Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 22, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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Evangeline Booth, Salvation
Army Commander, Is in
Theater Is -Jammed to Doors Twice
in One Day to Hear Discourses
on Religious Topics Her
Eloquence Pleasing.
By A. A. G.
A very great young woman brought the
Greatest Truth to Portland yesterday and
proclaimed it to multitudes of people at
the Marquam Theater.
Evangeline Booth, commander-in-chief
of the American Salvation Army, is the
reincarnated soul of Joan, the Maid of
Orleans. The mission of an inspired dis
ciple is to journey far and preach, so
following her call this wonderful woman,
still youthful and strong in spirit, goes
about valiently bearing her message.
She had been widely heralded before
ehe reached this place, for among other
admirable qualities the red army of Sal-
latlon practices a care and watchfulness
for the trimmed and burning lamps. It
also proclaims its presence with sound
ing trumpets and booming drums, and
furthermore proclaims itself with plac
ards on the city walls.
When Evangeline Booth come all the
world knows of it, and always thore are
many "who follow to hear what she may
say, to do respect to her genius, but
mostly -to pay homage to the cause in
"which she goes about doing good.
Theater Is Crowded.
Every available inch in the big theater
was occupied yesterday, both at after
noon and night, with those who listened
and learned and praised.
Half a thousand were turned away from
the doors because there was no room.
Then the youngest and perhaps the
greatest of the royal family of evangeliz
ing Booths stood out before the throngs,
inspiring, electrifying, overwhelming.
She is almost frail, almost ethereal-looking,
despite the largeness of the frame
which she has inherited from the old
General.. her father. The spirit is wear
ing the body away. She is sacrificing
herself for the saving of others. Her
army should ceaselessly pray that the
weakness of her hody be fortified against
her zeal, for the strength of her devotion
Is beating her life out.
I have heard many orators, but few her
equal, and never a woman who speaks
as does she. "When the services began
yesterday afternoon there was a detach
ment of corps officers and a band upon
the stage. There was also a harp, and
by the harp sat the woman whom 1800
people had filled the theater to hear.
Some typical Salvation Army songs were
sung in chorus, some prayers were said
and a little girl, protege of the Comman
der, piped a glory s ong in a slender treble.
Most of us who were hardened to it pre
pared to lose interest. It looked like the
old Incident of the noisy revival again.
But when the woman who wore the
shoulder-straps of supreme authority
arose and spoke her first sentence it was
all changed. "Vc were alert to catch her
every word.
Is Eloquent Orator.
The eloquence, the magnetism, the san
ity, of her speaking held us in a spell
which for more than an hour was upon
us, and when it was over we sighed and
told ourselves we had been listening to
an Inspired prophetess.
Colonel French, who is in charge of the
army's work on the Pacific Coast, pre
sided at the meetings and officiated well.
There were no untoward features. It is
entirely out of Salvation Army schemes
that things should lag. There were pray
ers, ehort. pointed and intelligent. The
music was of the moving, hallelujah sort,
but it was harmonious. Miss Booth, her
self, had much to do with this, for she
is a harpist of rare ability, and she paid
Portland the compliment of playing here
lor the first time outside of New York.
A little child whom she found somewhere
and calls her own sang sweetly, and an
other tot led one song amid applause, thus
fulfilling the Scriptural prophecy over
again. While the little girl sang people
In the audience commenced tossing coins
upon the stage, and the "offering which
followed vas one which should have
pleased the army, for be It known that
munitions are needed, even for an army
or sweet salvation.
Then Miss Booth spoke. In the after
noon her subject was "The Passing of
the Host." and at night, "Thou Remaln
cst." Savo in the sermons each meeUmr
duplicated the other. In attendance, en
thusiasm, results, for many were affected,
and there was saving of souls.
The girl Commander speaks rapidly. She
Is intense, but she knows her English, and
does it no violence. -She has also a sense
of humor, and tells a funny story well.
Her hearers alternated between laughter,
tears and that thrill which seizes one who
listens to dramatic oratory. And no more
dramatic rostrumer is now before the
American public She knows the art of
rounding periods and pausing lor the ef
fect. .She also knows when to rush head
long, now tempestuous, overwhelming,
pouring out the fullness of her soul now
In praise of goodness, now in invective
against evil. Then In other moments she
becomes appealing. In all her moods she
is splendid. It te partly the charm of
her varyisg vsice, partly. Ike csasecratk)
i, Evanseline IJoolh. ,,
of the saint which is mirrored upon her
face, and partly undying faith and hope
and justice for .which ihe Is giving her
The visit of Commander Evangeline
Booth was a marked event. It introduced
to us a great personage in modern re
ligious life, and one who by the sheer
method of going about and doing her Mas
ter's wtrk . is making greatly for the
good of the world.
By coming to Portland she accomplished
much. She has advanced her cause. In
many ways it will have its effect Let it
be known that Evangeline Booth did well.
Evidence That the Christ Spoke
What Ho reant.
"Is It Possible to Obey Christ's Com
mands in Our Day?" was the subject of
Kev. S. C. Lapbam's sermon, last even
ing, in the Second Baptist Church, East
Seventh and Ankeny streets. His text
was from John xiv:13, "If you love me
keep my commandments." He said, in
"There arc some commands given by
Jesus so difficult to carry out that men
are unwilling to take them literally. It
is true that Christ did speak in type, but
he also literally commands. Truth is not
less practical because it Is set forth in
parable. Pictures are not greater than
that which they represent. To say that
many of Christ's commands are imprac
tical and visionary Jdeals, that we are to
attempt to approximate, but, of course,
cannot reach, is to cast doubt upon all
and to make Jesus Christ a mere question
mark In all that he claimed for himself
as to his Saviorhood and his right to com
mand In our lives. If the commands to
'Give to him that asketh thee, and from
him that would borrow of thee, turn not
away, and to 'Love your enemies. are
but exaggerated statements and over
drawn ideals not to be considered literally,
then we are In a maze or questioning
about every command which bears upon
holy conduct in every-day life. Nor would
it do to shuffle off our responsibilities by
saying that modern life, business meth
ods and social standards make it impos
sible to obey every command of Christ.
What were the conditions of life, ch'ic
or religious, when the Christ laid down
his principles and precepts? With all we
may say of the heartless grind of modern"
life and methods, greed, combination,
competition, there was never a day this
side of Eden, so far as we may know,
when there were such free and unrestrict
ed opportunities for the expression of the
Christ life as In our day. No. the impos
sibility of a sincere, humble Christian life
does not lie In that direction. If it were
ever possible to obey Christ, it is today.
" 'Give to him that asked thee, and from
him that would borrow of thee, turn not
away. I suppose this Is about as ideal
and impractical a command as the skep
tical on this question could select. It
touches the quick of our selfish nature.
Is this literal? Yes, If language means
anything. It Is to be practiced. It is both
principle and precept. Within sense and
lines of reason we arc to do this. 1 would
not give my little child a razor to play
with. Poison and firearms are not to be
given to the Insane. We arc not com
pelled by this to 'give that which is holy
to dogs. Nor are we to fasten a 'Jewel
in a hog's snout. I have- children to be
fed. I have business obligations to meet.
I have a home to maintain. I have taxes
to pay. And I have fraternal dues to set
tle, but tins Scripture would teach that
we have obligations and responsibilities
to all men. To those outside the circle
of our self-interest. Christ would say by
this. 'Any man's need is your obligation
to relieve so far as it Is in your power.
Men are asking as of old. 'Who Is my
neighbor?" And the society that ministers
only to its own and claims to be doing the
Good Samaritan act is but enacting a
cheap travesty, and has wholly lost sight
of what Christ taught. But you say that
I cannot make money and do this. What
has money-making to do with bringing
in the Kingdom of Christ? I cannot suc
ceed in my business and obey such prin
ciples and commands. How do you know
that you cannot? Did you ever try? Lit
erally obey this command as far as In you
lies. God will protect you in the effort.
Try it for a month. You will not bank
rupt. Men do not bankrupt that way.
There are men who literally obey this
command; so can you.'
San Francisco Artist Is Still a Hav
ing Alanine.
Henry A. Sackett of San Francisco,
whu tried to commit suicide by Jump
ing overboard from the steamer Costa
Rica, which arrived in Portland Satur
day night, Avas taken from the pollco
station to the County Jail yesterday
where he was confined In a padded
cell. He is a raving maniac and it was
feared that he might Inflict serious in
jury upon himself by dashing against
the iron bans of his cell at the police
When Jocked up Saturday night
Sackett grabbed the bars of the steel
door and held onto them all night. He
did not release his hold until early
yesterday afternoon when his lingers
were pried loose so that he could bo
taken to the County Jail. The pollco
say that Sackett is suffering from de
lirium tremens. While It is supposed
that Sackett has friends in Portland no
one visited him yesterday, cither at the
police station or the County Jail.
Mrs. A. 11. Breyman has gone to Sea
side for a week.
E. F. Chase, of the Seattle Star. Is at
the Portland for a few days.
James McParland, the traveling auditor
of the Pinkerton Detective Bureau, Is in
the city on business connected with the
William Blake Upperman, a representa
tive of the New York World, is at the
Portland, and will remain in the city dur
ing a part of the Summer to attend the
Lewis and Clark Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Stewart, of Ta
coma, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart,
of San Francisco, are at the Portland for
a few days. The gentlemen are represen
tatives of the Do dwell Steamship Com
pany, and are in Portland on business for
the company.
WASHINGTON, May 2L (SpedaD-As-slstant
Secretary of the Treasury Taylor
is to go on an Inspection tour to the Port
land Exposition, stopping at Seattle on
public business.
PRINCETON. N. J.. May 21. (Special.)
Among the students who will receive the
bachelor of arts , degree from Princeton
University, June 11, at commencement,
are two from 'the Pacific Coast Frederick
Leslie Warren, of Warrenton, Or., and
Edwin Lawrence McKinlay, of Portland.
They are the only Coast graduates in the
NEW YORK. May (Special.) North
western people registered at New York
hotels today as follows:
From Portland W. E. King, at the Im
perial; Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams, at the
Grand Union.
From Seattle E. A. Manley. at the
Breslln; J. E. Price, L. McKenzle, at the
Off to Meet the Fleet
xnlral Birileff. who will have cosanaad of
the sea and. larva forces at Vialvotok,
will leave for the. Far May 36-
Strawberries and Onions Dis
cussed at Institute.
Oregon People May Have Strawber
ries Every -Day in Year Great
Possibilities in the Culti
vation of Onions.
Under the auspices of Milwaukie
Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, a local
farmers' institute was conducted Satur
day afternoon in the Town Hal, and was
largely attended. J. H. Read, assistant
lecturer, was in charge. It was the be
ginning of a series of similar events, the
object being to spread practical infor
mation among the farmers concerning
the cultivation of strawberries, the best
vegetables, to develop new varieties and
Improve the old ones. There were three
topics treated Saturday by C W. Swal
low, J. L. Johnson, and O. A. Frctag,
all being specialists in the line of which
they spoke.
Mr. Swallow, who Is an accepted au
thority on the strawberry subject, spoke
on this topic. He said:
"It Is very easy for the good man
to say that he has no-, time to bother
with a strawberry bed, and that he will
buy all that he wants, but how does It
turn out? He buys one. or perhaps two
crates, when they get very ripe, and he
has fresh strawberries for the table for
two or three times during the .season.
Now. what can one do if he has a few
hundred plants well taken care of? They
should be able to have fresh strawberries
from the vines for at least 50 days, and
perhaps will be able to pick ripe straw
berries In October. With favorable
months and conditions he can produce
quite a crop In the Fall. Now then. If
you have decided to have a strawberry
bed select a warm soil with some sand
in It, If possible. If the soil is poor,
enrich it. Hae It properly prepared and
thoroughly cultivated. If you have plenty
of land and can use a hand cultivator
have the rows as long as possible and
about three feet and three Inches apart,
plant the large growing plants three feet
apart. The smaller vines may be set
closer together. Some prefer setting out
the plants In the Fall, some In the Spring,
and others always want to set out the
Nines in May or June. I say, set them
out when you have the ground In good
condition. For the home garden I would
have several kinds so as to prolong the
fruiting season. Have a few of the real
early varieties, as the Michcls Early,
Climax. Texas, or Excelsior.
Have Strawberries a 63 Duys a Year.
"Then for the main crop have some
good canning variety so as to put up some
for the Winter and make the strawberry
season last 365 days In the year. The
Warfield, Oregon, Clarks Seedling. Rough
Reds and Magoon arc all good canning
berries. The Warfield Is the very best, I
think. For big fellows have a few Glen
Mary or Vicks, and for late plants the
Michigan. Gaudy. Lerman. Midnight or
Rough Rider. For 200 plants I would
select about as follows: Michel's Early.
SO Warfield. 40 Michigan, 20 Glen Mary
and 20 for trial of new kinds. I have
grown the following: Rio, Excelsior,
Michel's Early, Glen Mary. Victa, G!-n-dale,
Havcrland. Nick Ohncr, Wilson,
Brandywlne. Ideal. Magoon. Oregon,
Sherlybel, Mrs. Hansen, Gaudy, Rough
Rider and Michigan. Select the best
plants for best results. Land must be in
good, first-class condition."
Selecting Vines for Transplantiu'r.
Lecturer Reed said that in selecting
plants for propagation, Mr. Swallow
goes through a patch, and whenever ho
sees a particularly fine, thrifty vine, a
good producer, he marked that vine by
driving a stick alongside It. Then when
he is ready to plant new vines he takes
the new shoots from these thrifty vines,
with the result that better and more
thrifty plants are secured. "It was."
said Mr. Reed, "the survival of the fit
test." Captain J. P. Apperson said he be
lieved that strawberries may be suc
cessfully grown In the Wllllaraette Valley
If the ground Is put In proper condi
tion. Mr. Swallow answered questions for
eome time as to the cultivation of the
vines and how to cut the runners, when
the next topic was taken up.
Cultivation of Onions.
J. I Johnson presented the topic. "Cul
tivation of Onions." He said that the
land should have an underflow of water
to produce high-grade onions, but that
It was to be drained to a depth of from
18 to 20 Inches, and the water must be
controlled or the kind will not grow on
ions. Mr. Johnson said It took two or
three years to get beaver land in con
dition, as the beaver usually worked in a
depression, filling it with roots and logs,
which must be worked out. There were
many formations to contend with.
"I am very particular about the seed
I use. I must know that It Is first class,"
said Mr. Johnson, "and I do not pur
chase anywhere in the marked. Poor
seed will not produce a good crop. In
raising seed pick out the largest and
plumpest to grow seed from. 1 prefer
to pay C50 per pound for good seed than
7a cents for poor. Once In the ground
you must keep the "weeds down, for the
onions will not contend against the
weeds. You cannot properly cure them
unless free from weeds. T have grown
as firm onions from beaver land as any
onions I have ever seen. I always use
seed, and do not 'transplant, as is done
In the East. I get good results from the
seeds. Salt is a good thins to kill out
the small Insects In the early season.
I never use the commercial fertilizers.
They simply force the season's crop with
out benefitting the land. It Is like patent
medicine: you must increase the dose
constantly to get any good out of it
I have found that the barn manure is
the only fertilizer which does the land
permanent good.
Transplanting or Seeding; Which?
J. H. Reed You don't transplant on
ions? J. L. Johnson We don't transplant on
ions in Oregon. That Is the way we
do things in the East. I sow the seed
all the way from October to April
Mr. Reed At the Oregon Agricultural
College an experiment was tried. From
one acre of onions transplanted they got
934 bushel of onions, and from one acre
of seeds they got 24S bushels. How do
you account for that?
Mr. Johnson I usually get 600 bushels
per acre from land sowed In seeds. Tak
ing in consideration the cost of trans
planting onions compared with drilling
In the seeds, the balance Is largely in
favor of the latter method.
Captain J. A. Apperson said the best
results were from transplanting and that
method produced the best, firmest onions
tor 'Keeping ana ior the market. He said
ho considered that there was much land
in the Willamette Valley where first-
class onions could be produced that was
not beaver-dam land. He did not con
sider beaver dans the best for the pur
pose. His contention was that the farm
ers of the WHlaaette Valley could pro
duce tAous&Bds of alga-grade oaloas os
Jtfeeh: hum by. proper cultlvaties. He L
contended that the best results came
from onions transplanted la rows three
to four Inches apart, and not from the
seeds. Sometimes a row became a solid
mass of onions each three and four
inches broad, firm and fine for keeping.
Kalsing Good Vegetables.
O. A. Freetag, who raises high-grade
vegetables, said that preparation of the
land' spelled success or failure. He said
be prepared the land first and then gave
It rest for two weeks before he planted
anything. Better results were obtained.
He had obtained the best results from the
Danish snowball cauliflower, called the
Japanese bullet. Hs sets out the plants
about three feet apart. Some people,
who have small tracts, set out plants
one foot apart, but these can never pro
duce, high-grade vegetables, Mr. ree-
tag said he was able to obtain two
or three crops of cabbage by setting out
the plants wide apart, then setting out
again plants between the rows, so that
after the first crop Is out of the way
there Is another. He often obtained the
best results from the last or third crop.
In his garden are growing about 12
different kinds of "cauliflower and cab
bage from which he hopes to develop
something better than he now has. He
strives to get something better every
year. air. Freetag said oniy me oesL
of seeds should be purchased. He had
obtained best results from seeds pur
chased In Europe, as the growers there
seem to take more pains. AH the seeds
he had purchased from abroad had turned
out exactly as represented.
Clackamas County's Fair Display.
Clackamas County will make .an effort
to win the 51000 prize offered by the Lewis
and Clark Fair Commission for the best
agricultural display. Captain Apperson,
of Park Place, was at the Milwaukie
Grange Saturday to ask the co-operation
of the Grangers in the preparation and
maintaining of the exhibit. He asked
that every one begin now In the collec
tion of grasses.
"We want to show the Yankees who
come out here," said.. Captain Apperson,
"that we cah grow hie grasses and
everything else. Send your contributions
either to the courthouse at Oregon City
or to Portland where they will be re
ceived and taken care of. Clackamas
County has a space IS by 50 feet. We
asked for 100 by SO feet, but that was
all we could get. but wc have as much
space as any other county In this state.
We want to make the very best very
best display possible from Clackamas
County by the oo-operatlon of the farm
Christians Should Strive to Reach
Acme of Perfection.
In speaking of "The Ambitious Chris
tian" at the First United Presbyterian
Church. Rev. A. W. Wilson said in part:
"The easiest way to condemn a man In
the eyes of the nubile Is to label him an
ambitious man. Then every one seems
to feel that he Is Justified In using any
means, foul or fair, in accomplishing his
defeat. Brutus justified his crime against
Julius Caesar on the ground that Caesar
was ambitious. The enemies of tho great
protector found common ground for
united action by charging that Cromwell
was ambitious. An Influential editor said
of one who recently aspired to high honor
that his vaulting ambition should be
enough to condemn him in the eyes of
all honest men. The very word "ambi
tion" seems to contain a stigma. It is
commonly held to be unfitting the high
est Christian-manhood. Especially do we
condemn It in the church and among the
ministers of the church. An ambitious
minister how the term grates upon our
cars. But it should not grate upon our
ears. The minister or the man In any
other calling who is without ambition Is
a man without power.' Paul, the greatest-
of Chrlstlun ministers, was a most
anvoIUous mnn. And bis enemies were
not slow to make capital of It. They
went down to Corinth and tried to under
mine his influence there by charging that
he was a pretender, being no apostle at
nil. but being an ambitious man who
wished to exercise the powers of an
apostle and had assumed both the name
and office. With this premise they mis
construed his every action and made
many very plausible charges against his
Integrity. This chapter is Paul's reply
to all of these charges. But Paul does
not deny that he Is ambitious. Nay, he
glories In It. He claims to be a supremely
ambitious man. He alms at nothing
less than being the most fruitful of the
apostles, the one whose labors shall be
most abundant and whose work shall
tell most In the kingdom of the Lord
Jesus Christ. And what Is more, he
commends this ambition to all his disci
ples, to all who through him have be
come disciples of his Lord.
"I wish that every man In this city
who bears the name of Christ could
have this Christian ambition of which
Paul speaks. It consists of two things.
First of all It consists of having an aim
In life, a mark set up to hit. a goal to
reach. And It is somewhat disheartening
to see how many men there are who lack
this first clement of ambition. There is
no goal they are striving to reach. There
are a lot of things they are striving
to miss, and If only they can miss them
It matters little what they hit. The ex
treme example of this Is the tramp. You
cannot even say that he is ambitious
to live an easy life. He simply lacks all
ambition. He Is not aiming at anything.
He Is simply trying to miss a whole lot
of things, trying to escape everything
which flavors of honest labor. And there
are some men who bear the name ot
Christ who might well be called tramp
citizens in the kingdom of our Lord. They
are utterly aimless. Some of them don't
wish particularly to get to heaven. They
would be satisfied If they could just man
ago to miss the horrors of an eternal
hell. And what-a hindrance these.- tramp
churchmen arc. They, are noCorily fruit
less, but a dead weight.
"But there Is a second element which
is equally essential to a true ambition
Not only must we aim high, but we must
also bend every energy to. tho attain
ment of that aim. F. B. Meyer said in
one of his recent addresses In this city:
T like that American motto, "Hitch your
wagon to a star." I believe in the star
and I also "believe In the wagon.' It takes
both to make an ambition that Is worthy
ot the Christian, the high aim and the
steadfast bending of every energy to
the attainment of that aim. He who
lacks either clement is not an ambitious
Christian: and the Christian without am
bltion is a Christian without power, and
the Christian without power is a Chris
tian without reward."
Vauxhall Sunk In Collision.
TYNEMOUTH. England. May 21. The
British steamer Broadmayne, Captain
Haynes. from Port Arthur. Tex via Ant
werp. has arrived here with her stem
badly damaged. She reports having been
in collision here with the British steamer
Vauxhall. The Vauxhall sank. Her crew
was rescued.
tism Cnro
falls to
pains in
stiff or
JoUts la
a. few kowra. Positively ewes is a few days. It
doe aet pat the disease to eleey, but drives It
irvm the cystMB. MU2XK, Xki.
The Spiritual Microbe - Proof
' Life Is Discussed.
Rev. Heppc Declares the Present Day
Needs Less Theology and More
Chrlstology, Lcss-Professlon.
and More Confession.
At the Centenary M. E. Church, yester
day morning Rev. William E. Heppc
spoke on 'The Spiritual Microbe-Proof
Life." He said in part:
"One of the oddest houses in the world
was erected by a, scientist in Yokohama.
Japan It Is dust-proof and microbe-proof.
it is built of cellular blocks of class.
The air is forced through a pipe from
some distance, and Is Altered through cot
ton to retain the bacteria. After com
ing out of the pipe It Is blown against
a glycerine-coated plate of glass, fur
ther insuring the sterilization of the air.
Christians should live lives that are as
spiritually microbe-proof. Our Hve3
should be constructed according to those
high spiritual principles that will make
them proof against evil microbes, against
the inroads of sin. what kind of a re
ligion is that which cannot fortify mo
against sin? It Is impossible to develop
a physical health that Is proof against
microbes, that has power to ward off.
like a giant, the attacks of disease, shall
It be considered Improbable to develop
soul health that may become spiritually
microbe-proof? well, here It Is. very
simple, very nature, so simple because
so natural. Jesus tells us: 'Abide In Me.
"We will ever realize the naturalness
of Christian living? WIthi the Master
true Christian living Is so natural that
he finds practically no difference be
tween the methods and workings of Na
ture .and of the Spirit. He lifts It out
of the realm of tho mysterious and mys
tical and puts on the plane of the nat
ural. The time has come when religious
experiences should be simplified, natural
ized. There has been too much wrang
ling over the mere words and phrases.
We need less theology and more Christ
ology: less words and more life; less
profession and more confession.
"If we should live lives that are proof
against sin we must abide In Christ
Biologists tell us that the air surround
ing us Is laden with all kinds of germs.
All that Is necessary Is to provide the
right conditions and they will grow and
multiply at x marvelous rate. As Christ
ians we are constantly environed by the
microbes of sin. Wo will never come to
the place where we will be exempt from
temptations and possibilities to sin.
Christ was not. We read: 'And when
the Devil had ended all the temptation,
he departed from him for a season.
These microbes of sin must find suitable
soil within before they can grow and
flourish. Once the conditions are pro
vided It is only a question of time when
Eln will grow rank In our lives, like
wee da in a neglected garden. As long
as we do abide In Christ no such con
ditions can arise, no such soil will be
provided. It Is absolutely Impossible for
sin to enter our lives when we are en
sphered in Christ.
We are familiar with that peculiar some
thing which, for want of a better word,
we cell the moral atmosphere surround
ing a personam j. This must always
be reckoned with in understanding and
measuring an Individual. Hence the his
torian in speaking of Kossuth's Influence
over the multitudes says: 'We must first
reckon with the orator's physical bulk
and then carry the measuring-line about
his atmosphere.' Coming Into the atmos
phere of some Individuals we are at
tracted: in other instances (repelled.
When King Saul sent messengers to take
David, coming into the atmosphere of
Samuel and of the prophets, they re
mained to prophesy. Three different
groups were thus affected, and when
Saul himself came he could not with
stand the influence that radiated from
these holy men, and men asked: 'Is
Saul also coming among the prophets?
Officers were sent upon one occasion to
arrest Christ, but coming within His
holy atmosphere they forgot their mis
sion, and returned without him. When
asked for an explanation they said:
'Never man spake like this man. Abid
ing In Christ we are ensphered by His
I Odd
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holy atmosphere and sis cannot, touch
lis. Christ is a wall of fire about us
which no sin can. penetrate and live.
John says: We know that whatsoever
is born of. God alnneth not; but he that
is begotten of God keepeth himself, and
that wicked one toucheth him. not. If
we abide in Christ Christ abides In us,
and greater is he that is In us, than he
that is. In the world."
Rev. E. S. Muckley Says They Need
the Adventuresome Spirit.
Rev. E. S. Muckley, of the First Chris
tian Church, spoke yesterday morning on
"Shallow-Water Christians," from Luke
v:4, "Launch out into the deep." He said:
"The word 'deep" carries with it the
thought of danger and risk which stand
in the way of all progress.
The river is too deep to cross, though
there is gold on the other side. The
mountain Is too high to cross, though rich
pasture lands He beyond. The problem
Is too difficult to solve, though the world's
happiness depends on its solution. The
enemy la too strong to conquer, though
peace and harmony will follow the vic
tory. "The shallow-water Christian is discov
ered by reform movements. He is afraid
to stand for righteousness when it costs
something, for fear he will make enemies
who will hurt him. He Is seen In Chris
tian work Undertakes little tasks, plays
at work, paddles in water knee deep when
he ought to be launching out into the
deep. Makes tho church a playhouse In
stead of a workshop. The people must
be entertained, is the cry. 'We can win
the masses If we entertain them. But
the masses will be won when the church
undertakes and executes large enterprises,
when business men will think for the
church as for their own enterprises.
"Shallow-water Christians are seen in
their experiences "or lack of experiences.
No deep religious life, all surface religion.
They have nothing worth talking about.
Get out into the deep of absolute trust in
God and you will have an experience, have
a new one each day. Hunters and soldiers
have experiences worth talking about.
Why should not Christians? Hunter is
ashamed If no game is caught; soldier, if
no battles fought. Why should not the
Christian be ashamed If he has had no
Christian experience.
"The Christian should have the adven
turous spirit, should take risks, not In
the sense of gambling, but In the sense
of trusting his latent powers, under di
vine directions, to carry him to success.
The world's heroes have been venture
some, have been willing to pay the cost of
success In toll and hardship. Pizarro, at
tracted "by the rumored splendor of the Pe
ruvian empire, left Panama In 1524, failed,
but two years later led an expedition into
the interior. When his men, worn by fa
tigue and sickness, wanted to give up, he
drew a line on the sand from east to west,
and said: 'Comrades, on that side are
toll, hunger, nakedness, drenching storm,
battle and death; on this side are ease
and safety. But on that side lies Peru,
with its wealth: on this is Panama, with
its poverty. Choose, each man, what be
comes a Castilian. For my part, 1 go to
the south." He crossed the line. Thir
teen brave men followed. He penetrated
to the city of Tumbez and saw the fabu
lous riches with his own eyes. In 1531.
armed with authority from the Spanish
court, he led an expedition for conquest
with a force of 110 foot soldiers, 67 horse
men and two pieces of artillery, and over
threw the Incas empire, extending 2000
miles along the coast. His cruelty and
deception were appalling. We want none
of that. But we need that spirit In the
Christian life to succeed. It was Dewey's
splendid risk that made him famous. We
need the spirit that made Robert Moffat
risk his life in the hands of the fierce
chief, Afrlcanan. and live in his home
and win him o Christ and impart the
missionary spirit to him. Friends had
warned him that Africanas would make a
drinking cup of his skull and a drumhead
of his skin. But he risked in the name
of Christ and won."
3Iute School to Be Enlarged.
SALEM. Or.. May 21. Special.) The
Board of Trustees of the State Mute
School have decided to make a number
of changes In the buildings at that insti
tution In order to Improve sanitary con
dltions, and will also enlarge the build
ings so as to accommodate 15 to 20 more
pupils. The number of pupils now Is
about 60. The closing exercises for the
present year will be held next Tuesday
If Baby Is Cattiar Teeth.
Be ion ana uae ftiat old and well-tried ressedr,
Mrs. Whitlow Soothing Syrup, for children
teething. It soothes the child, softest the conu,
JUrt all pain, core wind colic and diarrhoea.
Chunky chaps who
mourn their figures, and
lanky ones who feel
laughable, dislike to
order new clothes. They
mistrust he tape-liners
who measure their ex
panses. Stein-Bloch tailors have mas
tered the science of fitting every
style of figure. That is "why
Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes
will fit men of every sixe and
shape to perfection.
Write for -Sriarinets," an edu
cation in correct dress, which also
explains the wonderful Wool Test
and tells you where Stein-Bloch
Smart Clothes are sold in your city.
Wholesale Tailors
130-33 Fifth Ave., Tailor Shops,
New York. Rochester, N. Y.
Above all other thing, ire "trlve to save the thou
sands of young and middle-aged men who are plung
ing toward the grave, tortured by the -woes of nervous
vlebillty. We have evolved a special treatment for
Nervous Debility and special weakness that is uni
formly successful in cases where success was before
and by other doctors deemed, impossible. It does not
stimulate temporarily, but restores, permanently. It
allays Irritations of the delicate tissues surrounding
the lax and unduly expanded glands, contracting them
to their normal condition, which prevents lost vitality.
It tones up and strengthens the blood vessels that
carry nourishment. The patient realizes a great blight
has been lifted from his life
We want all MEN' WHO ARE SUFFERING from any
disease or special' weakness to feel that they can come
to our office freely for examination and explanation
ot their condition FREE OF CHARGE, without being
bound by any obligation whatever to take treatment
unless they so desire. We cure
Dangers and Pain of This Critical Period
Avoided, by the Use) of Lydla 3. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
How many wo
men realize that
the most critical
period in. a wo
man's existence
is the change of
life, and that the
anxiety felt by
women as this
time draws near.,
is not without
reason ?
If her system is in a deranged condi
tion, or she is "predisposed to apoplexy
or congestion of any organ, it is atthia
time likely to become active and, with
a host of nervous irritations, make life
a burden.
At this time, also, cancers and tumors
are more liable to begin their destruc
tive work. Such warning symptoms as
a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, diz
ziness, headache, dread of impending
evil, sounds in the ears, timidity, pal
pitation of the heart, sparks before
the eyes, irregularities, constipation,
variable appetite, weakness and inqui
etude are promptly heeded by intelli
gent women who are approaching the
period of life when woman's great
change may be expected.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is the world's greatest remedy
for women at this trying period, and
may be relied upon to overcome all dis
tressing symptoms and carry them
safely through to a healthy and happy
old age.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound invigorates and strengthens the
female organism, and builds up the
weakened nervous system as no other
medicine can.
Mrs. A. E. G. Hyland, of Chester
town, Md., in a letter to Mrs. Pink
ham, says :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
"I bad been suffering with falling of the
womb for years and was passing through the
change of life. My womb was badly swollen.
I had a good deal of soreness, dizzy spells,
headaches, and was very nervous. I wrote
you for advice and commenced treatment
with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound as you directed, and I am happy to say
that all those distressing symptoms left me,
and I have passed safely through the change
of life a well woman." v
For special advice regarding this im
portant period women are invited to
write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. It
is free and always helpful.
Every pain in the breast, dif
ficult breathing, palpitation,
fluttering or dizzy spell means
that your heart is straining it
self in its effort to keep in
motion. This is dangerous.
Some sudden strain from over
exertion .or excitement will
completely exhaust the nerves,
or rupture the walls or arteries
of the heart, and it will stop.
Relieve this terrible strain at
once with Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure. It invigorates and
strengthens the" heart nerves
and muscles, stimulates the
heart action, and relieves the
pain and misery.
Take no chances ; make your
. heart strong and vigorous with
'Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
"I suffered terribly with heart dis
ease. I have been treated by
different physicians for my trouble
without results. I -went to a physi
cian in Memphis, who claimed that
I had dropsy of the heart. He put
the X-ray on me, and in connection
with his medicine ha came near mak
ing a finish of me. Some time before
this a Mr. Young; of St. Louis, was
in or town. He saw my condition,
and recommended Dr. 3ICes" Heart
Care to me. I gave it little attention
'until my itituiu from Memphis, when.
I concluded to try it, and am pleased
to say three battles cured me.
Caruthersville, Mo.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the ffrst bottfe will benefit. If It fails
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
want every man afflicted with the above
diseases to honestly invesUgate our spe
cial system of treatment. We invite in
particular all who have treated elsewhere
without success, alt whose cases havo
been abandoned by family physicians and
so-called "SPECIALISTS," all whose
troubles have been aggravated and made
worse by the use of BELTS. FREE SAM
called SPECIFICS. We will explain to
you why such treatment has failed to cure
you, and will demonstrate to your entire .
satisfaction that we can cure you safely,
quickly and permanently. Our counsel
will cost nothing, and we will do by you
as we would wish you to do by us If our
cases were reversed. Write for our home
treatment if you cannot call."
.Rooms 6 aad 7 Winchester House. 3d and
Burnftlde Streets. Portland, Or.
Established 1876.
Is especially valuable during tht
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cupations and sports are most ill
field to it, and it is particularlr
Kgreeable when used in the btti
titer violent exercise.
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