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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1905)
IHE MOKNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY. MAY 25, 1905. 15 FLOOD OF BERRIES Ten Cent Market for Oregon Fruit Today. SEASON ON IN FULL BLAST Heavy Iiocal Receipts Yesterday Aug mented by Straight Car From Florin Advance In Front Street Butter.. STRAWBERRIES Full supply of Oregon and lower prices " expected to--day BUTTER Advance in Front-street quotation?. POULTRT Bolter buying demandj causes firmness. WHEAT Strong on CaJifornia buying. HOPS Traders awaiting fuller re port; from England. RICE Southern grades firm 'and higher. If the weather Is good today, there will be the 10-cent Oregon strawberry market that retailers have been looking for. It was prac tically onT hand yesterday afternoon. He e!pt In the morning -wore heavy from Hood River. Southern Oregon and loeal points. A' the opening an effort was made te sot 15 "rntfc a pound, but It was seen that the big stocks could not be moved and slash r.g began. Buyers took hold better at 1215 Tit?, but late in the afternoon 10 cents came rearer being the ruling quotation. Even at Ms low figure there was not a clean up.' and a considerable quantity was carried over to be worked off this morning. The real cause of the weakness in. Ore gon berries was the arrival of Hoskln's ear from Florin. The Callfornias came in ahead of time, and the first lots were put oh the walk at 2 o'clock. Although th fruit wsf three days In transit. It was in very good condition, having come up under Ice. The difference in price gave It the advantage over Oregon fruit, and trading was conse quently lively up to the close of business. Only enough fruit was removed Horn the car to fill orders, the rest being left in the cooler, but several of the houses had to fend down to the yards for a second supply. The price held steady during the afternoon at $1,256 1.35 per crate, city. This is the last big lot of California berries that will be received. STRONG RICE MARKET. General Advance in Southern Grades ,7apan Ik Firm. The strong position of the rice market has resulted in an advance of cents on Southern. The rice mills of the South are withdrawing their offerings on the prospects of a decreased acreage and unfavorable weat.her conditions. Imported Japan rice Is also firmer. Last year6 Japanese crop was heavier, but had to meet with Increased consumption, owing to he military opeiations. A Consular reprt t late- dato says of the Japan eye-crop."' The ri-e crop for 1S04 Is now announced to be 263.692,255 bushels, an increase, of 25.2S4.22S bushels, er 16 per cent, as compared with that of the previous year. The figures also show an increase of 46,708,963 bushels. 21's per cent. In comparison with an average 'or the past seven years, from which the most favorable year and the poorest year are deducted, the average being taken from the remaining five years. This unprecedent ed jleld is due to the prevalence of good weathfr in the country generally since the planting out and to many agricultural Im jrovements being made by farmers." ADVANCE IX BUTTER. btste Fancy Creamery I Higher on Front Street. Light receipts of state brands of creamery butter led to a slight advance in sonic quar ters on Front street yesterday. 21U cents being quoted as the top mark. The local eup- rly has been so shortened by extensive stor nge operations that ome pt the dealers can not get enough butter for their regular custom ers The movement In city butter was mod erate, but a better demand "is expected arter the first of the month. Cheese was In good demand, but etocks were i- plentiful that the market continued weak. Ttift irUte most generally quoted was 13 cnts for full croam twins, but this was re V 'ltd t have been shaded by t-oine dealers, while others quoted up to 14& cents for fanry. HOP TRADERS WAITING. Reimportations at New York JJghter Than Expected. There have been no developments in the hop market tfils week. Evnryone is waiting for later advices as to the condition of the Eng lish crop, on which everything 'depends. Should the first reports be orne out by lster investigations, nothing tan prevent an upward course of prices. Some of the local dealers have received ,telegrams from New Tcrk contradicting the first reports from England, but others arc without advices. New York Custom-House .statistics -up to the close of business on May 19 -show that a total of only 461 bates of American hops had been reimport ed from London since the sea son opened. It was reported yesterday that Jim Linn, of Salem, had bought 50 bales from Ralph Williams, of Dallas, at under 24' cents, but Mr. Linn codld hot be found confirm !L . WHEAT .MARKET IORM. But Dealers Do Not Quote Any Ad- van cr. The bulge in the San Franclteo wheat mar ket did not induce local traders to quote elub at over S6 cents yesterday. A fair quantity tf business was reported to have beon trans acted, but generallj In small parcels. Blue .tem was unchanged at 99092 cents. Several cars of Valley wheat arc said to have been bought in last few days at 13 ' cents. Oats were quoted stronger at ''$2029.50 for all grades. A prominent dcater is authority f 5r the statement that there arc' not cneugh oats left in the country to last until the new crop comes on. There is a good oeal movement in flour at the former quotations. Export trade is very slow. BUCKS FOR SOUTH AFRICA. Vcrweat'Buyer Finds Oregon Sheep the Best in the Country. SHANIKO. Or.. May 24. (Special. The famous Baldwin Sheep & Land Company ' a ?ew days ago sold to G. O. Dimmock. of Mlfldlebury Vt-. 50 registered French Ram boulett bucks for shipment to .South Africa. t prices ranging from $25 lo $50 per head. Mr. Diromoclc visited California before he Came to Oregon In quest of fancy stock, but was unable to find anything suitable. The Baldwin Sheep & Land Company today shipped to Bakersfield. Cal., seven of their fancy bucks. Owing to the eold weather In this vicinity. sheep shipments have been delayed consider able, the shippers being afraid of loss in cident to shipment of sheep, but unless an other cold spell l experienced will begin noving about May 27. The first to move are those of Haley & Saunders, of Salt Lake. Poultry Move Better. Three days have passed with unusually light receipts of poultry- One firm was quite well supplied yesterday, but others did not have enough to go around. Should arrival be no heavier during the remainder of the week, quotations will likely be moved up. Tester day's prices were unchanged, except for a slight advance quoted In mixed chickens and small broilers. Eggs were again firm at IS cents for candled stock, with not much prospect for a change in the near future. ' Veal Again Weak. Heavy, cbcipts of veal again weakened the market yesterday and put off to a more remote date the expected improvement. The first hogs seen "In .several day came In In the morning and were In good demand. There was also a better inquiry foe lambs and small mutton, receipts of which were light. Marketing Heppner Wool. It Is estimated by a Heppner authority that .nearly 3,200,000 pound of wool will be marketed at that point this year, as the fleeces are averaging about 10 pounds each. The average price paid will not fall very far short of IS cents a pound. The" larger part of the wool in that district has already been sold. Linseed Oil arid Turpentine Higher. Advances In linseed oil and turpentine were announced yesterday. .The new prices fol low: Raw 'linseed, cases, 6Se; barrels; 63c; boiled Hn2d, cases. 70c; barrels. 63c; five barrels let, le- less. Turpentine, cases. f7c; barrels. Die Holiday In Produce District. The Front-Street Produce Dealers' Associa tion, at a meeting "Tuesday night, voted to suspend all business after 10 A. M. on Thurs day. June 1, the day of the opening jof the Exposition. Bank Clearings. Bank clearlngo ef the Northwfs:-rn ctties testorday were as "follows: Clearing. Portland $557.75si Seattle 869.020 Taooroa 460. 445 Spokane Slh.UUO Ba'snces. $112,302 145,761 115.700 54,215 PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain. Flour. Feed. Etc. WHEAT Club. S3gS6c per bushel; blue stem. 9092c: Valley. 85c. FLOUR Patents. S4.5ofi5.10 per barrel: straights. $lfr4.25; clears. $3.75(34; Valley. $3.904.25; Dakota hard wheat. $tS.50Q7.5i; Graham. $3.5064; whole wheat, $4(b4.25;, rye flour, local, (5; Eastern. f5.bUa5.UU; corn meal, per bale. $LtKij2.20. BARLEY Feed. $22.00 per ton; rolled, $239 23.50. OATS-r-No 1 white, feed. $2329.50 per ton; choice milling. $29&29.50; gray. $2iS2a.50. MILLSTUFKS Bran. $10 per ton; middlings, $24.50; shorts. $21; chop, U. S. Mills, $11); Unseed dairy food, $1S. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90 pound xack&, $6.75; lower grades, $5g6.25; oat meal, steel cut. 5o-pound sacks, $S per barrel; 10-pound t-acks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal ground), 50-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel; li-pound &acks. $4 per bale; fspllt peat. $4 per 100-pound- sack; 25-pound boxes, $1.15, pearl barley, $4.25 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour. 10-pound sacks, $2.50 per bale. HAY Timothy. $1416 per ton: clover. $11 612; grain. $11012; cheat. $llCr!2. . Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. EGGS Oregon ranch. 18c per dozen candled; 17V-c uncanQlc-d. BUTTER City creameries: Extra creamery. 20$ 21 Ho per pound; state creameries; Fancy creamfjry, 17U21c;- storo butter. 15316c. CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. 13"c: Young America, 141ic POULTRY Fancy hens. 13313c: oW hem. 123713c: mixed chickens. 12012,sc; old roost er. 8&0c; young roosters. Iltfl2c; Springs, Hi to 2 pound. l&20c: broilers. 1 to 1 pounds. 20021c; drffsed t hickens. 13014c; turkeys, live, 17Q18c; turkeys, dressed pKr, 17itfi,l&c; turkeys, choice, 20Jf22i4; geese, live, pr pound. 7miSl4c; geee. dressed, per pound, 0311c; ducks, old, $C&7.50; ducks, younx as to size. $35; pigeons, $101.25; squabs, $22.50. Vegetables, Fruit, Etc. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, table. $1,503 2.50 per box; common, 5oc&$l; strawberries. Uttgon. 10Q12Vjt per pound; California. $1,253 1.5w per box; cherries, " $1 per box; gooseberries. 4j5c per pound: apricots, $1.50 1T crate; Logan berries. $1.25 per crate. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy, $2,509 2.75; choice. $2.75 pr box: oranges, nav ek. fancy. $2.25612.50 p;r box; choice, $2 .U5; standard, $1.501.75; Mediterranean sweets. $2.25&2.75; Vl-nias. $3; srapefrult. $2.50&3 per box. bananas, 405c per pound; pineapples, $7.5U per dozen. FRESH VEGETABLES -Artichokes. 50c per dozen; asparagus. $1.50 per box; beans, 7JjSc per pound; cabbage. 101Uc per pound; cauliflower. $.75tg2 per crate; cucumbers, 50c $1.25 per dozen; lettuce, hothouse. 25c per cozen; lettuce, head, 12Vt15c per dozen; parsley, 25 cents per -dozen; peas. 5Q6c per pound; peppers. 25c per pound; radishes, 10 12c per dozen; ihubarb, 2&3C per jJOund: to matoes, $3.25(24.50 per crate; squash, $1.25 per bux. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.2531.40 per sack; carrots, $1.2521.50 per sack; beets. $1,253? 1.40 per sack; parsnips, 50c per dozez: garlic. 15iil7Vic per pound. ONIONS California red, 2c: Bermuda Cc per pound. POTATOES Oregon fancy. $1.0531.15; com mon. 95c6$1.05; Colorado. $1.15; new potatoes. 2b2Wc per pound; Merced swteui. l?c e- poi nd. RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4-crown, 7c, &-laer Muscatel raisins, 7sc; unbleached seedless Sultanas, 0?c; London layers, 3 crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds. 51. S5. 2 crown. $1.75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, CgCjtc per pouna; eunonea, sacxs or boxes, none; aDricots. lOJTllc: peaches. 9&''10'c: peats. none; prunes. Italians. 45c; French, "W& oc; ngs. fjauiornia niacxs. iuc; do white, none; Sinrna, 20c; Fard dates. 6c; plums, pitted. 6c Groceries, Nuts. Etc COFFEE Mocha. 20Sf2Sc; Java, ordinary. !Sff22c; Costa, Rica, fancy, 18&20c; good. luinbia roast, cases, 100s. $13.T5; 60s, $13.75; Arbucklc 14.75; Lion, RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. $3.37Hi: Southern Japan. $3.50. Carollnas. 5S6',tc; broken-head, -54c. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis. $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound talis. $2.40; 1-pound (Int. SI RS- fnrr Mlrnri fit tl MA- i pound flats. $1.10; Alaska pink 1-pound tails. b5c; red, 1-pound tails, $1.30; eockeyes, 1 pound talis. S1.&5. SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube, $6.20. powdered. $5.1)5: dry granulated. S5.s5; extra C. $5.So; golden C, $5.25; fruit sugar, $5.S5; advance over sack basis as follows: Barrels 10c; half-barrels, 25c; boxes. Uxi per 1C0 pounds. (Terms: On remittance within ?5 day. dt-duct 'c per pound: If later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct ic per pouno, no discount after 30 days.) Beet sugar, granu lated, $5.75 per 100 pounds; maple ugar. per pound. SALT California, $11 per ton. $1.60 per lwle, Liverpool. VJs. $17; loos, xie.50; 300s, $10; nau-grouna iw, ; wt, NUTS Walnuts. 135ic per pound by sack, lc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts. 15c; fllbtrte, 14c; pecans. Jumbos, 14c; extra large. 15c. almonds. 1. X. L.. 164c; chestnuu. Ital ians, 15c; Ohio. $4.60 per 25-pound drum; pea nuts, raw, 7Uc per pound, roasted, 9c; pine nuts, 1012!tc; hickory nuts. 7c: cocoanuts, 7c; cocoanuts, 35fj90c per dozen. BEANS Small white. 3Vf4c: large -white. 3Hc: pink, 3Uc; bayou. 3iic; Lima, tc Mcati, aad ProvlsloBf. BKEF Drcsscfi. bulls. -4ff5c per pound; cows. 4fi5c; counto' steres, 56c MUTTON Dreted. fancy. 6Hfi?7tic per-pottnd: ordinary. 4G4tc; Spring lambs. 7e74c VEAL DrosAcd, UK? to 125 pounds, 6fCc; 125 to 2uo pounds. 4&ibci 200 pounds and up. 5fr4c PORK Dressed. 100 to 150. 7g7Uc; 150 ana up. 67c per pound. HAMSr-10 to 14 pounds. 12c per pound: 14 to. 10 pounds. 12ic; 18 to 20 pounds, 12c; California picnlc). Sc; cottage hams. Uc; shoulders. Sc; boiled ham. lUc; boiled picnic ham. boneless. 13c. BACON Fancy breakfast. ISc per pound: standard breakfast. 15Hc; choice, 14c: English breakfast. 11 to It pounds. 13c; peach bacon. 12c. SAUSAGE Portland, ham. 13c per pound; minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice Cry, I7c: bologna, long. lVfcc; welncrwurst, Sc; liver, uc; pork. 9c; blood. 5c; headcheese. 6c; bologna sausage, link. 4 tic DRY SALT-CURED Regular short dears. SHc wit. lOttc smoked; clear backs. 8ic salt. lOUc smoked: clear bellies, 14 to 17 pounds average, noee salt, none crocked; Oregon ex ports. 20 to 25 sounds average. HOVic salt. lltte smoked; Union butts. 10 to IS pounds aver age. Sc salt. 9c (rooked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet, bar rels, $5; -barrels. $2.75; 15-pound kit. 51.25; pickled tnpe. barrels $5; V barrels. $2.75; 15-pound kit. $1.25: pickled pigs tongues, barrel. $6: U-barrels. $3: 15-pouno Kits. $1.50: pickled lambs' tongue, -barrels. $3; -barrel. $5.50; 15-pound kit. -$2.75. LARD Leaf lard, kettle-rendered: Tierces, fHc: tubs. 9!c; 50s. UHc; 20s. 10c; 10s, 10Hc; 6s, 1014c. Standard pure: Tierces, STic; tub. Hc: 60s. OHc: 203. OVic; 10s. 9c: 5s. Oiic compound: -.tierces, uc; tuw. tic; aus, uc; IDs, 6?;c; 6c. 6c Hops. Wool, Hides. Etc HOPS Choice, 1904. 23Vi25c per pound. WOOL Eastern Orrgon, average best: 100 224c; lower grades, down to 15c. according to fchnnkago: Valley, 27fi2Se per pound. MOHAIR-Cholce. 31ff32c per pound. HIDES Dry hides, No. 1. 1ft pounds and ap. ICSlCitc per pound; dry Kip, No. 1. 6 to 10 pounds, 11015c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds. 171Sc; dry salted, bulte ana (Ust, one-third less than- cry flint; (cul,. moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, murrain, halr sllpped. weather-beaten or grubby. 2g3c per pound less); salted bides, steers, sound. 60 pounds and over. OglOc per pound; 50 to 00 pounds, S'jQO: per pound: under 50 pounds and cows. SgOc per pound; salted stags and bulls, sound. 6s per pound; salted kip, sound, 15 to SO pounds. 9c per pound; Salted veal., sound, 10 to 11 pounds. Sc per pound; salted calf, sound under 10 pounds. 10c per pound: (green unsalted. 1c per pound less; culls, lc per pound less). Sheep skins: Shearlings. No. 1 butchers stock. 25Jf30c each; short wool," No. 1 butchers stock. 40g50c each; medium wool. No. 1 butchers stock, 608 S0c; long wool. No. 1 butchers stock. $191.50 each. Murrain pelts from 10 to 20 per cent less or 12914c per pound; horse bides, salted, each, according to site $1.5082; dry. each, according to size, $1 1.50: colts' hides, 25950c each: goat skins, common. 10S15c each; Angora, with wool on, 25c $1.50 each. , TALLOW Prime, per pound, SHS4c; No. 2 and grease, 23c PELTS Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, $2.50 910 each: cubs. $132. badger. 25350c; wild cat, with head perfect, 25 if 50c; house cat. 5G10c; fox, common gray, 5ofj70c: red. $3 cross. $5315: silver and black, $100200; fishers, $596; lynx', $4.5y6: mink, strictly No. 1. according to .fliie, $162.50; marten, dark Northern, according to sire and color. $10315; marten, pale. pine, according to size and color. $2.5084; muskrat, large, 10ii 15c: skunk. 4050c: civet or polecat. 5 10c; otter, large, prime skin. $6&10; pan ther. with head and claws perfect, $2f5; raccoon, prime. 3050c: mountain wolf, with head perfect. $3.505: coyote. 60cC$l; wolverine. $638; beaver, per skin, ' large. J5Q6; medium. $34; small, $101.50; kits. 75c BEESWAX Good, clean and pure. 204f22c per pound. C A SCAR A SAG RAD A (Chittam bark) Good, 44ic .per pound. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. 6Vlc. Oils. GASOLINE Stove gaollne. cases, 233c; Iron barrels, 17c: 6 deg. gasoline, cases. S2c; iron barrels or drums, 26c COAL OIL Ca see, 20V5c; iron barrels. I4cr wood barrels. 17c; 03 deg.. cases. 22c; Iron barrels. LINSEED OIL Raw. 5-barrel tots. 02c; 1-barrel lots. 63c; caw.- 6Sc. Boiled: 5-Uar-tel lots. 6Se: 1-barrel lots, 65c; cases. 70c. TURPENTINE Cases, 97c; Vood barrels. 94c WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7Vic; 500-pound lots, 7;c; lees than 500-pound lots. Sc LIVESTOCK MARKETS. - I Prices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards "Yesterday. Receipt at the Portland Union Stekyards yesterday were 74 cattle. 33S1 sheep and 170 hogs. The following prices were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Orego nstcew. $4.25; cows and heifers, $34Ja.5o; medium, $l.rf2. HOGS Best large, fat hogs. $5: Mock and China fat, $o.25?S.50: Blockers. $5. SHEEP Best Ka"stcrn Oregon aad Valley. sheared, $4; medium, $3.5053.75; lambs, $4.50 64.75. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Kansas City. Omaha and Chicago. CHICAGO. May 24. Cattle Receipts. 28.00". Market. 10i?13c lower. Good to nrime steers. J3.G0g0.50; oor to medium. $4.2560.90; Mock ers and feeders. $2.750u.2S; cow. $2.6096; heifers. $2.5005.35: canncre. $1.502.40; bulls. $2.6004.70; calves. $.Wi6.75. Hogs Receipts, 33.000; tomorrow. 25.000. Market. 5Q10c lower; mixed and burbrs. $5.255.55; good to choice heavy. $A.4ft 5.52A; rough heavy. $5.2095.35; light. $5.30 S.52H: bulk of sales. J5.4035.5O. Sheep Receipts, 20.000. Sheep and lambs. 10c lower; good to choice wethers, shem, $4.60&5.25; far to choice mixed, shorn. $3.59 4.50; Weaiern shorn sheop. $I.)59h.25: na tive lambc, shorn. $4.3006.50; Western lambs. $5,7537.50. SOUTH OMAHA. May 21. Cattle Re ceipts 4400; market 10c lower. Natlv steers. $4.25 $"6. 10: cows and heifers, $3.50 (r 4.80; Western steers, $3.50 J? 5; eannors, $2 63.40; stockers and feeders, $2.75r4.50; calve?. $34gT6; bulls, stags, etc.. $2.504.50. Hogs Receipts 10,000: market 10c tower. Heay. $5.1595.25: mixed. $3.15?5.20; light. $5. 10 g 5.20; pigs, $493; bulk of sale. $5.15 6 3.20. Sheep Receipts 10.500; market weak: lambs 10c lower; Western yearlings. $5tf 5.13; wethers, shorn. $4.40 ?5: ewos. shorn, $44.75; Iambs, wooled, $0.50 Q-7.23; lambs, shorn. S5.05ir6.40. KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 24. Ottle Receipts 10.CXK); market 10c tower.- Native steers. $4,256-0.15; native cows nnd heifors. $2.25 ft. '.25. stockers and feeders. $.25 4.00; bulls." $2.73e4.50; "calves, .SXifS.SU; Western fed steers. $4.23 ?6; da cows, $3.25 3. Hogs Receipts 13,000; market 3ff7Yc lower. Bulk of sales. . $5.25 fr-5.X5; heavy, $5.30 tf 5. 35; packers, $3.23 tf ZJSZ; pigs and light. $1.00 B5.30. Sheep Receipts 70O0. Market steady to 10c lower; -muttons, $4 0 5.75; latrfbe. $5.7S& 7.33: range wethers. $4. 6595.40; fed -ewe. $4,254) 4 75. Washington Crop Report. The Washington weekly crop Bulletin says in part : The week was one of unusually cool weather, with frequent and coptous rain, except In the middle counties, where they were lighter and less frequent. The tenHerautre eah day ww about 5 dgrces betow normal, and there were heavy frosts on the 17th and ISth In several districts. The rains will probably be very beneficial to grain of alt kinds later en. as H will make an abundant store of motsture In the soil when the weather become, dry and warm. But the cool weather, with lack of sunshine, has greatly retarded the growth of all crops, except., perhaps, wheat and oats. Gardens arc particularly backward. The heavy frosts injured fruit, t-uch as apples, cherries, etc., nipped field and garden vege tables and cut down,.jrheat and barley on low valley lands. On the high lands there was no Injur" to wheat. The Spring wheat will recover, but the frosted Winter wheat was too far "advanced to recover so as to make grain. However, the proportion of Winter wheat In the districts where the Injury occurred was relatively small. For the most part both Winter and Spring wheat, as well an oats and barley, while not growing fast at rresenr. are In very promis ing condition, and will make rapid progr&s with the first warm weather. Hops are doing well. There were some high winds In the Eastern counties, doing some damage to orch ards. In the southern counties haying and strawberry picking have begun. Idaho Crop Report. The Idaho weekly crop bulletin said in part: Trees are Just oomlm; into bloom in a few Eastern localitict. ana it Is probable that frost wrought considerable damage In sueh localities: In the warmer .portions of the state fruit Is well set and Is .protected by heavy foliage, and is therefore In a condition to withstand comparatively tow temperature without Injury- Some native strawberries have been marketed, and in the Snake River canyon in Elmore County early cherries are ripening. Small grain has made fair to good growth in Eastern counties; elsewhere progress has been slow, but the crop is generally thrifty. Corn is being planted in Latah) County. Range gracs continues excellent; alfalfa made good advance In many eastern localities, but elsewhere growth was retarded by coal nights. Beet planting is still in progress, while cul tivation of some early beets has been com menced. Garden vegetables and early pota toes suffered considerable damage from frost; Melons are starting well. Wool at St, Loals. . ST. LOUIS. May 24. Wool, .fiqni, tsritop3 una uwirni mrsiunu, aairc: une xnraium, 21ff26e; fine, 21&23C STOCKS SHOW STRENGTH AJfOTILEK UPWARD MOVEMENT SETS IX AT SEW YORK. Rumored Northwestern Railroad Agreement Is 3Iost- EfTectlvc Force Back of 3Iarkct. NEW YORK. May 24. There was sub stantial strength in today's stock market, as was evidenced by the length of the list of stocks which were lifted between 1 and 2 points during the day's trading, and In a few exceptional Instances more than that. The trading offered a number of remarkable features. One- was the small volume of the demand In which the very notable gains were effected. The cay s transactions fell below those of either yesterday or the day before.' If the buing was for the account of uncov ered shorts, it was decidedly free from any sign of urgency or such trepidation as the bear trader short on stocks usually mani fests. There was rather free selling during, the first hourj. owing to tha wide advances at which prices opened. Prices have made so many false starts towards recover-that senti ment nas become extremely suspicious of these sudden advances over" night which have melted away during the day in more than one Instance lately. The same suspicious atti tude was maintained by the professional' ele ment today. At different stages of the ad vance the market sank. Into practical stag nation, but the ground yielded on such occa sions was insignificant. There was no newa to account for the movement, and in fact some of the day's de velopments might be regarded as additions to factors recently regarded as unfavorable. The grain markets still had their crop dam age reports. The Chicago strike situation seemed aggravated and In danger of spread ing. The Secretary of War outlined fresh Administration views for the . regulation of corporations. But the consideration of thse matters had apparently lost force. The Northwestern Railroad problem, on the other hand, showed a perennial freshness. The revival of rumors that an agreement had been reached among the railroad powers in that field to refrain from hostilities was the real effective force hack of the day's mar ket. The special prominence of Union Pa cific, St. Paul, Northern Pacific. Northwest ern and Great Northern preferred wero thus accounted for. The Extreme ease In the money market on the eve of tomorrow's $60,000,000 requirement for the final Installment of the Japanese loan subscription was a fostering Influence on the strength of stocks. The reception of th'e Iron Age's weekly trade review was in marked contrast to the depression caused a week ago. although that authority's view of the trade has not altered In any material respect. "Prices are weaker." says the review, "and buyers are holding off convinced Uat a somewhat lower level In pig iron will be reached." The United States Steol stocks, however, moved upwards with the rest of the market, and the rush among belated buyers made the closing tone very buoyant. Bond were firm. Total sal, par value, J2.al5.WO. United States bonds wcte all un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing bales. High. I.ew. bia. Atchison 7,i) 70! 7b!a 7U do preferred 400 lolfc 101-S 101ft Atlantic coast Line. :.iw lib'i lit us Baltimore & Ohio 11.400 lobfc 107 103 rto pi ef erred 00 Canadian Pacific .... 10,400 145 143U lUTi Central of N. Jersey. 700 101 100 lWlj Cbettapeake & Ohio.. S.t'ju 4b? 4:u Ms unicago s Alton sz;t 3 ji- do pref erred w Chi. Groat Western. 5.900 10U 1M 10 Chicago & Northwest, l.wx) 211 20jk 2loH Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 48.200 174 171 173 Chi. Term. & Transit 17 do preferred 200 32 31T 31; C, C. C. SU L. S00 05U 15H 05i Colorado & Southern. 1,000 26Vi 25 t ai do 1st preferred.... 1.400 53. 54 5 do 2d preferred.... 1HW 34ft SI .IIIJ Delaware & HuUun. Del.. Lack. & West. Denver & Rio Grande do preferred ...... Erie " do 1st prof erred.... do' 2d preferred.... Hocking Valley .... do preferred Illinois Central Iowa Cenaral do preferred Kansas City Southern do preferred Loutsv. & Nashville. Manhattan I, Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Ry. Mexican Central Minn. & St. IxHilt. . M.. SL P. & S. S. M. do preferred Missouri Iaclflc l.Oon lSlfe liVi Ibl 100 374 574 70 200 23 200 frSVa cTi h5Vi Jl.OOO 40?i .-W - 40',, 3.300 77Vt 76U 1.100 13',, 64fe 65 S7 2!i 2,700 150-J, 157 15054 200 2V 21 24 li fsfH) 25 5-s 6,J'f 143i 21 57 24i 574 143V, 103 7i 115h 10m 142 M 1B2W JC WO 70! 76 3.400 II5S 115 5,70 1S! 181, 50 114 113 157 157 t'5H l7ti 241, 25y 57 58Tt 100 114 200 150 O.S'M) !)7ii 1.7U0 25Vi 2.00O 5ST I Mo., Kans. & Texan I dti oreferred ilex. Natl. R. R. pfd. - 33 Sew lork central.. N. Y. Ont. & Weit. Norfolk & Western. do preferred Northern Pacific Pennsylvania V.. C. C. & St. L.. Reading do 1st preferred.... do 2tl preferred.... Rock Island Co do preferred St. L & S. F. 2d pfd. St. Lauta Southwest. do preferred 11.300 140U 13.SU HO 5.2CK)- 7i 45A 200 4W 183 30.X) 134 17S 13214 182',i 13-1? 3 U),5tM) -100 Y.iw 10O 1.4G0 tV.M) 1.000 o W oou 0o; oow tti"4 ' 2 63 Sou. 22V4 5SV4 Southern Pacific 33,51111 5n do preferred 700 11$?, ligt H8i Southern Railway ... 2,500 2V 2SU 2!4 dt preferred 200 V5t 05U- ti5K Texan & Pacific 2,700 31T 31s 31 Tol.. St. L. & West. 1.000 36V, 35i W1J4 do preferred 1.9U) 54 Vj 53ft 51 Union Pacific 16O.S00 120ii Utifo 120 do preferred OS Wabash 1.500 ISfi lSfe 1SH do preferred 600 3S?i 33 3Si Wheeling i- L. Erie. 100 13i 15i 15i WtHCOnsin Central... 300 23; 2214 221$ do preferred 1,000 4Sm 47 47H Kx press companies Adams 212 American - 230 United States l WelWt-Fargo 240 Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copier .400 70; 76?; 7914 Amer. Car & Found. 2.00 21 32 34 do preferred 500 :1 jr 95H American Cotton Oil 200 31?; 31); do preferred 03 American Ire .590 5 5 5 do preferred Zi' Amer. Linseed Oil... 100 Ii 16fc IK'.t do preferred 43 American Locomotive 12,400 47i 43: 47H do preferred 400 110 ion loo; Amer. Smelt. & Ref. 34.000 111 lOOi; ill do preferred WV) HS-i 117U 11S Amer. Sugar Reiln. 1.100 1334 13014. I32H Amer. Tobacco pfd.. 3n0 jw? 05; 95i Anaconda Mining Co. 1.400 1033, JOlti 103 mn!lra T., r. -rr Vt flwl T.Oil -.T" ,.1I' Brooklyn Rap. Traru 22.800 0i 59 Colorado Fuel & Iron Consolidated Gas. . . . Corn Products do preferred Distillers' Securities. G-eneral Electric International Paper. d preferred International Pump.. 41 30-4 33-4 56'.i 424 172 lOTi 79H 29 79 45 OO'.i 35 Vj 100; 174 400 187 lMYt 700 12 HVi 200 57H 57Vj 1.200 42i 41 4.600 173 170 1.100 10h lot; 100 300 7! 30 79'i 20S, do preferred National Lead 1.700 43 North American .... 600. 90i 4SU 0Si 34X, nn; 3514 Pacific Mall 600 35 People's Gas I.COO.lOOi rrersed Steel Car... GfW r.7?a do preferred 100 92 31 trj Pullman Palace Car 2304 Republic Steel 2.9"H 1' 16 itrr; do preferred 2.A0O 71 6; 71 . 344 314 1024 JOrt Rubber Goods do preferred Tenn. Coal & Iron.. U. S. Leather do preferred U. S. Realty U. S. Rubber do preferred V. S. Steel do preferred Vlrg.-Caro. Chemical 1.100 354. 300 103 4.100 764 1.100 114 4 114 "sr." 106 .s4 nav; 1054 27i; 1.400 sr. i.iko no; 37 - 300 lor. lost; 89.400 27ii 20t; S2.400 94 rev, noo K :r :z: 100 107 107 104 do preferred Wcrftlnghotis Electric 1.400 162 153 in- Western Union ..... 700 a.i sci, u.i Total sales tor "the day. 916.400 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK.May 24. Closing quotations: "U. S. ref. 2 rg.!044IAtchIson Adj. 4s PC do coupon 104 4'D. & R. G. 4s...l0P; U. S. .35 res 103S N. T. C. G. 34s. 1004 do coupon 104 INor. Pacific 3s.. 764 U. & new 4s rg.132 "Nor. Pacific 4a. .I0r.; do coupon... .132 "So Paelfic 4... 515 U. S. old 4s rg.lOlSn'Unlon Pacific 4s. 1064 do coupon 1044'Wis. Central 4s.. 94T Stock," at Ixmdos. LONDON. May 21. Consols for money. 90 71-16; consols for account. 90 U. Anaconda SVilNorfcIk & West. 7SH Atchison I 4 do preferred... 94 4 do preferred.-..104 'Ontario & West. 47i Baltimore r O.:ll0 'PenBsylvanla -.- CS ' Can. Pacific. ...1474'Rand Mines..... J"i Ches. fe. Ohio.. 47iiSo. Pacific C2't C Gt. Western. lSXReadlag 45 H C. M A St. P . 175 do 1st prf 46 DeBcers 17?i? do 2d pref -3.)3 D. & R. Grande. 2SU!So- -Railway 2H do preferred... SCHi do preferred... IH5 Erie ,t9 ii (Union Pacific... 120 do 1st pref. .. 7SU4 do preferred... 33'; do 2d pref... 13HHX. S. Steel.., 27U Illinois CsnUal.lOlU! do preferred... 03 U Louis. .'ash. . 143iWabash 19 Mo.. Kas. & T. . 25H' do preferred... 39 N. Y. Central.. .14li!Fpanlsl Fours... 91U MoBey, Exchaage. Etc NEW YORK. May 24. Money on call easy, 282i per cent: closing bid. 2 per cent; of fered at 2Vi per cent- Time money, easy; 60 days. 3 per cent- 00 days. 3U per cent; six month. 3US3S per cent. Prime mercantile paper. SVfM'S per cent. Sterling exchange, steady, with actual busi ness in bankers bills at $4.S72034.S725 for demand aad at $.S520S4.S523 for 60 days. Posted rates. $4.S5fce.S and $4.S7H-.SS. Commercial bill. $I.S5. - Bar silver. 59Uc Mexican dollars. 45c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, firm. LONDON. May 24. Bar silver. 274d per ounce. Honey, Jliftl?; per cent. Discount rate, short and three months bills. 21-16214 per cent. . . ' ;AN FRANCISCO. May 24. Silver bars. 59Uc Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts, sight. 6c; telegraph. 7?ic Sterling on London. 60 days, Jl.SOii: sight, $4.S7?i. - SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. Firm Position of Barley Advance in Bran and Middlings. SAN FRANCISCO. May 24. Special.) Al though a good portion-of the short Interest in May1 barley has privately settled it? con tracts on the basis of $1.23. the market, after opening essler. closed strongly. On 'change 1000 sacks of new crop feed to ar rive a few days hence sold at $1.25. Decem ber wheat recovered from the early weakness and closed strong at $1.34?i. Cash wheat was very firm. Oats were lightly offered and bring full prices as stocks are extremely small.' Bran and middlings are 50c higher. Hay is easier. In the hop marker neither buyers nor grow ers, are disposed to do business, and a dead lock exists. There Is a email amount of con tracting for new crop at 17 cents for choice. Humboldt and Mendocino wools have ad vanced to 30 cents, and everything else in the list is practically sold out.. In the absence of stock, quotations arc nominal. The orange market was depressed, with much decayed fruit offering. Nine carloads of navels arrived. Ordinary fancy brought $l(gl.S5; choice. P0eg$1.50; standard. 60c $1.15. Receipts of cherries suddenly Increased, and prices weakened. Apricots, peaches ajid early plums wer in larger supply and lower. The first black figs of the season arrived from Arizona. ' New potatoes were weak at" 75c4J$1.25 un der heavy receipts. Old Burbanks were steady. New onions were firm. Dairy products are unchanged. Receipts. 134.500 pounds butter; 13,700 pounds cheese; 30.100 dozen eggs. , VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 50c$1.50; gar lie. 4fi7c; green peas. $1.23ffl.75; string bear-, 25c; asparagus. 4HS3Hc; tomatoes. $163. ' POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 17610c: roost ers, old. $454.50; do young. $8.50g7.50: broil ers, imall. $2.23tf2.7f.: do large. $353.50: fri ers. $566; hens. ?4.5O??6.50: dscks. old. $586; do young. $6t?7. EGGS Store. 16V,JlSc; fancy ranch. ,21c. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 21c; creamery seconds. 18c; fancy dairy, 17Vic: dairy sec onds. 17c WOOL Spring. Humboldt and Mendocino. 2S ff30c; Nevada. ICQ 20c HOPS Nominal. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $21322; middlings. $25527. HAY Wheat. $11.50$ 14.50; wheat and oat. $i013.50; barley. $7-ffll.50: alfalfa. SSfclO-IO: clover. $7S10;. stocks. $3.5057.50; straw, 302 50c per bale. FRUIT Apples, choice. $2; common, $1: bananas. 7 5c $2.50; Mexican limes. $4f?4.5Q; California lemons, choice, $2.50; common. 75c; oranges, navel. 75&$2.50: pineapples. $2123. POTATOES River Burbanks. nominal: Ore gon Burbanks. $1.25fM.5r. CHEESE--Young America. lOflllc; East ern. ITS 1 Sc. RECEIPTS - Flour. 22.13S quarter sacks; wheat. 34P5 centals: barley. 1030 centals; beans, 54 sacks; corn. 2732 centals; ivota toes. 2105 sacks: bran. 565 sacks; middling. 123o sacks; hay, 300 tons; wool, 1S5 bales; hides. 722. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. May 24. The London tin market was firmer, following the declines of the last few days, and spot closed at 136 15s and fuAircs at 135 129 6d. Locally the market was aulet. but a shade higher In rympathy. closing at 3030.35c. Copper was higher in London, closing at 61 10a for spot and 64 12s 64 for futures. Locally the market continues' quiet and a lit tle easier, with lake and electrolytic quoted at 15?. and casting at 14.75c. Lead was lower at 12 5s in London, but re malned unchanged locally at 4.50j?4.60e. Spelter was unchanged at 23 12" Sd in Lon j don. but weak locally at 5.4595.55c. Iron closed at 50s In Glasgow and at 45s ld In Middlesboro. locally Iron was quiet and unchanged. Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. May 24. Flour Receipts, 13.- 00 barrels: exports. 1800 barrels. Firm. Mln nosoU patents, $5.60126.25. Wheat Receipts. 27.C00 bushels: exports, 4150. Spot strong; No. 2 red. $1.09Vi. nom! pal elevator; No. 2 red. $1.10ti. nominal f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.13H f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. $1.01 U. f. o. b. afloat. The wheat market was ir regular all day over a cent range, but in the main was firm on persistent crop Uamag news from the Northwest. May shorts were again squeezed, that option closing 2;c high er. May closed at S1.074: July at OSc; Sep tember. Sic. and December, S7c. Hides and wool Steady. Hops-Dull. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. May 24. Wheat and bar ley, stronger. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. SM??1.52ti; milling, $1.550 1. 66U. Barley Feed. $1.22?iff'1.25; brewing. $1.25S" 1.27. Oats White, $l-.57H91.fiO; . black. $1.47HI3, 1.50. Call board sales: Wheaf-May.. $1.46 hid. $1.494 asked: De cember. $1-24;. Barley May. $1.27 asked: December. 8Sic Corn Large yellow, SI.37H81.42U. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. May 24. Coffee futures closed steady at a net decline ot 10315 points. Sacs. 35.250 bags. Including May. 6.50c; July, 0.55 6. 65c; September. 6.70g6.75c; October, 6.0c: December, 0.350 7.05c; Spot RIc. easy No. 7 invoice, i-ic; mild, qluet: Cordova 10i?13c. Sugar Raw. steady: fair refining. 3 ll-I6c centrifugal. 96 test. 4 5-1 6c; molasses sugar. 3 7-I6c. Refined, steady; crushed. $6.55; pow dered. $5.95; granulated. $5.85. Dairy Produce ia the East. CHICAGO. May 24.-On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was firm creamery. 164J21e; dairy. 16$ 19c. Eggs. easy. 15c; extras, 184c Cheese, easy, 10104c NEW YORK. May 24.-Bulter, firm. Street prices, extra creamery. 224c; official prices, creamery, common to extra. 2022Uc. Eggs and cheese, unchanged. New York Cotton Market. NEW TORK. May 24. Cotton futures closed steady at a net gain of 1320 points. May, 62Se; June. 8.09c; July. S.17c; August. 8.16c September, 8.15c; October. S.10cv: " November, 8.72c; December, S.26c; January. S.31c Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. May 24. Wheat May. norn lnal; July. 6s Xd; September,' Ca 7d. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. May 24.--Wheat . Unchanged blcttem. 91c: club. 82c California Girl Marries Italian. iFLORENCE. May 23. Miss Bernadctte Robinson, of Colusa, Cal., has been mar ricd here to Lieutenant David E. Trcxzl BULGE IN CORK MARKET SEXSATIOXAXi JUMP OF NINE CENTS AT CHICAGO. Wheat Pit Sympathetically Affected and Further Aided by Crop Damage Reports. CHICAGO. May 2i. Following higher prices t Liverpool the wheat market here opentd firm, initial quotations on July being up Uc at OC-fiOO'ic In addition to the higher cables, a continuation of unfavorable weather in. the Northwest also affected the market. Weather In the Southwest, however, was en tirely favorable to the bears, clear s"kies and rise In temperature Mng precisely the conditions needed by the Fail-sown crop. A lack of any definite damage reports Inspired considerable confidence in shorts, who sold quite freely with the result that tle market was decidedly nervous during the first two hours. After selling at 00?s9004c. July de clined to S9Xc Sentiment, however, gradu ally became more consistently bullish as fresh reports of damage to the Spring wheat crop were received. Sharp, advances at Minneapolis and Duluth gave emphasis to the crop dam- ge advices. While the news from the South west was conflicting, tho preponderance ot reports still claimed considerable damage in that section. The sensational bulge In May com contributed materially to late strength In wheat, A few minutes before the close July wheat touched the highest point of the session, sales being at OOSeOOftc The mar ket closed practically at the top. 'fTsC higher for July at OOHttOOsic. A sensational Jump ot 9c in the price of May corn burnished fresh evidence of the congested condition or the market for that delivery. The scarcity of offerings was the principal reason for the sharp upturn. A mod erate demand from shorts forced the price of May up from 5Sc. the opening .price, to 61c. Toward noon the demand became extremely active, resulting In a quick advance to 65c. Near the close a revival of -the aggressive demand from shorts caused a final upward bound to Oic. The close was at 66"ac. In sympathy with the strength in May. July wa strong, closing at 49Vi43c, a gain of S;ic- Oats were bullish as a result of the strength of other grains. July closed ic up. at 30sc Tovisions were quiet and steady. At the close July pork was up 7jc. and lard and ribs were each unchanged. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. $1.03 $1.03?; S9-H .00?i .S27i .S3 May S1.03 $1.00 July ; OOU .OOTi Sept. S2?i .83i CORN. May 5S'. .67 .5S 4STi .mi .45 .664 .404 40k .4M; is?; July (old) 40 .40?i July (new) ISTi .40 Sept. (old) 489; .4S-i Sept. (new) 4SH . -4S?i OATS". May 30: .31 j .30?; .20H .2s; .31 no .2554 July 30 .30tt Sept 2Si .2$H MESS PORK. M3- ; July 12.55 12.60 12.55 12.60 Sept. 12.M 12.S24 12.774 12.S24 LARD. May 7.20 7.20 7.174 7.20 July 7.30 7.30 7.27 7.30 Sept. 7.474 7.174 7.174 7.474 N SHORT RIBS. May .'. 7.124 7.174 7.124 ".15 July 7.224 7.274 7.224 7.274 Sept 7.474 7.524 "474 7.5214 Cash Quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. Wheat-No. 2 Spring. $1.10-31.12; No. 3. $1.02 fll.lO; No. 2 red. $t.CVgl.0S. Corn No. 2. 664c; No. 2 yellow, 664c Oats-No. 2. 31ic; No. 2 white. 334c; No. 3 white. 31;324c Rye No. 2. 7 4 Sc. Barley Good feeding. 3942c; fair to choice malting. 4Gg40c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1.26; No.. 1 Northwestern, 51.42. Mess pork Per barrel, $12.5012.55. Lard Per 100 pounds. $7.20$7.22i. Short ribs sides Ioso. $7,1247,25. Short clear sides Boxed. $7.25fJ7.374 Clover Contract grade, $11.73612.25. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels' . Wheat, bushels 23,800 0.100 17.000 30,800 371.100 14.300 50,700 41.000 43.200 135,300 4.0OO 4.000 Corn, bushels .. Oata. bushels . Rye. bushels . Barley, bushels Calumet & Hecla Dividend. BOSTON. May 21. The directors of the Calumet & Hecla Mining Company today de clared a quarterly dividend of $10 a share. WESTERN CANADA. Carries the banner on yields of wheat and other grains for 1C04. This Is the era of S1.00 wheat. 70.000 FARMERS receive $55.- OOO.COO as a result of their Wheat Crop. Se cure a FREE HOMESTEAD at once, or pur chase from some reuaoie ceaier wnne ianas are selllnc at Dresent low prices. Aooly for information to J. N. Grieve. Auditorium bldg.. Spokane. TRAVELERS GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALIES Regulator Line Steamers Steamers leave Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. M.. connecting at Lyle, Wash., with Columbia River & Northern Ry. Co. for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. Round trip to Cascade Locks every Monday. Wednesday ' and Friday. Landing foot of Alder st. Phone Main 014. S. M'DONALD. Agent. City Ticket Office. 122 Third St.. Phono 680. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY O The Flyer and the Fast Mall. SPLENDID SERVICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES For tickets, rates, folders and full Infor mation, call on or address H. DICKSON. City Passenger and Ticket Agt.. 122 Third street. Portland. Or. JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE S. S. KANAGAWA MARU. . For Japan. China and all Asiatic Ports, will leave Seattle about June 13. INOME AND SX. MICHAEL S. S. ZEALAND! A (Class 100. At Lloyds. Captain Gilboy.) The largest and finest equipped passenger and freight steamer in this trade, with large cold-storage accommodations. Special at tention to perishable freight. SAILIM3 MU SAH FnAnCbCU tlflECT J USE 3d (Carrying U. S. Mail.) Connecting with Northern Commercial Co.a steamers for Fairbanks. Cliena. Dawson and all Tanana. Koyukuk. and Yukon River points; Golovln. Solomon. Topkok and all ports on Seward Peninsula. Through tickets and bills of lading Issued. Right to change steamer or sailing date Is reservea. For freight and passage apply to 3ARNESON-H1BBERD CO., 433 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. ANCHOR LINE U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY & GLASGOW NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior accommodation. Excellent Cuisine. The Comfort of Passengers Carefully Con sldered. Single or Round Trip Tickets issued between New York and Scotch, English, Irish and ail principal continental points at attractive rates. Send for Book of Tours. For tickets, or general information apply to aay local agest ot tne Alienor Line or to HENDERSON BROS.. Gea'l Agents. Cfcicags, 111. TXA1LKKS GUIDX, am m.m .OREGON SHoip-um a Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standards and tosrlst sleplngcars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spo kane; tourist sleeping-car daily to Kansas City; .through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (personally conducted) weekly to Chlcajo. Reclining chalr-cxra (seats frt) to tha East daily. UNION DEPOT. Leaves Arrives CHICAGO-PORTLAND 0:15 A. M. 3:23 P. ii. SPECIAL for the East Dally. Dally. via Huntington. SPOKANE FLYER 6:1fy x For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla. Lawiston. Couer d'Alene and Great Northtra points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS .., 0 . fggton? E"t vla Huat" ' RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. M 5:00 P. M. way points, connecting Dally. Dally, with steamer for llwa- except except co and North Beacb Sunday, Sunday, steamer Hassalo, Ash- Saturday, su dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M. FOR DAYTON, Ore- 7I00X. M. 5:30 P. Ji. goa City and Yamhill Dally. Dally, River points, Asa-st. except except dock (water per.) Sunday Sunday. 4:00 A. M- About FOR LEWISTON. Tuesday. 5:00 P.M. Idaho, and way points. Thursday. Monday, from Riparla. Wash. Sunday. Wednesday Friday. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. Telephone Main 712. C W. Stinger. City Tick et Agu; a. l. craig. General passenger SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. 00. Operating the Only Passenger Steamers for San' Francisco direct. "Columbta" May 28. June 5, 15. 25. -St. Paul'" May 31. June 10, 20. 30. A INS WORTH DOCK AT 8 P.M. Through tickets via San Francisco to all points in United States. Mexico. Central and c- .v. . 1 .... UnnAlfiltt Pfeln. Ja pan, the Philippines. Australia, New Zealand ana nouna-tne-worm iours. JAS. H. DEWSON. Agent. Phone Main 263. 248 Washinttoa - EAST vn SOUTH Leaves. UNION DEPOT, f Arrtvss. OVERLAND EX-i PRESS TRAINS for Salem. Rose- 7:25 A. M. 8:30 P. ac Durg. Asniand. tacramento, Ox-1 den. San Fraacl- cu, Mojave, LojI Angele. El Paso, New orlean anu the East. Morning train Stfl A. it L-onnuu at Wood. 3:25P. M. burn dally except sunaay wiin ir4ni for Mount Angel, silvertnn Browns ville, spnngnsiu.l Wencling anc ia. trim.- Albany passenger 10:10 A. M connects at wooa burn with Mt. An gel and Sllvertoo local. IV-..-: 5"0.PJ.M. iistai-Arhc. 7:30 A. M. 114:50 P.M. Corvallls passenger Sheridan passenger Daily. ilDaily. except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICH AND TAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7;30 A. M., 12:50. 2:05. 3:55, 5:20. 6:25. 7:45. 10:10 P. M. Daily, except Sunday, 50. b:o0, 8:o0, 10:23 A. M.. 4:10, 11:30 P. M. Sunday only, 0 A. M. Returning from Oswego, arrives Portland daily 8:30 A. M.. 1:53. 3:05. 4:55. 6:13. 7:33. 0:55, 11:10 P. M.. Daily except Sunday. 0:25, 7:25, 9:30, 10:20. 11:45 A. M. Except Mon day, 12:25 A. M. Sunday only, 10 A. iL Leave from same depot for Dallas and In termediate points dally except Sunday", 4.10 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:10 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor Un operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlie, con necting with S. P. Co. trains at Dallas ana Independence. First-class fares from Portland to Sacra mento and San Francisco, $20; berth, $3. Second-cias3 fare. $15; second-class berth. $2.50. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Aiso) Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. TIME CARD OFTRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arriva, Puget Sound Limited for Tacoma. Seattle. Olym pla. South Bend and Gray's Harbor points 8:o0am 4:43 pra North Coast Limited for Tacoma. Seattle, Spo kane. Butte. St. Paul. New .York, Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:0Opm 700 as Twin City Express for Tacoma. Seattle. Spo kane, Helena. St. Paul. Minneapolis. Chicago. New York. Boston and all points East, and - Southeast 11:45 pm .:00pn Puget Sound-Kansas Clty St. Louis Special, for Tacoma, Seattle, Spo kane. Butte. Billings. Denver. Omaha. Kansas City. St- Louis and all points East and South- east 8:30 am T:0Osri All trains dally, .except on South Bsnd branch. , A. D CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas senger Agenr, 253 Morrison St.. corner Third. Portland, Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Dally. For Maygers. Rainier. Clatskanie. Westport. Clifton. Astoria. War renton. Flavel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park. Sea lde. Astoria "and Sa hre. Express Daily. Astoria Express. Dally. Dally. 11:10 A. 2C, 9:40 P. H. S:00 A. M. a A, STEWART, J. C MAYO. Comm'I Agt.. 24S Alder st- G. S. & P. A. Phone Main 906. For South -Eastern Alaska Steamers leave Seattle. S. S. Humboldt. S. a. City of Seattle. S. S. Cot- ige uty, Jay is. . , ia, Excursion S. S. SDokans leaves June 8-23: July 8-20. August 3-17. BellinghsTm Ba Route: Dally except Saturday at. 10 A. M. Vancouver. B. C. Rpute: Monday. Wednes day and Friday, 10 P. M. Portland oiflce. 249 Washington st. . C. D. DUNANN. G. P. A., San Fraacisee. i