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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1905)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1905. Greatest Store! $100.00 IN GOLD GIVEN THEE to the departments making greatest gains in May. Managers are cut ting prices deep to win, and the public benefits by the "Pre-Exposition Contest." FREE CAKE-BAKING SCHOOL For a limited time only Third floor. FREE LESSONS by as expert teaeher from 10 A. M. to 12. M, and 1 to 4 I M. !MA1I thine may come To thone it ho Trait; But TvheH they do They're OHt ot date. (Christian Advocate.) if THIS IS THE LEADING STORE ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE BECAUSE it's AHEAD of the times. "Up-to-date" methods are now behind the times; this is an age of advanced methods in advance of the times; thus it is this store leads Portland to a greater growth. Most stores are satisfied to wait for opportunities to come and coax 'em. Xot us. We're out with a repeating rifle aud a pack of retrievers gunning for them. Our New York buyers, alert and watchful ever, were in the field carl- and secured many of the plums that Chicago stores of the finer class were compelled to forego on account of the business depression consequent upon the great strike in that city. Chicago's cancellations have benefited Portland thro' her best store. Mills and factories knowing our immense output have laid their canceled orders at our feet at almost our own prices their season being over, ours in. the bud, with the Exposition and its busy four and a half months ahead. Home-folks receive benefit first. Tfle " Cancellation Sales" add fuel to the fires under the boiler of the "Home-folk's Pre-Exposition Sales." SPECIAL VALUES BELOW FOR TODAY. Some for week. Expert "Watch and Jewelry Maaafactarlns; and Repatriate. Flae EnRrnvlnjc at Pap. ular Prices. First Floor BUT FIVE MORE DAYS of the Horaefolk' Pre Expoaltloa Sales." Barsalas stovt bljfcer toward the cad. SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE. TEA ROOM Second Floor. Auspices of Portland T. W. C. A. .MENU FOR TODAY. Tea. Coffee. Chocolate. Milk in Bottles. Cream of Chicken Soup. Scalloped Shad Roe. Hot Rolls. Bread and Butter Strawberry Shortcake. Patriotic Flogs and Emblems For Memorial Day and "Lewis and Clark Day" Next week will be "Holiday Week" in Portland, and flags, bunting: and emblems will float from the housetops and exteriors of all patriotic homes. Be a "booster." After paying: respect to the "old guard" who've gone on before, turn, your face bravely back to the present and strew flowers in the paths of the living:. Let "Old Glory" float everywhere at half-mast on Tuesday, Memorial day, in remembrance of our fathers who fougnt and died for it: but, as the sun sinks into the Pa cific, raise them to tne peak head In welcome to Lewis ami Clark, who stand a 48-hours' journey away, gazing- upon the goal they've braved all to reacb-j-the "White City" "World's Exposition of ' 1SJ5; Unfurl every flag- and 'inch of bunting in the pity. You and 1, reader, will not live to see again an occasion like this in our glorious rose bowered city of Portland. Celebrate Decorate i Here's Helps Standard Wcol Bunting Flags, in all. sizes from 2 x4 feet, up to the monsters of 15x30,. at a range of prices up from ."Fl-2r to f -7.00 Muslin Flags, mountod on sticks, in size-s up from 3 to 3G Inches in length; 3c a dozen up to 10c each. Every school child should carry one. Silk Flags, mounted and unmounted.. . ...lOc to f.2 Cotton Bunting:. In fast colors, in same weaves as the wool and double-stitched stare and Pfams; fires 5x8. 5x10. 0x2, at $2.00, $2.50 ana S3.00 Lewis and Clark Opalescent Emblems reduced to 50c Nothing" could be prettier or more fittingly patri otic than one of the official opalescent emblems of the Lewis and Clark Fair on the glass of the front door to our homes. In order that all may provide themselves before the Fair opens on Thursday week, and the visitors stream in. we snail place on sale at the Picture Shop, on First Floor, the OFFICIAL LEWIS AND CLARK -EXPO" OPALESCENT EMBLEMS; sizes for any glass in door or window: easily placed on any smooth glass surface The regular S5c em-crp. blems at, each yJJK. See Window Display TODAY'S CANCELLATION SALE Specials in Men's Shop West Abbcx First Floor. Our Barmaids for Men Are the Talk of the To rr a. Here Are Topic for Today: MEN'S 25c SOX 15c Men's Black Cotton Sox, high-spliced heel and double soles: real Maco yarn Regular value 25c; special at, the pair 15c MEN'S 50c WOHK-A-DAY SHIRTS 3c A line of Men's Plain Black Twilled Working Shirts Our best 50c values: special at, each.. 39c MEN'S S2--.0 UNDERWEAR $1.23. A broken line of Men's Medium-Weight Fine Mer cerized Shirts and Drawers, in flesh color Regu lar value 52.5 ': special at, the garment 81.23 MEN'S LOe NECKWEAR 58c. This season's new colors In English Squares Reg ular value $1.00: special, each .-. 50c Home Decorations and Lawn Games At Special Cancellation Sale Prices Today It KoHrtk-FIoor Stores. $4.75 COUCH COVE US JKL53. Heavy Tapestry Couch Covers, with Oriental de signs Regular value $4.75; special, each.... $355 C0e CROQUET SETS Si5. Croquet Sets with 8 hardwood balls, S hardwood mallets, stakes, wickets, etc.; all packed In neat .box Regular value 54.00; special, set 82.95 tS SMYRNA RUGS $1-85. All-Wool. Double-faced Smyrna Rugs, 30x60 inches Regular value 52.50; special at, each $1.35 "Gage" Hats Caught in the Vortex of Reduction Smartest $15 GAGE Hat $5 Bijou Millinery Salons Annex Second Floor. Yesterday rtwas the Bendel English Tailored Hats and the Phipps and Atchison beauties that walked the plank of ridiculous reduction out into the sea of new owners. And my! what a happy lot of people shared in those bargains. The lovely Gage Hats peeped from their boxes in envy as they saw their associates going out into the sunlight. Today they get their chance for escape. Only about a hundred left, but all the prettiest of the Gage types, smart, chic, genteel creations characteristic of their high-class makers. For one day only, to daj, we shall -sell them, values up to $15, for $5.00 SHARP, CLOSE PRUNING BRINGS PRICES ON Colored Dress Goods A TRIFLE LESS THAN PRESENT MILL QUOTA TIONS Today' Cancellation Sale Special la the West Ah aex First Floor. 45-Inch. 4S-lnch and 3)-Inch Colored Dress Fabrics; all the new werves and colors. In Panamas, Il luminated Panamas, Panama Voile, Covert Cloths, Mohair Voiles. Novelty Mohairs. Hard-TwlstcJ Worsted Mixtures; In every wanted color Our regular $1.23 values special for today Xfir only, the yard WUI- Included In the above Is a full assortment of Shepherd Checks. 43-lnch Imported Silk and Wool Crepe Je Paris. VERY HIGH SILK-FINISH, in every evening and street shade, including white and black Regular "51.50 value; special for today only I I ft the yard qi.iVJ Regular 51.75 value; special for today J- I Af) only, the yard . l Decidedly Good Summer Silk News. Interested? NOVELTY SUIT SILKS AND DAINTY JAP SILKS THAT TAKE TO THW TUBAS A DUCK TAKES TO. "WATER, AT BARGAIN PRICES TODAY SILK STORE. South Annex First Floor. $1.00 Novelty Suit Silks, 65c yd FOR TODAY ONLY. Our entire line of New Novelty Suit Silks, in all the newest weaves, makes and colors: Shepnerd Checks. HairKnc Stripes, Shadow Stripes and a large assortment of neat figured effects ftgr For today only, the yard viwv. 50c regular value CorJed Japanese Wash Silks; come in neat checks and stripes; colors are white, maize, gray, pinks, light blue, tans, HIac3 and navy Special for today only. OOr the yard EXTRA SPECIAL! A WONDERFUL SALE OF Women'sGood Hosiery Sale Women's finnd rnmmnn sense Hosiery THAT FOR REAL WEAR AND COMFORT CANNOT UE BETTERED. WOMEN'S 30c HOSE 35c. A line of Women's Hose. In finn black Maco cotton, with wnlte double sole, medium-weight; and black Maco Cotton Hose, good weight, ribbed top, double sole: also Black Imported Gauze Lisle Hose, fult finished; and Black Lisle Hose, with lace boots and allover lace; all new goods Our regular 5Jc values; special at, pair. ...33c ? TODAY'S CANCELLATION SALE BARGAINS. - Among the Jewelry and Leather Goods Stocks West Annex First Floor. A pretty collection of Jeweled and Mounted Back Combs, m a generous variety of designs. Combs you have paid 33c for: -special for today only, at V lc 35c Neckchains, 19c Very handsome Turquoise Bead Neckchains as above. Women's $ 1.39 Combination Purses, 69c An attractive bargain group, embracing several popular styles in Ladles Combination Pocket Books; black, browns, gray and tans The usual 51.25 and $1.39 grades combined In one lot at the unusuaj price of 68c "Buster Brown" Belts 39c, worth 65c A lot of these popular Belts. In blacks and browns; all fine dressy leathers and best 6oc quality; spe cial today only at nc TODAY'S CANCELLATION SALE. Extra Specials in the SHOE AISLES West Annex First Floor Horsemen and Women and the "Hunt Club" are Interested WOMEN'S $12.00 AND 13.00 RIDING BOOTS 19.3. Women's English Riding Boots, in patent colt, hand-sewed. Military heels, worth 513.00 a pair: In French calf, hand-sewed. Military heels, worth 512.03 a pair; special, your choice one Q ?rv day only, the pair &UJJ ME.VS S.X30 RIDING "PUTTEES" 112.75. Men's Riding "Puttees." in tan Russia calf and pig skin Our regular 53.50 values: special o -7c at, the pair O -MEN'S $1.30 OPERA SLIPPERS 03c. Men's Vici Kid Opera Slippers, sole leather count ers, kid trimmed; sizes 7. S and 9 Regu- Q" lar value 51.50; special at, the pair CHILDREN'S 81.00 STRAP SLIPPERS 63c. Children'? first quality Strap Sllpperz. In tan, black and red; sizes 1 to 3 Regular value fiSf 51.00; special at. the pair Good News for Mothers Children's Muslin Drawers Reduced Baby Buggy Robes Half Price Annex Salons Second Floor. Children's Good Muslin Drawers, with clusters of three One tucks and continuous strips on aides. Ages, years ... 1 2 4 6 S 10 12 1.4 16 Regular price ..11c 13c 15c 17c 19c 21c 23c 25c 2Sc Special Price . . 8c 10c 12c 14c 16c ISc 20c 22c 34c Baby Buggy Robes, of line pique, trimmed In deep embroidery insertion and edging; in full, large sizes at HALF PRICE. Reg. price 51.50 51.73 52.00 52,30 52.75" $3.00 5.3.25 Special at .73 ,SS $1.00 81.23 $1.3.3 81.30 $1.63 PRETTY ART SHOP SPECIALS FOR TODAY. 65c Squares and Scarfs, 43c German Applique. 32x32 squares, and 20x54 scarfs, In almost endless variety of designs, with hem stitched or scalloped edges and openwork centers Regular price 65c; special aC 43c TODAY'S THIRD-FLOOR CANCELLATION SALE EXTRA SPECIALS Home Decorations for House and Lawn FIGURES AND ORNAMENTS AT ONE-THIRD OFF Our regular 52.00 value special at, each 91.33 Our regular 53.25 value special at, each 82.17 Our regular 53.75 value special at, each $2.50 Our regular $3.00 value special at, each 8333 Our regular 53.75 Value special at, each f&S'J Our regular 56.00 value special at, each $4.00 Our regular 57.50 value special at, each $5,66 Our regular 516.50 Value special at, each. .. .fll.eo Our regular 51S.00 value special at, each.... $ 12.00 Our regular 530.00 value special at, each. .. .$29.06 Art Jardinieres at One-Third Off 7,A-inqh Jardinieres regular value 51.00 special at, each -, .- 67c S'4-lnch Jardinieres regular value 51.50; special at, each '..$ -Inch Jardinieres regular value 52.23; special at, each $1.56 ASexangle of Bargains for v Today in Small Wares Aisles First Flooa "ROBERTS'" $1.00 NEEDLE BOOKS 75c "Roberts' " Needle Books, contains large assort ment of gold-eye sewing and darning needles and pair Roberts' embroidery scissors Regular value 51.00, special ut, each 73C CARD 15c SHIRT BUTTONS 8c. White Pearl Shirt Buttons, two or four holes, two dozen on card; all sizes Regular value 15c; special, the card Sc OUR 13c TALCUM POWDER 9e. A Violet Perfumed Talcum Powder, delicate and re freshing Regular value 15c; special, can 8C 25c CASTILE SOAP 15c. Large izo 2-pound-bar White Castile Soap Regu lar value 25c; special at, the bar. ...1 ise 23c PLAYING CARDS 17c. Our best quality Enamel-Back Playing Cards Reg ular value 23c; special at, package i7C 7ci STENOGRAPHER'S NOTE BOOKS 4c. Stenographer's Ruled Note Books Regular value 7c; special at. each ,4e In Portland's Largest and foremost Suit and Apparel Stores Gramd Saleas SsbhcI Pie or.- - Women's Tailored Suits Half-Price This sale will last for balanca of week only. Regular values embraced in this fortunate and exceptional purchase include the $25.00, 2S.50, $35.00, $38.50 and $42.50 Suits as made to sell by the Chicago houses.. Materials include handsome serges, Panamas and rich broadcloths in blues, black and browns and smart mixed effects of mannish suitings. Both blouse and jacket st3'ies. Beautifully tailored; some strictly plain and others in stylish, attractice braid, button and fancy silk effects, with dainty plaits and shirrings. Among them are a number of very fetching styles in Fancy Vest Suits. All are in smart street styles the very latest models ot a well-known, high-class New York man-tailor. This is the greatest Suit value that has been or will be offered in Portland this year or we are no prophets. All new not one out of the tailor's hands two weeks. ALL HALF-PRICE! $25.oo suns tor $12.50 $28.50 SUITS POR $14.25 $35.00 suns tor 5 it. 50 $38.50 SUETS FOR S19.25 $12.50 SUITS FOR ...... 321.25 UNTIL SOLD. Handsome Summer Etamine Skirts in the Sale Sharply Reduced! very smish bkirts in sott gray etammes; also tans and plain whites, walking and dress lengths, M with dip train. Plaited and trimmed flounce styles, effective trimmings of braids and taffeta silk to match materials. Reductions scale this way Today only : $10 Skirts, 7 $ 1 2.50 Skirts, 79 Special at qxJxJ Special ot . zpG. 1 Jl $ 1 5 Skirts, Special at $ 1 0.55 Women's Pretty $7.50 and $5.50 fancy Silk Waists, $4.45 Very handsome plaited and dotted taffetas, iu all size plaids from the small and modest design that almost encroaches upon the daintier check to the bold plaids of the Uieland clans of "Bonnie Scotland. " The full sleeves with plaited shoulders are finished with deep cuffs. All have stock collars, some have the French back, and others are in Gibson effects, with stitched strappings at side of neck and down fronts. Cuffs and fronts are prettily finished in neat, small button trim ming effects. A swagger lot of handsome Waists; regular $8.50 values. JZ Special for today at t.W Pre-Exposition Sale of White in Undermuslin ' SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. SPECIALS FOR BALANCE OF WEEK Ladies' line. Cambric Petticoats, 25-inch lawn flounce, 3 rows of 2-inch Maltese lace insertion, between 4 clusters of fine tucks, deep lawn ruffle, with cluster of four fine tucks and 4-inch lace edging, or petticoat of same material, 18 inch lawn flounce, with cluster cf five wide tucks or fine hemstitched tucks, 7-inch heavy embroi dery ruffle and lawn under ruffle. Regular price, $2.00; special at 99 Ladies' fine Cambric Petticoats, 22-inch lawn flounce, 12 hemstitched tucks and 12-inch Eng lish eyelet embroidery flounce, or same petti coat, with 18-inch flaring lace flounce, hem stitching, clusters of tucks and edging. Kegular price, $3.50 and $3.75; special at $2.19 Ladies' fine Muslin Gowns, low, round Cossack neck, hemstitched, low ruffle at neck and elbow sleeves. Regular price, 65c; special at. . . .39f Ladies' Gowns, of extra fine cambric or muslin, medium low neck, 26 large and small tucks, open or blind embroidery edging at V shaped neck and sleeves. Regular price, $1.75; special at 99 Ladies' fine Cambric Chemise, round, low neck, torchon lace or embroidery insertion and edg ing, beading and ribbon-trimmed. Regular price, $1.25; special at 79 Ladies' Corset Covers, ot flue cambric, in a great variety of styles, in embroidery or lace trimmed. Regular price, 40c; special at - 27 Ladies' Corset Covers, of extra fine quality lawn, Val. lace insertion, large butterfly medallious, lace edging and beading at neck and armholes. Regular price, $1.75; at 98 Children's Dresses, of plain Chambray or plaid gingham square yoke, of white pique, with 4 inch ruffle or large shoulder epaulettes, plain white cuffs, colors ox blood, pink, tan, dark and light blue and red ; ages 4 to 14 years. Regular to $2.50; special at s ...$1.69 Infants' long Bedford Capes, all with collars, some with large double capes, braid, ribbon and lace trimmed. Regular prices $2.75, $3.25, $3.75, $4.75, $5.50 to $9.50 Snecial prices $1.39. $1.67, $1.88, $2.66; $2.S9 to $4.97 Three More Days of Merciless Slashing of Prices in the Domestic Aisles and Wash Goods Store Flrt Floor. Prices cut to the quick In staple every day lines solj dollars for about 75c. Things you need now Bed spreads. Sheets. Pillow Cases, Towels, Crashes, "Wash Fabrics and dain ty white goods. Hoaie keepers. Hotel Mcb, RefltaiiraBt aad Room lac-faoaae Managers. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! 75c Bedspreads 59c Honeycomb Bedspreads, for single beda Regular value 75c: special, each 38c Same, full size, Marseilles patterns; special at each 84c $1.65 Bedspreads $1.25 Extra large Heavy-"Welght Bedspreads Regular value $1.65; special, each $1.23 $2.00 Bedspreads $1.59 Fringed Bedspreads, with cut corners, for iron beds: white and colors Regular value $2.00; spe cial at. each fl.58 Marseilles Bedspreads Marseilles Stin Bedspreads Three special values at, each $1.89, 910 aad 92.24 25c Bath Towels 15c Bleached Bath Towel, extra weight hemmed: size 20x42 Inches Regular value -25c; special at, each ISc SOc BATH TOWELS 34c. Fringed Bath Towels; sizes 24x50 Inches; very faeavy and absorbent Regular value SOc; spe cial at. each 34c 17e BATH TOWELS 12 He. Heavy Cream Bath Towels: size 20x40 inches Reg ular value 17c; special at. each ....13Hc LIXEX CRASH TOWELING 44c YARD. 100 pieces Linen Finish Crash Toweling; special at, the yard ;..4Vac HEAVY COTTON CRASH 4c YARD. 300 pieces extra heavy Twilled Cotton Crash; spe cial at, the yard 4c 1 5c CRETONNES 16c. 3003 yards best quality Drapery Cretonne, in floral and Oriental designs Regular value 15c; spe cial at. the yard iec 15c WASH VOILES 18c. 10,000 yards Wash Voiles, in checked and flake effects; all colors Regular value 15c; special at, the yard . ...iec WAIST PATTERNS AT HALF PRICE. About 25 Embroidered Waist Patterns, flne quality, . richly embroidered on albatross, linen or mer cerized cheviots; no two alike; special at HALF PRICE. TODAY'S CANCELLATION SALE SPECIALS IN THE WOMEN'S Knit Wear and Hosiery Section First Floor. Misses' 35c Hose 23c Misses' fine ribbed Black Lisle Hose, with finished foot, double knee and French toe Regular value. 35c; special at, the pair 23c WOMEN'S JP1.00 HOSE 67c. A line of fine, brilliant Black '.Lace Lisle'Hose, for stout women: Out -sizes and finely finished A splendid 51.00 value; special at. the pair 07c WOMEN'S 75c VESTS SOc. Women's fine White Lisle Vests, low neck, sleeve less, crocheted or with plain trimming Regular value 75c: special at. each 50c CHILDREN'S VESTS AND PANTS. Children's White Cotton Long-Sleeve Vests. witn Pants to match Regular luc values special at, each lie Regular 20c values special at,, each 15c Regular 25c values special at. each 10c TODAY'S EXTRA SPECIAL CANCELLATION SALE Bargains in the Women's Outfitting Shops and fancy Goods Stores First Floor. WOMEN'S Sfle LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 12c Women' Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and embroidered Regular value 20c; special at, each 13J4c 17c EMBROIDERY 10c. A lot of wide Cambric Embroidery Regular value 17c; special .at, the yard lOc WOMEN'S ?L25 GLOVES. S8c Women's Kid Gloves. 2-cIasp, pique sewed. Jn tan, ' brown, gray, red, white and black Regular val ue $1.25; special at. the pair , SSe Women's 1-clasp Kid Gloves, "Dent's style, fancy Paris point 5titching on back Regular value $1.25; special at, the pair - S8c WOMEN'S 23c COLLARS ISc. Women's Washable Fancy Stitched Collars Regu lar value 25c; special at, each I2c WOMEN'S 23c TIES, 15c Women's Black Peau de Soie Ties Regular value 25c; special at, each 15e TRIMMING LACES. A line of this season's elegant, new Trimming. Laces, in Point Venise, with Persian colorings; new Ball de Nalge effects, pretty Blue Bell pat terns and embroidery chiffon Our regular $5.00, value special at ...S3.4S Our regular $2.50 value special at.. ........ SL25 Our regular $1.00 value-especial 9.1.1. i. ....... 4Se Our regular SOc value special at ..35c ft!