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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1905)
THE JtORNTSG OSEGOHIAN, THURSDAY, MAY, 25, 1905. Ufa toptthm Entered At the Postolflce at Portland. Or.. as seccnd-class matter. . SUBSCKIPTIOX RATES. INVARIABLT IN ADVANCE. (By Mall or Express.) Sally and Sunday, per year. -....... .59.00 Daily and Sunday, six months..- COO Sally and Sunday, three months..---.- 2-5j Dally and Sunday, per month .85 Dally -without Sunday, per year . . ... .50 Dally -without Sunday, six months 3.90 Dally -without Sunday, three months..- 1.35 Dally without Sunday, per month -C3 Sunday, per year ...-.... 2.00 Sunday, six months 1.00 Sunday, three months -60 BT CARRIER. Dally without Sunday, per week-...-"... . .13 Dally, per week, Sunday Included 0 THE -WEEKLY OREGONIAN. (Issued Every Thursday.) Weekly, per year 1.00 Weekly, six months - .75 Weekly, three months .50 HOW TO REMIT Send postolflce money order, express order or personal check -on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at the sender's risk. EASTERNBU8IXESS OFFICE. The 6. C. Beckwith Special Agency New York; rooms 43-50 Tribune building. Chi cago, rooms 510-512 Tribune building. The Oregonian does not buy poems or stories from individuals and cannot under take to return any manuscript sent to It without solicitation. No stamps should be inclosed for this purpose. KEPT ON SALE. Chlpago Auditorium Annex, ' Postolflce News Co., 178 Dearborn street. Dallas, Tex. Globe News Depot, 260 Main street. Hot Springs, Ark. F. C. Boring. 418 Cen tral avenue. Denver Julius Black, Hamilton & Xend rick, 806-912 Seventeenth street; Harry D. Ott. 1563 Broadway. Colorado Springs, Colo. Howard H. BelL. De Koines, la- Moses Jacobs, 309 Fifth street. Daluth, la. G. Blackburn. 215 West Su perior street. Goldfield, Ner. C. Malone. Kansas City, Mo. Rlcksecker Cigar Co., Ninth and Walnut. Txs Angeles Harry Drapkln; B. E. Amos, 614 West Serenth street. Minneapolis M. J". Kavanaugh. 50 South Third; Kegelsburger. 217 First avenue South. Cleveland, O James Pushaw, 307 Superior street. New York City L. Jones & Co., Astor House. Oakland, CaL W. H. Johnston, Four teenth and Franklin streets. Ogdea F. R. Godard and Meyers & Har top. D. L. Boyle. Omaha Barkalow Bros., 1612 Farnam; Mageath Stationery Co., 1S08 Farnam; Mc Laughlin Bros., 246 South 14th. Sacramento, CaL Sacramento News Co., 429 K street. Salt Lake Salt Lake News Co.. 77 West Second street South. IxiBg Beach B. E. Amos. San Francisco J. X. Cooper & Co., 746 Market street; Goldsmith Bros.. 236 Sutter: E. Iee. Palace Hotel News Stand: F. W. Pitta. 1008 Market; Frank Scott. 80 Ellis; N. Wheatley Movable News Stand, corner Mar ket and Kearney streets; Hotel St, Francis News Stand; Foster & Orear, Ferry News Stand. fit. Louis, Mo. E- T. Jett Book & News Company, 808 Olive street. Washington, D. C. P. D. Morrison, 2132 Pennsylvania avenue. PORTLAND, THURSDAY, MAY 25, J 905. THE SHORT WAY. Every argument for the election of a Democratic Mayor of Portland at this time -will be equally good for the elec tion of a Democratic Governor nex,t year. Or better, by eo much as George Chamberlain may be deemed superior to Harry Lane. Well, If there is no difference be tween parties; if one is as good as an other; if the policy of the Democratic party is as good for the country as the policy of the Republican party, or bet ter, then Jet us not think of electing Republicans any more. Let us elect Democrats, and let the horn of the Democratic party be exalted. If it is not -worth -while to elect a Re publican Mayor of, Portland, it Is not worth wlille to elect a Republican Gov ernor of Oregon, nor -worth while to elect Republican Representatives in Congress, nor to elect a Republican Legislature. So, on this view of things, let us quit, and admit that there Is nothing in Republican principles. Republican poli cies or Republican purposes, anyhow. Harry Lane is now the Democratic candidate for Mayor of Portland. Next year George Chamberlain will be the Democratic candidate for Governor of Oregon. There will be no difference be tween a vote for one of them now and a vote for the other then. It is a party matter, purely, in either case. Only if Lane should be elected now it would greatly promote the chances of Cham berlain next year, and help very much towards turning Oregon from a Repub lican to a Democratic state. Perhaps this may be desirable. But The Ore gonlan. havlitg some knowledge of the Democratic party and some remem brance from experience with it, doesn't think so. If all the principal offices in Oregon are to be filled by election of Demo crats, how -long can Oregon be classed as a Republican state? LIQUORS AND THEIR SALE. The Oregonian considers and always has considered, the manufacture and sale of liquors as legitimate a business as any. But sale of liquors at retail Is a business specially liable to abuses, and must therefore be controlled care fully by law. Again, since liquors are in demand and therefore will be sold, the trade offers unequal ed opportunity for collection . of revenue. It is the same with tobacco. These two lines of trade are the special resource and re liance of fiscal statesmanship. But sale of liquors, at retail, in places open and prominent, is objec tionable, because liable to abuse. Drinking men often are noisy and of fensive, and the character of a town is judged in great measure by the control it keeps over Its liquor shops. Every first-rate hotel has a bar, but no first rate hotel makes its bar a prominent or conspicuous feature. Men of sensibil ity who engage In the liqour trade con duct it modestly, do not thrust it for ward, keep it In quiet background. To the liqour trade so conducted there can be no legitimate objection. But in fact there are those who will not conductSt in this way. They thrust it into promi nence, make It offensive, and through this inconsiderate action raise tip ene mies against the whole trade and re cruit the ranks of the prohibitionists. The Oregonian holds that it Is not seemly that liquor shops should gather about the entrance to the Lewis and Clark Fair. To visitors such spectacle at such & place will be an offense. Had the liquor shops been kept a little in the background, there would be no ob jection; but at the very entrance and on the avenues leading up to It, they are out of place. Jfow, it Is proposed to shut them out wholly within a district three-quarters of a mile from the en trance of the Fair; and this may carry, through the reaction against the greed that placed them In numbers just against' the entrance, so that no one can get in or out without passing the cordon of the liquor shops. SCearly ail the trouble the liquor deai- ers have -with the people is the result of "pushing" the business into- offensive prominence This instance is only one further illustration of old experience. . PROBABLY iMARTTAL LAW. In. all probability martial law is coming in Chicago. It will be neces sary for preservation of the peace and for protection of those who do business. Attacks of strikers and their sympa thizers on the streets, upon those who are pursuing their lawfuL business, will, if carried far, result ihan order, enforced by the military, that no one shall ap pear on the streets unless he or she has first obtained a pass from the provost marshal. This, will shut up all strikers and sympathizers within their own quarters- or in the city jails, within a very short time. Meanwhile these dis turbers of the peace forced off the streets business will be re-established. It is a severe remedy; but perhaps no remedy less severe can be effective. If military -force shall be called in. It will keep order, under martial law. It will 'beeffected by keeping all persons off the streets, who do not have passes; and passes will be withheld from strik ers and from, those suspected of sym pathy with them. Arms will be taken away from every person not author ized to possess them, and search will be made of houses, for the purpose of seiz ing arms or other material that might be used for offensive or deadly pur poses. A city must have order and will have order, even If despotic measures are employed to get it. Violence, car ried far, will surely bring its cure through violence. Martial law is the present outlook in Chicago. Before men resort to violence they should look:to necessary consequences. ONLY A WEKK-TO JUNE 1. Only a week, and much to do in it! Everybody on the Fair grounds. Inside the buildings and out, working as If life depended on getting so many boards up and nails driven, draperies nailed up and boxes unpacked, stands and shelves filled, machines set up and booths adorned. The finishing work, of course, but all-important. The splen did United States Government build ing and its contents s.eem nearly ready for the multitudes of the opening day. The War Office exhibit is practically all In order, and the same is true of much of the educational exhibit, one of the most interesting In the whole of the spacious Interior. The main features In the other buildings are also rapidly getting into shape. A friendly caution to some of the counties of Oregon may be permissible. For the credit of our own state, "get a move on." Take ex ample from the most advanced, and work quickly up Into line, or apologies will have- to be made which Is what none of us will be contented with. It is not fair to peep Into the room before the guests arrive, so no more will here be said, except that the state will be proud indeed of her children If some of the exhibits already In place are fair samples of the rest. "We have all read the official assur ances of readiness for the opening day, and we believe them. The flowers have managed their part well. The roses, In their luxuriant abundance, are timing their blossoming to a day. Nothing .like the general view from the Govern ment building up to Palaces Hill has been equaled at any previous exposi tion. That may be most truly said. Two regrets will Intrude one that the Washington building was allowed so advanced a site as to break the general view of the carefully arranged fronts; the other that nothing has been done with that most legible whisky sign that stares every one in the eye across the lake, truly an offense. The disgrace to the city in the avenue of saloons, marring the approach to the Exposition, cannot be too plainly stated or too often repeated. Is the Council waiting for a unanimous protest from man, woman and child in Portland? That can surely be had If It waits only one week longer that Is, until the guests of the city and state, the repre sentatives of the Nation, stare with as tonished and rebuking eyes as they most certainly will. The Mayor and the president of the Exposition Corporation have staked their reputations for truthfulness In public announcement that hotels, boarding-houses and restaurants are going to be reasonable In the matter of charges to Exposition visitors. Doubtless they did not 6peak without book. How about the multitude of small lodging-houses, and of private houses? Rumors are rife of exorbitant demands, both for single rooms, suites and houses. Be moderate; be careful of the city's good name. It Is not a case of fleecing the Egyptians, but rather of entertaining friends -who have crossed a continent to visit us. Of course they should and will be only too willing to pay. even generously, for the outlay many will have incurred in getting ready for them. A reasonable harvest will be reaped without offense. But draw the line between fair recompense for accommodations of all kinds and extortion. Oregonians have the name for hospitality. It has been a tradi tion from the pioneers. It will never do to risk It now. BOARDING-HOUSE LICENSE UNNECKS - " SARY. The county grand Jury yesterday re fused to return a true bill against D. W. Paul, charged with conducting a sailor boarding-house without a li cense. This action was not unexpected, for the reason that the state law which Mr. vPaul is said to have violated is generally considered worthless. The experience of many years has demon strated quite clearly that no law regu lating the sailor boarding-house busi ness can be enforced unless It Is backed up by public sentiment. There have been many laws enacted and many prosecutions instituted with a view to eliminating or regulating the evils in connection with the business of ship ping sailors. So far as known, none of these state laws failed to conflict with the Federal law which says quite plain ly that It is unlawful for any fee to be collected for shipping seamen. Its attempted enforcement has never been attended with satisfactory results) so that the Federal law might as well have been removed from the statute books. It was its inefficiency or im practicability that caused enactment of state laws, and none of those laws was ever enacted but that some of the spon sors knew that they were In direct con flict with the Federal law. They were enacted and their enforcement at tempted because the business of ship ping sailors had become so notoriously detrimental to the best interest of the port that it was an. absolute necessity that something be. done to remedy the evil. Contrary, 4o .the theories of well- meaning but misguided reformers who from time to time essay to regulate the sailor traffic, boarding-houses are ane cessltyand. If properly conducted", are In no manner detrimental either, to the sailor or his . employers, the shipown ers. But a sailor boarding-house can not be conducted as a charitable Insti tution, and. if one of the boarders, after a protracted sojourn, attempts to leave without liquidating his Indebtedness, there has always been an Immediate violation of the Federal law, which says that the sailor's clothing cannot be held for debt. The local courts have always refused to make any distinction between an absconding sailor and an absconding landsman, and. by Ignoring the Fed-J eral law on the matter, have perhaps encouraged the boarding-house men to go farther in their demands than was right and proper. For the past two years there has been such a 6mall num ber -of foreign vessels here that the troubles which were so prominent in busy seasons were not In evidence. With a return of normal conditions In the grain business there will again be Plenty of sailors to be shipped, and, as the state law Is worthless and the Com missioners have no powers that the boarding-house men are bound to re, spect, the business will probably drift back Into the old rut. COLOR SCHEME IN FOOD PRODUCTS. In the forthcoming Tear Book of the Department of Agriculture the weak nesses of consumers In the matter of preference for foods that are attractive In color, or are highly colored, over those of a better grade that do not catch the eye through nature's color scheme. will be treated from the stand point of experience in catering to the market. An article compiled from adj vance proof sheets of this book. In a recent number of the Saturday Evening Post, makes an Interesting present ment It Is not a new subject to the Oregon farmer, dairyman or fruitgrower, though, truth to tell, knowledge In this respect has not always been turned to the profit of the producer. It has been learned, however, that "red apples are good sellers" and the Ben Davis and some other rosy, but tasteless varieties of apples "good keepers, but poor eat ing" have taken the place In the mar ket of the old yellow Bellflower and the Roxbury Russet, while mammoth strawberries, sightly but comparatively tasteless, have usurped the place of sweeter, smaller berries that were standards of excellence a few years ago. These are familiar examples merely, but they bring our own experience to prove the fact that where an actual food product Is under consideration, no matter of what kind, flavor Is of minor importance from a market standpoint. Wider proof Is given In the statement that In judging peaches at the St. Louis Fair twenty-five points In a total of one hundred were allowed for flavor, while seventy-five were allotted to eye pleasing qualities, Including size, color, form and freedom from blemishes. The allowance for flavor. In the case of cherries and grapes, was reckoned at but twenty per cent and for apples only fifteen per cent was allowed. The consumer's whims In regard to the looks of things take a wide range, often trenching upon absurdity. In Boston, for example, eggs with brown shells sell for a cent or two more a dozen than those with clear white shells, while the opposite is the rule In New York. If the brown and white eggs are mixed, they sell In either city for less than If the colors are separated. It Is a fact known to everybody that both cheese and butter are colored (un less the law Intervenes) to meet the popular demand for "just the right golden tinge" which varies according to locality. For example, Washington calls for darker or yellower butter than Chicago, and New Orleans for a shade still deeper than that required In Washington, while In New York, through the influence of the great res taurants and clubs, artificial coloring in both butter and cheese Is being to a great extent dispensed with. The compiler of these and many simi lar facts for the Department of Agri culture, Mr. George K. Holmes, speaks of the admiration for foods that are polished or have a gloss. Thus the life long resident of a city who has no first hand knowledge of an apple orchard, prefers and buys from the apple wom an at the street corner a ro3y apple with a fine waxlike polish on the sur face, secured by a lick of the tongue and a wipe with a dirty rag, while the countryman selects the apple that has not been thus ruthlessly robbed of Its natural bloom. Rhubarb must be a dark red. If the producer expects to get a good price for It. The same must be true of beets, while carrots must be of a deep orange and so on through the long chapter the eye must be consulted before the palate, while color and size hold over flavor and quality. Here, as in all other departments of commercial life, supply follows demand. To meet the conditions the farmer must raise pretty red apples, though they are tasteless; his blackberries must be large and pleasing to the eye and it will not matter how sour they are; the same may be said of his strawberries. Polish and luster are In demand and, for the rest, things must be big, uniform In size, shapely and done up In convenient and showy packages. If, says the commen tator of the Post, "the Intelligent farm er will carefully observe these rules the foolishness of the consumer will be to him a source of wealth. He will easily command sale for his products at high prices and will grow fat in purse and person." ' It may be inferred that the latter con dition will result from the fact that he willshlmself feed upon the products of his orchards and gardens which are superior in everything but "looks" to those which find ready sale In the mar kets. While not presuming to question the authority upon which these deductions are made, or to gainsay the statement that large and highly colored vegetables and fruits are prime favorites In clty markets. It may be said that there is still a multitude of intelligent city housewives who look distrustfully upon highly colored catsup, bleached corn, and dried prunes that shine with a bor rowed gloss; who prefer vegetables of medium size to those that are pulpy and overgrown and who turn in dis gust from butter, the deep golden hue of which suggests either that the calves of the cows that supplied the cream were sacrificed for veal very early in deed, or that the "butter color" is a manufactured one An effort is being made to have the dredge Chinook placed In service on the bar. It Is stated in connection with the project thit "a detailed, statement of what the jetty has accomplished toward deepening the channel during sixteen years as compared with the few months work of the dredge is also to be a part of the petition." The Impos sibility of determining to what extent. If any. the dredge had improved the bar was the principal reason for with drawing the expensive digger from ser vice. There was no question about the results that could be obtained by ex tension of the jetty. There was a ques tion about anything being accomplished by the dredge, and, as the latter was eating great holes In the appropriation for the jetty. It was withdrawn to ad mit or sufficient funds for carrying' on the more Important branch of the work. The Chinook is undoubtedly of con siderable value in stirring up sand on the bar. and. If the money for her maintenance was forthcoming without jeopardizing the jetty appropriation, there would be no objection to keeping her In service. Between the dredge and the Jetty, however, the latter will be given preference In the appropria tion available. As an echo from far away, so rapidly does the world make history, comes the statement that the Spanish cruiser Relna Mercedes, captured at Santiago In 1898, has been repaired and is now in commission as a first-class receiving ship of the United States Navy. This cruiser has been undergoing repairs for nearly five years. There was probably little If any saving In reconstructing her, as no doubt an entirely new vessel could have been built for what her rehabilitation cost. There is, neverthe less, a feeling of satisfaction In the thought that, as a trophy of victory, she will be made to do duty In preparing men to operate our navy in the always possible emergency of war. Let us hope that the deficiency in pre cipitation will be made up In records In the Weather Bureau of this district this week, and that Jupiter Pluvlus, discharged of all responsibility In the premises, will draw off his forces and give Old Sol a chance at the drenched Fair grounds and sloppy streets. As far as Oregonians are concerned, a few days rain, more or less, does not mat ter, but It will be somewhat embarrassr Ing to be obliged to explain to our vis itors on the first of June ihat cold rains at this season are very unusual In Portland. Besides, with all of our volu bility It might be hard to make them believe IL Evidently there Is general agreement as to the real Issue of the city cam paign. Dr. Lane says: I am a Democrat; I was born one; my father was one before me. 1 was a Democrat before I knew what r was. for that matter, and I don't want to conceal !t from any one. The doctor might have added that he Is running as the Democratic candidate for Mayor, and on no other ticket what ever. He was Indorsed by the "citi zens" convention, but It is noticeable that his name docs not appear on the "citizens" ticket. Why? Because the citizens fear thus to confuse the Issue and to drive away Democratic support from the Democratic candidate. Mr. Lincoln Steffens seems to have described both Philadelphia and Its Mayor with some accuracy In his sen sational article in McClure's Magazine nearly two years ago. He said the Mayor was the "nominee of the ring," but "a very present hope." It was the Philadelphia plan that the "Mayor should not be In the ring." That ex plains why Weaver was nominated and why the ring cannot control him now. The Steffens article makes good read ing. In view of the Philadelphia situa tion today. . The Russian contention that cotton Is contraband of war because It might .be manufactured Into guncotton. and thus become a Avar supply, seems to be rather far-fetched. A similar line of reasoning would result In placing on the contraband list practically every thing that Is shipped across the Pacific. The State Department will contest the decision, and, in the end. the Russians will pay for the cotton on ihe steam ers seized when the war was ypung last year. Southern Oregon' mines are maintain ing the excellent reputation they have long possessed. A strike of ore running $40,000 to the ton Is reported In the Opp mine near Med ford. One man took out $10,000 In a single shift. More good mines have been uncovered In that part of Oregon than in any other-section of the Pacific Northwest and the number of really meritorious strikes Is increas ing so rapidly that the Industry will soon become one of the most Important in the State. Tonppah may not turn out as much gold as the Klondike, but President Young and Cashier Boal. of the Gold field Bank & Trust Company, can offer Indisputable 'evidence that some gold has been taken out of the country. The temper of the populace, as Indicated by the dispatches from the Nevada camp, seems to warrant the belief that this particular pay streak has "pinched out." The secretary' of the Iowa State Board of Health has issued an ulti matum to physicians and surgeons to remove their beards, contending that they are unsanitary and carry disease germs. In these days of coercion. It may be that the Iowa barbers union Is responsible for this reform. We find this statement In print, at tributed to a citizen of Portland: "There never was a Lane who ever de bauched his office or went back qn his word." Why force recall of the politi cal career of Joseph Lane? The scheme of the Seattle business men to raise a large fund for the pur pose of sending delegations to the Fair Is excellent. Perhaps in this way the frugal Seattle doctors may get to see the Exposition. From the drift of the war news we infer that General Gltupangitsky ia about to lead another able retreat of the Russians from their positions In front of the Japanese forces. June 1 Is opening day for the Fair, and closing day for everything else in Portland. All Want to Come. Springfield (Mass.), Republican. . A free trip to the Ore-gon Expositions fgr 17 and not for six Is the demand of the Legislature. It will be a "perk." p-are aad sliapla " ' 0REG0N0Z0NE. It Is reported that In St. Louis the oldest Inhabitant of the earth Is llyjng. This modern Methuselah la a tortoise named Toto. He Is described as having been of voting age when Columbus dis covered America- He is still hale and hearty, though, we are not informed that he has chewed tobacco and drunk whisky ever since he grew up. This tortoise. If he could talk English, might tell us won derful talcs about the weather along back In H92. Doubtless he was personally ac quainted with Christopher Columbus, and, of course, In his prime he wa3 on famil iar terms with Shakespeare and used to sit dozing In the sun while young Ben Johnson laid brick. Toto, no doubt, trekked with Napoleon's lesions across the plains of Italy and after emigrating to the New World voted for Andrew Jackson. Now he ls passing his declin ing days In St. Louis, under the shade of the Anheuser-Busch. Apostle George A. Smith, of the Mormon Church, says In an Interview that "po lygamy was instigated when there was a preponderance of women" In Utah. The kindness of the Mormon brethren In thus taking care of the forlorn females, who otherwise might never have had a chance. Is touching. Nothing to Do. "Our lazy friend Slowboy at last has found & profession In which he won't have any work to do." "What's that?" ' "He's going to be a dentist." "But dentistry is hard work." "Ordinarily; but Slowboy is going to be a specialist." "Ah! -what's he going to do?" "Pull hen's teeth." "Peaceless Chicago" is the title be stowed by a California headllner. Let us hold fast that, which is good. Too Late for Classification. FOR SALE A title clear o mansions In the skies: left 'by a melancholy gentleman who committed suicide. PERSONAL The person who stole my pedigreed pup will learn something to his disadvantage when he finds out that it was a stray cur from NIggertown. TO EXCHANGE Two million dollars worth of mining stock for a 5-cent j:igar or 6 cents in postage stamps. At Winona Lake the Presbyterians art holding their general assembly. At Fort Worth the Southern Presbyterians are holding their general assembly. At Fresno the' Cumberland Presbyterians are hold ing their general assembly. Very llkciy somewhere else the Reformed Presbyter ians and the Dutch Presbyterians and the Irish Presbyterians end the French Presbyterians and thJ Reconstructed Presbyterians and the Recognized Pres byterians and the Baptized Presbyterians and the Unbaptlzed Presbyterians are holding their general assemblies. Will there be one Grand General Assembly of Presbyterians In heaven, or a dozen sec tional assemblies? We pause for reply. George Atle on Dialect Poetry. At a dinner given by the Periodical Publishers' Association to magazine poets and others, down at Lakewood, N. J., a few days ago, George Ade read from copy paper a facetious response to a toast. His subject was Indiana as a breeding farm for genius. In the course of his remarks he said: "Go south and west of Indianapolis and you tire in the home of dialect poetry. Riley started it. Nownoona seems able to head It ofT. Every man who can't spell thinks he Is an author." Now Mr. Ade Is a good-natured jollier, and tne occasion called for some Jollying: but It may be in order to suggest that the dialect poetry some of It by Riley and others will be recited at public school ex hibitions, read from the lyceum rostrum and treasured in thousands of scrap books for many years after Mr. Ade's slang prose has been marked obsolete. Slang Is a creation of the day; dialect is a growth of the age. Slang dies young, whether good or not; It Is a linguistic fungus. Dialect lives on and on to pos terity; It Is the solid substance of popular human speech. And another thing RHcy did not start dialect. Robert Burns wrote some dialect more than a century ago which survives. James Russell Lowell, In America, did things In dialect which time has.not undone. Mr. Ade has added to the temporary gaiety of nations, but Burns and Lowell and Riley have enhanced the permanent glory of literature. Mr. Ade can sling slang as no one ever slung slang before, but he can't vwrite dialect poetry. He even was compelled to hire a poet to write the lyrics for his comic operas. An Assignment for Davenport. Homer Davenport, cartoonlst.-late of Sllverton. Or.. Is respectfully requested to draw for us a likeness, Idealized or Identi cal, of the remarkable dog mentioned In the prosecution of a case against'a Silver ton man. Mr. Haakon Olson, in a Justice Court in that town a few days ago. Mr. Olson was sued for alleged damages re sulting from the alleged bite of an al leged vicious dog alleged to belong to him. and he offered In defense the fol lowing brief: First My dog Is very kind and never bites. Second My dog is blind and cannot see to bite. Third And If my dog had eyes to see he has no teeth with which to bite. Fourth And If my dog had eyes to ace and teeth to bite, he Is crippled in both his hind legs and cannot walk nor crawl. Fifth I always keep my dog chained in my back yard. Sixth My dog died six months ago. Seventh I never owned a dog in my life. The Sunnyvale Sun. (Published at Sunnyvale. Wash.) In the Sunnyvale Sun there are sunny things to see: There are ripples full of glory, there are tipples full of glee; There are dancing, glancing gleams From the Lily Land of Dreams'. Oh, the Sunnyvale Sun Is the sort of sun for me! From the Sunnyvale Sun there are scin tillating shines: There are glimmers from the mountains, there are shimmers from the mines; There are beaming, gleaming glows From the Heights of Hope's Repose. Oh, the Sunnyvale Sun Is a Hit of lyric lines! Though the Sunnyvale Sun" only rises once a week, It enlightens, every valley and it bright ens every peak; Ir Its flowing, glowing glare Lies the Land of Not-a-Care. Oh, the Sunnyvale Sun is the sort 'of sun to seek! -ROBBRTUS LOVE. j "PHILADELPHIA-CORRUPT AND CONTENTED"' . Liaeels Steffens ExyMsre et Disgrracefal Condition 1b the IHfijHlcIpal ' OrKxalzntlea Heir the Machine IXhhk TSIbrs, aad Haw It Makca er Break Politicians A Timely Article.. (In McClure's Magazine for July. 1963. Lincoln Steffens wrote of political atfalra In the Pennsylvania metropolis under the cap tion, "Philadelphia: Corrupt and Contented." The following are extracts from that article:) Disgraceful? Other cities say so. But I say that If Philadelphia is a disgrace, it Is a disgrace not to itself alone, nor to Pennsylvania, but to, the United States and to American character. For this great city, so highly representative In other respects. Is not behind In political experience, but ahead, with New York. Philadelphia is a city that has had its re forms. Having passed through all the typical stages of corruption. Philadelphia , reached the period of miscellaneous loot with a boss for chief thief, under James McManes and the Gas Ring, 'way back in the late sixties and seventies., This is the Tweed stage of corruption from which St. Louis, for example, is just emerging. Philadelphia. In two inspiring popular re volts, attacked the Gas Ring, broke it, and In 18S5 achieved that dream of Amer ican cities a good charter. The present condition of Philadelphia, therefore. Is not that which precedes, but that which fol lows reform, and In this distinction lies Its startling general, significance. What has happened since the Bullitt law or charter went Into effect In Philadelphia may happen In any American ciy "after reform is over." The New Yorkers vote for Tammany Hall. The Phlladelphlans do not vote; they are disfranchised, and their disfran chisement Is one anchor of the foundation of the Philadelphia organization. This is no figure of speech. The honest citizens of Philadelphia have no more rights at the polls than the negroes down South. Nor do they fight very hard for this basic right. Tou can arouse their Republican ire by talking about the black Republican votes lost In the Southern States bv white Democratic Intimidation, but if you remind the average Phlladel phlan that he is In the same position, he will look startled, then say, "That's so. that's literallv true, only I never thought of It in just that way." And It Is lit erally true. The machine controls the whole process of voting, and practices fraud at every stage. The Assessor's list Is the voting list, and the Assessor is the machine's man. The Assessor of a division kept a disorderly house: he padded his lists with fraudulent names registered from his house; two of these names were used by election- officers. The Assessor pads the list with the names of dead dogs, children and nonexistent persons. One newspa per printed the picture of a dog. another that of a little 4-year-old negro boy, down on such a list. But many Philadclphians do not try to vote. They leave everything to the ma chine, and the machine casts their bal lots for them. It 13 estimated that 150.000 voters did not go to the polls at the last election. Tet the machine rolled up' a majority of 130,000 for Weaver, with a fraudulent vote estimated all the way from 10,000 to SO.000, and this In a cam paign so machine-made that It was called "no contest." Francis Fisher Kane, the Democrat, got 32.000 votes out of some 204.000. "What is the use of voting?" these, stay-at-homes ask. A friend of mine told me he wa3 on the lists in the three wards In which he had successively dwelt. He votC3 personally in none, but the leader of his present ward tells him how he has been voted. J. C. Reynolds, the proprietor of the St. James Hotel, went to the polls at il o'clock last election das', only to be told that he had been voted. He asked how many others from his house had voted. An election officer took up a list, checked off iZ names, two down twice, and handed it to him. When Mr. Reynolds got home he learned that one of STRENUOUS TIMES IN CABINET As Set Forth by a Veteran Washing ton Correspondent. From Major John M. Carson's Dispatch in Philadelphia Public Ledger. The stand-patters In the Cabinet are endeavoring to get the President to change his mind and disavow his policy, throwing the burden of it upon Taft. They are not In the least likely to suc ceed. The President has no Intention whatever of backing down in any degree. He and Taft expected the wild cries which the stand-patters all over the coun try are emitting and have not been sur prised or dismayed. They look for a great deal more of this sort of thing, and know that there is stormy weather ahead of them. The President and Taft heard from the stand-patters all day. One of them called on the Secretary and announced abrupt ly. "I have come here to attend your political funeral." "I won't believe In that funeral till I see the flowers," re torted Taft. Secretary Shaw has never given any countenance to the tariff revision talk even when the President seemed most in favor of it. He has, on the contrary, given aid and comfort to the stand patters whenever he- has had an oppor tunity. He has never intended to re main In the Cabinet throughout Presi dent Roosevelt's administration. His pur pose has been to resign long enough be fore the approach, of the National con vention and enter upon his canvass. Should the present difference of opin ion result in an actual split in the Cab inet, Shaw will undoubtedly resign be fore he Intended to, and will enter the lists as the stand-pat candidate for the Presidency against Secretary Taft. Secretary Hay Is away. Secretary Mor ton is not in a position to take an active part on either side. Postmaster-General Cortelyou Is not a politician, but stands with the President In everything. Attorney-General Moody Is with the President, and the same Is believed to be true of Secretary Hitchcock. A split In the Republican party In Con gress Is also foreshadowed. The Presi dent will not lack supporters, despite the attitude openly taken by Representa tive Grosvenor, who Is one of the four leaders of the House machine,, and the still more severe "private comments of many Senators. Even In the center of the House ma chine Itself there may be a spilt, for Rep resentative Payne, another of the quar tette, heretofore has shown a disposition to hearken the larlff revision if the President Is shown really to favor it. The Western Representatives, typified by Representative Tawney, the Republican whip of the Housn, have been held In check by the power of the machine and the lack of support In other directions, though Tawney Inst Wlntor showed a willingness to head a revolt. As support ers of the President they will have a vantage ground' which will make them enemies to be reckoned with. The center of conservatism will be in the Senate, but evn there the President will have his supporters. The great fear of the stand-patters la that the Presi dent's action, will furnish the Democrats wtth a powerful weapon in Congress which can be used with great effect if the Democrats are ably led. Democratic votes. In the House, at least, will be given to the President's Republican supporters. This Is another thing which worries the stand-patters. The President stands in a different posi tion before the country than any of his predecessors since James Monroe. He has received so many assurances of Demo cratic support and Democratic admira tion that he feels himself less a partisan President than a President of the whole people- If he cannot get enough Repub lican support to carry through his pol itics, he knows he can count en Demo cratic support, and he Is aware that the RepubJleaB party needs him xaere. tb&s h Aeada It. these had voted the others had been, voted. According to the-"Phlladelphfa plan." the Mayor should not be in the ring. He should be am ambitious man. and his reward promotion, not riches. If he Is "out for the stuff," he is likely to be hurried by the fretful thought that his term is limited to four years, and since he cannot succeed himself as Mayor, his Interest in the future of the machine 13 less than that of a. boss, woo goes on forever. When he was nominated' (for Mayor) Ashbridge had debts of record amount ing to some $40,000. Before he was elected these were satisfied. Soon after he took office he declared himself in an interview wlth ex-Postmaster Thomas L. Hicks. Here Is Mr. Hicks' account of the Incident- . "At one of the early interviews I had with the Mayor in his office, he said to me: Tom, I have been elected Mayor of Philadelphia. I have four years to serve. I have no further ambitions. I want no other office when I am out of this one. and I shall' get out of this office all there Is In It for Samuel H. Ash bridge.' " ' That corruption had reached the pub lic schools and was spreading raplJIy through the system, was discovered by the exposure and conviction of three school directors of the Twenty-eighth Ward. It was known before that teach ers and principals, like any other office holders, had to have a "pull" and pay assessments for election-expenses. "Vol untary contributions" was the term used, but over the notices in blue pencil was written "2 per cent." and teachers who asked directors and ward bosses what to do. were advised that they would "better pay." Those that sent lea than the amount suggested, got re ceipts: "check received: shall we hold for balance or enter on account?'.' But the exposure in the Twenty-eighth Ward brought it home to the parents of the children that the teachers were not chosen for fitness but for political rea sons, and that the political reasons had become cash. Disfranchised, without a choice of parties, denied, so the Municip;li-' League declares, the ancient right of petition, and now to lose "free speech." Irf there no hope for Phlladelphlans? Yes, the Phlladelphlans have a very present hope. It Is in their new Mayor, John Weaver. There is nothing in his record to inspire faith in an outsider. Ha speaks himself of two notorious "miscarriages of justice" during his term as District Attorney; he was the nominee of the ring; and tho ring men have confidence in him. But so have the people, and Mr. Weaver makes fair promises. So did Ashbridge. There Is this difference,, however: Mr. Weaver has made-a good start. He compromised with the machine on his appointments. but he declared against the protection of vice, for free voting, and he stcpDe.I some "wholesale grabs" or "maces" that appeared In the Legislature, just before he took office. It looks as if the Phlladelphlans were right about Mr. Weaver, but what If they are? Think of a city putting Its whole faith In one man. In the hope that John Weaver, an Englishman by birth. will give them good government! And why should he do that? Why should he serve the people and not the rinc? The ring can make or break him: -he people of Philadelphia can neither reward nor punish him. For even if he restores to them their bal lots and proves himself a good Mayor, he cannot succeed himself; the. good charter forbids. JOAQUIN MILLER DAY. How the Exposition Has Honored Oregon and Literature. San Francisco Call. The' officers of the Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland have struck out something original by dedicating one day of the Exposition to Joaquin Miller. He gave the State of Oregon its sobri quet, "The Emerald Land," from which it has come to be known as "The Emerald State," and his fame is con nected closely with Oregon, where his career began. He is a native of In diana, and was taken to Oregon by his parents when a child over the old Ore gon trail, on which 30 many traveled and so many perished. The honor proposed for him is also a conspicuous recognition of literature. Other States have had authors and poets, but have never paid them any conspicuous attention. Miller's native State, Indiana, has produced a very able and Interesting group of writers, with Lew Wallace leading in prose and Riley in verse, but none of them Was ever given a public triumph. New York and Massachusetts have been rich in the number of their literary men and women. Their poets and authors have enriched the literature of the world, but they have had no significant public recognition until they were dead. In due time they are given monuments and their statues grace libraries and public parks, and that may be very sat isfactory to the living promoters of these postmortem honors; but we think the Oregon plan of extending honors and hospitality to the living poet is preferable. While it is true that poets live quite alone,, far up the slopes of Parnassus, h? tune and time with na ture, yet they arc very human after all, and must appreciate, in proportion to the refinement of their fiber and their sensibilities, the recognition and kindness and ascriptions of their fel low men. Joaquin Miller Is part of the pioneer history of Oregon, and he is a citizen of the Republic of Letters. Tho State sets the pace for Its elders in the treat ment of literary genius, and the effect upon other commonwealths will be watched with interest. Maybe Cali fornia will one day assemble her poets and authors, her painters and sculptors, and give them praise and garlands. ReJestTensky's Game. HONGKONG. Thirteen warships wer sighted 12 miles oft the Three" Kinffs on "Wednesday evening. Cable Dispatch. New York Sun. Quoth bold Admiral Rojestvensky, "Presto! Here we are agalnskyl Bet you can't guess where we've beensky. And no more can I. for one; But there's one place that I knowsky "Where we certainly did gosky. And I'm sure that It Is sosky, For I saw It In the Sun. "With our cigarettes and boozesky.v galled we through the vasty oosesky. -Tilt we didn't know what the deucesky ; - Were onr longitude and lat: But not In all the swashky , And the damp, unpleasant washky " Did we find a spot, by goshky. Where the Japanese were atr " ' "And did Admiral Nllfogatoff Sail to any place you thought of? If he did you rake the pot off And you're way ahead of rae;. But through currents, tides and weather Came we finally together, " And we really don't know -whether There are Japs In thla here sea. "But It there are Japanesesky (They should spell It with a saeezesky)' In this iHde-Chlnese seaaky, We will surely take the pt: For we have In sight Three Klngiky. To draw to Jaat the thlBsky, . And well beat them oti bj-Jtnskj', t Though' we never are a shall"'