SHE HORNING OREGON IAN, ' TUESPAT, MAX 16, 1905. PEACE DISTURBED iY POOLROOMS Oregon Supreme Court De clares Running of Gaming Place a Nuisance. STATUTE 40 YEARS OLD; Case on Appeal Was That of M. G. Xcase, of" Portland; Con victed in the -Lower Conrt. Keeping a gaming-house is punishable under section 1930 of the code, whether there be an open breach of .the peace or not. A specialist in sursery is required to have only .such knowledge, sWIl and care ae is ordinarily possessed by such specialists in similar localities. SALEM, Or.. May 15. (Special.) The Supreme Court today affirmed the case of the State of Oregon vs. M. G. Ncase, commonly known as the "poolroom case," thus holding that keeping a poolroom Is a nutoancc and may be punished under section 1930 of the code. It is said that thie section has been upon the statute books for 40 years without having been applied to gaming-houses, but the court holds that this Is no reason why It should not be applied now. Nease was the proprietor of a turf ex change, or poolroom, in Portland, and In his place persons congregated each day for the purpose of betting on horseraces run in other states and reported to him by telegraph. Xcase sold pools according to information received by telegraph, and after receiving telegraphic information as to the result of the race, he cashed the tickets held by those who had bet on the winning horse, lease's place had been licensed by the city .of Portland. Xcase was indicted for -willf ully commit ting an act which grossly disturbs the public peace, oocnly outrages the public decency and is injurious to public morals, and having been convicted, he appealed. The case was tried before Judge George and affirmed in opinion by Justice Beqn. The only question involved on appeal was whether the acts complained of can be punished under section 1900 of the code. The Supreme Court says: That such a housr- Is a gaming or gam-Mlng-houFc. and punishable as a nuisance at ommon law. whether betting on a horse race is a crime or not, lias been eo often held by the courts that it Is no longer open to discuseion. There is no statute providing specifically for such an offense, nor ha'c wc any com mon law offenses as such, but section 1930 provides: "If any person shall willfully and wrongfully commit any act which grossly Injures the person or property of another, or which grossly disturbs the public peace or health, or which openly outrages the public decency and is injurious to the public morals, such person. If no punishment Is ex pressly prescribed therefor by this code, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished Tv Imprisonment in the County Jail not less than one month nor more than six months, or by fine not less than ?30 nor more than $200." The keeping of a gaming-house was an offense at common Jaw, because, among other things, it disturbed the public peace and tranquility by encouraging Idleness, riot, thriftlessncss. breaches of the peace, dls- i orderly conduct and the like. . . . The, statute simply means that one who know ingly and without authority of nw commits an illegal act which" greatly or shamefully annoys or scandalizes the community, and agitates and disturbs the quiet and tran quility of the public, or outrages public de cency and is Injurious to public morals. Is guilty of an offense. . . . And this is substantially the definition of a nuisance at common law. It Is not necessary that there should be an actual breach or disturbance of the peace to come within the statute. ... If the statute had declared the acts prohibited to be nuisances, it would have b?en no more certain than It now is. In place of providing, as has been done In ninny states, for the punishment of nuisances." leaving It to be determined from the common law what spe cific offenses camo within that" term, the Legislature thought it wise to adopt the other course and embody in the statute as a description of the offenses prohibited the essential ingredients of a common law nui sance. There can be no substantial difference be tween the two methods. One use. the tech nical name, leaving the essential elcmonts of the offense to be determined from the ommon law, while the other fets forth the ingredients of th offense, leaving its tech nical natno to be so ascertained. The re sults are the same. Beadle vs. Paine & Kuykcndall. Herbert Beadle, appellant, vs. J). A. Palnc and W. Kuykcndall. respondents, from Lane County. J. W. Hamilton. Judge, affirmed; opinion by Chief Justice Wolvcrton. The plainUff suffered a fracture and dis location of his arm and employed defend ants to treat him. The arm did not heal satisfactorily, and this action was brought to recover damage. The trial resulted in a verdict for the defendants, and plain tiff appealed. In the Supreme Court numerous ques tions were presented regarding the admis sion of testimony and the instructions to the Jury. Among the instructions ap proved by the Supreme Court were the following: Specialists in the practice of surgery are bound to bring to the discharge of their duty a specialists, that degree of care, skill and knowledge which is ordinarily posseed by jjractltloners devoting special attention and j?tudy to the same branch in similar locali ties, having regard to the present state of medical science. It was not negligence of the defendants or lack of proper skill for them not to have an X-ray machine or for them to we the same in the treatment of plaintiff's arm unless such machine was usually employed by physi cians and surgeons In the same general lo cality in which defendants were practicing their profession or In similar localities. No error Is found in the court below. Justice Bean did not take part In this decision. Kroll vs. Coaeh. William Kroll and E. W. Sparrow, re spondents, vs. William Coach, appellant, from Douglas County. J. W. 'Hamilton, affirmed October Si; petition for rehearing denied: opinion by Chief Justice Wolvcr ton. Plaintiffs entered into an agreement with defendant by which they, were to furnish .part of the money to purchase, certain land and receive a corresponding portion of the land. Coach deceived them as to the price of the land, and in this suit the court "held that Coach holds as trustee for the plaintiffs such a portion of the land as their money would have bought. On the motion for rehearing the defendant urged that the warranty deed which .plaintiffs accepted precludes picm from setting up any such agreement other than that -shown by the deed itself. The AunreaM Cour.t Jiole, however. tht'ao person. can be precluded by any contract or writing that he "has been induced to enter Into through fraud or deceit" Other Cases Decided. George F. Livesly. appellant, vs. James Muckle and Charles Muckle. respondents, from Columbia County. T. A. McBride, Judge: affirmed: opinion by Justice Bean. George W. Scott and H. A. Hammond, executors, respondents, vs. Eva Ford, ap pellant, from Lane County, J. "W. Hamil ton, Judge; respondent's petition for re hearing denied: opinion by Chief Justice "Wolvcrton. W. I. Sweetland, appellant, vs. Grant's Pass New Water. Light Power Com pany, respondents; petition for rehearing denied. Sheriff Retains Charge of Poolroom. Speaking of the decision of the Supreme Court, Sheriff Word said he would retain possession of the .room of the Warwick Club on Fourth street. In which there has been a guard In charge since last October, until he receives the mandate of the Supreme Court The Sheriff also stated that he knew he was doing right when he closed the poolrooms, and was satisfied the Supreme Court would decide in his favor. - Quartermaster's Safe Robbed. MISSOULA, Mont.. May 15. KHde Adams, a colored private soldier. Is a fugitive from justice and accused of rob bing the Quartermaster's safe at Fort Missoula ol $1300. The soldier had been on guard all day and asked for the. key from the Quartermaster, saying he wanted to clean up the room. The man cleaned up the room and returned the key. He did not answer to roll call this morning and an Investigation showed that the combination on the safe had been-worked and $500 in cash and $SO0 in checks stolen. Adamg is supposed to .have. left the city last night on one of the late trains and his description has been sent broad cast to the authorities. QLSEN IS TO WEAR STRIPES EX-PORTLAXD MAX SENTENCED AT LOS ANGELES. Five Years for Embezzling Dia monds Belonging: to a Young Woman He Had -Met. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. May 13.-John F. Olsen. a traveling salesman, formerly president of the Travelers' Protective As sociation for five years, and vice-president of the assoeiation for three years, and at one time prominent in' business and social circles of Oregon, was today sen tenced to five years' imprisonment in San Quentin by Judge Smith In -the Su perior Court for the embezzlement of $S50 worth of diamond Jewelry, the property of Mrs. Ella K. Thurber. of this city. Telegrams were read In court from Governor Chamberlain, of Oregon: Prose cuting Attorney Manning; of Portland, and other Oregon men. testifying to the former good character of Olson, jnd ask ing the ieniency of the court In his be half. Judge- Smith severely lectured the prisoner in sentencing him, and charac terised his sentence of five years as the limit of leniency under the circumstances. Olsen in his defense admitted having pawned the jewelry of Mrs. Thurber. which she had placed In his possession, but alleged it was with her consent, and that It was their mutual Intention to em bark in business together, using the funds realized from the jewelry as a joint cap ital. Mrs. Thurber was a young woman whom Olsen had known but a few days prior to his disposing of'hcr jewelry. Olsen came to Portland about three years ago as the representative of .the Dcvore Diamond Company, a tontine con cern. The postal "authorities made trou ble for the company, and the Western agents, of which Olsen was one, refused to turn over the moneys they had col lected to the main office. He afterwards formed another company, operating on the same plan as the tabooed diamond com pany. A number of "policies" were sold in Portland and vicinity. The postal in spectors had again broke up Olson's busi ness, and his associates also plU up. When he left town It was found that a number of prominent men, among them Governor Chamberlain, had lost consid erable money by buying his "policies." GRUDGE AGAINST A FOREMAN C. W. Smith Confcss-cs to Dynamite Explosion at Oak Point. KALAMA. Wash.. May 15. (Special.) Charles W. Smith, the young man brought up from Oak Point charged with blowing .up a barn on the Larsen place, near Oak Point. Thursdaj- night, waived examination and told all about the crime. lie says he did the job when he was under the influence of liquor and cut the fuse so short that he came near losing his own life. Smith says he has a lot more dyna mite hidden under a bridge near -the place, and he will probably be taken down there to locate it tomorrow. He was held In 5S00 bonds to the Superior Court, when he will plead guilty. The motive seems to have been a grudge against the foreman of the rock quarry. APPEAL IN CASE OF AH SOU Torllund Slave Girl May Be Released on Bail. SEATTLE. Wash., May 15.-(Special.) Papers are being prepared to appeal to the United States Supreme Court the case of Ah Sou. the Portland slave girl or dered deported. At the same timo the notice of appeal is filed a. motion will also be made to admit the girl to ball, or in default of that to have her placed in a home for unfortunate women pending the determination of the appeal. San Fran cisco has such a home; and it is believed that an order can bo obtained from the court permitting Ah Sou's detention there until her case Is decided. Such action has been allowed before by the same court, notwithstanding the hydrophobic anti-Chinese sentiment of California. Two Murder Cases to Be Heard. ROSEBURG. Or.. May 15. (Special.! The regular term of Circuit Court was convened here this morning by Judge Hamilton. A grand Jury was called to investigate the seven crimi nal cases pending and whatever other matters may be brought to their atten tion. The Glcndale murder case is -.deemed the most Important, J. G. Barnes now being In jail here under charge of hav ing committed the deed. The mys terious murder of Jacob Reuter. U miles northwest of Oakland, several weeks ago, will very likely also be taken up. Half the civil docket was cleared by Judge Hamilton at a pre liminary session last Friday. Whites Displacing: the Chinese. OREGON .CITY. Or., May 13. Special'.) The Southern Patlfic Company has re placed its CTtlnesc section crew at this place by a force of white men. China men have for years been in the employ of this railroad company, which is now dispensing with theai as rapidly a white help can fee secured, to take-thdr plac. IGE OVER file Northern Pacific Surveyors at Work on Columbia Bank. PARTY IS. NEAR VANCOUVER Skilled Bridge - Builders In Great . Number Said to Have Been Placed on Division South . of Tacoma. KALAMA, Wash.. May 15. (Special.) The Washington & Oregon Railroad sent a special down from Vancouver to Kala ma Sunday After a car of Northern Pa cific .Railroad surveyors. They had a baggage car well filled with camp equi page and Instruments. Their destination was Vancouver. Wash., and they an nounced that they were to work on a location for a bridge across the Columbia at or near Vancouver, and also to perfect the survey aldng tfie north bank of the Columbia above Vancouver, From the best Information obtainable, It is the intention of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company to push the work as rapidly as possible. While it is not as yet definitely announced, it is understood that the bridge across the Columbia will be a little below Vancouver, the track then crossing the peninsula at St. Johns and bridging the Willamette near Linnton and running into Portland over Its own tracks. A glance at the topography of the penin sula will show that In building from Van couver to Portland it will either "be nec essary to swing down toward St. Johns or else turn up the river about Wood lawn and intersect the O. R. &. N. some where near the head of Sullivan's gulch. In order to reach the Union Depot, and It is believed by railroad men that the Northern Pacific has decided on the lower route. O. R. & X. MAY 3 LAKE MOVE Rlparla Branch Building Would An swer Northern Pacific. LEW1STON. Idaho. May 13. (SpcelaU While all is apparently quiet here today with reference to the railroad situation, there is strong feeling that .within the next 60 hours something will develop In the way of construction by steam roads, and there is strong evidence that the O. R. & N. will be a strong factor in bring ing about that condition. While this road is resting on its oars, it is understood it is only walUng for word from New York to begin construction of the Rlparla branch. It Is understood that If the Northern Pacific docs not make satisfac tory .planatlonconcerning the presence of Its engineers in the field the issue will be forced, and it would appear that a. yot nothing has developed that a truce Is on between the lines. Engineer Pollard, of the Northern Pa cific, arrived here from the CuJdesac i.f,nntrv ivii mnrnlnir. but refuses to dis cuss matters relative to surveys which he Is In charge of. It Is -reported tne Northern Pacific lias placed one of the crews of surveyors on .tne u. n. ec right-of-ways at Big Canyon, near Peck, which Is one of the most important pieces of right-of-way now belonging to the latter company. John P. Vollmer. accredited representa tive Itero of the Northern Parific is giv iin? nut nosltive assurance that the North ern Pacific will build to GrangcvUle with out delav and that the company has not nlcHl it men in the field to bluff the electric line project. In the meantime the LewiUon-GrangevHIe electric line project Is taking more serious steps to protect it self with relation to holding Its right-of- ways. Colonel Spoftord. president oi tne project, stated today that work would be continued along the line of survey until the road Is completed and that there was no bluff on hi parL By his orders a crew of men was placed it work this morning grading on the right-of-way at the limits of the city. V.'cdneslay night the Colonel will ask rtv fonnoll for a franchise to oner- ate a line through the city, and will also nstc for a lease of the water front along Yhe Snake River for dock purpose. It is reported that ortnorn ramie rep resentatives arc in Grangcvillo -endeavor ing to secure terminal grounds In tnat city. WORTH LNGTON MAY MOVE. Rumor That He Will Be General Manager of Western Pacific. SAN FRANCISCO, May 13. (Special.) It Is current talk in Avellrinformed railroad circles in this city tnat B. A. Worthington, general manager or the Southern Pacific Company's Oregon lines, with headquarters at Portland, wil soon quit that position, to ha gen eral manager of tne Western Pacific Railroad Company. It is -asserted that visit to Chicago is to consult with men in touch with Gould Interests Prominent railroad officials asked to day about the report said they had no official information, but believed the story to he true. The rumor to the effect that General Manager Worthinyton is about to be come conected with the Western Pa cific is not crcJited by railroad officials here. Nothing it known of the story at the general offices In the Worcester building, and no inkling of such change has come to Mr. Worthington's own of fice. Mr. Worthington is now on his way home from a visit to Chicago, having left that city last night for his return home. He will reach the city, the latter part of the week. Bridge Men Move to Vancouver. VANCOUVER. Wash.. May 15. (Spe cial.) Last cvcning'a party of Northern Pacific surveyors, with camp equipage, passed through Vancouver and went on up the Columbia River. It is understood that the first work to be done by this party is to complete the survey down the north bank of the Columbia to and through the military reservation. Ar rangements have already been made with the Government fo this purpose, and a depot Is to be erected on Government property. Rumors of the construction of a bridge across the Columbia have been rife here for some time. A large number of skilled bridge men have moved here and others have been Inquiring for residences. It is said the best talent In this line from the Northern Pacific system has been put on the division between here and Tacoma. It is stated that the work of the survey party now In the field will include a sur vey for the bridge across the river. TAXATION TO BE IN FASHION "Washington Board Is Preparing foe Active Campaign. OLYMPIA, Wash.. May 13.-(SpecialO-Early action 'will be taken ; by the .new State Tax Commissioner 5n investigating Intangible property, such as franchises of express, sleeping-car,: telephone and telegraph company and the like. Mem bers of the committee announced today that they were receiving hearty assur ances f co-operation from Assessors and county Boards of Equalization, and, as Commissioner Easterly expressed it, "Taxation will be fashionable this year." The commission will prepare a circular of Information designed to aid Assessors and Boards of Equalization in aiding the commission in its work of getting at the value of intangible property and the details of other property that Is believed to bo escaping taxation. The members of the commission, J. H. Easterly. J. E. Frost and T. D. Rockwell, held a meeting 'today preliminary to the formal organization that will be effected as soon as the law becomes operative, June 9. The commission agreed Informal ly on a partial outline of the work to be taken up, and decided that among the first matters to be given attention will be Inheritance tax. A graduated Inherit ance tax Is Imposed on estates passing to collateral heirs. Owing to unfamlliarjty with the law, many administrators fail to notify the proper authorities, and many estates are escaping taxation. The tax Is a Hen on the estate, and may be enforced at any time. -In the opinion of the commission, a great many thousands are due the state from this source. The commission decided upon the elec tion of Frank C. Morris, of Tacoma, for secretary. Mr. Morris was Deputy Aud itor when J. E. Frost was State Audltbr, and recently has been Assistant Postmas ter In Tacoma. The position pays $1200 annually. Wanted Back In Georgia. SACRAMENTO, Cal-, May 15.-r-Gov-ernor Pardee today honored the requis ition of the Governor of Georgia for the return to that state of Maro Potter, who Is wanted to answer a charge o'f embezzlement at Davlsburgh of the funds of a bank at that place. Potter is in custody at Los Angeles. PETITION WHS DEFECTIVE MULTNOMAH COUNTY CLERK MADE SERIOUS ERROR. Demand Tor Referendum oil Big Ap propriation Bill, Has Seven Thousand Signatures. SALEM. Or.. May 15. (Special.) The petitions demanding the referendum upon the $1,000,000 appropriation bill were not filed today, though petitions bearing 7000 signatures were brought here from Mc Mlnnville. with the intention of filing them. It was found thatj'ffie Clerk of Multnomah County had not made his cer tificate in the proper form, and that the petitions from that county, bearing 1703 signatures, would be fatallv defective. The petitions were taken to Portland tonight, where the certificate will be cor rected, and then all the petitions will be filed. It was in anticipation of some such defect as this that the referendum leaders came to Salem three days earlier than was necessary. The law requires that the County Clerk shall t out in his certificate the names of persons whose signatures he. finds to be genuine after comparing them with the signatures in his registration books. The Clerk' of Multnomah County merely certified that he found a specified number of signatures to be genuine, but did not sot forth which thov were. M. B. Tien- dricks, of McMlnnvllle, brought "the peti tions to Salem, and took them to 'Port land. The petitions that bayi been secured Njy the referendum committee come from nearly every county In the state, and con tain many names of prominent men. From Multnomah County thqre were 1300 sig natures. Linn CountV iodO. Yamhill 11 io. Polk 550. Marion ISO, Union -IW, Clacka mas CDO. and from other counties IcsJer numbers. NOTICE GIVEN POSTMASTERS Oregon CJly Land orficc Officials Obey Orders. OREGON CITY. Or.. May 13. (Spe cial.) Pursuant to instructions re ceived from Washington. Register Drosser and Receiver Bibce. of the Oregon City Land Office, today mailed to every Postmaster within the Oregon City land district a notice of the re moval of the Land Office, and request ing that the same be conspicuously posted. The text of the notice, which is- subscribed to by W. A. Richards. Commlssioner'of the General Land Of fice. Is as follows: Notlc of the removal of the United States Land Office from Oregon City. Or., to Port land. Or. Notice is hrreby civon that the President of the United States, by executive order dated March 21. 1905, has, pursuant to sec tion 2251 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and by virtue of the authority therein slven. directed that the United States Land Office now located In Oregon City, Or., be removed, with Its business, records and archives, to Portland. Or. In pursuance of said executive order, the United States Land Office at Oregon City, Or., will be permanently closed and discon tinued at the close of business hours, on June ?0. 1005. and Its business, records and archives removed to Portland, Or., on July 1. 1000. filvcn under my hand at the City of Wash Ington this 23th day of March. A. D. 1005. The circulation of petitions remon strating against the proposed change is still in progress throughout the dis trict, whore they are being largely signed. When this work Is finished the petitions will be presented to Presi dent Roosevelt. OLD STARS ON THE DIAMOND Stanford Grads Will Play During Commencement "Week. SAN FRANCISCO. May 15.-(Speclal.) Many of the baseball heroes of the early days of the university will play on the Stanford diamond once more u? the alumni senior baseball, games, which will be one of the features of the great de cennial reunion of the alumni to be held on the campus during commencement. The ball game will occur Tuesday morn ing. May 23. Among the players will be Chet Murphy, of Portland. Stanford '00, who was one of the greatest athletes that ever wore the cardinal. Other alumni players will be William McLalne. ''97. the great pitcher: A. B. C. McGilvray. ex-'Ol. fa mous as 'varsity fullback and catcher: George Campbell, 'CM, Stanford's greatest left-hand pitcher: Otis White. 'SS. one of the surest outfielders and best hitters of Stanford: Downing. '93, the best athlete of the pioneer class; "Home Run" Young, Stanford's greatest hitter; Jack Shee han, '55, captain and coach; James L. Lanagan. 'CO. the famous football and baseball coach. - Johnson Wins by One Vole. CORVALL1S. Or.. 31ay 15. (Special.) The annual city election was . held here today. There was an active light over the Mayoralty, and A. J. Johnson was elected by one vote over "2. H. Davis. For tne otner oiilccs, K. urenox was re elected Police Judge; W. G. Lane, Chief of Police, and WiMan McLagan, Treas urer. George Lilly was named fr Cons dlman In the First Ward: Charles Hat aad G. A. CoveH In the Secmd. -and Frank Francises J Ibe Third Ward. VICTIMS HRE F Powerful Madman Runs Amuck in San Diego. HE IS CRAZED BY DRINKING No Reason Is Given for the Murder of Two Men, a Boy and Woman Ends His Life With Gun. VICTIMS . OK MADMAN. W. P. ROBINSON, window-cleaner, who ran amuck. H. W. CHASE, carpenter; shot with rifle while at work. HARRY DODDRIDGE, son of Inter nal Revenue Collector; shot as he opened door of home. . MRS. EMMA STEWART, landlady; shot with rifle In her room; may die. WILLIAM STEWART, son of land lady; stabbed at breakfast table. The wounded Mrs. W. H. Doddridee. mother of Harry DoddrldEe; shot as s-he tried to escape. -- W. H. Doddridge; Jumped from, second story of house; Internal injuries. SAN DIEGO. Cal.. May 15. Armed with rifle, revblver and dirk. each of which he used with deadly dexterity, a mad- man ran amuck in this city today, killing two men. a boy and a woman, wounding two other persons, and finally blowing off the top of his own head and dying within a few minutes. Three of the victims lived in the same house with the slayer- The fourth per son whom he killed and the two who were wounded resided half a mile away, and It was In their house that the maniac took his own life. "The man who enacted this ghastly trag edy was W. P. Robinson, about 40 years old. of powerful build and some education. The precise causes which led .him to wholesale murder -may never be ascer tained. It Is known, however, thai he was a heavy drinker, that he was' in tensely interested "in the Nihilist move ment in Russia, and thar against two or three of his victims he fancied some petty grievance. On the other hand, he is said to have been ordinarily a good-natured man and Inclined to bo generous one of the last persons likely to taKe inc. The General sunDosltion Is that drink and brooding over Nihilism brought on an at tack of homicidal mania. Landlady First Slain. About S o'clock this morning, Robinson left his rooms at the corner of Fourth and A streets, went to the apartment in the same building occupied by Mrs. Emma Stewart, the landlady and her son. and ranned for admission. Mrs. Stewart, upon ' opening the door, was shot through the ! ead by itoomsun, wno nau leveiea SS-WIncheater. ! Kobinson tnen entered tne aimns-room. where young Stewart, who had been seated at breakfast, was just rising from the" table. Robinson attacked him Imme diately, plunglug- a long knife into his body close above the heart, the Wade sinking deep into the chest, again Into the abdomen. At the second stab, Stew art sank to the floor with blood pouring from Ids body In a stream. Robinson then returned to his, rooms, reloading his rifle and leaving his knife, and apparently slipped a revolver Into his pocket. Leaving his rooms again he descended to the first floor, a portion of which is used as a carpenter shop by H. W. Chase. Chase probably saw Rob inson enter, but paid no attention to him, for Robinson approached close to him and suddenly throwing up his rifle, fired, th bullet entering Chase's breast close to thu heart. The third victim apparently died immediately. Walks Street With Knire. From the carpenter shop Robiuson pro ceeded on his bicycle down Fourth street for several blocks, through the business section of the town, with the rifle atlll in his hand. He went directly to the house of W. R. Doddridge, Internal Rev enue Collector, on the northeast corner of Second and 11. Streets. He left his wheel at the curb and ran up tho steps to the front door, carrying his rifle in one hand and the revolver in the other. In response to his ring. Harry Doddridge, son of W. H. Doddridge, and an engineer at the San Diego Brewery, opened the door. Robinson immediately raised hi3 revolver and at the crash young Dodd ridge sank to the floor with a bullet just above the heart. Death followed before medical assistance could be summoned. Mrs. Doddridge, the young man's mother, hearing the shot and perhaps wit nessing the tragedy, ran screaming from the house. Robinson, hearing the screams, started through the house after the wo man. As she was crossing the yard the crazy man caught sight of her and fired, the bullet striking her in the back. She fell headlong upon her face In the yard. W. H. Doddridge, who was in bed on the second floor when the commotion began, jumped or fell out of the window, break ing the bones of his right hand and prob ably sustaining internal injuries. Turns Pistol on Himself. Robinson searched the house for more people. When ho came, to the room Just vacated by Doddridge, he climbed upon the bed and, placing his revolver to his temple, fired a bullet which tore off the top of his head. Mrs. Emma Stewart, the first victim of the drink-crazed man, was taken at once to a hospital, where portions "of the bones splintered by the bullet were removed. The ball entered the right cheek, passing through the base of the brain and emerging at the back of the head. The woman did not regain con sciousness, and died shortly after belnp taken to the hospital. She was a widow, aged 45, and was highly re spected by neighbors. William Stewart, whose death short ly followed- the shooting of his moth er, was her only child. He was a news boy. The first stab ne received just missed the heart, the second Jn the ab domen proving1 almost immediately fatal. H. W- Chase, the carpenter, was about 40 years old, and so far as has been ascertained had no family. Bullet Enters Back. Harry Doddridge, the fourth person at tacked by Robinson, had an excellent reputation and was a popular young- man of 21 years. It is not thought he was even acquainted with the man who killed him. His mother has been removed to hosDltal. The seriousness of her wound is not yet known. The bullet entered the back at the base of the spine and may have penetrated the sacral cavity. She is 44 years old. W. H. Doddridge, "who was injured .by falling from the window during the " actm-ent of the tragedy, is in a serle condition, and may not recover. Itf it stated that his back Is broken. Yesterday for tie first time In the city's -fctotorv every iele-e-n was closed under MM j TCw Sunday ordinance.-. As a result rainy demijohns and bottles, were filled on Sat urday, and It Is believed that Robiaedn's insane- acts were committed while la a condition of frenzy Induced by drink. Probably he attacked those he 'did at first because they were at hand. What led him to proceed eight blocks to the Doddridge- home Is a mystery. Hte pas sage along a busy street, carrying a rifle, was apparently unnoticed, though he must have passed scores of people be tween the first outbreak of his homicidal mania and the final enactment. Late this afternoon It was thought that Mrs- Doddridge's wound would prove fa tal. " The bullet ranged downward and lodged in her left thigh. Murderer Made Threats. Mrs. Stewart, it is said by persons who knew her. separated from her husband, who Is believed to be- living In Denver. Chase. It develops, was married and his wife I thought to be in Reno, Nev., at the present time. Robinson, the mur derer, has relatives living In Rivervale. Ind. Young Stewart was not only stabbed twice, but was shot In the heart with the rifle. His mother was shot twice. It is now stated that Robinson had been heard to make threats against Doddridge, who, he had alleged, had once been en gaged' In an attempt to nave him sha'ng haled when he was a sailor. It Is said also that He had expressed a dislike for the Stewarts. Indorsed Another's Check. OLYMPIA. Wash., May 15. (Special.) A- requisition Issued today by Governor Mead for James H. Crossen. under arrest In Saginaw. Mich., reveals a story where a similarity of names led to crime. Cros sen once lived in Aberdeen, and another James Crossen lived there also. James H. moved to South Bend and ordered his mail forwarded. A letter inclosing a draft for $500 came to James Crossen, and was forwarded by mistake to James H. Crossen. 'The latter indorsed and cashed the draft, then skipped. He will be brought back for trial. LEPER WORKED IK GARDENS BAN ON BERRIES FROM SECTION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Chinese Died of the -Disease and Coroner Insists That the Frnit Bts Not Sold. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C May 13. (Special.) There is considerable talk in this city of having a restriction put on the sale of strawberries raised In the dis trict between Port Hammond and "New Westminster Junction, owing to the- death of a Chinaman a week ago from leprosy In that district. The Chinaman with the dread disease worked all last year and the previous year In various strawberry gardens along the Canadian Pacific Railway, between Port Hammond and New Westminster Junction, and at the time of his last af fliction, which put him out of misery, he was employed on a strawberry farm at the "junction. The result, of this disclos ure has caused a large booking of straw berries already from other districts, so as to be sure of the gardens in which they are raised. Coroner PIttcndrigh, who held the in quest, stales that a restriction should be placed on the sale of these berries. STOCK OF A DEFUNCT BANK Washington Supreme Court Refuses to Force Transfer. OLYMPIA. Wash.. May 13. (Special.) Tne Supreme Court today decided that a National bank In process of voluntary liquidation cannot be com pelled to make a transfer of stock on Its book's amd issue certificates there from to new subscribers. The point la one that apparently has never been passed on before in any state, as tne attorneys were unable to cite any au thority on the subject. The decision is noteworthy in that it ends one line of litigation which grew out of the failureof the Scandinavian American Bank, In Belllngham. This was one of the H. St. John string of banks that went to smash (and resulted in sending St. John to the penitentiary, from which he was pardoned by Gov ernor McBride. Robert Muir, receiver of the defunct bank, attempted to show in court that securities belonging to the bank had been improperly transferred to the Fairhaven National Bank, in which St. John was interested. The court sus tained an objection to the bringing of books ihty court, and Muir' attempted to get access to tnem by purchasing six shares of stock from an individual btoc-kholder. In the meantime the Fairhaven bank had gone into voluntary liquidation, and a certificate of stock was refused Muir. He brought suit to compel the bank to issue tife stock. The decision of the Supreme Court is to the effect that the transaction would be new business, which the bank Is not au thorized to do." Stock may be legally purchased of a stockholder; but the bank's cogni zance goes no further than a delivery of the profits on the shares to the holder at the end of the bunk's liqui dation. The decision is a reversal of the lower court. VOTE FOR PliENTY OF WATER Cottage Grove Citizens Will Bond the City for $20,000. COTTAGE GROVB. Or.. May Id. The mains of the city waterworks are so small that they arc unable to carry suffi cient supply of water for the needs of the city. The question of rebondlng the town for 530.0CO to replace the present four-inch TODAY IS THE DAY To Begin Taking Better Care of Your Health. When the RUors of the Winter have Weakened and Depressed your Vitality And ha Brought in iU Wake the usual train of COUGHS and COLDS. Relnvigorate Yourself 'by taking HI Which will put Life-Force, directly Into your Blood and carry It quickly through every part of the Body. Vitalising: your Nerves and Bodily Organs. OsomuUlon la the only Vitalized Emulsion of Cod IJver OH with Hypophosphltes o Lime and Soda. Glycerine and GnaUcol. A. Preventive and Cure for LA GRIPPE. PNEUMONIA. CONSUMPTION, CATARRH. TtRONCHITIS. WEAKNESS OT LUN03 AND CHEST. THROAT TROUBLES, aad. a RECUPERATIVE for those RecoverlBg- from WAKTrvn -DISEASES. Said by all Drureitts. Two Sizes g-oz aad 16-ox. Settle. A TRIAL BOXTLS TREE trill be test. by us to any reader f The Ore- fit in jK Mqsest. eo that sfferrg la every rsjfe. i Mfei can teatit tar tfcejHielves aad e,wbt; Oaomuisloa will da for tiiem. Sea4 Hmr xne aad eplete address. saa , per. aad the tzmviie free Vt- 3eAe seat to yea by mail., yre (est X CO- H Tim -St., New. Tptlu WHY THEfABE HAPPY TWO jfOTABEE BE007MIES TEOjC EST2EKE DEBILITY. Ktefe4'a 31rs1fc Had. Bern Wmterfbr ItfM Tnii, Wife a SttJterer from TemaJa "Wekxe. " My strength, lad dwindled so that I eoalds'ft apply my self to raj business -with tsxy su&p but vras tired and listless all the time," add Mr. Goldstein. " I weat to bed completely-used up by my day 'a -work, and when I got tip in the morning I didn't feci rested & bit. I had awful headaches too, and my kid neys got oat of order and caused me io have uvere pains in the back. At one time I became so feeble that I. could not atirfrom bed for three weeks." Mr. GoldsteiH is a young man and had then but recently established a home of his own. His anxieties were increased by the fact that his wife was far from being robust. Mrs. Goldstein mjs : " For two years I had been ill most of the time. Sometimes I was comflaed to bed for -weeks ia succession under a phy sician's care. I had headaches, kidney trouble, pain about the heart and many moreBttcomfortable symptoms ton neoted with that weakness to which my sex is peculiarly subject." Trouble had invaded this household and settled in it in jnst the years that ought to be the very happiest. Physicians could not tell them how to get rid of it. ' I was utterly discouraged," said Mr. Goldstein. "Then the urgency of some friends led ma to try a blood and nerva remedy which was said to be wonder fully successful. Within a month there were unmistakable signs of improvement in my condition, and within a year I was completely well. Through tho use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills I have now as good health as lexer had in my life." Mrs. Goldstein adds : " The wonderful effect that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had in the case of my husband led me to try them and they helped me even mors quickly than they did him. One box made me decidedly better and a few months' treatment cured me." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the best tonio and regulator, they make pure, rich blood and when there is general -weakness and disorder that is what the system needs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Goldstein live ar. 83 Gove street, East Boston, Mass. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' are sold by drtureists everywhere. mains with ten-inch was voted on today and was carried by a large majority. The city will also buy a large tract of land in order to have absolute control of tne source of water supply. The erection of a large reservoir is aiso being discussed with the City Council. Judge Ross Dissents. SAN FRANCISCO. May 15. Tlie Cir cuit Court of Appeals today affirmed the decision of the lower court in the decision of the Copper River Timber Company vs. R. F. McClcllan. Judge Ross dissented from this affirmation, giving as his reason that the court be low refused to hear certain witnesses that legally should have been . exam ined. Hops Advanqc iii Liverpool. SALEM. Or.. May 15. (Special.) Conrad Krebs received si cablegram from Liverpool today announcing an advance of 2 cents in the price offered for Pacific Coast hops. The quotation is 30 cents, which Is equal to 27 2-5 cents here. ridefar. faitated Tryp e&rlileaccofdiiv to directions Without So&p and I seethe SMdsitmes-pollofquick t actirvg and safe cleansing power pe&rlmeijistead X of So&p not withSoao Some grocers sell Sch3Hng Bsst soneyback; some don't. They hav their reanag both ways. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILBT AND BATH fii,r rtha4 hy acedlcwvrk akh every stila and loak hopls!y dirty. Haai Sall removes aot only Ike dirt, but ato the lessened, lojurei catkk, and rettons thm fingers tm tkmit Miurmt baauty. UOClKS AK2 ORUQCIIST TEETH A S12.UO FULL SET GUARANTEED FOR $6.00 ZrenlBffs. Mosday aad Thursday, until 8. Fred PrehB. D. D. S. 4W Dekass Bid. tit 8Ht nss.oi,M& nmtiT for Goaorrhasa, G4t. Spermatorrhoea, Whttee. a&a&tur'al u eaarze. or aar lBMassa IffweW usttalni tie a ftf eon Bseas 'EMftSSHBHMLM. b. o.tnfeMi