounding the lax and unduly expanded glands, contracting them to their normal condition, which prevents lost vitality It tones up and strengthens the blood vessels that carry nourishment. The patient realizes a great blight has been lifted from his life We want all MEN WHO ARE SUFKEIUN'G frbm any disease or special weakness' to feel that they can come to our office freely for examination and explanation of their condition FREE OF CHARGE, without being bound bjr any obligation whatever to take treatment -unless they so desire. Wo euro Al BnccttS' w