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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1905)
THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, HA3T V5t MAYOR WILLIAMS AT SELLWQOD Delivers Eloquent and Con vincing Address Before Republican Club. STATES CAMPAIGN ISSUES Speech Is Logical and to the Point. Large Audience Hears Him. Other Candidates Address Those Assembled. Had Dr. Lane. Democratic candidate for Mayor, attended the rally of the Sell wood Republican Club In Firemen's Hall. Sellwood. last nisht, instead o the Demo cratic rally In Gomez Hall, Alblna, he -would have felt the touch of Mayor "Will iams' oratory, gentle, however, for the Mayor spoke of him as his "distin guished" and "honorable" opponent. Twice the Republican candidate for re election mentioned his Democratic rival, once to say that Dr. Lane's promise, as uttered in South Portland Tuesday night, to inspect Improvement -works for flaws showed that the doctor had little knowl edge of the Immensity of the task; and again to remark that the doctor's promise to carry out the views of the Almighty in putting bad men to work would entail a big job finding out what those views were and in making them conform to the ordinances of the city. Furthermore, the Mayor announced that In his speech Monday night, wherein he was quoted as saying that the preach ers who had attacked him were liars and scoundrels, he Intended the "liars and scoundrels" to be members of the Mu nicipal Association, who before the pri maries had Issued lying pamphlets about his administration, alleging graft and corruption. "I say," he declared, "that men who publish such stuff as that about honor able men are liars and scoundrels, and deserve the reprobation of every honest citizen in Portland. "I do not wish to be understood as having said that the clergymen are liars and scoundrels. I belong to a church and go there twice every Sunday to hear the gospel preached, the pure gospel. I certainly would not include my minister in such a class as that." Goes Into Detail. The Mayor's speech covered much the same ground as that delivered In Alblna Monday night, but not so extensively. It went Into more detail to show the many improvements that have been made in the last three years as to streets, sewers, bridges, fills, sidewalks, ferry-boats and the fireboat- The attendance numbered some 200 per sons, many of them women and children. They applauded often and loudly. A band of music and a vocal quartet stirred po litical ardor with martial music Chief over all was "William M. La Force, who, as president of the club, presided, made several fine speeches of his own and Introduced the others who had remarks to make. After Mayor "Williams had finished he was followed by lesser giants, such as T. C Devlin, can didate for Auditor; L. A. McNary, for City Attorney; George J. Cameron, for Municipal Judge: A. G. Rushlight, for Seventh Ward Councilman; A. X. "Wills, for Councilman-at-Large; John P. Sharkey, for Councllman-at-Large: Elmer B. Colwell, chairman of the Republican City Central Committee. The Mayor said in part: Many accusations have been made against me and my administration, of one kind and another, all of which are unfounded In fact and can be refuted or explained to the satis faction of every reasonable person. In the three years I have been Mayor hundreds of contracts have been entered Into for sewrra and streets and bridges and boats, It would be extraordinary if. in all this business, -there was not something those persons might criti cise who are disposed .to be unfriendly and to Impute motives not consistent with honesty and good faith. Hero the Mayor produced a statement from the City Auditor's office, showing by comparison the big advance in public Improvements in the last three years over the three preceding. In figures the com parison was: lfon to loot. iw2 to low. lineal feet. lineal feet. Bewens 57.ti71 1S1.780 Wood sidewalks fS,!02 300.MX) Cement sidewalks ......13.617 701.301 Asphalt streets none !,530 "Wood-block streets 1.H3 2.270 Etone-block streets GiZ 4.S00 Bltulithlc pavement.... none 10.S78 Macadam streets 59.979 1SC.9G4 Plank and elevated road way S.6G3 23.140 Graded streets .. 27.133 99.G07 Improvement an Issue. I presume the people of Portland are more Interested In improvement of the city than in anything else, not excepting the as-called moral question, ralf-ed by so-called reformers. This matter of Improvement Is one In which every property-owner is especially concerned. During my administration there have been from five to ten times as many improvements as during the preceding three years, notwith standing I am considered by some persona a very old man. I have done more work than any five Mayors who have held the office. And' I am as physically and mentally able to per form the duties of the office as ever in my life. In view of all the work I have done In the last three years, I believe that I am not a fit candidate to be chloroformed! or kicked out of office. Mayor Williams explained the Tanner Creek sewer, the Front-street bridge and the Morrison-street bridge, and then ar rived at Dr. Lane Inasmuch as I' have been Mayor for three years, necessarily I am on the defensive. My distinguished opponent has no administration to defend. He never has held an office. Once be was superintendent of the Oregon State In sane Asylum. He ceasrd to be superintendent Perhaps you 1cnow what has been printed re cently1 with reference to his disconnection from the asylum. I do not wish to disparage him, but to say that In view of -the fact that I have held important legislative. Judicial and execu tive, offices and have lived in Oregon S2 years and have been Mayor of this city the last three years, I think I may claim to be -as well qualified to be Mayor as my honorable opponent. My .distinguished .opponent made a speech latt night and said that in order to show how much better qualified he Is than I. he would make personal examination of sewers to deter mine whether they are good or bad. Xaw. If he thinks It possible for the Mayor to ex amine the SO or 40 newers under construc tion at one time and the many streets under improvement It Is evident that he has little knowledge of the tasks of the Mayor. Dr. Line also said that he was . going to administer the affairs of the city .according to the views of Almighty God. "Well, .I've been so much, disturbed by the Ministerial Associ ation and the Municipal Association that I've had a hard time finding out what those views are. If he Is going- to tollow out the views of the Almighty he will have some little dif ficulty making them conform -to the ordi nances of the city. Dr. Lane is a funny man and & nice man. and I like him very much. I do not say he's unqualified to be, Mayor, but I fall to see what expcrleace he's had more than to qualify Mm better than I. Political Meetings Billed. Republicans wiU kold & rally, tonight THE GREAT at Oddfellows Hair. University Park, and Judge Waldemar Seton and Dr. j '.Emmet Drake will speak. Tomorrow J night both Republicans and Democrats will hold forth, the former at Wood lawn Maccabees Hall, where George H Williams will deliver his next cam paign speech; the latter at Sellwood where Dr, Hary Lane will be the chief speaker. Saturday night. Republicans will rally in Blank's hall. Thirteenth and Powell streets, to hear Mayor Williams: Democrats in Burkhard hall, on East Burnslde street. Next Monday Mayor Williams will speak at Sunnyside and Dr. Lane in South Portland. On the following Wed nesday "Mayor Williams will speak at Burkhard hall and Dr. Lane In North Portland. One week from next Satur day each candidate will wind up hi campaign at a big rally on the West Side. Eden Resigns Hailroad Office. ST. PAUL, May 24. John C. Eden, assistant general traffic manager of the Great Northern, whose headquar ters arc in Seattle, has tendered his resignation, to take effect June 1. in order to devote his time to private affairs. The office, so far as it relates to the handling of the passenger traffic, will remain va cant, but a general freight agent for Seattle will be appointed to succeed Mr. Eden. Canal From Lake Eric to Ohio lUver. PITTSBURG. May 24. The long-talked-of Ohio River and Lake Erie ship canal is to become a reality at last, through private capital. The undertaking is to bo put through by Pittsburg men, who have formed a company with a capital of 52.C25.000, which will be increased to 520. 000,000. The company was chartered at Harrlsburg several weeks ago. QUEEN VICTORIA AND THE BRITISH ENGLISH. Scotch. Irish and Cana diansand possibly a few Americans who escaped being counted joined hands together at Armory Hall last night and became one British family to com memorate the memory of Victoria the Good, the late Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. Over 1000 persons were pres ent, and the event, although an Informal one. was one of the big social parties of the season. Flags of the British Empire and United States fairly hid the walls of Armory Hall, and when one ascended the main stairway an Immense Stars and Stripes flag threw out Its welcoming folds. Near by was the English booth, which was a mass of fragrant roses, and suspended from the center was a bower Qf roses. Big and little Union Jacks lent other at tractive color to this booth, and it was a pleasant English picture. At this booth, Mrs. E. T. C Stevens presided and was assisted by Mrs. C. J. Crook. Mrs. St. Martin, Miss St- Martin. Mrs. Blakely, Mrs. Banfleld, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Payne. Mrs. Hastings. Miss - Nellie Blakely and Miss Brook. But there was a delightful nook In an adjoining cor ner, and the glasses of green leaves and the legend "Erin Go Bragh" on a big flag proclaimed that Irish hospitality would be met with there. Green was around the table, and the foliage and other flags were of the same color. Miss Elizabeth Hoben. who wore a green silk dress, presided at this booth. arjd was assisted by Misses O'Neill, Burke, Kil lings worth, Mazle Murphy, Trimble, Gib son. Mcintosh, Noma Lawler, Josephine A. Hoben, Mrs. Andrew Hoben, Dr. Emil Asolund and Messrs. Smith, Patterson. McDonald Patterson. Ellison. Pallant and boys from the ship Dumfriesshire. At the south end the lion flag of Scot land waved, and yellow Scotch broom was attractively nlaccd in netting, while Union jacks lent color effect In reds, blues J and other shades. Here Mrs. Alexander H. BIrrclI presided, and was assisted 'by Mrs. Gavin. Mrs. McCrea. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Duncan. Mrs. Baxter. Mrs. Gars on, Mrs. Bradshaw, Mrs. Macintosh. Mrs. Mackenzie. Mrs. Heggle. Mrs. Borthwick, and by Messrs. Gavin, Cormack. Brown, Baxter. BirreU, Wright, Latta. Grey, Milne, Dickson and Alexander. "The Ma ple Leaf for Canada," said the maple leaves, speaking for one of the sturdiest young countries of the British Empire. UraXecSrT 5S. John A. Martin, praslted, aad wis assist- DEMOCRATIC QUARTET GETS FINDS SON ST LAST Father's Invention Circular Is the Means. MEET AT MIDNIGHT HERE Carpenter Mourns Child for Dead for 10 Years, Then Chance Throws ' His Name Before the Eyes of the Boy. On the steamer Columbia at 12 0 this morning a father found a son who was was last seen when a young child and had been mourned for dead, and now after IS years was brought back to his father by the accident of an advertising circular. The man who found his boy is E. A. Spiegel, a carpenter working at the Fair grounds, and the patentee of a device for generating electricity from running water. His son is A. E. Spiegel. 19 years old, who Is employed in a hardware and machinery house in San Francisco. Mr. Spiegel's wife died when the boy was a baby. The grandmother took care of the child, and afterwards took him to Europe. The last Mr. Spiegel saw of THE ed by Mrs. Thamer. Mrs. Howard. Mrs. Macqueen, Mrs.. Pattullo, Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Barr and the Misses Stephenson and Wilson, and by men assistants. R. w. "Blackwood, president of the British-Bvc4cat Society, presided, aad on READY TO TAKE EVERYTHING the boy was when he was 3 years old. Much of his time has been spent In Stan islaus County, California. It was not for several years that Mr. Spiegel became convinced that it was the intention he should .never see his child again. By that time it was hard to trace him. A detective finally informed him that the boy had. died. Some months ago Mr. Spiegel sent out descriptive circulars of his invention. One went to the office of the firm In San Fran cisco where his son was employed. The fact that .the Inventor bore the same name as the employe of the Arm induced another employe to show him the circular. The boy wrote to Mr. Spiegel, asking him' If he was the father of whom he could Icafn nothing. Letters went back and forth, and the father and son Identi fied themselves. That was less than three months ago. This week young Spiegel got a vaca tion. He wrote his father he could come to Portland on the Columbia. All last evening the fathed haunted the Alnsworth dock. It was midnight when the pas sengers began to cross the gangplank. The father's eyes were riveted to the port hole from which the passengers were com ing. One young man answered the de scription hut not to the name when ques tioned, and the father's face showed dis appointment. Finally he boarded the steamer, found the purser, and was shown the room in which the son had retired. Torn Photograph Tells Secret. NEW YORK. May 21. Manuel Ferna dcz del Valle, Jr., a Mexican, killed him self in his office on Lower Broadway last night by shooting. He had tied a towel around his neck, sat In one chair, placed his feet on another, and then shot him self through the mouth. Del Valle was a member of an old and wealthy family from Guadalajara, Mexico. Beside the body of the suicide was found the muti lated picture of a woman. It was torn ENGLISH BOOTH A MASS OF COMMEMORATION OF QUEEN VICTORIA DAY AT ARMORY HALL. the platform with him were W. R. Mac kenzie. K. K. Baxter, A. G. Brown and others. The concert was under the direc tion of Mrs. Walter Heed, aad was a great success, every number beisg encored.- Mrs. Reed received a. double en core, and , Dosa J. Zan and Misses Sfeee. IN SIGHT in such a manner as to conceal the name of the photographer. The police believe that this picture may supply the motive for the deed. Del Valle was about 40 years oM. and was highly educated, being an Oxford graduate. He was married, and his son Is a student at Notre Dame University. Ind, ELECTION BETS ARE MADE Frank C. Baker Starts the Ball of Fortune A-Uolling. It has been rumored from time to time that the backers of Dr. Harry Lane were well supplied with money which they were attempting to wager that their candidate would be victorious over Mayor Williams, It was said that the Williams men were afraid and refused to bet, even though odds were offered them. Yesterday afternoon Frank C. Baker heard that the vllllams men were arrald to put up their money, and he immediate ly began an Investigation. He had heard that there was "scads" of Lano money to be had at the cigar store in the Cham ber of Commerce building. Upon Inquiry he was informed that some man had left 5100 at the cigar store to be placed on Lane at even money. Baker at once took the bet. He says he inquired at many other places where Lane money was said to be plentiful, but that the Foeler cigar store was the only place he could find any. and that was limited to 5100. Baker says he has more money to bet. Hoosevclt "Will Visit Tuskcgee. TUSKEGEE, Ala., May 24. President Booker T. Washington announced today that President Roosevelt will visit Tuske gco Institute about October 10. EMPIRE DAY ROSES and Lawler and Mrs. Susie Gam be 11 Whltehurst especially pleased, with the excellence of their singing. The sword dance was excellent. An address on "Brit ish Esaplre Day" was given by James Laidlaw. the British Consul. A sodal fol lowed; J." M. SPEAKS IN OI Democratic Candidate Ad- dresses His Followers. FLE6EL AND GEARIN TALK Dr. Harry.. Lane Says- He Believes in High Ideals for Those Who En ter Politics and Hold Public Office. Five -hundred people gathered at Go mez Hall to hear Dr. Harry Lane make his second speech in behalf of his can didacy for Mayor of Portland. "Many of them were women, but a goodly band or the cJd and tried, the true blue and the rock-ribbed sons and disciples of Jeffer sonlan simplicity were In attendance to hear the standard-bearer chosen by them. Tom Word, Charles Petrain. L. T. Peery and Dr. Lane filled chairs upon the platform, while many others great in the camp sat at the feet of those who spoke. John Lamont. Alex Sweek. Fat Powers, E. C. Bronough, Henry M. Wag ner, E. Vcrsteeg. Oglcsby Young, R. W. Mantague, Thomas Gulnean. G. W. Al len, A. F. Elegel, John Drussl, John Montag. Warren Thatcher and yet more listened and applauded as the opportunity came. Didn't Expect Big Crowd. L T. Peery did the honors of the oc casion, and introduced those who spoke. He said that he had to apologize for not having provided chairs enough, but that he had not expected so many to come out to listen to what would be said. A few nights ago the hall had been filled to listen to one who was a man of National prominence, and ex-Attorney- Gcneral of the United States, an ex-Sen ator, and a man whom he trusted would In a short time be an ex-Mayor of Port land. The crowd, which wa3 Democratic. laughed a little at the wit, while he ended his remarks by presenting Dr. Lane, who spoke briefly on his desire to be Mayor. The candidate did not speak at much length, owing perhaps to the fact that John M. Gearin had taken up a good deal of the time with his address, which had come first In order. He confined his remarks to outlining to a certain extent what he would do If he were placed at the head of the city affairs and held to the statement that his administration if he were elected would be a fearless and an honest one. - He said he stood upon the platform of the best Interests of the city and a fair and Impartial enforcement of the laws as they were to be found. High Ideals Necessary. "I do not believe that I am the best citizen in the city, or the best man," said the speaker in commencing his ad dress. "I do not believe that it Is nec essary for me to hold office to insure the salvation of the city, but I do hold that high ideals re necessary for the man who gives a good administration when In office. "I hold high ideals for the man who holds office. I have spent my life in looking at the careers of those who have been honored by their fellowmcn, and when one such has not come up to the standard which ho should have set for himself In the administration of his office, then it makes me angry. I think that the most sacred trust which can be reposed in a citizen of the United States Is the trust shown him by con ferine office upon him. I look- upon such trust as greater than wealth or eloquence or place. I think that It is the greatest honor that can be con ferred upon man. And to merit It the man must honor the trust and be de serving of It. I never held an. oflico except that at the Asylum and I am willing for my record there to stand for what I have done and for what I would do. Would Execute Laws. "When a man has an office and can not control the men under him. he is not fit to hold a position qf public trust. If I were to be elected and a man under me were to do a dishonest thing, I would remove him as soon as I could do so. If I am elected I will execute the laws as I find them, honest lv and fearing no man or set of men. "It has been said that for purposes of revenue It became necessary to levy tribute on. the gamblers of the city, but the tribute was levied upon a coterie and not upon a class. Those who did not nay revenue could not operate and not all could pay or were allowed to do so. But what I want to say is: iou cannot make any gain with the gambler bv sroinsr Into partnership with him The money yoij would get is stolen; it is crooked money. "It does not pay to go into partner ship with vice. I have seen my picture within a year singing In a quartet com- nosed of Tom Word. John Manning and Governor Chamberlain, and I would rath er be found singing- in that bunch than with Larry and Jack and Pete and NaTe. My quartet would not draw much from the interests I have to be up against in this fight. Would Be Honest and Clean. "I want to say that if I am elected I will serve my term with a high ideal for what duty has for me to do, and at tne end of my term I will not come out in de fense of my administration and call any one liars and scoundrels. I promise if I am elected to give an honest and a clean administration." At the close of Dr. Lane's' address the audience called for Sheriff Word, and he responded by saying all his desire was that the people would vote ior Dr. Lane. "I want to say one. more word, and that Is about Word," said Dr. Lane. "I prom ise if I am elected that I will see that Tom Word attends to his business 'as Sheriff, and keeps his hands off the city affairs. I will attend to the business of the city, and he will not have to help me enforce the laws. Previous to the speech by Dr. Lane, John M. Gearin made a long address in which he reviewed the first speech made by Mayor Williams, and argued for the election of the Democratic candidate, a, F. Flegel also spoke at the close of Dr. Lane's speech In defense of his record and asked that he be re-elected to the Council. MAKE CHANGE IN SCHEDULE Southern Pacific Getting Ready to Accommodate Fair Crowds. Official announcement of the changes to be made June 1 In the schedules of the Southern Pacific trains was given yesterday afternoon. According to the new schedule the Al bany local now leaving Portland at 4 o'clock will, after June 1, leave at 6 and will be extended to Eugene, reaching that city at 19:40. On the return It will leave Eugene at 6 In the morning and will arrive In Portland at 10:35. This1 will enable the residents of the valley as far south as Eugene to attend the Exposition and return the same day. The through train reaching Portland now at 6:26 In the evening; will after June 1, reach the city at 3:19. This change, waick is largely dee to faster ruaaiar time, maintained between, Portland, aad San Francisco, is made for tne conveni ence of the- public, la that it enables the passengers to reach Portland is tlaae for supper. The Saerldan train on the West Side division will be run daily, instead of dally except Sunday, as at present- These trains will reach Portland at 8:23 In the morning and will leave for the return at 40 In the evening. 1 The train running between Portland. and Dallas on the Yamhill division will also be run dally instead of Sunday ex cepted as at present. No change will be made In the time for the train leaving Dallas at 7 o'clock In the morning and arriving at Portland at 10:10, but the re turn train will leave this, city at 6 o'clock In the evening instead of at 4 o'clock as the schedule now stands. Under the new time card the train will reach New berg at 725 and Dallas at 910. In addition to these changes it Is an nounced by the passenger department of the company that arrangements have been made with the Independence-Dallas Motor line by which connections will be made between the motor and the Southern Pacific at Dallas In order to allow pas sengers to take the early train for Port land. By the arrangement the motor will leave Independence at 6 In the morning and will reach Dallas in time to connect with the 7 o'clock train for this city. On the return trip in the evening the motor will wait for the train reaching Dallas at 9:10 to take thost wishing to go to Independence. These changes will be a great improve ment over the present West Side service. which has up to this time had no dally train to Portland. AT THE HEATERS What, the Press A cents Say. HEAR DUNN MONDAY. Greatest of War Correspondents at the Mnrquam May 29. Robert Lee Dunn, who achieved world-wide fame as the first corre spondent to reach the bloody fields of Korea during thc'Russo-Japanese War. the man who photographed the greaiss"- naval battle of modern times and for years Collier's crack photographer, will tell the story of his experiences on the firing line in the Far East at the Mar quam Theater next Monday night, using 100 stereopticon views made from photographs taken by himself. Chaunccy Olcott at the Marquam. The appearance of Chauncey Olcott, one of the most popular comedians on the stage, and a singer of great reputation, will be welcome news to our theater pa trons. Mr. Olcott appears at the Mar quam Grand Theater next Wednesday. Thursday and Friday nights. May 31, June 1 and 2, In a superb production of one of his most successful plays. "A Romance of Athlone,' which was written expressly for him by his manager, Augustus Pitou, and has the distinction of a run of nearly five months In New York. Mr. Olcott's songs of his own composition were writ ten expressly for this play, and Include his famous popular song. "My Wild Irish Rose." The advance sale will open next Monday morning at 10 o'clock. "Heart of Maryland" Saturday. Belasco Stock Company will open Its season In America's greatest play May 27. But a few days remain before the opening of the Belasco theater stock season in the famous romantic drama, "The Heart of Maryland," and as con sequence there Is an unprecedented rush of ticket buyers at the box offices. Every detail of the great production Is practically complete. Be one of the first-nighters. "Blow for Blow" Success. The only reasonable reason for the Em pire's being crowded all the time Is that people are more and more discovering that an evening spent there is well spent, and they get more for the money than any place else. Dally matinees at 2:15; evenings at S:15. "A Wicked Woman" Next Week. Sunday afternoon the Empire Stock Company will open its new week with the well-known play, "A Wicked Woman." the story of which is filled with heart interest, many thrilling situations and comedy scenes. Honor John Knox's Memory. A meeting will be held this evening at 7:15 in the First Presbyterian Church to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the birth of John Knox. While the meeting will be under the auspices of the Presby terian Churches ot this city, the public is cordially Invited to attend. The follow ing is the programme: "The Historical Setting of John Knox," Dr. E. I: House; "John Knox, the Man." John Bain; "John Knox and Presbyterian lsm." Dr. J. K. Wilson; "John Knox as an Influence for Liberty," William D. Wheel wright. Dr. Edgar P. Hill will preside. A large attendance is confidently expected, and every effort will be made to do honor to the memory of the great reformer. The music will consist of congregational sing ing of hymns and psalms used in the time of Knor. Money-Lender Sent to Jail. KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 24. George F. Hey, a money-lender, was today found guilty of charging usurious In terest on a loan, and was given a fine of $100 and sentenced to 30 days in the county jail. This is the first con viction in the crusade against money lenders who charge 5 and 10 per cent a month Interest. Cases are pending: against several others. Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pills? They are a positive cure for sick headache and all the ills produced by dis ordered liver. DAME NATURE HINTS When the Food Is Not Suited. When Nature gives her signal that some thing Is wrong it is generally with the food; the old Dame is always faithful, and one should act at once. To put off the change is to risk that which may be Irreparable. An Arizona man says: "For, years I could not safely eat any breakfast. I tried..all kinds of breakfast foods', but they were all soft, starchy messes, which gave me distressing head aches. I drank strong coffee, too, which, appeared to benefit me at the time, but added to the headaches afterward. Toast and coffee were no better, for I found the toast very constipating. "A friend persuaded me to quit the old coffee and the starchy breakfast foods and use Postum Coffee and Grape-Nut3 instead. I shall never regret taking his advice. I began using them three months ago. "The change they have worked in me Is wonderful. I now have no more- of the distressing sensations in my stomach after eating, and I never have any "headaches. I have gained 12 pounds In weight and feel better In every way. Grape-Nuts make a delicious as well as . a nutritious dish, and I find that Postum Coffee Is easily digested and never produces dys pepsia, symptoms." Name given by Postum Co.,. Battle Creek, Mich. There's a' reason. Get the little book, "The Road to.lfell vllle," in each package.