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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1905)
10 .THJS MOKNING OBE&OXl&S, . TUESDAY, 16, -1906. COUNSEL HIRED. BY COMMISSION Adjustment of Exposition Dis pute Hinges on Interpre tation of Law. ISSUE NOT TO IMPEDE FAIR Amicable Settlement Is Hoped For at Joint Meeting of the Conference Committees Tomorrow. Evening. 2o time is to be lost in finding a settle ment to the difficulty that has arisen be tween the Lewis and Clark State Com mission and the Exposition Corporation respecting the rights of each organization in the management of the Exposition Both sides arc industriously preparing to meet the issue, and busy lawyers have their noses deep into voluminous legal documents and law libraries seeking fur ther erudition on the complex subject. Yesterday Jefferson Myers, acting for the State Commission, employed legal ad visers in the persons of W. W. Cotton and Teal & Minor, to interpret the Lewis and Clark law, and particularly section C thereof- It is upon the opinion rendered by these well-known attorneys that the fotate Commission will base Its action The opinion Jias been asked for at a date not later than Wednesday at noon. An understanding will no doubt be reached Wednesday' evening, when the conference committee of the commission has announced a meeting with a similar committee from the executive board of the corporation. Secretary E. C, Giltncr, of the commission, yesterday advised Presi dent Goodc of the desired meeting, but up to jast evening no reply had been made. However, there seems no doubt but that the meeting will occur. The time and place, as designated by the commission, is 8 P. M. on "Wednesday, in .President Goode s office in the Adminis tration building. Members of the State Commission state they will not withdraw from the stand they have taken If the law justifies their demand to know of certain matters In connection with the management of the Fair. Many believe they have the author ity to lock up the nine exhibit palaces built by the state If such action became necessary to enforce their rights, but there does not seem the least likelihood of any such action being taken. Com mission and corporation agree that at this time nothing done that will Interfere with the progress of the work and that an amicable adjustment of dif ferences must be made at all hazards. Should the controversy get into the courts that action will not react upon the active management of the Exposition, and so far as exhibitors and visitors are con cerned the two organizations might be on terms of Alphonse-Gaston politeness and good will. AD. ME AND EXPOSITION. Guests of the Local Organization to Be Entertained. The principal business of interest transacted at tnc meeting of the aL men last night was the preparation for the entertainment of the convention of the Pacllic Coast Advertising Men's Association, which is to meet in Port land In July. It Is expected that the delegates, who will be mostly from California, will reach the city on Tues day morning or on Monday night, ac cording as they come by rail or water. In hc latter event, a small party of Portland men will meet them at As toria and escort them up the Columbia In order to explain to the visitors the various sights of interest along the route. It has been so arranged that all the meetings of the association will be held at the Exposition grounds, where quarters will be assigned by the Ex position management A business meeting will be held the first day, as Tt is now planned. On the Jirsf evening a trip will be taken up the Willamette River as far as Oregon City and return. On this trip it has been arranged to have music on the boat, and a general programme will be provided to make the journey as en tertaining as possible. The second morning of the visit will be occupied by a trip over the city in special cars chartered for the occasion, followed by a visit to the Exposition. The atternoon will be given to a gen eral meeting of the convention. In the evening a Dutch supper will be served by the Portlaud advertising men to their guests at orie of the dining halls on the Exposition grounds. It has also been arranged that the management of the Exposition shall furnish music for the general meeting of the afternoon. It was decided at the meeting of last night to provide badges of a special de sign which will serve as souvenirs of tne convention. Following the business session of the league, a general discussion of fake ad vertlslng and how to cure it was in dulged in by the members, while "W. Cooper Morris spoke on the subject of Advertising as a Bank Builder." and John J. Jonck treated the question of "Copy for the Printer," KING COUNTY EXHIBIT READY Expected to Arrive on Today's Train From Seattle. SEATTLE, Wash.. May 15. (Spe cial.) The various exhibits from King County for the Lewis and Clark Expo sition are being assembled today and will be shipped tonight to Portland. Executive Commissioner "William E. Steele and his assistant, Edward W. Baker, will go to Portland tomorrow and Immediately begin the Installation nf'tbe exhibits. Mr. Steele will return Monday morning next and be at his Seattle office that day in order to ar range for some late exhibits and to -omplete arrangements in connection with the horticulture, poultry and other exhibits. The King County space will be en losed by the handsomest arrangement n woodwork to be found In the Wash ington building. There are five booths jr arches, representing the various na tive woods. The center arch Is made of slash-grain fir, finished in dark golden oak, while the arches on cither side, are constructed of cedar. One Is finished in jnahogany while the other s natural, "showing a combination of Mash and vertical grain. Of the re gaining arches, one is constructed of white spruce, and the other of selected i-crtical-graln fir, both finished natural. Stop-Ovcr Privileges Granted. It is announced by the passenger de partments of the different railroad lines -unnlng into Fe-rttand that the Transcon tinental Passenger Association, at a re rent meetisg heW, la Chicago, has author ized a-akp-evcr-priv8e e-ftea -diy-oa all one-way and round-trip tickets reading through Portland, whether sold from Portland to points in the East, or from Eastern stations to points in Oregon. This concession will go Into effect won the opening of the Exposition, and will be enective during the course of the Fair. It Is made in order that those visiting Portland during the Summer, whether as delegates to the various conventions to be held here, or as simple guests at the Exposition, will be enabled to have all the time necessary to visit the city. The tickets can be filed with the pas senger agents of the lines over which they read, or with the agent at the 'Union Depot upon arrival, when the extension of time will be allowed. Davenport Starts West. NEW YORK. May IS. (Speclal.)-Ho mer Davenport's pheasants and horses, which are to be exhibited at the Lewis and Clark Fair, left this morning for Portland In -three cars. They will arrive next week. Davenport will start for Portland Friday, arriving at the same time as his exhibit. The valuable horses from the Davenport farm are in a palace stock car. A full crew of attendants from the farm accompanies the fowls and animals. REMARKS BY HARRY LANE He Opens the Bttilding Fair of St. Francis Catholic Church. St. Francis Catholic Church fair and entertainment opened last evening In the building formerly occupied by Strowbrldge & Co., on Grand avenue, near East Morrison street. The room was filled with men and women and young people. Attractive booths occupy the sides. The room Is handsomely decorated. Otto Kleeman was present with his orchestra, which discoursed music during the entire evening. Rev. Father Q. H. Black, pastor of St. Fran cis Church, managed to get the surg ing crowd quiet for a few moments while he made a short talk. He said: "We have inaugurated this fair for the purpose of assisting In the erection of a new church that will not only be a credit to Portland, but to the entire State of Oregon. But I am not to make a speech, but to announce a gentleman known all over the state Dr. Harry Lane." Dr. Lane was heartily greeted as he stepped forward to address the audi ence. He said he considered that the reverend father had made a mistake in his Introduction, as he had not at tained much fame, but on the contrary had lived a rather quiet life. He said that he was a native-born Orcgoniau and had lived from a very early day on the East Side, dating back In the sixties. "I have known about St. Francis Church a great many years," said Dr. Lane, "and, in fact, was here before it was a church. Personally. I am not a Catholic, although many of my people are Catholics, and those on the outside. are, perhaps, the worse off for not be ing members." Dr. Lane gave some pleasing and en tertaining reminiscences of early days. and closed by expressing the hope that the fair for the building fund would prove a success. NEW VAUDEVILLE BILLS Star. Francis Grey and the six roguish beau ties of Zinn's pony ballet, in new cos tumes of the dazzling sort, got a glad welcome at the Star yesterday and gained attention and a hearing from start to finish. Miss Grey is the prima donna and she stands in the spotlight row and dances and sings tuneful ditties for all she is worth, ably helped out by the sex tette. They are good-looking girls, and their dance while they wear clog shoes is a winner. Otto Fiechtl's Tyrolean quin tette play very closely to the Zlnn people in point of merit, and their quaint-looking costumes and yodelling are worth while. Along with the Zlnn people, they were repeatedly encored. The two Helm chil dren are among the cleverest children in vaudeville seen here for a long time. and they have good singing voices. Other acts: The staroscope In thrilling pic tures of the operations and arrest of a gang of counterfeiters; Creatore, musical artist; Daisy Vernon, song Illustrator, and Tom Mack, blackface comedian. Grand. The Great Richards, billed as a male soubrette, is a show in himself. The stage is suddenly darkened, and then a faint light shines showing a background of black velvet. A curtain Is parted and a skittish yet graceful young woman ap pears splendidly dressed, like a society bell, and warbles a pathetic ballad with a soprano voice. A slight intermission, soft music, and then the same young woman, with a blonde wig, appears In white and then masses of colored lights are thrown upon her. There are pic tures of roses, lilies, butterflies, sunflow ers. Roosevelt, etc, flashed through the air, and then it dawns on one that the clever artist Is Richards. It's great. Orrin McKnight Is a most entertaining ventril oquist, and with the aid of a dummy par rot, a mischievous boy and a sentimental looking girl he furnishes all sorts of con versation, and several songs. His work Is puzzling, yet good. Other acts: Joseph Bonner, song Illustrator: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lee and Little Madeline, In a playlet: Seymour. In "The Heathen Chi nee," and the grandlscope. Baker. If you want to see a medical man that's funny see Dr. Warde in Warde and Sim mons In "A Curious Cure," at the Baker. His woman partner is a physician's as sistant, and Warde pays a passing call that leads to business and a good deal of fun. Miss Maiden Kelley & Co. pre sent a society sketch that's very Eng lishEnglish enough and bizarre enough to make it almost seem that the material came out of Oulda's novels, for the woman is good, while the two men are the opposite. The various people In this sketch act well, and although a problem vein is met with, the ending is happy. Miller & Co., in the handcuff king and the haunted cabinet, furnish no end of amusement. Miller, of course, is shackled with all sorts of handcuffs, which, as .soon as he goes behind the curtain, he disposes of in the easiest manner, and the member of the committee who goes to help him but that's telling. Other acts: Jean Wilson, song illustrator; Mus ical Bentley. xylophone virtuoso: and the Bakero graph. Norwood Brothers, acro bats, are expected tonight. German Evangelistic Services. Enthusiastic German Evangelistic meet ings are in progress at the Congrega tional Church In Alblna, preparatory for the reception of Rev. Mr. Roller, who Is expected 'to arrive there this morning. Last night the edifice was crowded to the doors. Rev. A. W. Rclnhard preaching a powerful sermon on the nature and necessity of regeneration. All the min isters participating in the movement were present. The beginning of these meetings gives good promise for the future. Wfioeplar Cobrb. This is a very dangerous disease unless properly treated. Statistics show that there are mere seams from It tsea from scarlet fever. All danger my be avoid ed, however, by clvms: Cfe&Btberl&lr'K Cough Remedy. It Hout&es the teach mu. cus, making It easier to expectorate, keejw xne cougn tootxv gaa ma ices ise parox ysms of coughing less frequent and esm severe. It has been weed in many epi demics ef tMs. disease wKh 3rfe.. iw. cew. Jw sale i by- all dntdet .......... ,TTTt,,tttttttttt)ttii - is Attorney for R. M. Riner Says Client Did Not Sign. NO - CHARTER PROVISION Mcndcnhall Declares That Defendant Cannot Be Found Guilty of Ob taining Money From City ' by False Pretenses. Another surprise in the Tanner Creek sewer trial was sprung yesterday by Ed Mcndcnhall, attorney for R. M. Rlner, when he made the point that under the provisions of the city charter a contractor was not required to sign a certificate that he had performed his contract according to the plans, and specifications. Counsel said the charter only requires that the City Engineer' shall certify that he has examined the work and that it has been properly done or otherwise, as the case may be. The indictment of Riner is based on the alleged fact that he signed a certificate that the work was completed as required by the contract, which state ment was untrue, and that Riner thereby attempted to obtain money under false pretenses from the city of Portland. To constitute the crime of obtaining money under false pretenses, or an attempt to do so, there must have been a false token in writing. The evidence introduced at the trial is that R. M. Rlner did not sign the certificate reciting the fulfilment of the contract, but that some one else sub scribed Jils name to the certificate. Question, of Responsibility. To meet this failure of proof. District Attorney Manning called City Auditor Devlin to testify that Rlner appeared before the Executive Board and an nounced that the sewer was completed according to contract, and also that Mr. Mendcnhall, Tils attorney, made the same statement before the Executive Board and asked that Rlner be paid. Mr. Men denhall contended that what he did say at the Executive Board meeting was that Rlner was paying large Interest and they would like the board to. dispose of the matter one way or the other, either to reject or accept the sewer. In objecting to the question asked Mr. Devlin. Mr. Mcndcnhall said: ."There is no provision in the charter which says contractor must sign a certificate - of completion. The City Engineer is the only one who shall certify that the work has been completely and properly done, and If the City Engineer decides the work has been Improperly done, the contractor may appeal to the Executive Board, which can. If the facts warrant.- overrule the City Engineer. There Is no power granted to add to the charter. District Attorney Manning took an op posite position. He read the certificate" said to have icen signed by Rlner. and said: "If the work was not properly done. he could be held responsible. Even though a certificate was not required, if a false certificate was made by Rlner he Is re sponsible criminally. When he certified that he had completed the work according to the contract, and attempted to obtain money on It. then he was guilty of at tempting to obtain money under false pretenses." Mr. Mcndcnhall answered: "If that will do as to Rlner. you can Indict every con tractor in town if you find any defect In his work, and settle civil cases In the criminal court." Deputy District Attorney Moscr called the attention of the court to a section of the charter giving the Executive Board power to adopt certain rules and rcgula- tioas, and said under this section the board could require certificates of com pletion of work from contractors. Judge George ruled that Mr. Devlin could answer the question, bat .said, noth ing concerning the legal qucBtiess m- .seated in the argaoMnt. To sustaia the pasttteR taken by JU iter's cemeei mesas Btawc'e actvltUL. aae Xr.KMthafctB .will C. J. HEED, OREGON'S NEW UNITED STATES MARSHAL. undoubtedly urge his point later on In the trial. Devlin -Gives Testimony. Mr. Devlin testified that he saw R. M. Riner before the Executive Board, and heard Mr. Mendcnhall ask that the Tanner-Creek sewer be paid for. Mr. Men denhall took exceptions to this testimony. Sydney Smyth, a contractor, testified that he reconstructed the Tanner-Creek scwr for Hartman. Thompson & Powers, bondsmen for Rlner. Mr. Smyth said there were various defects In the sewer. The bottom of the sewer was generally in pretty fair condition as built by Riner. except vthe upper and lowor ends, which were lacking in concrcto under the walls. The arches were Imperfect, and had to be rebuilt to make them 'true. Some brick was laid without mortar. Mr. Smyth told of various other Imperfections, and said the sewer was now complete and was a first-class job, all bad spots having been remedied. " George Crump, who worked for Riner building the sewer, testified that for a distance of 33 or more feet bricks were" laid without mortar. The witness said R. M. Rlner seldom visited the sewer while the work of construction was in progress, and when he did hte stay was brief. Crump said they were rushed with the work, and told to do as much as they could and a little more each day. R. S. Greenleaf occupied the witness tand yesterday morning and told of de fects In the sewer, and Peter Fllnn gave similar evidence. In his cross-examination of witnesses, defendant's attorney endeavored to bring out the fact that Maurice Reinstein. an unsuccessful bidder for the work, caused men engaged In building the sewer to do poor work to revenge himself upon Rlner, and that Rlner depended on his foreman. visited the sewer personally but seldom. and did not learn of the conspiracy until recently. TWO OFFENDERS IXDICTED S. llanaoka, Japanese, Accused of Murder, Goes Free. The grand Jury yesterday returned an indictment against J. R. Davis, alias J. R. xleer. alias Davidson, charging him with stealing a horse from John Mock. An Indictment was also returned against George Leffell, alias Spoon, charging him with stealing $50, a watch and jewelry from Burke Turrelk Not a true bill was returned by the grand jury In the case of S. Hanaoka. a Japanese, who stabbed S. Fugerters, a fellow-countryman, to death on March 2 last. The Japanese who saw the act refused to testify against Hanaoka, and the evidence to convict him was Insuffi cient. He said it was a case of self-defense. He has been discharged from cus tody. Disposes of Large Estate. The will of John G. R. Smith, disposing of an estate valued at $100,000, was admit ted to probate by Judge Webster yester day. The bequests are as follows: To Adelaide Goddings, a daughter, residing In Boston, $50); to Bertha F. S. Richards, a granddaughter living in Boston, $500: to Charles W. Rogers Smith, a nephew, 5300; to William C. Smith, a brother, residing in Curry County. Or., $100, and to' Na thaniel R. Smith, a brother, also living In Curry County, $300; to Mary S. Rey nolds, $200. The rest and residue of the estate is bequeathed to Fannie J. Bart lett, a daughter residing in Boston. The will states that the testator and his wife have previously provided well for their other children and relatives. Murderer Coleman Arraigned. John T. Coleman, who Is under indict ment for the murder of Edna Hoffman, was arraigned before Judge F razor yes terday morning. Coleman's beard has grown since his arrest, and the wound In his throat which he inflicted in his at tempt to take his own life has not yet entirely healed. He still wears a ban dage on his neck. Roger Sinnott and John F. Logan appeared as his attorneys and asked and were granted five days time for Coleman to enter his plea. Allowed to Change His Name. County Judge Webster yesterday, author ized Jack Wohlgemuth to change his name to Jack"Walton- In his petition asking to have the change made Wolkgcmuth states that Ms same is hard to pronounce ass that he has been known' far a kxtg ttate by big faiesda aad acaiHtaBc8 as TfaKwu ' . . ... PATRDLON GROUNDS Centennial Guard Occupies Model Camp. STRICT DISCIPLINE IS KEPT Militia Command 11 S Strong Will Preserve Order and Form an Interesting Exhibit at the Exposition. The Exposition grounds are now pa trolled and policed by uniformed troops of the Oregon National Guard. Detachments of militiamen arrived yesterday morning from all over the state. They were as sembled at the Armory, and at noon marched to the Exposition grounds, where they occupied the model -camp at the southwest corner of the Exposition grounds. Immediately upon the arrival of the troops, which consist of US officers and men. guard mounting was held', and four squads were put on patrol duty through out the Exposition grounds. All special policemen and civil guards were at once dismissed from the employ of the Exposi tion. The Centennial Guards Is the name by which the command will be officially des ignated. At present they are wearing regulation khax. uniforms, but In the course of a week these will be substituted for the full-dress uniform of the regular service. Rifles will be used at guard mounting, bu the men will do patrol service with sidearms and without rifles. They are vested with full police power, and have the right to quell disturbances of any kind, enforce the rules of the Ex position, and make arrests when neces sary. The command Is made up of picked men from the various militia organizations of Oregon, and presented an unusually fine appearance yesterday when marching through the main entrance and across the grounds to camp. The commanding offi cer Is Major C. E. McDonell, a well-known Portlander. who commanded a company of volunteer Infantry through the cam paign in the Philippines. There are three captains, T. M. Dunbar. C. A. Murphy and C C Hammond, all of whom saw active service during the Philippine campaign. There are 103 privates, one first sergeant, one quartermaster sergeant, two cooks, two waiters, four hospital corps attend ants 'and two trumpeters. Besides their services as an Exposition guard, the model camp will be an In teresting point for visitors. Strict mili tary discipline will prevail In camp at all times, and the service calls will be the same as those of the regular Army. There will be guard-mounting two times each day, and retreat parade will be held each evening at sundown. Asks Five Thousand Damages. Mrs. E. C. Sprague has sued the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company in the State Circuit Court to recover $5000 dam ages because of personal injuries sus tained. The company was engaged in doing some work at East Morrison and East Water streets, and loosened some planks In the street. Mrs. Sprague was driving along In a buggy, when one of the loose planks flew up-, causing the horse to break loose from the harness, and she was thrown out of the buggy, her face was seriously cut, and she was otherwise bruised and Injured. Files Incorporation Papers. The Boston Spectacular Company filed articles of Incorporation In the County Clerk's office yesterday, capital stock SlO.eeo. The incorporators are: J. A. Mc Gulre. Wilbur F. Daily, George M. Pen der, J. W. -Sherman and L. Reno. The company intends to engage ia the enter fKiee o preseattMg spectacular views, scsoes, shows aad exWWtleas. M MORE WEEKS It FINISH FI Increased Activity Starts in All 'Departments for Final . Work. WILL BE READY ON TIME Danger From Slow Exhibitors Re moved by Order Fixing Severe Penalty' on Delay In. Completion: With only two weeks remaining be fore the opening of the Lewis and .Clark Exposition, all departments of the management attacked the work before them yesterday with Increased earnestness. Scores of additional car penters and laborers of every kind- at tacked the unfinished building work while a number of additional men were put to work In the various offices. There Is much work to be donfc, and visitors to the grounds show some hesi tancy in believing that all the work will be finished on opening day. Many buildings appear incomplete and there is. some grading and placing of statu ary to be effected. But President Goode and the other officials are as confident as ever that there will be no delay that. In fact, the Exposition from one"end to another will' be ready at least three days before the date of opening. . The danger that exhibitors might be delayed was obviated entirely by an order posted by Assistant Director of Exhibits H. B. Hardt. This order pro vided that any and all exhibitors who have not complefedthe work of install ing all parts of their exhibits by May 25 will be debarred from competing before the jury of awards. This order coulrt not be more strict did It provide . for the ruling of tardy exhibitors from the grounds. Tic hope of securing an award is the incentive for the partici pation of hundreds of big firms. From the concessions department an other order has gone out warning con cessionaires that they must be ready on time. Many of the larger conces sions are now finished with their build ing work, or so nearly so that this week will see them ready for operation. In this class is the American Inn, which opened Its doors for business yester day, inviting all employes at the Ad ministration building to an opening lunch. The present week will see the com pletion of several unfinished state buildings, possibly the Government buildings, and nearly all the buildings on the Trail. The work then remain ing to be done will be principally of retouching and grooming the grounds, and a force of several hundred men can make short work of this. The only danger of delay Is thought to lay In slow exhibitors, and it is believed the order issued yesterday in that connec tion will bring the 3000 exhibitors to realize the necessity for action. Tales of the Street and Town INDIVIDUALITY has its charm, but too much of it Is sometimes fatiguing. The People's Forum has developed pronounced individuality, but It undoubt edly Is too great a source of Instruction and entertainment ever to become quite a bore. Free and open discussion of radi cal and "advanced" questions, the key note of the. sessions, have given rise to several funny features, chief among which is the regular go-as-you-please hur dle race of hobby-riders. For example, the question announced for the evening may be: "Are the whites justified In disfran chising the colored race?" An able set address by a well-informed speaker will open the discussion; follow ing which, the chair will call for general debate on points raised or omitted by the epeaker. Whereupon B'rer Stevens, he of the beetling brows and eagle countenance, will clap spurs into his hobby of social Ism and go tearing down the lists away from the question, and winding up with a quotation from Karl Marx. B'rer Wagnon. a sort of hodge-podge of Populist. Socialist and Henry George man, will then get the floor, mount the single tax and canter around the question, to show how the franchise of the colored race Is affected by the Iniquitous system of modern taxation. Xext, some one will call for B'rer Wood, and the Colonel will come lazily forward and drawl forth some startling theories about doing away with all law. B'rer George Wallace Williams will then defend capital, and B'rer Horan will follow with a little more single-tax. By this time the rest of the assemblage has forgotten the poor colored man and got Its Intellects all balled up by the -verbal scintillations of the , opposing philosophers. Dr. Wise, the good-humored chairman, occasionally Interjects a bit of appropri ate applause or a word or two. of horse sense. Taken "by and large," the. Peo ple's Forum offers a delightful opportun ity for spending Sunday evening profit ably. I THOUGHT I engaged a room by my self," said a new guest at a local lodging house the other night, as he approached the proprietor in the office, about 11:30 P. M. "Why, yes, of course you did." "Well, I found my bed occupied." "Why, there must be some mistake. You must have got the wrong room." "Maybe I did: but I killed the occu pant and broughtfrthe, remains along- to show you. And the guest opened his clenched hand under the puzzled eyes of the pro prietor, disclosing the "remains." Whereupon, in some confusion, the proprietor expla'ned that the deceased had never registered, nor had he paid, or hitherto fnade known his presence. The guest would be given another room, and steps would be taken to pre vent the further intrusion of unwel come "roomers." riE family had been regularly at tending the revivalist's meetings'. At last the head of the family got religion and got it hard. . Under the preacher's exhortation he prayed and groaned and even wept. Returning to his home filled with the new spirit he prayed long and earnestly with his family. His youngest, a bright-eyed IJttle girl, had been watching him won derlngly, and when, at last he arose from his knees, she approached him and clasping his hand, said with, her voice overflowing with tearful sympathy: "Well. I don't care! You are ray very own papa, if that man did make a mon key of "yoHl" MR. S , the Insurance man who lives ia Y street, is praud ef his wife and her ability as a. keuseketpax. and -hostess. Never having bee a a housekeeper and hostess himself, he never could ,get It through his head why it should make any particular dif ference to his wife whenever he chose to bring home unexpectedly two or three guests to dinner. It so happened the other evening that he brought with him a couplo of friends when Mrs. S had only arranged for the regular number at table. There was not time to secure an increase of supplies, so by a ruse she got S into the kitchen, and warned him to be not too generous In serving certain dishes. At table Mr. S was busily en gaged with the sllvcr-tlpped-weddlng-present carving-set. when he suddenly paused. "For the life of me, wife," said he, "I cannot think -what, it was you told me." "Well. John," she returned sweetly, "I told you to be careful, as there wasn't enough meat to go around." IN all the discussion of local alleged municipal extravagance charges are usually general rather than concrete. However, here are a few Interesting fig ures of one department of the city gov ernment, which certainly do not indicate lack of economy. At a total cost of $323 per month (the salaries of three men), the license office will collect and account for about 5300,000 during this year, ending December 31. 1503. This is far in excess of the office collections during any previous year in the history of Portland. The first quarter of the j-ear showed a total of $68,146.42. which exceeds the previous quarter by $4500. The segregation of the items from this total la Interesting. Saloons paid ...$42,500.15 Merchants and manufacturers 7, Vehlclm 5.752.65 Insurance companies 1,140.00 Doctors and dentists S19.25 Groceries and restaurants selling liquor 650.00 Second-hand dealers - 41S.0O Attorneys 293.W Hawkers t 275.00 Restaurants 2U2.CO Miscellaneous 8.117.43 The following figures show how rapidly the business has Increased:. 1002 $193,084.06 1003 212.740.31 1004 235.000.00 1005 (estimated) 300,000.00 In San Francisco, a city little more than double the size of Portland, some 70 people are employed to do such work as Is handled here (under civil service rules) by E. W. Jones, clerk, and Joseph & Hutchinson and M. A. McEachern,. Inspec tors. "Wq cover 40 square miles." says- In spector Hutchinson, "pay our own car fare, and there Is nothing In the license line that we do not get." HERE'S another blew at the Bee? Trust. Ayoung lady at our house swears she has found a cat's tooth in a can of corned beef- As a matter of fact this Is not the . first case noted of finding a small sharp tooth In a can of beef, for the writer hereof once found such an article in a can of beef purchased from a Dawson store. However, canned cat, or not, it "went" at our log palace-on-the-Yukon. Perhaps someone can explain some thing about this tooth phenomenon. L. P. MOTOR - CAR NEARLY HERE It Will Reach Portland Some Day Next Week. Word has been received by the office of the general manager of the O. B. & N. that the gasoline motor car now in the road from Omaha for use on the West Side division between Portland and HIlIs boro, will reach Huntington today or to morrow, where It -will be turned over to the Northwest division of the Harriman lines. The car will reach Portland the middle or the latter part of the week, and though no arrangements have been made as yet by the officials here. It is expected that it will be kept in Portland for a day or so for general Inspection Tjy the operating and mechanical departments of the roads. After that. In all probability, the officials of the O. R. & N. and the Southern Pa cific, and perhaps a few invited guests will be taken for a trial run In the new car. When It has been tested and found satisfactory. It will be put In service, run- nlng on a schedule yet to be arranged by the Southern Pacific officials. The car has been brought across the mountains under its own power, and will arrive in Portland in charge of the crew sent out with it from Omaha. It Is pos sible that these men will be retained to manage and operate the car, at least until another crew can be trained to han dle it as it is the first car of the kind to have been put into continuous service in the United States. DETAILS ARE COMPLETED G. A. R. Committees Elect the Offi cers for Memorial Day. The general committees from the Port land G A. R. posts have completed ar rangements for Memorial Day exercises In Lone Fir Cemetery by the election of the following officers: Commander of the day, Daniel Clark; senior vice-commander, F. H. Shepherd; junior vice-commander, A. C. Sloan; chaplain. Rev. Henry Bar den; officer of the day, F. R. Neale; of ficer of the guard, F. A. Coleman; ad jutant, P. A. Wholforth; chairman In the cemetery, J. S. Foss. The committee on programme will have the programme printed as soon as the names of those of the posts who have died during the past year are listed. Colonel Thomas Anderson has consented to deliver the Memorial address, and F. S. Shepherd will read Lincoln's Gettys burg address. Professor L. M. Pratt, who has always performed that duty in for mer years, will be absent this year in Vancouver. Thi3 year the old soldiers and, their wives, tired with their walk to the ceme tery or enfeebled with age. will be pro vided with seats at Monument Square, where -the exercises will be held and where theji can enjoy the programme In comfort. Music will be simple. The brass band will be left out. SECRET SERVICE MAN HERE Stephen A. Connell in Charge of Gov ernemnt Detectives Arrives. Stephen A. Connell, reached the city yesterday morning to assume charge of the Government secret service department to be maintained in the city during the course of the Lewis and Clark Fair. Mr. Connell is a man who has had large ex perience In detective work and was In charge of the secret service men detailed to accompany President Roosevelt on his recent trip through the United States. An office will be opened at the Exposi tion grounds, while, a braneh office will also be maintained down town, in the Federal building If it is possible to find room for It there. It will thus be easier for the secret service men to watch all suspected" persons in the city, both In the down town districts and at the Fair grounds. The special purpose of sending the Government men to Portland Is to ferret out and stop all attempts to pass counterfeit money here during the Sum mer. It has been found, that the counter feiter finds his best field during the rush 'and hurry of an exposition, and at each one held, in the con a try tfeerusaBd of dol lars of bad TBOBCy -are pt into .circula tion. It Is to stop this that Mr. Ceaaell ad hi?" force of- mm have ken sect t FortJawL fa