THE MORNING OREGONIAlf, MONlTAY, -IfAY 22, 1303. NEXT WEEK THE FAIR And then a houseful of visitors. The time to brighten your home with new carpets is very short. We have an immense stock, splendid workroom facilities and the best workmen in the city. We can show you what you want, fill your order promptly and satis factorily, and at the lowest prices. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. MACK & CO. 86-88 THIRD STREET. rSKX.rXXXSCHAX, Pres. smmuu tumsnt tram. Minus, stem EuropmtnPkn $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day THE BEST WAY TO Mr to accommodate 4t C. 0, 16 and DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Or., May 21. Maximum tfm prrature. 52 dog.; minimum 44 dep. River reading at 11 A M.. 7.4 feet; chance in act 24 hours, 0.2 left. Total precipitation, r I" M. to P. M.. 0.09-inch; total Plnce S-tptcmber 1, 1001. rttt.C" Inch; normal since sptomlKT 1, 1004, 48.14 Inche?; deflclwicy. 12 47 Uoli-. Total sunshine May 2. JPOS. hours iJnnd 24 minute;; possible. 15 hour? and iSSmlnutea. U&runteler (reduced to "ea levctKatr. P. M.. JH.08.. ' "flBACIFlC COAST WRATHEK. a. Lv-.n i.-ju: vtjkjlt a r r -i 5 ?l Wind. STATION'S. S T3jr sS s s r - oo 2. 2- . e C 3 - o 3m. Baker City Blgmartfk Boise Euroka. Helena K am loop. 1). C No-th 11 sad .w-a telle Tort land lied UtulT Kftneburg Sacramento i-alt Lake City. Jan Francis. . Spokane Seattle "'atoosh Island.. "Walla. Walta... . 48! T I 4'NW . SO O.001141E . 82 T i 4W . r4 o.oot)iX . as t isnv . fiO O.lC . .J . KKO.OS 12IW . r.o' T otew lOoudy Clear ICteuly Clear ipt. clttdy Rain Cloudy Cloudy Rain .!7oo.oo:ioix (Clear .i54'fl.M 41K Cloudy Clear PL cloudy 7OJ0.O0I14 NW K2!o.ootioxw 0Hi.ottl4,W .'40O.SI 4(SV . IfiH'o.OO: 4lE .irao.oi iosv .o!o.ooti2!sv (Cloudy Ruin If Iniuiv tlt. cloudy T trace. WEATHBR CONDITIONS. Ooudinef; and showers which were general ly light continued over Sunday in all portion of the North PaciAc StaU. In California th weather Jr fair and strong northwesterly winds have occurred. The Indications are for partly cloudy weather in this district Monday, with showers in West ern Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Partly cl&udy. with showers; warmer; westerly winds. Western Oregon and Wretern Washington Siintvoni; warmer, except near the Coast; westerly winds. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Partly tloudy: warmer. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Shower. HOWARD A. REALS. District Forecaster. MK12TING NOTICES. 1VANHOE LODGE, NO. 10. K. OF P. Regular convention tonight at 8 e'ateck In Pythian Hall, eighth floor. Marquam Mdg. Knight raHk and nomination nf officer?. Vis iting Knights cordially invitod. L. VBYSEY, C. C FRED P. HOLM. K. of R. and S. HARMONY LODGE. A. F. A. M. Stated communication this (Mon day) evening. Masonlo Twiplc. 3d and Alder sts., 7:30 o'clock. Work In il. M dpirre. All M. M cor dially Invited. By order of W. M. RUFUS R. BALL, Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. NO. 14, O. E. S. Stated com munication this (Monday) $ P. M. By order W. M. BELLE- RICHMOND. Secretary. FRATERNALISTS, ATTENTION! Ground breaking ceremony of Fraternal Temple at I-air greundss today at 2 P. M. J. U MITCHELL, President. Att: JXiV ELLEN CORNELL. Sec TTNERAL NOTICES. A'NRYS In this city, on May 19. 1003. Kate Anr. aged 23 ears. months. 10 day beloved wife of Henry Anrys and daughter of A. & M. Mcnsonkamp. Funeral today, Monday. May 22, 11K13. at 2 P. M.. from the family residence. 20S North 16th st. Friends refpectfully invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. LANE At the family residence, in this city. No. 234 East S5th irt.. May 21. 1905. Orllla Henrietta, wife of Oicar J. B. Lane, aged 41 years and 14 days. Friend and acquain tances are wpectfplly invited to attend the funeral service, which -will be held at the Sunnyside M. E. Church todav at 2:30 P. M. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. DUNNING. McENTEE GILBAUGH, ttuccessors to Dunning & Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern In erery de tail, 7th and line. Phoue Main 480. Ladj asb.tant. EDWARD IIOLMAN CO Undertakm and embalmers, have moved to their new build ing, Third and Salmon. Lady at!tant. Telephone No. 297. J. P. JTNLEY SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady aosktant. Telephone No. fl. I". S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady attfcistaat. Telephone East S3. ZELLER-BYKNES CO UNDERTAKERS, Lrubclraers, 273 Kws'I; East 1666; lady aa't. : SEE PORTLAND Is byTally-Ho, Cabriolet, Boulevard Wagon, or Landau. UllliLU IStlMUrtUI. COKfAKT - 1Kb Slid MORRISON SIS. 28 peoplr. AMUSEMENTS. BELASCO THEATER , Telephone Main 311. Formerly Columbia Theateri 14 and Wash. Beginning Saturday Evening. May -7. Reg ular Matinees Saturday and Sunday. Special Matinee Tuesday. May 30. Decoration Day. By Special Arrangement with the Author. David Belasco. The Heart of Maryland Fin Appearance in Portland of the Belasco Stock Company. Prices: Evenings, 13c to 75c; matinees, 15c to 50c. Seats now selling. Next "TUK CLIMBERS," Clyde Pitch's masterpiece. EMPIRE THEATER Milton W. Seaman, Resident Manager. Yesterday's record Packed to breathing room twice. Empire Stock Company In the groat 5-aot comedy drama BLOW FOR BLOW 10 ADMISSION CENTS. Matinoe cvor" day 2:13. Evenings at S:1S. Never been equaled for Hie price. 1 STAR THEATER fg&S&sa, BARLOWS I)0 CIRCIS I WISE. MILTON & CO. ROSA LEE MONTGOMERY & CANTOR ' YOPNG & OLD LKNART ( RICHARD BURTON STAICOSCOPK Sboua 2JSO. 7:30. 9 P. M. Admla-ion. 10c, I 20c and 2Tc. ' NEXT WEEK The Great and Only JOHN ; SULLIVAN. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off at Hawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. .Electric elevator. ; Most magnificent view in America. Sea i beautiful eQect of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open 0 A. M. to 0 P. M. 1 ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. CLASSIFIED AD. KATES. -Rooms, "Rooms and Board." Olonse kecplng Rooms." "Sitoation Wanted." IS words or less. 15 cents; 16 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dis count Xor additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, exeept "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or lessj 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Esch additional Insertion, one-half; bo further discount un der one snoata. "NEW TODAY (ganre measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion! 10 ceaU pet line of each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlaxu aad left at this office, should always be iaclosed In sealed cd t elopes. No stamp la required on snca letters. The Orecoaian will sot be responsible for errors in advertisements taken taroogb the telephone. NEW TODAY. GOLF LINKS TWO FINE LOTS LEFT AD Jolnlng the Links. These are snaps at $300. Pellwood Townslte Co., Union 1401. Office at Sellwood and at 222 Foiling' bldg. TWO BEST LOTS IN CLOVERDALE Ex tension, cheap. Address T 2, Orcgonlan. 20th and Everett 50x00 ground with 5-room cottage; ideal flat location; cheap. A. H. BU1RELL, 203 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. HOUSE-BOAT FOR SALE Snug, well-built and practically new, part ly furnished: price 200; 12x2S-foot house with walk on all tides. Phono owner. Main SS5. or call room 109. Sherlock bide. MORTGAGE LOANS On PerUaad real estate at lowest rates. Titles la Hired. Abstract xaralftbed. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 awl 7 OumluT of Cemmeree. NEW TODAY. PUZZLED About Yjour Small Investment, So hard to find anything that is safe. THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON Can invest safely Tor you In weU-secured Gold Bonds In amounts of $100 and upwards. Write us on any matter pertaining to small invest ments. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 103 Third Street, Phone Main 453. BENJ. I COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary W. J. GILL Second Assistant Secretary Ardmore The most desirable "building site In Portland; surrounded "by palatial homes with an unobstructed view of our famous mountains; the only ex clusively high-class residence property supplied with bitulithic streets, ce ment sidewalks, Bull Bun water, sewer and gas laid to each lot. Take Washington-street car to City Park and get oft at Park Ave. For plats and prices call on or address Grindstaff & Schalk 216 STARK STREET. Holladay's Addition The geographical CENTER of Portland. The most DESIRABLE and only EXCLU SIVE residence district in the city. Has improved streets, gas. electric lights, water mains, trolley lines and sewers. Lots sold on advantageous terms to home bulldcrs. Seeing li believing. The Oregon Real Estate Co. 88 Third Street, Room 4, Portland, Oregon. California 4 Bliss Lands" Small farms for settlers. 9200 acres of irri gated land in 20-acre farms at $50 to $70 per acre one-fourth each. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fo Overland Line direct to Tulare City. 2 miles from BUm Lands. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous fruits, vege tables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from BlLis Lands (Inc.). care Sullivan & Sul livan. Lawyers. 010 Parrott bldg., San Fran cisco. At a Sacrifice Nice, new, clean, little saloon: pood location; rent $15 per month. Will sell cheap on account of illness of proprietor. Will bear investigation. A rare snap if taken at once. Ad dress N 76, Oregonian. Home $14,000 In most desirable part of Portland Heights. This place has just been com pleted, and Is strictly modern In every refpoct, with lt large rooms, five fire places, hardwood floors and elegantly fin ished throughout. Anyone desiring a home ready to occupy will do well to Investi gate. THE IIART LAND CO., 100 Sher lock bldg. Bankrupt Sale OF Pianosand Organs Never again will you have a chance to get an Instrument at a price and terms as dur ing this sale; 400 pianos go for $275 and 1200 pianos go for S145. Terms from $3 per month up. A. W. Meyer, 74 6th st, near Oak. NEW HOME We offer for tale the beautiful and sightlr home of the late Dr. Herbert Cardwell, 23th and Johnson. There are about 2fe lota with new 11 -room dwelling, built after the lat est design, and will be ready for occupancy about June 1. For particulars see Grind tsaff & Schalk. 24G Stark L $50,000 INVESTMENT Quarter block on Third sL. with sub stantial brick Improvement: now netting over 10 ikt cent and unincumbered by leases. Present offers will net over 12 per cent. Best buy In city. Phone OWX iSR. Main 5S3, or call 109 Sherlock bldg. CICfirt House, with large grounds, in J4-3UU SJPt sightly portion of Mount tijvv Tabor. This place is handy to the cars, has good, comfortable house nnd fruit In abundance. Anyone desiring to be in shape to entertain friends during our Fair could not find a more slghtiy place to set settled in. Phone OWNER. Main 5S5. or call 109 Sherlock bid-. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate, City and Farm Insurance In All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, 202-3 McKay bldg- Third and Stark. OUR CLIENT WANTS Floor and a half or 2 floors (subdivided into very large rooms) of building 100 by 100. lo cated anywhere between Sixth and Twelfth and Stark and Yamhill; long leaae, prompt pay. Address S 93. care Orcgonlan. FOB SALK REAL ESTATE. WEST SIDE IMPROVED PROPERTY. $4500. paying 1C per cent. $7500 paying 20 per cent. L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 3d. LOTS. 50X100. NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. and 40th st.; $200. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st. Open evenings. $1650-NEW 5-ROOM; COTTAGE AND 2 large lota on cor. Grand ave. and Shaver et. See owner. 394 Shaver at. $7500-3 MODERN C-ROOM HOUSES. CLOSE In; yearly Income $000; terms; East Side Apply 5 E. Sth at.. N. FOR SALE OR WILL BUILD TO SUIT ON caey terms. 2 lot?. East 12th at., near Tilla mook. Phone East 075. FOR SALE C-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT 50x100 on 24th and Reed, near Fair ground. In quire at 270 Alder st. A' PARTLY FURNISHED COTTAGE; WEST Side, for $1750; easy terms; cure It. An ply 453 12th st 1 BOARDING-HOUSE. WITH OR WITHOUT furniture; East Side; excellent neighborhood. E 98. Orcgonlan. $2250MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 60-FT. lot. cement walks, choice fruit and flowers. 722 E. Ackeny. VACANT LOTS. EAST SIDE. INQUIRE W Campbell 775 East Burnslde. cor. 24th Phone East 76S. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE, 0 MILES FROM Morrison sL bridge. C K. Ballard. Milwau kte. Or. FOR SALE LOT 50x100 AT RICHMOND low price. Owner, 3S0 Water St.. West Side. FOR SALE C-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, basement and nice lawn; owner. Phone Main 5C79. A BARGAIN-LOT ON WILLIAMS AVE., near Hancock. See owner. J bC, Oreroalan. FOR SALE FRACTION OF A LOT IN aulre 330 E. Sta N HollaJay ave. . TOR SALE REAL X8TATK. DO TOD KNOW That the White galsaen Valley lls opposite Hood River, with a southern tee: that It raises finer berrlea ten days earlier than Hood River; that oar berrlea are rlye bow; that we do not have to lrrirate: that we have a better climate and richer sell than Hood River; that eur cherries, peaches and apples are excel both la quality and quantity of production; that from ess 9-ytar-old tree Captain C H. Cook gathered 27 boxes of Splucaberg applw; that you. can buy fine berry and orchard land tar H less than la Hood River? If you dea't know these facta, send for eur book of bargains. White Saisioa Land Co.. White Salmon, Wash. J. S. COLLINS, REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. FOR SALE. Confectioneries, ice cream parlor cigar and tobacco store, on Russell sL. near car line. J. 8. Collins. 140H Ruatell street. HOTEL Near car hops and ferry landing, 23 fur nished rooms. Urge dlnlag-roora and kitch en, rent $25 per month; doles a good busi ness. J. S. Collin?. 140U Ruaeell street. Phone Union 6SS1 and - East 917. $1-.000 BUYS 100X100. WITH 6 MODERN houses in best realdence portion of city: revenue pays 18 per cent net; $8500 caih will handle It. Lot 50x100, with 4 flata. within 2 block" Portland Hotel. $14,500; $000 cash; lease bring 11 per cent. 38 lota with 5-room house, city water, on car line, near University, $3200; $1700 cash takes It. J. V. Crelghton & Co., 1653 Third rt., room A. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Only 12 of our lota left. They are the best and the cheapest on the Heights. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO., 222 Failing bldr. Phone Main 53S3. NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE, WITH FULL basement, near East Ankeny St.: price $2400. Hours, near Williams ave.. $2300. House on East 11th at., $1350. 5-room house In Kern's Park. $850. Two lota North Irvlngton. $200 each. B. S. COOK & CO.. Open evenings. 251 Alder st. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms aa low as $10 per month with water C Churchill it Co.. "Inc." 110 2c; it. FOR E ALB QUARTER. BLOCK SOUTHWEST corner 12th and East Stark at., with 3-story 9-room house and 2-story barn; -$5000; tens $1000 down and balance In annual payments of 11000. Mall & Co., 393 East Burnaide. or telephone Private Exchange 3L RIVER FRONT PROPERTY LARGE WARE houe on east side of Front St., bet. Morri son and Madlaon sts., for sale; 50x190 feet; two floors; property paying good Interest on amount asked for It. Inquire of owners, 783 Nortbrup st. 35 ACRES. 25 CLEAR: GOOD 7-ROOM house, good outbuildings, orchard: small fruit, running water, good school near; 4 mllee Oregon City; price. $2300; terma. W. C. McDonald, Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 1. FOR SALE 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, with or without furniture; everything first claw; full cement basement, porcelain bath, etc H. E. Martin & Co., 730 Chamber of Commerce. FOR A RENT VICTIM LOT AND SMALL house this side Sunnyside, vnear Morrison, for $700: $100 caah. balance $10 per month. Boston Building Co., 740 Chamber of Com merce. $275 POULTRY RANCH, 22 ACRES. CHICK ens. incubator, brooder, garden, cook stove, tools, etc; where poultry does well; one mile from Yoncalla, Or. A. Applegate, Yoncalla, Or. HERMOSA PARK. SEA8IDE IMPROVED lota for sale; graded streets, sewtrs and water main; finest realdence property on Clatsop Beach. A. Gilbert. Jr.. Seaside. Or. N. 21ST ST. JUST BEING COMPLETED, modern 6-room house with all up-to-date requirements; owner will sell on easy monthly payments: price $2750. Q 93. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $5000 10-room modern house and full lot, 349 29th st.. near Savler; easy terms. For full particulars phone Main 310. $40,000100x100 GOOD BUSINESS FROP erty. brick, improvements, rented $373 per month, chance to Increase, no agents. Ad dress Box 2005. city. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN, LOT fenced, fruit trees, two blocks from car; each or tern. Rydsr. Mnntavllls. Phone Main 5538. CHOICE NEW, MODERN. S-ROOM RESI dence. northwest corntr Fifteenth and East Taylor stresL C W. Pallett, 304 Fenton bldg. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE OP 10 room. 315 22d st. Price low. Owner, Mrs. W. A. Dalr. The Brown. 271 Grand ave. BUSINESS. CORNER. CLOSE IN. $8500; IN-come-bearlng property, close In. brings I8i per cent on $5500. F Fucha, 14914 1st. WILLIAMS-AVE. BUSINESS LOT. NEAR Hancock, cheap, or might trade for house and lot. M. Walton. 270 Washington st. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric Una. O. R. Addlton. Lenta. Or. Take ML Scott car, 5c FOR SALE OR LEASE 100 FEET SQUARE. Thurman at., between 27th and 28th, near Exposition grounds. Apply 88 3d st. FOR SALE LOT 50X100 AND HOUSE OF 0 rooms In good repair. 211 12th St. Ap ply to J. P. Brdnaugh. 144 4th. CORNER LOT AND 6-ROOM HOUSE. $1000. L. E. Thompscon & Co.. 228 3d. POR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED Farms of all kinds with small or Urge acreage; prices that cannot be duplicated: come see us; a sample bargain: 120 acres, with 30 acres under plow, bal ance open pasture land: land lays nicely and soil very rich; live water; Urge bear ing orchard: fenced and croas-f enced ; good 5-room house, large frame barn and other buildings. With place go large team of horses, harness and wagon, 11 head cattle, of which 6 are milch cows, 2 pigs, chick ens, cream separator, plows, harrowa, saws, axes and numerous smeller tools, besides household furniture; close to school, on good county road. 4 miles from town on N. P. Ry. and Columbia River and 6 miles from Kalama. Price. $2500. with terms on part. IMUS 4 WILLOUGHBT, Kalama. Wash. FOR SALE ICO ACRES OF LAND. 12 MILES from Portland; will ell half or whole: good buildings and plenty of fruit, springs and running water; SO acres under cultivation and 40 acres of timber. E 93, Oregonian. FARM FOR SALE 346 ACRES IN DOUG las County. Oregon: rood Improvement. S room house, bam and alf needed outbuild ings: only $13 per acre. Address Emcrroa De Puy, Des Moines. la. FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER TID3 "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state; write or call today: booklets and map free. B. S. Cook & Co., 231 Aider St., Fort land, Or. Open evenlnga. FOR SALE 330-ACRE FARM; WELL IM proved: bottom; on Columbia River. Will feed 73 cows. M. P. Whalen. Woodland. Wash. BEAUTIFUL 150-ACRE FINE. IMPROVED farm on Willamette. 19 miles from Port land, for $G5 per acre F. Fucha, 149H 1st. FARM HOMESTEADS. DESERT CLAIMS and cheapest Irrigated land on market. A. C. Palmer. 315 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE" 50-ACRE FARM. NEAR OS wego. Max Smith, the Savoy Restaurant. 165 Fifth AtreeL FOR SALE FINE DAIRY AND GRAIN farm, 200 acres, only $4000; big bargain. V. Claded, Sclo, Or. 200 ACRES FINE LAND. $3 AN ACRE, third cash, balance long time 314 Allsky bldg. TOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. RELIABLE PARTY WILL LOCATE YOU stone and timber claim?, cut 5.000,000 each; cheap location fees. 227H Washington st,, room 38. THREE TIMBER CLAIMS. 5.000,000 GUAR anteed. near Columbia River, inexpensive trip, fee reasonable. 314 Allsky bldg. lftO ACRES TIMBER, 3,090,000 FIR, NEAR logging stream, large body timber adjoin ing; $7.50 per acre. Bex 593. YELLOW PINE TIMBER CLAIMS. GUARAN teed 2H mllllaas. A. C Palmer. 315 Ore gonian bldg. TO EXCKANGK. TO EXCHANGE FOR STOCK OF HARD ware or general merchandise, 1H lets, ear ner, eight-room house, close la. cement sidewalks, adjacent to high a&4 ward school aafi astrenlty: free ef lacuna brsxee. Price $360. Bex 772. Tacesa. Wash. TO "EXCHANGE FTNX BRICK .BLOCK and Aae 9-rawsi Hefeie fr Las Angeles a-r Coaty. CaMfereta, prestrty. Rus sell sc. B. WANTED REAL Z&TATX. I WISH TO PURCHASE S OR 9-ROOM residence. loeaUes with geo view pre ferred. Address, naming spot cash price and full particulars. Q 90, Oregonian. WB WANT WEST SIDB RESIDENCES. J30O8 to $18,000; also btislaes properties. $5009 te $36,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Ox. 4M ABlartea blag. WANTED TO BUT MODERN COTTAGE, $15 &own ana ia raontuy, including interest. A 4, Oreronlan. POR SALE LAND SCRIP. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY valid forest reserve scrip on the market. We handle all kinds. Public land practice. CoUtcs Land Co., Concord bldg. TO REST RESERVE, SANTA FB AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip en band ready ta locate. MaglanU & Sea. 22.' rail lag bids. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. ANT SIZE tracts: immedUte delivery. W. G. Howell, 538 Chamber of Commerce. TO LEASE. TO LEASE ONE BLOCK FROM FAIR, 27TH and Thurman sts: ground 100x100; $700. Mrs. C Frier. 1017 W. 17th at, Los An geles. CaL FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. JUST ARRIVED ONE CARLOAD EASTERN Oregon horses, weighing from 1000 to 1500 pounds; also several good drivers; will be for sale at Portland Union Stockyards. E. E. Willard. HORSE3, WAGONS. HARNESS, ALL ainda ef vehicles bought. sold and rented. Hubert & Hall. 264 4th. Phone Ms in 2208. GOOD AND CHEAP WELL-MATCHED team, two-seated Studebaker wagon, double harness, complete. East 1605. GOOD HORSE. HARNESS AND COVERED wagon; good for delivery purpose. Inquire at 569 Jefferson st. SEVERAL rubber-tired buggies, wagons and surreya. Cor. 18th and Thurman. Main 3579. LARGEST BTOCiC OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles en '.oast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. SAN FRANCISCO VETERINARY COLLEGE Next session begins July 17. Pianos. GOOD PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP OR RENT. 86 North 11th st. Phone West 2527. MJacellaneetts. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with EUterlte; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; beet tor new roofs. Elaterite Roofing Co., room 2, Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE LARGE-SIZE COLUMBIA DISC graphophone, 16 large records, large horn, all good as new. original outlay over $50; will take $30 cash. Inquire Standard Candy Co.. 23 Union ave.. or Phone East 499. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL llard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Col-lecdtr. 49 3d sL FOR SALE-1 30-HORSE-POWER BOILER. 1 25-horse-power engine; also brick-making machinery. Inquire Pacific Iron Works, Astoria. Or. WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR men's cast-off clothing, shoes and bats. Call at 73ft N. 3d; phone Green 428. EDISON'S MOVING PICTURE MACHINE and all appliances; films and slides, at a bargain. Room 10 Washington bldg. BARGAIN 40 WYANDOTTE HENS. 100 chicks, 10S incubator, brooder. 340 Sacra mento. Phone East 5357. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 324 Chamber of Commerce or phone Main 2383. HELP WANTED MALE. 5000 STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED at Hood River. Or.; parties must come with camp outfit, tents, bedding and cook ing utensils: growers furnish camping ground, wood and water, and will meet you at train or boat and haul you to fields free. Pickers are paid IVi cents per quart; packers, H-cent per quart; write us and we will hand your letters to growers, who will write you direct when to come and give you further particulars. Picking will begin about May 20 to 23. Hood River Fruitgrowers Union. E. H. Shepard. Sec MEj" WANTED FOR SO 5IILE8 OF CON structlon work on Alaska Central Ry. at Seward. Alaska: 50 small contractors, 2u rock foremen, 100 station men, 500 laborers, $2.75 per day; board $6 week. Reduced rates on steamers sailing May 26 and June 1; contractors and foremen apply office of Chief Engineer, Denny bldg. Station men and la borers apply Lllyman &. Renard, 10S W. Main st., Seattle, Wash. 3 BRICK MASONS WANTED MY J. L. MARS at La Grande, Or., by May 16; 2 months' steady work without delay; have all the material and money ready; wages $5 and up; it depends how much a man does; all plain, common work: need 3 more brick masons by June 1; could let subcontract to the right men; nonunion desired. WANTED MAN FOR EXPOSITION WORK to sell a patented kettle lid. that will damp fast to kettle and having combination strain ing device; a big 25c seller. For particulars address V 97, Oregonian. WANTED 10.000 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. If you want work come to Portland; wages, $1.40 to $3 per day and board. Canadian Employment Co., 249 Burntlds St. WANT EXPERIENCED SASH AND DOOR machine men, also door cutters and turn ers; steady employment; pay good wages. Missoula Lumber Co.. Missoula. Mont. WANTEDOLD CLOTHING. SHOES. Highest prices paid for men's cast-off cloth ing, old shoes. Call 50 3d. near Pine. Phons Hood 1S62. Orders attended to. MEN TO LEARN THE DETECTIVE Busi ness; paid while learning and work guar anteed: open evenings. Barrett. 265 Morri son st., room 301. NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINE ADVERTIS Ing and subscription solicitors; good propo sition; permanent position. 638 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH ENERGY TO take traveling .position: must furnish refer ences. Call 2S0& Margin St., from 10 to 4. Take U car. WANTED IMMEDLVTELY A FIRST-CLASS upholsterer and arpet man. Address, with references. Queen City Furniture Co.. Baker City, Or. WANTED MATTRESS MAKERS AND BOY3 to learn mattress making; good wages. Pe ters & Roberta Furn. Co., 49 Front, corner Davis. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practice; expert Instructions; write for terms. Qillman's College. 627 Clay st-. S. K. Columbus California wine depot; headquar ters cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines Sc per glass. P. LoratL 148 4th. Clay 1303. WANTED SEVEN YOUNG MEN AS USH ers at Belasco'a Theater. Apply at office, Dolly Varden Candy Store, Marquam block. LOGGERS, MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co., 193 Morrison. Main 1822. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MBX IN PORT !nd and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write, 607 McKay bldg. THREE OR FOUR VIGOROUS MEN WITH $300 to $500 caa have agreeable and profit able employment. Call 2&9 Alder st. WANTED A GOOD STEADY INDUSTRIOUS boy to drive light express wagon; must give reference. Apply 43 First at. MAN ACQUAINTED WITH CITY FOR laundry anver. one witn jarge acquaintance preferred. D 3. Oregonian. SIDB LINE OF FHtEWOnKS FOR THE Sound. Eastern Washington and Oregon. Ad dress W 91. Orcgonlan. "WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; some money required. Call 606 Washington st. WANTED SADDLEMAKERS. APPLY TO Great Western Saddlery Co., Calgary. Al berta. Canada. WANTED BRIGHT AND ENERGETIC man. $15 per week. Address W 99. Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN try; big wages. 215 Cemaerclal block. MEN TO TRAVEL SALARY AND Ex penses paid weekly. A 1. OregseUn. WANTED EXPERIENCED USHERS. AP ply Star Theater, 6 P. M. today. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT ONCJB; referesces required- 303 Stark at. DR. WALKER, 131 1ST. CURBS ALL PRJ vate diseases Of atea. W'ANTBD MXN, $12 AND $19 PER WREK. P 2. Oregesten. WANTED FLATRN PRSAi FXSPSS, -jaf Secead at. KELP WANTED -MALE. LABORHRS wanted. This sectiea te short of ablt.bodied sata far rE" eesamea labor for a variety or work at $2 ta $2-36 a day. .Cose e to Portland. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North ScoBd street. XVI VI' V"l mo tt a inur M 36, eitlxens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Bagllah. For information ap ply to RecrultiBc Officer. 2d and Oak at.. Portland, Or. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN simuuwaj, engraving, jewelers' work: only practical working school for Jewelers money made learning. Seattle Watchmaking and Engraving School, P.-L building. Seattle. WANTED FOR THE FAIR CHORUS girls, comedians, sister teams, sketch teams, illustrated song singers, novelty dancers, mu sicians. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit & School of Acting. 351 Morrison. ONE COMPETENT (NONUNION) CARPEN ter to do general building work and at times run a gang successfully; nine hours; $4.00; steady work. J. L. Mara. La Grande. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. W ANTED AN EXPERIENCED STENOG raphcr to accept position out of town. Call on W. B. Dennis, Arlington Club, Portland, between 2 and 3 P. M.. Tuesday, May 23. WB PUT YOU ON THE STAGE-STAGE dancing, taudevllie, acting, sketches, sing ing, etc, taught: terms reasonable. New man's Theatrical Circuit, 331',, Morrison. YOUNG LADY AS CIGAR STAND CLERK: must be competent, experienced and under stand machines; state age experience and Ury expected. D 100. Oregonian. WANTED-$12 PER WEEK ATTRACTIVE employment to middle-aged ladles of good address; experience unnecessary. Call Monday forenoon 410 Dekum bldg. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to aee ns. Over 1000 positions every aoata. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, -fiWs Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO cook, iigni nouscwora, no wasning. comfort able home; must give good references. 255 12th st.. near Main. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: must be good cook and not afraid of work; good wages and location. 395 Lar rabee. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO DO cooking and light housekeeping for family of three. Apply In person, 525 Everett St., flat B. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, WA1T- ers, cnamoermams. general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230J, Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. DARKROOM WORKER, MUST BE COM petent to develop, print and finish pictures; give experience. Address X 91, Oregonian. WANTED A GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GEN- cnu nousewurK ana piain cooaing. azs jias salo st. Phone East SOOI. during forenoon. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO . care for house and two children: a good home to the right party. Apply 63 6th et. WANTED A GIRL FOR CANDY STORE, none but competent need apply: steady posi tion to a reliable girl. 323 Morrison st. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL houaewcrk; good wage?. Apply mornings, 883 E. Taylor St.. corner 29th. STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC STENOGRA pber can have office rent and use of type writer free. W 93, Orcgonlan. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER: MIDDLE aged lady preferred; good home for the Summer. Phone Main 2613. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO tell the new telephone Index. Inquire W. J. Clemeca. 273 Stark st. STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC STENOGRA can have office rent and use of typewriter free. W 95, Oregonian. WHOLESALE HOUSE WANTS TOUNG lady stenographer: beginner preferred. Ad dress B 100, Oregonian. BURNT WOOD AND LEATHER WORKER, must letter well and be rapid worker. Ad dress Y 91, Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED AT PACIFIC REGALIA Co.. 205 H 1st st. Apply Monday between 9 and 10. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. small family. Call 181 E. 18th. Phone East 1383. NICE YOUNG GIRL TO CARE FOR LITTLE girl 3A years old. BUon Court, 11th and Yamhill. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK: small family. Apply mornings, 91 N. 15th st. WANTED A WOMAN TO DO KITCHEN work In a private boarding-house. 183 5th. GIRL TO ASSIST IN CARE OF CHILDREN. 295 24th. cor. Pettygrove. Phone Main 6230. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 40" Ella, near Washington. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS wanted at 62 Union ave.. Portland. Or. WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN CANDY factory. Coltman'o, 350 Washington st. WANTED SALESLADY. NEW ENGLAND Department Store, 9 North 3d st. WOMAN OR GIRL TO DO COOKING. AT Baumann Hotel, 412 N. 19th st. A GOOD COOK WANTED. CALL AT S12 Kearney st. bet. 24th and 23th. WANTED JUNE 1. HOUSEKEEPER FOR men. Address S 3, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS HAIRDRESSER. MANICURE Rosenthal Sisters. 1C0 5th. WANTED LADIES. $12 AND $15 PER week. P 2. Oregonian. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, quire at 14S N. 18th. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. A RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER WANTS work by the day: good cook; best of city ref erence. Call at 581 Northrup st. .Miscellaneous. WANTED A WOMAN OF MIDDLE AGE desires position as companion to elderly per son: references If needed. Phone East 879. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS Phone Scott 3S46. Mrs. S. Scott. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED STENOG rapher. bookkeeper and notary public, de sires work la connection with law office with privilege of study; salary not ma terial: best of references; machine fur nished if desired. Address N 1. Oregonian. WANTED-POSITION BY BOOKKEEPER, stenographer and general office man. thor oughly experienced; first-class references; have good position, but desire to change. Address L 97.. Oregonian. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN WHO SPEAKS and writes English. French, German and the three Scandinavian languages would like position during the Fair. C 96. Ore gonian. WANTED SITUATION' AS BOOKKEEPER, general office work or traveling salesman; best of references; experienced. Ira. Miller, 9 EL 7th st. S. STENOGRAPHER. WITH LONG EXPERI ence. takes dictation on machine, rapid and accurate, wants a situation. Phone East 1219. Miscellanea a. DO YOU WANT AN EXPERIENCED spieler:' first-class; one that gets the people and the money ? Address 216 Ransou bldg.. Walla Walla, Wash. STEAM FITTER DESIRES POSITION FAC tory or mill, city or country; can handle men or work from print; best references. T. Cllsham, 15 E. 3d. BY THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED GASO llne esgiaeer; can run any make of en gine. G 98. Oregonian. Phone Union 3S03. JAPANBSB LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN famish domestic strrants, farasers. ail ktsds ef help. Slaek 983. 363 Everett sc. FIRST-CLASS TOOLMAKER WOULD LIKE to save steady Job or position; references given if wanted. K 91, Oregoaiaa. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED Japanese ccok to work with, wife as sec ond girl. V 96, care OregoaUn. FIRST-CLASS TAILOR WANTS STEADY work by tUs week; wae $18. aMrw 273 Taylor st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. MlscelJaseoos. HEADQUARTERS FOR COOKS. STEW ards. head waiters, waiters and emploves for the Fair Grounds. Books open. Take L car, 3d street or new ferry. 107 Ruseell street, cor. Mississippi. Cb. Williams. YOUNG MARRIED MAN. GERMAN, RE sponsible and beat of character, used to s'! kinds of work, and also business expenem.'-. would like a position. Address 320li Front St.. room S. BUTCHER WISHES SITUATION IN COUN try town: can do market work and slaugh tering. Y 2. Oregonian. JAPANESE SCHOOLBOY WANTS SITCA tlon for helping housework. J 3, Oregonian WANTED AGENTS. wanted good nursery salesmen by the largest company on the Pacific Coa5t; write for terms and full particulars to Ore gon Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. WANTED. Reliable experienced agents in cities and towns of Or., Wash, and Cal. National Financing Co.. 20S Marquam bldg. AGENT. WITH BOOTH AT EXPOSITION, to handle souvenir Inclosing toilet article. Sunset Chemical Co.. 415 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED CANVAS sers. city and country; a snap. S01 Dekum bldg LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD seller, big wages. 215 Commercial blk. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Rooms tor the Exposition la all parts of ths city. Apply Exposition Accommodation Bureau. 200 to 203 Goodnough building. Under direction of Lewis and Clark. Exposition Corporation. Phone Main 6288. WANTED CHOICE ROOM WITH BOARD, or newly furnished flat: must be clot-e in. West Side preferred: young married couple; permanent. Address V 3, care Oregonian. WILL GIVE $50 PER MONTH FOR FIVE months for 8-room unfurnished house, select neighborhood, near car line, west or north side E 99, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT BY RESPONSIBLE tenant. 15 to 25 rooms, suitable for rooming house. Address B 3. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A COTTAGE FUK nlshcd or partly so. by family adults; ref erences. Main 1076. WANTED 10 TO 12-ROOM FURNISHED house, central location. Went Side. X i, Orcgonlan. HOUSE WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE from 10 to 14 rooms. Phone Main 241. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUT3 all kinds of furniture, new or old. at 211 1st st. Phone Main 3655. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTH IN O and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." B2 N. 3d. Phone Hood 817. WANTED GOOD DELIVERY HORSE. CITY broke; state weight, age and price. Address R 99, Oregonian. WANTED TO.BORROW-$250O. GOOD PORT land realty security. Address J 123, care Ore gonian.. WANTED $1000 ON TWO 5-ROOM tages, 2 full tots, value $2400. R gonlan. COT , Ore- WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR SALE SODA WATER complete. 3S6 Morrison st. FOUNTAIN POR RENT. Booms. NEW LANGB HOTEL. European plan; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator; bath free to guests; rates 50c. 75c and $1 per day; special rates by the week. Elegant cafe and bar in con nection. Corner 6th and Washington sts. Sam Bauman, manager. F. Lange. prop. THE AUDITORIUM. 208& 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block south of Baker Theater Elegantly new furnished, steam heat, hot. cold running water in rooms; tree bath, rooms with private baths; elevator; $3.50 week up; $1 day; tourists solicited. HOTEL ARMINIUS MODERN BRICK. JUST completed and elegantly furnished, electric lights, hot and cold water In rooms, free bath and phone; best part, of city: rates rea sonable. 410i Morrison St., corner 11th. Phone Main 5263. RESERVATIONS MADE FOR LODGING 13 people during Fair; private residence: re spectable people: reasonable rates; one door from car going- direct to Exposition; 17 min utes' ride; terms; dates. K 92. Oregonian. COMMERCIAL HOTEL NEW BUILDING with everything now throughout, elegantly furnished, sunny rooms, modern conveni ences; prices reasonable. 492 Washington. HOTEL NORTHERN. COR. I2TH AND Marshall sts. New, modern; all outside rooms; electric lights, free baths and phone. Phono Main 1459. THE KINGSTON ROOMS, 190 3D. AD jolmng Baker Theater, centrally located, brick building; special attention given to ins traveling public Phone Hood 657. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR rison; best down-town rooms In the city; heat and service night and day; rates $3.30 per week and up. Including bath; $1 day. LARGE FRONT ROOM. COMPLETELY FCR nlshcd. for man and wife or two gentle men; private family: $20 per month. Free phone and bath. Phone East 3338. WHY SLEEP IN MUSTY, ILL-SMELLING rooms when they can be had In new,- modern house at same price; elegant location. 414 Jefferson, car. 11th. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, BATH, electric light and phone: rates very reason able. The New Belmont, 103 First. Mrs. L. Zlnsley, Prop. FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE FOR ONE OR two gentlemen, walking distance, fine view; electric lights, bath and phone. 416 Lar rabee at. NICE ROOMS. NEW BRICK BUILDING. UP-to-date furnishings; transients, 50c to $1; special rates by week. 251 Alder, near Third st. FIVE PALATIAL ROOMS. MODERN. BEAU tiful grounds, walking distance; rent $J0. D 1, Oregonian. WILLAMETTE. 144 6TH. BET. MORRI son and Alder Clean transient rooms, 30c and $1 per day. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AT 848 Vaughn St.: also tent space. Fair visitors. J 97, Oregonian. FURNISHED ROOMS FORRENT-ON TWO car lines, reasonable. Union 5871. bb2 Michigan ave. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT able for two or three 288 Jefferson, oppo site City Hall. WELL FURNISHED. LIGHT AND AIRY rooms, close In. Inquire 201 10th st., cor ner Taylor. TWO VERY NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, gas. bath and phone. 573 Main. Phone Main 4660. THE TEMPLE. 343 YAMHILL ST.. Op posite Hotel Portland; furnished rooms, transient. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM BY DAY OR week, with use kitchen. 104 4th. corner of Taylor. FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, $2.o0 weekly; private family. 5S6 2d st., near Grant. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN, reasonable. 655 Fifth street, corner Lincoln. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE of 8 to 12 rooms. Address Y 3, Oregonian. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH. KAS. very central. 470 Burnslde st., suite L.-M. ROOMS, suitable for 2 or 4 parties, with or without board; transients. 395 Morrison st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two. 590 Conch, or phone Front 6l. Cheapest and best-located rooms In Portland. $1 week sp. Oilman. 1st and Aider sts. 623 LOVEJOY NICELY FURNISHED rooms, corner cf 20th and Lovejoy, FURNISHED ROOMS THE COLORADO. 244 MoBtgSBsery St.; rates reaaoaable. WANTED TWO DOMESTIC SALESMEN. RoeerU Bras., 3d aad Morrison, it