Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1905, Image 1

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VOL. XLV. jsO. 13,874.
Riparia Branch, Huntington to
Grangeville, Both to
Be Built.
O. 31. & N. and Northern Pacllic See
the Advantage or the Down
Haul, Which Insures Su
premacy of Portland.
NEW TORK. N. T., May 2S. 1003.
Oregonlan. Portland, Or.: In answer
to your message. Tea; line Riparia to
lewiston "will be constructed at once
and from there on after engineers have
agreed on proper location.
The long-expected announcement has at
last come, and It Is given out by the rail
road magnates that construction on the
Lewiston-Rlparla branch of the O. R. &
N. and on the Lewiston-Grangeville line
o the Northern Pacific trill be begun at
once and hurried through to completion
as rapidly as possible.
At the same time it is announced,
though not officially, that a joint agree
ment has also been entered into between
the Union Pacific and the Northern Pacific
to construct a line from Huntington down
the Snake River as closely as possible for
50 miles to Grangeville, or Cul-de-Sac, or
Clearwater, whichever place may offer the
beet Inducements in the way of a route.
This line will bo built In accordance with
Union Pacific standards, and will do away
at last with the hard pull over the Blue
Mountains, giving a water grade from
Huntington Into Portland by way of Lew
iston and the present O. R. & N. grade
alone the Columbia.
Cost Fifteen Millions.
This ifne, which -will be the longest to
b bjjIiaceordlng to the present plana
of the two roads, will cost close to $15,
(M.000, and work will be commenced upon
it at once. It is understood that the- line
will follow an entirely new survey, and
will be a much "better route than anything
heretofore contemplated.
As will be seen by the accompanying tel
egram from -E., H. Harriman, the O. R. &
N. will at once begin to build the Lewls-ton-Riparia
line of approximately 7S miles
At the same time, it is announced by C
M. Levey, assistant to President Elliot,
of the Northern Pacific, that the Grange-vllle-LewIston
road would be commenced
as soon as the surveyors now in the field
could determine upon a route satisfactory
to the company.
The Lewiston-Rlparia road will be, as
has been said, practically 75 miles in
length, and will cost in round numbers,
$1,500,000. The Grangeville line will be S3
miles in length, and will cost close to
Agreement Between Companies.
It is inderstood that both lines will be
built by the O. R. & N., though there is
an agreement between the two companies
that the cost of the Grangeville line shall
be borne by the Northern Pacific.
The Lewiston-Rlparia line now has a
grade of 12 miles completed, though it will
have to be gone over and rebuilt in several
places where it has been damaged by the
storms of tho past live years or more.
Workmen have already been sent out on
this line, and will begin work at once,
while the whole grade will be under course
of construction as soon as it is possible
to get the contractors and the men to do
trie work. - '
With the Grangeville line. It is a little
different. Inasmuch as the engineers have
not as yet selected the most feasible route
over which to lead their line. It happens
that the .line which would be easiest in
grade and construction leads through a
country not so good as lines of more cost
ly estimates. Thcso problems are now be
fore the surveyors, and as soon as they
have been solved the constructing gangs
will be thrown in the field and the work
pushed through to a finish. It is estimated
by railroad officials that the work should
be done, if all plans carry, in three, or,
at the latest, in four months.
Value to Portland.
The value of these lines to Portland can
not be estimated, and the men who have
been laboring lor so long to open the
Clearwater and Lewiston country to rail
road transportation with Portland are
greatly elated over the outcome.
The construction of the lines means that
the Northern Pacific will ultimately have
terminal property in Portland, and that
the bulk of the tonnage Irom that district.
Instead of being hauled over the moun
tains to Seattle and Tacoma, will come
down the water grade into Portland.
Mr. Levey and the other officials of the
Northern Pacific will say nothing as to
the north, bank route for their lines along
tho Columbia, but it is known that in time
these lines will be built. ' For the present,
and until such construction is done, it is
undoubtedly the intention of the Northern
Pacific, to make a, traffic agreement over
the O. R. & N. by which the Northern
Pacific trains can come straight through
to Portland over the lines of the O. R. &
N., by way of Wallula Junction.
This route is not only shorter than the
present one to the Sound, but it Is also
of caster grade, being & down-hill haul
practically all of the way from Lewiston
and that "distiict -iato Portland. It -will
mean, therefore, the transportlon of the
bulk of the Northern Pacific's freight to
Portland Instead of to the Sound cities
of Tacoma and Seattle, as at present.
Due to Portage Road.
The, to- a certain extent, unexpected de
cision of the two companies to build the
two lines is taken by those who have been
behind the portage road plan for opening
the Columbia as the first fruits of that
work, which is just completed. It Is ar
gued that the portage road .opened the
river to lewiston, and thus afforded wa
ter competition to both the O. R. & N.
and the Northern Pacific from that point
down to the coast This being true, there
was nothing lor the two roads to do in
self-defense but to build. The "Northern
Pacific had to haul over the mountains in
competition with the portage and Its fleet,
while the O. R. & N. had no adequate
connection in that country by -which it
could bring the freight waiting there to
Its natural destination here. It was, there
fore, up to both Interests to do something,
and the resultant agreement to build the
two lines between them came naturally.
It Is also understood from good author
ity, though Mr. Worthington will make
no statement on the subject, that the gen
eral manager advocated the construction
of the Lewiston-Rlparia branch soon after
coming to Portland, and that his recom
mendations had a great deal of weight in
the outcome.
Altogether, the decision is taken as a
great victory by the advocates of the
newly applied principle that the only way
to get a thing in the railroad line is to go
out after it and force the hands of the
railroads. They think they have forced
the deal, and are. therefore, correspond
ingly happy.
Agreement Between the Union and
Northern Pacific for Railroad.
NEW YORK. May 26. (Special.) The
Union Pacific and Northern Pacific execu
tive committees met separately on Thurs
day and passed motions to prepare for
building a Joint line from Huntington or
such other point on the Oregon Short Line
as may be chosen near Huntington to
either Culdesac or Clearwater on the
Northern Pacific. The entire new line
will be about 550 miles long and will be
built of 75-pound rails and equipped ac
cording to the Union Pacific's specifica
tion, the total cost not to exceed $15,000,
000, and work on the surveys to begin
immediately. The surveys made by both
railroads In 1900 will be abandoned in fa
vor of a line to follow the Snake River
The agreement Is the result of Hill and
Kuhn, Loeb & Co.'s getting together to
show Harriman he could not run Union
Pacific alone. Harriman gave in with a
good grace when his bankers refused to
help him in financing any line to Invade
Hill territory. The agreement ends the
dispute begun between Mellen and Burt,
which was brought to .a , close, lor the
time -when "Hill, Morgan and Harriman
brought pressure to bear on the two
presidents and ordered the fight stopped
in 1501, Immediately before the purchase
of the Northern Pacific by Hill and Mor
gan. Harriman is a sick man and looks worn
out and weak. The Equitable Life row
and the trouble with bankers have pulled
him down. It is said here he will go to
Japan for five months, sailing from San
Francisco July 16 by the Pacific Mall.
Rumors of $40,000,000 loans having been
liquidated in the market are said to be a
gross exaggeration, but it Is understood'
that some heavy loans have been volun
tarily taken up.
Hill is still here and looking happy. He
says he does not control any railroad at
all and never did. He says he owns less
than 20 per cent e-en of the Great North
ern and is content with that.
The street recognizes the agreement
over the Clearwater as a distinct Hill vic
tory, though all. parties say It is not a
victory for either party.
A St. Paul official tells me no director
knows which way the St. Paul will reach
Puget Sound. There are three alternative
routes, one to build and two by agree
ments. One of the two latter is almost
Railway Projects Make Real Estate
Values Soar.
LEWISTON, Idaho. May 26. (Special.)
In anticipation of favorable news for im
mediate railway construction in this ter
ritory, people of Lewiston have been
struck with a frenzied fever to buy real
estate, and while no deals have come to
the surface today, it I.s known that trans
actions Involving over $100,000 have been
This excitement was strengthened this
evening by rumors to the effect that the
O. R. & N. Co. will begin construction
Monday, under a Joint arrangement with
the Northern Pacific, the Rl pari a-Lewis-ton
branch. Railway officials' here will
not confirm the report, but from other
sources it is known that the reports are
practically true.
Along these lines also comes the an
nouncement that the Lewiston-Grange-ville
electric line project will be built at
once, and Engineer Hill is now In the
Grangeville country to map out grading
Judson Spofford, president of the electrio
company, gives out information that E.
Cowperthwaite will be here in a few days
with the first money to be used in con
struction work.
Piece of Boat Belonging to Overdue
Steamer Glcnburn.
LONDON, May 26. A piece of a boat
bearing the name "Glenburn" has been
picked up three miles northwest of St.
Ives Head, on the Cornwall coast. It is
supposed to belong to the overdue British
ship Glenburn which left San Francisco
October 26 In command of Captain John
ston, .bound for Liverpool.
Fighting in Albania Ends.
CETTINJE, Montenegro, May 3L The
fighting between Mussulmans and Chris
tia.s In the villages of Baritse and Kru
p?e and Kosseva, Albania, has ended,
and there is no probability ol further
Philadelphia Councilmen Yield
Jo Pressure of Public
Mayor Snatches Big Contract From
Its Grasp People Pledgo Him
Support and Raise Funds
- for -Campaign.
PHILADELPHIA. May 26. (Special.)
Mayor Weaver's reform administration
struck its most telling blow today. A
$1.000000 contract of the klni that for
years has fed the Republican machine
from the public crib was snatched from
the very hands of one of tho most fav
ored contractors. The ranks, of the
Mayor's adherents in the Council cham
bers, a few days ago, the ever depend
able stronghold of the boss, are swelling
rapidly. Yesterday it was shown that
nine members had comb over to Weav
er's side and had promised to vote to
sustain the executive's veto of the gas
lease. Today 90 have quit the organiza
tion. "Tho situation is growing brighter
every minute," said Mayor Weaver late
today. He would not give figures nor go
into other details, but contented himself
with saying he had received assurances
from many Councilmen who had voted
for the lease last week that they would
support him in his veto. Leaders of
the Republican organization,. which is ad
vocating the lease, continue to remain
silent There are, however, signs that
several Councilmen are breaking away
under tremendous pressure from their
constituents and will -probably so along
with the Mayor. The all-absorbing point
of interest is whether the Mayor will
succeed in getting enough to defeat the
bill when it shall come up next Thurs
day for passage over his veto. The or
ganization still stands on its statement
that it will pais the ordinance in spite
of his disapproval.
Votes .Needed by Weaver.
The record up to this evening shows
that the. 3iayor.has ten select ouncll-
men and 20 members of' the Uommon
Council with him. In the Select Coun
cil there are 42 members. To pa?s the
ordinance over the Mayor's veto meeds 25
votes, and the Mayor needs 17 to 'sustain
him. The membership of the Common
Council Is 84. Here the organization needs
51 and the Mayor 34.
The first important move ot the new
administration, a move that was of vital
importance to organization men who hold
city contracts, was taken today, when
the new director of public works. Acker,
annulled the advertisement for bids for
street cleaning for 1906. The contract
will aggregate about $1,000,000. The con
tract for this year is held by the Vare
Brothers, one ot whom is a State Sen
ator and another Recorder of Deeds.
Strenuous Time for Councilmen.
The struggle to hold or win Councilmen
is growing hotter, and many of the "city
fathers" have expressed the wish that
they bad never been elected to tho legis
lative body. They declare that they owe
all their success in life to the organization,
and that it would be an extreme act of
disloyalty to go back on their leaders in a
time of trouble;
Extraordinary pressure is being brought
to bear wherever a Councilman shows
signs of weakening. In one Instance a
committee of determined citizens hunted
nearly all night for a member of the
Select Council, who obviously was avoid
ing them. Early in the morning the com
mittee appeared at the man's house,
routed him out of bed and -while he stood
barefooted in his night clothes, read its
resolutions to him and extracted a. prom
ise from him to change his attitude and
to sustain the Mayor's veto. In addition
the Councilmen arc deluged with letters
signed by their constituents urging them
to stand by the Mayor.
The first man to be won over today came
to the Mayor's office with a delegation of
constituents. He was Charles E. Connell,"
of the Common Council.
Ovations Given the Mayor.
There was another demonstration when
the Mayor left the City Hall today for
luncheon. His 'reception as he walked
along the streets with Director of Public
Safety Potter was noisy. He entered the
University Club after much effort, and,
after remaining there about an hour, re
turned to the City Hall in a cab. A crowd
of about 800 persons followed him to his
office. When he entered, someone pro
posed singing "The Star-Spangled Ban
ner," which was done with all hats re
moved. An incident of the day was the calling
on the Mayor of a delegation of high
school girls, who came- to congratulate
him. The Mayor's mail continues to be
very .heavy, hundreds of communications
coming from all parts of the United
Pledged to Overthrow Machine
Amid tremendous cheers and the waving
of flags, several thousands persons, who
were packed into the Academy of Music
tonight to hear prominent PhHadelphlans
express their protest against the gas lease,'
adopted the following resolution:
Resolved. That we, cltlxeng of Philadelphia,
without Tegard to party or politics, do here
by, before Opd and rata, pledge our life, lib
erty and sacred feoaor to the complete over
throw of despotic methods In jnunlclpaJ af
fairs and the. reitor&Uoa of the Americas
principles for which our fathers fodght, and
which shall ever be our glory while we re
main worthy to he called their children.
W. W. Justice, a we4. merchant, pre
sided, and the principal address was de
livered by Charles Emory Smith. ex-Postmaster-General
of the United States. Mr.
Smith, before beginning his speech, an
nounced that word had Just reached him
that 150 citizens had called upon a Coun
cilman in an outlying ward and demanded
that he pledge his vote against the lease,
which he did. After Mr. Smith concluded
his address, another message came that
a Councilman in the Twenty-eighth Ward
had also pledged himself tonight to go
along with the Mayor.
Among the others who addressed the
meeting were William T. Tilden. secretary
of the meeting; Frank M. Bitter, ex
Dlrector of Public Safety; S. Soils Cohen,
physician; Professor Leo S. Roew, "pres
ident of the American Academy ot Polit
ical and Social Science, and Right Rev.
Dr. Alexander Mackay-Smith,. bishop co
adjutor of tho Protestant Episcopal dio
cese ofPennsylvanIa.
A letter written by Mr. Justice, chair
man ot the meeting, was read, in which
he suggested the raising of $1,230,000 to
carry on an extensive campaign against
the organization, and pledging himself to
contribute liberally to the fund.
Mayor Weaver, who was commended In
a resolution adopted, was .unable to be
present, and a letter of regret from him
was read. A letter written by S. Weir
Mitchell, the physician-author, denouncing
the gas lease, was also read.
The Y. M. a A. hall was also taxed to
its capacity. Addresses were made there
by half a dozen prominent citizens. In
cluding Charles Emory Smith. There was
great enthusiasm when Mr. Smith said
that "the black flag of piracy was not the
flag of Republicanism, or ot Lincoln, or
of McKinley, or of Roosevelt."
In Broad street several thousand per
sons were gathered who could not gain
admission to the big Academy building.
Word was sent inside, and three citizens
were sent out to address the crowd from
a barouche. The outdoor meeting closed
with the singing of "Nearer, My God. to
Thee," and "My Country. 'TIs of Thee."
Finishes Course of Baths at Bad
Nauheim and Goes to Paris.
No Business Till Autumn.
BAD NAUHEIM. May 2S.-Secretary
Hay has finished the course of baths here
and will start tomorrow" for Paris, where
Mrs. Hay awaits him. Professor Groedel
Is quite satisfied with the effects the tak
ing of the baths has had on Mr. Hay, but
he has advl?ed him to abstain from all
official business for several months, such
a course being usually necessary after
this course of treatment. Mr. Hay ex
pec t. therefore, toapend the Summer at
his country home, and! t'r remain where
until the Autumn.
Emperor William invited Mr. Hay to
come to Wiesbaden and visit him. but
the Secretary declined under the advice
of his physician. King Edward 'also in
vited Mr. Hay to an audience, but this
invitation also was declined.
During his visits to London and Paris
Mr. Hay will remain very qulot. and will
make no formal official calls. . The call of
King Leopold of Belgium upon him Thurs
day took the Secretary completely by sur
prise, as it was not announced before
The Weather.
TODAT'S Increasing cloudiness followed by
showers and cooler. Winds becoming
YESTERDAY'S Ma-xlmam temperature, S3
deg.; minimum, 52. Precipitation, none.
The War In tho I"r East.
Belief in Japan that naval battle has been
fought. Page I.
Russian warships ordered to Woosnng
and China prepares to use force. Page 1.
Mlitchenko's raid on Japanese lines a suc
cess. Page 3.
TorelgB. A,
Martial law in Warsaw stops riots. Page' 5.
Russian Governor's assassin, caught. Page 5.
Bids for lumber for Panama Canal. Page .4.
Secretary Hay starts home today. Page 1.
Public opinion in Philadelphia drives Coun
cilmen to Weaver's side. Page 1.
Secretary Taft speaks on canal and rate
question. Page 3.
Rioting breaks out again In Chicago; build
ing trades refuse to aid teamsters.
Page 1.
Harrlman's plan for separate heads for his
railroads.'. Page 5.
Mutuallzatlcn plan for Equitable enjoined.
Page 4.
Presbyterian Assembly debates form of wor
ship. Page 4.
Portland wins another ball game. Page 7.
Hamburg leads In yacht race. Page 7.
-Pacific Coat.
Bottle stranded on California coast contains
Information' regarding mythical lost
Dauphin, page 6. ,
State Land Board decides to sell to highest
bidders Indemnity lands on Wallowa res
ervation! bae. Page 6.
Idaho 5otn Railroad sold to Van Riper,
the' TMts4r Mountain mining man.
Senator MKekeU's daughter, wire ot Judge
Chapminffef Tacoma, dies of appendicitis,
pase ; C
Commercial xad Maria c.
Real condition of local egg, butter and
poultry trade. Pago 15.
Fruit receipts not up to requirements.
Pag 15. -
Another, break in Hay corn at Chicago.
Page IS.
San Fttndrco wheat and barley shorts
squeezed.- Page 15.
Stock speculation stagnant. Page 15.
Because of disagreement with. Government,
schooner Cllse may remain here Indefi
nitely. Page 14.
Steamer Newport will run to Oregon ports
from Pwllaad. Page 14.
'PoetUad Bd Vlclaltr.
Absentees prevent Coancll meeting and the
action .f the Initiative toward closing
Fair saloons. Page 10.
Railroads to be Isullt In the Inland Empire
a ure Portland's commercial supremacy
In the Northwest. Page 1 .
Plans are perfected for the evening of the
Exposition. Page 14.
Worthington vets high position. Page 14.
Wemes at club meeting read Interesting pa
pers. Page 14.
Beaton KilllB. Oregon pieaeer. dead. Page .
Mayor Williams malcea vlgersas campaign
speech at Weedlawn. Page 16.
Eight couples are divorced. Page 11.
Charles P. MeGlaty may be .a candidate far
the whlrptsg-pest. Page 12.
Meat erdlice, veteea by Mayor. Page 18.
Vaugfea at guilty ot ceatespt. Page IS.
Japanese Paper Believes the
Fleets Have Met and
Fought in Ocean.
Russian Transports and Cruisers Put
Into Woosung and Are.Ordercd
Away Clilncse Prepare to
Enforce Order.
TOKIO, May 27. (4:30 P. 31.) Vlce
Admlral Hojrtftvensky'N fleet has beta
Bleated off Tsushima Islands, the
Straits of Corea.
TOKIO, May 27. (Noon.) It la ru
mored that the Japanese and Basslaa
fleets, ander VIce-Adralral Togo nad
Vice-Admiral Ttojejttveanky, have ea
ETBKTCd la the Coreaa Straits.
TOKIO. May 26. The publication by the
Asahl of a suggestion that an engagement
between the Russian and Japanese fleets
has already taken place has created a
sensation in the Japanese capital. The
paper points out that the presence of Rus
sian warships at Woosung is probably ac
counted for by the fact that the warships
were purposely abandoned on account of
their slow speed and nonflghtlng value,
and that the Russian government is per
fectly Willing to have them disarmed if
their stay there develops into a breach of
The paper declares Its belief that a bat
tle between Rojestvensky and Togo has
already taken place, and' Is patiently wait
ing a report of the outcome.
Russian Naval Officials Don't Believe
Warships Are at Woosung.
ST. PETERSBURG. May 27. (3:30 A.
M.) While a flying raid of one or two
commerce destroyers in the Eastern sea
in admitted as a possibility by the naval
authorities' here, these authorities are
loath to believe that any division of Ro
Jestvensky's squadron lr an itnponam
sense has taken vlavs .-rdporteil tfrom
Shanghai. They prefer to assume that
the unspecified Russian ships reported to
be out fide Shanghai, like the six that
entered the port of Woosung. ara units
of the transport fleet, without special
fighting value, and that perhaps they
have been sent thither to confuse the
scent for Togo. A prominent naval
strategist said to the Associated Press:
"I don't know where Admiral Rojest
vensky is at present, but wherever he is,
you may be sure that he has his entire
-fighting force well bunched and is not
weakening his main squadron In the face
of the enemy. While It Is possible, of
course, that he may have chosen to dou
ble sharply to the westward north, of For
mosa and to seek Togo in the Eastern
Sea with the purpose ot forcing him to
a complete battle, I am inclined to be
lieve that he Is pursuing a course north
ward outside Japan.
"The ships whose arrival near Shang
hai hag been reported are not even
classed as so-called converted cruisers,
but vessels which, flying the commercial
flag, were usable for transport purposes
when passing Singapore, and the mystic
17 vessels reported as being outside
Shanghai are probably colliers, with per
haps a war vessel or two.
"I should not be surprised, however, if
Rojestvensky detached several speedy
liners, now converted cruisers, for a raid
to the northward inside the Luchu Islands
In order to paralyze Japanese commerce
and embarrass Togo while the Russian
fighting squadron is pursuing its main
Clears Ships for Action to Drive Out
Russian Ships.
LONDON, May 27. The Shanghai cor
respondent ot the Daily Ebcpress says:
"All the Chinese cruisers in these wat
ers cleared for action today, and the
Taotal went to the Russian Consulate and
demanded that the Russian ships leave
within 24 hours."
Cabling from Shanghai, the correspond
ent of the Dally Mall says he believes
the vessels of the Russian Baltic squad
ron oft Saddle Islands have proceeded on
their voyage, and gives a rumor that the
main Russian fleet Is in the neighborhood
of Puchan, Province of Shantung,
The correspondent says that President
Roosevelt has wired the "Viceroy and
Taotal commending their steps to pre
serve Chinese neutrality.
Russian Ships Remain at Woosung
Beyond Time Limit.
SHANGHAI, May 27. The .Russian
war vessels, which wjye off the Sad
dle Islands left last night.
The Chinese authorities ordered the
vessels of the Russian volunteer fleet
which were anchored off Woosung to
leave within 24 houre. The Russians
have thus far entirely ignored the or
Division of Russian Fleet Penetrate
to North China Coast.
SHANGHAI. May 27. Last night there
were tea Ruseiaa warsfeJpe, seven fast
transports and three large steam colliers
at Woosung. This report reached here
last night and is considered authentic
.Confirmation of the report that Russian
war vessels had been aeen off the Sadd
loss has been received. The Saddloss are
70 miles Boutheastlot Shanghai. The Rus
sian vessels reported are believed to be
a division, of Rojestvensky's fleet.
Sails Southward, Terhaps to Meet
Baltic Fleet.
TSIJsGTAU, May 27. A private tele
gram received here says that the Rus
sian Vladivostok fleet has left Vladi
vostok, going in a southcrljvdirection.
Doctor and Nurse Deny Illness-and
Admiral Only Says 'TJrcd."
ST. PETERSBURG, May 27. (3:30 A.
M.) ThejRuss this morning prints an in
terview with VIce-Admiral Rojestven
sky's physician, who says that the ad
miral's kidney trouble was cured before
he left for the Far East. In the inter
view letters are quoted from a cousin of
Rojestvensky, who is a nurse on the hos
pital ship Orel, and who dined with the
Admiral every week, to the effect lthat
that officer was I in good' health.
The Admiral himself wrote from Sai
gon, saying that he was fatigued, but
in no other way indicating that he was
suffering from depression ,or from any
mental breakdown. -
Report Which 3Iay Be Exaggeration
of Shanghai Story.
TSING TAU, May 26. Tho whole Rus
sian fleet Is assembled near Woo Sung,
and the German squadron at Tslng Tau
Is preparing for eventualities.
The report from Tslng Tau, the port of
the German concession at Kiaochou, Shan
tung Peninsula, is in all probability .a
magnified version of the dispatch of the
Associated Press from Shanghai yester
day saying that It was credibly re
ported that certain Russian vessels had
arrived at tho mouth of the Yang-tse-Klang
River yesterday afternoon.
Both Woo Sung and Shanghai are situ
ated on the branches of the Yang-tBe
River. Five steamers ot the Russian vol
unteer fleet, three colliers and one Hus
sion cruiser were the vessels reported to
have arrived off the Yang-tse River. Later
the cruiser put to sea and three of the
volunteer fleet vesels went to Woo Sung.
It is quite probable that the Chinese
ashore exaggerated this report, making a
statement that the Russian fleet was as
sembling off Woo Sung.
No news has been received from any
other point tending to alter the facts
cabled to the Associated Press yesterday
from Shanghai, and there is no doubt
that If the Russian fleet really had assem
bled oft Woo Sung such important news
Would have been flashed from Shanghai,
which- is only 11 miles south of that
" rr
Japanese Speculates on Tactics of
Russian Admiral.
TOKIO, May 26. (11 A. M.) It is be
lieved here that the action ot the Rus
sians is sending some vessels to Shang
hai -is part pf a diversion plan to draw
off a portion of the Japanese fleet. It is
thought that possibly the Russians intend
to intern the slower craft, but the visit
and withdrawal of the faster vessels is
regarded to be without purpose unless as
a diversion.
The whereabouts of Admiral Rojest
vensky's fleet is not reported, and opinion
is divided as to whether it has entered
the Pacific or returned to the lower Chi
nese coast
The location of Admiral Togo's fleet
continues ft o be secret Popular feeling Is
undisturbed, and the Japanese .public is
confident that Admiral Togo is prepared to
meet any situation.
Several Vessels at Saddle Islands
With Colliers.
SHANGHAI. May 2S. There are indi
cations that Rear-Admiral Rojestvensky
has divided hi3 fleet. Seventeen vessels
of the Baltic fleet anchored it Saddle Is
land last night. It is believed that they
coaled there, and that from that point
they will proceed. North.
LONDON, May 25. A dispatch to
Lloyds from Shanghai today says it Is re
ported there and generally believed that
several Russian war vessels have arrived
off the Saddle Islands, a group of 25 small
Islands situated about 60 miles south
east of Shanghai. The dispatch' adds
that three vessels of the Russian vol
unteer fleet, the Vladimir, Voronej and
Yaroslav, and three colliers, the Livonia,
Meteor and Curonla, are anchored off
Shanghai-Chefoo Cable Cut.
LONDON", May 28. The Great Northern
Telegraph Company reports that the Che-foo-Shahghai
cable Is Interrupted. This
does not necessarily mean that the line
has been tampered with by either of the
belligerents, nor would the cutting of It
Interrupt communication between Chcfoo
and Shanghai, since a German cable runs
from Chefoo to Tslng Tau, and from
Tslng Tau direct to Shanghai.
Main Fleet May Be Near Fu Chan.
SHANGHAI. May 27. The fact that all
shipping in (the direction of Japan has
been suspended is taken by those versed
in naval , warfare as a confirmation of
the report of the presence of the Rus
sian main squadron 'in the vicinity of Fu
Japan Detains Colliers.
JfAGASAId, May 26 (Noon). Three Brit
ish BteameKs which were loaded with coal
at Mbjf (terminus of the Klushlu Railway,
-Japan) for Hong Kong, have been de
tained under orders from the Government-
Two Cruisers Guarded Transports.
LONDON, May 27. The correspondent
of the Standard at Shanghai says the
Russian transports how at Woosung-were
convoyed by the crulsera Rion and Smol
ensk. Alfonso's Plan for New Navy.
MADRID, May 36. King 'Alfonso today
approved for presentation .to the Cortez
a plan for the .rehabilitation' of the Span
ish fleet. The project contemplates the
construction of eight cruisers of 14,000
tons, five protected- cruisers and other
units, the. cost,, to- fee spread over six
Lumber Wagons, Mobbed on
Chicago Streets and Police
Have to Shoot
All Manner of Missiles -From How
ling Mobs Greet Teamsters.
Strike Affects Building.
Will Not Call Troops.
CHICAGO. May 26. Rioting broke out
afresh today in the teamsters' strike and,
although nobody was seriously hurt, there
was a number of "vicious fights in the
lumber district, during which the police
were compelled to uso their clubs, and
In one Instance revolvers, in order to
disperse the mob. '
A serious fight took place at the cor
ner of Canal and Madison streets, ad
joining the passenger station on tho
Pennsylvania Railroad. The 'wagon of
an express company, although protected
by a policeman and a deputy sheriff, was
attacked by a large crowd, despite the
fact that Jit bora on each side a largo
placard declaring that all people had
been enjoined from Interfering with the
wagon by a Federal court. The police
man displayed his revolver, but tho
crowd, paying no attention to him, rushed
at the wagon and, seizing the wheels,
attempted to overturn it. A riot call
brought from the Desplaines-street Police
Station, four squares distant, a. larga
force of I officers, who dispersed the crowd
and arrested about 40 of the most active
in the disturbance. The police also en
tered the buildings and warned occupants
to keep away from the windows, threat
ening with arrest all who refused.
The worst fight in the lumber district
occurred at Twenty-second street and
Ashland avenue, where a crowd of men
and boys had all .through the morning
hurled stones and clubs at every passing
lumber wagon. Finally a wagon on
which Police Officer" Bagenski was a
passenger came along and the mob greet
ed it with the usual volley of stones. It
also threatened to attack the 'driver and
the jdtuation was so serious that.tlxa. -officer,
drawing hl3 revolver. ' fledd:
shots at the- crowd, which hrkmui1'
fled In wild confusion. None ofSjwpl
lets hit anybody. r -
Rioting Becomes General.
This evening general rioting was prev
alent throughout the lumber district, and
particularly in the territory near the
Intersection of Thirty-fifth, street and
Center avenue. The lumber wagons re
turning from making deliveries were at
tacked by crowds at every available op
portunity. Large numbers of men,
armed with clubs, slungshots and bricks,
accompanied by Jeering women and ex
cited children, filled the sidewalks along
Center avenue. Thirty-fifth street, Loo
mis street and Archer avenue, awaiting
the passage of wagons which, were be
lieved by the crowd to be unguarded.
At Archer avenue and Loomis street
two trucks appeared, -with one police
man on each. They were Immediately
bombarded with, bricks and stones and
scores of air rifles were brought into
play. A bullet from oneof these weap
ons seriously wounded Policeman James
Fitzpatrlck in the hand. The two police
men drew their revolvers and fired over
the heads of the rioters, holding them
at bay until the drivers managed to
reach their destination at the yards of
the RIttenhouse & Embree Lumber Com
pany. Strikers Use Alr-Guns.
At Thirty-fifth and Morgan streets 20
lumber and shaving wagons, 14 of which
belonged to the Rittenhouse & Embree
Company, and guarded by "upwards of
40 police, were attacked by a crowd of
more than 400 strike sympathizers with
bricks, stones and slungshots. While the
police used clubs. tbc fight waged In
decisively. Finally the police drew re
volvers and charged the crowd. The
sight of tho firearms quickly quieted
things, the mob generally fleeing. No
arrests I were made. At Thirty-fourth
street, near by, police on guard were
later forced Indoors. Many of tho strike
sympathizers armed themselves with
small air rifles and from lumber plies
and buildings, -fired intermittently at the
police, a number of whom were struck
without being able to see the assailants,
and were- finally forced to take refuge
In office and other nearby buildings.
Strike Reaches Building Trades.
The strike today spread in a small de
gree throughout the building trades.
There were a. number-of Instances where
woodworkers refused to receive the mate
rial delivered by nonunion teamsters and
walked out. This move in every instance
was made by the men as Individuals
only. No official action was taken by
any of the trades unions looking to ac
tive sympathetic support of tho team
sters' strike. Several of the labor lead
era In the ranks of the material trades
bave declared within the last 24 hours
that there Is no prospect in their opin
ion of ian- complete tieup of the build
ing trades by a strike of the men.
Building Trades Will Keep Out.
At a meeting of the Associated Building
Trades, tonight, at which 28 trades affili
ated with the building industries werer
represented, it was decided that no action
will be-taken which, will tend to drag the
building, trades into the teamsters strike.
This action will go far toward restrict
ing the strike to Its present limits, as it
means that the members of the tiikuig
trades ,uniona will work with materials
Irrespective of the fact that they are
.Concluded -ea Page 3.)
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