Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 26, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XLV. T0. 13,873.
Hill and Harriman Systems
Reach Agreement to Build
a Railroad.
"S'ortlicrn Pacific and Oregon Short
Lino Will Build Through Nez
Perccs Country From Cul
dcsac up Snake River.
NEW YORK. May 25. An indication
of the recent understanding between
the Hill and Harriman interest in
Northwestern railway matters was. the
announcement today that the .Northern
Pacific Railway Company and Oregon
Short Lino will join in building a road
several hundred miles in length into the
Ncz Forces country.
This is the territory involved in what
has been known since 1898 as the
"Clearwater light": Union Pacific and
Northern Pacific Interests coming, at
that time to inimical relations over the
question of the division of the Clear
water country, which lies in the west
of Idaho, along life Oregon and Wash
ington state lines. Neither road en
tered In this district pending the Nortn"
ern Securities litigation.
The danger of a control rising from
a misunderstanding, it is now said, has
been removed from the agreement by
which a joint line some 000 miles long
will be built from Culdesac south by
way of the Snake River Valley through
tne rich Nez Perces country.
Vice-President and General Manager
of AVabash Pittsburg Terminals.
NEW YORK, May 25. A meeting of
directors of five of the Gould roads
was held in the offices of the AVabash
Railroad today. The proceedings have
an important bearing on the announced
retirement of Joseph Ramsey, Jr., presi
dent of the Wabash system. No state
ment was made regarding the financial
preparations under consideration.
TMrectors of tho AVheelIng-& Lake
Erie Railway elected Frederick A. De
lano president of the road, to succeed
Joseph Ramsey, Jr., whose resignation
was' accepted. Mr. Delano only re
cently succeeded Mr. Ramsey as presi
dent pf tne Wabash-Pittsburg Terminal
B. A. Worthington was elected vice
president of the Wheeling & Lake Erie
and will assume the same position on
the Pittsburg AVabash terminal, it be
ing the intent-ion to make Mr. Worth
ington the active assistant of Mr. De
lano in the management of these two
Amos H. Calef was made temporary
director on the Rio Grande Aestern to
assume a quorum in that directorate.
Start From Onialia on Most Arduous
Stage to Portland.
OMAHA, May 25. (Special.) Expecting
to arrive In Portland June 20, the two
automobiles which are racing across the
continent left Omaha at 4' o'clock this
"Since leaving New York, said Percy
F. Megargel, driver of "Old Steady," "we
have kept pretty well together. From
this 'point It will be a hard, steady run
to Portland. In all probability we will
not stop at any hotel until we reach the
end of the journey. One of the men In
each machine will drive while the other
sleeps. - AVe have equipped ourselves with
sleeping-bags while we have been In
Omaha, and the rest we get from this
time on will be In these. AA'c have de
cided to start away from here together,
but from now on It will be a race clear
through to the goal."
Mr. Megargel'tf partner in "Old Steady"
is Barton Stansfield. of Lansing, Mich.
The other machine, "Old Scout." is engi
neered by Dwight B. Huss, who has as
his companion Mllford Wlgle, from De
troit, Mich.
Fourteen days were consumed In the
1600 miles from New York to Omaha.
Realizing that this was about the last
place for extensive Tepalrs, they put
everything into the best possible condi
tion for the 2000-mile trip during the
three days' stay in this city. Every arti
cle of both machines was taken apart
and thoroughly cleaned and inspected. It
was found that the sand and mud picked
up during the heavy rains and floods
through which they passed in Indiana and
Illinois had ground hard on some of the
works, but everything was fixed and the
machines left Omaha In the best possible
condition. Crossing Nebraska over the
old overland trail along the line of the
Union Pacific, some fast time is expected.
James AV. Abbott, good roads agent of
the" Department of Agriculture, who is
managing the trip, left Omaha a day
ahead of "ho racers, and will be at Port
land when they arrive. In time for the
good roads conference- Mr. Abbott de
clares that such trips as the present will
do more than anything else to promote
the cause of good roads.
Many Houses Damaged and Three
Persons Injured.
FORT WORTH. Tex., May 25. A
storm cloud having every appearance
of a. .tornado, swept over a wide area
in North Texas today. Many houses
were damaged and three people were
injured, but no fatalities are reported.
The storm touched AVaxahachie. Ennls.
Dennlson. Temple and Cleburn, Fort
AVorth- and other towns were baJly
frightened, being apprenensive as the
result of recent tornados in this sec
tion. The town of Chlcota, near Paris,
which was reported damaged by the
storm, was not In the path of the
heavy wind.
Rio Grande Swamps ev Mexican
Village and Ruins Crops.
ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., May 25. The
Rib Grande swollen to a river almost a
mile wide. Is flowing through the middle
of. the village of Tome. 20 miles south
of Albuquerque, while the 600 inhabitants
of the village are camping on the hills
and watching their homes being swept
The entire property trf the villagers Is
destroyed, along with their crops. A
Etrong dike had been built along the riv
er north and south of the village, and it
was believed that, no matter what the rise
this Spring, the village was safe. Tues
day, however, the main current began
to shift toward the dike, and during the
night it cut through and into the town.
Heavy damage Is reported from Im
mediately below this city to Englc, in
southern Socorro Counts', and fear is en
tertained that other river villages will
suffer before the present freshet is passed.
There Is no danger in Albuquerque nor
to property north of here.
Rainstorms Flood "Kansas. -
CONCORDIA, Kan., May 25. From two
to three Inches of rain has fallen in Cen
tral Kansas during the past 24 hours, and
several washouts on the Missouri Pacific
Railway are reported.
Disorder in Convention Caused by
Resolutions Indorsing Action
on Panama Canal,
WASHINGTON. May 25. The Southern
Industrial Parliament was thrown Into
disorder today over the question of the
adoption of a number of resolutions pre
pared by the resolutions commltte and
also one Introduced by AV. A. Irwin, of
Durham, N. C, commending President
Roosevelt's zeal, in pressing forward the
construction of the Isthmian Canal,
"which promises Incalculable aid in the
extension and upbuilding of our export
trade for cotton manufactures and other
productions," and calling on him to lend
his aid through the Department of Com
merce and Labor in relieving the present
depressing conditions surrounding the cot
ton industry. "
Delegates bitterly protested against a
motion by Secretary Murphy to postpone
action on all resolutions until the next
meeting of the Parliament and charged
that an effort w'a's being made to gag the
members and sidetrack Important znattem
The motion was voted down, and after a
stormy debate the Parliament recessed
until this afternoon. In order that the
delegates might call on President Roose
velt. ,
Addressing the parliament on his reso
lution, Mr. Irwin said the South needed
help at this time, and the parliament was
.here to call for help. The man to whom
the delegates should look, he declared,
amid applause, was President Roosevelt,
who. he believed, could and would help.
President Roosevelt, he said, was the
greatest man in the country today, who
not only had the power, but the mind and
the will to help. The South, he said,
needed something else besides immigration
of labor, and that was to encourage and
extend the markets of the world for cot
ton manufactured goods. But what was
needed more than anything else was the
guarding of the trade already established
In the Orient and which now seemed to
be threatened with dire disaster on ac
count of. the present laws prevailing In
this country. A number of delegates in
terrupted and expressed their willingness
to leave the solution of the question in
the President' hands.
The resolutions repo.rted by the commit
tee on resolutions were read.
Calls It Political Game. Which Chi
nese Learned Before Amer
ica AVas Discovered.
LEAA'ENWORTHV Kan., May 26. (Spe
cial.) Edwip H. Conger. ex-Minister to
China, is visiting his daughter at Fort
Leavenworth. Mr. Conger is on his way
to his new post In Mexico.
"The talk of the Chinese retaliating
against the exclusion law by boycotting
American-made goods is amusing to me,"
said Mr. Conger today. "Of course you
know how American politics are run;
well, the Chinese were politicians before
America was discovered. They know
more tricks than their American breth
ren. "While much of the agitation has oc
curred since I left China, there was some
prior to that. At these mass meetings of
merchants, as they were called, there
was a liberal sprinkling of politicians and
possibly one or more merchants who had
been run In. The politicians did most of
the talking and then the news was spread
broadcast that the merchants would boy
cott American goods.
"I believe that the truth of the matter
Is that the Chinese merchants have no
Idea of boycotting American goods. They
are in business to make money and there
is a demand for American goods."
Convicted or Murder.
TRINIDAD, Colo.. May 25. After a trial
lasting two days, the jury in the case of
the People vs. Joseph Johnson, who on
April S shot and killed John Fox In the
lobby of tho Postofflce. returned a verdict
of murder in the first degree today. John,
son's plea was Insanity. Mr. Fox was
one of the most prominent citizens of
Colorado, and his assassination created a
sensation, and a lynching of Johnson was
attempted. Officers spirited Johnson away
to Pueblo, however, and defeated the pur
pose of the mob.
i t
Hung Jury on SIochhj Inspector.
NEW YORK, May 25. The third jury in
the case of Henry Lundburg, ex.
Inspector of .Stcamboati charged with
having failed properly.-' to inspect, the
st earner- General the burn
.las of that'yeM',? hajf'itea greed." " J
Will Spend Millions in "Educat
ing." People on Rate
Alarmed at Agitation in Favor of
Government Control, Railroads
Will'Send Out Agents and
Advertise Their Side.
CHICAGO. May 25. (Special.)
Alarmed at the agitation in favor of
the Government control 'of rates, the
railroad Interests have embarked upon
a campaign of education, which is Na
tional In scope, and which will cost
them many millions, annually.
The educational work, as they are
pleased to call It, will be conductei
through the medium of two large bu
reaus In New York and Chicago, which
will have branches in other big cities.
The New York and Chicago bureau
agents are touring the cduntry In
searcn of information regarding condi
tions, and they are already sending
forth tons of literature and preparing
Promoted by General Managers.
The enterprise Is under the active
management of -G. P. S. Michaels and
J. D. Ellsworth, under the Arm name
of Michaels & Ellsworth, who are work
ing In New York, Chicago and Boston.
Back of them in an advisory capacity
is Slason Thompson, of the Railway
News Bureau, an organization promoted
by the General Managers Association
of Chicago. The latter is composed of
general managers of all the railroads
entering In tills city.
The larger enterprise, however, which
ns yet Is .not known by any definite
name, but which some call an Indus
trial and statistical bureau, has the
direct backing of the presidents of
practically all railroads in the United
States. The work of the bureau will
be accomplished largely through tho
employment of active newspaper men.
It Is the purpose to send such men Into
ovcry .state fn the Union and keep them
traveling and talking with every one
who comes in contact with railroads.
Find AA'roncs and Correct Them.
This will be done with a view to as
certaining, it is explained, what. If any
thing, is wrong In the relations be
tween the railroads and the public
Incidentally they are presumed to as
sure the people that any abuses shown
to exist will be corrected.
Large appropriations are to be made
for display advertising in the news
papers throughout the country. Real
izing that there are many arguments
and statements which the railroads de
siro to get before the public, but
which the newspapers will not accept
as news, they are prepared to secure
publication by paying advertising rates
for it.
Balfour and Bannerman Exchange
Compliments In Commons.
LONDON. May 25. There was a further
acrimonious discussion in the House of
Commons today of the riotous scenes of
May 22, and a recurrence of the disorder
at one time seemed Imminent, owing to
Premier Balfour's demand that Sir Henry
Campbell-Bannerman, the Liberal leader,
guarantee that there shall be no repeti
tion of "such outrages on decency and fair
play," it. he granted a day for the discus
sion of the proposed vote of censure.
Sir Henry hotly repudiated responsibility
for the disorder, declaring It was due to
Mr. Balfour's departure from the invar
iable practice of replying Immediately
when his personal conduct as Minister
was impugned. Sir Henry refused the
pledge demanded, and after a lively inter
change of argument the Liberal leader
said he thought the members would not
depart from the ordinary procedure un
less provoked by Mr. Balfour.
The Premier said he accepted this some
what "begrudging undertaking." and
fixed May CO for consideration of the vote
of censure.
Nunez Likely to Be Nominated on
Palm a Ticket.
HAVANA. May 25. The Moderate lead
ers contemplate taking advantage of the
disaffection among the followers of Gov
ernor Nunez, of Havana Province toward
the Presidential ticket headed by Gover
nor "Jose Miguel Gomez, of Santa Clara
Province, by offering him a nomination
for the A'lce-Presldency on the ticket to be
headed by President Pafma, thus securing
for that ticket the support of the friends
of Governor Nunez, including, his great
backer. General Maximo Gomez.
Governor Nunez Informed the Associated
Press tonight that the Moderate leaders
had not yeUapproached him on the mat
ter. .His present view, however, was that
he would be willing to run on the Palma
ticket, but not in the guise of a Moderate.
.He said he remained loyal to the princl
pies of the Liberal party, hut that In prin
ciple he was opposed to Governor Gomez.
He expected, he said, strong support of
the General Maximo Gomez people, who
had never favored the candidacy of Gov
ernor Gomez.
Important Provision of New British-
Afghan Treaty.
LONDON, May 25. The publication of
an authorized translation of the new
treats hetween Great Britain and Afghan
Lb tan AVednsday morning Is provoking
much' cosasfrcnt ana questions are belnsr
iiKea as to t way-a special Biiscloa.waz
needed to secure a mere renewal of the
engagements entered into by previous
treaty with the late Ameer. Attention
is drawn to the fact that by this new
treaty Great Britain engaged herself to
protect Afghanistan against unprovoked
attacks, an obligation which was Ignored
by Premier Balfour in his recent speech
on the defense of the empire. The Morn
ing Post asks where the forces are com
ing from tor this purpose should Russia
suddenly Invade Afghanistan with 200.000
or more troops.
Princess Marriage Annulled.
TftfP Vlav Tl-PniW TMlKt "V am
proved the decision of the Congregation of
uic iTopaganaa 10 aunii iuc mamagc or
Marie Jennings Reld. of New Orleans and
Washington T) who Is now Pr!ni
Joseph Rosplgllcso. to Colonel F. H. Park-
nursi, or. -Dang or, aic. xiiu decision or me
.fope win now permit me Tince ana
Princess RosdIkIIoso to contract a relig
ious roarriar. " - '
Antwerp Will Be Fortified.
BRUSSELS. May 25.-A bill has been
submitted to the Belgian Parliament pro
viding the complete reorganization of the
defenses of Antwerp, at a cost of $21,600,-
000, and for harbor works, which will In
crease shipping facilities, at a cost of
Guns and Ammunition for Bulgaria.
MUNICH. Bavaria, May 23. A second
train of guns, projectiles and other war
material fro m-Krc nchrnn Veers consigned
to the Bulgarian AAar Department passed
through- htre today. . It consisted of 27
Taken III Monday Evening, Miss
Martin Dies While Rcr Sister
Is Telephoning for Doctor.
DENVER. Colo., May 23. (Special.)
After 30 hours of excruciating suffering,
Miss Sophie Martin, one of the most pop
ular young women of tno exclusive so
ciety set of the suburb of Mont Clair, died
yesterday of ptomaine poisoning, at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Leonard Jones.
Miss Martin was In apparently perfect
health Sunday. In the morning early she
was on the golf links, "the most enthusi
astic of players. She spent the afternoon
in playing tennis, and was the merriest
of the guests at a dinner Sunday evening
In Mont Clair. She was down town Mon
day morning and took luncheon at a de
partment store tearoom.
It was not until Monday evening that
she required her physician to be called,
and from that time until her death she
grew rapidly worse, although several doc
tors were in constant attendance. Altout
midnight Tuesday her sister, Mrs. Jones,
noticing alarming symptoms, left her bed
side to summon a physician in tho neigh
borhood by telephone Upon her returnto
her fclsler'a Voom, she found she had
passed forever beyond tho power of hu
man skjll.
Dr. Chllds. the attending physician,
after a careful postmortem examination,
says that Miss Martin's death was due to
ptomaine poisoning.
Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Jones left for
Portland with the body for burial at Miss
Martin's former home. Her mother and
two sister live in Portland, and a sister
In San Francisco.
American Railroad Agent Says lie's
King of Scrvia.
ST. PAUL, Minn., May 23. (Special.)
Theodore Maximilian Streu, .a. Rock Island
Railroad station agent at County Line, la.,
has forwarded to the State Department an
affidavit made up of certified statements
from Servia showing him to be the right
ful heir to the Servian throne. He has also
placed similar papers in the hands of the
American Minister at Belgrade, and also
at Dresden, Saxony, where he was born.
Streu In his papers declares that he Is
a direct descendant of King Lazar, of
Servia, who was killed by the Turks In
the Turkish Invasion of "Servia in 1704.
Streu also lays claim to the treasures of
King Lazar, which are still buried In the
ruins of the castles of Spumad and Sha
batz. Streu has been tracing his family
record for years. Only a short time ago he
succeeded in securing data necessary to
establish his claim.
Magoon TcUj Plans of Commission
for Canal Zone.
PANAMA, May 25. Hezekiah A. Gudger,
Judge of the Canal Zone, this morning ad
ministered the -oath of office -to Charles
G. Magoon, Governor of the Canal Zone,
In the Ancon district. The ceremony took
place In the presence of President Amador
and the Cabinet, tne .Diplomatic and Con
sular Corps and prominent and native and
foreign residents.
Governor Magoon. In his inaugural
speech, said the reorganization of the
Canal Commission had resulted In the cen
tralization of authority and transfer of
power from Washington to Panama, per
mitting the putting of more energy into
the work. Regarding the work of sanlta
tlon, the Governor said that no effort and
no expense would be spared to make the
zone healthy. He said that the number
of Judges In the zone will be increased.
that a jurist of Panama will be appointed
a member of the Supreme Court and nu
merous schools will be opened.
One Killed and Fifty Injured in
AVrcck Near Baltimore.
BALTIMORE. May 25. William Stem
bler was killed and about 50 persons are
Injured as the result ofa collision be
tween two trolley-cars returning from
AVestport. a suburban resort, early this
Boy Is Heir to $25,000,000.
DES MOINES. Ia., May 23. AV. D.
Brandt, adopted son- of the millionaire,
William 'Zlcsler. who died on Wednes
day, will Inherit the. 'estate of $23,000,0).
The boy. .who. Is now 12 "years old, is the
son of . Mr.i'Zlegiersihalf;brthcr. George
.Brandt. rile" was 7a 4o"ptci by Zlccier when
3 years, ef.ass.- .
Secures Suspension of Injunc
tion and Throws Out
Dismissed Officials.
AVholo Population of Philadelphia
Hounds CouncIImcn to A'otc- r
Against Gas Lease May
Appeal to President.
PHILADELPHIA. May 25. The bitter
feeling that has been engendered by the
gas-lease fight was Intensified today when
Mayor AA'caver practically ejected from
the offices ot the Departments of Public
Safety and Public AYbrks.hls two former
directors, and again Installed the men ap
pointed by him on Tuesday night. Tho
news created great excitement In the
City Hall, and on the political Rial to,
and nearly all that were Interestedly as
sembled in the vicinity of the Mayor's
office to learn of the next move.
This came quickly, but from an unex
pected quarter the' State Supreme Court.
When the Mayor was ordering his old
directors out of k their offices', his attor
neys appeared In the Supreme Court and
obtained a special supcrscadas, suspending
the temporary Injunction, granted to the
old directors yesterday by the" County
Drives Out Old Officials.
Accompanied by his counsel and four
detectives. Mayor AVeaver went to the
office of Director o Public Safety Smyth.
He informed that official that he had
been dismissed and that his presence in
the office was trespass. Director Smyth
withdrew from the office. The Mayor
placed' two detectives in charge, and then
went to the office of Director of Public
Works Costello, where the same ceremony
was repeated. Mr. Costello also quit his
office and detectives were placed in
The writ of the Supreme Court removes
the Injunction issued by Judge Ralston
and allows the Mayor's new appointees.
Colonel Potter and A. Lincoln Acker, to
assume their duties as Director of Pub
lic Safety, and Director of, Public Works,
respectively. In the meantime, thp Su
preme Court investigates the matter.
Acting on the writ of supersedeas, the
new directors assumed charge of their
A dramatic incident "of the day was the
great ovation given Mayor AVeaver by
seeral thousand persons on his way from
the City Hall to the Union League lunch
Machine May Impeach Mayor.
A rumor that the Mayor was to be
impeached spread today. For what of
fence was not clearly defined. One story
had it that he would be brought before
the bar ot the City Council for his con
duct of an election-fraud case while he
was District Attorney, and another rumor
had It that he was to be made to answer
for some alleged lapse of duty while in
his present position. AH attempts to con-.
firm the Impeachment rumor failed.
The organization leaders say they con
tinue to "stand pat" on the gas lease and
that their ranks are solid. On the other
hand. Mayor Weaver announced today
that he had assurances that the vote In
both Council chambers when his veto is
considered will be changed materially
from last week's vote.
Councilmen Have AVeary Time.
The Councilmen who favored the gas
lease are having a hard time of it- They
are being swamped with protests and
delegations of neighbors are calling on
them at their homes and places of bus!
ness and arc holding them up on the
streets. . Except when he went to lunch
eon, the Mayor did not leave the City
Hall from early in the morning until 6
p: M.
A remarkable feature of the struggle
is the silence that both sides are main
tainlng. Little of consequence leaks out
and nothing is known until a move is
actually publicly made.
May Appeal to Roosevelt.
It -was reported today that President
Roosevelt will be asked to Issue a spe
cial warning to Federal employes to keep
out of the gas-lease fight. It Is charged
by some of the anti-lease people that the
organization is calling upon Federal of
ficers here to use their influence with
Councilmen in behalf of the lease. This
is dcpled by the official leaders. Those
who arc against the organization say
that they know that Government em
ployes are bringing pressure to bear on
the Councilmen and that, if it continues,
a delegation of citizens will go to Wash
ington to see the President.
Mayor AVeaver is receiving hundreds of
letters and telegrams of congratulation.
Among those he made public today was
"I congratulate you upon the firm stand
you have taken in behalf of the people.
"Mayor of Chicago."'
CouncIImcn Yield to Storm.
As a result of the agitation against the
lease, three Select and six.Common Coun
cllmcn have now announced that they will
change their votes on the lease. This
would .make the vote in the Select Council
stand C4 for the lease and S against, and
in the Common. Council. 6S 3or and 16
against. It takes a two-thirds vote to
pass an ordinance over the Mayor's veto
Two big ward meetings were held to-
nlsht. At one of them two of the Coun
cilmen attended and said that they would
support the Mayor. s
John C Winston, chairman of the com
nittee of seventy, has enzazed Janw
Auerbacb, a New -Vork lawyer, to repre
sent the committee in its fight against
the gas lease.
"We are going further than the Mayor."
said, Mr. Winston tonight. "Ho simply
wants to straighten out his departments.
We are going to Investigate civic matters
and will stir up the city. AA'hen we finish
there will be a stench that will reach to
Gifts Arc Reminders of His Exploit
AA'ith Mcrrimac.
TUXEDO PARK. N. J.. May 25. The
wedding of Miss Grlzelda Houston Hull
and Captain Richmond Pearson Hobson,
formerly of the United States Navy,,
took place this afternoon at the cot
tage of tho bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Huntington Hull, in Tux
edo. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. AV. M. Fitzsimmon, rector of St.
Mary'a Church, Tuexdo Park.
The altar was covered with magnifi
cent cloth of the period ot Louis XIV.
Miss Louisa E. Hull, younger sister of
tho bride, was bridesmaid, and Lieu
tenant James N. Hobson. U. S. N.,
brother of the groom, acted as best
A gift of A. M. Tucker, of Canton,
O.. was the key with which Captain
Hobson was locked in the cell of the
Morro at Santiago durirg the Spanish-
American war. Other gifts were Cap
tain Kobson's glasses that were sunk
with the Mcrrimac, and pieces of wood
taken from the same vessel. The
guests were confined to the relatives
and Intimate friends of the two fami
Stockholder in Shipbuilding Trust
Sues for 51,500,000.
NEW YORK, May 25. A new suit grow
ins out of the United States Shipbuilding.
case was begun here today by Charles v.
Mayer, who says he assisted In promot
ing the concern and 13 entitled to $1,500,000.
Among the defendants are the Mercantile
Trust Company, John J. McCook. Charles
Seattle Alexander, James w. Alexander,
James H. Hyde, Gage Tarbell, George J.
Gould, D. LeRoy TJresser and a score or
more of others.
Mr. Mayer claims that securities put
aside for him in payment of thedebt were
taken over by the various trusts formed
when the affairs of the concern come to
a crisis. To discover who got the se
curities. Mayer says he Is suing "every
body who figured In the transaction."
Fairbanks Leaves Chicago Saturday.
CHICAGO, May 25. Vice-President and
Mr3. Fairbanks arrived in Chicago today
as the guests ot ex-Controller Charles
G. Dawe3. The Vice-President and wife
expect to leave for Portland Saturday
Will AYork, Not Exhibit, This Time.
MANILA, May 26. Among the troops
being sent to the coast of Samar are the
native scouts who were at the St. Louis
The Weather.
TODAY'S Threatening with showers. Cooler.
variable winds'.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 71
deg.; minimum, 30. Precipitation, trace.
'The War In the Far East.
Rojestvensky far out in Eaciflc Ocean and
may -light battle any day. rage 4.
Rumor of. naval battle discredited. Page 4.
More skirmishing In Manchuria. Page 4.
Bulgaria buys Argentine ships for Russia.
Page 4.
Norway prepares for -war with Sweden on
Consular question. Page 4.
Wrangle between British leaders. Page 1,
Warsaw In hands ot riotous Jews. Page 4.
Rebellion breaks out again in Caucasus,
Page 4.
Nobles sentenced for assaults on Jews.
Page 4.
Hitchcock hears arguments on Yakima irri
gation. Page 3.
Four more forest reserves created in Idaho.
Pate S.
Conger discredits talk of Chinese boycott on
United States. Page 1.
Ohio Republicans renominate Herrlck. and
indorse Roosevelt. Page a.
Mayor Weaver scores new success In' Fhlla
delphia gas war. Page 1.
Southern convention In uproar about In
dorsement of Roosevelt. Page 1.
Pulford commits suicide because suspected
ot killing Berry. Page 3.
Shea, leader of Chicago strike, excused from
answering questions: other union leaders
In contempt. Page 5.
Portland woman -His ot ptomaine poisoning
at Denver. Pago 1.
Big bank at Boston fails with small assets.
Page 5.
Oakdale bank closes after its cashier's sul
clde. due to failure. Page 5.
Railroads open campaign against Govern
ment rate regulation. Page 1.
Rail pool dissolves to avoid anti-trust law
after fixing price lor Panama road.
Page 3.
Delhi wins Brooklyn Handicap. Page 7.
Pacific Coast League scores: Portland 3.
Oakland 2: Tacomn. 3. Lor Angeles 0; Sac
Francisco 1, Seattle 0. Page 7.
raclflo Coast.
"United States engineer will at once start
work ot reclamation in the Klamath
Basin. Page 6.
Washington Judge decides that county and
other appointed officers have no authority.
Page 7.
Oregon State Grange convention at Forest
Grove. Page 6.
Judge Bean indorsed by colleagues tor Fed
eral Judgeship. Page G.
Commercial and 3Iarine.
"Wider assortment ot Summer fruits on mar
ket. Page. 13.
Wheat shipments to East may be resumed.
Page 15.
Eight-cent break in. corn at Chicago. Page
Carload ot new barley reaches San Fran
Cisco. Page 13. .
New York stocks weaken. Page 13.
Another attempt to be made to raise steamer
Elder. Page 14.
Trial trip of Bailey Gatzert. Page 14.
Portland and. Vicinity.
Homer Davenport, the king of cartoonists.
here to visit boyhood home. Page 11.
Masterpieces of artists in course of Installa
tion at the Fair. Page 10.
Prize winner for poem on The Trail an
nounced Page 14.
Lights are turned on at the Fair grounds.
Page 10.
The East Side is the political battleground
between Williams and Lane. Page 1.
Ballot for municipal election goes to the
printer. Page 14.
Marshal Reed removes all the old deputies.
Page 10. ,
Petition to close" the .saloons-near ;the Fair
; gretiRdsby theinltlaUve.Issubmltted-ta
Jtfce lt.yort.Page--lt
Each Candidate Is Doing Best
to Win Votes of That -Part
of City.
In Order for Lane to Win lie Must
Secure Nearly Four Thousand
Republican. Votes Front,
His . Opponent, "
The fight for Mayor is hottest on th
East Side, and Williams, the Republican
candidate, and Lane, the Democratic can
didate, arc holding frequent rallies In that
part of the city. N
Democrats rely on East Portland to
elect their man, and Williams boomers ad
mit that the opposition to their candidate
Is strongest there. Leaders of the two
parties agree that the West Side la a
Williams stronghold. .
In the Republican primary contest for
the nomination, Williams lost the East
Side to Albee by 100 votes, and carried the
West Side against Albee by more than 1100
Knowing that the East SlQe is the doubt
ful part ot the city, both candidates are
making speeches there. Williams opened
his campaign in Albina Monday night,
Wednesday night spoke at Sellwood. to
night will speak in Woodlawn, in Oddfel
lows' Hall, and tomorrow night will makn
an address in Blank's Hall, Thirteenth
and Powell streets. Next 'Monday he will
appear in Sunnyslde. next AVednesday
night in Burkhard Hall, on East Burn
side street. Dr. Lan.i spoke Wednesday
night In Albina, and tonight will speak In
Sellwood. Tomorrow .night he wJU ad
dress the voters In Burkhard Hall.
West Side Sure for Williams.
It may be said that Democrats hardly
expect to carry the West Side for Lane
and will confine their efforts to holding
down the vote for Williams in the six
wards of that part ot the city. But in
East Portland they hope to work havoc
with the Williams forces and there to run
up so big a plurality for their nominee
that It will overcome Williams' plurality
on the West Side. They concede- that the
election will be close, and. the JHestrsiR--guine
look for-but a small plurality,- s7
500 votes, or by some"stroHe ot cxtrew-
good fortune, 1000 votes. .
To accomplish this, at least 4000 Republi
can votes will have to be cast for Lane,
and perhaps more, owing to the fact that
various elements which commonly dwell
in the Democratic camp will be drawn oft
to Williams. This is conceded in Demo
cratic circles.
Estimates of the vote that will be cas
for Mayor center at 15,000. and many are
lower. Of this total, Socialists and Pro
hibitionists are expected to cast perhaps
1000 votes, leaving 14,000 or less to be di
vided between Williams and Lane. There
fore, about 7100 votes would elect, by this
Some Democratic Estimates.
Democratic estimates of the Democratic
vote that will be cast for Mayojr range
from 3500 to 4000; therefore between 3100
and 3600 Republican votes are needed for
Lane. Democrats announce that they are
out after 4000 Republican votes.
Betting on the Mayoralty election
yesterday was 2 to 1 on Williams
against Lane and several wagers were
reported at that price. A Lane boomer,
A. J. Wochos, was 'offering to put up
$300 against $300 on the Democratic
candidate. Sam Wolf, another Lane
disciple,' put up 5100 yesterday "which
was covered by Frank C. Baker; like
wise a man said to be Captain E. W.
Spencer, whose $100 was covered by
Mr. Baker. Captain Spencer has been
advertised for some time as having"
a pocketful of money to wager on
Lane, and several Williams faithfuls
have been after his cash, butr he ha3
been holding out for 2! to 1.
Mr. Baker said yesterday that he was
not offering to bet any money on Wil
liams; only covering the cash of tho
Lane people. He said:
"I am not anxious to bet that
Judge Williams will be re-elected Mayor.
Fact is, I am not offering to bet not
taking the initiative. I am willing,
however, to relieve those good friends
of mine of their money who must bet
on Dr. Lane Just because they want
him elected and can get odds. You
know there are ever so many men al
ways on the short end of every betting
proposition. Moreover, my business af
fairs these real estate days takes pre
cedence over all other matters. I must
add that it is ,extremely kind of Sam
Wolf and others whose names I am im
pelled to withhold, to contribute so lib
erally to my exchequer by backing my
friend. Dr. Harry Lane, for Mayor.
Waldcmar Seton and Dr. Drake
. Speak at University Parle..
An enthusiastic Republican meeting was
held last evening in the Oddfellows' Hall,
at University Park, addressed by Walde
mar Seton and Dr. Emmet Drake. Dr.
Manlon presided, and made a rousing talk
at the opening of the meeting. The Lewis
Clark Quartet was present, and before the
addresses discoursed music, and was
heartily encored. Mr. Seton was intro
duced and talked entertainingly for about
an hour, reviewing the issues of the pres
ent campaign. Mr. S2ton said thatthe
Democrats did not expect to elect any of
their candidates except Dr. Harry Lane
for Mayor. For his election they were
moving everything. The speaker then re
viewed Mayor AVilliams' record for the
past thre,e years, and touched on the Tan-.
ner-Creek sewer, pointing with force, to
(Coacluded oa Page 3.).