Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 20, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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FriflcijHti Portkai Ageats for ttfick Pafterms Paalcatioac - t
Meier & Frank Store OpenTonight Until 9:30
- 'Headqwjrtfrs for Carp . Rwyt, Crtaiat. qmi leddlig
Meier & Frank StoreOpenTonight Until 9:3ti
Mayor WiHiams Proposes to
Make a Whirlwind
Republican Nominee for Ma yor Does
Xot Intend to .Rest Quietly Un
der' Abuse Heaped Upon
'Him by Democrats.
"Well, I think I'll shake the boys up
c. bit.'
Such was Mayor "Williams response
jesterday to the question whether be
would let loose oratorical whirlwinds
in his stump speech at Albina next
Monday night. And His Honor looked
as if he might really "shake the boys
up a bit."
"The Citizens' ticket," said he, "has
been put up by scheming Democrats
to gull a lot of 'Republicans, who after
the election may find themselves
stranded outside the party. "What the
people of this city ought to see is a.
clean-cut Issue between JLanc and my
self, without any of such tricks as a
'Citizens' ticket.' "What is the Citi
cens' ticket,' anyhow? What does it
mean? I suppose that the men behind
it think their people the only citizens
in town," and the Mayor spoke in a
I've-got-some-citizens-Jn-my-camp- too
and I'm-a-citizen-myself tone of voice.
Will Defend Record.
"When Roosevelt ran for President
last Fall he was attacked on his rec
ord by the Democratic candidate, Par
ker, who really had no record and was
the candidate simply of opposition. In
that fight Roosevelt was on the defen
fsie. Now 1 am running for re-election
to the Mayoralty of Portland and
my record is attacked. It is my right
to defend that record, and I can de
fend it. I have no apprehension on
that score whatever. Dr. Lane has
little conception of the duties of this
office. The most important episode of
his career was his appointment as su
perintendent or the Oregon State In
sane Asylum, from which he was re
moved by Governor Pennoyer,
"In my speeches I shall explain the
slanders and alleged scandals that
haa been told of my administration
to the satisfaction of my auditors. I
am confident I can do it."
Whereupon His Honor picked up a
paper on his desk containing a news
paper account, nearly two years old,
of the bad condition of the fire-cnglne-houscs'of
the city. The roofs were
leaking, the horses were breaking
through the floors, the air was vilo
and unlit for the firemen to live in,
rats abounded and floors were sagging
under their rotten supports.
"Yet we had no city money to repair
our fire-engine-houses," proceeded the
Mayor, "and couldn't get any. Ele
cted roadways were tumbling down
and endangering the public and the
city had hardly a decent street. The
olice force was so small as to be in-
ijuate for the needs of the munici
pality. In order to tide thcclty over
Its financial difficulties, the City Coun
cil and the Executive Board proposed
the plan of lining gamblers in order
to derive revenue to run the city gov
ernment, and I acquiesced in the plan.
1 shall ask the people whether it was
wicked, under such circumstances to
take the money of gamblers and put it
to those uses."
To show that the City Council and
other officers of the city entered Into
the plan and approved it and .per
suaded the Mayor into it. Mayor Will
lams produced a clipping from a news
paper interview, given by. L. Zlmmer
snjm, president of the Council, Novem
ber 1903. Mr. Zimmerman said:
Speakinz tor myself. I am frank to con
fess I hav bren Instrumental In jxrsuadlns
the Mayor to adopt tbo present Fystem. and o
JlktwUc have a larse majority of the city
officials. I have atro approached the Mayor
(to persuade him) to Include all the money
elot machines In the flnlnc list, pa I consider
them as much gambling devices as faro or any
other paytnc tine, but I am fori? Vi tate
I have not pucverded.
"Of course he didn't succeed." broke in
the Mayor yesterday on coming to this
point of the interview. "Of course he
didn't. I drew the line at slot machines.
That was one of the limitations I placed
on the fining system." The interview con
tinued: I fall to we why some of our city o.Ticials
phould shirk some of the rcsponslllllt . ir ary
exlets. Certainly, the Mayor Is not alone
responsible for the present policy, inasmuch
as he consented to It only after lie had iW-l-tlve
proot that gambling was conducted be
hind closed doorf.
From my personal knowledge of the ci y's
finances, the money paid -by gamblers has b-on
1 ut to very good use for the last five month.
The tax levy of last year was insufficient
Tor the lire, police and street -departments,
and large deficiencies existed In all the de
partments, which, had to be paid for out of
the general fund. That fund fortunately has
been fattened by the fines collected in the
Police Court, and I know of rto reason why
enough tinea should not be collected to main
tain the entire police force. The fire depart
ment has been in a dilapidated condition, and
I think I am safe In saying that the same
conditions will not exist after expiration of
the present adminlMration.
Again, the charter piwldes that the city
shall keep In repair for a certain number of
years all newly Improved streets, whether they
consist of macadam, asphalt, wood or 3Jcl
glan block or any other material. Should not
the taxpayer have some little consideration?
Must he pay for all this? I do not think
any one connected with the city government
under Major Williams' administration will
need to be ashamed of it.
Chairman Colwell, of the Republican
City Central Committee, has booked May
or Williams to speak at Sellwood next
week, on Wednesday. Chairman Monta
gue, of the Democratic campaign com
mittee, is arranging for a. series of ex
hibitions by Dr. Dane. The Republican
campaign headquarters are la the Mc-
Jay building, room 205, where Mr. Col
well lias all the paraphernalia of his of
fice. The Democratic headquarters are
on the west side of Sixth, between Wash
ington and Stark street, upstairs.
a no
"Parsifal" at the Marquam.
Pictorial "Parsifal" was repeated at the
Marquam last night under the direction
of J. Alex Hanna. who delivered an in
teresting lecture on Wagner's master
piece as an accompaniment to the pictures.
Mrs. Walter Reed, sang "The Nightin
gale's Song," by Kevin, "Habanera,"
from "Carmen," Bond's "Shadows," and
"I Know a Dovely Garden" by D'Harde-
lot- The moving pictures of the drama-
opera were by far the best ever seen 'here.
the concluding series called "The Reign
of Louis XTV" being even finer than the
"Parsifal" scenes; The Incidental music
was well done.
The entertainment will be repeated at
a matinee today given for the benefit of
school children, and. again tonight.
Xuure's rewedy-fer ofetlsatc indigestion.
Bargains for Men
The Men's Outfitting Section has prepared a great feast of special
values for Saturday shoppers; seasonable furnishings of every descrip
tion at prices that cannot fail to interest you. Here are bargains
worthy your careful consideration:
Men's Madras and Oxford Stocks, all desirable patterns, JtQ
75c, $1.00 and $L25 values are on sale at, each.-. 5 rC
Men's fancy embroidered cotton Half-Hose, a great variety t
of patterns, all sizes, wonderful value, pair C
Lewis and Clark Souvenir Handkerchiefs at, each 19i
Men's French. Balbriggan Underwear, fine imported gar
ments, shirts and drawers, Summer weight, all sizes, value r
extraordinary today at ; . . O C
Men's Grenadine "Windsor Ties, all colors, each -.19
Men's derby-ribbed Underwear, form-fitting, nicely made, satin
faced, tape neck, blue and brown, all sizes, shirts and
drawers; our best 50e Underwear, today ." fC
Great Shirt Bargains
1000 Men's Golf Shirts, plain or plaited bosom, in
Madras, Chambray and Oxfords, -also plain
white Oxfords, all sizes; great assortment;
this season's best $1.00 values, ?C
on sale for ft OC
Men's fine Pongee Silk Negligee Shirts with soft
collar attached, cream and champagne colors,'
all sizes; best $3.00 values, on sale f i on
. today at ;.... I .07
50c Suspenders 29c a Pair
"Men's 50c Lisle "Web Suspenders, best styles and
patterns, unequaled value today .
at low price of, pair 47w
$1.00 Nightshirts 79c Each
50 dozen Men's Night Shirts, plain or trimmed
styles, with or without collar, light and heavy
weight Muslin, all sizes; our best $1 fPQ
values, on sale today at . 7C
Sale of "DennisonV Products
Lunch Sets, Napkins, Crepe Papers, Sealing Wax, Etc.
The Dennison Paper Novelties are finding greater favor
every dayThey combine usefulness with economy For
the household, library and parties a complete stock at
special prices
50 styles of Crepe Paper Nap-
Kins, au me latest de-
signs, special, doz
Plain white Crepe Paper Nap
kins, best on the market, par
ticularly good for res- q c
taurant trade, 1000... 7JC
Crepe Paper Lunch Sets, con
taining 12 napkins and lunch
cloth 42x70 inches, beautiful
new patterns; great q
special value at, each. . 7v
Doll Sets for children, q
special, each....:..... 7C
Crepe Paper, in rolls, all o
colors, roll OC
Fancy Crepe Paper for lamp shades and fancy work, .c
great special value, fold ; ; 1 DC
Dennison 's Gum Stick Tickets, all sizes, 1000 for... 49
Dennison s Sealing Wax, all colors, at 7
Old English Letter-Seals, all letters, each 12
Dennison s Paper Fasteners, box, 25c, 20c and 15c
A Saturday Sale of
Children's Shoes
Misses' vici Idd and patent leath
er 3-strap Slippers, all this seas
ons goods:..
izes 5 to 8 for, pair 85
Sizes 9 to 11 for, pair 95 ?
Sizes 12 to 2 for, pair.... $1.05
Little Gents' Lace Shaesvici kid,,
kangarette calf and-satin" calf:
all good, durable styles, great
Sizes 9 to 13 for, pair.. $1.28
Sizes 1 to 2 for, pair $1.38
Sizes 2 to 5Mr, pair $1.48
Women's Oxfords
$1.28 Pair
500 pairs "Women's Oxfords, in
kid, light and heavy soles, sizes
IV-i to o; wonderful value for to
day only at this low
price, pair ,
Men's Genuine Panama Hats
Genuine Panama fZA C
Hats at, each... O J
Untrimmed Pan
ama Hats, ca. .. s30
Headquarters for Panama
Hats at prices ranging from
$4.50 to $15.00.
All the new blocks in
"Hawcs" famous $3.00 Hats
for men;, dcrbys and .soft
styles; black, gray, tans, etc.
J. B. Steson's famous $4.00
and $5.00 Hats, dorbys and
soft styles; new blocks.
Men 's Straw Sailors at all prices
Young Men.
Straw Hats for Boys and
Knit Underw'r
Women's bleached ribbed Vests,
high-neck and long sleeves, silk
crocheted edges, knee-length
pants to match, all sizes,
best 65c values rOC
Women's Aretex cotton-mesh. Un
derwear, including high-neck and
long-sleeve Vests and knee
lcngtli Pants, also combination
suits, high-neck, long-sleeves,
ankle length great DrrA
values I "far il ILC
Drug Sundries
Woodbury's Facial Soap 16c
Juvenile Soap, cake 33c
Old-Fashioned Soap, cake. 7c
Buttermilk Complexion Soap,
La Premier Castile Soap. bar.... 7c
2-lb. bar Bernado Castile Soap. 36c
Royal Glycerine Soap, box...... 4e
Windsome Hotel Soap, dozen.... 19c
Bathasweet Rice Powder for the
nursery and -home, 25c value to
day at, box ...........15c
Coke's Dandruff Cure 36c
Eastman's Benzoin trd Almond lo
tion, bottle 18c
Purity Violet Cold Cream 9e
White's Tooth Powder, bottle... 35c
Wright's Antiseptic Tooth Soap. 18c
Liquid Veneer for furniture, pianos,
fine woodwork, etc Makes old
things new. 50c value .98c
Spirit Gas Stoves, each 48c
"Queen" Fountain Syringes, best
grade white rubber, rapid flow.
fully guaranteed $1.33
Complete stock of Syringes, Hot
Water Bags, etc., at the very low
est prices.
25c Hdkfs. 2lAc
Women's hemstitched, hand-embroidered,
all pure linen Initial
Handkerchiefs, also embroidered
corners, great lot of 20c and 25c
values, on sale at I2c
50c Gloves 39c
Woments one and two-clasp Suede
Lisle Gloves, in mode, gray, black
and white, all sizes from 5& to 7;
regular 50c values, your fl
choice at, pair OVC
New red and green silk fabric
Gloves, pair 9
Best quality silk llallnes, black,
white," cream and .nil leading
shades; 25c value today A
at, yard lC
Tan Hosiery for women, misses,
children and boys. All tne best
styles and grades. All prices.
$1.25 Bags 93c
Women's walrus, seal arid grain
Leather Bags, moire silk lined,
leather handles', gilt and nickel
frames, double clasp,, inside
pocket and coin purse; best
51.25 values for, each ......fC
Women's crushed Leather Belts,
made with gilt buckles, new col
ors, all sizes; 50c values for. .38c
Fancy filled-edg pure silk Garter
Elastic, pink, blue, orange, black
and white, great values.-yard. .11c
Hicks celebrated lightweight wash
able Dress Shields, none better,
sizes 1, 2, 3, pair..- ..28c, asc
Sole Portland agents for the "Oster
jnoor' patent elastic felt mattresses.
All sizes. Third, floor.
Saturday Sale of Men's Clothing
Last day of the great special sale of men's and yogng men's clothing This season's moit
attractive styles and materials are priced at the lowest point of the year Second Floor
$20.00 Suits $12.35
Hen's fine quality all-wool black Worsted and
Thibet Suits, cut in the latest fashion; best
Serge lining; hand-made buttonholes; hand
fclled collar; warranted liigh-grade garments
in every particular; all sizes;
reg. $18.00. and $20.00 value 3
All our $3.50, $4.0a and $4:50 Trousers, in black
Clay Worsted and blue Serge; well made and
perfect fitting; great special 1ft
value at, pair 1 VI
Outing Sirits $10.15
100 Glen's Outing Suits; air this season's- best
styles, in single or double-breasted sack coats;
fancy Homepuns, fancy Flannels, fancy
Tweeds, skeleton-lined; trousers with belt loops
and turn-up bottoms; a great variety of pat
terns, in all the leading shades and combina
tions; Suits the exclusive stores would ask you
$15 to $18 for; today, your xia ir
choice Iwi 1 J
Young Men's Clothing Entire Stock Reduced
.Entire $13.50 line of Young Men's Suits, in
Tweeds, Homespuns, Cheviots and fancy Worst
ed; this season's best styles, in great variety,
all ages; great value at this 11 fi
low price . .S vv
Entire line of Young Men's Suits, $15.00 and
$16.50 yalues, in n&ndsome unfinished Worst
eds; great variety of this season's very best
styles, for your choosing at this ftC
low price .S 3UO
Entire $20.00 line of Young Men's Suits, in the
most desirable materials and styles; all the
popular shades and patterns; your choice of
the entire stock today at this 1 fi C
" low price Q0 J
Young Men's fine all-wool Suits, in Cheviots,
Tweeds, Csssimeres and Worsteds; beat pat
terns; also brown and gray-mixed Cheviot; '14
to 20-year sizes; wonderful -values v L
for today at this low price. ....... ,.VyJ
Children's Apparel Greatly Reduced
In thm children's department today mothers can supply Smnmer
gar ts for the chgdrn at a frig saving Snits, Coats and Dresses
of the latett styles, wool or wash materials, attractive, serviceable
apparel at lower prices than it has ever been offered for before
Children's Presses 95c Each
300 Children's Wash Dresses, made in Percales and Ginghams, Bussian and
fancy styles, braid-trimmed, all colors, ages 4 to M years; a OS
big variety to select from; greatest values we'have ever offered . -rC
Children's $7.00 Coats $4.85 Each
Little Girls' Coats, made in Tweeds, Homespuns, Cheviots and Covert mater
ials; Peter Thompson styles, trimmed in gilt buttons and emblem 7 colors
light and dark gray mixtures, blue, brown and castor, ages C A ft tL
2 to 6 years; regular $6.50 and $7.00 Coats, on sale for $03
Children's Buster Brown Dresses, made of very fine quality Galatea Cloth,
plain colors, also pink, white, blue and fancy stripes; ages if
4 to 12 years; regular $6 values, on sale today at vstO
Children's Wash Dresses, made in Linen Crash
and Ginghams, Russian and fancy styles-; blue,
pink and fancy stripes ; ages 6 to 14 years ; this
season's pretty styles; regular re
$3.50 values J
Children's White Dresses, made in French Piques,
Russian styles, collars and cuffs made of light
blue materials to match; ages 6 to A AO
- 12 years; regular $7 values N?"iK"0
Saturday's Great Millinery Bargains
A splendid array of Special values in the millinery section todaySecond Floor
Misses' fine Milan "Sinbad" Sailors, roll-brim, trimmed with
three yards of satin ribbon.; white with cardinal, light blue
and navy ribbon; handsome styles; regular tf? 1
$3.50 values, today;
Special saleof 90 Ready-to-Trim Hats,Jn turbans and Maxine
Elliotts, of peroxoline braids and chiffons; white, brown,
champagne, black and navy, handsome styles; every one
$5.00 values; your choice at the low price of $2.75
100 Trimmed Hats at $1.25 Each
100 Women's Straw Sailors and Turbans.'blue, black, brown
and champagne; best shapes; trimmed with lace, roses, pop
pies and foliage; marvelous values for today at
the special price of I ..' v I
Misses' Exposition Hats of Mexican straw, white, navy, brown,
cardinal, cutter color and brown; great special
values for two days at, each
Children's trimmed Leghorn Hats, trimmed with
ribbon, velvet and lace; wonderful Oft
value at this low price -JOC
Children's untrimmed Leghorns, 1000 of Q
them, lace edge; matchless value, caeh..-C
Largest and best stock of Infants' Bonnets-
Photo Dept.
Pyrosalllc AciJ, 50c value 3c
HyJrochlnou. lflc value vi....35c
Hypo, 5c value, pound......... .....Se
Po-wJered Alum, 15c value, pKg l&c
Water Colors for coloring: photos, 75c
value for ...toe
Carrying Cases for, each.. 91.13
Tumbler Graduates ...... I. .TenaA lc
Squeegee JtoUcrs, 20c value... ...14c
In our camera department, 2 to 6 P. M.,
today. Brine one . of your best nega
tives and get a free print on "Cyko"
paper. The best 'developing' paper on
the market.
Basement Specials Today
Our highest-grade "Peninsular"
planished Steel Ranges, 10 years'
guarantee, 5D per cent more heating
and cooking capacity than any other
$57.50 model. $3350 $42 model. f3$.3
Granite Rice Boilers ..........83c
$1.00 nickel Rice Boilers.. .......79c
17-qt. granite, Dish ans... 96c
5-qt. Berlin Sauce Pans.. 52c'
Granite iron Teapots 2Sc
Scrub Brushes, each............. 8c
91.25 Food Choppers 8Sc
Wire Extension Strainers 16c
Wire Meat Safes -1.13
Savory Roasters, each 9Sc
Granite Bread Pans, each....... 19c
Dover Egg Beaters, each Sc.
2-qt. granite Sauce Pans 21c
2-qt. granite Coffee Pots 33c
Large Frying Pans, each 22c
10-qt. tin Dish Pans, each 24c
Can Openers, each 8c
Steel Knives and Forks, wood han
dles, great values, set.. 82c
Nickel Teaspoons, 6" for 33c
Nickel. Tablespoons,' 6 for 66c
! Steel "Butcher Kniv.eseach 21c
Paring Knives, each 8c
Thiu blown Tumblers, each.. 4c
Decorated semi-porcelain Plates 7
inch size; sale price, dozen.. .91.40
Glass Water Pitchers, each 42c
4-piece Glass Sets, each 4Sc
Flour Sifters, each 12o
No.. S-granite Teakettles, eaca.-.S2c
Great Saturday Sale of Silk
Shirtwaist Suits
Hundreds of our handsomest Silk Shh-twaist Suits are on sale
today at great reductions from the regular prices Values
you can't equal in town
A superb showing of pretty styles fancy Combination Silks in
black and white, blue and white, brown and white, soft-finish. Taf
fetas in plain colors: black blue and brown Changeable Silks and
Checked. Silks; Waists made with broad plaits, siderplaits or clus-
ters of tucks; full pouch fronts, either blouse or straight backs;
Skirts in kilt effects, box-plaits or shirred; all this season's prettiest '
"styles, in all-sizes1 and values extraordinary at the following excep
tionally low prices :
Regular $16.50 Suits... $12.65
Regular $18.50 Suits... 14.25
Regular $20.00 Suits. . .$16.45
In the Waist Department today.
Flannelette; fancy figured and dotted; light and dark
colors; gre"at value at
Regular $24.00 Suits... $20.55
Regular. $2&00 Suits. . .$22.85
Regular $30.00 Suits... $24.65
200 long Kimonas, in Lawn and
Lawn and Flannelette Dressing; great values, each... 55
New "Percale Wrappers ,in the best patterns and colors, each. .95
35c Ribbons at 18c
Grand Ribbon special for today, 3000
yards of 4-inch Satin Taffetas in, all
the leading shades; fancy striped and
polka dot Ribbons, -3 inches wide,
and a big variety of odds and ends in
silk-warp Dresden Ribbons, suitable
for neckwear and dress trimming,,
also .millinery purposes. The great
majority of -the lot are regular 35c
values; your choice at, yard. .....18c
Wash Goods Sale
56c silk -Madras, la a variety of 53 pat
terns, all--, the newest colorings.
Da'lnty. fi.gures for waists and shirt
waist suns. XiXira speci&i
value, yard
30c and 35c Flowered Serpolets and
Voiles agured and flowered effects
25c patterns All ' the " leading
shades, ureat special values
- at, yard
2,68 and 52.3ft values , in white;
.Embroidered SRtrtwawt lengths ;
Lawns, liaeas, etc Handsome styles
your choice ef 2M at this 0 r
low price, patters. 7C
iScMc fancy whit Piques, li
HtaalBM, Madras; etc., yard..lAC
Book Dept.
Latest fiction "The Orchid," by Robert
Grant; "The Purple ParasoV' by ifc-
Cutcheon, $1.08; "The Flower of Destiny," by Or'cutt,
$1.08; "Kate Bonnett," by Stockton, special at 60
"Parsifal," 75; "The Five Little Peppers" ,.25
Last Day of Great Bedspread Sale
Hemmed white Bedspreads ; full size, nice Marseilles
patterns; matchless value for this sale at, each. . . . &
White fringed Bedspreads, full size, Marseilles pat
terns;, wonderful values at, each
White hemmed Marseilles Bedspreads, large size ; .the
best $2.50 values, on for, feach I
White hemmed Marseilles' Bedspreads, large. size;
regular $3.75 values, on sale for, each. .,...,....
Jjarge size" fringed Bedspreads, in' pink, navy blue
and red; gfeat special for this sale, each.r
Satin Marseilles Bedspreads, large-size, fringed or
hemmed ; $2.75 values, on sale f or
White Djaity Bedspreads, 10-4 size ; value extraordinary OhQ
for this sale at the low-price - of, each IHC
Ten great special values in'Toweling. All grades Sheets and
Pillow Cases'a't the lowest prices. ,