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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1905)
THE MOBNING OREO-OMAN, TUESDAY, U&Y 23, 1905. Bring your broken jewelry your watckes and clocks to us for repair. All jewelry -work,. old or new, at popular OLDS, WORTMAN & KING PRICES An expert jeweler in charges-first floor. LEARN EXPERT CAKE-BAKING FREE For a limited time only, can we extend to th women of Portland' the privileges of the FEEE OAKE-BAKING SCHOOL third floor. Lessons daily, 10 to 12 A. M 1 to 4 P. L 5 Washii&ton Sts. The Different Store A Perfect Hail of Ballots DIJ you get caught out in the hailstorm of Sat urday last? Remember how the clouds ralneJ hailstones right off the top of Mount Hooj into Portland's streets and onto her housetops? Thats about the way ballots are being rained in on our counters who -have charge of the Pupil' Kxponl tlon CoHtet, Toe votes are published on Monday and Thursday evenings, and .Tuesday and Friday mornings: only the leading: 20 names. DIJ we publish all It ivould crowd all other matter from this pg6. Purchasers must obtain votes at time of purchase, as positively none will be issued after or on duplicate, checks. Contest ends SaturJRy. July l, at 6 P. 31. No soliciting will be allowed In the store and our voung friends are requested not to solicit in or about the entrances, as it may be annoying to pome of the store patrons. "VVe know they will gladly favor us in this respect, as our Portland lads and lassies are of the sort that are ever mindful ol tnc comfort of others before themselves. Any contestant whose name does not appear among the 20 leaders may ascertain his or her standing at any time by calling at the ad vertising, office "Welcome. Result of PhhIU Exposition Content at 4 P. M. . . VeKterdny. Ullias Ewing, High School 7,468 Hattie Hoben. High School 3,01 Mctta Seidler, Falling School 3,622 Wellington Gilbert Lnrtd School 2,656 Itutn Murphy, AtUInwoa School ; 2,611 Henry Feldman. High School 2,433 Maud Thayer, Thompson School 2,437 Ida Dingle, Hawthorne School 20e5 Fred Stevens. Atklaon School 2.841 Cnristie Smith, MIclnNon School..., 2.031 Dorothy All&i. Lndd School 1)6 Lela Smith, WillluiiM-AveBue School 1,933 Lvnn Coovert, J'orllnad Academy. 1,884 Gladvs Crockett. Atkinson School 1,533 Adrian Smith, South Portland School "1,334 Bereneice Hannlgan, Lndd School l.SSO Willie Stepp, AUIoKon School 1.444 Robert Ellison, Hollnday School 1,418 Florence McVarlslt, Atkinson School.. ...... 1,404 L.eo Boire. High School 1,376 First Twenty 43.4S9 Scattering 24031 Total .- 68,540 Tremendous Price-Cuts on Good Shoes Sweeping Cancellations Have Brought Hosts of Matchless Footwear Bargains Here Today. Until Lots Are Closed We Will Sell at These Prices. West Annex First Floor. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. Misses' and Children's "Pinree1 Shoes, vici kid lace, spring heel, patent tip. The name Pin gxec stamped on a shoe means standard of merit Sizes SV to 11; regular value, $2.00; special. pair ?l.o7 i;.oo in rmnilgr 1'nllio S SO ? CTlPPinl. ir " . . . . :: . . . :: : : .si .97 $3,50 Oxfords.for Men $2.75. Tan genuine Russian calf Low Shoes; also velour calf and vici kid Oxford tics; a large assortment; regular value, $3.50; special, pair $2.75 Boys' 2.50 Lace Shoes $1.75. Boys' vici kiil lace Shoes, with sole leather soles that arc especially tanned for this climate. Our regular $2.50 values, special, pair $1.75 Women's $2.00 Oxford Ties for $1.50. Women's brown imitation seal and black vici kid Oxford Ties, with turned soles, medium round toe, with tip and stylish heels; our regular $2.00 value, special at, the pair $1.50 Women's $2.50 Oxford Ties $1.60. Women's chocolate color kid Oxford ties, Blucher cut, just received from one of the leading manu facturers; a very stylish shoe, with large eyelets and wide ribbon ties; our regular $2.50 value; special at, the pair : $1.60 Women's $3.50 Oxford Ties $2.35. Women's Oxford ties, in patent colt, with matt tops, large eyelets and military heels; a splendid shoe and our regular $3.50 value; special at, the pair $2.35 Women's $4.00 Shoes for $3.00. Women's genuine Russian leather Shoes, in a pretty, medium shade of tan, Blucher cut, welt soles, a shoe that will wear as well as any $5.00 shoe and our regular $4.00 value. Special at, the pair $3.00 Women's $4.00 Shoes for $3.00. Women's kid foxed Shoes, with French matt tops, lace style, sewed welt, military heels; full run of sizes and widths. The design of these boots is entirely new and pretty. Our regular $4.00 value; special at, the pair $3.00 ' ' Misses' ibid Children's Shoes. These shoes axe of vici kid, with patent tips, $quar$ foxed, lae style. The sole leather in these shoes is of the best. Children's Sizes G to S; our regular $1.75 value; special at, the pair $1.25 Sizes SV2 to 11; our $2.00 value; special at, the pair $1.50 Misses' Sizes llA to 2: our $2.25 alue ' special at, the pair $1.75 Men's $6.00 Half Shoes for $4.00. Men's dark tan patent colt, Blucher cut half Shoes; the style is correct in every detail; our regular $6.00 values. Special, pair. .$4 Women's $4.00 Shoes -for $3.20. Women's patent colt lace Shoes, Blucher cut, welt soles, -military heels; made by one of our leading shoemakers; new goods this sea ' ' son; all sizes and widths; regular value $4.00. . Special, pair ., 4 $3.20 Today's Cancellation Sale Bargains ( Oa the Fottrta Kieer. r.B FEATHER-FILLED PILLOWS 5Jtt. Best Goose Feather-Filled Pillows: size 28x28 in ches; covered with best grade blue and wnite Herringbone ticking Regular value 57.00: spe cial at, the pair $36 ' 17c CURTAIN ASD URAPEKY CRETONNE 13c A large assortment of patterns and colors, in floral and Oriental designs Regular value 17c; spe cial at, the yard i$ I BASEBALL MITTS. A big cut in Baseball Mltt Our egular val ue: special at, each 82.42 Our regular $2.00 value, specjal at, each.... ?l.4 The Bargain News Spread Like Wildfire I Monday's Throngs Will be followed by Immense Crowds Tg rv Late Express Arrivals Add-V-J Lr AY I THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS' Worth of Bargains to the GREAT CANCELLATION SALE OUR NEW YORK BUYERS HAVE BEEN BUSIER THAN THE PROVERBIAL BEES, AND THE NEW YORK OFFICE HAS BEEN, AND IS, THE STORM CENTER OF HORDES OF MILL MEN, FACTORY AGENTS AND IMPORTERS, who, knowing the immense output of this, the FOREMOST STORE OF THE 1905 EXPOSITION CITY, brought their offerings, left on their hands, by cancellations of leading Chicago houses thro' business stagnation prevailing in that city, and turned them to tu at tremendous sacrifice. Such, opportunities come seldom in one's generation. No wonder thousands are sharing the benefits of this store's good fortune for we've accepted the merchandise to turn quickly at merely the brokerage of good storekceping. These bargains won't last long. Come today for those listed. SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE. TEA ROOM Second Floor. Auspices of Portland T. W.- C A. .MENU FOR TODAY. Tea. Coffee. Chocolate. Milk in Bottles. Cream of Asparagus Soup. Crab Salad. Hot Rolls. Ham Sandwiches. Bread and Butter. Strawberry Shortcake. ALLURING INDUCEMENTS IN FETCHING MILLINERY: Some $6.00 Chiffon Hats $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 PRICES CANCELED TO MAKE ROOM for a host of new Hats on the way. Bijou Salons Second Floor Annex. Hundreds of recent purchases, bought at great concessions from the manufacturers who have accepted cancellations from leading Chicago houses are on the way. No prettier or better styles than these here, perhaps j but room must be made for 'em. Today's move is toward that object. We shall sell a lot of splendid quality, fine tucked Chiffon shapes, in bias fold, black, only, but in a grand variety of stvles; regular $4.00, $5.00 and A $G.OO values, at $2.49 Today In Undermuslin Salons and Junior Shops in Second Floor Annex A BRILLIANT SALE OF WHITE, IN THE SECOND FLOOR SALONS THAT SETS THE ANNEX AGLOW WITH LIGHT. A MONSTER PUR CHASE OF PEERLESS LINGERIE, COMBINING AMERICA'S BEST AND THE WORLD'S FINEST. The sale rests on a solid foundation of serviceable, well-wearing garments, at prices averaging a third to a half less than usual here or elsewhere. The kind of Underclothes the women of every Portland home want in quantities, and on which this opportune sale affords them an opportunity to mqke very substantial saving. Only a few of the good things can be mentioned at one time- Come and see all. Ladies' line Cambric Petticoats. 25-inch lawn flounce, 3 rows of 2-inch Maltese lace insertion, between A clusters of fine tucks, deep lawn ruffle, with cluster of four fine tucks and 4-inch lace edging, or petticoat of same material, 1S inch lawn flounce, with cluster of five wide tucks or fine hemstitched tucks, 7-inch heavy embroi dery ruffle and lawn under ruffle. Regular price, $2.00; special at 99 Today's Cancellation Sale Bargains In the Women's Shop Flmt Floor. WOMEN'S 15c HAXDKERCH1EPS, 3 FOR 36c. A line ot Richardson's Pure Irish Linen Htm stitched Handkerchief, with U and H-lncn hems, In heer and fine cambric Regular values 12sc and 15c: special Ttoree lor 35c WOMEVS 65c SICK MESH CLOVES 45c WomeVs L.Isle Palm Silk Mesh Gloves, In black ana white; all sites Regular value GSr; spe cial, the pair 43c WOMEVS TOnXOVER COM.A.RS 2Sc Lace Turnover Too Collars, with front tabs Reg ular value 75c: special, each 2c Hemstitched .and Fancy ErabroIJereJ Turnover Collars Regular values S5c to 60c: special at, each asc AT THE LACE COUXTER. A great bargain In fine Venlee and St. Gall Bands and Galoon. worth from 25c to $S.50; also ele gant new Bands and Galoons, In colored effects, worth from 25c to JL50; aud Black Charlotte EMges anJ Bands, worth from 35c to $2.50; all thl season's new cools, divided In nine lota LOT 1 Soecial at. The yard. I3C asc 4Sc TSc 98e 9V.4S J1-S 2jtS tJ LOT 2 Special at. the yard LOT 2 Special at, the yard LOT A Special at, the yard LOT j Special at, the yard LOT C Special at. the yard LOT 7 Special aU the yard LOT S Special at. the yard LOT 9 Special at, the yard GREAT BARGAINS IX RIBBONS. Beautiful new Satin Taffeta Ribbon. 4H Inches wide Woith 35c and 40c yard: Elegant Taffeta, best In the market, worth 33c yard; Dotted, Striped Dresden and Moire Ribbon., worth S5c. 4)c and 50c yard: all the new shades: .special aU the yard - 250 In Portland's Largest and foremost Suit and Apparel Stores Grand Salons Secend Floor. Women's Tailored Suits Half-Price More Suits for today than on Monday. Remember the parable of the loaves and fishes? A multitude feasted and yet more remained than when the dinner-horn sounded. Multitudes are here at this writing, but more Suits are coming up from the receiving room, with more to come. Suits made for several of Chicago's leading houses our buyers have skimmed the cream, and though hundreds feasted yesterday, still more values await today's buyers. This sale will last until the lots are closed. Regular values embraced in this fortunate and exceptional purchase include the $25.00, $28.50, $35.00j $38.50 and $42.50 Suits as made to sell by the Chicago houses. Materials include bandsome serges, Panamas and rich broadcloths in blues, black and browns and smart mixed effects of mannish suitings. Both blouse and jacket styles. Beau tifully tailored, some strictly plain and others in stylish, attractive braid, button and fancy silk effects, with dainty plaits and shirrings. Among them are a number of very fetching styles in Fancy Vest Suits. All are in smart street styles the very latest models of a well-known bigh-class New York man-tailor. This is the greatest Suit value that' has been or will be offered in Portland this year or we arc no prophets. All new not one out of the tailor's hands two weeks. ALL HALF-PRICE! ALL HALF-PRICE! $25.00 SUITS FOR $12.50 38.50 SUITS FOR $19.25 $28.50 SUITS TOR $14.25 $42.50 SUITS FOR $21.25 $35.00 SUITS FOR $17.50 Until sold. Better be early. New Arrivals in Shirtwaist Suits at One-Half Price Pretty Veilings and splendid, handsome Mohairs, in blacks, browns and blues; smart mixtures in seasonable, durable worsteds, with trimmings of pretty, fancy braids and buttons, also plain, severe tailored effects. Plaitings and shirrings, etc., add effect to many and pretty, fancy stocks in fancy stvles enhance all. Skirts in both plain and plaited styles. Values in this lot range up from $12.50 to $25.00-ALL HALF PRICE. $12.50 SUITS FOR $6.25. $25 SUITS FOR $12.50. ALL IN BETWEEN VALUES AT REGULAR PRICES. Ladies $5.00 White Lawn Waists, Price $2.95 Handsome White Lawn Waists, beautifully trimmed, in embroidery and tucks. Some are trimmed and tucked fronts, others all-over trimmed in pretty embroideries, narrow and wide effects; regular $5 values. Special today only for $2.98' Ladies' fine Cambric Petticoats, 22-inch lawn flounce, 12 hemstitched tucks and 12-inch Eng lish eyelet embroidery flounce, or same petti coat, with 18-inch flaring lace flounce, hem stitching, clusters of tucks and edging. Regular price, $3.50 and $3.75; special at $2.19 Ladies' fine Muslin Gowns, low, round Cossack neck, hemstitched, low ruffle at neck and elbow sleeves. Regular price, 65c; special at 39c Ladies' Gowns, of extra fine cambric or muslin, medium low neck, 26 large and small tucks, open or blind embroidery edging at V shaped neck and sleeves. Regular price, $1.75; special at 99 Ladies' fine Cambric Chemise, round, low neck, torchon lace or embroidery insertion and edg iug, beading and ribbon-trimmed. Regular price, $1.25; special at 79 Ladies' Corset Covers, of fine" cambric, in a great variety of styles, in embroidery or lace trimmed. Regular price, 40c; special at 27J Ladies' Corset Covers, of extra fine quality lawn, Val. lace insertion, large butterfly' medallions, lace edging and beading at neck and armholes. Regular price, $1.75; at 98 Children's Dresses, of plain Chambray or plaid gingham square yoke, of white pique, with 4 inch ruffle or large shoulder epaulettes, plain white cuffs, colors ox blood, pink, tan, dark and light blue nd red; ages 4 to 14 vears. Regular to $2.50; special at 1.69 CANCELLATION SALE BARGAINS. In the Jewelry Store and Leather Goods Shops West Abb ex Flmt Floor Special, Todar Oaljr. CSc BELT BUCKLES 11c. TV'e arfrsroing to close out a line of Belt Buckles, about o- fn-4'ne lot. in many different styles. Any one who fefeaes to make her own belts should not miss this opportunity to get a supply of Beit Buckles at small cost Values In the lot to 65c; special for today at. each lie 25c BEAD CHAINS 17e. We are showing a large line of Bead Keckchalns. In a great variety of styles. They will be very popular this season and you should get one. For Tuesday we offer a very pretty line o these Xeckchajns Our regular 25c value, at. each,.17e LEATHER GOODS. 9JL9 LEATHER BAGS AND PURSES FOR 4AB. From time to time we have been offering great bargains in our cheaper lines of Leather Bags, Purses, etc Today we put on sale some of our finer goods high-grade Purses and Leather Bags, in seal, walrus and sea lion leather, hand somely lined with silk and leather, containing complete inside fittings: gilt or gunmetal frames. These goods come In black, brown, tan. blues and greens Our regular $6.50 value; a rare bargain at the Special sale price of, each.-fj4.48 Infants' long Bedford Capes, all with collars, some with large double capes, braid, ribbon and lace trimmed. Regular prices v $2.75, $3.25, $3.75, $4.75, $5.50 to .S9.50 Special prices $1.39, $1.67, $L8S, $2.66, $2.89 to $4.97 Special Reinforcements Today to the Great Undermuslin, Art Goods, Corset and Children's Wear Sales Annex Second Floor. Laundry Bags, of white mummy cloth, ecru linen or red, blue and green art denims, the word "Laundry" embroidered or stamped, heavy white cord and tassels, sizes 20x36; reg ular price 65c. Special today, at each...47 A new feature Children's Feeders with long sleeves, made of white, dark blue, ecru, linen, bound with white and light colored tape; regu lar prices 40c, 45c, 50. Special at, each 1 29c, 33c, 39c ! Broken lines of black Petticoats, in a large as sortment or. styies ot uounccs, materials Ital ian cloth, gloria, silk moreen and mercerized sateens: regular prices $2.50 to $8.00." For rapid selling all parked down to...V2 PRICE Royal Worcester princess hip, medium low bust Summer Corsets made of fine white batiste. Special today at, pair 42 CANCELLATION SALE AFFORDS FOR TODAY A Splendid Special in White Wash Goods Domestic Aisle First Floor. 30 and 35c White Goods for ISc Pretty, Fancy Leno, Lace Stripes and Embroidered Lawns, for waists and dresses Our regular 30c and 35c values; Special sale price, i?. the yard , IOC Cancellation Sale Today Specials in the SMALL WARES SECTION Flmt Floor. r.c SEWING MACHINE OIL 3c Best quality 3-ounce bottle Sewing Machine Oil will notgum or corrode Regular value 5c: SDe- cial at. the bottle ,...2c 15c HAIR ROLLS 10c. Finest Quality French Hair Rolls or Rats; all colors Regular value 15c; special, oach ic S3c ALMOND CREA3I 2Se. Almond Cream for beautifying, preserving and softening the skin: also excellent to ii3e after shaving Regular value-35c: special, bottle. .25c .18c SACHET POWDER 38c. Sachet Powder In bulk: wood violet and Le Trefle fine, lasting odors Regular value 50c; special at the ounce z$c BOX 28c WRITING PAPER 12c Box Writing Paper containing 24 sheets paper and envelopes; in standard tints of blue, gray and pink Regular value 20c: special at, box. 12$ic PACKAGE 5c ENVELOPES 3t Fine Cream Wove Envelopes, square shape; 25 In package Regular value 5c; special, package.. 3c SENSATIONAL BARGAINS SET THE PACE IN THE DRESS GOODS AND SILK SALONS South Ajihcx First Floor. $50,000 Worth of the World's Choicest -Fabrics Stand Reduced Thro' the Cancel!ati6n Sales Tin the trine- vroiuaa buying opportunity. Im prove It ere too late. These extra special Items added for today $2.60, $1.75 and $1.30 SWELL SUIT SILKS, includ ing Novelty French Messalines, Chiffon Taffetas and Printed Warp Novelties; also a grand as- sortmeut of Domestic Novelties In all the new est colors and designs; Special for today only per yard 83c Dependable Black Taffeta Regular S1.00 value, 21 Inches wide special, per yard 9c Regular $1.10 value, 23 inches wide special. per yard "2c Regular $1.25 value. 27 Inches wide special. per yard , - SDc Regular 51.50 value. 36 inches wide special. per yard $1.10 Regular $1.60 value. 36 Inches wide special, per yard $1.31 These Black Taffetas are unequaled at our reg ular prices for finish, color and durability. Colored Dress Goods 3000 yanls regular 50c Dress Goods, in Heather Tweeds, Hard-Twisted Worsteds. Ail-Wool Voiles, In full color assortments; special for today only, per yrd 30c Cream and Black Voiles included. Block Dress Goods 45-inch All-Silk Grenadine, in plain Iron frame, neat novelty striped anfd figured effects Regular 51.50 grades apccial, per yard $1.10 Regular S.1.75 grades special, per yard $1.43 Regular $2.00 grades special, per yard SI.M Regular $2.50. grades special, per yard $1J)7 TODAY'jS SPECIAL CANCELLATION SALE. Bargains in Women's Knitwear and Hosiery, Boys' Shirtwaists and Children's Hose First Floor. An extra good bargain for women who appreciate good wearing Hosiery- Black, very fine gauge Cotton Hose, made of fine selected Maco cotton: . have double sole, spliced heels and toes, me dium weight Our best 50c qualityi special at. the pair .r 35c An extra good bargain for the children. Black Cotton Hose, fine ribbed. Maco cotton, finished foot, double knee, heel and toe: good weight and "our splendid O. K. line Values 40c and 45c; sires'' 7 to 10; special at, pair 29c Women's fine warm weather weight White Lisle Vests; sleeveless; neat, plain trimming 35c quality at, each ...23c Women's extra size White Cotton Vests; long sleeves, extra elastic jer3ey-ribbed 35c quality, special at. each, 23c A lot of Boys' White and White with Fancy Stripe Russian Blouses and Fauntleroy Waists; great collection to choose from 75c to $1.00 value; special at. each 50c Cancellation Sole Bargains in the Men's Toggery Shop Flntt Floor West Annex. Men's 75c Night Shirts 49c A line of Men's Plain White Twilled Muslin .Night shirts Regular value 75c; special at, each 48c Men's 25c Sox 1 7c Men's Seamless Sox, in fancy gray and blue mix tures, with embroidered figures Our best 25c value; special at, the pair. 17c Men's 5jpc Underwear 35c A line of Men's Fancy Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, in Oxford gray, with pin stripes Regular value 50c: special at, each 3Sc Men's $1.50 Golf Shirts 79c A broken' line of Men's Golf Shirts, this season's styles and colors Regular values $1.25 and $1.50; special to close out, each "c Today's Canceiiation Sale Bargains In the Stove Store Third Floor West Annex. "PRINCESS STEEL RANGE $23.75. "Princess" Steel Range, wfth high closet special ' at, each $23.75 ' "Q.UICK BAKER" STEEL RANGES. 14- Inch oven, high closet special at. each $2U.5e 15- inch oven, high closet special at. each....$2Se 18-inch oven, high closet special at, each. . .$31.50 . CAST COOK STOVES. JCo. 7 Cast Cook Stove special at, each...... $7.06 No. 8 Cast Cook Stove special at, each $.25 GASOLINE STOVES. 2-burner Gasoline Stove special at, each... .$2.73 2-burner Blue Flame special at. each $4.15 GAS PLATES. Gas Plate,' 2 burners: special at. each.... ...$1.48 OIL LA3IP STOVE. Handy, convenient and. economical 1- burner special at, each .3Sc 2- hurner special at. each -..7c