the aioKyiy (t . ojjistso.NiAyt. th prepay, may is, iws. ' 13 OP MARE DRAGS Change One Way or Another Is Expected. BEARS LOOK FOR A DROP Bulls' Hopes Arc Raised by Poor Crop Prospects Local Poultry Market Demoralized Slow Demand for Berries. HOPS Trade dragging and prices nominal. WOOL Firm; Eastern Oregon, 19$ 21c; Valley. 27lc WHEAT Quiet; dub. S4(8S6c: blue stem. 50J5O2c OATSc-Firm: white. $2Sg29; gray. $28. BARLEY Slow; feed, $22.30. BUTTER Firm; city creamery. 20 21Hc; state creamery. 17ifcg20c CHEESE Weak: full cream, 14fcc EGGS Firm at lTHlSc POULTRY Chickens, Jc lower. Hopmen who have been watching the mar ket closely have an WW that something Is about t happen. What that something will be they 60 not know. r rather they Judge of the situation from the standpoint of their enn Interest?. The bears say they will be surprised if the market does not break badly in the near future, while the bulls are Just as confident that the prolonged deadlock is about to be concluded by a scramble among dealer to secure hops. The bears base tholr argument on the bolief that the growers who wnt Into the pool cannot be held together much longer, owing to the lateness of the season. The growers, on the other hand, have had their hope? raised by the unfavorable crop reports that have come from various section. In the meantime the market is stagnant. Traders nay they have no orders at any price. Very few hops arc offerings on the market. The following letter lecc'ved yesterday from Isaac Pincus & Sons, of Taooma. shows the most encouraging features of the present si'uatlon: For the first time since November 2, New York, which has been the center of the bear movement, has ' been compelled to advance quotations on Pacific Coast hops lc per pound, and choice C0a.1t hops arc now quoted at 29c. (See Oregonlan Sunday. May 14). Before the formation of he Oregon pool choice Pacifies sold as low as 2Cc, New York. Today's quo tations Indicate an advance of 3d About 1000 bales of Pacifies have been reshipped from London to New York, practically all by one firm. It was reported that thte firm bought the hops In London at from 26c to 28c. The truth of the matter Is that the hops had been consigned to George W. Bird & Co., of London, early In the season, and, as noon as the pool was formed, the firm above mentioned cabled to London that, unless the hops could be sold at 28c to reship them. The reshipment demonstrate that the hops were valued at about 29c New York, or 27c Coast. We are advicd that the quality of the shipments was very poor. If growers on the Pacific Coast stand firm, a steady ad vance will take place, beginning soon. Twen ty -five cents is now offered for hops whloh buyers confidently, expected to purchase by tt'ls time at 20c, and no one Id paying 25c for hops for fun, but because they ned them. If those who are trying to buy now do not get them at the present offering price, they will pay more. The formation of the Oregon Hop Holders' Iotective Association was a death blow to the hopes of the bears. Siey are now floundering around between the vil and the deep sea, half dazed, and when they "come to" they will get In the market and buy hops at the growers' asking prices. New York wires May 12 that crop pros ' peit are not favorable. London cables May 13 'English crop conditions uncertain." Ev erybody has reduced estimates on the Oregon crop from 120.000 to 133.000 bales, to 90,000 to 110.000 bales. California reports that therf is a. snail doing damage to the roots. Ir crop reports continue along these lines f-T another 30 days. 1904 heps will go to S3 and contracts to 20c. Reports that we. any other dealers holding hops in oonjunc t.iin with Pacific Coafct growers, are felling 1 an be put dawn as positive falsehoods and aie being spread for a purpose too plain to fool anysne. POULTRY GOES TO PIECES. Prices Slashed Right and Left In Effort to Reduce Stocks. The poultry market went to pieces yester day. R(oeipts have been excessive for sev eral days, but the quantity that came In yes terday simply swamped the market. About 100 coops were still left on Front street at the Hose of business. Efforts made to reduce stocks by making concessions weie of no avail, for the retailers cither had enough or were certain that .notations would go still 'eur. and therefore betd off. A large pro portion of the receipts were Storings, many of them under one pound in weight. These peepers were absolutely un-aleable. as the retailers .said they oeuW do nothing with them. Quotations on chickens were a full cent 1 iwer all around. For the best hens that ame In, not over 13 cents was asked, and lommon stock sold down In proportion. Springs slumped to 18J720 cents. There was some Inquiry for turkeys, but rtene was re reived. BERRY MARKET QUIET. Trade Is Turned Against California Fruit. The quality or the California berries that arrived yesterday showed some improvement -ver that flf the day before, but not much. The market was rather slow, as the trad.e has been turned against the Southern fruit. Prices ranged from 50 cents to $1.25 a crate. Receipts of Oregon berries were larger, and hey sold fairly well at $4 for Hood Rivers ind $3.50 for Sputhern Oregon. California cherries were in liberal supply, but were barely firm, as the demand was low. Lighter receipts are looked for In the next few days. A few crates "of apricots were received from San Francisco and were moved at $1.50 a crate. Wheat Movement TJgtat. The wheat market was quiet yesterday. The only demand was from California and that was limited. Shipments to the South are now very light In view of the small s'tocks held In this section, values arereported very Arm. Dealers quote club at 84 to 86 cents nd bluestexn at 90 to 92 cents. Eggs acd Butter Firm. There was a firmer tone, to the egg market yesterday. Receipts were plentiful, but the Jemand was better. Single case lots brought 16 cents and large lots 17ij cents. Butter was firm and .unchanged. City cream eries reported no falling off in the movement, is a result of the Hj-cent advance. Cfee-rse Market Weak. The cheess market was very weak yester day, and gave indications of a decline in nrlces, wnHch may come today. Receipts were heavy. Full cream were quoted at-14S14tc tvith an occasional rale ot a single cheese at 15 cent. Toung Americas -were worth the usual margin of 1 cent over this. Bask Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balance. Portland S 712,873 9120.164 Seattle . 1,025.875 246,712 Tacoma ... 59 J. 806 42.310 Spokane 495.232 310.236 PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain. 11 our, reed. Etc WHEAT Club. S4S6c per bu.-hel; blue stem, 00802c; Valley. 85390c FLOUR Patents. $4.5u&5.10 per barrel; straights, (464.23: clears, (3.7564; Valley, $3.1)034.25; Dakota hard wheat. $.507.5o: Graham, $3.50$4; whole wheat. $4g4.25; rye flour, local. $3; Eastern, fO.K035.00; corn meal, per bale, $1.9002.20. BARLEY Feed, $22.60 per ton; rolled, $23 23 ZfO OATS No. 1 white, feed. $2Sfir29 per ton; choice milling. $23329; gray. $28. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $13 per ton; middlings. $24.50: shorts, $21; chop, U. S. Mill. $1!); Unseed dairy food, $18. CEREAL. FOODS-Rolled oats, cream. 90 pound sacks. $6.75; lower grades, $586.25; oat meal, tteel cut. 50-pound sacks, $8 per barrel; 10-pound acks. $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). 50-pound Backs, $7.50 per barrel; 10-pound cacks, $4 per bale; split peas. $4 per 100-pound sack: 25-pound boxes. $1.15; pearl barley. $4.25 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry Sour, 10-pound eacks. $2.50 .per bale. HAY Timothy. SlifflO per ton; clover, $11 12; grain, $11612; cheat, $11612. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc EGOS Oregon ranch. 17ViQiSc per dozen. BUTTER City creameries: Extra creamery. 204i21 Vic per pound; Mate creameries: Fancy creamery, 17Hft20c; store butter. 14jl3ije. CHEESE Full cream twins. 14fxl4&c; Young America. 1515Hc. POULTRY Fancy hens. 15bc; old hens, 123 12c; mixed chickens, lli12.$c; old roosters. OiglOe; young roosters. 126 1.1c; Springs. 14 to 2 pounds. 184?20e; broilers. 1 to Im pounds. 18J?20e: dressed ohlckns. 15ftl6c; turkeys, live. 17lSe; turkeys, dressed poor, l'UiglSc; turkeys, choice. 20g22c; geese, live, per pound. 7VaftSVic: geese, dressed, per pound, 9Q 11c; ducks, old, $67.50; ducks, young, as to size, $79; pigeons, $131.25; squabs, $2(72.50. Vegetables. Fruit, Eic DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, table. $1,508 2.5a per I ox; common, 50c$l; strawberries, Oregon, loir 16c pr pound: California, 50cfc $1.25 er box; cherries, 75c $ 1.23 per box; gooseberries, DJ?7e per pound; apricots, $1.50 per crate. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $2.75 -3.25; choice. $2.75 per box; oranges, nav fk, fancy. $2.252.50 per box; choice, $24? 2.25; standard. $1.501.75; Mediterranean sweets. $2.25g2.75; Valencia. $3; graperrult. $2.5043 per box; bananas. iQZc per pound; pineapples, $7.50 per dozen. FRESH VEGETABLES Artichokes. 75e per dozen; asparagus. 50c$l per box; beans. KZf 9c per pound: cabbage. 1Vi2c per pound: cauliflower. $202.25 per crate; cucumbers. $14 1.25 per dozen; lettuce, hothouse. 203'40e per dozen; lettuce, head, 12V615c per dozen; parsley, 25 cents per dozen; peas. 56 6c per pound; peppers. 25e per pound; radishes. ID'S 12c per dozen; rhubarb. 203c per pound; to matoes. $4 per crate: squash. $1.25 per box. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.2501.40 per sack; carrots. $1.2501.50 per sack; beets. $1.251.40 per sack: parsnips, 50c per dozen; garlic. 17!fc4?20c per pound. ONIONS California red, 2Vi63c; Bermuda, 5c pt pound. POTATOES Oregon fancy, O0cCT$I; common. S0g 00c buyers' prices: Colorado, $1,0541.10: new potatoes. 202!4c per pound; Merced eweete. lnc per pound. RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4 -crown. 7?Je; 5-layer Muscatel raisins, 7lc; unbleached seedless Sultanas. 6c; London layer. 3 crewn. whole boxes of 20 pounds, $1.85; 2 crown, $1.75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 6gUc per pound; sundrled, sacks or boxes, none; apricots. 10llc; peaches. 9I0lic: .pears, none; prune. Italians. 405c; French, 2tj 3c: figs. California blacks. 5ic; do white, none: Smyrna. 20c; Fard dates, 6c; plums, pitted, 6c. Groceries, Nuts. Etc COFFEE Mocha. 26ff2Sc: Java, ordinary. 18g22c: Costa Rica, fancy. 18Sf20c: good. 16318c; ordinary. 1012c per pound: Co lumbia roast, cases, lWs. 913.75; 5us, $13.75; Arbucklc $14.75: Lion. $14.75. RICE Imperial- Japan No. 1. $5.37Vj: Southern Japan, $3.50; Carolina, 4', 6c: uroxen-ncao, 2c SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis. $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; 1-pound flats. $1.85; fancy. l&lW-poutid flats. $1.80: V pound flats. $1.10; Alaska pink 1-pound tails. sac; rea. l-pouna tans, $; cockeyes, 1 pound talis. J1.S5. SUGAR Sack basis. 100 pounds: Cube. $6.20; powdered, $5.05; dry granulated. $5.$5; extra C, $5.35; golden C, $5.25; fruit sugar. $5.85: advance over sack barfs as follows: Barrels. 10c: half-barrels. 25c: boxes. 50c ner 100 pounds. (Terms: On remittance within 15 days, deduct l"ic per pound: If Jater than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct Lc per nound: no discount after 30 days.) Beet sugar, granu lated. i;.ij rer iyu pounds; maple cugar, 15916c per pound. SALT California, $11 per ton. $1.60 per Daje, Liverpool, m sj,; 100s, J16.50; 200s, $16: half-ground 100s. $7: 50s. $7.50. NUTS Walnuts. ISJic per pound by rack, lc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts. 15c; moens. ne; pecans, jumeos. nc; extra large. 10c; aimoncs. 1. .s.. 1. ioe: cnestnuts, itai lans. 15c; Ohio. $4.50 per 25-pound drum: pea nuts. raw. 74c per pound: roasted. 3c: plne- nuis, auwistc: nickory nuts, 7c; cocoanuts. tw, l-wimiiuu, uojmt izr nuscn. BEANS Small white. 3U.S4'ic: lanre white. 3Uc: pick, 3'ic; bayou. 2c; Lima, tic Hops, Wool. Hides. Etc HOPS Oiolce, 1904, 23Jig23c per pound. WOOL Eastern Ortgon. average best, log 21c; lower grades, down to 15c. according to shrinkage: Valley. 27c per pound. MOHAIR Choice. 3132$c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and ap. lOS'16'i'sc per pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 10 10 pounds. ll15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds. 17lSc; dry salted, bulus ana stags, one-third less than dry flint; (cuI,j, moth-eaten, badly cut. scored, murrain, talr ellpped. weather-beaten or grubby, 2g3c per pound less); salted hides, steers, sound, 00 pounds and over, 910c per pound; 50 to 60 pounds. Sli): per pound; under 50 pounds and cows. s9c per pound; salted stags and bulls, sound. 6c per pound; ealted kip. sound. 15 to 30 .pounds. e per pound; salted veal. sound, 10 to 14 pounds. 9c per pound; salted calf, sound under 10 pounds, 10c per pound; (green unsalted, lc per pound less; cullf, lc per pound less). Sheep skins: Shearlings. No. 1 butcher.' stock. $11.50 each. Murrain pells from 10 to 20 per cent lew or 1214c per pound: horse hides, yelled, each, according to size. $1.5002: dry. each, according to sire, ilf$ 1.50: colts' hides, .25j?50c each; goat skins, common. 10gl5c each; Angora, with wool on 25c$1.50 each. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 354c; No. 2 and grease. I'JfSc PELTS Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, $2.50 ?10 each; cubs. $1?2: badger. 2550c; wild cat. with head perfect. 25Jr50c; house cat. 5610c; fox. common gray, 5og70c; red. Kip 5; cross. $5gl5: silver and black. $100200; fishers. $56: lynx. $4.50tj0; mink, strictly No. 1. according to size. $102.50; marten, dark Northern, according to size and color. J10S15; marten, pale, pine, according to size and color. $2,50ff4; rauskrat, large, 109 15c; 6kunk. 40550c; civet or polecat, 53 10c; otter, large, prime skin. $0310; paj. ther. with head, and claws perfect. $2ff5; raccoon, prime. 30650c. mountain wolf, with head perfect, $3.50i5; coyote. 60cft$l; wolverine. $6'S: beaver, per skin, large, $56; medium. $334; small, $161.50; kits, 5u& 75c BEESWAX Good, clean and pure, C0S22c per pound. CASCARA SAGRADA (Chlttam bark) Good, 44He per pound. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. 6c Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, bulls, 34c per pound; cows 4ff5Hc: country steers. 4&c ' MUTTON Dressed, fancy. 6SJ7c per pound; ordinary, i4c; Spring lambs. 7J7iic, VEAL Dressed. 100 to 125 pounds' 536c: 123 to 200 pounds, 4g4Vsc; 200 pounds and up. 3031ic PORK Dressed. 100 to 150, 7S?7c; 150 and up. C7c per pound. HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 12ic per pound; 14 to 16 pounds, 12iic: IS to 23 pounds. 12ic; California (picnic). Sc: cottage hams, Rc; shoulders, Sc; boiled ham. IPe: boiled picnic ham. boneless. 13c BACON Fancy breakfast. ISc per pound; standard breakfast. 15Ve: choice. 14c; English breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds. 13c; peach bacon. 12c. SAUSAGE Portland, ham. 13c per pound; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry. 17c; bologna, long. lJic; wclnerwurst, Sc; liver, 6c: pork, 9c; blood. 5c; headcheese. 6c; bologna sausage, link. 4 He DRY" SALT-CURED Regular short clears, 9 He salt. lOHc smoked; clear backs, 1Uc salt, 10'.; c smoked; clear bellies. 14 to 17 pounds average, none salt, none smoked; Oregon ex ports. 20 to 25 pound average lOHc salt, llUo moked; Union butts. 10 to 18 pounds aver age, 8c salt, ic rmoked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet, bar rels. $5; U-barrels, $2.75; 15-pound kit, $1-25; pickled tripe, U-barrels, $5; -barrels. $2.75; 15-pound kit. $L25; pickled pigs' tongues, Vr barrels, $6. U-barrels. $3; 15-pound kits, $1.50; pickled lambs' tongue, i-barrels. $9: U-barrels, $5.50: 15-pound kite. $2.75. LARD Leaf lard, kettle-rendered: Tierce. Hc; tubs, 9Tc; 50s. JUc; 20s. 10c; 10s. lOHc; 5s. lOHc. Standard pure: Tierces. 6Hc; tubs, Hc; 60s. 8Vic; 20s, 0c; ICe. Hc; 5s. 9ic Compound: Tierces. 6c; tubs. eic; 30s; CUc 10s, 6?c; 5s. G!c GASOLINE Stove gasoline, casta. 23Hc; ttoo barrels, I7e: 86 deg. gasoline case. 32c; Iron barrels or drums, 26c COAL OIL Cases. 304c; Iron barrel!.' 14c; wood barrels, 17c; 63 dcg.. cases, 22e; iron barrels. 15',4c LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. 61c: cases. 66C Boiled: Barrels. 63c: cases. CSc: lc lest In S-barrel lots. TURPENTINE Cases, S7c rr gallon. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. Tile: 500-pound lots, TJic; lers than 500-pound lots, Sc LIVESTOCK MARKETS. r rices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards Yesterday. . Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 2S5 cattle. 1114 sheep and 6 hop. The following- price were quoted at the yards:. CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers. $4.25; cows and heifers, $3.53.50: medium. sl.50$2. HOGS Best large, fat hogs. $6; block and China fat. 35.23SS.50; stockers. $5. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley. $4.5085; medium. $484.50. EASTERN TJVESTOCK. Price Current at Kansas City. Omaha and Chicago. CHICAGO. May 17.-Cattle Receipts. 1S.- 000; steady to 10c lower. Good to prime steers. $5.60&-G3: poor to medium. $4,409 5.50; stockers and feeders, $2.8065.25; cows. $2.7563.25: heifers. $385.75; cannery. $IJ0 2.40; bulls. $2.50.75; calves. $386.75. Hogs Receipts, 19.000; tomorrow, l.noO: 5 10 higher. Mixed and butchers. $5.2585.57H; good to choice heavy. $5.455.55; rough heavy. $5.205.40; light. $5.3035.35; bulk. $5.4505.35 Sheep Receipts. 1800: sheep and Iamb. stfady. Good to choice wethers, shorn. $4.73 S5.374T fair to choice mixed, fthorn, $4(14.50; Western sheep, shorn. $45.25; native lambs, shorn. $4.506.50; Western lambs, $5.506T.40. KANSAS CITY, May 17. Cattle Re ceipts, SOOO; market steady to 5c lower. Native steers, $4.50(6.30; native cows and heifers. $2.5095.25; stockers and feeders, $3.25475.00: bulls. $2.805.65; calves. $3.00 5.30; Western fed steers. $4.50(16.15; West ern fed cows. $3.5005.00. Hog Receipts, 12,000; market 5c higher. Bulk of sl-s. $3.305.42i: heavy. $3.35i 5.45: packers, $5.305.45; pigs and lights. $ 1.50 ft 3.40. Sheep Receipts. 3000; market 106" 15c higher. Muttons. $1.2566.25; lambs, $5.75 (&7.40; range wethers, $4.75v?5.50; fed ewes, $4.25 4.75. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. May 17. Cattle Re ceipts, 4300. Market, slow; 10c lower. Native steers, $4.2566.25; cows and heifers, $3.30$" 5.30; Western steers, $3.5085.75; cannrrs, $2.W 3.30: sockers and feeders, $2.80S-4".85; calves. $3.0036.25; bulls, stags, etc, $3.75$ 4.50. Hogs Receipts. 7700. Market. 7SiJ10c high er. Heavy, $5.2765.35; mixed. $5.2785.30; light. $5.25ff5.30: pigs. $4.O0Sf5.O0; bulk of sale. $5.27ie-"..30. Sheep Receipts, 3000. tMarket. steady. T"estern yearlings. $4.755.25; wether $4.40 64.S0; ewts, $3.S54.00; lambs, wooled. $6.50 Ig7.50; shorn. $5.2526.00. METAL MARKETS. Sharp Advance In Tin at London Iron Is Unsettled. NEW YORK. May 17. An advance of about 5s was reported from the London tin market, which closed at 1 35s lOd for spot and 1 3 is lOd for futures. Locally the market was quiet, but a little higher In sympathy with the gains abroad, closing at 29.75 6'30.15c Copper was easier again In Iondon. closing at 64 6s Od for both spot and futures. The local market was quiet, but the tone appears to be steadied by exportations later in the month. I-ake is quoted at 15frl5.25c; elec trolytic at 156 15.12Vjc and casting at 14.75 15c Lead was a shade higher at 12 ISs 3d In London, but remained unchanged at 4.50 & 4.60c locally. Spelter was unchanged at 63 12s 6d in London. The local market was easy in tone, but without further change at 5.5005.60c Iron closed at 52s in Glasgow and at 55s 'in MIddlesboro. Locally iron remains un settled. The lower prices quoted are said to be based on sales made on the basis of analysis, while outside prices arc asked for the fracture test. No. 1 foundry Northern, $17 ' 17.75; No. 2 foundry Northern Is quoted at $17SM7.75; No. 2 foundry Northern, $16.505 17.25. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. May 17. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Aloha Con $ .lOUustlce $ -OR Andes 23 Mexican 1.6a Belcher 23 Occidental On... .81 Best & Belcher.. L25 Ophlr 6.SS Bullion 3ItOverman 14 Caledonia 34 Potosl 10 Challenge Con.. .15!Savage 59 Chollar 23!Scorplon 16 Confidence 75iSeg. Belcher 06 Con. Cat. & Va . . l.SOlSlerra Nevada... .46 Crown Point 19)Sllver Hill 84 Exchequer SO.Unlon Con i2 Gould & Curry-- .19Utah Con U6 Hale & Norcross 1.95lYellow Jacket 25 NEW YORK. May 17. Closing quotations: Adams Con $ .20!Llttle Chief. .$ .03 . 2.00 . 6.50 . .01 . .1". . .54 . .42 . .25 . 1.85 Alice Breece Brunswick Con. . Comstock Tun. . Con Cal. & Va. . Horn Silver Irpn Silver Leadvllle Con... .45Ontario .25IOphlr -OllPhocnlr -OSiPotosI 1.70ISavage l.SOlSlerra Nevada.. 3.10Small Hopes... .OljStandard BOSTON, May 17. Closing quotations: Adventure .....$ 3.30iMohawk $ 40.50 AUouez 20.501Mont. C & C. . Amalgamated. SXOOlOId Dominion. Am. Zinc 10.00!OsceoIa Atlantic 13.25'Parrot Bingham ..... 32.00iQuIncy Cal. &. Hecla.. 630.00 Shannon Centennial ... 20.25Tamarack Copper Range. 71.25iTrInlty Daly. West.... 14.00iUnited Copper. Dominion Coal 77.00JU. S. Mining... 3.00 24.75 92.00 24.00 95.00 7.50 11S.00 98.13 25.00 30.73 Franklin &001U. S. Oil 10.50 Granby Isle Royale .... Mass. Mining.. Michigan .".63Utah 43.00 20.001 Victor! a 3.25 8.251Winona 10.23 12.00 Wolverine 108.00 Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. May 17. Evaporated apples remain quiet, showing no material change. Common to good are quoted at 44e4je: prime. 5.257i.50; choice. OgGVic and fancy. 7c. Prune show a firmer tone, but no improve ment has yet taken place in the local spot market, where prices still range from 2i4? 5;ic according to grade Apricots are In limited supply, and while the demand is not active, prices are stead ily held. Choice, 10?10tjc; extra choice, 11c; fancy. 12 g 15c. Peaches are offering rather more liberally, partly in the way of resales and the tone is easy. Choice. lOSlOUc; extra choice, 10H 1054c, and fancy. 11 -r 12c. Raisins are In small supply on spot and prices are firmly held. Loose muscatels are quoted at 4U3HC seeded raisins, 5U61ic and London layers, at $1?1. 15. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 17. Cotton future; closed steady at a net advance of 7gl0 points. May, 7.86c; June. 7. CSc; July and August. 7.76c; September. 7.63c; October. 7.8Sc; No vember, 7.92c; December, 7.9Gc; January. Sc Protest on Scaler's Capture. VICTORIA. B. C.. May 17. The ques tion ot the sclzuro of the sealing, schoner Agnes G. Donohue, owned here, and the imprisonment of Captain Matt Ryan and his mate by the Urugayan government for illegal poaching- Jn territorial waters of Uruguay, was brought before the Ca nadian Parliament at Ottawa today. Cap tain Ryan was sentenced to three years' Imprisonment; the mate to one year. Sir Wilfrid Laurler, the Premier, said representations had been made to the Britlsli government with regard to the matter. The schooner was seized on the high seas with her boats on board. Captain B&lcorn, her owner, said today he considered the vessel Illegally seized and has made a claim for J S3, 000 damages. Irrigation Scheme Indorsed. EUGENE, Or., May 17. (Special.) At a meeting- of the Real Estate Ex change last night the plan of building irrigation ditches in this county, launched by Enclneer A R. Hlac-v. va warmly Indorsed and promised all the support possible. Resolutions were passed denouncing papers that have published utterances antagonistic to the 'Hlovetaent., OPERATIONS IN ST. PHIL BUYING MOVEMENT liIFTS THE PJUCE IN STOCK 3LVRKET. Rumor Associates This Itlnc With Northern Pacific Unsatisfactory Beport From Iron Trade. NEW TORK. May 17. There were a few more shares dealt In on the Stock Exchange today than yesterday, but the listless char acter of the trading was not altered. The market showed the same dUpostlon to yield the day's extreme changes, the only differ ence being that yestercay uiose cnanges were declines made in the first hour and followed by a slow movement of retrieval while today the only considerable gains were eatabllshed during the first hour and were slowly yielded afterward. The exception was St. Paul, which made Its highest prices later In the day. responding to several dis tinct buying movements which lifted the rrice a stage higher each time. The effect of this special movement on the general list steadily diminished throughout the day and practically lost Its influence in the later trading. Union Pacific showed a special sympathy at first and was almost as active as St. Paul itself, but Its price drooped and Its activity diminished, berore the operations In St. Paul closed. Those operations were attributed very largely to professional account, and the many rumors afloat to account for them associated St. Paul and Northern Pacific in one way or another. The assertions regard ing these two companies pointed to absorption of one by the other, the absorbing company varying In the rumors. Meantime Northern Pacific itself and Great Northern showed evi dence of some pressure and fhis largely de prived the St. Paul movement of its influ ence. The market had some help from a renewal of reports in circulation In European financial centers of a revival of efforts among the powers indirectly Interested to bring about peace In the Far East. The London stock market showed sensible relief from the pres sure of belated liquidation which has caused depression there for several days past. The weakening of the prices of wheat on account of the weather reports showing clearing con ditions, anii more favorable prospects In the Winter wheat belt helped the market. Reports of a project on the part or the Kansas City Southern for securing an Independent outlet to New Orleans gave some strength to Its stocks. The most effective check to the influence of the St. Paul movement was the heaviness of the United States Steel stocks, which were depressed throughout. Anxiety was -caused by the statement that the buying movement of pig iron had been almost arrested, while In dications were that the jobbing trade bad overbought early In the year in the. lighter llrs of finished Iron and steel and that the of.'ering of concessions was of problematical success In moving goods. "The feeling Is abroad," says the Iron Age, "that a fresh buying movement cannot well be expected until well into June, and that the crop pros pects will have a decided Influence upon the movement." This broke the ms.rket and wiped out the day's gains for the most part. There were some rallies on short covering, but the clos ing was unsettled. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value. J 1.905,000. United States bonds were all un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS Clcjing Salee. High. Lou. bia Atchison CCvo JGK 81H do preferred 1.4W 102s, lu2 MS lulu Atlantic Coast Line. sw 154 isi 152 A Baltimore & Ohio.. 1,900 lU!-a 10a 3400 149 47T 103 do preferred Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J.... Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton.... do preferred Chicago Gt. Western Chicago & Northwest. 96 to 143 197 700 40?i 491; 49!i 33 76 I.SOU 203 20 20?i VW 219U A I Chi.. Mil. & St. P. .135,500 Ii9 IWa HSU Chi. Term. & Tran. 1'K do preferred C, C. C. & St. L.. 200 99k nil fa 200 two Colorado & Southern do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred.... Delaware & Hudson.. 2.0rt" .5aU 1.600 S4 57 34 lbti 3415 18N 37U 2lti 42 "JaU C6 85 V2 16-J 23 49 300 l&6;t Del., Lack. & West Denver fc Rio Grande " do preferred 2oo Erie 5.400 do 1st preferred.... 400 do 2d oreferred.... ...... 5 42.j 85 41"i "3V4 Hocking Valley 100 87 do preferred Illinois Central 3.000 I62U Iowa Central 87 161 do nreferred Kansas- City Southern 200 277k 400 62t 3.500 146, 27 2; 614 1H 144'.!, co preferred Loulsv. t Nashville. Manhattan L lOt'.i 1.700 76i 75i 734 2.009 ll'K, 115s 115'fe 600 214 2l' 21',s Metronol. Securities.. Metropolitan -St. Ry.. Mexican central .... Minn. &. St. Louis.. M.. St. P. & S. S. M. 78 116-H 1151 116 300 do nreferred 1 Missouri Pacific 1.S0O 9S . Mo., Kans. & Texas. 200 26Vi 97 26b 60'., 35',t 142U 49i 78 V 9tf!i 26ii 5U", do preferred 200 Mex. Nat. R. R. pfd. 100 35', New York Central.. 5.200 143 142, 4li 78 92 1NH 135 73 91k Mri S"i r-'j 2iii 61 n 95H 33' 55 56 N. Y.. OnU & West.. 200 50 Norfolk &. Western.. 1.900 7814 do preferred Northern Pacific .... 3.300 192i 1S3U 29,100 136H 135H Pennsylvania P.. C, C. & St. L.. Reading 27.600 200 2700 500 200 200 MS 91T-i 294 74U C6'i 92H 91 2Si 73H 664 zito 60 62H 119 30U do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred.... Rock Island Co do preferred St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis Southwest, do preferred 1.2(0 62 63U Southern Pacific . 11.200 do preferred . . Southern Railway 200 110i 800 30H do preferred Texas & Pacific 800 33H 33H 35 1, 56?! Tol.. St. L. & West. 500 353. do d referred t Union Pacific 91.300 123ti 122 122U do preferred ..... 96 Wa-hafih ... 19 do preferred 200 41; Wheeling & L. Brie. 400 16fc Wisconsin Central... 2.600 234 do preferred 1.100 M)fc 40', 16 23 49i 40 234 43U -243 236 122 244 S3-H 33k TU 32Ji 94. S 37H 19 45 51H Expreas companies Adams - American United States 100 122; 1224 Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper. 1,800 Amer. Car & Found. 1.000 do preferred 100 Amer. Cotton Oil do preferred American Ice do preferred Amer. Linseed Oil do nreferred S4i 36 Sl-i 35ti 8TU American Locomollve 12.800 53U 3H do preferred 1.100 113 J1Z 11 Amer. Smelt. & Ref. 18,700 1174 115; 116i do preferred 600 120V., 119: 119i Amer. Sugar Refln.. Amer. Tobacco pfd.. Anaconda Mining Co. Brook. Rap. Transit Colorado Fuel & Iron Consolidated Gas.... 1.300 137H J36'4 137 500 96 95H OS'S ioau jus 5,600 62- 61 ?, 7.500 464 445 10S 61S 45 iss?; 123 so 43H 175H 20 70 30 SO ,auu in) lbs Corn Products 1.100 do preferred 1.100 59 Distillers' Securities.. 700 43; General Electric .... 400 176 69 43i; 175'. 201, International Paper.. 500 21 do preferred International Pump do preferred 100 81 National Lead .T.600 4Stf 47 North American Pacific Mall ... 1,300 101U 100H 1001 3 People's Gas 3.700 1004 Pressed Steel Car.. 700 40 do preferred 99 33T 99 Hi 39 94 234 IS Pullman Pajaca Car. Republic Steel 1.100 19 174 do preferred 1.300 74t; 73'i Rubbers Goods 300 36 35 do preferred 300 106U 106 Tenn. Coal & Iron.. 1.100 S2i TStj U. S. Leather....... ..... lUSlj 111? do preferred . U. S. Realty . V. S. Rubber do preferred . V. S. Steel ... do nreferred . 10s' 87 190 90 90 ... J.200 41 401 40 ... 1,300 114 107H 1074 .. 00.700 fS? 97 97i Vlrg.-Caro. Chemical do preferred 200 1074 106H l6Vi Westlngbouse Electric Western Union 30d 300 171 170 163 93S S3 93 Total sales for the daj', 626,500 snares. BONDS. NEW TORK, May 17. Closing quotations: U. & ref. 2s rg.l044.Atehlon Adj. 4s -96 do coupon 104 H'D. & R. G. 4s... 101 H U. S. Ss reg lOaji'N. T. C. G. 3Hs.lJ0 do coupon 164 "Nor. Pacific 3s.. 76 U. S. new 4s rs.122 ;Nor. Pacific 4s..lO.Ai do coupon.. ...132 !So. Pacific 3s... 954 U. a old 4s rr. 1044 "Union Pacifie if.lNV, do coupon 164 Hi Wis. Central 4s. 94 H Stocks at XOuden. May 17. Cansels Tor . LONDON, ony iX 1.-16;. consols far accont, Aaacoaaa SSNtrfUc t Wt. HK. Atchison 84 HI do preferred... 4H do preferred 103 Ontario & West. 30 k Pennsylvania 69 Baltimore & O.llIH Can. Pacific 152HiRand Mines 10 Ches. & Ohio 50 H Reading 48 C Gt. Western. 2tU do 1st pref.... 47 a. M. St. P. .182i ' do 2d pref.... 44 So. Railway 31 U ! do preferred... 9S So. Pacific 64 H DeBeers .. 17S D. & R, Grande. 30 do preferred... 8S Erie 43HiUnlon Pacific ...126j 80S! do preferred-. . .100 do 1st pref.. do 2d pref.... 6S T. S. Steel 32 Illinois Central. 165 HI do preferred.. .101 U ixuls. Nash.. 14i Wabash 20 Mo.. Kas. &T... 27HI do preferred... 42 is. 1. central.. .147 uvspanisn Fours... 90H .Mo Bey, Et change. Etc NEW TORK. May 17. Money on call, easy, 2j2& per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; of fered at 2U per cent. Time money, easy and dull: 60 and 90 days. 3'4 per cent; six months. 3Ue3Vi per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 3HH per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual business in bankers bills at $4.8eSO4.8tfK3 for de mand and at $4.846534.8470 for 60-day bills. Posted rates. $4.85464.87'.,. Commercial bills. $4.84K64.S4H. Bar silver. 37 Mexican dollars. 44Uc. Government bonds, steady: railroad bonds, steady. LONDON. May 17. Bar silver, steady. 2CKd per ounce Money. 2S2U per cent. The rate of discount in the open' market for short bills Is 214 per cent: for 3 months' bills, 2U per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. May 17. Silver bars. 57Vc Mexican dollars, nominal: Drafts, sight. 5c: telegraph. 7e. Sterling on London, 60 days. $4.S3U: sight. $4.S7U. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. May 17. Today's statement of the Treasury balances In the general fund shows; Available cash balance $129,746,872 Gold 67.254.374 CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET WEAK. "Lower Cables and Brighter Weather Affect Prices. CHICAGO. May 17v Weakness was mani fested in the wheat market throughout the en tire session. At the opening July was down S'iC at S7if?S7Vjc. Two main factors entered Into the situation to contribute to the Initial decline. One of these Influences was the weakness of the wheat market at Liverpool. More significance, however, was generally attached to the prospects of clear weather in the Spring wheat country, of ficial reports Indicating clear skies and higher temperatures throughout the Northwest. Soon after the opening covering by shorts forced up the price of July to S7;eS7!c. but a reaction quickly occurred. During the early part of the session the trading was active, several large holders being liberal sellers. Sharp declines at Minneapolis and Duluth en couraged the bears here. Later the selling pressure was checked totally by an unfounded report ot a Chicago crop expert. Outside of this report there was little news of a bullish nature. During the last half hour of trading shorts -were fair purchasers, but this demand caused only a slight rally. The market was weak at the close with final quotations on July at SG"r.f? S6Hc The May option was again the star attrac tion In the corn market. The market opened exceedingly strong, and closed strong. May opened unchanged to 1 lie higher, at 5354Hc. sold between 32',i and 54Uc. and closed at 33Uc July opened iic higher, at 4SU 4Sic sold between 4S3IS'.ic and 4&Hc. and closed -at 47ic A steady tone prevailed In the oats market. July opened unchanged at 29Uc sold between 10,6297429c. and closed at 29Hc An advance of 5 to 10c In the price ot live hogs had a strengthening effect on provi sion, the markets being given a wider sup port by packers. At the close. July pork was up 5fl7Hc lard was up 2',-je. and ribs were unchanged. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low, Cloe. $ .944 .304 May $ .94V. $ .4;i $ .94 July . .874 .STTi .Stf!l Sept. . .S0 .804 CORN. .. .51'i .54U . .4S .4SS . .48T-S .4SV4 .. .48 .4S . .47H .47?4 OATS. .. .31 '4 .314 . ' .294 .29i .. .25?, .2SH MESS PORK. SO, .324 -if',, .479, iH .31 n .23T -2o'. May ....... July told).. Julr ne-i.. .534 -4SH .isv; -47?4 47a Sept. (old)... fcepu (new). May . .3114 .294 -2Jj4 July . fccpL May ... 12.45 12.65 12.874 July ... ..12.65 12.65 12.60 ..12.S74 12.874 12.S0 LARD. sept. .. May . July . 7.374 7.35 .40 .574 .57 .35 sept. SHORT RIBS. May .. July. 7.30 7.324 T.23 7.27'i 7.55 7.55 7.524 ''324 faept . Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring. $101.02; No. 3. 94c 6$1.01: No. 2 red. 9645J99&C Corn No. 2. 534e: No. 2 yellow, 3254c Oats No. 2. 31Uc; No. 2 white. 33?4c; No. 3 white. 31HS2'tc. Rye No. 2. 776 7Sc Barley Good feeding. 8790c; fair to choice malting. 46e49c. Flaxseed No. 1. $1.26; No. 1 Northwestern. $1.42. Timothy .-3 ed Prime. $2.95. Mesa Pork Per Darrel. $12.4512.50. Short Ribs sides Loose, $7.C57.15. Short clear sides Boxed. ?7.12VI7.30. Clover Contract grade $11.73912.25. Receipts 4 Flour, barrels 15.900 "Wheat, bushels 7.000 Corn, bushels 73,700 Oats, bushels 166,700 Rye. bushels l.OOO Barley, bushels 94.200 Shipments. 10.70O 230.400 1S3.600 104.000 "34466 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. May 17. Flour Receipts. 15, 7C0 barrels: exports, 7200 barrels: quiet and firm. Wheat Receipts. 11.000: spot, easy: No. 2 red. 9S4c elevator. No. 2 red. 994c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1,084 f. -b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba. 974c f. o. To. afloat. Generally speaking, wheat was weak all day. It broke l4c a bushel under liquidation prompted by clearing weather, poor cables and weakness In the Northwest and at the close showed 4f?l?ic- net loss. May closed 97Hc; July closed 91 He; September closed 85iic Hops Flat. Hides and wool Firm. Grata at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, May 17. Wheat and barley, steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.451.514; milling, $1.55 16U. Barley Feed. $1.16461-214: brewisg, $1,224 61.25. Oats Red. $1.4001.60; white. $1.42481.60: " black. $1.32461-45. Call board sales: Wheat December. $1,304. Barley May, $1.17; December, 864 c bid. Corn Large yellow. $1.85$ 1.40. Wheat nt Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. May 17. Wheat May, SUd; July, 6s 9d; September, 6s Sd. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. May 17. Wheat Unchanged. Sluestcm. 91c; club. 2c LONDON SALES CLOSE. American Purchases the Largest Is Ten Years. LONDON, May 17. The third series of tbs 1905 wool auction sales closed today at prices the best point of the year. During the, sales 155,503 bales were catalogued, of which 76,000 were taken by the home trade, 51.000 by the Continent. 24,000 by Americans and 16,000 were held over. Merinos were in strong de mand throughout and closed 5 to 10 per cent dearer. Crossbred opened at an advance of 5 to 10 per cent up. first grade, under pres sure of American buylnr. 30 per cent, and medium grades SO per cent. American buyers, upon finding that the New Zealand crop was in xood condition, covered their requirements. They outbid home buyers and secured the pick of the fine grades. This left the heme trade is an awkward position. American purchases were the. lark est in ten years.. Today's offer ig were $tSS bales, -yriBciilly crossbred. T PERIODICAL STRIFE AMONG SAN FRANCISCO COMMISSION MEN. Market Is Unsettled- and Prices Sharply Advance Storing and racking Checked. SAN FRANCISCO, May 17. (Special.) An other periodical fight among local commis sion men for control of the output of cer tain creameries, has unsettled the butter market. Prices sharply advanced. Creamery extras are quoted at 2ft21 cents. This ad vance will check storing and packing. Lead ing houses are wiring shippers to send In more squares Instead of large cubes, and. the result will tw to flood the market with suqare butter and send prices down again. Local prices are now above the parity of the Elgin market. Western butter Is" likely to b drawn here largely for storage. Cheese is weak. Eggs are firm. Receipts 61.000 pounds butter. 15.300 pounds cheese, 5S.250 dozen eggs. Wheat and barley speculative prices re laxed a little, the former cereal following Chicago, but spot values remained firm. Holders of cash wheat are asking very stiff prices, say $1.4581.55 for shipping, and $1,374 f?l.C24 for milling. Oats are closely and firmly held. The fruit market was fairly active. Cherries aga'ln advanced on lessened receipts. Apri cots were in fair supply and lower. Oranges were In goott demand. Eleven carloads ot navels were auctioned: Fancy. $1.2532.30: choice. $1.102; standard. SI i 1.55. Tropical fruits were steady. Receipts of new potatoes from the river were 1500 boxes, and prices were easier at $19 1.75. Sack lots from the bay are In liberal supply at the same figure)?. Old potatoes were quiet and steady: Oregon, $1.23f?1.50: Minnesota, $1.253f1.40. New red onions were steady at $1.2591.50. VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 50c$2.25; gar lic. St?12'4c; green pear, $1.50t?2: string beans, 337c; asparagus. 4Hg7c; tomatoes, $13-4- POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 18ff20e: roost ers, old $464.50; do young, 56.5(Vj7.50: broil ers, small. $2.2582.73; do large. $33.30; fry ers. $55 6: hens. $4.5036.50; ducks, old. $5 6; do young. $67. BUTTER Fancy creamery. 21c: creamery seconds. 19c; fancy dairy. 18c: dairy sec onds. 174c EGGS Store 164Jtl74c; fancy ranch. 2fc WOOL Spring. Humboldt and Mendocino, 24626c: Nevada, lGg20c HOPS Nominal. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $20.50521.20: mid dlings. $25827. HAY Wheat. $11.5014.50: wheat and oats. $I0f?13.50: barley. $7.504?10.30; alfalfa. $S(? 10.50; clover. $7gl0; stock, $5.5057.50; straw, 25 g 50c per bale. FRUIT Apples, choice. $2; common. $1: ba nanas. 73cfi$2.50; Mexican limes. $3.50g5: California lemons, choice, $2.50: common, oranges, navels. $102.75: pineapplef. $203.30. POTATOES (River Eurbanks. nominal; Ore gon Burbanks. $I.30vi'1.50. CHEESE Young America. 10-gilc; Eastern. 17S18C RECEIPTS Flour. 290 quarter racks; wheat. 280 centals: barley, 4700 cental; beans, 1043 sacks: corn. 1200 centals: potatoes. 2660 sacks; middlings. Ho sacks; hay, 315 tons; wool, 144 bales: hides. 12GO. Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO. May 17. On the produce ex change today the butter market was easy creamery. lC?21c: dairy. 16fjl9c Eggs, steady at mark. caoC3 Included,! 14& ,15c: extras. ISc Cheese, weak. ll&llHc NEW YORK. May 17. Butter and eggs, unchanged. Cheese. Irregular: colored and white fancy, 14'4c; do fine. 134c , Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. May 17. Coffee futures closed steady: net unchanged to 10 points lower. Sales. 1S.250 bags, including July, at 6.60 a65o: August.' 6.70c; September. rt.EWi6.S5c: October. .9056.95c: December. 7.1047.15c: March. 7.20c Spot Rio, quiet: No.- 7. Sc; mild. dull. Sugar Raw. easy: fair refining. .".ic; cen trifugal, 96 test. 4ri,c; molacscs sugar, 34c Refined, unsettled. Wool at St. LouN. ST. LOUIS. May 17. Wool, strong: medium grades combing and clothing fine. 26f?23c: heavy fine, whed 32.?43o, 22ft 32c: 1923c; light tub1 DAM1ANA Bill Ctlifcrnis Dttnlsni Bitters Is a creat restor ative. Kmgorator and nervine. The most wonderfal j aphrodisiac and special tonic for the sexsal organs of both sexes. The Mexican reaisdy for diseases o( ! the kidnsys and bladder. Sells on its own merits. NABER, ALFS & BRUNE, Agents 333 Market St., San Francisco. Send for circular. ror sal's by all dnipgtsts or liquor dealers. BITTERS TRAVELERS' GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers Steamers leave Portland dally, except Sunday, 7 A. M-. connecting at Lyle. Wash., with Columbia River & Northern Ry. Co. .for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. Round trip to Cascade Locks -every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Landing foot of Alder st. Phone Main 914. S. M'DONALD. Agent. City Ticket Office, 122 Third SU Thone 680. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DALLY O The Flyer and the Fast Mall. " SPLENDID SERVICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES For tickets, rates, folders and full Infor mation, call on or address H. DICKSON, City Passenger 'and Ticket Agt.. 122 Thlrt street, Portland. Or. JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE S. S. KANAGAWA MARU. For Japan, China and all Asiatic Ports, will leave Seattle about June 13. NOME AND ST. MICHAEL S. S. ZEA LA INDIA (Class 100. Al Lloyds. Captain Gil boy.) The largest and finest equipped passenger and freight steamer in this trade, with large cold-storage accommodations. Special at tention to perishable freight. SJULIK'J FROM SAN Fr.ASClSCO BIRECT JUNE 3d (Carrying U. S. Mail) Connecting with Northern Commercial Co.'s steamers for Fairbanks. Chena. Dawson and all Tanana. Koyukuk and Yukon River points: Golovin. Solomon, Topkok and all ports on Seward Peninsula. Through tickets and bills of lading issued. Right to change steamer or sailing date is reserved. For freight and passage apply to BARNESON-HIBBERD CO.. 456 Montgomery SC. San Francisco. ANCHOR LINE U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY &. GLASGOW NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior accommodation. Excellent Cuisine, The Comfort of Passengers Carefully Con sidered. Single or Round Trip Tickets Issued between New York and Scotch. English. Irish and all principal continental points at attractive rates. Send for Book of Tours. For tickets or general information apply to any local agent of the Anchor Line or to , HENDERSON BROS.. Gen'l Agents, Chicago. HU T TRAVELER'S GTOTDX. oBBIf m SHOgrUiti k Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standards and toarlst sleeping-cars dally to Omaha, Chicago. Spo kane; tourist sleeping-car daily to . Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair-cars (seats free) . to the East caiiy. UNION DEPOT. Leaves Arrives CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:15 A.M. 3:25 P. M. SPECIAL for the East Daily. Daily. via Huntington. ' SPOKANE FLYER Diy1 Dalfy" For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla. Lewlston. Couer d'Alene and Great Northern points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS ,.,- p 7.1s . xr for the East via. Hunt- SJfaV fUitV Ington. Dally. Dally. RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and S:00 P. M 5:00 P. M. way points, connecting Dally. Daily, with steamer for llwa- except except co and North Beach Sunday. Sunday, steamer Hassalo, Ash- Saturday, st. dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M. FOR DAYTON. Ore-7:o0 A. M. 5:30 P.M. gon City and Yamhill Dally Dally, River points. Ash-st- except except dock (water per.) Sunday Sunday. 4:00 A.M. A bo at FOR LEWISTON. Tuesday, 3:00 P. M. Idaho, and way points. Thursday, Monday, from. Rlparla, Wash. Sundav. Wednesday I Friday. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. Telephone Main 712. C. W. Stinger. City Tick et Agt.; A. L. Craig, General Passenger As SAN PEANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. Operating the Only Passenger Steamers for San Francisco direct. "Columbia" May 26, June 3, 13. 23. "St. Paul" May 21. 31: June 10. 20, 30. AINSWORTH DOCK AT S P. M. Through tickets via San Francisco to all points In United States. Mexico. Central and South America. Panama. Honolulu China, Ja pan, the Philippines. Australia. New Zealand and Round-the-World Tours. JAS. II. DEWSON. Axent. Phone Main 263. 248 Washington st- EAST m SOUTH Leaves. UNIONDBPOT Arrives. OVERLAND EX PRESS TR.UNS for Salem. Rose-17:23 A. M. burg. Ashiand.l Sacramento, Ot den, San Francis-1 co, ilojave, lxis Angeles. El Paso, New Orleans and the East. S:31 A. M. Morning train) connects at Wood- 6:23 P: M. burn dally except l Sunday with, train for Mount Angel, SUverton. Browns ville, s'prtngneld. Wcndllng anc Na tron. :00 P.M. Albany passenger connects at Wood- 10:10 A. M. burn with Jit. An gel and SUverton local. 7:30 A. M. 114:50 P. M. Corvallls passenger Sheridan passenger 5:50 P. M. 8:25 A. M. Daily. HDally, except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICB AND TAMHILL, DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:30 A. M.. 12:50. 2:05. 3:55. 5:20. 6:25. 7:45. 10:10 P. 31. Daily, except, Sunday, 5:30, 6:30, 8:30. 10:25 A. M., 4:10, II:3U P. M. Sunday only, 9 A. M. Returning from Oswego, arrives Portland daily S:30 A. M.. 1:55, 3:03, 4:53. 6:15, 7:35. 9:55, 11:10 P. M. Daily except Sunday. 6:25. .7:25, 9:30, 10:20, 11:45 A. M. Except Mon day. 12:25 A. M. Sunday only, 10 A. M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and in termediate points daily except Sunday, 4:10 P. M. Arrive Portland, 10:10 A. M. The Independence-M.oQmcuth motor Una operates dally to Monmouth and Alrtle. con necting with S. P. Cc trains at Dallas and Independence. First-class fares from Portland to Sacra mento and San Francisco, $20; berth, $3, Second-clas3 fare, $15; second-class be -$2.60. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. 11ME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arrive. Puget Sound Limited for Tacoma. Seattle. Olym- nia. South Bend and Gray's Harbor points.. 8:50 am 4:43 pal North Coast Limited for Tacoma, Seattle, Spo kane. Butte. St. Paul. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:00 pra 7:00 ant Twin City Express for Tacoma. Seattle. Spo kane. Helena, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 7.00 pns Pugct Sound-Kansas City-St- Louis Special, for Tacoma, Seattle. Spo kane. Butte. Billings. Denver. Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis and all points East and South- gast S:30am t;00ana All trains dally, except on South Bend branch. CHAKLTON- Assistant General Pas- senger'Agent, 255 Morrison st., corner Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Dally. For Maygera. Rainier. Clatskanle. Weatport. Clifton. Astoria. War renton. Flavel. Ham mond, Fort Stevens. Gearhart Park, Sea side. Astoria and Sea shore. Express Dally. Astoria Express. , Dally. , Dally. 8:00 A.M. 11:10 A.M. :00 P. 51 9:40 P. K. C. A. STEWART. J. C. MAYO. Comm'I Agt. 248 Alder st. G. F. & P. A. Phone, Main 906. For South -Eastern Alaska Steamers leave Seattle. So S. S. Humboldt. S. S. City ot Seattle S. S. Coi nage City, ilay is. 22, 24, 2a. 1 Excursion S. S. epokaas leaves June S-22, July 6-20, August 3-17. Belllngham Bay Route: Dally except Saturday at 10 A. M. Vancouver. B C. Route: Monday, Wednes day and Friday. 10 P. M. Portland oface. 249 Washington St. a D- DUNANN. G. P. A Sas Francisaa.