Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1905, Page 15, Image 15

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    'i 'fc
SraQt HOBNDTff OEBQdmAirr r SATUKDY r$t&Y'2r, 1906.
Attempt Is Macje to Lift Mar
ket, but Fails.'
Irfght strawberry Receipts Arc
QuIcklyv'Absorbcd at'FHlIjKates.
Biitter is'Again Ac- j
' cumulatins. . -v
- ' '?.
EGGS Heavy local receipts prev
and advance.
POULTRY-Strong demand causes
prices to advance.
BUTTER Stocks not moving well at
higher prices.
FRUIT Strawberry- receipts below re-
uircmente. Oregon cherries due today.
VEGETABLES Market fully supplied
with all varieties.
MEATS Large receipts of veal in an
"nation of new ordinance. Califor
nia cattle shipped to Portland.
A., effort was made yesterday by some
r timbers of tho trade to advance the ' price
cf fggs over 18 cents. .Several- Front-street
frms that do not deal extensively in this
art; H quoted 18 cents, and did some busl
nte at this figure In a small way. As a
natter el fact, however, the market did not
justify any raise, but, taking the street as
as a whole, could be considered in no other
light than weak. The aggregate receipts
tiifns the day of four of the leading egg
dealers wore 32C cases, and 12 other com
mission houses received all told ISO cases.
Nearly 200 cases more wero on hand from
previous arrivals, bringing the total eupply
to about 650 case.-. This with- the retail
rade moderately well supplied and prospects
good for another heavy lnpouring of receipts
today. Under the circumstances there could
fje n.i Justification in quoting the market
s rong yesterday. These fact6 are presented
merely to show why the egg market did not
On the other 'hand, It must be borne in
mind that the present conditions are only
temporary. The laying season .is drawing
to a close and shipments from the Interior
should very Ssoon slacken. The demand Is
gradually Increasing and will grow rapidly
as Fair visitors begin to arrive. Then the
rea' adx'ance will begin, an advance, how
ex er. that fwill be -conlrollcd throughout
tV season by the immense supply of eggs
put away for the occasion in cold storage.
Twice as Many as Received Could Hare
Been gold.
A good many strawberries came In ycater
but not half enough to Hi! Jobbers' or
!" Growers apparently were holding sujt-
- es back for better prices. The result
ihe scarcity was that the full prices of
preceding day were realired. but buyers
v uid pay no more than that. Hood Rivers
- re quoted, generally at $2.75 and local
stj Salem berries at $2.252.50. . .Receipts
. im Southern Oregoii were light. The warm
v r a.her Is bound to cauee heavy arrivals to--ay
and lower prices may be looked for. A
fw stray crates of California berries- were
tj be .seen, but the season for that fruit
practically closed with the cleaning up of
the last car.
Samples of Oregou oherries have been re
ceived from The .Dalles and regular ship
ments will begin from that point and from
ocldendale today. California cherries have
been out of tho market for several days. A
lot of apricots were brought up yesterday
and they moved Mmowhat better. A few
crates of peaches and -several boxes of new
apples were also received, and were held at
the former 'prices.
Gradual Adnnce in Quotations on Chickens
and Ducks.
ith two exceptions, the poultry dealers
bad hut little to offer their customers yes
trrua, end these that -were betten supplied
laT no fears of tho consequonces. The mar
kc 1 woe a strong and eager one and buyers
t i not haggle about the price. The "result
as a general mat king up of -quotatlgns. but
Ip such a reasonable way aa to .leave the
market In a healthy condition. It was
practically a 14-cent market for chickens,
though very fancy stock brought a. half cent
over this and somo hens not so desirable
sold as low a 13. Choice springs. If not
oo small, brought from 20 to 22fe cents.
M bat were mostly wanted were chicks run
r ng from IS to 20 pounds to the dozen. A
few more turkeys' came in and wre taken
up at 17S18 cents. Young ducks were quoted
at $3 to $5 a dozen, according to size.
Parmers Trying lo Get Ahead of Much
Eearrd Ordinance.
The defeat cf tho meat Inspection ordi
nance was received' with Joy byohe'numoroua
coromisslon-house that makcia. specialty of
handling dressed meats. The unwtedom of
the measure was apparent to all. but thcro
was. a. fear that It might have been carried
through, which would 'have meant extremely
low prices to the farmer and high prices
to the consumer. This apprehension was prob
ably responsible for he large "quantity--of
veal that was rushed" In yesterday. The
supply was beyond all requirements, . and
t- favo hauling It to the ice house.-, prices
were -slashed without regard to the previous
Very little pork or mutton came in .yes
terday, out it seemed to be enough for the
demand. -
V ' -
Tourteca Carload of Fat Steers Coming
Prom Gritlk-y. 0 , .
H F' Putnam, 'an Oregoncattle buyer bo
hts been , scouring Jho Grjdley countrj' Tin
Northern California, has shipped from there
14 carloads of fat steers to this -city. The
animals , went out In good shape, and will
be unloaded, at Eugene for feed and water.
A shipment of cattle from .California to Port
land has not happened for ten years past.
1' has been the usual rule to ship cattle in
.trom Oregon. The .situation shows the scar- of c-M fewf nttlP In this section.
. ..- ...
Batter None Too Finn.
The Front-street butter market is none
too firm at tho recently elevated price. StockA
have begun to accumulate in several quarters,
giving -a heavier tone to the market. The
surplus, however. Is being 'kept down by
storing and no' 'occasion has arisen yet for
making any change in prices. About the
same conditions are noticed In the city cream
ery trade." -. , . - . ,
. - r"--
Ttemtr ef VeffetaWes.
The- vtcetable market was sufflcieeUy eup-
plied With' local and California tnck,-TDIl
peas were abundant and lower at 7 ccnts
and California "beans were also sJentlf U
and weaker at 5 cents' for green -and 6
cent ,for .wax. Hot house lettuce, and Ore
gon-and California cucumbers were In heavy
supply and. casy. . New California potatoes
of the Early Rose .arlety were offered at 3
Baalc Clearings. .
Bank clearings flf the Northw'estern. cities follows:
Clearing. "Bsiancee.
-Portland . . .-.
. ...$353.33S
$38, CO
Seattle .......
Spokane ......
GraLa. Hoar. Feed. Etc.
WHEAT Club. SoSSGc per bushel; blue
etem, 90882c; Valley. 85c
FLOTTR-Patents. S4.50S3.10 rr barrel
, straights. ?iS4-25: clear $3.70&4; ViJIt-,
flour, local, $3; Eastern. $5.bOS5.90; corn
meal, per bale. $1,9052.20. m
BARLEY Feed. $22.50 per ton; rolled. $23
OATS No. 1 white, feed, $2929.50 per ton:
choice milling. $29(?29.50: graj'. 42929.50.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. -$10 per ton; middlings,
24.50; shorts. $21; chop, U. S. Mills, $13;
Unseed dairy food. $18.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90
pound Kick:. $0.75; lower grades. $336.25; oat
meal, steel cut, 60-pound sacks, $8 per barrel;
10:pound racks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal
(ground). 50-pound sacks. $7.50 per barrel;
10-pound tacks. $4 per bale: split peas. $4 per
100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes, 51.15; pearl
barley, S4.V5 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes,
$L25-per box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks.
$2.50 per bale.
HAT Timothy. $141G per ton; clover, $11
C 12; grain. $11612.- cheat. $11812.
Butter, Eggs. Poultry, Etc.
EGGS Oregon ranch. 18c per dozen candled;
17e uncandled. -
BUTTER City creameries: Extra creamery.
20ir21l-c ner round: ttate creameries: Fancy
creamery, 1721c; store butter. 15316c.
-uiiEEfiii uregon iuji cream iwins. , 103c;
loung America, 1414c.
POULTRY Fancy bens, 1401414c; old hens,
13614c, mixed thickens, 12fel3c: oW roost
ore, 910i . youjig roosters, 11013c; Springs.
lVx to 2 pounds. 20tf2lc; broilers. 1 to 1
pound. 2122Vc: dressed chickens. ..H?15c;
turkeys, live. 17Qlc; turkeys, dressed rioiT,
1718c; turkeys, choice, iOijHc; geete,
live, per pound, 7'i4814c; geese, dressed, per
iound. OJrllc; ducks, -old. $7S; ducks,
young as to size. $35;, pigeons. $1&L25;
squabs, $22.50.
Vegetables. lrrult. Etc
DOMESTIC FRUITS-Applcsi table. $1,503
2.50 icr box; common. 5Uoyl; new California.
$1.50 box; strawberries. Oregon. 9911c;
gooseberrlfs, 5feCc per pound; apri
cots, $1.15L25 per crate; Logan berrle.
$1.25 per crate; peacbes, $L50 per crate;
plums. $1.& per crate.
TROP1C.VL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $2.50
2.75; choice. $2.75 pr box; oranges, nav
els, fancy, $2.252.50 per box; choice. $20
2.itf; standard, $L50Si'l-75; Mediterranean
sweets. 52.25Q2.7u; Valcnclas, $3; grapefruit,
$2.50g per box; bananas, 4&tf5c per pound;
pineapples. $7.50 per dozen.
I'RKSH VKGUTAULES Artiehokec. 50c tr
dozen; afjiaragu. G0fi75c per box; beans, 5tte
per pound; cabbage. l&JHc per pound:
c&uliilower, $1.752 per vratc; celery. USc
per dozen; cucumbers, oc$r$i per dozen; let
tuce, hotbous. 25c oer doccn; lettuce.
bead. 12H615c per dozen; parsley, 25 cents
rer dozen: peas. 54?7c !tr pound; jwppew, 2Re
per pound; radishes. 1012c per dozen; rhu
barb. 23c per pound; tomatoes, $3. 25 g 4.50
iwr in- cn it & m. 1 ? tur Kay
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, JL2531.10
per sack; carrote, $1.25flri.50 per sack; beets.
5L25Q1.40 pr sack; parsnljii. 50c per dozen;
trarlic 15&17 per pound.
- OXIONS California red. 2c; Bermuda &c
cer uoundL
POTATOES Oregon fancy. $1.0591.15; com
mon. 25CCJ1.0S; Colorado. 51.15; new
potatoes. 22Vc per pound; Merced camij,
lic per povnd.
RAISINS Loose MaRcatels. 4-crown, 7$ie.
5-Iayer iluatatei raisins, 7c; unbleached
seedless Sultanas. 0c; London layers. 3-
crown, whole boxea of 20 pounds. $l.b5;
crown. $1.75.
DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 0Cc
per pound; sundncd, sacks or boxes, none;
apricots, lOJjllc; peaches, 0310Hic; peatv,
none; prunes. Italians. 495c; French, 2Mb
aic; figs. California blacks. " 35ic"; ' do white,
none: Smyrna. Sac; Fard dates. Cc; plums;
ritted. 6c .
Groceries. Nuts. Etc
1832c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18ff20c; good,
IBSloc; ordinary. 10 12c per pound; Co
lumbia roast, cases. loOs, $13.75; 5&s, $13.75;
Arouckle. $14 75: Lion, $11.75.
RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, $5.37Vi:
Southern Japan. $J.5U, Carolinas. ifiolic;
uroken-nead. 4c.
f 1.75 per dozen; 2-pound talis. $2.40; J.-iound
flats, $l.b5; fancy. iai-pound Hats, $l.bO;
pound flats. $1.10; Alaska pink 1-pound tails
b5c; red. 1-pound tails, $L30; eockeyes, I
pound talis, $l.o5.
SUGAR Sack basis. 100 nounds; Cube.
$0.20; powdered, $5.U5; dry granulated, $5.!5;
'extra C. $5.35; golden C, $5.25; fruit sugar,
S5.S5: advance over sack baeis as follows:
Barrels, 10c; half -barrels, 25c: boxes, 5tc per
300 iKiunds. (Terms: On remittance withia U
days, deduct 'tc per pound; If later than 15
cays and within so days, deduct jc per puunu.
no discount after M days.) wet tmgar, granu
lated. $5.75 per 100 pounds; maple esgar,
15at8c per pound.
SALT California. $11 pbr ton, $1.00 per
utile, Liverpool, wu, i: iuus. $iu.bu; uais,
$16; haU-ground 100s. $7; 50s. $7.50.
NUTS "Walnuts. 135iC per pound by sack. Ic
extra for less man sack; Brazil nuts, 15c;
filbert. lc; pecans, jumbos, ne: extra large.
15c; almonds. I. X. L.. 16ic; chestnuts. ItaU
lans. 15c: Ohio. $4.50 per 25-pound drum: pea
nuts, raw, Vic per pound ; roasted, uc; pine-
nuts, loaiiic; nickory nuts. c; cocoanuts,
7c: cocoanuts, S5690c per dozen.
BEANS Small white. 3tff4Wc: large white.
2$c; pinx, owe, uayou. jc; i-ima, irTiC
Mcatfc and Provisions.
BEEF Dressed, bulls, 4ff5c per pound; cows,
4&5t : country steres. 5S0c
MUTTON Drtted. iancj CV4S7J.ic per pound;
ordinary. 44sc; Spring lambs. 77&c. 1,
VEAL Drtsed , loo to 125 pounds, 5QCc;
125 to aw pousas. iBiftc; -ta pounas and up.
PORK Dressed, 100 to 150. TQTVic; 150 ana
np. 0c per pouno.
HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 125i xer wand
14 to 16junds. 12c; 18 to 20 pounds, 12ic;
shoulders. Sc; boiled ham. 10c; boiled picnic
nam. oonejesc?. ic '
BACON Fancy breakfast. ISc per round
standard breakfast. 15ac: oholce. 14c; Kngllsh
breakfast. 11 to 1 pounds. 13c; peach bacon.
CA II'C: A fZV TnrHnni! tiam nfy nnVn
minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17$4c;
bologna, long. lVrc: welnerwurst. Scr liver. c:
pork. &c; blood, 5c; headcheese. Cc; bologna
sausage, urac. ic
DRY SALT-CURED Regular short clears.
PHc salt. lOVc smoked: clear becks. 9lic salt.
10Mc smoked: clear bellies. 14 to 17 pounds
average, none salt, none emoked: Oregon ex
ports. 20 to 23 oounds average, lOJic salt, HHo
smoked; Union butts. 10 to IS pounds aver
age, ne eait. ve emouea. ,
PICKLTSJ GOODS Pickled pigs feet. U-bar-
reis, $0; H-oarrcis, s..o; iu-pouna kit, 5i.
pickled tripe, -barrels, $5; .-barrels, $2.75
15-pound kit. $1.25: pickled pigs tongues. Vi
barrels. $3: U-barrels. $3: 15-pouna tuts. SlO
pickled lambs' tongue, -barrcla; $9; Vi-barreH
$5.50; 15-pound kits, $2.75.
LARD Leaf lard, kettle-rendered: Tierces,
oc: tubs. Hike; dos. u;c; 20s, 10c; 10s, loc;
6s. 10i4e. Standard pure: Tierces. STie: tubs,
Sc; 50. K.c: 20s, OVic; lOa, OJje; 5s, BHc.
Coanonnd: Ti frees. Ce: tubs. 6Ue: EOs. 6U:
10s, 0?ic; 5s, CXc
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 23!c; Iron
barrels, 17c; SO deg. gasoline, cases, 32c; Iron
D&rreis or drums, "asc.
COAL OIL Casee. 20"c; Iron barrels. 14c
wood barrels. 17c; 63 deg cases, 22c; Iron
uarreis. l&tc
LINSEED OIL Raw. 5-barrel lots. 62o:
l-b&rrcl lots, C3c; cases,. CSc Boiled: 5 -bar
rel jou, uc; i-Dtirrei jois, iuc; cases, tuc
TURPENTINE Cases. 97c; wood barrels.
"WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 714c; 500-pound
lots, t.c; less tnan bOM-pouna lots, be
Hops, W00L Hides. Etc
HOPS Choice. 1301. 3!G25c ner poucd.
WOOL Eastern Ofigon. averase best. 183
-2234c; lower grades, down to 15c, according' to
shrinkage: Valley, -'it-? per pound.
"MOHAntr-Cholce. 3132t4c per pound.
HIDBS Dry ildes. No. 1, 16 pounds and tip,
lfiffiiott-c oer pound: dry kip. No. 1 5 10 11
pounds, 11615c per pound: dry calf. No. L
under 5 pounds. 1701Sc; dry "salted, bulls ana
etsr-K. cne-thlrd lees than dry flint: (cullx
moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, murrain. halr
liDaed. weather-beaten or grubby. 2C3c per
pound less); salted nides. steers, sound, 60
pounds and over, Ug 10c per pound; 00 to eo
' pounds, S"S3i per pound; under 50 pounds
I ami COWS. VC per pouoo; biago una
built, sound. 6c ner nouna: tauea hp. souna
1 35 to "80 pounds. 0c per pound; salted veal,
sound. 10 to 14 pounds. 9c per pound; salted
rstr aousd under 10 sounds. 20c per pound:
(green unsalttd. 1c per pound less; caUs, 1c
per pound less), bceep scins: aacarungs. jvo.
1 butchers stock. UStfSOc each; short wool. No.
1 butchers' stocX 40t?30c each; medium "wool,
Ko. 1 butchers' stock: 60SOc: long "wocL. No.
1 butchero stock, $1?1.50 each. Murrain pelts
from 10 to 20 per cent Jiya or I2?l4c per
pound: borse hides, salted, each, according to
size. $L5CS?2; dry. each, according to else. 51U
1.S0; colts' tides. 25Q50c eaca; goat sils.
common, ittouc cacn; Angora, witn woci on,
TALLOX Prime, per-.pound, 3H4c; Na
jind rrease. 23c
PELTS Bear skins. e to jslzc. No. 1. 12.50
10 each; cubs. $192; sadgtr, 250c; wild
with iMti jMrfe 3iflc: Jmm cat,
9Wc: for. mmmv gray, 90Te; rtd. S3
"5; eroMs. M1S: iirr and Mack. $Moes;
krz, $; Ira. ,$4J0: mink, strictly
Kp. J. according to siae, $12.S0; marten,
dark: Xortserzu aecordlasr to siaa asd oer,
$10I5; marten, -pale, pine, accordlxr to
size a&i color. IS.S04; Kwkrat. targe, 10
15c; ekMBk. I06c; eivet or polecat, t
10c; otter, larce, prime skis. S10; -pn
ther. wltb bead and claxs perfect. $295;
raccoon, prime. 30$50c: aeeatala wolf.
wltU he& perfect. $S.505; ooyote. 60c41;
wolverine. $M8; Deavw. per sfclit. large.
$56; medium.' $34; S91L $11.50; klU, So
75c .
BHCS WAX Good, clean and van. tWKSo
per pound.
CASCARA EAGRADA (Chittaa bark Good,
4ff4Se per pound.
GRAXK SAGS Calcutta, 6&c . .
Break of Over Sevea CU te CUcag
CHICAGO. Maj' 26. At the start the -wheat
market was Influenced by Improved weather
and a,llbtral increase 'la receipts at Minne
apolis. July opened unchanged to ic lower,
at OOHc to SOTtc. and. In the flref hour de
clined to S3Hc Upon receipts of additional
damage reports, chiefly from Kansas City
and St. iouls. the sentiment became -bullish.
Later the upward trend of prices wa greatly
accelerated by a St. Louis trade paper re
porting further tleterlcration In the condi
tion of "Winter wheat, the alleged cause being
too much rain. During the last half Jiour.
of trading several prominent operators were,
active buyers. The market closed at tho
highest point of the day, with July at Slt,
Corn for May deliver' today sold at 55c,
break of 7c from yesterday's closing- quota-.
tlons. The dron In the value of the. May
option was mainly tlfe result of large In
crease In receipt of com. The market was
weak at the start, the May option bejng off
3c. at 60c. In 15 minutes the price dropped
to 58c and then slumped to 65 Uc An esti
mate of nearly 700 cars for tomorrow was &.
vital factor late In the day. Buying by
shorts caused a fair recovery, but the close
was weak, at 3Sc July opened, x shade .to
iSUc lower, at 49lc to 4Xc. sold off to
48?iff4S!ic and closed at 49Jc.
Oats were steady -on an . Improved cash
demand. July opened unchanged at' 30(c.
sold off to 30ic and closed' at 30H&
rrovlslpns were easier. At the doe July
pork was off 5c. at $12.47.4. ' Lard was
down 2 Vic at $7.25. and ribs were a shade
lower at $7.2027.22.
The leading futures ranged as follows;
Open. High.
.$L05 $1.05
. .90Ti
. .S3 .8314
. .fiO .CO
. .4Sj
. .40r .50
. .4S?J
. A$h as
.31 .31U
. .34S .30H
. -2S5i .2SA
Low. Close.
$1.03 $1.03i,i
0Z .Dili
-.S2J, -S3Ti
May .........
May .-.
July (new)...
July told....
Sept. (old)
Sept. (new)...
12.1'. 12.40
125 12.40
July 32.47 J2.47t4 12.42H 12.47
Sept. 12.72',; 12.72 12.07 12.72
. 7.42; 7.4215
. 7.07ii 7.07 7.05
. 7.20 7.22' 7.2U
. 7.45 7.15 7.42t;
May ..
July ..
tepL .
Carfi quotations were as fot'ows:
Flodr Finn.
Wheat-No. 2 Spring. $1.1091.13; No. 3,
&1.10; No. 2 red. $1.M&61.0S&
Corn No. 2, 5Sc: No. 2 yellow, 5Sc
Oats No. 2. -SlSc; No. 2 white. 32i.S3c:
No.,0 white. 31UC2VrC-
Rye No. 2. 767Sc.
Barley Good feeding, 10912c; -fair te ehoice
malting, 4ft349e.
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.28; No. 1 Northwestern,
Timothy seed Prime, $2.85.
Mtas pork Per barrel, $12.40912.45.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $7.15Qr7.17K.
iibort ribs sides Ioose. $7.05P7.13.
Short clear sides Boxed, $7.12JQ7.23.
Clover Contract grade, $11.7512.25.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels....
.. 15.000
Wheat, bushels ..
Corn, bushels ...
Oats, bushels ...
Rye. bushels ....
Barley, bushels .
Grain and Produce at Nfcw.York.
NEW YORK.. .May 20. Flour Receipts, 16,-
000. Exports. 16,500. Quiet, but Arm.
Wheat Receipts, 2000; spot, market -irregu
lar; No. 2 red. $1.09'.t. 'nominal elevator; No.
2 red. $1.10& nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1
Northern Dulutli. $1.14U f- o. b. afloat; No.
hard Manitoba. ?1.01'i f. o. b. afloat.
Wheat dropped a cent In the forenoon under
liquidation and improving weather, but
gained 2s aftetr midday oh a scare of ehorts
in the Northwest. May eloped- a cent- lower.
and other months c higher. May, $L09U;
closed $1.09. July. 91U08 5-16c: clofed
OGHc. September. S60SSc: closed STJJc.
December. S6'.ig7Uc; cloeed S7Uc
Hides Steady.
Wool Firm.
.Grain at Saa Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 26. Wheat and bar
ley. easier.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping, $1.50$1.53; milling, $L55
Barley Feed, $1.3501.80; brewing, $1,309
Oats Red, $l.C2H: white, $1.60; black -$1.50,
Call-board sales Wheat, . May, $4-50; Decem
ber, $1.35
Barley May. $1.27"; -December, S9r.
Corn Large yellow, $1.27l301.45i
, Wheat at Liverpool. w
LIVERPOOL.' ilay 201 Wheat-May, nom
lnal; July, Gs, lOJvi; September. Cs. Slid.
Wheat at Tacoma'.'
TACOMA. May 2G. Wheat, -unchanged
Bluestem. Ulc; club. Sc.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. May 2G- Evaporated apples
seem a little flrmer pn spot, with supplies
email and a moderate demarid. Common to
good arc quoted at 4464ic; prime at $5,403'
5.50. choice. CcGVic. and fancy at Te:
Prunes are quiet o far as futures are
concerned, while a moderate Jobbing demand
for spot .supplies keeps the market firm
Quotations range from ?;c to Cc, according 10
grade. .
Apricots for future shipment are said to
be easier, but the spot situation Is unchanged.
Chotpc, JOSlOVic;. extra choice, lie. and
fancy, 12?15c
Peaches are quoted at lOfflOVje for- choice.
lOltOlOSic for extra choice, and llt&13c for
fancy. .
Raisins , remain unchanged. Loose musca
tels aro - 4Uc6U.c; seeded raisins. 5 QGic.
and London layers. $191-15.
Dairy Produce la the East.
CHICAGO. May ' . 36. On the Produce Ex
change today the nutter market was steady;
creameries. 10Q21c; dairies. 1619c.
Eggs were weak. 15c;. firsts, 15'c; prime. 16c
extras, ITiic. Cheese, weak, 101? 12c.
NEW YORK. May 26. Butter, weak. Street
price, extra cream en. 22c; official prices.
common to extra20?22c; renovated, common
to extra, 15319c .
Cheese weak. New state, full cream.- small
white, fine, lOiic: do. fair to choice. -9c
do. large white, fine, Olc; 'da colored, fine.
0U9Kc; old date full cream, colored and
white fancy. 14Jc; do. fine, I3Kc 1
vEggs. weak. Western fancy selected, 17H?
ISc; da firsts, 17c.
June Dividends Increase.
NEW "YORK. May 26. June industrial dlv
dend payments will show a heavy tncreasa over
those In the same month lat year, -according
to figures compiled by the Journal of Com
merce. Declarations thus far announced rep
resent a money value of over $IS,100,000 as
compared with $15,600,000 In 1904. increases
by three or four large companies largely ac
count for the gain.
v Wool at St. raetf.
ST. LOUIS. May .26. Wool Steady. M
dlum grades combing and clothing; 2S$31c
light fine. 24'.sfjc27ic: heavy fine. 20ff22Hc
tub washed. 32$ 42c
; i
Daily Tramwy State.,
' YASHH GTON. "May-34. Today's"Treai-ary
Available cash balaaces. $218,315,543.
Gold. $70,109.8K.
Hallway Earnings Show an Increase
'Over "Last Year Strength or
"V6bl Continues. f ' -
NEW YORK. May 26. Dun & Co.'s Weekly
Review will say tomorrow:
Improvement la reported te retail trade.
although weatker coacltlona, are still far from
Ideal and exceaetre rain retards agricultural
progress sufficiently tp cause conservatism
among .dealers; yet confideac In the future
Is the prevail lnc sentiment. Building ooera-
tions make favorable comparisons with re
cent years, and there is little controversy .
regarding wages or hours of labor.
Foreign commerce at this port for the
last week shows little chango in comparison
with the s&ae period' .a year ago, exports de
creasing $221,775. while Imports gained $500.-
956. Railway earnings thas far reported for
May exceed those of a year ago by S per
cent, and after- falling to the lowest point
of the year, prices of securities recovered
materially. Money Is abundant and easy
and commercial payments - are more prompt
in most, sections of the country.
No diminution of" strength ls'rrated In 'raw
wool, and., the mills arc also correspondingly
firm In their views. Tanners hate exhibited
sa Interest in the Chicago hide market
during tho past week and as a natural re
sult quotations' show a downward tendency.
The depression extends to imported dry hides.
Western country hides are, .relatively firmer
than other divisions of the market:
Failures this week number 211 in the
United States, against 22ft last year, and 10
In Canada, compared with. 17 a year ago.
Buyer Awaiting a Clearer Ylcvr of Crop
-NEW YORK. May, 28. BradaUeet's tomor
row will sayr
Wholesale trade Is seasonably quiet, pend
ing a clearer vjew of crop out. turn, which.
owing to Irregular or unsettled weather in
wide areas, still lacks definite form. Cool
weather Is etlll a bar to fullest activity at
retail. Manufacturing activity Is still In
large volume on orders previously booked.
Speculative "markets for wheat reflect the
technical conditions and short supplies In
primary markets more clearly than they do
the alight deterioration In. asantltr and qual
ity Indicated as resulting from recent back
ward weather. Collections reflect little more
seasonable slowjfrc&s. "and money Is' easy and
In abundant supply. Rather more friction
In labor matters Is noted at Chicago. Some
few points of labor friction arc noted In
other cities.
Despite efforts to accentuate less favorable
happenings for stock speculative purposes.
there Is still abundant evidence that the
country's consumptive requirements are on
a largo scale, heavily exceeding a year ago
at this time, and the movement-' can be
materially quickened by more seasonable
weather, allowing of belated retail buying
materializing, and ordinary crop developments
occurring. Railway earnings for the first
half of May exceed a year ago by 6.5 per
Failures In the United Statra for the week
ending May 25 number 179, against 191 last
week and 194 In -the like week in 1901. In
Canada failures for the week number 14, as
against 17 last week and 14 in- this week
a year aro.
Wheat, Including flour, expoa for the
week ending May 23 are 1.221,200 bushels.
against 1,125;330' last weeki 1.132.157 this
week last year. From July 1 to date the
exports are 57.22i;207 ." buehels. against 120,
009.221 last year.
Bank Clearings.
NEW YORK. May 2$.-The followinr table.
compiled by Bradstreet. shows the bank
"clearings at the principal cities for, the week
cuucu d j mm t-uv iiLvutatkc ui in
crease "and decrease as compared with the
corresponding weeK -last year:
T. C. -P. C,
Inc. Dec
New York'
Chicago . .
-,-$1.773,245.99 65.4 ,
... 1S3.024.1S2. 33.1 .
... 129.430.407 14.7 -
... 139.61S.8C9 3S.0 .
59.e4S.23S 14.4 .
St. Louis
53,570.3o3. 33.7
29.893,323 ' 19.3
3.':.333.05 30.3
33,977.033 33.3
31J329.361 2S.3
16.309.474 IS. 7
14.008.73S 30.S .
12.135.010 1.3
11711.73! " .S.S
11.413.002 V33.5
7.2O9.90S ....
7.507.047 3.1
7.050.300 IS. 8
S.793.091 4S.3
C.377.141 13.3
5.607.S3U (5.0
5.017.54S ....
4.238.373 32. S
4.603,389 14.0
4.602.900 7.5
5.S03.C3i 47. B
4.3C2.7O0 9.S 1
5.036.019 41.3
. 4.997.310 31.8
3.7S5.S4C .tl.O
4.345.530 5.6
4.100,178 33.3
4.503,726 90.4
3.3S9;245 3S.5
3,S$rt,S73 33.1
'3.313,023 57.0
3.G81.SS4 53.1
3,31S.r.00 4.S
3.C27.203 13.6
. 3.146,823 . 32.0
3.341.3S3 13.3
3.3S6.963 S9.6
2473.449 17.7
1.9S3.038 4.3
1.S17.631 14.4
- 1.599.083 7.8
' 1.3S3.22S
1.729.810 33.4
,J.53P.S43 97. S
1.501.503 37.4
1.430.133 12.3
1.414.301 19.7
1.317.549 12.9
1.374.666 20.9
1.02S.803 '
1.061.S44 ...".
9SS.440 3.4
1,090.877 S.O
948.615 11.0
833.433 10.7
1.056.342 .9.1
1.233.541 43.8
7S8.3I6 26.6
712.357 il.7
638,320 27.3
H65.34K .". . .
' 373.320 27.1
. . -S3S.734. 107,3
604.000 4,3-'
394.-000 ...
444.809 IS. 8
771.413 30.8
488,789 24.8
53S.133 11. '8
440.809 ....
454.980 11.8
536.100 "3.6
338.367 . a
263.167 30.3
390.473 ....
301.393 ....
392.428 13.3
103.863 18.4
339.281 '34.2
307.103 101,9
San Francisco ....
Kansas City"
New Orleans
Minneapolis" ......
Detroit .. ..."
Milwaukee ........
Providence .......
Los Angeles ......
St. Paul
St. Joseph" ..........
Washington .."
Portland. Ur
Fort Worth
Toledo. O
Salt Lake City. ...
Spokane. Wash
Dca Moines
New .Haven..-,....
Grand Rapids
Portland, Me...
Springfield. Mass..-.
Augusta. Ga
Sioux City
Birmingham" .....
Knoxville . ... .
Charleston. S. C. ..
Wilmington. Del...
Little Rock
Jacksonville. Fla...
Kalamazoo.- Mich..
Springfield. Ill
Fall River
Wheeling. W. Va..
Hetena ...
Lexington ........
Akron ............
Canton. O ...... 1.-...
Fargo. ?f. D
Youngstown .......
New Bedford
Rockford. Ill
Chester, pa........
Blnghamton ...
Bloomlngton. III...
Springfield. O
Greensburg. Pa....
Qulncy, Hi
Decatur, in
Sloax Falls. .S. D...
Jacksonville. 111....
Mansflold, O
Fremont en...
Cedar Rapids . 396.44S 7.9.,...
Houston :.. 11.543.t73'l 1P.5
Galveston 9,640,000 73.3 ....
Total, U. S $2,074,173,199 46.9
Outside New York. 900.927,293 ' 22.4
Montreal f
Tororito -...." -
Winnipeg t
'Ottawa --. -
Halifax ..i
Vancouver. B. C. - .
Hamilton .........
St. John, N. B. .-,
London. Ont
nctorIa. B. C
21.927.7J2 - 30.3
16.154.159 20.7
4,729.776 8.7
3.176.316 33;4
1.219.411 28.3
I.377.2S3 S.9
1,378.898 S.3
LI 19,476 13.6
S84.679 14.tJ
746.393 10.3.
610.27 4 83.7
Total. Canada $ 32.115.7S4 37.7 ..
"Balances paid in cash.
Trmtiteg Almost Wholly is TrefeMieBal
NEV YORK. May 34.-A fcrlsk half hour's
bus-lncss after he.opelac today was all that
&ved the stock- market from the lowest rec-
4 of sks n jiearlr a. yr. ZThe irxxx-
actions coecentrated Into that time were -
rsost wholly profefional and were deafened
to test the Market. Th -irtcmr. tkea p-
TtfedrMght;, scn amall re alts is tlie; way
C Mssiatglng stock cr Inducing any fllw
ag' cJMut t)M dlsgasted trrs claA , m
taelr accounts. Han? brokers left wRa -ta.
lateetios of not returning oa Mosday sr
the one day's business preceding the Decora
tion Day holiday.
The prospect of a period ot practical .idle
ness to extend Into Weteesday.eC- next wefc
had much to do with the somnolent condi
tions which- developed. Transactions were
of no cigaMcaBee, both by reasen of their
small volume and the trifling effect on prices.
The selling at the openln was eased Imme
diately on professed doubts as tp the extent
of 'tha settlement effected, in the Northwest
ers railroad dispute. The drop of 5 -points
la Great Northern- preferred and of 3Vs la
Northern Pacific were pointed" to as evidence
cf the continued unaettlement of the situa
United States Steel stocks were- alio a
weight upon the market, -and the disruption
of the steel rail pool was the subject ot
much discussion as bearing on the trade
situation. It was believed, that the- dissolu
tion of this agreement would open the way
to added competitive effort which would be
likely to Jcadto yielding prices and to with
holding of orders. It was urced also that
Sthe abandonment of some' agreement In otbec
branches of the trade was likely to follow.
The United States Steel stocks were less, re
sponsive to the later Improvement In prices
than the majority of stocks.
The announcement ot additional small bank
failures from" the West have a bad Impres
sion, owing to the recent conjunction of a
number of such cases. It Is felt to be "prob
able that recent disclosures of banking opera
tions resulting In the. acquisition of unfortu
nate holdings has had the' effect ot stimulat
ing a closer scrutiny of security and col
lateral oa the part of the financial Institu
tions all over the country.
AVcather reports from the region of the
grain crops were mote "favorable, but eome
anxiety was reported regarding cotton crop
conditions. - - . .. . -
Currency movements Indicate a slight gain
In cash by the banks, but the week's loan
changes arc likely to prove large. The ex
treme ease of ' the money market, however.
precludes any great attention to tho bank
Conditions wero -stagnant and the market
wad idle during the afternoon, but the tone
at the closing was strong.
Bond j were firm. Total - sales, par -value,
$2,ttS0.000. United States bonds were all un
changed on call. '
Sales. High. Low. bid.
3,400 7UH 78H, 7Si
1UO 101a 1011s lOlh
. 900 147? 147 Hoi,
3.WJ lOTit 10o?i 1U7
do preferred ......
Atlantic Coast Line
Baltimore &. Ohio...
do preferred
Canadian Pacific ....
2.80O UiVt 143- 144X
Central of .. Jersey.
Cnesapcake & Ohio.. 1,000" 47".3 -47
Chicago & Alton.... 3W a2V5 32
ao preierrect
Chicago Gt. Western. 4.300 ltsli iS'a lbii
Chi. & Northwestern- IKW 211T 21i 2lo
Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 30,600 172VS 170 172'i
ChL Term. & Transit
do preferred ......
300 31vs 31-i
C. C. c Si St. L..
Colorado &. Southern.
3U 3BVi iW'.i
SCO 55v 53
5) 34'. S3--:
do 1st preferred....
do 2d preferred....
Delaware & Hudson
Del.. Lack. & West.
5W lbU 1W.- 179
Denver & Rio -Grande
do preferred ......
13.500 40 39 40t;
do 1st preferred ....
do 2d preferred....
3.300 TPS. 7674 Vlli
iXX) 63)i 65 65
31,'y 83 b7 83
Hocking Valley
go preferred
Illinois Central ....
Iowa Central
do preferred
900 139?i 138
200 35 35 34
.- 4 I
Kansas City Southern
co preferred
Loulsv. & Nashville.
700 56 56
2,100 142U 141
Manhattan L..
Met. Securitled
1.500 76 73It
Metropdlltan St. Ry. 1.O0O 115 114 114-i
Mexican Central
1,800 19 19?,
Minn. & St. Louis...
M.. St. P. & S. S. M.
do preferred
Missouri Pacific ....
M.. ICan. & Texas.
do preferred
Mex. Nat. R. R. pfd.
2.100 96 . 85 G
too S '
40O 58'i 58 53
100 34 34 34
1.300 13ffli 138 139
cw York central.
N. Y., Ont. & W'tsl. 63,600 52 4U 52
Norfolk & Western.. ' ..600 7S .78 77i
.Nortnern I'acinc ... jan- jtoh im
do preferred ...... 100 32 92 93
PcrinsylvsnU lS.&W 183 132?i
V., . V. cc i)L L.
Reading o-V-tri) S9
do "let preferred.... 3w 90',
do 21 preferred....
Rock Island Co 3.200
do preferred
St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 700
St. Louis Southwest. 500
do preferred 200
Southern Pacific .... 14,500
36 25
do preferred . . .
Southern Railway
200 HOW 119 119
1.400 29 28 23i
do preferred 1G0 951
OflU 93-
Texas &. Pacific... 100 33
ToL. St. L. & West. 500' 31i
do preferred 400 5414
Union Pacific 91.400,120
do preferred .....
32 31i
367i 37
W 54
118 1194
Wabash 300
do preferred
Wheeling & L. Erie
Wisconsin Central.. 100,
do preferred . . . 300
Express companies '
Adama .'
United States
Wells-Fargo ; ,
Amalgamated Copper 58.400
Amer. Car & Found. 1.7i0
do nrcelrred .. 500
.American Cotton Oil ......
do preferred
American lee
do preferred
American Lln?ctl OH
do preferred
American Locomollre 9.900
1SV, le
.. 312
1 'i
. 46 45
do preferred 500 100 108 19
Amer. Smelt. & Rcf. 18,900 110 108 109
do preferred' - 117
.rtmcr. ugar itenn. i..ak jx: i.ii 1
Amer. Tobacco pfd.. 2W 90 03 955
Anaconda Mining Co. 600" 104 103 102
jirooK. lutpia "iranott i.ww ay
Colorado Fuel & Iron. 3.200
Cbnsolidated Gas ....
4,000 11 9 10
900 53 50 50
300 42 41 41"
200 19 19 19
200 79 78 7S?i
900 44 43 44
200 99 08 99 I
S.OCfi 100 09i 100
Com Products ......
da preferred
Distillers' Securities.
General Electric ....
International Paper..
do preterreu ......
International Pump..
co nrferrca ......
National Xead
North American ....
Pacific Mall
People's Gas
Pressed Steel Car...
do preferred ......
.... 91
16 Idji
70 "71U
Republic Steel
. -SOO
do preferred
Rubber' Goods ,
3itt 34 34
do preferred ......
Tenn: Coal & Iron..
U. S. Leather
do preferred
LT. S. Realty.
U. S. Rubber
do preferred .....a
100 106
U. S. Steel I.
51.800 26I
44.800 " 93
1V0, 32
"500 iflr."
SCO 93
do ornferrcd
VIrg.-Caro. Chemical
3 32
164 163
02 93
do preferred
Westlnghouse Electric
western Union-
Total sales for .the day. 478.600 shares.
NEW YORK. May 26. Closing quotations:
V. S. ref. 2s rg.l01Atch!son Adj. 4s 96
do coupon. ..104JD. & R. G. 4a...l0l&
D. S. 3s reg 103'N. Y. C. G. 3s.l00i
do coupon 104 :Nor, Pacific 3s.. 75
C. S. new 4s rg.132 !Nor. Pacific 4s.. 103
do coupon 132 JSo. Pacific 4s... 93
U. S, old 4s rg. 1 04 KiUn ion .pacific 4s. 106
s'do, coupon.'... j?04?ftWIs. Central 4s.. 34
Stocks at London.
LONDON, May 28- Consols for money;
90; consols for account, 903-16.
Anaconda 3INorfoJk & West. 791
do rreefrred.. .104 I do preferred... 93
Baltimore. & O..110 Pennsylvanla ... 6SVi
(.an. -acine.,..m iKaco attnes..... fl
hes fc Ohio. . - 48
Reading ....... 43
C. Gt, Western. 19
do 1st pref. ... 40
do 3d nref:...;- 43 V,
M..& St. P"..17tf
TeBetrs .--.. 17
So. -TRaJlway:. 29
D. & xi. Grande. 3S
do preferred... S7
oo preierrca... as
So. PacIIJe 62i
Union Pacific. ...133
' do nreferred M
Erie 40
do 1st pre!.... 79
do 3d pref T,
tU. S. Steel 26
lUInols Central. 1G3
do preferred 93
Eculs.- & Nash.. 146 rwabash
Mo.. Kas; & T.. 38i
do preferred... 39
"N. Y. Central... 143iScanish Fours.. " 9l;
.Ontario & West. 33
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. May" 28. The London tin
market was again lower, closing at 138 13s
for pot ana tlZG 2a 6d for futures. Lb-
.cally tha market was easier. Spot closed
Copper" closed at 64 5s and 61 7s 4d for
spot and futures abroad, which- represented
a flight decline. The local market was un-
chaaged. Lake and electrolytic, $13 and
casting "$14.75.
"Lead was a shade, higher In London at 13
17a a..but remained unchanged at $4.3094.99
Spelter was unchanged in London, and
ril tiSHckt .H9S. 'locally; - J"
I roe closed at 44a JOd In Glasgow ad'' at
45s Id la Middles bora. Locally Iroa wm
May Wheat and Barley- Forced Up to
the Top Jotch-UA.rrIvas of
New Grain.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 26. (Special.) It
was an eventful day In the local grain pit.
The thumbscrews again twisted on. the shorts.
sending May wheat up to $1.55 and May bar-
ley to $1.31. After Important settlements on
the basis of those prices, both options relaxed.
closing at $1.50 bid1 for wheat and $1.37
asked for barley. Spot values wero tem
porarily Quoted fully up to option prices
and the cash market, for all cejcals ruled
strong. Small lota of new, wheat, greatly
pinched, arrived, the first of the season.
against July 6 last year. Another parcel of
new feed barley, rather light, sold to millers
at $L30." Feedstuffs and flour were firm.
Fruit market conditions showed little change.
Wet.' cold weather was against local trade
and the rclty of good stock restricted the
New apples are arriving in more ,-variety.
Red Astrachan In large boxes arc q.uot&u at
SL and red June at $1.33. Cherries, peaches.
apricots and plums are easier under liberal
arrivals and generally poor condition. At
auction six carloads of .navel oranges sold
slowly at lower prices, as follows: tancy.
$1.00 to $1.50: choice, 85c: to $1.30; standard.
owe ,iu ........--. vw,,
fancy grape- fruit, are slow ana..weas.
New potatoes are lower. , under- heavy re-
ceipis. ,Kr reu. oaraiu u.wr.
AH dairy producte are In large supply
and easy. Receipts, 95.200 pounds butter.
35.900 pounds cheese. 53,740 dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 50c$1.75; gar-
fliufr nsnannu 4u?i6'Ae:" to'matoc-B. $1.35
, ,'
pnirrTRYTurkev cobblers. 17fi30c: Toost-
ers. old. $44.50; do young. $6.507.50: broil-
ers small. S335S3.75: da Urge. S3S3.50: fry-
ers. 3386: hens. $4.5006.50: ducks, old. $5$6;
do, young. $637.
EGGS Store. I6s?isc; fancy rancn, -ic
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 3-c; creamery
seconds. ISc; fancy dairy, 17c; dairy sec-
onds. 17c.
WOOL Spring. Humboldt and Mendocino,
28830c; Nevada. 1030c.'
hops Nominal. ,nann ,A.
JUiitoitTfo-aiau, c-j.uvu uu,
dllngs. iHF-t.
HAY-Wheat. $11.50314.50; wheat and oat.
$10313.50; barley. $711.50; alfalfa, $S8ia50:
clover. $7S10; stocks. $3.5037.50; straw. 30
50c per bale.
FRUIT-Annles. choice. $2: common. SI:
Hnanu. 7-fi2.U: Ifexlean lime. i4S4.30:
California lemons, choice. $2.50: common. 75c;
orances. navels. 73ca2.50: olneaoDles. $2ff3.
POTATOES River Burbanks. nominal: Ore-
gon Burbanks. $l.25gl.5d:
CHEESE Younc America. lOSrllc: Eastern,
RECEIPTS Flour. 20.131 quarter sacks:
bran. 10.S25 sacks; hides. 311; wheat. 11,282
centals: beans. CGI sacks: middlings. 423
sacks; barley. 6S05 centals' com. 213S cen
tals: hay. 291 tons: oats. 1294 centals; pota
toes. 4153 sacks: wool. 404 bales."
livestock: markets.
Prices Quoted at Tortland Union Stockyards
Tteeints at the Portland Union Stockvards
yesterdav were 25 cattle. 472 sheep and 44
bogs. The following prices were quoted at
,s. ...
ine yaru-.
CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers. $4.33;
C0-2c r, . , "'SV k, $1:5C2:
. - . vA . . ;
China fatf--3j.3oSo.50; stockers. $u.
SHEEP-Bcst Eastern Oregon and Valley,
sneareo. i;tmeaium, j.wrffa.iD; lamos. si.mi
Trices Current at Kansas City. Omaha and
KANSAS CITY. May 33. Cattle Receipt.
3000; market, weak. rtatlvo steers, xj.259
R.15-. native cows and heifers. S2.233.25:
o?-v. fr n?5,i9ft- "n.vt tA
steers. $4.505.90; Western fed cows. $3,253
' . ... ...,.
$5.3dg5.S3; packers. $0.3035.37; pigs and
lights. ?l.SOti5.33.
Sheep Receipts. 5000; market steady and
acUvc. Muttons. $4.0033.75; lambs. $5,751
7.35: range wethers. $4.50gu.00; fed ewes.
, souiii uuaua. iiay ib. cattle tteccipts,
1400; market steady, native stecra, $4.25;?
6.oo; cows and neiters,; v,estern
steers. ?3U)a.J0; cannere, .oo&uo; siock-
ers ana icecers. .uuys.tu: caives, .wtry
6.00; bulb, stags, etc.. $2.5034.50.
Hogs Receipts. 11.000; market active, shade
higher. Heavy. $3.17iSi5.23: mixed, $3.17
5.20; light, $5,1543.32; pigs, $4.0OJ5.0O;
bulk of sales. $5.1725.20.
Sheep Receipts, 2500; market steady. West-
era yearlings, shorn. $3.0033.50;. wethers.
shorn, $4.503.00; lambs, wooled, $6.7337.:
lambs, shorn, $5.35&35.
CHICAGO. May 3C-Cattle Receipts, 1500;
market steady. Good to prime steers. $3,609
C.30; poor to medium. $4.0033.50; stockers
and feeders. $3.735.13; cows. . $2.0034.75;
heifers, $3.6035-20; canners.. $1.603.40; bulls.
$3.504.73: calves, $3.00fi6.50.
Hogs Receipts today. 33.000; tomorrow. 23,-
000; market 5c lower. Mixed and butchers,
$5.2C&5.40; good to choice heavy. $3.3CS3.40:
rough heavy. $3.1CJ3.S3; light, $5.253.47;
bulk ot sales. $5.S53.45.
Sheep Receipts, 6000; sheep and lambs
eady. Good to. choice wethers, shorn. $4,503
steady. Good to. choice wethers, shorn, $4,509
5j7v50; fair to choice mixed, shorn, $3.50
4.40; Western shfep, shorn. $4.0035.00; native
Iambi, shorn. $4.7536.50; Western lambs, $5.50
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO, Slay 26. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
Alta ...$ .05
Hale &. Norcro33.$1.70
Alpha Con. 10
Justice 03
Andes 21
Belcher .23
Mexican 1.40
Occidental- Con.
Best & Belcher.. 1.35
Bullion .33
Caledonia 59
Pofosl -
Scorpion . .
Seg. BttlCher.....
Challenge Con. . .10
Choljar .20j
Confidence ...... .76;
con. cai. va.. i.o
Sierra Nevada. .
Con. Imperial... .01
Silver Hill..
Exchequer ."V.T Isolrtah Con ."."I
Gould & Curry. , Il4iYellow Jacket
NEW YORK, May 26. Closing quotations:
Adams Con $ .20!
Alice 45
Little Chief
Sierra Nevada..
Small Hopes...'-.
Brunswick Con.. .031
Comstock Tun... .OS
Con. Cal. & Va.. I.C0
Horn Silver..... 1.S0
Iron Silver...... 3.00!
Leadvllle Con... .051
BOSTON, May 36. Closing quotations:
..wijiuiiawjv ......
Allouez lO.SOIMont. C & C.
Amalgamated. 78.3SOId Dominion
Am. Zinc. 9.00Osceola .......
AtlanUc ...... 1-1.00 Parrot
Bingham ..... 25.00Quincy . -
Cal. & Kecla. . 63O.C0:Shannon
Centennial .... - iS.OOiTamarack
Ccpper Range. C8.30;lrinity
Daly west..-. unuea copper. 4.50
Dominion Coal 74.00JE. S. Mining... 39.30
.Granby . .
Isle Royale...
Mass. Mining.
Michigan ....
Utah ..
. 42.50
(.esree ana fcagar. .
NEW YORK. May 3C Coffee futures closed
UMiIr rw-t 5 and 10 nolstfi hlcher. S1m.
55,750 bags. Including June. $B.30S5: July, a. Seelye. Centralia; J. M. Hamey. vvooa
tK45r Aueuet. S6.53: Sentembcr. i6.60S6.63: I land. Wash.: M. R. Gotran; H. M. Edgar,
October. $.053.70; December; 46.85g6.9o;
January, $6.93; March. $7. Spot Rio, steady;
No, inVoIce. 8c; alld. dull: cordova 10SI3c
r..w flrrr,- fi nn!n .t rpn.
trifagai, "98 teat. 44 13-S2c; molasses.
sugar, 3c: reflaed. steady; crushed. $6.35;
powdered, $fi-93; gransUted, $5.85.
New York" Cettea Market.
''HEW. YOltK. May Cotton futies closed
steady at a. net' advance of 3' and. 9 point;.
May, 8.11c; je, ..96c; July, 8.03c; Augurt,
veecber. 8.13c: Deeeat)r. 8.15c: Jawxy..
Meaey, Exchange. ISc.
NEW YORK. May 2J- Moaey oa- call easy.
hiSVA per cent: closing bid. 2i bw cent:
offered at 31$ -per ceaL
Time money, easy aad aU; 69 and 9d .days,
3 percent; six raoatha, 33 perceafcT
Prime mercaatlla paper..' 304- per csat.
Sterling excaaage. eavy. wlta actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at $4.870&$4.S714 for
demand and at $4.S315$-1.SG20 for 60 day.
Posted rates. $4.S; commercial bills, $4.81.
Bar sliver; 5S5ic
Mexican dollars, 43c.
GovernmeBt bancs, steady? railroad bond?.
LONDON. May " 38. Bar silver Firm.
7 l-16d per ounce.
Money, 11 per cent.
The rate of discount in the'.openasarket for
" ' , w "v .
b. . 7 Vl ' .
iiv ivr,Cm v . ,
Mexican dollars Nominal.
Drafts Sight. 3c; telegraph. 7e.
Sterling on London 0 days. $4.851; sight.
Xorthem Pacific Will Have New
I TJmi Srhpdulft.
I It Is announced by A. D. Charlton, as-
6Istant general n&ssensrer agent or the
Northern Pacific, that a new schedule
1 wjh j,e put Into effect on Juno 4 on the
xorthenv Pacific trains running between
Portland and the Fuget sound cointry.
Qn that date thft -vnrth Canst Limited
TSnHia-rt t 5 nvioclc tn th.
.,-. Inatpofl of at 3 a nt nrPMnt.
ft ' . . T ,m,tai, Tit tv,
The Puget Sound Limited will leave
Portland at 4:30 In the afternoon, will
arrive at Tacoma at 3:40 and at Seattle
I Seattle at 4:30 In the afternoon, will arrive
I at Tacoma. at 5:50 and at Portland at
on June 4 an extra train win oe put
inr. service, leaving apoKane at m ine
afternoon, arriving at Tacoma at 8:10 In
I the morning and reaching Portland at
i :ju in tne aiternoon.
Some minor changes will be made In
I the local time cards along" the main line
I In order to meet with tho alterations
made in the time of the throueh trains.
The South Bend branch will, after the
datc o change, be run daily, instead o
1 flAilv PICPTif Snnrfat- an at
Th Puot. SnimiT T.fTn'tPrt -will mn-
n(, .-..jZ,- nf n ,nhmmf uf
' .v , "1,r Tt"r. n C"T. "
Z 'l'ZJ, ll t..V'" 3 LjVtT
" ClTi, 1 -il" " .
" l-14? uinxxum ov yCiaui. i.o uuw
axiiutru piusn upnoisierca passenger
coaches, new dining cars and new parlor
cars, containing 40 easy chairs and two
sinuKins-rooma in eacn. .ine train win oe
made up and will stand at the Union
-ucpot Saturday evening. June 3. wnere
I at 8 o clock it will be opened for the ln-
spectlon of the public.
The Port .and a. a. Clavburch. Chlcar.o:
J. M. Donoghue. Seattle: H. A. Sieel fcnd
wire, riew Tork; A. C. Randall. Minneapolis;
E. J. Rothschild. Chicago: M. H. Kelly. Du-
lutn; . d. H. Vroom and wife. New York:
J. R- Greenfield. Vancouver. B. C: G. S.
Long. Tacoma: J. H. Byrd. St. Lpuis; J. H.
I reiup. can i-rancisco; iu A. uctrs. H. Blcn-
?aB' w"e cna m. XOTK-r airs,
.B'!asS.'.SaJ?. Francisco; N. J. Newman,
i ueirou; i.-. t. ooa. u. a. ..; j. t. xnorne,
1 -v- -ri,. t -d".i. -i.i . t, T
Y,' X '"...f6 4,.
Hadenfeldt. Pasadena; T. C. Arnold. San
Francisco: u. ti. stoweu, Alton, in.: t. w.
Chuston. New York: A. L. Klngsberry, H.
h. Scovel. San Francisco; H. B. Harper.
lU and child. Detroit: Mrs. T. C. Elliott,
J. B. Catron, W. W. Baker and wife. Miss
M. Baker. Walla Walla; A. L. Porter, L. E.
Hayden, Spokane; C. Kelly, F. T. Winn. San
Francisco; J. O. Sherman, New York; A.
Berges. New York; Mrs. E. A. Root. Ft.
Lawton: T. M. Mechler. Nea Perc. Idaho;
I. J. Decorey, St. Louis: R. H. Hittwell.
Chicago: A. Morton. Seattle; B. N. Flskiii
wiie. .nicago: u. v. Martin. Ban Taacwce;
E. L. Carr, Honulam; S. Cohen. San TraB-
Cisco; A. Hill. L. M. Stark, Saginaw:
: w: Blodgett. Grand Rapids; M. C. Ortan.
Cleveland; G. H. Peaks, Chicago; J. K.
I Danaher and wife. Detroit: W. A. Caldwell
and family. Boreman; G. H. L. Sharp. B5s-
I per G. W. Sharpe. B. SImson.'Al Slmson.
Denver: F. A. Mabee. St. Louis: W. A. Will-
I lams. Chicago; E. M. Gallen. Rochester; A.
P. Flaherty, San Francisco; J. L. Stone and
I wife. Battle Creek; B. A. Rosenthal. I. J.
I Feilerman. New York: M. Marcus. Chicago;
G. C Holden and family, N. Joseph. Albany.
ind.; T. Howie, Minneapolis; W. R. Hume,
e. B. .Hasen. C. H. Callender, Astoria, Or.
The Perklns-Henrj Blackman, Heppner;
"William Douglass and wife. Chicago; Peter
connacher, Yacolt; H. L. Oold. New York; S.
F. Hamilton. Astoria; H. L. Vorse. Hood
River; R. E. Hulbert. Albany; Dan D. Stlltz.
Grant's Pass; J. B. Clark, Phoenix, Ariz.:
William C. Harrison, New Orleans; G. A.
l Rogers. A. L. Cross. Chicago; V. E. Fowler.
Seattle: S. F. Loughborough, San Francisco;
Mrs. M. A. Snyder. E. M. Woodln. Ana
conda; Ernest Lister, Tacoma: Mrs. John
Lamont. Mrs. A. Lamont, Skaraokawa: M.
W. Wallace. LIbby. Mont.; G. E. Black. San
Francisco; H. M. Jack?, Los Angeles; E. A.
Snodgrass. Eugene Vivian C. Englehart.
Marlon M. Miller. North Yakima. Wash.; H,
O. Wilson. Elgin. Or.; Charles H. Vlehl. St.
Louis; George C. Wiles. Ashbay. N. D.: Mrs.
J. D. Hlnkle, Charles Ferguson, Spokane:
B. F. Laughlin. The Dalles: John G. Thomp
son. Lizzie Holder. Blackduck; R. W. Fenn.
Roseburg; J. J. Boyer and wife. Minneapolis;
T. T. Geer, Salem: W. N. Douglass and
wife. Chicago; C. A. Taylor, Kelso, Wash.;
E. Kane, Chicago; P. A. McPherson, Port-
I land; C. v. Holllster, Chicago; .Mrs. a, i.
Englehart, North Yakima; W. F. Wilkin and
wife, Bozeman. Mont.; W. A. Ruff, Tacoma;
Mrs. L. F. Williamson. Cornelius; W. H. H.
Dufur and wife, C. G. Ballard. Dufur, Or.;
J. W. Lundy and wife, Master Lundy,
Grant's Pass: H. J. Reed and wife. Cecil;
W. J." Mulligan. Spokane: W. T. Whltlock.
Ashland. Or.: Mrx Lizzie HaKer, Miss Ida
Baker. Colfax; J. W. Tynan. Roseburg: W.
C Brooks. Lincoln; u. J. jaeiorura, city: j.
G. Silvester and wife. P. Simon and wlfa.
San Francisco; Frank Cole, Jr., Albion, Hl.r
L. K. Walker, Aberdeen.
The Imperial C. H. Marsh, city; Joe E.
.78 Dlller and wife. North Yakima; William B.
C.SS Doolittle, Chicago: C W. Fulton, Astoria;
13 ira. Erb. Salem: HollI Rice. The Dalles: J.
.07 p. "Wentz. Smith River; E. R. Lake. A. B.
.57 cordley. O. A. C.; George Coote, JCorvallls;
.13 j H ahjveter Olympian D. McDennls. Olym-
.0l T -p rSnorlnn nnrf mlfA TAlun Bra Lltah
L00 D- F- Van Gfne Centralia; William Schulde,
.04 Johnson. X J. Wiseman, Dallas; George H.
23 Kelly. Eugene; F. G. Young. Joseph J.
money, t-ugenc;: iaroi wan, xtauwvia; v,
Hayden, Cosmopolls; Roxle Freeman, Mrs.
.05 I r reeman. oireaior, Jiicnaei v;raig, oos-
4.00 1 ton; ti. a. oaiaauij. -duviw nmu
6.50 I Ankerwetter. Nat Goodwin: T. F. Peterson.
02 Tacoma: P. J. Clinton. J. Clinton. Mrs. Juavts
13 Wright. Spokane; Mrs. J. F. Glllis. Seattle:
33 c. Van Patten. Salem: J. S. Cooper. In
33 dlanaDOlIs: George B. Simpson. M. Ford and
j wife. Mrs. W. C Logan, A. E. Barr,( Salem;
H. H. Hewitt, Albany.
The St. Charles F. Chrlstenson, Seattle;
F. Jt Fllppen. Clatskanle; D. C. Bryden. city;
North Yamhill; J. F. Sweeney, Ida Sweeney.
00 I otevenson J. i,narcnui, ti juayuca, trie..
in I J. jiicOTinacK ana wut. iiouuuuru; uim
Warren, Lafayette, Ind.; G. R. Rathburn ana
9.00 wife. San Francisco; William Smith, Austin.
1 Minn.: John- Hudson. Joe Wilson, city; J. f.
7.03 I McPhee. C. X. Blakesly. Lor Angeles: Henry-
Tllley. Llthon. Wash.; Edna L. Hicks, D.
"vVhalen, Forest Grove; J. Barnum and wife.
l icnttn wa,h hctttv Aiirvs. wooaiana.
-TOjh ' V. T Blrnnr Srannonsp; G. Glaza
Tli I and wife," Douglass, Wyo.; Mary Glasener.
00 I c,ly rs. nooert otaui, sam .uumuiui
T W Thnma, rnlnlln- C. TL Hilton: Mlss
i Ncme Dayton, city; L. Buckner: J. F. Gra-
ham. Astoria; J. McMurren. Oak. Point; P. N.
I LathroD. Salem: Fred Waters Oregon City?
Independence; L. Andrews, Carson, Was.;
n w "trrT H V. nnr. L. Wl JtfcN'Htt.
" aonV ii w KPilr f HlTnT
I tain, city; J. W. Jawck. W. Kelly, St. Helsna.
Tacoma. Hotel. Tacoraa.
American plan. Rates. $3 and up.
Hotel Desaetty, Tjtiwma,
Tlrst-clasB restaurant 1b aaeBectios. '
The Orefi. Portland's. new aad.nasdecn
hotel. 1 recftlvlar anieets. corner Seventh