03 THE MORNING " OREGOKIAK, SATURDAY, "MAY on iom I ' " - - ; PORTAGE ROAD OPENING SATURDAY, JUNE 3, FIXED AS THE DAY. Vice-President Fairbanks and Sen atorial Party May Bo Present -at The Dalles. The Portage Road will be opened to the public on Saturday, June 3, instead of on May SO, as was intended, according to an agreement reached at a meeting of the executive committee of the Open River Association yesterday afternoon. The change has been made In view of the fact that the date first set apart fell on Decoration day, and so many of those who were expected to take part in the opening exercises had promised to assist at different Decoration day celebrations. Another reason for the change was that Senator Fulton had agreed to meet the Senatorial party now on th'e way here from the East to attend the opening of the Exposition, and ask the members of the party, together with Vice-President Fairbanks and Speaker Joseph Cannon, to lend their presence to the occasion of the opening. It will be arranged for the entire party to be taken Tip the Columbia by boat on Saturday morning in time to be present at the exercises at The Dalles. An elaborate programme is being ar ranged, which will Include speeches by several of the distinguished visitors who have been Invited to attend, as well as by members of the State Board and the Open River Association. This programme will be announced as soon as all details ha'e been settled. Will Xow Vote for Williams. PORTLAND. Or.. May 19. (To the Editor.) My name has been used In a report of the eo-called "citizens' meeting:" of "Wednesday night In, Allsky Hall. I have been a res! dent of Portland much longer than Harry Lane, and attended the meeting: with the in tentlon of giving" him my support, but when they refused to allow the name of any one to come before the meeting for considers tion, and when I found that it was set up, cut end dried, and when I heard men who ought to he ashamed of themselves for their dis graceful conduct and for their attacks upon Hon. George H. Williams, who would not al low any person to speak in his behalf, I con eluded that Dr. Lane's supporters were un lair. While I never supported Mr. "Williams in my life for any office. I did not wish to indorse the methods of his enemies. I was. upon going to the meeting, an adherent of Dr. Lane, but upon leaving, a pronounced "Williams man, for whatever faults "Williams may have he cannot be cursed with having such an ungentlemanly gathering as assembled at this meeting as his followers. They cay that I went to the meeting to eteal It from the "citizens." By their action they win inane a Lane man vote for Williams They said It was a "citizens' meeting," but it was presided over by a Democrat and the majority attending were "sorehead Repub licans." wren tney refused to listen to any thing but Democratic talk and stated that It was called for a particular purpose, which I Knew was not either citizen or Republican, I withdrew. I had been invited to attend as a "citizen," but could not remain as a Demo crat or turncoat Republican. ALFRED GROENER. The Denver & Rio Grande scenery la evtu iuuio ocauiuui m winter than Sum mer. Travel East via that line and spend DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Mflv iq . Wl lr f'l mln,mum. 48. River reading at , . ir" cnans n past 24 hours. Vp -f '"iw jrecipiiauon, o 1 j. to ?2 -4 inches; normal, 42.88 inches; deficiency. 12.4 inches. Total sunshine May 18. 1905. j i, . " minutes; possible. 15 hours and 7 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. Wind. STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka.......... Helena. Kamloops. B. C. North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City.. San Francisco... Spokano Seattle Tatoosh Island.. "Walla "Walla 0.00J14ISE 0.001 8SE 0.00; 4 SE Cloudy Pt. Cldy. Cloudy Pt. Cldy. Clear 0.00 O.OO! 0.00 8K 12ISE 16S Cloudy 010.04 2SISW IRaln ICIear 0.001 6!SW T 7SW IRaln O.OO! SE Clear 0.00 0.00 N S w Cloudy Clear 0.001 4 Clear Clear Cloudy 0.00)24 O.OOi 8 SE T 8lS Cloudv 0.04I22IS IRaln IPt. Cldy. "CiO.OOl Oiw T trace. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. Light showers have occurred today- in the "Willamette Valley and in scattering portions of "Western "Washington. Elsewhere in the North. Pacific States fair weather has pre vailed. It is raining this evening in North western Oregon and in Western Washington, and cloudy and threatening weather prevails generally east of the Cascades. It is warmer In Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho, and correspondingly cooler In "Western Oregon and "Western Washington. The indications are for unsettled showery weather in this district Saturday, with lower temperature east of the Cascade Mountains. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight. May 20: Portland and vicinity Showers. South to west winds. . Western Oregon and Western Washington Showers. South to west winds, brisk along the coast. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Cloudy with showers. Cooler. A. B. WOLLABER. . Acting District Forecaster. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE OREGONIAN OFFICE: A 0. 77, 88. 89. 90. 91, S3. B 81. 88, 90, 92. 94. C 86, 91. D 81, 86. 88. 90. E 81. 82, S3. T 80, 81. 87. 81. 93. G 6. 8L 87. 105. H 65, 81, 88. 93. J 7, 80. 83. 84. 91, 9S. K-64. 81. 85. 86, 89. 92, 83, 94. L 75. 81, 85. 87. M 75, 84. 86, 90. 91. X 56. 81, 84, 90, 91. O 84. 74, 76, 81. 90. T 86. 90. Q 74. 75. 76, 8L 86. 89, 90. 93. K 71, 87. 90, 92, 93. S 76. 79. 83, 88. 80. T 65. 77. 85. 87, S8, 60, 01, 92. V 40. 79, 80. W 66, 74. 78. 79, 80, 81, 86, 88. 80. , X 29. 75. 78. 80. T-28. 61. 82. MEETING NOTICES. ALBlNA LODGE, NO. 101. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. M. M. degree. All M. M. cordially Invited. By order W. M. A, J. HANDLAN. Secretary. E. B. A. A regular communi cation of M. E. B. A., No. 41, this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. Bus iness of Importance to the craft. SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING MULTNOMAH CAMP. NO. 2. INDIAN WAR VETERANS "Will meet at City Hall at 1 P. M.. Satur day. May 30. Full attendance Is requested. L. M. P ARRIS H, Captain. A. B. STUART. Ord. Sargt. DIED. KRUMREY In this city. May 19. 1905. at the residence of the parents, 186 Nebraska at,. Earnest, Infant sea ef Albert and Anaa Xrussway, aged 8 weeks. . Notice of funeral hereafter. - HOTEL Fifth ind Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Books, $1-60 to $3.89 Fer Day According to Location. 7. X. DAYTES, Pres. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FSONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 6Dc to $1.50 First-Class Restasrant la CeHncctloa The ESMOND HOTEL ; OSCAR. ANDERSON, Manager I I Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON Free 'bus to and Rates European plan, 50c, Sample rooms FUNERAL NOTICES. BEWSHER Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of James Bewsher, which will be held at Flnley's Chapel at 3 P. M. today. Interment Peoria, III. EBERLE In this city, February 19. John B. Eberle. aged 30 years. Funeral will take place from the residence of his aunt, Mrs. M. McCarty, 408 Couch st., Sunday at 1:30 P. M-: thence to St. Patrick's Church, 19th and Savier sts., where services will be held at 2 o'clock. DUNNING. McENTEE & GILBAUGH. successors to Dunning A Campion, under takers and -embalm era, modern la every de tail, 7th and fine, I'aono Mala 430. Lady Militant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO. Undertakers and embalm ere, hare moved to their new build Third and Bslmoa. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 597. J. V. FTNLEY SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 2d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Xeltjiaoao No. 9, F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Aider. Xady assistant. Telephone East 52. ZELLEB-BXRNES CO UNDERTAKERS, Emba' --" " tx a't. NEW TODAY. Real Estate FOR SALE BY The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. SO fin 5 nice level lots on the Peninsula, all clear and 5 more adjoining, tor $300. or the 10 lots for ?500. Title perfect. Complete abstract fur nished. near the company's big barn. $1 OXf) 50x100 feet and house 6 rooms on mOU st Johns car line, near corner Maryland ave. Terms half cash, balance on time. 12 ( 50x100 feet and cottage 4 rooms, uu on Mississippi ave., bet. Simpson and Jessup sts. rooms at Point View. St. Johns. 'Clfinn Beautiful building site. 73x100 5XOUU feet, on E. 19th and Tillamook. Streets Improved. CI QOO 50x100 feet and house 6 rooms and iouu bath. Plenty fruit trees. E. 2Stl ft. near Clinton. One block to car line. Terms. 5300 cash, bal ance on time. Q1 7(in Paradise Springs tract, near Sun l,uu nyslde car line. 30x100 feet and nouse n rooms, brick loundatlon; small barn, nice lot of fruit. Cicnn Sunnyslde. near two car lines, new v cottage 5 rooms, bath. gas. large attic, full basement; easy terms. connn E. Pine st. near Grand ave.. houe 5 rooms, gas range, linoleum and shades: ibOQ cash, balance in 2 years at 6 per cent. 50Cfn Wllllams-Ave. Addition, between 2 """" car lines, lot 30x100 Xect and house 4 rooms, large hall, bath, full ce ment basement, gas for lighting ana cooking. KSfinn Williams ave.. bet. Mason and jpouuv skJdniore sox!20 Xeet and two cottages. 6 rooms and 5 rooms, re spectively. ?3nfln E- Slh and E- Oak sts.. central Eat Portland lot r.fl-rinn nouse 9 rooms; streets Improved, concrete sidewalk, sewer. This is most accessible and highly desir able property, being only a short walk from the business center. and can be bought on very easy terms. 100x100 feet in Broadwav Addl- resiaence rooms, bath, numerous closets, fireplace, furnace, piped for gas and wired for electricity: small cash payment and balance in easy monthly payments. S3750 Everett st- near 22d st. (West nouse o rooms with evers con venience, plumbing new and sani tary; rents for $30 a month. stMflOO Davis St.. bet. 14th and 15th sts.. 50UU" 40x100 feet; ver' choice property. RnO 200x200 feet near West ave.. Mt v-""" Tabor, about one block from car line; fine fruit trees. This I ha- tlful property and the price is very low. SfiOOO 7th st" nw Jefferson sL. 33x100 balance at 6 per cent; rents for Jd a monin. SAOflrt Ho"da Addition, fine corner lot 5UUU soxlOO feet and house of 10 rooms. S3800 Ta.bor aer- Wet ave- w ipoovfv colonial house 7 rooms, furnace. mantel and grate, gas and gas fix tures; grounds S6xl00 feet. TITLES INSURED. ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & . TRUST GO. 6 and 7 Chamber ef Commerce At a Sacrifice Nice, new, clean, little saloon: coorl location; rent $15 per month. "Will sell cheap on account of illness of proprietor. Will bear investigation. A rare snap if taken at once. Ad dress .N to, Uregonian. OUR CLIENT WANTS Floor and a half or 2 floors (subdivided into very large rooms) of building 100 by 100. lo cated anywhere between Sixth and Twelfth and Stark and lamhlll; long lease, prompt pay. , Address S 85, care Oregonlan. GOLF LINKS We have two lots adlolnlnr the coif links or $160 each. Fine view. Best car service In town. Phone Union H91. Sellwood Town site Company, face at Sellwooe and n 220 falUac hktr. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Urst-Class Cheek Restaurant Connected With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Sec and Trea. from all trains 75c, $ I , $ I -50, $2 per day in connection AMUSEMENTS. BELASCO THEATER (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Washington Sts. Phone Main 311. Seat eale opens 9 A. M. today at the Box Office and Dolly Varden Candy Store SATURDAT EVENING MAY 27 Matinees Saturday and Sunday, and Special Matinee Tuesday (Decoration Day). By SpeclaT Arrangement With the Author, DAVID BELASCO The Heart of Maryland First Appearance in Portland of THE BELASCO STOCK COMPANT. PRIPFS Evenings. ir.-73c; t iiv,l0 Matinees. 15-50c. NEXT. "THE CLIMBERS." Marquam Grand Theater .ii'SKr PHONE MAIN SCS. Bargain-Price Matinee at 2:30 o'clock. Popular Prices Tonight at 8:30 o'clock. Animated Pictures of Richard Wagner's Masterpiece 'PARSIFAL." Mrs. Walter Reed. Contralto, Will Sing. Matinee prices: Adults. 25c; Children. 15c. Evening prices: Adults, 50c; Children, 23c Seats now selling. EMPIRE THEATER Milton W. Seaman. Rerldent Manager. THE EMPIRE STOCK COM PAN 1', Presenting High-Class Plays. 10 ADMISSION CENTS. Matinee every day, 2:13; evening at S:13. All this week another big success, pack ing the house to capacity the powerful 5 act melodrama, "A WOMAN'S REVENGE." STAR THEATER eekline -TUSH'S FAMOUS TONV BALLET 7 OTTO FIECHTL'S TYROLEAN QUINTET. TOM MACK. ' HEIM CHILDREN, CREATOKE. HOSCOE AKBUCKLE. "THE COUNTERFEITERS." Shjwn by the Staroscope. 20SchOad225 7:3 P- Adlss,n. 10c John L. Sullivan here week of May- 20. GRAND THEATER MATCHLESS MALE SOUBRETTE. ax-JHF GREAT KICHAttOsT MR. AND MRS. J. I. LEE AND LITTLE MADELINE. MARVELOUS SEYMOURS. ORRIN M'KNIGIIT. TEED AND LAZELLE. MR, BOB WIUTE. MR. JOE BONNEIt. THE GRANDISCOPE. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now cpen. Take PorUand Heights car and te off at Hawthorne Terrace, one block from a line. No climbing. Electric elevator beautiful effect of powerful searchlin"t tma - wcu B W. Jl. io v r. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. CLASSIFIED AD. EATES. "Rooms "Rooms and BMrf "rrr,.- keeping Rooms." "Situations Wanted.- 15 words or less, 15 cents: 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cent, etc No dis count ior additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except -New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cental 21 to 25 words. 0 cents, etc, Qrst Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half: no farther discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" fgange measure ngate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per llne of each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed car The Oregenlan. and left at thl office, should always be Inclosed la sealed envelope. No stamp la required on sach IttUrt. The Oregenlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements takes thresxh the telephone!. NEW TODAY. Holladay's Addition The geographical CENTER of Portland. The most DESIRABLE and only EXCLU SIVE residence district In the city. -Has Improved streets, gas. electric lights, water mains, trolley lines and sewers. Lots sold on advantageous terms to home- The Oregon Real Estate Co. Q"yt xaira putce, jtoom 4, i-'ortlasd, Oregon. Bankrupt Sale OF Pianosand Organs Never again will you have a chance to get an Instrument at a price and terms as dur- $230 pianos go for $143. Terms from $0 ner ....... y. ... jutjtt, i utu si., near oak. California -'Bliss Lands gated land In 20-acre farms at $50 to $70 ner acre one-fourth cash. Reached by Southern Tulare City. 2 miles from Ells. Lands! cum. Brain, oeciauous Inats. vere tables. hogs, dairy catUe thrive. Booklet fre cUco. - NEW HOME horn th latm Ttr Tr.K... r- and John on. There are about 2j lots with .Li-swm swcuwfc bkiii alter the lat est design, and will be ready for occwancy abQUt JBM 1. TTnr turt If ta!.. .u tZlT fftafi & Bchalk. S4 Etark at. f i . . ' - NEW TODAY. FOR SALE EITHER OR ALL OF THOSE three- new and elegant dwellings situated on the northwest corner of 3d and Hassalo sta.. Holladay's Addition, will be sold. For OLD GOLD, JEWELRI. BOUGHT. MADE over, exchanged; diamonds, precious succs Uncle Myers, the Jeweler. 143 3d. near Alder. WANTED TO SUBLET SPACE AT FAIR TO union some oi our mecnanicai novelties. jsena ior particulars. Illinois Promotion Co., icjiicr uiub., .nicago, Jiu FOR RENT A STOREROOM 22xG0 FEET, 5l3 uiisii.ii ru, oy r-arrun, waucins & (Jo.. Zm) Aiocr sc. . SAVINGS BANK OF- THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY Pays 4 per cent on certificates of deposit. Accepts your deposit account sul) ject to check and allows you 3 per cent interest on daily balances. Directors. W. M. Ladd, T. T. Burkhart. J. Thorburn Ross, Prank M. Warren, George fi. HuL Banking Hours, 10 A. M. to 3 P. M, Saturdays, 10 A. M. to 12 Noon. Saturday Evenings, 5 to 8 o'clock, 7 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Or. HOUSE-BOAT FOR SALE Snug, well-built and nractlcallv new. nart ly furnished; price J200: 12x2S-foot house with walk on all sides. Phone owner. Main osa. or can room 10?, Sherlock bldg. 20th and Everett- flat location; cheap. A. H. BIRRELL, 202 "caj) mog.. iiQ ana aiarx. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DO TOU KNOW. That the White Salmon Valley lies opposite Hood River, with a southern slope; that it raises nner Demes ten aays earlier than Hood River: that our berries are rlDc now: that we do not have to Irrigate; that we have a better climate and richer soil than iiood River; that our cherries, peaches and apples are hard to excel both In quality and quantity of production; that from one u-year-old tree Captain C H. Cook gathered 27 boxe-i of Spluenberc applea; that you can buy fine berry and orchard land for Vi 1 than In Hood River? If you don't kuow mese lacis. seno ror our dook ox bargains. White Salmon Land Co.. White Salmon, vt ajn. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as 10 per monin wun water. A. c. Churchill & Co., "Inc.." 110 2d st. Only 12 of our lots left. They are the best a mo cneapesi on me ueignts. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.. 222 Falling bldg. Phone Main 5SS3. FOR SALE O.UARTER BLOCK SOUTHWEST comer 12th and East Stark at., with 2-story B-rocm nouse ana iory oarn; oouu; terms JltX'U down and talanca In annual navmtntx of 11000". Mall fc Co.. 303 Edit Burnside. or 30 ACRES, 25 CLEAR. NEW 7-ROOM house, good outbuildings, orchard, small xruus. running water, good school near; 4 miles Oregon City; price. $2300; terms. w. s. jueuonaia. uregon City. R. F. D. No. 1. BARGAINS FOR CASH 2 n't.l. ims North Irvington Add., $225 each. New 3 rpom houre on Mt. Scott car line. $iV0. il k. uuur, mar .nKeny m.. --'-'- a. o. k-ook ic co.. open evenings. EXCEPTION' ninr.iiv vnrt i t'os tu cost; fine 6-room modern house, concrete uaemicni. i 101s, ciose in, on car line, $1650; ea."y terms. F. Dubois. 203 Mor- i uun, room o. FIVE-ACRE TRACT IN CULTIVATION. IV crop, new windmill and water funk .maii barn and house, all fenced, 10 blocks east ana diocks toutn w ood.nock sution. John uarison. $275 POULTRT RANCH. 22 ACRES. CHICK. en?, incubator, brooder, garden, cook trve tools, etc.; where poultry does well; one mile i roci xoncaiia. ur. a. Appiegate. Yoncalla, HERMOSA PARK, SEASIDE IMPROVED lots for sale; graded streets. ewers and Water main? flnr r..M.ni nvi..-... Clatsop Beach. A. Gilbert. Jr.. Seaside. Or. N. 21ST ST. JUST REINT. mvpr.PTPn modern rt-room house with all up-to-date requireinenis: owner win sell on easy monthly payments: price $2750. Q 3. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Zi'J 23th et.. near Savier; easy terms. For tun particulars pnone iiain 31K. $10,000100x100 GOOD BUSINESS PROP. erty, brick. Improvements, rented $373 per iitiimi. vuaiice iu increase, no agents. Aa- oress iiox --uuo. city. FIE-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. LOT fenced, fruit tree?, two blocks from car; cash or terms. Ryder. Montavilla. Phone FOR SALE CHEAP; MUST BE SOLD W1TH In 10 days. 5-room cottage, bath, gas. 000 E Oak cor. 13th; lot 50x1 U0. Pnone Main G2S. CHOICE NEW. MODERN. 8-ROOM RESI dence. northwest corner Fifteenth and East Taylor street. C. W. Payett, 304 Featon bldg. POR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 rooms. 315 22fi sL Price low. Owner, Mrs. W. A. Dalv. The Brown. 271K Grand ave. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOT8 Bamlna on O. IV. p. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lent. Or. Take Mt. Scott car, 5c $1630-NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE AND 2 targe tots on cor. Grand ave. and Shaver et. See owner, 394 Shaver st. LOTS. 50X100. NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. and 40th St.; $200. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st. Open evenings. $7600-3 MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSES. CLOSE In; yearly income $900; terms; East Side. Apply 95 E. 8th bL, N. FOR SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT 50x100 on zw ana Reed, near tair ground. In quire at 270 Alder et. $2250 MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 60-FT. lot. cement walka, choice fruit and flowers. 722 E. Ankeny. FOR SALE 5 ACRES ON THE ST. JOHNS line; fine property. Inquire of owner, 300 Benton st. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE, 0 MILES FROM umsuu iu u. jl.sc k. xsauaro. aluwsu kle. Or. A BARGAIN LOT ON WILLIAMS AVE. near -tiaucocsc. bee owner, J us, oregonlan. FOR SALE LOT 50X100 AT RICHMOND; low price. Owner. 3S0 Water et.. West Side. FOR SALE FRACTION OF A LOT. quire 30 E. 9Ui X., HoIIaday ave. FOR "SALE FARMS. FOR SALE S30-ACRE FARM; WELL IM- provea; bottom; on Columbia River. Will feed 75 cows. M. P. Whalen. Woodland, Wash. MUST BE SOLD. 12 ACRES, H CLEARED, ixai son, x'tx mnes car line; a Dargain. Owner, room 3. 245V Washington st. FARM HOMESTEADS. DESERT CLAIMS ana cheapest irrigated land on market. A. C. Palmer, 315 Oregenlan bldg. FOR SALE FINE DAIRY AND GRAIN larm, aoo acres, only $4000; big bargain, v. Claded, Scl. Or. 20 ACRES. FINS' LAND, $3 AN ACRE, i cass, Data&M . Hieg- use. sit Atteky GUARANTEED A3 ADVERTISED A nice little home, located in -one of the additions to the City of Ealaraa; 40 acres in all. -with so acres In cultivation; land lays exceptionally good, soil black loam: large bearing orchard; land fenced and cross-fenced; 6-room .frame house, with plenty pure spring water piped to It; large frame barn, with 24 stalls; fine view of Co lumbia River; most of land can be Irrigated; fine for gardening, poultry or milk ranch. Price. $1500; terms on part. 120 acres, with 30 acre under plow, bal ance open pasture land; land lays nicely and oll very rich; live water; large bearing or chard; fenced and cross-fenced; good 3-room house, large frame bam and other build ings; with place go large team of horses, harness and wagon. 11-head cattle, of which 6 are milch cows, 2 pigs, chickens, cream separator, plows, harrows, saws, axes and numerous smaller tools, besides household .furniture; cloee to school, on good county road. 4 miles from town on N. P. By. and Columbia River and 8 miles from Kalama. Price. $2500. with terms on part. KIUS & WILLOUGHBY, Kalama Wash. 70 ACRES OF VntGIN. ONLY 1H MILES from town of White Salmon, 40 acres extra choice fruit and berry soil, balance hillside pasture, several springs on place, all or chard land sublrrigated; It is on main county price' only $1300, terms, $000 'cash; fine lol -LAaa v.o.. wnue saimon, tvaen. TO EXCHANGE FOR STOCK OF HARD- ware or general merchandise. 1H lots, cor ner. eight-room house, close In. cement sidewalks, adjacent to high and ward sen 00 Is and university; free of Incumbrance. iiiw mow. xjox ii, jacoraa. asn. GET ACREAGE CONVENIENT TO PORT- iAju-jaio down ; $ico. one. two and three years or labor, buys 10-acre tracts, choice hop. fruit or garden land; good train serv ice now and motor car soon. B. S. Cook & -o.. zai Aider at. upen evenings. SO A PT? ". ClU.TIVATP.n viib tjtttt t- 's m sneep, cows, - yearuncs, all farming ImnVmrntt sl ctw4 fn in milM cast of Oregon City, family orchard, living , jjnee w. Ki. i. .riowman, owner. uij i 1; , ur. SMALL FARM. 7 MILES FROM PORTLAND. . ohm an in cultivation; nne orccara; good bouse; large barn; some beaver dam land; nut caica.cn ncn in xuii running order .inquire uwner, in tzasi 1st, near weldler. FOR SALE OR VYPII I T.C vnn m -c- -.- . AX swu vn.it) or Krain rancn 01 163 acres, with stock. Telephone and free mail: best part of Willamette Valley; If ln- irnrsicu suuroa x. Alien, xangent. ur. FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER THE uirey irrigauoa Aci- Deed direct from etate; write or call today; booklets and map free. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Aider st. Port- ina, ur. upen evenings. 40 ACRES. 4 MILE FROM GRESHAM. 33 IN p; suoa o-rocra nouse. . Darns, nne or chard: buildings cost over $2000. This can be had for $0000 on easy terms. Roberts & iru urcsnam, ur. FREE GOVERNMENT FARM LANDS JUST openea to settlement: level valley land; no stone or timber; water and soil first class. 1100m co, iabbe bldg., cor. 2d and Washing ion sis. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THREE TIMBER CLAIMS. 5.000.CO0 GUAR- anieea. near uoiumoia Klver. Inexpensive my, ice reasonaoie. Oli AllSKy bldg. 160 ACRES TIMBER, 3.000.000 FIR, NEAR togging siream. large body timber adjoln- YELLOW PINT? XTf TIIR fl.linc rt n . -v- icvu miiuoas. -. raimer, Jib Ore Can locate homesieaos, tlmuer claims. Cen- irai uregon. t. m. O'Connell. Prinevllle. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. $2W 10 jiu.vw; aiso ousiness properties. $50C0 to TS,urr'. 1 w. waiting & Co. 40S Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY . THE ONLY rcocrvo scrip on tne market. . c unuuic an sinus. i-uDuc land practice Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. " ciiv rc jiu Ulil. "t"u ou nana reaay u . jitjiuuij ac con. raiting o log- FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. ANY SIZE iracu: immediate delivery. W. G. Howell. v inaraotr 01 commerce. TO LEASE. TO LEASE ONE TlTjnr.v: FRflV Pltn "TTU o inurnuui buj; Krouna lUUXltX; iW. jin. r ner. luii v. jitn st.. Los An- TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE FINE BRICK BLOCK jiu nne u-ruom nouse ior xxs Angeles or County. California, property. 230H Rus- I'OB SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. linnet-: rnn cit r- Two tr I f V rMnn1f trhl.K n k. 1 A 1 others naturally speedy, that can take fast .cwiuo iui3 Bcosuiii maicneu icams, single drivers, actors, strictly trotting-bred of very best and most fashionable families, and t-ec-ond to none. Call on Mr. H. L. Miller at xi iufciun iraus, urooK-ooK itocK Kancn C X. Larrabee, SSfe 3d st. FOR SALE ONE PAIR STANDARD-BRED luaicucu anvers, one nne standard-bred road buggy, rubber-tired deliver wagon, horse " ttf, uuc line :uaie pony. Mttor mlck Stables. 10S 6th St.. N. HORSES. WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds cf vehicles bought, sold and rented. Hubert & HaU. 264 4th. Pbone Mala 2203. GOOD AND CHEAP. WELL-MATCHED team, two-seated Studebaker wagon and doubic harness, complete. East lt!05. FOR SALE A GENTLE MARE. WEIGHT i iuo pounds; good worker and roadster; $.0. (WJ Gllsan st. largest stock ok new and sd-hand vehicles on roast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. Pianos. FINE $473 HARDMAN. LIKE NEW; MUST sen tor S30U cash, x 92, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE LARGE-SIZE COLUMBIA DISC grapnopnone. IB large records. large horn, all good as new. original outlay over $50: will take $no cash. Inquire Standard Candy Co.. 23 Union ave.. or Phone East 499. WANTED FOR THE FAIB CHORUS girls, comedians, sister teams, sketch teamd, illustrated song singers, novelty dances, mu sicians. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit & School of Acting. 351'f, Morrison. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL- iiara ana pool taoies: easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswlck.Balke-Col-leader, 49 3d at. NEW TENT. 60X100, FOR SALE OR RENT; jusi me ming ior r air Business; also lots for lease, near Fair grounds. Northrup &KIng. 211 Commercial block. FOR SALE 1 30-HORSE-POWER BOILER, l -norse-power engine; also brick-making machinery. Inquire Pacific Iron Works, Astoria. Or. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF FINELY mrnnaeu o-roura nous?; snap II laxen at once; house for rent. Inquire 921 E. Bum side st. WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR iucu s uiiu tiuiuiug, sooes ana nats. Call at 73 H N. 3d; -phone Green 428. FOR SALE VICTOR TALKING MACHINE; aiso u lu-incn .uonarcn records, in good condition; price $40. P 94, Oregonlan. EDISON'S MOVING PICTURE MACHINE ana an appliances; nims and slides, at a bargain. Room 10 Washington bldg. FOR. SALE CHEAP SAILBOAT WITH complete camping ouini. just, tne boat, for fun. Inquire Portland Rowing Club. FOX TERRIER PUPS. BEAUTIFULLY maricea. trom prizewinners. ZSS Meade et. Pbone Main 4820. FOR SALE ONE MARINE GASOLINE EN- gine. za ji. r.. cneap. it. M. Thornburg, Knappton, Wash. FOR SALE TWO HEAVY WAGONS' AS gooa as new. rrant itubtk, Woodlawn. Phone Scott 5600. FOR SALE ELEGANT BAR AND BACK. i cucap. cua or installments; Aadresa Q 95, Oregonlan. lft-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH : IN EXCEL- 273 Stark at. $17 FOR A $28 KINGERY CORN-POPPER auu i:uui nxuicr. jm xrraeee sc., call afternoon. TOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 234 vsubw oc vciwiwui.'h or paosa Main 3MS. . IUB4Wi I MHP WA-lTn-TTVT " 1 - Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK! Repair It with Elaterite; It rolls, easy to lay; need no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roof. Elaterite Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. HOUSEBOAT NEATEST AND STRONGEST little craft on the river; modeled hull, dou ble planked and in perfect condition; good for years of service: can be seen at east end of Madison bridge. Phone Suburban 2S13. FOR SALE-ONE MAGIC LANTERN AND acetylene generator. 42S E. Oak. HELP WANTED MALE. 5000 STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED at Hood River. Or.; parties must come with camp outfit, tents, bedding and cook ing utenilla; growers furnish camping ground, wood and water, and will meat you at train or boat and haul you to fields free. Pickers are paid 1J4 cents per quart; packers, Hcent per quart; write us and we will hand your letters to growers, who will write you direct when to come and give you further particulars. Picking will begin about May 20 to 25. Hood River Fruitgrowers' Union. E. H. Shepard. Sec 3 BRICK MASONS WANTED BY J. L. MARS at La Grande. Or., by May 16; 2 months' steady work without delay; have all tne material and money ready; wages $5 and up; It depends how much a man does; all plain, common work; need 3 more brick masons by June 1; could let subcontract to the right men; nonunion desired. WANTED AT ONCE. 3000 STRAWBERRY pickers at Hood River, men, women and chil dren: good pay. Take Regulator Line steamers every morning (except Sunday), 7 o clock from foot of Alder st. Call at dock and secure baggage tags free of charge, onice open Sunday. Phone Main 914; LABORERS WANTED. This section is short of able-bodied men for general common labor for a variety of work at $2 to $2.25 a day. . Tr..Co:ES 10 Portland. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North Second street. MAN AND WIFE EXPERIENCED WAITER and chambermaid for first-class resort; sec ond cook, resort; 2 camp flunkeys. $33 and 0;, ""TfTnen. R. R. laborers, others. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 28 North Second st. WANTED-MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watchmaking, engraving. Jewelers' work; only practical working school for jewelers; money made learning. Seattle Watchmaking and Engraving School. P.-L building, Seattle. for a position as a tlerk and collector; must -"v fcuuu rcierence anu well acquainted th,clU": sa,aT $40 per month and board. H 90, Oregonlan. WANTED 10.000 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. If you want work come to Portland; wages, $1.40 to $3 per day and board. Canadian Employment Co.. 24U Burnside st. WANTED TWO SINGLE YOUNG MEN OF good address to travel and solicit, who can leave town Immediately. Call 10 to 4. room . xiotei Avaion. wasntngion st., cor. Hth WANTED SALESMAN. AT ONCE, TO travel and organize for old firm In Oregon; young man preferred; previous experience not essential. Address G 05. Oregonlan. WANT EXPERIENCED SASH AND DOOR machine men. also door cutters and turn ers; steady employment; pay good wages. Missoula Lumber Co.. Missoula. Mont. WANTED-OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. Highest prices paid for men's casi-otf cloth. Ing. old shoes. Call 50 3d. near Pine. Phone Hood 1S62. Orders attended to. WANTED BY MERCHANT TAILOR, young man with some experience as sales- .man; give age and salary expected. Ad dress A 93. Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN TO sell bonded whisky on commission to retail trade. Address Bonnie & Co.. 640 W. Main St.. Louisville. Ky. MEN TO LEARN THE DETECTIVE Busi ness; paid while learning and work guar anteed; open evenings. Barrett. 265 Morrison st.. room 301. WANTED A STRONG BOY TO WORK IN bhlpplng-room. Apply between 9 and 10 A. M. only. I. Gevurtz & Sons, 173 1st at., cor. Yamhill. WANTED MATTRESS MAKERS AND BOYS to learn mattress, making; good wages. Pe- tcrs & Roberts Furn. Co.. 43 Front, corner Davis. WANTED A YOUNG MAN TO SOLICIT window-snade orders; one who has had ex perience preferred. Address N 05, Orego nlan. Wanted Men to learn barter trade; steady practice; expert Instructions; write for terms. Glllman's College. 627 Clay st.. S. F. Columbus California wine depot; headquarters- cooks, waiters, bartenders. AH wines 5c per glass. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Clay 1303. LOGGERS. MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co.. 103 Morrison. Main 1322. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT !and and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write. 607 McKay bldg. THREE OR FOUR VIGOROUS MEN WITH $3ijo to $300 can have agreeable and protlt able employment. Call 2S9 Alder st. A VOUNG MAN WHO THOROUGHLY UN- derstands bottling tor a family liquor house. Address O 93, Oregonlan. $25 TO $65 PER WEEK MADE SELLING si.k ana ucciueni ucueuis xor tue union 1U u el Aid Ass'n. 705 Marquam Bldg. STANDARD SPECIFICS AND ELECTRICAL appliances are true specialists; cure all chronic diseases. Dili 1st nt. WANTED A GOOD STEADY INDUSTRIOUS ooy to drive ugnt express wagon: murt give reference. Apply 45 First . WANTED ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER. young man with good references. K. W. Baltes & Co.. 1st and Oak. WANTED 1000 MEN TO SHAVE DAILY; best shave in tne city ior 5 cents; largest shop In city. 267 Flanders. WANTED A STOUT. WILLING BOY TO work In the starenroom ot candy xactory. Apply at 104 N. 5th st. SIDE LINE OF FIREWORKS FOR THE Sound. Eastern Washington and Oregon. Ad dress W 01. Oregonlan. WANTED-YOUNG MAN TO CUT STOCK. experienced preferred. Alvin S. Hawk, Printer. 145 Third st. WANTED GOOD STOVE SALESMAN. travel Spokine territory; reierences re quired. Box 740. city. GOOD MAN COOK. SOBER AND INDUS- trlous. wants a job in note! or restaurant. Address Box 1017. WANTED TWO BOYS FOR BOWLING AL- Iey. Apply Commercial Club. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED SADDLEMAKERS. APPLY TO Great Western Saddlery Co.. Calgary. Al berta. Canada. WANTED JAP. BOY FOR GENERAL housework, no cooking, wages $15. Apply 3S8 Salmon st. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade; some money required. Call 506 Washington st. A BONANZA SIDE LINE FOR LIVE TRAV- ellng men. George M. ,Coie Co.. North Yamhill. Or. WANTED CABINETMAKERS. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Co.. 1210 Ma cadam Road. WANTED TWO BOYS ABOUT 16 YEARS old at the Marine Iron Works, E. Taylor st. TINNER WANTED REPORT FOR WORK at jkj urand ave at a o'clock this morning. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN- iry; Dig wages. 21a tjommercial Mocic WANTED CASHIER FOR A RESTAURANT, must nave $400. Call 248 Stark. WANTED A JAPANESE BOY FOR GEN- eral housework. Apply 470 Main at. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT ONCE; references required. 232 stark at. TAILOR WANTED ONE WHO CAN CUT preferred.. 484 Washington st. DR. WALKER. 1SI 1ST. CURES ALL P Ri val diseases or men. WANTED PLATEN PRESS FEEDER. 207 becono st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPOSITION GROUNDS. 20 waitresses for the season. Apply Sun day. 9 to ,12, at 343 H Washington st., room 7. bet. 7th and Park. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN- eral housework. 512 Clay. WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF BABY. 200 x.Kn. side entrance. WANTBD AN EXPERIENCED CARPET sewer. J. u. itcK & go. WE PUT YOU ON THE STAGE STAGE dancing, vaudeville acting, sketches, sing ing, etc. taught; Verms reasonable. New man's Theatrical Circuit, 331& Morrison. WANTED $12 PER WEEK ATTRACTIVE employment to middle-aged ladles of good address; experience unnecessary. Call Monday forenoon 410 Dekum bldg. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK and cooking; experienced; none other need apply; or working housekeeper. Mr. Hogue. 603 Spokane ave. ' GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAiL ta ua. Over 1000 positions evry monta. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, xau. Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT ers, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 23oa Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. GIRL WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; willing to go to country; good wages. Call 795 Park ave., near City Park. DARKROOM WORKER. MUST BE COM petent to develop, print and finish pictures; give experience. Address X 91. OregonUn. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE sentatlves In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED A GIRL FOR CANDY STORED none but competent need apply; steady posi tion to a reliable girl. 323 Morrison st. WANTED CLERKS IN RIBBONS. NKCK wear. laces, notions and bakery- Clerks' Registration Bureau, 2S5 Morrison t. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO sell the new telephone Index. Inquire W, J. Clemens. 273 Stark st. WAISTHAND, EXPERIENCED. ON FIRST, class fancy gowns; no others need apply. Hidgln. 484 Washington. WANTED GIRL TO DO SEWING AND AS slst with general- housework. Call fore noon, 645 Hancock st. BURNT WOOD AND LEATHER WORKER, must letter well and be rapid worker. Ad dress Y 91 Oregonlan. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN CANDY factory. Apply at Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davi. WANTED WAITRESSES FAIRMONT Ho tel, opposite Exposition entrance. Call af ter 9 A. M. Monday. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED -SECOND girl. Apply at once. Mrs. C. F. Adams. 783 Flanders. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. 681 SCHUYLER st. telephone Scott 24S2. Call or telephone this rooming. WOMAN OR GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF child. Call between 4-6 P. M.. 131& 10th St.. room 3. EXPERIENCED TENT AND AWNING seamstress. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. 27 N. 1st. AT ONCE GOOD HOUSE GIRL. VERY little cooking, good home, to good girl. 20S 14th st. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; light washing. 763 1st st; take S car. WANTED AT ONCE. A FIRST-CLAS3 pants finisher. Ru.ch & Oster. 204 1th st. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work; no cooking. Call at 491 Davis st. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS wanted at 62 Union ave.. Portland. Or. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU3E work; wages $20. Phone Main 5016. WANTED TWO GIRLS TO WASH DISHES and wait on table at 106 N. 7th. A GOOD COOK WANTED. CALL AT 812 Kearney st.. bet. 24th and 23th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 181 East 16th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. COLORED MAID (EXPOSITION). WAIT resses, cooks (boarding, hotels), city, AVasco; cook, $30; messboy. $25 (deep sea), German housekeeper, milker, dishwasher, house work. Chinese, Japanese. Drake, 2U& Washington. BOOKKKEEPERS I HAVE A SYSTEM for checking calculations and posting with, which an error is impossible. Will send to ou for $3. S. O. Talt. Marianna. Ark. SIX MILLMEN. 7 GIRLS. 2 CHAMEBR malds, strawberry-pickers. H. Hlglcy, Em ployment, 312 Pine. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. TWO YOUNG MEN. STRICTLY TEMPER atc. would like position as .'salesmen; capable to assist in office; young man. ex perienced salesman, would like position In grocery. Address C 03. care Oregonlan. WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN WHO IS strictly sober and industrious, position In furniture, hardware or implement house with chance for advancement; references. Y U4. Oregonlan. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN WHO SPEAKS and writes English. French. German and the three Scandinavian languages would like position during the Fair. C 96, Ore gonlan. WANTED SITUATION BY YOUNG MAN as clerk in store; good city references. Address F. Deraglsch. 574 E. Pine. city. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER OR general office work; first-clasd referenced. G 86. care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. HEADQUARTERS FOR COOKS. STEW ards, head waiters, waiters and employes for the Fair Grounds. Books open. Take L car. 3d street or new ferry. 107 Ru&sell street, cor. Mississippi. Ch. Williams. YOUNG MARRIED MAN. GERMAN. RE sponsible and best of character, used to all kinds of work, and also business experience, would like a position. Address 32014 Front st., room S. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT FOREMAN, best references, for successfully superintend ing an extensive sawmill on the Coast; would like to hear from mlllmen. Phone Main 52S4. GOOD HARPIST AND VIOLINIST. MAN AND wife, desire engagement In cafe, restaurant or other places. Address E. Schoneman. General Delivery. Oakland, Cal. STEAM FITTER DESIRES POSITION FAC tory or mill, city or country; can handle men or work from print; best references. T. Cllsham. 15 E. 3d. JAPANESE MAN AND WOMAN. GOOD Ex perienced cook, wait on table, housework or nurse, want position in private family. L 93. Oregonlan. BRIGHT JAPANESE BOY. SPEAKING goo3 English, position as houseworker and waiter In small private family. S. Ishll. P. O. Box 8S0. WANTED POSITION IN WHOLESALE store or retail hardware oref erred; experi ence and good reference. S 93. Oregonlan. JANITOR, EXPERIENCED, SOBER. AND steady, desires position; best references .fur nished. Address N 94, care Oregonlan. BAKER OR PASTRY COOK. SOBER young man. wants work; has had several years of experience. G 94, Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers, all kinds of -help. Black 992. 268 Everett st. NIGHT WATCHMAN WANTS POSITION, canglve best references from the Govern ment. C Hartman, 249& Front. WANTED POSITION IN DENTAL LAB oratory by good prosthetic man; plenty ot experience. J 95. Oregonlan. RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK taking care of horses; lawns, etc Address O 95. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS TAILOR WANTS STEADY work by the week; wages $18. Address 273 Taylor st. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK; GOOD packer or collector. 349 E. 8th st. Phone East. 3165. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED -WOMAN. BEST REFER encea, desires situation managing housekeep er, hotel, rooming-houre. 230VS. Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. SITUATIONS WANTEDHOUSEKEEPERS. cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, housework- gin, nurses, -swft xamnin. x-none -Ham 5413. COMPETENT HOUSEKEEPER WOULD LIKE to take charge of a rooming-house. H' 34. Oregonlan. Dressmakers. WANTED SEWING BY THE DAY; REA sonakle price. Phone Main SZW.