PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SHATTUCK SCHOOL CHILDREN, WHICfc"WILL BE A PART OF THE SCHOOL'S EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT AT THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION t W.C.T.UJiLLIT Determined Saloons Shall-Not Menace Exposition, THEME AT CONFERENCE 'J" t FOB OPENING njYiHSSSSS n Fl FlIFSTH HRIIR 111 baUU kill I II IIUUII At the fortnightly meeting- of the City Board of Education last night, It was decided to close the public schools on June 14. There will also be a holiday- on June 1. to permit the pupils to attend the opening of the Lewis and Clark Exposition. . June 21 had been originally tiealg nated as the date for closing the city schools, but all the teachers were In favor of early closing, and as the Su perintendent put In ngood word In their behalf by saying that they had worked very hard this year, the board took a philanthropic view of the situa tion. IV was arranged to give the teach ers -and the graduating class of the High School an opportunity for fixing the date of the graduating exercises to suit their own convenience. The special meeting of principals will be held on Saturday, evening, June 3, at 7:30. A committee was appointed to draft resolutions of condolence to Professor Hoover over the death of his wife. STREET RAILWAY DEAL EASTERN BANKERS ARE NOW INVESTIGATING PROPERTY. m NIGHT TO FINISH Fl Extra Shift of Workmen As signed to Booths in Man- ufactures Building. ALbMUST BE READY JUNE 1 Exposition. Management Confident There Will Be No Hitch Will Employ Enormous Force if Necessary. frith barely a week in which to complete the finishing details of the Lewis and Clark Exposition, it has been found necessary to start a night force to work. In this manner the time allowed for finishing is practically doubled. Last night the firsi. extra shift went to work in the Manufac tures, Liberal Arts and Varied Indus tries buildings, and the end of the week will see large forces working day nnd night If necessary, a third shift will be put to work, and next Sunday will be utilized. That there will be no detail incom plete the Exposition management is determined upon, and whatever meas ures necessary will be taken without delay. President Goodc and his as sistants are as confident as ever that there will be no hitch. They aver that when they throw the gates open to the world a week ironr next Thursday it will be with the knowledge that no where is there anything unfinished. The greater bulk of .he work un done at this time Is In the exhibit buildings. Many booths of domestic exhibitors need much work to com plete them and then considerable time will be required to install their ex hibits. In a majority of booths the work of installation is actually under way, and with these there is no ques tion but that they will be ready. Flowers Begin to Bloom. Considerable grading, too, remains to be done. Owing to the large num ber of heavily-laden teams that -pass there each day. It has been Xouhd im practicable to grade Lewis and Clark boulevard, and after the heavy rains of yesterday that main thoroughfare was impassable to pedestrians. The work of the landscape gardeners is al ready done except to keep up the grounds. That the planting of rose bushes aqd plants has been well-timed is attested by the thousands of blooms that have made their appearance "dur ing the past week. Very Utile work remains to be done on the various state buildings. With one or two exceptions, the building work is already done and nothing but the furnishings are lacking. Placing furnishings, however, is the worjc of hut ene or two days. For example, the furnishing of the Oregon building was commenced yesterday morning, and very little remained undone at 6 o'elocjk fact evening. On the Trail the finishing work is being done on neatly e.yery structure, ajta at least three are finished and open te the public at this time. The Gov ernment building, too, seeds only a few more days work before it will be ready. VICE-PRESIDENT AT THE FAIR Fairbanks Will Be in Attendance on the Opening Day. Then will be Koldlcrs at the Fair and on .the opening day Vice-President Fair banks, as the personal representative of President Roosevelt, wfll be shown all the honors usual to accord the Chief Ex ecutive of the Nation on public occasions. It has been arranged that two troops of the Fourth Cavalry from Walla Walla, under the command of Colonel Steever, and the Fourteenth Infantry, from Van couver, under command of Colonel Irons, together with the Fourteenth Infantry band and the detachment now at the Ex position grounds of Companies 1 and K of the Tenth Infantry under command of Captain Bowon. will be brought to Portland on June 1 as a guard of honor for Vice-President Fairbanks. The details- have not been fully settled, but arrangements have been made at the Fair grounds for a camping place for the cavalry, stable arrangements being made yesterday for the quartering of 175 hftrses. The troop will be camped, according to the present plan, close to the two com-. n"anles now on the island. It is expected that the Walla Walla troops will be sent from the fort in time to reach Portland a couple of days before the opening, thus giving -them ample time to go Into camp and get their horses straightened out after the long journey by train. It' rs not now known how long the cavalry will remain in Portland, but It is thought that thp camp will be kept here for some time. The Vancouver Infantry .will. In all probability, be brought to the city on the day of the opening and returned in the evening after the exercises have been completed. Colonel Steever. of the cavalry, will act as the marshal of the day during the programme incident to the opening of the-Exposition. WILD BE AT THE OPENING Governor Mead Accompanied by Party of Washingtonlnns. OLTMPIA. Wash.. May 22. (Special.) It Is announced that Governor Mead and the members of his personal staff will leave Olympia. May 21 for Portland, ar riving there that evening, so as to be on hand for the opening ceromonles at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. It is now planned that tho dedication of the .Wash ington building will take place at noon, June 1. at which time "an address will be delivered by the Governor. A legislative committee appointed by the last House and Senate will also be present officially to represent this state at the opening ceremonies. The Governor's party Includes tho fol lowing: Governor and Mrs. A. E. Mead; the executive secretary. Major A. N. Brown and Mrs. Brown: Miss McLeod. stenographer; Adjutant-General and Mrs. J. A. Drain. Colonel John Kcnzle. Colonel and Mrs. E. K. Irwin, Colonel and Mrs. E. P. Gilbert! of Spokane; Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Fish, of Kettle Falls; Lieutenant-Colonel A. J. Welsbach. of Tacoma; Colonel D. Daun Egan. of Belllngham: Colonel and Mrs. A. E. Kagwin. of Kelso: Colonel and Mrs. M. P. Hurd. of Mount Vernon; Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. W. G. Potts, of Seattle, and Colonel and Mrs. C. C Darrow. of Seattle. University Day at the Fair. UNIERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, May 2. (Special.) President P. L. Camp bell made the announcement today that all preparations had beenx perfected for University day at the Lewis and Clark Exposition June 16. The Portland Univer sity Club, all member? of the Alumni As sociation, and the Oregon student body will co-operate in the programme. The principal feature of the University progmmme-will be the unveiling of a bust of Thomas Jefferson as an appreciation of hi? efforts In fixing the standards of college attainment In America v No one has yet been -enraged to deliver the ad dress. Other minor feature of the day have been, arranged. Commercial Club Will Close for Twenty-Four Hours. EXAMPLE TO BUSINESS MEN II Is Planned to Give All Employes the- Opportunity to Visit the Exposition -on the First Day. la order that all employes may visit the Lewis and Clark Exposition on the open ing day, the Commercial Club will close its doors for 21 hours.'and no one will be allowed In the clubrooms -with the excep tion of a watchman. This Is an action that has never been taken before by such an organization; It was determined upon yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the board of governors, through which 700 business and professional men speak. To carry out the idea of the board of governors will be to close for a whole day an establishment that runs regularly day and night Upon June 1 there will be no meals or luncheons served, the parlors will be closed to members and guests, the billiard-rooms and bowling alleys will be closed, the bar will be closed. And it will be, perhaps, the ony closed bar in Port land upon that day. The Commercial Club employs many persons, and the board of governors Insists that these employes spend the day as a holiday in every sense of tho word and visit the Exposition either during the afternoon or the eve ning. The prime reason for the action of the board of governors Is to sot a good exam ple for those business and professional men who have hesitated to close and make the opening day of the Exposition a holi day. The movement is gaining favor and numbers of business men have signified their Intention of closing all day and in sisting that employes visit the Fair. The matter of decoration is receiving a great deal of attention, and many novel effects in decoration are promised by merchants. Almost every residence along the streets leading to the Exposition grounds will be decorated with flags and banners and flowers. There has been a great sale of tho official Lewis and Clark flag, and the fields and hills have been ravaged for Oregon grape. Citizens are taking a pride in the Fair and are determined to show the visitors on the opening day that there is a certain way of doing things In Port land that is very commendable. If plans are carried out as expected. June 1 will be a gala day in the history' of Portland. Crowds of merrymakers will throng the streets. There will be noth ing else to do, for all stores will be closed and nothing remain open but ice creara parlors and restaurants. It is expected that the merriment will begin early in the morning that June 1 will be a second Fourth of July on a larger scale. The crowds will gradually grow larger toward noon and make their way toward the Ex position grounds,, and then at noon Presi dent Roosevelt will touch a button in Washington that will start the machinery and throw the gates of the Fair open to the world. With the royal salute of 100 guns that will mark the opening will be gin J2 hours of joyous acclaim, and the thousands who make their way about the, grounds and view the exhibits will. In lucid moments, stop to reflect on the cause of it all and honor the Tf nsory of the two Captains that risked everything to reach the Oregon ceuntry an bring It into the fold of the United States. This Is the opening day as it Is desired to be, and the preparations now being made in dicate that such the opening day will be. IDAHO GIRLS TO SEE FAIR Cnpftaf cvs of Bo'iso Will Give Them the Opportunity. A. L. Mitchell, superintendent of the Lewis and Clark Centennial tour for the Evening Capital News, of Boise. Idaho, Is here In the Interest of his paper, and last night outlined the details of the proposed trip. The News Is holding a voting contest with the Idea of sending eight of the most popular young women of that section of the country to Portland on a 15-daya outing during the Fair," free of all expense. In view of the fact that the Couer d'Alene and Lewiston districts are considered in the territory of the Spokane newspapers. Ontario and Hunt ington. Or., have been Included In their place, candidates from that section being eligible. The contest was commenced January 8. and will close June 25, the party reach ing Portland on the morning of July 8, which will give the young ladle ample time In which to make preparations for the Journey. Mitchell Is now arranging with the Exposition managers for the proper reception of his charges on arrival, and this will probably take the shape ot a public demonstration of some sort. The Idea of getting up these voting con tests Is not new with Mitchell. He was formerly In the employ of United States Senator Lee Mantle, proprietor of the Butte. Mont., Evening Inter-Mountain, and in such capacity arranged a free trip upon a voting proposition, the successful candidate having the option of visiting the Paris Exposition or taking a trip to Cape Nome. Miss McAndrews. superin tendent of the Deer Lodge High School, won, and chose Nome as her objecttve point, where she is now conducting a flourishing real estate business. The fol lowing year seven of the most popular young ladles were sentto the Yellowstone Park, and later on seven others were given a free trip to the Buffalo Exposi tion. He thinks it is a highly commenda ble way of increasing the circulation of a newspaper, besides affording deserving young women a chance to see the world. Candidates for Office File Their Petitions. FIVE NAMES SUBMITTED Exhibit of University of Oregon. UNIVERSITY OF OXEGON. Eugene. Or., May 22. (Special.) The University of Oregon will have a creditable exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Fair. Arrangements are now being made whereby the different departments of the college will have spe cial displays in the university exhibit. The civil engineering department will have a unique and interesting exhibit, and the departments ot economics, history, biology, chemistry and geology will also be represented. An elaborate display of photographs Is being prepared and views of all the buildings and departments of the university will be on exhibition. The university exhibit will be In charge of W. L. Whittlesey, Instructor in economics. Nebraska Lumbermen Will Come. OMAHA. Neb.. May 22. (Special.) Two meetings of lumbermen on the Pacific Coapt will be the means of drawing near ly every lumber-dealer in Nebraska to the West this Summer. The Nebraska Retail Lumber Dealers' Association is planning a Junket to the Exposition and will leave Omaha June 6 on a special train. It will visit about a lozen points in Washington and Oregon,. The grand concatenation ot Hoo Hoo which will be held in Portland September 6 will also draw a large number of Nebraska dealers. Hostess of Aberdeen Day. ABERDEEN, Wash.. May 22. (Spe cial.) President Bowen, of the Cham ber of Commerce today selected Mrs. Walter Cramraatte hostess on Aberdeen day. Mrs. Crammatte has resided In Portland and was married there two years ago. She was fonaely Miss Allie Quackenbush. S.he is the wife of the secretary, qt the Chamber of Ceraraerce. For tht tired feeling w wJh yu ar weary ad wara out, take Xee4's tr- s&D&rlUa. Sorenson, Zimmerman, Carter, An derson and Prag: Also' Seek to Be Elected to the City Councll'in Jnnc. There was the usual llth-hour rush at the City Auditor's office yesterday after noon to file petitions of nomination by vralous candidates. George Sorenson, indicted by the late Federal grand jury In connection with land frauds, filed a petition as Councilman from the Third Ward. There wore 9 signatures to the document, mostly resi dents of the North End. He was accom panied to the Auditor's office "by Charles F. Lord, the attorney, who is likewise under Indictment by the Federal grand Jury for alleged attempt to defame the character of "District Attorney Heney. Sorenson gives his address as 22V& Washington street, and his petition seta forth that he is an "independent, .non partisan" candidate. . Shortly before 5 o'clock the petition of I Zimmerman wa filed as a candidate for Councllman-at-large'. He Is also running as an independent. Zimmerman is at present a member of the Council from the Sixth Ward. Petitions of nomination were filed also by Melvln H. Carter, 15S0 Peninsular ave nue, as Councilman from the Tenth Ward: S. P. Anderson, 565 Gantenbeln avenue. Councilman from the Ninth Ward, and Otto P. Prag, 505 Montgomery street. Councilman from the Fifth Ward. Carter and Prag are both running Inde pendent, and in the case of the latter -his last petition Is amendatory of one filed some weeks .ago. Anderson Is the regular nominee of tha Citizens party, and his name completes that ticket so far as straight-out candi dates are concerned, the rest of the ticket being made up from indorsements of other parties. As Soon an All the Minutiae Have Been Looked Into They t 3Iay Purchase. C. A. Pearson, the auditing expert ot the party of Eastern bankers that is now in the city with a view to buying the Portland Consolidated Street Railway Company, was the most lucky man ot the aggregation yesterday, for he spent . the day In the office of the company at the Mohawk building going over the books, while his associates traveled over the lines of the company iri the rain. That the men have come to the city with an Intention to do business is shown by the vim with which they began opera tions. Early In the morning they began the Inspection of the system under the guidance of F. I. Fuller, the general man ager: C. F. Swlgert. the vice-president, and A. L. Mills, the president of the com pany. A special car took the party over the southern part of the system during the forenoon, while In the afternoon a trip was taken over the East Side lines and the portion ot the track that had not been covered in the morning. The men are in Portland to remain a week, and, if necessary, longer. During that time Mr. Pearson will make an In vestigation of the books of the company, while the rest of the party will examine very thoroughly the different depart ments. Including the shops, the tracks and the rolling stock. The title to the property will be looked Into, the fran chises will be gone over and every detail will be made the subject of Inquiry. Then. It everything proves as represented, and there is no doubt but that it will be so, tho representatives of the Eastern capi talists, will close the deal for the pur chase of the company's property and rights here. None of the gentlemen would make a statement as to his Impressions gleaned from the first day's work other than to say that he thought Portland a very fine city and that the street-car properties were evidently In first-class condition and valuable. "Yes, we are looking at the property with a view to purchase." said one mem ber of the company yesterday afternoon. "But we do not want to discuss the ques tion at this time. It is like a horse trade, you know, we want to see all the point's of the animal before we close the deal." Other than that he would not 'talk, though It Is practically certain that the sale will bo consummated within a week. It will take several days to make an ex amination of all the documents and rec ords and to Inspect the property, but once that Is done It is thought that little time will elapse before the deal Is closed. Addresses Arc Delivered "by Presl dent Mrs. Lillian 3tT. X. Stevens, Vice-President Miss Ansa Gordon and-Others. An elaborate printed, programme baa been prepared for the business sessions of the National conference of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union yesterday, but Jn the face of. the'iagita tlon existing- to revoke the liquor li censes granted to saloonkeepers who are plying their trade near the gates, of the Lewis and Clark Exposition, the: W. C. T. U. women altered, their pro gramma arrangements and gave' notice that they, were to be factors In the anti-saloon fight on that occasion- . The White Bibboners present seemed to have made themselves familiar with the provisions of the city charter by which machinery may be set la motion calling on the Council to submit the matter at issue to the electors at the next city election,, and after discussion a resolution was adopted asking the City Council to take such action. Many members expressed themselves willing to circulate petitions necessary to bring about the lnvocition of the initl atl ire. Mrs. Lucia F. A- Additon, state presi dent of the W. C. T. U., was "one of the principal speakers, and she said in part: "Lately X have traveled in different portions of Oregon, and everywhere have I found a wish expressed that these liquor saloona at the gates of our Exposition should be abolished. We expect that the decent people ot Ore gon will be a unit in demanding- that these places shall not be suffered to exist." Mrs. Stevens, president of the Na tional W. C. T. U., expressed astonish ment that saloons were ever allowed to be placed near the Exposition grounds. "It Is really the first In staice that I know of where the pro visions of a law and public sentiment have been so overridden In placing, saloons so near a schoolhouse," -she went on. "I am glad that there ,1 ax awakening to the fact that the revenue from these saloons will not pay the salaries of, the extra policemen, and for other expenses, all made necessary by the evil complained of." "Children attending the Chapman School are daily Insulted by men com ing out of those saloons." complained Mrs. Edith Whitesldes, county presi dent of the W. C T. U. "It seems dreadful that 6ur beautiful city should be blotted by liquor saloons at the en trance to our Exposition. Women in all reforms have been foremost; and in this reform although we are only a, small body of women we shall keep pounding away until the con'dtiona complained of are changed." Miss Anna A. Gordon, vlce-prestdent-at-large of the National "W. C T. U.. told ot the work of the Loyal Temper ance Legion, and also roused interest by telling reminiscences ot Miss Wll lard, for whom she was private secre tary. Addresses on helpful topics were delivered by Mrs. M. M. Sleets, Mrs. Jane Donaldson, Mrs. Lucia P.. A. Ad diton. the latter apeaking on "The W. C. T. U. and Civic Improvement." Dur ing the afternoon the two Natjonal of ficers present inspected the Exposition. The conference closed with the sing ing of the W. C. T. U. hymn. Last night a reception was tendered Mrs. Stevens and Miss Gordon at the Hobart-Curtis. A. II. Campbell Gets Appointment, A. H. Campbell, son of Ben CampbelL fourth vice-president cf the Great North ern, has been appointed contracting freight agent of the company In the Port land office, and Is now on duty. A. P. Walte, formerly In that position, will y.n the future fill the place of traveling" freight agent of the company at the Port land office. MEAT ORDINANCE CONSIDERED 3Iayor Williams Hears Delegation Which Opposes It. The recently-adopted meat-inspection ordinance Is- being amailed In many di rections, and the Mayor ix undecided whether to veto it or not. It was passed by an almost unanimous vote of the City Council, Flegel being the only member wno aid not sec some gooa ieaiures in the measure, but since then people have had time to consider its different provi sions, with the result that about all the commission dealers of the city and dairy men adjacent to Portland are bringing every Influence to bear to cause the Mayor to withhold his signature. In that event K is argued that the Council might possibly pass the ordinance over the Mayors veto, and. In fact, all sorts of complications are likely to ensue. The Mayor has until next Saturday to make up his mind on the subject Yesterday afternoon a strong delegation of dairymen called upen the Mayer and presented many reasons why the meas ure, shouW be vetoed. Incidentally Dr. Leveberry. the Government meat Inspec tor, wke Is taking a lively Interest In the matter, and who amt kavrag draftee the oraisaRce. was also a vMtsr at, the I I" 111 Ti I K M 1 4AWfe...4u7SrM 111 I stQtl Do not undervalue the services of a skilful phy sician. Even the best medicine cannot take the place of the family doctor. I Therefore we say: Con sult your physician freely about your case and ask him what he thinks about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your cough If he says take it, then take it. If he says do not take it, then follow his advice. K4 bp tM J. a. Ajtr Co-, Ltrwil, V. ATXft'S WMM THO- te telr. 1,